The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 26 January 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 108 1 The Expansion of the Japanese »c Tax and the > F. M. S. and naon And Crown Colonies The Great Public Meeting mft Ivfence I i un> Court Niws. S2 ica Court Caaes i Work < nj Rbpokta and Mbkti Fraser's Share Circular Rangoon Para Rabber Estates Luxnut Rub)**r
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  • 174 1 r Liii and Published fur the Proprietors Graeme St. at the ai; r. Krt-fc Ptc-hh" < >ffic» No. 30-8, Karfles Town of Singapore in the Colony Straits Settlements. N i Dec Jan Dec 546 M 64 Brians M« i' MM IM 2.325 l itriii-.g U I 2.79.S
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 25 1 Qj '»n .1 inuai-y ii<», l 1 1 at V b j ;ftc. i!:.- will of j.k. Livnioßora o.;.DXX of a son. ];y Cable).
      25 words
    • 41 1 At i> i. i n on the lith Deoeofther, LOlO Th )ma.s Mackie late Pilot. Singapore. Km. Boa H. An Tin k, al v o. 047, Bukit Timali Road ou the 25th. Burial at B p.m. Thursday. liukit Timah Ctmeteff.
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  • 180 1 Tm D^h t ajrifod on E^turdaj list ui-iild up to Decembar 30 Thii Vteklj leaves tv ni-iraw BOfBIM b| KIM v nd > Delta." Dviag r i! j w%A Urn Murani pr?i€ dtftriim'MN lj-.Vf bsM btld i f tijc Anjl»Chi!it:se K. oo School, Chiuese G.rls 1
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  • 73 1 (OoßswKCTzr. c? to Jin. J5 Bml i l/4| muni 2 4 k Pr;vat> credits 3m s 4 r credits <j m b 4-,^ France, vlemand Bank.., |M Germany, lemand 'ilo Inpia, T. I •7+, demand 22 V- -k .hama, demand M 11 1 Java, demand I4u^ Bangkok, deniind
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  • 142 1 -5 id. IS. Tii.* M7SI Gam bier bnwft 850 Gambier Cube No 1 14,10 Gainbisr Oui>« No. 2 norn Pepper ßl*cx (orCs. S'pcrt) bmjmt IS.OO Pepper, WhiU (fair) 27.1 8 1 Nutmeg (110 to iki nou^ N"rtinejre (30 tc tkt Ik) M norn M*«e (Bmlb] «m «h ncn CHovm
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  • 1950 1 i! 1 the Press the Peop bt 1 r.\ in, and nabri -in Truth 'w-T _:'<>'ir.!is precept^ '.'.raw, .^:on, Loyalty and Law. w. 20. W* have Uraadj Miami to tht position <>i Jipinin kht IV;. ii.* i; BSiaUfld by the priooiplei of nivii dud m
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 114 1 -eribers to the "Singapore Free PreMi" weekly t rope to the S*; y any of the mail line- 1 t the Manager the name of their steaniei of arrival in Singapore. Copies^ maiibrt to meet them at various ports ot cm i renters in Europe* Itt i -n as to
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    • 34 1 THE SINGAPORE and STRAITS ROUGH DIARY for 1911. Price $1.25 per copy $1.65 post free. Publishers FRASER AND NEAVE, LIMITED. To be had from all I Booksellers in Straits Settlements and F M S
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  • 1273 2 J.tD. 11. A- will Iv? observed trom letter appe»rid«jj eNewLere from the Honorary SMlVterj ol the Singapore Bfftßoh of the Straits S-"ti -ni-'ii" Association a general meeting <-t the men/mrs of t'ne Association, whi?h it may i> j remarked is open to all British
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  • 1425 2 Jm. H. A correspondent, who, to his credit, is aooordiag to his infonnfttioii tryiag t > pretest his booeit i ims M tIM in it; or 0& the Protected Xitive S'.ates, return-: to tbl subje^t oi thj suggestion thit these Xative States sh >uld
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  • 1402 3 i of this iom appears a t- v con- i r he i o come tan propose .r-' place at |1m sacral meeting to be L i < the summons d c of the Btfftitl Settlements A^sxUtioo. It is a> ■attar of vto i- at
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  • 1338 3 J-tn. ■!■>. To iicd a parallel to me public ;;";etini_' A JflOfcQfdaj afternoon) we have to g > hti-k tO J muarv 189$, j tft s;ite:?n yf-ars ago, when 'v. \he old ToWl Hiil arjd in tv^rv nraajdah of that building the British Europeans and a
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  • 1016 3 J in. 2»: Proceedings in '.be U. S. Legislature at Washington at preseut are well worth Home notice <-n the pirt uf all who hive had occision to observe the s >mewhat crude and abrupt tone of American intervention i n iijternd f i >mal affairs. It cmnoi
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  • 53 4 Mrs? (.f.lmour, widow of Mr I>. Gilmour, late of Shanghai, has d;el at Brookham, The mortality returns for ihe past weeL* ftii'jv.- j.i'> dflftihi giving (tveraij^ of 13.18 Of these three d:.*l from smallpox, (MM DIM h-in^ imported, but note Irjm pliglM or cholera. }';ftv->.ix deaths wredm to Idfor <-t
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  • 991 4 THE BURNS ANNIVERSARY CONCERT. r l •.v its the annifenarj of the birth of B ►beti Burnt, the national p at ol, who irai OOin a hundred and titty-two vl ii, ag ;t r AUowaj in Ajrahirs, there wa-, siven laal i ight, nndet the anspioee ol lb« Singapore
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  • 37 4 The petition of A!i An IT, who was sentenced to death ar the last Lrimina' S ssions of the Btagooa Chiet Ooarl for the murder of his wife i\v ihootinf her. has been rejected by the Lieuttnant-GovcrEor.
