The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 22 March 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES WEDNESDAY. MARCH 22, 1911. No, 1.234
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  • 124 1 1" M 177 U Y. .-t- F.'.T |7| C ngDiff 178 (.'•a:. IT'.I Pt.Lici amd Court News. .:> A 180 Attacked with a Pan. >1 S---KT. 181 181 Tournament Final 186 O mm.nt Notes, KkwFnser'a Share Circular U Suffnp re and Jo hore C IM 188 Men aotil*- Bank
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  • 79 1 I fan Feb. Total Sr v i:._ 132 H- .;u i Vl iE ng $7 8.5^0 11.442 Kicti Mi n: NQ Kr NKc L^bc I >;;^~ New*Goctn/ 13 IW SewTamboa 253 166 Mfl r' L'cn-c! i Ja*'*'i K-D-'^'rU 4 625 HaLiiictn >)Ht;) RaLmanHyJ MO 4CO 1.000 iUmb.r.aa 3U5
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  • 2 1 asdasdf
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  • 2 1 asdasdf
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 21 1 Charles Wm. Keppel-Poui> :f Tai^pia Efititt.-, Malacca, to Sarah Lott:k HOOOM of Singapore. Before the Registrar en Friday. March. 17.
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  • 1089 1 t -..i Md 4.1.- Ban T- .'i '>r<?.:ept 5 I I*. Pledged I. ya:i i*. Mar 17. TL ie who wor.iij mj th^t bisti ry wa* .a the in Mongolia may have, in t ne event, good ground for that statement. There s only one brief leferecce
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  • 421 1 Mir 18. These who are unequivocal!.* Uregarding the real difficulties between Chic* ako II .ssia are sure regarding f Le <iei:. .r. of Ku-s.i against Chin%. ll 'm not for an;* p w»-r ro defiae the d ffi-.ulti<-s. in the edse f H-.ssia the lines of policy ree-ir-i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 95 1 Subscribers to the "Singapore Free Press weekly returning from Enrop >• r. bx any of the ma to J t0 l ir I Int. armpcre Copies U w mailed to meet them a* >(1 1 Kui- wi^hir i-* -.-I Motion as to shares Ac. can have Fraser and Co'a SLare
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    • 26 1 DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA. BROWN'S SPECIFIC. To be had at the Sinoapobr Dibpbsbabi and of Miss BbOWN. Gnwsdale. Rivet \allej Road, Singapore Dec 14 ha 18 3
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 234 1 THE WEEK. Hm tftld in vii EnMB a-mo iffifgd L-' the B I "T*e«ta"on Siturday with dated to Fc?b 24, ,i homeward uidil was takeu "U M iid«v l\v the "ToEkin -md rh:s weekly gpoM by the P.v <> IftnMMn r" •l<v An .Vxitivtii MMMftIM Wtfl btld •<*^ week >
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  • 628 2 Mar 20 All those sec ions oi the Empire that «ue eaat of Suez will welcome th^ suggestion* *yen if it be of no real official value, on the part oi the Tin)>.<, which entertains the theory that there tnay be presently changes ,n the aspect oi
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  • 1100 2 Mar 21. I* ib seldom that the chronic incap<<- '.y of a G..>vernmeu r to understand and appreciate matters of commerce, is so well brought out as in an appendix to the Report of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce for 1 t*lO And it is the more
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  • 813 2 Mar 22. la Crown Colony administration it must, always be a difficult thing to ascertain how far a Governor, who after all i 6 a mere official of the Colonial < )ffice, its a subordinate to the Sdcretary of State, or is a genuine representative of the interests
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  • 154 2 A meeting ot 'be Licensii:i» re* hmi held at the Police Court \e»'eidaj afternoun to consider the list of applications for renewals, traufeler*. removals aLd new licences. Mr Firmstone seo-.or magistral*) piesided and there were also prvseni Commander Kadchffj (Master Attendant), Dr Brooke (Port Health < Mioei I»r
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  • 80 2 About eleven o'clock on Monday m^Lr a 'Jamii oolie njiirdered a Tamil girl ej^bt ypars of a^e in a. hut at the third mil« Seracgoon Kjad. He attacked t tie child with a parang and then w* uuded ber mother, iullicting severe lLiunen on ncr head. The
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  • 968 3 Mtiiv Uf^r tL-L than 1i as faun vcMm i.'Dventxu I' fn^e. There.* •:>.!- to r iC'i ■ut against it. For >tvu> -ii jg'.^i i.jije *nd unsuccessfully tw e*cap** far reachiug tentacles, which .<*' I .s l:k- L'ridt.aliv crept Dfirer acl LHrtr^- li hna.i* ;r^w me. an unwilling i.'-ri,
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  • 955 3 'Tiff- GtHi. rj Tw Tha.'.n." The I'indmHLu Oper* Company gored another great success last Light when The Girl in the Train," rhe piece that 13 proving SO popular at the Vaudeville Theatie, Londoc wds prod :ced in the Vic'oria, Theatre. There was a very lirire an<i enthusiastic audience
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  • 1203 3 Feb; uirv j;. The poisoning tragedy at I ><ilkeith had a dramatic end. John James Hutchi§on, son of one of the victims, and fur whose arrest a warrant had been issued, committed luicide in a Guernsey boarding-hou-jy. As stated in last week's letter, Mr C. B. HutchisoD, of
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  • Correspondence.
