The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 6 April 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES THURSDAY, APRIL, 6, 1911. No, 1,236
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  • 98 1 Feb. Mar. Total. at 139 1.176 L fc 625 650 1,675 Kaxnunicg t5.590 11.442 c .l i 110 47 8 445 yoo 'i:* Association 111 s> 5 iang M 1« 6 Licit Palai 167 167 ;.O5 431 1,746 it-cbnLode 307 Gcpt-Dg 110 120 400 Tamban 166 449 acg
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  • 2 1 ASDSADF
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  • Domestic Occurrence.
    • 48 1 Ca ii io.oLtiALLOWAV.— At the Presbyterian I Church, Singapore, on '.rd inst by the Bevd W. Runciman. iod., John Georoe Ca.mi-okll. I Advocate and Solicitor. .Singapore, eldest son j of John Campbell, Scotstounbill, Glasgow, to RoioNK. Murray, only daughter of the Honourable I). J. < ialloway, "0.D.. Sir^apore.
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    • 38 1 UAMPBELL. At home, od March 18, 1911, Meriel, tbe beloved wife of Major Leslie Cam oi. eel, wem* Puroiabi-., aged A3 years. Klier. Suddenly, at "<, Signal Pagoda Road, on March 27, PuiLil' ADOLI'H Kliek. BBBs] 65 years.
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  • 146 1 April 5. TiL* 1M.62J Gambier buyers 8 37-^ Gambier Cube No 1 14.50 Gambier Cu'fte Ne. norn Pepper Bias* (orta. S'pcre) buyers 16.C0 Pepper, White (fair) buyers 26 50 Nutmegi (110 to fekt Kk),^ M noin Nutmegs (30 te Ut lft.) nou Mace (B*b4») m m noCD OloTee 'Amboimm^
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  • 65 1 (Corrictid up to April. 5 Bank 4mbn b /^P v demand "i^l Private credits 3m 2/4 g- credits 6m s Jj*« France, demand Bank.- 295 Ocrmant, demaud India, T. T, 17 i Honokono, demand M 2 Yokohama, demand M H*i Java, demand 140j Bangkok, demand Sov«*hiohB, Bank Bmying 18.54
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  • 1584 1 Income Tax Methods. March 31. t Warn the Pasph '••", 1 v r r J H Truth h*r gloOo'i^ precept^ I :~M. V.- lc< Loyalty I In regard to the agitation against the proposal to levy an income tax in this Colony the objections may be considered to have ranged
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 283 1 THE WEEK. > The iast mail from home arrived by the I I>. I. "Thougwa" on Saturday with dates to March 10. A homeward mail was taken 1 on Mocdty by the Krnest Simons and j this weekly goes by the D -vanha to- j I morrow. The Rindmann Company
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  • 1043 2 National Duty Official Insincerity April 1. In regard to that voluntary principle of national service upon which it has been the practice of all who find Mr Hai.i-ank's Territorial Army as the one way for the British nation to express its national duty, there is at least some ground for
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  • 1249 2 The Australian Navy April 3. Though it was quite true that it was after the backs of the Colonial Premiers were turned in 1907 on their way to their respective homes after the Imperial Conference of that year that Mr WIBBTOB Chi aOHILL, apparently spe iking for the Liberal Gjvarnment,
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  • 622 2 The Baghdad Railway. April 4. One of the most topics of iate bas bt-en that Railway and. as regurds tiro its prolongation fr-in High Persian Gulf. I* i rather an iatere feature of the pos tin that the n-j between Germany and 1. as regards ra.iwax ;-.\>ns. ns from
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  • 1103 3 The Crisis of the Empire. April 5. It ia to be feared tbat there ire not many —■bo even part retlise that within a l eight we -ks .or so the whole future i", :*.-b E uplre is to be ictlueuc^d, In one way or another, by incidents arising I
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  • 633 3 Naval Armaments. April 6. What has to be done in regard to the bearing af naval and military armaments is merely the enduring of the responsibilities laid down. There is very little use in the restricting of armaments as defined by Sir Edwabd Gkev, for any enlargement of armaments would
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  • 232 3 S.-»v»ntv-eight coolies amplOYi d on a rubber aetata at Palan Qbia bare bean arrested for rufnaing to work. ft having been decide.! tbi* the C oitributlOß of Britain to tbe Palace of Be ice at The Hague should take the form of stained* glats windows for the Great Sail
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  • 698 3 SOME PROMISING INDICATIONS Toe eleven-h annul g^n-rai mee^n? ,f the shareholders cf the Roytl .1 h r» Tin Mining Company, ib*d., was Le i a* n **n yesterday at the th" :-s of the g^ne*-*! agen's, Messr-. HuUenbach Bros. Mr W. EeVail presided and there were al?
