The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 17 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
161 176 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 196 161 1 \I»KK>. •r;d < nan ires ](;i Masti 1.-' Crrtlficmt 161 \Y ha rvrs ir>2 hiplomaty m Caatefl HY2, M at Ptk.: 1«:*J Britain.^ Klark Diamonds PL* Nival Estimate! IS2 v i«-<iirahir Ma Wanted 16d i oi l( \\|> OIUT NKWS. •id Socfctj 164, 71 I •> 1 \K
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  • 131 161 Match IS, $142 11.65 v 64.00 4H.00 6.05 tag 5.25 12.00 12.1T> Benares up*. 4.000 I h»| H:n Ch*n Mark I New) 830 jM No. 1 SMO UU Ml Hirtan 260 I mi Sio\r 253 Broken No. 1 220 Proken No. 2 200 >iam TilutiMous No. 1
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    • 150 161 WALKER, iin i>th March, at Ncuca^k-on-Tyne, to Mi. and Mr>. .1. K. Walker of Seren ban, a dau*rht«'i BISHOP. On 11th March. IftfC, at th,European HospHa), K-ial:i Lumpur, to Ma.^aret Bishop, the wife of R. <). Bi>hop, a daughter. LOUGHNAN. Oi Mardi 7th. at ttt, St. Janus' Ccart, Buckingham
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    • 101 161 IRYINK-ROMAXKS. On the 7th March, at St. Andrew's Church. Kuala Lumpur, by thr Rev. R. H. Whiti'horn, Robert Irrine, M.C Malayan Civil Service, eUlest son of Mr. and Mrs. Janus Irvine ot Dumfermline, and Dorothy Marparet Romanes, youngest daughter of the late .1. A. and Mrs. Romanes, of Edinburgh.
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    • 51 161 AKATHOON. At her residence. IS Meyer's Flats, on March 14, li>2tf, Mary Arathoon. agod 73 years, widow of the late 8. M. Arathoon. Deeply regretted. De SOCZA. On the l.">th inst.. Brunei de Souza. Bt years, brother of Mrs. K. M. Pa^lar of Malacca anil Mrs. A. Cornelius of
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  • 308 161 The mail which arrived from home on Saturday, Maich 13th, brought London advices up to Feb. lXth. This weekly leaves on Friday, Mar. ll»th, by the P, and 0. steamer Kashmir. At the annual meeting of the Swimming Club it was decided that ladies should not be
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  • 52 161 The Detective Branch have ♦-ffected the arrest on a warrant, of Tamil named Peranen, against whom a report has been made that he was entrusted with 26 ions of copra on February 27 last, and that lie failed to deliver it. The complainants m the matter are the Brooklands Estate,
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  • 279 161 March 10. .Monday's meeting of the Federal Council should have cleared the air I somewhat as to the proposed changes m the Federated Malay States. In other columns we publish a Memorandum of the High Commissioner which was laid on, the Table of the House and the
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  • 750 161 The Nautical Magazine for January contains an article by Ut Prosim entitled 'The Cheapest ticket m the Empire." It deals with the issue of certificates to native gunners and masters of small coasting ships, and the writer with charming inconsistency towards the end of the article says
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  • Page 161 Advertisements
    • 114 161 I to the "Singapore Free Press" «..;-rpnif frun> hurope to the Straits thf mail lines, are invited to send Kt^vr tin- name of their steamer and »ivival m Singapore. Copies will then to meet tln-m at various ports of call. iM Europe wishing detailed m M to -hares \c tan
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  • 382 162 March 11. Built on the land of the Colony, with F.M.S. money and for the F.M.S. railway, and of much interest to Penang, the Prai Wharves must, we fear, be looked on as a wash-out or perhaps a wash-in. The subject was debated m the Federal Council
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  • 424 162 The procedure followed by the diplomats m coming to an un ierstanding which led to the Locarno Pact was for the responsible statesmen of the interested parties to mcc* together round a table and freely exchange views, m camera. A similar procedure is being followed m the
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  • 372 162 March 12. The short cables of yesterday and to-day, announcing the isolation of Tientsin and Peking from the sea through the prevention of the navigation of the Peiho river, may mean much or little. The Taku Forts at the entrance to the river are firing on all
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  • 318 162 The report of the Royal Commission on the Coal Industry is cabled out m fair detail. Our readers will be familiar with most of the circumstances which led to its appointment. In 1924, at a time of prosperity, the minimum wages were raised from 20 per cent
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  • 874 162 March IS. Mr. Bridgeman breathes again. He has got his estimates for 1926-7 practically accepted by the House of Commons and two Labour amendments, which must surely have been brought up for form's sake one of them was unofficial were defeated by great majorities. The method adopted
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  • 628 162 March 15. The Muffle between the representatives of the Powers at Geneva has engrossed the diplomatic world. The main point of the negotiations is whether Germany alone shall be gtvm a permanent seat on the Council ot the League, without the composition of that Council befaf
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  • 933 163 March 1«. ■ingle ship last week came into with over two thousand Chinese .ird. These had to go into quarantine and were not landed for some P lattM-. when the quarantine <i had passed. February, owing ne Chinese New Year, was a poor rh for the influx
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  • 1159 163 LADIES ON SUNDAYS. Progress of Pa par. The oft recurring topic of ladies being permitted to use the Swimming: Club on Sundays was discusred at the annual meeting of the Club, which was held at the Club house yesterday morning, under the chairmanship of the President, Mr. W.
