The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 20 February 1924

Total Pages: 16
113 128 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 196 113 I EADBB& V ;>. alls Governmert ILI I !\.»r Contretemps. 113 Spirit m Cash. 114 jn Gtrmany. 114 Bad Caustrie 114 als 114 Strflu Mtthml. 114 I \n;> COUBT NEWS. I md At 128 BRS TO THE EDITOR. S, iiood 118, 20 Ud Fair Trade 121 SHNTT. N 118
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  • 89 113 February, 18. $141.'* 20.00 27.00 d i>.oo 14.00 Bi 9. r »0 12.20 12.60 Benares unt. 4.000 narnruon .vhi-.e 275.00 ■m Xo. 1 for export 30.00 9 X«> to: txport 310.00 1 for t-xport 232.00 No for export 213.00 Broken Al for export 190 Broken Cl for export 165
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    • 42 113 STABB ON 23rd January, at 7. Palace Gate, W.S, the wife of Sir Newton Stabb, slaughter. CARTER. At the Maternity Hospital. I Singapore, on Feb. 13th to Mrs, Carter, wife of Payma.-t;?r Lieut. -Commander B Carter, P-'sident Naval Officer, a daughter.
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    • 172 113 WILLIAMS-JENKINS. -February 15th, 1923, at the Registrar's Office, Penan^, F. S. Williams, of Bukit Toh Alung Estate, Kuala Ketil, Kedah. younpest son of the late H.nry Astley Williams, C. E.. to Joyce Anghnri.ti, younger and only surviving daughter of the late Sir John Jenkin*. X. C.5.1., 1.C.5., M«2 Lady
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    • 46 113 FITZ-GERALI>: At Johore Bahru. suddenly, on the 16th. last, Winifred, beloved wife of Richard Desmond Fiu-Gera!d, P. M. 0.. Johore. ANTHONIS7.— At the Genera! Ho piUJ on February 1... Htib rt Edpar late of Topham, Jones and Railton. Ceylon and Penanjr papers please copy.
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  • 58 113 February, 18. Bank 4 m.s. 2j4 7-32 Bank, demand 2|4fc Private credits 3 rr.>. 2;4 8 New Ye k, demand r >o Credits i'O days 82% France, d:i. and 1050 India. T. T. Hongkong, femand 1% Pc Yokohama, d.nia^id 108% Java, demand Bangkok, demand 791 '8 Sovereign. B^nk Baying
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  • 34 113 Simrap're, F<b. IS, 12 neon. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet. .Spot 47 47U: March 47^4 48; April-June 49 49%; July-Sent. T>o 50%. London Quotation Sutt 1-. l%d Xark?S Quiet.
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  • 647 113 Feb. 14. On the whole Mr. Mac Donald's as- sumption ci command m the House of Lornii.jns proves that me antici- j pfetioAS that he will make a successful political leader are not without i foundation. There is the proper tone about it. He thanked those of
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  • 433 113 t vu. 10. ihe curious ana the supersutiousiy uiciinea, wuj niia m ihe march of c\eiits Hi connection with the openjug of the tomb of Tutankhamen, facts of a sufficient significance to give colour to the assertions of the Egyptians that the work on the tomb was
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  • Page 113 Advertisements
    • 90 113 "fiagapeSS Fiee Press*' from Europe to th Strait? 'ines. are invited tt> send -he name of their steamer and :>o:e. Copies will then :em at various ports of cal; Kurope Aching detailed m vVc. can have a copy 9 L:<t ported to them > the weekly 12s. per quarter Manatfefel
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  • Page 113 Miscellaneous
    • 265 113 THE WEEK'S NEWS. The nail which arrived on Saturday, brorght London advices up to January 24th. This weekly navis by the B. 1. sttamtr Tara to-day. Incessant rain ipoilt the sporting programme arranged for the visit of the Special Service Squadron, as most of the events j of the tii:-:
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  • 570 114 Feb. 16. Not the least of the objects of the ciuise of the Empire Squadron now lyir.<r m Singapore Roads, is the revival of the "sea spirit* of the Emphv. That is the very foundation of Britain's growth, by which her people spread abroad and
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  • 424 114 Months ago it was evident that the Separatist movement m the Rhine provinces was doomed to failure directly the French support was withdrawn. That support has been denied, but sufficiienit evidence has been forthcoming to show that if the French did not officially support the bands of
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  • 812 114 Feb. 18. The Special Squadron has come and gone and to the intense satisfaction of Singapore Saturday showed them a little bit of normal Singapore weather. If by chance they met with the description alluded to by the title of a book of which we are
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  • 357 114 Feb. 19. We do not suppose that the proposals of Government m regard to venereal disease measures as stat^ by the Attorney General m Counci will entirely satisfy any one of th* various schools of thought or action on this matter. They amount to a compulsory
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  • 509 114 As far as can be seen from surface indications the present dock strike is, like the recent railway Mrike, merely another instance rival jealousies of trade union leaders. This is always one of the weakest points about labour organisationand it is a weakness which those opposed
