The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 3 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
129 144 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 162 129 M ires I. <1.2.f.0 13.50 if N 51.00 ♦5.-15 .Sags Smell 8.75 '2.00 ».l 12.30 •am, Benares un*. 4.000 j I ban Hin Than Mark 330 iSo 1 330 Br tan 263 tangaea Sio\a 250 M Br..k«n No. 1 220 rakes No. I 200 'iiutrnous No. 1 363 i,
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  • 19 129 lm wa> eauvrht m the Ocean < -il. tHurtcred Hank Chambers, ufterno<.n has been charged I with intent to commit
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    • 20 129 BARBOUR. At tin- /.lit.! -.ity Hospital, Penang, on February SSth, to Mr. and Mr-. E. .J. Barbour, a son.
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    • 43 129 GRAHAM-YAPP. At the Presbyterian Church. Singapore, on March l. 1920, hy the Ree. il. Douglas, Alex inder, cUrat m i ol Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Singapore and Kilmalcolm, Scotland, to May Murray, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Yapp, Irvine, Scotland.
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    • 64 129 LEE. At the Gene rei Hospital on Friday, L'»sth. I'Yt.iu;. ry, 1926, ol Rev, Lm Chye Van. H.A.. late teacher at thc Anglo Chinese School, Singapore. Aged SS. H< leave* a widow and two children to mourn his loss, BURD At Rangoon, on thc -Ith February, Lieutenant-Colonel E. Bind,
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  • 950 129 Feb. 24. Ail interested m sea-faring matters m the Straits will remember the case of the Marella-Conus collision and the i nquiry which followed. They will also remember that the captains of the respective vessels had their certificates suspended, and that Captain i Lane of the
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  • 312 129 By the mail which arrived from home on Saturday, Feb. 27th, London advices up t> Ft b, 4th were brought. This weekly leave* to-morrow ly the B. I. steanfer Fllora. Sentence of three months imprisonment was passed on K. S. Joseph found guilty it obtaining credit under
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  • 65 129 March 1. Bank 4 m.>. 2 1 11-32 Bunk demand 2 9 Sl-S2 Privats credits :< m.s. 2 4 New York, demand M 9-16 Credits N day- ."»■< 9-16 France, demand 1490 ln<lia, T.T. IUH Hongkong, >*emand 2", j.c. Prem. Yokoham- demand 122 Java, demand 140V4 Bangkok, demand 794
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  • 88 129 Mr. Charles .Harwood, Inspector of Police, Penang, Mrs. Harwood. and children, returned from Home leave ly the P. and O. Morea. Inspector Harwood will probably he attached to Magazine Station. Mr. V. S. Maxwell, eMer of S'r GsiWfS and Lady Maxwell. h-r< hen ghren his half-Blue for golf at Oxford,
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  • 398 129 Feb. 25. A telegram reaches us from our correspondent m Kuala Lumpur that the appeal of the Government m ihe Collins case has been dismissed with costs. The plaintiff m this case was awarded substantial damages for injuries caused by a collision between her motor car and
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  • Page 129 Advertisements
    • 228 129 CONTENTS. RS irti I Kr (airy \-.> \'2'.r 130 11 130 130 130 131 !< IND coi m i:\vs. 1 i 133. .">. 7 en< I 133 133 i 1 34 1,34 V 1 at I ;>\\ 137 tion 140 140 Eefco ..f Rice Sh .rtrngt 149 Si t Fire
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  • 335 130 There seems little change for the better m the commercial position m .South China, and trade between Canton and Hongkong is practically at a standstill. The enquiries m the HoUaSe of Commons show that the public at Home is beginning to appreciate the tremendous difficulties under which British
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  • 769 130 Feb. SS The only people living on the southern shores of this island that have not complained of the presence o! floating oil or liquid fuel since iinday are on the shores of c Singapore river. The oleaginous urn failed to effect an entry over
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  • 460 130 Feb. 27. Competition has always a stimulating effect, and the commencement I of the British Radio service from I Rugby has incidentally waked up t I Reuter, and the two services, someI times doubling, generally supplement I each other. To this we are indebted j for the
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  • 521 130 Eating is common to all animals, and is an essential of life. Clothing !!s a method of replacing the natur* 1 covering of the animal, which man has lost, either by too soft living or by his inveterate habit ;f wandering about <rd defying the weather and
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  • 649 130 March 1. Tlie Canton Government has definitely espoused the cause of the customs as against the strikers committee m the matter of levying duties on foreign merchandise. Th. object to the strikers reducing the income received from the customs. But the telegram gates that thc strikers wil!
