The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 19 April 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1017 No. 1,551
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  • 235 1 LEADER 3 p AaB Killing Germans 241 •.u--i v 1 > i t!:cu!ti*»9 241 -^eminent aod Premium Bonds 242 HdiA 6 Hitting 242 Prcgreea m the Weat 242 Mtuatiou m South America 242 Vuny Ridge 243 The Submarine Menace 248 Why tha Germaua Retired 243 POLICE AND COURT NEWS.
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  • 44 1 Ccmamonm to April 18.' 2 45 i 2 4j ru s 2 4 29-32 P»*:.-« dfioaand Bar k 819 ii ftttai l%Prem .-4 ifunl 109 184^ visuals, Bank Bvylri s 84 t« fewglaorf R| te 6% Silv*» Loo V C 86 9-18
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 33 1 Willson.— Feb. 28, at Fierce hill, wife of late L. H. J. Willson, of Menekibol, Johore, son. Ansley-Young.— At Klang on the ltfth iust. to Dr. and Mrs. Ansley Young, a daughter.
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    • 32 1 Wight wick— Stiles. On Wednesday April llth, atßt. Mary's Church, Acton, Humphrey Guest Wight wick, of the Singapore Electric Tramways, Ltd., to Ethel Mary stiles, formerly of the C.E.Z M.S., Singapore.
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    • 91 1 Burgess.— Killed m action, on the 17th Feb Eric A. Bu^gefs, Sec. Lieut Royal Fusiliers, dearJy beloved son of Sydney and Nellie Burgeas, of Malacca, Straits Settlements, and LittleLanapron.aged 19 years. Wolferstan.— On April 7, of pneumonia. Humphrey Pipe- Wolferstan, aged If years, eldest son of L E. P.
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  • 174 1 London mails of March 1 and March 8 have arrived m the Colony. Demand was good at the rubber auction this week and prices were on a slightly high3r level. Farewell dinners have been given to Mr TJ M Greenfield on his retirement. He sailed for Europe
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  • 138 1 April 18 Tin (150 tons) $102.50 Owim 17.00 Qfttnkief Ou»« No 26.25 O«fcflM Cvl%* No. f 21.00 ffypei Blark ordin s po»e 30.00 Ferpav fW9iM t 87.00 N"«^ra«fß niO Co ?hfl 42.00 HMMgI B 0 So It 52. C0 -c (Htniw bo.oo OtofiM (Auaboina) nom. BA\rcfl*9 U% Black* 85.00
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  • 672 1 i r-<».» the 2V:?>i# r'f^: t**Lo*;^ ~v*t\# by ct and ■■U.lfcii fcf ?♦>*? April 18. The absence to day of further details of the fighting, or of further great advances on the Arras front, does not of course imply anything but that the gains of territory, which apart
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  • 592 1 April 14. The political aspect Russia way is not by any means r too rosy. When a nation as vast as Russia sets out on the quest for its own soul, the fewer outside distractions the better. In fact it is almost an axiom that for a nation
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 156 1 B bftetlbars to Urn "Singapore Free Press" WMklj Hlmlig fr».iu Europe to the Straits ny of the mail lints, are invited to send to r Ifu v.- i Ike name of their steamer and 4 M rival m Singapore. Copies will then Dedtoseet them at various ports of call. B«eeeriken
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  • 699 2 Casting the mind back over war legislation m the Straits it is rather curious to note that whilst legislation towards military efficiency has kept the Colony m front of all other Crown Colonies of the Empire, the efforts on the financial side have always seemed to
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  • 660 2 April 16. The news from the western front continues to be satisfactory. Despite the bad weather, now improving, the advance goes on. Field marshal Haig first aims a blow at one point, sending his troops forward to the full extent of his artillery covering fire, then whilst the
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  • 308 2 The later telegrams from the Western Front confirm the impression of good progress that is being made there, the commanding positions at Lens and St Q uen tin that have been obtained making it certain that these strongholds are doomed. Correspondents note a change of mentality
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  • 773 2 April 17. The situation m Sonth America is developing m a way which carries with it something more than a war interest, since it is possible that a general conference of the3e States may be brought about, the influence of which will not be confined merely
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  • 250 3 c fine dash of the Canadians carrymain part of Vitny ridge with which entirely upset the id I>!;ia3, was the key move m :;:io of L?ns which is announc- 'iegrains to day. The fail town removes a very raasty post m the line before us, complicated nature of
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  • 1042 3 April IS. A perusal of the Hansard reports Lloyd George b statement re ir-uding the submarine menace which was cabled out at some length m February— makes it perfectly clear thr rn^in trouble as regards ship is not so mnch the loss caused raoetM of submarine attacks,
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  • 1192 3 April 19. la considering the great struggles going on over a hundred miles of frontier m the West, the first instinct of the student of the campaign is to take out his maps and try and find the names of tho places mentioned m the communiques.