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  • 127 115 At (ardiflf the weather was fine and m>(X) spectators Wales beat Scotan<i by 2 goals to nil. The attendance was a record for the international at Cardiff. There was f thrilling: play during the opening ut the cleverness of the respective i revented scoring. After fifteen iMUI m
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  • 764 115 tain it. E. Vyvyan, M.C., M.8.E., S assumed duty as Command crtic.r on the 111 February, 1924. N S I'jrban beat the Ea?t Surrey tot final match for the United Shif'd m Hongkong, by two goals Grt-ville, a personal friend of Their Kirir George and Queen Mary, I mmfH to
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  • 367 115 Critics are inclined to be slightly leornful of ladies' dress m Malaya and style us ovtr-dres>ed yet dowdy says a lady m the Malay Mail, but they mght much more justly turn a little of their scorn m the dire tion of our male belongings. Granted we
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  • 1585 115 THE NEW RULERS. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Jan. 24. There are strong points m the new Ministry and there are weak ones-. Let me t*ke the latter. Walsh is ridiculous at the War Office. A miners' agent he knows rothing whatever about the War Office nor
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  • 164 115 T" 2 following figures (m tons) have been "♦in}' _d from statement issued by the Rtibter Aer>o::ation cf America. Totals *****1 *****6 ***** ***** ***** 1526 Percentage 100 58.8 17.1 10.2 13.4 .5 Recorded exports from British Malaya to U.S.A. November 1922 to October 1923, tens
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  • 144 115 A report of the R.G.A. propaganda comm;ttee states that 208,000 copies of the crepe rubber folder had been issued and enquiries had as a result poured m, and the President of the National Association of Shoe Retailers had said he had never seen such
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  • 3191 116 MONDAY, DECEMBER 17. His Excellency the Governor (Sir Laurence GuiHemand). Lieut. 001. R. L. B. Thompson ("Officer Commanding the Troops). The Hon'ble the Colonial Secretary (Sir Fredrick Seton James K. B. E., C. M. G.). The Hon'ble the Attorney-General (Sir J. W. Murison K. C.) The Hon'ble the
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  • 526 116 RUGBY. S. C. C. 4cfe*t China Squadron Although they succeeded m defeat ir team representing the ships of the Chitil Squadron by a fairly large margin on the Padang yesterday afternoon, the S. c. j had by no means an easy time of it. k tackling on both
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  • 663 117 THRUSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1924. MALACCA NEWS. GOLF CLUB. Malacca, Feb. 11. ..nnual opening" day of the Golf Club held on Tuesday and a most interesting amme was carried through. Unnauly a heavy rainstorm ii- the afterrat her damped the proceedings but not enthusiasm cf the players, who nobly i\ oured
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  • 45 117 ■M ftmsttd at Tiinjonjr Penrnaa of the Government itnt on the sth. inst and W»l prtdbttd before the fi tciay morning when fan posse-<on of unlicer.ced ammunition were preferre*! The a vuis po<tpone<l. The a trader at Tanjong Penyuroh M Wtn f.und n his hou-e.
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  • 870 117 INCIDENTS ON BOARD AND IN PORT. The;e cruiser Hcod has been the Fcene of many "shooting affairs'' ever since she left her English port last November, but they have been productive of no more seru-us < utcome than the reproduction on reel's £.tu] reels of cinema
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  • 63 117 Between sis and raven o'clock !art evening- the Fir? Brigade leceWed a call from Robinson Road. One engine attended and on arrival it was found there \va- an outbreak m one of the storage godowns, near the Union Jack Cub. containing rubber srd oil. The outbreak waff not certain and
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  • 840 117 FLEET BEATEN AT RUGBY. i The Cricket Club, the members of which were "at home," was the principal centre of entertainment of the visitors from the Special Service Squadron yesterday afternoon, and although the weather had the unwelcome effect of causing the abandonment of the cricket
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  • 86 117 Tlie State Engineer of Johore warns motorists that owing: to heavy rains and tins portions of the road between Muar prul Johore ar& m very bad condition an^i rises that this road be not used pendin 5 further notice. There is nmxeh speculation m Perak to who arc to be
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  • 725 117 HYDROPLANE AS ADMIRAL'S BARGE. FINE WAR RECORD. Visitor! to the Hood, if they have not beta fortunate enough to see the craft itself, will probably have observed the acj commcdation that exists on board the j battle-cruiser for the hydroplane which Messrs' Thornycrofr and Co. have provided for use as
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  • 117 117 P«?n?.ner F '>. 13. In conre.tion w..h the fiacovery of a newly bc:i Chinese ferial' chile: en the fc-sshcre cSf Fart Co^nwtllia, thf Coroccr found tha" 1 he c'.vV. had bwn killed b- being put ir j th' se'i ail there drowned. t.nd that r i ?.n I.
