The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 23 February 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 204 1 >•- t .r.: ,1.,k. I 13 To« Ci*iui« of Pott Swettenh;. I >,r t) »u »:.i Smji] 11 I P. X,, 1.-i >-•'.., 1•' S Hulk* S i 4 Mr. Cwptey* Ca«*> Compan Ravi MB i:kfo«t«. Ut y. l*u! i 119.183 i«dy Ld.M«et >- ■M* 3ili >!'"•• rt j
    204 words
  • 91 1 L>*e. V.nO Jan. H t 548 H,9«4 oIT j Kraan* U 1:> 2 I oJrieriaag 2 793 KTZIt 5,775 52^57.85, K.dU KiuU Association *AMb Kraai.,t Palai Menglembo LoJt- J.J" NewGopeng u> 1 New Tj.mban v ?-;ian< Consolidated 1431^^01 H^ntfkalon 45 KambuUD l«l a,WB HanbKiold' t7B 18%1 5l KedhillH
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 20 1 Tiiornk At No. I, Ayer Rajah Uoad, Pentmg, February IT. the wife of W. H. Thornk. of a son.
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    • 73 1 Lindsay At H Queens Gate Dowanhill, Glasgow, ou the 22nd January last, Margaret Hamilton Wallace, the wire of Charles C. Lindsay. Bahlow. January 20. at Parkstone, A. E. Barlow, formerly Commander of the P. A O. S. N. Co.. aged 17 HowAßi>. January 21, iv I^ondon. W. C. Howard,
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  • 64 1 (CoiaiciiD dp to Feb. 21 Bank 4ms l/*| demand 4 T Private credits 3 m ti/4 credits 6ms m -4 a France, demand Bank.., 295 Germany, demand 240 India. T.T l*4\ Hongkong, demacd Yokohama., demand 11 1 Java, demand 1 4( Bangkok, demand t>6 Sovbrbigns, Bank Bunng $B.^ 4
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  • 109 1 Fob. k 2i Tin bi^nlNltj Gam bier m S 3^ Gambidr Cube No 1 m 14 5l Gambier Onbe No. i M non> Pepper Black (oreU*. B*fsrt) Iwftw IM* Peppw, White (fair) hq«« 28 5 Nntmtgt (110 to lk« IV) norn Nntmegt (80 to Urn U., m norTl Mam
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  • 1219 1 Speaker Clark's "Joke" Feb. 17. T i% •> unbribe>l by jain Mm .t I i I'm:'. H > r i I |M "> bMh It will be observed that President TAH has been prompt to reprimand Mr Ciißw. Speaker of the I 6. House tl Representatives fv>r that asTouudint: deliverance
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 191 1 THE WEEK'S NEWS. The H I. "ThoLgwd" and the &ORBM mail "Princess Alice" brought mails up to January '27 on Saturday last. Tuis weekly leaves by the P and < > "Arcadia" to-irorrow. Tne new premises of the M. C. A. in Stainf 01 d IJjad. were opened by H.
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  • 823 2 The Claims of Port Swettenham. Feb. 18. l\ must r-i.l that tae Mxi-i-j \fa has 6r;nd re i- >-i for attention to the peculiarly lnef^.jient wij in whi:b that import m* •••ni-r *he :entral Malay Statef, Pjrt Swetteohaui. a Ija mistered, fhe •:me > !.'n: p<«" :-n i* w
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  • 1287 2 Amidst ail the strife th it this parliamentary op** on l- to brioj; up>u the country it will j well iud-jel if the all important olaimi of the Arm? and the Navy be not ..•>«! nto th* background. As for the M H->! .\nk
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  • 852 2 The Baghdad Railway. Feb. 21. A telegram published this morning has probably rather more significance than appears ou the face of it. We refer to that wire from Constantinople which mentions that it is understood that "negotiations between the Turkish Government and the Baghdad Railway Company, with a view to
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  • 171 2 lv enminin- the jh er v :i« Pdci6c, of which one important factoi i« the presence of the United Suta* in *he I'.iilippines a* an actual territorial p j-ses&or, w« have repeatedly m^v} ,p.«n the entire instability of the p;>hitiou Liiidnvd <»v accepted strategic
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  • 739 3 r n c -v-.. ha> defeated <iasI l'oive;§rv b* po.D's to nil at. Mr H K»-ldi\ returned trom Bangkok, yetterdav. I W plan*, and efforts to -c r •:>-* :.j r r will be resumed. Ar p jin .f Mtdras died >n Fob btirtfatl ti Ike
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  • 1495 3 Tr.* boxinc 'ntestt arranged a^. 'he Harr.iii Hail have proved very iHnflltf^ and there w^a very large aiten'lani'e at the six r.jnd fight be'we^n Mr Alf. Hodge, of Sir J -hn .lickson's wuks, and Sergean r Fincher of 'be liuf Mr Hodge won easily on p.-inN. ile is
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  • 309 3 Locil golfers will be ioterested to jearn tint the Bitavia Golf Club his been oDje mare resuscitated. Tais clab was ti-st formed in I^7J with a membership of 1»'». including C. C. BilftHir, a brother of A. J. Rilfuur, the Ujioawt eid^r. Tae origi nal licence or
