The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 15 February 1912

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 203 1 LEADERS. PAGE Chinees Views on China 97 T_M New Munic -ipjil Uill 97 hurchilTf Two Speeches 99 The Meeting ol rsilismonl 98 In. Haldane Mission 99 Sif Kdunrd <i »••>. K. ii. 99 ii'i'iii:in\ \s Aims 1 M I POLICE AND COURT NEWS. Motor Cur Collision 105 PollCC Paragraph
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  • 129 1 Feb. 14. Tin (95 tons sold) 96.00 Gamble. buyers 10.20 Gambiei Cube No. 1 15.60 Gamble. aba Xo. 2 nom. l pper Black ordin. S'pore buyers 22.00 per. (White lair) 31.00 Xukn ?gi UOtothelbJ nom. no io the IbJ nom e (Band 110 lore, _mboina) nom item 10 Black)
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  • 38 1 Do not lie deluded into neglecting a little cold, nasal catarrh or expectoration. If you do it will finally become to_> late for treatment. Morrhuol Creosot 2 cures c .tar r baud dries up accretions which cause expectorations.
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 53 1 Dunn.* Ob February 8. at Penang, the wife of W. fc_. Di nn, of a son. Shef.iv. At the Maternity Hoepfttsl, on February 10th, the wife of Mi*. A. J. SHEEDY of a daughter. On the l*th January. 1912, at Jesselton British North Borneo, to Mr. and Mrs. HUGH
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    • 41 1 At St. Andrew's Cathedral Singapore, on the 7th February, by the Revd. F. G. Swindell, Acting Colonial Chaplain, Ernest J. B. Watson, of St. John's, Newfoundland, to Annie Norwood, daughter of E. W. Roberts 14 Ancestor,* 1 Merstham, Surrey, England.
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    • 17 1 Bow ley Jan. 14, at Ktrcatham. S. BOWLBT, late P. and O. Co.'s service, aged 71.
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  • 154 1 The mail from home arrived by the P. A Assaye on Saturday with dates up to Jan. 19. A homeward mail was taken by the N. D. L. Goeben on Tuesday, and this mail goes by the B. I. Teesta to day. The death has occurred in
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  • 68 1 (Corrected up to Feb. 14.) Bank 4m s 2-4 11-32 demand 2-4 5-__ Private credits 3ms 2-_i credits 6 m s 2 4 11 16 France demand Rank 294 Germany, demand 238 J India, T. T. 174 Hongkong, demand 12*". Yokohama, demand 114 Java, demand 140| Bangkok, demand 66
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  • 855 1 It may not be completely understood that the main support of the Chinese revolutionary movement is to ho found in the flourishing Chinese communities outside of China proper. Let us take for instance the Chinese community in Deli, Sumatra. From private advices we learn that
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  • 1317 1 Thre New Municipal Bill. Feb. 10. Amongst tho turning over of new leaves t 1912 is witnessing one tl these can bo seen, in tiu 1 turning on a perusal of the proceedings of the i. *4islative Council yesterday afternoon. As tin's particular new loaf concerns reform in the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 hNcrihen to the "Singapore Free Press"' rniiiu fTOm Europe to the Straits i>\ any of Ihe mail lines, are invited to send to Manager the name of their steamer and of antral ia THajspom Copies will then tiled to meet them at various porta of call. SuhHcrihen. ia Europe wishing;
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    • 106 1 §1 Warm Days i EM bring \vi;h their pleasures some p| rst discomforts. Then it is really g |y| refreshing to remove every g tra:e of dast and perspiration f| I lf%ilet Soap| and any day it is a good soap to choose for ordinary toilet use. Pure E-= and
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  • 1413 2 Feb. I*2. There seems to be no precedent for that performance of Mr.' Winston Churchill, who on two days within one week, with but one day intervening, has delivered political addresses that have been cabled to every part of tiu* Empire, practically in full. Regarding bis address
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  • 990 2 Feb. To-morrow is an nnnimaaii that has within the memory of living man quite changed its character. St V-,len tines Dav was in immense vogue when nobody knew or cared about Christens Cards, and the stationers* shopwindov. of the mid-Victorian era weie tilled for weeks before
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  • 984 3 Feb. 1 I. Notwithstanding the explicit statement communicated to the 1 foi J a Telenrapk by the Foreign Office that Lord HALDANE had goue to Germany as President of the Board of University Education to enquire into the matter of scientific education in the German Universities, and
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  • 532 3 Sir Edward Grey- K. G. Having regard to what appears above, especially as regards the Radical cabal against Sir EDWARD GREY, who holds the general confidence of the Unionist party as a whole, although he is of the opposite side, and is being attacked as "impossible" as Foreign Minister by