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  • 24 117 Mr. Andrew Robertson has been appointed a director of Messrs. John Little and Company, Limited, of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur ss from February 10th.
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  • 947 118 However disgruntled we may have had reason to be m the past at the interference of the weather with our sporting existence here we have never had more justifiable cause for annoyance than m the saturated circum tances which necessitated the abandonment of the various sporting fixtures on
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  • 318 118 The President Harrison, the first of the Do lar Steamship Line steamers to start on a round the world trip arrived m Singapore yesterday morning:. Thirty two passengers are making the round the world trip on board the President Harrison, amongst them being Mr. R. S.
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  • 324 118 Funeral of Petty Officer Woods. Colombo, January 30. New- has reached Colombo of the tragic accident which yesterday befell one of the four motor-buses which were conveying eight officers and 120 men from Trincomalee to Kandy. It appears that the bus capsized about a mile from
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  • 137 118 To the Editor. Sir I crave the courtesy of a little space m your valuable paper with a view to settling an argument which has been rife, at kast among the Asiatics, since the arrival of the Special Service Squadron m local waters. It m be'ng maintained
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  • 50 118 Detective Inspector Lyons arrested 17 men at Telok Ayt-r on Tuesday and charged them before the Police Courts yesterday with fraudulent possession of 25 tons of coal. The coal which is believed to have been stolen from v ;ps> supplies, was- contained m five twakows. The men have been remanded.
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  • 1026 118 If you're hoping to learn how Valentine came to be numbered amongst the Saints, don't read this for we can't enlighten you. On the erection of the pyramids, the winter resort of flies, or the success of barmaids' marriages, we feel certain of our ability
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  • 654 118 MR. BRUCE ON EMPIRE DEFENCE. Mr. S. M. Bruce, Prime Minister of Au>j tralia, who was the guest of the L« branch cf the Australian Native-' j ciation at a dinner at the Hotel I January 15th., maintained that neither tm<fe with Russia nor the re-establishnut.- Europe
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  • 96 118 Religious Fanatics' Battle. [Aneta Service.] Weltevreden. Feb. 11. Yesterday at Tan^erang:, 20 miles Batavia, severe figrhting- occurred bey 41 native religious fanatics and the ptlfce. The fanatics, armed wHk nativt- BWOpdi and knives, declared that they v ished to proclaim a new kingdom at Mount (Mfh. All
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  • 668 119 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1924. MELVILLE DEVELOPMENT SYNDICATE. AMALGAMATION PLAN CARRIED. At art extraordinary general meeting of tne abuve Com, any held at the registered oflkes. Battery road, yesterday, a resolution fur the amalgamation of the Melville Development Syndicate and Anston Estate, was unanimously carried. Mr. A. E. Baddeley presided and
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  • 59 119 of the Civil Service are t r.tertain Sir Frederick James d nner m Singapore towards •he current month. (S. Echo). Hen. Mr. Ralph Scott has been a the prevailing influenza has now recovered. A curious I the outbreak is that it has been usively confined to mien. It bit long,
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  • 1458 119 NAVY AND TURTLE EGGS. THE AIMS OF THE CRUISE. The Admirals of the Special Squadron were entertained to luncheon by Mr. R. J. Farrer and the members of the Municipal Commission m the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday and the function was one of the most successful that
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  • 239 119 Action taken at meeting of Committee No. 3. on Bth February. Approved purchase of 20,000 square yards of Maxwell steel reinforcement at an approximate cost of $11 800<. Recommended that the Commissioners accept responsibility for drainage, water, and construction of latrines and bithrooms on the land allotted
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  • 145 119 >L\ Justice Acton delivered judgment m the Supreme Court yesterday morning m the action m which Lew Yong Choi sued Lew Yong Pheow, the executor under his father's will. His lordship granted the administration decree which was sought and oiciered accounts to be taken. A stay of execution
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  • 44 119 The F.M.S. Government is evidently relaxing tthe purse strings. Eleven twelfths of the e?timated expenditure for 1923 IMOTintl to a little over eleven millionThe actual amount expended was 23% miliion dollars. Even then there was over five mi'Vons ca=h m the treasuries and banks.
