The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 31 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
193 208 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 136 193 id ItJi 65.00 11.00 Iw7B H.OO 11. *5 uji up*.. 4.000 I ilin «'han Mark New) 830 1 JMO BJrtan 260 Siota 256 Broken \o. 1 220 Hrok-u No. I 200 ••.lut;Mou« No. 1 360 *i!unn >;,* No. 320 (i'.titir.ous No. 2 320 No. l 280 2 250 broken
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  • 12 193 Mix* \a Miian. of the Federated 1 Ltd.. ha> returned to Kuala
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    • 70 193 THOMSON. On March 20. at thr Maternity Hiepttal, IVnanp. the mHt of W. Thomson, a son. GIBSON. On March If, at Roeberry, (iordonnl., Cambcrlcy. to Doris, wife of Ashley Gibson a daughter. GRKMINGKH. To Mr. and Mrs. 11. CJrctuinirtr. of !<")-2 Thomson Road, on March 27th. ISM, a son.
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    • 28 193 BI'HLES-BAKKK.— At St. 4a4tiew*i I'huicb. I'cnan^, N March 25th, Donald PvrlM, «>f Tampin Lingai Estate, Rantau, N.s., to Dorii L Maitn Baker, of Th<.rp t Bay, Bsaex.
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    • 50 193 FARKKLL. At Urn General HeaaiUl, Slngapore, m March 29, John Kciwanl Farr^ll, the Sirj»raport' Pilot Association, Kge4 58 year*. GLASS. <>n tk« L M .nh iasteat at Iti Ranfoon KuaJ, Maria gnu (ila>s. ."»3 years, belovrd wife of Mr. Thoma> R. Glass, late of the Health JU-partmt-nt Singapore Municipality.
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  • 252 193 Dates up to Mar. 4th were brought by the mail which arrived from home on Friday. Mar. 2tJth. This wtekly leaves to-morrow by the B. I. steamer Kdavana. Several more arrests jbave been made m connection with the robl>ory of $800,000 from the Banque de I/Indo Chine
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  • 66 193 .March L l Hank 4 m.>. 2 I T-1H Hank ilemanti 2 4 l-l| Private crtdits :i m.s. 4 17-H2 New York, <loni»nd 0«i IS-16 Credits 90 «!ays «"b" 4 Franct-, iloniaml 1500 India. T. T. 155% Hon^konp. dtinanl '-c. l>i-. Vokohanm. tlmmnd MS Java, dt-m. nd 141 ••>
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  • 126 193 A Chines thinl class passenger, who travelled >.. the Penan. it mail train this morning, nut with a terrible accident when the train was being brought to a standstill at Sungei Siput Station, says Friday's Times of Malaya. The man, m attempting- to alight before the train bad stopped, fell
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  • 800 193 Maich 24. The gentleman who asked Mr. Amery m the House of Commons whether he could not arrange for British Preference m the Asiatic Colonies and Dependencies is Mr. A. E. Jacobs, the Conservative member for Poxteth East, Liverpool. We do not often find 8 Lancashire
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  • 626 193 March 25 The report of the debate m the House of Commons on the failure of the Geneva meeting of the League of Nations to secure the admission of Germany, owing to a unanimous vote not having been obtained, Brazil objecting, occupies much space m our
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  • Page 193 Advertisements
    • 183 193 CONTEXTS. Preference HI n PvfMKf IM •nseni l'J4 I 1 li»4 VO\ R1 NEWS. i: r.«T, 200 M.f lav 11>7 U»T. 200 A- IM li>o lit, -joo < 200 I< MQ 19K S. i Cvsßtft 202 B.CC. 2u2 1} VS, \;i 204 Ann] »i i;H 1 «»!M> WD NEBTINCA Isan.
