The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 27 October 1921

Total Pages: 16
257 272 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 164 257 LEADERS. PAGE. Trade Improvement 257 An Insoluble Problem 257 The Week-End 258 What Matters Most 258 Yet Another Enquiry 258 Karl's Second Attempt 258 POLICE AND COURT NEWS. Ejectment Cast- Judgment 261 A Deal m Flour 262 Mr. Droojdever m Bankruptcy 263, 4 Mr. Thurkle Discharged 263 Mi. Son
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  • 66 257 To Hongkong, Jonore, Malay States (Protected IVrak, S'langor, Negri Sembilan, hang. Kel;.. 'an, Kedah and Perlis) British North Borneo. Labuan, s* traits Settlements; POST CARDS. NEWSPAPERS Sd. fist 0... l^d. each per 2 oz. i l errw ;.dditionnl ©z. ROOKPO^I. COML. PAPERS. SAMPLES.
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  • 86 257 OCTOBER 26. Bank l m.s. l' 4 I-Sf Bank d< itv nd 2,3 29-32 t Ins 'i m.s. 2 1 7-li N.w York, demand 45*4 Credits 90 days 48 France, demand »>oa f.-!d T. T. 166 Hoi »r.K. demand l-> pjt. Pthl v< k. ma, demand M Java, demand
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  • 102 257 \n infant industry which promises to to big proportion! is the production irticlea «»f beauty and utility by the use M capis f M a sea shell found m abundance the- Philippines. This new venture lias <( !i taken m hand by a newly formed Manila company styled Philippine Shell
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    • 99 257 EBDEW On the 18th inst. at Seremban, to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ebden, a daughter. TAYLOR.— At the European Hospital on October 19th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Searson Taylor, of Kuala Lumpur, a son. GARDNER.— On the 22nd Sept. at Mosaphir, Mardyke. Cork, to the wife
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    • 26 257 ELLIS-WISHART.— At St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Penang, on the 18th inst., A. G. G. Ellis. Inspector of Agriculture, Johore, to Katherine Wishart, of Elgin, Scotland.
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    • 59 257 RODRIGUES.- Isabella Grace Rodrisues, ne Holmberj;) on October 20th. at 27-1 Sophia Road. GAM M ELL.— At No. 35 Klong Road, on Oct. 21st Mr. William Henry Garamell, late of Government Printing Office, aged 88 years. ABRAMS.— By cable. On the 22nd inst., at Slough, England, Edith Mary Abrams.
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  • 368 257 A mail from Home bringing dates to September 29th arrived here on Sunday, Oct. 23rd. Our present General, Sir J. S. Fowler is to be transferred to Hon^k.ons?, and will be replaced here by Major-GeoeraJ N'eili MhUolm. After advancing considerably for a few days, the prices m
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  • 50 257 A fire involving a loss estimated to be between fifty aivl thousand rupees broke out m a r. Ruth-east suburb x>t Calcutta. It originated m thatched grocery shops and spread to adjoining jute godownte. The fire was brought under control by the fire brigade after a few hours' hard work.
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  • 809 257 «w> :k% »h p«efM» ■•*<> mum** OCTOBER 21. The mercantile community has a great deal to be thankful for m the energy and initiative which is now being $ho\vn by the department of trade statistics of which Mr. Herelord is the new head. Not only are the quarterly
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  • 861 257 The Premier's unemployment si h ernes have had a had press. We do not attach too gieat an importance to the verdict of London papers bui it would certainly seem true that rhc scheme has arc used little enihusiasm anywhere and m some quarters a good deal
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  • Page 257 Advertisements
    • 86 257 Subscribers to the "Singapore Free Press" weeklf returning from Europe lo the Straits by any of the mail lines, are invited to send *o the Manager the name of their steamer and iate of arrival In Singapore. Co ies will tb ,n mailed to meet them at various ports of
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  • 851 258 OCTOBER 24. There are exciting political events this week end, but probably they will be but evanescent m effect. Karl's return to Hungary is not likely to disturb central Europe, unl«te his people receive him more warmly this time than last, and place themselves m opposition to the
