The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 2 May 1923

Total Pages: 16
273 288 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 152 273 L i__DERS PAGB 273 ■leef Force 274 Wedding 274 EUstrictkei 274 Saval Base 274 Comment.** 274 Problem 275 rtiLKF. AND COURT NEWS. at Col ision 276 OU Litigation 277 .Mt-asor Su-d 278, 281 279 A Unlawful Society 281 m Case 281 Bankruptcy Position 281 ...rcle-rs 284 butors Appeal 285
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  • 93 273 Api„ 20. 5105.75 No J 23.00 13.50 P.: 14.75 22.50 13.75 I small 9 qq 11.70 11.30 4,000 230.00 Xe. 1 for expo it 285.00 I for export 250.00 1 for export 232.00 tta export 213.00 Broken Al for export 190 •rata Cl for export 165 -housand 85.00 mm
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  • 22 273 L.. w our ana halt years since Thi" and there re no s leTna yet (aM to be erected m Kuala -par.
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    • 80 273 SAVNDERS. At Penary, un th. 2Gth April, to Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Saundeis, a son. LAIDLAW. --At the European Hospital, on 24th April, to Edith Dorothy, wife of Douglas Laidlaw. of the Chartered Bank, Kualu Lumpur, J a son. JACOBS.- On April 23rd, 1923. at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore,
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    • 30 273 REt TENS At Penang. on April 24th. Theodore A. Reuten.. Aged years FELlX.— Francis Alexander Felix, Government Pensioner, Butterworth. At tbe ripe age of 82, died 22nd April 192:.
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  • 149 273 April 30. Bank 4 m.s. 24 1-4 Bank demand 24 5-32 Private credit. 3 m.s. 2-4 17-32 New York, demand 58% Credits .0 days s.*^ France, demand 750 India. T. T. tH%_ Hcngkorir. demand 2 p.c. Prem. Yokohanei. d:mand 110 Java, d ;iand 140W Bangkok demand 80 Soverci).'^. Bank
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  • 999 273 ■■mmn tma tkm Tom tm sSmmUfr SUM rntsssmm *e\n%m* M i br ojAmmm and -aferifed hrn __l_t e__n|aarlMTfat_W_l_(to-Sp-K-yMiMNN Apnl 25. -\s js jiot infrequently the case, .hr* subjects which are of greatest interest to the public, were not contaftied m the bills submitted to Monday's Council* .meeting, save
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  • Page 273 Advertisements
    • 122 273 eeescr.bers to the 4 Sin_rapore Free Press* -rr.;r._ from Europe tc the Straits al Ha mail lines, sre in*, ted to send 'lander the nana of their steamer and *rnva. m Singapore. Cop ac wih tn-.n -i to neet them ar. various ports of call *»ao«.nb_r. m Europe wishing detailed
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  • Page 273 Miscellaneous
    • 295 273 THE WEEK'S NEWS. The last mail from Hom.t« arrived yesterday bringing dates to April sth. This weekly leaves to-day by Hrn B. I. steamer Thongwa. The non-re-engagement of an Engineer-in-Chief, after the expiration of the agreement of Col. Pearson was recommended at a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners. At a
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  • 820 274 April 26. The Volunteer Force under postwar conditions has now been m existence for a sufficiently long time to shew how it may be expected to turn out as ar permanent institution. There can, of course, be no doubt of the duty of every able-bodied British subject
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  • 253 274 April 27. Through all the changes that have taken place m monarchies during the last ten years, there are a few Royal Families that have retained the love and respect of their peoples. None more so than the British Royal Family,, the House of Windsor. Yesterday the
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  • 470 274 Those best qualified to judge of the probable effect of the policy of Rubber Export Restriction were the first to warn the public about expecting toe great an immediate effect. The warning was not heeded, but it was nevertheless sound, as is proved by the course of events
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  • 617 274 April 28 We do not know all our friends m the House of Commons, and some that might be expected to be friends sometimes have peculiar ways of showing their friendship. Lt. Commander Ken worthy, m the dejbate on j the Naval Estimates, congratulated ihe First