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  • 1138 4 BRITISH FLEET POSSIBLE U-ETER-MUTING FACTOR. A RKP-KT r.MNTKNTIoN U l.\ DIS«LOSEI>. Hew York, Dec 10 Members of < 'ongresa from tbe Pact'- coas: are taking in dead earnest tht icare created by tbe unintentional disclosure ol tat isport of kht Beotwtary of War, Hf DSekiM The
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  • 179 4 The rein iluing p-»H i' ments for the \'n gift oi Mr ac i M s N •< ndvistd yesterd Jr. ;t t: :u Messrs II iwke i. i- ■hipped iln id) bj th* P. ii P win," v. is d\ii ie Bill: p-i ]Vi>. l'':h. Ml
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  • 121 4 Kiriusioiif. 7 :ii i Cai vr-r ll j plied, <•■...! I v. rum -i.t .< aij A rib. v. bo has l>^u arrested m Singapore :li ii mbli i i<jasBir on a ciurp emh< lament. Hi K.ervt ipptimi on beh. use.i. BfU ace was piven EiilUrj vbo ireo I
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  • 95 4 E :OPEAN A ITAJTT Cl 1 1 -fore M r Ha U\ tl M M flee lye A. lUvao; uni in!, r. sitiicL' il »aJ. w.i* i-hjir^.'* n f.l -in, i/ 'j i -t ho on divrrs d\te^ b -I ttlj M '9tßg tL.en nujjluvt-.-J t
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  • 135 4 A >gram la* >. J^ u says the Germ iv ci >•■ Goettahtfl will reni'tiu gooM turn- p. itf r. ■•ih ijj f 'he i di X i-_. At. RiDgoon II i -tomi P iceis, wbile aearchiiif the v^i::-r i: S r«.'tad < :iiaa, found c serea ounces <»f !i
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  • 766 5 r ir. jk i" j, <' h. .>/ v iii.l >•, in' 11 j -v- .int Vllu to the Throne oecsu Th« Imp* vernment SSI vis*! I the Viceroy I M■ I seta ting bisi to prevent an? encroach men b*?-.r, i the boaadarj at Urk
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  • 1220 5 PKI/K I>ln'l Kli'.i I i 1 very interesting di»pUv of physical cul an s^vss bt the popiii ot the AagloChinese Free Scho yesterday afternoon, left so room !;>: knibtiog Ihe i«fj tffioJeal traihii }>]<• I! .1 (i tn*-^, the principal, SSI |iiea bis witi nl oharsei is
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  • 407 5 A'» lot the Avail, blackmailer- in -chief, potnyof «.l i£o->> p, 1 saeak and l Uriel. B's the B ;r wipe!! the Boj dlTldai with the Cook U) tIM horror of pro rident bri'H i. o*i ft t the C\>' k— tbere'i Iht > v fil f p;iv
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  • 197 5 The nvuket dwisg kfc« P*& wr f -k i;4 bete 'I'iiet itud priest in Bobbers, ■pec:allj the alerting sbhie.-', b*ft weikeLei. Kill »g shares have b» < n demit M to I Mttl] extent i id ibero bai btei furtbe? aTtilw r in loot] [odosti Kali. bbii
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  • 60 5 A Sinhalese ay ah, employed by Mr W ivne, of iJevvnahire Road, VII ioucd SmA m the bathroom vebterduv MOmißg. The 00--oopiofi of khohooM wnmi out Ibo ovning previous, aua on ntniiliog the ayah VM mis6ic^. the monung oo going to bathroom the giri was foucd with a tied
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  • Correspondence.
