The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 9 May 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 126 1 PAGE I Na\y 289 Naval B:im 289 I of Trade 290 tffor 290 mats 290 291 „,11, \\l> COUK NEWS. Money Case 293, 300 M r Contrai -ts 295, 297 296, 301 Film 297 I\ nalty 298 Court 298 i\ I 302 ***** W THE EDI FOR. ries
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  • 58 1 I 7. $100.50 23.00 13.50 14.40 22.50 13.50 9.00 11.40 11.80 4,000 230.00 t t-Tpoit 285.00 for rxport 250.00 for export 232.00 fat export 213.00 A1 for export 190 Cl for export 165 85.00 5.55 P*r Imperial Gallon 90 r Imperial Gallon 86 Bniliant sr. 50 per two tins
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  • 23 1 F-M.S. Balance Sheet, Held by the Government, TO. L* 1 Ba s n. magistrate, Ipoh, f^ted Di^rict Officer, Ulu "eewsson to Mr. Sinum.
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    • 117 1 JONES. On April M, ai Taiping, to Mr. and Mrs. <;. E. Jones of Maxwell Hi 1, a daughter. JOSEPH —At Ttlok Anson. to Mr. and Mrs. S. Joseph of Kuala Kubu, the gift ol a son. Cey.on papers copy. CARMICHAEL.— At the Maternity Hospital, Batu Gajah on
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    • 70 1 CROPLEY.— At 706 Sernngoon Road, Daphne Eddina Cropley, fh»» b.lovori daughter of the late Edwin Cropley and of Mr?. C. Ochlcrs, m her 12th year. Hongkong ->nd Shanghai papers plea**.* copy. SCOTT.— At Dalnuny, Scotland, on May Ist, George Guthrie, younger son of Dr. ami Mrs. Waugh-Scott, Sungei Smut.
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  • 87 1 May 7. Bank 4 m.». 2j4 1-4 B%nk d< tand 2.4 6-32 Private redits 3 m.s. 2-4 17-32 New Y< k, demand 5.1 74 Credit.- M days 56% France, demand 750 India. T. T. 173% Hongkong, demand Iff n.e. Prem. Yokohama, demand 109 i Java, demand 141 Bangkok, demand
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  • 792 1 atell tU Fr«a »ke Pwplt riffct "ulu»* t»»fM by istttarr ard i&fc-ffod fey I Bm yuHM Troth her cUxtoos pracayU tav, t* Ud«, fcoirty ud la*. May H. A week ago a long telegram came through stating that the Royal Com- minim m Holland, which had
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  • 725 1 May 3. The result of the discussion on a motion for the reduction of the vote for naval works, which is reported by Keuter to-day, was that 253 members of the House of Commons voted Against the motion and 94 m favour ol it. It is plain,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 96 1 'the -Singapore 'ree P rfcB a I Europe t the Stra't. mail line., are m ted to send nam of darner an d -neapore. Co P ar wih tr^.n -t them at various porta of -all urope w.shing deta,leo ,n--to $har 4c can have a >bar« List posted to them
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    • 13 1 Mr. C. W. Bresland has assumed duties as Chairman, Kuala Lumprr Sanitary Board.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 278 1 THE WEEKS NEWS. The last mail from Home, bringing dates to April 12th, was delivered here on Saturday morning. This weekly leaves by the P. and O. s.s Karmala to-day. The D strict Judge, on Satui'lay mcrning. inficted a fine of $500, or m default three months iinprisvnmtn^, oa a
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  • 933 2 May 4. There is a general chorus from Home, enjoining all the merchants t;nd traders abroad, to do their utn tst to sell British goods. The secrelarj of the National Union of Manufacturers urged British manufacturers to make a strong bid for trade with the Far East,
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  • 744 2 May 5. Perhaps we have a different idea ojl the /seriousness of international negotiations than have some other nations. The Soviet may possibly be excused for the brusqueness and stupidity of the mistakes they make m their attempts to discuss matters. The Turks, again, clever as they
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  • 825 2 May 7 Very important to v- is the returr of rubber exports for the fat four months of the year (nut mree a^ fet«ttd m Saturday's i<<u<*). Corr.. pared with last year, the fMtm of production from January April over the corresponding period of las: year shows
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  • 754 3 May ft, coune, quite to be exobjections would be to the Admiralty plan for Sbgapm to the dignity of naval base. For that Admiralty ii a little to blame, for avir^r &NM any spade work beBg before the House of ■I tad the nation the general itting it sink
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  • 42 3 What are we grumbling- about m Singapore? During the month of March the following places m Perak had a miximum temperature of 95 deg Taiping, Batu Gajah, Tanjong Malim, Grik, Tanjong Rambutan, while at Ipoh 96 maximum and 66 minimum were registered.
