The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 28 March 1923

Total Pages: 16
193 208 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 244 193 i UM PAGB Sen ices 193 M.S. Taxation Increases 193 n Currency Matter- 194 A Matrimonial Nobody 194 Vir Speculation? 194 End Comment-; 194 Rubber Trade IM fmXM AND COURT NEWS. Lottery Prosecution IM The Assizes 197, 199, 201. MC, 205 Tea Money Case 197 Bqpri to Banned Film
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  • 73 193 March Wk. 4 m.s. o 4 mm -J 2|4 5-32 "edits 3 m.s. 2j' 19-32 »ork. demand 54% 90 days 57 T^** 1 demand 770 T T 174 \i JJJ*>ng. demand l m« p c Prem. mx demand U2*i ut-mand 141*4 dtmand 79^ v *H\gn. Bank Buying 8.54 England
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    • 137 193 HOWARD. At Kuala Lumpur on 20th inst., to Dr. and Mrs. Howard, a son. lIUXTER. At Seremban on the 22nd in3t., to Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter, a daughter. WU.— On Maa*ch 21st. at 2 a.m. at their residence, 121, Jalan Datoh, Ipoh, to D.\ C. Y. Wu. of
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    • 27 193 ATKINS -BUCKMAN.— Feb. 22, at St. Mark's Lewisham, E. Dennett Atkins, of Singapore, and Lee, to Helena, daughter of Percy Buckman, of Clarendon-road, S. E. 13.
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  • 107 193 March 26. Tin 125 Tons $114.25 Gambier Cube No. 1 22.00 Gambier 15.00 Pepper Black 15.75 Pepper (white fair) 24.00 Tapioca, small flake, f.g. 14.25 Pearl Sago small 9.00 Copra Mix 1310 Copra Sundried 12.40 Opium, Benares one. 4,000 Rice, Rangoon white 280.00 Rice, Sian No. 1 for expoit
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  • 695 193 March 21. Jt is generally admitted that to keep a community honest and lawabiding, an efficient police force is better than many courts and prisons. The one is a preventive service, the other chiefly penal. Prevention is better than cure. The proverb holds vood with added force when
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  • 651 193 March 22. We have received from the Secretary of the Federated Chamber of Mines a full copy of the correspondence that has passed between the Federation and the Government regarding the recent very heavy increases m royalty and charges recent because the comparison is between
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  • Page 193 Advertisements
    • 132 193 Saiscriher* to the 'Singapore Free Press' *-'Kly returning frcm Europe to the Straits »ny of the mail lines, are invited to send iHe the name of their steamer and of arrival m Singapore. Copier wil* tb*,n v led to meet them at various ports of sail bribers m Europe wishing
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  • Page 193 Miscellaneous
    • 312 193 THE WEEK'S NEWS. A mail arrived from Home on Saturday with dates up to March Ist. This weekly goes by the Homeward mail to-day. A satisfactory year of trade was reported at the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, but the Chairman, referring: to rubber restriction, said* there was
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  • 447 194 March 23. The Straits exchange on London hat. kept up well above the standard aimed at by the Currency Commissioners for some considerable time and it a decided advantage for those who have to make payments m sterling, the Government first of all, and then all companies
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  • 385 194 There was published m the Government Gazette on .Friday last a letter from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, enclosing a copy of the United States "Act relative to the naturalization and citizenship of married women." Ordinarily this would not appear to be the subject for
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  • 875 194 March 24. Sometimes when we consider the history of British politics we could wish that there Were fewetr stops and starts m policy. It may be that we are less phlegmatic than some nations that could be mentioned, but our spirits go up and down m a remarkable
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  • 710 194 Week End Comment s. March 26 The tension m France and Germany over the Ruhr Occupation is growing, especially m <M-rmanv. which has a sort of a crisis, owing tc Government trying to deflate tht mark. Chancellor Cuno talks braw ly about making no attempt at ar. arrangement as long
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  • 637 195 March 27. There are many more fa Acs than l about just at presen with refud to rubber. There a vays has a great difference i f opinion a hen it comes to stat iics. A hundred computers and a hundred different estimates of thi stock of
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  • 127 195 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur. March 2tfth. The Agri-horticultural show at Seremban on Saturday was an unqualified success, Malay exhibitors and visitors from dayligh. streaming into Seremban from all quarters, bringing m their exhibits. The Show ami informally opened by the Resident, ZMr. Hose, at one
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  • 65 195 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, M»*. 26. Tungku Mohamod, fif-h son of the late Sultan of Pahang, who was one of the survivors of the- Ranee d saster, was married at Kiaia Kamrsar yei erday, m great state, to Raja Noorul Anwar, daughter of Raja Haroon Ke
