The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 14 March 1923

Total Pages: 16
161 176 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 189 161 iOB PAGB Warning 161 S,lf-GaveiTi'iui|t 161 Watching r. for the Turk I^2 of the Week ncernetl. PiMfeM R«- l€B \ND COURT NEWS. K u. <- MM 165 ip Ac lion 100 :us.-*€H At Lion 165 ■Ctoff*! Strange Cla^in l'>> I •of Baiikii pUy Ord. 170 Agaiwl New-paper IGB, 172
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  • 75 161 Mil* Ki Sellers N*' I Jl'.OO 16.00 15.50 v white fair) 24.00 r' 14.75 mall 9.00 11.60 d 11.90 Benares anr. 4,600 :^or» whitt 230.00 -No. 1 for expoit 285.00 •i -no. 2 for < 250.00 No. 1 t\r export 232.00 N*o. 2 lor export 213.00 Broken Al tor
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    • 72 161 FORRESTER. Oa i'ch February, at 29 Low.-; o.yrcvjur, Lomlor, the wife of John FoiTtSter« of a daughter. WAIT.-- On March Tth, at the European Hospital. Kuai:t Lumpur, to Mr. and MlB. Rcirinald Wait, son. MILLS.— On Ftb. 2nd at Shalt y, Berkham- :.<{. Herts, to -Mr. and Mrs.
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    • 178 161 GI'BBIXS-PIM.— On 6th March, at St. Mark's, Seremban, by the Rev. A. P. Strugnell, Wilberforce Henr>* William, eldest son of Mr. H. W. and the late Mrs. Gubbins of Kingston-on-Thames, and Kathleen Mary, eldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Pim, of Sleaford, Lincolnshire, and niece of Mr.
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  • 273 161 A mail from Home, bringing dates up to Fib. loth., arrived on Saturday. This weekly goes by the homeward n.ail to-day. At the inquest in connection with the trajric death of Mr. John Clark, of Messrs. Barlow and Company, the Coroner reserved his finding. An official communique
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  • 81 161 .March IS. Bank 4 ra.s. 2'4 1-i Bank demand 2|4 6-32 I'rviin- rmffa 3 m.s. 2 4 Ml New York, demand 54 1& Credits 00 days 57 V» France, demand 840 India, T. T. HW4 Hongkong, demand 's Pf- W»« Yokohama, demand 113V* Java, demand I** Bangkok, demand 79%
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 161 <£*?« «*«U ;fc« ''-tan "i*e ?w»9** (feM i«i3«»v Imvm kf iiti! je-vr «ri *x.lA*nd fey f*la <■<«« jwtrtot Troth kar f lorioas pr«ctpU 4l«tt. *UA»wl Uste*. I*i*lt7 And L&*.
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  • 635 161 Mit cham's Warning. March 7. Whilst it is not uncommon for the rqptdtfl of the few bye-elections which fellow the installing of a new Gov- eminent to be contrary to the tide of victory at the general election, it would be taking an incorrect view > to regard the recent
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  • 831 161 March S. The recent meeting of the new Council and the discussion of the absence, for the moment, of a Malay representative, makes apposite any reference to the general question of self-government in the East. And in this connection it is interesting to notice two aspects of the
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  • Page 161 Advertisements
    • 114 161 icrifcoN to the "Singapore Free Preas" I .Mir:£ from Europe to the Straits the mail lines, are invited to send MOH the name of their steamer and in Sin^aporr. Copier will to\,n to meet them at various ports of cai'u iWrs in Europe* wishing detailed in* to shares &c. can
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  • 840 162 March D. It appears to us to be a mistake to Le too ready to accept, without quesUcn, the statement that effective opposition to Malayan rubber production by way of planting in the Philippines, is a chimera or a bogey. The sensible business man will not allow his
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  • 660 162 March 10. The position is now exactly what it was before the Lausanne Conference failed, says the wire which tells of the situation regarding the Near East Treaty. We shall probably not kiiow for some time the intrigues that have been going on at the
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  • 707 162 March 12 The French are stiil pursuing 'heir difficult policy of trying to get blood out of the German stone in the Ruhr, and their hopes of ultimate succ< ;«.re certainly ciot growing loss there is a distinct uneasiness in tht German tone, although the wincoming
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  • 695 163 March IS. There are at least three matters moment upon which the public is impatiently for information. se are in a measure connected and they are town zoning, meat -iipply and slaughterhouses, and the Raffles College. We do not imply mat nothing is being done with