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  • 747 258 OCTOBER 25. Karl's theatrical re-entry into Austrian politics, with a torn-up railway to frustrate the novel aeroplane or Portugal's shooting of its late Premier against the Arsenal wall are at first sight attractive subjects for discussion- But they will pass like an April shower, the giory and
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  • 127 258 OCTOBER 2G. When m doubt do nothing, when harassed appoint a commission, might be thought, from general experience ever since the war, to be the policy of both Home and Local Governments, and it was quite refreshing recently to find that our Governor stood out against the
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  • 643 259 chill 9 committee affords plenty of representation to the Straits. Mr. Duncan is m full possession of the >tate of affairs out here Mr. Eric Miller can represent the agency busir.esses Mr. Byrne the producerdealers and Sir Edward Brockman ill be able to give voice to the Government view. It
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  • 671 259 OCTOBER 27. The second trial of Karl to become King of Hungary is now definitely a failure and the would-be monarch arid his consort are m prison under the charge of the Regency soldiers. He seems to have been badly advised by his supporters as to his
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  • 726 259 Mr. C. P. Buckell, late Superintendent, Government Telegraphs, Penang, has been appointed secretary of the Perak Club, Taipintf. Colonel Howard Bury, of the Mount Everest expedition reports that an accessible route has been found to the summit of Mount Everest. Word has been received by the stewards of th« Rangoon
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  • 566 259 YESTERDAY'S MEETING. The usual week'.y meeting of the Rent Assessment Board was held yesterday afternoon, Mr. C. F. J. Groea prcsL'inff. There were also present Messrs. E. Tessensohn, E. A. Elias, Gaw Ghek Khia'.ii, Koh San Hin, A. M. S. Anguilia and H. Beadsworth (Assessor). In the case
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  • 171 259 A shoal of about two hundred Paradise fish, which live m the streams of China and Siam, has just reached the Zoological Gardens. The habits of this small and pretty fish are as remarkable as its name. In the breeding- season the male takes sole
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  • 88 259 Singapore, Oct. 2.1. The share market remains quiet and prices generally are unchanged since our last report. Rubber is weaker though steady at 32 Vz cents spot, 84 cents November to December and closes a lifeless market. There are some enquiries for shares but it is still
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  • 41 259 Messrs. Aldens' Successors (Eastern) Ltd., received a cable yesterday from their Ix>ndon House dated Oct. 25 as follows: "Market steady lOd; London stocks 69,074 tons/ Last week's return was 69,893 tons so stocks have been reduced by 819 tons.
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  • 90 260 BROKERS AT LAW. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 19. An interesting civil suit, the parties to which were Messrs. Chart and Co., Ltd., stock and share brokers, as plaintiffs, and Messrs. Fearon and Co., also stock and f.hare brokers, as defendants, wss concluded to-day. Plaintiffs claimed
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  • 126 260 (Aneta.) Batavia, Oct. 20. Both leaders of the Railway Union to-day had a conference with the Railway Board regarding some of the grievances. This personal conference has already had pood results so that the leaders think the chance for a strike is not so great. The gross
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  • 26 260 Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 19. At Sereniban to-day, Chan Kam Sing Wtl committed for trial on a charge of foiling a bank draft for $65,000.
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  • 67 260 a (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Oct. 21. A cab'e has been received here ttfom Home announcing: the death of Mr. Malcolm Duncan, a pioneer miner and planter of Perak. He WM stationed for many years at Chenderiang where he had proprietory interests. The deceased
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  • 44 260 (From Our Own Correspondent). X lala Lumpur, Oct. 21. The Chief Serretary has appointed an Infant Welfare Advisory Board, and a Venereal Diseases Advisory Board, upon the lines of the Malaria Advisory Board. Mr. Maxwell will be chairman of both boards.
