The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 25 April 1912

Total Pages: 16
257 272 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 15 257 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES fHURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1912. No 1.291
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  • 179 257 LIADESS. PAGE n Extension of the Monroe Doctri ie.'"»T 1 11 ie Disaster 258 nii the Danlanallcn 25H Titanic Bntjnirj 2,*.* !»-n: oi \oith Africa 259 Monroi Doci rine POLICE AND COURT NEWS. I iahi< t barged J-"* i 'aptain 2*.i ping Police Account! 26J1 Paujaug Murder. 269.266 if
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 23 257 At the Mat< rnity Hospital, Singapore, oathe Strd, t)).j wife of Basil Thompson, Jasin Rah- I ber Estate, Malacca, Of a son.
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    • 66 257 EUppini Di Cabtel Delfino— Dudgeon.— Maich at Chelsea, Vittorio Rappini XAJI9UIB Ui CaHTEL DELFIHO to CLARE, only child of Sir Charles and Lady DwdL;eou. Henderhon-Campbelu— On April [5, at the Chmehofthe Aasmnptfoo, Penang, Charles i Mkredith Henderson, eldest son oi the late C. -T. Henderson of Fenchurcb St., London.
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    • 73 257 HANBBEN. Oa the 27th March, at Lon^kat. sidtMi|., Hans Peteb Hanssen, formerly of Bhanghai, m his 85tfa year. DrrniAß Dr. Arnold Dittmar. tormerly or Xessrs. Behn Meyer .V Co., Ltd.. at Mauila, i on Apt i' 17th. Ward. On the 20th March, suddenly. ?i Garoaoyle, Dumbarton, .lohn Ward, m
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  • 70 257 (Corrected up to April -iU Bank 4m s 2-4 516 demand 2-4^ Private credits 3ms 2-4 credits 6 m s 2-4 11-16 FR\NCE demand Bank 294 Germany, demand SBBi j India, T. T. 174 i Hongkong, demand 14g Yokohama, demand 114 i Java, demand 140| Bangkok, demand 6 4
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 257 V A tfM Prw ttw P<-o v. ri*ht m&intaat I': ri' r" v jrii H' patrl 4 Trnth i>- ftkricu* pteceptt draw. Pledcetl to X i&oo, I ■,\a'^i and law.
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  • 142 257 April 24. Tin I.jO tons sold 100.62) Gambier ...buyers 10 00 i Gambier Cube Xo. 1 15.75 Gambier Cube No. S nom. Pepper Ulack ordin. Spore buyers 21.00 j Pepper. (White fair) buyers Bl.oo Nutmegs (110 to tbe lb.) nom. j Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) nom Mace (Banda)
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  • 1473 257 An Extension of the Monroe Doctrine. A). ill 19. It is impossible to glance at the last number of tin* Ret tew m lletien'H without thinking of that brilliant though occasionally somewhat erratic journalist Mr. W. T. STEAD, its conductor, who is, there is unfortunately too much reason to believe,
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  • Page 257 Advertisements
    • 186 257 mtothe siiu.ip' nt> Free Press irving frotu Europe to the straits the i m t i Jin- invited to semi r<» \i ltL i name d their steamer mm! i ml m HingapiNne. Copies will then to mm I thy m iiT various jiorts of call. -m Europe wishing detailed
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    • 22 257 Ritfaud's Bocool Extract is an exact reproduc- I tiun S this sweet yet powerful Indian perfume j au<J is very popular, 1
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  • Page 257 Miscellaneous
    • 141 257 THE WEEK'S NEWS. Tbe I. A O. 'Oriental on Friday la>t brought nuiiis up to March 2*.). A bornew;ml mail left by the Loetzow on Monday and tin's weekly leaxei to -day by is. I. Taroba." .ludnineni lot ll y BOO jras given against a Japanese dentist named Iwatoubo m
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  • 1105 258 April -i-1. Although the dreadful disaster thai is only r week old still continues to occupy the sympathetic attention of :i deeply move! world it would not he prudent to allow that to exclude the necessarj observation of important events m other regions. What is exercising
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  • 1191 258 April *2(». At la>t there comes over the cable the tragic ti«lc of the vanishing of the Titanic with over two-thirds of her enormous complement of passengers and crew. Never m the history of the fine service of the mercantile marine of Britain lias such a calamity
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  • 1184 259 \|fnl JW. I■• partiei -l\ agreeable iiantesniob is«-ii l»\ tii< i peculiar tone of he proceedings ;;t what purports lo l>e I enqtiii j by a Commit! cc anointed at th«» instance of the United Si Senate to innwiiigatu the lon oi It seems to 1m?
