The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 12 September 1923

Total Pages: 15
4 18 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 611 4 Sept. 6. There used to be a story current cf an ardent young barrister talking very strongly m the police court and quoting from big bcoks (to impress his client) being asked by a sanior magistrate for what was he arguing? The reply was "Fifty dollars, your
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  • 751 4 Sept. 7. As representing the producers of Britain, the Federation of British industries sees a bad winter before u s, adducing as the cause the state of Europe. Recent figures of the shipbuilding trade show an equally a. arming aspect. We see m our own daily shipping
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  • 819 4 Sept. 8. Every day that passes without further direct action by the Italians against the Greeks increases the probability that the "white squall" m the Mediterranean will blow over, though it is certain to leave behind it troublesome water and a little more wreckage to mar the
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  • 706 4 Sept. 10 I Plenty of business men are Bti complaining alxiut bad trade, and i curious fee note m the list 01 discharged bankrupts pub.ishtd the Gazette and occupying mar. i pages, there are stili the name? sixty- Aye men or firms who ha* I purged their
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  • 792 5 Sept. U. 1 he Government of Hongkong has «:itiated a pian whereby the housing iLties m that Colony may be rtiftDj overcome, and as the sugtioaia m the report of the com- ::> Singapore are not particut ihiant. the Hongkong plan is rU|J of consideration. Our comseema
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  • 100 5 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Sept 10. After a stop at G STiias, where Dr. Wellington gave a demonstration of malaria problems, the F.E.A.T.M. delegates arrived at Kuala Lumpur last night, and a representative company with various hosts met them at the station. Dr. Wu Lien Teh
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  • 1656 5 MALARIA IN MALAYA. Malaria specialists h.ld the floor at the tt:orning session of the Fifth Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, whiCn held :ts last full day's me yesterday. This morning there will be an early meeting of the official I s who are
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  • 2402 6 SATI RDAY'S FAREWELL MEETING. The Fifth Congress of the Far Eastern Assocatkm of Tropical Medicine, w..ich has drawn to Singapore some of the world's most eminent authorities on trcp cal diseases, il concluded, so far as tnis Settlement is concerned. Tne farewell meeting of members and official
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  • 114 6 Received by Yokonama L. E. Nantz $25 s. M„, Fraser and Co. :>00; Mr < Pasley (Perak) 100; M, er P.. Singapore Sp rting 3et 1000 Evatt 150 (2nd donati $250); A Chinese 1 p. M. Baddeley 250; J Y. L iT r Correction :—Donat i«>n f<
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  • 58 6 [Router's S rvce.] London. >, pThe St. Leger an J. Brennan), Bold and Bfcj X g„ 'ock), Cos (G. Smith). Dor: (C. Eastern Monarch (C. Flint i. Dlaeftat (Victor Smyth) Light-house „j Lear Parth (Carslakei. haj res (Doi Soldumeno (T. Burns) Twelve V Tranquil (T. m t
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  • 81 6 London. S»-pt, i Following a conf< n j M tween Mr. Ben Irish and Mr. Ba« I J resnert'vely owner and ainer m\ and Mr. Fitzgerald, n•; Belmont, chairman of tht Arm rican Jock riuh. to discuss the pronowl mttct tween Papyrus and an American lanes,
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  • 70 6 TReuter's S*rv London, Sest. At Scarborough: Th Gent mer Players match was drawn. T: I Ptayerscored 220 and 297 for I (declare! I ren, m the second inninps, ny» c 100 r.oout his thirteenth century this seetta. wh "h equals the rcvor-'s <-f <\ X Fry
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  • 53 6 fßeutr's London, sept. It is definitely aetatai thai winner. Papyrus, will 1 o shipped ta Ar l en Sept. 22nd to met the best America-three-y« ar old at Belmo t P r--20th for stak.s af BMI I will r de Papyrus, hop a I give the
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  • 253 6 S. C C. Mi4dle Both the i\ hockey teams out the S. C. C. r sad, easy win over the M N was by no means a day i C. however, for gamely time a\er til sp\end'd work sf the halves, the w'de of the 5. C. kept the
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  • Letters to the editor.
