The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 6 June 1923

Total Pages: 16
353 368 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 189 353 i} it. us. al Free Kririish Education 3">;{ i Countries Ml mmfatk Average Man 354 vy'arxl the Avy 354 End Comment SM Th- Law*! Chief Safeguard „(>!!< Wl> eOIRT NEWS. v 357 heat 'ng Cast- 358, 65 ji>V-r Chandu 359' I *cii Wireless 361 Th "retry Case 36* i
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  • 113 353 June 4. $99.00 < she No. 1 24.00 Gambier 12.00 B tek 14.00 v.hite fsir) 22.00 Mal flake f.g. 10.00 $«_o small 7.00 10.25 jried, 10.75 Jiw». Cenarr* une. 4,000 J*. Rangoon white 230.00 No. 1 for expoit 285.00 No. 2 for export 250.00 ■J*. Saigea No. 1 for
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    • 69 353 RAVAGE. At "Ardmore," Penang Road, Kuala Lumpur, on tho 27th inst.. to Mr. and Mrs. R. Savsge, the gift of a daughter Shei a Jean. CATOR— On May 31st. at i> Xapier Road, S.i'gapore, the wife of G. B. Cator, Malayan Civil Service, of a daughter. MILLIGAN.- At the
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    • 116 353 SARKIES. At Paris, on May 31st, Aviet Sarkies. partner m thc firm of Sarkies Bros. Aged 61. y KOEK In London on May 31st. Sdwin Rowland Koek, Barrister at Law. age't 57. by cable. One who nev.r turned irs back But marched breast forward. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Mr. E. R. Koek,
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  • 349 353 Thc last mail from Home arrived on Saturday, June 2nd, bringing London dates to May 10th. This weekly will leave hy train to-day to conivoct at Penang with tin P, an<* O. iA Nyanza. The new Currency Bill was introduced into the Legislative Council last week. Dr.
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  • 60 353 Miss Maclver, Lady Supervisor, Malay Girls* Schools, S.S. and F.M.S. sails for Lome on tho Nyanza, and will he away for seven months. M T. R. Binnie, of the Customs Department. Kuala Lumpur, has been transferred 99 Malacca as Supervisor of Customs. Mr. C. A. Scott, a new arrival from
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  • 796 353 May 30. In his address to the Legislative Council on October 14th, 1918, Sir Arthur Young stated "It is the aim vi the Government to afford facilities lor the free education of all children Io English up to the Fourth Standard." Asked on Monday if this
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  • 888 353 May 31. Germany cannot possibly be included m this class. Mr. Ellis Barker, an authority on the subject, says that the real value of the principal resources constituting Germany's wealth is now greater than ever it was. The owners of mines, factories, &q, have increased their value to
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  • Page 353 Advertisements
    • 143 353 Suoscnbers to the "Singapore Free Presa" •wnly returning from Europe to the Straiu 97 ai y of the mail linea. are invited to send '•o tbe Manager the name of their steamer and or arrive! m Singapore. Copiea wil* then be mailed to meet them at various ports of sail
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  • 818 354 June 1. We may perhaps be permitted to take a text from our senior evening contemporary. "We have been positively amazed m all our dealings with this subject [rubber export restriction} to see how incapable the average man is of seeing beyond the point ot his
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  • 853 354 June 2. inpatient people have worked n selves up into a paroxysm of tement because nothing has yet i done m Singapore m the way eveloping the place as an air staWhen the Smiths passed ugh on their memorable journey ustraiia, there was great talk
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  • 811 354 J'in.' -J The list of Birthday ft i tajit, rather more distin. this part of the world than tn the custom for some yea; think there will be gener. that the name of Mr. 1 C* well is not m the list. It Bl tha under the new
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  • 688 355 Juni' 5. The mail from Home brings out the full judgment of the Court of Appeal, m the case of Art O'Brien. He wraa one of the men arrested m March m London and sent to Ireland to be held m custody of the Irish Free
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    • 81 355 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 4. The death occurred m hospital suddenly of Mr. Robed! Huson, late Captain m the Indian Army, who came to Malaya m December. He leaves a widow. He was buri*d yesterday, and hia coffin, which was covered wtih the Union Jack, bore
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    • 156 355 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 4. At the annual meeting of the Selangor Turf Club,. Dr. Travers, presiding, expressed gratification at tho half-year profit of $4,255. after writing off $3,C81 for depreciation. The course and tho buildings were ir. excellent condition. Replying to a questioner,