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  • 694 3 MR. DARBISHIRE, M. P. THE CEYLON REFORMS. The London correspondent of the Times of Ceylon writes on March 2i/th. On last Tuesday the question was put down for Mr. C. W. Darbishire, Liberal Member far Westbury (whose activities tl an opponent of rubber output restriction and of the British Empire
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  • 102 3 Ob account of the increasing- number of ErgUah passengers on the Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland Company's steamer, for some time these steamers called, homeward bound, at Southampton for disembarkation. For various reasons this will be discontinued after the sailing of the BA J. P. Coen, on Monday next, but the Company
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  • 415 3 April 10th. Mr. Thornton asked the Under-Secrefcary of Sta for the Colonies if hu attention has been drawn to the judgments delivered m the House of Lords on the 22nd March m the matter of the appeal of the Government of Kelantan v. the Duff Development Company,
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  • 291 3 The new St. Andrew's Hospital is to beopened by Lady Guillemard on Tuesday, May 22ncf. There is still some $4,000 needed on the furnishing account. Xo one fchould miss the opening ceremony. It i* most delightfuj building and is a veritable triumph for rhe architect, Mr. H.
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  • 119 3 The many friends of Mr. Charles Workman will be sorry .to hear of his death. He was travelling" with the Company te Hongkong en route to Australia, and .two days out of Hongkong: he died. The newt was brought to Singapore by a member of the Williamson Company, who got
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  • 2617 4 Once upon a tea a -rave Councillor I— lll 111 "Malaya is not Arcadia." Can j WC find one m this 'hub cf the inverse U Wrieft*Jacopo Sannawro, the illustrious j humanist, at Naples, pondering pondering over that masterpiece with when ho was to captivate his own and later
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  • 79 4 Province Wellesley, Dindii vi M t The amount of rubb r f Wellesley, Dinoinjr? and Ma. passed .the Customs m April lbs. Since the commencement the monthly exports h:;\ 1 1 November 2.450.030 H December 3,705.76? January 4J99 February MK£ March I,K'April MMJt7 The total amounts to
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  • 104 4 Advance information abour tt- Malay*: Agrfc-horticulfcural Show tnd Trado Exhbition is now to hand. The Show will held on June 30th, Jufly Ist &n<i M from the fine efforts of the F. M E (hiring the Malayan Borneo Exhih home exhibition ought to be exct are m
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  • 193 4 In his health statement for ending April 28th, the Municipa Officer numbers the deaths H a death rate per milk- of I7JI with 37.43 m the corresponds lnst year. Five Eurasians. 1.*«4 I Malays, and 13 Indians diet! causes of death were phthisis 33 2G, convulsions 19, beri-beri and 11
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  • 609 5 J \V. Osborne has returned to the Australia. J, S. Price and family returned from 11 me by the Glenapp. Uan Swve and family are Siain at tat.* 9td of this :>ionth ul v. <M.M>. Hun. Mr. O. F. Stonor is suffering .tlaria and has been
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  • 447 5 The final hearing of the case m which I Tamil Mohamedan landlord named Moham*4 Ismail Maricar. fi| charged with an alleged breach of the Premiums (Leases) Ordinance No. 4 of 1922, came up before Mr. p. f. David, District Judge, yesterday morning, His Honour reserving his
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  • 119 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 1. The preliminary hearing of «he charg* of criminal intimidation brought by Mr. J. A. Russell agamst Mr. Ng Hong Guan has opened and is expected to continue all the week. Mr. E. D. Shearn prosecutes and Mr. V. D.