    • 71 7 THE EARTHQUAKE DISASTER. v Kdior, In connection with the terrible which has occurred m Tokyo ounding cities and towns, the n Japanese Society held an ex:.ary meeting this morning at the Japarc-e Consulate-General and resolved relief unds. The Yokohama Specie Bank and Bank of Taiwan will be pleased donations on
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    • 176 7 I w the Editor, J -About a year ago there was condiscussion as to whether a tax mes was neccsary for the finances Colony. The departmental Goveratlaai was that Income Tax was dearafcle, and almost essential. I save read your report of His ExcelThe Governor's, lengthy explanation
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    • 168 7 To the Editor. Sir,—Your correspondent has omitted to that the estimate is one of risible supply for 3 months, i.e. production from restricted area plus foreign imports. Whereas stocks m Singapore and Penang present rubber ready for shipment. 2. Published figures show that stocks m si ?a pore
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    • 223 7 n port on the work ng of the Governopeliea for 1922 by the SuperinU G. GarekM Wilson, taanea t.iat i 9 (nests of Benares obtained direct from the GovIndia. Singapore was the only a:.. at which any moveraw opium toeli place. The total i entirely of
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  • 911 7 CONDOLENCES WITH JAPANESE DELEGATES. When the pioeeedngs of the Fifth Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine were resumed yesterday morning a resolution was passed m silence expressing sincere sorrow and the deepest sympathy with the Japanese delegates to the Conference m the catstrophe that
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  • 899 7 One of the most important questions which is on the agenda of the Congress, the question of the prevalence of beri-beri m the Far East and the method of its control, was under discussion at yesterday afternoon's session, when interesting papers were read by British, Australian,
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  • 716 7 Coincident with the treatment of more technical matters m the Memorial Hall the Congress programme yesterday afternoon included the reading of interesting papers by Dr. R. D. Fitzgeral i. the hon'ble Dr. D. J. Galloway, and Dr. W. F. Samuels, of the Central Men:al Hosnita
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  • 292 8 It is not generally known out here that there is now m full operation a modern medical college m Peking, constructed at cost of over ten million dollars and maintained at an annual expenditure of almost one and a half million dollars by the Rockfeller
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  • 494 8 SOME EXHIBITS. In the Congress Room there are a number ot commercial exhibits, well aranged and suitable for the occasion. The Medical Hall occupies the dais and is lit with the 'daylight" lamp. The latest devices of medicine and surgery are exh blted, Sanborn's pulse recorder, modern
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  • 1748 8 The first ordinary general meeting of New Craigielea, Ltd. was held m Gresham Rouse at noon yesterday. Mr. J. M. Simo presided, and others present were Messrs. J. W. Campbell, H. W. Raper, D. J. Ward, J. S. M. Rennie, R. H. Anyon, H. Butcher, If. Cheetham, J.
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  • 230 8 Singapore s Notwithstanding the c.n ness of rubber and th, vance m tne prist sf I r rema ned unrespo- t "nvt business ne; ot.;r 1 t on has been f, rtj thucc sections. H .1,. r tr are unchanged. The although lower close. The aaa aataj
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  • 91 8 The Truants < p< Victoria Theatr- Th** p: me was full of bright number- r some pre ty song? and clever dar Miss Alice May. A feature of I part of the programme was an amusing sketch entitled "The j h isband and loving wife,*' which v.:*? played
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  • 91 8 The Registrar of ISSJ fftnos the Aug-u sssjt sf Ml p rted during the BSSBtl I Net increase 119 638. Value in 1922 $98 n 88.623.000. Imnor tH From outride Brit is* -V 1923, 157.731 SS I BJB I AurJ 1922. E jrht months 1923 120,245 centals.