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  • 1150 3 Feb. IS. In connection with the HvLhANE mission to Berlin, a very natural inference will be that tbis has something to do with the now familiar outcry of Germany or the German Kaiser that Germany wants "a plane in the sun.'* It would help diplomacy immensely if Germany
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  • 704 4 An Eye- Witness's Btoby. The* two Cantonese, Ho Ah Tye and Wong Ho Ching. charged with the murder of Gaw Boon Chan at Villa st. Joseph, Pasir Panjang. on August 80 last, again came up before Sir Acton iu the second court yesterday, when medical evidence, and
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  • 1569 4 The Pulau Bulang meeting is one which deserves more than a passing thought by rubber company shareholders in that it brings up again that very vexed question of the problem as to the advisability of an employee of a Company being also one of the directors
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  • 112 4 The following cards were returned for the February monthly medal played for on Saturday and Sunday, the 10th and 11th instants R. St. J. Braddell 11 4.; 11 7'. win. R. H. Sharpe to 40 7* Capt. H. (i. Pinches 4*2 4 7 I sl Lieut. J.
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  • 51 4 The Ladies' Spoon for Februarv was won by Mrs Nicholson. The following were the scores returned I on-, m A Malay woman named .Jeuap hus told the police that a country man of hers entered her house at 15, Selegie Road, aud stole jewellery valued at
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  • 939 5 Dow many of the people one meets in the street understand the exact meaning ami derivation of tbe term Hanged, drawn and quartered Ths tana is reallj derived from ths old punishment meted out to pei sons found guilty of High Treason and should strictly read
    C.B.C.  -  939 words
  • 844 5  -  Free Lance <"Saint Charles.'' said Thackeray to me, thirty years ago. putting one of Charles Lamb's letters to his forehead. I Letters of Kdward Fitzgerald l If anyone were to compile a literary Saints' Calendar 1 think many of us would agree that tin- reddest red should
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  • 831 5 Probably ono of the most famous creations of heathen mythology was Medusa who. as is well known, possessed the power of turning into stone all her beholders. Whilst the ancients showed great fertility in the invention of beings gifted with irresistable powers they at the
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  • 1027 5 When we first come out to the East, trm are rather like the benevolent od la lv who expressed astonishment, on her tirst visit to France, at the excellent French that even the children spoke. For it dawns 00 ib out here that the strange cabalistic Chinese signs
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  • 245 6 a.vm \i Spor rs Day. Hatnrdav was the annua! sports day for the scholars of the Anglo Chinese Free School, Cecil Street, and although the weather during the afternoon was anything but 'pleasant il did uot damp the Bldour of the competitors, nor did it deter
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  • 500 6 li v. h very bright coloured and ga_ as- inl>!\ at the "Memorial Hall yesterday afternoon for the prize giving of the Sii! ip hinese Girls' School. X»t only v little Chinese maidens there all dress i in their best, bur also a good qui i i
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  • 550 6 Captain R. J. Cargill, M.s.<*., returned to the F. M. s. with hist 3am on board the Lai Sang" from India The prize-giving ot the. Cross St. Infant School will take place on Tuesday next at 10 80 a.m., .Airs. Darbishire giving away j the prizes.
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  • 221 6 Malay Claims $10,000 All interesting insurance action is engaged Mr Justice fnnes at Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court. From ihi> Commercial Union of Singapore, Haji Abdullah claimed the sum of 110,000 following a destructive lire that occurred at his premise-.. 57, Ampang Street. Kuala Lumpui. on the
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  • 1557 6 The following is the Directors' Report to Shareholders to be presented at the annual meeting on February 1 1. An Kxtraordinary General .Meeting of the Company was requisitioned by ten Members, and a series of resolutions was proposed demanding special Information from the Directors as to the affairs
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  • 96 6 We have received the following fartbcf details of the lire at Belat "A s (V en and destructive lire broke out at about 1 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon in a clog maker's shop in Debit Village, doing dam age estimated at 1200,000 to 1250,000 and consequently
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  • 24 6 Drs. H. Fraser and A. T. Sianion have been awarded the Craggs Prize for original research in respect of their investigations on beri -beri.
