The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 16 May 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 147 1 PAGE I Aiuad 305 Air Defence 305 Mldli Pla os 3(H> the Sprinu 306 F Causrrie 306 307 \\l> COIJII NKWS. 3CH». 10. 13. 14. 17 I Sikh! 309, 11 •Bar < 310 ADm M 310 1 uf Ul, 12 314 ■sjfcaarasf i Dwirtci 314 i ,:nd Qur-:ion 317
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  • 77 1 T May 14. $101.50 J 1 23.00 13.50 14.00 fair 22.50 I «ako f. g 12> 75 9.00 10.75 11.20 nc. 4,000 230.00 f»f up It 285.00 :\>r export 250.00 1 'ur export 232.00 I for -xport 213.00 i Al for export 190 Cl for export 1«5 thousand 35.00
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  • 41 1 °f>ck has been appointed to Manner o f tne Hongkong Dock Co., Ltd., during the Mr. R. M Dyer from the 'avis has taken over charge >torwts of Messrs. Ke'ly and from to-day. Mr. Davis was Manager of their branch m
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  • 176 1 BUtTHS. LEAi li. At the Euroiuan Hospital, Koala Lumpur, on the 11th instant, to Mr. :m.l Mr-. G. B. 1. icfc, oi Bantin.". a son. EKI.I ND. -At the Kuropi'un Hospital, Kuala Lumpu on the llta instaat, to Mr. and Mrs. Abvl Kk.und, of Klanp. a son. LEPPKK.
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  • 107 1 May 14. Bank 4 m. 8 2|4 1-4 Bank <\ 214 6-32 Private redit? ?> m.s. 2-4 17-32 New Yo.k, demand 53% Credits i>o days 56*4 France, demand 750 Ind T. T. 174 Honpkong, demand I 1 pc. Prem. Yokohama, demand 109% Javi, demnnd 140% Bangkok, demand 80 Sov«-r,M?n
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  • Article, Illustration
    895 1 - Ska* iludl :k« Tnm *h» ?Mpb> right rultttf* VuwW by ufatarr «*4 uhrltod by ftl»i fatctoc Trmtb k«r f lorlotu pneaptt tev, May [t Singapore would not be itself if it did not commence the study of the Town Planner's recent literature with one suspiciou> eye on the
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  • 849 1 May 10. Since the deticiency of the airdefence of London is being made the reason for objecting to the creation ol* a first class naval base at Singapore, it may be interesting to enquire into the reason for the agitation at Home. First it is based on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 119 1 nber? to the 'Singapore ree Preas^ **J rvturninir from Europe tr the Strait* >J any of »he mail linet. are m- ed to send the nama of their Earner and I anfca m Singapore. Cop. ,-r wih tty.e I to m.. t them at various orts of -all Kurope wshing
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 301 1 THE WEEK. The last mail from Hour- arrived hire on Sunday, bringing dates to April l'Jth. Thit weekly leaves by the X 1. ItMUBCfr Ellenpa to-day. After being on hand for t\v»» and a ha.f >ears, and altered throughout, the new OuHnance for Town Planning has just been piepart-d. for
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  • 791 2 May 11. Major St. Clair, formerly editor of this paper, who is now m Ceylon, is continuing his campaign m favour of the provision of music as a means of bringing together the heterogeneous races that constitute our Eastern Colonies, thus making the work of fitting
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  • 654 2 May 12 Almost forgotten now is the saying which Rudyard Kipling puts into the mouth of his war correspondent, Torpenhow, 'There'll be trouble m the Balkans m the Spring." VeL the Spring continues to bring trouble, and just at the moment there is more than enough
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  • 795 2 May 14 The Labour fat is m the polite fire. The despatch of a vessel protect our fishermen on the I of Murmansk, where, according r international law and an aimos.i c"'d custom, they have a perf< to fish, is resented by the Laboi Party, which
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  • 655 3 May 15. Sometimes we think that speakers m the House of Commons say a good deal about a subject without really knowing very much about it. Full cf enthusiasm they will tell generals hew battles should be fought, explain to railway managers the way to make their lines
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    • 49 3 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 12. The British India steamer Janus arrived to-day and reports sneaking- with a Japanese vessel, receiving Information that part of the wreckage of the Chinkou had been observed m the vicinity from which the Chinkoa had sent her distress messages.
