The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 16 March 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 80 1 saa. .30 0 a..:..-- Ihe Fina- iia .nd China 1 b and Court News. The i ard 'A I I 364. COMVAN^ REPOi. ar i 167 and 1 Letti Sport. A n Sportiog Club Loc* /ens* ip v Report Late Mr. Chi»a < i king ThfC «f the Went
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  • 115 1 to the "Singapore Free Tress weekly ha Strail by any of the mail lines, ati I 1 the Manager the name of their stea late of arrival _'apore. Copies will then be mailed to meet them at various ports ot call. Subscribers in Europe wiriuM I I Q -i mation
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  • 53 1 (CoRRaoTSD ur to Mir. 15 Bhl I■ I tm m* 2* A 4 i:ts 3 in r 3 1C 9 k > end h ini.H '-'> >>^ c: :*Hii i(l 4; lonokono, davand Yokohama, demand m 4 j Java, deroa HOi. ki .".)K, iMHBI J Bank ol Kn t
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  • 27 1 'I IT.. IB |2J HO Mice rff»r- r n Black) 30.W r »m a ior Toprm l*»: i-er 7 t Rr v.y^-. Fair Av^ra^e Bhe€t |M
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 49 1 Bug.— in. sin| oi urn b*h M i 1911. a i: ram Atm art i-oad P- I r .g, tiie wife ot Mr. JOHB Hug, of a son. El lb_d*>-Ob mmmm \< i 4 Pays Mm E«..v_t, .J;.-:... Malacca, t; Mr. an i Mr-,. C. rY "VARUS, a MB
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    • 75 1 Y.;\. On February 4th, a: Bh Marj bm an. Bronghty Perry, by fthe blDt. H Igh M-K in. St. > X iinbur^ii, aaamted by II a Bat. v W aderioa Begg, ds. bnarj Bt bay Pi rry, Jon* Bern i hub, i 4 ti. Bonahoa| lad fihanghnl Banbrinj Corporation,
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    • 25 1 > .N. >: tiro int. Hi :ir_ 'v. Y. Beah land, on the FJ.h -brauy. Archibald Alexan r BWflB, latt Messrs. ova a: M lYr.rcn. Singapore.
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  • 139 1 Y.- P > D mtkk h'-' tghl mails n i Feb. ttty 17, on Fridsj l**t. Ihe German mail "Yorck" tooh a MBll v Mv iiv, and this w^eklj BMS tO***J DJ the B I i BgWI Bateral matron of latere. wi re diocnMcd lt i ni
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  • 101 1 B aQflonoa B iKnppni,! a ac Measures. Feßhawar, March 1. Sii- rgi Boos Keppel, Chi-. a-uis-3ion^v ing int mad bhal a baaaiof BO .ode-, ladat tha I latent r us ii ihim XL. .ta .v is 1-i ling in a civ j near a bizii. pro
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  • 95 1 A Dispi i My i a Peh-Blg, -dar.ii 7. fl thi British G iiMamofll I a p l-^-Bsieed to withdraw fchetj tops from Pisa- ma, Sir John J laa, W i --Daist** at Peking, ißroag v a liaMiaa ti d thi turn i I the Bma i-1 mnaa
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  • 1555 1 British Borneo Oil. Mar 10. is; 3n w_s t ..ken rec.mtlv to refer to The most promising pioneer woi k being done in t lie Tdrritort ol Sarawth by the Borneo Company. I/d. in the development of petrolan product, mv Eterything point-, to a remarkable ultiniitct succ'ss in this direction.
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 1 V- r'.tfr.t inte-fle. Una I by gaH H^re patriot Tnith her p'o-io precept^ b-Mh Pledg Loi wm.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 69 1 Siegapore Cold Storage Co, Ltd. j Se-r Entrance to Borneo Wharf. Telephone 1026. Sea stocks of all kinds of Frozen Mesti etc can be delivered to shipping st till Wharves, or ia the Singapore Roads oa finer COUCe OFFICE HOTJR3. Weekdays 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 a.m. to 6
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  • 877 2 The Naval Estimates. Mar 11. Tio re h-.- been »n ail-night sitting in the Ii BM Of G MMBBI flith the inevitable accompaniment of sharpened temper and jener.l c mbatit*ajßßß] over the Revenue Bill. 'udiug tiie -> f the reserved pur ot 1 ist \ear\_ Bu lge\ All th it
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  • 906 2 The Nation and the Navy. Mar 13. I rare asb-d what s the m:st imnet if administration thai the Mil Of the Failed Kingdom rir 3* !r ct t-ach year there could be in er any hesi! iFon in deiini;:^ tha: produ.tioii a_.d p^s-ng tie Government that more than any
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  • 1267 2 Shipping an d Canal Profits Mar 14. Just now and until IV 1. shall have arrived \u Fjglaud t details of the IFF that is to re_- ping and freights so 1 *s to fr.-,-certain evils arising i.v' >f atn n p is no reason for sayn g anything .t
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  • 1086 3 Peihaptth* MO*' .MBllUflf event that o i tiuancial history of .si. en the sul *of a portion of I. i,.g Address of Sir Gly Fleetwood v Le Finance Member of the ViceThat uitter refers to the Q9 between the Government t tl -he Fiovineial