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  • 187 260 <Frcm Our Own Correspondent). I'enang, Oct. 22. Hrst annual meeting of the Limau N'.ois Tin Co. was held, Mr. Hoogerwerf presiding. He said he was sorry he was unable to submit a more pleasant report OB the position. There were Machinery difficulties and delays. When the Company
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  • 147 260 SHIPBOARD ROBBERY. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Oct. 21. In the District Court two Malay lascars aboard the Jin Ho were charged with stealing from a Chinese passenger a bag containing money and articles valued at over $3,000. One had two previous convictions and was sentenced to eighteen
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  • 76 260 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 22. There has been unprecedented flooding at Dusun Lada m the Province. The floods are country-wide and the district is under water. Much damage has been done to the bund on the right bank of the river, which collapsed, but
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  • 57 260 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Octi 24. News has been received of the death of Mr. J. W. Hodge, formerly Clerk of Works, P. W. D., Straits Settlements, which occurred at Castlemain, Victoria. The deceased joined the Department m 1880 and served m all the Settlements,
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  • 127 260 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Oct. 24. At the annual meeting of Rahman Hydraulic Tin Co., Mr. Saye, who presided, said that as the result of various works and improvements affected, an improvement m the monthly output would be evident at an early date. He thought that this
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  • 164 260 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penanff, Oct. 21. Mr. Thome, presiding at the annual mMthlg of Temerloh Rubber and Coconut Co., said that the slump prevented the declaration of any dividend. They had written off development account $20,000, thus maintaining the policy followed for some years. There
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  • 84 260 (Aneta). Weltevreden, Oct. 25. The Directors of the Royal Packet Company have decided to remove all wireless ship installations from K. P. M. steamers, except those running on the BataviaAustralia service, and the HongkongSingmporc service. It has aho been decided to remove all fans from
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  • 63 260 (Aneta). Weltevreden, Oct. 25 Subscriptions were received yesterday for a new 6% per cent Dutch Indian loan, amounting to a hundred million guilders. Only fifteen and a half millions will be subscribed by the Dutch Indies. A telegram from The Hague states that the Dutch Government
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  • 64 260 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Oct. 26. The death has occurred at the Batu Gajah Hospital of Mr. G. L. Ditchburn, of the staff of the Yukon Gold Company, the cause of death being typhoid fever. The deceased was an Australian and hailed from
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  • 78 260 Sir E. Cassel has left Brook House and its contents to his sister and thereafter to his granddaughter Edwina for life. He expressed a wish for the house and its contents never to be sold, but should all the Trusts fail, he wishes it to be offered as a gift
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  • 317 260 MEETING OF COMMITTEE AMD j CONVENERS. A meeting of the Executive Committee and Conveners was held m the Council Chamber on Friday 21st at 12 noon. Executive Committee. The Honourable Mr. F. S. James, C.M.G., (Chairman). Captain A. R. Chancellor. Mr. D. Y. Perkins. Mr. R. J.
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  • 198 260 The following were the guests of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Guillemard at luncheon on Tuesday, Oct. 25th The Hon. Mr. Xutt, 0.13. E., and Mrs. Nutt, The Hon. Mr. Perkins, Mr. and •Mis. Gordon, Lieut. Col. Morgan, C.M.G., D.S.O, and Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Scott, Capt. Sydney
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  • 165 260 PHASER'S WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore, Oct. 23. The volume of business passing m our local share market has shown no improvement throughout the week and m most cases prices are easier with sellers predominating. It is generally considered, however, that the worst has been seen and the present
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  • 299 260 THE STAFFORDS' Fl IN( TION. There was a very large company at thn Tanglin Theatre, Tannin Barracks h night, o n the occasion of a Ball given b the Warrant Officen and Sergeants of Z Ist South Staffordshire Regiment. Yeste, day was the tecond anniversary of th
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  • 224 260 The case of Tara Singh, who was charged with going about armed with a knife, without permission, was disposed of m the Third Court yesterday by the infliction of a fine of $30 and an order to confiscate the the knife. Accused, who at first refused determinedly
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  • 175 260 "Compromised," by Cyril Harcourt was the piece staged at the Victoria Theatre lasl night by the Warwick Comedy Company. It aould hardly be described as an impressive play though no fault could be found m the way it was enacted. It belongs to the class of plays
