The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 9 March 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1911. No, 1,232
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  • 184 1 I'a ,k< Equity of Taxation j- i 1M Tfce Lata Btanit'-.rt!. 1 M The Value ot i Anglo-Japanese Alliance i Beri-Beri and P'agian The Baghdad Railway 11: I OOL'ET NIITS. Bankruptcy |gQ A erious Charjr* 111 I Iff 4 \r>\ \m I Koran, Reports. Fraa rt Share Circul i
    184 words
  • 71 1 I iscribers to the >re IVtt Preta" weekly ie( I rape to fchs Btrs r itt i t- 1 Sen i t A in. -A- mil ian 1 1.0--«f St 0 < wiil then be -sailed to meet then at various peril t < V.l Sutser iters in Europe wishing
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  • 64 1 h, Malay States Pi t^-d— Yl7 I• .i! i S- Efc 'V V; M I Psharg), Sarawak. N i B tat*, lav Lnan, St i aits SettUmei LITIFKS. rOfeT CARDS. NEWSPAPERS. cc 3 1 i acoa rosT. ran _e*i _d. p*r 2 C
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 20 1 DOBBIB. At Glasgow, on February sth, the wife of Jas T. Doal'.ii:. M ai., Pinang Gazette, of a daughter.
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    • 21 1 (<• —At Kuala Lumpur Hospital on Feb. 2_, W. S. QUISB, Master of the Strain Steamnhip Company's Steamer M Perak."
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  • 130 1 THE WEEK 'S NEWS. Toe mmSk of lYh io iniftd Km the B I. Tarolvi <,n Saturday. This weekly .eaves to morrow mornico by the Band <> kmmjaS TIMM Ihs U en a 0 uninuauce of the aYifltj in the share mirkeA during the PMst The Telegraphs defeated the Girrisou
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  • 65 1 (CORRKCTXD VT TO Mar. c Bank s 2 I demand 4 Private credits 3id s 8/4(| mdita Gins %'^^f§ France, deruiLi.] /.'ank... 295 Germany, didinnnd 140 India, T. T, IT4| Hongku\3, di-maLd 23 Yokohama, deni^Ld 114] Java, demand M 1-H Bangkok, domard 6fc> Soverbigns, Batik Buyi? g $8.54 Bank
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  • 151 1 Marc-!: S. Tin I uyers *W !<• Gambler buyers BM Gambisr Cube No 1 14.5" Gambler Cube Ko. i r^ norn Pepper BUfk (ori'fc. "^>:# buyers 15 5 I Pcpr>«r,Wh.t« (Wr) buy-rs 26 E .O NT utme ji (110 to IJM I norr. NTntaicgi :J:0 ie tk* :V
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  • 1323 1 Equity in Taxation. Mar 3. P AnT th- P RfljOpi**t riirht mal .'--.t, I fii I v n I .1 .th set l^orio— precepts ('.raw. V.'- A A A£g 1.. p_ tj i i.nw. From the last mails from H mgkojog it is apparent that that Crown Colon;, [j hading
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 140 1 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAB AND KEPPEL HARBOUR. IF lH t a3 at icki'h 4ifftr»ii „^,-y. -A r-rrthed y*>*t 'rd x_ East Wharf (Batir. I I man I Wharf Sec 1- St. mJmw. DOwei i Si.s*>. r V, S mg r Main Wharf BM 2- E .ryalus, Qilliy, 3— ii_iiijser- -t
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    • 101 1 WEATHEE REPOBT. Dell Bar Wind Temp Hum Sky Ra n. Mai 8. K'kong lOj 3u WM cf Mini 101 76i N'Wl k J7 31 b H'korg 4 p 29 E3 M of Manila If 757 SKI M II m Kandang Ke-han Rospital, Mar 7 1911. 9am. 3fm. 9pm Barom. 32
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  • 1651 2 The Coming Imperial Crisis. Mar 4. [1 right thit the imagination ol tiie i.a.pire peoflej ihet_j 1 Itfell oa the eeitif seLt men! 'int i"_oh<»s 'o the grea' eeremonivl the (Ynai'oii, I (|*M -he prac icil p >ia? of view ev»*n so impressive in even*, whicii is the i«H-r*ion of
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  • 1047 2 The Late Staniforth Smith. Mar 6. To all appeiranee the youngest of British dependencies, the dep.ude_icy of I lUmi■iOß, nam-dy the Tenvory of F tpu i. s7B M h is au appau igeof the Federal Government of the Australian Commonwe ilth, In.s. it is almost too certain, suffered a heavy
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  • 1091 2 The Value of the Anglo Japanese Alliance. Mar 7. IV day we prim the leoond article from a coutr butor familiar with Jipm who endeivours to arrive a* au estimite of the situation th it vis a m the <F.v MM BBM dM people of that country in respect of
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  • 1023 3 Beri Beri and Plagiarism. Mar 8. In Professor 1 U__ti Wali.a< c- irticle on the ■P. i ■bbb ol Bbj**** ni th* Fmsnce, Oommmce and L3hipa*ag Sup piemen t to the lta**. aad th*M column*, the writer t IM arts*-*, who is known as IW Bg b lhl t i
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  • 1009 3 The Baghdad Railway. Mar 9. There has beeu of late a y'i'y large amount of comment upon the grandiose scheme of the Baghdad Kiilway, which the supporters of that enterprise are disposed to mtaot vith much mora than the Bsetely LaBOCBBI commercial B-OtifM 'ha T omatitßted its original reason of
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  • 375 3 AUSTRALIA 'S SUNSHINE '"The moil distinguishing r-h iracto> of Australia, said the Key. A lam W. Pergusson, in the course of his »erm »n at S Church, Melbourne, s f at»M The Arg "is its wonderful sunshine Bu i eometiui< womler whether it is not the people's worst enemy. They
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  • 265 3 Aa MBsaiwg itorj of the dolorous experience of Cninise >r.-e- no- tr< m the town of Chin ib, which ii twentyeigfa miki s uth-east oi Boocbew, in the Suogkiang P afectUl*. iher^ is in Ct-it-Zib .n unusually larg^ temple, sacred to i power 1 god and goddess
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  • 38 3 At the weekly auction yesterd-n at the Kubher Exchange the bidding was quiet and ranged f i om $b'2s, to *-)U), per prkol f< r sheet, and Ils*, to S l 7 per pikui b scrap.