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  • 846 274 April 30 Germany is apparently making strides m shipping. In 11*21 she bur L' 97 ships of a total gross tonnag. < 451,000; m 1922 she built 685 ship, of 742,000 gross tonnage. Did fife find use for them and get any returr. en the money? It
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  • 928 275 May 1. n_€ prevalence of the crime of 'HiHer throughout the world m the decade has attracted the attenof statisticians and criminolots« Oi course, after a great war vhich the killing is wholesale, one "<oects among those who took part a disregard of the sanctity of uman
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  • 263 275 The Position. (From Our Own Coi respondent. > Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 30. Mr. D. H. Hampshire presided over the meeting of the F. M. S. Chamber of Commerce, held here .to-day. He referred to the decline m the number of members and said that
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  • 55 275 th**. Gazette publishes figures extracted from the official publications of the Government of tho Netherlands Indies. The figures are for the months of January and February. Java and Madocra 4,425 6,102 Tanjong Priok 2,049 2,716 Samavanp 38 354 Soerabaya 2,150 2,332 Belawan Deli 3,936 5,330 Totals 12,598 16,834
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  • 68 275 A Gazette issued on Saturday contains t\No amendments of the Rubber Restrict;on Rules. One requires sellers of rttbber Really to have the amount endorsed on the vendor's license. The other (which does net apply to Singapore or Penang) requires sticks of rubber to be reported by April
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  • 32 275 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 28. At an official conference held yesterday it is believed that drastic measures for tightening up rubber restriction were decided upon. i-
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  • 42 275 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 28. Mr. Thorne presided at the annual meeting Sungei Gettah Rubber Company. The report was adopted and Directors' fees of $1,500 wer* declared. Messrs. Thornton, Ho Kirn Teck and Grumitt were re-elected Directors.
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  • 106 275 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 28. At the annual meeting of Malau Tin, Mr. Thornton, who presided, said that the loss was $7,844. Since May, 1922, consistent profits had been made on the working and at the end of December they had wiped off the loss. The
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  • 414 275 NON-RE-ENGAGEMENT OF E. IN C. RECOMMENDED. The following action was taken at a Joint Committee meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on 20th April. Johore Water Scheme. Special Fee for Home Agents. With reference to a letter received from Messrs Lindsay and Peirce suggesting a special annual fee,
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  • 333 275 Local Successes. As a result of the London Chamber of Commerce Junior Examination held m December last, the following pupils of Raffles Institution were awarded Certificates. The asterisk* denotes that the candidate passed with distinction." Handwriting: Md. Ariffin, Chan Wah Seng, Chia Cheow Eng, Chua
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  • 2952 276 KELANTAN AND THE DUFF CASE. ARBITRATORS AWARD UPHELD. In the House of Lords on March 22, present the Lord Chancellor (the Elf*. Hon. V-scount Cave), the Right Hon. Lord Sumner, the Right Hon. Lord Parmoor, and the Right. Hon. Lord Wrenbury (but not M i> Law Lord trying the case),
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  • 366 276 The report of the Court of 1 published m the Government answers to the question ha\ published. The Annex has the following:— (After giving the de.--. r'- ships). The Boribat came into collision wfli the Ranee and the latter about 7 to 10 minutes. Th* of the
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  • 32 276 Mr. A. V. Ashton took his seat on t Bench at the Penang Police Couit on 9* neaday m succession to Mr Bathurst. has been transferred to Batu Gaj» B District Officer.