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  • 120 3 "X«i J»jshmxi:>t Ixtbhtiox." Id the second court, before Mr ActoD, yesterday afternoon, Mr See vent, who was appearing to prosecute in the case brought by Tan Hood Gwaii and others against Edward Giles Copley, for •rimin-tl breach of trust in respfct of 3,000 Kempas shares, valued at
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  • 391 3 BRI 1 v.VMA BAMSHIft. The designs for the new silver coinage of King George V. have now te^u riuai v settled, and the description of the new coins has been issued in the London z*ite.'* The proclamation regarding the gold and broL/j coins was i-sued, it
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  • 348 3 The two greatest difficulties to overcome perhaps in the Panama canal construction are controlling the increased volume of Chagrts river in heavy and continuous rains and pieventing slides in the side walls of Culebra cut both of which difficu!«ies are referred to in the last
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  • 45 3 The following i«>rw*nl B'Jks tor tue \ear er-ling -30th June, 1912, tat first quality plantation rubber, have- been in ide The Selirg >r Kuhber C<) ft) ton- an.l the Sungei Way (SelaD^'jrj iiuhi^r <Jo 2\ tonh the price in both cases bein^ ;J
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  • 161 3 The new vol-inie of Knowledge >p^nn a lv a remarkable article \,j Mi Charles Darlm^, in which he describes an interesting experiment which, if a <;ertain temperature i«" kt-pt up, results in perpetual motion. Some commercial aniline is poured into a pi .&-> leaker containing water and sinks
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  • 1919 4 r'\ Subaiarine Telegraph I Rot M> 16, 59 im His Holiness the Pope is confined to bis j b«d with iDtlu3D/i aud audiences have been suspended. Doctors have assured tbe Pops of complete recovery in four days. I' is loai«d a' > r Petersburg that MO plague ha< reached
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  • 48 4 PASSENGER LOST FROM ■•IPOH." I "I' r 't I <</.) At'.er the lp«>li let! Itonag 1 fJ"day, a voting Genuiu paeseoger named Weber Ml Elffaoani. 'i'^e M lf*b was stopped and v search w fS made f*»r t« horns but the body Ml MM flit© ve<>.;
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  • 29 4 Ki:aai Lumpur. Fab 1 1 It ;> ifH-.Milly .tnnoui ced tltet MftUlJ 6r<tie» cunuijoreiit of ten HMB^MI wttl v^pvttatt t"' 1 B.V B :it the OoiWMlioa
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  • 37 4 The DfiOM CM which r r.e robbf NBQffl tiu!v is DMed ffCn !f b 17 U) Muji 2 ill as foIlaWI Sheet bNtail, OpW FiL^Crep-. H4Q iv>» ier*p, [Jatreated icnp, 12 fctanboog ustrettecl, ?25<
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  • 27 4 X i.-AM r Pulai: 574 1 '<is. As^eiit* I i v i t ■> and Co. Bumn X B i Ml II i I•• gfc
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  • 48 4 PEN ANG'S EDWARD MEMORIAL. I'cLal.u 1 ct>, 1 l>;- Xi k writes to ibe .a. p<ipilt dUvi.e.iUt»^ c j .> a lutUional 10 King EldWArd the B§UtbiifthnM&i i i hotpiuU MOttl t' ml on Hie I'e'UiitiiJ: iiili'. wuietj w i i.-j priiuat i iy i l J eLuLi^ ICBMM
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  • 20 4 The Planters Siores At;enc\ hi> London Oftblfl tbat csheet bix.uit 4 > iiid ftftQ hard !'^ia :Le HUM pi
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  • 18 4 Theapp^al ia th^ 1' #rt SwtttMißMi rab> ber CMt IUM bee.; btAl^d ftttd iudfirment retervtdt
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  • 79 4 MURDER OR ACCIDENT Prisoners' Startling Disclosure* \]From 9ttt turn i■• [pob, 1 rb 17. Efidtoce of a startliDg Lature has been Qivtu it the prfilianiTj ci \9&ry haU ia ihe Cd%e in which Ottt lndiau warder hfc I A Chinese V'lsocpr deciai*eJ tha.t do mistake wm wade divA he
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  • 77 4 STRONG REMARKS BY JURY. Evidence Hopelessly Unreliable. [From iup vIIH O>t ndent.'i I'eauDtr, Ffb 1 7 At the Assize* this niorniDtr. the urv wtjo were tojiag Al. S. Cowan ou cbargrts or. forgery, etc, stopped the ea&e half wav through the eiainication <. 1 accuted acd returDed a
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  • 20 4 The geoeral opinion uere -< will refuse to join Land? >l. rearardic^ the f_! v?e i i Edward
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  • 24 4 Hongkoijs Rer>r .s. H 'el Sir Paul CfcUl •-:> Me represent t C i t li il t:v 0 PMMI IS r— Wist.