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  • 520 119 MANY BRAVE THE RAIN. There seems to be little prospect of a change m the unkind weather conditions. At the "At Home" given on board the "Hood" yesterday afternoon, it was not unusual to hear the question "Is Singapore always like this?" uttered repeatedly
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  • 169 119 Our visitors will join with us m thinking that Jupiter P. hi,s treated us badly tins month. In the records oj rainfall, February was the driest of the year m 1835, 1874, 1876, 1881, 1883, 1884. 1893, 1894, 1899, and 1916. On three time? since 1821
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  • 123 119 General Malcolm left Singapore by the n^ght train from Newton Station last night. No official farewell ceremony marked the General's departure, but a small gathering, which however was representative of the different departments with which the General's official duties m Singapore brought him m touch, assembled at
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  • 112 119 On Feb. 6, two bulls were killed by a t'ger on Subang estate, Batu Tiga. The following evening Mr. Finkieston, of Rasak estate, accompanied by Mr. Rait and the Penghulu of Batu Tiga sat over the carcases m a 'maahan" about 8 feet high. The tiger very shortly made its
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  • 81 120 To the Editor. Sir. With reference to yorr footnote to "IntcrestedV enquiry re the battlecruiser Hood, will you please enlighten me and my friends* is there is not at present another nation building a warship larger thar the H. M. S. Hood. Thank::'? you m anticipation.
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  • 476 120 WONDERFUL DECORATIONS. A BRILLIANT GATHERING. The unusual spell of bad weather which has visited Singapore this week, affecting adversely the many outdoor arrangements made by the Squadron Entertainment Committee for the entertainment of the visitors, wa? powerless to interfere with the success of the Ball given at
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  • 100 120 fierm.-.n Seamen's Appeal D smissed. In the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Acto^ t-.vo Germar seamen, named Fischer and Glanier, appealed against a decision of the District Judge, by whom they were sentenced to three months' imprisonment *.nd a fine of $200 for being illegally m possession
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  • 18 120 The Rev. W. G. Parker, of Kuala Lumpur, Mrs. Parker and children have left Jor Hcme via Rangoon.
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  • 102 120 (Fr- m Our Own Correspondents.) Penang, Feb. 14. At the first i-nnual meeting of the ExServio* Association of Penan™*, and Province We!le?]ey, Colonel Whyte presiding, the balance m hand \va?- reported to be $150 and t v e membership 78. while more had joined The report
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  • 759 120 An alteration m the rtkles regarding certificated midwives has been gazetted. A fiffet-class appraiser's licence for Johore has been issued to Dato W. N. Gawler. A law to provide for the maintenance of wives and children m Johore has been passed. The importation into the Colony
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  • 1403 120 Quiequid agunt homines nostri est farrag* Libelli JuvenaL The Topicist, who has at times sympathised with the Editor m his occasional grumbles at that necessary institution, Reuter'3, is still rca<h^io give the Devil his due. He therefore deems it a duty to point out to some
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  • 223 120 Surveyors Btsily at Work. ConskJerable progress 1 has bet with the preliminary work of invest a m connection with the possib'..electric scheme for Perak by II will B Armstrong, Whitworth and CMpRBJ well-known London firm. Levels along the Perak Rivi-r ha\< taken and the survey paity
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  • 124 120 There has been a most curious oi of what is termed either septic th influenza m Kuala Lumpur lately. of the officers of H.M.S. Rtpuke tad R have taken the infection and it I cause of the cancelling of m<vt §i tennis matches recently Deve very rapid and
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    • 605 121 To t u e Editor. —Wit.i reference to what has appear- >cal press of recent dates with uirl Prot. .-tion. Free Trade, Cheap t:c, r rising laigely out of the jj 4 iiseu sions, much of the local fefijng would appear to favour so called
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  • 105 121 X action was taken at meetttm S >. 4 held on 12th Februtr i Sew;.ras:e Engineer to I and estimates for sewage I to deal with a million the question o? aeration agitation to b 3 decided later. t JetftSn the backs o.! No. 8 K«l 5 and
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  • 599 121 THE KING'S MESSAGE TO SINGAPORE. At the dinner given on board H.M.S. Hood on Wednesday, Vice-Admiral Sir F. L. Field m h s speech said: Your Excellency, it is my pleasant duty to convey a message from His Majesty King George. When Thad