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  • 236 163 The staff of the Marine Department, including the officers and crew of the Sea Belle, assembled at Pulo Brani on Sunday last to bid farewell to Captain W. H. Calthrop Calthrop, A.M. 0.8. E., R.N., on his approaching retirement from his post as Master Attendant.
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  • 138 163 Driver's Narrow Escape In Bukit Timah-rd Accident. Emerging from the Kilburn Estate, 6% mile Bukit Timah Road, on Sunday, B fiveton Dennis motor lorry was struck by art up train from Singapore and badly smashed, the driver having a very narrow escape and miraculously escaping serious
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  • 126 163 A committee, meeting was held on Saturday, Mar. 13th, at 5 p.m. at the Arab Social and Literary Club, No. 2G-A. Newton Road, kindly lent for the purpose. There were present Messrs. Syed Abdulrahman bin Shaikh All aff, J.P. (Chairman). Syed Abdullah bin Husain Alkaff, Shaikh
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  • 14 163 Mr. A. H. Miles, the well known miner, has returned to P.nang from Colombo.
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    • 1153 164 Attempt to Organise Anti-Japanese Boycott. The trial of the 41 Hylams who were tharired before Mr. David with attending a meeting of an unlawful society at the Chi Mill Xight School, Blair Road, on the night February 28, was concluded yesterday morning, 40 of the men being
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    • 338 164 The Hylams who were arrested together with the 41 accused at tiie Chi Mm Night School on the evening of February 28 last, and who were additionally charged with assisting m tiie management of an unlawful s.cio\v known as the South Seas and Singapore Chinese Residents' Various
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  • 151 164 In the Marine Court, an Indian fireman from on board the steamer City of Palermo was charged with Wilful disobedience to the lawful commands of Captain H. J. Abbey, master of the vessel. It was stated that the accused asked to be paid off when the vessel
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  • 18 164 Sir Malcolm and Lady Watson have left for Singapore, and will be visiting Java for some vetks. M.M.
    M.M.  -  18 words
  • 1015 164 Q ui c q uid agunt homlne. nntri "Jj^/* Libclli The Topic of the Week: Do you double bank? m The Topicist was asked if he had read all that was reported about the Federal Council on Prai, on education, and on devolution. He lit his
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  • 149 164 To the Editor. Sir, Your contributor. Glen Hicken, prised me considerably when he stated th.v the machine used for stamping: postag< stamps m England, with the slogan "Briti-I goods are best," was made m America \>\ Americans. I should have swallowed statement with the usual grain
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  • 259 164 Sir, A much needed educational institution built by generous public donation; now lying desolate at Bukit Timah Road, the students having gone on sirikt. Pubi: interest m this very highly unsatisfacfo; state oi affairs is keen and the mat*requires immediate attention. .Doubtless there is something wrong
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  • 121 164 To the Editor. Bttg I have read the proceedings of the ab:ne case as published m y<»ur to-day'-issue and I notice that a translation of the minutes of the society committee meeting stated "that one Lian Wen Pin fhPM an account of his interview with the CMM«
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  • 20 164 Mr. Hopkins, late of the Raffles H>.t. <lance orchestra, and In, Hopkins, It ft i in;rapore on Satunhy hr BHNpt.
