The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 10 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
145 160 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 41 145 March x. 2 4 ft I 1 9 hia 2 1 17:52 18 17.00 non. I. lU% naaad I !>•<*• Prem. uid 123 a llt>\ 7 l .»'j i ondon SP 5-16 «.f Knirland Rate 5 p.c. H .r.k Buying 8.54
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  • 71 145 T>. Powlef aid Mr. Ca. R. Wiseman i.. IV nang on Saturday I i. the Rhexenor. 1 :aii il making fun of an atI urate the •'juratory system" m lava-st, which seems to the i\e annoyance without ...I porpose. It is su^^ested the poMfC >houM come to and bs trained,
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    • 62 145 ANDERSON. Oa March tith. at 1<» Alexandra Court. London, to Peggie, wife of G. B. Anderson, Saaghter. EOINGTON. At tS€ Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on M arch. 1926, to Mr. and Ml*. W. s. Ediagtoa, Tiagkil Tin Mines Ltd., pfehore, a son. SMITH, on March Ist, to olive, wife
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    • 19 145 REIP. At Haaelharat, Snakes bane. Woodford. Enm'x, on Mar. tod Kathleen, beloved wife <>f Alexander Reid (hv eahle).
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  • 253 145 i I London advices up to Feb. 11th were brought by the mail which arrived from home on Saturday. Mar. 6th. This weekly leaves by the P. and O. steamer Mantua on Friday. Mar. 12th. The Moslem libel case which has occupied the attention of the Supreme
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  • 214 145 March X. Tin 7." Tun*; si 12.50 (iambier 12.00 I'eppe,. White 55.0fl Pepper Black 50.00 Flake Tapioca 8.06 Pearl Sago Small k.75 Copra 12.1a Copra 'Sundried 12.40 Opium, Renams ur» 4. C00 Rice, Liancr Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (Xov/) S3n Rice, Siam old Xo 1 <uo Rice, Ranj'.jen
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  • 49 145 Mr. Justice H. D. Acton will bs leaving Penang- m thc near future to take up a judicial post m the F.MS., probably at Sereml»an. Mr.s. Art on, who has hec-n away from .Malaya for SOBM little time, has left Marseilles for Singapore by tbe Macedonia, j Straits Echo.
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  • 821 145 March 8, The news of a threatened lock-out ill the engineering trade m London shows how precarious i.s the position oi British trade as regards the labour aspect. Only a month ago there was a crisis threatened m the railway world, barely averted by the strenuous efforts
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  • 843 145 March 4. Recently at Home there has been a vigorous debate over the issue of certain circulars proposing to alter the allotment of funds from the Imperial Exchequer and local funds. The Department withdrew one circular, and substituted another which is equally vigorously attacked. The excitement was partly
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  • Page 145 Advertisements
    • 311 145 CONTENTS. IDEBS ta lance 115 i.e.! Bum 1 13 Ti aA ,i. Hos Man] 1 1€ m Edtft I Pol POL* E ANI) CCI RT NEWS. Libel Cam* 149, 51. Malicious Prosecution 149. 51. p Woman's Claim 150 M. rtery 152 a- Phuntaf 159 Sehestnd ia Emnhruptcy 1,55 ictics 155
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  • 730 146 March .">. Singapore is committed to the replacement of its trams by railless buses and some of the new vehicles aie m the course of erection m the Harbour Board Godowns at Keppelrd The new company has been very IgoroUaSly at work since the lengthy gal formalities were
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  • 489 146 Initiates How Many. i aasrcn o. The lengthy telegrams that have appeared for the last week, on the effect of the entrance of Germany into the League of Nations, will have placed before our readers a mass of indigestible matter, which the cabled report of the debate m the House
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  • 402 146 At the meeting of the Federal Council on Monday, Mr. Robson is asking the Government to make a declaration regarding its polic\ m education, and whether it does not think that au educationalist at the head of the department would be better than a civil servant. The
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  • 573 146 March 8. The failure of the French Governj ment to get its proposals accepted m the way they consider essential is j unfortunate. It ifl sure to have a >. depressing effect on the franc, and i the further delay will cost the country dear, twenty million francs
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  • 698 147 March I |aU '.port of the speech of the I a Lord ot the Admiralty, Mr. W. < Bridgeman, m London on Feb- Un "naval policy" has etc and. Apart from the menof Singapore, the First Lord ted the possibility of a cut of ilions m the naval
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  • 289 147 Tl.e following action taken at a meeting of Committee No. 2, held on March 3rd: Decided to recommend, subject tv the approval of H.E. the Governor, that a whole time medical officer be appointed for the statf of the Johore Water Scheme. Decided to recommend, subject to the
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  • 141 147 Dr. (Mrs.) Fergu. or-Davie has been relieving Dr. Elsie Davies for three weeks at the Malacca Medical Mission. The marriage took place at noon on Saturday, at St. Andrew's Church, Kuala Lumpur, of Mr. R. W. Will, of Seafleld estate, and MISS Smollett. Malayan Matches has gone into tho hands
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    • 47 147 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Mar. 2. Chelliah, a Tamil, has been committed to the Assizes on a charge of murder in^ connection with the tragic death of Mr. L:>uis Karl, Chief Conservancy Inspector, Penang-, on Feb. 13th. The accused reserved his defence.