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  • 843 131 March 1 'i i paraphrase the opening words ol the Kind's Speech "the paramount tancc of Singapore ifl the Port." HT port supplied with all the facili demanded by the immense shipping trade which passes through it, a a hieh Ifl of equal importance to Empire
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  • 155 131 Th"rty-foi:r members and their guests wt re present at |he annual dinner of the Society which took place (by courtesy of the Committee) m the Singapore Club on Frfday, February 26th. The hon'ble Ml. H. Marriott. I Vict -Preside nt for the Straits Settlements, was
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  • 25 131 The Rev. F. S. Hollis. of Sarawak, arrived from Home by the Blue Funnel mail on Friday and is proceeding to Sarawak by next steamer.
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    • 224 131 RE- TRIAL ORDERED IN SERIOUS CASE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 23. In the Supreme Court an appeal has been made by two Tamils, the tindal and conductor respectively, A Hidden Streams Estate, from the decision of the District Judge, vho sentenced them to nine months m the Dindings
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    • 57 131 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Feb. 23. In the Supreme Court here Le Mong Lum appealed against the $1,000 fine imposed on him, with the option of six months' rigorous imprisonment, for assisting m carrying on a public lottery. He pleaded that the lottery was a game
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    • 35 131 'From Our Own Correspondent..! Penang, Feb. 23. A successful appeal against their conviction and a tine for committing criminal trespass with intent to commit a theft of timber, was made by three Malays.
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    • 49 131 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 24. A tine of one thousand dollars or six months imprisonment was imposed on a Chinese named Peh Ah Tai for attempting to smuggle nearly four pikuls of rubber into Penang. The accused said that the rubber came from Siam.
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    • 33 131 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 24. A Tamil syce was fined thirty dollars for rash and negligent driving as the sequel to accused s car colliding with another.
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    • 108 131 (From Our Own Ctrrespondent.) Penang, Feb. 21. The third annual meeting of the Straits Settlements (Penang) Association was held to-day. The hon'ble Mr. Palgrave Simpson, presiding, said that amongst the subjects dealt with during the year were: Social Hygiene. Malarial mo.-quitos, a Sanatorium on Penang Hill, and
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    • 53 131 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 26. A Chinese, by name Khor Ung Eng, was sentenced to-day to eighteen months rigorous imprisonment on each of two charges of housebreaking, and three months rigorous for dishonestly retaining stolen property, the sentences to run consecutively. His amazing haul included musical
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    • 71 131 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 26. The funeral took place yesterday of Mr. F. P. Scully, retired Inspector of W r eights and Measures, who died after a short illness. The funeral was attended by almost all the members of the Catholic community of Pulau
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    • 18 131 Penang, Feb. 26. Chinatown is profusely decorated for the Chan Goh Meh Festival which begins to-night.
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    • 75 131 Penang, Feb. 26. At the annual meeting of the Penang Society of St. George, the Hon. Mr. Palgrave .Simpson presiding, the balance m current account was $1,047 compared with $560 at the beginning of last year. The Hon. Mr. Peel was elected president, Mr. A. R. Thorton
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    • 91 131 iKrom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Feb. 28. A fatal mine disaster took place at Ampang on Friday, due to the explosion of a compressed air bottle. The engine was being tried by Mr. Paterson, the engineer of the East Asiatic Company, of Johore. with a Malay
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    • 67 131 Praise from Ear! Haig. (From Our Own Correspondent). March 1. A cable fr >m Earl Haig to the Secretary of the Malayan Poppy Fund requests it to be broadcasted "The British Malayan Poppy Day Fund collection of over £10,000 it truly magnificent and testifies to the splendid
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    • 76 131 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Mar. 1. The second Malayan coal-mine, opened m Perak recently by the Enggor Coal Syndicate, is reported to be at the producing stage. Mr. Kcnion, presiding at the annual meeting on Saturday, said that the mine is producing forty tons daily at an
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    • 103 131 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, March 1. The wedding was solemnised at St. Andrew's Church, the Rev. Archibald Ewing officiating, of Mr. Donald Noble, Kuala Ketil, and Miss Jean Haddon of Elgin, Scotland, who arrived by the steamer Sarpedon. The bride was given away by Major Jensen
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  • 285 131 The Organising Committee of the St. David's Society took the oppportunity of the Saint's Day to dine together at the Adelphi Hotel last evening, thus resuming the annual dinner. The last we remember was many years ago and was marked by numerous fervid speeches m Welsh, of
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  • 23 131 Mr. G. Kingsley has been appointed Chairman, and Major W. M. Sime to a seat the Board of the Merlimau Rubber Estates. Limited.