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  • 1306 3 Russia and China. Mar 16. F w.s ,nY *he other lay that it -teaaaed as thougi: the Iroflbli imminent bo*w t en R i a] China had blown over, and 'ha* the -of .o- V.,;' turne-h away wrath had been bf ight into play iv China to ippeaaa Bnesian
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  • 603 3 A Fl_« Y*ATE BUI P. [c tl b B tntaaM l awl a* bay Mr n> t i a F sh.-r had before him apr ba f e ac ion ariaißfl i it of the MtaM af tM I iM Towk-iy L >t Kiu; POBflje M
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  • 697 4 M OK I' A V f The A-- were eonMnued before the Canal IMI i Bit Willi im Hyndni ia H J »nes. ;u the > .?:>■■>>' C irt. >--''•• lay. A .Mir. at n i A- a... ih bin M hame Ai: tlias f. -n Mm F
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  • 186 4 It is I rXpeett I a* Bssaegetaeal of tha Australian W.rY-.-s, Ltd., that wireless an: a ition wn l>e establish, -i betwe. n nud NY v. /.eadand in d>out twelve riiontio, I tl Bfl st ati B*y tor ahippil g I vpeeeßj will Le in
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  • 26 4 The drought seems to extend all over the Peninsula. We learn that people in Kedah are actually getting their drinking-water at present from Penang (M M
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  • 708 4 THE LATE Mr ARCHIBALD A. SWAN. Then i 11 bi deep regret fell imongtt |v m y Id friaa la ia the I >l my and the dderated Bfelij B ites, y the new-; .f the A-vgn i Mr A. A Swan, the 1 Doder d the ujm, Ub iowt.
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  • 303 4 "Jack" is the name of the police tnaa hunting a but the M l 1 3 christaaad him **Byed Kbai Oc Tnetdaj night y *ml a |g in lot 1 trial run by Ditec > luij 13 r sad Acting I d. d 1 11 1 con
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  • 78 4 The propooad ritil to Rnadom by Hii Fxcel.ency Tue Acting Governor si^ the "North Boraao Herald" is arousing a consul- rable amount of interest among the locals, who^e ideas of the personality of a Governor BBBM to range hat 8888 something of mythical monster and Someone of superhum in height
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  • 843 4 Yr < I •A. M X A. \V. S-I 7ue.e was a large attendance at th* V M.C A. last evening, on the evasion of tbeopaaing I the D ■i>:i.".i> i > Bocaoty which I runs a pir' i the social lift Oi thai inatit Ition. 11 F the
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  • 222 4 This popular place < f entert i: ig i, b epirg up the high r. i ation a h s eaimd. an 1 r a v ma tb cl inter, -t in 'he w ho i i ietnrM ih nra I ual aight ar the recoad i ov.
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  • 269 4 TROUBLE WITH SQUAT TERS. Jn the District Cou-' yesu !MrH. W. F.rmstor.p M|Uattcrs on lh( F „t BsUtM Ltd pr I '-wem thorn and tha com p -ne o<*tet§i, JU of certan. -v. i Mr Ki. >w:es appe-i:- d and M< --rs EveriM si i I Company. Mr F >.
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  • 219 4 The 1 9 c I y for tha year just The 1- a: d composed of the --.ate, Miser Attendant, Pre. f P Colon; plain, W. A. cade:. Archdeac i ra] has been IaBBJ duties of Hon fi I Treasurer 11 v bout th- 1 i he
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  • 15 4 At the wa yesterday at Rubber F\ V mg- at *:Y-\* ci 1.
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  • 142 4 Tana, Emm Borneo. A report, vividly BMuaianaM of BJ ry, has been made to the tfl'-c th a a r. a coveted his ceigl b v neighb* ur into at.- »m with twoooaapaaioot. The later < f him— and the The Sam Meda h u.oiiginated at Bangkok by Id 1
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  • 888 5 Friday. Mar. 10, 19 p. Gray, they trig Australian billiard pUv»r his igi n !«tVD th^ world's record with .1 vn* bre^.k V 1"7*; i-H >nr.iining f.»ur slabs of rt rUed tig hi- i e~n t uuu I v i:.e Ma ,o_ at Pulau Skra A ll in i-ti
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  • 977 5 -tXTIIDB in THE BUPRKME COUBTa Chief Justice, Sir Wdliam H. HyndmanJone^ was engaged in hearing a" cisc of some import iLc. in the Supreme Court yesterday morning, arising out of questions submitted to the Court tor decision hy the Municipal C unmiss; mers on ihe ore hand I*4
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  • 51 5 ticu. The erection of the wireless stition (Telefunken system) on the Luneta at has been completed and is ready for inspection. Before proceeding to Singapore. Sir Archibald Law and family are spending a few weeks up at Bukit Kutu. Mr Sercombe Smith acta as Chief Judicial Commissioner vice Sir A.