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    • 82 3 Mr. Reimann presided over the me:ting of the Si ngei Aiak Rubber Company. He said that there was no tapping until December and only field work had been done. The output under restriction for May was 5,033 lb. and the ts'^te would shortly be > elf-supporting,
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    • 57 3 Tlv Swimming Club report! 67 new members making a total of 381. The total accumulated funds amount to $10,809. The building of the rtew bungalow was proceeding satisfactorily. The Club champion is Mr. Ford, who also won the Gibbons Cup. The Pritchard Cup was won by SafFl
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    • 104 3 (.From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, May 12. Sir L M. Woodward, C. J. C, heard an appeal m the Jugra inniggling case, m which two Chinese were fined $3~),400. In thi- course of the hearing it was argued for the defence that the fcOßgkang had
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    • 63 3 K u.i hi. Lumpur, May 14. In the rubber smuggling- appeal case, Sir L. M. Woodward, K.E., dismissed the appeal, but set aside an order regarding the rubber and the tongkang. He thought the Magistrate was right m disbelieving the story to support the pretence that the
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  • 73 3 The total value* of merchandise imported into and exported from the three Settlements of the,, Colony for the Ist quarter i i 1!»2." m comparison with the MBM period of 1922, are.— Imports. 1923. 1922. Singapore $136,606,919 $120,832,242 Penang 43,753,305 28,856,052 Mak.cta 6,590,024 3.467,392 Total .$186,950,248 $153,155,686 Increase
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  • 125 3 Mi. E. I*. Coigan will be going on leave m th« very near future. The L'nited States Government has ordered the closing of its Consulate at Vladivoftock. Mr. J. I. Miller has been appointed A. D. O. Kuala Kangsar, m succession to Mr. S. A. de Moubray. Mr. B. Markham
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  • 658 3 MALAYA'S PARTICIPATION. The Pavilicn. The position as regaids the Pavilion has not since last month. The London Secretary cabled on 16th March that the plans would be completed by the 21st March and that tho tender would be cabled about the Ist May. The delay m
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  • 85 3 The last issue of the Gazette contains two notifications under the Land Acquisition Ordinance, declaring that 1,699 acres of land m the District of Sembawang, Singapore, and 511 acres of land m the District of Seletar South, are required for Admiralty purposes. The survey numbers and areas
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  • 3925 4 FOR SINGAPORE, PENANG AND THE COLONY. The Town Improvement and Development Ordinance, 1923. Capt Richards, Deputy Chairman of the Improvement Trust, has fumshed us with a quantity of literature prepared for the Mv Ordinance. Extracts are given below. Jt has m the past two years been four t-mes
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  • 133 5 EXHIBITION OF FILMS. To the Editor. Sii. The Singapore Social Service Society protests against the exhibition m this city of films of the nature of "Foolish \Yivt>." The low standard of Western hcnu lift- pourtrayed m such pictures is rot typical of the conditions which actually
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  • 416 5 The following properties were sold by ruction by Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng and Cc. at their sale-room, No. 30 Chulia Street, on Wednesday, May 2nd anfl 9tn: S9U years leasehold land and house No. 1022 off Upper Serangoon Rd., area 29,400 sq ft., Mr. K. H. V. E.
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  • 425 5 WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1923. SINGAPORE ASSIZES. MALAY ACQUITTED ON SERIOUS CHARGE. At the Singapore Assizes yesterday afternoon before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard, ii Malay named Sirat bin Haji Abdulla, O:c syce of Mr. Leu Chin Guan, was charged with causing the death of a Chinese boy m Robinson Road by a
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  • 100 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 8. At the Asaiaos before Mr. Justice Sproule, six Chinese were charged with assembling for the purpose of committing gang robbery at No. 10 Burmah Road on April 11th. The D.P.P. stated that two of t/he accused dropped revioWqrs and others had
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  • 189 5 The Compton Coutts Comedy Company played "All of a Sudden Peggy" at the Victoria Theatre last night, when there was a fair audience m attendance. The play is a bright three-act comedy by Ernest Denny, from the Duke of York's Theatre, and has met with
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  • 24 5 The Rev. Keppel Gamier, Colonial Chaplain, who has been m rather poor health lately, will probably have to take a short holiday this week.