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    • 314 355 jt is known that the Children's Conceits ai« becoming very popular among the younger generation of our city, and proof of thi. was seen yesterday afternoon, the occasion of the second concert of 1923. Doors were timed to be opened at 4.40 p.m. concert commencing at 5) and
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  • 663 355 TRIBUTES FROM BENCH AND BAR. Sympathetic references to the late Mr. i.. IL Koek, whose death while on leave m England i >'>bed ihe Singapore Bar of its senior member, W<T*b made m the Supreme Court yesterday morning m the presence oi a gathering of
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  • 92 355 The following kind message has been received by the General Officer Commanding from His Excellency the Governor and Com-mander-in-Chief, and is published for information: H. E. the G. 0. G. Please convey ta all who took part m the parade m honour of His Majesty's Birthday on
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  • 76 355 A Government Gazette Extraordinary, issued yesterday, contains, besides the Birthday Honours List, the following lists of additions to the Commiss'on of the Peada:— For the Settlement of Singapore, Messr. Arthur Cecil Hynes, Austin Jackson, Chan Sze Onn, Hen Pang Kiat, Tan Cheng Kee, Tan Kah
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  • 2484 356 Tresdry, June sth, wil be a red-letter day m the history of Raffles Institution. One hundred years ago,— on sth June, 1823.— the foundation stone of the present building was well and truly hud by the Fender, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. The Institution has had a century
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  • 68 356 A Chinese was produced before Mr. Gourlay m the Third Police Court yesterday an<j charged at the instance of Mr. Freeman of the Rubber Restriction Office, with importing rubber into the colony without a licence, thus committing a breach of rule 3 under section 13 of the Export of Rubber
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    • 187 356 Middlesex H«.;1 The Mide and a eeapfc 'if Mm C on tha hadaaaj pas* which wai p nd was is a tei ■ad it v.a> te t<» Dam i second half was i downpour of rain. I brilliance wa- at a high military team was sup<. i particularly
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    • 133 356 'Jtic result of the jum Montnh iieca as follows: Senior Division. Wan by 11. I). Mundell Junior Division. -m by E. C. Milligan C V. Raile;. jj tS m% tic. The following cards wen m The Ball Sweep wu< bj C. feveritt with a seats af Sunday,
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  • 78 356 (From Our Own Penan?, Jaw liie -I Pi r.. of Captain A. R. Hunter, of I X B imship Company* _rte»S*sr I derraaad went for wim ff R Hotel and it him off his feet, his head stl k rock. The funeral to k place
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  • 166 356 Thm Municipal Healtn Ortio lor the week ending May 2<i ith mm of 28 1)6 per rr. -J2 16 ai the' eatresp ending year, the number of deaths which ana was Eur. an, 167 I Malay-, and IG India::*, fm of mortality were nnoumoiii: 27, phthisis 24. sad beri h
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  • 224 357 r |ft 2 saw a record m the Colony am, twenty. f )f ttoeae and »>i:rh*. reprievrd. co to penal servitude 1 sui ays < >.. of Hongk >ng. ridend ot ten pet cent, carries 00 to th special res rye aocoun* and la reserve, ar.el
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  • 165 357 Tm Singap< re Assies concluded yeettfft sg before Mr. Justice Barrett- Bi r wao charged with kidnapping a girl and with rape. He was found l£ aad Hi> Lordship passed sentence I the first and 3 years rigorous r: .ent on the second charge, the ntences to run
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  • 118 357 > ral adjournments, the ca.->e ir Borneo Co were complainants two Sikhs and two Tamils the accused. a conclusion before Mr. Ahearne Second Police Court on Monday. tcrj.sed were charged with the theft v .td of bricks, which were remmwmA ft the Alexandra Brick Work* •■d ZM'mwat
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  • 106 357 ening, Mr. Oakshott, A.S.P.. 1 hinese following a European North Bridge road The I touted the suspicions of the whs followed at some di*- at the junction of Hi«rh h Bridge »*oad. thj Chinese nto the sailor's pocket and ng which Ip quickly passed '<»- man. Both
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  • 2401 357 TREASURER'S REVIEW. 1- introducing the new Currency Bill into Council on Monday, the hon'ble Mr. roaill 1)0 J, C. M. G. gave an interesting review of the law m the Colony, m the course of which he said: Government Paper Currency was first -<ued m this Colony m
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  • 220 357 The meeting of the S.C.C. second and the Malaya F. C. on the Reclamation ground yesterday afternoon produced some excellent football. Both the teams made ground quickly, but the forwards were time after time frustrated at the crucial moment. Both goalies wore very resourceful. Ferguson, a new arrival,
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  • 21 357 Mr. H. L. Hopkin, of the staff of the Straits Tiroes, returned from Home leav* yesterday and looks fit and well.