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  • 756 5 A CLAIM FOPc DAMAGES Ihe question as ta_> wbe'her the Supreme Court bas any jurisdiction in assessing claims in Admiralty cases was raised in the Supreme Court yesterday, before Mr Justice r isher. The point aro*e out of an action brought by the Kukob Rubber Estates L
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  • 207 5 THE CHIN A CHRONICLE AND DIRECTORY. There is probably no directory in the world which mikes a better showing, when the area it covers is considered, than does the Directory and Chronicle of China, Japan etc which is yearly published by tbe llon'^ ttOß* iKily Press, whioh itself cUim. to
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  • 775 5 FIRST USE OF AEROPLANES IN war. Thi: Fate-; Faom the cables in tbe New V Herald we uke the following X-jw York, Feb 4 All the inhabitants of Jiiirez, M-xeo, hay- ti -i i.-r-ss the border to F Paso, T-:_i«, foil > the preparations oi the
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  • 49 5 At M-ssrs H F. Coghlan and F- ioouis yesterday, the freehold residential property bat araal Xo. 27 Syed A i B ati being inaiked lot* _S and p*r' .1 Fa Xo 13, Area 1 acre and p-d^w. was s- .1 to Mr S. A. van Soraeren for >'.''
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  • 15 5 Mr W D. Scott, British Agent in Trengganu, re'u'ns, to his post tomorrow after noon
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  • 237 6 P. i-Aie-- «lv .oc 4 uo .ve^k has b* a u -m a •>• 1 md i: i .o -ai- fly c >nh led t i a Fr>b_ au. ive 1" pp?d slightly BMM F p :A Fc 1 Pubbers ire .pr.eter .v -v i'h i lvi.-c-,
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  • 123 6 The m-in-iger of the locil b: uaoh o 4 ns that h»i is in re live -i Held Office in F I don, that fll the appro aaa tl aa w aaeetien I b rt* I ter. i Bu h, the D -ectois will ree Man i a
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  • 229 6 M been having really win 4 ry weather here Katalji write! Slim River correspondent, aud tue co >1 bracing mornings have been ice mpanied by fa fj > md dense ts hi'o mist \^\^v. lin one 1 0.i.1v au u m n au FiioF.n-1 A few d
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  • 342 6 ORIGIN OF THE "BLUE FUNNEL" V; a. I people interested ia shipping and B nerce often speculate opofl the Ol in of 1. auueh" The explaantioa, wl fl not been mi-ie hnOWfl h Foe l Uteids th* m B its I the ship iwners, bll hi sn ia io. Mi
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  • 805 6 Mr G'e-.n.* partner of Measrs Jardme, Math^-.naiidC.of H.ngkong,is h-une-ward bound ny tbe "Fook *j,ng. f V tne once paid by Mr E. s ,o, ;tlj;i! ,gotMinie. f.rCiptaiuFJdwin's fu 1 nil -aipleaa F.ud Mars mtds bt! l*r*W*ll Bt£*t oa b ui'. at tne If sails Oaraieal asc.n
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  • 32 6 UN following were the scores in the Wdikt-r Trophy it Dilestier yesterday. Mrs Fisher ;</ Mrs Fnikm 80 MraJago 28 Miss Kyrr J7 Mrs S'oular 20 Mrs Keigwin 25
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  • 1066 6 Quicquidayunt homines nostri e*t forr 1,1,. Hi. .1 AVE. NAM It is i wonder to the Topioiol Mt] ti many other?, it HU it dllM, why B.itish Governments and tiie British public tOSBB*** the perpetual aud infernal umsauca H atriket, with their oonseqiienl an**Q*tßßi if trade.