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  • 660 194 March M. The great powers do not seem m any hurry to ratify the Opium Agreement and Covenant signed at Geneva. Britain ratified and sent the ratification to the League Office m February, but M far as the Foreign Secretary knows, no other power has ratified either
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  • 639 194 March 27 Most of us who have lived some time m the East have met with numerous instances of poor geographical knowledge which is not necessary to repeat. The knowledge of maps and places and countries is only to be acquired by the strenuous method used m elementary
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  • 604 194 March 29 In considering the question of in-ter-allied debts, which has been a subject of the week, introduced by Mr. Snowden and Mr. Churchill m the debate m the Commons, it must be borne m mind that Germany m the first year of the Dawes scheme
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  • 664 194 March 30 The need for >t lengthening the staff of the Chinese Protectorate was the reason for the questions of the hon'ble Mr. Song Ongr Sian^r il the Council mnrtirif yesterday. An additional assistant protector has been appointed and he is or. Us way out. And other
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  • 81 195 MacGrecof Kara has retor»ed to ..niinjr t«> |k Mnlay Mail ifl m mlssioi] t<» Australia H. (I. Our t—temporary gi% §A §M t prapftgatwh lountrv. T Uowiafl had the honour of dining His Excellency the Hlgfe CNuaiMtoßtf «iw::l.mard at (ioverniiu-nt Hoiist-. X i on Friday eveninp: Dr. and M X
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    • 84 195 (From Our Own >"orrc.sporment.) Ivnant:. Mar. 24. erioui ni<.r<>; accident occurred here last Bight whea Mr. J. N. Rerridg of the Mercantile Lank, irhile driving honw m his Esses ear aion*r the Burmah-rd., swerved sharply to the left m order to avoid it pedesTiian and fan doing
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    • 81 195 Prnang, Mar. l~>. A .M;;l;t} polkc coiistmble named Mat l>in Nakit waa lined |56 and two other policeCho bin Saleh and Tab bin Haniff, each fined $10 on charge <>i' using n nal I to toddy shop-keeper. The t-nai i I accused waa m the habit of
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    • 47 195 Pi Bang, Mar. 23. Mr. Arthur Williams, District Officer, Balik Pulau, \w»v married to Miss Lilian May Head at the i > t< rian Church here to-day. ii! l>:i'. J was given away by the Resident < ouncillor and Mrs. Peel was thr matron of honour,
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    • 32 195 Penang, Mar. i~>. A branch of tlu- V.M.C.A. was formed here to-day, Mr. Justice Brown was asked to be Pi sident, Mr. Guneratnam Secretary it Captain* Saundera Treasurer.
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    • 237 195 I'enanir, Mar. -(i. The wedding took place of Mr. Arthur Williams, district officer, Bali!; Pulau, to Miss .May Lilian Read, at the Presbyterian Church. The bride, who arrived by the Macedonia, was given away by the President Councillor, tlu* matron of honour was- Mrs. Pee!, the best man
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    • 184 195 PteMUtff, Mar. 29. In the Swimming Club competition J. Ford registered hi; ftiu:th succ salve win he Club championship, a record. There wai a dramatic montent during service at St. Andrew's yesterday evening, when, m the course of ur, eloquent sermon the Rev. Mr. Ewing ro* t;> the
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    • 51 195 Malacca, Mar. 2& H. I!. H. Pi iiiv-c Geerg arrived here yeitfntoy wining accompanied by the h<-n'bl Mr. Clayton, Adviser, Johore Government. Ti. Plinet isited the Swimming Club this morning and had tiffin Avith C; -.jitain Baker at Pi ing? it Hill, where he i« Itftjring
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  • 1040 195 ANNUAL MEETING. The annual genera] meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubner Association was held at the Auction Boon m Exchange Building yesterday afternoon, the Chairman, Mr. EL J. Obott, presiding. The Chairman, m moving the adoption of tne report and accountSi said: The
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  • 279 195 ABSENCE OF MONEYLENDERS ACT COMMENTED ON. The absence of legislation regulating the amount of interest permitted to be charged by moneylenders m the Straits Settlements was commented upon by the Chief Justice. Sir William Murison, m the Supreme Court m Saturday morning, when he and MrJustice Demne
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  • 173 195 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penan*:, Mar. 28. Newfl has reached Penang of a fatal accident which occurred m a Chin m Kee factory at Puket Bmtgah, th victim being: James Rodrigoes, the brother of Ben Rodrigues, of the Supreme Court staff. It is stated that while standing
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  • 157 195 (From Our Own Cor respondent.) Penan*!, Mar. 28. Owing t«» the severe drought book parts of the municipal an.-a have been without water for the last two days owinj; to the closing of the main:;, due- to sh »rtai r e* at the reservoir, and to-day
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  • 1202 196 YKSTKUI; AY'S FORMAL OPENING. "The Duty of Government." "In the building which is opened to-day w« hay. a hospital of which wt may justly ht pr»ud. M declared His Excellency Sir Lawrence Guillemard to a large attendance when be formally opened the new General Hospital yesterday evening.
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  • 338 196 The report of a committee appointed by Government to consider what amendments should be made to the existing rules and by-laws under the Petroleum Ordinance was laid on thi table of the Legislative Council on Monday. The Committee consisted of Messrs \V. H. Collyer, J. C. Cowap, \V.