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  • 885 4 AN N I VEKSAR V ME El IN". The annual general meeting of the local branch of the Young Men's Christian Association was held last night in the 1 M C.A. building in Stamford B Bid and there was a very large attendance. Trie Uev
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  • 162 4 Mr J. M. Sinclair, Commercial Agent for me Government of the State of Victoria and Australia, is leaving Singapore by the "Ibiwara" for Rangoon to-day in order to pay a visit Hurma, India and Ceylon. Mr Flanagan, Inspector of Weights and Measures, brought a number of Chinese and Indian traders
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  • 962 4 March i. 1961 was a famous day in the annals of naval warfare, for it was on that day that there occurred the great trial of strength bwiwßßß the Merrimac and the "Monitor." Both the contestants iv this struggle ol the ugly giants as this
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  • 898 4 RANDOM REFLECTIONS, ON BEING FED-UP. The condition or state of existence connoted by the term "being fed-up" may with justice be taken to be parallel to the condition of incipient hysterics in the female organization. Kipling has laid it down or rather stated the observation, that a continued course of
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  • 64 4 On Tuesday H.H. I.a.ji Abdul Rahman the ex-Sultan Lingga Rhio, with Tunku Omar, the Tunku Besar of Khio, called on H.E. the Governor. The Rangoon "Sunday Times" of the oth hebruary has the following significant paragraph:— "There is probably no worse place than Rangoon for the man who has stuck
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  • 767 4 WHAT ENGLAND HIS DONE FOR INDIA. Iktbkbs-i mo Si mmak. <>r lu.s A correspondent writes -"Oar H g. India "is the title of aa i_rt_h»» hj a well io. formed writer, Mr .1 <harro< to the rpiestion, Whit i g-.t India- s*aayaf laat m ich as PorttgsL Spain. France. l.ussia,
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  • 189 4 E ll iy arri\ ils in the S. i ire ve>i i morning must have b^en m >re thu prised to see the crowd colh c*ed out* :>• Robinson Piano Company The nrsi arm a were there a longtime bet re eight and as time went on
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  • 808 5 i' g- in iii-. r>e.-n nominated i ncr in place of Mr A itldß*. The U B I rhV* Mimila, has been renamed the S.S > iratuga," and is .g-i. -in n inder-in Chief of .eet. U the R. I MLfl D clarm M arrived at
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  • 492 5 SUBORDINATE CIVIL SERVICE ASSOCIATION. A' the lis* annual general nesting of the sul irdinate Civil Service AssociatsOß at their Club H ise it FY M i iV.^i B ad 'he "< 11 '11 c' bearers and C unmittM IMt the ermmng year were eU :'ed. president. hfi y \an aar
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  • 410 5 The genera -rend ot opiniou in the Native ates i- me to say ditto t > SingaßMß proposals, as for instance this fn m th" Feral. o o nee to the suggestion that Native 8t a- i she 1-1 id ml the Biagabbm X ng Edward Mem. -nil
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  • 145 5 s. r mud M aril Dia*, i v i >; ntp reiur a i ritor I i 8 agaa a*. H« be*** hu service mder the G ivernment ol Ind. a m lg72 t md nil O-BciaJ work has been in the Punjab Em the m Bl pari 11 well
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  • 525 5 The -lay of the circus is still far frOM being on the wane, so far as the Fist is concerned at any ra f p, and at no pilot does a really good show riod more favour than i f d »ef al Singapore wnere the native element
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  • 358 5 Mr Lowther has mow, within less than s'x years, been elected four times to the Chair. This has no parallel, though the venerable Lord POll bed aa almost similar experience thaa B* underwent election three years running in l^F JS_Y». aud IS8<». The late Viscount Bllhy as Mr
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  • 118 5 The competition for the March monthly medal was played at the Kice course -n Sa'n.dav and SuwdtY, M ireh 1 h and 5 n, Foiirte»n cuds were returned as follows H. W. Kilby 94 ~'> T TrctdgoM M W 76 \v\ ftfaodonald 98 88 T. I M
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  • 253 5 The slight activity to which we alludid in cur last circular has developed inro an exceedingly strong market all round P,antation Kubloer h-s advanced sharp and rubber -hire* have seen substantial rises, especially among the S'erling stock*, and th -ugh at tbe cl they are et?ot-r. -wing
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  • 404 5 Roman n- IV i m -F according to s ftennar* a iagl i telegram, the Hope diamond has been purchased bj Mr il Iward 11 Lsm I c U I, The iiiim« is tot Mrs M> Lean, who was formerly Bfß-JU Walsh, daughter of the late Thomas
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  • 146 5 Agenti J te*jM 6 Oa. Fnii ci. Siam \i i: C- ll ee ol I pkls Etubbar 5,000 lbs Total for two months CBm 3W pkhi B ibbm l-. 1 Hm Agents 1 1 arms' d 0 i i LBB AIA 1 '-'S. A panti Qutttrit I
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  • 28 5 Agents Guthrie Ot Kamcnin*. s > Against '•■>: i Total eight months > '--.7.7 hUanaaa Btdbai v* 400pk'«. flWaate Halloa* i oh d Oa. BOYAL JoiIOI.E BB P*m
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  • 34 5 Major .FA. C. Somerville, the Royal Sussex l.egiment, had the honour of Ix-mur i received by the King at Buckingham on -Fd inst upon his appointment as Hs Majesty's Military Attach* at Tokyo.