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  • 1204 358 The K. G. A., whose former skipper, Parkinson, is now assisting the Royal Engineers m the Second Division, have found at least two useful players among the eletails which arrived m the Colony a few weeks back. With Bowers at Cmtre, the forward line was wronger against the
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  • 510 358 Wlln (apt Whppey, who is charged with cheating, was brought up before Mr. Gourlay m the Thiiel Police Court yesterday, h- told lis Worship tha' he wished the case to be further post'.^ned, m order that the fll faience might oe given bef orchis legal representative. He
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  • 698 358 LEAGUE OF NATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION. -Questions of the big epidemic dis-eases which affect the Far East are important international questions which recognise no poHtical boundaries," said Dr. Norman White, representative of the Health Organisation' of the League bi Nations, m the course of an interview
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  • 103 358 Mr. Justice St. J. Branch has been granted an extension of leave for thnse months and a half from the 27th instant. It is understood that he will relieve Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard when the latter goes on teave m September. It is proposed by thie Hindu employees on Maxwell's Hill,
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    • 148 358 To The Editor. Dear Sir, Y< i r enneepaade Skies" has opened up •heUtilisation of Waste(d) IV I feel sure he will be n someone further up the road solving this pre.' -m of <b- :ru deposit of carbo< ami tarn mati around the dwcl; p of
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    • 263 358 To the Editor. Sir,— Reading your lead. irug on life saving not ask your reader- for su; to apparatus for same. i „r requirement. I ejuit« valuable hints from sea p could bo turneei to a. Board of Trade-. As a start I we>ulo like m the
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  • 153 358 The Courtneidge Holloway Compri opened their return visit to Singapore the Victoria Theatre last ffe with 1 Four Walls Told," an exceeding: r chosen piece. The Comp M > w&5 corned by a large and ■aHais.sst ence. The play proveel hi attracts the Company's previoun n( night, the
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  • 78 358 In the finals of the Anier cap) Tournament piay«ed off on Sat the Clerical Union. Lim Teck Sen* W* teat E. Chong Peek (—9O) the final being Lim Teck Seng 250. F chon i 231. In the final of Engl.-'- S?S Tournament, J. Chong Wong 7 > b^ f
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  • 86 359 si 50 was inflicted on a Chinese Tan Chew by Mr. Gourlay m the Court yesterday morning, for. being .1 „n o:' a quantity of and for quai ity e>f opium inte> the u < i>f sx months rigorous im- was passed by Mr. David, DisjOWh
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  • 185 359 of seven Australian Parlia- tatives arrived m Singa- Kangaroo en Monday. They H>n. Mr. E. Taylor, the Speaker Welters Australia Legislative Hous<e UitmWj. whs hrs taken the voyage Xu^tralia on medical advice after a :!!ness; tte> Hon. Mr. P. Collier, f the Opposition, the Hon.