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  • 101 196 Bills to be introduced into the Legislative Council, published m the Gazette, are the Native States Prisoners, Volunteer amendment, and Disabilities on former Enemy Aliens. The first named makes it legal for a Sarawak prisoner to be transferred to the Colony for the purpose of undergoing his punishment.
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  • 35 196 Mr. H. C. D'Arcy Irvine, who has just returned from a lon^ holiday m Kenya Colony and Nyasaland, is proceeding to Kuala Selangor to resume his former position as Manager of the Banteng (Selangor) estates.
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  • 1088 196 OFFICIAL REPLIES TO QUESTIONS. At the meeting of Legislative Council yesterday the following were the official replies to questions: The reply to Mr. Tan Cheng Lock's question regarding the transfer of Dr. J. W. Scharff, Health Officer, Malacca, to Singapore, after only nine months' service, stated: (a) Application
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  • 84 196 JACK HORNER WINS. A TWENTY FIVE TO ONE H \\< X [R3jters Service.) London, Mar. The Grand National (4 1 mile.-), tm Liverpool to-day, resulted as follow-; Mr. K. Mackay's JACK HORNKP (Watkinson) 10.r> Mrs. W. H. Dixson's OLD fAI BRIDGE (Speck) 12.2 Mr. S. Sanfjrd's BRIGHT'S
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  • 224 196 LIGHT BLI/ES WIN EASII.V Oxford Crew Badly Done Ip. [Reuters Service.] London, Mar. 27. Fine weather prevailed for the Boat 1:.. and the event attracted a huge crowd. Oxford won the toss and ch<»se th* 5 rey side. Cambridge won easily, the official tance between the boats
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  • 40 196 [Reuter's Service. 1 London. Mar. 2."». The following are the results of to-(i;.; League matches: Division I. Tottenham 1. Newcastle Division 11. Preston 2, Fulham L Division 111 (Southern). Charlton 0, Plymouth Division 111 (Northern). Grimsby 2, Crewe
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  • 705 197 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1926. FRENCH BANK ROBBERY. MAGISTRATE GRANTS BAIL. a .n»:l.«-r \ and I nexpectcd Disco\ery nf Money. f«»r their clients to be al,.ii w»-rc made by .Mr. Koluml Brad>!j. Griffith Williams to the Second rate, Mr. Bull, yesterday, when the gaJftet the six Indians who have retted m
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  • 24 197 1.. Chapman has l>een appointed al the OfltnU Committee under i (BmtlkUua) Kn:t«tment for MS liuiinjr the thmmtt of Mr. M. J. •n have.
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  • 753 197 THE DEATH OF THE GOYEKNOK. i From* Our Own Correspondent). Aylmor Cavendish Pearson, C.M.G., Governor and Commander m Chief of British North Borneo, died at Government House. Jesselton, at 4.45 a.m. on 15th March after a short illness. His Kxcellency returned to Jesselton on Monday, Sth March,
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  • 52 197 The appeal of the chinchew of the steamvr Wonp Hinp. who was B^QtdliesdHo three months imprisonment i\n<\ a fine of five hundred dollars for making a f.iKe declaration m contravention of the Quarantine Ordinance, was dismissed by the Chief Justice, Sir William Minison, m the Supren.e Court
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  • 1014 197 DISCUSSION IN SUPREME COURT. Chinese Boy's Claim. Interesting references to the law as it 1 elates to Chinese principal and secondary wives was made m the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon m the course of the hear- ing of an action before the Chief Justice, Sir William Yurison.
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  • 655 197 CHEQUE PAID WHEN LEAVING FOR PENANG. The hearing of the case m which Mr. Peter Richardson stands charged with cheating, i being alleged that he presented a cheque for $1,000 to Mr. Peate, manager of Raittei hotel, knowing that he had no funds to mtet the cheque, wai
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  • 87 197 At a meeting held at Government llou~e on Tuesday February 'Jth, 1026, the following executive were elected: I^ady Guillemard President; The hon. Mr. R. I). Win >tedt, I). Litt. Vice President. Mr. I. H. Hoahing Mr. G. T. Peall, M.A.. Joint Hon. Secretaries; Mrs. Lee Choon
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  • 1412 198 This week will be a boom week here and at bom* so far a,s sport is concerned. T'm visit of the flagship and othe vessels of the China Squadron has led tj th» prangement of an interesting programme t spoils fixtures m Singapore during the next few day.-.
