The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 20 April 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES THURSDAY, APRIL, 20, 1911. No, 1.238
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  • 75 1 Ftb Mar. Total Belat 11T< Brwtng HI 5 Vi i^f'.-E J r 440 4 40 Kimmat Pulai l« l 1;;- mi i v 74i lemboLod* >'" v 611 n- p-- V:; 1? N .s 'iMrubic IM IW k t n 853 4 J 1.- IS° B^iS 5:i4 3
    75 words
  • 62 1 li'.riictid VT to April. ..i i 4 :i win kQd .> < v.t.. crodita 3mi credits 6 m v F K.ANCB, demand Rxu^.^ T* (ir bm any, demand Jrf. bMA, r. t. *!p Hos-tK so, demani "J-^i Yokohama, demand j^f Java, demand Bangkok, demand J SoviEiiGNS, Bank BurinK ♦X;^
    62 words
  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 64 1 Orj April l^.tb, at the Maternity Hospital Biagai MM, the wife of J. A. R. Glennie, C M., of a MB. A N.-()n the 18th instant at the Matf-r iii'-y H -^pit-il. Siu^d^ort-. the wife of F. (i. iUII ol I -on. WtmUT, Ol Hm IMMsMh, 1911. at^ i!
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    • 233 1 CBOIL-Mli —en the itsd Mar. at St t. yr-riitn's Church. Hrockley S.E by the ]v v. \v. V Ma-on. m.a., Thomas Gordon Ck a:., ct Perak. F.M.S.. third son of the late Thomas Allan Coral. General Post Office, Bdistnifghi to \-l.c\.\, fSjsjMg6tl -laughter of the Henry George MacrJonalr 1
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    • 60 1 Pearsk —Mar. 18, at Thornham. [vybridtfe, C. S. Pfakm:. ol Ibi Sarawak Server. lg<d M* c" \ki v. KH.ii On Ihi 161b March, at Montoco. of lieart failure followiu^ pU-jri-v. WHiUJ PABTWMOHfi formerly Cohjhi'ih- d< r i t Chinese Maritime Customs. At tLv Kcyal Infirmary, [>andee. Soot'ari,]. |JQ h
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  • 1330 1 National Efficiency. Apl 14. P »til' the P i'.-opie'<= ri^ht maintain, Uiuiwed '>•>• infl' unbrilwd bjf K p n l H I nrrcepts draw. V»« r k I. ,ya .v I aw. The late Secretary tor Wa- 1 Viscount H aldan E, used 'odin it into tlu ears of the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1 1 dasdfasd
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    • 55 1 SIAM IN THE MALAY PENINSULA A Short Account ot the position of Siam in the States of Kelantar, Patani Legeh and Sei. Re-printed from the M Singapore Fr«f Prcsi." Price 5O cents DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA. BROWN'S SPECIFIC. To be had at the Singapobr D«pknsabt andolMißß Bbows. Oraasdaie, Kivei \»Hey Road,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 185 1 THE WEEK. The Ki't'li-i mail «-f Mireta 84tfc arrived m Baturdaj ■ilk I iaj Ultt miitd by i itiith HMMMTOa IM 'ii'l v. Tbii homo ward in 1 1 1 is gram By tba Delhi 1 he busings week his b.-en broken up by the X .s'er Holidays. 'I i
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  • 1288 2 The Champagne Rioting. Apl 17. is j.r }*llj .a Koi i. J iarorn lion i tbeancier.r I ftn pi cii >f Ciiainj c what a daoge Mtlfi pi bee it was bad cm 1 iv!. >:i mi become far worg*. and an epidemic of reck l f6 i striking at
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  • 1456 2 The Way to an Imperial Council. Apl 18. There are tigna that the niftdi of bum? men, chi thoee who know lottsthiag of r^> ot G o; m B itaia, tre betas mov.-I by the laatiaeati arouie4 by the apptoteh of the Imperial Ojafereaee, to a templattoa vayi in! ma&iu
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  • 1031 2 The Destiny of Nations. Apl 19. WkSk it is in possible to v i a certain sympathy with the fine ►eotiinenta 'resident Taft, on behu the I IMH America, and ward Grey, on behalf of our their entirely well meaning aspirations fee imruil reference to a m and the relegat
    1,031 words

  • 988 3 Reforming the Constitution. Apl 20. a dote of the brief Etater rec. tbe telegram referrii g to the opening of tbe discussion, iv n ,cf ihe P neot -jmmonlv known bfil Mt well dtti resmiad us tbe I a of tbU historic United King I nndergoiog an ordeal tbe like
    988 words
  • 145 3 The "S^angf lU-" :(1 total of r ---•>>. ii i r.; r A v Peiatg .v: KiOg I were roeu, in 1 lian papei ißiicdt lit tl I B H C P«loi I, .<] ID •j.> 11 1„•|■! j. g :>...<:; ctl -■>•_•■ ip tbe ft&ttrirg kittii i 8 itl
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  • 1264 3 HALF YEARLY RLPOJ'T. DECREASE 01 N I I 1 EUh r«JT 14 half I > mi Wi»h brought f (HMnl n i3t was 1744.485, aad the ist k d gross 2.3] 10 *****47 I 1 have to a. -.'ecrease ?enue, i v'.'-f-t. d.- i: 'I.' i