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  • 242 277 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1923. FIFTY YEAR OLD LITIGATION. te i lviration before the old l un* of tVince of Wales lanata wed Penang, was made of the hearing of the action three children of tho late Al Junied against Syed Abi m Ali Al Junied, the present r.e estate
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  • 217 277 xpected that the two French •he Mil Michelet and the Victor ...ich hum haea aptly described as xhibitions ef French commerce ll arrive m Singapore about the next month. The cruisers, vhich er the command of Rear Admiral re on a world tour. They left Brest
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  • 43 277 Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 24. ■r.dred were present at the tr c fancy dress ball at the rhe extensions to which t time. The Middle- and rhe prize- for a r.y Mr. \V. S. Reeve- > IV Moir. aa
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  • 87 277 Ba. Mi appointed as headfp, Kuala Kangsar. ..d Shanghai Bank shares B ..kong on the 13th at times their original t -urance companies carry Colony; 69 do fire in>f which three do life I n. 1022 three were m all •apan ies of which 22 were ">2 companies were registercapital
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  • 1213 277 UNLAWFUL SOCIETIES. The annual report of the secretary for Chinese Affairs was laid on the table of the. Legislative Council on Monday. Immigration. Immigrants arriving by sea from China m 1922 numbered 132,886, a decrease of 58,157 or 30.4 per cent compared with the previous year and of
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  • 398 277 A Contemporary View. The Times of Malaya writes: It has always seemed to us a great pity that our public men cannot be induced more frequently to come into the limelight and express their views on leading public questions at informal gatherings such as dinners and
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  • 33 277 Tw 0 further arrests m connection with the murder of John La Salle have been effected by the police. The men were produced before tbe Second Magistrate yes* terday morn ng, and remanded.
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  • 143 277 The general balance sheet of the F.M.S. on December 31st., 1922, together with the sterling loan capital account as published m the Government Gazet.e on April 20th., shows that the total subscription _sj the sterling loans floated m London (6 per cent, and 4 1 per cent.)
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  • 165 277 The Dragonfly has unconsciously rendered one very great service to mankind, by pioviding m itself the natural model for the modern aeroplane. As long ago as 1886, Amans suggested that the dragonfly would serve as a suitable model for a flying machine propelled by electricity. The idea took root
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  • 165 277 Some short time ago, the master of an N.Y.K. steamer reported that on his way to Singapore from Japan he observed a subterranean volanic eruption. He also brought several photographs of the columns of smoke, steam and ashes, which he stated were emitted m gushes from the
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  • 162 277 Ir response to the invitation o.»* Mr K. S. Bhaizada, a large numb__- of Indian and European fri-nda gathered on Saturday afternoon, at the Y. M. C. A. Hall, which was tastefully decorated with flowers and evergreens^ to accord a cordial welcome to Sirdar Boldev Singh, the
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  • 58 277 The following were the guests of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Guillemard at a dinner given at Government House on Monday, 23rd instant:— Lady Shaw. Mrs. Swindell. Hon. Mr. J. E. Tessensohn. Hon. Mr. P. K. Nambyar. Hon. Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok. Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock.
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  • 1822 278 In spite cf the heavy downpour during the early hours of Saturday morning, there was quite a good attendance at the Race Course. Had i t not been for the wet state of the course, the hurdles on the main track for the first time- during training would
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  • 472 278 S.C.C. II vs. S.C.F.A. IL All the thiee second league fixtures payed off yesterday afternoon, resulted Kb draws. The most exciting match since the commencement of the Second League was played on Urn Padang, between the S.C.C, II and the S.C.F.A. 11. The Club forwards controlled the game
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  • 75 278 Reuters Service. Sydney, Apr. 23. A public subscription has been opened to provide for a business substitute for Anderson and thus enable him to play m the Davis Cup matches. Meanwhile tn* Association is withholding its cajbi* announcing Australia's withdrawal. Sydney, Apr. 24. Anderson, the tennis player,
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  • 46 278 The result of the Newbury Spring Cup was as follows. Royal Alarm (5 to 1 against) 1. Abbey Island (33 to 1 against) 2. Blackland (7 to 1 against) 3. Twenty-one started. Won by two lengths, a length between second and third.
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  • 33 278 [Router's Service] New York, Apr. 24. Tex Rickard announces that the match between McTigue and Carpentier for the World., light-heavy-weight Championship will take place on July 14th m New York.