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  • 259 198 The following action was taken at a meeting of Committee No. 7 held on Mar. 19th:— Approved the grant of four months' leave to Mr. Donlevy, Gunong Pulai Water Works, on termination of his engagement. Approved refund to Mr. D. Wilson, Divisional Sanitary Inspector, of tuition fees, travelling
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  • 714 198 MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING. The following are extracts the mm Dtel of the annual meeting of the Central Committee held m the Secretary's Office, Sell*** Club, on Sunday, 21st February, 9 pre^ent:-Major P. H. Keys, D.5.0,. M.C, (Pfeskfevt) and the following delegates:— Major Sanguinetti (Vice-President)
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  • 66 198 The Coroner has returned a verdict of death by misadventure m connection with a fatality which occurred abnj? Keppel Road, rear the entrance to the old P. and O. wharf, recently. A two-seater (S-2329), driven by Captain Oswald (i. Williams of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, came
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  • 682 198  -  A few notes supplementing the of last Sunday's race (by another w, from another place) mtty not U ous, as the four boats which werv sorily dismissed as "the first bunch" really the only yachts m it. Betty, who unhappily disqualified at the beginning by going
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  • 122 198 P. C. SAID TO HAVE IS ED HIS H In the District Court \vsterday. M A. Barbour answer* d a summon- char*:-' him with assaulting: a police constal Accused was represented by Mr. Mundell It was stated that the incident took pli at the docks, the alleged
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  • 65 199 I From <>vi Own Correspondent). Il:ingk«mg, Mar. 22. rid Tr. nnafl Southorn. principal oloniui sectetniX Ceylon, h:ts I -i td Colonial Secretary of H«numi- Claud Severn. m i- 4:i years of ag»% B.A. ,id. b-came a cadet m the Ceylon \'.iO',. has acted as assistant raarnt Ageal
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  • 143 199 From Our Owv Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 23. liiiu uul iateteat was heard m t;:t yesterday, wh» n the rere <m the Drury Lane Theatre, as t iruma, appeared to NMKHMSM for using the Hal! for n cinenui -how. that is for box- adant pleaded ignorance and obtained
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  • 390 199 II IM.MKNT AGAINST UK, II STREET ram. P, Xt loomall and Co., the wellIndian traders, had judgment ghroa them m the Supreme Court yesterii art i«.n m which they were sued mm;i Zakai Sassoon, for seven hundlf», the value of fifty boxes of silver ad. mU
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  • 51 199 I!. I'rino- Graft, KG., G.r.V.0., f iwiif (f His Majesty the Kin*?, ;>r» f, a t GoffltfMMßl House :h. btStOWMf upon the Governor, >'"n. Mr. K. R. Hallifax and Mr. DuMil the insignia of the honours i.M.ived. He aLso invested the Punjiib Il<*srinu*nt, and Mr. IWtt with the Albert Medal
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  • 468 199 Mr. A. E. Lambert, of Messrs. Sime, Darby and Co.. Ltd., Malacca, proceeded on Hom<- lave on Friday. <<>r>m;mder and Mrs. C. A. IVal returned to I'erang on Monday from Deli, whither th:y had been for a short holiday. Dr. F. W. Foxworthy, research officer. Forest
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  • 300 199 OWNERS OF COASTAL STBAMSR SUBD. The lo=s of a pontoon m collision with the steamer Mersing at the entrance to the River Bcnut on the west coast of Joliore. through the alleged MgHgMKC of the officer on watch on the M< sin;;, has led to an action
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  • 1367 199 EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES OPPOSED. "Tw;i Million Dollars Prize." 'The last step m long, protracted, and hit er litigation which has been going on m the F.M.S." was the manner m which Mi. Roland Braddell described to Mr. Justic. Deane yesterday morning the endeavour to examine two witnesses m
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  • 380 199 In the report of the P.A.M. Labour Committee appointed to inquire into and report upon matters connected with the local recruiting and crimping of estate labourers and registration of employer! of labour, there are several interesting observations and recommendations. The committee has gone into the question •f crimping
    Pinang Gazette  -  380 words

  • 762 200 DEED SET ASIDE IN SUPREME COURT. Solicitor Criticised. Juilj:! ient ordering that a deed of conveyance by which the plaintiff, an old lady of a hundred years of age, Inche Noriah binte Mohanu-d Tahir, gave to her nephew, Shaik A Hie bin Omar bin Abdullah Bahashuan, defendant, a
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  • 108 200 \W m authorised to state that, the Ciovt-rnoi's attention having been drawn to an article m the Free Press of Monday, Mar. l.">th, entitled "Jelf on Malaya", His Excellency caused a ulegram to be despatched to the Oflicer Administering the Governnnr.t, .Jamaica, \vh > replied to the
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  • 432 200 FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1926. CHEATING CHARGE. EVIDENCE OF CHITS. "Cash Please.' Tht hearing of the case against Mr. Peter Richardson, who stands charged with cheating m respect of a cheque for $1,000, was resumed m the District Court, before Mr. P. F. David, yesterday. Mr. Counsell, secretary, Itaffles Hotel, continued
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  • 313 200 ROYAL HAWAIIAN'S AT VICTORIA THEATRE. Amie Maynard and her Royal Hawaiians can certainly claim a most i rcouraging opening for their season here. There was a very large and a most enthusiastic audience at the Victoria Theatre last night, when the company gave their first performance.