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  • 138 359 [Reuter's Service] London. May 29. The match between the West and the M.C.C. was drawn. In the tirst innings Johnson made 103. Surrey beat Sussex on the first A. E. Gilligan, m Surrey' 9 second 5, performing the hat-trick m taking wickets for 14. bridge: Cambridge Un. ersity
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  • 115 359 i. ourtmedge HuUoway te 1 "The Bat," a play of acts hy Mary Roberts L ai theatre-ircers are familiar ;> of this most entertaining I H.; iQi for perfect acting from "f thi ,i>«.rs, and last night the Company were m every eir part 3. Miss Florera* a
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  • 84 359 -> were- produced before thc Court yesterday on charges -sion of non-Gdvemment weened plaasM guilty to the rhey wete arrested hy an officer department, who, on searchpert y at the Tanjong Pagar ■kid just after their arrival ■n Tuesday, found the chandu m their belongings. tirst accused had
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  • 1538 359 WHAT JAPAN THINKS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Tokyo, May 10. That the Singapore naval base which Great Britain intends to construct is as much a menace and a challenge to Japan as it a base were constructed at Hongkong, an j that the project is a flagrant
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  • 127 359 The question ><f dirty currency notes is being considered m Ceylon, as well as by orr own Treasury. One and two rupee notes there are never re-issued by the Treasury, being withdrawn whenever they i cnu- m. Three hundred thousand notes are withdrawn monthly, and any bank that
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  • 318 359 LEAGUE FOOTBALL. ST. JOSEPH'S DRAW WITH CHINESE. St. Jostph's Old Boys put up a tine di€p!ay against theii- rivals, -he S. C. A. m tht Fi 1 "Division Of the Singapore League on th»* Padang yesterday anil they would have been no morv than justly rewarcLd had they
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  • 363 359 Singapore May .'JO. The tone of tne -Lire market nas bet a little better. A id r mess has been •lone m tin shsres, whicb are BMetly steady, with, if anything a tendency to fanprove. There are signs of renewed interest m rubbers but up to the
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  • 126 359 Tokio, May 2H. In the Far Eastern Olympic which were held m Osaka, Japan seemed the Emperor' Challenge Cup, being th. winner of ali the lanel games, gaining a total erf 138. i points compared with 95.7 scored by t! Philiphine Islands and 7.2 by China. Tokio,
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    • 142 360 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 29. At the meeting of the Federal Council, the Hon. Mr. E. S. Hose presiding, the only business was the Restriction Bill, introduced on a certificate of urgency. Mr. J. E. Nathan was invited to be present. The Legal Adviser moved
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    • 45 360 FO RGED RUBBER COUPONS. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, May 29. A Chinese has been committed to the Assizes em a charge of using forged rubbercoupons. He declared that he bought them on the five footway from a clerk, believing them to be genuine.
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    • 373 360 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May Wk. The Federal Council, uft«r a lengthy sitting, finally passed the Restriction Bill. The- Legal Aelviser mfc:«Td !C tic hur,ied introduction of the original Bill. necessitating the leaving of everything te; be provided for m tne rub-.-, which plan had its
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    • 155 360 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May HU. There bai been trouble- m the Confucian Boys' School, here, as a result of three Chinese teacheri bring dismissed, ft is alleged that they actively developed the hoy's sympathy, one dictating an essay which was chiefly an invtctive
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  • 531 360 Dr. Wheeler, Medical Officer, Central Kedah, will bo proceeding on leave m the near future. Ur. S. R. Drayton, of the Wireless Station. Ponaga, accompanied by Mrs. Drayton, has proceeded to Singapore on transfer. IfonTieur Andre Danjou. thc French Consul, has been on a short trip
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  • 209 360 Mr. Sieh Wen Tsing the proprietor of the Sin Kuo Mm Prises, 120 Cross Street, prosecuted two employees of his before Mr. David m the District Court yesterday, for leaving his service without giving notice. The action was taken under section 14 of the labour Ordinance, 1920, anel
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  • 1391 360 CUP FINAL SCENES. (From Our Own Corrcspomlent). London, May 3. The Cup Tina: of this year wiil go down m history as the Great Pandemonium. The title is net undeserved, because, having been present throughout what happened, I can conscientiously -say that so far as crowds are
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  • 136 360 Tiie rppointmert ti kmltvi the Ip h Clubs (the Ipoh I khana Club and ipoh Golf rt'lcel by the selection of I retiree! Paymaster, 1 I '-ay n l rrivai will relic B.unes, who has bewi actiiu Club. an»l Mr. CL C 11 as Berratsrp sf ths Ijpeh Gy< Mr.
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  • 388 361 K vKR\L VIEW IN Ai STUALIA. ..-ral view n Austra. a is greatly at tie pivposals to establish ;i base at Mngapore, according li nc x. the Labour Member •n, who with other members n, iitisa, and the Hon. Mr. G. speaker ot the W. A. Legisise
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  • 120 361 hiummond," pre- eed by the Holloway G ■>*., at he Victo;ia night, was favour, dy received can iff Hit r Tl play gave of the Company plenty of th ir talent. Mr. Claud Allister accomplished a difficult He was throughout the aad his acting was at all .nei
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  • 73 361 iree English and arranged for 9 p.m., between re--lein Association The games will I ion club house, 80, I and meaaWn and friends ted to attend. Tho f the Moslem Association, WM b. iMessrs. L. S. A. >ng. M. M. Sulaiman, A. Osanm, IL M. Sahfb, S.
