The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 13 February 1924

Total Pages: 16
97 112 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 48 97 IK' I ma Wl t- N< Tear Wl Mutuum Das M F I VlVek W fs Believing ie La i ra. A. P. C, MEETINGS 102 109 T^ Sins ie I w I f the Admira a s Wa 11 11 I? EOI ARTICLES I I t
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  • 45 97 $131. I 0 1 J ro g 4) I far I I export 232 00 r export v apart B: r export I Pad lin 2-C*'- co r Spirit 1 r Spirit p»r Imp. r»- »ria] Grtta J* I G«n->a drua CaDea i: i
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  • 18 97 g Feb. 12. 12 noon. Ribhe-t Si L« Maid 4* 4 v-Sept. 51 K Sheet 1
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    • 26 97 CUBBIXS. A. Koa Feb- I Mi i. W. ri. W Gubbxas, of PLESS. l F it N ton, N Irs. HJ. T F. M. Si
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    • 24 97 >W>DARKE S-. M itholic Choi P Park, Brighton, Pfc G. S. Low, of 1 I re, to Dorothy. o\ i tor, f Lond
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  • 26 97 B-trA 4r. j Bi:^. itm Privatt ertd I Ci France, den T.T < Hor Tokohai j Bang* -"<* Bark of Ens'.v.-.i B < Bar S v I M
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  • 38 97 London. Feb. 11. t Lenin's i I ft < tso long nations littai a■ maintained. London. F< HA te < ini-m fr -•> that red tl Lett i -at M its mntinox I re- rssistai fter a A rt Bfnl 1
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  • 518 97 E I .7. Dy releasing Uhandi the Govern:..c-!.: of India had probably taken the r -k 01 the lesser oi two eviis. Iho^e c\vo eviis from a standpoint c: the political outlook in India, were first, at by release Gha:. li might once again become the focus active
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  • 432 97 me first £ay 01 tne first oi i year .32 baa come i gone. A*: Ls the tirst year 0: cyci^, mucn importance Is attacked lc it by magicii -an aati i or ary C hiness c .> >n this as a ay. Yet we can
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  • Page 97 Advertisements
  • Page 97 Miscellaneous
    • 189 97 THE WEEK'S NEWS. itei Ja l 171 brought h arriv F This W( »ye by the F. and O. Kashgar or: Satarda At the an i Straits Set- H. E. t crest ing i Pore a la N^ ible thia k th a Mr. R N G Nr n, f
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  • 410 98 We take it that the reference of the Governor to this subject at the meeting of the Straits Settlements Association Dinner which, by the way, has justified its inauguration and continuance from the opportunity it gives civil servants and civilians a chance to meet together on terms that
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  • 574 98 Feb. 8. The Straits Settlements Association can, we think, take it as a high compliment that His Excellency the Governor seems to be m his happiest and most informative mood when he attends that Society's annual dinner. Possibly an atmosphere more genial tnan that of the
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  • 546 98 Feb. 'J The Premier s reported intention to aiiow the question of the Imperial Conference arrangements to be the subject of ii free vote, is probably the wisest and most honest course he could pursue, and we shall be surprised if the bulk of the Government votes are
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  • 192 98 The news cabled by the Crown Agents of the results of the competition for the design for Raffles College is of more interest than the mere recording of the names of the successful competitors, for it implies that progress with the scheme is likely to take a more
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  • 564 98 Feb. 11. The most thrilling item this week is the arrival of the Empire Cruiser Squadron, which steamed majestically down the, Straits of Malacca on Sunday, round ad Peak Island and came to its anchorage m the Roads. Incomparably the greatest collection of powerful warships that
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  • 634 98 Feb. 13. The presence fia the SiQgaj Roads of the Special Btr Squadron, on its mission of Showing the Flag round the woriu. i> I splendid sight, which even the I weather cannot dim. The mabattle cruisers that show grii aetermination, and the light era that alertness
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  • 15 99 a Chinese singing 0* nearly $2,000 worth :'iay niirht by three Live op i tol.
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  • 1442 99 THE LATEST EARTHQUAKE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Tokyo, Jan. 15. Despite the statements of s-cieniists anu .«ii.-mu;ogists that Tckyo would be immune from viokr.t earthquakes for a considerable period, on the ground that two severe earthquakes do not follow each ether 13 quick m .-vssion, this cty
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  • 266 99 The competition for the Sheffield Shield vfliich Victoria, by defeating New South Waies. last week, ha? regained, has been i.markable for the brilliance of \V. H. Ponsford, the Victorian coit, \vhc:e two centuries m the last match went a longway towards securing victory. The first wicket partnership of Ponsford and
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  • 38 99 The- result of the February competition? is i Medal (Stroke): N. B. Gibson 92 16 76. Swe^p i>"a:ui l\ I ~S. B'.Hi-(::r.i.r> 43 0 Ladi b 1 S toon Mrs. J. D. 'lair ~A ■"> 49.