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  • 103 4 PENAN- PRSFSBS ffi BCHEME A public meet i* r.*person?, wit cbt:r Mr Evan- rea i re^ardiDt! M.* ip- ci The Bom a i. lAm tud B Yjuo*, 3lr H f i M i I md I Rote ma kti it of wl tii'. nr of a local
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  • 35 4 SIR JOHN JACKSON IN THE STRAITS. /•Vow o«r own Corresponds Pen in.: ret Bk 'hu Jack^or, arr ved he:-', mfti •vorag, lad pvtM I i oy the n i the 1 M. S t-« da
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  • 226 4 A N »te ♦-■■v Second Ch'.ti:,: i agreement t♦' v, -n h 'be B va! P i ket •jaTdir-j I Itftllfa ili !y service I .1 iva and Anstr;i > a a?e the most important j to Australia w hiUr a con-i^t of coal, fl »ur. f
    226 words
  • 37 4 TH V. C I •W N 1 K> The foliowiDe is th* s the Crown Prince's is p Maria Farica Ketort The Crown I'rinotf vi. a^n the ruces n <^v- 4 c. I; v
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  • 10 4 Sungei I'nd pt i dividend ol biipen
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  • 8 4 In i»ra hkj '1 tdi lbs.
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  • 8 4 Acrentj. I »err'c!: »i: L'
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  • 655 5 I* :n^.pi Mcii *al < >rticr?r. < .U* v Mr* SdQSvJUI and ua-. iTive'i, .v X i v I. impur t; c »-p pts^-o^er v t p Selangor tits theft of He say* the y, i.l i »-l him to tike t <» :i_r t tpr^ii
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  • 2026 5 A SETTLED HOME. Tin: ckmwn of eight fears 1 WORK. A j d many of tliose who were pres^Lt at the beg:nn:D£ o! V M.C.A work ;n S;c_ r iporn in the days when it w.i*. precariously jusm.j the little building at the cornel ol
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  • 83 5 The farev.v i di&ner to Mr A. Hale, DO, Larut, who is retiriug from the seivice, wh^ a great Buc<: j B3. About fifty were present. Mr \Y. H.Tate proposed Mr H«le\ h iii an excellent npeech. Mr Hale in h\b rtp!v referre<l to the good lime he ha<i
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  • 245 5 A <:::,ne*e .singing g.r\ livin? at -A Temple Street, w A s returning tj her h »rn^, accompanied by her maid, earlj yester-i.*? n.orDiop, when two CintoLe^e sei/^i her .in i tr:e«l to rnrrr.vp a bin^le from «jd^ >t her arms. She c±lied i<>r help an] her br
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  • 231 5 .ie uii-k- 1 kti -:i" lOtl lltftil in «ack section and p;:/^- rem.i v m the suue. Rabber shares dropped >*. jv ijiin^the week but have recovered r the ism, duo 110 doubt to th- 1 -Yirp ri*e m r he p r ic^ •it Plantation Kubbe?