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  • 182 3 Y.-s'-'-day ai'ernoon vo. matinee t Harm st en's, and the es*ablis d ita*om of the io magement fjr a 1 ibow attracted lite a good n -use. m -'.v ot children, though apparently man*, g »vuops found il pl-tsant BBOUfb to sacrifioa them^elv. s lor tbe r-oen
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  • 72 3 The Bangkok Huey barm for the \p*\ i\ S. 134) has be^n let by the M stn f Piaaace t 0 Chin Yee Goh U i.', .-r a sum of Tcs. 3 b'/'.'Mo, as against a sum of Tea. 3,684,000 for tbe year juet expiring. The guarantors
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  • 794 4 AN AUSTE\LIAN PIONEEB ON ITB PROSPECTS. Cuiauaa Lauoua Hani i a. Mr Wdliam Liwrie, buffalo hunter and Austialian pioneer, is at present in Hong bang 0B a 3Dorr Vlbir anci hiS b n lDter Tiewed by the "Telegraph" on the subject of Australian expansion. Eor more than
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  • 100 4 Toe < >i ESTi.eX of India*i Representation. i-I:EMIEK IN rERROOAI KD. Allahabad, March 'Jo h. The Pioneer's London correspondent woe.- on the -Sub: In tbe House of Commons, this evening. Colonel Yate asked the Premier whether he would consider the desirability of inviting persons with a knowledge
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  • 1013 4 Tbe C< ble ait," as the immature sport- ing writer loves to call it, is possibly one cf j tbe most characteristic and long enduring Eeutieb customs we have, for its existence can be traced back more or less through the t j centuries. It was Richard Coeur de
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  • 423 4 PRELIMINARY ENQUIRY OPENED. Verasamv, a mild looking Tarn.l coolie, a bulk ck cart owner and driver, appeared before Mr Actor, second magistrate, yesterday, charged with the murder of a young Tamil girl and with attempting to murder her mother. His Worship took the case as a preliminary
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  • 205 4 (»n Tmsdav afternoon, a Hok*len went to a hoo-e in Morgue Street armed with a knife und attacked his and tlie ehoel tenant inflicting sericus wounds on them. Tba Hokien was arrestel and tbe injured people were removed by the p lioB IS the Weueral Hospital. A
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  • 276 4 THE STRANDING OF THE "CARNARVONSHIRE" C< C i [unarm Kons. At the British Consulate General at Kobe. on March I6tb, a Court of Ic^uirv was opened into the cause and circumstances attending the stranding of tip Shire hne Carnarvonshire,'* which, it wo: be remembered, went sabers an ffabeabima su the
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  • 761 4 Its Opbbati a■ w Reports from British rppr^*. .t t: abroad on the operation of tr.-- Ref. in various countrits were issued ie<e r f Parliamentary Paper In the Federal Government of the States the Referendum has no place, eight States cf tbe Vi .un have Referendum
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  • 144 4 Mr j. Hammond made several digbt i... biplaan reeeatij, taiaag i {-aaaaegsr on each occasion Tba tb o r i p was M: P. S. holer, of tbe Melbou r Ife." Mr Baa m id 8888 him up a couple cf handled fsst and raaaaiaad r im
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  • 821 5 > 1 •v o v b'i luring *he el le mpresH I wager, is reoo *be -> h inst. r j His Excellency Ib, Governor A wirf-d 'hat tne Russian troops wails pemiug through lbs country forced :ne people pa ride them with provision-. »n C.
