The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 17 October 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 72 1 Singapore Fre<» Presa Kurope to the Strait line*, are invited to sen < their steamer ai)'« Copier will tn t irious Dorts of Tail .shine detaiieo m can have a cop> I 9 list posted to them «k|y 12s. per quhrter -Kiurciai supplement. >• EN6I AND TO THE vi; i:
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  • 24 1 i S 2 4 7-32 I 111 55* 840 nil -P c Dia--108% 139 Vi J<r;>s; l -.and E«t. 4 P.c. "I 7-10
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  • 50 1 rick Set ti James, K.8.E., ny on Saturday after- :,-uoma, the vessel arriving wharf during the afternoon. Mr. F. M. Baddeley will shortly •Jue leave. has been granted for the fil- pceification hy Hugh r Poths of 1. Singapore, of an invention for ovenunt m .the construction of m chairs.
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    • 145 1 PATERSON. -At 44. North»m Road, Penar.p, on tl;.- 12ttt h Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pate., or., a iofe MF.TCALFE. At> the Evropcon Ilif ttif i Kuala Lumpur, en October 7th, ta Mr. r.nd Mrs. A. Mctcalt'e, ;i daughter. LECKV.-- ON October 4th, at Bra:Ferton Estate, Kauav. the wiff
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    • 113 1 mLES-DtTCHEGOYEN. In Pa I I on September K">th, IHJ3, b«twe«n John Nelson j Ramatrc Miles, second son of the lato Thomas j Rama^e Miles (ex champion the well know ii chesd player, 4 time? champion of tho Fai East i China) and Virginia FJe:mor UXim, to Louise D'Etcluuoyen,
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    • 9 1 ivr\ll A1 the European Itapit&lj Harper Wn Estate.
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  • 278 1 mail from Hum* bring! „v i^ tc Sept. 2<Kh armed here on Sun- i day, Oct nth. Thii weekly will leav by Urn B. I. TeetU to-day. 'a .amber of extortion casea have been dealt vrith ir tin poli* coiirti during the wetk. Judgment was pther agaii
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  • 28 1 Quebec, Oct. 14. H. R. 11. the Prince of Wales sailed homeward on the Empress of France. The University students marche<l to the wharf and cheered the Prince.
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  • 563 1 ADSFASDF(. Constitutional Government has been a success m China as yet, ugh we suppose many Chinese, gially those of the South, whence the buik of our Straits v ninese come, would say that even present chaos is preferable to tyranny the Manchus. H is \?th
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  • 755 1 Refugees of the World. Oct. 11. There are wandering about m the j world several millions of people who have become what the Malays term "Orang hanyut" men who drift. The breaking up oi" the smaller nationalities of the Near East has Lir.ritributed largely to this human frotsam arid jetsam.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 155 1 CONTENTS. I .>. 241 At f 241 Mgktag Prob 242 and Japan 242 kht W«tt 242 in u 242 COURT NEN\>. < MS, It, 52, j N -U Ai Lion 246, 7 VT«MUl'l i l :v 24G 247, 9 ral Letters 247 l'»:::ut'r.oii- (i M nt 25o Scnti-nred fot FaK
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  • 825 2 Two subjects are dealt with at length m the Hongkong papers \vhich are of some interest to US here the boom m land caused by the large number of Chinese who are settling. in Hongkong m consequence of the disturbed state of China and the
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  • 558 2 Russia and Japan. Oct. 13. Although we believe that the Government of Russia has many weary jears of travail before it can boast of restoring prosperity to the country, yet there are distinct signs that the Soviet is beginning to realise and m a measure to confess that the policy
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  • 654 2 Comment of the Week. Oct. 15. The hue and cry is out again after tho Singapore Base Scheme. The League of Nations Union, that suggests postponing the scheme now that Japan has suffered so terribly from the earthquake, must not be confused with the League of Nations. The former is
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  • 477 2 Happy Trengganu. Oct. 16. The annual report of Mr. Humphreys contains the somewh astonishing statement that are thirteen river basins I g-anu, all draining into the Chin* S no tw 0 of them are yet connect" road." Now the sea is the cheap* and most convenient highway world for the
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  • 36 3 Ja] ay.i ia Societj. f the Singapore Recrcan 510, 03 C, A tWa r. c. H. 10, Mai ens id, •0. E. 1 <-. X X rocmI TC rls* Scl r f Sen I
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  • 80 3 sfen fort ngs, th ngs -m men is still reduce t« ;m- It is alleged 1 ti Mt the Xi v ai he Mot" i -I mike t'uM of thoi mn. The nw Governor 14 1! all the ha<Jji> to < yd thtm whether I far I-
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  • 41 3 mom Mr. and Mr*. UkHa kI thur reoidtnct at Lfcd? European, CWacst ant? is who )v ndcrtd such valI I IlK Japanese Ladic? rial Hall. There were ladies and gentlemen ■tcllll were playol t rot.