    • 255 3 To Tn Editoe, I'etr Sir. Your report >f *he Cricket Match Telegraphs v Law and Civil c in Monday's Usub is partly incorrect. lu»tea<: of Cooptr'l wicket being the last, the Ltfli Civil had still two wicket in bnl and ml] 5 ruus to make U) win,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 368 3 PROPERTY SALES. I'he following Singapore pr'/perrie^ were disposed of by auction at Powel. < sale- room yesterday af'ernooL Five freehold allotments front: eg lUtser Road, total area •*,"<.» 7 square tnet, par' ct Grant 107 Koh Teong Vdng s r(i Three freehold allotments <. r* .»a ty Ghaut, total area
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  • 151 4 Tuis w.-il known Colonial Company issues "s sevHQfy seond report for the vfur endMg 1910, which must ba regarded as highly ■llltftfl'mj Trie subscribed ctpital is £1*500,000 ittrling, of which £900,000 has neeu paid un. There is a Reserve and ReMHIMI Fuud of M 70
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  • 150 4 AstuipAa c mtaining tw > nkishas and *hr<*? Chinese c wis cipsi/.id io the I >h »re S'raits on M >ndtv af -6 menu during a rain ill. Tub "neks," were being taken from Krai>j. to J >hore Bihru. The siinpaQ oolie was drowned and the vehicles sank to the
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  • 595 4 THE AB3IZE3. Bafort tb- Chief J«iBtioe Sir \V. Hyndtmn J >ne* yestarday moroiDg. L^e Chew, OhftNM ooalie, was charged witb the murder of another cmlie at Pulo Cbin, during f he couise of a 'juirrel over food, by stabbing b:in with a knife. The evidence tor 'he prosecution
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  • 1519 4 The smart showers of Monday came to trainers as a 1 >ng wanted blessing, because although they were quite insufficient to peiminentiy sjften the course they at least showed that rain was no" an impossibility, whieb one bed a most begun to think up till recently. The training
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  • 230 4 Edwarv"; LvniknU was ifihl befpH Mr Acton, second magistrate, yeBterd*T| on an allegation >: wiliul trespd>-s a* S.r John J«ok«nn*e works i.t Robineon Send. Bit vr »r ship ordered sell llhi to be j Li: to tkt hospital lor observation. For working a lame pony, a Tamil eharry
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  • 275 4 IN. Ii'ENT IN HI Sir./ Ca\ ootuuei itim Bimui vtbajob IN THE DARK. 11. M. cruiser 'Crescent," which If dje in Biagtpyra this afternoon about 5 p. with relief crews which she is takmg out for the destroyers river i boats <«v tbe China S:ation,
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  • 843 4 There cm b? do doubt but that the H So v's movemtu' Ln- c^ughton and r-*- m^ most popular wi'h young Eagland «t L that the entbusasm .»ver it ha- ci eul» even to these fir .tT sh .r^ Qj admitted hf St vl I fliel fe|
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  • 1135 5 n the Years kOßff tke Bea Dv -f M .rnw, by Edwin Gomes i i «o, Ifa, m|V ich appears to be a well written book, gives a leadnble estimate of the scope acd object of that work. It is quoted bsJtej Few m -ces are perhaps
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  • 112 5 SINGAPORE LADIES' RIFLE ASSOCIATION. The foe i |f Bpo oat J terd %j t MM p •r!y atei Mre Ft in i with i aett scora of 100. !sO?da. He I• tl M 81 88 ec M i 6 ml if j: 0 57 9 lIIm Cerr I] Mrs M
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  • 171 5 I 111 J ittioe Fiebec yefterd iy, Hi X I 1: 1 i Braddell !}..)'iea on behalf of G lia i i»ng for the lattcc'e UHchtuge. i ii v •be ii e*bi b tpp ii ml 1 j i MMM 1 191 ag I I v Igl a ippl
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  • 89 5 A ftti deal of ntavtll ife boisg I khM Ul the picM:.»- mot] vbioli will bn bald it 1 pa, to di| -< r r• 1^ ibfc w Bi -ii kago ilaiooi Tmm P'-' nr ha^i bt#t M fisw IMNIHtk 1: i wiUIOQI u'»iii^ UltO techuiciliti<=>- il m*}
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  • 74 5 lit' lot*] fcfWMb i:jo .Jvivt- «< roce'.VH,] ItlMßftßlliO ftfllTlOS ffWH B«*d OMx l!n'. t l Board ol Diveoton inll rtoo««6*d Dividend of t n the A and l>. si-hres of the Bink. m ki:n: ;i 1 > f tl aivi lend ior ifctyeir i-t "7 o m A
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  • 131 5 Kkw Stokkks an;- no Fi xnels. Mmn B*id ij, OnrWi mml Co* the Olffli ■fctptaUdon, Ibi -Liverpool Connor" a»--bo«M00i are toaotraatiag for i Continental lme a vessel which, it is assorted, will revoIntMHiiM ihippiag. The vassal mto haw ■Mtd <f twelve kuoTs .tud Will bi
