The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 12 January 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 132 1 :*9. 18 U 19 ty I An 21 MlEl IH tad 1 !uk Kuriu 30 »n Case iv»] of 1 aeon- i I 1i» iouni- I f it:. Lt. 1 1 L'l Ny i 1 :J0 WVek I 30 n tnJ Gh. the "Singapore Free Pre« Bvpom to th-
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  • 52 1 (Coreectko up to Jan 11 a demand 2 I Prirato credits 3m J 4 >m 8 I I France, demand Ban Ml 'v>EBMANT,de naad MO Indi 17 ij song, demand Yokohama, demand 114J Java, demand 1 Bangkok, demand ioTEBaxaNS, B..ak Buying $BJ(4 Bank of Engia 4% > v •in
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  • Domestic Occurences.
    • 51 1 On Janaary 8, Mra. G utry, of Dr. B Curry, of a di>\i I January 8, a M lt| ital, Singap'.. of D. McLl v, of a dat: Dm KSB.— On Ibe -:j Deo. at 8, Gunr roMßrj ilinf Imj wife of 1 F, B i a. of a
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    • 212 1 On J iary lit] 1911, at St. Andrew's BM| p-• -i. Ar>:ii<i' m K.\im .11... Jauphtcr of 1} ifc >.• vi i' i H irt aad Mrs, D. G >vvan of Binga] K :;i EE n LSD Ihik< HI ol B r-gkoD^ vt Bhavgbai BanldMJ Co rporation, second son
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    • 26 1 Dik: h y U Bai {kok from oh ra ou uml Mr. W DntTßi LM, m ol Mr. HT, B D :^ini of Z nrioh.
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  • 232 1 Haiti pto D r.'> t L 6 were brought by •B* 1 rh wgv i" m 3*t •1 i v latt, v I by the D. L i' n.;n-r: "on Basdaj. a weekly leaTet 10- morrow l»\ *i)p a <) A n-,!i:i-:<'- of oasej !i ye bcia
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  • 124 1 J.iC Tin' *****'ior I Bjm 8 25 Garni ;.v No 1 t— 11 10 OambierOufc* l>o, i m nora Ptfftrß!**) <Ffw§) I f«rtJs.oo Plfptr.WUN fcdf) buyers 86.50 N L 0 t^3 fcfcs kk)Mi norn Nutnc*^ oo> -j; i»? w Bop M»c« v. M not Ciov?* "vjiw'' 1 r.oir
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  • 751 1 '»P th*; rre«<; tlie People's ru;ht mr. fa^ Here patriot Ti precepts d I .alty and Jan 6 nnnmsutitioui thai h^v^ I >en made it saems to 1)3 the MM that the uncertainty a* *o whether, Of bow, thil Colony and the Federated Statei ibal] bi
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  • 829 1 .There is a gre .1 ltd that i- ttn the pereooaliiy ae* 8 ae^ i f if possible that the secr>* of itti ties kin m tht faritatt iiftfc has iv his Imperial mission and in hiui<-e!f. Iv bii public utterances be may not* mv iridbly
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 Ingapare Cold .Sforaiyp Cfi li^j i ir Entrance tc 2orneo Wharf, Telephone 1026. -.f ill kin i^ of Frozen Meata j to shipping at the .r-. -c Pwoada on Rbor OFFICE HOURS. Weekdays 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 a.m to 8 a.m. s'indays 2 p m. *o 4 p.m.