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  • 241 5 The following t list ,»i subscriptions received to- ihe fcbyfw Kjii'l v, <j r i t h. H. E. The<i 'vernor (Is 1 inflUhneu? i >«>) Hon'hV T;n .1 all K ;n |^o Hui't.U Soffc i' irl I'm Auonvm m t 0 10 Mrtßhl'S B
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  • 107 5 A match was advert sed to take plice a' the Harima Hall I -t eveojiik? r>er w>en I>. Un mer Warne, the JJulVs an*] Bj6 Smith, I. the latter fa. led to put iv an app.^rm Hit pUc« was tnkea b? 1 (ruiunj-r Spiliert aJso of
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  • 1725 6 DAIRY ING IN HOT COUNTRIES. 11. I am going now t> «jive my v**> üb«»ut bit hdtlii in AfncM. Hoogkot* tad Australia, NHfriag iv aWI BWUI 06 to tIM climatic influences, nature of the soil*, breeds ol cattle, winter feeding and housing and lastly tbe market of each country, thwebv
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  • 421 6 TL' niaetj first report i I the Court of i directors to th^ ordinary balf-j m r\y i i Deral Meeting ol Shareholder ol tbe Etougk>ng and Bhsngbai Basking Corporation to be held si tfee Honrk( ng City Hall, on Batur* day, tbe 25 ii
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  • 143 6 Ir wa^ restetdty morning thar kfr Warren D Bt'rucs. British Resident ol I'-ihaog, was aotified fcb*t he had been appointed CV.onUl Sectary of Hou-kontf in succession 14) Sir F. EL MiT, transferred to Fiji as Governor Mr B --trues will bet! the hearry congratulations of bil
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  • 768 6 A Oator, Deputy hTaetat A:toads nt, has been granted eleven moaths leave. Chid Detective [oepector A. J. Shtedy bas been appointed to -n: f >.s Assistant Superintendent of Polios at Singapore. Iff B afcKiaaey, mi employee of the Bureau ol Navigation, M^uik, hah ibot bimaelf n the bead. II- was
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  • 534 6 Farewell Div n i List night at the S.D^p >m r. a hundred members >,t rheSiDgtp ing Club and the Sirgjpore < assembled to en-»Tidi r i the H>l Fort at dinner ou the tve »>i from the Colon The Hou b!« 1 ■•> i.. m
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  • 55 6 Mrs, keigwiu Ifri i v Mr s >:hary M r 3 Mduldoa M:> I'OON. 1- 0 \.i Mrs G :dip -j Mi Bei ilat Mrs Mauldon Mrs Tjier Mrs Keigwiu ?vliv S K^rr I > Mrs Sibaij -7 Bl r h Ftflkin IM Mrs Fisher The
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  • 127 6 Dr. M. N. Wvck. .1 < *W. 1 I for uearh forty v^.;-. 1 v.-rv retvntly it Tokjo It c Nmml MM tended by a very Urg. luhA^i I f includiDg representa?i\»^ t niistsioDar v bod!">. aiul jt.U--« rs. 1 Btud^nt^ of the Me j l Iq the surKQiuDse.^ hear
    127 words

  • 1977 7 A WILD- PIG SHOOT IN MALAYSIA. r.'j-p/a.: 1 is invariably bestowed on a ij r > bf the Europeans i: but I think J r life? that the inhabi- -*-> f'euaoi! v* he S -.raits of Malacca r ViT ro entertain the icers of any af«wai that anchors ff their
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  • 441 7 S .me uwf ago a turnover appeared .v tee free Pre-s givieg oetails oi this poreoaalitj < f the .••e-.ri who iababitt 'he watari be* tweet Naltoi Wellington in the Proaeb Pact, 0* k Strait, New Z*had. Thow whe h^ve visited ibese seas koow thn in this Strait
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  • 361 7 Dutch Baron ti Imimidaikh. The H t^ne, Jan The now I>utch War Minister declines to make any statement for publication with ngjui to the postponement by the < i ->verntnent of the proposal to build a great fortrpss at Flushing. That part of the Defence Bii! j
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  • 81 7 Ordinary Meet: g. Friday Feb 17 ;i i: .-:.r. X H r. ;»j H r -H.n t. C > ry X L B. <■ t) -Af rn^v-'Ten.-ral i ."f, (j I'r-H.-unr, W. i I n^ineer, K. J >iin i' ,Ht 't-., rt t a.i i i >: i
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  • 391 7 Ibe mud! raerrtm- :hi> i; v vs lfe j ittheß>ard I: om v-s ..:.i... m^bern pr^ut being r. I H v M S An*ulli%, CUu K*ag Cam, I Cat*. piet and P. E J ura ihe minutes u^?h r^r.l nn^l Fhe BiLk htknce -h i jiU the bii.k
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  • 199 7 Tu<j OkkEl;- I' A K BWrolioldari in the Aver Pdins Hubber Estates L <1 h ive i^n rwti!] 1 of nrdilMry General meeting to be held on Feh -2-1, a' wh: :h the following < ffers a *>c i nbmn >•; < nt Ho l 'J'oseli to a
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  • 49 7 A cable received in Calcutta states that the I.' i-*Mdn Govrrnmen* hj> ordered >• ■ieropUneb tioai lintiaL M-tDufdcturerb. Capt P. Alien, XorthamptoDahire Re^i. tnent, ip j:r.>moT«d M» >r, to d*te .Idn l»)'h. Th'B ofti.'er wa*. p'»puUr]y known hern d-^ Allen Jab at '<• i.s'iDj'jifcih him from h Dime mkt A!!ec
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  • 834 8 RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING Co., Ltd. Mvna«4Kr's Kk.POM iOl P'' 1 v. WWMEM Kvin .Jan. |Bffß, 191 1 The mine measurements and assay reaul's shows h total of I'JO ft, made up as follow, SinkiDg '1* t f driving on lode« ISI f r atd QfOaaontfilH 258 ft, and compares