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  • 226 165 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10. 1926. SECRET SOCIETY CASE. f ORTY-ONI HYLAMS CHARGED. of Hy'ams crowded the Police day morning, wten the fortyt I their community, who were i rest d Pebrnary 2Hth. the Chi Mm <>.. were brought up and charged a meeting of an unlawful E -ht of thy- accused
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  • 283 165 ake* at meeting o\' committee !.l on ,~>th March. the appointment of Mi. H. onto the peel of Divisional Conner- ctor, at a salary of $.'5OO per r ag by annual increments of $25 lOC pe»* mensem. hv appointment of Mr. \V. R. rpot to Ike temporary post
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  • 135 165 \V. A. Noel Davits and family left y the ftVctor yesterday. H. V Barge, manager o£ Meant. I ay, Laidlaw's branch at Seremban, ban (Wednesday) for He sails by the Mantua, and will away >ix months. Mr. Creaton suci af manager of the branch. DIMM Hunter, who for some
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  • 1258 165 APPEALS AGAINST AWARDS OF COMMISSIONER OF LANDS. Litigation arising out of the acquisition by Government of No*. 23 to .51 Ramah Street, belonging to the estate of the late Sultan Khan Suiattee, occupied the attention of the Chiv-i Justice, Sir William Muri>on, and two assessors, Mr. J. Robertson
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  • 1134 165 OWNEK CLAIMS DOl HLE AMOUNT OF AWARD. A second case was taken m the afternoon. This related to 4 acres 2 Foods of land m the heart, stated Mr. Roland Braddell, for the owner, (P. A. K. Maricar) of the old Woodville estate, which is one of
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  • 216 165 SEVEN YEARS FOR ARMED ROBBERS- At the Second Singapore Assizes yesterday Lim Ah Ki:w and Ng Ah Heng were found guilty on charges of armed robbery and extortion. Evidence was iriven by a number of witnesses against th: accused, who were tiied separately, that on January 11 they
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  • 45 165 There passed through Malacca on Friday last, on board the Japanese- mail Hakone Maru. Marquis Hosokuwa. Baron Napaowha and Mr. Maki, the famous Japanese moun-tain-climbers, who last year conquered the Canadian Rockies. They, together with others, are on their way to Switzerland, toclimb the Alps.
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  • 1500 166 The programme of the Singapore spring meeting has been published and it should prove of much interest to owners, trainers and members. The programme, it will be seen, has been ft I ranged to cater for nine races for three flitter -;.f open horses, nine races fjr th>«
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  • 214 166 Yesterday was a v:ry busy day for the ladies of the Presbyterian Church, when they held a sale m the Tomlinson Hall for the purpose of paying off as much as possible of th. balance required on the new organ. The Ladies' Work Party was responsible
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  • 80 166 The Hon. Treasurer begs to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of the following donations: Previously Acknowledged $6925; Tan Kah Kee Esq., 1,000; The Asiatic Petroleum (S.S.) Ltd., 250; Tan Boon Liat Esq., 200; Tan Boon Liat Co., 200; Long Teong Hub ir,7; Tan Tsz Vow Esq.,
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  • 279 166 A WOODLANDS THRILL. Speaking the other day of the lust for peril and adventure which old Dame Nature planted m primitive man, and which, they say frequently causes motorists to be overtaken by a curious mood which makes him crave for speed, a traveller on the
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  • 323 166 The Recent Impro\ements. The Ti attic Branch, m its effort! to lessen the rikisha nuisance and prevent the occurrence of those frequent scenes m which a rikisha and a motor car are the chief objects, as well as to enforce the rules of the road on
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  • 205 166 SUSPECTED INFORMED KIDNAPPED IN AMOY. The seizure by officers of the Preventive Service of a quantity of n >n-Government chandu on board the steamer Anhui several wetks ago had a sensational and impudent sequel when the vessel arrived at Amoy which is admittedly the
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  • 15 166 Mr. J. G. Hay, of Messrs. Guthrie and Co., leaves for England by* the Mantua.
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  • 294 166 AN EDUCATIONAL BOAKh. <From Our Own Correspond* -r. Kuala I.umiKir, M ir At yesterday's meeting of the I.<Council the motion of the hon'hlc son, asking the Government to d»policy as regards an Educational I) also as to the appointment of an <-■ alist to be Director of Bdac
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  • 413 166 The First Report. The report of the committee of the i. Course Golf Club for the period Septc. Ist, 1H24, when the golf section MM t:r inaugurated to December olst, M2S, g| inter alia: At a meeting held, at the all Singapore Golf Club EIWM, on
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  • 43 166 Our Alor Star cortespoiicjei.t Straits Echo writes that it is rumouro 1 Dr. A. H. G. Smart. Health Mmr, X« is being- transferred to Penane Health Officer at th- en«! of the m iv' that Dr. Baez^r. from Singapore. tione<l as his successor.