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  • 1126 2 Jan 7. A I m y, as we learn from a telegram receiv. j iff eveniuj. Mr B IDii getting more tLan anxious abv Dt Uml MON ol S<MM Uule which is always oir tlpng in X ii 1 and ai I fcl tl '.t-!an-! and An, He
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  • 1159 2 I to 9. that wa have a i'air report by the in I of tbc ipetchof Sir Ti; B LAI ,Cb ■-•rin mof ifkd O. C BHUIJ, a* 'i BMStlBg Of lllMVl i-is, we itaoontinii at tobttaßtial pi ipwritj, scdrcelv OOBipiilMHll ■.t hi ;i: up
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  • 1105 2 m i ere has been so much loose I jt one might almost taj, scatterbrain mg as between tbe Vii)-> X rigdom vi oay of Straits Settlements, as the dots Mifhbow, and lie M*Uv Federation thtt it s well, for the benefit of narrow-be people to
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  • 1009 3 Jan 1 1 j hip pen when Parlia- ,o .i i inuary is i :i veryb)dy not only -he U^.-- I I Igtai but all QfVH the E apir« »t»«t be askiucr ÜbhH A»d as be begins to consul- Ikl iil I Ihil '•>' V ps to
    1,009 words
  • 1069 3 Jan 12. In tbe miLstof the p>iiticil confusion of ideas tint is the of the late here-we are-a^'tia elerbu, it would be well for tbe more thooghfa] men, ii T ent of their in-l "vMiiil pirty IM ,to reflect whether all tlm pother and perversion of BMfgJ
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  • 253 3 STEADIER OF FIRE AT HONGKONG. N i a d. 0% 1:1 1 i-' M I pftmag broke B titfa iltitr Hbicb was Ij ig- the c 'U-* 1 ebedi bl >. ;id of the dockyard, for the purpose of underf.' I rapt i The •X«d kt «*ic PettolM I i
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  • 50 3 I A' the Ass s y-'-- r > i Chief .I;i^ioe, W ilia: Uyi j atpecul Jury foun.i A V > i^»/t'. >• of i.isiDLT its J'-r i doCUUifJit tl. i i ilsifviiii; i lut b r.-. Acjusid wis •:.:>• ;.edr-' ri^.r- .u.\ nment on ea:b cL the
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  • 1393 4 Ml KDI iER I 3 i'r lA. A SSJfginl «M lv; ter^ md I c :s* il- f undf-d by .i- -r- l d^pf-r.t'. <;> prf-rn !i >i!• ■..r t 19, B f i 7 I; r v y ii m.j i;»«»Li l'» in' >■;■:.:• '>'' Qtlj
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  • 166 4 DEATH OF Lt. ROBERTSON OF THE YARRA." TI Sidney D*iljf Telegraph "ofD o. 12 an s< ant a i sccident bappeoed tat is ii* 1 Iwo Dastr< i were entering hti bcurne. The Yarrs i leading ti.e waj, sad Ibe my 1 1 ttors gatb< fco weloome *he ho >
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  • 98 4 As CUEEIE CUP The ftnal r and of this oompetition, the F. idies' Chi mpionship i f Bingapofei w is pi i vod on Friday last, bfrs Bewan .n defeating Mrs Oruiokshanh wins the Cup and the i*i of Ladj Ohampion for the second time in
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  • 971 4 [jOTTBfti X \!l Cbial I>-:'^'-v- [fltpool I Bbesdj v;C'inpaniedby atteral bteetfae cffiosrs, bcwagjbi < it a troL--.] Cip'u!> < ii Tui'iaAy, :i'f .t dcop. raiding a house in Teuip'e ivr*"\ where they found a Hick, w lotvry in lull swing. The uv^er was i! e-ted iii.d v.aB
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  • 216 4 Seeing that N trjloi ColoDiaf Secretary ?i r H-w M motion to the <.-■•-■■ f M we at SiDL'ipoie rkin :tlll! C nia! ■•••> M l-.-i-.--traniterto Peban,- ai jv.tei:.- f er:^ Sir 1 LulmH i the Übtineetii >- nttmmmt* the I Si; Heiin M <y [t is
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  • 105 4 TK-- Pit! pi w a rerwtilifcj m d them credit. 1 .1 ided in tin <* A of the geueral elf C ion 1 miles between here ar- oniei.tiid, re product aer scenes I*4 ioc re a manner the 1 v fc g R-j a ifi I p
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  • 123 4 < D telegrams announce the do > !'..>,,. classical scholar il rg ■>■ :en as the success* Grec I i These are tbe chitt He was Unionist |f«n Oxford, C dm 1 IfyfdiCi ter floi icd Edinburgl H K'i- am was B btr, Bssfe p -i
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  • 32 4 Mr Her In rt J> H v bis seat oa the M.. Sbaoghai in protfh: i;j whi«b c^r; tin pub .-.i.. h police aLd dt-fencc 1 f tU s hs- Lejn oon-i
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  • 720 5 MALACCA NOTES. Friday, Jan. 6, 1911. a Year Spoj F< respontUn I Tbt- -r BpHli H v need fine weather, that granted it ii i: gone concJmioii .ey will be a brill >a Monday last the rain kept off till the programme wa3 a > >.' i: j. iwell started.