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  • 1345 6 H«.w n Oii.inaied Win it Sf'KKai». Dr. W. H. Grabam Asphind, who has discoveied that the bacillus of the pneumonic plague is the same as that which cause** the bubonic variety, writiLg to the China -Yiedieal Journal from Harl in under date or February f>tb
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  • 438 6 In IB article on the qOettiOß of pare food in tie Medical Times," Dr. Elmer I, c. oi New York, the chairman of the Baotiou on Physiology and Dietetics of the American uatoolltinn condemns the excessive use of animal let! which ohtaia* ilmoot universally in oil ill
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  • 197 6 Lw-doB, F. b. 17. Eteuter wires from Melbourne I hit the Fourth Test Match begun to-day on I soft wick-Y. Slur well Wi n tbe toss and sent Australia in. Ar tiie close of play Australia had made Sl 7 for eight wwhatl. The Boutb Africans
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  • 867 6 Rear- Admiral Hubbard, who is in command of the American Asiatic squalron. entered the service in 1806, and having bean in tbe navy forty five years is due to retire on May 19th next. A Hongkong "Government Gazette Extraodinarv" issued recently intimates that His Excellency the
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  • 53 6 The following notification appears in the Gazette:— The Buff. Eist Kent Regiment Lieutenant-Colonel Reginald Bayard, DB <» on completion^ his period of service in command of a battalion, is placed on the half-pay list, Dated Peb 7, Wll. Major Augustus D. Geddes to be lieutenantcolonel, vice I\. Bivard, de o.
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  • 170 6 Before Mr Juste- 1 .shei Court yesterday. Mr Evans appi rd Hermanns for a receiving of adjudication ajrainsi I < Debt was ShlA due D a and it was proved by Mr M power of attorney for Mr F Lew Hermanos. I)cbtor La ally served on Feb tt 1
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  • 125 6 The BBBBoTfttttßf and manager oi this poj uiar pJ I i deserving ol praise tor their tfl rtt at entertain :g ana Singapore The show Fst wsi utder patronage .-1 il i "1 John Anuenon, aud the programme was an excellent one t eel len cy wa.s a
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  • 213 6 Amount proTtonoit acknowU Iged Messrs Tbe Stia J Co, Ftd. Syed (imnrAlMi Messrs Xi- F. Memri Bntteahm i bar! per Hon W 1 So* E 0 Bllii Ia I Messrs F 1 mil .-no ■t v. Estate of Yap Kw ,i His Honour Tbe Chi, I Me^rs
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  • 68 6 Once more the b >..■.. for straight sh.otirg i- a.- < Squadron the Sji.a<_rc n vh.h a ated modern gunner v and g..\ centive t<o the other ..^uadrons Whit phenomenal shoot b_g the China i a decade ago is now c mmon place ci elsewhere, and the China Suuadr. steadily
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  • 974 7 QmkqtvUaymmt aomiasi aeahrs eel farrmmt UU Fv.NAi. inn' ilki i i ttle while ago of the Boeeible, and impossible when you try h i_f p.f rs who were to he projected ia oae I r. an I the House of v A- a This to give
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  • 611 7 I \u an C'Oivir; aa: A SIZBS. 1 p r eli ninaiy en-j l'.rv la* > i r.' r- i Oriffl aii breach Ol ti .st bo aght by Messrs Sharpe. II sm and C tgain^* Ivok il ig Ho. in retipt-ct f sum •of an I
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  • 97 7 Ti I tFHI 1 G -JBBIBOB Piaved on the Fsplaaade on Saturday M ich iv b Clarh* l tViebarl t aud b Book* i v Jmkini b Clarke Olhwwead h Ohvrh* Q ray b M nsdeu jjj Menrler b Clarke P«ah* b Boot* l TVeatwood b Clarke jj
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  • 1659 7 After another period of abeyance the Singapore Art Club has been once more reeoomtatod and it mide its s ooml and artiati. reappearance yesterday afternoon at thl Tinglin Club in the form if an*:xhibitiofl or the w,rks of its membership. It (anticipated that a considerion in
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  • 73 7 The following is the detailel remit oi the operations during th* Btth ll i A 1 1. <o Tributers I Ye <jF4b pkls Hum > c 1177 if T-.tal utpu I -OAK TributerYOre >:W<»> IfifleOm Ml I lal Vi'ue Sl^7 _'M b) Bonn \.k Pax ns. Tributers' Ore
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  • 45 7 It is stated that the paper on Indentured Libour" which the late Sir Charles Dil ke promised to p-epare fYr the First Universal Races Congress, was completed by him, inally rev^e F and will appeir in due course, together with the pipers by other experts.