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  • 44 8 The Archdeacon tad m the Macedcn a aa ahe 1 instant. After Sept, lafe pondence should be addn E. A. Hone, 9, Fort Cci will act as Colonial Chaj Archdeacon's absence. Mr. and f hope to arrive m Sngaporr Sunday September 9th- C N
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  • 1144 9 The general meeting of the Straits British Association was held at the Chlh on Friday. 31st ultimo. Mr. -jgg »»ng Suing, the President m the t'hair. Aft the na*Jaa calling the meeting was the minut€s °f the last annual *c B er:i! meeting confirmed, the Chairman
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  • 430 9 The annual report of Mr. J. C. Moulton, j Director of Rattles Museum and Library fo k tho year 1922. says that his time was fully occupied until June m the of the Malaya-Borneo Exhi- i bition, and after a few months' leave much of
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  • 53 9 (From Our Own C Penang, Sept 4. In the Pol'ce Court H> ••^te A a*\ application for a summons *train«* r*pt Cooney, under section 279 of the rVmine* rvo-ppdur Code for rrjcV ~<>nt driving of a motor car on the n'eht of August 17th, when Mrs.
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  • 1668 9 Saturday last saw the opening of the Race Course for training for the Autumn Meeting. There was a good attendance of members, as something rather more exciting than hot coffee and the peregrinations af hordes had been promised, to wit the drawing of the St. Leger Sweep. Thanks
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  • 90 9 Forks' Hill, Sept. 3. Amerca won the tbird singles, thus ret-« f n<? Davis Cnn hnston beat Hawkes 6 o. 6—2, 6 l. 'Hlden beat Anderson 6 2, 6 3, I—6, 7- m the fourth singles match, which -'oseiy contested. The American* s I'-ained a decisive
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  • 582 10 An agency to handle all publications issued by The Times, Printing House Square. London, at London prices, has been j established in' Kuala Lumpur. Mr. G. M. Scarfe, who arrived Aug. 28, jo ns the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank staff. He has previously been at the
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  • 196 10 An action m which a Tamil contractor claimed $1,433 from Mr. N. Reuben for wcrk done and material supplied for the const met on of a tennis lawn at 31 Stevens Rand and for the levelling of certain ground at the back of the house, was
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  • 1142 10 YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. The lectures m connection with the Fifth Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine were resumed yesterday afternoon, the morning having been devoted to excursions to various places of interest m the neighbourhood of Singapore. At St. John's Island and Pulau Samboe. A
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  • 178 10 The British Medical Association was at Home to the Delegates to the CongTes? yesterday afternoon and there MM an interesting gathering to see the newest, and only voluntarily supported hospital m Singapore. Besides many of the Delegates, who looked with an interested professional eye at
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  • 154 10 Cash Deposit System. (From Our Own Correspondent.* Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 5. At a meeting of the Sanitary Board, when the proposed cases under the deposit system were brought up, Mr. D. Freeman aakad :he cha rman, Mr. Bresland to make a sta ement with regard to the late
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  • 92 10 (From Our Ovm oft****av«islMiM Penang, Sept. 5. In the Supreme Court Mr. Justice Sproule frave judgment for the plaintiffs and disp issed the defendant's counter-claim wi f h costs m an action m which the Java Sea and Fire Insurance Co. sued L. B. P. Stunner. late
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  • 355 10 LOCAL RELIEF MOVEMENTS. THE JAPANES:: S<)(n;i V W£a| We published >estcrday ;i j tt Mr. S. Uchida. the B CV UV Srngapore J: pai. < s "t nyr r that the Japanes.- onimui tr teistic v gcur. p tnat the Yokohama Sp« Bonk of Taiwan wou tons.
