The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 13 April 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 16 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES THURSDAY, APRIL, i 3, 1911, No, 1.237
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  • 115 1 TIN RETURNS. CONTENTS. AASDFASDFASDFSDFSADFASDFASDF Feb. Mar. Total Beiat 529 1,176 177 75 252 -el. 625 P5O 1,37« kW ,1 628 628 >= :lj 5 3,590 6,287 17,729 110 47^ 445 §10 KintaAMci-.ti-n 538 220 745 133 IW Carnal Fftlli lil 16 -.05 431 1,746 Je Ml SOI 611 Middleton s
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  • Domestic Occurences.
    • 32 1 H\T< jir.i.L. —Oa lal Mar, Tonhridc,. Walla, Mn v.iti a h. m. Batohbll, FJLS, Potiee, of a daughter. PouaTaai.— Oa the Mbiasi Hm wife- ol a. M Pommnrr, of a daogbter.
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    • 100 1 ii eVNK> LaeLaa.— Oa \Wm March, 1911, al I St. Peter's Church, the Fort, Colombo, hy th- Bar. A. L Keith, Alow.,' BIDHBT Haynkk. Federated Malay States Civil Service, youngest wn of th<: Ute Hknky Sh'-0.0t.l Hayneh of Cpminster, rb^x, and the late Mrs. Haynes, ot 28, Bba Park
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  • 66 1 (Corrected up to A.priL 19 I Bank -i in s I 4 ft itßMd 84^ Pnvdi-i cre-litd oin a 2/4*] oraditi 6;u p -'4.;. France, demand Hink:... 8N Germany, drjuiaud 239 iNi)i.\, r. Ti M i Hongkono, denittLi'j 22} Yokohama, deraatai ll4| Java, demand 140J B\ngkok\ dMMBd 56 Soversignb,
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  • 131 1 April 18. Til* IM.OO Gunbier tay*ll 8 20 Gambler Culm No I w 1-^-50 Garabier On *c ~> ccm P*pjarßia«s .or^la. 8 jsre) ijtri 16 73 P^ytf.Wmi (fair) buyers 27 25 N i*tn;«^ (110 It t*« Hk)«i Kotr Natmcj?* (80 fco sic KK| «i »v, J' i)ri Mac« (BftO*v>
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  • 1430 1 The Bu rden of the Governor. April 7. I I <■■ •.-•.in, tbe v cnin I :> 1 practpa o.'.w. W\ R R^aa, Loyalty. I tjM« c *c /V- f c i ,>j, e is mucn d rxerencd n twee*i tee ooaditioaa of the voyage to Fl iglaad of the
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 245 1 THE WEEK. Tne lb aud <>. Aasaye anriTad on 1 >iday laal with mails up to IM ireh 18 A homeward mail went by the L -uV >w ou Moadav, and this weekly leaves to-day by the P. I raroba." H 11 tbe GrOaaraOff left for Home by the P.
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  • 1111 2 The Declaration of London. April 8. Having other fish to fry. such as the aboil to n ot the right of the HoaaO of Lords to refer hglalatJOß to Ihe people, and, a> a Beaeal, the intrcduetiou of Home Bale. Watt disestablishment, and sundry other more or less destructive measure.-*,
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  • 1162 2 Pec pie have lately cc nue to hear a good deal of the soya bear, as a pr doc*, on a large scale, of Minchuria, ou so large a scale indeed that it is now depended on as a substantial factor in cargoes carried from
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  • 937 2 Chinese Shipowning Enterprise. April 11. Along with the uuj r displayed by the > r..'s Romewaro ierence in the org.o -ed bafCOtt of Brrsa flipping that is not tributary to the ling, there h..> wmmw I la. as we have co often point*-] out. tbe t lisb blindness to the
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  • 1155 3 Rubber as a Commodity. April 12. Many ha-re been the speculations lagai i ing tbe future of the rubbar indu- krj vi relation to mu ket prices. But it seem- m the whc there are two factors that will rule the situation c 0 1 iI sly, Oaa •3 tb
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  • 1363 3 The Conference and the Empire. April 13. Aa the w-» r > fe h] e p^st, the time t 'be weeks heaoe. That OmfeTeaee. i-A bi re *u.n it.v pre;. -cess tr*, ia pragaaat even bi Iti fata I* ii dtac aragtag, H v even sickening, I o Uriah h
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  • 73 3 Mr T. Rishwortb, Army Accounts J>e- pirtment. has been granted !eav*- of absence, on private iif sirs from Ist May to bint July, It'll, with permissb-n to proceed to Japan and China. i A Hombav man employed in a shop in High Street' showed the police tive Lnife wounds on
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  • 1098 4 I- is unf -r unite that we shall n-' be able to put anything like a fu'l s*reug'h ombin- j ation in for the Straits Golf Championship I meeting which is beicg held at Penang this yea*-. With Ferguson and Mugliston away home, and Miles in India three
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  • 466 4 II M S. "MONMOUTH" v S.C.C. The much locked forward to £ame of EtOfby football betweeu H.MS. MouI mouth" und the S CC. took place on the Esplanade last evening before a large 1 gathering of spectators, tbe ground being oaths hard iioe. Mf J R.bertson ncted as
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  • 54 4 The Taiping members ;.f the Lidies' B He Aaaociatioa put in their aaoathly shoot for the Walker Trophy aeya 'he Perah Pioneer, and made the following scores olrs Anderson b*d Tate 82 Miss Barton Parket Bl Mra Vaaraaan 31 -Mr 30 N Hobeoa 29 rr l
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  • 37 4 i The export figuraa r»| tin froaj Perak for Bfeichi (exoiustag Coper Perak) theaa being advtvLce figuiee liable to correction, were. Block tin 9,889 16 pik. Tin ore 20.426 44 pik. I>-tv 1347,941 29.