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  • 1162 259 April 24. France is suffering at present from a very disagreeable disillusion regarding the institution of what was confidently hoped to be henceforward a pacific protectorate m Morocco. A sudden revolt of Moorish tribesmen m the region close to Fez, the capital, has been accompanied
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  • 1425 259 April 'ir>. That the United States continues to ho uncertain regarding the tern and nature of its tenure m the Philippines is illustrated by two incidents. One is the introduction of ;i bill into the House of Representatives intended to confer, alter a period of time, a
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  • 54 260 TITANIC" FUND. Amount previously acknowledged >7SO P. G. Penny -J.") 11. Bolter id A. W. still io F. A. Kinnuel Serendab 10 Mrs. R. H. l>. Sanderson m Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Marsh 10 P. Gold i,) J. Saloman 'ju v. Palmgren io l\. van Kleef 10 Total |905
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  • 110 260 SINGAPORE C LUB CASE. Chief Clkrk on Tbial at Assi/.ks. Mr. .Justice Fisher was occupied with Assize work yesterday, taking the case of Yap Yeow Chnan, until recently chief clerk m tbe Singapore Club, who is charged with criminal breach of trust and omitting to make certain entries with intent
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  • 95 260 Messrs. Katz Bros. Ltd. are payiug m dividends for 1911 their usual H and 10 per cent on preferred and deferred shares respectively. 180,000 of the remaining profits go towards cost of their new building. A sad accident occurred at the Kokiue Lake, Rangoon, at about 2 o'clock on the
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  • 874 260 ALLEGATION OF CRIMINAL BREACH OF TRUST. Mr. BUundrell, the third magistrate. opened a preliminary enquiry yesterday afternoon into allegations of criminal breach of trust as a public servant brought •gainst Lun Tye Keng, cashier m the police department. Mr. G. S. Carver appeared on behalf of the
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  • 773 260 The S. C. C. Cricket Toiu'iiuuhmm Hearing complet ion after having from the beginning of the Tin- tern under which the touniuim'tit ba^ conducted this year by whi< li each plays the others once, two potato couii! for a win and one for a draw, woumj pi-ar
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  • 40 260 Lieut. Colonel Parsons, a |Nu»M»tig<.*r a l'y the "Arcadia." lias died m the Krd Boa Lieut. Col. Clemcut (ieorge Parlous t<w nierly belonged to the Cheshire KegimenU hut has for Borne years pas.t been m (i\:' employ m the Punjab.
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  • 677 261 Stbange A'»\ t.\n.KT:s «.r H. H. Thk I\N OP Mknk IBOUW, THE TEMMM Of THK KxMPONT;. evening v. were laving our feet Km waters of the harbour which aboundri: >harks. having first however rub- a little of the oil His Highness bad commended, which was a
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  • 702 261 !iuk down next morning with fever rent to Singapore to obtain leave ot c and was replaced by Samudin, a I constable of MM experience with ben, and who>e beliefs m Malay -itrion- WWC confined to the practi- t lion of the more material tricks thai portion of the native
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  • 1004 261 There are many golf courses round Cairo, and near every important European settlement In Egypt. With the ever-present and expansive desert, there is no excuse for not making links. The putting-places they are certainly not greens are merely a question of a few hours rolling
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  • 1262 261 A small hoy sat next to me m church this evening, and he sucked a very strong peppermint all through the sermon. I had seen him extract it ont of a moist, dirty, oozing twist of paper and put it into his mouth. He looked at it. and turned
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  • 128 261 On Friday evening la^t the Bearer Co. S. V. C. indulged m a Haute March under Surgeon Lieut. R. I>. Keith. Some forty strong leaving the Medical School at p.m. took the Tiong Bhavu Road over the hills to Alexandra Road and home via Tauglin. On the way home a
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  • 499 262 Friday, April. 19, 1912 Mr. A. O. Birch, of Messrs. John Birch aiU Son, has left Kuala Lumpur for Seretnban en route for Singapore. Mr. A. 1\ Hoogensteijn, who has been transfeiTecl to the Singapore branch of the Netherlands Trading Society, left Fenang. by the Slang.* 1 The mil I