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  • 1517 8 Bl THE lOFICIST. Ho, Tan fedorai n Pup. Oth*rwise kewn a. the Marlborough I. it, thougk thi latter dnsigßatioa ii >ra generic ti in part cular Hi* proper BJfIM ti cation is 3/ T/" (Linn I he belongs -ne same lIMly M X bor,.> Cireless naturalists bat* OCOSs
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  • 331 8 KAMPONG KAPUR IMPROVEMENT. 0 BCTIOBB TO Scheme. The GK>Ternor-in>G ur.cil sat la the Oounci] Chamber ob Belurdai m truing, I hear any olj-ctions 4 o !>■,-. improwu scheme I •>• Kampong Xii Tbe BMMI I ol Gkntißwioal preoaal **ri the Colonial Benrntary (Hon F F Bruclruaaß), Major (lem-ial Steplionsoß, OO.i
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  • 119 8 A BoLDIBI X; i LBTJ Bisßgalora, February 21st.— A lameatahle accident occurred this morning about 11 when Private Palmer, IV Company. Cameron Highlanders, was accidentally .-hot through the hear: ia the barrack yard. A iquad of recruiti of the Regiment were engaged in the vicinity
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  • 1172 8 Primeval R vci: in New < inea. Before the Royal Geographical 8 a*y— ;n that theatre" in Burlington gardens to which all the gtWefeOtt SXplorßft I I thl B*sld ( to tell their adventm> s a fascinating narrative *M given by Dc H A. F
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  • Correspondence.
    • 183 8 i Iv Mr Buck ley 'a most interesting hens .a B ngapore' 1 hwd several allusions t. and woil I Mi coadjutor of Sir iin the bunding of .Singapore, but ii.s moot tragic > ti igic fat* ot hii i low. 1 s range as an interesting
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    • 290 8 To > a -With a -.c writer he leading irl g's imue r:..- Press, I feel it neceaaai pom* Bt tl about I .--a tux it of the Opium I s in sum I Europeans opium tharafoi. n to pay the tax which is to I place. V
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    • 29 8 Mr Tye Choon sat General for China here Mr J. C. Hermansen v. dl take barge the Consulate ot hanmark in > ugaj during the absence of Mr S Cad
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  • 846 9 M i Pi i Mr M r tii.- I u.e ni l .-I. Another calendar year, s»v, a Onyl peper, htt oprard well In I Trea--n: i t-v. v >»a»« n.- rY for Jar.vary tletwb ecreeee. •r<> I I without lacd sales. On tl i een
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  • 1272 9 j >ecial t Hfl ugapote 1 a P Sitherto lh* I ol alliances between Bail sad Waal i modern vines has undoubted v pr v.- i t p r .cc tne pres-r\ a n tie i in 1. I reis->n of this f.o' ha-, de-ervei wed of
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  • 909 9 D :.u*l Bah ii \Y r Ob IMF* r 1I p ol the largeel cr< adi eter seen in Singapore imcmblod oa th* B fl i rcclamt'ion ground -n S.'utdflJ flftCr**Oß to witncM the ftoal game fm theGhampioß hip of th* Malay Football Association played between thi Dam]
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  • 1225 9 ol Motif pc- r. le we. c prepi»a- f tjcotl mo by W t'..r«_ in v. i. mat il [atariei b I H ftwexpe Ith* score to be a record one for an lataraati ami I poiatl to 10. Th* M*** of the debacV the —it was no
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  • 364 10 i., I M urah F l**Ms*j*y v i racM a*** i giaal bbcobm Fhe weather w <>. ti and it a di\ tor lht teswuritee. Tl c IMUhI 1 tl I tali us m were a* Tri Xi X V<» 'N Ci p. m Bremdaa 1 i.olv
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  • 159 10 DEATH OF Mr. CHUA GIANG TYE. The news of the death of Mr Chun Giang Tve .1 P which sal BT*at occurred yesterday evening at his res: lone-- in Stevens Bond, afr« a luddaa atmck cf apoplexy, will be received wish i*gf*« by the Cm nese c mmuui v iv
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  • 156 10 H .via* oomplotcd iral viiitatio* of his dio«*o, Ihe B shop* I Biaganorois returning to England au Mo Fu He is in urgent U( j of K r least ten additional clergy, of whom teven iMivqairad for Church work among Fir paafl residents io the EUfßltl