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  • 60 3 A^ i.b« meeting on M»r 88 of tie Japanese Privy Oouoc.!, hoU m Tokyo, a treaty between Sweden .\bd /apt it<?'irding the protraction of loetaetrial rffble m China was approved At (lie feme time a prcposul to allo-,7 IndiTidwalf to appeal to the Emppror on certain qSMtlOwi u^j granted. The
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  • Correspondence.
    • 328 4 To the Editor. Sir.— I annex a hypothetical illustration of an inequity which will quite probably arise m several cases where the total iucome of a taxpayer just exceeds one of the amounts which regulate the rate of tax to be paid under tbe above Ordinance.
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    • 78 4 Sir, Your correspondent T. D. P. bus fallen into the usual vulgar error of confusing intention and motive. The gentle man who threw a stone into the air and hit the Bishop on the head had no intention of doing so, but the social reformers who killed
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    • 182 4 Sib, When is the existing state of affairs as regards the Telephone Service going to cease At present it is a complete farce. After wasting a quarter of an hour trying to do buEiness you give it up m disgust. It is now five mouths since the
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  • 54 4 Messrs Outhrie and Co have cable advice from Lopdon stating that the Directors have declared a final dividend of 85%, making with the interim dividends already declared a total of 140%, for the financial year ended 31st December last, and have carried forward to the current year's Accounts
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  • 47 4 The Men's monthly medal will be played for on Saturday and Sunday, April 21st and 22nd, and the Ladies' Spoon on Monday 23rd April. The qualifying round of the Keppel Cup will be played m conjunction with April medal. First 16 to quali ty.
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  • 69 4 The proposal of the Indian Government to put a protective duty on textiles imported into India has caused much agitation m Lancashire. The seven Chambera of Coojiiierce m the spinning aud manufacturing districts of Lancashire endorsed the resolution of the Manchester Chamber protesting against the duties and urging the Government
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  • 1793 4 The Annual Conference of the Clergy m the Diocese of Singapore was opened at 10.80 on Tuesday morning m the large hall of St Andrew's School. Sixteen Clergy assembled to meet the Lord Bishop who after the opening prayers, and the recitation by all of the Veni Creator
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  • 429 4 The following is the Directors' Report to the Shareholders to be presented the meeting on April 28. ACCOUNTS.— The net profit for the year as shown by the Profit end Lo6s Account amounts to $114,960.01 to which must be added the balance of $17,104.44 brought forward
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  • 395 4 A Gazette Extraordinary issued last evening amends the list of prohibitions of articles exported from and imported into the United Kingdom. Information has been received that the mud volcanoes m the vicinity of north west of Beacon Island Light Honse, Bay of Bengal, are active, and are breaking heavily m
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  • 2368 5 PREMIER VOICES WORLD'S INDICTMENT OF GERMANY Meaning of America's Entry THE CRUSHING OF HINDENBURGISM President Wilsons Crusade [By Submarine Oabte] [lUuter'i Serric*] j London, April 12. The American Lao- cbeon Clnb entertained Mr Lloyd George at luncheon. The American Ambassador presided and the toasts of the King
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  • 195 5 The case was mentioned m the second police court, yesterday, and postponed, of Tan Cheng Ho, charged with criminal breach of trust m respect of a sum of $2,290. Mr Willett appeared for the prosecutor. Bail was granted and fixed at $5,000, m two sureties. Major A J Alexander, who
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  • 618 5 Faced by Starvation. Amsterdam, Feb 4. The rupture of relations between the United States and Germany has created a profound impression m Holland, where it is the one subject of discussion. Anxiety concerning Holland's future is more intense than at any time since the outbreak of the