    • 925 5 T-' U X I'll l)i:\i Si-. Government's! introduce il \l :i:e Tax I>.i. in tt.e S ri.!« Settlements hd> cil.ed forth i I ol commandible iJ I-: \i. mar v able letters to the Pies*-, which blTti tfa iro much ■eedi-I lif^nl op n I'-..« nil ■>
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  • 124 5 A Chiaainan was broujli' l> i r»- E>binson in the third court, w i! the instance of a Klirp ooohe, cL «ri»».i c ieg m rf>p- <»i eeLt 3 He that he weat to ;t Chi: r> p ar.d a^k* 1 I chance of a dollar. He was j:v
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  • 705 6 Saturday, Jan. 21, 1911. n kkp kit Coin. [a the D strict Cjurt ye^erd -y bef >re Mr i-'.rrn.- f n»\ two <' h-uiu-ij (r\ u he) of V2o X .rh B dgc K-'i wf-re ohergefl V T:i beinj [Q po« p M i iih Ot COUDtßffeit
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  • 226 6 rhe strike of Shanghai oauasd b*v the rent reduction agitation ha^been suppressed and business is now being carried on at usual A Nv>ttinghan penny of the reign of S.epuen recently sold for 2j.6d.aj| Sotheby's s\l> rooms. Another com of the same reign, wh.eb reiiisel £9 \'>-, had a »m ill
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  • 1175 6 Quicjuii t'ju A 'mint* nostri est farrago JUVKN'AL Coefo gr>.it i.<rtfjltn*i*\ The mail brewght tbe'lisr b-i k )t ep«nt electoral oartridgei j to ow > i Ha?«g known all the re- j *s f^r vrH^k-, we are rathei tired .-t theee ateleei iwpoeti mom ejeeklj hadgei
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  • Correspondence.
    • 126 6 T<> 1 !IK EI»TTOR. 3 U% i a rf piy to the Utfeir pobliahad by voa oi As I b Jtuu.ry hv i ilnrthold ir, beg :i > rrfnc mm feo the Oii-iiriii n's ipMM b at th' 3 Kx'ri/.i -iiuary Q-«Mfd HitttSg calle i
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  • 95 6 Bhortlj iftar ei^ii f o'elook last flight, resident of Ox'u-v Bsj telephoned to the Oeitril Fire 9 fttlOfl tint ;hire i v m M alinuiLi^ bill! in the virn:iits' of Kllßg Street. The Bfigtde lur— 1 MM very sin-irtly with three m>tor entjiuos aal the luree leader,
    95 words
  • 265 6 The Journal of the B >y*l 0 littd Sarvic Institution for November gives the s f orj of a British 11 ig which captured at the liittie of Qiutre BdS. that bftttli M attack of French civalry was txpecteJ, and the <'»'.'
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  • 102 6 An unusual incident occurred at the Prje Rtilwa? Btatioa short!? balm 10 'am. ou Bmdaj UMtj when the local train ttom liig-iu Serai had anive-1. Abottl iitieeu passeu^e's, Chinese, Malay and KiiuL'-. were crossing the pontoon, iv avAtr lo m| 00 board the raihvay launch, when
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  • 66 6 The Ladies' AmaUur Golf Chacapi< nship of India acd the E*st has been won at Calcutta by Mrs Arthur Windsor, the runner up beicg Mrs Martelli. Sir Arthur and Lidy Evelyn V >ung. *fc« were both looking very well, returned to Singapore by German miil yesterday morning. Despite the early
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  • 884 6 PBIXI MSI .'Ml :i lL< -N The Victoria Memorial II iii with 'Uii'.''.^ i '■■> ?1^ ti s l as n uUio doured t- r i'.r when *h* papi'e of the Sine n-« Girls 1 S--L i I fcathere-l m U.\ ir annuil p: stnl.u i -i:
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  • 81 6 The following wi re the scores ;n the Jmu-ii v Spoon Shoot of the ai»>\r club at Bilestier Kiuge vesterdiy. 100 i:,O HYp r Mrs >s;ban ;j <; :,2 MnGoldifl Mrs Murphy j I Mrs Mauld n 0 J 1 Mrs Tyler 20 2o Mrs Acer
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  • 608 7 -DIN [>K( !1 1 r tr.v i -h*e! i mine mea- meutß acd Mem) ru teebowta lota] lows Sinking 77 t >- MCUtting _7 ft, and compares talifJ v;• I r f:- f -:r w^ kMlN:>. OMAH. I >f 1:1 S iff b^a t*en
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  • 31 7 11." L :.'Mtliv Rubber Company, I. >,: iriOH t}.« pivuiect of a thiid ilv v. divideDtl c-f 25 per cent. The two pre?i us iLtfuiii"' wtio also of 25 per cent b«U.h