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  • 784 7 The is* Batt. Manchester Regt hai red from Kamptee to Amritsar. The high price of rice and paddy is cans 4 much .watering in the districts near Rangoon not i)ii!\ for want of the former Ifl an article of tood but because of the .iw of
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  • 2182 7 MUNICIPAL BILL WITHDRAWN. Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Feb. 9th. Present. H. E. The Govt., Sir Arthur Young. K.< .M.o. H. E. The G.O.C. Major-General Stephens* in. Tbe Hon Col. Becty., lt. Wilkinson. rhe- Attorney-General, T. de M. L. Braddell. ill. Col. Trees., W. I Michell. the Col. Engineer, F.
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  • 173 7 Fraser Co.'s The market for Robber shares has beeu a sagging one, with but a small amount of business passing. A few of the dividendpaying Tin shares have been in good demand, and Industrials close with more enquiries. Rubber. Goleondai after touching X'.i lss M close easier at
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  • 64 7 The R.I. M.S. Nort hbrook Capt. Shearme, arrived yesterday from Rangoon and proceeds to Hongkong to day. She has on board the 24th Hazara Mountain Battery, 850 rank aud tile; Js 7 mules; 11 horses and 4 dogs. The officers on board are Major Heifer. Capt. Cobbe,
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  • 43 7 Mr and Mrs R. Scoular return to Singapore by the P. and O. "Mongolia," leav ing London on Feb. 23rd. In the competition for the Mills Trophy for February the following totals have been registered. Selangor 170, Kinta 160, Singapore 180, I'enang 176.
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  • 588 8 A friend who knows China and its problems well writes as follows The best commercial card to play at this juncture is, I think, for Great Britain to offer to mediate with a view to putting an end to a conflict that, in the long
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  • 31 8 The following figures of the export of tin for Perak from January, (exclusive Cpper Perak > are advance figures liable to correction. Block tin 6,758.36 Tiu ore 28,904.44 Duty 1437,235.91
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  • 36 8 Mr G. A. Hall is appointed to act as Director of Education, and to he a nieinbei of the Legislative Council in place of Mr J. B. Elcum, who has resigned his seat in the Council.
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  • 159 8 In the Supreme Court, Penang, before Mr. Justice S. Leslie Thornton, Rajah Mansur, a son of the ex- Sultan Abdulla of Perak, was brought upon the complaint of T. V. G. de Silva, jeweller, of Muntri Street, Penang, that judgment obtained by him against Rajah Mansur
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  • 1256 8 Quicquid agunt homine« nostri est far* Age libelli. Juvenal. "It all depends." A thing that is legal, may, in some circumstances, be little to be distinguished from something that is criminal. That Mr Churchill— apart from the fact that he is the son of his fathershould
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  • 146 8 Three Chinese nouias, said to be related to the late towkay Gun Eng Seng, their two servants aud a Chinese priestess, were summoned in the first magistrate's court yesterday with being adult occupiers of a house, No. 58-1, Balestier Road, in which a case of smallpox occurred with
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  • 169 8 Correspondence tabled in the Dominion House of Commons indicates that the negotiations for a preferential trade arrangement between Canada, Australia and New Zealand are within measurable distance of accomplishment. The correspondence concludes with a letter from Mr. F'oster, Minister of Trade and Commerce, to the Minister of
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  • 15 8 1 Comr. D. C. Macintyre, Harbour Master, Penang, has been granted twelve months 1 leave.