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  • 245 5 The marriage between Dr H S Moonehi, L m s, and the second daughter of Mr Gulabkhan Suratee took place on the 7th instant at the residence of the bride's father at Serangoon Road. Among the 300 prominent Moslems who accompanied the bridegroom were Messrs. Syed Mohamed bin Agil, J
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  • 806 6 The total of the F M S War Relief Fund to date is 1297,948 48. Mr and Mrs Maurice Maude, of Cicely Estate, are going Home for good, as Mr Maude is retiring. Mr E Arnold, of Messrs Boustead. Hampshire and Co., has left Kuala Lumpur
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  • 1266 6 GENERAL RUBBER CO v J WSTAYTON. An Interesting Judgment. The Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, k c) gave judgment ia the Supreme Court on Wednesday afternoon m the case cf the General Rubber Co v J Winford Stayton. This was a summons, referred by the Registrar to
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  • 375 6 The Eaeter Holidays made rather a short W3ek but business m local Rubbers continues on a moderate scale and there is generally a harder tone apparent with movements mainly m favour of holders. Some sterling counters were again dealt iv but m each instance the old prices
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  • 124 6 Rubber. Singapore, April 12. For this week's auction some 752 tons were catalogued. There wae a good demand throughout the day for all grades and prices were on a slightly higher level than last week. Ribbed smoked sheet and Fine Pale Crepe sold up to 9165 advances
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  • Correspondence.
    • 96 6 To the Editor, Dear Sir,— l would be much obliged if you would kindly notify m your p aper that I have received a remittance from Penang through the Honouroble The Colonial Secretary cf $25,100 contributed by The Penacg Mutual Improvement As sociation, which with $24,267.66 received
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  • 668 6 The Midwivee Ordinance ie ordered to come into force m the town of Singapore from July l6t. His Highness the Sultan of Pfrak wag m Ipoh on Wednesday, having completed the tour down the river, and visited the graves of the previous Sultan of Perak. He was expected to Je«ive
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  • 1106 7 JUDGMENT IN RILLI BROS AND A M S ANGULLIA. Sir J Bucknill's Important Decision. In the Supreme Court, on Wednesday afternoon, the Chief Justice (Sir John Bncknill, X c) delivered judgmeut m the case < Kalh Brothers, of Calcutta B. Ahic^l Mohamed Salley Angullia, bmi chant of
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  • 242 7 SCC BEAT THE SHROPSHIRE*. Quite the best game of soccer seen m Singapore for a loug time was that on the SCO ground last evening, between tha Club and the Shropshires. In the iirst hulf, playing free, open football, the S C C were much the better lot, and
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  • 183 7 A GREAT LOTTERY SCHEME. Immense and concerted efforts are being made m India to promote the sueceee of the war-loan there. The Indian papers are full of accounts cf meetings held all over the country at which Lieutenant Gaveruora ami others of high station have presided and
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  • 100 7 Thursday's Business. Rubber Shakes. The Rubber unction on tba whole went w^l! pricf^ for top grades ranging from $16^ 5 i Go. The 6harn market; continual steady. Alor Qajfthl are id de.ruauu «i $4.10-15 Nsw Sereudalig at $4 3"». Malbkn Pindas at $2 50 Oienealy? n: $2.45,
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  • 1834 7 SOME EXPLANATIONS. Complaints have boen msde m various quarters aa to the complexity of the Ordinance, the number of Forms which have to be used and o,her matters which make the collection and payment of ibis tax a difficult and complicated matter. It is believed, however, that
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  • 791 8 Saturday, April 14, 1917. CALDBECK MACGREGOR CASE. A LIVELY CROSS EXAMINATION. The hearing of the case m which charges are made against Teok Swee Hong, a former Btore- keeper, of Caldb9Ck, Mac gregor and Co, with omission to make entries m an account book with intent to defraud, was continued