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  • 111 5 (From Our Own Correspondent). Tenang, May 1. The hon'ble Mr. A. B. Voules presided ovvr the annual meeting of the Penang Turf Club. The piofit for the half-year warn $7,961. They were greatly indebted, said Mr. Voules, to their Singapore and Me.lan friends for their support at
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  • 113 5 The first meeting of the newly formed committee of the Singapore- Branch of the Ex-Services Association of Malaya was held m the private room of the Europe Hotel on Monday evening, the Chairman, the hon'ble Mr. Justice Barrett^Lennard presiding. In connection with the Benevolent Fund, trustees and a
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  • 342 5 NAVAL GUESTS AT GOODWOOD HALL. The Ball promoted by the Committee of the Union Jack Club, which took place at the Goodwood Hall last night served the double porpoise of providing a very enjoyable evening's diversion for a large number of guosts, among them BMdty of the
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  • 209 5 Those responsible for the exploit Uion of the film "Foolish Wives." were amply rewarded for their efforts. The Palladium was crowded to its fullest capacity last night, when the picture was screened for the first time, and ati 7.15 there was hardly standing* room available. As to the
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  • 146 5 Preliminary Announcement. iTnder the provisions of the Johore European Volunteer Enactment 1922, the Johore Volunteer Rifles is now being reconstituted. The Hon. Colonel is His Highness the Sultan of Johore, D.K., S.P.M.J., G.C.M.G., etc.; the Commanding Officer, Major W. B. Y. Draper, M.C.; and the Adjutant, Captain
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  • 64 5 In the Seremban police court, on Friday, Inspector Kennedy charged the proprietor of Chop Hin Yew, of Menibau, and hi* wife, with being m possession of forged rubber coupons 51 coupons of ten catty denomination, 42 of 25 catties, one of one picul and one of five piculs. Both aoctrtped
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    • 178 5 To the Editor, Sir, —Kindly allow me to correct tho two most important inaccuracies m your report of the Malayan CVlieries meeting. I did not make the improper statement that "it waa common knowledge that the accounts were wrong to the extent of $1,750,000." What I said
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  • 295 5 FIND. The Committee gratefully acknowledge the following mih*Vs: General Sir Neill Malcolm 40 Lady Malcolm 10 The Sindhi Merchants 125 Per The Rev. Dong Beng Seng:— The Fooehow congregation 63 Per Mr. Ahmad Din: Ahmad Din Bros. 100 P. S. Nadar 2 Abdul Rahman 10 Feeroy
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  • 48 5 (Twenty-First List.) Previously acknowledged $11,020.95 Collected by Mrs. C. H. G. Clarke (2nd list) Anon 50 E. T. Williams 25 Collected by Mrs. Schawabe, Kajang. Mrs. Gough 10 Mrs. Schwabe 10 Mrs. E. W. Tyler 5 Mrs. Thrupp 5 $11,125,95. W. H. MACGREGOR, (Hon. Treasurer.)
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  • 1329 6 The put v/-ek has nought the defeats m the Singapore League of St. Joseph's Old Boys, the Ii.G.A. and the S.R.C. by the Chinese, the Middlesex and the S.C.C., and cf the three matches the display by the Chinese was possibly the best, although the Gunners did surprising^
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  • 285 6 ELCC. Beat V.M.C.A. On the Malay ground yesterday afternoon, the S. C. C. brought themselves up to the top of the tecond division, by defeating the Y. M. C. A. The Association was kept on the defensive most of the time, and all the S. C. forwards did
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  • 22 6 PROFESSIONA L BILLIARDS. [Renter's Service]. At Hoi b om iwrtft^aaL of the professional tWu* championship, SZ L* lth thus m N 2
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  • 689 6 VICE-PRESIDENTS COP. The final race for the above was sailed off on Sunday and weather conditions provided a varied morning's sport. Thirteen boats crossed the line, but the start was anything but good owing to the wind dropping just before gun-fire. The diivction of the wind
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  • 120 6 The Scoular Cup. j) i> cup was won by Mr. E. A. Stevens, with a nott score of 141. The details of ti;e cards returned were as follows: E. A. Stevens 83 78 20 141 11. H. Turner 87 89 30 146 UD. Rutley 78 ?S 4
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  • 25 6 The result of the April Ladies Spoon is a win for Mrs. G. W. Hurt with a score of 4S C 42.