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  • 531 278 THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923. MEYER MEASOR SUED. AGREEMENT WITH HINKsf STORM -KKKI'KK. Messrs Meyer ar 1 M< a *J~ lCfiQl^ I ir the action which commenced I Justice Barrett-L< nard Court yesterday r whk-l \Y< y en. M a store-keeper wl wa* f en* ploy, claimed thrt the defendant firm
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  • 81 278 (From Our Own Corresponded Kuala Lumpur. AP r > Sho Seng and Chia Soow Kiaaf J convicted by Mr. N. R. Jarre-It, pW* Telok Datoh, for a concertud attend fraudulent evasion of customs Qux> ing to 99 pikuls 64 katie? of Morib, and fined %%%07t e!X m<^J rigorous
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  • 92 278 When an enquiry was conim Coroner's Court on Tuesday, m g with the death of a Chinese, a boj an ice water seller at Boat Quay ced m the dock. It was stated by that the boy had taken part m i raid by some Chinese on two Boat Quay
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  • 2503 279 ||VlK .l ON HEAVY GOVERNMENT TAX. tl general meeting of Titi Tin limited, was held at Chaitered .rsy-.ster.iay. The Chairman, V 1 M. Sime, presided and there were nt Dr. D. Galloway, Messrs q. Wong, J- A. Elias, A. E. Baddeley, x Braddon, Messrs. Ve 0 Ban Keng,
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  • 305 279 The report of the above company for the year 1922, (to be presented at the annual general meeting at 2.15 p.m. on Monday, May 7th at the French Bank Buildings, Singapore) is as follows: The net profit for the year as shown by the profit
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  • 226 279 Motor bus accidents at. more on the increase. An accident occurred m Geylang a few days ago, when a Malay was badly injured, and m the Third Court \<. st erday afternoon, there was a sequ-el to a collision he*: ween a bus and a tram car
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  • 117 279 mmpm. The case against Mrs. C. Kibble, who stands charged with harbouring a deserter from the King's army, at her house m Jalan Besar, was mentioned m the Firs. Police Court yesterday and again postponed. The alleged deserter is Private Vaughan of the Middlesex Reg. In the Coroner's Cour. yesterday
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    • 144 280 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 600 th auction yesterday, April 25th, when there was catalogued 1,093,683 lbs.; 488.25 tons. Offered 769,923 lbs.; 343.72 tons. Sold 558,922 lbs.; 249.52 tons. PRICES REALIZED. London Is. S%d. New York 31% Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents per lb. Singapore
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    • 472 280 Singapore, Apr. 25. Although quotations have fluctuated very slightly during the past week, a fair busirtcs has to be recorded m all sections of ths market. After a somewhat rapid decline, a recovery of £7 m the price of tin had a steadying effect on quotations and
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    • 458 280 Singapore, April 25. The volume of business done m the share market during the week under review is still very small. Prices m the tin section are a little easier, but there is a tendency to firm slightly at the close. It continues to be difficult to
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    • 199 280 Singapore, April 26. Rubber. During the week under review the market has remained very quiet with prices on the down trend. The local auction opened yesterday with rather a steadier tone at the lower scale of prices. Awarded Sheet changed hands a*. 53% 53% loose, and a few
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  • 193 280 Sir F. Swettenham Sued By Former Houscmr..''d. A quarrel between a housemaid and cook was described at Marylebone County Court when Sir Frank Swettenham was sued by his labo housemaid, Isabel. a McLean, of Alexandra Club, Milford-p'ace, Edgewareroad, for £1 7s 6d. a week's board
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  • 68 280 ffg, News has at last arrived concerning the whereabouts of the East Asiatic's sailing vessel the E. J. Spence, which left Mauritius for Singapore m January last, and is considerably over due. Tho master of the B. I. steamer Gandara which arrived m port yesterday, reported that he passed the
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    • 523 280 CHINESE BEAT ST. JOSEPH'S. The S. C. F. A. gained, and the St. Joseph's Old Boys lost, their first points m tie First Division of the Singapore League on the Padang yesterday, when the Chinese, by virtue of thiee goals from Yong Liang, won a game that was never
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    • 46 280 [Reuter's Service]. Melbourne, Apr. 25. The Davis Cup competitor, Anderson, has agreed to accept public assisstance, conditional only that it is applied for procuring a business substitute. The Secretary of the Association declares that it is practically certain a team will compete.