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  • 1528 8 Quicquid agunt homines nosiri es farrago libelli Juvenal. The Topiciet got out of bed early on Monday morning for he never likes to mice one of those delightful, but rare, sights, a Volunteer field day. On this occasion there was the additional incitement that it wae
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  • 113 8 In connection with the Federated Malay States Government 6 per cent. War Loan, the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China announces that it is now prepared to receive from the public the scrip certificates held by them for their holding m the above
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  • 91 8 The SRC were at home to the SCFA m a league match yesterday, and an even game resulted m a goalless draw, the teams thus sharing the points. The Chineee, who faced the sun m the first half, had hard luck m not scoring m the first few mJßutes,
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  • 525 8 The following is the directors' report to shareholders to be presented on April 21 for the year ended Jan 81 Accounts. The net profit for th year amounts to $128,205.07 balance $15,090.08 brought forward, making total of $143,296.10. In July and December last interim dividends of 10
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  • 201 8 The annual conference of clergy will be held this year m Singapore from Monday to Friday next week. The clergy from Bangkok and Java arrive on Monday, and those from up country on Tuesday. In addition to the daily services at the Cathedral the following arrangements have
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  • 37 8 The funeral took place nt Penaog on Wednesday at the Western KDad Cemetery of Mr C A Waller, of 2*. Scotland Koad. Coneulling Engineer to the Rice Milling Company. The Rev. Keppel Gamier. t*e Colonial Chaplain, officiated.
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  • 118 9 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Kubber Association held its usual auction on Thursday and Friday when there was offered (or sale 11,527.77 pkls or 1.537,036 lb (Tone 686.17). Prices Realized. The next auction will be held on Wednesday, April 18. Sheet Fine Ribbed 1160 to 0165 Good
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  • 200 9 Singapore, April 18. Rui.her. At this week's auction the quantity tfer amounted to 686 tons, of which tons were sold. There was a good demand throughout, especially for Ribbed Smoked Sheet and Pale Crepea, and prices were slightly above last week's level. Fine Hibbed Smoked Sheet and
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  • 125 9 Singapore, 13th April. At the weekly Rubber Auction which i-omrr.enced yesterday first grade Rubber was m good demand at prices slightly m advance of those paid last week. Ribbed Smoked Sneet and Fine Pale Crepe both fetched up to $165 per pikul, being a rise on the
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  • 130 9 »>n Tuesday, the 10th, several private f i tends entertained Mr Greenfield to din ncr at Raffles Hotel. An admirable dinner was provided by Messrs Sarkies Brothers. Mr Sarkies proposed the health of Mr Greenfield, which was supported by Mr Shelley Thompson, both regretting his departure, but
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  • 39 9 The results of Easter competitions weie its follows Eclectic 19 holes handicap) won by G ullen 37 8 29 nett, Koursome US holes handicap* won by H I Jones and F Niblock 85 8i 76i nett.
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  • 84 9 At Taiping, Mr C R Harler, Assistant Master of the Kiug Edward VII 6Chool 'i'aiping, who has bince left for Eoglnnd, was entertained by the teachers of the ;1 at an "at Houee when he was prelected with some very useful articles. He hopfcy to he employed as a chemi6t
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  • 365 9 Reference bt the Bishop of Singapore. At Sfc Andrew's Cathedral last evening the Rt R*v Ferguson Divie, Bishop of Singapore, made reference to the War Lottery thus. Before I begin my Sermon I feel bound to express uiy tc^te: thus the Government of
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  • 184 9 For the second time within three days the Shropshires were defeated on the SCO ground on Saturday, their conquerori baing another team of Shropshire men whom we may call the Others. Not for a long time has Singapore witnessed a game of so good a class or one contested
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  • Correspondence.