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    • 279 132 Solitary Try m Last Minute. [Reuters Service.] Ireland -1 pts: Scotland 0. London, Feb. 27. In line weather 40,000 spectators saw Ireland defeat Scotland at Edinburgh, on a ground heavy after morning rain, by 8 points to nil. There were many thrills during the opening minutes
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    • 76 132 •CAMBRIDGE VICTORY OVER THE NAVY. (Fret- Press Exclusive Cable. Copyright). Ixndcn, Feb. 27. Cambridge University .d a fairly easy victory o¥er the Royal Navy by 16 points t.» 1 There was a line struggle at Richmond, Where the London Club entertained Bristol, an interesting game resulting m
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    • 324 132 HAMILTON WTCKKS ABSENT. [Renter's Service.] Kni;land 11 pts: Prance 0. London. Feb. 27. England beat France at Twickenham by 11 points to nil. The weather was dull but the ground was m splendid condition. His Majesty the King was present, and there were 40,000 spectators. Tremendous cheering
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  • 94 132 UNPRECEDENTED BOXING DECISION. CONTESTANTS ORDERED FROM RING FOR NOT FIGHTING. (Free Press Exclusive Cable.—Copyright). London Feb. 27. A decision which it is suggested m many quarters was over hasty and savours of .\merican boxing methods was given by Mr. Douglas (J. W. H. T. Douglas, the Essex and England cricketti.
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  • 35 132 NEGRO DEFEATS HARRY GREB I [Reuters Service.] New York, Feb. 27. Tiger Flowers, who is a negro church deacon, won the world's middleweight championship by beating Harry Greb on point? over fifteen rounds.
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  • 38 132 I (Free Press Exclusive Cable. Copyright). Londi-n, Feb. 27. The Oxford and Cambridge University crews have been continuing practice on thc Thames for the Boat Race on March 27. The Oxford crew is progressing strongly.
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  • 47 132 (Free Press Exclusive Cable. Copyright). London, Feb. 27. In the annual lacrosse match Oxford University defeated Cambridge University 17 This was the eighteenth match between the Universities, the series having been started m 1903. Oxford have won ten of the matches and Cambridge eight.
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  • 23 132 (Free Press Exclusive Cable. Copyright.) London Feb. 27. In the Army Racquets doubles the Coldstream Guards defeated the Kinu's Royal Rifles.
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  • 36 132 [Reuter's Service.] Baltimore, Feb. 28. Charles Hoff. the Norwegian athlete who was presented to President Coolidge at the White House, has established a new world's record for indoor pole-vaulting, clearing 13 ft. sft ins.
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  • 224 132 GALLAGHERS HAT TRICK. London, Feb. 27. Scotland beat Ireland at Ibrox Park today by 4 goals to nil. The weather was fine but after rain m the morning the ground was very heavy. There were 25,000 s|X'etators. After thirteen minutes play Gallacher, tlie Scottish centre-forward,
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  • 30 132 BRITISH MOTOR-CYCLIST'S SPEED. HUNDRED MILES AN HOUR. (Free Press Exclusive Cable.— Copyright.) London Feb. 27. At Montlhery the British motor-cyclist, Major Temple, covered 50 miles m 28 minutes :J2!a seconds.
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  • 871 132 THE FINAL RACE. Golden Girl Trophy. Seven seconds proved to be the difference I between the winner and the runner-up of this splendid trophy given by Mr. C. Boden Kloss, and the recipient, Mr. Crowe, helmsman of the Puteh, was heartily applauded when he received the cup from the
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  • 14 132 A Reuter's telegram announces the death of Captain Edward Winthrop, ex-harbour master of Hongkong.
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  • 398 132 S.C.C. DEFEAT LANKA UNION Fine Innings by Charles worth. The match between the S.C.C. and Lanka Union on th' Padang on Sa* produced cricket of a one-sided char, the Club winning with plenty to spar. Batting first the S.C.C. scored 15] the loss of only four wickets, Vyvyan ly
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  • 225 132 The following were the scores m tho match between the S.R.C. and the Police, played on the Padang on Saturday: S.R.C. M. G. Anthonisz c MacKenna b Whitley tti E. Galistan c Hamilton b MacKenna -42 F. G. Scharenguivel c and b \Vh:tl«\v I G. H.
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  • 157 132 A particularly poor game resulted fi the meeting of these two teams on Saturda> afternoon on the Telok Ayer ground. The Association won the toss and elected t<> bat. and a lamentable exhibition of lack I I prise ensued; Seven vvajfl did the openine Club bowlers
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  • 518 133 M: C. Hoden Klsaa, Director, Raffles arm m Kuala Lumpur during the ;.-cnd. ius S. Fisher has arrived back eft* r an extensive business f Java, "I. Mrs. Kindersley are leaving for England on March 1!>. They expect to be it a yoar. Mr. and Mrs,
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  • 117 133 HUSBAND'S BRUTAL ATTACK. ON WIFE. eaac >taaae up before Mr. David m the I Court yesterday morning m which Mala) named Yusof was charged itarily causing grievous hurt to The accused resided at Pulo his wife and had been married any years, there tadng six children. weeks ago, it appears,
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  • 1643 133 ADJOURNED HEARING CONTINUED. I Mr. Sarwar m Witness Box. c hearing of .he libel action brought by M. L. Maullim, Immigration Fund Inspector at Singapore, and K. C. Marican, against the Tamil Mohammedan mci chant named J. M. Ismail Marican and the Straits Printing Works, which occupied
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  • 75 133 Captain Hirano, of the Japanese steamer Amazone Maru, was fined $100 and costs m the District Court yesterday morning as a lesult of a quantity of morphia being discovered on board his vessel some months ago. The morphia was found m two of a number of casks,
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  • 23 133 Col. F. G. Kunhardt, late of the Indian Medical Service, is staying m Kuala Lumpur as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Wellington.