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  • 59 4 Pre-i -lent Tafr, replvipg to a cordial mes si^ trvm the Emperor, on the occasion of tbt ratification of the Treaty batweeu Ameri- and Japan, joins the Kmperor in OOefifont •iptetalita thitthe Treaty will result iv bindmts closer the ties which have for s Umm united the people of the
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  • 1914 4 DBAOE ta. MAULBFWNOH ORTOH AM) OOMPAHY. VlTai Tawma lm Oftioh. B I M J«ttioa Piehat jaeterd ij awcav Dragi fi, H*«Wal lah Ortoa frOo. i- ••■,m lV. t ;r,- .11" M^-'-. i>a iiny Ptfeoni If, V. 0 Kaowlei j I>r defendant? Mr F. G. 9 evens. Lm
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  • 65 4 P Ream oardi ware I laaaj serf f. the April medal which \v,.- 5 w, nbv X i 40 1> 7 H BPBCIAL OOMFOTITI m (BeOOod round.) E Appie on beat E Bheol I I and 1. Gr. A. Ohaoaj beat M. D B i< I Bad
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  • 145 4 A mess ige from Washington to The Tirne> aUtes thit the live American financiers win, have been -elected f.>rservic«.-uiid»T the Partita G ivernmeot are Jles-r-. Shuster, Cair-.p McCaettey, Hills and Dickey. I' isexpec'-' ed that they will re:ieh r JVherdQ late m the Spring, ready to take up their dutitt,
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  • 528 4 Th« i -a j 5:...rH,,. be p on April 28. '1 he cip divided iuto 7 which 7- ,v». >.-. t«lh P *:.i. i i i at is! Kebr u:v. 1 information Kill Into— ■>* r<U bU i Estite I. ii I •■i;ned from Kua vemmeot h
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  • 164 4 MfEtJl SdtonKtrr, wfco h1- >W'-}j .t v. :i- r» u'.t* ;t I j sii-- Ml M M ,v*. pr*. -•nr ,»n -t vi* t to Sn ,'ij >•• to iL t the ...1 inp. Mi v-on-Kari an.] has i .vi a trip ,\u I Thereafter be b«i« I „..1.
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  • 803 5 Friday, April 14, 19 11. > »i H -i- i i»j :Lt-o' —l p r! M .1 I r i* ii t* \le 1 for three ni in Miv 1 mi Mr li. C >p.ev 3 tjl! M*j2"> bar of Tadjol_ i\_ D iB ir Mr v Ai M n^
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  • 1119 5 t H "junt t, 4,i **i f.,rr.n f l>h h Iviaru rhe p;er-si«jfc inveHtd the epigram A little ifMrn.r is ar] v r us t.hinj? often ■uetakee In i ejrifUura] e*i B|,eJ eg with Cheritj bfgiet at hnen and "God tempers thewU to tt.e shorn UrnS,"
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  • 196 5 KING EDWARD VII MEMORIAL FUND. Tlm folfewiaf is tfct idlest lift ot klu oriptiom. Aim-iiur previously ickao -viewed 54«j.7:«7.42 Towk iv L ok.- y#fr, X.v J i Lump r 16,000 Chtftmd B**k ol i.-iv. Aatualia Hii'i China |,000 Nethprlan«H '1 radii or S>^Vv 1< 00 w. W«lkei Co k Eg
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  • 440 5 Q lite n uiu her <>f Kuropn-m *ud Chii>e*e ;uHieli tt/s gathered ;tt No. o Change Alley yOOttrdiT ;:iornincj, (0 wish prosperity to thp D6W CbineM Pfodo6B Efcbaage wbich i* btlßg opened there. T-ie Bead of MMlftl an eiohißgt bftl loc^ b-en Ml NBOBgal the CbineM traden
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  • 366 5 !i the Cfciei J]-' A r: i L.w ve^'cr.: MEKI.IMAI ZUXktl I-• Tb+ Lordship g»*t jotgiteel .m c&*» ;n ffbich p it.r.l? I\n Mn' i r -\j e-~! by Mr Giuat e!tin,-i f '.V I. Hlm: 1 < I)--, k«-\ r--:o<- ii i 1,-,.. |Jbo lain J >i-.":':;
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  • 209 5 DlSlintU POl Ti.KM'A-, FINKD FOR ASS A 0 I.T. [a 'L- >t*c-.'-n«i c >urr v^'eidiv m- ruing Mr A ■••«.-L gave ju Jgment in the ci?e brougl I against two et t L»e three MiUvs charged with wilful tresp;i-.» on the lldUva F. otbai AjtCCMtiou gr« und
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  • 126 5 A preliminary ex-'juirv was n m c i befort Iff Bubittsoi ia lit ihtH c Ml >eB--iKiidV, Tan! lnefeeLt'^r tiup. \e>< r *i c Post Office being charged at th^ n. < f the Postmaster (ieiseJal, :v;r h ÜbiDe Hr W G BiO| j**mutm pun I
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  • 187 5 Amort? Hm tfcjjtcts promi-ed \<>r r. mi hiod iad Bkfeorieri Btottoa ri Ibt I•■ tish Exhibition is one from EVovost B Falkirk, whiih will viewed v. .ti. iuterfßt. It 19 the forefoot of practically sucoe^f il 6teamboat evei Ikl M Charlotte Dun«Us," which Wii S> j»gton of