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  • 58 195 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Mar. 26. The Central Perak P.A. has nominated Mr. Shei on Agar for the P.A.M. Chairmanship. Other nominations canvassed were: Messrs. Cummins, Campbell, Gwaler, Bruce, Kennedy. French and Evans. The meeting enthusiastically supported the A. W. Still Presentaion Fund, and also passed
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  • 53 195 The Strait-- new I.G.P. is Mr. Godfrey Charles Denham, CLE., C.8.E., who has arrived with Mrs. Denham from Shanghai. Mr. Denham has served w?th the Indian police m Bengal and with the Shanghai Police, and is a brother of the present Colonial Secretary of Mauritius. He expected to assume command
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    • 188 195 To the Editor, Sir, Wi.h reference to the earthquake reported by the Wakasa Maiu, m your paper dated March 6th., it may interest some of your readers to hear thai when an officer on the Catherine Apcar, twenty years ago, and on a voyage to Hongkong, and
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    • 136 195 To the Editor, Sir, Much talked ''Tea Money" has been htes ght to the noiice of the public before the First Magistrate on 20th instant, the alleged landlord being prosecuted by Coun Inspector. Ou of one thousand and one secret transactions only one was brought to light as a
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    • 202 195 Ta the Editor. Sir,- -I have read your account of the trouble with the Hylam Boys at the Europe Hotel. Ii my opinion the attitude taken Up by 'he management is quite correct and the •mjy one possible m the circumstances. Tiu two boys who were prosecuted were
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  • 105 195 Our Ipoh correspondent wire? that m addition to the list of summonses issued against the President, clerk of course, secretary and committee of the Ipoh Gymkhana Club, for alleged breaches of the Gaming Enactment, summonses have been served on the publisher of the Times of Malaya m
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  • 87 195 Sir Frederick James, Colonial Secretary, is going on short leave by the Japanese r^ail m the mMdle of May. (S.E). Mr. W. Arthur Wilson, editor of the Malaya Tribune, who is going to Kuala Lumpur this week end to join the staff of the Malay Mail, was the guest of
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  • 551 195 Advantages of Shanghai Tramway Proposal. Negotiations for the acquisition, by the Bc&i ,'ha Tri.nv.a; i la tie SingapbfO C mpany, and the flotation ol a new company, to be called the Singapore Ti action Company. Ltd., are expected to be completed within a few days. The new
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  • 228 195 A very pleasant programme has been .'•".ranged for the members of the Malaya Branch of the British Medical Association OB the occasion of their annual meeting, on March SOth and 31st. The meeting begins at 9.30 a.m. on the 30th inst. at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, where
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  • 983 196 The reports and statements of accounts of the Malacca Agricultural Medical Board have been forwarded for us, and they show plainly how systematised and co-o.dinated work on the Estates has made the task of looking after the health of thousands "of coolies easier and has been
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  • 420 196 REDUCTION IN PRICE OF GAS. The following decisions were made at a committee meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on March 16th: Water Mains, Renewals. Stocks, etc.— Approved the laying of si:: inch and four inch mains m Prince Edward Road, leading to the F.M.S. Railway rodowns, at an
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  • 232 196 A sale was held m the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday afternoon under the auspices of the Y.W.C.A., m aid of their new lunch and rest room. An effort was made to raise a substantial sum of money m order that the rest room might be
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  • 1403 196 ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of shareholders was held on Saturday, Mr. W. H. Macgregor m the chair. There were also present: the hon'ble Mr. D. J. Ward, Messrs. D. T. Lewis H. B. Ward, E. Walker, W. Makepeace, R. W. Brodie, A. Bailey, R. L.
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  • 91 196 The Singapore branch of the Char Bank yesterday received the folowing gram from the H-evad Office m I ondon. dated 22nd. instant:— At the approaching annual general meeting of shar. ihe Directors will reeommei.d that a dividend be decared for the pa-- half the rate of 14
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  • 124 196 The members of the Scottish Com; S.S.V.F., took part m the first churci. parade held since the formation of the Com pany. at the Singapore Presbyterian Chur vr. yoterday evening. The Company, undothe command of Captain Alport, and hi by the pipes and drums, under Lieut.