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  • 25 361 h wild boar. A couple of ni >n norn South Kedah and bagged ten m two »f immense girth was iv< r of thr MUMS
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  • 172 361 WEDNESDAY'S AUCTION. Tl Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 605t"h auction on Wednesday, May Mth, when there was catalogued 1,067,497 the.; 472.54 tons. Offered 777,931 lbs.; 847.29 ion*. Sold 4*8,400 lbs. 180.08 tons. 1 PRICES RRALBRD. I Spo» London la 2 New York 28% cts.
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  • 366 361 Singapore, May .'lO. Alter experiencing tetter weakness ii the market, tin recovered towardl th" end of the period ander r. v w. but there is still little confidence m th.- share market and business ban been on a very lhnfe*d scale. Rubber, on th*- other hand. ha>
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  • 220 361 Mr. H. A. Chase- Currier, of ihe United Engineer, who 1u..! erected an apparently very sfficlent receiving aak at his bouse, Xo. 997 I'pp- r Serangoon road, was charge! before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. I). Ahearne yesterday morning with installing a wirelesa -et at his residence without
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    • 57 361 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 30. In the Second Court taro Chinese were committed to thf Ass&ea on three charges, which havo been framed as a sequel to the raid at Batu Lunching, Penang. The barges are of counterfeiting, possession f counterfeit coins and counterfeiting instruments. A
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    • 124 361 (From Our Darn Correspondent), Penang, May 31. The resnAt «>f the sheiotinir for the Inport Match is that Penang made Si 7, individual scores being Hoi-an 96, Everest Kinder 92, Allan *<;, C. A. ele Cms 84, Perkins 82, A. A. Cru/ 77, Brownings 70, T< i'r Soon
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  • 582 361 The above Committee, of which Lady llamard has consented te> become the first President, has btren formed with a lew to assisting stuelcnts who leave this Colony to complete their education m Greet Britain. It has b< rv, fe-lt for some time post that some public
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  • 168 361 LEAGUE FOOTBALL. The Municipality lost to tho O. T. C. on the Padang yesterday by the narrowest margin The 0. T. C. kicked off th* wind m th ir favour, and after some quick exchanges, Vassin registered the first point for his side. Yayah added a second goal
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  • 673 361 Brightoaiaos on Paaffhsr Island. Thc following letter from Mr. Ron. Ridgewell, e>f Batu Anam Estate, appears m ih- "Brighton anel Hove Herald": We are four Brightonians and one doji thy- only European inhabitants of an islanel m the Malay Archipelago, riv" miles long by a mile
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  • 668 362 Mr. and Mrs. F. W. B. Sergeant have returned from Homo. Mr. C. F. F. WeanSi is on a visit to Penang. Mr. E. C. Wolff has been granted seven months leave from May 9th. Mr. N. A. Sedwick is appointed to act as Deputy Treasurer
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  • 276 362 THE LATE MR. AVIET SARKIES, We deeply regret to kewrn of the sudden dtxuh of Mr. Aviet Sarkies, senior partner ut the firm of Messrs Sarkies Brothers, thm well-known hotel proprietors. Mr. Aviet Sarkies, left Singapore m 1921 for England. From there he went to Paris, and a telegram
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  • 440 362 THE SENIOR MEMBER Ol SINGAPORE BAR. Widespread regret will be felt m Singapore at the announcement, following the DOceipt of a cablo by his breither-in-law yesterday, of the sudden eleath of Mr E. R. Koek. who for several years past had been the doyen
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  • 87 362 Mr. A. E. Henshaw, Assistant Warden of Mines, Kuala Kangsar, has gone Hemic on leave. Mr. B. L. Gardner, Inspector of Mines, has been appointed to ae-t for him. A young Chinese was produced before the Third Magistrate yesterday morning at the instance of the C. D. 1., and charged
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  • 449 362 Mr. C. W. Darbishire and Mr. F. G. Penny do not believe m merely casting thuir votes and filling the rote of "silent member," and we notice that when they do speak th^y invariably succeed m interesting the House, though they do not see eye to eye of
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  • 216 362 The three Malays arrestee! by the Detective* Branch m connection with certain burglaries which were committed some time ago, arhen cbthing was stolen from Major Key's resdence, the Sister? quartan at the General Hospital, and the Officers Quarters, Alexandra Barracks, were produced before Mr. Gourlay m the Third
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  • 187 362 Tiie preliminary enquiry into the charge of double murder against the- Chinese, a former servant of Mr. P. D. Kirkman of Institution Hill, was commenced before Mr. C. D. Ahearne m the Second Police Court yesterday morning and postponed. It will be remembered that tho accused shot
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  • 301 362 The following minutes inp of tht- Committer o* Chamber of Commence a- May 17th have been fstnaij publication. The Chairman stated that hael ti-'en called for the sidering a letter dated !,>ti from the Colonial Secretarc am« morandum by the* «>nr 0 f PmL 7 Export, detailing m»e
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  • 286 362 An application for the fixi; for the hearing of the preliminary cc««dings against a local Chettf AtAmi A. R. S. Veerappa, Chetty of Market Struct, was made by Mr. Stevens before Court yesterday morning. Mr. Layton who appeared os the accused staled that the <■• of fotgery
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  • 50 362 The F. M. S. yacht Sea Be le, the High Commissioner on b<»ar leave on the 7th. instant for Trengg Kelantan. At Trengganu H. E. wil H. H. the Sultan erf the State *fch Insignia of K. C. M. G. The Sea B* will be away from Singapore about r^ght.