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  • 524 121 Large Crowds Witness Smart Evolution. The ceremonial march by the Naval Brigade from the ships of the Special Service Squadron early yesterday morning aroused a considerable amount of interest and enthusiasm along the route covered during the departure of the Brigade from ColIyer Quay at 8.30 and
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  • 212 121 Clos.i upon four hundred people were present as the Special Service Squadron Dance which was held at the Tanglin Club last night. Amons? the principal guests were H. E. Sir Laurence Guill maid and Lady Guilemard, who brought a large party from Government House, including Admiral Sir
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  • 210 121 £1.000,000 Post Office for Singapore. Th<? London firm, Messrs. Perry and Co., (Bow) Ltd., have secured the contract for the now General Post Office at Singapore, a building of reinforced, which will cost about £1,000,000. The work is expected to occupy four year?-. As much of the
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  • 226 121 Reports that have reached us Straits Echo, of the sailors of the Light Cruiser Squadron being unconscionably fleeced by the local moneychangers over the rate of exchange from sterling into Straits dollars during their recent visit to Penang seem to have been grossly exaggerated, if not entirely unfounded,
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  • 36 121 Sir Walter Shaw, Mr. Justice Brown and Mr. Justice McCabe Reay go to Alor Star for the Court of Appeal commencing there on the 19th. The Kedah list includes several criminal appeals and one civil appeal.
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  • 967 121 SQUADRON TEAM WINS GAME OF THRILLS. When Navy meets Army then is the tug. of war. The rivalry of the Services has existed almost as long as the Services themselves and the prospect of a kee:i struggle between them is enough to draw a large audience.
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  • 128 122 YESTERDAY'S AUCTION. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, held its 642 nd auction, yesterday when there was Catalogued 1,135,546 lbs.; 506.93 tons. Offered 853,795 lte.; 381.15 tons. Sold 653,076 lbe., 291.55 tons. PRICES REALIZED. Spot. London Is. l%d. New York 25 Ya cts. Ribbed Smoked Sheet
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  • 87 122 Singapore, Feb. 15. There is very little to report m the general outlook and prices are again on the easier side. Owing: to the holidays thing? generally have been very quiet and with further liquidation of February rubber there has been nothing to hold prices steady
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  • 207 122 Singapore, Feb. 15. Rubber. Owing to Monday, 11th, being a public holiday the local auction was held a day iater than usual. The tone throughout wa*s very quiet, and prices realised for the better grades show a drop compared with those ruling m the previous sale. The demand
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  • 96 122 The subscription li.-t is open till the 29th inst, of X nta Lode>, Limited, with a capital of $250,000, m one dollar shares, of whicn 200.000 shares are now offered for subscription payable 50 cente on application and 50 cents on allotment. The Company is formed for
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  • 100 122 Prirce Eric of Denmark, who operates a large dairy farm at Innisfail on the Canadian National Railways east of Edmonton, Alberta, is enthusiastic respecting the success which has attended his enterprise. Last season he produced 200,000 pounds of butter, for which he secured a ready and profitable sale. The Prince
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  • 179 122 Owing to the lack of suitable machinery for the extraction of a clear odourless oil from the copn», the production of coconut cii m Malaya has been confined to lowgrade oils for local consumption. Recently, however, a concern, known as the Coconut Products Company, with factory
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    • 64 122 [Reuter's Service.] London, Feb. 14. A conference of delegates of county golf unions at York has unanimously decided to challenge for the American Walker cup. At the golf tournament of Hua Hin, Siam's new seaside resort, the Siamese golf championship was won by Mr. A. O. Robins with 183
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    • 45 122 London, Feb. 6. The Cup Tie replays to-day have resulted as follows: Notts County 0, Crystal Palace 0. Leeds 1, West Ham United 0. Watford 1, Exeter 0. Bristol City 2, Sheffield Wednesday 0. Newcastle 2, Derby 2. Halifax 0, Manchester City 0.
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    • 69 122 London, Jan. 26. Cannes-. The results of the finals m the Gallia Club Lawn Tennis Tournament are: Men's Doubles. Leighton Crawford and Aslangul beat Col. Mayes and Lamb 9|7, 3 6, 6 3, 63. Ladies' Doubles. Mdile. Lenglen and Miss Ryan beat Mrs. Covell and Mrs. Shepherd
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    • 70 122 London. February 4. The following is the draw for the third round of the Association Cup to be played on February 23 Cardiff v. Wednesday or Bristol City. Palace or Notts County v. Swindon. Southampton v. Liverpool. West Bromwich v. Charlton or Wolverhampton. Exeter or Watford v.