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  • Correspondence
    • 252 262 To the Editor, Sir, -In this morning's telegrams I notice that the Mayor of Southampton is making an appeal for a .Mansion House Fund to be opened lor the relief of the Widows and Orphans of the Crew of the "Titanic" who are mostly resident m Southampton. If
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  • 2017 262 Sin's Jajhin'sr Dentist For $8,000. A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Captain David Jones, a master marine employed by Messrs Tophain, Jones and Hailton. claimed 5H.n00 damages for injury to his mouth from .1. [wotsubo, a Japanese dentist, m the Supreme Court, yesterday, before the Chief Justice, Sir William Hyndman
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  • 378 262 TIM -Malax Mail gi\es the following account of Hrn ceremony briefly vitoi tv us With accustomed ceremony the Bishop of Singapore yesterday afternoon consecrated St. Catherine's Church. Kajang. The church, which lies nor tb and south. cost about |4«5O0, fully furnished, and the whole of the
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  • 228 262 s. C. C. v v. <;. a. Tlie S. C. C opened their foothill season last night with a mutt -h against the It. <J. A. and alter a good game retired the winners by two goals to nil. The game was as interest ing as one could expect
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  • 135 262 a tragic owe of MfcUh potmed m t early hours of the morning of a wellknown Chinese dhobv carrying on bit-i ness as .let Sin and Co. 171, M:icalisu»r Road. Penang. The man who was m dehi to the Chetties. from whom he had borrowed some five
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  • 21 262 Tlu 1 change against .J. lilencorve, chief otiicer of the Thongwa," of assaulting a Malay policeinati at Penally, has l>eeu dismissed.
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  • 660 263 No fewer than jj.T'j Chinese immigrants arrived m Singapore during March. m t«: first magistrate*! court, yeater« il;t> morning, Halaj policeman was sen* tern d to weeks 1 ia»arisonment lor insertion, and for criminal breach of trust m reaped of his uniform he was fined ?2.~»
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  • 106 263 At Urn !>iiil Hall. Beach id, last night the Volnoleen §BTO a subscription dance, which was largely attended by members of UN < orp^ ami their quests, the number |MHrt ln-iii^ al>out 900, U. Col. henick, v.i>. ami Mrs l>errick r»r,i\»Ml the guests, among whom was
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  • 1095 263 Quinquid agunt horoinea nostri est far%fo libelli. Juvkkal. Throughout the whole of the week that drawi to its c!<.«se today, all humanity that i- civilized, m touch with the resources of civil i-ation. has been appall^*! at th<- blioc k of the news that the iplendid
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  • 366 263 A si i cessful Opening. There is nothing new under the sun is an oft repeated laying, but Harmston's m the particular sphere m which tliey move do their best to refute that statement, and certain it is that they cannot be accused of briugiug to Singapore nt
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  • 220 263 The prospectus has been issued of the Ting Kil Tin Mines Ltd., nominal capital |500,C00 m MO shares, of which 140,000 are only offered for subscription 180,000 to the public. The Directors are Messrs. A. I). Allan and J. W. van de Stadt. with another
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  • 298 263 The preliminary enquiry into \h i charges of using *s genuine forged docu* ments Against Lim Tye Keng, tbe p< cashier, iras commenced m the third court yesterday afternoon before Mr Ifaundrel Chief Detective Inspector Nolan prosecated. William Clarke, chief clerk In the Trea sury department, prodooed
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  • 334 263 Defore lie Justice Fisher yesterday afternoon. Public Kwmina riovs. Re Kamisah Marican bankrupt. The I animation of Busof Hassim Thobruk, a wit ness, was taken. Witness stated beWBSS tbird cousin of bankrupt and bad been givenaverbal agreement entitling biin to ;i •hare ol profits. Jfe bad been In the