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  • 310 6 The Malay Mail, disci: Case and the KelanUn pests that as the firitMi < sent an adviser t<» K» promise for the building f he knew could iv.i 1.. relieve the Kek.n*; n Coven damages m the <•;■ Tru r discuss the East Coa be a
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  • 206 6 With the fir-* day if I a little over a week pushing- their charges al I no really fast times wer. following: are worthy <>f I I The honours of Ok mor Lady Wallace, who jcroMJ ftve furlongs m 1 mm. H company with Mt-rn M; for thr^e
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  • 53 6 Middlesex Kent H.M.S. \m Although they dd not representative side, tr..»* regiment succeeded m <i< from H.M.S. Ambrose at Tang ev.©ning by four goals to on< two beautiful goals, one very I dropping shot which he scored R.G.A. least week; Glover put from long rang.*, Major Woollae< responsible for
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  • 28 6 Mr. N. D. Mudie, who has been acting Registrar, Supreme Court m the ptace of Mr. H. G. Sarwar. with Mrs. Mudi<* from Sinfir Monday and assumed duty.
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  • 578 7 [T, Archibald Ewing returned to morning pir the Kopah m Sumatra. M Ail* -.burg is due from home \o join her husband on E* T'-rt Pu-kson. H Hampshire BM left for SinpaW R. Armstrong has gone for l;ra^tagi— Mr. A. H. Flower- from leave. (M.
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  • 1097 7 Rl Ul ASSOCIATION PENALTY NOT COMPULSORY. That the penalty provided by Clause 13 of the Rules of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association m the case of failure of a party to complete his contract could not be legally enforced, WM held by Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard
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  • 523 7 •SECRETS." The Compton Coutta Comedy Company, Mho opened their Singapore visit at the Tbeafo last r iuiit with a successful pieitation of "Secrets," that well-written which reminds one now of "Milest mes" and then <*f Barries "What Every Woman Knows," are to be highly congn tulated
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  • 483 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 2. Mr. J. A. Russell, m giving- evidence, recalled p visit of Dr. Ch'><> Pek Limn as H family fifeud, Mr. a'k Kong Guan, and h a father, who appealed to Mr. Russell u t help them, mentioning" that Mr.
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  • 124 7 (From Our Own Correspondent;. Penan?, May 2. In the preliminary enquiry of a charge of returning to the Colony without the permission of the Governor, after having been ordered to quit under the Deportees Prohibition Ordinance. Counsel for the defence contended that the Ordinance was a war measure
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  • 137 7 Another Curious PfcaUMfetMß. Another curious phenomenon m connection with the small bland which made its appearance off Singapore m the middle of 'March, following; volcanic eruptions witnessed by the Captain and passenger- of a Japanese steamer, was reported to the shipping authorities at Singapore on Saturday by
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  • 78 7 Says the Siam Observer of Apr 1 17 th. We hear that there is the probability of H. H. the Sultan of Perak paying an unofficial visit to Siam towards the end of the year, but so far nothing definite has been done. His Highness was educated at ono of
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  • 1026 8 CORONERS INQUEST. The La Salle murder inquest was comnunccd before Mr. F. G. Bourne the Coroner, m the Coroner's Court yesteu'.ay. The four accused Chinese who stand charged with j.ang robbery and murder, were placed m the deck. The accused woman, who is the mother of
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  • 490 8 Tiie Directors' report to Shareholders, for meeting on May 12th at noon, states: The profit and loss account for the year shews a, net profit cf $330.45 as against a loss of .$27,332.80 for the previous year. After deducting this .sum from the debit balance of $19,492.40
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  • 194 8 The half-yearly Presbytery met at Prinsep Street Church ort Wednesday, from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Those present included the Chinese pastors the Revs. Ta y Sek Tin (honorary) Tan Leng Tien (Tanjong Pagar Road) and Chia Tek Goa n dinar) and representative elders and preachers. Among the
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  • 720 8 Mi and Mrs. J. D. Sanderson, of Malacca, wno have been on a visit to Penang, have nturned to Malacca. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Pinhorn are going trxt week to Singapore and Johore on a round of visits. (S.E.) |fr A. R. W. Landon, who
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  • 563 8 (From Our Own Correspoi Kuala Lumpur. M a> Mr. J. A. Russell, ci V. D. Knowles, was asked why to receive visits afler saying i not care what evidence Mr H q^ gave. He replied that he did r.< blackmail, but since he wa* bemailed he wished