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  • 546 5 SEQUEL TO EMPIRE DOCK COLLISION. The Osaka Shosen Kaisha, Limited, the owners of the steamer Shunku Maru, were defendants m the action brought against them before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, m the Supreme Court yesterdaymorn ing, by Tan Phey, who claimed damages for .the loss
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  • 198 5 The following action was taken at a committee meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on May 4th. Water limits and assessment of land as suitable for building purposes.-^Decided to request the Government to amend tho definition of tho area of land suitable for building purposes to coincide with
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  • 55 5 After a lon# recoid of faithful service, Mr. ,I>. J. Abeyratne has just retired from the Selangor Government servict. It wa^. m 1893 that he joined the service as clerk and storekeeper of th° P.W.D. district store In 1900 he was moved to the police court and remained there until
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    • 121 6 SPECIAL (ABLE. (From Our Own Correspondent). Jesselton, May *>. H. If. S. Hawkins arrived at five c clock on Monday afternoon. Maj. Gen. Sir Neill Malcolm landed, ti ere being a guard of armed constabulary, and attended an official dinner a i Government House. At ten
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    • 1103 6 Jesuit on, April 30. There will l>4 n gathering of the clans m JeMcHoo by tlu- time this letter is published ii. Singapore. After many delays and difficulties our War Ifemorm] .stands ready to be unveiled bj General Sir M* ill Malcolm on May Bth. On
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  • 251 6 A Sale of Work was held m Tomlinson Hall yesterday, m aid of the funds of the Presbyterian Church, under the auspices of the Ladies Working Party. It was opened at ten o'clock by Lady Shaw, who said that she was very pleased to be present an-'i
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  • 57 6 The two Tamil Mohamedans, who weiv charged before Mr. David m the District Court with being: members of an Unlawful Society and also with assisting mi n the management of the Society, were yesterday fined $50 each. The two accused pleaded guilty to the charge of being members of the
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  • 221 6 Mah Jong or as it should more correctly be calkd. "mah cheuk" is said to be ousting bridge m Kuala Lumpur. If this is true, N is difficult to believe that it will be the case for long. Mi. M.O. Court has t.kep over the raanag.oment
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  • 74 6 A report lias reached Singapore that the Siam Steam Navigation Co.'s sreamer Yogala, 472 tons, has become a beta] los>. through lire near Sing-ora. She left here on the trip to Bangkok on April 25th, and was on her fray back here, bains; sea duled t
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  • 493 6 Pistol and Letters. Mr. Gourlay, the Third Mngintmte, had before him yesterday a eaoc m wlich a Malay was charged with being m possession of an automatic pistol wirhout a licence, and also with dishonestly retaining stolen property, 10 wit, two letters belonging to the X.P.M. Company.
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  • 283 6 CHINESE WITH UTo V\l i< Kr l:s To| An Indian police < <-i cigarette stall-ho ler wo a double murder hi A ll km day night. The i'< tmi shot dead by a Hlhwii ran along the tmd Mag times, until he pa mm bers of the
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  • 249 6 DARING GAM; ROBBERS SKMKMEU At th<- Singapore A<- yesteray n>cininjr, before Mr. Ju-*i<- l> Ltnnard, Let* Henp: mi Van Km* v»eic charped with committ: bevy at a store m Prinsep S 4th. According to the HVtffßM resets for the prosecution the a« two other men, obtained NWH on
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  • 55 6 (From Our Own Con. IVnati*. v > At the Assizes Mr. sentenced six Chinese to Hvc year* sonment for assembling for iht of committing gang robbery Road. Malayalam, who app« a charge of murder the Din March 23rd., was found insane wd able of standing his trial. The
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  • 502 7 II DCUUNT RKSER* KD. if the action m which a tv. a>w tmuer, Tan Phey, claims i the Os;»ka Shusen Kaisha, umneis o:' hi amer Shunku XI of tb< lost ol one of >iL, collision which took place to the Bsspiae Dock last the Shunku Maru sunk
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  • 58 7 of Labour, Pe- r < ruitinpr has been Madras Presidency, I t iluks which are 1% ni ting owing to pref ''oimbatore. Avanasi, PalHy. Tdumalpet and Dharair, Raslpuram and Salem ction of the Assistant Commissiorser, Negapatam. H Dharmapury, Krishagiry "•Mil under the jurisdiction of < Commissioner. Madras. [> iaku'am, Madura
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  • 456 7 ALDENS SI CCESSOKS' ACTION. Messrs. AMsas Successors (Eastern) Limited are plaintiffs m another rubber action which commenced before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, m the Supreme Court yesterday, m which the question of whether the party rated is the party who entered into tb? contract is raised.