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  • 2422 167 \U< KX< BLLENCTO STATEMENT. owing memorandum by His Xx- j iiw. < ommieeionei was laid of the Federal Council: 0 r J",. Mr. kobson, .-peaking a!: the UnodVial Members, with f the liaja <li Hilir, itated ami his colleagues i m policy M outlined m n.aiJc by m
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  • 2015 167 Thf following is ihe despatch frrjii Sir John Anderson, the Hiirh Comr"isslonu iW the Malay States at the time, to U»rtl Crewe, then Secretary of S*":< for ihe Colonies, appended to tlu- Hiprh Commissioner's Memorandum placed before the Federal Council on Monday: My Lord, In view
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  • 513 168 TRAFFIC CONTROL— TOWN IMPROVEMENT. A meeting of the Committee of the Straits Settlements Singapore Association was held on March Bth m the Exchange Room, those present being: Mr. J. G. Campbell (Vice-President), the hon'ble Mr. C. Everitt, the hon'ble Inche Yunus, Messrs. R. Braddell, H. B. Layton,
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  • 515 168 Sir George and Lady Maxwell are going to Fraser's Hill this week. Mr. T. Evans, the Taiping soccer player, is m hospital with fever. Mr. Eh Ashworth Hope, of the legal linn Of Gibb and Hope, Ipoh, is due back from Home very shortly. Dr. O.
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  • 255 168 In connection with the funeral of Her Highness The Sultana Ru^ayah of Johore, which took place at the Royal Cemetery at Mahntoodiah Johore on Monday, March Bth at 5 p.m., wreaths were received from the following: The Royal Family, Johore, Members of the State Council,
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  • 730 168 During the debate on the Prai n the Federal Council, the Chid The problem connected with I be viewed from three points navigation, engineering and lasjfiee. lieve that Penang pilots aiv n« :>f the idea of taking a ship m an i harbour with a narrower
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  • 78 168 Hr. W. M. ()< ids. Chief Knu.iu,Vvnunu Rabber Estates, 1.t.1 was, cm Fiiday last, entertained T well function at the PitH— h v i v •^ninjr ttom the c.nipany ar;,! „.-..«..1--■K HO«C this wnifc after oWr M v. -vi^-. The token of ■ppnufatlta *8 form of a ban! ciraft wit*
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  • 1168 169 BROADCASTING IN MALAYA. HIHTCHII OF 1-HK MALWA COMPANY. n- interesting article for:^ import to be tobmitted la the "I he Ifalaya Broadcasting the "ithcomintf ordil Company to be held h: 1 ;i word '"broadcasting" >wn; but, .-met- the sueetSj of i oth.-r parti of the world, •hat th<- history of
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  • 197 169 Y.M.C. A. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE. Results of London C. of C. Kxuminatiuns. The following passed the London Chamber of Commerce examinations held m November, ii»2.">. Junior. Book-keeping: (Distinction) Lav Peng Sia. Then Djin Soei, Tan Eng I!-,, and C. SL Meson; (Pass) Lim Sin Chaw, V. V. Rajaloo Yap rui
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    • 1054 169 (*< vernment Intention to Build School The litigation arising out of the acquisi- tion by .Government of 4 acres 2 roods of land at Seraagoon Road for th? purpose of erecting a school, was continued and concluded before the Chief Justice, Sir W llliam Murison, with whom
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    • 128 169 COLLECTOR'S AWARD INCREASED. The Chief Justice deli.v ied judgment m the morning m th, ease relating to bouses and land m Ramah .Street belonging to the estate of the late Sultan Khan Suratt <•. In delivering his judgment the Thief Justice said that Mr. Robertson, one of
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    • 416 169 WELL-KNOWN STOREKEEPER SHOT IN BACK. A Vindictive Crime. Describing his ciime as a most »i;ked and vindictive one. and stating thai he must have been hired by someone to commit it Mr. Justice Dean- at the Second Assfees yesterday afternoon sentenced Tan Kirn Swee to seven years' rigorous
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    • 103 169 Serious ehargrea of robbi ry have been preferred againsi F. C. Almeida, a Portugese, W. J. Lingard'a Eurasian, and A. Aramathoon, an Armenian, who ware hiou^ht ct. m the Second Police Court yesterday and ltmanoVd. The offence, ii i.- alleged, was C3mmitted m the Oriental Hot.;. Basah
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  • 58 170 SIX REBELS SHOT [Aneta Service.] Wellcvreden, Mar. 10. Lieutenant van Heerde met a group of n beb near BakonL-an, Ache n, Sumatra, the ■ame place whsrSi a couple of days a>?o, a patrol detachment ol the Dutch Army wa; I>ractically wiped out. Six reb b were shot,
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  • 248 170 TW following disembarked from H.M.T. Derbyshire on March SnL, and were taken <»n thi- strength of the Command from that date:— Ini >.— llth. Heavy Halter. v. Royal Art ilk IT- 2nd Bn. The Duke of Wellington'? Regiment. Details.- Royal Ailillery. Lieut. A. Kirby, Lieut. F. Dearden, and
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  • 329 170 Stating that he wa. a Christian and that be had asked the Captain to pay overtime wage! for work on a Sunday, a Menadoaese seamen on b »ard the steamtr Soon Ann denied that he had refused to work when ordered to do so by Captain J. Walsh,
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  • 130 170 The following belonging to Le liereier's Private School. Queen-st., pa tint the November li>2"» Junior Examinations of the London Chamber of Commerce. Handwriting— Entered i>. Passed 0 or 100 per cent. Chia Kooa Lye (Dist.), Chia Boon (Dist.), CKoo Hoay (Juan (Dist), Nah Koon Y«»njr.