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    • 248 3 Hie S.C.C hockty team entertained the hookey eleven of the F. M. S. Railways on the I'adang on Saturday afternoon, the game resulting m an easy win for thcCifb by five troals to one Play was fast ttti not very inspiring ami the *p!er,d d erudition of the field
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    • 198 3 Ths S.ii i ioceeciled m a win ovtr the V.M.C.A. on the Fadaßfi on "^'.turday aftcriNKUk Go'nf m first tht Association eonpflcd a total of 68, but th? SJtC Uatsnnn were m txceilent form •<: hi- total was easily passed. The tcorea v.ere jis follows: Y. M. C A.
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    • 66 3 the ye; wre >pt< f c (Beers for the ci President, G. W. A. V ent, F. Nil lock; Ca V •B] tain, lones; Hon. Treapurer, K. C, H on tary, S C. Campbell; ra of Coi H. P ond C. N. W. Joyce. J. P. MaiT
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  • 109 3 Mr. D. A. M. Brown is m Sinjfi I the races Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Atkin-Berry s lived ly the Caledonia. Mr. G. P. ru^nm-ii. Deputy Commiss Police* Se!anjror, has it-;t f>: < eyl pg a;iiv; Is ;:t LUI dl I r .1- hn and Lady Anderw i T!-.
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  • 732 3 RATTLING KEYS PLUCKY FIGHT. Never m the history of local boxing has frucb a tremendous trovd as that which ihUNtytCd the Ntw Woild on Saturday night gathered to witness a boxing contest. E.vr> seat was occupied and the spaces it. eivcd for standing accommodation were ultfl packed. The programme
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  • 77 3 Test of the prelhninaries was the rounds content between; Boy Wailey H.lO and Speed Arena? 78. It was a hard *'O. and the decision, which w: draw, was well received. Reel n again scored a decisive verdict over J. Perreftn, and Sam Foxy beat g Kid on points.
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  • 615 3 DOLBLE VICTORY FOR S.C.C The S.C.C. opened their season on S<ilm»--tiay with two matches, one at Johor* tgaart Johore, and the other against the recently formed Coast Defences Fifteen, a strong combination at Pulaa Brani. Both n>atches wer? won, that at Johore by 14 points to 3 and that
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  • 38 3 fFrtiin Our Own Correspondeat) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 13. c death occurred tHis morning at tfc G( er&l Hospital of Mr. 11. Cathiravaloo J.l'., a landed proprietor and prominent uiembex of the Jaffna Tamil community.
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  • 2374 4 ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of United Engineers Limited was held yesterday at the Officer ol tho Company m Damar Road. The Chairman, Mr. J. A. P. Strachan, presided and there were also present Messrs. A. E. Badduley, J. Robertson (Directors), P. R. Davison (Secretary), Messrs. J. McCreadie,
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  • 94 4 The following statistics of the work of the St. Andrew's Hospital for Wumen and Children for the four months since it wa? opened are published by the Hospital Board Cor the information ,-f subscribers and ether friends. In-Patient Admissions. Children permanently rodent 11 11 n n
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  • 466 4 NAVAL IJASE COM REVIVKh AfUr a period id Singapore Navai been revived at l\ l a}>ii quake d sister htmx^ v Singapore" pre^ h pressing their < Lase. Thus the In a world wholaced as ours, it political and social effe earthquake m Jaj very carefully. catastrophe*
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  • 426 5 K. Hampshire arrived by the i Sultan of Pahang, K.C.M.G., to the honorary colonelcy of .•i Volunteer Infantry m the i ..r.g. 1,. on nrst aid wiil meet m the Ball, Piinsep Street, at 8 p.m. (Thursday), instead cf to-n ght. arranged. Pr K. N. Gho
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  • 267 5 Men have been murdered in the streets ''.-fusing to pay money," stated a Chiw .tnesa before the Second M»g strate rtiay nv>rning, during the tria: cf Chines? on chorees of attempting t^ j rt money from the occupants of 14 Ctam street. Reports of cases ol n hive
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  • 489 5 The Secretary for Agriculture writes m I annual report for 1U22. Tho position as regards padi cultivation tinctly encouraging. The nee crisis vh.n food control w as aeocssary ard m Particular the rubber slump have been the man factois m causing the Ma.ays to turr. to thjir