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  • 17 99 Bit P, t cani than, we are infornn is about Feb. 27 by the "I. U. Ay
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  • 965 99 Despite the inclemmcy of the weather the Ga?i!.-on Sports at Tanglin on Saturday were attend d 1 with a success which htld DMldl that was satisfactory for the Eing*pore Volunteers. From the BOX important aspect of military training; and efficiency their successes with the hand grenades and m
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  • 1484 100 MOTORS AND CRIME. (Frcm Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 10. I will this week pass on to ether than political matters. There is the ever attractive record of crime. Let me start by s:ying that since women secured the right < f diverge for acultery on the
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  • 246 100 EMPIRE'S LARGEST PRODUCER. The importance of the oilfields of Sarawak m the contribution! of Empire supplies to Ernpiie needs m the way of fuel oil wa.demonstratcd m a Paper read at the InBtitaaon ol Petroleum Technologists on January 6 by Mr. James Kewley, a member. Mr. Kewley sad
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  • 127 100 o (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Feb. 11. Two motor fatalities occurred during he week-end In the first ea«e a Chinese' girl carrying coconut leaves, on hearing the sound of a horn, dashed m front of a car and was knocked down. Picked up under the car
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  • 1004 100 ITS MEANING AND AFFINITIES. "Mah Jongg" is an attempt to reproduce m English thr sounds of the two Chinese characters (icirotframs) which adorn the dainty little cabinets now on sale m so many of the great stores. A closer approximation wculd be "mar chalk," if you do not
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  • 493 100 Valuable Historical Doc. The Sir George Birdwoo:! Lecture was given m the Hal! Royal S' ciety of Aits by Mr. \\V. F Ma subject being "The Archive! i t the Honourable Kast India Company." Mr. Poster recalled that Sir Ge I 'nvn Dr.) B;rd\vood had iked :hat the
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  • 85 100 rhi pwMder rnwphlwl Ka M m tftt WM the first to be com II "V welding; Uld h now pointci (Bt notable qpunple of what a by the new s: torsi praecsc. 1 ttod !-r;4 inch thi k. thli Umk— 2 m diametet a r.d 106 feet d fifteen milec
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  • 229 101 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1924. MIMICRY. X recent writer m England cites Lep- a genus of Indo-Malayan Nemoptera, m which the hind-wings are almost transformed into streaming tails. Some local collectors may know it, or there may be specimens m the— so far, catalogued Raffles Museum cases? It aid to have
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  • 132 101 Q ...nts delighted another large audi- 9 «t :he Theatre last night when they :ed the tuneful and humorous "Nine ock Revue." Opened by Mr. Salisbury f. who told the audience about hatching Up," the programme was iull ct numbers which introduced some lancing. Mr. Salisbury's "Wilham Ko-k"
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  • 57 101 A: about 6.30 last evening the Fire Bri- a call to St. Andrews Cathedral when it was- discovered that, evidently the fusing of an electric wire, the s were all ablaze. Prompt action by of the Brigade subdued the •ak. but the damage was such
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  • 302 101 New Year celebrations were need «-s early as Sunday afternoon roughou: the evening and night crack- «M carried on. In fact, there r.ave been a revival of cracker MUT, *md the brand of crackers Ufa shops are far more highly ex- ttan m the previous years-
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  • 2451 101 THE GOVERNOR ON COLONY AFFAIRS. The second annual dinner of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association was held at the Singapore Club last night. The President, Mr. H. B. Ward, presided over a large and representative attendance, which included His Excellency Sir Laurence Guillemard, H. E. Major
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  • 413 101 The Richness of Sungei Besi. It is quite likely says the Times of Malaya that m the near future the entire township of Sungei Besi will be converted into a mining area. A European Syndicate which includes a few prominent residents m Kuala Lumpur is
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  • 56 101 Telegraphic advices from Canton received m Hongkong on Jan. 29 brought the account of a message sent by Dr. Sun Vat-sen to the new British Premier and his followers. Dr. Sun Vat-sen asks for a change of viewpoint m Great Britain with regard to China and Chinese affairs, pointing to
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  • 1460 102 In "Awe** I*,1 -J arways *pmik slowly and very carefully. Otherwise misunderstandinjrs v?-* Habte to b€ laid at tb* door of u.y "accent." Be, daiurjilH One of the of Waaamake) ekewisjl iar.fruUfiy .atf&ms'i th* iraU* of the lift, (pardon: elevator.) 1 addressed him deliberately thus: "('an you
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  • 18 102 .yt .Mil,, *j Stlld bii Awanj M»ham«d bin Yahys I Minted ca^i offcei X <■ BUi. Litotenai t M*«i<-«
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  • 841 102 ihose who maintain that tht plays of kespcare should be &t&g«d with the m*st :tive aid of caftaflM »nd propert es have •h to support tfceir views m the text ef play*. Dreee itself of paramount insMnce m the plot of swera.l play*;, »lfth Nfcht As You
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  • 250 102 I.i ifi eariou*, *T.d i ruuiiiy «i>j*v > to r.9t« that no; on* of Ike dupb af 8 i J Squadron tk**' iriakiog tto cniiae aairiej ar. atropl*t»e mr aircr^r *ry Ktfft. Thanr* m«yi>« f*rae > s Wt* far tfoit aaahafiaaj wi.iciß is bi4**» I i us.