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  • 124 170 RUBBER AUCTION. YESTERDAY'S LIST. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 750 th. auction yesterday, when there was Catalogued 1,486,844 lbs.; 003.77 tons. Offered 940.854 lbs.; 420.02 tons. Sold 819,710 lbs. 305.94 tons. Spot, London 2s. 4d. New York 55 cts. PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked
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  • 485 170 Singapore, Mxir. 9. During the week the price of Tin has shewn very little variation and quotations lor Tin shares remain, for the most part. Unchanged There has been a fair enquiry for Idris around r>4s. Kampong Kamuntings at 525. Kamuntings o*7s (>d. Puchongs shew an upward tendency
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  • 151 170 The Hon. Treasurer begfl to acknowledge with many tnr.nks receipt of the following donations: Previously Acknowledged $9,272 Mrs. Onjr Boon Bin 300 Ong Kah Lock 200 Sec 800 Ih 100 Low Ten^r T:njr 100 Tan Sian Cheng 100 Ho Ho Bis.-uit Factory Ltd., 100 Total $*****
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  • 21 170 I>r. Leopold Robert left Bangkok on Friday f>r Singapore < n route for Home, j .'1 be m Nice u>r a time.
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  • 1115 170 JUDGE'S RELUCTANT CONCLUSION Brokers' Risks. Holding that no contract had been proved the Chief Justice, Sir William Mvrison m the Supreme Court yesterday delivered judgment for Lim Yang Hong m the action m which h? was sued by Lam Choon and Co. for $10,164 for i-aeh of
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  • 586 170 ACTIVITIES OK IHK CHINESE HUISTIAN \<SO('IAT!ON. (By Our Chinese Correspond m» The thirty-nxth annual report ai the Chines: Christian A->o t -iation has just bten issued to its Member*. It sjafetf werj pleasant and int. resting reading. Durmg the year there were 21 milling! ot t!v Ass"ciation m
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  • 67 170 Between .'>.">o and 100 ruesti wen- |,ie, i at a ball at Government Hones giica by HiExcellency and Lady GviUewaH on Hatch •>th. the- occa -ion beiltf a t'arcw 11 t" th«> 2nd Dn. the K..yal Snsaei Beffiawot, m\ left by H.M.T. Derbyshire m March 7th for Rawal
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  • 297 171 FRIDAY, MARCH 12. 1926. THE ASSIZES. SEKIOI 9 CaTABGI AGAINST WKALTHY TOWK AY S SON. c D v a.~ too indisposed -i !i id over the Assizes, his ]>'• i' ems tal:.-n by Mr. Justice M• Rtuy. The whole of the day was by the trial of (how Sek
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  • 347 171 B. F. BIBLE SOCIETY. Annual Report. MUUmU report of the Malayan Agency v us from Mr. B. Furdy, the secretKrrni it VI it am that: ulation last year m Malaya was ii. (.pits again>t 143.315 m 1924, and 18 m 1923. ing 1985 on Sub- Agents and Asiatic rteure m
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  • 44 171 Vr. F. L Williams, Assistant Protector Perak, is proceeding on transit -il:i Lumpur to the Chinese Proth< iv. Mr. E. D. Fleming, who -L't:..m-,l at T.iiping, has taken over ffmm Mr. Williams, whilst Mr. W. G«tileld, from Christmas Island, has <•!■:. Mr. Fleming at Taiping.
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  • 851 171 ANOTHER LAND OFFICE AWARD INCREASED. .Macpherson Road and Siglap Cases. The litigation arising out of the acquisiti »n by the Government of various areas of land m different parts of the town under th<- Acquisition of Land for- Public Pur--1" n i Ordinance was cjntinued before the Chief
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  • 13 171 Mrs. W. Peel will be* going Home towards the middle of the year.