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  • 395 163 Mr. H. Ashworth Hope, of Messrs Gibb and Hope, Ipoh, who went to Sumatra on business, is on his way back. The Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Simmons are booked to leave home by the P. and O. Delta leaving on April 13th. (8.T.). Mr. E. H. Everest has taken over
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  • 1118 163 The Wilder'd Mind is tost and lost, 0 sea, in thy eternal tide; The reeling brain essays in vain, O stars, to grasp the vastnebs wkle, The terrible, tremendous scheme, That glimmers in each glancing light. In the Free Press of April 12, IdVS, appeared a notice
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  • 436 163 A HOUSE PURCHASER'S SURPRISE. Allahabad, February 13.— 1n the Allahabad High Court, Mr. Justice Ryvcs and Mr. Justice Gokul Prasad recently disposed oi what may ba "rmed an extranrdinary Cc'fcc of redent'rt on ui a house which illas trates how a comparatively small sum can swell up to
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  • 173 163 London, Feb. 4. A Bagdad message states that according to the latest despatch from Mosul, the British troops there are healthy and cheerful. Local opposition to Turkish designs on the city is growing under the leadership of Emir Zaid Faisul's brother who has succeeded in arousing enthusiasm
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  • 2503 164 REPORT OF SHIPPING COMMITTEE. The Prime Minister in 1920 appointed a Committee under the Imperial Shipping Committee, to: Enquire into com plain is from person and bodies interested with regard to ocean freights, facilities and conditions in the inter-Imperial trade or questions of a similar nature referred to
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    • 351 164 To the Editor. Dear Sir. —Your turnover <»f th:< inp interests me, and perhap-- „r;, little notes on it may also inter Fiixt of all, it is quite probable i heading is spelt wrongly. Th«-r. rity, though I'll not accepted, for the spelling "Shai I shanty."
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    • 224 164 To thf Editor, Sir,—The sturdy sea -chanteys pr go back much beyond the time of i and do not in any way resemble emanating from negro camp meeting T. sea-chant or chantey is piobab! the sea itself. In Central Ameri.. Southern States negro labour u still used to load and
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    • 44 164 Tk the Editor. Dear Wr< fWfci' Graphic tionar>' prives: "Shanty" (F. CM) smg). A song with a boisterous MOg by sailors while heaving at tin windlass. This seems to put the word tafc eat«f«ty 9 but I doubt the origin ff wow', shown above.
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  • 72 164 The dry spell whx-h Ptnanj; experiencing for some time past. Thursday's Pinanjr Gazette, was brek« afternoon by a thunderstorm of more ordinary violence which raged over the tow: for the best part of an hour. The thun<i peals were sharp and prolonged m lightning flashes frequent and vivid. N heavy
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  • 657 165 f N;:than, the Controller of Exports, I visiting Kuala Lumpur. \V.' M.A., lakes ever from Mr. the dotfci Wind Magistrate, I \.nonffst the passengers who arrived by N'ank n yesterday wa- Mr. C. D. uh<, w act as a Police MagistW. Btrt D .P.P.. Sclar.gor,
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  • 284 165 At a meet ing of the Committee held in the Board Room of the Straits TradingCompany, Ltd. on Friday the 2nd March, there were present: Messrs. T. Dudley Parsons, J. G. Campbell, Hon. Mr. Lowther Kemp, F. Y. Blair, A. P. Robinson, L. R. Macphail, P. C.
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  • 160 165 The following is the Directors' Report to the shareholders to be presented at the annual meeting on March 13th at Messrs Derrick and Co's offices at 12.30 p.m. Your Directors submit herewith the CompanyV Balance Sheet, Mining Account, Development Account anj Profit and Loss Account for
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  • 96 165 The Controller of Rubber Exports forwards the following return of rubber which passed through the Customs Offices in the Straits Settlements (Province Wellesley, the Dindings and Malacca) and the F. M. S. from Nov. Ist. 1022, to Feb. 28th. 1923:— S.S. F.M.S. Tons. Tons. 15 p.c.