    • 183 9 ARE LOTTERIES NOW LEGAL To the Editor, Sir, The oldest resident m the Colony will, I think, not be able to recall the time when he saw a public advertisement of a Lottery. True many of us remember the days of the Manila Lotteries, but it was illegal to buy
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  • 86 9 With reference to Notification No 363 published m the Gazette Extraordinary of the 28rd March, 1917, regarding the embarkation of women and children on journeys to the United Kingdom or places West of Suez, it is hereby notified for public information that passports will now a* a general rule be
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  • 343 9 The Victoria Theatre was filled on Saturday night for the first performance of the well known creator of illusions, Chung Ling Soo. The evening's programme consisted of a first half of light variety entertainment and a second half of mystery. Chung Ling Soo'a staging, dressing and effects
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  • 157 9 The April monthly medal was competed for on Saturday and Sunday and resulted m a win for Mr E H Rankin, who returned the excellent net score of 74. Twenty one cards were taken out and the following were returned The ball sweepstake was won by Mr
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  • 158 9 Katavia April 18. Rubber. The position of the Rubber Market shows little or do change, and with the exception of Outputs, prices for first grades remaining the same First Latex Crepe per half kilo F 1.85 Ribbed Smoked Sheet per half kilo 1.85 Outputs (75% Firsts)
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  • 147 9 From Our Own Correspondent Penang, April 14. At the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association annual meeting Mr Duncan presiding, the reports and uccounts were passed. Mr George Stothard of Malakoff was elected president, Mr Kennedy of Oula Estate vice president, and Committee Messrs Morgan, Murray. Mitford, Cruickshank,
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  • 785 9 (Contributed When tbe wur tax on incomes \va« under discussion, a scale of rates was pat before the public and one thought that the I tux was to be payable only at the rate ap j propriate to one's nett income, and it was rightly urged
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  • 43 9 Meßßrs Guthrie and Co are m receipt of Cable advice from London to the effect that the Directors Bukit Kajaog have lie clared an interim dividend of 17^° io respect of the financial year 1916 17, pay able on 23rd April.
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  • 45 9 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, April 14 At Bakil Kepcng i libber meeting Mr Nnff presided. A dividend of eighteen per cent was declared. Tha ail \n cost was 46 95 cents. The Kajaog fete occounts fehow a profit of 533,00 C.
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  • 24 9 The Klang Railway Station Mister has been awarded tne first prize for Station gardens, bis beiug the best kept io Selan gor m 1916.
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  • 734 10 Mr A S Mackie, of Messrs Neill and Bell, is leaving for home to join up. (M M) Mr and Mrs A H Heap and family are proceeding to Australia for a change. (PG.) Italian troops are said to have arrived m France to be incorporated
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  • Correspondence.