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  • 1444 7 i m time to time wo have yiven iu i'.,r n LtiotJ it to the pro^refes a.n,l p-infeine of the Straits tlementa tndciiii^Lt witb respect to Bhippin^ conferences a measure remarkable a- Ujr- &rat Ijgialatifj atteampt to coinba>l ibipping riDgs. L%st week we published tfcle^rvtni
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  • 88 7 I-I rrtererce to an t-xuacl froMthe PioaO' oiil Newa, quoted la our iauu ti i'.'.'u iaetajit, jtatara. Outhrie **4 Obi Ltd., tek m to s'cit*: that the d Sereacti which ha<! Un-en tetween ihil Companj and the vtsdort of the ptopetty have been settN 1 to
    88 words
  • 210 7 FIKST I'AV'.S IiKSU LIB, TbeLidiee' Bialev opened al Taiptvgon Toeedaj in fioeweAther. Bfeaiti 1 rod .2, lot which thin wero i'. oontpotitort, were, fired together. Mrs Holaon opened the meeting pith i central balL The following me the reaulti of competitions: En i No I.— loo Rurde,
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  • 206 7 TIM Mb met the 'Minotaur' bai avaftlßg on Uie Esplanade, a very good and fist c ■.nslderiiitr the fpeuad raavlting Too !e;ims started shori handed but the rankstilled up later. The ground was in a ihookinglj ilipperj atata and Ealli wore tbi :i)< flfOQeul items lv: the p-.c^ v.
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  • 22 7 The Kincr will open P*riia߀Bt in p p rs the Quteu accompapviuj? him. The Plriac6 of Wales Will also probably be p-esent.
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  • 153 7 THE STRAITS SETTLE ME NTS ASSOCIATION An lMpf'i:'i \n Mi k ;.*<•• T<> Tm Bi roi Sir,— A n^eetic^ of the S: .•< S^rrie n-eafs Associati n h-iy been c Lvened f Tuesday nt.\ r the :il-*h ins'cin', i* Victoria Theatre at 0.10 pin "to thp prop
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  • 280 7 The Wh in. Rosy ilk; i Pali-, Dec 19tfc A pr.L \<;i' joke which ife-u; f-a ill tbe con lot« n fi Ati a large LLiiHev ,i peoplt, bvi v.L.i-! Lately, ended in laughter, w« \> pdtrand ywltvdai ia P.-tris. A few clave ml 7
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  • 199 7 MURDER IN T HE SOUTH SEAS The fltpurtan l tfci "N u-ttl I •u v i Boogkon^r, and of other German c n -»••> thp S- u f h St?us was due to the ii.;:;-ler cfficials. The following ctble ii eolighteo IDl' \'ip, I > m "J S 'in'- wnln
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  • 222 7 Mr D' Cuaba, who his been f tup y.-ii i iii-iuv T *eai i -is a clerk h- the General I' s' Office, .Sii.'.'jre, rQ.iiuj m p-i;> l tK" tiul vi 'I mom b. PriDCrj and I'nncr- H_';-. I will represent thn Mikado it the C r of Itiog OtdOrpQ
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  • 1205 8 i > M i ••< ii Ml ir He-oar :es Strvi r'ire Ex'in^mshin^ Aeronautical :.-r S-rvi c fides f ir <J;ie*p Elec--y Soil Moisture .Wes-try— A ■r/ X e:-tri-' Limp f'nalt^r- 9fei .-1 Milk— A L-ht-1 Lif..- EfllHeocv Ii si hvvord or I j«r, ml;' 1 not only
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  • 430 8 At"-- 'he aeooptaiic9 by the Pint Ciitinbercftiiy Btfttat-Cr jotnl OB Xh\ I rhe S-v- -v.-l Ch iii'ber alro;lv having ptMtd it, Übt Bill brougvjt in bj Urn Da oh Qomi< Mftl lot fchfl exptopr; iti .n in certtiu o tttiog«oeici oi the freehold eittjtet iv Jiv
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  • 232 8 After l iftDM of :■••:> yeui the PfflUlfl Automobile Club hell MOtiag on Thursday in the Chamber of CoMNTO). The Hon. K. Young, PjMtdaat of the Club, was in the chair, and m addition to Messrs C. G. Miy and D. A. ML BrOWft, members oi the
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  • 114 8 <v Wednesday night two European kraill bjats oa the Thompeoa fioad Re« servoir were burned, it is thought maliciously. Mr Williams had his attention drawl to them bj the ylare across the water, and oa goiu^ to the sp^t found that a quality ol ktreeOM had been pOVltd on the
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  • 1062 8 NEW FORK AND BACK IX TWKLYI DAYS. Dki'ai.i' rk worn Hon. New York, Dec 1 Tr.e ""MoniwtanilV' return dash to Lr-ijland, with the proud and determined obj -t of OOaV pleting the round Tran-.,itlantie fOjage within t^ive and possibly eleven d^ys commenced at six o'clock yest^rdiy evening, and.