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  • 99 260 Mr. P. H. Holyoak, of the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce has resigned the Chamber's seat on the Legislative Council owing, it is believed, to ill-health. Mr. Holyoak had been on the Council sine* 1 1915. The Bishop of Singapore returned to Singapore on Monday and except for a visit bo
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  • 803 261 Mr. S. C. Raffles is paying a visit to PtLang. The Very Revd. Wynne Wilson Dean of l.nsto has accepted the Bishopric of Bath :inc\ We Is m succession to Doctor Kennion, resigned. At a polo match mi n Hongkong on Oct. rMh, a Hongkong team
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  • 454 261 THE MALAYAN CHAMPIONSHIP. There was nothing very unusual m the fourth session of the Malayan Championship boxing tournament at the Victoria Theatre last night. Except m one or two contests, the judge's decisions met with popular approval. The attendance ■gain was not too encouraging, but it is hoped
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  • 177 261 Major-General .Will Malcolm. whom Rcuter states is to replace Sir J. S. Fowler as general officer COmaMmUnfe the Straits, had the honours C. B. (1919) and D.S.O. (1899). He was horn m 1868 and is thus 52 years of age. From Eton he went to the Argyll
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  • 99 261 Mr. I>. Beatty is returning to Singapore tyy the P. and O. steamer Nellore which was due to sail on the 13th inst. Captains of local craft plying between Penang and the neighbouring ports report bad weather; the wind, blowing m a west-south-westerly direction, is accompanied by high seas and
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  • 602 261 IMMORAL USE OF PREMISES. In the Supreme Court yesterday morning Mr. Justice Barrett- Lennard gave judgment m the case of Chow Moon vs. Chop San Oi Lin. In this case the plaintiff's claim is to recover possession of the first and second floors of No. 27
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  • 260 261 The inquest into the alleged murdi r of a Boyanese chauffeur named Hasimin bin Mohd, which occurre 1 m Lorong 17, (i.ivlan^, on tht« afternoon of Ihc 7th mst was commenced m the- Coroner's Court yesterday. The wife of the deceased slated m evidence that n 0 sooner had she
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  • 118 261 OFFICAL REPORT. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association heU its usual auction on Wednesday when there vas Catalogued l *jy9,j)ii.; lbs. 'Cons 580.34; Offered 1,202,008 lbs. Tons 536.00 Sold :—1,041,622 lbs. Tons 46.5.01. PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Singapore Standard Quality 33 to 33 Good Average
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  • 228 261 Singapore 20th Oct. Rubber. During the early part of the week under review prices advanced considerably and Standard Sheet was sold up to .36-36 1 > cents. The market has since declined m sympathy with London and New York and Standard Sheet is now quoted 32H-33. The
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  • 118 261 Singapore, Oc*. 20. Rubbers. A little more doing. Jimahs 80 cents— Bs cents, United Malaccas 70 cents 75 cents, Ulu Remits 17 <-ents 22tt cents, Tapahs $9.50— 510. Tamba'aks fiO cents— T»s cents, Craig-ideas 40 vents 45 cents, Malaka Pindas 85 cents :n\ r*»nts Utan
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  • 163 261 The following is the report to be subnJtted to the shareholders at the eighth nnual genera] meeting, to b<- held at the registered offices of the Company, Banque ue I'lmlo ('hint? building, on Oct. 27 at noon. Fire Department The net premium income after deducting re-insurances amounts
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  • 63 261 Tv.e s.s. Linan which reached Singapore from Amoy yesterday brought &.h dock passengers. Convicted of being concerned m the removal of quantity of non Govt. chandu m Tanjong Pagar a couple of days ago, N k r Heng, a Chinese was mulcted m the Third Court yesterday m a fine
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  • 1295 262 SEREMBAN GENERAL AGENCY DEFENDANTS. The Seremban General Agency, Ltd., were sued m the Supreme Court yesterday, before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter S. Shaw, m respect of a consignment of flour to Messrs. Handel Maatschappij Ban Lian, of Medan. Mr. C. Everitt appeared for the plaintiffs
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  • 202 262 m the practice match on the Padang last evening Whites defeated Colours by 5 points to nil. Before the match actually commenced some few minuter was f'evcted to scrum work and runs by the threes. The match was under the control of Mr. Graham Brown, who also
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  • 185 262 The Rev. G. H. Douglas, who preached at the Presbyterian Church, Penar^, on Sunday last, left for Singapore on Tuesday evening. There is a wide difference between a statesman and a politician. A statesman is a man seeking an opportunity to do something for everybody, but the politician is a
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  • 781 262 A Reuter's telegram announces the death of Mr. Kennedy Jones, M.P. Mr. R. Moor is appointed a collector of income tax for the settlement of Singapore. Messrs. S. Codrington, R. H. Pinhorn and Yeoh Guan Seok are appointed unofficial trustees of the Penang Free School. Messrs.