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  • 939 200 She YOUNG CHINESE LADY'S ACTION. Remarkable Suggestion. The suggestion that the claim was a false one, brought because the defendant had not married her was emphatically denied by a young Chinese lady plaintiff, Koh Chong Moey, during the hearing of a remarkable case m the Supreme
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  • 547 200 OPPOSITION TO EXAMIN \T| ON WITNESS The hearing of the application r. an order made by Mr. Justice I), un f or examination of two witnesses I>.h t Im and Loh Kirn WMM, m conn»v,,, r the bankruptcy of Chop Loh Ch*-. continued and concluded before Mr. j
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  • 153 200 Two More Tamils Arrested. Two further BCTVCtI effected l>> Ifce Jl tective Branch during Tuesday, make total of t itfht arrests up to the present, connection with the rubbery >f over 000 m cash from the Banque I>< I *1" Chine m 1922. Ramasamy Kandian, an employe*
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  • 1073 201 SATISFACTORY BALANCE SHEFT. Thi ar.rua! feaura] meeting of the- JtnUH I KuhU-r Estates, Limited, was hold \est •■;.»>. m the Chartered Bank Chambers, Mr. Woon P«>h pntidhf, ;:nd others present beinir: Mwin (law Kh;k Khiam, K. A. X; W. L. SUvfiis, and Mr. D. Phillip. I S*cr
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  • 193 201 The annual report of the abov« Company (for presentation at the annuai met t ing to be held m Penang on April 10th j m KSptcft of the year ended Dec. Silt, states that: During the past financial year the dredge ran for 7,142
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  • 181 201 T AIPING TIN DREDGING CO., LTD. The annual report for the year ended December :Ust., to be presented at the annual meeting m Penang on April 10th., state:--: Dredge No. 1 has worked through 40 acres of shallow ground, the average ground value per cubic yard treated being .167 katty.
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  • 185 201 Onh Twe Seizures Reported. Once MT*ia th< re is a lull m tnt> activities of tho rubber imoggfen. Last week's rep >rtj reveal only two attempts. A telegram from the Kcdidi states that while on patrol off Kukob, on March 14, she seized a kota manned by three
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  • 1001 201 SATISFACTORY PROSPECTS. The Labour Problem. The annual general meeting of Tapah Rubber Estate* LH. v;t- n/d at French Bank Buildings (Messrs Evati and Co.) it noon yesterday. The Chairman, Mr. \V. A. Ifacgregdr, presided and there were aiso present Messrs John Robertson, C. V Eailey (directors) and
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  • 114 201 YESTERDAY'S LIST. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 752 nd. auction yesterday, when there was Catalogued 1,180,268 lbs. 526.91 tons. Offered 693,078 lbs.; 309.41 tons. Sold 555,439 lbs.; 247/ JO tons. Spot. London 2s. 6d. New York 60 cents PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents
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  • 253 201 Sunday's Attractive Concert. A musical programme o f a high standard contributed by well-known Singapore Amateurs was transmitted from the Singapore Amateur Wireless Society's rooms on Sunday evening, and was much appreciated by tisteners-in throughout Singapore and Johore. The concert, which commenced at 9.15 p.m. and lasted
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  • 116 201 The hired British Transport, Derbyshire, arrived m Colombo shortly before 8 a.m. on Mar. 12th, from the Far East with a little over 1,000 time-expired British troops on board, says the Times of Ceylon. The Royal Sussex Regiment, which had been stationed m Singapore during the
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  • 50 201 The recently opened coal mine at EngK«<in Perak is likely preatly to alleviate the fuel shortage which is -aid to be imminent m Perak. It is understood that Rtoongst the latest customers is a wellknown North Perak dredtfinjr company, which has ordered 20 ton* of Perak coal nei daw T.O.M.