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  • 1188 363 homines iostri est farray IIIMIII \i \vwi>old, that the for.vai ban* at Singapore is >r terests" would have tauiiar if he had injaan> M Biwjbudf knows members from Singapore, Bourn, are dsaply involved m u>uy. though very much and it wa- a shrewd hit. X' na
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  • 265 363 An extraordinary general meeting of policy holders m the National Mutual Life Association of Australasia, Ltd., was held m Melbourne on 21st March fo.- the purpose of receiving the report by thc Actuary of the seventeenth triennial investigation for the three y.oars ended 30th
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  • 537 363 TOWKAY'S LARGE DEFICIT. ln the course of his public examination m the Bankruptcy Court yesterday after- noon, before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard, Thio Lioe Kiat, the proprietor of Chop Back Seng, which formerly carried on business m Robinson Road, stated that his liabilities m that Chop amounted to $9G,000,
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  • 199 363 A telegram has been received by M.essrs. Paterson, Simons and Company, ag-ents for the Bibby Honderson Line from their head office, dated May 30th., advising that an immediate reduction m their through passage rates from Straits ports to United Kingdom will conu* into force as from June
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  • 27 363 An engagement is announced between Mr. Edward Jago, Malayan Civil Service, and Miss Mary Dowden, elder daughter of Dr. R. Dowden, Principal Medical Officer, Federated Malay States.
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  • 802 363 LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES. To the Editor. Sir,— l do not happen to know Mr. W. M. Blake, but he seems to take an intelligent interest m life saving gear at sea on passenger <ships. The intelligent interest of the layman is really what is required to
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  • 77 363 The annual report of the Marine Department states that during the year 1922 69,493 vessels of a tonnage of 29,547,730 entered and cleared at the five ports of the Colony, being an increase of 1,646,47 i compared with the previous year; of thr increase Penang shows 1,115,105 tons. Native craft
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    • 441 364 CEREMONIAL PARADE OX THE PADAXG. A very large number e>f people wit!:'. sseei the oremonial parade on the Padang on Satuixiity morning; on the occasion of the birthday of H. M. King George sth. Clooe upon tvve> thousand troops anel volunteers te>ok port m the paraele-, the movements
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    • 441 364 BRILLIANT AND ENJOYABLE EVENT. Mata than twelve hundred people were the gnoses of His Excellency. S r Laurence GuiHemard, and Lady Gu llemard at the ttoya! Birthday Ball m Government House on Saturday night, and the arrangements for the entertainment and comfort of this large (lumbar of
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  • 607 364 JUDGE'S DISBELIEF IX HUSBAND'S RECKLESS "STATEMENTS/ Judgment m the dispute between a husband and wife over the ownership of certain jewels was giVen on May 7 by Mr. Justice Lush and Mr. Justice Salter sitting as a King's Bvnch Divisional Court. The wife, Mrs. Evelyn
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  • 35 364 The following are the numbers of arrivals from and departures to the Madra* Presidency for tho month of May 1923 Arrivals, 94t adult*, 85 minors; Departure. 3,547, ,282. The arrivals SMWd nansen gter^.