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  • 561 8 Toe Ai <; Jner t! Mating of this nipiDV 'V i Math ':ie roOIBSOf the L>u j m Chimi» j r 1 WilliM A^MM 'i vj presiding. Tup Sscre! in Mr V. M i■■ nofioe c mveoing t he m-* ir._r Ti>- cii i i
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  • 327 8 THE MIDLAND RAILWAY DISASTER. A Singapore Victim. Tne i:-v <;,M. Btltk, vbt is still co«. lived bed but i» impr r v L 1 Dm 29 h Bolt in pail i aich ocean tins pinsaje whu-h v 1 :j ;pahy unionist ,iil fr...i< X <;,,. j Liinont f'»rmeriv "I S.utjaporv
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  • 622 9 irn-i ot the day H K. >-n -v. vtd b jraiu AberdsootL >•>■ I esterdav, we were informed that the cond i P■•- iy slightly mprov-. j >•- a* nm <.n ymorniL.- i v named Paglar, tocideotal svmmiMN 'bo S'Jn hes from seaweed are i.-,«w beic^
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  • 61 9 i\ the Cirn-'.-' Bwimmiog Club, jester- 1 vArJs A. I>.vison handicap was C K. Ch'M. from scratch, Cbeong fe\ J t* ?ecs) heint? second and Chii C v A HM. Il the B Division, M v t r. Chin S/ia Lie was ir s i 1-. 1 -"aedh Choon
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  • 2094 9 Annu \l Prize Distri riOM. Daspite the w»- r wpather on Saturday j afterno n there was a. v.-rv large yatheriug at the S .1 >^eph's Institution <>n the occision of the annual pi distribution. II E the <i r w-ts received by .t guard <»l •hn
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  • 1426 9 rntIATII B [l EBTOEB. Ir i-j n mmy aJ- > T <■ v p >ring Hii Bxcdllenoj r h-- <; vhmi'i mhl porontiow to the [*ogislatiTQ C >unoil of the Straitf Battlements, tb-it 'I'-.- KiOaoeial Xtsvr-; fortsba'lowcl t;; ct'l.v.'.t >f :i -iuptax there. The ti rat
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  • Correspondence.
    • 856 10 T' itn i". Deaf Sir,— l :;'her to I j lettet vhicb yon kindlj pub i bed la nr issue of the 20th in at.; whilst thanking poo, lot ?ow foi Uiott thereto, 1 regret > sMte I tm ■till ml irelj one ni .1. 1 perfect!} Una
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    • 325 10 T' 1 II X KI'ITOU, Etdferricg to the vari-'Us articles, editorials, letten vV etc, thai have appeared lately luth^ 1 local piperi regarding the pronoted [qcoom Tsi bul, and ways and meant of noting revenue, amongst others I Poll T was Djeutioned. I would like to sa\,
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  • 234 10 The Grlaagon Herald of Dec 'J'.'.h oontaim paxmgraph raferring to one of the e-irii*rst Wftftrhnitt. m Siijgaport! 31 r William Put >c On Tuetdaj "GUsgow \-\i\\ rears Ago* 1 oontained i report of PtfeweU with the lt-v I>r GriUav, of Bl Joaui's, before ins r( > to
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  • 814 10 dI that diaiy which was irtc I ibout three reeks tgo. Are yon still keeping faith iriiii it r Thif M thi week wlu^ <*i* ries opened with an enthusiastic resolution on JentmnP W flicker out igßOß^OVtij and join the rot ix»yof "Thingethal mi bt have
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  • 769 10 V.- The Limn I": i Whatever idea* there luav Lm f :ii.;. i cf (for example) h d it h ve> that the distinctit n be; :en ha and what is not couid be foui 'hen object which > v t ikcodj EaarftteJ mined eagerly an«i si -pi >
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  • 689 11 h has been vis;' :>_• kis oxpbcted -.1..:.-: i;. 11l c in: i:\ for being a«h of rubber ■-••ns t > Mr i rnment bungalow in XtfAiim Rxwi. fat Djriaa" was sold saler >ma •:r isers Mag We bear that Mr Noel Walker, who br a