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  • 391 7 Last flight's audience at the Victoria Theativ spent an almost continuous evening of laughter at the rollicking fun which Ben Travers has written into the three acts if his screaming farce "The Dippers," which tho Compton Coutts Comedy Company successfully presented, So many unusual tilings
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  • 625 7 LEAGUE FOOTBALL. MIDDLESEX WIN DECISIVE GAME. In what was orre of the decisive games of the season the 2nd. Middlesex Regiment defeated the B.C.C. m the First Division of the Singapore League yesterday by two goals to love. The meeting did not produce the high standard of football
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  • 329 7 MIDDLESEX II vs. S. C. F. A. II. The Middlesex il beat the S. C F. A. II en the Reclamation Ground yesterday by the narrow margin of one goal to nil, but Bcore might well have been greater l*c:d the Ifidds.' forwards given more attention to their shooting 1
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  • 284 7 Although they were generally expected to win by an easy margin, the S.C.C. 11. were only able to defeat Selt<tar United m the Second Division of the Singapore League on the Padang yesterday evening by one goal to nil. It was a decidedly scrappy game,
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  • 86 7 [Router's Service]. London, May 7. The feature of the first day of the BMfctetir championship at Deal, for which there were 209 entries, including fourteen Americans, was the decisive defeats of the American champion Sweetser by Noel Lay ton by 5 up and 3, and the American
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  • 96 7 London, .May 8. At Deal m the uolf play, after the sensational defeats of yesterday, the American prestige was sensibly restored to-day. :ix Americans winning and three losing. Nevertheless Fri.'sh confidence v rising it;, the return to form of Tolley and Holoerness and other less known men.
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  • 110 7 The following was the result of the match played between Sepoy Linos Golf Club and the Garrison Golf Cub at Sepoy Lines on Sunday, May Gth, Sepoy Lines players being piven firs^t: Lornie and Ward I 1 Ev.c*ritt and HcPhafl 0; Birse and English H Stewart
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  • 25 7 London, May 6. Af the Holborn Hall, m the final of the professional billiards championship, the half-way scores were: Smith 8,000, Xewiran 6,491.
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  • 151 8 YESTERDAY'S AUCTION. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 602 nd auction yesterday, May 9th, when there was cat,logutd 808,922 lbs.; 361.13 ton.. Offered 493,387 lbs.; 220.26 tons. Sold 400,687 lbs.; 181.55 tons. PRICES REALIZED. London Is. l%d. New York 27 cts. Ribbed Smoked Sheet.
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  • 401 8 Singapore, May 9. With a steady decline m the price ol tin and a serious collapse m the price* of raw rubber, there has naturally been a considerable curtailment of business m both sections of the local share market during the past week. Sellers of both tin and
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  • 327 8 Singapore, .way s. The week vmder review has witnessed a considerable fall m the prices of both rubber and tin, and the share market has experienced a further depression m consequence. Enquiries for rubber shares are now very few and the amount cf business done is negligible.