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  • 130 4 Doveridge Handicap of (u> soys The j straight mile Mr L. de Rothoehild*a Cat; ail i yr.s, Bai 1 lb. Tiigg 1 I Lord Londonderry'^, Piotestint Boy 4yra. 7.,t 41b Fox 2 Mr T. Nolan's, Ftathlea, t<yrs, gat 81b Higgs .3 j Also ranMarajiX. >st lllb, D-ihle
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  • 35 4 The dircotora of the Chekiang Railwr.v Company are proposing to borrow five miblion dollars from a Shanghai Missionary Society for the^ purposes of the rai'wav. The people of Chekiang are strorgiy opposed to the Ivan.
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  • 768 4 Manager's Report for the four weeks ending 25 h M-arch 1911. The Mine M and Assay Reaa'ta shows a ratal of 221 1 feet made up as— Sinking 28] driving on lodes $5 ft. and crosscu'ing 128 f> and compares with a total
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  • 22 4 Mr George Hunter, for sutoen years in the HongkoDg Office of Messrs J inline. Matheson and Co leaves for Shanghai on promotion.
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  • 754 4 MR W. EMEK BrAI8 r AI k BIKGAPORI <»[ those who h ive years of leisure after a -»uc al career to the tine f >-\ valaiißaae iv itself, there can have b em who hare done that more t ioee*stu;, Emery Stark. formerly a we.!
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  • 20 4 A Chinese trader of < pay a tine of 5b lU toe n court vesterdxv for filing leg.s'buth of his child.
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  • 820 5 The la*- Mr Charier be, wti m Uath mn uueed, }[p wi-tro- s propnet r f "Athti «;m A P-k.« j ■■:.>>• s.-. that the Throne i- ujted 'he vicer --ys and governors t tie \*r ;e, p r vit -,h. b-h sll n m. .i.o
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  • 1072 5 Tie soo ,f an old Mitiny officer who altar ret nog fr-m -he [adiaa abrmy, I lad, i jtil shortly beboe h; 5 deith only two years ago, a post under theG »vernment*of < > l'eecslaad, Edward iowc ley was born and brought op
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  • 686 5 ihe ceremorv or laving the i undation itoae of the X-w Usaoaii Tsmpla ia M^x well B -ad (t-eiLg built for Lodge Kiata oZlz EC OB Saturday i fternoou byihe D. D G. M my* he Times of Malays, must be writteu do Waal an
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  • 352 5 The most leceat Hollo: in i I the F. M. S Deportment ot Agriculture is by Mr H. C. Pratt CoVh-rnment entomologiir, and de-is With tha al>ove t ut j ret He myi a considerable mm of money bai been -.OcUt on KatfOI during a system
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  • 389 5 I GILEAIt B A b V t -rU d u-;.e-a by I Fiauti KXawia. o cad P>i.m is a yourg knight i wno being endowed with m -»buud.»- of this worlds goods, teeks to do g i s*eal b, and, as a means 'hat end t w, up
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  • 428 5 Tn i Wehr Wui la.a n M i Mr Justice Ebden opened tbi .a--:zes at the Towa Hall, Taipiag, <>n Tl on las last. The tirst cue taken Was lhat i t Mil. > bin H di Abdullah charged aith di- murder of Tuutang, his brother-in-law,
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  • 70 5 Tbe following are tbe derailed operations during the m nth of y.j.?-: < hitput. Tril nl aa 1 > c Miaa re 3 7 ToUl output 3,- m V.\; Tributers' Ore -j MnaOaa -1: lata! m Brmu m Pa i it. Tritu^ers' < >re <- Mine Ore
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  • 235 6 We h tve few changes to report in the market for r he pi> week. B osmess continues to bo chiefly confiued to Robbers i which remaia ste-idy, with a good business in *0t- lower priced sna r es Vary few translations are reputol in Mining or
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  • 642 6 boe meeting .A the V M. C -V. Paiiiameatars Debating Bociets oa Wedneedej gat was attended by some thirty or more Europeius. and a SOTS interesting debate •v an luco ne Tax lib! tOOh place. Iff I\-ck introduced the following motion: Thai this H
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  • 60 6 Tnose home goers on holiday enj >y rubb ng it into the stay-behinds that they are miaaiag lots of good things. A post card from Aden says Having a glorious time, the Bl raits contingent holding their own all sloag the line, even with the girls you m uld h-ive
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  • 1121 6 1^ EaffaLawn a Bra or a Qaaai .'HA N 9 1 t New developments in p ditics and important evenrs 5 n social progress frequently co:ur almost (spontaneously and without auy ap-p-iient prologue- Men, often of general!*, co tilting th ught, ariive by different roads at 'hi
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  • 133 6 S. C. C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. In the SCC Tennis Tournament last eveuing the Chimpionship Pairs wa6 won by Giunt and Treadgild. who defeated j/arbishire and C:x. The tirst roamed won the tirst set 6 with ea*e. Cjx playing a very indiiT-*reut game, but in the secoud set he made a
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  • 123 6 A Chinese policaman faced Mr R >binson, third magistrate, yesterday, ou a charge of theft of a bicycle belonging to Police Sergeant Hatton of the Central Station. About noou on Wednesday, I'r-tective Inspector Taylor saw the accused wheeling a bicycle out of the gate at the Central
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  • 135 6 A Chinese coolie was before Mr Robinson, third magistrate, yesterday afternoon, charged with the attempted murder of two I other CuineBe. Court Inspector Ambrose was for the prosecution. Dr Gibbs said the accused was a melanci hob.c miniac and suffored from delusions. He had imaginary grievances and
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  • 22 6 Kinta Assooiaiion Ltd: B£o pikuls: Tribute 885 pkls; Total -bob pkls. Agents Huttenbtch k\ Co. Royal Johore 72 pkls.