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  • 66 10 We understand that a private cable wu received yesterday st -tnp that Mr Tate, the manager of the Yokohama branch of the Chartered Bank, is among th *c wht lost their lives m the disaster. M« Nicholl, of the same bank, who was pre viously
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  • 191 10 A statement to the i police force is a d.mgcro.. for, m view of the lad and others are always are vindictive a^ain si J Mr. A. V. Danriai at Justice, Sir Walter B Court yef terday. arw Malay corpora; Fir.v Magistrate on a illegal gratifica'ien f
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  • 392 11 Italian Government Communique. fall w ng translation of a telegram -mitcvd by the Ital an Legation at »k from the Italian Press Bureau, \.:kok, Sept. 3rd., is forwarded by Consulate: squadron appeared m front i Corfu and ordered the surrender of the After the lapse of the
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  • 323 11 The case of Barton Reginald Vaugham Mil.s and Robert Wake Pretor Pinney vs. 'he Banque Industrieile de Chine, which vas fixed on the September list for further v ons- deration, was mentioned before the hief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, m the Supreme Court yesterday, when Mr. Upcotc for
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  • 26 11 m aanaaa were charged m the Police ye>t rday witn disorderly conduct, r-r r.oi-y outside the Supreme Court, 1 Hr, (ourlay fined them each a dollar.
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    • 693 11 ST. JOSEPH'S OLD BOYS WIN SINGAPORE CUP SEMI-FINAL. Although they had considerably more of t;>e play the S. C. C. were beaten by the St. Josephs Old Boys m the semi-final of the Singapore Cup on the Padang yesterday by the odd goal m three, and m a measure
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    • 93 11 At the annual general me e ting of the S C. F. A., held at the meet ng room M th" Ch n-se Recreation Cub la*t Saturday, the fo'lowing were apposed officebearers for the ensuing year:— President, Lm Scow K'*ew (re-elected); W-Presi-dent. T:n Chiap
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    • 27 11 si Last year the post offices m the Straits handled over twenty -nine mfllion articles (exclud ng parcels), an increase of nearly three million compared with 1921.
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  • 169 11 YESTERDAY'S AUCTION. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber As?oc ation held its 619 th auction en Wednesday, S-ptember sth, when there was Catalogued 1,617,386 lbs.; 722.04 tons. Offered 1,110,669 lbs.; 495.83 tans. Sold £09,120 lbs.; 361.21 tons. PRICES REALIZED. Spot London Is. 3%d. New York 30% cts.
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  • 449 11 Singapore, Sept. 5. The steady improvement n the price of week under review, has had the effect of strengthening share quotations, but busitin, which has to be recorded during the ness has been on a restricted scale wth a somewhat apathetic market Rubber has remained quietly firm
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  • 109 11 Important revisions of the postal law m the Colony are introduced m the new Post Office Bill which passed its first reading m Council on Monday. After amending the present Ordinance so as to include postage by air, the Bill proceeds to do away with compulsory
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  • 751 11 ANNUAL MEETING. Tae annual general meeting of Xyala& Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held m the renca bai bttiidings yesterday, Mr. Koh San Hin presiding, others present being the Hon'b.e Mr. Lan Cweng Lock, Mr. Tan Lhonj, Kee and Mr. H. B. Ward. ihe Chairman, m proposing the adoption
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  • 37 11 J>r. Robson, Singora. of the Siamese Medical Service, has returned from leave. We hear that the Hon. Mr. Ra'ph Scott will act as Resident of Selangor while the Hon. Mr. O. F. Stonor is on leave M.M.
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  • 225 12 Mr. and P. R. Solly left by the Kashmir on furlough. (P.G.). Messrs. W. J. Chivcrs, W. Lewis, H. Morrs and H. D. disembarked at Penang from the Karmala. i Among the passengers by the French steamer Chambord, which arrived here on Saturday, was Mr.