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  • 729 133 THREE MONTHS' RIGOROUS IMPRISONMENT. Sentence of three months' rig* f'jL< m»- prisonment was passed oa E. fc. .Joseph by j Mr. P. F. David, District Judge, yesterday morning. Joseph was tried on three charges of obtaining credit under false pretences. In delivering judgment. Mr. David said that the
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  • 137 133 JUDGMENT FOR 120,482 AND COSTS. Judgment for the plaintiff for 020,482 was delivered by the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) m the case m which \g<> Be:- Chan sued the Lam Choon Rubber Works for damages to some attap and {dank huts and two hulls, caused by
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  • 1802 134 The S.C.C. officially opened the cricket •season last week-end with a match between teams of twelve a side skippered by the j Captain and Vice-Captain, Cantrell's side experiencing little difficulty m winning. J The 110 runs that Simpson, Clark and Web- I ster scored during tne hour and
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  • 46 134 Governor's Cup. The following cards were returned m the above Competition. Thirty two cards were taken out. H. W. Hughes, 2 Capt E. Le-Gallais doWn E. H. Gordon, o L. R. Macphail, g Capt. G. A. Stephenson, 3 Lt. A. E. Barlow, 4
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  • 724 134 LANDLORD'S SUPREME COURT ACTION An unusual type of action commenced before the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, m the Supreme Court yesterday, m which Mr. Teo Hoo Lye, the owner of the somewhat conspicuous premises m Dhoby Ghaut where the Light Studio formerly cairied on business, is
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  • 152 134 The following action was taken at a J meeting of Committee Xo. 7 held on February 19th:— Approved increase of .'JO per cent, on COO- tiact rate for making uniform clothing j during 1926. Decided to grant loans to Municipal Officers at 5 per cent, interest up to
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  • 887 134 MJYKKNMENT APPEAL DISMISSED i(From Our Own Correspond, nt. Kuala Lum por. IVb 2 J. In the Appeal Court this mor- j i,,. !>eal of the Got eminent af aV?!a tn a decision of the Chief Ittsl Lice v milseod with coats. The following is the account of
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  • 2827 135 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1926. SHAREHOLDERS' ACTION. >F'TKL TO EASTERN MINING (ASE. I* -iri »n of Ken* Seng's Co- Director*. cop behind thc scenes during the m I oa of the actior against Poey Ken,' Seng, form, rly managing director of East- Mining and Rubber Company, m conS the mis to
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  • 645 135 l IKTHER EVIDENCE AT SEVENTH DAY'S HEARING. The Moslem libel case, arising out of a leaflet distributed among Singapore Mohammedans, entered upon the seventh day of its hearing yesterday. When Mr. Sarwar resumed his evidence, he stated that the Ahmadees claimed that every century there is a
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  • 53 135 .From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, Feb. 24. It is predicted m well-informed circles that the Canton Customs dispute will be settled by Friday, when it is expected the boycott pickets will hand over the seized goods to the Customs. Steamers m Hongkong are reported to be preparing
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  • 1148 136 ACROSS CORSICA. lt was due to my meeting m Marseilles the Madman off the "Morea" that I went to an island which, m my wildest dreams, I never thought I should ever visit. We discussed the matter over tiffin at that delightful restaurant. "Pascal's," mar the Vieux port,
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  • 516 136 THE GENERAL'S FAREW ELL. Trwjd of So Excellent a Corps." Early on Wednesday morning H. E. the G.O.C, Malaya, Major-General Sir T. Eraser, reviewed the 2nd Battalion, the Royal Sussex Regiment, at Tanglin. His Excellency arrived at 7.30 a.m. and was received with the General Salute m
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  • 112 136 The case against Mohamed Ghouse, a tamby employed at Whiteaway Laidlaw and Company, who was arrested inside the store premises after the doors had been locked, was concluded m the Third Police Court yesterday afternoon, Hh: Worship inflicting a fine of 50 dollars or m default fourteen
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  • 270 136 January rubber declared m February, 3,435 tons. Stocks held by the Harbour Boards, Singapore and Penang 550 tons. Additional Exports. Declared uncouponed stocks on payment of 42 cents per lb export duty. Jan: F.M.S. 22 tons; S.S. Nil; Johore 45; Kedah Nil; Other U.M.S. Nil. Exports m
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  • 120 136 YESTERDAY'S LIST. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 748 th. auction yesterday, when there was Catalogued 1,007,806 lbs.; 449.91 tons. Offered 620,140 lbs.; 276.84 tons. Sold 556,759 lbs.; 24.>.55 tons. Spot London 2s. 3d. New York 56% cents PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents Per
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  • 114 136 The Second Committer. The F.M.S. Gazette contain, ,he following:— It is hereby notified that His Excellency the High Commissioner has appointed a Committee consisting of the following members: The Acting British Resident, Perak (The Hon'ble Mr. O. F. G. Stonor, C.M.G.), Chairman; The Acting British Resident, Selangor (The