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  • 24 6 At the Rubber Exchange buddings on Wednesday the prices realized were. Sheet $.-305 per pikul. Cbpe scrap HOC
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  • 156 6 > m < Detective S. Bell of the Hongkong Police I is leaving shortly for tbe Malay Siates, where he will join the constabulary as an inspector. The marriage will take place at StGeorge's, Penang, towards the end of this month, of Mr C. K. Pearson, of Messrs John Little
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  • 791 6 Mr il. o W ostedt, conMnu-s I*. v v ill iv the hospi a. a lit v Gij-ih. The H nobble C -T Saunders haw ]ru from bis visit i Christ mis Island The date f ne> A at ng*. is May 2. A' Ponang May
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  • 1170 7 Qn,r t I ru ,f .ma i .A f,, n ,jrjo JIOKSAI. Tne .as* man \une away fr.m our shores, m. .rigs! otters. H. E the 4j.overnor of tb-- C->.-»ny, whose object in noing to L ndon is anything but relaxation. Like ano-r.. r Smbb*d
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  • 376 7 H. E. THE GOVERNOR LEAVES FOR HOME. Despite the early hoar, there were many presHi.r at the P. and 4». W'narf yesterday m S*aißg to wo-h hM voyage to His Ex CeUeaCT, the Governor, Sir .John Anderson, aha is pr. feeding Home on a sh.ot have for the purpose «>f
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  • 323 7 Wl understand that a COfTf of the report by Mr B B Stubbs, of the Colonial 4jrfice, which was the eutc< me of his recent visit li the Straits Settlements and Federated Malar States, has reached this country We also understand that some of his r«commendations are distinctly unpalatable to
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  • 1387 7 T'oa* Ihi ycung folk shou'd lei* a large -nare in ail national celt bra? icLs is now an established eastern. Only by commencing Imperial Education in youth c-.n the tut ore make suie of good and enthusiastic citizens, and however much people ru^y rafi Bad rant at
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  • 511 7 W. man Cases an ai Po i Cgubt Mr X /bins n, third mcigis*r..*e, reaaanJas if ter noon < p^-ned a preliminary t-i ju.r*» iatO Baallfgation "f m sohiet b-. c br. .g against a SOBBg Keh w -mar C< uit Itsp c*.or arpeaieo i tha
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  • 135 7 Tne ne* pr. Iti lor the year 1914 at* bad and d< übtfui del"-, and g £26/ 30 bronghl forward bam laal sc 188 unt to nl' -b*7. y^ m this sou. i. lo ba deducted £\6,*7~j, being 'he in f e! dividend of 3 per
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  • 22 7 It :s stated that H H the Su tan f Johore has presented the Harinstou's Circus a tiger and twe bear cubs.
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  • 801 8 Tester day m -rning II M. S. "Edgar," (Osptiia C. B Millar), arrived from Cb •mb wi*h bubmariue C. 38 in tow. The is mteres'iog is being the fi "s- occ*- >n one >»f these mini^tu e fighting machines ho-m in. .Sng.pore Hibtono bat ■".ta toe
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  • 193 8 ace fodovedng were the results of rhe xmclnding roaadi ia *he Mixed Foursome-? C oupe* ition for tbe President's Prise, Mr Gransloser and Daper beat Mr ami Mrs Hewan 1 up. Mrs 801 l ar.d Ttipp boa: Mis a Worters Bad Sugars 1 up. Ms Elcum
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  • 283 8 Io thi Diitfict Cou yesterday, before Mr Firms me. a Mtlay wm tiled $59 and costs for jo* reporting a ca-e of small pox. A Chioess pickpocket arres f ed at the Circus A frjw nights ago was yesterday sentence to th*-ee months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr R
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  • 75 8 Agen's Sime D irby and 0 Ai.ok Ga. \h 285 lbs. A gent i Gtathria aod 0 >. Kamtxin.; !».4 ;o lb.;; Against .-,382 ib-s Total niue mouths I»_,000 lbs. Penang, Apr. T. biiLMoi: Uvi-rn 490 lbs. Owls KaxuMPoao: 16,000 lbe. Btjbbbb Eara-rano* K'rian 8,717 lbs: rota]
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  • 471 8 A gouts D -nick and 0 Pk'oan... 7b To pkls. (hv^ returns due to exoeaaisi drought which Mrioosly effoctcd sluicing operations Agents Guthrie and Co. Kaminix S.i 2*T ■Vo-ams. <a s->0 c a_,^.U 3,. Tvtil nine months Sdl,(Jo3. A marrbige has been arranged, and will take place
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  • 936 8 Mi* W. A Qr. T.ileke ratten ai Msrah 81 from the business of the legal torn he founded twenty years ago. Th j business 1 will becarriad oaiafntaea by Messrs. S. Brsghoase and R. D. Atkinson at the same 1 office and address. (3 am Ooserver.)