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  • 838 5 I d :ij I•be ifl A M v aB •v. I .prerae Court yesterday I BI Wi in ii d :min Jones. Th< b was that f Aleiti U ilifti T i .:T who was in-;. on sev". <•: i( jug. Bonds pi loa ihall of Urn i
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  • 92 5 At t'"*e receu' ('Jeneral Election in £ew So »th Wales, the senior Sate i theOom< monw^tlth, th^re v-'.is a cisc ot f'»ur generations v ►tiaL? at tha same polliDL,' booth. The icci k*at w is unique in Australia, and it m probably without ntnonitnt in the rest ot the ll:iipire.
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  • 346 5 -1 vii .\watj i-j t\\e. rt-'p 'op r>re*on*ed U> the ahareholders* Meeting Fura&rj j 8008 fom D rsctoti H'-.v iabm I tl i v r :ts I 'i i)--'L_: *<:" lii sT hdif *!-.j i'> year 1910 19] 1 A far in iting :-pr c r.
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  • 233 5 I i the food o'd days money intended to further political interests sometimes went kttrij. < > 106 Ifbtl ■by tltCtlOl was pendiag in V trkthire, Pitt* p i ing i v visit to Oed hifl f ladj i V.'; per>u I Atarioglj remarked "Well, the elaotioa
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  • 200 5 Thf dockyard of the Bitten Shipping Co., Ltd. ;it Suagei Xyor, Prjft, PfWUMM Wellesley, irmi m Sitardaj tbe mmm of the UlOßChipg of the new sreim r<_r Cistern M^ K -vMi-r, v-iie 01 the Mr A. X Ktyiner, Ifinagtr of tha Dookyard, perlomed the eji'iinocv
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  • 118 5 The British subjects in Biaai saw jasfl gone through theif drat twelfe mill isdec Buumese jurisdiction, in iOOOrdauce .vith t;i« ter.n.^ ofihetreatj ratified in July. 1:«<»:*. Ip-oat whole they bave h.i-.] !i r t'^ to conipi.tin of. ••at tha Uwtmitt Ka wNUk fchej hellv been coDceiii''l L;i/G L-eeu
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  • 9 5 Mr GreDier is V>- tr iD>f»-rreJ to Ku /a
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  • 14 5 Mr J. A. BfOfTO OMsduots' the Pea-tot; riicti lotteries tur the l^th OOOMCUtifi time.
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  • 953 5 B >N« OF TUB I] IB largt of idleness is a most serums one I > bring j t the richer men of a ntI |M, the rountry woo d I y precarious condir. L«fc as proposition more closely. II I if poss- by to understand the
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  • 1173 6 1/ > IVuacj, f *v 11 _r ;r,- w,« ■> i il t i- if- ri t i.r. Th« r- wij i irt^D-i <uco md H. K. the Sum i iai p**tj were pre^e. dwiag the ufterno i. Fhl btad of 11 H« >S M r. i ii
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  • 246 6 A: Xi.v. .makkki Bloods to< v SalM The annuul December laleewen begin ytttarday ■oreiag it Pferl Paddock (tayi Tfco Tjmm of DeoMibti 6 h,) md although Urn first daj'i programme irai boI ?6ry heavy there mi ft i'i!:iv good ittaodtrca ABoii^ ti :•:■!.>{■
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  • 136 6 (Tl MKS C»>liHK>i'«>N liKX'J Cape T. wn, h.r 1 Ti .1 nit' n OOTtflMtWl in fii'l- to iu!r< cluce ;t I), fjr in- consolidation of tht post J lawi of the rariotii provinces, wbieli •rill contain el iqm q! 11m it< i( lbd tit* it;-.