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1480 11 i Bin i i:. Sir,—As .in .id :er f the Straits Sattlemeuts Ass.jc s. fiori, f Bhould have made a point i itteadin-^ »h" pub!;* ij.«.«e*ing on the -U> >ye suhj which has beel wiisjii f r I Uj the 24th ia I uit, b il uuf
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  • 469 11 The report of the Commirtr f above paid atatenaeari of loeouati (or l9loeea§aiaa the following int'onn itioa i The belanoa in the flirorn— it S. rings Bank ou I> j c 31 was $:>•!• J; in th* Chartered B-ink on Fixed Deposit a i- SI, OIO,
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  • 104 11 A StadnstMU millcmm pltadad goiltj before Mf FiIMttOIIB. MlliOf rn-iL'i-r »tf, yesterday, to fii'^iin^ fur b-iie nnik which had been Bdalttffftttd with 31 B percent of addf-J water. Market luspector Cu -.ikney said he had the inrm arrested on a warrant as he beard he vas about
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  • 899 11 (ONE DiMI'AM VVI l]\\ Three Mal?iVF, I !r:«, Hus?i«?n m Mnj 1, employed as r:t'e r ."> by the Te'eph* v- Cn> pany, were before Mr V ?'.:,>'■>>. u.- v; i_r.-" -w-. yesterday, on chirgra leiviog the M• Ml "i fix rdwphoM I wpai j without a
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  • 118 11 Two Chinese hav^ been finest*-] n a. charge of miscLief by killing a bui'ock vdiubd ftt |90. A Rangoon pdia^raph -ays ur.f Milorad Riitchvi'cb, a S-.v m tnweDisg round the w< rid on i iii tor a prv.e of i:4.U (t <> Hekc^l >v. Straits i-v the Danera, acl n
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  • 1349 12 Deeembei .W*wr ho the nation r--a* >n t bo qi re S>r«t -in. i>jv \\.-t ;rur-i vLica ouinWiMi Yule-tide The party ere, ..f political aiitakf..^i-t- ire rilent il! the wild and whirling worda have died Bin litsacii i»d a Lush-ji w..:l Imb paused r '-n r tti•--m-u^ wh
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  • 653 12 THE CORONATION CONTINGENT. It H r.< 1 I !hi-:;ii!v stated that M iv the ,•!>.■ ot o?her I'lcwii (Vlonits i he c^Uicgect from ihe Straits Settlements VolunteOf Coipi prill b6 limited r >> ton, tfiosrsand i: »-a. i is further t. frioiallv deeiin-d that there •ball bt is i.i"u ni
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  • 766 12 Ans i i Gfnitu IfssTi so. The anirwi 1 general UMeting I the members of the Singapore Sporting ub was held at the Singapoie Exchange last evening. The Bob. Ilu^h Pjrl preaidad tad there was a largo attendance. The Doc rotary raid the aotiot palling the mCOting
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  • 157 12 On the whole, -ays a tu-iii php*-r. Londoners gave one the impression of taking their Cbriatiuis holidays more seriou.sly and a deal less boisterously than in the patl few years. T;^n± w ,s less stieet s-in-ir^, md what there was seemed better than i,- J and there
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  • 465 12 We deep'y re^ tr-< M^ij have to record I '-ri.ble motorinf t vfcfcfc M I Mi King, as a result of v Mr W I) Grai.d -an. ir.---. Comet Estate, 1 Mi-.- St. r, her inotLei and sister, has been staying some time at Klang, lost their
    465 words
  • 213 12 Hon. T. EB-OE. A meet ing of the oi LVuiiuer. \l UjS, vefeter-J •f nc ininatiDg a n.< I < i r« j < h lmber on the Legislative < pof the Elon i *'< r i i- resigned. Tb< re i. Mr 'I 11.I 1 aduur,
    213 words
  • 72 12 A hmt paper t*yi Tbe numeroiif frien U oi Mrs Ham Wv .L« j to hear that *Le 1- n re«i tbe slight operation wb cb ■-■-iunderwent. M»> I! v 3l:si Dorothy CraiV, was uiarti. eight weeks ago to ;i.. y< :.i .j. Rijdh of Sarawak, an<j I w honeymocn
    72 words