    T.O.M.  -  50 words

    • 1113 202 Four Penalties m Remarkable Match. S.C.C 4 Duke of Well*ton*s 3. The first meeting of thy- Cricket Club with the Duke of Wellington's yesterday evening will be remembered by a very large number of spectatois as one of the most rt markable sanies that has
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    • 101 202 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 22. The following are the results of to-day's English League matches: Division I. Notts County 1, We»st Ham 1. Division 11. Wednesday >.. Notts Forest 0. Division HI (Southern). Mi 11 wall 2. Brighton 0. Lt/ndon, Mar. 23. The- following are tho results of
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    • 388 202 The Annual Report. The report of the committee of t^e Singapore Golf Club for the year encied Pec. Slat, 1925, states, inter alia: Finance. The income and expenditure for the year shows a surplus of $10,072.44, as against $1,714.61 m the previous year. Club Buildings. Thp Club
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    • 18 202 A Router's t« lejrram announces the death of Sir Theodore Owen, chairman >f many let and rubber companies.
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    • 316 202 A Mosley Hat-trick. Although, by reason of good play m all departments, the Navy obtained a lead at half time m their hockey match against the Cricket Club on the Padang yesterday evening they failed to maintain this form and were ultimately beaten by 6 goals
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    • 160 202 A scratch team from H. If. S. Hawkins Buffered defeat at hockey yesterday, at the hands of a team representing the submarines. It was a fast game m which plenty of hard hitting and vigorous play was indulged m. the Submarines b:ing supeiior m the attack. They
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    • 49 202 [Reuter's Service.] London. Mar. 23. J. Booth, the Cambridge No. 4, to-day was found to be Buffering wiih measles. Hit place will h:- t;«ken by the spare man, T. Craggs, who stroked the lady Margaret ciew m 1925 when they won the Ladies Plate at Henley.
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    • 76 202 WALTER HAGEN*B SUCCESS. St. Petersburg, Florida, Mar. 25. Waiter Ha gen won the West Coast open tournament with a score of 283 for 72 holes, Bobby Jones, the American amateur champion, was second with 285. Jones is entitled to a prize of $500 m plate, but he
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    • 21 202 INTER- VARSITY GOLF. London, Mar. 24. At Burnham, Somerset, m the Inter-Var-sity golf meeting, Cambridge beat Oxford by 9 to matches.
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    • 65 202 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mar. 23. The Alan Luke Challenge Cup, being the Malayan Chinese tennis championship, is U-ing played at Ipoh m Easter week. Last year, owing to Singapore's dispute with Kuala Lumpur m 11*24, only Selangor and Perak competed, Perak winning. Next week
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    • 34 202 March Ladies Spoon. Fourteen cards were taken out for the above competition, which resulted m a win for Mrs. R. Bald, who returned a score of 60, 12, and 88 nett.
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  • 577 202 HOARD OI TRADE COMMLNU ATIOV Reminder to those Homeward Itminri. The following is a copy of a communication received from the Depart ment ef Qwmi Trade of the Bjard ef Trad« London, m reply to an inquiry by Mr. A. Roose, Imperial Trade CorrespMi'l.n:. Singapore, and
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  • 131 202 The Police Courts will soon lost- valuable officer m the jxrson of Mr. J. Bhcem, Usher of the District and Police Courts, who if retiring after 36 years of servuv. H. pots on time months leave at the wmi at the current mmth prijr to raHrcimal
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  • 122 202 We have received from the honorary secretory of the St. Dunstan's Horn Foftd a copy of the audited account? with- ?vs]m-< to the St Dunstan's dance and inscription list for last year, which shows thai th»Biun of $2^)71.43 was sent to this eacHleitt institution.
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  • 26 202 Cap**!* Thomas Prince, „f x h feyaj Siiwex He^rt., has HH n app linlwl b Adjutant, Johore Volunteer Rifles, with ♦tfect f, om Maivh 11th, Iffff.