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  • 815 8 A SrcißssFCL Year. The annual distribution of prizes of the Anglo-Chinese Free School took place yesterday afternoon in the school classroom. Apart from the scholars the gathering was a small one, the rain no doubt keeping many away. Mr. G. A. Hall. Director of Education, presided
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  • 51 8 A Malacca correspondent writes to the Malay Mail Mr Tan Jiak Choo, of Malacca, a cousin to the Hon. Tan Jiak Kim, 0.m.g., and his two sons, Messrs. Tan Soo Yean and Tan Soo Sim, had their queues discarded on the 18th day of the 12th Chinese Moon at 12
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  • 307 9 !__|t. I'.dle\ Tbonsas Lewifl is promoted t« be 9ml Lieu:, in th*- Singapore Volunu e: Artillery. The hon'ble J. Wilkinson is appointed the (iov'inors Deputy during His Kvceiloncy'fl absence in Penang and Kedah. Mi. G. Watson, formerly a tea planter in Ceylon, was run over and
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  • 446 9 >iews ot the death of Mr L. J. Daendels. formerly head of the well-known shipping nnn. has beeu cabled from Holland. Bandoeug, which is the most rapidly growing town in the country, is to have a iu w park, to be named lusulinde. Mr Waar, the head of
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  • 1326 9 m*rum our awn January 18. Lord Haldane has been on tour in Scotland in bis favourite role of recruiting sergeant for the Territorial Force. He is so constantly going about with the ribbons in his cap to the sound of the drum and the fife, that this latest
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  • 357 9 London. February Ist. The Orient Trust, Limited, is being floated, with a capital of 300,000 £1 shares, and a present issue of 150.000 shares. The Trust is acquiring the following 5.000 shares in the Straits Rubber Company. 9. H00 shares in the Selaba Rubber Estates. Limited. 5.000 shares
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  • 838 9 *Mk. A. _f. >vi ITH Aoi ITTED. The charge against Mr. Alexander Mitchell Smith, of Messrs Topham Jones and Kailton. of causing grievous hurt to Low Pow by driving bis motor car so rashly or negligently as to endanger human life or the personal safety of others,
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  • 49 9 The police here intend dealing firmly w ith any Chinese trouble in Ipoh, but no serious trouble is anticipated. The opinion in Kinta is that if trouble comes it will start in Singapore and spread through the Peninsula. Therefore the> crux of the situation is at Singapore.
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  • 773 10 a The Times bas a probate notification of TanThuan Poh. 41. Boat Quay, Singapore. Among the recently elected 'Fellows of the Roval Geographical Society is Captain H. H. F. Stockley. In honour of the Negri Sembilau cricket team, a smoking concert is to be given in
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  • 812 10 FACTS ABOUT TIIE SABANG WIRELESS STATION. Practic \i. Demonstration of its Utility. A British resident of Singapore who is engaged iu business writes us with reference to the Sabang Wireless Sation Dear Sir, Observing in your issue* of the 12th iustant a paragraph under the heading "Java
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  • 31 10 Penang, Feb. 12. It is reported that the Penang cricket match with Selangor at Chinese NewYear has been abandoned, owing to the inability of Selangor to raise a team.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 898 10 NON-EUROPEANS AND THE CIVIL SERVICE. To THE EI'ITOR, Sir. Does the Colonial Secretary think that he has successfully bluffed the Hon'ble Tan Jiak Kim and the Genera! Public of Singapore by his evasive and equivocal replies to the questions asked at last Friday's meeting of the Legislative Council "f If
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  • 584 10 HbBTDM of Straits Branch. The annual meeting was held in the Museum last eveniug, the hon'ble D. J. Galloway in the chair. There were also present Bishop F'erguson Davie, A. T. Bryant. V. A. Flower, W. Makepeace. Rev. J. A. B. Cook, W. A. Sims, A. Hood
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  • 177 10 A telegram was received yesterday morning stating thai Mr. Tigran Sarkies, proprietor of the Raffles Hotel, and a partner in the firm of Sarkies Bros., hotel proprietors, wellk -nown in the Far East died on Sunday at St. Leonards on sea. Mr Sarkies had been
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  • 1008 11 Ii "age Hospital by George Tie lawie > i.i: LAUBIE Th gof 1 Sta It. 1' I*_ SONf ll bat Mi '1 relaa a bi (arm the det i! y book are true ii ai id in O! a 0. i !.d. s and pol. the authors o!