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  • 1468 171 STARTLING DOCUMENTS PRODUCED. Documentary evidence of an alarming nature was adduced before the District Judge, Mr. P. F. David, yesterday, when the forty-one Hylams, who were arrested m the Chin Mm Night School on the evening of February 2Sth. last, were brought up on charges of attending
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  • 147 171 The At Home given by the Captain and the agents of the new Rotterdam Lloyd motor liner Indrapoera, yesterday, was well attended. The ship's orchestra provided excellent music for dancing and the guests were well entertained. The liner is the latest thing m passenger ships, her two-berth
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  • 32 171 Mr. and Mrs. Francis and child return***! fiom leave by th. £arpedon. Mr. Francis has been transferred from Vary Land < <tate, Kedah, and has taken over the management cf Bristol estate, Kluanjr-
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  • 692 172 Mr. E. E. F. Pretty is granted 8S months leave from March 9th. Mr. \V. N. Gourlay is promoted to Class IV Malayan Civil Service. Rev. W. E. Horley, of Ipoh, who has been on a visit to Singapore, returned on Tuesday. Captain T. C. Hay,
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  • 786 172 PRISON FOR WEALTHY TOVVKAVS SON. Accused's Five Cars. Chow Sek W r oo, stated to be the son oj a wealthy Chinese towkay living at Ipoh, was sentenced by Mr. Justice McCabe Reay to four months' simple imprisonment at the Assizes yesterday afternoon, after being found guilty of
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  • 87 172 European Driver Charged. A charge of rash and negligent driving was preferred against Mr. G. B. Page, residing at Goodwood Hill, m the Second Police. Court yesterday. The accused was driving a Rover light car, No. 5750, when he came into collision with car 8-968. The Rover appears
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  • 705 172 RECEIVING ORDER AGAINST F. C. D'ALMEIDA. A La r ere Debt. An application to the Justice, Sir William Murison, m the Bankruptcy Court yesterday morning for a receiving order against F. C. D'Almeic 1 a partner m the firm of F. C. D'Almeid and Co. was granted. The
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  • 105 172 The Coroner's inquest touching the deaths of the two Chinese, Tan Ah Choh and Wong Lap who were shot m Lavender Street at 8.30 p.m. on March 1, the night of the big fire at Geylang*, was held before Mr. F. G. Bourne, yesterday, the proceedings
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    • 27 172 fßeuter's Service.] New York, Mar H. Japan, Cuba antf Mexico have cabled th< intention of participating m the Davis Cuj m the American zone.
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    • 21 172 [Reuter's Service.] London. Mar. H. Celtic beat St. Mirren, 6 goals to 1. it. the Scottish League. 20 cents.
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    • 54 172 [Heater's Service.] New York. Mar. 9. Milligan, the British welterweight, hfti voluntarily forfeited his right to MM* Micky Walker for the world's welterweight championship, owing to his inability to make the weight. His manager states tha' Milligan is likewise renouncing the welt* i weight championship of Europe, confining himself
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    • 45 172 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar 8. The Football Association Cup draw foi the semi-finals, to b: played on Mar. 27th. is as follows: Manchester City vs. Man chester United at Bramall Lane, Sheffield. Swansea vs Notts Forest or Bolton at Tottenham.
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    • 22 172 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar 8. In the Second Division of the English League, Clapton Orient drew with Blackpool, two all.
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    • 31 172 [Reuter's Service.] London. Mar. 9. At Florida m the 72 hole golf match for the unofficial American championship, Walter Hagen beat Bobby Jones by 12 to 11.
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    • 50 172 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 10. The following: are the results of to-dayV League matches: Division I. Villa 2, Leicester 2. Manchester United ft, Liverpool Division 111 (Southern). Crystal Palace 2. Brighton L Scottish. Airdrieonians 2, Motherwell Morton Clyde^ank 2. Rangers 1. Queen* Park St. Johnstone 1, Cowdenbeath 1.
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    • 27 172 [Reuter's Service.] Lond'j.i. Ma r IC. m the Association Cup re-play match Bolton and Notts Forest drew with a if r<* of o—o.