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  • 515 197 ~~j. i> rumoured that the Hon. Mn E. 1 1 I lose will act as Chief Secretary when {le:'.. Mr. Maxwell goes on leave. (M.M.) performance by the Selangor Ama,f ;heir Triple Bill on Saturday was f,„ the E.S.A.M. before a very large enthusiastic audience. Rev.
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  • 178 197 owing is contributed: At a recent ai the W.C.T.U. reports were sub- hy those members who had assisted •ribution of the Christmas Fund the following institutions: General two Maternity Hospitals. Tan ■t* Seng Hospital, Kandang Kerbau, tai. Leper Hospital, Lunatic Asylum, iy. Medical Mission, Nind
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  • 963 197 DINNER IN HIS HONOUR. The dinner given by the Eurasian Association to the Honourable Mr. E. Tessensohn m honour of his appointment as a Member of Legislative Council, was held at the Grosvenor on Saturday last, the 17th fnstant. It was largely attended by members, including representatives
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  • 525 197 While at her berth m Fremantle, the Gascoyne, now m here, was the scene of a celebration m which a review was given of the trade. Sir Edward Wittenoom said: The people of the North-West coast wanted regular and reliable communication, and it would be expected that
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  • 167 197 The trial of a Chinese named Loo Chen oil charges of murdering three of his fellow countrymen on a tongkang just outside the Breakwater on the night of September 30th, was commenced at the Singapore Assizes yesterday before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, and a special jury.
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  • 529 197 Allegations as to a landlord having demanded $400 tea money from a tenant, were made before Mr. David m the District Court yesterday, when Court Inspector Nicol prosecuted a Mohamedan named J. M. Ismail Maricar, on a charge of commit, ing a breach of Ordinance No. 4,
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  • 77 197 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, March 20. A painful tragedy has taken place at Ipoh. A Chinese lad, a relative of Yew Koh, Ipoh, has been burned to death as a consequence of opdning a bottle of methylated spirit, the bottle-lamp overturning causing an explosion. The funeral
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  • 96 197 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, March 20. Mr. Blackstone presided over the annual general meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce. He suggested the formation of a Penang Association with similar objects to the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association and the Association of British Malaya of London
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  • 80 197 v Three men were sentenced to death for the Alor Star murder. The victim was returning home with the proceeds of a sale of buffaloes. A Chinese peasant was murdered last week near Jitra, Kedah. Two men were drowned by the upsetting of a boat by
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  • 948 198 DISTRIHI TOR OF BANNED FILM FINED. Mr. R. 11. Donati wa~ prosecuted before Mr. David, m the District Court yesterday morning, at the instance of Mr. T. M. Hussey, Official Film Censo.% for distributing a banned film. The case was m connection with the prosecution and conviction
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  • 413 198 D 'ALMEIDA PARTNERSHIP. The hearing of the action brought by F. C. D 'Almeida and his sister, Mrs. Ida Johannes, against their brother, A. E. D'Almeida, which arises out of an alleged partnership between them entered into early m 1920, was resumed before Mr. Justice Bairett-Lennard m the Supreme Court
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  • 301 198 Considering the very large number of persons who die every year from snake-bite m India, it is curious that so few deaths from this cause are recorded m Malaya. It is, however, the fact that most of the snakes indigenous to the Peninsula are not venomous; and
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  • 35 198 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, March 19. Over four hundred were present at St. Patrick's Ball, m the Ipoh Town Hall. The decorations were unique and the dancers were brilliant fancy costumes.
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  • 1275 198 The programme of the Singapore Sporting Club for the Spring Meeting has been published and should prove an attractive one for owners. W r e are to have four day* racing commencing on Saturday, May 12th. The Committee are to be congratulated upon the manner m which they
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  • 142 198 The result of the Chinese New V«v men's foursome competition is a win by Messr?. Brownie and Rogers over Messrs. Barron and Smith. The result of the match Keppel \>. Sepoy Lines at Keppel links is a win for Keppn by 4%:— L. Williams and Montgomerie P4
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  • 62 198 GARRISON GOLF CL UB. The following are the result- I competitions: Governor's Cup:— Winner. F. I I oi:c ut); Runners-up. W. E. De and Major T. C. Spring, two down. Ladies Monthly Medal Mrs. Cantrell 0 Mrs. Mawson M Runners-up, Mrs. Ward 51 6 45 Mrs. Wolff 55 II Men's
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  • 39 198 London, Mar. 1-'-The draw for the semi-final of tin* English Cup is. Southampton or West Ham vs D* l County at Chelsea. Sheffield United vs. Bolton at Manchester The matches wili be played on M*** 24.