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    • 21 122 London, Feb. IS. In the Inter-Services Rugger tournament the Navy beat the Air-Force by 16 to 9 at Twickenham.
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  • 89 122 (By Courtesy of the Nanyo NichiNichi Shimbunsha.) Tckio, Feb. 14. Ohkura-Gumi has takm steps for seizure of Kawasaki dockyard properties, including •war vessels, which are under construction, for restoration of 10 million Yen which the former hi entitled to by the decison of the Supreme Court. In the
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  • 91 122 The Klondyke is m the grip of another £old and silver rush. At the head of the Beaver river, fifty miles west of Keno Hill, a silver and gold discovery of gieantc proportions has started a stampede from Keno and from Mayo, the major mining settlement
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  • 229 122 Mr. ,T. J. McMichael hag been granted a commission ay Second Lieutenant m the Striits Volunteers. At St. Mark's Church, Seremban, at 10 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 11, the marriage took place of Mr. Fred Girdler, assistant manager, Perhemian Tinggi estate to Miss Violet May Pepperell, daughter of Mrs. K.
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  • 779 122 WHO WOULD EXCHANGE FOR SARAWAK? The Ranee of Sarawak, who, as an English lady, the daughter of Lord Esher, has spent most of her life m this country, has been comparing unfavourably the hectic atmosphere of life m London with the Arcadian atmosphere of life m Sarawak, that
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  • 158 122 The Governor of Hongkong and Lady Stubbs, accompanied by Capt. R. Neville AD. C, were t. Leave Hong*, ng- on February 1, for Manila, where thefv will be the guests of Governor-General Leonard Wood until Feb. 9, vrfhen they intend to return to Hongkong. Mi. Alan Loke has kindly consented
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  • 525 122 (By 'Esme\) Perfumery u-^ed to be a commercia affair but now it seems on the way becoming one of the fine arts. Ai.<: w^ y not? An exquisite perfume is ath n^ p ro ductive of as much pleasure as a W painting, a delicate sta:uette, or
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  • 163 122 Our Australian contemporaries m< achieve a personal touch which we aAMH but Jhesitate to emulate. As an examp 1 we quote the following, which suppose-; refers to Mr. J. D. Hussey A.C.P. "Tre distinguished young military captau ing at a well-known hotel has been msfc|
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  • 119 122 The Yokohama Specie Bai k advic that it is now open to receive a op. for the new 6 J i per cent Imperial Jap; Government Bonds, gold dollar Th culars are as follows. Issue G. $150 millions. 1% pff ot bond Feb. Ist, date of
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  • 31 122 The Bishop of Singapore will h. next month for Canton to take Conference there. To thi, conference M--G. H. Goh of Penang also go -represent the Church of England m Pci
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  • 267 123 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1924. G. O. C's FAREWELL ORDER. •*on vacating my appointment as General Commanding, Malaya, ar.d on leavM H Majesty's Army I wish to thank my IKi-dquarters Staff, all branches and ranks i the Regular Forces for the good work which they hfcve ione and for the loyal
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  • 81 123 \W are indebted to the acting Registrar f Import! and Exports, Singapore, for the ■j comparative return of the total tl ar.d exports of merchandise for the f January 11*24: The total value of Foreign Imports- of Hoi excluding Parcel Post into h Malaya during ■arj,
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  • 61 123 iFrcm Our Own Correspondent). I'enang, Feb. 16. BUM] meeting of Benta Rubber y the hon'ble Mr. W. H. Thome the Chairman said that the ComOtfai producing m Xovember. The •January was approximately 8.500 T «.n allowance for the year September next was 114,569 lb., and March is estimated
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  • 255 123 H. W. r. Gilman. Controller of La- n leave by the Morea and Mr. for him. -iorne, the entire roof of St. Urea, Bangalore, has collapsed. who WOfl working m and •vildir.jr managed to esxape. third time m recent years that r. has suffered such a catastrophe. >'• mt and
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  • 150 123 SQUADRON DEPARTS. HIS EXCELLENCY SAYS GOODBYE. His Excellency the Governor went on board the Hoed yesterday morning and left s/hortly before the fleei got under weigh. The light cruisers were the first to move, the Delhi leading. Gathering up :^peed they turned tail and cruised away, turning
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  • 811 123 The following: farewell messages were exchanged between Vice-Admiral Sir Frederick Field and H. E. the Governor, Sir LmciftCC Guillemard. H.M.S. "HOOD" at S.ngapore, Ifith February, 1924. Ycur Excellency, Before leaving 1 Singapore I desire, on behalf of the Flag Officers Captains, Officers and Ships' Companies of the