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  • 496 6 BMM htf Fwsf rMß*f yesterdiy i a the Sun c ne C i. 1 Yeo Kian OKm M -it app3Maj| for bankrupt. IV.- BM se in which bmkrupt hid h-n 1 Acd mmy year* i in-i au app trgt re fusel, got Ljatlahip a yea hia content i -ne
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  • 293 6 Fireman ana meb F )0R Before Mr i l J morniac. a Age of using criminal torce was brought 9 uont, second uagineM I iflflßtaeßi by 1 i.ieoes, a I sime vets el. Mr Crabb \Y a j Com to in B French Coniul, wsa rfl v as
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  • 395 7 Fine at I One affect the protracted bbbbJ IYv weather ie hatieg ia a f rt quer around the water stand pi pcs, which being turned <ff for part of tbe day are acts much in demand when th« wnM On Thursday night tome 400 iha
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  • 117 7 KING EDWARD VII MEMORIAL FEND. Tbe following subscriptions bave been received up to date Am Mint previously acknowledged I Towkay Eu T. n<» Sen. X impar 5,000 Messrs I Mr-yer A 00. F I Messrs British American Tobacco Co. L 5< Hon. C J. Saunders Singapore Slipway and Engineering C
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  • 263 7 Major G. A. Derrick has a**fl p v. del to Lent Col. and succeeds Mr 1> > b ia the command of the 6M G Captain A. E. Adams of lh* PsBBBg cis is promoted I lie rnah of Major. Mr D. M -art i- rißioaaalrj ra cognised
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  • 627 7 '1 ■-v- tl meeting -r this I. -ard w t }■<- a '•••-A-r-i.\ afteino- n in the th -es, Mr i .1 ii i. lax presiding. »he other members pre■BM beaag D M irray I; ert^.n, y^ --i•I ipiet, AM > Any dAu Ke*m Hock tad Obiat *baag
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  • 417 7 Dm 1 U it ing tnrc il it has bane leoaod ko Shareholder- ia the shot* md will be ooav lo I tt a ißßoial BBMaiag m lad for March 18, at aona. I be er to enclose herewith forma] notice ii a;- oarj I aaa il Meeting
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  • 1242 7 _rV a tar ■mC m n r*V iI Bdinbui _.h. FYe isry 16. 1 »r the pa-t few w^.k- pa. o. has BBBtailad ia floMlaad. F amy be tha! the public intete>» will awaken a"* tbe psychologioal BBoaaoat, it May hi 'hi 4 il a oaly thl
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  • 197 7 LATE Mr. CHOA GIANG THYE The funeral of the lata Mr Choi Giang Thye t< ok place yesterdsy and was tary rgtly sttee Th* oortegt left the deceas residcace, '•York il I t\ 9 I B id, I rietßß a.m. and pn OM Chinese cemete: i JAI a Ira I
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  • 209 7 In red and gold, the thirty. second of I hm and Nmtb*i cuodlonl _Haaj_n ia and Straits directories wh- Mflfld and it mit be said that it attains as hign a standaid as any pretiofll one and is a i:t to The publish i ily i a com*
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  • 304 7 Boi>tgcard Owing to Threats. mm* N ark, Feb. 7. The wedding of Miss Vivien Gould to Lord Djcies was s demuised to day at the Church of Bt BirtLolotnew, 'son ttann*. Dr. Greer. Bflflflfl IB ai ited bj Dr. L.ighton Parks, th* rector of St. Birth
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  • 34 7 The Siamese gunboat "Iba' w. to day for Bangkok to enable he: l r bo present at the creuiition of the lite r. .g ot Siam at Bangkok on the F h .u-* in'
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  • 1655 8 Monday Mar. 13, 1911. ASHORE AND AFLOAT. The 1011 Census. 1 ue iv app anted lor the taking of thecens is I ir F'll of th- Settlement of Singapore n i- une md goae. and h ts been d.smissed by m ist -f v- no more thought
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  • 276 8 Many will regret to hear of the death at the General Hospital on Saturday afiernoou of the Bawd, Father Liv rent Francois Poueet, assistant priest of tbe Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, at the age of 69 years, the cause of death being general debility. He
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  • 1374 8 NOT AMERICAN HUMOUR. H<>w Congress Reaeivei* It. Tne brief extract we gave in our Saturday edition regarding the famous Champ Clark speech, indicated roughly that this was a speech delivered by a responsible poli'ician (a speaker elect) before the Americm House of Representatives and was not the
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  • 145 8 Tele<._:ai'l. v, Cn n. Sekvi- i 1 These teams met on the E-pl made Saturday and an in^restii g game re- yd The Telegraph men batted first and km. iv 1 •up I4d ruus Tue Civil Service^ a. a* had bit off 103 runs for four
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  • 99 8 Asa result of the abandocmeii 4 1 H John Aird and Co of tbe Tanjong F Lagoon Dock and Wharves ceibtiui contract, concerniDg whi< h litigation is oeediog, tbe Tanjong Pagar Dock F a entered into posse^-i ,v of the uks in the present condition, including