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  • 460 199 r r. Bullivant, the billiard table expert, mm-A through Penang on Sunday on his K. Kcagh, of the Straits Trading v. I td.. Butterworth, has returned > :< a f Court Inspector Taylor, Kuala tumpur, who was taken ill a few weeks resumed duties on Monday.
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  • 148 199 wc;c the guests of His the Governor and Lady Guillewarti a: a dinner given at last night. The I 2nd Middlesex Regiment playg the evening. S i Salter Shaw, Kt. Bach, the hon'ble Dr. A. L. M Hoops, the hon'ble Mr. E. Mr. G. A. Hereford, Mr. G.
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  • 82 199 an) the directors to the fourth general meeting of shareholders, Wi at Chartered Bank Chambers, i March 28th, at noon, states: for the year, as shown by the and Lo<s Account, is $123,922.20, the Mt of which is accounted for by the value of the stocks, matter
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  • 229 199 MURDER CHARGES. By a majority of five to two, the special jury at the Singapore Assizes yesterday morning found Low Chee not guilty on charges of being concerned with three other men, who have not been arrested, m the murder of three members of the crew of a
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  • 315 199 Laid Without a Hitch. The laying of the new cable between Colombo and Penang has now bc-en completed. The cable is a high speed one, similar m type to the cable which was laid to Among some 10 years ago, and contains 030 the. of copper to
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  • 233 199 At the Singapore Harbour Board Club, Racburn Park, yesterday afternoon, the European Officers of The Singapore and Penang Harbour Boards presented Mr. S. A. Lane, on the occasion of his retirement from the Chairmanship of the Boards, with a grandfather clock, and
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  • 945 199 THE INQUEST. The inquest into the death of Tan Soo Bit, the young Straits-born Chinese, who was killed m an accident which occurred on the 13th inst, was commenced before Mr. Bourne, the City Coroner, yesterday, and will be continued this afternoon. Mr. Shoedy, A. S.
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  • 363 199 AN APPEAL. Mr. C. Ward-Jackson. Hon. Secretary of the Executive Committee of the A. W. Still Presentation Fund, has issued the following Appeal: At a meeting of The Planters' Association of Malaya held on February loth last, it was unanimously resolved to organise a public testimonial
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  • 184 199 The V.M.C.A. are promoting a Thrift Week Campaign, says a Hongkong paper. This "special and needy effort" will be conducted next week. Coming immediately after the Race W T eek, the "special need will doubtless be readily recognised m a very extensive circle. The purposes of the
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  • 148 199 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Mar. 22. A small two-seater car was completely smashed m a collision with a tree, turning the corner of Pangkoc and Perak road. Mr. S. Weihen, of the Eastern Smelting Co., had a remarkable escape. Mr. A. Morton, a passenger by the Hakone
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    • 159 200 Ihe Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 595 th auction yesterday, March 21st, when there was catalogued 1,580,614 lbs.; 705.63 tons. Offered 1,165,939 lbs.; 520.50 tons. Sold 914,903 lbr>; 408.43 tons. PRICES REALIZED. London Is. 4%d. New York 33% cts. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents per lb.
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    • 424 200 Singapore, Mar. 21. A fair business has been done" during the week m tin shares, industrials and Loans. The rubber share market is practically non-existent and almost all quotations are nominal. Rubber itself is a trifle better at lev 4%d. London compared with Is. 4%d. iast week
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    • 518 200 Singapore, Mar. 21. The period under review has proved a quiet one m the local share market. Tin, after touching £234 10s. has fallen away somewhat, closing £11 below best. There has been a fair turnover m shares, with quotations generally on a slightly lower level. Rubber
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    • 205 200 Singapore, M r. 22. Rubber. Tl c market during the past week has been veiy quiet, with prices for standard sheet fluctuating between 57 and 08^2. The local auction held on Wednesday opened with a better tone, which was maintained throughout the sale. Awarded sheet loose sold at
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    • 170 200 Singapore, Mar. 22. There has been rather a better tone to th> market during the past week and prices have shewn a steady improvement except for minor flucuations. The trade appears to be taking a little more interest and the recent liquidation seems to be finished.