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  • 80 5 fforiaj Fel-ruirv there were 751 dmioU in Bu»g*pot« giving death nte of 9092 Of the-»e none were European and only m* Eurasian Few accounted for av«ff 180, dyseoteiv ror 50, Phlkinslof lul.pueuuiouia 45 and beii l»eri Pi, There were IS smallpox death?, bat none of plague or cholera. Damg 1
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  • 1546 5 HOW THE RAJAH TOOK THE CENSUS. The r, awrable Dr. AJfa i B ten vYaflaet reliH an iu'f-'er. 1 i. i; siori f 'he Ll*j<ita ;l L >uib'. ck dij i b >w ije r^rr:- c i at a true '-a>us i-f Li is pc »p;H. T':e 'j:;!fi' rev«r:U«-s *h^
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  • 262 5 A sett cf or saieide is o-v.npylng the 'a of th- Cf ii trick F *y. a preventive B Bf >Q Custoj.-H, who lived > 33, 37tfa Street. There are aev- -i is I how -ceased wae Bttd dD( to his cousin, Lily Fogarty, who live.-:
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  • 195 5 Mr II ii ,j'" f the Netheri in-l< ::>>!.:.: Mr .1. M Mi J. :iS ae chief Ax i ttt ist A* :r:^ A.s? ve-t< r I iv, •In Mi Ide B 111 Wf r I v w further proceeded w »h -i number witnossps f >r pro;-, i' mm
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  • 1050 6 Ev€ml> fly knows that Kir ih-.'.u if rhgM»f m uL:,i:n f B rOOO, bofl t»*w OOIIM tell Low r rfcv v r i i name or 'he rueann tbatoof! While travelling ncjßtW in iti Lei/v i I was tf-ld IV M Ktbm-ii 1 the
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  • 64 6 Doing thp (OMB! Wm\*J Conference ■Mil Ttlilets were BSHiltd iv the Wealev (.'riurcb to the memory of two departed missionaries: oue erec?e3 by his fonuer pvpils of the Aoglo ChiDese School to Mern!i G. Miller, of whcse gracious spirit Mr Tau TiADtr Yew ipokt fittingly; the other b_? his fellow.
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  • 871 6 16th February. V t t uuc:i.-r=! just cord i?d Stt tons wmn »t»lOf«ed and practically all soli. There v. as a )artf J attendance of buyers and all grades met with good competition. Prices for aU lOrti advanced from 9d to 1 per lb. ever
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  • 864 6 B kid 1' .wick was a jiof tl Alii 0 H>l d MOBI P* f He boil! i chuich in Dublin town And M put i itMflJt !r:-;. i. M <>{ ill Ihe I intl v. m' MWI J»■ (.-.ic-ucutr B*int Ritiich's Mirt-iy Btaade forth MOM Of tbe
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  • 390 6 Showers of r-i.-i fell at I u<Jg a|l( j J >hore Bihru %es i.. ju. Airr.Dffst the pa*s» i Ni> L PHbi [*4wif >wm naturalist pb t v" p. r V Mr Kearton r > v spend some tn; B >rne< aL<3 u,i". f Ifl IM
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  • 78 6 rej 1 to •he a fMHKf CK*i..ini*n who stated that c. mi he r-veoiLj 'le wai wtf «viati< ■eetj/.-tr, itaad < the pierce his m< k tfWH I sioiuitAiie siv b( heard i the ':!vi),v iJ. T^' i d U I Ml tXtfl m 'f a p |>h
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  • 101 6 There are mau\ i will be delighted Mr X Peircf, Muni; p :.>■■ to be favourable A terrain to I>; M Muni. Health < miser, fr. v i ml i inst., bhvb that in •:,>■ t Mr J bit here iv a be:. i rl j was
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  • 307 7 i at n Bid CBSB. Patience is one of the vir* v.hich Be v. i;h j mmunitv of i2'l-h; S wds f ried to p it ih« R>oe Oowee asj when gre.- bisgi sure ptaaaiead ia tho way of aviation faata. It was an- j- %-ere t v r
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  • 490 7 3S] UD kmt" Rbachks Tanoli Oa Saturday nigh* aud on B■ I Mrn< rly wi> irrantr* in which Kb- I Mr.ihm IM I 3 ngapore Volunteer Cjrps an<; r detmental Cjrp* were to have a share. Hue pa^tjr <•:-«•►'. r >mpinies tha Buff* in I m j. X
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  • 1829 7 ANNUAL MEETIN OF ]H: k&& I lATI -N rbi mom Umm iag 4 U i >re ixi'er- A- in fi ;v 'i-y re H IV il r j,. r Pe-irs F" c i!sj pn st at His W -w .r J Presided Messrs V. Thorn- B r,XB Will«s,E
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  • 485 7 CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATION. The f llowing is the Lis* of the C*r-li-■lates P. who pt--el 'h Cambni^e CiOGal Biaflliliation at T h^ SiDgApvre CVni: .k Iv 1 1 s -ni >r —I; r-v Peng Site, \V i: q i Privd^), X M. H Lee C! m X* :it lies LUI
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  • 153 7 La I::*. Ti'^ :rj_'^ SJtflP pt<f II I erected for Me>-:- Kfttl EW<M K.: i ii; .m mhrtw largest umber ol b lifu ■•t my local building I ■,--•>., pHss juger nt >, t lm j i t double tr-ivelitnL' pin*! rm j whols >•(!.•.';-; f-r the lapplj
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  • 70 7 Bd tIM Chi^r JMI > r W :i :n H. HyuJm-iu J)De«, bit tin >* „n Siturdtv. ■he j-jry uudniru irn^d a verdict t" not guilty a?-i'.rj- 1 r X i Xi H>^ wh i char<r^'l w:'n cnealiDL' M-r-i-. Shnrpe, X s^ a.u<\ Co. >>r X C.