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  • 272 6 pi>>ei Mea our hisr repoir, Rabbin b&vt experienced a > >'.;;t. aL,i t ;>;iu'-> hts beeii eoiitined chieih to tbi Itorling shares Mining and [udustrialf, boiPOfior, hiw iMHitd mow iltcniioii, .tii.i wren! •I theltM'iinu' Tiu c is hHi b*6H good d 'QiuD<l ;t adv tDCiLg pi ees
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  • 359 6 RUGGER. <^uite a cumber nt waiting fJxUWi too* place yesterday in which the N»vj figured prominantlv. I>a the BtfUl idfl tbe 8.0.C. Rugby team met a team dr.-tw^ from the dinners n>w in the roaJs ana acs pite the fact tint the ground was r*'i.~r too hard
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  • 36 6 Top great second pr (gramme wi!] t cn<ii-tiLu--Ml |or three nighra looser, wheu *:ie h^h^^^ closes. i circus will be op.°n on Pridaj (tonight) Ekturdaj (wr}> d mirineo in the ifttTOOOa) iod Faster Mon-
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  • 103 6 H M.S. Moninriith," with IoiMMUriM No 32, toll !d.sT sight t'jv Hovgkoiifr. Sbc will be followed taught In- H.M.B u Floti t fl with submarine Xo. 37. Tre last of thp submarines, N >. :s»i, with H.M S "Pelorout,* 1 wi 1 leave to morrow ci^h*. It Las been arr-in^ed
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  • 79 6 This meeting takes place on April 29 m<] |0 ;m»l it:.-;i:-i»s the > >-.! Ifadjo* Cup, 57 kiii s. dlStaiMM 1 n.ii»\ 1 I ;> fibrins. Kill H--<r S'akts. handicap, distance 1: niW, 750 Btrin Priaeatt JoUaa* Btabea, banilKmp, dittucfl 1 Biles, raloe 1,000 ti >» ins i
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  • 310 6 Messrs Howarth E >kme. Ltd., h^v just i:im ch ro the order ol H E Ofcow Phya D hn Pobet. Tne boMk ii 45 teet Iso^i ()V r ill and 11 ti'te-1 with qaidrapk 11 PIMM entJiLes with foUl Ol *k« f and I Yarruvv
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  • 214 6 Morgan —If] i-hell. A" s*. Qaorgt'i Cbarob on BUtQ*daj aftarSjOOa tbe -ii r %>. »•_>• wis s.:lemni">u beIwaaa tfi B gioald Morgao, Oooofal Biaaagor of tbe A.lot I'ji^su and B iea Babbar Bitaton, and M:<s Elsie ICaris \l b« lack, (MiM l*Pin M Ilitebal daagbtor of Hi
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  • 352 6 Either KaujiliOC i.- arrived from Taipias to replace the mte Father Pouoat on tbe T Ho: ii.i Cutce-irai uf the Good Shepbei J. Mr E. E Wateoa it bow VTorki Maaagof of The Btrtite Tradiag Co., Ltd., at Batterwoitb, Mr Brogfa bavirn; ''"^-u trans-ftri'L-d ■>■ S;nv.'ript>re, whenotMf Etliatall bat irOM
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  • 340 6 Removal < i the Royal Aim Although the num-Ty of His late Mejeoty Kmt? M«ha Chuldlonjkorn will live for everia the be*rti &l tbe people he ruled Vf io Tilth. lovingly and well, the filial itage of Biekte Mn^tVs obotejriM co far us
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  • 545 6 Mrs T. E. Stephenson and Mia A. W. Still are appointed lady memKrs of the Boa L sag Cok Ladict OwtMaiU Lam granted by tbG iitv Mr.J X tor fifteen is.-iuiis. M r <?. F. J. <J rt-rn for t-'V-vcu in n'h> uL i Mr X, L Talma for
    545 words
  • 600 6 Mr \*alentiLH Ch;r f returning to the lUa*. trtination beiEk' n.e p. < Sir Arthur an<i ii I Hvehn have gone to Taipei^ f] for the Easter hi-lid**- < »ur i I)r Decman has Ie» j i A. >!• 1 <! in has Kuala
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  • 436 7 THE LATE MR MOBERLY BELL. i new- tmttHrG ■> Frederic M>- f- i:r.Q£ direc- I r:i- died bu lienly. i wi3 th« son of fcgJP-. He a r >-,pondent in E*jpt ►O.aod became i— v;- m<in-i'.vr .r. vC h po^t he 1 I "a tic Wi- hioie i >:•- V>
    436 words
  • 137 7 'p• r t presented at fcy-eerenth ord.t irj :-?r^i meetine. on M that the proii .1:. 1 >.uct of the bank tor the JIM i-nd- -1 ><Odmber last sL i net protit, id tt providing tor bad mi doubtful debt*, of Aau*»el 6124J6& f; s. Ttv.u 1
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  • 111 7 up- hi exceptionally clever S Lie w.s instructed to carry a tc Ka liner t Brighton, adis•Anceof threemilee. t n I roire -er the awns, andat all costs to avoid M|hm Asa: .w\ ,v.) ffnmrtSVM pos^el 00 h »ne personally acquainted .i. 1 js the bare plopes
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  • 50 7 rre«pondect to the London Times, j !>-drdiu,' G. Gray's play, suggests with a view to preventing the Anatu stroke dominating the game all Lk> irda .ft the rei and the white ball ..i -***** two points, and all cannons tree. This, he »Jf, il preferable to barring ■c it) ke.