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  • 58 200 The Singapore branch of the International Banking Corporation have received the following cable from the New York Office: International Banking Corporation has declared a dividend of U.S. $5 per share payable end March and U. S. $5 per share payable end of June. This is equivalent to
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  • 613 200 ANNUAL MEETING. The fourteenth annual meeting of Teluk Anson Rubber Estate, Limited, was held at Gresham House yesterday. The Chairman, Mr. W. P. Plummer, presided, and there were also present Messrs. A. E. Baddeley, J. R. Crawford, (Directors), Mr. D. J. Ward (for the secretaries, Messrs. Derrick
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  • 76 200 The total trade figures for British Malaya for February have already been published, vi/. Imports $41, -932,850; exports $51,260, 24d. The import of rice was $800,000 less than m January; but February is a short month and this affects all comparisons. Sugar was only 47,656 pikuls, against 152,715
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  • 64 200 17tji List of Subscriptions. Previously acknowledged 9,806.45 Mrs. .Dalgleish 20 Part Proceeds of Chamber Music Recital organised by Mrs. D. Laidlaw, Kuala Lumpur 200 Collected by Mrs. Sime (sth fist) Robinson and Co., Ltd. 100 Standard Oil Co., of New York 25 Mrs. Stanley Dunn 25 Geo.
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    • 202 200 The Malaya Football A: so<-ia-which met the S.C.C. II on ti yesterday afternoon were tath< to lose the match. The S.C.C. pl a m form, and generally speaking, their <, bination was better than that f ponents, who rarely opened out the wm or worked up their attack m<
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    • 94 200 ENGLISH CU P-TIE RESULTS. London, Marvh \u The following Cup-t*e matclu--as follows: Southampton 1, West Ham 1. Charl x>n 0, Bolton 1. Rangers 0, Sheffield 1. Tottenham 0, Derby 1. The association cup-tiv match ton to-day was marred by a serious a, to a number of spectators. The pressan <f
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    • 27 200 SCOTTISH C UP TIE. The following are the results of matches m the semi-final of the Scottish Cup-tie: Celtic 2, Motherwell 0. Hibernians 1, Third Lanark 0.
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    • 52 200 The following was the result of the Lv. American Doubles Tournament, wh;< played on Monday and Tuesday last: Winners: Miss Richardson an< J M Cartle 189 16 205. Second: Miss Shaw and Miss St. son 182 17 199. Third: Mrs. Cantrell and Mrs. L:\ stone 196
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    • 49 200 [Reuter's Service]. Nice, Mar. lt>. In the Lawn Tennis Tournament, M. Lenglen beat Mrs. Mallory, 6 o, 6—o. London. Mar. iv At Dulwich. m a three-day covered court* tennis match, a team represent m? beat a team representing Lory. v by 14 matches to 6.
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    • 82 200 Reuter's Servi 1 Nice, Mar 19 The following are the results of Lawn Tennis Championships: Ladies Singles: Mile. Lenglen bi Kyan, 6 l, 6 o. Ladies Doubles: Mile. Lenglen I Ryan beat Miss McKane and Mrs. Leader Chambers, 6 4, 6 2. Mixed Doubles: Miss Ryan
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    • 66 200 [Reuter's Sen ice]. Adelai o*,0 Mar ITThe final match of the tour was to-day. South Australia, battitu: made 495, Arthur Richardson < ::t 380. The M.C.C. replied with 372. I compdling 96. Going m again, South Australia j 204 for four wickets and declared.
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  • 57 200 A cricket match between the Ca:? Club and the Anderson School, played <_• the School ground at Ipoh. on Satunla; was noteworthy for the poor total P'^ up by ihe school m their second, innings, the whole team being out for 6 nu ,c This is believed to be the
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  • 281 201 y \v. R. Armstrong has been admitted ta (M.M.) m. A. f. Richards, Secretary to the m r,»n i. ssioner, returned to Singapore Mr. anu Mrs. Savage Bailey are leaving Lumpur next Wednesday. They will w Zealand before going Home. Mr Mo\neaux, ek Klanang Estate, Selangor.