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  • 1906 9 (From tmr sp- if Chore--/ indent.) L.ndon, F.b 17. A 1 1 1 1 c i My readers who take an interest in athletics, wul be s >rry to hear that the «p»- *3 f p*. < between the officials who govern athletict m 1 cycling are
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  • 798 9 Lis 4 night, before a very good audience. I certainly a very appreciative one, inchldiag H. X the Governor and a Urgl party from 11 .vernmeut House, Mile E/a Giuthier, who is a Canadian young lady of high vocal attainments, and has had
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  • 60 9 The -4l\nang G-z^Ye" hears that Mr Liin Cheng Teik and the o 4her members of the family of the late Mr Pnuah Hin I.^ong intend presenting to Penane a brocz. statue of His Maj^y the late King Edward in memory of Mr Pnuih Hin I_3ong. The statue will probably be
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  • 599 9 KELANTAN NEWS. (Prom sar sssa Correspondent.) Kota Bihru uh M*rch. The oil mill here stared working four >r five weeks ago, the mill is situate i on tne K'eiantin R ver. two and hilf m:les fr-.m Iv-ta Fo :h and is miuufaC 4 uricg sag>> tl
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  • 348 9 List month must hive constuired i re- cord fo r S'ingip >re fr.m a ue-Y-t -..j.-'.l I poiut of view, for there has been nothing like M dry a Fdbrui-y f.-r rmny \ear- Tne mean average rainfall for this month is j somewhere betwtei seven and lV inches,
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  • 56 9 It is understood that loriie liftmen X .w--ohew Kehs have l^u arrested by 'be MiUc.a police in c innectioo with the roo-nt gang robbery a! Gem J »pau* se silk and various lan/* sums of money were found in their possession. Tbe gang were arm*d with Winchester
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  • 29 9 The work connectel with the S X .vuer's ■tC'Cition Hall Penang atari ed las: w**k and it ie expe:tel to l>e completed in *hree m jnlbs' time. B F
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  • 1197 10 THE EVIDENCE OF ACCOMPLICES. A I NTBBBBTINO JuDGME I In thi BflßflanM G yMtetnay Mr J i,t tl r do. verel Judgement in a HflwM interesting case m aba*, i p- lice ft; -.-r I I n id had hi m t bi i 4* 4 i f dem m
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  • 567 10 Tho |611 iwiag oircnl ir hai br*B flaaad by tho N rth B *nao Chaaab a af Ooaaaaeaci to MBMhIBII I thai Chamber, by the S.cretarv ••A 4 reeterday'i Committee hfeetiag wa mmmtt f«W Urtd ait h thfl presence of Mr m g foneg Biddell, tb* OoaaaiißiicaM
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  • 149 10 Ihe funeral of F.ther F.oiget n Sunday afternoon was largely attended. I i addition to Pusheps i.arillon and IFur.h-n and the whole 1 tiie Fiencb clergy residing in Sin gapore, theie were also pnsml the Vicar General and his brother .-i Fno F -rt ugu^se misso.u,
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  • 168 10 T 1 c tir .1 I'.-r the (j up presented by Mr A oaagaad Mi iad Mr> de F ogen nt AM OOateeted Oa Friday !a-t by CapuYn G X. Ii umphreys and Bl F. F. Wedd, Capitis Hflmpbreys wioAA-A by t and 2. Tiie c nditioui
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  • 1132 10 I confess to a weakness that I have lately disc veied to be a very BBBMwnfl one. I never can see a gate, a garden gate a farm Vi rl crate, or an ordinary field gate, with;„,.r wanting to go through it. Thfl |Bt* 11JM 4 lead
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  • 652 10 V «v won't i- '-get 'io r baby," calls out the Graun. and* for reply 1 B*owJ I oandkerchief in which I h _v< tt -i brince. LbBM MJ bl thfl I hear criea of "Fun Naaai ma aid locking over my verandah w.ivn struct v g bet tir
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  • 176 10 -sar correspofldci Strait! a ho aaya that .eldest son of tbe late Raja Muda of now < ii .a h a; Kangsar on o: 'a leave. marrie** wW F V i F hadijab, will take plaoe dvi leave. CLe Azz has been i A nl 1 y morning, -te mp]
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  • 1062 11 NUMBERED AND TAB ULATE D. By the time tha te linet are rea 1 .n prial our local world will bate g ne through petiod of Ettuggie and temp y b, and lei us hope for the cred I BHuaHyofl tiewhole, it will hate emerged successful Y Those householders whe
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  • 1193 11 The title ii unattractive enough in all cons- aa j d'.ur-leia tb9 reader will say ditto to the whole art before the end be cbspter is reached, but in these days when one sits in that M'cawberlike spirit, waiting for something to turn up, it is the
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  • 173 11 PARBOILED RICE FOR NORTH BORNEO COOLIES. The Government of B iiish North Borneo has written to I b I Oh imb w of Commerce at Si.ndakai atat tag. It is the intention ol the Govemmeal shortly to ex-end the use of parboiled rica in its Hospitals and PrilOßfl. The iccil