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  • 183 10 Supt. M. W, Pott and bis men have been kep f v n the alert more than usual of lata, the drvspii ii iviug c iii.i -.I many jungle tire?, which, in s.-me c»ses, were prompt measures mv taken, might lead to ser ions consequences Fi<t evening about
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  • 268 10 Mv V. G Savi Injured. About 10 o'clock on Sunday night, Mr Peacock of the Chinese Protectorate, aceompaaiad by Atrirtaa. Snperintendants V Q>. Savi and J Sheedy, fill get 11 1 Jjyce and four Malay police constables proceeded lo the coolie lines at Tanjong Pagar to •BMUtI
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  • 71 10 The following was the result of crushing operations at Rtub for the four week, ending 2oth Februiry, Buxn Koman Tons crushed *\fim\ Gold obtained 816 < zs. r,, A! Average per ton F 74 dwt. bLKir Malacca Tons crushed l,b;o. Gold obtained '22.2 c z?. io, r, Avera
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  • 346 10 [I is oaalißlly stated that Their Mij-stnes will unveil the Victoria Memorial on the Mall oa Miv I'd)- Trie Germm F BB***ff „nd Empress will attend the ceremony. Messis Micken/.ie, Davidson A C» have (led I lUit tor 896.000 against tne Kirachi Fort Trust for breech
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  • 555 10 Bafore Mr Justice Fisher in the Supreme CFurt yesterday, several appeals against 3d igiitratM' dccmioai wer t heard, aud Judg ments delivered. The case in which three Malay employees of th* Oriental Telephone Oompaßy had been acquitted on charges c nueeted wi h unlawfully leaving their employment and
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  • Corrcspondence.
    • 479 10 I >eai- Mr Edi i oi As one vho has known Mr > n ,n Smith for over ten years I should D only to endorse every word ot pra.s-v,,,, give him in yoßf BMsUsT. ball IBSWB* add a lUrthar tritwM I i th* b iaa b\bb*mbbb*j
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    • 277 10 r* :BB Fi i-»R, Sir. 1 have recency rece.ied a i m on tbe Disc .ver\ and Cause t IWi or by Dr W Fe uard Braddou. I'.r rj reasons the facts stated b\ i m > ou a, made pub.: I'heopeciLg paragraph tttguat
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    • 89 10 To I on EdITOB Dear Sir, In in the house in wh living at the seaside, I c n i i »us s catching large, brownish .•.•utip.-d-. some sis or seven inches Lm_ Pre- i old wood in the n. .use, in 1 app r. these come in from
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  • 48 10 The monthly sp^on was plated b>r v <* terday afternoon, and wa* wou" by M-s NY G. Bell with the excellent net* •>. .no t Mrs. \V G. Bel! tf Mrs. Ganaloser 1 j 41 Mrs. So.uUr M 41 Mi 88 McNair Mrt. NeWdll J5 |g i
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  • 1806 11 .-si. Ai.:;. Ik (Sp-- 'he -S agapore Free P-- F i- -rac'eri*ti_ ot 'he i >rienta! that he docs not wear bis atari BB hit sleeve, and tha .1 iparn-- no < x vptmn t i the i he. \{*x is u ->t Mas> to dei ide
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  • 83 11 There was a good attendance of niembers and tiaitOM M the Chinese BwUBBUBg Club on Sunday when tiie monthly hi-ndicsp races for March were swum oil with tne following results A DtTBUOJ I-"- 1 ai.l'S. Chia Cheng Kan- I Scr.) 1 Cheong Keng Lint (20 Bern Ohia
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  • 24 11 Tbe Morning Poet .lata. «W >•■•£ uouncemen. many be especua »W« b.t,l,shi P 8 armed with 15 .nch b uM, tuperseUiug tbe 10 in armament.
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  • 1326 11 The production of in di -rubber by means of cultivation is rapidly becoming an important industry, in spite of the fact that the gre_t bulk of the world's vast anrual supply of o\er 80,00') tons is bs yet derived from Datura; sources collected from tropical jungles.