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  • 402 12 <To the Editor of the ,4 Pinang Gazette.") Sir, Your paragraph m Monday's issue to the effect that sixteen sites for bungalows on Penang Hill had been allocated to various firms and individuals suggests several other questions, upon which the public generally would be glad to, receive
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  • 121 12 Reut. r's Service 1 London, Sept. 5. iv*r. Levi son Gowers eleven defeated the West Indies by four wickets. The Umifeta made 110 and 185, Parkin taking five for 36 Rhodes four f r ;57 m the second innings. Mr. Leveson Gower's team made -IS (E. Tyld.sley 07)
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  • 2047 12 The laying the foundation stone of the new Medical College was a pleasant and largely attended ceremony yesterday, lady Guillemard performed the ceremony and* a large number of Delegates to the ongress were present. The hon'ble F M Baddeley, the hon'ble Mr. Pountney and Mrs. Pountney, the
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  • 236 12 Tlse following mere the {nests af H. E the Governor and Lady Guillemard >• ncr on Wednesday. BeptenrfMT sth. Owing to His Ex«iellenry's indispo- the Hon. Mr. F. M. Baddeley, Gu'llemard, received the gneafca. The band of the 2nd. Middlo^x K played selections dnnng the evening. Vce
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  • 150 12 The Vclunteer Bill, which first reading on Monday cettl ber cf a terat ons which ha\. at 'he request of the Army < Cob niai Office and the Gen- I manding m Malaya. Pr<> the requirement of the Army I dudes that for the punishnie^ n uniform
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  • 82 12 A corr snondent to the Pinsng asks th following quest ons cor.c»r Penang Hill remarking thnt fl a far to th b »-atepayers that tihaf appr'sed f the uses to which the pu" fi* ances an- beng put. Is the Cr»F H to be scrapped? Is there to be I
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  • 1567 13 I EPKOSY IN MALAYA AND ITS TREATMENT. tares at the Fifth Congress of ir rlastern Association of Tropical xiw >esterday included a very internes .eprosy n Malaya acd the various methods of its treatment. Ihe chief contributor to the proceedings M Dr. E. A. O.
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  • 102 13 QUEEN WILHELMINA'S SILVER JUBILEE. Children's Celebration. The Dutch childrea attending the private school held at the Dutch Club celebrated H. M. Queen Wilhelmina'a Silver Jubilee on Thursday. The Club was gaily decorated for the occasion and a merry band of children, carrying flags and wearing little orange badges symbolic of
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  • 921 13 The Yokohama Specie Bank has received a cable, which was despatched from the Shanghai office at 8 o'clock on Wednesday, seating that according to a message received through the Oriental Express Telegraph Co., the.r head office m Yokohama is qui.e safe, and that their Tokio office s-hou d
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  • 102 13 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 6. Giving judgment m the Seremban commission claim brought by Mr. C. J. M. Lyons, against Messrs. E. A. Barbour, Ltd.. Mr. Justice McCabe Iveay said he had no hesitation m finding for the plaintiff for the amount claimed
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  • 107 13 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Sept. 6. A Eurasian named R. G. Paul was sentenced m the District Court to twelve months imprisonment on each of two charges, to rum concurrently, of cheating and falsely pretending to be employed boMessrs R. Young and Co. thereby dishonestly inducing
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  • 430 13 Great Fossil Field m Mongolia. The researches of Mr. Roy Chapman Andrews, who for some years has been exploring the less-known regions of China and adjacent territory m the interest of the Natural History Museum of New York, are 1 kely to add considerably to scient.fie understanding
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  • 503 14 - ANNUAL MEETING. Mr. A. J. Ferguson presided over the ;;nnu-il general meet ng of the Kluang Rubier Company, Ltd., held at Greshem House o.', Thursday. Others present were: Messrs: S. Q. Wong Gaw Khek Kniam and the hcn'ble Mr. D. J. Ward, Mr W. E. Rayner, Mr. Ong
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  • 271 14 Mr. J. Calder is appointed to act aa Resident, Labuan, from Sept. Ist. Dr. W. H. Fry is granted 2% montha leave of absence prior to retirement. Mr. W. F. Rigby is appointed a police magistrate fcr the settlement of Singapore. Although he leaped <"rom the
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  • 1273 14 Quiequid agunt homines nostri est larrag. T b 11 Juvena 'Juring the Great War, when the tale of b'< io sses began to come m, we consoled ourselves with the dictum that, fortunately for humanity, horror was not cumulatve A1 the last, we suppose the sight
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  • 261 14 Traffic Inspector Corben who is alleged to have received illegal gratification from a number of local motor c~r drivers, has b:en committed for trial before the forthcoming Assizes on ten charges all of a I similar nature. Mr. V. D. Knewles repre ■cuts the Inspector. During the preliminary
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  • 100 14 His Majesty has been pleased to approve of the appointment of the Hon'ble Dr. Winstedt to be temporarily a member of the Legislative Council. Mr. G. C. Valpy has been compelled on doctor's orders to proceed on leave. We are sorry and wsh him a speedy recovery. This has created
    Cathedral Paper  -  100 words
  • 765 14 MALACCA LAM) c.\BR The decision of the appeai considered the matter concerning th tion of right asking for rasasn urn illegal sale ol' land, brought named Pang Ah Yew, the lar R q e JJ* being m Malacca, was pjsssj mi n taTsT reme Court on Thursday m.»rr.