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  • 33 7 Mala ">, K«c Mirch I*. At the Malacca, Rubber Aucti n tod j the following prices were obiaiced Fine aha t *.;2'.» Sheet I*ll to IMS Crepe 5210 to 5220 Scrap 1181
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  • 1074 8 BANDMANN OPERA. COMPANY. Tup: Balkan Pbin< i>~ With the r* <>t the talented and populir Bandnitnu Opera C .-inpauy, Singapore audiences are in for a wnka g*»iid entertainment, ol Lhel hell I'uii'v th-i* the mine ot Maurice II tv-hi) '-lv guarantees. Naadleas to say that tLe Victoria Theatre was packed
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  • 1378 8 I.- A Ftec ai meeting <>t shareholders of L Q»ted 8 ogan w Robr«ei Eitatei L*d vu bald t the oompaoy'i ifficet, Boat Q'Jaj, oei .> <.' when >fi pfJ 'ii .'C-t-Qjfi.;' lof the gale ol tie c n.:vn:\ r i L odon company fy aad IDBfOfWt
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  • 359 8 TlLl U WIM I T< Bl The S.aa; tournament match between the L%w tad Civil Banriai lad Llm ralagfapai vai coaatadcd oa tat Bipliaadt cm flifnr «i;v t err.O'.-u. tat T^lc^r pbs irißnißg bj the u.invw BArgift of cue !';u. T w^>.;« the cloae oi the trime the utci<
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  • 121 8 M*jor Haushofer, a Germ an officer \%iio ■peat two yea;-, in Jipau, baa been lefturirjtr recent! v to h\* couutrynoen oc the subject of "Military fduc*tion outside the Aiiuv m J*pan." He pointed out that. cv t -n more tMB European Powers, .1 ipan is oonvicced that the Capability of
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  • 490 8 The Singapore corresponds/ t strated Finauce wnino uu-i»-r -v as follows A wewk .>r > j; honed the pn irrf-s»a Ik-idl' w*<w r. Majedie estate. Sj f*r ■w. ■<, i. cerned, nothing his hap^t-i bd 1-• that progress, but 1 ..l cautious spt ilator v keep
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  • 189 8 iV- rep >r? i... A-ivi? i for ths Tropical I>.sea*€B Refeearcb hid been s i ;i I b The report s pret ie I > signed by Sir W--' I. mac. IM H ftsj ifct ISI IWMI Tropic* J> seasK- i; I i year was t L't'. j
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  • 87 8 Captain C. H. H > d, vs h Lus it- 1 .i 4 Tlie Hulls "on pension. tr.n i Hon A. r Gr«yo»v (H< d), late 1 sar^, and recently tiuinhed toui yeaih as superintendent of gymnasia cj crn Command. He joiued the \l L'eht lufautry iv pr«ui i 1^:
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  • 712 9 WILL' t iL hifk of labifjt. M Have yon Bay witawsei V a#ked the Chief Justice *t the Am Accused— N>. my asm a poor BarDae Riisc rancWti. a soon of the fam»tv jf R^hschild. leaves to-morrow for the N#t?ri Sesßbilaa osj big t?ame «tu.. mg
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  • 579 9 ATMOSPHERIC MFFICULTIES Ai'AV BXPI r:::; :■> rasf ni r -r- i L it- j B bl lotl 1 jester--1 I bt aw***! berwi^ bt I misrepresent the re*i t- Taingi 1 go ••a'gley^j oae had co a of di»- >-d th* BtN be any d ffi o
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  • 307 9 a:. fti H}iim 2ui>'..~ w*- before M r v jr- >: b-r-uc-iL^ Mud i iing 1•■ .-ers^er V._ «?l'. that od Wm&mmian m rang hm mt a house in Orchard Road where the accn<MMim -d cubicle- Beatfctd bti tl n down v I hsMid We I
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  • 322 9 i La.- I if I Exhibition. T.ere was a large _-».tberiae at Theatre R >?*l id N>rth Bridge B fed bat night, when some b xiag c iftaati imiptd r Jim Christ'i9 were a^a^ed. M- D Sounders acted as rtferee and Mr L. E Giunt as tiice-
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  • 161 9 r marrHge ceremony of X E 12 MIIM.I, A.IM.M, acd v :h iem l welladi *ted teh v lac t --ruir.ent Q on ,v m *J H B I Penat.A r ■z: r- j •_d then tm in wwi to the gi including Ifn Liw», M-
    161 words
  • 618 9 THE YEAfc 5 KE Tae f L 2 a li r. r .hi--:. ..if--' r- p---- L i- L 2 iLL n.-r-- L^« M trch A per > L jt rT j Sl v. L »l km pud at iend equally c other I
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  • 117 9 A M fthj r._- *t JaUn Pi»at? irar* an I aim at PuUu Sdmboe. He has ascertained tb*t the man d.j uot iad bets asked the p-^iioe to assi« l r. xr. f>- .c n r -r--. r> i of a living it >: i F* iMI rf
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 107 9 FRA-Ei.'^ SHARE CIRCULAR weekhds |MM witi Bteml m| are quiet MlVl Utt I I eatten: to X iwi sag d Icdus- tbow BBER :1 s>orB L > h^mi 7, I. Suoi^ri I-- C^r a Lts* M m Mitel I-- p oh l» Te -id at $31, Si^MJ «J P. n