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    • 89 147 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Mar. 2. A peculiar charge involving the mischievous killing of a bullock was preferred against a Chinese, Gho Ham Hock. The complainant stated that he had pulled un his cart and was counting his money whi-n his attention was diawn to his
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    • 104 147 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Koala Lumpur, Mar. 3. The Asiatic- Planters' Association yesterday conferred honorary membership on Sir George Maxwell, at a largely attended meeting, at which representatives of all parts of the country are re present. Mr. Choo Kia Peng, presiding, paid a
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    • 91 147 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang. Mar. 3. A serious charge of negligently and wilfully obstructing a tire engine proceeding to a lire was preferred against a Malay diiver. Mr. L. E. Coleman, Superintendent of lie Penang Fire Brigade, m the course of hia evidence, stated that
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    • 38 147 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penan?, Mar. 3. The accounts of the Y.W.C.A. for last year are very satisfactory, there being balance at the bank and m hand of $(170. There are no outstanding payments.
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    • 92 147 (From Our Own Correspondent). Malacca, Mar. 4. The wedding was celebrated at Christ Church this morning of Captain R. L. Cuscaden. Superintendent of Customs, to Miss Bertha Middleton. The Colonial Chaplain, Rev. E, N\ Bower, officiated, the bride was given away by Mr. G. P. Cuscaden, elder
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    • 93 147 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Mar. 4. Tlu managing director of the Ganesh Printing Works and the Secretary of the Valiba Sangum Association were involved m an assauit case m the Police Court today, the former alleging that the Secretary Rtruck him m the face whilst
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    • 229 147 Interesting Case at Ipoh. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Mar. 5. A long-standing dispute over the right to an adopted child was thrashed out m the Ipoh Supreme Court during the last two days, when Mrs. J. M. Sime, Secretary of the Children's Aid Society, applied
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    • 46 147 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Mar. 5. The Allahabad correspondent of the Pinang Gazette telegraphs that Lieut. Col. Sir Franc-is Humphreys, Minister at Kabul, arrived at Delhi on Tuesday to discuss with the Indian Government matters with regard to Afghanistan relations with India.
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    • 29 147 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Mar. 5. Fines amounting te $240 were imposed on twenty-four Chinese, who all pleaded guilty to gambling whilst celebrating the New Year.
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    • 43 147 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 6. At Mond .y's meeting of the Federal Council thf hon'ble Mr. R. C- Kindersley will move resolution approved by a recent meeting ol representatives of public bodies on the subject of Federal changes.
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    • 117 147 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Mar. «H. A benzine lighter with a full cargo of 4,500 four-gallon drums, valued at $17,000. belonging to the Asiatic Petroleum Company, took fire at the benzine anchorage last ni. <v ht. It was first noticed at ten o'clock- The Harbour
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    • 93 147 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Mar. 8. The Allahabad correspondent of the Pi nang Gazette telegraphs tnat the determined attitude with regard to th. Oxus dispute is gauged by the latest advices from Kabul, showing that the Afghan portion of the Demarcation Commission is Still m the
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    • 72 147 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 8 Two policemen have been chargsd with theft and retaining stolen property respectively whilst on duty. accused claimed trial and the esse was postponed, bail being allowed. A man named Sain Fong was arrested here m consequence of a
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    • 87 147 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 8. The wedding took place on Sunday, at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, of Mr. Robeit Irvine, Malayan Civil Service, and Miss Romanes, of Edinburgh. The Rev. R. D. Whitehorn officiated, aid the matron of honour was Mrs. Spooner. Mr. E.
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  • 24 147 Mr. A. H. Rix, of the law firm af Maxwell and Kenion, Ipoh, has left for Home. He wiil not be returning to Malaya.