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  • 32 6 l>jrir s the las? week oil'ecemh^r there were ollv IMI deaths in Sin^dpr re nTIOfI mortality raM of 84.93. There wts (no cholera and one MMllpoi ittih an-:! sistv three irviu fever.
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  • 94 6 The EoUowisg is the full result i peratio«f foriog Ai Mootk ol Dteasbti < Nn i in Trih;:*er.s' n :e 154.68 pel*. Him Ow Total ivtaofl V\; I Xril ntars 1 "re 7,7:; l M l- <»:- 182.818 Total falat I 1; Estimated i' T'i!vifer> Ore 8 S£
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  • 537 6 Son ibi Baci sta» i mi. Calcutta pipers lo i;^<"i Bttini what m awatioaon in oar netei reotal that Mavfowl's wiu was a a even gn f «-r »orpriee than ill-it of F// Even tbt ible ;nd no idea, as will be lasa by 1: jt'i prelerriag
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  • 177 6 A I :iLi: imi d luu Im Mr Actou, be-:«'iid .-.?.--v charged -fHh IVOOoding tv- other Tamils with -in ixt |J r*Dj ll' i < i;j h ppliofttioa of p-1i« c, the tri; wis pc stpoaed t:!l Urn 1- h tmd bail i v Kitd il $100. The editor oftht
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  • 395 6 The first anouil p-nei < L'nitel .S 1 IJ.-touir Kubber X- 1 I w d s held a* the I l^ >n CU 1 v merce, Oxford court, i HoodTreacher, i :i Company), premiumTii j Chairmiu .-i. 1 ties bide of the b.Ucrp that ol the U:
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  • 119 6 The news of the i* of M Mr. k i a., the well I uuder tragic ci; Im I 'l-serrer," Dec 27 with a rude ehc\ mtiny trieadt. Mi SkiaM^ wk was apparent iv m l;t-s: l health day m M would be bad, for 1 v^
    119 words
  • 86 6 i Voiding at the firet ordinary general meeti j<: ){,,i,i w f^tn, bl Ii i London on Dec, Btfc U X A:' .1 .^.,1 l;i: c considei vcftaa cl cstin^:. *:,ich w- in twelve months. There was v tuat the estimate for the pr ..aid not Ndhli
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  • 64 6 Hi I. A Thomaa hat been appoint. probnti ,n*r iv herp on I> c 1 1 Mr I: iVirce •> I ber -,i the IWd 1 i. ::J 3 1 rJ Iff i i fl j I a> iv charge of thn .1 ir )fi ii--sM i\.* T
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  • 309 7 b*BK ptey. Re 8. J fndak tki petit ag creditor*, M. M r r Phis was i iting p bit [r 1 remembers Mr Juddh was sued bj the Plan* *m Agency, unotioa irilt a deal in Bukit Raj th shares. As a r at ctse the ny
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  • 64 7 The Ass Vis were continued The case ageiaei Mitchell ilias eatiner w.ts post: -i:« till m Bag 1 noDg was then charged with voluntarily causing gIieHHM hurr Phis was the case in which accu-' poked another Chinaman wit M :.ibi>!l.t md b3 latter died. Accused was found g:'
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  • 437 7 A n s. The Government h uted a licence action of a wireless station at Cross Islands, which will be ready Iff t sceipt and despatch of messages earl m i I ate also proceeding 1 01 ion of h ii i.\ itm il Bug pore.