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  • 351 8 There w.s ..u'e ag ;*r-r.. Course m Si* 11 lav, mc 1 ug The going was g a bu* pr*eti was .lone. h »rses kin 1 f alaakraaadaad waat bick, WA! about tne length d 1;,- concert Cis'ro and lire;, P lv were ikea m ru i i
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  • 186 8 IV TBB U I.l' v Offiosr, Bstste Hoc- .alayS:..t*« Ml W• dished by tbe ..01-; m tbat I.b \V. 4 t. b sa to coatrihalß published book on but owing to w c I I ssible tocoms iv Profeasor bore deeaied to Ah thssss*d by a number wiag eetatea
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  • 32 8 During tba alterations to Mr Htnitsch's g lartera in F >rt Canning H iad, he has remove 1 t 'he house formed? occupied by Archdeacon I Zl rd, \>. 3 Kort C inning
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  • 1219 9 (From out (Jsvn (Jorreeponderii ane. S« -etary of .State for received the mof Haddington oa the completion ci venty-five years' t'ti irv f C il--* Lothian. According x ill tn i -1 noured custom, the i nonparty character. The Prosoet who mid- Mr Ha. "ime a bii.
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  • 281 9 E.AA. little gathering loch plan ou ■day ereaiag al Pulse dbia to great EbadaraOß and his bride. Tiie .ttt..p 1 coacmi lull bad boon gaily dec eatid palm leaves and bunting whilst above tags ia whUe aad red bl loand i »rth :*d m loOBM." A* pm.
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  • 311 9 ar* "b Ib Webb, c, '.t Karachi, who has reniatly returned from South \:-:-i moutes the total population for Britiab Afr a at 11,230,04 0 sborigiaes, i,> > t OOO Europaaai aad 160,000 ladiani. He. myathe Asiatic is slowly batateadily ouiting 'li Euroaeaa ia tha coloay and the white co.
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  • 1883 9 I r Bjh reemer* Un L md n, M urch 1 7th. A: :i;o.::. rhe doings .1 Cnivers *y athletes a'tr^c* mach attention at this season, both Light aad Darh B aaa being ialaal <oa get*mg fit t >r the annual struggle at Q icera's Ground. Prom
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  • 141 10 AN INTFK-CLUb MATCH. A cricke* match was played on the .S.C.C. end of the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between teams captained by Wishart and Cantrell. The scores were Wisharts Team, Griffith Jones o Miller b Beven 1" H Kb S. Zehnder c Pnipps bClaike 28 A.
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  • 311 10 The following is the latest list of >uhscription* to the King Edward VII Memorial Fund. Previ. uslv acknowledged. *M-v>.dV.>:2 Seah loangSeah Esq. 1 000 Messrs. Adamson Giifillan A. Co. bio Low Long laa* Esq. WO Kuantan Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Wong Ah Jang E-.* 20 Ng Sen
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  • 146 10 There is a shortage in the strength of the Territorial Army which amounts to 1,451 cfticers and 13,925 men. Mr E A. Hewett, P. and U. Agent at Hongkong writes to the pbpers there to give an instanced' the value of wireless communication iv PBBBeal to one of his Company's
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  • 1072 10 CORONATION FESTIVITIES IN LONDON Akran«-iixg the Proorammk. While much remains to be settled regarding details, it is possible to give B general indication of the main outline of the pro giarnme of Royal events during the Corona tion petiod. The Coronation festivities, so far as the Court is directly concerned
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  • 1114 10 There is no name better known in the Straits from an education ti or relgi .os point I of view than that of the Sunt whose name I day it is to diy. It is a tittle A Bcall for us here, who are so ten-p^ed to
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  • 139 10 The Engineers i pi?- cipality have b«eo expernn go, months with a v.-w improviaf the roads by putting a wai rp* L tbem. The roads v **i siderable damage t o: rain which wash < fi the difficulty is to ha me suit the local climatic con back
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  • 270 10 When Hi-* Fxellency the Gcver: John Asian i n aUtb memory of \oe .a Isaac Headers V M C A. the other day, man} laterally a>ked who Mi Hen i< > mmm asaa fears i ooa he leftSiafipore. During the *en yaars -40 be aaa a member of