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  • 917 148 PROFESSOR LANGBNBR INTERVIEWED. Is it passible for you ta transmit your thoughts from Singapore to America? Professor Maximilan Langsner. Professor o< Psychology, at ptose nt m Singapore, says It la. The Professor is on a world nur fof the purpose of studying occult science and the psychology
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  • 844 148 THREE MONTHS FOR RASH DRIVING. A Much Uprooted Lamp- Post. An appeal from a decision of the First Police Magistrate, involving points of inteiest to motorists, and particularly to those who use Scotts Road came before the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, yesterday morning. A Malay syce
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  • 1100 148 ACHEEN AGAIN (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Mar. 6In spite of the assurances of the authorities that the events m Acheen, which took place some six months ago, were not of political importance, another drama has been played m that distant corner of the empire of Insulinde which,
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  • 553 148 CONSULTATION ON CHANGE* (From Our Own Correspondent.; Kuala Lumpur, Mar >. In the Federal Council, replying hon'ble Mr. R. C. M. Kindersley'.- qu. to when the High Commissioner pref* afford the Chief Secretary and ttcsid, opportunity of stating their view decentralisation proposals, there wa- ten reply by
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  • 1073 149 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1926. MOSLEM LIBEL CASE. DEFENDANT IN THE WITNESS BOX. *.!!eg'd I ii 1 Written hy Malvis? h« ning sl the Moslem libel case ..ut of the circulation of a pamphlet Tamil m Sing ape IS was continued be- V .Ju-tiec Deans yesterday. The deBttt, J. Mohamed Ismail
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  • 313 149 SEQUEL TO POLICE COIRT .CHARGE. Two the.usand dollars damages for allegie. malicieius pi JBBtUtion are claimed by Ng KhuOH H^ng, otntrwise known as Ng Kuan, anel by Had jee Messin m anaction which commenced before the Chief Justice. Sir William Murison, yesterday. The defendants are Ang Heng
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  • 147 149 SINGAPORE AND SOUTH MALAYA BOY SCOTTS ASSOCIATION. The Executive Committee acknowledge with thanks the following donations for 1926: Hon. Mr. G. C Clarke $50 Hon. .Mr. Hayes Marriott 25 British American Tobacco Co. 50 W. H. Macgregor BO M. A. B. 5 E. Gattey 10 F. C. Sands 25 Methodist
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  • 1386 149 There has beeti cemsiderable activity at the Racecourse lately m preparation for the spring meeting. The building which is to house the electric totalisator is lapidly approaching completion. Two expeit mechanics have arrived from Sydney and are CO-operating with local electrical experts m the installation of tihe machine.
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  • 279 149 Uneler very pleasant weather conditions the Singapore Girl Guieles held their anneal rally at Government House yesterday afternoon, the lawn facing the building proving a splendid site for a display of this nature. After Lady Guillemard had inspecteel the girls, there was an interesting programme, m which
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  • 39 149 Relief Fund ta he Opened. A mee 1 ing will be held at th«- Chinese Protectorate OB Friday to make arrangements fe>r opening relief fund for the* people renelered homeless by the recent fill at Geylang.
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  • 1159 150 IMPROVED FINANCIAL POSITION. New Home Opened. His Excellency Sir Laurence Guillemard presided over the annual general meeting of the Children's Aid .Society held m Government House yesterday. Before moving the adoption of the report and accounts, His Excellency addressed the meeting a.s follows: lam glad to say
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  • 559 150 THE ANNUAL REPORT. iThe report of the committee of the Swimng Club for the year ended January 31st. -'6, states, inter alia: finance.— After providing for the usual ueciation there remains a surplus on the ir's working of $65.82. Entrance fees, ich amount to $2,300, and have
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  • 956 150 SUPPORTING EVIDENCE OF THE ECLIPSE. I Recent German Experiments. Further evidence to supplement that obained by Mr. C. R. Davidson, the British stronomer, m 1919 m support of the Eintein theory of relativity and gravitation 'as the principal objective of the German)utch eclipse expedition, which made its
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  • 527 150 CURIOUS SUPREME COURT CA« A Chinese widow was plaintiff other Chinese widow one of three <i. i ants m a somewhat curious action came before the Chief Justice, Sir V. f: Murison, m the Supreme Court ye > j The plaintiff was Wee (hua Xeo, v defendants,
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  • 222 150 The military transport De-rln hire, leaking as though she would BWSCOBBS a coat of paint, arrived m Singapore yesterday morning and brought the 2nd. Battalion, Duk of Wellington's Regiment. Her deck-, m crowded with khaki clad figures rs *c came alongsiele the old P. and O wh-.K
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  • 523 151 TH URSDAY, MARCH 4, 1926. M P. Noakes. c. f Messrs. Sime, Darby and < mnssrjf, Penang. returned from Home Saturday by the Barpasana. v. Ca. Shetliffe, who fe>r some time n m th" Singapore Hospital suf..••ria. has now recovereel, and Ban mban on a holiday. The t-lephone trunk line
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  • 160 151 rank svawt was th" statf dinner \nglo-C l ur.e~e School held at 95-5 Q 'ail. the residence of Mr. ISJ i. ma Seng, IP., one of the old boys chool, on March Ist, the occasion the fortieth anniversary of the found- Hrn sch". 1 by Bishop Oldham.