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  • 161 7 I ;^re is n I i:npr- MBSBi 10 report for the y. mi h\> <•• tr ti- i!«-s id 9 biiu ifa ires, b itim m ill beta oa a n ill i [adasti ili baft beei neglected, v^ry little has beeu 1
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  • 680 7 Ia the U*i'\ n House of Assembly the Bill imposing •ux ol LOpaf oen( i ts 1 he di-unoud mines in Ctpe Colony and the O'ango Kiver C was id a second tune. Tho foil Bg itei to sera kuuwn here:— 95th Infantry. Majoi 1! L nrther to be C«■
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  • 1136 7 "These «v^re stroacr men h--f.,re As.MmeinI n wit Ptd *r; it L >rd Wbaii r J. I i i i utiaet r the Ban i« i I 1688, I iescr i •> r!i« j lept it tk meeting aw mm m Bog] tn I, md the
    1,136 words
  • 477 7 Th* Muuieipil C omaiissioners me* Itff th^ Ker the J 1 i i.iifdx yesterday afternoon. There also pr. Nn i'eacock, A. J. W. W ,J. Car ip :e*, 1 1 Murray ertson, Dr F. B. C M. S. tn Ho l\enK in, !>• W. R. M i O)and
    477 words
  • 39 7 Mr M. K-x, -»Le the newi\ app ;nU'l r««l«ts is, t«j i.'-- I.*.1 Ned it I'a.rit liunt&r, Mr Kin^s'on j•< to the Chinese Protectorate at lp"ii, wL'e Mr C c r^-tn tic* a TdipiDg ctUdched th< Secret i.r. it.
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  • 105 7 AvtnuAV Llotd C Gets n M Dicemder 1 I h The Prevailtive Service effe I I r big ocua# H 1 I' I- ft itCUNT ml rtM t- lbs. of cocaine were eaD'ured, v tt betwm lia i R22 lii fth mm were MVHltd, ItttAl B tiled •.'it-
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  • 850 8 l;-v:-'v.:_- Mr I» ,«>icv'-j new >k, the S.»- i».>r v- -lij n Mr I> >oiey is ephemera 1 t wi:^» r.- «.iv.i is i.wiy- in eonnex i: tc" v ev*u*i '*t every ii,v B v.h^u ibis localised iaterei bai di-if p*r i► rt-rii ii.- i!«luura f rf il-c":
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  • 173 8 v st\!- -if there w,> auy or.t3 fault wi ,cm itood mt tbow fcfct *hei- in regard t > th-' ■;> W irk— IB 1 ifl M bkfl ChOfQI which the critics U;i t ■■ii it. was tti. j we-tkiics-j iii t'tiek; everv<>ne s-t'iued to be waiting up ij the
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  • 1020 8 Mr N. !> S n 11 -jMc'., i Gulcocrta, hdS: lclt f--r H DBS. Mr <r-^--n baa been appointed Baanagei of W kterfoo Eel rte, I 1 id ing B mgas. M< I>. y. I -r<i IK 3 teee transferred to Tapib, I)r Masters succeeding him
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  • 1265 8 Bib T\'.' -ma- Bui 111 1 im D 1 1 m Btbaiti SpeakiDg at the 70 r h ordirary general meeting of [he P. <» Co. ec the acoonnta were t'^o,o' ;1 better than b*t year when the nonal dividend and b^cus v.a.T declared and tha 'terj
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  • 339 8 K.v'iiament, a :mv far youag I \>: I ,ta as a -'mat p int uiiui j Theat ra t» ft Hfj 1 audence sidei Lg the merits of the piece, an*t fei M use in staging and rehearsing, there Rftatef pport accorded to "The R>yal v was
    339 words
  • 90 8 THE NEW PUBLIC H ALL. By H rday'a Mr H 11,I 1 ch<^ .c f«>r -].< in his letter he n "1 shall do a. ,n! p.-r- jap n<i:.~ to V\j r uot m the wiv i nj i:: M is >pent mostly in 1 rv 4 ;j.] 1 1