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  • 1016 8 Qu<- "junt h-'tmnt* »o."Ui est farrago Ukttti, Juvenal The Topicist hi* a shrewd suspicion that Mr Chtnip dark, the Speaker of the D S. Hou«e of represent ttives, has furnished the tines* niu-itnitioQ that hiitOM will be ah c lo show <f the man who said
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  • 592 8 fvrvMM Pao§p» Bmtam The sec-iid crdiuarv u'enerul meeting of U.eneaiv Plantations Ltd *as held at Oresham K- use. Bitter? Road, oa Saturday Morvtßg, Mr H V. Llewellyn praoidiag, there bt-ina 1 also present M«-ssr> Cr. Derrick, <;,! <iid. H. A. E TkOMff J. H. Waring Mid P. B
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  • 170 8 Ti. w; m Chi\k>* Berlin. Fdb kh. lleports tnui The Hagufl Miotft that there has be6fl -iM Otttbttfck of trouble w;th the CbiofM :»t BillitOD, an island in the I >atcb E ifl Indies. II -rlin, PA, "'h Liter news receive. 1 at The H^ih from rhe
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  • 33 8 lv the international Ku^by match which took place CD I db Wales sc< re<l a decisive victory over ScotWsd. The score;? were W tiff 82 points Sootlsad l (i points I
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  • 284 8 Th*» remains of the explorer, M t r don Lang, who w^?* murdered by A t r natives in H*JS, h*ve b-^u 1 Timbuctoo. Captain < > C N yen. inner* Course, has been appointed Se<- >n 1 C Instructor in Gunnery at Capt Xivea wis
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  • 523 8 THE LATE Mr JAMES MILLER. M my of tbe frit-n-i.- <»i .V who was for so mai.v jt>«ti> a»> the firm of <i in •>d mdC ii Adamson, Gilfillan mi C in tj i will greatly regret to ben o! h> .I*- which is tele^rapn^i t luva Feb U>h, hi
    523 words

  • 1233 9 t \N A I• 8 I U C«'> ins 1...X M l:;\i. TkAi.K. An s, )Mim ir. t Iki RMipPtdiftf Ajfte^rii-rt hftw^o Ciindi md •h- L'oited ,t,, vis published v Jtn The d*. ti Iv t|,p repr.^nr^tives of the iJ-** i'H..f inmecM- imp. rtance 'I -'i'- v
    1,233 words
  • 509 9 "BEWARE OF THE DOG Camm Cokotabi*! roi Siwoafom A new and important addition to the Singapore EViicv K-jrce vv we ur derstaud, arnse by the 00X1 outWrtnl houuci QofOMB 'lit:!, iv t tie perSv>u of wel', to be uuite ctLdi<J. iiis mm ii 00l kaOWl wt.but he is ol imi
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  • 101 9 The value of tbe shells Pxportsd horn the corth-west coast ot Australia during the year ended March Slot, WO, WOS £168,995, a decrease ot t'lr l ♦>•"••> from the previous year. The pearls recovered were worth, approximately. L' 51,055. There were ec^Hged in the work heats
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  • 1349 9 (From Our 0* n Co/v?>/,.,> hut.) In iH probabiliti Holjtood wiii be the lita of the Na'ioQHl Bfpttiea Memorial to Kiag Edward. The Juterix Coemittee ha* reported ia Uthm of rtbaildiag the old Abbe? Port ar the foot of tbe CftßoagatP, the Sotbk gatvwaj greeted by quid Abbot
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  • 170 9 BC C v Law an i» Cm 11 ■> La the Ciicket Tournament M. 1 h p (ju the K-phiLai.v iii Bfttvrdsy. t L<^ B I were be;»'Hu I v SOiuus. The scores- v. follows o. c. P. Bei j laU b Tiiu-;i B \l Thomas b CUn« A
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  • 278 9 Visin id D i nil \m»E i i > i J The following; ctfi;ia! annouij- errant Mining »o};»i visits to Ire'ahd tnd > i:. has h'en issued The Kink' and Queen Lope to visit D.l and Edinburgh in the month of July r.*- This
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  • 1053 10 BWOV Kkuit Richer. Td* oidinary meetnj of the Suigei Kruit Kj» EoUte, Ltd., w*« held on Jan. the London Chamber of Commerce. Ox- -o srt, EC, Mr W. A. Luoiag pnaMiag >■:. tne incorporation of the company we L«tve ;n: ,i->d, at .t r n fi ng cost,
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  • 2950 10 i TrnvellioCi M»lif*i w taken very eaeilj in Slim. To I Siamese the s y r.g "Time is Boaev m unknown and vomd be ridion- IS Qi is like the SpaaUrd with his j ooneteat nionsis, rnenene (tomorrow, I hOIOrrOW) if ho hek desinc!u;ei to
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  • 91 10 Australia hits produced to ih* vhluh of over £500,000.000. The firs' "dh.^h wah din- >vered at Haiv'avee. in N^w South Wales, id l*'j\. am] weighed a little o*er lib Tbe Burrandong nntr^', fouud cedr < 'raDge in tbe same weiu'bed 2,217uz. l^dwtg, au-J the Hreou&D wah sold m S^dnev for
    91 words

  • 740 11 hi M i «h 17 A ir h )^u arr^ed hi v r r m the Frer. ■•> *rmv Tb« i val 80--- i .t.f.-r..', Pp the Bih month of this *ear te iewi j > pel r«ot. from the di■. pej Ataui v T. v
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  • 928 11 DISPOSAL OF IBM BALANCE. A meeting of »b^ ifecera! committee of Agii-HoriicoltunU w u s h^i lif ?h* Exchange Koomp. Ltt Mi A. W Btill prtasdiat, tbata bng ■awiflii iboai itlsu p-H^n' J]M,,r> j; «cou!;ir t W M \\n s> v B D >w[j. h" H.:» B j.