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  • 90 8 (From Our Own Corresp.r. PenanS. M Sir Charts Elliot was mot by ho Mr. A. B. Voules on his arrival i M shima Maru, homeward bCharles drove to the Residency round the town sigrht-seeingr. Mrs. Gardner g-ave a far* w grounds of Kingsley to Mrs I Chief Girl
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 392 9 DON ATI'S APPEAL DISMISSED. of Mr. K. M. Donati, the distributor of Pat he films, ;i viction kf the District Court !»y whcm he was lined $250 f abetting m the exhibition Kn.pire Theatre of a banned film, tiran.kv' or of causing it to be H
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  • 116 9 Lo r._ r defendants m two which were dealt with m jr. on Wednesday morndefendarts m a similar l>?fore the Chief Justice, ■♦erday morning. The v:,- asked by Mr. H. R. L. baU of the plaintiffs, Kawainy, to enter default aiast the defendants, interlo>cnt having already
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  • 52 9 »ur Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, May 3. F\M S. Government sterling -nt m the erection of houses ent employees. A town planon garden city lines will be hch will provide 166 quarters ment subordinates, with gardens, a church, a club, and a playing n the Imbi and
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  • 113 9 YESTERDAY'S AUCTION. Tl.c Singapore Chamber of Commerce RublKT Association held its 60Ut auction yusteiduy, May 2ml, when there was catalogued 1,221,004 lbs.; 545.49 tons. Offered 837,887 lbs.; 374.05 tons. Sod 706,006 lbs.; 315.18 tons. TRICES REALIZED. London Is. 3Vsd. New York 31 ets. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents
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  • 291 9 Singapore, May 2. The share market daring the period under review has been very quiet and th»re is hardly any change to report In either section. The volume of business transacted is small, operators not being interested except at baigain levels. The raw materials are quoted as
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  • 357 9 Singapore, May 2. With rubber and tin both practically unchanged <>n balance during the week there is very little business to record m either section of the share market, and quotations have remained for the most pait unchanged with an easier feeling m some of the more
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  • 340 9 FOOTBALL. H. M. S. Hawkins Defeat Volunteers. Owing to the feet that the Ex-Services WCia engaged m a leai^ae natch, the Singapore Volunteers were unable to field tbetl strongest side against the H. If S. Hawkins side, which was second m the Hongkong League, m the match on
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  • 81 9 At the Star Opera Co. last night there was fair attendance to watch the boxing, under the management of the Stadium, but the quality of the sport was poor. The Contest Rosario vs Johnston did not come off. Young Wall-Tv knocked out Young Boxer m the first round. Chin
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  • 113 9 London. May 3. Ted Ray (Oxhey) won the Daily Mail thousand sterling golf tournament at St. Annes, 72 holes, with an aggregate of 288; Len Holland (Northampton) and Abe Mitchell (North Foreland) lied for second place with 289; and Duncan was third with 2f»o. Th. v r
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  • 36 9 London, May 2. The Two Thousand Guineas resulted as follows: Kl'angowan (7 1) 1 Knockando (2r>— l) 2 Dorsay (50— l) :< Eighteen ran. Won by a head, half a length separating second and third.
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  • 16 9 Sydney, May S. Anderson has unconditionally agreed to join the Davis Cup team.
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  • 127 9 Some .sort of cinema censorship is absolutely essential m this country, and if it had been reas nably exercised is the past there would be no t.utcry against it to-day. But its working has been so inconsistent and stupid as to provoke just indignation. Films exhibited m the
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  • 732 9 Mr. G. C. Valpy is appointed Official Assignee, Straitfe Settlements, from M; y Ist. Al. A C. Baker i** appointed a toJeetttf <»{ irconu- ;ax for the Settlement I Plalacca. Mr. Song Ong Siang is appointed a meiiibn of the Committee 01 the Rct/wical Gardens, Singapore,
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  • 1537 10 CHIEF JUSTICE AMENDS DECISION. The important question of the validity of the rule of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association which provides that m the case of a seller defaulting m delivery, the rubber may be invoiced back, and a penalty of from one to
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  • 166 10 A preliminary enquiry into a charge of kidnapping preferred against a young Chinese named Thong Fuk, was held before Mr. Ahearne m the Second Mice Court yesterday. Mr. Campbell appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Shelley Thompson for the defence. The prosecution alleged that the accused took
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  • 13 10 Mr j. G. Black is appointed a collector of land revenue for Malacca.