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  • 523 15 j Hon. Mr. J. H. M. Kobaon, has (tSsraeil from Perak. Mrs. C A. Stanlake, of Batu Isfl for Au&tralia. Mr. Justee Barrett-Lennard to Singapore by the Ipoh. |jt-CsL Spencer has completed hir visit ptaang and has returned to Singapore. 1. A. S. MacClelland, lately act
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  • 57 15 -ases m Exports and Imports. I ""tssj'slm of Import? and "is the follow ng figures of ports for last month, excluding I Imports. $46.7 H 620 or £5.452 256 $38 1'U.482 or £4.445 173 8 632.138 or £1 007.083 Exports. $51,067,281 or £5.957 850 $***** 505
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  • 472 15 S. C\ C AND LANKA UNION DRAW. The Lanka Union completed their fixtures m tho Singapore Cricket Tournament on Saturday, when they shared the points vith the a C. C. On a good run-getting Sticks* the bat always the ball, the afternoon's play producing no less than
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  • 326 15 LABU AN NOTES. Labuan, Sept. 1. There has been one long round of festivities m Labuan during the past t:n dnys, m the celebration of a scries of farewell parties m honour of Mr. H. J. Eley, who left t- -day by the s.s. on home leave. Mr. Eley
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  • 16 15 The Midwives Ordinance is ordered to come into effect n Singapore and Penang from Octcber Ist.
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  • 420 15 TWO RECORDS ESTABLISHED. Two new lecords were established on Saturday afternoon, when the St. J. O. B. annual athletic sports were held. WhLe everybody concerned deserves cred t for the success of the meeting, the fine performance of the De Souza brothers deserves special mention.
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  • 405 15 The Singapore Spoiling Club are to be commended for the steps they have taken to aid the Relief Fund that has been started m Singapore for the help of the victims of the Japanese disaster. At a meet ng of the Committee of
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  • 41 15 The Malay Mail learns that Mr. C. H. Xllin, Director o* Po*ts and Telegraphs, V M.S., is retirinsr probably next month, 'rom the servi-e m which he has been working since June. 1904. Hie will go on kave preparatory to retirement.