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    • 39 280 Arrangements are being made to revive the shooting match between Singapore, Penang, Hongkong and Shanghai for the In.erport Challenge Shield. The match will be fired m May and arrangements are being made to select a representative team.
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    • 47 280 [Router's Service]. London, Apr. 25. The result of the City and Suburban is: I.' Dry Toast, 20 to 1 2. Roman Fiddle, 10 to 1 3., 100 to 14 Thirteen ran. The race was won by a neck, a length separating second and third.
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  • 75 280 The revenue of Labuan showed the effect of the slump m the Far East, falling short of that of 1921 by $1,617; and trade went down fifteen per cent. Both the birth rate and the death rate were higher, and infant mortality was very high. Wireless communication
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  • 18 280 Dr. Eric Mjoberg, Curator of Sarawak Museum, who recently conquered the unknown Mount Murud, arrived yesterday at Singapore.
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  • 642 280 Mr. W. J. Gallagher, <,f he 1,.,. J^- I Rubber Company, is on a viiH II I Mr. D. A. M. Bi -wn, Official Htaamm of the S.R.A.. leave, |Vnon Saturday. Mr. H. A. Sedwick. Ac ej, surer, Penang, left for S;: day on transfer. 1
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  • 915 281 11 m X OX RUBBER DEALERS' COMMISSION. ring judgment m the it tion nst Messrs. Meyer and Measor mmt store-keeper, Wee Yam Meng, merly m their employ, Mr. Jus- I -Lennard, it- th. Supreme Court ..f tiinoon, criticised the practice fa the plaintiff was stated to be
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  • 221 281 "The Blue Lagoon." There was only a small audience at the Victoria Theatre last night on the opening of tho cinema season m which the African Film Corporation's fi'm version of H. De Vere Stacpoole's popular story, "The Blue Lagoon," is the principal ...ature. We are so accustomed
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  • 178 281 The following were the guests of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Guillemard at a dinner given at Government House on Wednesday April 25th: Hon: Mr. G. C. D.nham, CLE., C.8.E., and Mrs. Denham, Mr. L. McLean, Mr. W. H. Lee Warner, Mr. J. E. Nathan, Mons. A.
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  • 138 281 The hearing of the case m which thise Tamil Mohammedans, Mohamed Abdullah, Ambalan* and Mohamedan Hussain, were charged with being members of an unlawful s eiety, and also with assisting m the management of the society, was continued iv the District Court yesterday, when Mr. Whitley, D.P.P.
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  • 566 281 MIDDLESEX II DEFEAT R.E. j The R. E. Sports Club were again beaten i yesterday afternoon, when they met the j Middlesex II m a Second Division League i match. The Midds. were superior m all respects to their opponents and, judging from the form they displayed yesterday
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  • 197 281 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 25. A unit of the United Christian Federatien if Mak.ya was formed at a meeting held m the Penang Free School Hall to-day. Lt.-Col. Hastings Rhodes presided. In the police court the man vh) was (herged with a murder m 1011 Bas
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  • 288 281 SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1923. A TWAKOW CASE. A m which Messrs Hooglandt and Company are the c mplainint* and a Chinese twal.e.v steerstaai* named Yeo Kee Seng, rhe accused, came up before Mr David m the District Court yesterday. The accused is alleged to have made a false statement
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  • 202 281 A somewhat unusual position of affairs has arisen m the matter of the petition presented by Messrs Guston and Nathan for a receiving order against Mcssr. Almusawah and Company, a firm .gainst whom they had obtained judgment m a civil action. The matter was before Mr. Justice
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  • 87 281 A centre conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church met yesterday morning In the Wesley Church. The representatives are elected delegates by the several conferences of the mission districts concerned, and are from Manila, Borneo, Java. Sumatra, as w**_ll as the Philippines. Bishop J. Locke of Manila and
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  • 180 281 mM Mr. N. Coulsc-n is appointed an assistant district judge for the three settlementts. Dr. Cheong Chee Hai is appointed to be a second lieutenant m the Chinese Company, S.S.V.F. Mr. S. N. King is promoted to be an officer m Class V of the Malayan Civil Service. Mr. R.