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  • 159 5 Chamber of Commerce. (From uur Own Correspondent) Penang. Oct. 8. At the half-yearly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Pledger presiding instead of Mr. Blackstone, resigned, the chairman stated that trade was satisfactory but that all here would welcome the t'ay when the pool of tin stocks
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  • 111 5 To the Editor. Dear Sir, When ?oing round the General Hospital lately I was asked by one of the pr.ti* nN m the Seamen's Ward whether arvone can give a set for chess. And m the Asylum I was asked if there was any chance cf getting clock
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  • 1300 5 •he concluding stages of the Autumn Lawn Tennis Tournament at the Cricket Club are row m progress, good weather '.laving enabled the fixture to be carried through with comparatively little delay. Several of the finals have been decided. Scdwick who meets Kleinman m A. Cicss final to-day is
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  • 360 5 Eurasian Co. Win Scmi-Final. A last minute goal won the semi-fin^i of th» S. V. C. competition for the EuraS!an Co. on the Padang yesterday afternoon. Playing with confidence from the kick off, the Eurasians carried the play home to their opponents, Lingnrd being the most
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  • 40 5 The action m which James Futcher sues George Fair, on behalf of himself and members of Bukit Berching and Belimbtfig Syndicate, (other than the plaintiff) v»hich should have commenced before the Chief Justice yesterday, has been r.djoumei until this morning.
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  • 1032 6 SERIOUS ALLEGATIONS AGAINST H. R. LEGGE. A riOMImHTJ note made by H. R. Legge, of Malayan Collieries fame, and signed surety by Mr. A. J. Cuckney. Chief Hwiitirr Inspector of the Singapore Municipality, came m for very close and careful scrutiny m the Supreme Court yestenky before
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  • 205 6 Received by Yokohama Specie Bank. D. J. El a« 100, Wassiamull Assomal? an<l Co. 100, K. A. J. Chotirmall and Co. 75, Mr. B. Rochiram, F. K. Hoondamall *md Co., Jhamatmall Gurbamall and Co., 25 each, A. T. Ramchand Bros, 35, P. Keloomall and Co., C. Ramchand
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  • 185 6 The following action wu* taken at Mimic pal committee meetings on Oct. 2nd. and sth:— Estimates for 1921. Considered and approved draft estimates for 1924 as follows:— Vote 1. S2J/J0&; 2. 289,510; 2A. *****; 28. 44,766; 3. 7,268; 4. 102,488; 5. j 17,681; 27. 103,630; 27A. 412,000. Decided
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  • 158 6 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penally, Oct. 10. The Batu Lintang Rubber Estate report shows a net profit of $30,194. The crop vas 211,448 an average of 347 lb. per acre. F.o.b. cost 24.26 cents, price 39.58. The export restriction allowance is 163,512 lb. The manager considers that the
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  • 58 6 i The F.M.S. Court of Appeal has reserved its judgment m the appeal by the State I of Nogri Semtoilan Against the decision of Mr. Justice McCahe Reay who gave judgment m favour of Mr. and Mrs. St. George awarding- them a large sum of money as damages m what
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  • 499 6 ACTION SETTLED AFTER FOUR DAYS TRIAL. On the fourth day of its trial, the action which commenced before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, m the Supreme Court on Wednesday m which a Chetty woman, A.K.R.M.M.N. Visalachte Achi, claimed $44,121 from K.V.A.U Muthia Chetty, the proprietor of
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  • 225 6 The usual monthly shoot took place at i Sek-tar on Sunday, 7th instant, the conditions being 10 shots each at COO yards m d 500 paid* and produced some good coring. The following are MM of the best scores: 300 Yards, Clnss "A." The two first-named
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  • 460 6 Cap. G. Moir, O.B.E., Vet.. !:n^^ Perak North, has returned from H o Mr. F. G. Penny, NU' f r R was third in a ra' f r r at Kingrston. Mr. H. G. Sarwar, jvh* ha* b*ea a \isit to Kuala Lumpur, U»?t for v-u