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  • 648 15 NEWS RECEIVED LOCALLY CONSULAR TELEGRAMS. Farther news received from Toki^ yesterday states that Mr. Hiranuma was i'ppointed Minister of Justice, Mr. Okant, Minister of Education, Mr. Hideo Yokota, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and Mr. Kakichi Uchida, Governor of Taiwan. Up to Sept. 7th., the deaths
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  • 82 15 t From Onr Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 8. Mr t oke Chow Thyp will head the deputat'o*^ f^ori the Selangor Anti-Opium Society jrh'r*< w'll present the Che" Secretary, a proros tion f t the suppression of the opium traffic m the F.M.S. An offer w ll be
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  • 75 16 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 10. The Penang and Province Volunteer practice mobilisation on Sunday was very succeafeL iJH S!. 0 C u b th Bachelors and Orass W.dcwer, beat the Married men by line matches and three foursomes W, t r L t e a MOhamedhan
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  • 682 16 JOHORE'S SHOOTING AT TAIPING. (From Our Own Correspondent.), johore Bahru, Sept. 4. The main event of the week, and that not too happy m the result, has been, of course, the Warren Shield competition at Taiplng, where Johore came m twelfth oi eighteen competing teams. Th.s is hardly
    Et Voila tout  -  682 words
  • 1647 16 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1923. DETAILS FILTER THROUGH HELP FROM THE STRAITS. Although a connected story of the Japanese earthquake disaster has still to be told, telegraphic news further details of the tragedy continues to arrive at the Japanese Consulate and the Japar,e?c Banks' m Singapore. A
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  • 66 16 There is every ns the message which n Sunday announc nj* that th< m Yokohama was among the vi. the earthquake, rela- r M) V r issor. who was formerly the Netherlands m S ngaporr. Mr was barely thirty year- f He cjutt to Singapore
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  • 223 16 The Singapore Japa? their deep gratitude I pore friends for their sympathy >\\qwt. a so generously subscribing to ttV Up to noon yert< rriay |be handsome stsi oi $40,000 had been leaser bed and thh las been transmuted by w re through m courtesy of the Japar
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  • 149 16 The following w. Excellency the Qaoeraer and Lad) mard to dinner on Thurs Owing to Hi Exeellearyi indspeat the hon'ble Mr. V M I Guillemard. reeereei of the 2nd. M selections during the Dr. W. A. Say. Th.Bishop of v T P' guson-Davie, Dr. v IdM F H.
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  • 31 16 London. l£ The St. Leger betting is:^~ i* 9-^2 Parth 9—l Tranquil w langowan and Teresina, 4 Monarch, 100—6 Doric and W»vgood. Twelvo Pointer and 25—1 Bcld «r«d
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  • 1039 17 ,;,|,li:sEX WIN SINGAPORE CUP. gy jafiathn St Joseph's Old Boys on PaiaaC yesterday evening before a dance, whose presence should TVrs of the S.F.A. considerably U .i-iloex Rgiment ensured that j SjLirapore Cup, which they won a from the S.C.C., should remain Tanglin until the departure of -.riment early
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  • 471 17 CONGRESS DELEGATES ENTERTAINED AT THEATRE. Having attended most of the deliberaMons of the delegates to the Medical Congress the writer m referring here to the c ents of yesternight almost found himself recording that "the proceedings of the Con grjss were continued m the Theatre last night,
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  • 64 17 In addition to the $1 000 allocate' to the Japanese Relief Fund from tho >harity percent"go of the St. T esrer Sweep or pt on? t v e follownrr further al oca* have also been made: To the St w*s Medical Mission $1,000 The Fv-" >rvfeei
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  • 702 17 R. S. Y C. The second race for the Vice-Commo-dore's Cup (1919) brought out 13 boatr rnt a very good race resulted, although the start was made in fluky weather. K^ thleen and Ann gut away with :i good lead from the stalling gun, their sJrippefa very wisely away
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  • 168 17 QUEEN OF HOLLAND'S JUBIL EE. T c celebrationa m honour o'" Her Majesty tne Queen of Holland's Si.ver 'übilee came to a fitting conclos on on Satnrday night, wen rrand bal wa> held a^ tl c premises of the Date) Club, Cairn H'll-road. The oq< :a ion *n <>n» for
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  • 711 17 HOME i Reuter's Service.] London, Sty.'. 3. 11. M. the King has telegraphed to the Emperor of Japan expressing his horror at the appalling disaster, and profoundly sympathising with His Majesty at the overwhelming catastrophe, resulting m the 'oss of life and property and the untold sufferings of thousands.
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  • 2925 18 [Reuter's Service.] Osaka, Sept. 3. An officer who flew over Tokio and the Stricken district states that the Imperial Palace is safe and only partially damaged Tokio is devastated except two wards and parts of two others. Nearly all the concrete and buildings collapsed. The tidal wave flooded
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