    • 865 10 To the Editor, Sir, I see that the Bishop of Singapore and Mr J A 8 Cook join hands m denouncing the grunting by the Government of India of permission to the Western lodian Turf Club to hold a lottery for the here flfc of the War
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    • 319 10 To The Editor. Sir, The remarks of counsel m a recent court case may or way not express popu lat sentiment, but they areundoubtedly apt to convey a wholly false impression m regard to the requirements of local military service. The magistrate wae only liable for tbo
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  • 281 10 Tbe Directors' report for the year ended 31st December, 1916, for tbe meeting on April 24th reads. After making ample provision for de preciation and bod debts, the net profits amount to $124,265.70 which, with the balance of $6,662.87 brought forward from last account, gives a
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  • 200 10 A list of pensionable offices is published m the Guzetfce, Mr A V Brown is appointed to be Deputy Public Prosecutor, Singapore. Mr N L Limion. police probationer, has been appointed an assistant 6upt. cf police. Co Sgt Major T O Mayhew, S V C, is appointed to be temporary
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  • 674 10 (incorporated m Queensland. 1 General Manager's Progress Report for Four Weeks Ending Mar 24th, 1917 Gentlemen,— l herewith beg to hand you my report on your Mining and Milii, operations for four weeks eudins Man* 24tb, 1917. The accompanying sheet o? Mine Measurement*
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  • 1570 11 THROUGH GRATICULED GLASS— MUD. 'The roada are bad oh, yee, very bad Everybody waga his head and depresses you ju^t as much as he possibly caa. 3 mention is made of no roads, be•aiiee you cannot discuss a nonentity. And -ct there are no roads beyond that The iiorees splash
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  • 171 11 Women justices sat m court at Brisbane Queensland, recently, for the first time. The Fair View property, situated on Weld's Hill. Kuala Lumpur, has changed hands for $25,000. The report of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company for the year* 0 Sep tember 30 states that the dredgers worked 81,245
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  • 257 11 St Qaentin, the capital of the Aisne arrondissement, is about twenty miles south east of Peronne and thirty miles north-west of Laon. It is an important manufacturing centre and had, previous to the war, a population of about fifty thousand. The town stands at the junction of the
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  • 238 11 Demand by Prisoners' Relatives. Bishops, peers and peereßßee, MP s, and some of the men who have themselves lived m the civilian internment cauap at Ruhleben, filled the platform nt the Kings way Hall at a meeting of relatives and friends of the 4,000 civilians still interned.
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  • 207 11 Replying to the suggestion contained m Mr George Edgar's letter which appeared m The Daily Mail that tbe import of wild animals into England is a waste of tonnage, Mr John D Hamlvn, the dealer and naturalist, of Sfc George's street, London Docks, points out that
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  • 134 11 The Yen. Thomas Meredith, of Wolston Vicarage, Warwick, and late Archdeacon of Singapore, left nropprfcv valued £52,840. Lee Tek Soo, a native of Kantung, 28 year 3 resident m the Straits, has been naturalised as a British subject and haß taken tha oaths A fine of $250 was inflicted m
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  • 414 11 With the arrival at New Yorff of the Lloyd Brazileiro liner Sergipe there came additional reports of the activities of the German raider that eluded the British North Sea patrol last November and m a month sent vessel after vessel to her doom. One of the
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  • 168 11 Reported Capture. That the merchant submarine Deutschland has been captured and that ho 6aw her m Plymouth Harbor with 186 other German submarines was the statement made at Baltimore on February 16 by William Palmer, second engineer of the Atlantic Transport Company's liner Mongolia. v According to the
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  • 127 11 First Anniversary of the Issue. On 22nd February, 1916, War Savings Certificates were first Bold to the public, the actual number sold on that day being 2,204. By June the average daily ieeue had reached 126,193, the total issue for the month was 8,281,105, and the aggregate issue
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  • 73 11 The bodies of two Chinese coohea who had been stabbed were found yesterday morning m different parts of the town. In the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd at 7 am. on Friday, the 20th instant, there will be a requiem high mass for the repose of the eouls of the
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  • 266 12 Wednesday, April 18, 1917, THE SINGAPORE CATHOLIC BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION The Committee's Report and Statement of Accounts for the year ending 81st December, 1916, have been printed and circulated to the members. On the funeral side of the accounts 11,050.52 has been added to capital account, which now stands at •7,040.82.