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  • 969 364 MEMBERS' CRITICISM OF ACCOUNTS. The annual meeting of members of the Singapore Swimming Ciub was heid at the Club yesterday morning, Mr. H. R. W. Lobb presiding over a good attendance, ln the course of the meeting the 'accounts came m for a certain amount of criticism by
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  • 281 364 In spite of countor attr.v Kibmot, di»w a fairly large ss the Victoria Theatre on Satu and the picture will ur big attraction i n the whangou Kismet is not an exceptior but it easily ranks with some .»f we hay** seen m Singap<>r. nothing very
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  • 135 364 Apropos of the Master Attendant's not cation re Launches and Johnrton'* V is said that steamers often anchor ao to the pier that it leaves the launch** option but to d«» the same. Another <*'-'« for dissatisfaction round this bu*y loca.'-'--is the Chinese sampans being allo*"*i
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  • 86 364 Suggested Decentralisation oi i ontrol At a irt&eting of the Council oi the corporated Society <>f Plarfvr-. Kuala Lumpur on May Wk, JP" committee was formed to coi question of reorganising the Sonet lines somewhat similar to tht V and its D. P. A's, with a
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  • 34 364 Mr. W. 3. Reeve-Tucker, m na r 0 J lt Sungei W r ay Estate, will be going mJJJ shortly. During his absence ,Mr H D-^ of the same estate will act a* manager
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  • 1356 365 TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1923. THE ADMIRALS ARGUE IT OUT. w NAVAL SI TKU-BASK AT >INC \rOKE. thi Wi -> D< -patch.) controv* rsy has been stiri\d ratal 1 by tho House of ag tne week by 2b3 vote.-; lo Singapore a great base for n the Par Baal at an
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  • 94 365 The police have received further complaints of thfts from residents of the Oxley Road district." Mrs. E. Lowick, of 6 Oxley Rise, reports that property worth about |ti was stolen from her house after midnight on Saturday. Mr. W. Leonard, of 1 Oxley Rise, states that property tm the value
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  • 1156 365 ACCUSED'S STORY. Tho case against Capt. R. H. Whippey. for alleged cheating of John Little and Company, was continue'! m the Third Police Court before Mr. Gourlay yesterday morning. The accused was not legally reprsse ttecL Mr. Hester, of John Little and Company's ring Department, went into
    1,156 words
  • 407 365 The following Singapore properties belonging to the estate of Syed Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al Juiried, decea^d, were sold by MeeaTß. Cheong Kcon Seng and Co. at th ir saleroom, No. 30 Chulia Street, on Wednesday, May 23rd: Land and house No. 781 North Bridge Road, area 1,798 sq.
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  • 139 365 Iskander Club Win First Game lor Lady Guillemard Cups. The first match m the competition for the Cups presented by Lady Guillemard took place at Balestier yesterday evening between the Iskander Club and the Singapore Lions, a team composed of members of thA.- Singapore Polo Club. The Perak side
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    • 236 366 [Bsutfir*! Service] London, May 31. Oval: Surrey beat Glamorgan by nine v.ickets. Hobb> .-coring 75 ifl the tirst innings and Ducat 126. Derby: Yorhshira defeated Derbyshire by an innings aad 126. For the winners, Robinson made M and Kilner took five Derby wicket- m the second borings for
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    • 162 366 London, June 1. The following aie alteration! m the Derby probables, cabled on May 29th: Bold and Had or Saltash (Frank Bullock). Papyrus (Donoghue), Portumna < >, Roger de Busli (.Jelliss). Knockando (Herbert Junes). Additional runners aflS Apron (Listen and Top Boot Skias and Kinnaird aw not miming.
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    • 72 366 St. ones, June I northern profersiora! golf cha of 72 botes was von by the American open champion, Gene Sarazen, with an agurc-gatt- of 290. The American holder of tf Ilritish open championship, Walter Hagen. wa? second with 292. Walton, of Lytham. and Gaud.?., of Jersey, 293;
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    • 80 366 Brussels, June 1. In the rirst round of the Davis Cup, Great l^rtain >y at Belgium by 3 matches to two. Gilbert beat Watson. 6 4, 6 2, 6 2. Washer beat Lycett B— l, S, 6—4. Holland beat Italy by three matches to two Newmarket, June
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    • 144 366 FEATHER- WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. New York, Juw 3. I ibe fight for the world's feather-weight championship, Eugene Criqui, European eh: mpion, knocked out Johnny Kilbane, holder, m the sixth round. Kilbane fought mostly on the defensive, always awaiting a chance to send over his famous right. In tht first round Kilbane
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    • 498 366 (From Our Own Correspondent.) I'enang, June 4. Continuing their innings to-day Perak. whose total at the close of play on Saturday was 71 for nine wickets, were all out foi 78. Fenang's second innings produced 127 for nine wickets, when the closure was applied, Hamilton compiling 57.