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  • 584 5 ANNEAL GENERAL MEETING. Ihe mi uil general meeting 0 f the Hayt or Rubbei Bsiatnß, Liauted, was held attbs registered fl an si lbs G mpaur, 1 1 C dryer Quay, yesterday afternoon. Mr J. Love Montg. merie presi le.] and there w. re alas presen* -M-ssrs
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  • 284 5 Another niet week baa peeied, principol daaliagl bmi g in Hubber shares which have i»een steabiv until tb.e close, when they bave declined slightly with tbe price of tbe raw Bsab rial. r ib:e Btraiti EMeemahip 00. repoit, ibewiag T'tje BBUal dividend for tlie veir oi l'
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  • 51 5 BavUJßtaaa lepers have disappeared from the leper republic on Culion, one of the Philippine Islands. They went out to fish on a bamboo raft, and may have encountered adverse wind*, which prevented their return; but the presumption I, 6cys the Manila Cab'onews, that they have made heir escape from the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 387 5 r< ihk Entree sar f -JNotuitbataudiag *he strong oppoeiei i Bten of tbSBS peasant at the meeting at which it has decided to sell the property ef the Singapore aud .1 more Co it seems probible that in the interests even of tbe small ibarenoldere,
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  • 562 5 I ►Several days beforehand, says a corres- pondent of the Malay Mai!, invitations had been sent out to the Chief and his Headmen, inviting all who etred to attend a feast to ba hell in their honour <»v the Padang. Ibs cards of invitation bore
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  • 422 5 Among tbe paragraphs of \h* annud lleport, presented by the Yen H Y. Izard, appear r he following 'I i c past year h-is been or* of steady progress dnd improvement. M-s lE^tmgs .v.-s in charge f toe Home until the 2bd of Ma r ch. wiit-a
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  • 223 5 ANOTHER SHARE TRANSACTION. MAX BILCKES VS. E. CB< E'I.EV. In 'lie Supreme Court, yester lay before Mr Justice Ftebsr, tbe case l I IT i ffilohus V 8 E Croplcv v. 4 s call* d on t bearing Tbe defendant wis not pro--**, -md Mr C. E> Cooper, c omsel
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  • 105 5 A- i ioa poj Di i m m Bcranmi Ci The claim fo»* damages no .o* by 'he Eaatara Shipping Company igaiaat 'he Straits .S'eamsh p Company. i r.'-Hii* of a Collisn a lei v.- .-n tbe md Ay,.\ rtMM} m tbs Perak .s continued before
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  • 108 5 1 tbs tbii 1 i urt yestsrdey el oe Mr B ibineon. c olis rmpl .yed sn tbs cable Bteamer Patrol was c harmed *h s*ealirg a gold watcn and chain, *bp nertyof Mr Thompa m. The case was rep r*ed t a day or two ag.-,
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  • 22 5 MALACCA RUBBER AUCTIONS. At the Wednesday rubber o. *:on -»f Teoh Hong Tye be.-* sheet realised -JO, no other sorts were offered.
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  • 150 6 A numbei t robbtneo have br en reported to the p cc, in some cases c nsiderable iM-truuetf beieg mwoteud. A Cbineea woman j living at Tai aag Kateng repurted I aal her j bones whs bn ken intaon Wede»sdsy sight and So«mj stolen. Prom 17 Chiong
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  • 366 6 UNLOADING A CARGO OF PEPPER rib Grsrsaaa rd liner -Braaden- Ibs departed f< i tl ia port fr m j; r ..,.e., v.o k. had i crew that hao been id Fiing vei i day an aa ibe Umch a 1.'.,,:I 0 M Et pereon that bad beeu sbakua i
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  • 212 6 A -A. MUTT TO PirER. About aighftaaa ridsri turned ant at tbs Parade LEound for a ion. The going WSS BBOd throughon-", hot a lot cf bai bed wire aabarfsrsd wilh the sport. Mrs >vbbbbbi aud Mr, Jamieson were the only lady riders out. Tne ssuaes lay
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  • 137 6 The Paaung Chinese Chamber of Commerce gave a dinner at the Chinese Town Hall in honour of H. E Obno Chung Fan, Industrial Taotai af Kuaagsi, Chine, who x<i \usmm -en* out by the authorities at Pekiug on a commercial mission to the Chinese resident in
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  • 103 6 T-vo men have been arrested for cruelty to 2H geese on board a twakow in the Road?. The birds were found in the bottom of the boat covered with rice bags in such a manner as to be almost suffocated. Sir Charles Friswell, the head of Friswell's Ltd, has returned
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  • 270 6 I The foil wing il the report to be piesentad at the annual meeting of the above at Hongkong an Jon*' 14 "Tne gross profits, iuchiding >34,166 78 brought forward from last year, are ********** whicb, after dedud log ail charges, leaves a net profit of
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  • 479 6 3aaioi A i .1. k> 1 1 1 ■i Loam Twi lb. son IB Ii tba Dietrict Oonrt reeterdey afternoon before Mi* IE W. Pirmetone, EJward OH .11. ran, living at ihe Adelphi Botel, Was charged with volunterily causing hurt to a woman named E da
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  • 43 6 A Bengali pleaded guilty before Mr. Firmstone, Senior Magistrate, yesterday, to off-ring for sale mi.k which contained 9*) A per cent of added water. His Worship haed the man si on and cos's or ore month's imprisonment. Market Inspector Cuckney prosecuted.