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  • 443 11 DB*rebolaers of the A>er P.l^s Kubbci r.stat", L"d have receive i intimation ol tw. ffer- punted iv our iIMM vf-s'tr-Jiv, which h*v» ban lodged vita the direetore to purobaaa the property, aad hhm ronga aotei on u,-r>r 1,545 iocs Lhw been planted with about _'37,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 129 11 ii no Bditob B*f f Bhawholdori of Ayt-i Pabm h.ive BO ie > v (0 Km dit'tirb*^ Dftff th* lui^iyi BIMOIM t ftVs DMdi bj i. t'.di^j; for tllll pro* ■itting little wtata. To« betl i it T Xj l 16 85 pw |hin ib ;i poip»pj
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  • 126 11 1 :;f Auction J>l;ir\ MftMOOB, whs (B6 IC6P6 Ol tl*6 first aiicM-m of miMx-i i*; Ifalafen on Bfttnrdftj l>> f whwi the foi. -»v Mi -_r ;j'''' u s werp realise*] sifter bri-k l»:-i«ii?'i: Tb6 -itleuJ iucd ill %M tbftl eotlld be <U>i'c-.1, 1116 lilofDOlß btinj BTOWdod tV
    126 words
  • 116 11 tl .•riLt..j»,)i\ -h» VhtiiMii pedestrian. 150 irds ifl 1 I ne* il X mberlev, tblM creaMCiT t r«?w world's rte-.>rd tor the dis- lUMB Tr:e &dmiraltj Imt€ inihoriMd t^e p-iy- m&H Foropomitinn t r tbi lorn o^ tbou ftffec^l '<-' the men of *he ;1! fated Cruitai Tbe Kujpr^as I>
    116 words
  • 192 11 SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. THh hist A*u: >■ Cjnipmv as »«:»-r f s f r the above «cod 4 cop? of th- f Direct -re. Report which 'f^ pr^&MijrKJ t o the shareholders at the h rh ordinary eeLer; it mtetiDg h«ld it the < .tr,pa->\ Otfi u tIM )6*A
    192 words
  • 336 11 Tlm Iftt of klm Mrici ol Ok a'tOba t-*-rts for th*\e<,r i»iven a! iu c v M"ii: fi. Ha y«tt« laj if b »noa at 5 piU WQf-n lh) 11-'] i: j > ikflM OH \ttd MO* IftJ Uttla J >lfc M Ito listen to rh» pio^uuiaie
    336 words
  • 313 11 Bai i.t>k v\ ii' < h\ X« i! In tke I>>f r if Cri'Miua: 0 w- 1 r. hf-i. re |fr r 1 Ui>'(.r(P, f'li H^y -iiiie-w Hftftfl ol 6, Ctiwg MTaI BrfSf Pi H p "ii-il guilty !<> Jiiakin^ fa 1m fiecl*ral by .-.'tyirj he vvus worth
    313 words
  • 90 11 The Cardiff police on .In. Ij r Chinese ganibliu^ Hen in the <J- eke iiati an'l anested oO Celestial*, wh \\>i f m a yaiiie uf t'dL l;tD. I'hnv wvc br> 'J^h* before the migiatr^te and li.u 'i i i \u r.^;unoUDtiDg to t To« two priu ;j 4
    90 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 73 11 PROPERTY SALE. A f t:i^ Babbor Eicb%ngo Boildtogt, ya* t^r<l-iy. the pr.»pe rt > No 171 l*each Botd, i anil 148E, Javji K•» i, urea l.^. r s><*)uare feet i held uoaer i} v^rLni^ct I^-ase for years sold for 17,000 to M. C M C. Bmmui Cbet'v I !>r
      73 words

  • 648 12 Chinese a\v l-^u ;ure>'.'! on tv i of t baft I >p*-> > f lluod a; ,i t 'fi::; ill's h< u>« I 'ul iv i -l. I b\m .i W --I i 9 re b*i n rt€d to 1 lie p J tv uieu robbed < >cc
    648 words
  • 291 12 MILK SUPPLY IN SINGAPORE. xhe Jinu*ry number uf trie MiUy-i Ifftdlttl Journal ontaius an mtfreatiDk?. it rttber depressing, article, ''•a the milk h ipp v .1 Singapore by i>- MiddWto*. Wei* it MM that inosi Fu^peaud in ifcf b-ome t-> a certain extent 1./ily i italia ««a« is pii»e sore
    291 words
  • 1449 12 The N> Xi« ¥<)B the Hundred Million Loan. IW Boa Secretaries of the Imperial Maritime L -ague have sent OOt the following otreoUw letter In the OAM of the Memorandum written by the present First S.*a L >rd, the use ot the UeaitJ Of diM" iminati-.u is
    1,449 words
  • 472 12 PROPOBID AMENDED SCHBMI The following circular Ims been issued with reference to thd proposed C\>untr\ Clnb Bclmvm at TyeroaU PaJaofc "With reference to t!i»* OtrattloJT letter of 30th December, l.l I',1 and the esnuiates OBOloted therein, which were sent to y tad to which you baft replied.