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    • 56 172 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. Id. In a Scottish Cup re-played match, Aberdeen beat Third Lanark by three to nil. The draw for the semi-final of the Scottish Cup resulted: -Aberdeen vs. Celtic, 10 be played at Lynccastle, Edinburgh, an<i Rangers vs. St. Mirren, at Celtic Park. Glasgow. Both
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    • 119 172 A.P.C. Team Beaten. The S.C.C. met a team from the A.P.C *n the Padang y^terday afternoon, thr game ending m a vvin for the Club by tw«» goals to one. The Club had the stronger side generally, but the forward play PM weak m both teams. The A.P.C. had
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    • 43 172 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 11. In the Second Division of the Knglish Football League Swansea drew wiih Th<Wednesday, 2 2. t Paris, Mar. 11. In the International army triangular soccer tournament the British beat the French by two goals to nil.
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  • 826 173 MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1926. YACHTING. SECOND RAGE FOR JEAN II TROPHY. race will always be noted for the ictory of the Eve as a combina- ♦wr t> eventually landed her the wth 15 points, giving a clear lead Blfcl over and above her nearest 10 a.m. Captain Flett sent the
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  • 377 173 S R.CS EASY VICTORY. As was generally anticipated, after the S.C.C. debacle on Friday evening, the S.R.C. experienced little difficulty m defeating th« S.C.C. on Saturday afternoon. Continuing their innings on a drying wicket, the S.C.C's three last wickets could add only 12 runs to the overnight total of
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  • 260 173 On the S.C.C. ground on Saturday the Police defeated the Club's second eleven, the batting of N. H. P. Whitley and the bowling of L. A. Thomas contributing mainly to this result Scores: S.C.C. 11. J. G. Macpherson b Pauline 4 E. M. Scoular lbw. b
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  • 158 173 The Hon. Treasurer begs to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of the following donations: Previously acknowledged $12,302; Chen Seng Hong and Co. and Jit Sin and Co., 200: Nam Sun Wui Kun, 112; Straits Lumber and Co., 100; Tan Soo Bin, 100; S. O. Alsagoff, 75;
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  • 932 173 REGIMENT'S FINE DISPLAY AGAINST CHINESE. A Clever Forward Line. Duke of Wellington's 3: S.C.F.A 2. The Duke of Wellington's made an auspicious start to whatever role they are destined to play m Singapore football when they defeated the S.C.F.A. m their debut match at the Stadium on Saturday afternoon
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  • 781 173 ACROSS SILVER SANDS OF PERSIA. Ten Miles a Day! Further news of the progress that is being made by the three motorists who are attempting to reach London on a Trojan car is contained m a letter which has been received from Mr. Marcus Canagasaby, one
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  • 95 173 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., are informed that at a meeing of the shareholders held on the 12th. inst., the capital of the above Company was increased to £400,000 by the creation of an additional 125.000 £1 shares. 100,000 shares will be issued now m connection with
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  • 1762 174 TION AGAINST DATO GAWLER. loUe Sultan of Johore's Will. H.H. the Sultan of Johore was one of seven plaintiffs m an action which came before Mr. Justice McCabe Reay at Johore Hahru on Sunday, m which the hon'ble Dato William Norton Gawler, administrator of the estate of the
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  • 66 174 Between forty and fifty guests, including Sir George and Lady Maxwell, the British Resident and Mrs. Thomson, and some- of the Unofficial members of Council and their wives, were present at the dinner party given by His Highness the Sultan of Selangor at the Istana at Klang on Wednesday night
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  • 794 174 PULAU BUXOM DOUBLE CRIME. Accused Coolie Acquitted. The Chinese coolie, Tai Huong, who stood charged at the Second Assizes yesterday before Mr. Justice Deane and a special jury, with the murder of a fellowcountryman named Seah Eng Cheng, was' found not guilty and discharged. Eng Cheng was one
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  • 71 174 Pleading guilty to charges of extortion, a Holien named Lim Kirn Hoh was yesterday sentenced by Mr. P. F. David, District Judge, to 12 months rigorous imprisonment and 12 strokes withth< 'cat." Court Inspector Kenny who prosecuted informed His Honour that the accused had been apparently making
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    • 90 174 Penanß, Mar. The principal attraction for the < r attendance at the Assizes which began morning: was the trial of the Tamil Ch.•!. of murdering Mr. Louis Karl, conser. inspector, who went to turn accuse*: of municipal quarters when he was died. The case, however, will not be
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    • 48 174 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penan*?, Mar. In Subbiah, the secretary of the Ji Valiba Sungam* was charged with a^by Ramalingam Pillay, managing din* of the Ganesh Printing Wdfrks, and quitted. It was pointed out for the d» dant that there was a confusion of date>
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    • 79 174 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penan?, Mar. 10. At the Assizes Meh bin Osman was m quitted of a charge of causing the death Lee Kirn Chong not amounting to culpa ble homicide by driving a car m a ra~ or negligent manner. Mr. Justice Bru;. m his summing
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    • 105 174 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Mar. 11. At the Penang Assizes the case m which a Tamil named Chelliah is charged with the murder of Louis Karl, chief conservancy inspector, was commenced to-day. Th» Court was thronged and there was not even standing room. Whilst evidence
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    • 91 174 Juror Fined. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Mar. 15. At the Assizes to-day a Chinese named Chan Peng Hong was sentenced to tiw years imprisonment for being m possession of instruments and materials for counterfeiting coins. The sentence was re|>eate<l on a second charge of being m possession
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    • 118 174 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Mar. 15. Gang: robbers have re-appeared at Kinta. A party of live Chinese recent 1\ raided a towkay's estate at Degong and got away with a bundle of rubber oupon-. The inmates were too frightened to offer any resistance, but informed
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    • 126 174 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Mar. 15. The Asiatic Planters' Association m Malaya, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the Miners' Association gave a farewt-il At Home to Mr. R.C.M. Kindersley. fktm were present Sir George Maxwell, tht H<»n. H. W. Thomson, a few Councillors an<!