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  • 131 102 DEATH OF MR R. N. GOODWIN. V»\ ;t« < orJ tiu Borne, i-f Mr. U N^.tln -viig'.t'V < Pinions Mr. <iiM- Kui.'tUy wenl U< N t *.\\xt' Da i»*il bad been innriav n tor of the Cuitti for t^ie Li «;..'>• bsvte| :<■ 3hi >iaff fn»r» r i ttt
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  • 138 102 i China c r i- due i thii BMcateg Sir Godfrey r?.*-* PliMta i i U ii< Prince «l v*:\>. i.- wmgtpLjd v D'mtm H*n l'« •>'"• i»«BjfcSai >c I i A'v «.'.:.v do of CWi .c- U Mj rrn Gaac si A< BM M t. Iff. C A.
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  • 214 103 r ATTLECRUISERS* VISIT. Keofpi.m m F. M. S. Our Own Cc rreapendent. a\«aU l.umpur. Feb. K. ]>♦ Eaitie^iiiiaers arrived at 0.3Q on j^pmtey. and were boarded irameUiataiy %tie: I'} repre>eatativea of the Reception GbMHMMh who cump!«teM the arranc^men*. f< var.oua activities. The Chief hH* the
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  • 351 103 1 p 4« rt 4 Tke follow 4 gpcn we!-, i- eh r^ :>• a* baton hi ornate I*.. vi- mtachfli w-ir-l< ..a:- r..T-- og hi VPOVId bf v.«ry f Bi im if ill wovet w* t> the Pir.sidviit a:« the Municipal n ..n.-rs fv>r the
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  • 62 103 m 1 Mm :r\ ir, Hea<:ma^ter 3% I 'V.-v. has rHur*. f-eni i M M.B F. CO .3 ngtt w»f .-he j fir Ftbrau Mr I. H. M of the «U if a COMMBfty i« j iriAtf-inir partner m 4 Wimw. Bvef^tt, Frezar a- i ilm I fxtiliff m?mlvr of
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  • 111 103 BANTAL RKNIS. (Frt>x Our Owm CjtT«*sp«>riirnt). KubU Lurattur, F-h. 6. Tht* !v&2*.tau teniin tournamont wa^ vet^r •vji- v.-i.sfu with a sensational anal m the opere'.> betweien Kleinman and Johnstone. The first j«rt wont to Klsinman. who w>u e&ftily with 6— -0. He lad 4 o m the
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  • 83 103 Britain C«ne* Third [Reuter's Service] The ofTroial position of the teams at ike »r<i of tflui O'ympio winter gam**. Norway ftf* IS4tt I>o:nts. Finlav.d *»#ont* P.rtam U«iix4 :50, Cstod Ototti fourth .*).~Swi<fcn .fifth 2«. Au*tn* BUrtfc SMt■ertaad ■iwHl -4. Franc* •i-tfhth li)'*. Canada «i:vth 11, flwefco
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  • 154 103 \i be i todioo: i**-* j-«* t torioi if iim *4 w' l4l ay >'.'>*. m owoago Mosta >•* I l r if i i «> tof Mr. G i v•• i- itj i ni the* m*n wen awdttoblf i -nun* :h Indian -4*l «*/.>» I r r iau
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  • 315 103 Ju by letters appearing 1 :n the J F. M. S. paperj xrd E<i' oriu". exprvsoiorw Of oyiniun kfce v.'w M S. V. R. Ordinance as routine T l>o bittonießa and .j MffMß Kno^nr^ hi w ea>y i k to wofftge baa lf V©lußteai f< Spirit this M
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  • 35 103 *j t vv mgvrvJ ia Kui'a f m M 'n-iay wH:i Hftic Chi'.k?«o girl irev i Idbt i 'if > pri ia BPI >ri?w !!•> liand m f l^..:. i ber eyes* from th<» were "-'wn »ff.