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  • 203 8 Singapore, May 10. Rubber.— During the past week prices fallen away considerably, and yesterday's cable quoting London down l^d. per lb, caused a further heavy setback here. One of the principle reasons for present prices is undoubtedly due to the heavy shipments from the East. The local
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  • 343 8 Singapore, May 10. Since our last report there ha.- been almost a panic m tho London Marker followed by a severe set back m Singapore. The chief cause of the debacle was undoubtedly the April shipment figures showing no reduction en previous heavy totals, another factor
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  • 81 8 Rubber and tin went down m prices yesterday, following the ,two previous days' uncertainty and reports of news from London that the export figures were disqu'.etenm£. The London priice of rubber went down to Is. l^d., 45 cents local and 27 cents m New York. 220
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  • 55 8 The annual report of the Canton Insurance Office, Ltd., for the year ending Dec. 31st., 1922, states that the amount standing at the credit of the 1922 account was $2,352,375.41. Out of thi« has been decided to declare an interim c'ivioend of $18 per share absorbing $180,000. The balance of
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  • 793 8 fcr W. H. Plant, of room No. 67, Europe Hctel, reports to the police that a diamond and platinum ring was stolen from his room. Invitations hav,e been issued by J>r. and Mrs. Brooke for the wedding of their daughter Eveline Frances with Mr. Horace Holford
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  • 500 8 RUBBER ACTION I \l!> The action brought by M. Successors (Eastern), Chop L«ee Hone:, 50 Clyde Street, I to perform a contract a!l< t 0 hai made between the parti Lewis and Peat for the d< tons of rubber, conclude! yester ing with a verdict for th< fcf
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  • 44 8 Excluding parcel po:-t vali < ir.jr figures are piven by the I Imports and Exports for Ap Import v. April, 1923, $54,4T4>:.7 M April, 1922, fftjllf Jtf or I Increase |MjMUSU Exp<»rtApril, 1923, $62,82(5.1 «7 April, 1922, $33,400 1--Increase $29,365.09!) Wfl
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  • 64 8 The PCM.O. records that dv week end np: April 21st, then deaths. 31 cf which were MM! by si-n, 31 by pneumonia, 2* by pht! by fever not specified and II fcf fever. Three fatal cases of plafi The deaths among the nafona 'it it as foMows:— Eurasians one. Chine*
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  • 320 9 SANKIN STREET ROBBERY. ».vas -oncluded yesterday afa •he Si'igap re Assizes, before i arrett-Lennard, of Chay Fook a :ork m a sauce factory m Read, who was charged with named (hew Thang, with Ned rob!>ery at a chandu ■> Upper Nankin Street on April 18th. There were four
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  • 35 9 Our Own Correaß dent). IVnaiu May 10. Kassim bin ivader was murder of a man m A verdict of cupabio ntoaoi and Kb Justice i i ihe act used to ten years torment.
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  • 153 9 I at the Victor a Theatre last «i to some wonderful actf Mr. CompLon Couttß, aJr.g rele m "Grumpy fan act comedy by Horace T. Wi^ney Percy val. Ihe '.'ompuny iiave given ccmin ail iht:ir pieces at the but last night the Com- a i it
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  • 14 9 Mr a. B. VouJes, Resident Ptnang, who has been indte-•-rr.ed to duty on Saturday.
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  • 1164 9 Mr. St John Ervine recent'y wrote m the Observer a philippic against the people who cadge for theatre tickets. "Let a dramatist have a play produced," said he, "and immediately a!l his remote acquaintances rally, not to his support, but to the business of cadging. A woman dramatist
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  • 267 9 Tht chief cause of the delay of the ■nival of the East Asiatic Co.'s barque, the E. J. Spence, was the length of time the vessel was becalmed off the Nicobar I: lands. Capt. Junghans, m command of tli- barque, states that the voyage
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  • 136 9 Tile Straits Steamship Company, agents for the Si*m 9llftin Navigation Company, received a Ulegram yesterday regarding the loss of the steamer YugaJa. The message confirmed the report published m yesterday morning's issue, that the vessel was a total wreck through a fire., wh'ch broke out
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  • 87 9 The following properties belonging to the estate Chua Tiang Thai, deceased, were sold by auction by Messrs. Chsong Koon Seng i\nd Co. at their saleroom, No. 3S Riverside, Malacca, on Friday, April 27th. Freehold land and dwell'ng house No. 118 (old No. 94) First Cros-3 Street, Malacca,
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  • 55 9 A theft was committed at the residence of Archdeacon Swindell on Wednesday night. Amongst the artic\t-s stolen was the Archdeacon's diary m which he had .entered up a T is* of engagements. The- thief rlso took away a gold watch which was presented to Archdeacon Swindell by his parishioners prior
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    • 130 9 HARLEQUINS LOSE AGAIN. Without tht assistance of several of the p siren who ielpeil liuoi to win tht < »i.unj.'on^hip of the Second Division at ti:e Singapore League last year, the Harlequins are doing far fiom well this season. Following upon their five-nil defeat at Tanglin on Saturday
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    • 85 9 The match on the Padarig between K.t>ppel and the Oriental Telephone Company, on the other hand, was interesting from start to finish and ther.o was a lot of good play on both sides. Although they only scored m the last ten minutos the 0.