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  • 66 136 (Fro»r. Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Feb. 23. At the annual meeting of Petaling Tin it was announced that a 5 per cent, interim dividend would he paid this year. The working profit for last year had enabled the conversion >f a debit of $186,101 to a credit
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  • 55 136 (From Oui Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 23. Castleton Estate, a Government rubber plantation near Telok Anson town, of 200 acres of rubber planted piior to 1910, was sold by auction yesterday and was bought by the Telok Anson Rubber Company for $210,000. The standard production of
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  • 277 136 Universal complaint is made that on the roads of Singapore no attempt is made by the various classes of traffic to consider other classes. The bullock-cart d »os not see why it should move close to the edge*. and it is often compelled to move out by
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  • 127 136 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 23. Strenuous opposition to the draft of the bill on Estate Health Boards was offer <! at a meeting of Central Perak I\A. at which Dr. Skae said that four times the present number of health officers was necessary for the
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  • 110 136 Lieut. -Col. Arthur J. R. M. Wilson, who has been given that local rank while Commandant of the Malay States Volunteers, i-n-gimentally a captain of the Royal Artillery. He was commissioned m the RArtillery m July, 1910. and served with "the guns" m France and Belgium, 1914-15. and again m
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  • 694 137 FRIDAY, FEBRU ARY 26, 1926. Hrs. F. H. Jerrard arrived here by the French ma:. Bteasaet D'Artagnan for nine ll 'ia; Ur. DSWCOU, the water expert who has m,- the works at (iunong Pulai, rti the a;i on Friday. mother- D. and C. Ogilvie, welln miner- of Kinta, arrived land
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  • 627 137 EIGHTH DAY OF HEARING. The Eighth Witness. The eighth of the dozen or more witnesses to be called for the defendants was i.i the Witness box when the eighth day of the hearing of the Moslem libel case came to an end yesterday. Mr. Mohamed Suleiman, who
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  • 98 137 Alleged to have accepted an illegal gratification from a Chinese motor-bus owner, young Eurasian named C. Rayney was charged m the District Court yesterday. Accused pleaded not guilty and asked for a postponement to engage counsel. Bail was fixed at $500 with two sureties. It is
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  • 73 137 On Chinese New Year's eve a gang of robbers raided a house m Target-road and fired off a number of shots. However, the robbers only succeeded m wounding one of their own gang, who was hit by mistake. Thoy carried the injured man on to a field
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  • 1411 137 BRITISH EXPEDITION'S SATISFACTORY RESULTS. Colonel Stratton and Mr. C. R. Davidson Interviewed. Although the results obtained by che American and German expeditions situated only half a mile away were adversely affected at the critical moments by haze, the British expedition (sent out under the auspices of the
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  • 307 137 ALLEGED BREACH OF CONTRACT. The alleged failure of a Chinese rubber dealer, named Lim Yang Hong to carry out a contract to buy 15 tons of rubber led to an action before the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, m the Supreme Court yesterday, when Yang Hong
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  • 232 138 RADIO SHORT WAVES. To the Editor. Sir, I understand that considerable interest is being taken m Radio ''Short Wave" experiments by Singapore amateurs, and if I am permitted to use space m your valuable paper, I should like to iffer a little encouragement. The wave band
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  • 486 138 Annual General Meeting. His Excellency Sir Theodore Fraser, G.0.C.. presided over the annual general meeting of the Union Jack Club held m the reading room of the new club premises yesterday, others present being Lieut. Colonel R. H. Haseldine, D.5.0., Mr. F. R. Heron, the hon'ble Mr.
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  • 40 138 A (hinese boy was knocked down m South Fringe Road by motor-bus No. 2205 on Tuesday. He wa* severely injured and was immediately removed to the General Hospital, where he died. An inquest will be held shortly.
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  • 28 138 Mr. Frank C. Sands, M.8.E., the Scout Commissioner 1 for Malaya, visited Teluk Arson on Friday and informally inspected j th*- Ist Teluk Anson (A.C.S.) Boy Su>ut T»-cop.
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    • 90 138 [Reubr's Service.] London, Feb. 22. The following is the AssDciation Cup draw for the sixth round to be played on March 6th. Orient ea. Manchester City. Notts Forest vs. Bolton. Swansea vs. Villa or Arsenal. Fulham vs. Sunderland or Manchester United. London, Feb. 22. The following are the
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    • 26 138 [Reuter's Service.] London, Feb. 23. The following are the results of to-day's Scottish League matches: Dundee 1, Partick 0. St. Mirren 2, Motherwell 2.