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  • 588 103 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1924. CHINESE ANTIQUES. I«ter*:*t ng Exhibition of Porcefeto an« Pictures. The exhibition of old Ghneae porcelain and pictures wiudh U being 1 heid at Mount Ro&ie, the resilience of H. E. Major General Sir Neill Malcolm whom few know m an enthusiastic and expert collector hokfa an
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  • 107 103 Tb* following n the statement ->f ojaantity ralne of rubber exported frcm Brii .1 Mi-y 1 daring In to January AgnsA. United Kh^don 3,303.73 2,895.8 ft. imeriea i7,<>7'.2J I6 f «B2JM). 1,378 2,173^5. Briiwh i M bs 194^7 :^>:;.44. Japaa L,581.49 SO;I v' 17.38 i.Ol. Tot
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  • 134 103 .V i neetigic of OotnmUtom N^). 1 m b !*i, .r wa.< tjefidfd tna* t« .-> p.'a.'tice of parking ettptf rickskiu* ir. tkft streets ou»?ht to b? gradually stopped, and Bet Bcffiftnur of Veirc!^* wa^ in^trueted to fttod off.r^m^ ofrr.^rs to Intern** the I*re» 1 wmiiiinniiiß to Sy«i
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  • 248 103 BRIGHTENING IP KUALA LUMPUR. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur. Feb. 7. The naval visitors spent another strenuous day, the progrramme commencing about 2.30 a.m., and running: very smoothly till 10.»(> p.m. Of the first cdrtMntrent from Port Swett-emham, about four hundred were entertained at
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  • 585 103 ih* extflM&tion Mooeedaign icainst Bashir Ahma the tonal MstMsaedssi liKIM% wa- i wanted m In i<* Bt m c> a charge of kidnapping a you»l» k. <wn bora as :V !/i: Ahmad, were oesrtaNed before rk* :> trict Judge, Mr. P. F David resterday, and .tfror
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  • 87 103 T A :i :n toe ipp > Bt at Cofoma! S<*i'Ury II ngkonf, tv ▼scant sdmo y t -ars aaro, it did not sd to th* n*xt >^fiijr officer m -ither i! i? Bonfkons w SiraiU v»n-ic? •>;.r t"js ri»-n Ib Ui F. U 3. offV-iai who ,r V^... T
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  • 2717 104 HISTORY AND REMINISCENCES. 'THEN Th£ visit tc Singapore of the Special Service Squadron, the Empire Squadron it is vert fittingly called, is yet another nu:r cable epoch m the *tory of the Settlement, with which His Majesty's ships have been vcrriner.tly connected ever sinct Sir Stamfcr! Raffles
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  • 143 104 Tokio, Feb. 6. The following; has been courteously forwarded by the Consul General for Japan: The Imperial Japanese Navy has issued a statement with reference 10 the first stage of the work of scrapping war-vessels, which is to be finished before the 16th instant, m accordance with
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  • 469 104 GOVERNOR LAYS FOUNDATION STONE. Before a iarge gathering of Naval k Military representatives and lisa m& others, yesterday morning, His: ExceUn, Sir Laurence Guillemard, laid the foundi tion stone of the new Union Ja. which is at present m the course of truction on the ground
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  • 323 104 Prosecuted at the- instance of I Hca'iJh Authorities, the Master. Sim and the Chin-chew of the steamer I estan Ml fined $100 each by tht I 1 Judge yesterday on a charge of BM a false ent^ry m rc°ptct of disK.a.< board the sihip. Mr. Meredith,
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  • 48 104 The maniagre took place cuietly on 2nd., at St. John's Church/ Bukit X of Mr. V. X. B. Were, MMMftT, KW* Kuantan Estate, and IOM M J- Aht'" 1 M.D., Lady Medica! officer, Ku .la Lumpur Infant Welfare Cental and HMBfctf 6 Kuala Laapnr Sanitary Board. IM.M 1
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  • 1083 105 THE STORY OF A SELF-MADE SCOT. One of the most successful of the many industrial careers that have had their origin m modest beginnings is brought into vi.-minence by the arrival m Singapore of M:\ Robert D01b.., the head of the shipping combine to whko
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  • 107 105 (By Courtesy of the Nanyo NichiNichi Shimbunsha.) Tokio, Feb. 6. In an editorial the Yomi.uri says that it is more imporcant for Japan to watch the Labour Govcrnnr nt of Britain m its policy on the Singapore Scheme and the Pacific than to look at Britain's recognition of
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  • 151 105 Th, following is the Sixteenth Annual Repc t to be submitted at the annual meeting c:i Feb 15th at 2.30 pun. at No. 0 Raffles Place The result of the year's working shows a loss of $26.6<»3 06, after writing off derecirtiens and bad debts and after
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  • 164 105 When the native Malay wants a thrill he pits his battling fish against a rival, and his comrades surround the battle three deep. Th* method of arranging the combat is peculiar. Every sportively inclined Malay has m hi* possession a bottle m which is a
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  • 105 105 T'.M.S. Hawkins, the flagship of the China Station, with Admiral Sir Arthur Leveson. Ccmmander-in-Chief of the China Station en b"ard, arrived m Singapore yesterday ■K>rntOff< The Carlisle also steamed into the harbour yesterday morning and a detachment of men from on board attendee! the early morning ceremony
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  • 130 105 The death took place on board the Hood on Tuesday afternoon of Walter Bcnger, ab'c-s-aman, of nalaria. The deceased h*id betn aTng for a short time. He leaves behind a younir wife at home. An impressive funeral service- was held at the Yenning road < ?metery.