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  • 924 10 At'er 'i very :»uj nvrvrtl .«t :ne V rplay, winch a. wel!-ku<»wn organ i;f tho thipping ictortoi hti fOAtUftd to MJ IOOBa* ib.nj" ibi ut action taken by th<- L°^> Katfoi 0 "n c 1 of tb»i G looj to ran ibi evil- **n*dii» '1 on i
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  • 85 10 C<lt. 1' L^irmon'h, life in OOMtad <»f H. M S "Merhn," arrived at D&il«Q OS Iki IS li vl f aud visited the bftttla a-cenes ;t' r.-rt Arthur un the following <i..u\ After live years management of SimpaDg rNtate, Mr W |A. T. Keilow, accompanied by his wife, is shortly
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  • 133 10 In the BaaweeM Ooaii eeetordej the iction brought b? the Btetora Btteoeioa, \ustr;i!n end Chiaa Tulegteol) 00. Ltd., agaici Iff H.-ty Jtffaraoa vee down I boiringj bat as there was bo cheoeeot it beiag rtachad, in ooaerqaeece of the betrii g ol the i »tkMi c NMeraiug the
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  • 501 10 American IflLLfOVAtßia Their Cap:: i Hi Fred rich Towi mad Ifertin, one of the leeojon ofthi Nee 1 rk 'Four HandreeV' who is well known in Liadoa, m teeding rrn-aac us* the vulgat oetoatetioa ol OOftain w^-.lthy porsoiis in .America. He hee hronght together an iaeereetiag
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  • 280 10 PaCIUTIBS BmonATlOll tO X 'RTH 'h\ B I Mr J. Hieiau) Weidroa, n retery of the Xortb Borneo Chamber ol Com aoroo, irritei to BMeahera Eroei Stnd.ikin on ti. l:1?i u-t. as follows Bur, —At yesterday's Committee meeting wo iforo tetoured irith the preeeaee it hfr PT« EL
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  • 1199 10 Precision in Fog- Measuring Carbon D'oxide ab F^rti i/er Mosquitoes nd Gnats A Safe Light for Pi-tare IV lHo«— Oat Two Fopee fllrnhn*' Vapor and »\y^°n Tne ReOfl Light An .-Wopi .w: Alloy —An Earth BpOagO faf PI >aio. 4 more accurate ecate for describing i j- being
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  • 484 10 The first ordinary general meeting of the GedoDg (Perak i ted, was held on i >Ldoa Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, I I M- Shand (t! tOI the con i presiding. v ~;d: Gentiem9B f the report .t m i>een in j mds for the
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  • 162 10 i v j.-. i ji. 1 v.Ul.t lv dCeiil >!."•' he,v> Slower of I 1 o irl i .!i parti of thecj rj, by wivti flak* Of lijjhtD.lJfcJ. A* li»ir-.u Jernul the -•■•rm mpl irlj v .->- i ji/mij me lls discovering ihh 'in \>-
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  • 466 11 MUSIC IN SHANGHAI. fr>-: i|.i -Tiimmr? of the ncent O>» Bbtafbsi I'riilhrir- v-t. rexpp-irp.l 11 -i-i. ii rni'i v Jbe progrsmae dues credit r r..>u i r prosseterp. who have, it should be 1, wealth of material deniftd t cuip^v > unimp rtant places 1-■> r
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  • 263 11 The shipping c< *W" r'as torn*! nfl l will i kad an" .n.; •bi pod §1 daj*, Mr M S i,M m g D i Hccompaoie l<y Hi D A Harnett. a Spsci f Mite CU I n.i C.mpiDv b*B baen op^i itii tortl i<« tw«H*»
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  • 1230 11 JrVKN'.i 1 I- k H M S. "ColbBgwood" r irk b esleriss; tb« bsibovr d rr s »'iie ol<] •,r«• 1 1 t reck <-n l'» f ish cruiser or b*'?ie*hip ißsjval v. if sjol i ftesjs« wis io 1 392 I tf if.M S "Ii
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  • 366 11 X )ta BeJiro, I Stb II irct A »u\ n^h- k pl«ee i)Hi- the 9 h :i>\ tawteei H the &*j«'i bletk hull mm) l'.:-ku Mereb'i red boll The eteke irei $24 0 md the fevoarite m the B j■ bull. TLO "Ullrt: V.'rt.S a sp^ciulli OLP, (ju'
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  • 372 11 (»j Sa' unity Ust, the llh at St. /Lodiaw'i Oatbadrai, icharaMDg little wed* dmi,' wai eirrtad <''-i batwaNi Hr H. B 'i- :f Messrs Fri-T ami Cumming isd M 11 «nw Bpittal R >bb of C *laaa, L odon, the 'en /VrdMJpiooii htrd officiating. Mr V
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  • 114 11 Btf A. f t Liw is to act ii Cluel Justice n the Btnii i Mr it. K. K< iWffti to b* BOmbw »l the pilot board is place ol H.W. BockUod. Mr K. Andersou takes tbt pfciOl n| Mr PAChitt on th« IWojong Pa^ar D «k 1»
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  • 360 11 YESTEBLAYS FLIGHTS. lu-ije at the Ii .c- C »h i altbougk n.u. h hettor I*l they let* inu a?> b^ ■fflfUfllllf pMI I fIM 1 -re w i in Iv goi -3 atteodai c .»ni bourftx^! 'ii- ['-fl.'- b^usir oD'J Uhtu en I C BrM m ifdet