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  • 469 10 "WINDOWS." VV ithout the inspiration to be drawn from a lt.rge audience the Compton Coutts Company gave a very worthy presentation of John Galsworthy's play "Windows" at the Victoria Theatre last night. Mr. Beresford Lovett, who had been prevented from appearing on Wednesday and Thursday nights
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  • 99 10 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 4th. The report of Aver Kuning Rubber Co. shows a profit of $4,802, carried forward $5,140 crop 105,578. The allowance under restriction is 21,882 for each quarter. Saogri Arak has a debit balance of ?e,128 transferred to the balance sheet. Tapping started
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  • 206 10 The young Bokien boy (15 years). w h,, WBf arrested by the Marino Police m connection with an attack by some armed Chine** on the crews of certain twakows at Boat Quay some time ago, was yesterday eemmittod for trial at the forthcoming Assizes, on a charge of murder. The
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  • 430 10 DOCTOR AS EMPLOYEE OF h|n NN|| Amonp the natu-rs whir-h r%r t Mr. Justice Barett-Lennard, who p r over the Singapore B*nkrupUv r >est«,rday, was the public examination Dr. Arthur Clement Wd.-rckonn, described himself a^ a L. M. S. Orl'v stated that he came to Sinpap O r»
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  • 342 10 Singapore Division The following if an extraa Girl Guides Incorporated eighth annual National and Imperial Report for 1^22 Guiding m Malaya is making Mraii;. gress m efficiency. Our numrni> sht" an increase of only rixty-tive Guui< last year, but though this is less than v had
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  • 1036 11 I homines rostri e*t farrag* Juvenal. presence <»f the Navy m the City em -I things up con--jh m sport, although ts of footballers made it the -ito»> as good games i have I ktdL When the Syria rht m the relief-, the p'aee was quite
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  • 253 11 Tl following were the gveeta of Hif Excdlency the Governor and Lady Guillemard jil a dinmr given at Government House on Thursday 3rd instant, m honour of HE. Admiral Sir A. C. Leveson. K.C.B. The Band of the Europe Hotel under the i action of Mr. F. R.
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  • 37 11 The Kinta Vehicles Department has been closed from May Ist, The Sanitary Board takes over the work of this department* Major W. N. Edwards, who was m charge of the Vehicles Department reverts to the Police Department.
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  • 76 11 [In centals of 100 lb.] Total Exports April 1923 537,796 Do Apri! 1922 322,554 Three months 1923 2,025,702 Do 1922 1,628,462 Increase 1923 over 1922 307.240 Approx. Value 3 mos. 1923 $106 mili.ons Do 3 mos. 1922 48 millions The month's expcits went to tho following countries:
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  • 48 11 EXPORT OF RUBBER RESTRICTION F. M. S. 19,:>45,.">17 lbs. of rubber passed through the F. If. S. Customs m April. The fig-ures for each of the last 6 months are as follows: November, 1922, 11,119,472 lbs; December, 15,657,837; January, 1923, 21.324,318; February, 18 228,GS8; Much, 20,379,303; April, 10.345,517.
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  • 43 11 In the first quarter of 1922 the revenue from opium, liquors and tobacco was as follows: $4,412,352; $933,452; $551,980. In the first quarter of this year the receipts were respectively $3^962,466; $924,501; £"•31,900, a general fall of about $479,000.
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  • 327 11 The third report of the Directors to the shareholders, to be pre^nt-ed at the annual meeting at Charon*! Bank Chambers on Friday. May 11th., states:— The net profit for the period aftvr making due provision for depreciation amounted to $4,954.99. Deducting this from the balance of $13, 017.03
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  • 226 11 The fourth issue of the E.S.A.M. Mapa>'.m. with its striking red cover, will be w. Icomed by all Ex-Service men m Malaya as another link that binds, another turn to the wheel of comradeship and goodwill. Articles grave and pay. humorous black and white drawings, the letter bap.