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  • 654 262 LAST NIGHT'S BOUTS. In the presence of a slightly large au dience the semi-finals of the boxing chaTn pionships of S.S. and F.M.S. were decided at the Victoria Theatre last night. As is only to be expected of semi-final bouts the box ing was of a very interesting
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  • 176 262 The Merlin leaves on Sunday morning for Hongkong and yesterday morning she wa* alongside the wharf flying a 250 feet homeward bound pennant. The Merlin carried out much useful surveying work m the Straits and her officers and men have been proved to be real good
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  • 1088 263 MR. UKOOGLEVER CROSS-EX AMI*ED. When the public examination m bankruptcy of Mr. William F. Drooplever was resumed m the Supreme Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard, the* bankrupt was subjected to a> searches ross-exami nation by Mr. Laycock, wo represented several of the largest creditor* with reference to
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  • 223 263 GEORGE GRAY AT GARDEN CLUB. There was a large gathering at the Garden Club last night to wHnesi the public exhibition of bilUardt given by the famous cueist. Mr. George Gray, who engaged mi n a match of 700 up th the Club's leading player, Mr. Oon Ec Thiam,
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  • 265 263 The application under the Fugitive Offender >' Ordinance to send up Mr. 11. E. Thurkle of Kampcng Ulu Xai Estate, Kelantan, to hive him tried m that state <»n two charges of cheating was disposed «>f by Mr. D;;\vson m tho Third Court yesterday. Inspector Williams of
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  • 42 263 The Chief Secretary, the Hon. Mr. W. 6. Maxwell, C. M. G.. left Kuala Lumpur by the mail train on Wednesday ni<rht for Singapore. The P. M. S. Treasurer, the Hon. Mr. F. A. S. ItcLeHsnd, nl>o travelled by the same tram.
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  • 694 263 BANKRUPT BROKER'S AFFAIRS. The public examination m bankruptcy of a young Chinese broker an<] commission atfent named Soh Eiig Chu|nqr, cnmluet^ by the Official Assignee, ths hon'ble Mr. C. J. Saunders, before Mr. Justice Barrett■cr.nard m the Supreme Court yesterday, provided a story of more than usual
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  • 50 263 The Bill to make provision for the Public Service for 1922 is published m the Government Gazette. Only a bare list of the sums allotted to the various department is given, the total amounting to Last year's estimates as originally frarr.ed contemplated an expenditure of $38 millions.
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  • 83 263 Col: H. L*. Pearson. Messrs. 11. R. S. Law an<l A. \V Davidson arv proceeding to Kuala Lumpur on Saturday 22n<! Instant to attend the genera] mettirp: of the United Services Great Wrr Association of Malaya on the 23rd instant, as delegates of the Singapore Ex-Services Association. These
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  • 581 263 The case, m which Quartermaster Sergeant Shaw is prosecuting Jama, Indian military contractor for having falsely rer>» thct he hs :<' I Mry s:,o a I I n V th i r v:ivss to the tatster's bullock cans to Blskan fc!ati, which gave rise to a military
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  • 58 263 The Ma ay Mail is officially it formed that the import duty on petroleum is :.»i<c<l from 5 cents p r gallon bo 10 cents per rr.V.lon &s fro-! Oct. 21st, and r^ from iho same date a?) import doty is i on matches a1
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  • 190 263 Mr. C. J. V. Green is appointed a t'e.v.ber and president of the Singapore Rent Assessment Boai-tl. Dr. Lim Boon Keng has an interesting article on Hua IV the Chinese O sins In the current member of "Th< I ico", and Mr. Jaffar bin 11. Hashim one on ber-hanto. The
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  • 237 264 MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1921. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL BUDGET. From the Municipal estimates for 1922, published m the Gazette, we cull the following- details which will not, we hope, detract from the interest of the President's speech when he introduces the Budget. The estimated revenue is $9,710,000 an increase of about $700,000
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  • 131 264 The retam from the Municipal Health Officer for the week ended Oct. 15th show 287 deaths, 4:}.97 compared with 14.12 for last week and 31>.0(3 for the corresponding week of last year. The chief causes of death were beri-beri 2G, phthisis 26, malaria 29, dysentery 20, pneumonia 24,
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  • 174 264 With reference to the late Mr. .1. A. Hall, said to be an ex-Malayan planter, who was drowned recently at Colombo, we are informed that there is no record of his having served on an estate m this country. He was given a temporary billet m the
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  • 197 264 The Japanese steamer Ganges Maru, bound from Bombay to -Japan, which arrived at Singapore yesterday, had 15 cases of influenza on board. The returned soliders m South Australia petitioned the Premier to frame legislation to prevent the German language being used m a public p'arv. The reply was not sympathetic.