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  • 374 11 Thi report of the United Ssrdeag (Sc v R'ibb3r Plantations F- 1., for the year ended Slot Angus'. 1910, to be presented at the tneeti ;g on the -Yt -a .te.s that the crop ol Etabber bar ?m ted for the year amounted I i
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  • 177 11 The death is announced tl Lm itenantC il ad 8 D. 1 irnbnll of thi retired list, lodic* 9 ifl 0 aps, ah i his su imbed to iuiu ue.s ne e-:-i v 1 ai ..n e:n- >u:Ae»- with a Wi coded loop trl ne ir Islam* b ot, iv
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  • 331 11 Thi I k'uj ue th rm ilte of the Competiti »v- p.ayel a- -la v n 'he lie- <J -_,q V nht. Club Ci. :.p. F. i: an. Procter b^_t f Tripp iad 4. M !e A W'.'.'e. 1 jp impbell boat M Im w.o. a
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  • 472 11 A small elepb ai 4 belonging to the Circus fell into tbe river yes'erd ay morning as he aai bs eg p it into at agfc Ag The -"baby" a act much th rea for ha bath. The Hon. J. B Blent*, Director of E\ ncation yesterday received a telegram
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  • 828 12 CSM, W. A Harding of the S.K E.V. has been pr moted (quarter Master Sergeant of the S.V.C. Oi March 4, the Army beat the Royal Navy in tbe annual mter-servicps Rflghy match in London by H po:u 4 s to lh The King of Spun
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  • 33 12 These are advance hgures, liibleto cjr rection, of tbe export of lin from Perak for February, 1911, excluding Toner Perak Block tin 8.528 30 pkls Tin ore 80,878.86 pkls l>uty 1352.185.87
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  • 833 12 RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING CO Ltd. Managkk'- Baron* kok Four Weeks Eni'lN'> 25T8 Fehriavry 1911. The Mine Measurements aid A-siy ReBiiluahcwca total of 847 m*t made up as follows :-Siuking 88 ft., driving on klfl** 35 ft and cosseutting Fid- ft, and compares with a total of 420 ft. for
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  • 314 12 Mandamus Applied For. Mr Justice Fhsher had before him in the Supreme Court yesterday morning an application by Mr G. S. Carve, on behalf of the DuichGovernmeut.withnspectof a quantity of property involved in a recent case where it was sought to commit an Arab-man who
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  • 163 12 Woman Ska- Fike T<> H<u>__. At 1>.45 on Monday evening, thfl f<>re:n:in of the Cross Street Fire Station telephoned to Superintendent M. \Y. Pett that there was a small fire at 10, Amoy Street, blacksmith's shop. Tbe Brigade turned out with the motor combination and a
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  • 95 12 Captain Wheeler of the Kum Sang" pleaded guilty before Mr Firmstone, senior magistrate, yesterday to carrying dl pisssagett in exce?s of the Lumber allowed by his license on Mirch 12 in breach of section 80 of the Peißßßgcr Ship I > diuauce VII of 1890, D.fendant said
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  • 179 12 PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA. As the Bandmauu Company will be per forming in the Tle.t»e on Monday evening, and as it is impossible to use any part of the Victoria Hall simultaneously tor any other purpose the O cbestra practice fixed for that evening will take pFce in the afternoon of that
    179 words
  • 872 12 The weather has made the CO* iaa to shockingly hard that trainer* hay- Ih not dared to do more than j is* ->...- their charges, and no work ot any tance has consequently \^n V understand that Koss is now the work of His IFghnes* > string, and
    872 words
  • 24 12 A Bergali milkseller was fined -V the senior magistrate, yesterday, fr t o i__ for sale milk which contained per l of added water.
    24 words

  • 585 13 Tbe saeond A-oa-s I 'be ye.commenced ra the Chief Jaatiea, Bar vi. H H■• i. -i. .1 ;a lue i r i v A. eecutor. mentioned fbe atioi I *ccc, p-^aad to taba tbe bar. ii ment c*»ee fi-s baaadajtebi **s of housebreaking, gai v obnatiag sday. c*.mr*
    585 words
  • 85 13 SING PORE SPORT I N G CLU B. The following were the drawv llk 1 R W. I>aff I p. J >hn ..*si. 7 r ur Feathers X R*l a. Warwi A. A/«ew and L Qnamt v M. Aagn X 14 H 1 rl j Kun ir and A As-new.
    85 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 245 13 TO 111 I. Dooi Sr.-- [a tarn parograpb u Tbo vl llt M v l r -,v whHLc- yon r 1 1 rooatien ao Iba laiafoll M N ItM -as follows '!h 1 2 .(8 1 1 94 16b 17 1 4.1 1 tail Anc< A i• ben
      245 words
    • 315 13 Pr* ktiono for this fixture are proceeding i p a i every prospect of a d om otii [t I Dirdo clear > ub have granted the r.. >;• dm 1 1 tbe race ecnrooai I p] onu thereto ondei lh< r char.- that members ol ei'her
      315 words
  • 139 13 THE INTERNATIONAL RUBBER EXHIBITION y< > ii:, t >M -a ra the Secretin/ I i tho ab. >ye writes i i i tmlitoto the nothing on ige> m B ti in < 11 Ml itb 'bo ►mpetitioii if th< se who prnj M I enter will send their nou inati<
    139 words