    90 words

  • 911 9 Some Betting Teaksaci M.S. Cowan, m mission Agent V, k:x pj. r. Ip t i- Mr li tiiiil'oii i'enang on a warrant issued a^a r bj alleged forgeiy i Hob. A. R Adams, Mr Hastings Khodos, aad Mr Teeling appeared for the prosec ol and Mr
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  • 1199 9 > ..',■.->- X linl \:_r!i. iJ^eeaibet 1 I• i natttai Ling i -<■ ia tbi •.>♦«.-!. eke >ns is tho largo I irsx rot of fot€i from Kid ils to rhe I ';j.. .n>ts is true tba' up to r f'i.eie i-. cii-ink** '"> <" i \e '1
    1,199 words
  • 521 9 mwn use for F; v Bi i< he. .Ia >j '-m: n \'\-,('7\- (it ]> <i,j ,h which i»r •lUiliict; ti. i:i>jf-*iiUi"; (.ii^p: lt ve..l Lv t be robbon c mid bardW 0 ci 1 lied. 1 €fhi win uiited in the town mml o&lled
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  • 265 9 A somewhat s.n.'«>'i <s vim v,\i3 beard before Iff Etobißi aon BUturdaj aiornisg, lL (.'l.'lr.i' Illt'fMmM bt'.Ui.f > U tii 'J i > Jl l T V C. U:v' wl'.V hi' li'■U i i Lot be bvll'.'l OHBf. Cbief I > ttestWi I tap ctof Sheedv xp;
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  • 50 9 A Ntl York wire of Dec l~:b siys RtOWtlj Senator A Much was ch-ir^nl with having profited by the incivasKS in the Customs duty on rubber. }{•< denied tl.e ctiark'O, bilt it has now bCM dlMOWtd that he owns 340 first pretend i shdies in the I uited States Rubber
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  • 407 9 X f erring 4 be reoeai I fM W:i if:ed Brc'u <_\pt rj: Mi A M FoTgIMOD, \v: icg fr« in r jj. Hit; pttead to ftba j ft Be details i i th* .m,< i. taorilj wil i Ce\ 101 H«X .n^st Ciiiv >s v,
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  • 305 9 Hm dm 9 Igoado I I fal B9 >ntains i■. ..i!.< i [j.ici T liiiil I■■ LLi-r: v < r. buafl law consolidation, second reading I B im km i 0 liaers Lord B iob i it ration that a nun v. !j> Lever ehan. i hio O| o in
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  • 202 9 Ilfl latent novel r-. ;v- urn wed :i_ It is a r;.nt v, i> i!.- for it c -mm M CfttCl Ibe .<■" II Ptraarj of Mftrriafi Thii w< olebratiofl took i i' the a Dpla M h I M 1 1 ft Ihmi I 1 goe,
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  • 786 10 .gi i v n (hi Omolums, the lt- h sViLk! -en of a purely r f a t naarjj •'< .tSj c Biuk, M It B igl Hiki fa )be abolished in I naaes a^-i are to b* rep I < :N'• and laatl --.ively. I
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  • 638 10 M' I>i;kf rnK M«»nikii Man. 11m Ail r^ rowed m Ike Sup MBeC lift v.-vrKv morning bat re Sir Willi km Bjndasaa Jones, the ease ia vvh eb Alf-x toM Mitchell alias McJ>:ff, w..s .■I vvi'h cht-atirg. on thiee ci-uati M resp« w..r L-:.-- ■i. q^es, bein^ first
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  • 207 10 At tile <i>neral Meating of the Peaaag Clnufse Chamber of Commerce held on W Htlmtltfl J flTf fig list, the feUoWMg resolutions of Urn Committee, with regard to f he propotsd [WMMM 'l\x, wore con finned 1. Tj a k Uovernrnent to Itfji Ifl place