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  • 583 264 NARROW WIN FOR "ANN." Yesterday morning the first race for the Odell Cup came off m strenuous weather and resulted m a win for the "Ann," No. 17, the latest addition to the fleet, by the narrow margin of 37 seconds. Mr. Totton kindly started the race
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  • 174 264 On leaving the Supreme Court on Friday afternoon, after his public examination m bankruptcy, Mr. W. F. Drooglever was accosted by Mr. J. Costello, Chief Detective Inspector, and arrested m connection with making a false statement m the oourse of bankruptcy proceedings. He was produced before Mr.
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  • 103 264 The first international Baby Show ever held m the Philippines and probably m the Orient was held at Manila on September 17th. There were several hundred entrants, the names of the infants representing many nationalities. Apparently there is some strike trouble on m Colombo that our latest exchanges make no
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  • 1304 264 THE FINAL RESULTS. The Boxing Championships of the Straits Settlements and the F.M.S. were brought to a conclusion at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday night, after what may well be regarded as a successful week's proceedings. The attendance on Saturday was a large one, and was entertained by
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  • 255 264 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, 29th Sept. The following correspondence may interest local readers: 12 Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, S.W.I. September 19th 1921. Dear Mr. Churchill, As one interested m Rubber matters, I venture to ask whether the Commission announced m the enclosed paragraph has the support
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  • 94 264 H.M.S. Merlin left Singapore early yt* terday morning for Hongkong. Sir Charles Eliot, H. M.'s Ambassador to Japan, has had the distinction of being th< first foreign Ambassador to enterta Crown Prince of Japan. On the evening of September 30 the body of a murder*^ European was fbund at Tegallela,
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  • 513 265 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1921. WARWICK COMEDY Co. 'BROWN SUGAR." rhe Warwick Comedy Company opened their engagements m Singapore at the Victoria Theatre last night, when Lady Arthur Lever's comedy "Brown Sugar" was presentee! to a large and appreciative audience. If last night's performance is to be taken as an indication
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  • 260 265 Mr. Pennefather's football team returned by the Melchior Treub yesterday from its A Correspondent "Curious" asks whether any reader can explain why it was that or Oct. 21st there was not a single flag flown, m honour of Trafalgar Day and Nelson, m Singapore. The Daily Mirror has what is
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  • 1288 265 RUBBER PROFITS. To the Editor. Sir, As your leading article of Thursday last, dealing with rubber estate costs and profits, seems to me to be very misleading, I would like, with your permission, to make a reply, m order to disabuse the mind of investors of
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  • 265 265 a The annual meeting is fixed for Oct. 81ft at noon at Grttham House. The first annual report says: The Report and Statement of Accounts foi the period ended 30th June, 1921, shew a loss on Revenue Account of $98,857.43. Area of Estate. Kirn Kee Div., 2106 ac;
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  • 149 265 Alleged to have driven his motor-bus No. 425 sini n a reckless manner and thereby knocked down a hawker's stall m Raub Street early yesterday morning, Tangr.velu, the Tamil chauffeur, was charged m the Second Court yesterday and remanded a week for trial. He also stands charged with causing hurt
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  • 335 265 AMALGAMATION SCHEME. The following minutes of a ireeting of the General Committee of the United Services Great War Association of Malaya, are forwarded to us for publication: The General Committee of United Services Great War Association of Malaya met at the Selangor Club on the 23nl inst. At
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  • 377 265 Submarine Shaving An extraordinary claim is made by a French swimmer, 11. de Lalyman. that he can live under water. It is claimed that he has actually demonstrated his ability to remain submerged for an hour without any artificial means of respiration, writes a special
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  • 70 265 Arrested on a warrant issued on his disappearance early last month, when the police wanted him on a charge of rash driving, Eusop bin Ali, chauffeur of motor car No. 3514, was produced before Mr. Dawson m the Third Court yesterday, and on being convicted was sentenced to a fine
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  • 1140 266 The annual genera! meeting of Brunei United Plantations, Ltd, was held at French Bank Buildings yesterday. The Chairman, Mr. \V. A. Sims, presided and there were also present the Hon. Mr. W. F. Nutt, Mr. Lee Pang Serg, and Mr. C. V. Bailey, representing the secretaries, Messrs Evatt
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  • 505 266 The following is the Directors' Report to the shareholders for the meeting on Oct. 24, at Messrs. Evatt Oo's. The Protit and Lou Account shows a net loss for tv.e year urxkr review of $I J,7C>:;. Deducting this amount from the balanci of $27,649.28 carried forward from
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  • 37 266 Germany is returning the gramophone matrices she commandeered from British companies with branches within her territory during the war. The first consignment of these valuable copper discs, numbering 6,000, out of about 1,000,000', has already been received.