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  • 71 105 It is notified m the current issue of the Government Gazette that H. E. the Governor has been pleased to add the name of Mr. V. Nadasan Pillay to the Commission of the Peace for Penang. Mr. Nadasan Pillay is an old Hindu resident of Penang; he counts about 35
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    • 39 105 [Reuter's Service.] Hobart, ttb 6 The Swedish swimmer Arne Borg, who recently created a world's mite record at Sydney, won the Australian mila championship m 22 nrins. 45 3-5 sees. Beaurepaiie was second and Christy third.
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    • 15 105 yea r, r•; n X--w Zealand has challenged for the Davis Cup.
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    • 242 105 Mallard Second m 100 Yards. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 7. The Swimming Club's commodious New Club House was opened with a very successful gala, largely attended by the pubiic and the personnel of the cruiser squadron. Penang beat Taiping m the inter-team race. Fcia
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    • 36 105 The Weiding Cup was won by L. V. Rolfe with a score of 46 44 14 76. The February 1 Monthly Medal will be competed for on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th inst.
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    • 122 105 The Senior Division of the February Medal was won by H. D. Mundell with a net score of 70. The following cartls v. ere returned: Ti^ Ball Sweep m this Division was won on Saturday, 2nd instant., ar.<l Sunday, 3rd instant by F. C. Stewart with net
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  • 263 105 The prize meeting: was held at the Farrer Range Seletar on Wednesday, when the weather was good, and shooting was excellent. The highest possible scores were made by Lieut Prince Royal Suss-ex Regt, and Lieut McCall, S.V.C INK) >lards, (7 shots 1 sighter). Capt Dmshwood, Royal
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  • 29 105 l> His Hig-hness the Sultan of Kelantan trrlved m Singapore by train on Wednesmv morning and is staying: at 198 Orchard road, the residence of Mr. Seah Ens: Lim.
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  • 145 105 YESTERDAY'S AUCTION. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce E übber Association, held its 641 st auction, yesterday when there was Catalogued 1,642,995 lbs.; 733.48 tons. Offered 1,4J6,538 lbs.. ***** tons. Sold 971.184 lbs.; 43b. 56 tons. Spot. London Is. 174 d.I 7 4d. New York 25% cts. Ribbed
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  • 421 105 Singapore, Feb. 7. Tlie r>»eak occasioned by It*) Chinese New Year holidays has necessarily curtailed business m the local share market but with the price of Tin remaining firm Tin shares have shewn no inclination to recide and good buyers remain m evidence of all the more
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  • 268 105 Kilmer 0. Moe writes an article m the Far Eastern Review on "Tin, the cornerstone of Malaya." Wishing to demonstrate that the law must be amended or sonu- action taken to punish deliberate obstructions ot irafric Dr. Tartois recently held up the tranic m Nanking: Road, Sh.n^hai, lor seven minutes
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  • 824 106 Mr. H. G. Sarwar. District Judge, Sing-a-pore., h&s been gTantedi -eight months leave of absence. Our Penansr correspondent wirea that a Chinese hes been charged m connection with altered defalcations of $12,569 belonging to Tat Brother*, Mr. S. Codrington is appointed an unofficial member of the
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  • 1242 106 UaJM Javenal. Our charn\in« and illustrious City i» m dandier of having' to* buy a newr hat: but perl»P» when tbe **Z ht are over wx> ahali feel inclined; t» join the hatles** brigade. The Thrw Admirals' form too lofty a subject fl*r this column, though
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  • 426 106 COPRA F»M f 8 AFFAIRS. Among the public exammation-H m the Singapore Bankruptcy Court yeaterday. before M"r. Ju^ice Acton, waa that of Mok Kens Seah, one of the five partners of Chop Ban Jo» Seng Chan, a firm of copra dealers, who had be?n arrested on a warrant
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  • 76 106 Mr. VI K. Moh»m<«! MxH.»r-i Sahi» Ifarioar, son of Mohamad Imam «>f Nagare, iu<i eon-ii of the Hi»ii!<>urabl« Khan Bahadur Sir /Uuaed Tamlby Mark-ar. Kt. Member of the C.niiß-i! of Stalt*, In<Ha. was entertained by Mr. K. M. M^hame-J NatiXr Sahib a: %L~i bungalow at I/>mruj :J2 No. 11.