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  • 174 10 A Malay p. stuian ent< I month's hard Id. v j>, osoond magistrate. ye-A..\ i -.v.. g cigarette ctse I t bl < >'Conne r. The a-rPo.Ltmen- > Edward Marsh Mer-wKh«-.. Governor of M tit to be l lommander-in-Chiei t 'the c Leone. Tsat takfap .he 6u» ha 'ompaty
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  • 742 11 i rr: 'eieio \->ue campanv, says .n es-.miren that e«teh birtn j. .n iverige >i telephone calls. pi c 1 Miuisterat St. Petersburg, has leader- resignation, but the Peking Grand Coon I .mends ta laaaaal him toiarn i hai paat a. Ma-sob. formerly of Tokyo, :at
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  • 514 11 I RESENTAITOH BY BINDT3 COMMUNITY. A alasaxal littk faactioa tooh place last evening it the Mariamman Temple in South Bridge Koad when Mr E L Talma, S^eretary to the Hindu and Mobamedan bidowiio:;-.. Board, who i- going on le I ve shortly, w iS presented with
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  • 158 11 In the Supreme Court, yesterday, before the ao'ing C net Jintico, S.r A. F L iw, the Hon. E C. E.lis moved for an order under the provi-ions of the (companies Urdinanoes l»*o9and a 'a foi the filing with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies of a memorandum
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  • 100 11 The following land sales took place at Messrs. Cheng Keng Lee and Cos. Bala r »orn yesterday L^'seiiobl land an<l houses Nos 96 to 96 for years with 71 years to run. < v »ait Rent $21. Bought by Syed Abmat bin Yahyah for $t 9 7fto. Leasehold
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  • 76 11 Mr C. G. M iv. D.p.ry Colonial Engineer, accompanied by Mr \V. Peel, President' of the Municipii Commission, Dr J. Smart Boee, Acting Minicipil Health Officer, Mr L H. Clayton, Superintendent of Immigrants, S.S. and E.M.S., Mr H. Muir Senior Government Marine Eogineer Surveyor. Mr E. T. Kinder, Executive Engineer.
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  • 421 11 Tne annual report of above (for whicb M^s-rs A damson Gilfiilan Co are Agents) to be presented to the twenty first ordinary general meeting ot shareholders, to ba held Bt thi ffijes of the Association, od. 26, The Bund. Shanghai, to-day states that working eeanat af 1900
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  • 146 11 The following items in the schedule of operations for handling coal, subject to the approval of H. E. the Governor, will be charged for at the rates as set forth below as from Is' July, Poll. We also give the existing rates. New Rites. Present Rates, per
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  • 106 11 A meeting was held ou March 21 at which there were present Messrs Bruce (in the Chair,. Astou, Chan To Pin, No.'/', and Wardrop (Secretary Tha minutes of the meeting held on the 20th February, It'll, were read and coniirmed. The .Secretary was direc'el to
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  • 78 11 ADMITTED TO THE BA R. Before the acting Chief Justice, Sir A. F. Law, in the Supreme Court, yesterday, the H -n. T. de M. E. Braddell, Attorney General, movel that Mr R L Eber be admitted as an advocate and solicitor of the Supreme Court upon his application. <)a
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  • 448 11 S. C. C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. THE CHAMPIONSHIP. Tne above tournament was br. ught to a close last evening with the Championship game between A. 1) Cox, the holder, and C. M. Howe, runner-up. A larj^ number of spectators wa,s present on the E-piarade ii anticipation of a ready good display,
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  • 89 11 The following is the result of the April Monthly Medals Ladies' played on April 7th. Mrs Gaunt 50 LO 08 Mrs Sevabey 50 12 17 Mrs Hewan 4»> plus 2 H Four Cards were taken out. Men's played on April *~oh and 9th. C. Everitt BO 74
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  • 129 11 The following was the result of the special competition. Ist Round E. Applet on beat D Noble 4 a 3. E. .Shenton beat A. Bofd 1 up. M. D. Rutlev beat W. Ruch^m 2 up. G. A Chancy beat G R H. Webb 1 A b \V.