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  • 1258 123 Fine Rugby Struggle. The rufcby match en the Padsng on Saturday between the Navy and Malaya, which marked the closing stages of the visit of the Special Service Squadron, was all that it was expected it would be. Although the Malayan side won by the comfolt&bfc
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  • 631 123 A Variable Soccer Game. For the first time on Saturday afternoon fair weather attended the sports fixtures and a ?trong soccer side of the Squadron met a select team of the Malaya Footba'l Association, the result being: a win for the I Sailors. The Malays
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  • 915 124 A fine Evening's Sport. The Xaval boxing couir.-nnent at the Happy Valley nr.'.a on Sa f .t.nh;\ ni;":t brought the entertainments arranged for the Squadron t a conclusion. The weather was favourable and a large crowd turnc-.i cut. Some excellent sport was witnessed and m many of the
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  • 780 124 A SQUALLY MORNING. The race under hand cap for the splendid trophy presented by Sir Frederick James was -ailed yesterday morning 1 and provided fitting thr:l]s as a wind-up to the visit of the cruiser squadron, which left the Harbour as the race was m progress. Fourteen boat? turned
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  • 140 124 I The Bishop of Singapore held a confirmlon service on board the Hood on Saturv afternoon, when twenty-one candidate* the battle-cruisers were confirmed ie Bi>hop also celebrated Holy Commujy bOanl the A Marine's d:ath. The death at the General Hospital of a member o[ the Special Service Squadron led 1
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  • 935 124 NAVAL SLOOP'S COLLECTION OF FAUNA. Fossilized F^h-Lizard. Many interesting fossils and specimens of marine life of *neat scientific va\u*i have been brought to Brisbane by H. M. A. S., the naval survey ship of the Australian navy. Chief among them, however. and apart from its
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  • 374 124 SUBSIDY OF £20 I'Fk MEMBER. SCANDALOIS MISUSE or FUNDS. In the House of Ohhmm 21st at question time Mr. Dark an attack on the Post Office-Sir..: scheme m the following: terms: Mr. Darbishire asked t: e I aiy of State for the Colonies portion of
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  • 105 124 The Match Special Service B Singapore Golf Ciub wa« played M loth instant, a: the New C—Hi. Buk.t Timah Road, and resulted m a win f-.r the Singapore Golf Club by 3 to 2. flic bllowing are the details tlie Squad? ;ay«.r named first: Barry and
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  • 91 124 London, Feb. 7. Cup tit rv\< as follows: Fur ham 0, Burnley 1. Wolverhampton 1, Charltor. In view of the contretemps Mi r.icn of the Cup final at Weml the Board of the British Empire F\: announce that the arranjreme:/ I Cup Final at Wembley on Api
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  • 146 124 (By Courtepy of the \a Nichi Shimbunsha.) Jne T<tRMB Choho, a well-k' w paper has been boujrht by Mr. 1: or of Turin Life In.-nrame I chean price of three hundred thoOi compared with the Yomiuri which a million Yen. on which the buyer ftl cd the negotiation.
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  • 6844 125 [Reuter*s Service.] London. Feb. 12. The House of Commons reassembled quietly but the minster* were soon bombarded with questions m domestic and foreign policy. The Con ,»rvatives were so keen on putting supplen controversial queries, that only half the usual number of questions was disposed of m the first
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  • 810 127 RI T.BY PROSPECTS. <From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 10. X- :vu ning of the season it apn aiai 1 1 ftr would a srreat dearth fa**! England for the next year Z tw*> which, n view of the coming visit d the Nt\v IcUaaAan next year, would
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  • 567 127 MALAY SCHOOLBOYS AND THE FLEET. (From Our Own Correspondent). Johore Bahru, Feb. 16. Wth all the papers full of the visit of the Special Service Squadron, one would of course like to be able to say that Johore ha.« had some pat m it. Unfortunately, however, for Johore,
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  • 186 127 Mr. Joseph Carrier, brother-in-law of Mi. Richards, 1.5.0.. aged 49 and employed af an engineer at Pulau Jerejak Quarantine Camp, passed away suddenly on Tuesday, the 12th instant, while engaged m the performance of his duties at the camp. Mr. S. Bray-hay. Executive Engineer, Hydraulics, Ipoh, b going Home at
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  • 946 127 Not so very long ago the Franco-Belgian frontier was famous for its liUh cottage Cr.rdens. Both the Northern-French and the Southern-Belgians delighted m growing flowers, while they took pride m their fruit and vegetables, competing with each o:hcr at the local s-hows. Indeed, the cot: aiders were
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  • 790 127 THE DIVIDEND. The sixteenth ordinary general meetings of Messrs C. A. Ribeiro and Company m he'd yesterday afternoon. The Chairman, Mr. C. A. da Silva, presided, and there were also present the hon'ble Mr. E. Tessensohn, Messrs C. H. da Silva V. Clumeck, F Martens, (Directors) O.