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    • 145 175 <> Owi Correspondent). Jesselton, Mar. 15. h oocurnd early this morning aemia. after a short illness, of V ar-on, C.M.G., Governor of \«.rtii Borneo. M IVuix.n was formerly Gov- ••itjy at Jesselton and beeinor m August, 192">, .n suci to the Kate
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    • 51 175 On Own Correspondent.) l*enanK, Mar. 11. nual report ti the Penanjr Library ancial poeitiea to be sound, the the current year bein^ $2,729 .mount of the deposit at the Char- 000. XTw Library is now well book-. Last year 567 books mines Wet added, compared with I 559
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    • 88 175 I': Kxclusivf Cable.-Copyright. I'enang, Mar- 12. li. Chelliah. I Municipal carpentfooad guilty an. l sentenced to death nunier of Loui> Karl, chief conserinspertor, on February 13th. arinu the sentence, Chelliah "I ever intended to kill him. •elf knows the deceased was a bad ChhWitt >tabbt-d him before
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    • 83 175 FllhaiUli Cable. -Copyright.) Ipoh. Mar. 15. rhaffing at meals between a party dressers and their friends, m their given as the cause >f the tragic d roser named Kandiah. of the Kaacsar Hospital, who fell dead by artiidr last night during a quarrel kar.diah was fatally stabbed.
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  • 154 175 < '>nft>ration of Both Ordered hy Magistrate. Saturday, Mr. J. Listerman, of the i iKpartment, boarded the steam Kuuitr Tai I, and searched the vesith th~ result that he discovered, hidm of the- launch, a large quan- milk stout, brandy and whiswhirb peraUtl had been granted ?t
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  • 43 175 Muda. MmiNT. wh > has been Mi hi arrival from Kedah, •■•nsequent on the death r hir-in-law, Ten rku Maryam, is At 11, though he was unable to ir»\vell dinner iriven by H. H. MMi the State Council ti the k.r.M. Kindersley and Mrs.
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  • 296 175 A LOR BUKIT RUBBER. COMMITTEE OF INSPECTION DISCHARGED. Tho committee of inspection appointed m November, 1923, fo'lewing an order for the winding up of Alor Bukit Rubber Estates was discharged by the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison yesterday, on a motion by Mr. J. B. David, who described himself m
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  • 193 175 JUDGE INCREASES COLLECTOR'S AWARD. In connection with the acquisition by Governnu nt of 8,000 square feet of land, M which were four houses, at Siglap. beloniiin«r to S.K.R.S.S.T. Sinthainoney Chettiar. the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, has increased the award made by the Collector of Lands from 52.500
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  • 177 175 •LAT PAU PUSS" AS DEFENDANTS. Reference was made m the Chief Justice's Court yesterday morning to an action pending against tlu* Lat Pau Press, one of the leading Chinese newspapers m Singapore, on account of an alleged libel published m the paper. The action arises out of
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  • 111 175 Sir Geoift ami Lady Maxwell loft for Fraser's Hill on Thursday. At a nu etintf of tIM Klan.r Sanitary Board on Feb. 10, the unofficial members wish?d their opurioa to X' »vcord"d that it Kfl prac-tk-ally a waste «»f their time to attend meetings at which resoluti >ns are passed
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  • 4699 175 [Aneta Service.] Delhi, Mar. 8 Crowds thronged the galleries of the Legislative Assembly m anticipation of a lively discussion on the budget grants. They witnessed a dramatic scene when the Swalajists walked out after an impassioned speech from Motilal Nehru declaring that, as their co-operation was declined, they had
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