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  • 134 6 The American Consul-General for Singapore, Mr James T. Dv Bois passpd through Sandakau on his wav home via imboauga by the ••IhrveE' "Mr T)u Bois visit to the Philippines is, we understand, chhrlv regarding the question of Chinese Immigration to that country which has hitherto been vetoed by tbe powers
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  • 418 6 KING EDWARD MEMORIAL FUND. At ma alas of the Oooamittes of the King Ed waa d Memorial Fund ou Tburndny evening, the H m. E. C. E.lis in the Chair, reports were received as to the progress of the Fund. Those showed that assh actually paid into the bank and
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  • 539 6 Bote Babru, M tech 2 Mi G '>. Dorritv and Mi Montgomery have been given a monopolj for cattle breeding. S -me time ago IE Fab-haw vi-ited Kelaataa lor the purpose af iifi it ing to tbe Government the S*a;e us to cat! c breeding. Mossrs Dorrity and
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  • 638 6 INIKIE lEW Wil il hDMJ AL HENDERS4 EN <- U E Toe Ai -'ioa, Ml Hi* genua. ■oar an i saw IN 0.1 I > <In b .ard the bo- I lianas" aba i entered Colomb on Mart!: was A lam I 9 Eagißald Henderson, cR who
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  • 40 6 Mr R. H. Stanley Miles, wh.- hm signed the Managership ot the i mp Hotel, has. joined the Manufac* -c Life Insurance Co as thnir District Manag* in Kuala Lumpor and Representative n the FM.S., SS. and Du'cb Fut Ind**
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  • 908 7 -lE' a: I AHD l nTBTHf. M E 0 Purity. vi— >• M micipal Comm ssion f ssser 1 1 te Cbnirssna leaf on the a Dr€ Bsmisfs report on a model milk supply aad md ag aa said the report w aa
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  • 1011 7 Grdina-y Meeti g. Friday. Mar. 31. PRISBNI b\ '.-.c,-; n 1 Ma -r nl. <♦ pi -n«..n ,0.0 '1 s Hon'bl. C.l 1 S. :r- t iry, 1. L Brocl mo. •b- A-* :-ov-.,e. rj i M.iir&d I ting I' a M >. •J d, Director of EdracAtioti
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  • 406 7 A meeting of fchia Baaid wai held iatbe ;b a yeaterd iy Mr F. J. Hdlifai preaidiaa, lupportad I v Er. Hurray B .bartaon, J Oarapier, E E. C galea, I fhia bteag I tin, W. Peacook, A. M 3. Ann illia.Tea Cbaam II ick. Lbs minutes ofthe
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  • 283 7 UTILISATION OF TIIE BIKISHA. At tbl 8.V.0. Drill Sell yesterday afternoon al 5 pin. BCaj Middleton, 9 V C gave an iatereetiag daaaonetratioo of a me* hod he has devised tor the atilisiatioa oi litis ha wheels and axles in association with the ordinary naiversal pattern of
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  • 864 7 ANNUAL GrENß_Uat MEEliv; Th. annual general mee-ing f th* m^-m-Beri of Tanglin C. Ib w is held I ist ngnt, Mr I. >wland Allen p.e- del and there *sere sJto present —Messrs \V McLeod i ra k, A G Harrington, E. Ib Hewan, A, Eowtber _BSSp <t
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  • 168 7 The 'wentv .rdinan general meeting of the shareholders of the Singapore Slipway hi 1 flngmeenng Coy, I.*d w d fi held a' the !?E*es ol the banjong Eagar I k lEard yesterday, Mr S. A Eane, Managmg I rector in the Chair. The minutes of the Eh
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  • 1457 8 I): Glennie's report'iooro in another column is a long and carefully compiled documen* and at the cud he makes the following suggestion-. Rf:< o* ies i.ations Foi. Sin -o f*oki I A'-ea rfquired tor the farm The informal, m I have teen able ■•< g.^nnr aE
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  • 388 8 Tn BK SOLD To Lu.NDuX. An extraordinary general meeting of the Port Dickson Bunker Company was held at Gheabem House yesterday for tbe purpose of (a) considering a shortage in tbe planted area as aseetained by llirvoyi recent lv completed, and on ffer of compensation therelor Bsade
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  • 75 8 The report that there has occurred a big tire at Tebing Tinggi, Deli, in Sumatra, has bten confirmed. A large block of buildings and a market in the centre of the block have been totally destroyed by fire, this taking place on the 2lbt March. F
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  • 27 8 m m The first aviation meeting of Hongkong has proved a very j*jreat disappointment, only a short flight being found possible by the aviator, Van den Born