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  • 127 165 The annual general meeting of The Malayalee Association was held on Saturday at its premises 148 Prinsep Street. The Hon- Secretory Mr. J. A. Dorai Raj presented the assembly with a report of the association together with audited statements of accounts which were passed. The following office
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  • 50 165 An Especial Meeting of the District Crand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago will be held at the Victori.t Memorial Hall on Saturday, March 31st, at seven o'clock, when W. Bro. His ExceFlency General Sir Neill Malcolm, K.C.8., D.5.0., will be installed as District Grand Master of the Eastern Archipelago.
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  • 624 165 During the afternoons of the last two days, the District Judge, Mr. David has been occupied in hearing the case in which Koida, Japanese interpreter at the Income Tax Office, stand? charged with receiving r.n ilk-gal gratification. At the pr -vious hearing Mr. Denmth, counsel for the
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  • 100 165 (By Courtesy of the Nanyo NichiNichi Shimbun.) Tokio, Mar. i. Tin is quoted here at Y.2 40, owing" to the recent rise in tihe producing countries and the rising- tendency of cost of living in Japan. Cotton yam cheaper at Y.2G4. contrary to the recent prospect. Mr. Hashimoto,
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  • 75 165 I■ (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, March 6th. The marriage took place at All Saints Church, Taipeng, yesterday, the Rev E. A. Hone officiating, of Mr. A. T. Newboult of the Malayan Civil Service the wellknown Perak sportsman, to Mis» Nancy Gilbert. The reception took place later
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  • 284 165 We have received an cfllcial communication from the Divisional Manager of the E. E. A. and C. Tel. Co. in which he writes. During the past twelve months the approximate average delay to "Urgent" telegram from the Straits to London has been 4 hours, and that to
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  • 255 165 Remarking that he was not satisfied that a witness, in the case who was stated to be indisposed, was really ill, the Chief Justico, Sir Walter Shaw, hi the Supreme Court yesterday morning 1 delivered judgment in two actions, in which the principal point at issue was
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  • 128 165 There was a sequel to the recent action against the Malayan Collieries in Kuala Lumpur, in the Second Police Court yesterday morning, when Ng Hong: Guan wa< charged before Mr. Dawson with criminal intimidation to Mr. J. Russell, on February 9 last, in Kuala Lumpur. It appears
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  • 122 165 In a series of amendments to the official Admiralty Book of Flags, it is announced that surveying vessels of the Chinese Government will in future fly a flag- the same as the jack, but having in the centre on the yellow, blue, and white stripes an
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  • 1262 166 It ii fitting that EMS. the Governor should have been invited and should have accepted the invitation formally to open the billiard room wings «'t the Singapore Cricket Club on Monday evening, since it was due to the accommodation afforded by the Government loan of fifty thousand dollars
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  • 185 166 Splendid Score by R. E. Shot. Fifty members of the Royal Engineers (V) fired their course on the Seletar Range during the week-end under excellent conditions. One of the chief advantages was the absence of wind, while the firing- points had been attended to since the opening shoot
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  • 122 166 The following were the results in the match played at Tanglin on Sunday between the Garrison Gorf Club and the Sepoy Lines Golf Club. Garrison players mentioned first. Forde and Wodehouse I*4 Lornie an>'i j Ward 0; Everitt and Calthrop U English j and Haddon 1; MacPhail and Law
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  • 87 166 Router's Service. London, Mar. 5. The Lawn Tennis Association has unanimously passed a resolution abolishing the ti'Ue of World's Championships after Jan. J, 1924, hitherto granted to the Wimbledon .nesting. Lord Desborough, presiding, sr.ia that so long as one country had the v.orld's championships in perpetuity,
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  • 774 166 Mr. E. W. F. Gilman, Controller of Labour, arrived in Penang on Monday :rom Kuala Lumpur. Police Inspector Clifton and Hi*. Clifton have arrived in Penan* ln>\w, tors Barlow and Lisamer also returned ironi furlough. The death has occurred of Khn pa^Chief of the Bamangwato a
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  • 94 166 YESTERDA V'S AUCTION The Singapore Chamber < Rubber Association I yesterday, 7th Batch, when catalogued 1,981, >"> H>-.; Offered 1,171,119!-.; Wl'l -2 ton 80i;,794 lbs.; 383. K, tons. London Is. 5%d. New Y PRICES r.AUZL;*:— Ribbed Smoked Sh 1. (tn S'pore Standard (i Good Average Quality Oft
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  • 114 166 RUBBER EXPORTS F OR FEBRUARY. Quantity and Value lncr< i ase> The Acting Registrar of Impof sorts forwards the following fipun rubber exported tMM Malaya «iur month, in centals of l(»0 1b;-: Feb. U«23. Total t#S U. K. Hvt7i \HJHM U. S. A. 329,412 703,100 Con. Europe n^M IM<t Brit.