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  • 106 263 A iev. days ago there was some trouble on (iunong Pulai Estate. .Joliore. wiiii the Chinese coolies, some 2<n> refusing {<) work. The manager. Mr Spencer, ireot t<» see the coolies, and took a parang away from a man who was cutting oil the handles of the
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  • 90 263 There was trouble iv I)u\ton I Jo. id on Thursday arising out ol a report made bf a rikisha coolie that a Chinese hoy named IJah Chee had kicked him m the .-t'Jiiiacli. All the coolies living m the vicinity turn ed out and made a demonstration m front of
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  • 1889 264 THE i KKN( 11. All Rights Reserved. When the Portuguese supremacy iv th< i Kast was destroyed al the beginning of the seventeenth century the French joined with the English and the Dutch m the struggle for the nnconsidered triiles m the w;p or"
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  • 1289 264 CHINA AS THE ELDORADO OF THE RTRAITS CHINESE. (Written Specially for the "Free Press.**) Five years a^o Aii Fong, Hylaui stal- wart, with keen eyes and at times an out- j rageously broad grin, lay sleeping iv my long chair at my rooms m the Hotel de
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  • 219 264 FraxT ;m<l Co *>. l'lautatieu Rabbet is footed a! and Sterling shares clot itigktl) teiei A fair business ua^ been done m loc r. stocks at current questions. Reread tit. shares have hardened on <;ooil M |tlir? MuJ Industrials finish steady. IUr.HER. Duffs after MOitfaf 14 4 i
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  • 104 264 RILEY, HARGREAVES AND CO. LTD. Anm\i. M»:i:;;N(r. The thirteenth ordiuai> pti Mil »r I ing of IfMSTS Jiiley. IbtgSMMW i:::d Ltd., was beld at tbf oilice>. LUnd tttnet, yesterday at noon. Ml l K. J >ai:a i>ot: presiding. The report and accounts wore ado; and tbe recommendations as to divideudr
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  • 36 264 On and after June Ist tlie parrel post rate to France will be per M. M. steaniei $1.50 per parcel. Per P. ami <». kUh i bO cents up to 2 lb 1 to 11 lbs. Si.
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  • 2025 265 Monday, April 22, 1912. A TRIP TO THE KARIMONS. RUBBER MAKING PROGRESS. What is Being Dons. Oa Saturday morning there gathered on MM Keppel Harbour Wharf, at the invitation of Mr w. h. Galbraith,general saanager of the Karimon (United Malaysian) Rabbet Company m this part of Ike world i small
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  • 153 265 S.R.E. (V) v>. 78 Co. JUi.A. Ina friendly rifle match at the Balestier Range yesterday, m fine weather and a good light, the Engineer Volunteers beat No 78 Co 8.0.A. by 119 points. The ranges were -200.500 and 600 yards. The scores wore Cpl. Labrutn 28 27 27
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  • 215 265 Ktcktras v Law, ETC. The Law, Civil Service and Municipality had an easy win on Saturday against the Ktcetras m the B.C.C. cricket tournament. The scores are as follows Etcetras. I). Ward b Braddell 21 V. J. Coleman Ibw b Beven 1 w. B. Bayner b
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  • 94 265 Before the Chief Justice, Sir YV. Hyndman Jones, and a special jury yesterday. Xyong Ong. a rikisba coolie was charged with the murder of another rikisha coolie at 100-4, Queen Street, on the night of January 8, when the deceased was lying on his bunk asleep. Leceased was
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  • 421 265 The going whs m splendid eonditiosi on Saturday morning \ov training op tio?i>> on the coarse, t!;.- track baring improved considerably by the shower of the previous dny. The number of early rising sportmen present is >:eadi!y m creasing. liowhill (Sntton), working nloi;e. star ted off from the
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  • 332 265 Mr. H. o. Knowles To \i>it Siko4pok& One can conjure up memories of the lilting refrains and inimitable style of such songs as "Dear Little (lirly Girh k> All the dirls", L. S. I).', and On the Benches m the Park" without the presencaj of the
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  • 58 265 The marriage was to take place en Saturday, 2Otb. at the British Church, Batavia, of Mr. John L. M. (iibson. of the Standard Oil Co.. Batavia. to Miss Mar garet Louisa, \ouugest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. M. Pryce, Batavia. Mr. and Mrs. Ciibson will shortly bi tbiou^li