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  • 1078 8 EAXKHEPTCV. Before Mr Justice Ibsher. His E trdsbip gave judgment in 'he case ofCbiaK>rg Bang, the old man stricken witb looOßSOtor afaiy who wantedhis discharge to go back I*o China ami die, His Lordship after reviewing the circumstances granted the discharge. R* Chop B.u Cbuan. This was the
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  • 238 8 HrF.lLJag ib beeo a promioec* hgure m bu.- nes the quarter of a cm:.-**. v by tiie Herman na -team< wig for H mgk :j j 1 en route t< Eog md th I -fternoon. understood that M :>_ > busiLeSS work same bis maLv 1
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  • 198 8 11l li a Ism i 'be acting < Consul Oanaral, and i Chinese men n i at the openiUL of the 8 Chinese to < :.-se g oil al -.d cl Ib r.-d iy moraiag 1 was grat see si-, many b.\, lusine an occash n
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  • 209 8 .Edge Parrj ah going t from Manche-tej. m tie < of bis judicial datiss, atataa tbat ba bas learned "to sympathise wee c nw>' ties. I was < rebuku g a man I i mg up his wife in what was noi l ly r absurd story, bur one in
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  • 1215 9 i flw h I JUvU l el *he- following exquisite rubbish heap of a home weekly paper IbMNKiN. An American >uimeut- .>n tbe t tct that i > *..*> year fell ou the d*y of tbe fi at weal nf ::.oi-*h of This > ud
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  • 541 9 ANNUAL PRIZE DISTKIULTION The annua] distribution of prisai al tbe B warn* Girls Behool took place yesterday, aid tbeie was a large SttaadsßOS of ptieuts and relations < I the pupils. Among thOBS present were li. lb the G varnor, Mrs F sirant, Lieul Crofton, H B/s
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  • 71 9 i mmm After having taken nine dijs to haul from the Citadel Battery, Dcver, on to the Folkestone road, tbe heav. 98 gun to be despatched to Hongkong has come to a halt iuat beyond tha Priory railway bridge. Ibe Lo. with the traction engine towing i. £Si load of
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  • 918 9 Sir Arthur, and Ladl Bvsljl V oUBg arr ved from Port S^etieuham in the "Sea Bells orrSiturdav At Philadelphia recently, d ctors removed tae siomach of a man niuied I' J S;. kes Toe patient is roooveriog fr- ni r he i paration Tbs Baairiaae tcok
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  • 794 9 fa *ne o B**ae i 'he annual ah. re m ibs Oeaarflnnaet following paragraphs of interest appear Attention was dra**n id lbs first b i the year to the large Lumber r C.ri inmates nearly J" ■h we 1 a blind. Most of t iies- wee r.
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  • 177 9 SULTAN OF TRENGGANNU ARRIVES. H. K. the Sultan of TrengganLu il suite arrived on a short official visit t i Singapore on Saturday morning. I :.<- -voyage down from Treuggaunu wo- im un the Colonial yacht, .Saamew.'" and the I Sultan and his suite were brought tr r_ the reads
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  • 1453 10 I i ir■ 'a Ci i■ til Match rhe WeUhmen with 1 b.^establ^hment md tue >hmen with "heir great and only b ritve completely outmsuorjuvrsd thsflnnt tish II vie Rulers. I* is the old, old Story, fe iree; but the BcoUisk Radicals. p>»r ere .tares though they be,
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  • 525 10 The exceedingly large crowd at the opening perform ilcc of H irmstoa's Circus on Saturday night can only be accouuted for by the high reputation these amusement caterers have built up in tlie past, aud, after witnessing the show during the present visit it will be agree! that
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  • 767 10 THE STRAITS AND AN INCOME TAX. The average Britisher, whether he is at home or in the Colonies, ha« an instinctive dislike to the income tax. 0 her taxes he will BSy with more or less cheerfulness, bufl good man as he is, wheu he comes to the lll oo
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  • 89 10 I April Monthly Medal Compet ri-m, Blajrjj on Saturday and .Sunday, a ud Won Wf Ml E L Telflia, Returns: E. L Tilina 89 9 -1 J C Wdtt -1 plus 3 1 B Win*f»r -I ief EM H W. Firmstone \l -1 P J>tvid 7 12
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  • 92 10 In the District Court, before Mr Firmj stone, on Saturday, the ease in which a European named Edward O'Hallarau. a I miner (of Kuala Lumpur, was charged with assaulting two European women of Hvlam S reet, was concluded. Mr J. G. Campbell prosecuted and Mr L. E.