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  • 289 11 The Chinaman who att< mpted to drown self in the si a a week ago was sened to two months simple imprisonment hy Mr Maundrell yesterday. E.l Baker, who jumped into the sea and effected the rescue, was warnih commended bv the magistrate on his gallantly. Further detail-
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  • 118 11 The' S.C.C ground will be given np entirely to cricket practice on Wednesday. There will be no lawn tennis on that evening, in order to give the team against Negri Sembiian an opportunity to practice together. The match commences on Saturday morning at 11 a.m. At a meeting of the
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  • 768 11 lii the Chancery Division on 17th Jen. Mr. Justice Neville had before him an action brought by Tan 1.0 Heong against Mr. John Frederick George Hawkins, of Ipswich. The plaintiff i. I api i rformance of an sg lent lade be- twe< n the parties on
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  • 88 11 Mr T. Clark, formerly of the k South China Morning Post." has joined the journalistic staff of the London Daily Mail.' Under instructions received from tbe Secretarv of State for the Colonies, His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong has appointed the Hon. Mr Claud Severn to be Colonial Secretary. A
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  • 470 11 The reports 01 R i _trn I no r been published. Th i cords that Twenty iiv em with a total ainal capit I 1 0 w« n i• tered during ib< t bree companies inc Bed th viz. Th< Kangka ed. from I ,000 to 8450,1
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  • 217 11 *>n the Race course last *v< aing a match was played for cups pi- M d in the quarto rlj tournament, betwi en a i the Buffs and a team of the Singapore Polo Club. The three chui kaa were even and there was very little to choOM between
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  • 1932 12 {from our o'u/n CorresPonUtnt.s London, dan. 18. In response to a request by the Rev. fi.'YV. ltose, senior chaplain of the military forces of the Commonwealth of Australia, Karl Roberts recently sent a message to the boys who aie now undergoing compulsory military training in Australia as foi
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  • 1532 12 Duplication of Posts Ihe annual meeting of this Company held yesterday at noon in the regisd offices of the company (Messrs tt and Co.' Commercial Union Buildt) Mr A. Dieliu presiding; amongst irs present were Messrs (J. A. Derrick. R. Rowland, Brison.- -Jones, li. W. ter,
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  • 21 12 A Chinaman is reported to hav,. been murdered at Changi. Mr W. Hartley is appointed to act as Inspector of Prisons.
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  • 243 13 Wednesday. Feb. 1 1, 1912. Postage rates between Germany and the (Jutted States vary, according to tbe rouft? Ly which they are despatched. If sent by Qorasoa steamer letter costs 10 pf. If by a Prooeh, Knglish or any other steamer it is 20 pf. Tbe Rr. Hon. Sir Joeeph
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  • 613 13 THE GREAT RAYMOND. Master ok Magic at T heath i Seein s believin'. but feelin's the naked truth, says the old Scotch proverb, but if ever one fel- inclined to question the applicability of that it was after a couple of hours opeol in the company of the Great Raymond
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  • 714 13 Con vent Ente ktainm ent. A highly successful entertainmeut was given on Friday evening by the pupils and children of the Convent of tbe Holy Infant. An operetta in three acts entitled The Wishing cap was given by the elder children. The story sets forth the adventures of
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  • 50 13 Major F. W. Lumsden, G.5.0., s.s., and Major S. Henderson, a.0.d., have been granted leave of absence from Bth Feb. to 21st Feb. with permission to proceed to Hongkoug. It is understood that the Hongkoug .A. DC. is shortly to give a presentation of dolbert and Sullivan's opera The (lonGilitis."