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  • 1650 151 THE EM) IN SIGHT. Conclusion of the Evidence. The evidence m the Moslem libel case, which has been occupying the attention of Mr. Justice Deane for ten days m the Supie me Court, came to a conclusion before the lunch adjournment yesterday, and the afternoon was taken
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  • 65 151 The many friends of Th\ Teo Kah Toh will be pleased to hear that he has recently leturned from Hongkong, where he graeluated m the Medical Faculty of Hongkong University last spring and is now practising at Kiew Sam Dispensary, Middle-road. Prior to his return, he held a post graduate
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  • 490 151 JUDGMENT RESERVED. The hearing of the action m which two thousand dollars damages are claimed by Ng Khoon Hong and Hadjee Messin for malicious prosecution and false imprisonment at the instance of the defendants, Ang Heng Kirn and Tay Ah Siah, was concluded m the Supreme Court
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  • 193 151 In view of the question that has been raised regarding the time of the arrival of the Fire Brigade at the scene of the disastrous fire at Geylang, it is of interest to note that the time recorded m the official record book at the Central Fire Station
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  • 157 151 Anent the Article of Feb. 23, the Cinchona tree is important as th? source of Peruvian bark, from which are extracted the valuable drugs quinine, cinchonidine, etc. The tree used to be cut down to obtain the bark and there was danger of its extinction until itcultivation
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  • 175 152 Statement of quantity and value of rubber exported from British Malaya during February, 1926. Totaf Total Feb. IBM Feb. 1925 thi- year last y ar U. K. 7.26H.27 2,971.02 12,633.63 4,406.07 C.S. A. 19,945.07 15,239.92 42,301.92 30,046.50 B'rept 1.95»'..65 2,204.36 3.504.91 4,108.70 B, I. ISS.ri 609.75 1,139.93 1,030.53
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  • 134 152 YESTERDAYS LIST. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 749 th. auction resterday, when there was Catalogued 1,124,688 lbs.; 502.09 tons. Offered 715,324 Ibaj 819.W tons. Sold 573.33S lbs.; 255.95 ton.-. i i Spot •f Bdoß 2s. Ed. W V !k 56 cents PRICES REALIZED. Kihled
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  • 150 152 Ju>t at the time Wfien the road leading to Geylang district was congested, on the night e.f the big fire, a double murder was committed m an attap house situated m a lane *If Lavender-street, revolver shots being heaid about 9 o'clock. The police soon arriveel at
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  • 329 152 t> Singapore, Mar. 2 hucn sections of the share market have again Wrienced a dull period during^£ a^t The price of Tin has shewn a further advance and the commodity market appear, firm. There has been gooden-qun-v for rteriing issues, Renong*, Chen-<U-<:a:ig>. Kampongs and Kamuntings ali C
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  • 945 152 In the office of the famous De Beers Company at Kimberley there is a book of more than usual interest, for it contains photographs representing the development of tlie Kimberley Diamond Mines from their earliest days up to the present time a record of
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  • 265 152 RELIABILITY TRIAL RESULT. The following is the result of the motorcycle reliability trial, which took place last Sunday morning: 1 ne following were disqualified for failing te. keep to the correct route: Nos. 3.16 21, 36. The following failed to complete the course: Nos. 7, 13, 14, 38,
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  • 239 152 Listeners-in had a special treat on Tuesaay evening, when a concert party, arranged by Mr. Barlow, provided a very attractive programme of vocal and instrumental music. Conditions were favourable to broadcasting, and reports received at the Society's room indicated that excellent transmission was taking place,
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  • 96 152 The following had the honour of attending a farewell dinner to Lt. Col. and Mrs. S. de V. Julitis at Government House on March 2nd:— Lieut. Col. and Mrs. H. C Ellis Dr and Mrs. J. C. Tull, Capt. N. C. D. Brownjohn, M.C., Mr. and Mrs. D.
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    • 48 152 Test Team's "Try-Outs/ [Reuter's Service.] Launreston. Tasmania, Mar > The Australian Te»st team won tr,. of the two try-outs, beating Tasmania an innings and 175. Tasmania made 104, Mailey taking ft, wickets for 56. In the second inning Mailey securing five wickets for Gregory four for 90.