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  • 1376 266 Qidcquid aff-unt homiues nottri sst furr*, libelli JUTHNAL. The transfer of Sir John Fowler to Hongkong, just *m he was getting into his stride here and had evolved a useful Volunteers Bill, is characteristically Governmental. Our loss is Hongkong's gain. But we hope the G. O.
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  • 294 266 Mr. H. c. Bathurat, Distrii Kuala Lumpuf, arrived Friday morning on transfer. Ihe case m wrhv h the c. oration sue Chop Ki>t Woo i'm Chiong and Cheong Chu Qu •ti'im-il m the Supreme Court <:i\. Mr. ESber appeared for Hit >la and Mr. Dexnnth for the «i»- f >
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  • 787 267 Alor Star and Sungei Patani are goini to have electric lighting on Christmas Day. Mr. J. B. Harrop, the well known Sitiawan planter, will probably be retiring from Malaya at an early date. (T.0.M.) The engagement is announced of Mr. A. M. Hamilton, of United Engineers,
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  • 2218 267 FIRST DAY'S RESULTS. SMALL DIVIDENDS. Fine weather after a rainy morning, favoured the opening day of the October meeting yesterday and there was a fair, but not over large, attendance of members, who were able to enjoy a good afternoon's sporf-. The new arrangements as regards the
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  • 137 267 The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction by Estate and Trust Agencies Ltd: at their sale-room on the 24th instant: Freehold land and house 4-1 Lorong 7 off Gaylang Road, area 4,000 sq. ft, bought by Mr. R. Mohanied Madarsah for $3,400; Freehold land off
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  • 100 267 Siam has done more than make a careful sludy of the prospects of paper-making m Siam, a study which it has published for tl*< encouragement of those interested. A paper-making: pknt is being imported from America* apparently by the Army, which pher.dy makes its own paper. All pearling boats are
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  • 4659 268 MR. M.UTHAII.'S MEMORANDUM. At Urn l*»*t meeting of the Straits Settlements (SuiK-upore) Association Mr. L. R. Mncphail bwffct forward a resolution that the Association approves of the principle of asking the High Commissioner to nominate a Consultative or Advisory Board representing British Malaya. He promised to submit
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  • 1013 269 POLO. THE MACDOUGALL CUP. The first matches of the Race Week polo were played yesterday on the Balestier ground when the preliminary games m the Macdougall Cup were brought off before a gathering of interested spectators including Lady Guillemard. The conditions were three six minute chukkas, each team allowed six
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  • 330 269 MALAY NEWSPAPER SUED. A libel case, stated to be the first m the history of native Malaiya, came before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter S. Shaw, m the Supreme Court yesterday. Raja Shariman and Che Tak, Assistant Commissioners of Police m the P. If. S. Service brought an
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  • 308 269 Mr. Churchill on their Development. Mr. Churchill, the Oolonial Secretary, w&b the principal guest at the Gold Coast Civil Service Dinner Club's first dinner, cvei which Brigadier-General F. G. Guggisberg (the Governor of the Gold Coast) presided. In proposing the toast of v Prosperity to the Gold
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  • 70 269 The Malay States Information Agency has received an official cablegram from Kuala Lumpur stating that there is no truth m the rumour that tin from the reserves of the F.M.S. Government was being shipped to London. L C.E, Sept 29. Rumour has it that the will of a certain F.M.S.
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  • 3064 270 HOME. London, Oct. 19. Mr. Lloyd George m his House of Comn.ons speech on unemployment dwelt on the importance of reviving trade and said we had to convert the world's need of goods into a demand and a demand into payment. He announced that Government's export credit scheme would
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  • 5830 271 Rotterdam, Oct. 19. The heavy fall of the German mark h» R caused a feeling of recklessness on the Dutch exchange nearly approaching a panic. Not only share and stock exchange, but also quotations on the produce market have recently fallen so much that failures are unavoidable. Unemployment is
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  • 43 272 Mr. 11. \V. Noon and Mrs S leaving for Home on Wedne* Capt. G. A. Clements, R.G.A., as Instructor m Gunnery, Straits Sett ments. The great demand for land m Bongl was shown at a recent Government I when bidding: was exceptionally brisk.
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