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  • 240 7 tiuMiiuQ ni Ohimbsi Immt. Tbtm whe MdNrfreai sUs nslsif wfi] ss intere-^d. though perhaps not grating, to ci Lhe t?re^ proj^s which is i.ei-' rii t: c Ivir .•ir:> ii f of the Ch oeaa armj. This sMdsra araiy ol CUmt isastii |ect f -T^- in*ar*3t and
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  • 214 7 'iis A: .'< IJ:. v am I m ail] aita tw« oed oilsol kh* I iti Sir Joh\ Aii 1, Las I issops aagtaast aad chit the Kile I) isi, ki ii hi provisioaal v pi w*& at 1' rhe tes" »r t piaaths to o.»ch of his
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  • 131 7 Ml rVAL Tms: a\d Si PPOBI A\>\i ated. Tokyo, Apr 1. U.K. Mr H Ishuin, JLapan^ne Minister to t'i.n.i., w.tli iii-i l'.jTiiily, has let t. TokjO to re- HM Ui P''st in t'ckint;. l'lrin.' i:i^ recent visit he has expressed bis riews on Chinese affairs very fretly
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  • 107 7 Poking, A; ril 3rd In rfspons* to m memoria! fr-jia Y;n Ch^n^, the f r W IT, v/h<j is known to havo iMwed hootilitiei h the roooßt orioii with X ;-sis an e\.trao dinary edi"t h.i> l> en issued vvr.icfi u'iv>. l s the Ptin'-e
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  • 119 7 A surij' i! oppra f ion fur appendicitis w.i performed in the I\,in'>.n! liaer raniam' which recently arrived at H.'if.x. X. S. by Dr J. I> OohdoUj, t he .ship's doctor, oo om oi the st^er.tiro pugsecgers. When a riailwf peration w id performed in the "
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  • 77 7 At i meeting of the Kent and Etm FllWifl 'jinuiitteo in London it was re ported that the BotH of Fisheries had L-een appealed to on the subject of the protection of* winkles on private grounds, a Kentish bench cf .justices having held that winkles were
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  • 410 7 T;,e e-Ute Lis nr.v Keen eworn at i £1,101. 1-Sf* erroq?. wi»b net personalty amounting to 1 1 /><<!«, B n, .f tue Ut« Sir John Aird, firet ironet, of Qie°n Anne's £.*te, engineer md contractor. Conservative M P. for North Paddingta IBBM9OS, who iitd on
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  • 153 7 Lately Urn China Miii referred to the dreadful cms of ei^bt ohildran beins* kidnapped, and one tfiarwafdl slaughtered by bris_'.mds in order to intiuiidate their parents aud I rot I ransom for the remainder. This has now been done. The EObbtn have consented to lOOipjt twenty thousand
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  • 188 7 m We si. ill cbi»-tor a 10,000 'on steim--hip i Imer," Mr Douglas Hill, Mr. tor 1 he 1-!h of Wight, who if receiving v unes ol member^ ot Parliament c'esiroilf ol botvg preMOt -it the <\>ronation Durbftl in lai^i, mmi "Meoiben of botb H him
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  • 166 7 "Plentj good miosi oia bt Mlnncdd irby Tonitoriali ibould h-.v-> Urn DMoftlM raogai for rili practice on Sundays," Captain Jessi!, mt, for S juih St. Panora MU I i mm M toi m i if v Urn L I -ritoriali arc ooooerned, h aa idditional i ■gaMNii in
    166 words
  • 419 7 P< v i taqi imi Wi ft Ftraxic. S r 19 M "':«i)n, w». ..■>, death *r :r c <;..] IW Uv f ijitpL ffiu- ler, if lo -pp*-- 1 ffi« 80lic;--.r MtHra, (9a«ae 1.-ul^v, ar i <-' he! a l~ j t ti >n v, th
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  • 493 7 Visit ro S^knh oi dh: S" Muki»er. A remarkable ni^ht visit to the f the murder on Clapu&rn Common w-t* m-id^ by Übfl jury who tried the cisc at the < 1 R*iley. Wnen th* trial of Stink HorrioOß, wh-> il loowtd of bav;ng murdered
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  • 42 7 > < T:ie <t iverLrnH;)* f Ne* S,!.:h W-»'fs has iotinii.te<3 t 'ttoeO rumonweaith Government tba* it is prep^re-l to c.'ustru-r cruder *r;l four d^ntroyers .n its pbipv*rds. charging ths Co mm on wealth ei^li'. p»-r c-u r up ,n thtr Mtoa] o -i'liv.