  • 43 13 fhi Poena LB A ihot at Taiping for the ihneo fl enpetition on Wednesday last with the followii g result Mrs Borgor W Mrs T,-.te 1 Mr s Aniorm 1 Mrs Pinkney Mrs Murray W Mrs v anrenen Total 1-4
    43 words
  • 658 13 Fer ruary 16th. r.ce our last Report we have had a firm and odvnneieg Mar<,t. and a fob bnoinooi bM boon dona, fink HARD baa sold 5i to S3 per lb faff March- April and 6 B to I H April-May. then prices bam
    658 words
  • 478 13 An Mouiry was bold oi the Lower Court, Ipoh on s tard iy by tfrW Gibaon oonamiig kae d ill i < t Bong Tbne, i k irnUi of the Fong Fok kongal at Qhemor, ond Ohaa Lam, one cf a gang i robbeis. and both
    478 words
  • 165 13 Dr J.B R m md Mi IT. A W*rd were the r-: 1 c in charge of the in the Municipality A iv W v v there are innumei i •> •iMp ol lighl and Imvc before dawn to work on the shipping and A order to
    165 words
  • 750 13 Death op Lit kn a C. P. Hill. Informatica bM Imm rnooroodofaw h i "v ipcidcnl oa tho Liebi n line 1 the Ii nin a !A:A- ivs 1 i 0 mil g M ireb. 7th) Mr X. F. A' it>tanl Mgincer, ilioibaii lartert re at II
    750 words

  • 985 14 The Bungalow lies some distance fr->m town so 4 b.HT he whose only mode of transit is the bumble rikiiiha could not aspire to 4 *s an abide. It stands in perhaps half an acre of gr< uud. Ih* t*mi_mi fll au old OOOO* ■fll nlantati »n, acd
    985 words
  • 1359 14 "My word!" unliiMod Smith inddenly a= we were '-F tio^r idly >-tirring onr I ffM en F id iv ni^h', ''isn't this the tenth— you ohapa "Tenth whi 4 r", iskell J >nes. "Teach of laltreh. Oeoofli night,* 1 mid .South in hi-* somewha 4 bustling m
    1,359 words
  • 316 14 atr J -hu Turner baa come d.»wn here -:i i visit x)i naauaatiofl of i rum'ou- if tates in Johore. He is accompanied by Mr II 0. Wclham. Lieutenant-Colonel JtflßM Y d, m. d. X >vai Army M diCil, who was in charge oi the Military II aaaitsU Hoagkoag,
    316 words
  • 189 14 D Mribing his motoring, exnorieuce^ n the Philippines, Mr W. W. M igee, m dC article in "Travel iad Exploration" referi to that wonderful road popularly known at the 44 Ba-gant Bsalotm t," a roxd of ta* Hundred bridges. "Here," b* write! M i| starts iatc the cwon on a
    189 words
  • 2398 14 (By Submarine TeWraphj A' t A gen X Mar. B .mbir For Wells h is t >n I ol Aiiiu.A ia taaaay p -o% points Reatar 9 Oelaattfl respondent 'aim tha' S r •»u D.v: 1 m v-d i im C uncA to J roe e tie op
    2,398 words

    • 63 15 Hongkong. Mir li Fgi-li 4| .ve Council today His Excellency the Q 'Vcrcor announced thai a telegram had beea iccnited from tne S erelay I Stale, to the off-** thai f r the innacml team 1911 1918, 1912 1918 graatfl ol -JF2,"aa would bu inserted in
      63 words
    • 62 15 own i Basil Penang. Mar 10. Sir The* Hutchmeoa, ihe retiring Chief 3 atice of Ceylon, and Ltdi Hutchinaon ar« r.ved hat* raotardaj ami were mcl by Sir A rtbui To** g. Ibe I b ief S jcml irj nho entertained th*M Bl IttflflhaOß r th* railway hotel.
      62 words
    • 56 15 Thfl 1 Ofl] OflMMlttlfl Bf the X a,' F Fva; i Mm -rial fuad has considered the report ot thi Bub-Ctoaamittcs sa th* Matfl-rnitj ana [Bfeat'i h -tpital iob**m sad has decided to MB the MflnimpaUtt and the G-vernment to ahart t** ood I -he apkeep, and ta
      56 words
    • 33 15 X lav vi pur, Mir 10. |i inflation with tha larioai gangrobmmn Qbmm on Mir F taalt* anaat-i bnt* baaa Bnahi here, Eoui al J flfla md tac at Maiicca.
      33 words
    • 41 15 (From out Oic, Corr *jm„ hut Malacca, March llth, 1.15 pm. The following prices were realised at the Kaflt Kubber sale Kest sheet $3 -F 50 Fine Crepe :> 50 Birk crepe -33 Scrap 20*' W Competition w^s keen.
      41 words
  • 39 15 Frot/t >>Uf i n i >/v poruient Kflflla Lumpur, Mar 11. Iheß I. X ipurtha! x went ashore at midnight oq Tuurday on a shoal north of Paulan Angtar. Tne ship h m not vet got off.
    39 words
  • 93 15 FRENZIED CHINAMAN RUNS RIOT. Several Deaths. Maniac Shot by Police. H mghoag, Mateo 12th, 8 M pm. A i iki employed in a boarding house in Da Vjaai B>a i detelopad bomeidal mania, aad ittaehed the maaatefl ot ihe house choppers. A panic aaeued ani in
    93 words
  • 133 15 A COLLISION AND A STRANDING Plmmug, Mar. 18 rhl Kapur.hala," wtiich went ichorß on Polo Aa**ar, was got lb al two o'clock .»n Saturday ifteracca. Mrs X .right ley Smith F-r Keliifl Smith) dad at ball pist thme o'clock ou heard theihipi from heart disease. Her bi.dy was
    133 words
  • 116 15 Presentations to Mr Brewster. Ipoh, Mar 18, 1.86 pm. Mr V, J Breaiter, the new JF-sident oi Pahaag had i great sendoff, addresses being I presented a! Ipoh and BatU G.-jah tulogio- tag ha good work. [a replj Mr P> ews-er thanked the meetI iugs sai i
    116 words
  • 68 15 Authority To Sell. Tiie F moan S-Btiua* Company is ciHine a apacia] meeting for Mar 80 to authorim MrJcMCO to sell the undertaking suhj-c to Fs UabilitiM to i now Baffliah Dompeaj aith a aoßtjaal c p i r^ l of 6300,0 0. The pUtchaM price is
    68 words
  • 12 15 PflQang has been awarded the Swattenham Cricket Trophy for 1910.