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    • 148 152 [Reuter's Service. London, Mar. At Selhurst m dull weather, hafet. towd numbering 20,000, Wales beat nd at soccer by three ge>als to one. Play m the first half was rather lo IM ither side showing effective combination! Both goals had several narrow ccc Three minutes
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    • 47 152 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 1. The following are the results of match' played to-day: Division I. Blackburn 3. Sheffield U. 1. Division 11. Wolverhampton 1. Darlington 0. Scottish Cup. In a third round re -piay, Aberdeen BSS. St. Johnstone by one goal to nil.
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    • 51 152 [Reuters Service.] London, Mar. 3. The Test selectors have co-opted Hobbs and Rhodes. [The Test selection sub-committee wa> appointed at a meeting of the .M.C.C. at Lords on Feb. 24th. It includes Mr. P. F. Warner, as chairman, Messrs. Perrin and Gilligan, and the two professionals just
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    • 42 152 [Reuter's Service.] London. Mar. The cricketer, Mr. J. W. 11. T. De.ugla^. has been taken to hospital for appendicitis It is understood that an operation i* n. l.ond.ii:. at. r Douglas has been operated on. anel is progressing satisfactorily.
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    • 41 152 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 3. The following are the results of to-day V League Matches: Division I. Huddersfield 2, Spurs 1. Notts County 3, Birmingham 0. Division 11. South Shields l, Hull I. Scottish League. Hearts 1 (Vltir I
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    • 33 152 (From Our Own Correspondent). I'enang, Mar. 2. The Allahabad correspondent e.f the Pinang Gazette telegraphs that India has dsaided to enter a team m the Davis Cup
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    • 53 152 The followiing cards were returned m the men's February medal. Twenty-eight BBS* were take*i out: Lieut. W. P. Fendall, 2 up. C. J. Hewitt, All square. Lt. Col. R. H. Haseldine, All square. Captain E. Le-Gallais, i rf>wn. T. M. Hussey, j E. H. Gordon, 2 C
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    • 88 152 Twenty-six cards were taken out for the February (1926) Medal af the Race OsntSS Wf Club, and the bant bbss returned were as follows: H. L. H. Lim 4I M 14 71 T. Leijssius tf m M ri f Ue Ken^ Tyo g| 0 14 74
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  • 384 153 Mi and Mrs. Edgar Jones have arriveei I I roan 11 ?»)e. ba Ford, ol pSsSSBI Evutt ar.d i baa gone >>n a bnsisaai visit to The I oi I'atianak Gold DredgO BCSS Limited, ne.tify that the flota.l hai fa ea oseranhacribad. A H 'lephant. which
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  • 315 153 QUEL TO SUPREME COURT JUDGMENT. i li atkm under a section of the Procedure Code which provides that Igment has been e>btained against I the party who had obtained the el mci claimeel te» be entitled to against any other member of rm might ask the Ce>urt
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  • 2552 153 COUNSEL'S CONCLUDING ADDRESSES. Plaintiffs Not Called Kafir." The Moslem libel case came to a conclusion m the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon on the elevciith day of its hearing. Mr. H. JX Muneiell, for defendants, who concluded his address just before the lunch adjournment, stated that the sting
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  • 144 153 THE GOVERNOR AND THE K ATHIS. On Thursday last Bukit Tunggal, the residence of Syed Omar Alsagoff. was en fete on the occasion of a tea given m honour of Sir Laurence Guillemard. "m grateful recognition of his kind and helpful work m aiding the Moslem community." Therewas a distinguished
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  • 733 154 •WO. NO, NANETTE." Successful Presenta.ion of Popular Comedy. After three eminently .successful performances sf lan Hay's comedy "The Sport e.f Kings" the Quaints changed their programme last night t<» delight an audience which left little seating room inside the Victoria Theatre with their version of "No, No. Nanette,"
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  • 30 154 The following action was taken at a meeiing of Committee No. 6. held on February 26th: Decided to instal oil-burning apparatus at the Electric Power Station, St. James.