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    • 122 9 [Router's Service.) I'li^on, May *J At Deal, m the Golf Championship, at tho concl.ison of the third round the 'ield was reduced to 32, including the Amer cans Ouimot, Rotan, Neville, and Willing The Americans JVlar.sum and Wright wore beaten respectively by Toll-ey, 3 up and 2, and
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    • 219 9 The Final Gallop-. Quite a large crowd of spectator! we-re present at tho Race Course yesterday morning to witness the final gallops. Distour and Highway were out .early and spurted four furlongs m 52 sec?. Prince Charnung, Queen of Sheba rod Man of War were companions for six
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    • 140 9 Paris, May 6. In the fifteen rounds fight for the French heavy-weight championship, Carpentier kr.ocked out Nilles m the eight kmbmL The contest took place at the Velodrome Buffalo m glorious weather, and was witnessed by 25.000. Carpentier was somewhat larkadaisical at the start, Nilles m the second
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    • 45 9 McKean Beaten m S.C.C. Championship. Thfr final of the S.C.C. Lawn Bowls Championship, which was played yesterday evening, had a surprising result, M. B. McKean, who wen the championship last year from the Rev. G. H. Douglas, beinp beaten by W. S. Goldie, 21—11.
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  • 706 10 It is rumoured that a Singapore firm is opening a match factory m Kuala Lumpur shortly. Mr. F. G. Bourne, coroner, Singapore, has been granted t*n months leave of nee. Captain John Buch, of Bangkok, is spendin- his three months holiday at the Crag, l'enang.
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  • 1023 10 TANGLED SKEIN OF BANKRUPT'S AFFAIRS. Application was made to the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, presiding over the Singapore Bankruptcy Court yesterday I afternoon, for the discharge of a Chinese contractor named Ho Yang Peng, who having been adjudicated bankrupt m 1914 and discharged after paying a composition
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  • 218 10 Another of the sev&ial robbery cases which are m the calendar of the Third Se: s ion of Assizes occupied the attention of Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard and a jury m the Supreme Court yesterday. Two Cantonese named Wong Cheok and Lee Soon wore placed m the dock on
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  • 327 10 When Hilary Farrington, a writer deeply engrossed m his writings m spite of the fact that he possesses a very adorable little wife, suddenly discovers that wife m the act of elopement with another man h is natural to expect him to begin smashing the furniture an<j
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  • 59 10 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 11. In the District Court, the Chinese head cook of the Dis rict Hospital was charged w'th the theft, as a public servant, of 32 tins of milk. Drs. Fry and Tull and Mr. Appleby, assistant at Katz Bros., gave evidence, and
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  • 453 10 The case m which Ifa, p Jalan Besar stands charged with l ing a deserter from ment, came up iK-fore Mr p m the First Police c Nicol, Court Inspector, n r oft^ and after one wi.tno— u pro.-*. had given evidence,<,i f or journment owing
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  • 158 10 Under the now E I «fc» benefit of the advi-.-e tl 1 I Malayan Civil Rtrvfa (Mr. J. L H reys), steady pnnrrc^ during ItfMl fMUHI I the pro.- pec: w€ a.. Mri of rated Ma'ay HtSfetl N EMS and with tfcg Mil of rommunicatVn. the BMP