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  • 502 106 A YOUNG DUTCHMAN CHARCKh C. J. Tielman, the young: Dutchmar who was charged at the instance of Urn Hong Kee, of Chop Moh Hin, «*f Singtd, wth criminal breach of trust m. reaper* g( money due on g-ood* delivered ad mitt.*,: fore the District Judffe yesterday aftem-^jn
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  • 162 106 K«^uU of Architectural Competition We atv officially informed that >i crram has been received from the* < r>wn Agrerit* stating 1 that m the archittx i competition for the design for Raffle letre the first premium has been 4 by Mr. Cyril A. Farcy and Mr. GrahaM I
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  • 94 106 (By Courtetj of t v i ii Nichi Shimbußftha.) I»km. Feb. 7 It is Btetad that .'ni» Ciovcrnrnetit w" osUhliMli an ia^apattAaHl »ep«rtw Agriculture ia Apn Mr. Y(«hin<>, «*x-prof^*..*»r »f tJt«« Imp<»riA) Ui*i*trn»;tr. arxi Mjr. Ynti*--i* har^ accaptai p.>M:» Kb the Aaahi Wai Hr. Sakunoafti n \amba, bbJL
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  • 29 106 in<*ii». »ip!tie<i by M 5. f. Vmow 1 M» Tba MMugf hufci > Arsh»k Sftrk-^. 11- ruiuni. •rawj; tkm I'rior Jack Clofc, Hrn I I rices A iety.
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  • 536 107 A I!T1S«; DISPUTE 'v? Owr Ccrr«rtn>tii4i«!Bt). Je*or* hahni, I't b. C. «l. MM j si 1 t-«em« to uvt pro4iiK-«d ♦IV 'i ■-»'<*- o^ tk/iy iTrporlanre, U* „t t ij« bring, i.» far a» tnt ,nv.r^«. «»:u.aiv»nity are corM-erm**, yet i lt r iw»ri- ani'»mr *m truft of
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  • 93 107 treat* .f tlir vat cv.*- biwaelMi of j rt^ of whu-h are j al tae British KripMre Kxbi- -.H.rturity of visit- <■ ment of M**srs. any wh^rt* a Ki)tt iai w ai rattan ftonutare ii «m wl iai tumtMl «J* ikt the 1 •mi* i
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  • 70 107 ALLEGED EVASION OF CUSTOMS DUTY. Bkrw wm I t court, Witii i'» I pikul H i f;;<l:ini r r;; fee ejiiruJteri t tW© .ii. m: f'v Bf i aei u*«nJ a^vn.iy pai c.» It the ra,liuiT -•7 the accuse*! j MrodTta i»»«;>pwl m m.a( r eataini rt tw». lie n
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  • 18 107 tit Sdi i<+ r w H.O it Hl* •t^*^Prf»t -f (>f ti.e«p, 25 I t tk I r.{M
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  • 845 107 Dr. W. F. MaclKraaid has taken over efcs-ge of th» GeapimJ HospiUl, Kuala M.. K. E. <Je I'miUl, manager, fctrait* r n*d fit- Coßßpeoy, I/nrited, lp<h, is tfmr*g Jut leave towaida th* cmi *f this i/r« t»i. B« he related m Ipcfe ixy Mr. C. 8 Evana ficmi Papao, t
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  • 112 107 KI'AI.A LIMI'LR Jl-M.ETINGS. (Fvom Our- Own Cm wiimWi »t}« k'ukUi LpMPV', Keb. H. i.t r.iM&I visitor* lad MOftk«r streDuous day jishure, bcg^Bioc »rt JO it tk iDorn:iig, ir&BD *rj;f partieF IW «^i\ tTtfeiwwi at tit intr.». ribkflt esi*te. 1^ tW Bfitru Xn the afiemoor iir|je
    112 words
  • 54 107 1f i j^t. i :.u-: an nail Cot>?< w U. H^n.i, tha IndiM ::i\ aihfl w»* PMMK ha SU>*ee I^t*i.. j«. f r»i' jreaffl ;f oj w-\ be »»•> gad w\\' hi* .i, :«»u-i T deftmed bit er«dit^ intei -t pre»e«l t»e >•••-••• t #»#r BtKlaf i«dc
    54 words
  • 213 107 of I, notable krad itov*t \f- i:.\'::\ ux tht TY.-hnoi<»2; Institute, j i „;.> ir. subiDiirbit caMee having tv^n I i i»y utilising > htJ ;:.-iien < f on ftefoniaxD, which respcnda c c j.r. y T-a. the irirM"i (i >w pt anted, <yen befiamt tht f^li <v.m';t
    213 words
  • 310 107 l-Jirli*-!* A.I.C. Ai real i Qg I OgUj i"* 1 h wa'i i;< y •r: t:< f.di.r;;' ;c M rc'x-.y oftenßEOn betWTfl team frQQB ii.M.S. Gurj'tslf i.' l-<: A.P.C fifteen. There \*h.- |Jr:ri\ <f excite* r-» r jj! the opening saw; of tl match, r naval sid< showed up
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  • 64 107 Mr. Nmg Or»g &MAg% h—kt "O»f fs»i inn Y«w of t»e Ch:-.e»t i giafpii <V.t v four ct;iuM» ■<>:»•« im» Mai) »f .la*. Sti, bf Mr. D. nic- wdiwi *>* tht Peklag Laid»f ftm Mtmcftor N«w Tcrk UatfiH ravicii poarti «»i/i tkttt vilkovi »<•♦■» «c a. prMpvi^y .t) w -ri
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  • 697 107 JJei p <rnang correftp<vr«dent wires that loutll r.ipi^f 'bbs dtiiared an alt nm i If: Cc paftJJCt r II; ft-L.. D.CJ.I.. Mi frij, Battersbtt icH Kua** Lumpu* twast Jciid to Si;^ri. port m ire Adttviru'-r fouig- Kr. Yuhta Bird Reaertaea Mi%ir. #f B&ngkofc, Riantj, fend JtiUrlv
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  • 2239 108 THE SENTIMENTS OF THE CHINESE OF MALAYA. The Garden Club was the scene of a particularly memorable function on Saturday night, when a large company, including the leading members of the Chinese communities m the Straits Settlements and F.M.S., as well as distinguished members of Govvmmem and
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  • 186 108 Tlio following: were the grests of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Guille-n-.ard at a farewell dir.ner to H- E. Major GencnJ Sir NcfiU Malcolm K-C.B-, D.5.0.. at Governmeiu House on Thursday: H- E. Admiral S r A. C. Leveson KC.B., and LfcOy Leveson, Hor.: Sir F. S.