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  • 1878 7 Mli.N OVER PURCHASE PRICE. betwecj the seventeen partf Busit Birching- and Beiimbiivg who were rcspons-b-e for I the Kaaaman Gold Mines Ltd., \.,udin#iy involved litigation, onimenced before the Chief Justice, Uer Shaw, :r the Supreme Court The questions at which tht re at is=ut were as to tbs
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  • 237 7 r.. Com pan) Formed to Supply F.M.S. .< further step m connection for the large cold J 'a to Singapore [the P. M. S. I j come to hen!. the i tion thai V. Clover Meat mpany, c ccr.oc-i*n composed of well- lown Queenslai and other sheep
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  • 76 7 (From Our O\m Correspondent). lpoh, Oct. 1". It transpires that strong r.p'esentutions have been made by the Perak Sports Association to the Singapore Cricket Club of need for investigating the dormancy cf the Swettcnhar.i Cricket Trophy ar.l !icr a belter organised contest and more cruteble award. Also that
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  • 607 7 JI'DGMEXT AGAINST MR. A. J. CUCKNBY. Completely exonerating the Chetty frur» buy ci:.« having al.t n i ihe :te, th» I ..uf ti Sir Waiter Shaw, m the Supreme Court yesterday morning; d-'.i--j tend judgment m the action ia whici. Seena Arumugam claimed $1,150 d-> rncler a
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  • 185 7 MAGISTRATE ON ANONYMOUS LETTERS. -Criticism." said Mr. Ahearno. Second ite, yesterday morning, "is ?ooi. c everybody, the police and magistrate- bat anonymous letters are nselesi [d the detection of crime." The a' I stat was made by Mr. Ahearne m con- dieting three Chinese who were charged with attempting to
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  • 40 7 The Kua:a Lumpur Court of Appeal disposed on Friday last ar.<l the remahuns appeals on the calendar will be argue I at the next sitting of the Court of Appeai which will be held at Kuala Lumpm on December 3.
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  • 1371 8 The Secret Journal of Charles Dunbar; by J. Maconechy. (Collins). That this book deals with the diary of a country parson is hardly a k?y to its contents, and it Ls some tone since we read such a charming work. It is essentially a book for the quiet
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  • 214 8 To the Editor. Sir, I shall be obliged if you will kindIraw the att< ntion of ih.' police, through tl.c medium of »mr valuable paper, to post i police constable at the junctions of Seiche Road, Middle Road, Wilkie Ro:d, i hort Street, a* the traffic: m that
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  • 178 8 YESTERDAY'S AUCTION. i The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 624 th auction yesterday, Oct. 10th., wher. there wm Catalogued 1,677,941 lbs.; 749.08 tons; Offered 1,162,578 lbs.; 519.00 tons; Sold 904.896 lbs.; 403.97 tons. PRICES REALIZED Spot London I* 2^ a New York t?% cts.
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  • 394 8 MACPH AIL'S WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore. Oct. 10. A steady business has been done m the j share market during* the week, especially j m the tin section, m which there is a ontinueu 1 demand. Rubber afU r improving to Is. .°>i;d. has fallen to Is. 2 5 d but
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  • 293 8 Singapore, Oct. 10. Both the tin and rubber sections of the Share Market throughout the past week have been inactive. Tin has remained fairly steady but enquiries for shares are or a very limited scale. Rubber has had a serious setback m price and on a steadily
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  • 126 8 ■fena* Since «>ur iajit been drooping, < n barp bUL Lm apparently bearish i lished m Loivion financial w had the i flVct (.f f'- til ■ad than has h<- n a tMM by q r>«-]iK<l matters, aii I that quarter beinp fell, wt> have :i:.«tt
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  • 39 8 Singapore 0 Uufa market i been I i Tho boa pn V > I 18 I n ftar d f •l <? the two low 4 I M rr.v. Spot i" T' r«»pr-::-- Ol Ck iti Btandi W.«O. N
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  • 82 8 Thus the *Ih r V vm nwleff hit ■fib is rapuilv ban he can kt- p up f specially m the entomol< m l.i::rch next Mr. 1 1 the Botaniet, hive trrmi cllcctin«2: i icpe tlon I he Malay i N^hat hac bM they ought to mr.