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    • 38 366 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 4. In the cricket match at Seremban, Negri Sembilan obtained 111 runs, and Selangor 240 for eight. Green made 128 not out. Rain stopped the play.
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    • 104 366 The result of the two-ball foursome match between Married and SingLo played en Sunday morning. 3id June, was a win fit Single. The following are the details, Married being given first: Montgomery and Mair 0 Jones and Campbell I 1 B:«rron and Hurt 0 Fortune and Bisset
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    • 69 366 The many friends of Mr. C. M. Chen, locally known as Mr. Tan Tiang Beng, who is now on tho directorate of the Ministry of Communication, Peking, will be glad to hoar that he has been decorated by the President with tho Order of Chia Ho. Mr. Chen was born
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  • POLO.
    • 354 366 SINGAPORE WIN K.O.R. C UP. \fter a fast game* of four chi&kas it Balestier on Saturday sfterno. n, Singapore defeated the Iskander Polo Club by five goa's to two and thus retained the X.O.K. Cup which they won m 1921 against the Burma Rifles. Lady Guillemard. Miss Walker, Sir Waiter
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    • 273 366 Twelve boats faced the starter for the race for the Guillemard Challenge Cup yesterday. Kathleen was tirst across, followed by Polly and Irene, with Margaret, Helen and Jean la a bunch. There ea- very little wind and it was a case of watcbing for the puffs.
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    • 141 366 (From Our Own Correspondents). Penang, June 2. The King's Birthday parade of Volunteers, Police and took place on the Polo Ground this morning, the Resident Councillor, the hon'ble Mr. A. B. Voules, taking the Royal Salute, the parade marching past m column. There was a large attendance
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    • 19 366 Mr. P. W. Auchineloss, formerly of Bangkok and Singapore, left estate of the value of £12.783, net personalty £11,893.
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  • 472 366 CLOSE OF THF LEACU < lU Js (From Our Own C ,rr. e h, M. r Scotland's Mead wgaaa of bull on the prom. on anri i> has closed, and •iv oniy n charity matches. Tinfeatureless, the -U result being that which .rt Alb into the Second
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  • 66 366 A pleasant little cerem at the printing establishm-wit «>f M Kelly and Walsh on Saturday f when Mr. R. W. Chater. the manag**. preaented by the staff with a hsn wrist watch and an address on the oc< of his approaching departure tor H' 1 leave. Mr. If. Periassmi. the
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  • 610 367 PKNTKN V -VTHLETU SPORTS. nary Athletic Spoits of Raffles wen held before an exeeption'athering of spectators on the yesterday afternoon. There ladies and gentlemen lading Mrs Lee Choon Guan, at the conclusion of the proceedings, distributed the the winners. The meeting was from I I points of view,
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  • 35 367 ''"'Kaporr Drawn the Favourite. j thm he had drawn Town Guard, J J favourite, m the Calcutta Sweep, No. *****, was received by B My lee, of Messrs. Paterson, k Ofc, y-sterday morning.
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  • 2204 367 TELEGRAMS HOME. I Reuter's Service. 1 London, May 28. When the House of Commons resumed there was a large attendance. Mr. Baldwin was given an enthusiastic reception, and Mr. Chamberlain received the Opposition cheers. But the Ministerialists were i silent. Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald, Mr. As- I cvi f h
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  • 119 367 The matter m which a Hylam boy named Tan Boon Heag is called upon to shew cause why he should not be, committed to prison for perjury m connection with the r.ocenr trial at the Singapore Assize^ f Tan Ji Sang on a charge of kidnapping, was adjourned by Mr.
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  • 2898 368 [Reuter's Service.] Christiania, May 28. The Russian authorities have- decided to ...vct a wireless station on the island of Nova Zembla, to communicate with Archangel and other stations m North Russia and SibUria. Special attention will be paid to the weather m the Kara Sea, also scientific matters. The
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