  • 6089 13 MONSTER MEETING OF PROTEST. UNANIMOUS OPINION AGAINST GOVERNMENT. ALL CLASSES PRESENT. A i- '>• Mi* S -vi'-i .Sf.M :u' A- lin the Victoria Tbjatre yeaterday afternoon to oppo> I M T*l I 1> t r-. t he meeting commenced, every seat wav occupied and the veren.Jahs wen>
    6,089 words

  • 450 14 The follow m i? B!ii£;ip<TH properties i» ttgTlßf to the elates of Cu. chick M OM (d€o9Mtd) aud Kitchkituiiu Ans'arkies Sukies (dove^ed) wefe diep s^<l of !>v dU>j;ti"U ai Powell and Co. s sue room vesteniav afternoon. The d welling house N\ 11, l)V»by i.Jh iu\ area -(J.IS2
    450 words
  • 101 14 M. Ch Bjunet, the well-known entrepreneur of French Indo China, passed through on Monday by the "Tourane" from Siigon to Marseilles en route to Pans. He will come out again in September. By 'he "Touraue" there also left Mr Edward Nd thaD, who has gone to spend a long holiday
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  • 347 14 FIRST DAY'S RESULTS. i\ i iii t n l' 4 T ho Kiti ;-aed in ex^!l«- IMfttr un-i tht ftiag R I iftomm mtm ttifij AflM wllif not M i-n <;. m bought the owner ftnCtauomCh ml D mcc I) I h ri H mi. »:»-,k l-« i
    347 words
  • 223 14 Cask Wuhukawn [n the Supreme Cour! vesterd.-ty l»-f. -c Sir VVillidiu HvndfUtn .1 »iirs t «c cisc ;i which Mr I* >ey Y^tk I\ ::u, tnte» and trader, carry rig ou I u-iness m t *ap<.re mi BitafUal« HMi Iff s- v. i; D wa for writ in
    223 words
  • 232 14 Tiie Mi.]j!«st-x w.iti Utttalious iv the Infantry li \z.v\e the Pi-iclamation Parade >v .Uu 1-', *t Calcutta. C '1. t*» 1 vc-r. <<» Was i v i lusnaiid Iff I L Mile., Mm u-er Supit. Engineer of the Eistern Shipp n 2 Company, left for England by the extra P
    232 words

  • 2015 15 in ir ;.>• i ipii .\<7 1 If b, 1" 188, iii annrucced a* Oardil tbal 'her© n rh« nr.embon -t v k'MrAcfjuithd es not introduce a i i tint tbe A; Ckmk ii W- In iasja. \'>. th*«v w r*«»e "to be liberal?, ceo me \V N alitU
    2,015 words
  • 435 15 DISCUSSION AT THE FEDERAL CjUNCIL. Chief Secretary Enactment. (ll'llll •>lil' nil,, [>>>lh!> <lt Ku llri Lumpur, Jin 1 1 1 Tlit re was i full niei'tinu of the F lend OoUOOti *OfO today with the except i- n of the Regent cf P.iharg. li-plyirg to Mr
    435 words
  • 56 15 The Market Weak. Soak Lumpur, -JiQ 19. Tht Plaafttn Stom km Loadoa etbk tht' tiae bard Para il ft) 4 10, Ho. 1 I'-an-Utioa :it i The wmsthk m weaker and t:»ere jb a teadencv dowa. Plantation U gelliDk? at 4 9 for Apni, iUv aua JaM shipments,
    56 words
  • 22 15 Mr J i) AbthonLsz ha- i-rj^al hf-re THe dpw railway tim^rahu-, win^b Ron Feb 2, contains t» Eiirnh-r .>! :ii'-;r-.
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  • 14 15 l- m IS Pusic^ Bdhru i d^cUre 1 "c:. 1 »f
    14 words
  • 66 15 ECoala Lumpur, Jan. j ■>•:•. am The 8.L8.N. ■•K;--i:i," ..n httt,. H f Port Swvltcuhain yprrercUv rn^rninf, b rtl too much way a i ic<] i ho v« s^! >rru N 1 barf iad dvi gad tht pi The it ji-ry to the whart is estimt'e] need
    66 words
  • 69 15 A <;, hie Motor fatality occored vosUji-liv i.ight at the fifth im!o on tht Kapar Roac 1 uearKlanj. by wh'ch Mr Gran-lj an ot Newe .nif-t Kstate and M.-t BtOOiluUß i st their lives. Ii appear* :h it the car m-t into _rr---. ilu ikiddad into a
    69 words
  • 58 15 Frvm out > n Q■> j n.jent.') II «gko«f, 'id. EL faaf A t mi r il <iM'-ii of I j Q'WM Pligthip M Bchj,rLihorbi v i -I., v BoapiUL He vaa recently bdinittcd th a l)tok>Li ankle aud substqueut !y itvtlopsd liaqaiat ing symptoms calling
    58 words
  • 308 15 Hoagkong, Jan 22, 'J p m. Tue }„)«lv ol Bau Admiral flhi hler iril lit il staff- at the German OotMlaia M Monday, and theie will he a t'lp.eril sorv.ce at S r John's Cathedral <>n Tuesday ;:t -i uo"i), afrte>- which there will a pr i^pitisi' i.