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  • 845 9 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1923. THE RECENT EARTHQUAKE. ON9OLAI STATEMENT. Coital-General for Japan forward* mowing:— v phenomenal seismic disaster that IVkio. Yokohama and the neigh- i jring dis. -riots caused death to more men, women and children and oyed some 400,000 houses. The bent- j ■M of the Imperial Household
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  • 205 9 Received by the Bank of Taiwan. t Per tho Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Choo Cheeng Khay $25, Leong Soon Leag 25, Lcong Soon Leng 10, Hooi Yip San, Ho Poh Ku.n. Lum Sum Kwai, Oh Ktat Leung each Wong Swee Sam 3, Chua Cheng Hee 100,
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  • 245 9 Before the conclusion of the case against j the three Chinese who were convicted by Mr. Aheame m the Second Police Court yesterday, on charges of attempted extortion of $50 from some Chinese m a shop at No. 14 Upper Cross street, the complainant m the case
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  • 143 9 (From Our Own Correspondent). Peaang Oct. 11. The r port of the Batarg Pftdang i Dredging Co. shows a profit of $22,339. The Di: vtors raeoißßMlld writing oIT ?22,481. 2.053 pikuls of tin ore and 39G ounces of gold dust were won. The Cl nest procetaion m honour
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  • 1587 9 PLAINTIFF'S CASE STILL PROCEEDING. The involved dispute m connection with the winding up of the Bukit Berching ar; I Uc-limbing Syndicate, the promoters of Kelantan Gold Mines Limited, occupied the retention of the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Fha\v, m the Supreme Court yeJterday v/ithout bringing a solution to
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  • 131 9 Mr. E. S. Kader Bfnstan Sahib, late In- terprctor, Supreme Court, Penang, has I been appointed a Special Magistrate for i the District of Tar.jore by the Govern I inent of Madras, i Mr. A. Sarkies has received a postcard from Barmouth (N. Wales) with a no fo o' interest
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  • 1291 10 In. the p^m enutitid "Tne Angler*? Sung", izaaK Waitan declares. "I care not I, to fisn m seas yet as week by week I overhaul my fishing tack.c and set out on Ufa hign sea* for my morning's sport, I like to think that the shade of the
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  • 472 10 In Sixty Hours. The Bangkok Times of Oct. Ist says: WHh the opening of the Johore Causeway to traffic to-day, and the reestabli^hment of the Bight mail also to-day from Penang to Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok is brought within sixty boon of Singapore. The time table is: Tuesday
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  • 778 10 BY ONE IN IT. The following 1 graph.c account of the experiences of Mr. L. B. Hannaford m the Earthquake at Yokohama, brings home the terrible state of the town. I am sitting around and kicking my heels here awa.ting permission to go to Tokio, to save
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  • 122 10 The Malay Mail understands that the water supply m Kuala Lumpur is now being filtered. A report has been made to the Kuala lun.pur police that the Selangror GoLf Club premises have been entered and cash to the value of $GOO stolen. According to the report the secretary went to
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  • 607 10 Mr. C. Boden Klos s has beenTT"!r Director, Raffles Library and Mv Mr. E. MoCalium, tocomctive f, r F.M.S.R., is retiring r»oxt month? 1 1 Government service. Lieut. G. A. Stephenson, MJdle** r is appointed adjutant S. V r rail: of temporary captum. Mr. A. Williams
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  • 1403 11 QaJtfHlJ effunt homines noatri eat far-rug* I bclH Juvenal Pntafcd satisfaction reigns m the ivtariuv; to-day at the prospect of the pm of the Bin Chief by the Caledonia. ifl w.e who is anxiously awaiting 4 long leave is profoundly satisfied. The Stinnes proposals to ths
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  • 63 11 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 12. The Selangor St. Andrew's Society has decided to hold an invitation ball at the Town Hall on November 30th. A letter of thanks was received froh the i Editor of the Scotsman on behalf of the iastitut ons
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  • 95 11 (Fron: Our Own Correspondent). Petnang, Oct. 12. Sir Frederick James is passenger for Snpapore by the Caledonia. The wedding took place to-day, at St. CjJeorpe's Churcn, the Rev. Keppel Gamier j oHiciating, of Mr. Reginald Warne of j Hangkok, and Crowe, New Forest, Hants, and Miss Edith May
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  • 1414 11 HUME PIPE PROCESS IN SINGAPORE. The possibilities of compressed concrete pipes as a superior substitute of the cast iron pipes for purposes of irrigatioEi, sewerage, hydraulic schemes of all kinds, and for manifold other uses have occupied the attention of engineering experts all over the world for several years,
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  • 126 11 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS (SINGAPORE) ASSOCIATION. The following is an extract from the minutes of a Committee meeting held on Friday, sth instant. Town Planning Bill.— The Committee approved of the principle of the Bill and a sub-committee was appointed to consider tho proposed draft of same and submit recommendations to Government.
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  • 31 11 Mr. P. Barnard Ford has returned from his tr p to Brastagl Mr. R. L. Naish, g-eneral manager, Kamunting Tin, and Mrs. Naish, have left for Brastagi for three weeks' holiday.