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  • 82 11 M*jor E. R. B. Murray, of the *-:»:h Punjabi?, now commanding the MiUy States Guiles, has been granted by tha Army Council the temporary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, while attached to the local corps. We trust that it will not be long bt t ore the gallant Major can c.aim the
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  • 555 12 KK.-l'Ml.'.' hEAKIX.e. The second Police Court was again DfOWd- -ed ves'eid-iv afternoon, when the hearing cf the charges against thiee Malays of criminal trespass <»v the gfoaad oi the M-ilaya Football Association, and a cbaige 1 ot using crimiLai force against two of them. was resumed. Mr
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  • 111 12 The flub taam acorad 151 for tha Walker Tropin Miss K. \V K.rch won the spoon in the handicap sheet. I'o't Yards 3 In- Boon. N tit BTcapa Gross. Kb \Y. Kirch ii- 91 34*87 Mrs X >WeS A 'A 3484 Mm Kbes 24 94
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  • 216 12 Cajpa Town, March 14 Am important Q eVernment amendmeut •will le introduced into the Post < >ffice Bill in order to strengthen the p.-wers of tlie Government in dealing With shipping rebates. In addition to the t xcuaicu of any company maintaining the rebate system
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  • 515 12 March 1-3 Siaei (> r a9t W>Pift W a have had a very sail aad difficult Market, and only a small business has been done. Spot Hard has so.v downtb66nnd atay-Junc 8.7; at the close prices are llightly better, and near is worth b 7
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  • 480 12 Trie Perak Q ■vornm. at eppeara to itaad convicted either ot utter ciilcus» ues-s a-? regards the safety ct life and property iv tbe *-s oe cr 1 h peliis intthoiency in the c r^aub* '.turn ot a Police service. Gang robbiriei directed towardi Ohineec
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  • 18 12 Moi Tej N~o rep>rts houB3breaking ot i 65 Buffalo Road, jMWelkry to the value cf $274: berg mi*.,
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  • 1004 12 The statutory meeting was held on 15th last at Winchester House, Cob n-i Ivor Philipps. D 8.0., MP (chairman), pr-sibng Mr Welter Bellamy on behalf of the British North Borneo Rubber Trust, secretary to the i company), having read tbe notioe convening the meetingThe Chairman said: Tue
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  • 660 12 It is understood that Li.v Lugard intends leaving Hongkong for Japan on toe 20th inst and that, on her ladvahup'e return. H.E. tha Governor of Hong! ong and Lidv I Lugard will proceed to India to attend the I i Coronation Durbar. j Canon Holmes b b*en A r Archdeacon
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  • 951 13 C>U" aiO'. ■'•j- ob >■« gv*i »n tti* -t-e n M i,y A iLg iasp*.;* 1; „r a I j on M ic t will v.< ovar hi* duties. l;-p*irs at the Imperial PtUce in Vienna hive, revealel the exmtenee of t suote-Td-nevn pm^ge leading 'o
    951 words
  • 438 13 A< NIN i X Cb-CKT. The Acting Chief Jaetaee. BU A low had before h.m in the Bear eme Ooart fßßtsrdar morning a claim by T,r. M org Tho, inerchaat agamst Wei Booa fleaaa, broker, for 84,593 33 beiog the balance of the proceeds at the aalaof 2.000
    438 words
  • 142 13 Aa elderly Chinaman, a basketmaker, w before Mr Ebmstone, senior faegiatrate, reatird iv, 0O aCh nrge of having hi*. by premises. Acco-ed denied that his preeaiaai were KltV. H- Bald tha Municipal 10.-p^c r U Id him it' \ou have m-mey y.air premises are m dirt v. if
    142 words
  • 208 13 M-. G-iii Xgoh Poe appeared before Mr. G A. Ball in the District Court, Penang to answer a summons bsued a gains! him at the BMtaaoaoi trie SoKeitor Oeaeral, chargiag him aith miking a tabic declaration some thirteen years at'oiu connection with thi est
    208 words
  • 156 13 A i> UEEK Ca-k. The third case at the Ass'z<?s, siys the Perak P.oneer, as it stood on the Oeieadar. appeared to be oi a highly sensational character. [I was nothing liM serious than a charge oi poisoning, and it was ail the more exciting as both
    156 words
  • 168 13 MEMORIAL Tt) HIS EXCELLENCY. Dariag the reaaal ttiscaeme on the I sigh's and S e*uruh*ps Ordinance it was suggested that there WdS no demand among the mercan'de community for such a measure. According'y steps were taken to < b*ain a dcfioite opinion of members of ihe Cham,
    168 words
  • 181 13 Verasemy, a Tamil bulb oh-eart driver, was con. nutted to the Assz-s by the Kooad aaagistrate, yee*esda.v, oa charges of murdering a Tamil girl nißßOil VerBJBB aod wiih attempting to murdtr a aoflßßß BBBBSd MigOO. He reserved ins defence. NsgOO appe-i-ed iv Court wnh a bandaged head. She
    181 words
  • 202 13 The R I M. S "Duff 4 riu" is expected to amva at dash-rash ou Wadaaadav the 19 h and ail] anchor in the Roads. Dieemberhatioß of No. dC »y. HongkongBißgapOfi Ba. BG A. will take at 1080 am. on that date TSC W. D fBBSBI M
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  • 993 13 Ospl X B i''phim. Bherwood 5 bsia, has b*en app dcvd adjj <- b j (K^er-ve) Ratal on -it Derby. in c to Capt. C. X Mortimore Am exceptional tne ha- il.-di.ved baaeh al Thorpe to th« v >rth Ableb rj I and diaeloaad a trsaeara
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 213 13 PROPERTY SALES. Thi following Singapore properties were disposed of at Powell and Cos. saleroom yesterday afteru .on i rba-ehv id land aud dwelling house known as Xo 14 Balmoral \ly±A, are- 22JSQ0 eqaili ieey part sf Grant lb X K. X. X Biaaava Pi day eSd,< CO freehold Und and
      213 words

  • 232 14 Dr. W L Abbott, wed known as a tropical explo-er and collector, woo has contributed iargelv to the S ni'hs »cian Mu-eum .nd h^.s also been a izo:>A friend to the R if- Museum, has be-en .-pending the wiuter aKisbmir. His long spell in tho tropici
    232 words
  • 182 14 T iree vouog Chinese faced Mr Robins -n. third 10 natrato, yeatarday afternoon, on a ■a. a*' i attempting to mv der a youag il .klen 01: 1. a. art [aspeetor Bourne appeared for thi pr.»secu r ion aid :h-- accused were repreßßßt* ed 'ov Mes-us
    182 words
  • 92 14 The aotioa between lan Mong Tb.o and AAe B/joa Heao, in which 2,000 Mertimao -.i) ires were involved was continued before the acting Chief Juetioa, Sir a Umm fitter lay, wlien the or oss-ex nuiuation of the let'eudant wis continued at length by Mr vi iui t. hoieudant
    92 words
  • 337 14 Time aaa, when ial leooa might raise Tbl simplest dullard, from toe ruck WhSB you and I might IDSnd i B( itvs [fl Simla, aith i UtUe 1 ich ■■b>r eveu ia tii it exalted apot I > vurred the fre<j lent idiot. 1 mo was the
    337 words
  • 48 14 c boe death has taken place at Marseilles ■f Lieut. -Col ouel Leslie, Indian sanilary A tiror has been engaged to instruct the Prince of Wales in the Welsh language, in rler thit his Royal Highness m.y address tbe people in Welkh at his investiture en Ju\ lb.