    472 words
  • 128 12 The following were u>.e r»» h „f third and semi tinn! iwU I the > v lV de X turnout Cup nupeiiti David bei T Drapers in<i 1 Melville beit Cow^p ic<l J Everitt !»t^ar C -cai.'t. 7 and Ktffth bMfl Tiiff ■1. i>i\ baal ileli
    128 words
  • 41 12 Twenty two meuib r- Fe »i i i»y M-: l; v; > -n t King w.ih a nott score i i W. Kirw Tnmd I \v. s. i;, r.-r \v s I latKt \V N Mistert<«a -I K. CUrke
    41 words
  • 240 12 MMHf Ml PARA. sioc€ o.r ltd repjrt we have had a strong and advanc ng Mar et, fiir busines.- doin; 1 w n- i. v report. 1 intention < BRAZIL, to brins in asohem. for val of Rubber on similar n a »ff Hard has
    240 words
  • 2235 12 In 1 Australia p..,• i i to day H ckfi l unhei >vei iHiom, or over 12 sulli m wm% Iton the a ekh of the I'oite.i h i i Germany, Auitna-H impai Spai' toother. These Hornets »i Ji pu> lii i e-i for t-xp-iri >-• u.i: w. value of
    2,235 words

  • 322 13 KiM i»k M Ch f- |1 1 Noi I H fteateia, Feb. 18 i> A iv.-k. who kit ju*t returned U Tieataia iittpr banag ajade a tear oi ;he dietriet between Snanhaikwaa <>ul Mukden, raporta tint* plague epidemic there, baa beta oheoked The oniv entertained. •;,< S
    322 words
  • 1010 13 J< H N L.- C KB -111 A pfltty Vtddtfti w t M ■w»Utnn-j-»d r*>-. db afternoon ;it the Am. m Cr- V Sr. -retjo! v wbt'L M:m Mti. daughter t Mr ul s .Mr-. I l*.mj.~\ x man md to Mr El*wer S .J »l.j-. ot
    1,010 words
  • 29 13 A arama iQ which the Kai»er \i repre^ir e<i h* -leiiiocnit on rhe s-ie ot *D^ v. n stij :a to be pro«iu;ei c :u« l.>~' r.a: Ber v
    29 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 356 13 PROPERTY SALES. j The follow tog Sing* pore proporl m ivete i ditpoeed ol by laotioa tl PoweJl Co/i 1 uleroooß jeeterda? Afternoon. Two ihoe> borne dwelling?, Roe. 71 md 7-:. ffafieloek X >ad, are; 1 *•>"■!• (jiiare feet, ie-i^e 999 vfMrp, I quit reut |3 Tot* l monilry i«
      356 words

  • 1250 14 MI— BfonoM »ve t -he oid universal ideas which we r.^e reilly loot BciUai H the MM 'hat r'nL'sii'p > hie»all? d:vme and haF mi per La ifi] p(,-.ver 5 (noqgfc 1 tfcel beloWi -> the lower side of worship r^ui-tin* in digressing v>g<>ur an in'^ese uc-'i'iestioo-tit: revereL which
    1,250 words
  • 1082 14 MA KING FLYING MACHINES. j i.j. ot us the art of Afiog ami the mystery «»f oiaking fiyintf machines is largely iOq oirad trom the illustrated pj,per-\ an 1 not Mm ac'uailv II touch with aviators and MfOnllßM. 'he art serins rather a paper j OM auU Urn m.ikiug of
    1,082 words
  • 1037 14 A FORGOTTEN ANNIVERSARY. Mr Pepys in bis diary tor February 14 'n. 1667, nukes the following entry 'Tin* morning came up to my wife's room (1 being up dressing myselt) little Will Mercer, bo be her Valentine, and brought her name written upon blue piper in gold letter?, done by
    1,037 words
  • 621 14 During the deu<*fe in the H v.s- i uiod>. M 'ioi' <'ii. T^t->' m :,i nient oi the ratiti ation vi tue i, agieement Ijetween ('m^d.t i i States until after the Imperil < In reply >J r Harcomt ea.d there w,s n tion of ratification.