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  • 139 166 (From Our Own Correspond* Kuala Lumpur. Mar y At the annual meeting of N\ g Rubber, Mr. Ru-sel!, who pi said the Company had not only rigidly adhered to voluntary restriction at the com ment and had never eladMHi tha' adhe rence, but had re*ti -iete.i s,,
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  • 54 166 (From Our Own Correspon* Penang, March Hk In the District Couil many finv c'lops have been convicted and iv sums on charges under th. K Ordinance, including storing and rubber without a license, failing I the words ''license*! to ptrhaoi cvet their premises. Fine^ \*«fj §->0 to
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  • 122 166 Mr. Nicoll, Local Court i' dressed Mr. Dnwson. s wd Mm yesterday morning 1 and saui t' 1 to express, on behalf of the Police Inspector.-, tlu-ir Nf would soon be transfer) < It Peru wished to thank him for Mi k ance and consideration, ami vs.:
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  • 38 166 The Chines cook on board tlu which arrived yesterday morning, duced before Mr. Ahearne in the Secoi Court and fined $150 or in del months imprisonment. The mar arrested for being in possession of th. pounds of opium.
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  • 787 167 CORONER'S ENQUIRY. Bourne, the Coroner, held an inquest ouri yesterday morning, in connecdeath of Air. John Clark, of and ompany, who died at the Tan I Seng Hospital on the night of Feb. from the Ssfsctl of a bullet wound n the head. The evidence was concluded,
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  • 453 167 Government Activities. The Government has now definitely em- barl;ed on the development of Penang Ksii.-, j and arrangements for extensive works in I that connection ar? practically completed. The projected schemes are provided for in th" estimates for- the current year. Work en the Dew motor road,
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  • 220 167 Secretary of State's Proposals. Despatches with regard to the proposed further reform of the Ceylon Legislative Council were read at a recent, meet in:;- of the Ceylon Council. The thief reforms- agreed to by the Secretary of State far the Colonies are:— There must be commons! representation
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  • 68 167 Coal for Prai. iFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Pcnang, March 7. The M. H. K. Dover Man has diseirbarked 1,900 Iran of Manchurian coal at Prai. The Mayfield Plantation's report states that the crop was 321,278 lb., the all-in-costs 21.39 cents; average price 32.87 cents. The coconut crop was
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  • 1607 167 THE HEATHER ON I IKE. (From Our Own Correspomlpnt). Ed.nburgh. Feb. 7. On being created a Viscount, Lou! Leverhulme adopted the territorial title of V .-count Leverhulme of the Western Isles. \t once a storm of protest was raised by i lie Highland Societies and Associations against the
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  • 66 167 Mrs. E. P. Dunlap, who is announced as leaving Bangkok shortly, is not returning to Siam. Her association with the country dates back to 1876 and with the exception of M>s. McG'vary in Chiengmai, Mrs. Dunlap is the senior member of the American Presbyterian Mission. All her service has been
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  • 763 168 It is understood that Mr. W. J. Haskins Lai been appointed to act as C.R.E., F.M.S, Railways. Mr. A. Johnstone, of Messrs. McAlister :.r.d Co., Penang left for Singapore on Tues- j tlay on a business, visit. Mr. Duncan Neven, living at Raffles j Hotel, reports
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  • 404 168 BILL COLLECTOR'S STRANGE STORY. Some amusing evidence was given in the Supreme Court ye&terday morning in the action brought by an Indian bill-collector, named S. V. Vengadasamy Naidoo, against an elderly woman named Letchmi Animal. The plaintiff, who was represented by Mr. M. C. Johannes, alleged that
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  • 192 168 The following action was taken at a committee meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on March 6th: Authorised the Deputy Health Officer to use his discretion in the matter of recovery of costs for work done under the Mosquito Ordinance. Considered application by the Singapore Shipchandlery Co.,
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  • 151 168 The following Singapore properties and steam launch wore Fold by auction at the sale-room of Messrs. Cbeong Koon Seng and Co., No. 30 Chulia Street, on Wednesday afternoon: 999 years leasehold land and houses Nos.. S2-1 Bras Basah Road and No. 314 North Bridge Road, area 1,851 sq.