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  • 98 10 «>a S.itur'itv Bight, Mr W. PfMttk of the Chinese Protectorate, and Chief Detective Inspector Sheedy. pud a visit to a house at UO Tanjong Pagar Road tad arrested a Chinaman in the act of writing out Chap Ji I\i lottery ticket--. The accused was brought before Mr RofaiatM, in the
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  • 241 10 A mem >rd\) c fvonii j wis -p-*.* on T. andaj Oae. l' h by be it I I the H agkooK usd Bhaaghai Baajhif Corporatiua :ii:'l their numerous iju^sts, 06a« sion being tha fou th asiaial 111 'el the btnk. entho a leti i
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  • 180 10 BRIEH RUB BER ESTATE. Tru' sea m 1 wrdinnry general maetinsr was held Doc. I- kt the Grfoat B Mtern H 4el L w.«r pool- street. Mr X iv M RM presided, moved the ad )ption of the report. Ha 1 lid I h the total area of the estate
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  • 101 10 A v m.'.n\ -t' us were k'mi 1 lie brief form of jjflting on N-v -i;-\ 1 111 Fo-bborou 5 »ple will be d il ill Bat neerlv the m >" rentirkable Eorm ot date evat mmms, —and ever to be seeu iv a huaJred yeirs. rucming
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  • 88 10 A in ii: eoaipetition took place on Ehindaj over the Tdnk BTurau oonrje 1 Onp ptneented by "TheTeluk Kurau Mess The Cup was won by M«- li Si't v p»' wrh the excellent score of 78. It. H. Sn «irpe i 1 ptOI H. W X
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  • 135 10 Tin. llodbbi "Apoi 1.-- Baaunov 01 >. I h I. All.iiub.v3. >>^. 24— Will am Bunker, tin- >truL>^ uiin, known as Apollo, j ,m Bxhibition i itreogth il Urn w mat Km afaaa to>4aj. rba bati ii^ aid m I >n-i > ><i tearing three packets oi
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  • 61 10 Ageati F \V. Ili.-i; .ui-i Co. ChBVG E i \:i. 100 lbs. Kxkbayg En lti 51 1 lbs. Koi i Bamboi Bfi IMS Ifrg, Alma Kstatk 1. 0 Pnrai uja Duuai 1,08 I Mi-:itT«fN E--i \!K i] kg&uka Bfstfl tod 9 Hay Ton lbs: ToUl u> date
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  • 23 10 Ageoti Dtrrick ia4 Co. BNnroai Oai rj ;tl 6 3o< m mi Bi on 1887 19 p>u Chendekian.. |ng pk!v
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  • 649 10 rries do not seeii. >een knows ■elm I before the time of the HonourBm \m a Company, and old ccx v ta :nake bo mention of them. Borne folk have bean lad aeti>;. j the title of what is almost certainly the oldest cookery book i a
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  • 132 10 iie four-ball foarsome was hmmg d over the Beaulj pi ree reoeatlj a c <. rm€> n€ of U>% 1 lifted out the pin at the m others and wu i hulf-etoopinj position/when, m jt tb« a large trout whizzed part his bead and dropped on the
    132 words
  • 33 10 The II d ii Julias, Tratranr *f BumpbJi ptHtii ti 8 mmfc kt iaj I H j>iih<- r fr^"t!! .l »i sp; ,ti ne'v, prccwis )1 iiie .v -U .md ma'! -a i
    33 words

  • 867 11 Ail over England, af n \k- w. i.c itiMher i H -t Row Tear*. We Hi ril--male in our go PMBtte. V\'*> wisli the lagir I charwoman a 'happy new mr with the same heartiness we extend towards the jovial. re«i t BtMMI tbere is a vast
    867 words