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  • 516 11 Gunners Lose to Chinese. Ihe Chine3e defeated the R. G. A. in the First D visicn of the Singapore I <.-aertfe on the Padang last owning by two goals to one. It was an interesting ganu*. for aft.-r the Chines-e had secured a sensational kad of two goals
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  • 215 11 Although they beat toe Hawkins soecei team by five goals to three on the Padang tbe S. C. C. were much below their usual form. The full backs, Gale and Hill, gave a disappointing: display, while m the forward line. Smith did not seem able
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  • 125 11 «p Mr. H. N. Balhetchet, formerly of St. Xnvier's Institution, Ponang, and now of the Hongkong University, has been chosen to play for Hongkong m the Inter-pott cricket match between Hon^konpr and Shanghai, which will take place shortly. Mr. Balbetchet holds the highest batting average m Hongkong. A Malay named
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  • 782 12 The hon'ble Mr. C. J. leaves for Home by the Mentor next Monday. Mr. •Sd Mrs. Duncan Roberts leave early this week. A krani, who has for many years been employed by the Handel Maatsehappy Del At chat Tandjon^r Baler, has just reared with a fortune
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  • 281 12 The Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, and Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard, sitting as a Court of Appeal on Saturday, allowed the appeal of Chop Swee Guan against a finding of the District Court judge m a case m vhich they were plaintiffs and Gan Peng Guan were the
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  • 288 12 Mr. P. V. David, District Judge, delivered judgment on Saturday moaning, m the cast m which the Mohamcdan landlord of 21 Kerbau Road was charged with bavin;* committed a brvach of the (Leases) Ordinance No. 4. His Honour said that from the evidence called by Utfß
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  • 136 12 Weath r theoii&ti- and statisticians art having the time of their lives discussing Hie present hot wave. We take two at random and think our readers might like to put them Ie the ttvt of .experience. First not modern but very amateurish ''the. butter the day the
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  • 98 12 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 5. At the inquest on the bodies of ithe victims of the fatal railway accident on the Hill Railway, the jury Returned, a verdict of accidental death, with no blame attached to anybody. They added a rider to the verdict,
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  • 674 12 h. C. C. CRICKET TOURNAMENT. TALMA SAVES P. S. AND LAW. By dividing the points with the Public j Services and Law on the Padang on Satur- day, the Bankers, Brokers and Insurance have made their position at the top cf the S. C. C. Tournament table practically
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  • 38 12 P. W. L D. Pts. B. B. and 1. 3 2 0 17 Merchants 3 1114 P. S and L. 4 0 0 4 4 Services 10 0 11 Etceteras 3 0 2 1 1
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  • 196 12 MIDDLESEX RE GT. VS S. R.C. Century By Palmer. The Middlesex cricket eleven drew with the S. R. C. on the Padang on Saturday afternoon. The best batting performance of the afternoon was that by L. Cpl. Palmer, who retired with 103 runs to his credit. He gave a fine
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  • 367 12 THE VICE-PRESIDENTS < I I The second raoe for m. Vke-Pn Cup was sailed off yest;.;. boats crossing the lino pX pood sailing breeze of the i died away towards the time f« and the boats crossed the 1- a very light breeze which, howe
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  • 30 12 [Reuters Service.] London M«> The One Thousand Guineas resu Tranquil (5—2) Cos (10—1) Shrove (100—6) Sixteen ran. Won by one anri lengths, one length separating ?eco: third.