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  • 756 10 A SFGGESTION I* unuU hsesM me to comment aa the endeavours— r• he hrj —.f Ihe d< r. led i anir- t Il>L v ages of this .-n b g:\vc th the work 1 pre, hing he. thei-*s parallel-., coin par :»onß Bad feUgges tions BBS
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  • 341 11 RE GISTRATION OF CHINESE MARRIAGES. Some 25 urmmbeis ef tbe Choose tian AeavCiation and ibeir friends me* on Jndeyaic sty's Hall I bunum tbe motion ueeeouaide L -ue :h —j:-*'. M :n :l- < r;. be advantageous to the Chinese I ew Cnay opened tbe discussion, drawing attention to tbe
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  • 131 11 TV (From out Own Corres I Cham* —F. Salioaann beat F G. I SwinoVll w. o. Green o«<- 6—3. I and ac, beat H Ui 6-0. tMr P. Wollerstau owe 4- I"- b llixe!* I —Mm Howell and. L E ,ran owe 3*. beat Mrs Buraemanr .JMSim-eo* L_d7b
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  • 112 11 Cl_L CoMPBTTrnOK. Tbe result of mg round w fc s aa 3 .i w -fa must be played on or before i instant D N b>v.E Appleton 1 bb en oaj. Hv: Bircbam v* M D Bettor 1 H \\M vs G. A Cbane* W. J. row.]
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  • 665 11 ren< ral S.r I m H .n, t. a i-ivo- on tbe nst. for a tour i I u-pecticn of the j v At**-r *h«- Cor.-n-i*.: -v he wbi u.-p- 'he v* At- il f --s i i iw£i\ Mig *c i-hn:*ciy ann n- *r.i* *he-
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  • 2099 11 Mi .1 G C --M T 'i ELL A! U hUBS X M 7 Al. i.' ''A A A A* tne P.-esbv erun Cnu-'ch vesterdaj ■A '-rii 1 >ie tr.- n --'..ij«- i* .-m i,.--. batwaaa Mr John Q foment (who for me yea-- h reel ien* he
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  • 1551 12 E I eITIOB ano Tkkah LAW, rhrec important ju Igaaasnti nam giveo v Mr .Justice Fisher, in the Supreme C itt, yeetarday, Tba drat was in re> Lerence to the application for a writ oi meudnmus aaada by Hi G B Oeism, oa behiif of the Dutch Grovarnaaeut,
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  • 25 12 Mr L. C. Brown, Inspe;tor of Coconut Trees, Agricultural Department, F.M.S., and Mrs Brown, left by the Nore for London, ac did Mrs Hastings Rhodes.
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  • 2092 12 ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING An ordinary general mee* ing of the Teluk Anson Rubber Estate, Limited, was held at noon yesterday at Gresham House, Bat'ery Road.' Capt F. A. Turner presided and there were also present Messis H. B LleWellyn, ('secretary), B, \\A/, C. B Buckley, j B
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  • 129 13 Agents Boustead 4 Co.. Ma-aaoFT 2,140 lbs. Ageate MeAUeter A Co A LLAGAB Agents Beba Meyer A Co .apobb Para 5,500 lbs. Ageau Gurbrie A Co, Cheviot 1,065 lbe; Total to lets 3064 lbs. Ageau Evstt A C BckitTiua^ bs; Total to date 5.809 lbe.