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  • 571 203 Mr. D. Bird has now been abU» to leave *h»- Seremban Hospital. H. C. Sells, secretary to tht P<--t Oft*:**, s uuing on leave by the Morea. Th» name of Mr. F. E. Harmer is added the Commission of the Peace for P« r .;k r
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  • 129 203 Mr. Khor Kok Hong, who has been m the M-rvi.o of the Ho Hong Bank, Ltd., since 11*17. has been appointed assistant manager ••i tho Muar branch as from the 16th inst. i rv joining the bank, Mr. Khor was m the F.M.S. Government Service, holding i»sp .nsible positions at
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  • 1549 203 RECEIVING ORDER AGAINST RICHARDSON. Receiving and adjudication orders against Mr. P. Richardson were granted by Mr. •Justice Deane m the Singapore Bankruptcy Court yetseiday morning, on the petition I of Messrs. Sarkies Brothers, who, it was stated by Mr. Roland Braddell, for the peti- tioning creditors, had obtained
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  • 119 203 Hio Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the following: gentlemen to form the Social Hygiene Advisory Board for Singapore. The P.C.M.0.; the Secretary for Chinese Affairs; the Senior Medical Officer, Naval Base; the Senior Medical Oilicer, Malaya Command; the Municipal Health Officer, Singapore; Sir
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  • 47 203 Mr. E. H. Gordon has come up from Singapore as accountant of the local branch of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, relieving Mr. T. M. Knott, who is going to Sourabaya as acting manager, says the Straits Echo. Mr. Gordon was stationed m Penan g m li>o9.
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    • 271 203 Drus Found Nine Feet Under Coal m Bunkers. Captain Cotton, of the steamer Seang Bee, pleaded guilty m the District Court yesterday morning to a charge preferred against him m consequence of a large seizure of chandu on his ship. It was stated that the vessel was searched
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    • 225 203 Coroner's Verdict of Justifiable Homicide. Holding that two Chinese brothers who caused the death of a Javanese, who attempted to break int.) their home and molest their mother, had acted m accordance with their rights of private defence, the Coroner, Mr. F. G. Bourne, returned a verdict of
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    • 73 203 Complainant Unable to Attend Police Court. The robbery case m which W. Lingard, M. Arathoon and F. D'Almeida are charged, was mentioned before Mr. David m the District Court yesterday morning, a further pDstponement being granted until April, 21st. a certificate being produced showing that the complainant, a
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  • 85 203 Yesterday morning, Vice-Admiral Sii Edwyn Alexander-Sinclair, X.C.8., Com-niander-in Chief of the China Station, visited the Union Jack. Club, accompanied by Pay Master Commander W. J. Woodward. The distinguished visitors were met by H. E. Major General Sir Theodore Fraser, G.0.C., Lieut. Colonel Haseldiii* and
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  • 107 203 Mr. Eric Rice, travelling secretary of the Overseas League, has arrived a f Singapore and will stay here a fortnight, before gome up to Kuala Lumpor. The teatrue is going very strong, the Journal being a bond of union when a^way from England and the extensive and comfortable Club m
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  • 1070 204 Quicquid agunt kom'.net nostri eat farrajt Mitt Juvenal. When a member of the House of Commons had enquired the wages paid to male and female workers on the rubber farmspardon: we were thinking of Mr. Jelf— in Malaya a«d was told that it was 50 cents
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  • 522 204 YESTERDAY'S BRIEF MEETING. la?s than half an hour sufficed for the completion of the business of the ordinary monthly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners yesterday afternoon, no matters of considerable importance being included m the agenda. The President (Mr. R. J. Farrer) presided and there were also present
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  • 538 204 ARMY DEFEAT NAVY AT THE STADIUM. D. of Wellington's 2. The Navy 0. Fielding the same side as that which gave th« SCC such a hard run on Thursday afternoon, the Duke of Wellington's left the Stadium ground yesterday the winners of their match against a team from the
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  • 216 204 REGIMENTAL RUGBY. No. 1 Company won the Duke of Wellington's Regimtnt inter-Company rugby shield by defeating No. 4 Company m the final by 12 points to nil. Previously No. 1 Co. defeated No. 2 Company by 15 points to nil; and No. 4 Co. defeated H. Q. (A)
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  • 30 204 Mr. P. T. Kinder, Senior Executive Engineer, P.W.D., Penang, will be leaving for England m a few days time. He ii to be succeeded by Mr. G. Holden, from Malacca.
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  • 696 204 NAVY DEFEAT THE AKVIY A Disappointment. The Navy 16 pts. The Army pt>. The Navy sought and found cons 4atti i for their soccer reverse on Friday by defeat ing the Army m the rugby match at th«Stadium on Saturday by 2 goals and tru(lG points) to a try
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  • 143 204 The Duke of Wellington's Regiment r«t a water polo team over to the Swimming Club yesterday morning and m a math against a Club side were beaten by H goah to 1. Penrice put m six of the CU Book, Leonard and E. V. Smith scoring the rtfctt*.