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  • 52 10 There arrived m the ports of th< m April 40,593 persons, an<l M feame month 24,307 Vft. 33 91! former came from Ch n so ports. from Indian ports, and 17.521 from H East India ports. These figures are I riled by the statistical office from fiP° supplied by the
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  • 1545 11 roHTANT ()N SOINDEK BASIS. ht»:i'ble Mr. Lowther Kemp prefer the USWI general meeting \j taka i Rl WjH 1 Co., Ltd., held at Ba* k Chambers at noon 1 1- piesent were Messrs i. P<>h, Mr. W. A. Sims. Mr. ;il> Mi. ami Mr. P. X. fi.r the
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  • 1573 11 Quicquid agunt homints nostri est farrag* Libelli JUVENAL. There is something- m the climate of Malaya conducive to counting the chickens bcfote they are hatched, which is a form of "Looking ahead" which you, Dear Editor, might not approve of. Likewise of planning without thinkiny. Or
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  • 73 11 Bit. F. G. Aplin has gone to Kuala Lum|ttir from Seremban. The confirmatory meeting of Jeram Kuantan, with regard to reducing the share value from a dollar to fifty cents, m order to bring the issued capital to a figure more closely representing the actjial dividend earning capacity of the
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  • 2154 12 MONDAY. MAY 14, 1923. THE SPRING RACES. SUCCESSFUL FIRST DAY. The heavy uelug. at lmd-day on Saturday did not. to ail mppmrtmn, interfere with the success of thy opening day of the Singapore Spring Race Meeting. There was a particularly good attendance for a first day and tin* confidence m
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  • 42 12 Mr. E. B. Margden, maaager of Merenti Lapan Estate, Papan, and crkket captain of the Ipoh Club, who has gone to Australia on a short holiday, is due back about the 26th instant 1 Mr. E. L. Huaon is acting for him.
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  • 609 12 m "1. "THE CAT AND THK VRr For a theatrical com pat, play of the "eeri and of "The Cat and h» night, before an ::,i«!iemv disappointed and <iis*illu>i of the afternoon icnuir fc^cragre amount couiaj c v instances, the 1* <d by tne Frawley Compai Theatre
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  • 28 12 m The prize offered by the Ma. Horticultural Association to the art submitted the he*t desipn <f has been awarded to Mr. L. of the F.M.S. Police Force-.
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  • 314 13 TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1923. SINGAPORE ASSIZES. ;\(.\I.IS CHARGED WITH MUKDER. a port Assize Court was occupied number of Bt igalis yesterday, WWM i- "ivnuvped before Mr. LUinvtt-Lciinaul wmA a special jury ,>e Bengali!. Jangee Singh, Jaikaram Maruiman Singh, on a charge of <; another of thtir fellow-country- j v. as
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  • 241 13 interesting point relating to the of money paid from the Muni--i Provident Fund to the widow of a rnur tmployee was raised before the M Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, m the ipr»m* Ccurt yesterday morning, by Mr. «la Silva, who appeared on behalf debtor of the deceased,
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  • 72 13 t a number of complainants DC committed m the neigh- i Road and Kampong Java :ht police m charge of that ut special men to keep watch. iiirt 1 three Hokiens were fat attempting to rob three 'inn near the same locality. •rv brought up for identification 1 ore of
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  • 1043 13 REDUCED COSTS. The hon*ble Mr. C. Everitt presided over the annual general meeting of the Changkat Serdang Estates, Ltd., held at the French Bank Buildings on Saturday. Others present were:— Messrs W. A. Sims, F. C. Peck, Marsh, A. Especkerman, and G. G. Duddell fcr the Secretaries.