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  • 13 168 Mr. Sinclair, the Secretary of the Malacca Club, is now back in Malacca.
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  • 1079 168 CLAIM AGAINST NEWSPAPER. MR. POWELL ROBINSON'S ACTION. The Straits Albion Press, Limited, the proprietors of the "Malaya Tribune," were defendants in an action commenced in the Supreme Court yesterday, before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, in which Mr. Thomas Powell Robins on, formerly advertisement manager of the paper, claimed
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  • 250 168 There was an exceptionally good at the Victoria Theatre on Wednesday vhen a new programme of picture whicih the film, Sonia, figure? as th. attraction, was commenced Speaking rally, the film version of the novel of the be^t films produced in Engia. story h very interesting
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  • 40 168 (By Courtesy >f the Nanyo Nichi Shimbun.) Tokio. M rrh Ike N.Y.K. and O.S.K. lur. arrangement for a common freight. This clause is ant adapted for the Australian \im>. Rubber F.A.Q. spot, Ki quo!at 72 for future delivery.
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  • 40 168 (From Our Own ConvsrKuala Lumpur. M A landslide occurred at Sun-: early this morning and comp a coolie who was work in jr below A relief party promptly clea:v but found the man dead. Art ration proved unavailing.
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  • 72 168 Mr. A. Augusiinc do Alwis, Marhi:. man of the Government Print *ig ment, F. M. B. is retiring sho 47 years service in Ceylon and Ma During that period Mr de Alwis ha the gradual transformation of thing, and other machines, man pula* prison labour in the early days of
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  • 655 169 1( nl Sept Mto 17th th s year there ll be held at Singapore the '"fifth if the Far Eastern Association ,i Medicine. The local secretary, has prepared a pamphlet settf th brief hr?t»-y of the formation •>f Association and the congresses neld. the constitution and proi
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  • 460 169 ERASER'S WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore, Mar. 7. With ready money scarce and a general feeling of uncerta nty m regards the future prevailing, a quiet we^k b*l to be recorded in bo:h sections of the Share Market. T n has continued firm, but in spite of the high
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  • 251 169 Singapore, Mar. 8. Rubber. During the past week the market has been very quiet with a downward tendency, and this was fully reflected in the prices obtained at the local auction held on Wednesday last. Awarded Sheet loose, changed hands ;t r )9 and SOU, and one lot
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  • 202 169 Singapore, Mar. 8. We have had a steadily declining market since our last report and this has been succeeded by a sharp set-back in prices during the last few days. One of the main causes has been the sudden withdrawal of manufactured from this market, which
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  • 453 169 Singapore, Mar. 9. The share market has been rather quiet throughout the period under review and prices at the close are little changed dnce the last issue of our report. Rubber shares have been dull, but a few transactions have been done. The commodity i& slightly easier
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  • 119 169 The following Singapore properties were bold by auction at the saleroom of Messrs. Koon Seng and Co., No. 30 Chulia Street on Thursday afternoon: 093 year? leasehold land and houses Nos. L v ;»S and 2.°.6-3 Kencoolen Street, area 1,473 >q. ft., bought by Mr. Karel William Benjamin
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  • 51 169 Increases in Exports and Imports. The Acting Kejristrar of Imports and Exports fonrardi the, following figures of Malayan trade for last month: Imports. February, l'J23 $39,148,110 February, 1922 936,791,376 Increase $2,356,734 or £274,953 Exports. February, 1923 $50,279,275 February, 1922 $42,210,974 Increase 8,068,301 or £941,302 These values exclude parcel
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  • 106 169 M-C.C. TOURS. [Router's Service.] Capetown, Mar. 5. M. C./C. made 236, Mano 47. Kanni ly 39. Western Province made 169 for 6, 11.I 1 Hands scofe.i a splendid 04 including; one six and t'jn fours. Sydney, Mar. 5. M. C. C. made 275, Chapman 91. and in the
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  • 18 169 [Reuter's Service.] Cardiff, Mar. 5. Jr. the International soccer match. Wales drew with England two all.
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  • 45 169 London, Feb. 26. The following- ii* the draw for the fourth round of the Association (Football) Cup to be played on March 10. Bury or Southampton v. We&t Ham. Charltcn v. Huddersfield or Bolton Wanderers. Raagen v, Sheffield United. Tottenham v. Derby.