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  • 96 13 A number of Chinese coolies employed on t>ber estate at Pulau Übin have been oa strike for some dajs. They complain tha* water supply is ba Yesterday, Mr. Peacock of the Caiaeee eotora* e, accompanied by < PBI Chief Police officer, and apart rmed 1 1 >ceede
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  • 77 13 The monthly bandies p races cf the C base Swimming 0W April were swum eff oa Sunday with th- I wing rmulti A. Divisi i ITeida let lech i lad Chaoug aeag Lial rao'Secs I lam 1 Chuan S-cs.) B D.v.sion 40 Yards leal Ohm Esna Im
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  • 17 13 The Ladies' S. I I I --L l wi- w.n ncf we:- :e BBBBUii
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  • 16 13 P^y for the Man lawial ami al B McLeod Craik C. G.Adams Holland
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  • 129 13 AssaeialMßß w -eting c: mm ■saabsss t m-r WaS Oe 1 Ve--terday afternoon, Mr P. C ib '7- presiding Fba amatiaa una* r N W.Oeetaatbo Okaaiba^ isaim^i" m l ..u Mr I B .id, on le .ue Cna.rm^n c.-ngr* ula'e-i the Cu^m -o tue MrC ,k V
    129 words
  • 888 13 \^>lera ts again a*- n in ng epidemic fVm in Langk »k TL- leath occurred at Bareiliv on March .i 1 V d or C li Chamlev: jreaforth tl ;er:s, trom double pLeumonia Mr Lewis Ha- v-, > i, senaaie, said tha* th- rep. r
    888 words
  • 1049 13 v r x ■'■.■A see *he c. f the SCC. Tennis Tournament, the Championship match being down for decision the final-sts being A I> Ccx. 'The pre,ent H.derj and CM H--w e Tne Utter p.avrji rj w.a ver E chenberg :n tne semi- week w uneipfcc'ed in
    1,049 words
  • 728 13 Tl FBLE BETWEEN MFM! FIRS AbW I >sfTU lA Tb- :*se in which tnre* Mai**, s, i 'mabin ib a "i. Hadji ALmat M-ijid r. and 'mabin Tamtv, were charge! wbful t ep*ss «n the gr utd .-.f -he M-. -i f_• *b Ass ation and X- Imd
    728 words
  • 218 13 BANDMANN'S BEAUTIES." Ui Xr tbe ar PS tba 9 C ma Ho aing a long leading ar* inti pal f tbe lelighta of the tis I •L b. i -'i. .ll '•:e* 1 r. :a. j b. > j ----.j'- r i v^ witb her supreoae ar* b>jredus to our
    218 words

  • 1012 14 Ib.KMOS Ki. to Me W. A. Cus. m en. pleasant little ceremony took place on the Esplanade yesterday morning when Iff bY a Caaeadea, the very aaU-kßOwa and Bi lok respected I -spector General Poiice ai be Straits Settlements, w„s presented with the King's P bi -c
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  • 1082 14 SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. QRCHESrfiAL OQNCEBI AT TEE TEUTONIA CLUB. List night, al the Teutonia Club, by kind permission of the Committee, the Philharmonic 0 chest ra gave the iast concert oi the season l-*i- 1911, to a very good aodience, including H. E. the Grjseraoi and a Urge party from
    1,082 words
  • 462 14 Lin. rUISHiaa Hanoi- Tiie I/olashire H. indie ip of 1,500 iOOe. Tbeetraight mile CVosed January 3 Mr C. Htbbert'i btsroatao, 8 pie. Ssi Uh Trigg 1 Mr Cj. SI mby's Brandimintine, ColeCave. Syra net Mb Kingstead 2 Mr J. B. Joel's Spanish Prince, I/rs v sib Maher 3
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  • 151 14 A refreshing evening can always be spent at the Alhambra. Another new series of pictures were thrown on the screen last j night, and they are quite up to the high standard maintained at this euternns ng place of amusement and instruction. There i* something to interest and
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  • 345 14 L>er*:li< Li.-HTLR- Dr.:. i l.i y v T ue remarkable vo\ ige iyb__which were built a* Shangl last and who-, at'er**'- I f.-oin the tugb-.i.iT. ev<-nt.. drifted to Singapore, fumithes ..f tbe prevailing <-f t.ds aad cuna__ in that par* ot toe tea that make- worth
    345 words
  • 289 14 I I i .1 J The 1 .ii* 1 g: baa on more tksß ■.;>..•£] ta.een up :io id gelt ea babel of the < iptaii and <wi p- a..* fo- beviag smuggled opium oa board, aad the i .lowing ml* remar, ous system 1 r.-*A .i
    289 words
  • 49 14 Messrs Gothne and are in receipt ot advice fi un t |of T he C -laipinv that the I declare! an interim dividend, \jA j London on April 1 oi o"* a .i' the rate ot Lb; p^ r annum v the nuinoal yt-xr ending i
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  • 32 14 Messrs Guthrie A Co are n re c cable from tne secretaries of liukit Kb f Kubber Estate*. Ltd, informing theiu ♦it. dividend of 5% has baei. clared.