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  • 3351 282 THE ATTACKS ON COLONEL PEARSON. The attacks which have recently appeared m the "Straits Times" upon Colonel Pearson, the Municipal Engineer-in-Chief, were the subject of debate at the monthly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners yesterday afternoon, when a motion was proposed by Mr. A. E. Baddley, protesting against
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  • 158 283 Mir. Baddeley, but otherwise he ned to vote. Th- President addreased a communicate Mr. Baddeley, and follow*.. the ot his reply -e-gested that m view that the matter had been ventijJMal course was to withdraw and the amendment. Mr. PLI-JIT That appai-ently wng -••wish I am quite agreeable to falling
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  • 46 283 iFroni Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 27. hearing of the action St. George State of Negri Sembiian for •0 m respect of injuries resulting from a motor amash, alleged to be due to a bridge, was concluded at Serem.sterday. Judgment was reserved.
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  • 73 283 •From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 27. involving tie deaths of two c dious injuries to a thin.l. oc- at the Penang H'H. A railway used for cc*ustructional material, returning down the track, whe*. the w -rich controlling the vehicle gave way and wagon went
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  • 101 283 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang. Apr. 27. In the Police Court, John Fernandez, a Yylonese, was chanted with criminal t reach of trust as a servant m respect of monies belonging to the F.M.S. Railways. The accused was arrested yesterday, on from Kuala Lumpur, as he was
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  • 221 283 MIDDLESEX I BEAT R. G. A. Playing with only ter. men. the Middlesex •am beat the*R. G. A. on the Padang V'.-ter.lay afternoon* by the narrow margin 4 two goals to one. The match was charac_M **tic throughout of dangerous alternaa_ attacking by both sides, both goaln having
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  • 107 283 •■'••in J. Annfield leaves for Europe m ••••niand of the Cassis at daylight to-day. I many friends will be interested to hear at he b to be married on arrival m '•<i to Miss Jennie Beveridge, only *-rhter 0 f -y_ r DaVid Beveridge, of and Company, Blackfriars, ***>ndon. »s
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  • 702 283 COMPETITION AND PROGRESS. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 27. Mi J. A. Russell presided over the meeting of the Malayan Collieries. Ht mentioned that the company had recently been approached by certain competitors, proposing an agreement covering the whole coal-trade of the Straits, F.M.S., on their
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  • 60 283 The P.C.M.O.'s statement for the week ending April 14th records 258 death.,, the n.ortality rate per mille being 20.53. The deaths, which included three Eurasians, 192 Chinese, and 35 Malays, were due chiefly to convulsion which claimed 31 victims* pneumonia 26, phthisis 25, malarial fever 2S, fever not specified 15
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  • 1365 283 Quicquid ugunt homines noslri est farrage Libelli JUVENAL. We notice the prevalence of the heading m a Penang paper, "Sunny Singapore" under which are put police court paragraphs. Alliteration is of course one of the dodges of the caption writer. It might be possible to select
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  • 255 283 Singapore and Ceylon Compared. (To the Editor Times of Ceylon.) Sir With regard to "Our London Lotter" published m your issue of the 9th instant, and to the query appended to the paragraph "Planters' Salaries." This question recently gave me considerable thought and the conclusion I arrived
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  • 57 283 The hon'ble Mr. Godfrey Charles Denham. CLE., C.8.E., is appointed an Official Member of the Legislative Council m placo of Captain Chancellor resigned. Mr. 0. E. Venables has been granted seven months leave from April 13th.; Mr. F. J. Morten for eight months; Mr. V. G. Ezechiel for nine months;
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  • 221 284 Two murders were comm-tted on Friday. and m both cases, the police have made il rests. Bukit Sembawan^ Rubber Estate was the scene of one of the crimes which \\_is committed m the afternoon. The fatal assault was the outcome of a fight over a gambling dispute. It
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  • 199 284 Dr. E. H. Black, Health Officer, lpoh, c.nd Mrs. Black are visiting Kuala Lumpur. Dr. ar.d Mrs. J. Sharp returned by the Kopah on Thursday morning from their holiday m Sumatra. (S.E). The Penang Bar Committee is composed of S. F. B. Martin. President; the hon'ble Mr. W. H. Thorne;
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  • 304 284 MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1923. DISTINGUISHED VISITORS ARRIVE. ADMIRAL SIR ARTHUR LEVESON AND SIR CHARLES ELIOT. Admiral Sir Arthur Leveson, the Com-mander-in-Chief of the China Squadron, arrived m Singapore on the H. M. S. Hawkins, the flagship of the Squadron, on Saturday morning. He was accompanied by Sir Charles Eliot, K.