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  • 163 169 London, Feb. 24. The follow' n«r are Association football results: Second Division: Blackpool S, Wolver-ban-ipton 1; Bradford City 4. Coventry 0; Crystal Palace 2, Clapton 0; Fulham I, Rotherham 2; Hull 1, Stockport 0; Leeds I, Barn si ey 1. Third Division Section). Barrow .">. Accrinjrton 2; Darlington
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  • 373 169 "Suspension" <;f Famuus Footballer. Nothing so sensational in the history of English Rugby football for a generation has occurred as the news of the suspension of T. Lawton, the brilliant Oxford Blue, says the "Daily Chronicle." Official circles are reticent on the matter, pending
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  • 729 170 Mr. Justice Barreti-I^ennard ha? arrived in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. J. G. Black has been appointed a Coroner in and for Malacca. Mr. T. C. V. Dwell, of Tanjong Malim, goes on leave this week. He will not be returning to Selangor. Mr. P. Phillips, the Deputy
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  • 212 170 Mr. Kermit Roosevelt, son of the late ex-president Roosevelt, is due to arrive in Singapore in a few weeks time. Mr. Rooseveit, accompanied by his wife, has been visitng different cities of the Far East for name weeks past, and has spent a considerable Length of time
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  • 187 170 MALAYAN AGRI-HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. A meeting of those interested in the work of the above Association, arranged by Mr. W. M. Thomson, Corresponding Secretary for South Kedah, was held at the MftlfttoS Club on February 21st. Mr. B. Nunn, Senior District Officer, Butterworth, took the chair, and in opening the meeting
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  • 166 170 PEN A NG NEWS. i From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Mar. 9. The wedding took place at St. George's Church, the Rev. Kecpel Gamier officiating, Of Mr. Joseph Stewart Hodson, of Messrs. Githrie and Co., and Miss Margaret Norah Sulivan, daughter of the late Admiral Sulivan and Mrs. Sulivan, sister
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  • 48 170 From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mar. 9. The Chief Secretary is taking short leave this year, proceeding to England on May 10th. by the Karmala. He will return in the latter part of October. Mrs. Maxwell is also going home, but is returning later.
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  • 83 170 The following are the members of the Hospitals Board for the year 1923:—The Principal Civil Medical Officer (Chairman), Resident Councillor, Penang, Refident Councillor, Malacca, Treasurer, Straits Settlements, Chief Medical Officer, Penang, Chief Medical Officer, Malacca, ex-officio; Mr. H. B. Ward, Mr. J. C. Cobbett, Dr. Cheong Chee Hai, Dr. E.
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  • 502 170 JUDGE AND WRONG USE OF ORDINANCE. When an application was made by the Assistant Official Assignee, Mr. G. Kellagher, for the committal of a Harbour Board clerk for failing- to maintain the payment of instalments under an or^er made subsequent to his bankruptcy. His Lordship said he noticed
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  • 126 170 A lawyer tells us, says the Straits BcJm, that the Asiatics resident IB Penang have such confidence in the quality of the justice meted out in the local police courts that, if they have anything like a decent case, they are inclined to scorn the assistance of
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  • 122 170 Messrs. Thomas Cook and Son lead M particulars of the "golden jubilee etvtot" of the firm, tourist? going lound the world in the specially chartered new Cunarder. the Samaria, 20,000 tons strictly confined to 400 guests. The Samaria sailed eastward from New York on Jan. 24th and
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  • 47 170 Eighteen tenders were received for the erection of four class 111 quarters at Tanglin Hill, the successful tenderer being Teo Hong and Teo Soo Piah, $68,000. The highest tender was $142,000. Teo Hong was also successful tenderer for a new Marine Police Station, $56,000, near the Treasury.