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  • 359 11 ACb Lese poMH gar board :\*acbitirek" reportl the loss of prop*."* valued at >7u>. Two airests have i m^.tJe and property vain* u mi > "recovered A pun Mid a turn of $2 bare been ien front a Chinumao'fc planta'icn ul >» i D .1 v tad. Two
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  • 69 11 The f«i.iow.D*! have bt-en «}.< pi of Rul her sold iv Malacca i U l--.m i 25 ij, Matob 4*l Pinaabaal $28£ 10, 53 I Oariee ol $75 40 Steal $281 50, $SttJo, $342, a rise of >'A» 50. lArk crepe -J l M' r r Scrap
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  • 13 11 Agon's Fen c\ and Co Si i Gai I pb
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  • 46 11 At Golea-h* SJBMB unced that Radiotelegrams are aicept^u a' any r «!al telegraph office in Ceylon for trarosmFi-ioc F v the radiotelegraph c meet, at F mh.\ C. cutta, Fiaroucd Nland, S_.ndhe_ds, T*l c Island, and Victoria Fornt to -h j_ with rad.o telegraph appin' -j
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  • 1311 12 I bave this moment laid down a boob OB tiliii loißßwj aiiltaa by m mj aryMeus, and if >ue may venture to siy so a very im.Fs.r«~t author. Fis an entertaining volume. ii iha this .mutate, but I aouht arbatbmna i a -a -1 ird Woi k
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  • 800 12 Has it ever strti-k you, gentle reader, that thi acwi iditM m alasoit M great a gctuu^ as the idimtiflßMßßl Mißiaajr i* the wayhe rivets our attCUtioa tfi ceitiiu ar^lcsM which form >'\<> day'i amheup, ad becaoM a my ipM J maril la th* aiaicie
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  • 830 12 Some few days ago we read that on March I, the T..ffi?s in our midst ]a t to getheratoneof the hotels in commemoration of the day set apart to their patron saint In this connection Scotch, Irish and Welsh are far more patriotic than the Eagtilh who, as
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  • 728 12 It st mds *et back in the Wl entrance to a small street; one narrow ianes typical of an .stern which are likely te become tn. :j past as modem i-l-i- creep r lV.keis hmi to it 'i i' our city shall some day awaken from its
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  • 127 12 Agents Sime I urbv a Co \'|.,.|.M V W$ W*. AgenVs Al A Aster AC. Pom §m miH i vi Ju. la\ Feh. 2 sou ii a. Io ki: Xi I i Jpfl :"i*\ Ftl) I bl, biroiun. o. Total for iw* months II., AAJ lbs
    127 words

  • 650 13 Mr i: ber» Shaw, ..f th* staff the H.K. lYnk d_ C rporaY n. ha_ left Hau- r 'i Linn Tw«> of tho French B mmm o**U-fad in plague l BBBWBBC-a*B bBM fallen vicFms to the dread disease. i» puty Traffi S iperintendent S m I.u.wiy.
    650 words
  • 88 13 At a meeting f thl Chinese community I t protectorate on Saturday it was i lVd thi >c nii?bts' festivities on the 22nd. -d. and Cue 2Vh June, in celebration of th* G BUB its** ni Their Majes- ,< i j and <J ie*?n. Oa the first
    88 words
  • 99 13 The report states that the profit and loss account Fn the period ended September 30 last shews a credit bilanceof £2.392. UM proposed to pat a dividend at the rate of 6 ncr cent, on the preference shares to September 3\ which will absoib ,-JFoOS write £500
    99 words
  • 940 13 Those who itten»led the Colman Shield final on Saturdiy must have been once more struck with the extent to which football has fastened on to the affections of a trreat number of the Malays. The game consider ic_; i- wis a ompetiti jn tiaal, was a _'--od one,
    940 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 437 13 T- ihk Editor. Singapore Free Press. Far Sir, The Central Building of the Fmvershv of F mdon will witness this July (2b' h 21' hj one of the most inspiring sights of his'ory. K -prosentatives of all th* races in the world will meet as
      437 words
    • 55 13 j T»> The F oitor Sir,—" _j._h F?epau should climb the coconut trees, on which centipedes are nearly always to be fouud. put salt on the tails of the centipedes, (not the coconut trees i skewer them and hang out in the sun to dry. As far remedies, clawed
      55 words
  • 687 13 New Zealand's Finn; with ihe P, AND <>. Co. The action of the i\ aud P. Company in sending on some of its big mail steamers from Australian to New /-aland ports has led, reports the Daily Telegraph, to stern measures on the part of the New
    687 words
  • 211 13 The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Oi saleroom yesterday afternoon. The European c mip -und house known as N>. 116 Emerald Hill F >ad\ .>rea 7.2 V, Squire feet, freehold Monthly rev' >U Teow Kuuo. Hee s-!,7«ah The two shophoiise dwellings known
    211 words
  • 366 13 Si i: John Fi i i ek's S< heme. This Ins been already fully discussed in these columns, as se* forth by Sir John Fdter first ll i luncb at the IF use of Commons given by Mr Henniker Heaton m May Y l We are glad
    366 words
  • 92 13 Bombay, Feb h Mr Gibson, of the Bin- of Bombay, who met with a riding accident at Chuicbg-'e b*BtDBB -NBOM tWB weeks ago, fracturing a leg, d-ei from the effeYs of the BBBUDfari OB Baturdoy. It* funeral took place IBBM*lsf Bad was largely attended, the Bombay
    92 words

  • 1106 14 A witness in a law _uit recently, being asked if he hid Wen to America in his youth. said that he went there to get clever, and added that the Americans are cleverer than we are. Very likely they are. for we are not a clever
    1,106 words
  • 23 14 Lieut. Hall-day, 52nd Company, Royal Garrison Artillery, is appointed to No. S Company, Hongkong-Sitgipore Battalion, Royal Garrison Artillery, a_.d is losted to Mauritius
    23 words
  • 180 14 LAT KST P_B_.U_4.BY CHOPS. rr v 1 \sl lbs Total two Maxi»ai Tekono .—l,l I months 2-261 Ibt. _crenti Barlow and 00. l.tdv IDS. Kembia Total ten _mmtbnB*\3S. lbe;*^aiaet ,-o_ Ihe* Aaeuti BsrhM aad Co Sihgap ai -an Johobb 21,143 lbs, I i ll 8 856 Ibej Total
    180 words
  • 14 14 Agent Barht r aud C i. KY\ v dt*l> [ATIOB 5-18 pin,
    14 words
  • 523 14 Lsttbi fi Ub Btiuii ith Smi Mtll u-ne. l«\l) Tbe day before tl i «t< miniatrator ol P*i q (Mr Btaaiiorth Bnaitbl left Pott Moreeby o an trxpediti n i htch, il is laan -1. bsdj hai iled aoBM misn ;p, ie wrote to s< in
    523 words
  • 23 14 Colonel K. D. Tunabull of the retired list has succumbed to injures :eceived in an encounter with a wounded leopard near Islamabad, Kishmir.