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  • 79 154 Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Dupius have arrived m Kuala Lumpur on a short visit. Mr. Dupius, who is a director of the Cairo and Kirby Rubber Cos., was fe.rmerly the manage- r of Puehong estate, and left here about fourteen years age., says the Malay Mail. Mr. Dupius has
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  • 748 154 HERALDS OF SPRING. (From Our Lady Correspondent). London, January. It is said that no two English persons can meet without discussing the weather, tut might it not more truthfully be said that only the imperturbable English could bear the amazing vagaries of their climate? After beginning
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  • 94 154 Members, from different parts of UaUra of the Institute of Chemistry (Malaya Sector, met m Singapore over last we"ek-end dav' ll >n peCt n "W Paid, on Satur<la> to the Government Opium Factor v and to the Municipal S.wage installati-m at Alexandra Road. Private installations were cnUrtT 10 the eVCni
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  • 622 154 A DOMESTIC TRAGEDY. [Specially Written for Free Press]. lam Mrs. Topsy's housemaid. I am not by nature of an inquisitive disposition but Iver since I have been m Mrs. Topsy's serice I have been assailed by an almost overwhelming desire to disce)ver the consents of a
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  • 224 154 KU ALA LUMPUR STRIKE. Trouble at F. E. Co/a Work*. About 150 workmen employed by the Federated Engineering Co., Lt-;'. Koala Lumpur, have been on strike since- yesterday, says Thursday's .Malay Mail. The trouble really began a few days ago. when the outside Job men struck work owing to their
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  • 630 154 AFTER THE KIRK The House That Escaped. (From Our Chinese Correspondent). The disastrous fire at Geylang e>n day destroyed a hundred houses. the great pity of it is that m the maj of cases these houst were occupied by tf poor people of the village. The Chong I
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  • 147 154 (SPECIAL ORDER OF THE DAY On the departure e,f the 2nd. Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment. whe> embarked the troopship Derbyshire at %M this >rning, the following Special (Msr of tbe Day was issued: I desire to put on record the regret with Eich all ranks wt the
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  • 24 154 Miss E. J. Nye (Camb. T. D.) and K. M. \oung have arrived from Homo to join the staff f the. Government GirlsSchool, Penang.
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  • 363 155 SAT URDAY, MARCH 6, 1926. li. HsßVbia Mr. A V. Bre>wn is appointlt at as Senior Puisne Judge. Penang. G. W. A. Trimmer has been appointaansbei of er. Pilot Board, SingaTns BBSSS ..f Mr. H. L. Mitchell is added tn»- Ceanaeaßßian af the Peace for Singa- < T Peall is
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  • 260 155 following actiein was taken at a m»orof Committee Ne.. 1 held on March mssendsd that the Municipal Ordisboald 1m« ameneled to confer the pow- 1 the Registrar of Vehicles m his ab--0B th- Asst. Registrar e)f Vehicles if resolved by the Commissioners. sd that the Registrar of Vehicles
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  • 514 155 THE ANNUAL MEETIM;. The annual general meeting of the Child Welfare Se>ciety, Lad\ Guilemard. the president, m the chair, was held at Government House, aa Thursday afternoon. Mr. I G. Campbell read the second annual report, which showeel that child welfare work at the two centre.} m
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  • 298 155 EUROPEAN CONTRACTOR'S DLSCHARGE. Effect of the .Slump. Successful application was made to Mr. Justice Danae m the Singapore Bankruptcy Ce>urt yesterday morning on behalf e>f Mr. S. Sehesteel, pn>prietor of the firm of Messrs Swansea and Sehested, for his dislarge from bankruptcy. The report of the Official Assignee
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  • 1035 155 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farraj* <A'>rlli Juvenal. The Asiatic Planters' Association of Selangor have paid Sir George Maxwell the compliment of making him an honorary member, and they held a meeting at which compliments were as thick a.s bought and sold notes m the recent
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  • 437 155 LAST NKJHTS DISPLAY. I The main event at the Happy Vaiiey last light between Walle> and AL Trono had a lensatiocal termination ir. the t'eventh oand when Tron> was disqualified for lifting low. The icferee had no alterative. Walley was scoring well up to his stage and Trono, after
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  • 188 155 FIVE ARRESTS AT GEYLANG. A meeting of members of a Triad Society which was broken up by Mr. Ingham, the Assistant Protector of Chinese, on Tuesday, hael a sequel m the Police Court yesterday m uning, when the five men who were arrested eluring the raid were charged
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  • 454 156 SBQUBL TO PLUCKED 0OOONUT& The Chief Justice. Sir William Murison, yesterday dismissed the action by Ng Khoon Heng and Heeljee Moosin m which they claimed $2,000 damages from Ang Heng Kirn and Tay Ah Siah for malicious I losecution anel ard false imprisonment. The* first plaintiff
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  • 104 156 PRITLSH AND AMERICAN WARSHIPS DUE THIS MONTH. IL M-S. Hawkins and several other vessels of the 'hina Squadron are e!ue to arrive at Singapore after the middle of this month. tbeir arrival b -ing followed by the visit of six Amerieaa destroyers. H.M.S. Titania will be the
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  • 28 156 h«s Excellency Sir Laurence Guillemard having proceeded to the F.M.S., a Gazette K-atraorelinary Wai lasusd on Saturday appointing th.- hon'ble Mr. Hayes Marriott. .M.G., t.. be his Deputy.