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  • 386 201 Th^ Districl Court case against K. Koide, i Japanese interpreter at the Income Tax Office, who is charged wi h ceceiving an illegal gratification from another Japanese named Minaki, was continued before Mr. P. F. David yest. rday, when ■/valence for the defence was giver* by
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  • 472 201 TRAGIC SEQUEL TO SALE OF A WIFE. In the course of the trial at the Singapoie Assizes before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, and a special July yesterday, of a Chinese tinsmith named Chin Ah Lim oi a charge of murdering his wife, it was stated by
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  • 210 201 The increase m the number of motor fatalities of late is almost alarming. During the last two days, two more accidents, both resulting m death to theinjured persons, have been brought to the notice of the police. A Chincvse was knocked down m Syed Alwi road on Wednesday
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  • 147 201 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Mar. 21st. At the Chamber of Commerce annual meeting, referring to tho proposed Penang Associat: n, the hon'ble John Mitchell menioneo that it was said that many who went Home and joined the London Association were obsolete. They were not at all
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  • 528 201 ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of Bintan Estates, Limited, was held at Chartered Bank Chambers yesterday morning. The Chairman, Mi. J. Hay Macnaughton, presided, and there were also present the hon'ble Mr. W. Lowther Kemp, Mr. W. G. Cullen (Director* Mr. R. St G. Johnston (for the Secretaries,
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  • 278 201 Mr. Bourne, the Chy Coroner took more evidence yesterday, m connection with the death of Tan Sco Bit, who was killed as a result of a motor cycle accident m Fullerton road en the afiernoon of the 13th inst., after which the inquest was adjourned until Tuesday,
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  • 694 201 YESTERDAY'S INAUGURAL MEETING. Following upon its formation during ihe past few weeks the inaugural meeting of the Singapoie Society of Architects waa held at the Raffles Museum, yesterday evening a laiige attendance being presdded over by the President, Captain Meadow, In the course of his opening address the
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  • 139 201 Mr. J. R. George, who is succeeding Mr. Argyll Robertson as agent of the Chartered Bank, when the latter goes on leave m May, arrived m Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday. Before he went home on leave last year, Mr. George was manager at the Singapore bank. He w T ill
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  • 696 202 Capt. jN. Jtonesv M.C. is appointed a deputy controller of labour. Mr. G. E. Cobb has lefi for Home, Mr. R. Innes is dieting for him during his absence.(M. M). Mr. and Mrs. J. Rutherford and family are expected to arrive by the Kashgar about March
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  • 1701 202 ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce was held at the Exchange yesterday afternoon. Mr. W. P. W Ker presided over an attendance which comprised the following: the hon'ble Mr. W. Lowther Kemp, Messrs A. W. Vick, H. Freeman, S. Dunn, D. T.
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  • 289 202 'J, H. E. Sir Laurence Guill. Commodore, presided over a dance of members at the am meeting of the Hbyal Sm^j, Club, which was held at tht- Club The business of the meeting entirely formal. With severs] rr^tT? suggested by Mr. A. F. Richaand accounts were approved.
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  • 251 202 Singapore Free Press, Mxxch 20th When the Emperor of Germany salute of ninety-guns was fired from Canning. "It is at last proposed to publish three vernaculars a compendium of Municipal Ordinance/ Over three hundred dog? were pickeo T the streets m February and with the exception of
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  • 157 202 Death Sentence on Javanese Chauffeur. Found guilty at the Singapo: h yesterday afternoon of the murder trother-in-law named Wahab, a I motor-car driver named Samija:. was sentenced to death by the Chief J Sir Walter Shaw. The evidence during the trial showed that the d. reman was married
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  • 1315 203 ANN. \L MEETING. meeting of the Tapah as lu-ki at the inpany, French mm .99 erday. Mr. was m the chair, and Messrs H. B. Ward, .y jfandt A. B. Baddeluy, and J. >ci ta Messr> Evatt nioviiu adoption of the report UM year ended December ,_>_> the
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  • 155 203 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuah Lumpur, Mar. 23. Presiding at the annual meeting cf Balau Planting Syndicate, Mr. Jeavons said that the capital cost per acre was $341 and the profit $13,740, which, comidering the low price of rubber, the high state of efficiency on the estate
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  • 37 203 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 22It is officially announced that the hon'ble Mr. E. S. Hose will act as Chief Secretary when the hon'ble Mr. W. G. Maxwell goes on short leave.