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  • 221 108 The week-end ha? provided the best racing 1 the Club has experienced and the interest taken by the member? was shown by the record attendance, both on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday the holder of the Lundon Cup, Margaret II wa? challenged. Her skipper is going
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  • 24 108 England vs. Ireland. [Reuter's Service.] Belfast, Feb. 9. In showery weather before 16,000 spectators England beat Ireland by 14 to 3. m
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  • 126 108 The Viscount Borodale, David Field Beatty, the eldest son and heir of Admiral Sir David Beatty, was a competitor at the gymklhana meeting iheld at Penan? last Tuesday. He took part m the pony race for the ex-Service men's cup and rode Red Star, which finished up very well Vis
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  • 670 108 BISHOP FERGUSON DAVIE'S TRIBUTE Addressing a *£.rge Congregation m St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday, the Bishop of Singapore said: Before I begin my sermon it 'is only fitting that I should say a few words about the man who w*> crlled to play such a prominent part m the
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  • 111 108 The engagement has been announced of Miss Booth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Bcoth, of Ottawa to His Royal Highness Prince Erik Frederik Christian Alexander, third sen of Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Valdemar of Denmark. The marriage, it is understood,
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  • 77 108 (By Courtesy of the Nanyo NichiNichi Shimbunsha.) Tokio, Feb. Bth It is announced that the date for tht« election is fixed for May 10th. The T. K. X.'s Java line is withdraw! and the liner Persia Maru has been moon at Yokohama. The Crown Prince, accompanied with hibride
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  • 43 108 Arrested m house No. 207 Dunlop Street by the Detective Department, two Cantonese, suspected to be members of the Wah Kee secret society, were charged m the Police Courts on Saturday w»th being- m possession of Triad society documents. The case was postponed.
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  • 336 109 ,<i -El) APPEALS AGAINST ORDER. who is wanted m India (.rurg-e cf kidnapping- a youth ;.< Nazir Ahmad, the son of officer of the 66th. Aa- ajrain bvfore Mr. David m tl Ceuti SSI Saturday when Mr. .Un-el fat the defence, called ■ace m >upport of his
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  • 106 109 s an to be submitted to an feoenU meeting of share- caCed for Feb. 14th at noon at Read. If th^se resolutions are :r tended that the Liquidators >hall sell the Company's I w company to be called lore) RubLtr Estates, Limited Ml 0 and that the
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  • 65 109 b to this body up to June m pwblitlwd m the Gazette. f for the year \va> $43,2i*4, the balance of loss brought ts U m addition due for accrued interest r. <f repayment; $54,506 due and $10,209 due to the ;our Board. department made $94,009. The
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  • 51 109 Service.] l\H;ia«elphia, Feb. 11. England ir. the final round b;* In: ted States won the U ehampionf the Lapham Cu^. :etl m the UnitetJ I (Mists, England G l -WIMMINC. Hobart, Feb. 10. half-mile swimming" Au t-al.a m 10 mm. 57%. alian boy swimmer did »mp;on>hip« a> rthi
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  • 16 109 irncd ifl v Medal a 1 up 1 up A" Sqpare I i
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  • 1052 109 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1924. SINGAPORE'S POSITION. A FOCAL POINT OF EMPIRE. ADMIRAL FIELDS VIEWS. i As seen ss the royal jrjes-.s had departed from H.M.S. Hood yesterday morning, I had the pleasure and privilege tit rmetir... botb of the Admirals, set at ease immediately by the!: courteous acieasatri lity. £rx!