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  • 1082 13 The local attraction during the Chinese New Year holidays will be the first of the season's interstate cricket games between Singapore and Negri Sembiian. There are still three vacancies in the local team but these will be lilled up after the practice game which takes place on the
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  • 537 13 AN M.\ I. (*kni:kai. Me.'.TlNc; The thirteenth annual general meeting of the members of the Singapore Polo Club was held hist evening in the Ex change room. The Hon.W.C. Michell presi ded and there were .ul so present Mr. G.E. Venning Thomas. Hon. Secretarv, Mr. W.H. C.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 159 13 PROPERTY sale. At Messrs Ching Keng Lee and Co s Sale-room on Monday the following pro perties were disposed by auction. No. 678, North Bridge Road, Lease for 999 years, area f>BB sq. ft., rent |§i per month, bought by Haji Abdul Kalib for .13,200. Two pieces of leasehold land
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  • 90 14 NOT REPORTING SMALLPOX. A Tamil named Ismail Tamby, of 70-4, Thomson Road, was fined **10 and costs hy Mr Firinstone, senior magistrate, yesterday morning, for not reporting a case of smallpox at the nearest policestation. Dr. Campbell, of the Municipality, said he visited the accused's house at Thomson Road and
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  • 418 14 The following report will he submitted to the shareholders at the annual meeting on Feb 21. The profit for the year after making full allowance for Depreciation on Buildings, Furniture and Machinery amounts, as shewn by the Profit and Loss Account, to _26,551.93 to which has to
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  • 54 14 IFrom our own Correspondent.} February 18th. All lots offered here were sold to day. sh -et $261.85 Sheet No. 2 $2.6.50 Scrap crepe $228.10 Bark crepe $214.15 Scrap untreated $179 Eng Watt of 182, Selegie Roid, reports to the police that* seven white suits have beeu stolen from his
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  • 70 14 SINGAPORE. At the twenty second Singapore auction held yesterday by the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association 208 cases, weighing 197.79 pkls. or 26.872 lbs. were offered and 19s cases, weighing 192.68 pkls. or 28,684 lbs. were sold. Prices paid were as follows On account of the Chinese
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  • 905 14 Thursday, Feb. 15, 101-2 London, Jan. 19. Persia i- still the chief topic, after the industrial troubles, of general conversation in this country. It is developing in all sorts of curious ways, and from merely reading the reports in the papers no one will understand what is
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  • 368 14 Once more did this clever illusionist delight and mystify a large audience in the Victoria Theatre last night. A striking feature of Raymond's work is the exten sive and elaborate scale of effects. To name only one trick iu the first part, the Noah's Ark. from a
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  • 310 14 The reports of alleged gang robberies are coming in such numbers that the police in addition to the other work thrown upon them have to discriminate between the real and the unreal. The following are two samples of the reports on which they have to work. Yesterday morning
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  • 170 14 The annual general meeting of the Djapoera (Indragiri) Rubber Co., Ltd.. held yesterday morning at the offices of the Company, Commercial Cnion Buildings, might almost be termed an extraordinary one extraordinary to the extent that it lasted exactly eight minutes and that the proceedings were of an
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  • 756 14 Action Over Rcbbeb Sheet. In the Supreme Court, yesterday. liefore Mr Justice Fisher, an action was brought by Curry Forwerg and Company of Singapore against Chop Wah Hong Seng Kee, merchants of Boat (Juay. Mr Dickenson appeared for the plaintiffs and Mr Terrell for the defendants. The
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  • 129 14 It is the woman's pri\ ilege to pro pose during Leap Year, but there is a certain etiquette to be observed. Should the man to whoui she offers fier hand decline it, she may claim from him a silk dress, hut only if at the time of proi-osing she is
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  • 2027 15 [By Submarine Cable]. R£*ttfr*s Service. London, via Borcbay Following up the Conservative rumours ai Cabin,? dime HI MOll, the Standard gives prominence to what it describe-, M a "re markublc >T.-t«n:ent to its. Lobbyist, to tbe effect that recent Cabinet Councils were concerned with criticisms of Mr Asquith'* leodership
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  • 1181 15 Manila. Feb. 9. In the Singles, Gardener beat Gaunt, the* Singapore representative. Gaunt and Eichenberg won the final of the Doubles, and have two sets all in the Challenge round. Ipoh, Feb. 9. The Times of Malaya states that Government is considering a scheme for telephonic communication from
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  • 1675 16 annual Congregational Meeting. The annual congregational meeting of the members of the Presbyterian Church was held last night in the Church. The Rev. W, Runciman presided and was supported by the Rev. W. Murray and Messrs A. Proctor and A. Reid lit: I*o ut for 1911. The report
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  • 86 16 The. following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Powell k Co.'s sale-room on Tuesday afternoon Freehold land at Spicer Road off Gaylang Road area U5, 869 sejuare feet, .250. Freehold land at Syed Alley Road, area 1 acre I roods 1 pole, $2,250. Freehold land at
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