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  • 1577 203 4 Quicquid ngunt homines WWWtri est farragt Lib c IU Juvenal. Still they come. At this column appeared last week the "Resolute"' lay alongside the solid memorial of the concrete age at the West Wharf, with her hamiful of American citizens travelling for pleasure and unostentatiously
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  • 122 203 It is notified that the Ballestier Friendly Society and the Poih Siang Picnic Association have ceased to exist. In the Singapore Bankruptcy Court yesterday afternoon Mr. Justice BarrettLcnnard refused the application of Mr. L. Stuart Bell on behalf of a bankrupt named Jcreph (International Overseas Company) for permission to leave
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  • 472 204 MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1923. SUPREME COURT. A LANDLORDS LIABILITY. Judgment Against Commissioners. Judgment was delivered m the Supreme Court on Saturday morning m the appeal of Mr. C. Hunsley against a decision of the District Judge m an action under which the Municipal Commissioners claimed $1,685, the cost of making
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  • 275 204 Application was made to the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, and Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard, sitting as a Court of A ppeal, on Saturday, by Mr. J. G. Campbell, who asked for an extension of the time allowed for entering an appeal m connects n with a case
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  • 38 204 Under the provisions of the Johore European Volunteer Enactment, H. E. the General Officer Commanding has been pleased to appoint Mir. R. W. Struthers to he a member of the Advisory Committee, vice Mr. T. C. Hume, resigned.
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  • 858 204 YESTERDAY'S VISITORS. The Samaria, another tourist ship from America, arrived m Singapore yesterday morning, wi.h 400 passengers on board, m the course of a round-the-world cruise. This is the third tourist ship to arrive m Singapore within a short timo, and the j great crowd of happy,
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  • 424 204 OPENING PERFORMANCE. Few other theatrical enterprises travelling m the East are assured of so good a reception as Mr. Edgar Warwick's Company m Singapore, and the presentation on Saturday night m the Victoria Theatre of "Teddy Wants a Wife" was a clear demonstration that he knows what
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  • 138 204 hanib of Mines. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Mar. 4. At the annual meeting of the Chamber of Mines this afternoon, Mr. Glenisrer gave an able and lengthy review of mining conditions m Malaya, warning miners against a tendency to increase wages, m addition to higher Government charges.
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  • 159 204 On Saturday Messrs. Mansfield and Co., and the Straits Steamship Company were home" m the palatial new offices on Ciliyer Quay. Mr. Austin Jackson, Mr. Harold Somerville, and the staff proved adm'rable hosts, and some five hundred guests st: ended and drank success to the firm
    159 words
  • 422 204 DIVIDEND OF FIVE PKu Kv The thirteenth anu of the Malakoff Rubbei held at the registered oil pary at 01 Robinson i. Saturday. The hon'ble Mr ii. the chair, and others hon'ble Mr. Lowther Ke Thornton, Mr. S* 'than!, and Mr. Leakey, f B Boustead and Co. The
    422 words
  • 197 204 (From Our Own Corresponds Penan?:. Marrh H The annual general meeting of peng Tin Co. was held to-day. Mr. I' Erown m the chair. He reg!. U company had not had a succes-f;: hoped that the non-succ*»ss waalmost entirely t 0 the price •ft The company was
    197 words
  • 35 204 mw A bill to provide a bankrupt*:;Johore is about to be introduced State Council. There is at prefer.: i ruptcy law m the State. The new r. is based on the bankruptcy law cf Colony.
    35 words

  • 373 205 GREAT DEMAND. ive displayed by Messrs L (1., m introducing r OO to the Singapore intr. it was grati,n i n.iuiry yesterday, a t ble measure of support from u pporl wheh is not entirely ess houses directly intern m aA .he rubber industry. essful business
    373 words
  • 124 205 wore the gu<-ts of His the Governor and Lady Guiller given at Government turday, 24th instant: Mr. H. Marriott and Mrs. Marriott. V. Robinson, R.N. G \V A. Trimmer and Mrs. Trimmer. K. o. \Yi<i>tedt and Mrs. Winstedt. < 01. K. H. Haseldine, D.S.O. I V. S. Whitmarsh
    124 words
  • 53 205 mitary Board prosecuth of February the m was ceßseted m fines. In amount was $234, say? the "OflSt w about to consider an enactment, on the lines r measures, making it illegal r*tl a I neeze m prohibited places: **Protp\ t0 t0 official secrets the tk* F n which obtains
    53 words
  • 817 205 HELEN WINS "WHIMBREL" CUP. Yes erday's yacht race was for the "Whimbrel" Cup, presented by Mrs Gerald Pinny. Th s, we may say, was a very graceful way of commemorating her husbands 6-m.etre yacht, "Whimbrel," with which he won ihe "American" CUp at (owes m 1921.