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  • 773 284 ANNUAL MEETING. The nineteenth ordinary general meeting of the members of the Sandycroft Rubber Co., L d., was held at Chartered Bank .Chambers, at noon yesterday. The Hon'ble Mr. V. Gibbons presided, and others present were the Hon'ble Mr. Lowther Kemp, Mr. W. A. Sims, Mr. A. E.
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  • 38 284 An Uncharted" holiday has just been defined m the F. M. S. "Gazette" which publishes a notification that Thursday, May 17, will be a public holiday m the F- M. S. on the occasion of Hari Raiya Puasc.
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  • 498 284 The Merchants proved themselves far too strong m all departments for the Etceteras on Saturday and won a one-sided match by the large margin of 156 runs. By this success the Merchants materially strengthen their position m the S. C. C. Tournament table, going from the bottom
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  • 437 284 The following were the scores m the match on the S.R.C ground on Saturday between Mr. Wodehouse's eleven and the S.R.C: S. R. C. G. Armstrong, c. Hare, b. Baker 7 G. Bates, Ibw. b. Craig 0 B. E. De Souza, c. Wodehous., L. raig
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  • 179 284 Polo with H. M. S. Amlir The Singapore Swimminc < v had matters largely their own wa team from H. M. S. Ambrose, which visited the Club yesterday morning helped themselve- to a victory the ____> of seven clear goals. Thee < e strong side out and benefitted
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  • 160 284 Charles Stanton oponed h the Exhibition grounds, < orner of Anson and Prince Edward roads m a nios: ful manner on Saturday r.ieiit, a record attendance of people all LatiLonalities. The publi. of >.■..-•■■:■ welcome this type of amusement pleasing diversion from the usual type of night entertainment.
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  • 119 284 In anticipation of seeing faquite a large number of spectator- w«-r« preeent on the Race Course on $s±mm\mj morning. In this, they were as work generally was dec dcii. side, only three gallops being done pery Sam, Beaver and Lockma*. company over five furlongs, the rirs* ■n lm
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  • 430 285 TUESDAY, MAY 1, RETIREMENT. MR. C.J SAUNDERS' RETIREMENT. Xir Shirt*. InaetF Able Services. hoa'bie Mr. Charles James at «>f Companies and retires frcm j ot the Str-.ts Settlements j at period of valuable j or. than thirty-one Saunders had held the position ti afead January, 1915, r t -ight years
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  • 61 285 S. MeClelland, Com- Kuala Lumpur, has Ta:j I fi now acting as k in the absence Of Lt Col. C. W. C. o%\ assistant Official itj Registrar. Supreme ■iTived m Batu Gajah A. D. 0.. Kinta, m the i K. Bain, who has D. O. of that
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  • 61 285 *mn ent Superintendent, Hospital. Tanjong Ram-■-Pta!. hai been transferred to the 9 ngapore Dr. Stone's enly regretted. (M.M.) 8 who has been for a the Supreme Court, tl_ umming by train to ent of District Judge to leaving, a group photograph mg Supreme Court staff, with Simla, was taken. Mr.