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  • 1208 8 Why should we. any of us. make calls r We ill dislike the custom, and yet because it happens to be the cus'om, we meekly submit. Who benefits by the calls :o begin vttkf Certainly not the person who makes them, and almost equally certainkf Dot
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  • 917 8 The wor'u ie eutfeited in the present age with an outturn of human egotism which has pottibij not been trailed, and certainIv never been excelled. There is no vanity more tickling to the subj ct of its influence, nor more pronouacad in its attitude to the World, than
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  • 359 8 Of much interest to Scote, whether educationists or not, are the Reminiscences of Mr John Macleod, a retired Inspector of Schools in the Northern Counties. His experiences have been unusually wide he has met people of many types and of all social classes. There is
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  • 231 8 THE KING TO RACE IN IRELAND It is stated that King Goorge will run •<* couple of horses at the race rceeting at Leopardstown oa .luly I<*. This meeting has been specially arranged by King George's wish in connection with the royal visit to Ireland, and he and tne Queen
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  • 137 8 A middle aged woman who complained at the Westminster Police Court that her husband, a man of titty-four, had deserted her. said they were married only live weeks t>efore. "He did not quarrel with me," she declared. "Me simply told me he was tire<l of married life, and
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  • 137 8 M. Monis, the new French Minister, is credited with the idea of attempting to carry out a plan which he is said to have conceived when he was in practice at the l>jrdeaux Bar, says the Telegraph's Paris correspondent. Arguing that it is rather poor satisfaction
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  • 701 8 Mk TAFTS RESOLVE. Ne« York, M,,, Mexico's intimacy with Japan r fj )*een increasing to si« h an threaten Amern-a with the r><>s-i» disastrous rUnk attack in the even* the mastery of the Pacific, is for massing the l'nit*d States armj and for the concentration ol i,»
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  • 103 8 > < Mr H. G. Skinner, who with Mr i wards came to Hongkong f>r trentiufci after being seriously wounded by au *vi runner in IWneo, ban returned t<- X n looking muoh better for hi* trip. H^ r* ports Mr Kd wards ih m.ikini: a>< d f l grees
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  • 3364 9 \P »RE v SELANOOsI VY PI.A Y :.*-:> no m »re enjoyable sporting than th take place between the Colony and the various ires. tnd of these there are no two -f. r:t t friendly rivalry is m<>r> keen than that exists between the rnant of
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  • 331 9 CRICKET. (Ft'tirl <>Ul O"U C'>tT>'*i»ntih',ii Penang, April. The match between Perak aud Penang cooimeaced here in r-pien«lid leather, and there was an excellent attendance of local residents and visitors. The match was productive of Home remarkable cricket. Penang won the toss and elect?] to b*», the innings lasting
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  • 157 10 by 7\ runs. The nVi'linj of the winners n<)\ rind the bo^Hcg t xtvptionally brilliant. FV.tes tojk live wickets fjr 13 LSI mi Gbrkl If! lot I'. 4 DOuiWi Pbvah i v B Bmllj 1 I W B*ddon 0 i D iraftrd W< d 8 B
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  • 53 10 Three a side eighteen ho>F, medal piav. SIN-.APoUE. Orafcfc Wai 88 4 1 Winter M 40 M Dr Campbell 19 40 81 Total 147 I'knan.,. Durward 4 H Auckland 40 44 Kogers 4i 47 00 To. d 258 Ipoh. SkMi 42 47 r.lhs 4. M Tttthui 4«; 4<;
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  • 474 10 PtiDaOg, 16tb A p il i •lit' < )j. n litiM'Oip, cijss A (U-tiicii- *Ps 9 mml uLiitT, U mm) ••-iJ'v proved ".v:uuer with i '.'> < total Ihe eildl llftd T. A. G 4kf W BS V B Anns'.r Mg tl 4- I- 'I Furiajaoa 42 Mt "*4
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  • 361 10 Ram y-^ M warm*. Several very successful competitions wan ie-l al the Riot? Cu>.e during tiie Eatter holidayi, tin peetbet being perfao( Mid fcheeatriei good* At the eloM of thi yin >ni o 'munitions r t},e president, Mr E F. H. Ellin, aiiEoanceu the retnlti as fbll<
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  • 216 10 A i ■o a l M ■■mro. <>q April 11 at the C.uo II MM of above, Mf Justice Thornton presided over the annual meeting of members. The ieport, which hid bam circulated, was presented by the Hon. Secietary, Mr Dvi ward, and adopted. It reads as
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  • 111 10 The opening day of the above was hnld on Apnl B, aafottaaatelj iLclement wetther to some ext.-nt tpoiled the proceedings, Dot withstanding this there was a urge attendance of ladies, a photograph was tiben a copy of which will ba kept in the archives' of tee club.