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    • 70 138 [Reuter's Service.] Melbourne, Feb. 22. Australia does not send a Davis team this year. The decision is due to the depleted finances and the fact that Anderson and Patterson are not available. New York, Feb. 22. In the Indoor doubles final, Tilden and Fred Anderson beat V. Richards
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    • 52 138 [Reuter's Service.! Georgetown, Feb. 23. The return match between the M.C.C. and Demerara was drawn. The M.C.C. m their first innings compiled 385 (Hammond nnd Calthjrpe scoring 111 and 64 respectively). Demerara made 348, Fernandes contributing 120. The M.C.C. m their second innings made 124 for the loss of
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    • 57 138 [Reuter's Service.] Ormond Beach, Florida. Feb. 23. Over thirty-six holes Gene Sarazen and Leo Diegel beat Compston and Massy by 8 and 7. Lakeland, U.S.A., Feb. 25. Archie Compston with a score of 285 won the Lakeland Open Ridge championship of seventy-two holes. Melhorn, 290 was second and Sarazen
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    • 76 138 February Medal. The result of the above is a win for A. F. Dale who returned a score of 82 18 64 nett. The Ball Sweeps held m connection with the Medal were won by F. T. Jervis who returned scores of: 40—7 33 nett on Saturday.
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    • 106 138 Nunneley Beats Manners. The final of the Rantau tournament open singles, postponed from the previous Monday owing to rain, took place on Friday afternoon, the contestants being Nunneley and Manners. The latter for the first half of the match played a wonderfully fine game, and, after he
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    • 82 138 V.M.C.A. Win Pramroz Cup. The V.M.C.A. won the Franroz Cup by defeating Raffles School on the Stadium ground, yesterday afternoon. The school eleven gave quite a good account of themselves m the first few minutes, but the V.M C.A. soon established their superiority and led by four goals to
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  • 690 138 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 23. There was a larger crowd present to-day including Sir George and Lady Maxwell and H.H. the Sultan of Perak and suite. The weather was good but the starts were unsatisfactory. Race I.— Jadi (Billett) 7.13 1 Cleopatra (Davies)
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  • 403 138 The I'enang-tiangKok Maim. During the Chinese New Year holidayreports the Bangkok Times, Polo m Bangkok has received the biggestl stimulus ever. Our Penang neighbours sent up a team to avenge their defeat last year and after they had been beaten by five good goals to nil. His Majesty, the
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  • 60 138 [Reuters Sen ice.] London, Feb. 24 At Lords, a meeting of the M.C.C. selected Mr. P. F. Warner as chairman and Messrs. Perrin and Gilligan as the test selections sub-committee. They will co-opt two professionals, one from the North and one from the South, with full powers, and
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  • 87 138 [Reuters Service.] London, Feb. 24. Football Association Cup re plays resulted as follows: Arsenal 2. Villa 0. Manchester United 2. Sunderland London. Feb. 24. The following are the results of to-day V English and Scottish League matches Division I. Bur >* 2, West Bromwich 0. Division 111 (.Southern).
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  • 40 138 [Reuter's Service.] London. Feb. 24. The draw for the Scottish Cup to be played on Mar. 6th is as follows:— Morton vs. Rangers. St. Mirren vs. Airdrie. Third Lanark vs. Aberdeen or St. Johnstone,. Celtic vs. Dumbarton.
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  • 36 138 The S.C.C. had a weak side out for their match against a Military side on the Pa dang yesterday evening, and after a scrappy game were beaten by one goal to nil.
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  • 450 139 r H. P. Whitley has resumed duty iKI'.V. p-tuil f. Coaains has hsen transferred ot officers, S.S.V.F. rts CourthsaJ hi officially roeen> i Consul lei France at Singapore. R 0 N UTs anp dntment a.s Assistant rintendent Straits Settlements Police oa confirmed Mien has eft Singapore
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  • 127 139 following had the honour of dining 'Mth Hhl Excellency the Governor and Lady Guillemard at Government House on Feb28th: Hon. Mr. T. W. Clayton, Mr. <; W. A. Trimmer. Dr. R. D. Fitzgerald, Mr. H. Hamilton. Lt. Col. and Mrs. D. ter, Dr. K. Black. Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 96 139 ROYAL SUSSEX REGIMENT'S MARCH. R val TJllia.ll Regiment, who leave pore at the end of next week for Pindi, had their last route march ternary morning, when they marched the barracks at Tanglin, via Chats"•th Road, Grange Road, River Valley ad. and Tank Road to Orchard Road. H K. The
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  • 2465 139 j PUBLIC PARK AT TANJONG KATONG. I Commissioners Approve Request to Government. A resolution by Mr. E. A. Brown that the Governor-in-Council should be prayed to hand over for the use of the inhabitants of the town the portion of land known as Tanjong Katong Fort site, "so
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  • 43 139 REPORTED CONFESSION. [Aneta Service.] Wcltc\rtden, Feb. 25. The man Ent Jin, arrested on suspicion of the murder of .Vis. Macfie at Garoet. is reported to have made a full confession. Reports of the confessions' of other accused persons are unfounded.