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  • 1403 12 CHINA AND THE GREAT COMMUNION. IBy Our Special Correspondent^ The above title sounds like that of the ordinary Adventist propaganda articles. The fact is that throughout China, a wave of fear and pessimism is passing through the countless villages, which have witnessed nothing
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  • 250 12 On being convicted by Mr. Gcurlay m the Th rd Court yesterday afternoon on a charge cf attempting- to put the towkay of a tailor's shop m fear of injury with a view to extcrting money, a young Chinese who was alleged to be a member of the
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  • 564 12 POLICY OF RETRENCHMENT. The Japanese Consul-General has received a telegram from Tokio. dated Oct. 10th., giving the following statement made by the Finance Minister on the previous day: No doubt we ha^e sustained a terrible loss as a result of the earthquake and subsequent fire. Or. the
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  • 41 12 Received t>y The Bank of Taiwan. Mr. G C. Den ham and officer*, of the Central Police Staton 135, Mrs. Heah Swee Ue, Penanjr 200. Mr. Don. W. Jayasekera, Fcnanpr 10, Mr. W. A. B. Goodall, Johore 10.
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  • 76 12 Per Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. Already acknowledged $1430; Captain E. T Richards 50, R. L. D. Wodehouse 25, D. J. Elias 100. F. G. Day, Sarawak 25, Total IG3O. Relief Fund for Destitute British Subjects m Japan. Received by the Chartered Bank. Previously acknowledged 7,103.50, John Little
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  • 72 12 The charge against a Jew named M. Joseph on charge? of criminal misappropriation of watches valued at about $200, the property of Messrs. Whiteway Laidlaw ?nd Co., was concluded m the District Court yesterday, His Honour reserving judgment. Three others who stand charged m connection with the same case were
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  • 459 12 The report of the Committee for tfc year ended 31st July, 1923, says lf At the annual general meeting bl 3rd June last, the- Committee <tt! d m their opinion the a:i|1 of shown as outstanding on U, mW 6 > counts was all gooj an d
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  • 283 12 People of all nations have but little ide* as to the seriousness of Japan's i calamity. Newspaper reports, vivid first hand stories of the ten ,ht of thtrefugrees, only serve to convey to ib vague idea of what really occurred ir Yokohama and Kobe. Realisation at last
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  • 21 12 The Un ted States Sup possibly the greatest form of drWe of whch civilisation hftf lea>e._Hon. J. M. Beck D General.
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  • 258 13 The Directors' report to the shareholders r the year ended July 31st 1923 (to be i«ttd at Market-si, on Oct. 17th; \t The result of the year's working m a profit of $17,376.37, from which b < Inducted the loss brought forest year $1,220.10, leaving a alaiHte of
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  • 254 13 For yjme considerable length of time uunterfleit ter cent pieces have been find- xg their way about m Singapore. Very eat m, the imitation coin? are obviously the work of skilted counter- j t'eiters. Persons have been arrested from I t«m© to time for counterfeiting coins
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  • 124 13 BANKRUPT SENTENCED FOR FALSE EVIDENCE. •Debtors and litigants must understand -r>at they are liable to be punished aumi.iarily under the Oaths Ordinance for ,-iving false evidence m Court,'* said the Chief Justi.o, S.r Walter Shaw, m the bankruptcy Court yesterday afternoon, \n sentencing a Tanjong Ran boat builder amed Ah
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  • 236 13 The Autumn Lawn Tennis Tournament at the S. C. C. concluded yesterday evening with the final m the A. Doubles between Lieut. Col. Thompson and G. H. Warren and J. Donaldson and N. A. Sedwick. There was only a fair attendance, and a larger gathering
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  • 298 13 S. C. a Defeat A. P. C. Although strongly represented, the Club had to fight hard to win the match against the A. P. C. on the Padang yesterday afternoon. Scoring two goals m quick succession early m the first half, the Club maintained the lead although the A.