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  • 254 156 Useful Work by Trailer Pump. Dense* volumes of smoke were seen rising from the direction e>f Geylang e>n Saturday. the positiem appearing te) be afanost the same as that e>f the disastrous fire which destroyed sevel al houses a few days before. The Eire Brigaeie received a
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  • 438 156 (FIRST ANNUAL MEETING. The first annual general meeting of tbe Singapore branch of the Royal Society of It. George was held at the Cricket Club *st evening, the hon'hle Mr. C. Everitt presiding. The Chairman, relating the circumstances Kf the formation of the Society, said he had
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  • 231 156 Rice Distribution. At the meeting held at the Chinese Protectorate on Friday, th? sth. instant, it was decided te> raise funels for the relief of the victims of the above fire, and the following committee was appointed: Chairman, the Hon. Mr. ,P. Beatty. Vice-Chairman, Mr. 6.
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  • 140 156 ,M. Georges Le Fevre, a well-known French journalist and a member of the staff of Le Journal Und LTntransigeant. hab:en paying a short visit to Penang. Last year he was sent by Le Journal on a/ special mission to investigate the conditions at the penal settlements m French Guiana anel
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    • 109 156 To the Editor. Sir.— Your paper says that the fire began about 12.30 yesterday (Monday) and your contemporary says one o'clock. When tiavelling by car through Gay lang at 1.15 on .Monday, several Malays informed me that the fire had been burning strongly for an hour and
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    • 306 156 To the Editor. Sir, My attention has been eh awn to a notice m a recent i-sue of your esteemed paper, according to which there should be an expectation of an early drop m the price of diamonds. I have no doubt that such information has
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    • 114 156 To the Editor. Sir, I read with interest an articl' "Buy Eritish Goods— But why mit sell the-i.?" m your issue of this morning, by an American. He says. ''When I was m Englar-I m the fall, I think on every postage stamp were printed the words
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    • 626 156 To the Editor, Sir, A great man, but even great men make mistakes saiel Dr. Lim Be.on j Keng, 0.8. E., m the course of his lecture i when he had occasion to refer to Mahatma j Ghandi, the Indian Philosopher. Orator, j
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  • 240 156 Harmston's Circus occupies a new position (at the junction of Victoria Street <>n thi-. said to be their last tour, but tht- tssa opening performances given on Saturday night and last night b.ave been highly siu eessful. be>th from the pahat of view af the aueliences anei the
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  • 115 156 The* starch bogey competition was played on Saturday anel Sunday ami rest bed la a \v n for Mr. A. Loose, who returned B earei of 1 up. Fifty-eight cards were iaken out anaj the following were returnee!: A. Reese 9 l Dp. W. McMullan 12 1
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  • 142 156 News has been received m Khußg Sf I gram e.f the death of Mr. \V. I. F 8r... k. at Hyercs, <.n Feb. 27. Mr. Bcwci: wm of th. pioneers of rubber planting lure-. saving come from Ceylon m 1904 t<» l estate near Klang. In 1017 he relieve.! M
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  • MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1926.
    • 499 157 THE JEAN II TROPHY. Capsizing i»f the Hobbe. ng race for the above trophy rayi l>e associated with the deparf the Koyal Sussex Regiment, sailing e!ie. by the Derbyshire at the starting gun Brad by Captain Flett at 10 a.m. r and handicaps were as already i and m
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    • 107 157 OXFORD STAR'aS*' RECORD JIMP. Pte Press Kxclusive Cable. -Copyright. I London, March 6. In th« Oxford UaifOiaity Inter-Collegiate tit ion R. L. Hyatt (Baliie)l) esished i record pole jump af ll 1 feet. I inches bettor than his jump Bd heat m the second round, m Hyatt finished
      107 words
    • 41 157 ■< Preaa Exclusive Cable.-Copy rights L'-.idon, March 6. The King's racing cutter, the Britannia, Beam competitor at the principal B gattaa, is l>eing overhauled m readiI the approaching racing season. ing given a new mast, 106 l 2 feat
      41 words
    • 32 157 iFree Preei Exclusive Cable.— Copyright). London, March 6. In tr»- annual hockey match to-day the > defeated the Re).val Air Force by W o g< a!s to one.
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  • 324 157 YESTERDAYS RESULT.S. (From Oui Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 5. The first day of the Selangor Skye race meeting saw some excellent sport. There was a fair attendance and dividends were m -derate. The going was goe>d. The following were the results: Ra-ce L -Jane (Elliejt) 10.12
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  • 263 157 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 6. The going was good anel there was a bigger crowe! present em the second day of the Selangen- Sky Meeting (Saturday). Cutty Sark was scratcheel after the sweep draw on Race 8. Race 1. June (Coe) 1 Gloaming (Fe>x)
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  • 47 157 (Free Press Exclusive Cable. Copyright) London, March 6. Old Tay Bridge and Sprig, at 9. t0 1, are still favourite* fen* the Grand National, to be run at A int ree on March 26. Silvo and Double Chance stand together at 10 to 1.