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  • 36 139 [Aneta Service.] Weltevreden, Feb. 24. A Communist threw a bomb of primitive make on the road alongside the hf.u^c »f the Resident of Djokjakarta this morning at five o'clock. No damage was done.
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  • 1170 140 Qmcquid agnnt homines no»tri est farraja. Li'.tclli Juvenal. We have often wondered when one medical man prescribes or operates or. another, which of the two derives more satisfaction. Politicians thoroughly enjoy pulling each others' policies to pieces and merchants have been known to smile at the
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  • 291 140 lesieraay.s Kun. Although the entries this year were slightly less than those of last year, the Recond reliability nial for motor cycles which was held yesterday was m every way as great a success. The course was generally slightly more difficult this time, but the absence
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  • 179 140 LITIGATION OVER SHARE IN WEALTHY ESTATE. In the Supreme Court on Saturday the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, delivered judgment m the action m which Tan Chew Hoe Neo sued several defendants for a declaration that the share of Chee Peck Bong m the estate of Chee
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  • 26 140 Notes m circulation on February l st amounted to $163,514,913. The total guarantee fund is $103,5(58,101, of which $110 '21,934 is m liquid form.
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  • 1157 140 PRISONERS ACQUITTED. I An important appeal of great interest to the Malay community was argued by Mr. E. L. Talma, on Wednesday morning, m the Johore Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice James McCabe Reay, on behalf of Mohamed Din bin .Sahad, Wahab bin Mohamed Sah, Awang bin
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  • 504 140 ECHO Ol RICE SHORTAGE. Agreeing with the Official Assignee (H r E. E. Colman) that he was formerly wealthy man, a twakow owner named few Ah Leng- was publicly examined m the Bankruptcy Court on Friday. He said his liabilities, unsecured, amount ed to $29,000. and, m addition
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  • 159 140 It is up to motorists to avail themartwf of the extra road space made for them by the police on Orchard Road. The police are succeeding m keeping slow traffic on the extreme left and to make stationary vehicles occupy as littl road space as possible. If drivers will
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  • 729 141 H.H the Sultan of Perak, accompanied by his A.D.C, visited the Police Ik pot, Kuala Lumpur, on Friday morning, and adIS4 I th. Malay Police. \V. aaV r-ta-id Mr. P. G. Stirling, of Messrs. Slant, Darby and Co., Ltd.. Penang. i- pr needing v Ipoh within
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  • 1019 141 ANNUAL MUTING. The annual meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association was heid at their Town Centre, B, Raffles Quay, on Fiiri. aftirnton, Lady Guilbma' tin the chair. m her remarks, Lady Guillemard said that the annual meeting was of special interest, reviewing the work of
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  • 252 141 CLEARING UP COMPLETE. 'Best Managed and Most Interesting Pavilion." (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 4. In response to an enquiry as to whether there was anything further to add with regard to the work of clearing up the Malaya Section at Wembley, Mr. Andrew Caldecott T
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  • 251 141 VERDICT OF MURDER RETURNED. At the conclusion of the inquest touching the deaths of five Chinese women who were entrapped m a room on the first floor df No. 9 Sago Street when the premises caught fire recently, the Coroner, Mr. F. G. Bourne, returned a verdict
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  • 122 141 At a meeting of the Parochial Church Council held on 19th Jan. it was unanimously decided that the Archdeacon should engage another priest for the Cathedral staff. There used to be three priests at the Cathedral m 1912 and the work has certainly grown no less since
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  • 410 141 SATURDA VS RECORD CROWD. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 27. The last day of the Selangor races att:acted a rec3rd crowd, those present including H. H. the Sultan of Perak, Sir George and Lady Maxwell, and the Resident, the hon'ble Mr. H. W. Thomson, and Mrs.