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  • 124 11 FOCI M 'it;.' p;»>- j'.. I I VJ has bwa nii^i'ii; ir>>u\ !..<• ir-ier i comestibles, inclu i in c tinned Mtff JMN Md ill i lk An iii:.':r "boy*!* 'juarters on Th :r>.:,,v JIMBMS rvtwled the miatii pwmia i i m »-•> i in <>oe uf
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  • 103 11 Before taaCbief Jaatk*, Bk H SI adui n. .i ate, fM erdav. 1: b csse of i Eog B Nk ateurg 8 wet B m who irai 'lii-.rt'i aitb aate lag in respect tt Bertaia o pta d ale was deilt with. Mr Batteaberg vaafortai lefeaee »a 4
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  • 159 11 G<;i.U; our r i's are fcf kMfoi Mat* .i ii H white thflf r c- rt i ii lot lutti i Bxp ri ;i Lt •i II i. M i .f• liai Bogim w, to pi if llm reed* 0 i t f tag pi s to
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  • 100 11 The foUowiaf efcaagM i the Penaog P ,cc will f ake p' ri I pptpOTO bi the ss. lp>h yesterddv. W.i i fetfition*'*! :-it Helau, relievia^ !o-p- Little, who corne9 to the Central > x*. t-t'r^- thf place of Inspector C ncfr. orders to pr<tfee<] :■> Singapore
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  • 136 12 Xo Tr \< c of Airship. S^ts a Jipan p. per: -Snapping Ihi o. le rope I) -i it tart, Hi Vi!uad.i'< tirthip which midt^ au experimental abcect V.-. serried iway to parts unknown by the *g wind wh;ch itai bloving M tbi tiM Lfld G" tf*oB
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  • 111 12 Hm Bight Hon. George Palmer r < isd M:s I'.tlmer o£ Readng, at present mak.u^ .x ifcort stay in the Straits, pail a visit ret|«rdft| morning tj R* tiles Insti'ui-jn, WLery h^j were shown the various clibses, laborat >rv o.IJ c)mmercial class by the Pnncip.ti. Tn**v were greatly interested in
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  • 730 12 14 It i very probable rhat within the next two years we shall se^ la-ge vessels saili-itf the Atlantic with ir fu^UfU or b.»i!trs." Bt says Iff K. FM^iii), BMBAgiog director <•{ M-sso. BircUy, Curie, *nd Co, ihipbuilders, ..f WbitWh. Too Bonrnnc" bat kH^ M expectation <>f
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  • 578 12 CHEAP POINT TO POINT TRIPS. A New Development. p in-to' -to point MtOpbUM trips are the latest dtmand oftUOie who ate bitten by the new < IV/ o| fcbt fashiocab'e world for the 4fiag A yeaf ot two Igo wealthy gentlenen iaziofM to experience tie mneirinni of
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  • 175 12 KING EDWARD VII. MEMORIAL FUND. Lnouni prtrioutlj Acknowledged 530.4-27.42 T c OhoOO Y>»ou, Acting Consul QflHUi for China 2,(KK) V.v Tnt Bbia Btq I.' <> > MtMri Rampart aad Go 300 a llMMoli B 'i 25 \i I! V ■uu« E«q 10 ,1. A ILiiii.iu.ii Etq 10 m Aboiijiboim 10
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  • 88 12 TRESPASS AT TANG LIN. Edward C. Lehmkuhl, a European, appeared before Mr Acton, second magistrate, yesterday, on an allegation of wilful treapiss at the Tanglio barracks. Ha was an>btea by the military police outside the Officers' quarters on Wednesday night and was handed over to the civil police. Accused, a
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  • 1368 12 Of all the holidays tbtt I have spem in the pursuit of bit? game shikar ia the Eas*, I bok back upon my Christ mas iv Malaya as one of ray happiest expeneuceN. To lead up to wh-it I <nn ab u t relate, oogbt, perhaps, to
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  • 201 12 A New i tapanies regiitisd ia iruia c;>ii?aius am< i Mtfrnui Cr< -1 i. -0.000 for thn purp-jse r»s ti:e [rp- *y ct. rubber f n. i I Morgui and for the 191 i Bora i 0 I mi ted, Rt. 2,5 IMr the ri»f ooDcassioo gimote
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  • 91 12 A t, i. M .1 iy v a *v enu r-i it it; Ukiaf omm c 11 I bt Kk»d*af :c md whila: I here, 1- k 1 .si, some birang, two g)ld ringt and II Wkm the nates of the koMti dbe Vcr. I the n
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  • 207 12 A L'.ineße ci*rk the eoiplo? of MiMtri Poweil .»i.-: i hat rep r~ p Ir. t! whilst wjikinj up > Thurfc !*y aftera- i. 7 firm's Di .v he e tt p Chinaman Snatched 1 -ni i b< Ited. Chase w d!? _-.\>ij i-n v.<- 11,111 >.- UOt LVU-:h\ The
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  • 678 13 I he w.DDpr i f the N itional H jnt Steeplei«r»- vi jb H ilbert. Q<l .r.- of the rapid If :reabe in the i j i*» ep Ifuj railway tralfic in North Mr aC QwVf, American V »Omh] i» b^u ordered to duty •I the