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  • 288 12 The following properties were disposed of by auction on Monday, by Messrs Ching Keng Lee Co at their sale room. Freehold land 6ituate m the district of Gaylang. area 6.510 square feet. Bought by Tay Quan Kiat for $145. Freehold land m the district aforesaid area 26,141 square
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  • 232 12 The April Ladies' Spoon Competition of the Singapore Golf Club was competed for on Monday and resulted m a win for Mrs Lyall, who returned a net score of 44. Dr H Fraser has gone to Salonika.— The Hon. Mr F Belfield has returned from leave. Mr and Mrs McClymont,
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  • 1841 12 K. P. M. SECURE JUDGMENT AGAINST ELLERMAN LINE. Transhipment Cargo Case. In the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr Justice Sproale delivered judgment m the case m which the Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij applied for damages against the Ellerman Backnall Steamship Co. Ltd and the latter's Singapore agents, Messrs Me
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  • 409 12 JUDGE ON DISHONEST PRACTICE. In the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr Justice Sproule delivered judgment In the caee ol Leong Chu San ye Shaik Abdulrahman bin Shaik Alkaff— a somewhat intricate suit involving certain leaees relating to property m South Bridge rd. In the course of the judgment,
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  • 214 12 To the Editor, Sir, Will you permit me, through your columns to express, on behalf of all ranks of the Battalion I have the honour to command, our grateful thanks for the very many kindnesses which we have received from all during our Btay m
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  • 53 12 LADIES' GARRISON RIFLE CLUB. The following was the result of the Spoon Competition shot for on April 13 lfiOvds 100 yds Total. Owing to the paucity of numbers me club will be temporarily closed from tbib date. Mrs Llowellyn 29 30 MuglißtOD 32 25 6H09 Payne 29 RW<mt 26 Brooke
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  • 1195 13 CONTINUANCE OF NATIONAL MISSION'S WORK. I 1 per and Discussion. In connection with the Conference of v lergy ol the Dioceee now sitting m Singapore, a public meeting was held m 31 Andrew's School last evening. The occasion was an address by the Rev
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  • 257 13 From Our Own Comspondent Penang, April 18. In tbe Supreme Court the hearing is proceeding of the suit Mrs D A Donald, widow of 6 M Donald against Malcolm Duncan. The plaintiff claims an account of the partnership dealings between the plaintiff and defendant aleo that the affairs
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  • 139 13 Rubber. Singapore, April 18. For the weekly auction which commenced to day, some 777 tons were catalogued. In sympathy with London advices price all round 6how a decline, but at the lower level there was a fairly good demand for most grades. Ribbed Smoked Sheet sold up
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  • 29 13 Penang'B contribution to the Red Crocs Fund has been augmented by $25,100, which was forwarded to the Colonial Secretary through the Resident Councillor by the Penang Mutual Improvement Association.
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  • 1611 13 NOBLE WORDS [By Submarine Ckble] [Reuter'i Service] Washington, April 16. President Wilson speech was another great utterance m which the President outlined, amid frequent cheering, how America was going to war m earnest, not only by helping herself but by assisting her allies very generously m the fullest
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  • 82 13 News of the death of Mrs. Lawton (wife of Mr A. 0. Lawton, Chief Agent of the Oriental Government Security Life Aeeu ranee Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur), which took place at Colombo on April 14th, reached Kuala Lumpur by cable on Saturday. The er gagement is announced between Mr Donald
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  • 6099 14 London, April 11.— Marshal Haig reports the situation is developing favourably m accordance with the general plan. We captured m the early morning the village and heights of Moncby le Preux and la B«rgere and are progresiing satisfactorily olaewhera on the battle front. London, April 12.— Renter's correspondent
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  • 446 15 London, April 11. Reuter's represent a tive at French Headquarters m Macedonia cays, according to reliable information, owing to popular dissatisfaction with German tyranny, rioting has broken out m several towns m Bulgaria, especially at Sofia, where the German cavalry charged the crowd. During the first of these
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  • 590 16 London April 11. The Admiralty announce the arrivals for the week were 2,406 and sailings 2,367. Sunk 17 over sixteen hundred tous I under sixteen hundred; 14 unsuccessfully attacked; 6 fishing vessels sunk. Italian naval communique. Iv week ending April 8, 494 merchantmen ai rived, 447
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  • 2381 16 London, April 11.— Appalling revelations of the systematic brutality of German women aud Red Cross men towards British wounded have been made to the Berne correspondent of the Times by scores of British soldiers of all ranks released from German prison camps. On the long journey of British
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