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  • 277 141 The United Services wound up the season on Friday by defeating the Singapore Volunteer Corps at Tanglin by 3 goals to 2 m a fast and interesting game, which was much appreciated by the large number of spectators. During the first half the Services pressed most of the
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  • 39 141 [Reuter's Service.] London, Feb. 25. League match results were Division 11. Swansea 6, Blackpool 1. Division 111 (Southern.*. Rangers 1, Aberdare 3. Newport 1, Millwall 0. Charlton 1. Watford 1. Division 111 (Northern J. Grimsby 4, Barrow 0
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  • 1109 142 INJUNCTION AGAINST PUBLISHERS DISCHARGED. A Faked Photograph. The injunction whi.b was obtained on he half <»f Wong Yong Soo, the complainant m the case m whicn Goh Hood Kiat was charged at the Assizes last year with attempted murder, restraining the Lat Pau Press, the publishers,
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  • 474 142 "THE SPORT OF KINGS." Singapore Favourites* Return Visit. The Quaints have for long occupied an unquestioned position with theatre goers throughout the East as one of the strongest I favourites of ail the companies who come to I entertain us from time. The excellent re- putation they have
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  • 114 142 A daring robbery which was committed m the five foot way of North Bridge road m broad daylight on Sunday was reported to the Police. Four Chinese are said to have attacked a Hokien hawker and robbed him of all his money amounting to $30. The hawker was
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  • 630 142 HUNDREDS HOMELESS. The amount of damage that a packet ot crackers can cause has never, m the history of the Colony, been demonstrated on a more dangerous scale than yesterday afternoon, when, it is said, the origin of a fire which razed numbers of attap houses
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  • 199 142 Graham Yapp. Mr Alexander Graham, 5 urveyor of Ships, < Idest son of Mr. John Graham. Superintendent Shipwright. Singapore Harbour Board, and Mrs. Graham, was yesterday morning, m the Presbyterian Church, married to Miss May Murray Yapp, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Yapp, of Irvine, Scotland.
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  • 102 142 THREE DEATHS REPORTED IN JOHORE TRAGEDY. Three Chinese were killed and others wounded by an tther Chinese ran "amok" at Kluang, m North J., 1 on Wednesday night, according to a r< which we received last night. It ap; that the man armed himself with a pa
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  • 148 142 A sensational murder is being in\. ated by the Rochore P dice who receive-.: report after 9 o'clock on Saturday tseniag and proceeded to No. 60 Aliwal Streei learn that Chong Xi Choo. a Keh Chine* said to be the owner of certain estat' Pulo Tekong,
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  • 367 142 Kwa Siong Lim, storekeeper to Messi Sandilands Buttery and Co., and his >..i. H. Kwa, were defendants to a judgment summons which came before Mr. Justin Deane m the Supreme Court yesterday iftcrnoon, the judgment creditors being tht Ho Hong Bank. Replying to Mr. R. Page, for
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  • 209 142 There were several distinguished passengers on board the P. and O. Morea, which arrived m port during the- week-end and left for China on Sunday. They included Dame Adelaide Mary Anderson, D.8.E., the Baroness Clifton, Lady D. Hosie, Lady Gordon, the Hon. Mrs. Carson, and the Hon.
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  • 5306 143 [Aneta Service.] London, Feb. 22. I the TI >use ef CoaamoUW, Mr. Scurr V r the Government af India had Bed to contribute towards the cant construction and ma.ntenance of the Navi.l B. M at Singapore. If not, whether ms psupnaad to a >-k for such a contribu- n.
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  • 218 144 LECTURE BY PROF. FRAEUNDLICH A T Y.M.C.A. There was a large attendance at Professor Fraeundlich's lecture at the V.M.C.A. last night. Professor Fraeundlich, who was head of ihe German expedition to Sumatra for the purpose of making obr.orvations during the recent eclipse of the sun, gave an interesting account of
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  • 72 144 Two fatalities: were recorded during the week-end. I n North Bridge road on Sunday afternoon, a Teochew was knocked down by a motor bus and killed. An Essex ear hit a tree m Bukit Timah road on Saturday evening and a Malay woman was killed m the smash.
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  • 18 144 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huntsman of Ipoh returned from Home on Thursday by the P. and O. Morea.
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  • 238 144 S.R.Cs FIRST MATCH. S.C.C 3: S.RC The S.R.C. turned out against has S.( for their first match this year on thePadang yesterday evening. They Lav.' a very indifferent display and were beaten by 3 goalr to nil. There were several newcomei «< to the S.R.C. side but the services
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  • 102 144 The Ladies bogey Mtion wa- phyud yesterday afternoon and resulted m a win foi Mrs. Whitley. Thirty thine curds were taken out and It. a- r turned: Mrs. M. H. I). P7h 10 3 up. Mrs. Johnstjn 15 2 up. Mrs. Heron i;> i up Mrs. Hunter
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  • 174 144 (From Our Own Correspondent*. London, Feb. I. Some bills of exchange sent over to this country are made our ,f rUBUCr, and a lead ing firm of paper mea chants showed sm several to-day. They were slightly bent than paper, but A their IndntiuUil save
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  • 189 144 The Chap Goh Meh C! lobrat i. durum Saturday and Sumh... ssghta, saflhabilj on Saturday night, wen of an exceedingly iavi.-h nature. Al! the large and even the small Chim-e dwelling slasus, and the pnlatial residences i Kngnnora*s Inw4ay« were en fete during Saturday eight, th" spproaeh
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  • 53 144 A committee meeting of the Strain S Mf meats (Singapore) Assex-iation wil Ik held on Monday. March hth. m toe pore Ranaansgu Boom at p.m. The a-, le include-: Traffic control, Town Improvemont Bill, Estates Act 1925, to WW** ar, consider nominations and ballot for nsrumj on
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