    48 words
  • 899 14 There may be philosophy at the bottom of the old belief that medicine which is 1 nasty ia thereby all the more poaarfal It is a widespread tendency, aryhow, ranging from the child's desire to walk in the mud to the religious each irito'i mortifi.- .tion of tha fl
    899 words
  • 245 14 When the B. I. vessel Lima," tho first turbine steamer iv the local trade, arrived ,n Penang a week ago the Gizette publiehed an BOCOaat of its leading ieatures. Bu' the general public, who are possible passengers between this port and Singapore, awaited an opportunity to
    245 words
  • 160 14 RUSSIA EXPRESSES SATISFACTION. Paiaon Bnoni I'sHUh. Peking. Marsh .-1. At a mo-tioj- held before tbe Throne yestsrdsj, Priaos Ohing md fl. X Ifah Taaag produced the reply of tiie Russian htinieter, who said that the Russian Governmaat were quite aatiafied aith (dona's reply to the ultimatum and the conflict of
    160 words
  • 305 14 Shanghai. Apr:! Ird. Toe Bey. .Toon Murray, ot' tlie American Pisabylmioß Mission baaaa-fa (Bbaataag) vas attacked by ruffians on March 28r;rj a rand -ed li north of Tsinanf i and was badly vounded on the head, arms and legs. Tiie cause of the attack was a
    305 words
  • 1819 14 I o.tor.e, Hi. Hi' /be A'l> tO ■m Ap:. 720 a.m. Beater a correepoadea t at Con a taatiasaLi Ba\ 1:■ it tne C «ul t M r nneiy decided .oaer ;w, liCigLu fr -m Arai^t ,qg j• a ft rm v d g,^ a reduce i pr
    1,819 words

  • 119 15 Mr THUNDER THREATENED. Ip h April 6th. Six armed gmg rolbeis on the <> j^eng Pad attempud to hold up Mr M. H Thunder, Manager of Tekk* L'd, while he was returning to the mine ye*t e rdav en his motor cycle, wnh innm t > pay
    119 words
  • 86 15 Penang, April 7 Tovekay 4iaa Xgoh Bee his b -en -immoned on a clur^e of miking a false declaration thirteen years ago in connection aith the estate of -'he late <_rin Hong KM wh-> died in 1 aa. A w otoi ia giving avidarca laid that .le
    86 words
  • 28 15 lv v da Lumpur April 7. Sir Ar*bu- and Lidv Flveiyn V mug were at home yesterday the c being a large attend »nee.
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  • 24 15 Penang, April 7 11 c p.naig LoLes base I C >red 180 in tiie M i ah ihooi tor the Walker Trophy.
    24 words
  • 76 15 CAMP AT PULAU JEREJAK. Quietly Opened. Per. ing. Bib, L 26 pm. The aaa Qaaraaiiae Oeam at Puiau derejik was opened without cerem* nv. Two laoanand immigraati have already passed through, 01. ssra C. G. May, W. lVel, Dr B Bi, II Hair, P T Kinder, and
    76 words
  • 39 15 H. E. Bemaina on Board. Tha Hon'blo W. Brans, Beaifleat Conn- cilb.r of Penang, went on board the *****--wud mail steamer "Pevanha" to in*et the Governor, who contrary to expectation d d not hi nbl.
    39 words
  • 112 15 Suggested Basis of Output Penang, April At the laal maatiag oi the Prosiaoa Weiiesley Pural Hoard, Ma j>. Douglas suggested that the assessment of sugar i estates should be based ou the estate Beti* matin Thi output in pihuli of ingar ihoald be prcducod, and the estimated profit
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  • 33 15 MsJacca. April b, li 15. The following priori were obtained at the Habber Bala at Malacca sheet |288 p^*r pikul. Bhaat 250 20 Creas IP3 Park Crepe I 71
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  • 85 15 ARRIVES AT HONGKONG ILL. Hoagkoag, Apr. 10. Prince Leopold of Battenberg, who was ill fooie time xeo in Sydney with sciatica j and complicaticns. an ived here by the "Empire" ou Suuday inffsriag tkXm bamephalia. and was too ill to leave his cabin. Capt P EL
    85 words
  • 50 15 Ipoh, Apr. 10. Pusing B hru has declared a dividend of sixpence payable in London on April 10. Penang April 11. A special cable liOSirad here spates that Anelo-Maiiv Company pays a haal dividend nf 2-> per cent, mukicg a tl 'a- ll Oaa hundred for the year.