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  • 488 109 The f Lowing were the guests of H^s E.x.ticn.v the Governor and Lady Guillvflard at a dinner at Government Hous* t<. Officer of the Special Service Squadi ron on Monday night. H.H. the Sultan of Kelantan, K.C.M.G H.H. rnnku Mahkota of Johore, D.K. Admiral Sir A.
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  • 101 109 N'.:' 'tiat-ons have been going en for some tlmj between the Government of Hongkong and the War Department for the resumption of the- military lands m the City of Victoria, Hongkong, and In Kowloon. Sir Jchn i 4;. hat now made hit award. award for the lands
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  • 18 109 A ief krk reports that be trsa $75 m by five armed Chinese inema daring I dsj irnii
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  • 477 109 The Special Service Squadron arrived at Singapore at the scheduled time, 4.30, ye-uiday tif.erncon. Their movement* shrouded n the thick lain mist thai overhung the Channel throughout the afternoon, the two gigantic battle-cruisers and th- accompanying light cruisers- came to their anchorage almost unperceived other than by
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  • 75 109 (From Our Owa Correspondent.' Penang, Feb. 9. The Resident Councillor has received a wireless from Rear-Admiral Brand, of the First Lijr.Tt Cruiser squadron, as follows "We have Penan^r with the deepest regret but delightful memories. On behalf of the entire squadron I send my warmest
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  • 246 109 Kuala Lumpur. Feb. 9. Yesterday's programme was a fitting finale to the four day's programme of entertstaments for the Officers and Men of the Battle Cruisers which left Port Swetterham this morning (Saturday). At football a combined naval team from tl Hoed ar.(! the Reprise
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  • 55 109 i. e S. H. B. steam tag Varuna will be available for trips round the man of war ftnehcrare every afu n thia week, leav- 'l; x Ayer south per at 4.30. Fare a dollar a trip. The- entrance to th< n ith pier is bj
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  • 763 110 HUGE NATIVE CROWDS. Singapore w~s en fete on Monday following the arrival on the previous evening of the ships of the Special Service Sqpadrec, for with the landing of the two Admirals of the Squadron opened the epochmaking week during which the Settlement has assumed the
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  • 88 110 A s-eeial general meeting of the Indian tion was he'd on Saturday at No. .">, rt Street, there being a large attendance S] ite of the bad weather. Mr. K. S. la took the chair until the arrival President, Mr. Dawood. Various was attended to. and the Board tors for
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  • 682 110 INSPECTION OFH. M. S. HOOD. Yesterday morning m the launch taking Mr. A.S. Jelf, the vice-chairman of the Squadron Reception Committee, and Mr. A. F. Hoards, the Secretary to the High ComI missiorser, to H.M.b. Hood for the reception I to H. H. the Su'tan of Kelantan
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  • 218 110 Rev. M. Bower, Colonial Chaplain m charge of Christ Church. Malacca, has left for England on six month'? furlough. From the Bangkok Times of February 4th: We I egret to announce the death of Dr. Thomas Hey ward Hays which took place on Saturday evening at the Banjrrak Hcspitai his
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  • 703 110 EAGER CROWDS OF SIGHTSEERS. Hundreds of visitors, including many ladies; visited the Hood on Monday afternoon.' The majority of the visitors were members of the Government Subordinate staffs. The first launch loaded with people left Johnston's Pier and made for man-6-war anchorage at two o'clock. Other launches
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  • 198 110 Mr. J. R. Lynch, late Assistant Traffic I Manager, F M.S. Railways, has now set- > tied down m Canada. The Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw. Mr. Justice Brown, Mr. Justice McCahe Reay have arrived at Penanp for the Appal Court. In the final examinations for the Bar m December
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  • 621 110 VICTORIES FOR HKGAPORE FOOTBALLERS. The comprehensive programme which will help to make the j t the most memorable m the MBftk if tptrt m the Colony opened on Monday c when four naval elevens wen under the auspices of the Ami on various grounds m Sinpapo:*-.
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  • 76 110 (From Our Own Correspondent.) IVnanu. Feh. IL\ Ul(f Justice Sir Walter Shay Jostices Brown and McCabe Rtay Appoml (curt this morning- for v cases are listed. The Cowl dismissed the BDfX ?turmer Bfmlast a decision Sproule who jrave judi' for I S:a ar.d File Insurance I ■irmornndiini
    76 words
  • 51 110 The heavy rain of the ■ftctttOOO, OB m? top of high water at I ed a cons:,. p art o 1 oarhood of Teluk Ay. Bfc a-,d th; buMfoart side of numias mm, i welcome for r.ava! W K) h;! tne Uni n J»ck C!ob »nd th« P
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  • 6090 111 [Reuter's Service.] Vancouver, Feb. 4. ad an expedition composed of men frorc Yartouv-:\ head;*! by Captain Polkjngharne, l«ft board a small steamer for COCOS Islariis. m order to search for •r-a-ure r porced to be buried ther<r by t earl;- m the nineteenth century. Ottawa, Feb. 5. A irroiogical
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