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  • 10 205 Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt are staying at Raffles Hotel.
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  • 211 205 DARK BLUES WIN. GALLANT EFFORT BY CAMBRIDGR [Reuter's Bervice]. London, Mar. 24. Oxford won the University boat race by three-quarters of a length m 20 mm. 54 sec. The weather conditions were ideal, sunshine, a slight breeze and smooth water. Gigantic crowds watched the race from every
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  • 34 205 LReuter's Service.] London, Mar. 24. At Twickenham, n brilliant weather betorr five thousand spectators, including the Prince of Wales, the French Army beat the British at rugger by 16 points to 0.
    34 words
  • 24 205 [Reuter's Service]. London. Mar. 21. At tho Queens Ciub grounds m the Interv«*rsity sports. Oxfoid beat Cambridge by 7 events to 4.
    24 words
  • 265 205 Although the S.C.C. tamed out a strong team to meet the Middlesex Band on the Padang yesterday afternoon, they only succeeded m winning after a struggle. There was no score at half time, and even when the Club secured the lead some little time after the rest mption. the
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  • 120 205 Ifl the final ol* the Profession Pairs ot Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, IL B. Shelley and H. G. R. Leonard defeated J. H. Spoeren and W. N. Bridges by o—4,0 4, 6 3. It was a very Interesting and stylish match to watch, says the Malay
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  • 32 205 March Ladies Spoon. The replay of the tie between Mrs. Swin(ieil and Mrs. Marshall resulted m a win fr r Mrs. Swindell with a score of 45 4 41.
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  • 24 205 The result of the "Ladies Prize competition was a win for Miss Weatherstone < vir Mrs. W r ebb at the 10th.
    24 words
  • 261 205 TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1923. SINGAPORE ASSIZES. Death Sentence m Fifth Murder Trial. The Second Singapore Asi zes .•!>■ relumed m the Supreme Court ye*te*day morning, when s Chinese coolie named Tan Moey was charged before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, and a special jury, with the murder of Ong
    261 words
  • 353 205 A story of how a young Eurasian lad i-- alleged to have forged a cheque purporting to be signed by his employer, and then left the colony, was told before Mr. Gourlay m the Third Police Court yesterday, when a preliminary enquiry was held m connection
    353 words
  • 192 205 Mah Woh, a Chinese who was a nested together with eleven others m Tan Quee Lan Street a few days ago, was fined $100 or m default two months rigorous imprisonment, m addition to being made to sign a bond to be of good behaviour, by Mr.
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  • 2410 206 PROVISION FOR CREDITORS. M. G. A. Carrere, formerly manager of the Chinese branches of the Banque Russo-Asiatique and later with the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, has been appointed manager of the Societe de Gerance, a limited liability company formed on Oct. 3rd. 11)22, under
    2,410 words
  • 313 206 "RAFFLES." Singapore knows a grea 1 Shoot its own particular Raffle tury ago, than it does of gentleman cracksman who is i figure m the four-act crook p hi..- been delighting theatre a u<: ii was first pre<!u< "d m Lond I yei-rs ag 0 and Qecnld
    313 words
  • 176 206 The dramatic section of the M. Chinese Football Club staged six tin«play entitled "The Two Faithful Br I m aid of various charitable inst Large audiences were present the occasions. The Committe. f Dramatic Section have made final I ments to stage this play during the I
    176 words
  • 98 206 For the first time m the h b1 Colony a woman judge sa* on of the Supreme Court yee She was Judge J. 11. g| woman judge m New Tmtk CH a passenger on the tour which arrived here m Sunday Through 'he Registrar
    98 words
  • 99 206 The tourists who arrived her Samaria were given an oppon Sunday to review the proce« rubber is t. rated m its crudetook place at the Neesoon Est' t< The visitors were extremely intei the tapping section, hut the'r mt came keener when they :ame to
    99 words

  • 2996 207 HOME. gc i -rV Serriee. London, Mar. 16. I conference m London oJ distributing the Boxer d to China by Britain for BM, Mr. Chao Hsin Chu said t a mixed. Amrlo-Chinese com--1 formed to take charge ur. It would be advisable for •v, a] sol nis th roughly
    2,996 words

  • 2870 208 I Reuter's Service. Washington, Mar. IS. The State Department has forwarded to Paris, the American Government's reply to the Allied suggestions of a repayment of the $250,000,000, the cost of maintaining the American troops cv the Rhine. It U understood that it declines to deduct the value of seized
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