    50 words
  • 209 15 HARMONIOUS PROCEEDINGS. Penang, April 1 1 There w*s a very attendance a* the annual meeting of the X .stem .Smelting Company and the proceedings were marked, by tne atamal hanaoai and aaaaiautT. The repor* aad icooaati were adopted aad a haal disidend of six percent was
    209 words
  • 428 15 AN ENCOURAGING REPORT. Money Plentiful and Trade Good. m us <€> i Penang, April Pd. At the annual meeting < f the Cnamber of Commerce herp, the report which was pre- sented notes inter ■>'.'<« that the Committee i have carefully considered the b.icging fori ward of
    428 words
  • 79 15 F, <in our Omm Ccrretj ondei v Kuala Lumpur, April 7. I The Phaßter Brorea have a London aire that Hard P-ra is si 6 per poond. Koala Lampnr Apr. 1 1 The Planters' Stores Agency ha\e a London cable giving the following piicm j thp rubber
    79 words
  • 54 15 LATEST EXPORT RETURNS. Kuala Lumpur April The advance statemeut of tin tx porta Pr three months shows the following ti^ur»-s. Perak 95,186 pkl-.. Decease 4-..V4 pkls Seiangor 54,429 pkls. Decrease 5,070 pkU Negri Sembilan 6,851 pkls. Decrease 1,7*21* pkls. The value has mc-e.sed by $1,900,«>00 j aud
    54 words
  • 362 15 Is. r hTaaaaTfl —1 1 wi lb. mo-- 148.478; Aajainsl 1 -7SAJANO 660 10- T< o w trur;-_ j", 2 ,480 GIeKN-H IK 7" i'> T *^1 m.-ntns I*\«"'"J lbs AkfdiiW 7'ol h<Tne above -supplement tne arp Bjrsahad United Sinwai »ke -b. bl 1 o**s4 ib-. T"tal
    362 words
  • 127 15 Bahama Tim-ido phk; fatal three m. ntl s 1,186 phll Agaii ll 1 220 is. Bahama Hrdraulic Pia -354 \r. i Total thee months 1,850 Bkh Igsiasl 1,450 phis. Fooixi i obi ETsnra: 1 -ii pi I.' I.MKUTAN 2- KIOOiAN.. j Iflg. A bji iis bin
    127 words
  • 27 15 At Messrs h L r calaa I Os*e vie- rooms on \Veines.J..y the f biov.onj to were IBtllSSd. Mo. 1 Sheet No. 2 Bbeal >.."
    27 words
  • 76 15 The crop of rubber harve^e! *baataamof thia Company far six m n*: .-r. 88'h February, Poll, w- a pp', A 1' '•'J*, bs. Sold to date c,? H j-, t.. lp of 5a 7' I per 1b... 00,\ 4 26 ibs i*i curreni cop 4 d.*.*2*2 !b«.
    76 words
  • 41 15 The D rtc'o.s inform us ''-a* *.*e i harvested -n tl c half year endir Aa. j cember I'oP' amounted to I,' '7_'-.- j gam it *:-'o4-7 r. its t. lU r p,.. •he '.ear before. I M M
    41 words

  • 1226 16 LAST DIV. BlM'lßi. SELLER? o*p. Insvm Paid UAbJ v 85.000 2/ '2 Allagar Rubber Ettau- T.M •«V I5O!(X)O 2- 2'- Amjlo- Malay 100%f0r1910 1 I« JW 30,000 1 1 sSiii- l *l£ al2 6 8 6 30.000 1 I Brtu TigH««g«r) *V* >■ g 100;UOO 1 1 *»W h>ug
    1,226 words
  • 269 16 :7, y x7 A At tbe auctions ,st c -de., th.-- v only a small --uantiu cd'en i namrather slow, prarticaliy ev,-r>< aa Prices opened about si to on tho last sales' rat< a: a- progressed the^e wa^ a further dr 3d. Atthecios^, I wi
    269 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 583 16 CLEARANCES I Aprd 7. Mis'bdroa Maru, Jap str, Mose*. for Hongkong and Japan. Vat Shing, Brit sir, Payne, for S -arab-iya. Devanha, Brit sir, Powell, for Bomh.y via Vorwaerts, Aus sir, Dannecker, for Trieste via Romany. Brii str, M -Doanel-. lar P. Sasahaß. Lowther Castle, Brit atr, Howe, for Boston
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    • 214 16 1 Pin Seng, Brit sir D-vids tenh.^. m and Penarog. Poh Ann. Brit str. M Dickson md Port S Lady Weld, Biit str, b j Mi H uar. Otlfrntm, lb for Thm\ Ban Fo Soon. Dafl bliok, for Pantur b Gerd, Nor. str Andr.Ms... 1 Edenda:H, Brit, sir I) an
      214 words