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  • 370 13 j;i I iMdIITTI EIGHTH WIFE. i a s.«\v>ui the famous Henry ami of the Bluebeard of childI about irn story of Monna, the oU! wh< as "Bluebeard's Wae" .it-lighted a large audience eterai Theatre on Saturday. It is French, through the medium of Winipcris. of "London,
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  • 116 13 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS (SINGAPORE) ASSOCIATION. jsual committee meeting was held iy night, m the Board Room of 9Otiti Trading Co., Mr. T. Dudley Arsons presiding. question of resuscitating th« Queens' t>!ar«h ps was discussed and it was lo recommend to Government their ate i\ -establishment. draft aectaatl for the year endfcd
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  • 83 13 was taken at of the Mu».ioipa! I* m May Ist. rtruct Messrs Drew and •ommunicate with Messrs. Burkinshaw relative to Itwteu the Singapore Ele>stric ana the Commissioners. I Messrs J»rew and Napier L unun is* Loners legal position as Sir era pore Electric Tramway ***m of the erection
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  • 30 13 •Miho, director of the Japanese Mv.-t-um, is leaving for Japan furlough by the Awa-Maru due IH from Bombay. During his ■b l K. MM will be m charge of ML
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  • 761 13 TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1923. BUKIT TIMAH RUBBER. CHAIRMAN ON 'BETTER TIMES." Mi. A. W. Still presided over the annual C*nenJ meeting of the Bukit Timah Rubber Estate, Ltd., held at the French Bank P.uildings yesterday. Others present were i Messrs. Gibson, H. B. Ward and Father Ci.illon. I»- moving the
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  • 98 13 The policing of the War Memorial, and the general regulation of those who use it for sleeping purposes and as a grand stand for football matches, does not seem very complete. It seems impossible to make the native crowds understand that the ground to Britishers is sacred, to be tieated
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  • 1340 13 INQUEST VERDICT. A verdict of murder and gang robbery was returned against the first three accused, by Mr. F. ,G. Bourne, the Coroner, m the Coroner's Court yesterday afternoon, when the La Salle murder inquest was concluded. It was stated that there was not sufficient to
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  • 241 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 7. Two goods trains collided at iwo o'clock this morning at Batang Malaka. Their engines interlocked, but did not leave the line. Eight open trucks were derailed, and their contents spilled. There were no casualties. The mail train from Singapore wa£
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  • 113 13 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 7. The death has taken place at Home of lit. Arthur Wigley, formerly m Sandilands Buttery, Penang and Singapore, till 1907. The temperature on Sunday was 94 and en Monday 90. Two Chinese, the bailiff of the Butterworth District Court and a
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  • 23 13 Mr. F. C. Gregson, formerly of Penang, has arrived m Singapore from Japan. He is going to Java for the Ehinlop Rubber Company.
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  • 1070 14 DECISION WANTED ON MAINTENANCE LAW. Statinjr that, it was rather an important point which should have a decision by the Court, Mr. P. BattishiU appeared :u the Supreme Court yesteiday morning before the CWrf Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, on behalf of Ang Swee Tiang, who was manager of
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  • 542 14 The Life of the Spirit and the Life of To-day. Methuen. 7s. Gd. net. The character and meaning of the normal life of the spirit m ordinary terms of everyday thought. An expansion of a course of lectures m relJgiojn gfoen at Manchester College, Oxford. A treasury
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  • 79 14 A very interesting address was given at Prinsep Street Church, on Sunday night by the Rev. J. B. Clark on New Guinea' where he has lived as a L. ML S. worker for sixteen years. In Papua there are only 300,000 people all of one race, .except 2 000 whites,
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  • 389 14 LEAGUE FOOTBALL. TWO PLAYERS "ORDERED OFF." The match between the S. J. O. B. and Uifl S. R. C. on the S. R. C. ground yesttrelay afternoon, was marred throughout ):y an amazing disregard of the rules of Association Football by a grreat many of the players. Early
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  • 253 14 V.M.C.A. vs. H. Q. Co. HsMbflOS. In this match played a t Tanglin m Saturday th? former ran out winners by six wickets. The feature of the match Wai the bright batting- display by Sirdar S*ng)| who carried out his bat for 105 m than an hour. The soldiers
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  • 104 14 The May Bogey Competition was won by CJ. Hewitt with a score of 3 up. The following cards were leturned: T Hewitt 3 up; W. R. Fo^de 2 up- X E* Bath 2 up; F. C. Stocks 2 up; P. F. David all square; E. C. Milligan
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    • 602 14 [Reuter'a Service.] U Apr. In accordance with the prov the Rubber Exp<»ris R( Ceylon and Malay;*, the ItrM for the Colonies has approv< f,,r quarter beginning May Ist., a the percentage of of the price of rubber m the London mai ket having averaged between [t If. 6d.
      602 words

  • 2974 15 London, May 1. the House of Commons, introducing for r°val works. Commander B.M. i-eli emphasised, m view of the now have a one-power tha it m S* i important than to mow warships rapidly f the worl'i The Admiralty reasi- of rhe oil-tanks at Aden, Ceylon, Rangoon and SingaTluf WSJ
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  • 2865 16 I Router's Service. Paris, Aprtt 29. Newspapers state that General Weygand will embark at Toulon on Thursday m the warship Lorraine for Beirut on a visit to the North Syrian frontier, where the Turks are reported to be concentrating. It to' pointed out that General Weygand disposes of 26,000
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