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  • 68 127 -♦> Sir Robert Ho Tung" one of the two Chinese Commissioners to represent Hor.pkong at the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley, is pining through Singapore on the Fushimi Maru. The engagement is announced of Elizabeth Beatrice, yowigett daughter of Mr. Thomas Wal.'ey, of Manchester and Singapore, to John Kapperr, only
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  • 1430 128 IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. Lotus-eating, m the minds of most, is associated only with lands or islands between the tropic of Capricorn and the Equator. To say that there is ever an impulse just to s.t and stare north of the fiftieth degree of north latitude is to say something
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  • 267 128 Two plain clothes constables who were I en rounds m the vicinity of Mackenzie road J m the early hours of yesterday morning had a very narrow escape when they were fired at by some Chinese. Being: unarmed, the constables were unable to effect the ftlTeft of
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  • 142 128 The report cf the director? of Rambutan, I Ltd., which was to be submitted to the eighteenth general meeting of the company, to be held at Redroth, on January 10, stf-.tes: From the accounts it will be seen that out cf the balance forward from last year (£8.551
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    • 57 128 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 15. The Malay footballers beat the European team by 2 goals to 1 m the League match this afternoon. The marriage tcok place to-day of Mr. Fabian Sebastian Williams, of Bukit Ton Alan Kuala Ketil, Kedah, to Miss Joyce Jenkins* of Ulley
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    • 47 128 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 15. Fire has gutted a tobacconists store m Market Square, the damage amounting to $14,000. Four people have been sent to hospital, including- a Chinese woman who jumped from the third floor and suffered grave injuries-.
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    • 156 128 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. ,16. General Malcolm wa? bidden farewell at the Chines Volunteer Club at a gathering organised by the Chinese community. There was a Large attendance, including the Resident Councillor, the hon'ble Mr. A. B. Voules, the Chief Justice Sir Walter Shaw.
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    • 147 128 F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpor, Feb. 16. The hon'ble Mr. Robson presided over the general meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber cf Commerce. He declared the belief m the beneficial effects of rubber restriction to be justified to a certain extent, tStboomh
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    • 121 128 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penan?, Feb. 18. The marriage to A p'.a^o at St. George V Church of Mr. A. C. ft Beckett Terrell, to Aleyne Helen Mary Hamilton, elder daught( r of llr. A. \V. B. Hamilton, Penang, and of Mrs. Hamilton. The Rev. Mr. Keppel Gamier
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    • 66 128 (rrom Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 18. A meeting of the CeykmeM of Malaya, held at Krala Lumpur, passed a resolution expressing sorrow at the death of Sir Ponnambalam Arunathalam, and deciding to collect money for the establishment of one or more industrial scholarships m his memory,
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  • 82 128 (By Courtesy of lbs Xanyo XichiXichi Shimbunsh;..) Tokio, Feb. ltith. It is now confirmed that there were oniy two victims m the fire m the 3rd pit of Ashio Mine. Forty men were taken out m suffocating condition but all grained consciousness; immediately afterward. The headquarters of the
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  • 33 128 Mr. R. Kellar returned to Ipoh on Wedreday from Singapore, where he has been for surgical treatment. A New York telegram received yesterday j Fays that me physiologist Dx. Jacques Loeb is dead.
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  • 255 128 EXTENSION TO 1%4. There was la d on the table of the Lag >t tive Council yesterday a new Inderflu made between the Governor and the Orients 1 j Telephone and Electric Company, sipru I Sept 25th last. Original indentures mede m 1903 MMI 1917. Under the
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  • 467 128 Proposed Volunteer Enactment, X.M.S. In view of the criticism which ha- levelled at the proposed Volui i ment for the F.M.S General Mr tltOl Ma co!m, the retiring G. O. C. M passed through Ipoh on his way to t<- take steamer for England. the Times of
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  • 96 128 Ifce appHeatioa bf Qeorgt Art-.: St George an;l Dcnire Violet St. C leave to appeal to the Privy C. il RMtter of tht for compensat o' «1k state of Xc-jarri Sembilabefore the Court of Appeal which I Kuala Lumpur this week. I It is not perhaps generally know I Smjrarore,
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