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  • 172 13 The S. C. C. were wieakjy represented utrainst the Indian Assn. on the Pariang; yesterday afternoon but the result was a clear win for the Cub by two goals to nil. The score might have been more but for the ineptitude of the S.C.C. forwards m
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  • 104 13 On Thursday, 11th,, swimming competitions were held at the V.M.C.A. Pool for the boys of Raffles Institution. Considerable interest was evinced and competition was keen. At the close the prize 3 were distributed by Mrs. D. A. Bishop. The results were as follows: 40 yards (for
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    • 150 13 Sentence of 12 months rigorous imprison ment was passed on each of two llokien> v<ho were brought up before Mr. David, the. District Judge, on charges of extortion. The accused men were alleged to have followed a Chinese timber merchant who was proceeding aiong South Bridgeroad. The Chinese,
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    • 226 13 A Chinese was produced before Mr. Ahearne m the Second Police Court on Saturday morning at the instance of Chief Detective Inspector Kenny, charged with theft as a servant of property worth about SGOG, belonging to Lieut F. A. Wortey, R.G.A. Alleged to have stolen the property during
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    • 105 13 Syed Abdul Kader bin Mohamed bin Abdul Rahman bin Alwi al Idroos failed to appear when his action against Shaik Sahied bin Abdullah Bajerai came on for hearing m the Supreme Court on Saturday morninc*. He had claimed an account from the defendant m relation to
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  • 138 13 Sago Street has been very much to the fore lately m regard to criminal matters, and its reputation is not improved by the circumstances of the murder which occurred m a chandu shop there on Saturday inght. The shop was full of customers when a
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  • 35 13 Received by Singapore Japanese Society. Tanjong Pa gar Church {English Presbyterian Church Mission) $50, Pupils of St. Anthony's Convent School, $31Received by Bank of Taiwan. Mr. Etr Tong- Sen, 0.8. E., $300.
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  • 24 13 Mr. S. Codrington, Ptfesident, Petnang Municipal Commissioners, is expected back from leave by the Morea, which is due to leave London on December 7.
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  • 863 13 REAR-COMMODORE'S (1919) CUP. The second iace for the Rear-Commo- ('ore's (1919) Cup was sailed for yesterday j morning and ended m most of the fleei giving up for want of wind 1 only the optimises, and probable winners of points, carrying on, which was fully justified,
    863 words
  • 35 13 We acknowledge receipt of the report of the Fifth Congress of the Far Eastern As sociation of Tropical Medicine, edited by Dr. Scharff. It is a useful record of the proceedings of a memorable occasion.
    35 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 121 13 I IUOPERTY SALE. following: Singapore Properties were Id by auction by Messrs Cheon? Koon -^mr and Co., at their sale-room No. 30, uli.i Street on Wednesday afternoon: Fre^ old land and houses Nos. 159 to I Rangoon Road, area 20,631 sq. ft., uer: by Mr. John D'Silva for $6,000. 9U
      121 words

  • 47 14 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1923. GOVERNMENT HOUSE 1* H\ Hon*ble Sir CVarles Elliot, ».C>'<; C.B., British uubassador at Ttk o ved in Sinpa)»ore yesterday 4i.<n i.v Bj me N. Y. K. steamer Katori Miiii S the guest of His Excellency tb< crrir and Lady Guillemard at < pi House.
    47 words
  • 156 14 h»rt*t«l *h negligent driving of motor ,i j v »>" ts ong Kead Street on Satur- < t .■■■•j. o Javanese drivei was h-tore r 1^ Third Magistrate ...orning and remanded on bail f pearss that sometrTng went v mixh the gears and the vehicle fot of control,
    156 words
  • 109 14 ••> Own OuresponderrO Kiiiil.: !.u>apur, Oct. 15. M». *\i~ v« )iv' at., l.itiy j;t Seivmb n, allowti] it m. Air. C. E. J. rtour. locri ul B^rboui and •r;:ny. rv nst Mis Rc%*>< ronvfetion i Tint of $000 m respect ot i use of ruid nibb.r
    109 words
    • 188 14 H. K. S. R. G. A. beat S. R. C. Weakly represented, the S. K. C. hockey team was beaten by the H. K. S- R. G. A. on i he Padang yesterday afternoon. Adopting their usual aggressive tactics, the Indians were ifce to break through far more often