    12 words
  • 125 15 (Ff'on our own Cm rmpondtui Ptasag, March 10. The draft programme for n.o Coronation Eeotititiea have been fixed for June 21 when sea ipnrtl will be held. Oa .Fine 22 there will be I parade, the fdring of roy tl silute and preMfltatioa of addicts at 710 üb.
    125 words
  • 98 15 GREAT H EAT AT IPOH. Ipoh M tr. 15. due boat here for thi list few days has been ten iti-- ami is said to have been hotter thaa OtM heforo in the mem- ry of the pro-v-rr-i .1 oldcal inhabitant. Tne Malayi prophesy thundeiiloimi iad 881 ifl fflcl burst
    98 words
  • 39 15 (Fro,, our Co--, dent) Ipol), March F5. A local ajadieate has been formed to work Towkav Too Oboo CbOon'l gold mine at Hukit Mas near Tapah, where it is bebeved there as gold in pcjlblc <|uantities
    39 words
  • 78 15 Fine H rd At 6 -5. <From ur ■:'■>■ f The Planters Stores A genet Las r-d--n cab.c giving Plantation sheei 0..- Hard Para I 7 Kuala I.uu. j ur. Mar. 1 A The Planter':. Scores A_'-n.y hive London curie giving the foil- .viug p ices it
    78 words
  • 128 15 Agantfl Quthrie d Co. Sendayan lbs T tal live m .ml 2,802 Ibe. X i tla Lnaapar, Mar 10 Semhii an-:- 4 250 H I Cabtlbfibld 6,65 i lot. Kamvl- Fan. an-, 1 lbs Ageuu s Coghl a: a Co K-.iA TIBGOI 1.000 Pu.k.-ah Valley 1 "1"
    128 words
  • 98 15 Rahman Hydraulic: 4< 0 808. I. ah: man Hfl >'■>'■ pl-le. Agßßll Derrick lad Co. Pklat:— 529» pkb. Fa hat IW pkls. QOBBBfI 625 New Goran* 130 T| X X A fa.m ia ian 85 Kledano 86 Kinta I > 350 Mflflglembu F>le Y7 pikuls, v
    98 words
  • 36 15 Fi im out n <■ > A- frnt.\ iph Met 18 The Sungei Riia Tin Company has dedared a third dividend of S'xpeuco payable on Much 23 a 4, the Compicy's office at Melbourne. j
    36 words
  • 58 15 The advance figures f thl fl* BB| flf* from the three States show tbe lollowiug uuanlilam for two mcathe:— Perak: 68*828 phi* A-jainst 71 pkis. Sslaagor :)i*,ol^ pkls. A-.iL-t 16,358 I pkis Negri Sembilan —8,295 phi* Vgaintt i 8,7 16 phi* Tbe vilu? shows on increase -f So
    58 words
  • 93 15 Jan. F.b. 7 Belat ]:< Sraftßf Ji BtQMk Cbenderiang ,i opeDg 600 625 1,22Karauning 3.:> U^M Kar«aboi Kinta 4-5 115 Kinta As-ociatioo Dedal 80 Kiamal P^r.i Knantan Lahat M 503 1,8 Mmglmakml*3* NewGopeng IM I Ntvlkaki 2^3 111 5r J i.;;aug Oou^olidated Pengkalen 4 f) J Pofoai )'.-^r^
    93 words

  • 1245 16 C*P. teV* I'AID. b STDiV. BVfIK SELLER* 85.000 2' I Alla^dr Rubber E&Ute* I>i 150,000 V- V- Auglo-Mdiav 75%i«t 1 8( > 1 10J 50.000 2- 2- EUtaog Malaka J 3 ;>0 80,000 1 1 Batu Caves "W 0 16 W 0 90.000 1 1 Palu Tifi fflikagnr) M*
    1,245 words
  • 590 16 Straits Rubber 57.000 Strathmashie Snngei Saiak -.265 Sungei Krian 1.800 SungeiWay MH Mil Sungkai Chimior 3..006 Seaport 2/2H3 Tambaiak 1.1 n TdDjong Maliin 70i Telok An*on 1.170 1,2 TaliAyer 19/Kln Trafalgar ;-;> i Tremelbye Taipm^ ;;.^0 CluPaDdan 672 United Sm-apore 1 i United Sumatra T.c United Temian.q
    590 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 306 16 I!ARA N C E 3 IB* I flflji p Attk -d a v Hal 4 u ilder, for Siagkant ian* k 1 a I 8b I Im Palembang. an st!-, Larten, for Bangkok ut str, M for Mute* Ig Beaar, I r Bangkok. Mahmoor i;i ilo March 9. [> -tr,
      306 words