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  • 1952 13 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. CHAIRMAN'S INTERESTING SPEECH. The annual :>er.erdl meeting of the members < thp Singapore Chamber ol CVni< merre w^.s Leld in the Ei::hanee room ve--terday afternoon. The Bom'ble D T. B >yd (Messrs. Boustead A Co) prM bt< ]u i Q tjPrs present were:— Messw.
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  • 314 13 Toe members of the P«TO Brigftdl h ive been k^pt busy these last few days <> j S iturday m jrciae at 1 1 '-I 'a M jui pal tar b;>iier ou s de. the Teiepbone Exchange in Hill S'ree' caught fire. A h<>»e cart w-ts deep
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  • 248 13 Sbc >n i- C- ■\'.:.l-s i'» y.v. HEi.ii v r H k"\<». It in announced thit the socoid biennial •ingress of the Far Kistern Association oi Tropiod Iftdicine will beheld in HonuWong from January tli r .January 27 h next, year. The Association is an international
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  • 154 13 A Coinaman armed with a knife has b^j arrested for rol^>'nL f a m in of a watch aad chain vhl ied at :n Newbridge R »wd. A Chinaman has been arresJed for the theft of a silver be 1 valued at c^ from a. he-use at TeOJgOOJg
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  • 59 13 At t.he Hongkong City Kal! on the af'ernoon of March 10th, a very interesting Jectwre was given by Mr J. B. Suttor, ihe Commercial CotmnUaioner in tt:e Eist for New South Walea on the general reMur'«g of Australia and in^>re particularly of S*w South Walee. Hife EioelleDcy the Goveruor, Sir
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  • 1117 14 "THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER." BRILLIANT PRODUCTION AT VICTORIA THBATRE Ability to convert the Shavian thought and miud into muBU--ilcjmedv BUM* be regarded as something of a. phenomenon, vet that is whit has been done, and that with a boldness which commands success, in "The ChocoUte [\M'm m the libretto of which
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  • 375 14 PmoemßM 01 i m Boirrmma Exrasaiova Mr H. < iittecs. controlling engineer of the Siamese H lilwuy construction work south of Bangkok, bas been on a short visit to Penang and left tor Trang on March 16. We understand that the track on the eastern side bas been
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  • 66 14 I.Mh'RTAM Mk.MORIAJ. < i C'aNION Vu imoT. Pakiag, Bfaroh H E V;cep y Chan Miny Chi has memorialise'! tbe Throne from Canton i fteriDg- for the settlement oi all dipl matters between Great Britain and Com*. An Imperial E lict orders the scheiii 0 to be
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  • 243 14 Februar'- 2 ith. FAHA. —Since our last Report we have had a itfdy and advancing Market, and business had oeen done in Fine Hard up to 6.111 or March-April, 7 for Apr 1-May and fj for May-June. At the close the Market is easier, and there
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  • 68 14 Mr T. N. Syinons, the veteran engineer and planter of Prye Estate, left for England with Mrs Symons, by the "Syria" Mr Bfmons, who leaves the country for good after a forty yDars' connection with Prve Estate, was presented with a case of pipes and a gold mounted cigar case
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  • 1107 14 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The twentieth annual general meeting of the members cf the Singapore Golf Club wa3 held at the Club pavilion yesterday afternoon. Mr E. F. H. EJiia presided and there were also present I>.s. Kinlayson and Campbell and Messrs. Muudeli. Fergusod, Mayson, Miles, Cruttwell. Greenfield,
    1,107 words
  • 553 14 Amok i > D V m 4 The S Morniutf -v neighourhood ci Sir^eie'a X Dcs Vrux Road, MM iudely alarmed e*rl yesterday mornicg 1 *J t v lj tb« police whistles anathf <r f r men, noises which eu,;«!i.«ted 1 1 Chinese :>oarding he- A pftj
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  • 68 14 With; -haw a: Tra i I Tok; Marti The withdraw*; d the ord^r fpr tion aga.L&t the exporUticn Manchuria, which wae oiade r .i j height of the plague epi.join wa, pul yesterday. Besides indicating a great. mpr condition of aftairs, the ann< ncemeaf tiiven no
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  • 1143 15 r.f >ul Telegraph j .1 X M tr l'j :>.2»j am. 'er's c >rrespondeu siv, that the St 'j pipers print strong anti-Chinese in.J prtdic* rupture of relations s r. ni \:e!ds. ;-.M r4D wires •i" n it X .-in waa completrL uj euept tor eighty Cossacks.