      188 words
    • 166 14 Sunday, 14Lh. October, at Kcppel. S. C. Campbell and J. Thomson 1, Sime i and Booty 0. j J. V. Riera an<: D. Bisset I, Clarke ar.<! Rayncr 0. N. E. Bath and C. N. W. Joyce 1, E. A. Stevens and Macphail
      166 words
    • 29 14 lie foltowinc is the result of the' CkftS U:- Men-'* Mcda!:— .-Col. Thompson all square. C. P. Ambler l dcwn. G. B. Adams 2 (icvn. mm
      29 words
  • 338 14 Lokio telegrams to the Nanyo N Xiclii Sh^mbunsha, dated 6c*. llth. ;.:ul i. i. state: There are now 7U0.000 stilate i:; Tokio an< 280,000 m its rural d Ktr.ctF. The whole amount (.1 fin ins*ranc< lontra rts m th« d< tated :.i trr is estimated at 1,200.000,000
    338 words
  • 49 14 K rom Ow n Correspondent.) .\j«i;i Lumpur. Oct. 15. atom struck Kua Lomimr on ii extninf with lerVre thunder and There was n-u.-h flooding. ;.n<! uior.horo service wa- interrupted Hitherto there ;:\t b+en n?> "fi'ties or serioiK dania to Mesi'v Li r t!t r_ •1 ■?rw ur* fitly
    49 words
  • 34 14 ')jt Ot« t.« itt i f. um pur, I*.. '•> w mcd ofiV i»Hy. A. (iv :.:i, lat< re i tarj 1 kin Rrishane B jdent:! Ail escort -i v >\ acting Police- M.S. I
    34 words
  • 162 14 esp< lent J I'enarip, Oct. 15. tice Spronle dismissed the appeal ainst the assessment i his n -?d' ice n Northam ad i General H. R. h. Pririci PurachAtra, I Slam, the boitble Mr. J. h. W. Park Mr. p. A. Anthony !onrm\<<i on the an r Hill
    162 words
  • 663 14 Action taken at Committee No. 3. meet- ing held on 9th October.— Decided to provide a Ford Car for the use of the Trinidad Asphalt Co's repre- I stntative. and to pay a Transport Allowance j 01 $80 per month. Decided, subject to the sanction of H. E.
    663 words
    • 1998 14 I Reiner's Service. London, On w A 2,000-foot film of the Japar M quake has been shown m Lo n(io small private audience, including ne&e Ambassador. The fil m whi taken at Tokio, left Yokohama 0 V* 12, and airived at Victoria, Briti^ r bia, on Sept. 23. It
      1,998 words

  • 1246 15 [Reuter's Service.] Paria, Oct. 9. A celegram from Duesseldoif says that a. agreement has been reached by the [j -tnilied Mine? Commission and the I- oil and Rhenische S.aMwerke ComM»m«». oroduce nearly ten per cent jf ciic »utput. Dcliv rles of coal oc .c- a immediate y, under the
    1,246 words
  • 205 15 A slight ring of a telephone bel! betrayed the presence of a Chinese housebreaker who had entered the quarters occupied by Detective Inspector Stewart, facing Cecil street m the early hours of yesterday ncrning. Mr. Stewart was asleep m bed it the time, but hearing the bell
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  • 51 15 Mr. M^ L. Wynnes "polite depot, has been transferred to Trenggami as Commissioner of Police, vice Mr. E. Cheers gone Home oa leave. Police Constable Ne. 770, a Malar, hat been put under arrest on a charge of desertion fro* the Force. The «n will be tried by the District
    51 words

  • 1229 16 F.M.S. DEPUTATION'S ADDRESS AND CHIEF SECRETARY'S REPLY. Iff. Loke Thye, head of the F.M.S. deputation m connection with the crusade against opium, has made the following ad dm* to the hon'ble Chief Secretary to the F.M.S. Government: I thank you, Sir, for having consented to receive the
    1,229 words
  • 282 16 A fatal motor cycle accident took placo om Saturday last near thj 17th mile on tie main reiad to Ipoh. Early m the morning Moha-med Yusuf, Malay Assistant Inspector of Schools, Selangor, left Kuala -i.innur by motor cycle for Ulu Yam. H.> travelled by motor cycle and was
    282 words
  • 132 16 In connection with the big jewellery theft reported by a Chinese goldsmith of 09 Se!ec: e road, two employees of the shop were brought up before the Second Magistrate yesterday morning on charges of theft of 20 £old necklaces valued at $r>oo. The case was ]»ostponed until the 22m1. ins.t,
    132 words
  • 1292 16 NEW VESSEL FOR SARAWAK. An interesting vessel has just been completed for Sarawak Oilfields, Limited, by the Singapore Harbour Board, and I I Ithough she has been built to comply j with every stringent conditions as to i iVg ught, trim, carrying capacity, etc., she ha? passed
    1,292 words
  • 178 16 Ttta KunV Bis M i I Sun Vat-sen Tv an I Uu P bii Chanjr Bw tf nj T \v I Twelve vot s w The College m UH arrival 1: .?ted i 111 4.30 p.m., Kmoothly. It was attend. ii«l4-fu lead- r- r includii!<x Dr E pontaits;
    178 words