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  • 600 10 Mr P. 6V May, the we!! kaowo English eridretor, m ooauag dul to Giyloa. Vardon, the golfer, is leaving 1 England, DATiog obtained post in America. TWdesthel Bpnr Friedricb FI -u^.tb? tiuiDiH German acror, is announced from Bflriia. Mr J. M. Mickcrz e ol thi Biah
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  • 104 10 An extraordinary general meetiri^ of the P«aaag Khean GhlAB Ic-jrance i:>>\., Ltd was held en April 11 |fl rhe OoMptny'l pvmiaea, X •>. M Beach Btntft, to ooatra the resolution pissed at a previous meeting for winding up the busiuesa. Taere were more than fift€3D shareholders
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  • 28 10 WALKER TROPHY. The following are the collected scores for April for the above Trophy. Tdi P iD g |g6 Penang ]h(| Selangor J<orth Kmta Singapore
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  • 207 10 number -i. HtBM dM f 111. X First >r.! I > irirtr I caltii itioa m sptber wr fieldf which will bmm year, ifc I M oven be id area i r es planted iri Li! NO. to c *ro) i:i i; f<>r ywii lbs. against
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  • 176 10 March 24th. I A !:a Since our last Report had a rtuotuat ntz and ir, one day pr, >• r< 4<L pe* Ib., and dropped down 3d. Hard F,r r v. JIM and 6-S| f oe June to luiy it th. lost per lb. S
    176 words
  • 195 10 TL« v morniDL' h I mriday from i' .rt S«e'!< n. i v v. tht Km fttoofl ta Bil« out. Mr B.GLB i be the cpient of mai.\ :j- >n* ez^^:t\:."\r. V, t«w (i < 1 1) pper Perak. Ito Negri Sem 1 Club bIPPi Ml the tt A Trophy,
    195 words

  • 1258 11 (From Our S C>yrresponden Mi:,:: r; y i r .p. th- >. tiab Hose Rulers, baTe am troatod t« a wi ii. i >•:■ ilil h^u i .j. he by the OoTeroment of which tht; Hi strennottt auppor'-' A iafnUli I r number waited pmali :pon Mr Aaq
    1,258 words
  • 561 11 How ouk [nnan abb Growing in .1 Hiti::: >nd, whohnt j'ist returned to London flat a locg v:>.t to tht Baar, :r: i ii :!,r!v:.-v; with a, t^ t .r Btaadaid bad some iuT»'n->tiiigfr«Barkt s l>e di vt- Ii pment if British iatfi iti i tbi
    561 words
  • 25 11 Lieutenant \V. D. Cioft. 2nd Battalion Scottish B tl^s. ii-is i-een jppo.nud A. D. t. to Sir E M Merewether, G jveinor-Desig-nate of s.erri Leone.
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  • 795 11 Fhere are three ceDerdilv acceo'e] s*v. w I iagi aboot aaoMholdori in tho nakiag: that a prophe' is not without honour save in til own country that m is a hero to til valet aL<] that sain's aie not c d n. on:/-] till they have
    795 words
  • 583 11 Far-ke\« m« r -a Just laid on tie table uf f^ II Commons, the report of a l< pr*;;-.-^ Committee of tbt Board of T.a.Je i DU:r pr( :-posala which w>l!, i .r; \>u ven 'hem, Ufgely revolutions^ thep ..'•,>- m, tern of the country. At pi,
    583 words
  • 298 11 IfOM OOKPLICATBD BOABD GAME X.M N T" y N Thou -b Japan 1; is ad">pt< ■]n, y fames in cor junction with other fru ts of ci\ i.isiiti(.i). it BMI fi.'t kt .^l'j'posed that she do- s not p'jb i^riiiif-h uf hti own < I >, originally a
    298 words
  • 9 11 CHENDKKIAX'i 140 pU# Bsbbtdai Hvi L74fkli
    9 words
  • 14 11 Two hundred Members of PdrLdm-ii* ir to he presen* at the I >elhi Dtlffcv,
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  • 456 12 Iq reference to a.n appeal macta by I. cut. Col. Chapman, comin-iuJant of the Hongkong Volunteers for a greater dt^ee of Biipport by 'he yourg men of that Colony the C/'tn < M'lil, ineu'i »ning the fact that the numbeis are teudict? to decrease than otMF*
    456 words
  • 187 12 Cinematograph pictnres of living microWs signified ftboi t 50,000 tinM won ikowa M a le.-ture by Sir E \l \y Lmkrster btfovt Ihi N«t dm] He.iitli Bociaty M Burlington* The occasion waa the first ci tLe Lady Priestley tuemoiial lectures. RotaVMOl _'o-.J— tl.e red lad vkilc < or
    187 words
  • 282 12 I^I'EKN M.\KY> F'.uv b II The Express is llfwifl I B -iaHy that the C^ueen has intimated to the < i trdeners' Company her wish tbat the 'oronation bjmjuot which the Company is to piesent to her Mbjesty should i>e comMttfl of pink carnatiocs. The flowers from which
    282 words
  • 832 12 THE LATE MR W C. MURRAY OF SHANGHAI. The P\^siN-i l vX- ta;::.f Man. Over a week IgO tb« BbftSgbai correspondent f the Chin* Mm tei^raphed the melaocholv MWI I I the. death of Mi U Murray. To d»y ibi M-ii briagi the obituary DOtioM priotod i Of notben cont.mpowit*
    832 words
  • 116 12 In the DITOTOa Ooairl on Ifoeh I7ih .Sir Bamoel Btaiii graa f ed a daorat ni^i to a Ohinamao, baariogtba aa^aaof Ckarlef Ctßg, aanyiag aa baaioan m lodgingbooaa kaeper ia FiiaMihonas. i. ndoo, anJ Livarpool. Taeva waa ao defanoa PatiHo-Lt-r in 1?M married an BaglishwoaMO, by whom
    116 words
  • 22 12 ■> < T/-CVloLei Lancelot C. Koe hi.s been appointed to succeed ColoLel Abbot- Anden on Ms commandant of the British L?s?tt'on Ouarda in PekiD2.