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  • 348 15 PROMISING PROSPECTS. U m m dm n cv:r.) Penane. March 16th, 10.4* am. Mi Anthony Fox, of the Federated Malay States Riilways has paid a visit to Alor Star and district iv connection with the suggested northern extension of the line from Bukit Mertajam to K^dah and
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  • 70 15 Additional Liquor Taxation. (F< > ur own Com >.^n:.i Hongkong, loth 4.40 pm. At a meeting of Legislative Council, the Acting Colonial Secretary introduced a motion to increase tbe duty by sixty cents a gallon on European liquors, and to double the duty on native liquors. This
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  • 346 15 EXTENSION AND DEVELOPMENTS. .1 >«-... ur t■. n rrc ponaent} Ipob, Mar It Tronob his declared a dividend of two shillings p«r share. Mr Gntii'hs the manager is leaving for Knt'land on sun-lay on a holiday, returning in five months. Whilst in England he will attend the annual
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  • 81 15 What Kuala Lumpur will do. < Fr<i,i> our -xi-ii Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur March V». A meeting to consider the festivities for the coronation was held yesterday at which Mr J. 0. Aathoniez presided there was a small but representative attendance. A central committee was appointed to Cvmsider the
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  • 11 15 Cheras 1,900 lbs. Bon Bm i 1,841 lbs.
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  • 35 15 (Froid mir mi'it Correspondent.) Ip^b, Mar. 17. A territie storm burst over Ipoh yesterday afternoon with incessint lightning and thunder. Some rikisha coolies were struck by lightning but were not seriously hurt.
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  • 52 15 (Fi:k u>- v\.n (.'jttcfiothient.} Penang Mar. J<> :<,47 am. Cicely l^ubber compiny pays a third interim dividend of -50 percent. Golden Hope pays a final of 20 per cent making 4U per cent. Pataling pays |£S per cent making 325 per cent, puts £5,000 to reserve and cdiriee
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  • 27 15 Agents J.O DtvipM and Co. Btkit k. bO7 lbs Total nine months •~»,740 lb^. Ap«nts Si me Darby A. Co. Paviai 47 -j lbs.
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  • 10 15 Agents Derrick and Co. BbUAJHM 177 pkle.
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  • 196 15 Sold to London. (Fr r C irr*Hj,ondj>tit). Trinang, Mir 21, lv *m. The meeting of the saaieholders of the Eistern Smelting -mpiny today resolved by 29 votes to one to authorise the sale of the concern to a London Company. The Hoa A. R. Adams who presided
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  • 11 15 From -xir 0 >n Corresj»omlent.) Penang Mir It asdfasdf
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  • 27 15 {From cur t/wn Corn /,/tu'ent.) Penang, March 21. The following additional interim dividends have been declared, Silaba 17} per cent. Batu Caves 1-jO per cent.
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  • 471 15 The Japan Society held the firs* of two special meetings on the evening of 23 rd ult, when the members had the pleasure jf seeing cinematograph illustrations of life iv Japan, together with industrial scenes, the ainuseineuts of the people, and some really excellent view of the
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  • 1314 16 C4P. IsSUt. PAJD. LA.3TDT. fcUTia«. SlLLBB? 85,000 2 I Aliasrar Rubbe- Ei:as6i Ltd 4 6 5%\ 150,000 2- 2- Anglo-Malay 75% int. 134 1 I 10| 50,000 2/- I Bating Mdttkl 6 ;S v 30.000 1 1 Batu Caves 35% int Ah 10 0 16 10 0 80.000 1
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  • 112 16 A meeting of t ri v ►-u.i.Hr- Automobile Ci b wjh Le laht, Mr Kenney a tLe tLa: It deeidtl to alter the name fn ru r V Automobile Club to >Van£or M i The Chairman explained that, as I >-: Oflßcer, he could n« t serve
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 627 16 CLEARANCES March 16. Ainitai Magon, Fr str, Becard. for Saigcn Samsen, Gei str, Peter>en, for Saigm. Snowdonian, Brit str, Griffith, for Saigon. Flevo, Brit str, Liyton, for Natnnas via port=. Bharata. Brit str, Thomson for Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. Thongwa. Brit, str, Herrington. for Penang, Madras and Negapatam. G. G.
      627 words
    • 680 16 PASSENGERS HOMEWARD The following passet.r-rs arj ward PA > Per Marmora, s*i'.;c«r Man.. J. de Z. Lancaster, Mr P M flol»inh l Mrs Aratboon. Mi> R^ \>eu dhd I Misses Reut>en. Mi H t.^rtsoc. M- ben and two Masters Reuuen. Miw> Mrs S B. Archdeacon. Mi M y Morrison, child
      680 words