    308 words
  • 27 15 Boogkoi t J hi A ruin her of addresses h.-u- pi --.-ir i Efii Francis H. M .y, vko ltd t AMibii on Batordaj.
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  • 39 15 A Generous Donor. [p J m 21 Ooog Fee, the i v; r t [je 1 lm! m Mic.'S, i 49 g:v*-a d-.r > i m r >!' ro the King Eiward M-rin >nai V >n a: Siogtpore.
    39 words
  • 74 15 {From our n *>- n unt The Hon. W Evans arrived h»:r»- and wa« welcomed ou the Tier by a lar^e z the heads of the (Jovernm^n' depirti;:eu" an«l many ladies acd gentlemen Aw j. Mr Justice Thornton the H m> A li A
    74 words

  • 1174 16 Jmujry J5. RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. OM I*--'.. Paid. v B 7" B 35,000 2 2 Afttf*? Bobber Ertiln I*d •»2 a 1 i ]',ii.iMiO I/- Aii^uM^iaV 2--/*, :nt. <• v .K)O 2 I Batang M-iUk-; f 0 30.000 1 1 BatuCW £5 21« 400 90.000 1 1 Baru Fie.
    1,174 words
  • 410 16 WfiLL-KNOWN MINER INTERVIEWED. The Future Outlook. [from it <■'■'' /■■^/■■■tiift'tJ.) Ip.b, Jin. IL Tne Timot of M ">'/i has inteivi^w^.i a well known miner regarding the ti<i t> om ■■d its eiT-cs in Kuta E« Mid T he skill cause of the boom is the decreased output from
    410 words
  • 116 16 Extraordinary Occurrence at Penan£« (From our oil' n Cjrre.*}'>on<lent.) I'onaDL r .Km -1 Au f xtraordicarv OfIOWIWOI is r^poited ir.jni Cotl Kcl.ih. A hnuohhiok living ou charity w.ts discovered digging with .t ohaagkol at the back of the an<l M examiuatioa being made the exciviti-m rove iled
    116 words
  • 51 16 Shares are slightly better, buyers gi Nations beicc:, LVisiug iiirhu ST. 7"* Serendah Tronoh ||5 Bbllbbi Kratnat PuUi s:; 50 Menglembu S4 Pengkaln $4 Straits Trading Co. 554 50 Rubber rises include Anglo-Malay's, Consolidated Mftlaj't, Highlands and Lowkaif, Linggi's, Perak Plintitions, fMn^uil. Sungei Krian's, and Vallainbrosa
    51 words
  • 37 16 A Ke'Lih Chinaman in whose v was found a lull list of thirty Qfttfcl of the Triad Secret Boeiaij, and a bo. A' containing secret signs, has been sentenced to three years' imprisonment.
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  • 16 16 Lim Ah Toh ban been elected a Muu: pal Commissioner, unopposed, by 5^ votes
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  • 55 16 Ipoh, J m 24 An atrocious murder was committed by a Chinaman this morning. He attacked a compatriot, a poultry breeder, with an axe, dragped him to a wooden block, and chopped i IT his bmi He admitted the murder and said the deceased was a leper
    55 words
  • 367 16 THE P .A. M. Recruiting Indian Labour. (F/ -//I Ok Aepecial meeting of the Main IVljj Agricultural Associate n w.i- sider the 1' A. M. s*ub c loim pin regarding the anu< i -men! v reci ait* <1 I adiau i tbour. Mr Clayion, in a lengthy h dteiueut, Sill
    367 words
  • 68 16 'i 1 B m K»g I i .lopionsLip Bor 1911 «m d^Vl-1.-d ■ii j :-v .J.iy Us', w,.,-ii .Mr X X Th -riiii^ w.• a j. "j 7- Appeu ie-i -ire the 1 «re? L. 1." Tli- m.-.5 r-.< A. <i Han ington H .M Cantrell »:j.n
    68 words
  • 150 16 Fhe we., known A merit* in wnvr v P Ot A her husband M I. 1 iN ,J C l>een vis tiny H mak »cl', md h:is l»e«n much impressed with the v^ 1 im! [h** n es of the island aud i«■ ;.iij- [)es-'-nbiut: th»' kindness
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  • 228 16 The death is announced 1 .r <;.• SlrahaD, kk, Ute of the Surve\ .1 ludia I department. The New York f i tn article Iron) Us H^v^ua cjrn>p :.dn,: d which it is said that Am rici.n intervention in Cuban affairs a^ r am is lmtiJineLi widespread rev..:, agdinbt the
    228 words