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  • 329 13 A charg.o of criminal breach of trust as a sonant was preferred against the head coolie .employed by Messrs. Moutrie and Company, m the Third Police Court yesterday morning. The charge was m r.ospect of five cases of gramophone records valued at $1,500. The accused pleaded
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  • 212 13 A cast* was mentioned before the Third Magistrate yesterday morning by Mr. Stevens, behalf of the management of Un Europe Hotel, m which a European named Captain Whippey, who has been a resident at the Hotel, was charged with cheating' the hotel. Mr. Stevens said that
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  • 76 13 A visit to Singapore during tho winter of 1924 is being eagerly awaited by the students of a Travel University m Newton. Massachusetts, U.S.A. Dr. H. H. Powers, the President of the University, who is a *vide-world traveller with twenty yeatrs 11 experience, has stated that the students expect to
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  • 294 13 Frawley's Company at the Theatre. The Fr .wfcy Connpany presented "Enter Madaire," a "IllllurisUr comedy by Gilda Varesi and Dolly Byrne, at tho Victoria Theatre last night. Although it is not the host ptay m the visitors' repertoire the Company gave a satisfactory performance and their reception was
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  • 289 13 The folio-wing action was taken at Municipal Committee meeting* held on May Bth. and 9th.:— Anti-Mosquito and Roadside Drains. Resolved that the construction of roadside drains should only proceed after consultation with tho Health Officer. Storage of Rubber. Resolved that the Commissioners use th,i<ir ordinary powers under the
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  • 188 13 The many who choose to go home nowadays by the Rangoon route and others may be interested to read the following 1 which we (Pinang Gazette) have received from one who recently left for England, via Burma: "Rangoon is a large, hot place, as those among you have
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    • 299 14 Ah interesting cricket match was played on Saturday at Pulau Brani between the Y. M. C. A. and the R. E. Going m first, tK- R E. compiled 82, Lumsden, Dickson and Martin reaching double figures with 29 10 and 10 respectively, whilst Stack and King, who bowled throughout,
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    • 44 14 The result of the May Medal (Bogey play) was a win by S. C. Campbell with 2 down. The Ball Sweeps for Saturday and Sunday were won by C. C. Nicholl (1 down) and C. N\ W. Joyce (2 down) respectively.
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    • 230 14 LANKA UNION. The following were thy scores m the abovv match payed at Tanglin on Saturday: Lanka Union. A. Maniam, b. Palmer 0 P. Xada rajah, run out 4 8. Wi Hams, b. Glover 2 T. Chunchie, lbw. b. Palmer 4 G. H. Oorloff, c. Gaylor, b.
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    • 38 14 London, 2. In a contest at Queen's Club for the amateur lawn tennis championship, Baerlei retained the tit 1 for the sixth succes- year. He defeated PdnneH m the challenge round, 5-6, 6-1, 6-1. 5-6, 6-1.
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    • 40 14 London, May 11. In the Amateur Golf Championship contents at Deal, the American Francis Ouimet qualified for the semi-final by defeating the Englishman Cyril Tolley by 4 and S. The winner is the sole survivor of iourteen American competitors.
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  • 572 14 S. C. C. DEFEAT GUNNERS. The match between the S. C. C. and the ft G. A. in the first division of the Singapore League, played on the Padang yesterday, was generally speaking uninspiring. With Smith out of their forward line, the S. C. C. did not show
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  • 55 14 The- Harlequins were too good for Seletar United when they met m a second division game on the Pidang y.esterday afternoon. The score was even at half time, e«ach side ha/nt; scored a goal, but on resuming the Harlequins put m two mor.o goals, winning the match
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  • 163 14 Reuter's Service, j Paris, May 10. At soccer England defeated France by 4 goals to L London, May 10. At Worcester, Yorkshire beat Worcestershire by an innings and 113 runs. For the winners Oldroyd made 191 and m Worcester's second innings Rhodes took five wickets for 35. London,
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    • 3563 14 [Reuter's Service.] London. May 7. Signs uc increasing tf the Irish Irregulars resuming activities. A two-hours attack occurred at the Dundrum barracks, Co. Dublin, lust night. The troops replied. There were- no casualties. The house of Senator FitzGuald was simultaneously subjected to heavy fire. London, May 6. The Observer
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  • 3621 15 Reuter's Service. Paris, May <>. The French note fa vohnunoftfi and I DReoinpromisinj? loctuuent, wjich <ui:i!ls Germany's successive defaults, and refuses io entertain the German proposals while resistance m the Ruhr con.inues. It declares that Germany did not even concern herself about reduced] obligations when a partial moratorium was
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