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  • 690 285 ■ft. DON ATI AND THE 'RIO GRANDE." In the Supreme Court yesterday morning. befit, the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, Mr. K. M. Donati, the sole distributor of j i'athe films m the Far East, appealed j against a conviction and fino of $250 by the j
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  • 143 285 Fallowing close upon the two murders committed on Friday last, ccmes the news of a sensational double murder, which took place at No. 92 Tanglin Road very early yesterday morning. The alleged murderer is a Teochew shop-keeper named Chew Wong Hah. The man resided m the nous.- with
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  • 19 285 Mr. E. Keating, the manager of Messrs. Guthrie and Co's import department at Penang, is being transferred to Borneo.
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  • 511 285 DECREASED TAPPING COSTS The fourteenth ordinary general meeting of The Batu Village Rubber Estates, Ltd., held at the office of the Company, Chartered j Bank Chambers, at noon yesterday, was j presided over by Mr. li. D, M-indell. Others present were the hobble Mr. Lowther Kemp, Mr.
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  • 303 285 Complainant's Bad Record. A Sikh named Larb Singh sttecussfully rnpcaled to the Chief Justice, Si.- Walter Shaw, m the Supreme Court yesterday, for the remission of his conviction and a fine of fifty dollars, OO a charge of causing hurt to another Sikh named Santa Singh. Mr.
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  • 473 285 ARMY WIN INTER-SERVICES BOUTS. By four contests to two the 2nd Middlesex regiment defeated H.M.S. Hawkins m the inter-services boxing tournament held at the Stadium last night, m the presence of a large attendance, among whom were H. E. Sir Laurence Guillemard, H. E. Major General Sir
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  • 304 285 The first annual general meeting was held on Friday, 27th April at 5.15 p.m. m the lecture room of the Association. There wu a fairly good attendance of members, with Mr. G. H. Kiat, the President, m the ch'iir. The Hon. Treasurer submitted a statement of receipts
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  • 551 286 Poor Game Between Padang Ciubs. The S. C. C. had matters very much their cwn way against the S. R. C. m their match m the Singapore League on the Padang yesterday evening, and as a result they were inclined to take matters very lackadaisically. They won easily
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  • 26 286 In the Double Handicap of the S.C.C. Lawn Bowls Tournament McKean and Hammond beat Doig and Kinlcch yesterday by 21—10.
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  • 37 286 (From Our Own Oorresponderrt.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 30. In the inter-State football match at Kuala Lumpur, Solangor defeated Negri Sembiian by two goals to nil, Ives scoring both goals. The game was very poor. m*.
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  • 37 286 Penang, April 27. ihe following are the numbers of arrivals from and departures to the Madras Presidency for the month of April:— Adults. Minors Arrivals 610 Departures 3602 m The arrivals relate to aided passengers
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  • 109 286 On Monday evening, St. George's Day, the R. W. the D. G. M., Sir Neill Malcolm, installed Bro. G. T. Peall as worshipful master of Lodge St. George, No. 1152 E.C. The other officers invested were T. C. Hay, P.M.. C. Salter, S.W., C, G. Mawson, J.W:,' E. Lowick,
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  • 669 286 BOLTON WINS. I AMAZING SCENES AT WEMBLEY. [Reuter's Service] London, Apr. 28* At the Wembley Stadium, m the AssociaI tion Football Cup final, Bolton Wanderers beat West Ham United by two goals to nil. The weather was glorious and the ground m excellent condition. After three minutes
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  • 87 286 [Router's Service]. Philadelphia, Apr. 28. Oxford won the sprint medley m which the first man runs 440 yards, .the second and third 220 each and the fourth 880, m the Philadelphia University relay carnival. The time was 3 mins. 32 1-5 sees. Oxford was beaten m the two
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  • 4318 286 HOME. [Reuter's Service.] Sydney, Apr. 22Speaking at a military reunion, Mr. Bowden, minister of defence, said that the time had arrived for Australia to decide- on her defence problems. We were absolutely dependent for naval en the Empire. If attacked we could only hope to hold out till
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  • 2930 288 I Reuter's Service. New York, Apr. 22. A message from Washington declared that Britain, responding to a request from the State Department had offered general .o-operation m curbing liquor smuggling, but had declined Mr. Hughes's proposal of a mutual search of ships on the high seas. Paiis, Apr. 22.
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