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  • 2103 15 P»v Submarine Telegraph) A;• Rt< Mar am. I c 'apitol of New York Sate is on tire and h threatened with destruction. I'h*- tire started :u the eariy morning and illuminited the whole city lt,e Site Library, valued at a million ir- w;l. -...u be gutted. A further telegram
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  • 114 15 SUGGESTIONS OF THE CHAMBER. Up to Date Company Law. Kuala Lumpor, bb.53 pm. The Selangor Chamber of Commerce held its annual meeting to-day, Mr H P. Clodd in the Chair. In the course of his ?peech the Chairmin reviewed the work of the year. He suggested that the
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  • 37 15 Kuala Lumpor, 4 pm. The Planters Stores ate in leceipt of a L ndon cable statng that the price of Plantation sheet and biscuit was -b-* 41 and ol Fine Hard Para 6s Od.
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  • 336 15 THE WAIL OF IPOH. {Ft m :t> m <■-■''• "-r >< *ml Ipoh, April Ist. Tbe Chamber of Mines complains bitterly against the Government for taxing Kling coolies employed in the Mines. It states that Tamils working in the Mines are free coolies and are not imported
    336 words
  • 175 15 A PROSPEROUS YEAR. Ten Per Cent Dividend [ftem wm rum t Penang Ap r 1 The Eastern Sme ting C impin*. tors' report states that dt:er -allowing I b^d deb's and deprecation tne pr. re's t 1910 amount to $141,900 which with balance from 19 9 ot
    175 words
  • 195 15 JbWasm i'U> i i -H ■> r A n.ient.') The following rubber crops foi Mar... irj announced. AbOXO Malay 42,294 D I P.VIALINO 1 1 "II London Amaio 15, '31 lbs. Golden Hope v- tbi Selaba 11,701 li BIKAM 4.-1' WM Su.N'KAI Ctll'MOß: 5,492 lbs.
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  • 26 15 Tho Planters' Stores have a L ndon cal stating that Plantation ihoer md r stared at 6s 41 and hne hard Para i.'
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  • 45 15 TIN RETURNS AND DIVIDENDS l/-o I [f ;i., Apr., ii t G< iPBBO Ll D: pa Tekka b pds. New QoPBBO 12 pkia. PvEOHILi M pd l«i Ipoh. Apr Goper-r I/mited bai il V.-b a erlj dividend of eighteenpence md New G one ot tit'eenpence.
    45 words
  • 55 15 Hi V It Penang. Apr: It is reported that the Ea-'ern Smel' Company has declared a t00... diforend s per cent BSaking ten f-r tbe *.-'t. r Tbe arrangements for His h.\ j lenoy *:.e G->ve*"n< rto officially «.pen tba .Baa ariL tiii«- station at Pulau Jere;a& ou
    55 words
  • 40 15 (Fi ,11 Coi i■ Eec Apr.i 4 p.. The exports from Penan,? for March as follows Tin 2.325 tons, Pepper, Meet I Wnite 125 ten*. Tapioca ft .v**. ;7 rHike W tons, pearl 378 t ns, Copra tons.
    40 words

  • 1348 16 Cap [8801 Paid. Last Di*. But«*«. mllbes 35,000 2/ 2/ Aliagar Rubber Estatei Ltd 4.* 53] I ' 2/- 2/- Anglo-Ma'av 75% int. 1 I«| 1 4 luj 50,000 1/- 2'- Batang Malaka '30 M>.ooo 1 1 Bdtu Caves 1H5%int.16 0 0 lo 0 0 90.000 1 1 Batu
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  • 265 16 i TIN AND RUBBER FIGURES. Strong tin Position. (From our of/i Correspondent.) Penang, April 3 The P.nang Q-lSitte states that the conj sump*ion of tin for March in the Cnited Kingdom was 1,40) tons. <Ja the Contineat 1,700 tons. Io America 4,500 tons, making a tottl of 7,600
    265 words
  • 316 16 Agents F. W. Barker I Co. i Singapore ano Johore 1 -b „"oJ*. lbs. Against 8,327 lbs Total three months 54.e591 lbs Against 22,849 lbs. Lakadron .—19,528 lbs; Against 27.7 1 7 lbs Total three months 72. .>*-4 lbs Against 76,939 lbs. Ledruky 12.574 lbs
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 545 16 CLEARANCE. March 3 i Ischia. Ita] str. Belsiti for Honjkor^ Batavier, Brit, str., Simpson, foi .md Natunas Is. j Indravelli, Brit str. IV for Mar... r: j okohama Sibir, R is str. Lrvonius, for V.-.L, Shanghai. Agamemnon, Brit str, L^wis, i ,r 11 .>_• Shanghai and .Japan. Malacca, Brit,
      545 words