    621 words

  • 785 15 ism Begging, i 8 *l- ,l<\ hoL i ywut to be iSmmmi h im -v. a profesfioo cr pistiooe that ban I aimi king*. patriarchs, and poe r s airing fa tries, it one, meibickp, wwfti ptaiejug is ail strioueuese. i»«-rn. profession^: n J .j;:r. ne may he
    785 words
  • 1211 15 HOUSTAIB BOMB WORKS Hi tJLYI r> Stean..e Explosion-. H I D*Uj 'hronj.-ie > are ibli f morning :I U"'-'--^ plot which Lad for its object the urdti tfca Bapjrat of JtptDj the EmP res< c r own Prince, th 9 beads or inii-ien-ti.i. id:;;.;-., dt d
    1,211 words
  • 681 15 We illustrate, says Engineering, on page 39 j a fcteam travelling crane which has recently been built b$ Messrs .John H. Wilson and Co., L ciited, ot Birkenhead, to the order of Messrs TophlM, Jones, .:nd Railton, Limited, for use j in MtAißf concrete blocks on
    681 words
  • 57 15 tttimi\m% to the Itim Je-th of Mr H A CochraEe of the Mercantile Bmk, at DgkoDg, by f&lliog from a verandah of the Bank premises at an early hour in th*morning the Times of Ceylon eaj§ MrCoehrane WdB known while in Colombo to be a victim to somnambulism, an 1
    57 words
  • 314 15 X MM. HAN R f ;v ,KH l'« Wijtn thP Koinichace c*m« in t If -ugkoßg from Bin^k -k, C^p'jin II ,*ief ft !-v hid an int**rf:Rrin^a<iveuiii.-e t> tell t i -i Morning Post" rep:est;c!^ ;vt'. >a hi* list vojdtfH f.o'i! ir^M k i /U
    314 words
  • 268 15 Messrs Zorn -«nl Leigh Hunt write on 19th inst. us follows Iq Hamburg, m iv Liverpool and Antwerp we find by careful persons irqairy that there is no lack of confident with regard to the immediate outlook for the price of raw rubber. Ifce dominating
    268 words
  • 275 15 THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF THE EMPIRE. MrG D L -v»; w rites The postage stamps of the 3i ir i^u Bmpire, I almost without exception, have no indicai tion imprinted upon them that the Dow: j nious from which they are issued form part of the Empire. Many of the
    275 words
  • 89 15 There will a %rev: home M.,r: of S ofs resident in anada and the United > f ates an i probably Australia and South A fi;<i nt midsmumer. Many Scottish corporations wil join in the fe^th it Itwa6at tir»t int^D'lf-d that !n\itdtion>i should only l»e s^nt to
    89 words

  • 1299 16 (1 1 Shell TranBport <* Trading Co -'2 i 411 Il* < £-3.0C0,0C0 0 u> pref U 5 0 12 $600 000 10 10 Smgapore Cold Storage C^)Ltcl2^ S0»0 1' $30 000 SO W Singapore Dispensary Ltd 10% 6"2 50 000 1 1 Sm^poreElectneTramwa.CoLtd M 4. •oAA-vin K¥) ')0
    1,299 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 648 16 CLEARANCES February Resident Schiff. Dut str. Unus, for Btt* Amiral Olry. Fr str. Privat. for Saigon. Stentor, Brit tr, Baker, for Amsterdam, London and Antwerp. Bharata. Brit str, Thomson, for Penang Kangoon and Calcutta. Tarcba. Brit str, Syaimers. for Penang. Madras and Negapatam. Gerd. Nor. str., Andreuaen. for P>onii»iy via
      648 words
    • 839 16 Miyazaki Maiu. Jap st;. Murai, for Al:« via ports Moyane, Bit str. Arthur, tor Nagam* .Kobe and Yokohama. Deike Rickmer*. Qm *X MMi% for P*t Said t o PASSENGERS Per Ranee Mrs and Mins Lam t Dr. Prinzhorn, Col Bohit Willie Per Lady Weld Mr Per Lai Sang: Mr P
      839 words