    22 words
  • 498 12 ANGLO-DUTCH PLANTATIONS OF JAVA. A BOtftteCOf An^lo-Dar« P::intHti;ns of Java (Lt4 boM on,a 17th all |0 hear a paper rtftd by Mr Hammond, one Ol the directors k«t recently returned from a vi^t to Jay,. Tie Hon. C. H Strutt presidad, and hi iatiodpoif Mr KtaißOfti M tfct meeting
    498 words
  • 309 12 The world was taken by surprise, ma a new it* iii naval i»unnerv \\;:s st^rt.e«i. vhen IVt'v Ofioorof theiirst t Wialoi <ir wadi Inl made ei^rht hits iritb e -.rht sucoessive rounds in on* miiiiitt horn Sia. quick firii eun MOQOted en board the
    309 words
  • 142 12 DiCfeTiti -.i. Y. .-:<.-. ;lA\ V t A IKS. < >aa pi tba m•* d laati ma i 0 tgi i kru'AU in HMMI yaafi to p. \m The HUfflll quarter of Fokv r i q vester.J;iv. exttodwg to Ut Btajv natmil I iokvo wern lies'
    142 words
  • 505 12 In May f t: i- a century that He r A the head of the H^nSarf A' it was formerly called ;i Packet fab rt Aktien <i-s« icbatl be no doubt tbas during H.«; j paDy bad the n.o^t
    505 words
  • 117 12 The par 1911 is likely to betr ac i delible muk lo Ci i ■Mf j: iw {■-obleillh thiifi. those oi domestic policy, aod tbf v.t hit Ml Will S»MtMMfu rwroof, tfel f«mt nfl I f hm* eff I Ml w ment the j Cdbinet and the l>
    117 words
  • 72 12 'i M;itia dseltr— §*jb i bwi Pat.-, ii.r uriDp the mantbs the foil w were sold ul 1 L- ;et N Five battleships, ip iru puard vefisfcis, b ml!-,.s bo*ta, six transput-. 1 iMll v«»r§ f a numler of bulks ami HoatsaM p« boats, and seven BuLiuariu** t
    72 words

  • 647 13 r iM 1 r:- r. his b*€H wou by Mr J 11. K-.-rr ier. Tbe second division of the Ameri.n Squadron it to nu'»v a train -*iinMay. M A els. wife of Colonel •is Alii--- m M in 1891, d-I on Peb 1 b of heart
    647 words
  • 1052 13 lim y in v. JQU( to hiv^ 2 :iiV( in pulling off r; »<w Jrielwl nates,c *s, altho jh icaseth4 -menU were at Borne Sute'i teiffis. Ths metto pr red J" r m speakiag f i the I n l;ti -as w-re th it tesired nnli m sosm
    1,052 words
  • 280 13 I .v-re w,, a large m ;>'er at the Course IWI Mtß. -■-i"' worked .ilonp uver a mil- ai stroMj hi i pi •<, 8 >>■.<-; tfci poai 1 iii>-,v. Prince [»iai sil le G -1 X »se, T »m L <■-. u B naa, sn■ s igatigbt,
    280 words
  • 212 13 Thk Di-:ri:y<!iii:e Pi. a: k. L mdon, Ist April. Derbythtai P;.<t>\ budieqp of 20 j won mile and a half. Vi.-tn-y Mr A. St'd.ill, ".yrs, '-t 13lby Ewtr.s 1 Vaatern, Mr R. Buckwortb, lyrs, 7sr, Rees I Garae Fowler, Mr J. Tfhtlll. Gjllj Sst, 21h, Trifg 3
    212 words
  • 253 13 A >.\'\ ia-fn_' v; i held fct 9&pftl 1 1 2 >n Apr:! il which the following rac have l ti latevett. i --H I; a v.> mT... a m». riimliiii hf B. B B. C. 5 fnrlonsj haudieap Atr: iteur Riders. ifc. bwrg i\-.:i^se-'s T.-uuijie CMr H-inncke)
    253 words
  • 344 13 Ie r noticed -v i .n ;a -h^r^d with f*h.->otincr the Tir'-.r-- t *t Oeatoa nr hn .Jessed and s»id that ■Othif Mtt«li« M:. i^i f'.oc in iv '-tone of f:. Mi:. rhn Thi rii^n said h s name was Win S*Bg Tt I MtfvtofftMJ
    344 words
  • 534 13 F f-tomt 0U ll WMI tal I r B«afat I» j< .}'--.ti 11 which Mr Esnermpm .ill iqaait with Kj Thtr Idwiiil: Wtn Urn batfl MOCBf m ned B aeri Uttqaaji I if- 1 < J N l! nwkmji ]d< 1 1 R. BraddeU wn Cip f
    534 words

  • 3015 14 INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE'S REPORT. mi:, wjnkki.m \nn EXPLADia Ann -r\ t tie lii'ira g'n i i x a i Gum ipen h'. 0.1- ia held al e registered ;:es of OMpW A v--t .tO c -i.~ ■be i tee ol s:. r al weetiLg, and to d> <•• :Y