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  • 761 266 The Chinese m Manila will probably raise. §600,000 towards the thousand million dollar loan which Mr. Li Bar n-ling is now advocating there. St. George*i Ball was held In Pfenang on Friday night and was v most successful affair. The hoo'ble W\ Kvans and Mr>. Evans
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  • 2021 266 {from our own CorresPonJtni.} Cabinet Troubles. London. March 89. There are serious differences of opinion m the Cabinet. This is not mere idle gossip bat actual fact. Ever since South Manchester, these differences Lave become accentuated, for while Liberals climbed into power on Mr Lloyd George's speeches, they
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  • 212 266 F. M.S. LABOUR BILL. A da/ette Extraordinary contain* text of the Labour ode, L 912. I: i pies OS pajsjas of Utt <ia/ettc mi:l with possibly Urn most important coi mercial and planting mati.i n Peninsula. Mr Hastings IMi.xi, >. acting legal adviser, attaches to it tii.- followin objects aud
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  • 139 266 Accused at the a--i/j>. A Jantonese si\in^ the name of Ho \.i Tye was charged with murder at the Asizes yesterday by causing the iMtk of daw I>oon Chan at 'Villa St. .Joseph.' Pasir Paujang lload. Mr G. U. Seth. the Depuiy I'ubiic i secutor. and Mr
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  • 54 266 Li>t or Sri:>(i;irno\v Masters Pupils Uafttof Institution I <i. A. Derrick jl Hon. Tan .Tiak Kin lOn A. H. Fail i Rev. X. .1. Couvreiu |8 Dr. .1. Coronal A. Morrison M. Abraham 10 Morton Me» M J. 11. Drysdale 1 A. Heirutli If Singapore. Mud April. 191
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  • 51 266 Following is the result 01 BCTMk operations at Kauh for the foui wmk§ ending 20th hist Bukit Roman. Stone cru-lutl tous (iold obtained fH& MBt« ifMtfl per ton 4.48 dwt. Bukit Malacca. Stone crushed 2.1 "*2 tons Gold obtained 1 4«» o/s Average per ton 1.40
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  • 56 266 Mr Thomas Morgan Phillips. barrister at-law, Shanghai, died suddenly on t lt«* sth. Mr Phillips practised m Hongkong for a short spell. The death took place ut the Kod 1 i Hospital, Shanghai, oue morning recently of Mr Sofcn Agerholui. as>istant engineer of the Danish Kast Asiatic Co. sir. "AhMn.**
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  • 1116 267 Bora I i.-,<-, 4 16 i 6 ting 11 \va-> indeed that St George*! .«> should l. a witnessed the birth and wtag the pwtoil of a!l KnglUhmon, ting r.>o. ||m pace of his birth m the ttk town m Warwickshire, the very ♦it ot hi> deal Knghmd.
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  • 577 267 Dr. Sum Vat Sen has returned to Shanghai tro:n Wuchang. Ml W. T. Alway, manager of Butterfield and Swire at Newchwang, was to he married at St. Nicholas 1 Church. Newchwang, on the 15th hist, to Miss Catherine Tapp. Some British subject! horn m Siain are said to he experiencing
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  • 1231 267 THE LOOTING OF THE KUALA." British Mission to Sokotra Natives. 1 Times Correspondent. I '1 ho looting of tbe British steamer Kn.ila.' which stranded upon ti>e island ol >okotra. iv the Arabian Sea, at the end of last November, ha* necessitated a visit to the island on the part ofSir.Tamefl
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  • 257 267 Wo hear tbat the first e.iitiou of Mr John Dill Ross's hook Sixty Wars of Travel and Adventure m the Kast." is already sold out. and that the hook is m a second edition. He is at present on a mission to South America, accompanied by
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  • 267 267 The arc some old fnendf who w ill bo delighted to welcome back to ffingap iin Lieutenant-Colonel X H. Uidout, r.i:., who has been appointed from Dublin Commanding Royal Engineer, Straits Settlements, m suoecession to Lieuteisant-Col- onel H. A. Livingtone, R.B. This oAeer was a senior subaltern of Royal Kngineera
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  • 1390 268 K From our mm Lotrcsfonacnt.} March 2N. hutching the throw of the dice buc-h i a the title of a cartoon published m a Scottish newspaper, m which two miners are shown gambling for and against the Minimum Wage Act, while round the r beads and over their
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  • 1347 268 PURE EUROPEANS. Tm: Position of I>h. Boon Keng, Mr. MacCallnra Scott asked the Secretary o! Stale for the Colonies whether the unofficial member* of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements who recommended by a majority the abolition ot the Queen's scholarships, whereby many promising native students