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  • 511 205 Mr. J. S. M. Rennk returned to Singapore Macedonia on Friday evening, and is •••mpanied by Mrs. Rennie who will return T M'land during the summer. 1 li officially stated that the consumption ul" v.;»:< r m Penang now exceeds the supply, and p»ople are warned
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  • 222 205 The Singapore Branch. I >.• R yal Artillery Association, which <!a?>lished branches all over the world. irvd a branch at Singapore on March 19th, the Headquarters at present being at ing Mati. At the meeting 200 members •ere enrolled. The C. R. A- Malaya C0m- (Major K.
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  • 1201 205 The annual general meeting was held m the Company's office, Trafalgar-street, at noon on Saturday. There were present: Messrs. W. H. Macgiegor (m the chair). D. T. Lewis, V. Bailey, M. B. MtKean, W. A. Sims, Brodie, Makepeace, Hastie and J. ICOf Perry (secretary). The Chairman
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  • 365 205 CONTRACTORS SUCCESSFUL AGAINST STEAMSHIP OWNERS. Messrs. J. C. Gammon Limited were successful m their action against Lim Mah Poh, who was sued as representative of the owner of the steamer Mersing, to recover damages m respect of the loss of a pontoon which was alleged to have
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  • 76 205 The Government continues its policy of providing all the money needed to encourage the local forces. In the sums sanctioned for February, additional to the estimates of $367,611. provision is made for the construction of a Eurasian Club and Lecture Room; purchase of arms and equipment; Eurasian Volunteer
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    • 437 205 Vyvyan's Team Win by Two Runs*. The S.C.C. cricket trial match on the Padang on .Saturday was productive of a very close finish, Major Vyvyan's eleven defeating C. H. G. Clarke's team by t\v o runs. The wicket was hard and fast and no less than 291
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    • 231 205 Playing on the Padanp on Saturday, the Lanka Union defeated the S.R.C. by 35 runsScores: S.R.C. E. Galistan b Ignatius 22 C de Vries b Chunchie R. T. Morrow b Retnam 0 T. Leijssius b Ignatius 10 A. E. Moreira c Ponnathurai b Ignatius 5 W.
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  • 175 205 A mixed foursome competition, nine hole> medal play, was held on Friday last anH resulted m a win for Mrs. D. Turner and Mr. Hindhede, who returned a net score of u6. Thirty-nine cards were taken out and the following were returned: Mr. Hindhede Mrs. Turner 48
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  • 3076 206 LAND ACQUISITION FOR LARGE BUILDING SCHEMES. i M V!.v(( NBMCAE M ATTERS. \knday. March 29th, 1926. Present. ■il Excellent? tft< Governor, t Sir Laurence > i<.. K.r.M.G.* Hi- Ex< I i <;• r.c-ral Otlicer Commanding the Troops, Malaya i Major-General Sir i Tr 1 r. X.C.8., C.5.1., C.M.G...
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  • 72 206 The Monopolies vote for thi CBTWii was $1.(i:W.127 (about tl.ree per amount voted for Opium itc-serv* >. I i of $SSAM3 additional imi Jl and m February $1^2.7.i4 move, i £600 is for an expert I c*km plant for the Siacmpore Opium I The Statistical I) partir.erit.
    72 words
  • 47 206 A well-known friend of th<* staff Government Marine Department ha> steriously disappeared. He had bMB l ed the privilege of making his home m about the offices, and became a H'«'e:i vourite by reason of his playful disp«>* The person restoring "Blackie," H» cat, will be rewarded.
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  • 6035 207 [Aneta Service.] U>ndon. Mar. 22. House of Commons, replying to i' ant I^itb. > Mr. Amery said that ir.vernmcntV «!T.r to mediate ii the -trikeis and the Hongkong jf ov was based <»n a claim that they parties It the strike boycott, hut the H-rgkong government's view that wa>
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  • 397 208 The annual report of this corv.pui.y i\.i the year ended Nov. :>Oth (to be present..: at the annual meeting at No. 1 < ollyei Quay, on Tuesday, April (Jth. .i: »ooa| states: During that |x*riod the companx a.qjitv*! the undertaking of Central Motors. Limited. and m
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  • 37 208 Amonp the \(.tes sanctitmed bf Hrn Legfi* lative Council m February were |M£M economic res -arch; $3,."»0a for pon«i («:ltjr. •512.i,40U for an experimental mml; $500 for fitting up a fisheries wii r. m Meyer's Flats.
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  • 89 208 The District Judi".* yesterday fMMM further postponement m the case m vfckfc Mr. Peter Richardson is har^d wit}; ch< ll my bf tendering a cheque for SI. OOO Mr. Peate, of F^affl, s Hotel, knowir.^ h:. he had no funds to meet it. The record year for the arrival of
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