    23 words
  • Correpondence.
    • 687 14 T<» THE EWTC K. j Sir _la a pimpblet, which you were good enough the other day to distribute for me. I charged two of my colleagues with the impropriation— the piracy— ot tne r**Bjtl of a" research into the cause ol ben ben. A correspondent
      687 words
    • 235 14 Mi nicipa 1. 1 v s Tram w.n I IFi'ore tha Ohial Juttio*, Bir William fl Hyndman d nes, ia Iha fuiptaam Court yetterd sy, a -medal c*».< aai itatad by oosaaeut for the opinion of the LY-un to sedion i 373 c>l the Citil Procedure Chad*
      235 words
  • 641 14 ANNUAL MEE'I The fourteenth ordinary of Messrs. Fraser ami \< at the registered tii c, the Arcade, yesteioty i |j r Gentle presiding The report ami ai«- ue! "ivi? leadv beeu published ere and tbe Chairman n them said the first under their notice in the
    641 words
  • 87 14 i Mr I irmstone, utst mag ite him in the District < uri yeht< id.. ing, Fugenio Parabaihn masti; "Nippon," Who Was charged v 8H passengers in excess "i Fie n lowed by license. Defendant admitted the c fleece, he did not become aware f the cxc«
    87 words

  • 1950 15 (Ry Submarine Telejr ifb Üb*B*W* A r ncm) io- M ir 2 'am. i V- .-nt says that lon is represents M. BriaßflT* poocy accentuated somewhat in a F a_B*Bl ***** He hopes to brinj l a ivanee 1 gi D^ which withdrew their support fa M innouncad that
    1,950 words
    • 71 15 i > i<? own Con >■ -sn*%) Hongkong, Mir h Mr C. A S.juiir, an employee of the Hongkong X e.vioon Fock, was found in Aber lean Doch with his throat and wrists lie was m ;ed an I 1 lh*fl to h< spital but Deceased was only
      71 words
    • 39 15 K'u ila Lumpur, Mar h Ihe Malay Mail learns that during the ibaOßOrj ol His E\edleney S.r John Audeisou, the Mon F F. BfOCBTMDB acts for him aud Mr F 0. Lemon ftetl as Colonial Seciet iry,
      39 words
    • 66 15 The aniteurs here produced I triple bill at the ToWB E all last night, "Trial by Jury,'* "The OolUbxatort 91 and M Tha Comtartioa of Nat Bturge.** due h-iso wis ve'v fair and the plays ..ere no st .oucessful, MBBCJally "Trial bt oy." Th* singing and
      66 words
    • 110 15 The Perak Schemes. ■pah, II ir 3. A affondod rmhhe mnetinc was i .^f wwvj^.v»wv» r_> hebl here y^s'erday evening at which it w.s decided to build a lww* II ill for [pi h as a memorial Ie Ihe late EQng, and m the GovLampur i
      110 words
    • 13 15 Fen all g, M irch Toi I IB 81l pkis.
      13 words
    • 78 15 (jY ir Old CorresponJtni.) Feeing. .Much d. Lauderdale-.— 5,0841 ha, il ,IMAMIIE 20,009 lb* rOBD:— il WO lbs POVO Xl AVIAN 3 000 ii bi am iin (d -phori .1 lbs srs Guthrie .v Co have receive 1 a cable die Secretaries of the Cheviot Coranformmg them
      78 words
  • 46 15 Ipoh, Mar. 2. 'hoe output of the Tronoh mines for February was as follows. Tributers 7_ pkls. I 7 7 pk" 1 s '."a", ie -1-7.JFI. itei pn ti- s-. 379 g treated from -L i.fv- F ,7- cubic mflfl cas* 7,681 cubic yards.