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  • 495 268 AOXEH M(CI.YM<>NT. A very pretty wedding took place on Saturday afternoon iit the Presbyterian Chnivh when Mr Andrew Agnew. of the Astatic Petroleum Co.. was united m imiliagm to Miss Belle McClymont. only daughter of Mr .James McClymont of Port Dickson. v ho is so well
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  • 177 268 A CltiliaaMUl at the (Quarantine Camp hit upon an ingenious device for obtaining mm y. bat his little game would not bear inspection. When the coolies arriving m Singapore are domiciled at St. John's Island they are vaccinated and are not allowed to leave the cam}) until
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  • 817 269 A China •:isin !i\inti at Ann Siang Hill li.»s charged hi> cashier, «*ng AhBeag, *ith criminal bi ;,<], of trust m respect of Urn. 1.;.-, i. a i.<ji\<»r.>k leJegram atatea that five BtoMaaaHM have In en panted mining rights m Mongolia and that one company has
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  • 1837 269 Win Ho CHING WAS RELEASED. In the Assi/.e Court yesterday before the Chief .Justice and a special jury, the charge ;jgain»t the Cantonese Ho Ah Tye, of being concerned m the murder of Oaw Koon Chan at Villa St Joseph, l'asir I'anjang. on August 80 last was
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  • 993 269 Crossexatmticd by the Depot) Public Prosecutor, accused said be did not hare any mouey for isN mother and wife. Tl had money. His irile had her f money, MOO to •»7-»'>. His mother Lad i i. ey. He engaged counsel aftei the fo irth hearing at the Police Cuuit
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  • 144 270 E\« ITKMKNT AT THK (/HETTIES' TEMPLE. Early yesterday morning, a Tamil named Mootocarpen walked into the Chetties' temple at Tank Road and removed a gold necklace and i diamond bird from the idol. The Tamil whose duty it is to keep constant watch by the idol
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  • 35 270 An engagement is announced between Mr U. L. Pinches of Munnar, South India, and Nora Jessie, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Rowson, of Pykara, NilghiriK. The marriage will probably take place m September.
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  • 478 270 Rubber. At the auctions held on the loth and 17th instanc, the bidding was slow aud the tone generally dull. Prices were lower m sympathy with London quotations, and the best price realised was 527H for very line pale crepe, while smoked sheet fetched up to 527
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  • 1086 270 It' it had been possible to transport shareholders of I uited Malaysian to the Karimon island! on Saturday last, as a few friends were privileged to be transported, one is quite certain they would have recognized one thing and that is that the Company has succeeded
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  • 131 270 The installation meeting of Lodge St. George, No 1152, was held last evening at Freemasons Hall, Bro. A. W. Still being installed as W. M. of the Lodge by K. W. Bro F. M. Elliot. 1). <i. M. There was a large attendance and the following onicers were appointed
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  • 79 270 GANG ROBBERS COMMITTED. Five Cantonese were committed by 111 Mauudrell. third magistrate, yesterday. for trial at the Assizes on a charge of assembling tor the purpose of committing gang robbery. Detective Inspectoi Taylor conducted the prosecution. Mrs Bateman of Ad is Road identified Nos. 2 and ."> as her boy
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  • 76 270 The follow tug lots were disposed of by auction at Messrs Powell and t'o's saleroom yesterday afternoon. Freehold land at Bukit Timah Koad Xewton Railway Station 1 area 48,356 square feet, together with the five dwellings known as Xos, 106-°2.lot>-:-!.l0t»--4,107-1 and 107 2 Bukit Timah Koad also two
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  • 58 270 The new tent effectually keeps out the showers that have come with Harmston's apparently inevitable. And the programme is so pleasing that every night there is a packed house, the entertainment going very well. To-day there is a matinee which with its full programme should please the little