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  • 592 170 TAMOLS ENGLISH TKI.IJs'i M| 1 Singapore is to haw j, a i BaUBSI treat eariy m May Mukle, the fonemosi (l f f lists, is returning hove fy,,ni i two or three days visit. Mi> one of a trio of acconjplishe i who are making an e\
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  • 117 170 M'.y Courtesy gf th<- \an\ Nichi Shimbun.) Toko. M.r Mr. Yoshitaro Yaniashita i< Fukuoka Vniveivity Ho>jcondition wftk a:i iacaraMt ptfti with which be was altiioled thrills I in Europe. It is stated th.t Mr. Hosium,. of the Fukuju Lite Insuiamc I r:.. the Kajima Bank, htm hm carry
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  • 1042 171 hominett uoif' >*i en* fnrrage JUVKNAL. i r minatiesi that nity aot long agv>, be, onVltJ and un■tn How much dace market has ob how far analogy with the old ■tan is ai aagif man." sck: ruin stared us in i ***** aid the public m
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  • 228 171 Singapore Free Press, Mar. «th 1888. While the verandah disturbances were on. the Municipality unwisely issued a circular stating that only "three-foot way" clear in the "five foot way" would be insisted on. Four rioters were shot and died. The hon'ble J. W. feooser (afterwards Chief
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  • 48 171 Previously acknowledged $1,215,070.01) Vvr Mr. G. Lyon-Mackenzie, Hon. Treasurer, Johore. Subscriptions collected in Johore and district transferred to Singapore 1,409.33 Government of Kedah (second contribution) 5,000.00 Total $1,221,480.32 The above contributions are gratefully acknowledged by the Committee. A. W. Vick, Hon. Treasurer. Singapore, March 8.
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  • 716 171 The Hon. Mr. J. W. Campbell, of Malacca, visiting Kua'a Lumpur. i j Messrs. G. E. Garrard and S. Maikm of Ipoh are \i. m^ Kuala Lumpur. Mr. J. Hobbs of the Customs Department has left for Perak on a brief visit. The Hon'b-e Mr. C.
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  • 465 171 ANNUAL REi'ORT. i The third annual report of the Director? of the Utotßenut Consolidated Rubber Co., Ltd., [prints on rubber latex paper] states: The accounts for the year ended 31st December, 1022, show a profit of 58.25G.57 which mus-t be deducted from the balance brought forward from
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  • 284 171 "House Full" placards were up long bef. \x {lie hour fixed for the Children's Concert at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday afternoon. The Theatre was packed to its fullest capacity, some 900 children and adults being present. The excellent programme was opened with an overture by the Orchestra,
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  • 44 171 Tokyo, Mar. 9. The Peking Cabinet, oppressed by Tsuo Kun and Woo Pei-Fu, has resigned on the question o f the Military Governorship of Fo-Kien and Canton. Tne Horse Race Bill has been passed by a large majority in the Imperial Diet.
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  • 894 172 JUDGMENT FOB MR. POWELL KOBINSON. The hearing of the action brought by M<\ T. Powell Kobinson against the Straits Albion Press, the proprietor! of the "Maiaya Tribune." was concluded before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, in the Supremo c'ou-: on Saturday morning. The plaintiff claimed some $-100
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  • 652 172 RACE FOR SOMERVILLE HOWL. j In the second race for the Somerville j Bow!. Mr. Perry sent ten boaU away at j 10 a.m. yesterday over the Club Course in strong winds and a lumpy sea that increas- ed at the morning drew on. The Gertrude
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  • 123 172 Uui PeßAng correspondent wires: The i r< port "f the Taipeng Tin Dredging Co. j states that the output for 1922 was 5,333 i I ikuls and xhe balance available $21,365, which is being carried forwaitf. The manager anticipates substantial profits for 1923. North Taipeng Dredging report says
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  • 1188 172 RAIN FAILS TO SPOIL INTERESTING EVENT. For about half an hour on Saturday afternoon it appeared more than probable litat the efforts of the sttcfall of the Singapore Polo Club, which culmr.ated in thfj Gymkhana at the Race Course, would be Ml at SJOOfhJ by tho ir.clemency
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  • 122 172 Kain Causes Abandonment. Only about half an hour's play v. tiblt in the Married vs. Single match S.C.C. ground on Saturday, heavy rain causing its abandonment. Tht eleven batted first and put up 61 for one wicket, C. H. G. Clarke carrying --at hi* bat for a forceful 40.
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  • 185 172 FOOTB ALL. There was an in tores- ting tttctt tho Reclamation groun«i ymtoi noon, between tho Simpolan Mohhibb: and the Persenangan Stia Club. runners up respectively in the M. I A. League Competition. The ft, M < the score after about five minutethe forwards took things rather t« during the
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  • 21 172 [Reuter's Serrioe.] London, Mar Playing at Shomeliffe, the French defeated the British Army at football one goal to nil.