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  • 30 157 (Free Press Exclusive Cable. -Copyright.) L idon, March 6. Both University eights are. making very promising progress m their trials for the boat race on March 27.
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    • 695 157 Age Bows to Youth m SCC Match Youth will be served In the S.C.C. Under 30 vs. Over 30 twelve a side match on the Padang em Saturday age paid the price and the '"veterans" were well and tiuly defeated by 114 runs. But it
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    • 66 157 [Reuter's Service.] Hobart, Mar. 6 The Australians beat Tasman a by an innings and 184 runs. Tasmania made 187 (Everett two for 33; Mailey three for 62 and Richardson two for 25) and 12;, (Richarelson two for 8, Mailey three for 43Everett two for 13, Andrews three
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  • 18 157 (Free Press Exclusive Cable.-Copyright.) London, Mar. 6. Lord Glanely's Sunderland has been scratched for the Lincolnshire.
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  • 28 157 [Reuter's Service.] Chicago, Mar. 7. Charles Hoff has again broken the world's indoor pole jump record, clearing 162% inches, with four inches to spare.
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    • 253 157 All London Clubs Fail. [Reut-r's Servjce.] London, Mar. 6. The matches m the sixth round of the English Eootbal! Association Cup resulteel as follow: Clapton Orient 1. Manchester City 6. Notts Forest 2. Bolton Wanderers 2. j Swansea 2, Arsenal 1. 1 Fulham 1, .Manchester U.
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    • 149 157 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 6. The results of the fourth round of the Scottish Cup weie: Mortem 0, Glasgow Rangers 4. St. Mirren 2. Airdrieonians 0. Third Lanark I. Aberdeen 1. Celtic 6, Dumbarton 1. It would appear that the Celtic are bent on winning the
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  • 399 157 j ARMY VICTORY OVER THE NAVY. (Free Press Exclusive Cable. -Copyright.) Lc-ndon, March 6. The Royal Navy and the Army met at Twickenham this afternoon m the Services Rugby Tournament, the Army winning by 24 points to 10. H. If. the King was present. [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar.
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  • 50 158 A leakage of oil from the Admiralty oil j tanks fed to another fire off Buona vista I Real yesterday morning. The Singapore I Fin Brigade received a call, but on the nrrival of their engine it was found that the fire had burnt itself out.
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  • 108 158 Poi thß week ending Feb. 27th, the Municipal Health Officer returned a death rate per mille per annum of 25.34, compared with X.M m the preceding week, and with 22.43 m the corresponding week of last year. There were 199 deaths, including three Eurasians, I<>4 Chinese, 23 Malays, and 9
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  • 723 158 CLAIM AGAINST SEMARAMi CHINESE. Judgment for Rank. The Chief Justice, .Sir William Murison, delivered judgment yesterday morning on the adjemrned summons by the Oversea Chinese Bank against Chop Bian Keng. The only issue, his lordship said, is whether The Sam Yang (who is now m Sourabaya and, though
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  • 461 158 •THE GHOST TRAIN." Drama and Comedy at the Theatre. The Quaints, who have already had an eminently successful week here, are going as strongly as ever at the Theatre. Having proved themselves with comedy they essayed the dramatic last night m presenting Arnold Ridley's ''The Ghost Train," which
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  • 249 158 The Police C ourt sequel to the serious motor collision between a Citroen car (No. b*2D6) and a Mathis two-seater (No. 3082), has been commenced m the District Court and the hearing was adjourned. It will be remembered that three Europeans, .Messrs. R. H. Hodgson, R.
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  • 43 158 We regret to hear that Her Highness the Sultana of Johore died at five o'clock yesterday morning at the Istana Passir Plangi. The funsral took place yesterday affcrnoon, all the public offices m Johore being closed yesterday. I
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  • 50 158 Mr G. G. Thomson, of the HorgkongV.d Shanghai Bank, has returned from leave and relieves Mr. W. N. Hanaell, who goes from Koala Lumpur to Sungei Patani m a day or two. Mr. W. Healey has also arrived, and relieves Mr. J. S. Davenport, who is proceeding on leave.— MM.
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  • 8113 158 [Aneta Service.] London, Mar. 1. The anxiety of the members of the House of Commons as to the League Council issue, is reflected m questions, three Liberals and a Conservative asking whether a decision had been reached as regards the instructions to Sir Austen Chamberlain at j Geneva, whether
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