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  • 105 270 New York, March 10. There was a swift nidi for oysters aboard the steamship Oceana last Sunday night when it was known that four pearls had been found m six oysters, served to Miss Bessie Swilt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Swilt. of Cincinnati, Ohio. Miss
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  • 111 270 A Chinaman living at .'*.">. Hongkong Street, reports that a coat containing $01 has been stolen from his room. A woman who applied to Pontypool Helief Committee was offered bread. The woman protested. The Bible says Man shall not live by bread alone." The protest was successful, and the committee
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  • 420 270 ttooTcmi an'* Way With Chinrsk Mr TINKERS. IjICS Hv;<;is ok FtaVtaL Jack Haggi* is a locomotive engineer m the service of the Peking-Moukdeu way. witb whom he lias served for the last sixteen years. Jle hails from the Highlands of Scot land, and has
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  • 236 270 Mr Lane, the Manager of liighwarrc Kstate. Sunghai. m Southern Perak, had an uufortunate experience last week. His bungalow was burned to the ground. The destruction was complete. Not a j-lirk of furniture, not an article of clothing was left him. AH his private papers ami hooks
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  • 165 270 Dr. .):icques Huber, director oJ the (ioldi Museum and Botanical Gardens at Para <Bra/il*. who is touring the Middle Ka-st. speaking to a Ceylon Pressman &aid In* was astonished at the good growth of the ruhber tree m Ceylon, while he wu* also struck with the healthy appearance of the
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  • 1081 271 THE "TITANIC" DISASTER. Coaueuttee of the Bnrriring passen. gen Istvp issued statement We tl;.« andersigoed surviving |Nis.>en^f>rs of the Titanic," m order to forestall ;niy nonsatiiaial and exaggerated ■late incuts, deem it to he our doty to ghrv Urn Pi— .1 -tit menl of the facts which came to
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  • 1129 271 Questioned by the Committee of the Senate cm the circumstances m which he left the "Titanic." Mi- Brace Ismay replied, almost m a whisper, "one of the boats wa> being filled when the officers called out to know if there were any more women to go.
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  • 291 271 Ipoli. April l! 2. Our correspondent at lpob telegraphs that the Bishop of Singapore has aunounced that an extra chaplain will be supplied from the Diocesan Funds to work throughout the peninsula, and the female medical mission commenced. As regards the first, the Key. Mr. Barton Canon Barton
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  • 876 271 It is sad to think that when these Una* are m cold priut I shall be hack once mocflj m the liurndruin and monotony of everyday life that '"trivial round and coiumcn task which ns good KeMe Informs us "will furnish all we need to ask."
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  • 1167 272 The Company's Policy. The annual meeting oi Chankat Serdang Relates, Ltd., was held on Saturday at noon. Mr <J. Kviuitt presiding. The C hairruan iv tin* COQfM of bis re marks, said You will perhaps however like some further details of the progress mado during the year,
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  • 184 272 Mrs Jenny Schmeyer wbm committed to prison at Allentown, Pennsylvania, charged with bigamy. Although only -J7 years of age she lias bad twelve husbands m ten years, and apparently was never divorced from any of them. I liked them all." slio admitted, reluctantly, some are dead
    184 words
  • 211 272 German economist. Herr Gulischam* barof, bas recently made some calculations concerning the population of the world, ami he arrives at the conclusion that there are 1,700,000.000 souls. Prom the point of view of sex he possesses some datfl concorning 521,700,000 are males and 516, 300,0011 are females, consequently
    211 words
  • 188 272 Tligl'c is one occupation to which women do not aspire, observe! a Paris contemporary, and that is the position of governor oi a prison. Yet there is one exception to the rale, and that exception is Sfdme. Jenny Porchet, who hafl charge of the prison ut
    188 words
  • 1256 272 3ap. Issue. Paid. Last Div. Buyers. Bkllkrs. 2s 2s Aliagar 10% 3 l| M 150,000 2s 2u Anglo-Malay w% 16 4$ 14 50,000 2s 2s Batang Malaka 2 7 210 30 000 1 1 Bat u Caves HO% £13 0 0 13 I 5 0 80 000 1
    1,256 words