    3,015 words
  • 91 14 BARNES CUP POLO TOURNAMENT. I J er The Mtofa con«i< the Cii placed bbtck-h i Goats* "d to be v» -core by a M»s* scored *ns w: i ry Soe angle i II i .lowed. In the third and ltat I it was aoj seconds Mon feW -lit imm pUjarw
    91 words

  • 377 15 Ol ttft, Apr:; 7th. has reached Caku^.a ol 1 lenii V \y in the Abor c sj| Aaitem The mt \j, t Dr. Gregorson, and fifty coolies, 1 rivet oatnMd osii .^ndui^ion, were set v m j Abon oohe«s who .^»ht the news rh. eicaped
    377 words
  • 280 15 Io tbe Third Court yesterday a European n lined BelUmy was charged on a a I with voluntarily causiog hnrt to Mad Bertha at JI- HyUra Street, in I The bearing of the case was Ixtd \Yedaes. Xt, bail being allowed in t lie Mr J. G. C
    280 words
  • 9 15 < X —7" I bs. for twenty
    9 words
  • 1603 15 'IV v r m (Reuters A 1 Vpr. 1 1 J of a flying! «1 ,c sea w A g wrecked and the M throw.. I was rescued. ie-t QtoPani with-, it i at. r four Lo Rjutor'a 2 corespondent itates that the Bu tee has approved a grant
    1,603 words
  • 114 15 t« r'« .V n■ r j... r „r >,. rit vg b A stral T^. j^c,... tboiemfte. of the Am- r.ciD <;,%•- inj -v to be the goes* t A^n-aoD his wiy trooi the C 4 King rj> I H mm n M nit >n r: A Crimfa i;
    114 words
  • 46 15 v.pur, Apr I M have t ived •C 3 S^remJ) ",r>anT Drectoibr^ m <d afioal dividen f2l making i the yeir, aUoviog **t thousind sierlingr f-»r depr y^ v vine forward 62 I. Ph Din ttoa nettd ths rate of tw .ir.
    46 words
  • 16 15 "tent.} KmULumpu-, Apr 1 ss'Rflj Cub h±a M 71 in I talker Trophy.
    16 words
  • 13 15 ii Iranlic -171 allW, 232, Working Expenses 12,745, ft| X
    13 words
  • 23 15 (Fi ii Corresponded* Luru; 4| rti I V X' ]t im| bhnr Oaeipnny nets sni Intel I dividend oi sv cent.
    23 words
  • 15 15 {Fr i\ ilia. Lumpur AptiJ 1 Seafiei.d:— ii,.. Da» orsAKi 26,561 lbs.
    15 words
  • 66 15 M .i i. V p: i] 1 k\ ft ruhSer iMtlOl there Wdsa l:oen OOOipet ju ana the following prices wer^ ied. FiLe Bh B eet >jn. C epe riogtertf DEATii OF DOCTOEOF I4 HONG WAX r respondent Hot: «g, i D. M leicti -h, tha «1
    66 words
  • 43 15 DTfi PAI IV I IT T A f April 18tb. Then wua bi^ f<di >f n Vjeloai. i l ltd .1 M \.i lOoliai who were work I mm i Aqq nrtfc. I mt of th» oooliM ww isKMlf tj recover.
    43 words
  • 60 15 sponrfeiU.) \\u ila Li j i < in. The i Liters 1 t j lU fi in L >•-■; -:i gi sg tl latest r titles Flantsti s sheet sad bi I LOd nsj .b. I im >••- ps Besi id .{< 5s 6 1 lUrk scrap Is
    60 words
  • 78 15 Siv~ i< t\"nr, > pjp^r I p.i. i. i -n of Sinsfapi»re in t»< i nv,.| port to Colomb though -i fi^e < ne §urpritOQ ua in this year of jm-^ 1 \*u (as published last evening wi«u Cecsua totals for the Straits S-ttkmeLth, no than 185,000; or b uip
    78 words

  • 2136 16 A Tamil tel<%aph messenger, employed at the Poet < office, was yesterday committed for trial at the BOXI ass"/. on three charges of u?iug as genuine forge 1 documents Leut.C)l. EL H. JofeaotOS, R A.M.C. from the Curngfc, huM been appointed A<tmiuisTdtive Medical Oftotf at Chatham (Extern Command) in
    2,136 words
  • 540 16 Api i. 1 Theseus, Brit htr, H, for Saaaghai, Taku, Dalr.y and •> po. Sarie Borneo. Dat str, X Es, for port Edward Barry, Rut? st: \-t r voscock. WakawaNi Mar;. .Jap A t wa, for Wo sun;,' (China Resident Sri.ielT. Dut. str., Unas, for Rhio Profit, N r
    540 words