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  • 196 173 TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1923. NEW VOLCANIC ISLAND. •HOHIKAWA." L upon the report made by Capt, of the J*. V. K. steamer that he had passed within a subterranean volcanic erup« here, comes the new? thai ,i has been located at the place j r:i i tion was reported to have
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  • 284 173 i Supivme Couii yesterday the Si Walt* v Shaw, heard the ..f Tan Kim Ho, a Chinese storemployvd by th»- Pacific Trading ■gaiMl a of six months ment by the District Court Magistwo charges of cheating: by make rcpviMßtatiQM his employers, indue- ing them to
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  • 139 173 wm stands charged wWi Mr. J. Russell, Um fed to have been comI I. mrur -hort time ago, Mr. Ahtarr.e in the Second morning. Mr. Knowles, behalf of the accused, wt| had been made for to Kuala Lumpur Hong Guan was 1 id <id not think
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  • 1024 173 MK. POWELL'S INTERESTING DISCOURSE. Major J. C. Moulton presided over a meeting of the Singapore Natural History Society held at RatHes Museum yesterday afternoon, when an interesting discourse on the subject of cruelty to animals in Singi, Moru was led by Mr. T. A. Powell. Mr. Powell
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  • 453 173 The annual appeal for this useful organisation is now being: made and the Report for the Year 1922, states:— The Committee is at present constituted as follows: Ex-Ofirfo: The District Judge and First Magistrate <Mr. P. F. Davit!) President. The Master Attendant S. S. (Capt. Cal-throp-Calthrop
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  • 75 173 15th List of Subscriptions. Amount previously acknowledged £9,277.45 Ooflcetei by Mrs. Swindell Rev. J. H. MeKcw 10. Rev. R. Richards 10. Hon. Dr. A. L. Hoops 10. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Singapore (additional) 10. Methodist Publishing- House 10. Dr. M. E. Dexter Allen 10.
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  • 24 173 Mr. H. Prior, the manager of the Union Jack Club, reports the theft of $602, which occurred on Friday last. He has no suspicions.
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  • 626 173 OPENED KY H. E. THE GOVERNOR. With delightful informality, H. E. Si i< Laurence C.uillemavd opened the two w>hk l> Lard rooms of the Singapore Cricket Cub la I ni.'Vt. in llie presence of large kltenSance <»i members. No special arrangements ha.j t cvn m&de
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  • 195 173 The inter-Club golf match, played beI tweeo members of the Singapore Golf Club j and tile Garrison Club during the weekend, resulted in a win for the Singapore Golf Club by 15% to 2%. The following I were the stores Garrison Golf Club players being given first:
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  • 96 174 The local branch of the Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd., ta in receipt of a telegram from the Head Ortke, stating- that at the 30th half-yearly general meeting: on the ;<Hh instant, tht- following- resolutions were passed. That the neti profit for the half-year <• tiding 31st December
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  • 37 174 Edgar Norgate, a seaman on board the Hyson which fa at present in port, pleaded u-uilty before the Master Attendant yesterday morning to a charge of pilfering the hip's cargo. He was sentenced to one '.lay's imprisonment.
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  • 637 174 A DIFFICULT YEAR. A perusal of the annual report of the Y< ung Men's Christian Association of Singapore show? that last year was "an exceedingly difficult one. for not only were then the financial str.ngency and commercial depression to contend with, but there was also the loss
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  • 3624 174 HOME. I Renter*! Service. London, Mar. 5. j Li .-Col. G. F. Stanley, who was defeated j at East WCleeden, has resigned. At the Mitcham by-eiectipn Sir A. Griffith- j P.cscawen, Minister of Health, has been j defeated. The Labourite Ede polled 8.029, j Boscawen 7,196* the Liberal Crown
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  • 4063 175 I Reuter'f Service. Herein, Mar. .">. Chancellor Cuno has cancelled his visit to Bavaria as a "new and outrageous breach i of justice" by France compels him to voice a German protest at a special sitting of the Reichstag on Tuesday. London, Mar. 5. In the House of Commons,
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  • 254 176 AS OTHERS SEE U S Judging by a recently produo-. play, the Englishman is no longer in France as a soulless, buneat crat. Although somewhat caricature: alive, and is treated with q the author*. He ;> lvpn ~ent< good-humoured, rosy, free! sport loving, He has alwa; his teeth, and having
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