    46 words
  • 42 15 Ka Fa F imp r, Mir Th" pr; on v\ hi V rubber c i ort d«' y is leviable between M.r tv h ire I aaal bieoail s'.< $395. al scrap $380. ar rw r*Tßf $360. lambong t*lo
    42 words
    • 68 15 February Consumptio-i. F-u M.r 2 The following ware the tigures of tin consumption for Pebi narj Uoitad haag i an 1.300 '-us. Cntiueut, 17" t >us Fuited States, 60 tmaa Visible supply Mirch 1, 1 7.1 -IJ tons. Pejbrnary 1, L 8,9 tons, i i
      68 words
    • 48 15 X ual a Fumpur, M ireh 2 3a_u jKi.o 20.600 lbs. Rl IA.KK GlOA\ 1 7"1 lbs. IY.IAM lbs. K'ki'ono (for dim i:\ i lbs. _kgaati B athaad i 00, .Maiaki.h- 2,475 lbs. Agents (iuthrie .v 00, Ci\NoK\T Sai.m- J, -FT a I To'altwo
      48 words
    • 92 15 K'uila Fumpu'-. M o b I Btddl Tim'nun C M Mt lhantations will BBCftly be ll >ated io F mdon with a cipital of 875,000 of thil 1,000 will be issued. The property is in the Provii n.-tr the Porak border and consists f 1,7' ices f
      92 words
    • 92 15 Etannfl and robbhTiW Fr .kit" -t" o.z-,7 ip n tr. A g»vi f itOfM M*W d Bat* 3-ijih last evening Mcl destroyed the m I o shed at the Bltfl Grajah Club, two motors being seriously damaged A tr»ewis Y-i-'ruik by bghrning ami burne 1 II Itly. A
      92 words
    • 47 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) X i Fun.; M M 1 Mr il d. Brewster, the district officer of ■Gate, his beeu apso>ot*tad to tbe ."'ing F siderYship of F.i.i:.-. voce Mr Birne°. F Oil Offlfli in i. thai the promoti -n mm., .mm
      47 words
    • 36 15 Ip M ai m W Tho F; g n X ngsi of Fn' ng are contril uting UO to Ihe Feral. 1 .a 1 1- r the Fin j F iv^.ad memoi il.
      36 words
    • 96 15 1 'on .ng. M r io r p. r^ .-n V,». working of I i ihah mi_.e tor tii-.* til ►•■-n m-.n't fi m F», 1909, ahowfl a net pn fit -a ?F2, -'7 .f which sl have been wi tten oil 1 r lepreeuitiou and
      96 words
    • 27 15 Messrs P> hr and C ■nip-any who los* the tin deil case on appeal hi\" decided to carry the matter to Pi ivy Council. m>
      27 words
    • 35 15 The death occurred at Glaagow on Feb H from paralysjl ol Mr rVilliDM H.ldw.n. f fl many years a partner in the Penanp Foundry at the age of 7,7 \ears.
      35 words

  • 1215 16 o L^stDiv. Buy»**. Sillers GkF. I§hqi. Paid. Lmw A n r•< 85.000 2/ I AlU?*r Rubber Esutei Ltd JJ 1 .J. 150,000 2- 2- Antfo-Malaj 75% int. 1 1 **1 50,000 2'- I Batang Malaka 15 0 80.000 1 1 Batu Caves 35% mt U0 0 l§ 1* 80!000
    1,215 words
  • 57 16 Ipoh March a. Brother Phillips was successfully instated W. M. of the Napier F >dge, Telok Anson, yesterday evening. Worshipful BfO Charter, assisted by Wor lbos Owen and Booth performed the ceremony. Au excellent banquet followed. Captain J>ily entertaining the brethereu ou the steamer 'Kinta." The visitors incudtd
    57 words
  • 72 16 (From our on-n t '„rresi>omlei t Ipoh. Mar 7, Fro Spinks has been appointed \V. M. of Lodge K'nta. A contract for the holding of the new L)dge has bean given to the local architect Mr Librooy an: the site selected is in Maxwell road. There is a
    72 words
    • 30 16 l.'-V m$ m !>■■/:■■.■• Kuala Lumpur. M ir. 8. The Planter's Scores Agency ha, a London Bible giving rubber prices as Sheet biscuit tl 10. Fin- hud Para •>
      30 words
    • 20 16 (From out Ou'n Correspondent) Penang. Mar. 8. In the Walker Trophy the Penang ladies have scored 1 77.
      20 words
    • 124 16 J'y .<■ < t i /c" Paa*mg M tt. 8. Beri \m 1*.,"':,. CIIEMKOR LTnITED 439 lbs Paiano; 1 A lhs. Etr/BBBfl Fstuk-ia Kkian: 4- <»0 lbs. PAD*** .Taw a: a Gn.A K a i. pan* ara 15,€00 Iba, Ku ila Lumpur Mar. s. 2 M
      124 words
    • 295 16 THE VALUE OF TRAV ELL. For many reasons foreigu tra% may, says the Builder, bti to help the biiiibbbijl and "to raise the standard of bdfl work thai -Fes not justify the contention that it BJ pj jarioflfl in itself, but only to the BflHWl that H i, not in
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 595 16 CLEARANCE March Phranang, <Yer str. M.ini.elbd Tsintau. Ger str. Buckirg. i B Trigonia, Dut str. H if:... .n tor Rangoon Ban Whatt Hin, Brit fltr. Troan. for Aq iIL and Natunas I s C. A pear. Brit str, 7 TDSOPd, fOl p SBB|i Calcutta. Ban Poh (h;:iD. 1 Smith, for
      595 words