  • 1466 11 All the timo we were discussing business matters 1 noticed ho seemed sli^htlv uncom--1 rtablr*. I put dowu to sbvneds, but id reality it wh^j s.^methici; mure than the ivd*uru! restraiut of a stranger. [nilotd. Hal I C"* alrei«ly kLowc his excellent roM* I ktaos), I Bjjjgbt
    1,466 words
  • 899 11 I. Bi i:\ i\ i.s UTD Q BOOTS. W r 1 tbifl number vh begin a series <..f ar-u Ic9 of T\ l u-iy BUporttitlOlli and BUitOBJM whiL'b will we tiiink h? of general interest to OUI re.ohrs. These artules an i wriltci from :i turnover point <-f view
    899 words
  • 444 11 Ine «pirr o! a <.« i\ pawatiy may appear mm iieaai *<> nj'oe;* vac <.-.- bad which he hold in th:s life -in] keep* in next, warning them lep^rt jr. i pn <»f sickness or ck-atb, penalties wk believed to enforce rich piece t tin land in lieu m
    444 words
  • 151 11 Fn the Mission Field" for December— i ijf -> y orgaa of tht iatg for the I* ptgitta of thi I ..pel is published a letter >: Bill h M rtgoraery, secretary of tLe socif ty. i D tour he has been making I '"t |fc WU M
    151 words

  • 1361 12 .Tfn^Sn'Kku«;-N ;r -.nt-rn i -iver. the P ur Hall the C »m F.v ttfe-M, M i k n D Mr r'red* -i W. ZB.FR A I .or. i til mil <■•■•■ M ii ttie qaettion which was Bgi< IBf those*. -elves fin-nci-d Ij n t h<. bar
    1,361 words
  • 611 12 Eh > Obmsus Rbturhs. iaattiauktad thai thethirteeth Ajnarieaa ,'(M!'ii-, in'W l)oin_' completed, otnnot be published until m\' Friday, Im;i 1 i> -wv -.-iiiud «m the highest lathoritj that the t t 1 population of lit 1 Daife I B ktai, 0 untiog A-iii and Naw Maori as States,
    611 words
  • 1125 12 Exploration by Comets A Blood Sta n Detective Medina] Cinema*<>i?r«ipi A Prouiis ng N>w Ailoy A >'-• I V The Greatest Y~ -BaEa.■a Oloth— Bei r r'.'our— T. i Real I ,t eeaeel serve the astronomer as explorers of aokaowa ~>paco is the concl I that Proi >
    1,125 words
  • 243 12 THE INDIAN CRICKET XI 'S ENGLISH TOUR. Tbeannuil me^ purpjse of arranging the season's pro^rtiPu -si tnitches was b in the I: buiag io the reguJ I Loey id baen I ->el b> to arrange the and be wished to think those counties aD. yd enabled him to H tmiM
    243 words
  • 161 12 irbour i>npro?«Mßte at the ptrtof Sourabaya, on the north-east making ~--i r s 're«i towards .1. The works at the so-cil!ed Torpe; *lil vigorously, as for wide*. Etfl aass River, whic'j fljws open harb fluent I .ks, will consider.i. v carried on bj the lighten which
    161 words
  • 91 12 I ,1. .u\*-: es* iv .p T-- ''i trh the J_ prep;:rHl I v :r v-;, v s t r<l M il ruitted id th« U V :1I ltU rr thdt the Humphry hill v ih MQ l»e p;j! OD lt S WdV The |'n- hope.
    91 words

  • 578 13 CLinet addit i h..--1) was load; i j a tiri i ent irq il I v i aad Xn'r. .uker coal. h<n rUcud a <i I i j Ln 1 case of gai i bery at Ye© CLv Kai ni rr. :r n'.Lfse twglar was captuifd
    578 words
  • 1304 13 The New Wdr sports ar« rather state now, hut tiif-v c t:i trH>:i!y ir m the f^c! t:ii" Wf huvt; h^'fird t'-ir greater r-.jMst.iCtioa *-Apr^-» 1 ti. Mi 1 ,v cire'es this v -.-ir re^dr<l:r v the mdua^uaent of the Sea sp nts. <>a previous ccj.-.un-i there were
    1,304 words
  • 424 13 WI BIVGAPOBe ChDISS] i A public BMeiil g Wai t ';i- Cl nose Chamber of Gommeree, oa Batyrdaj t thc I iaet at t] 80 pea to dieeuM tie Bill for tiie n of a l;.xon iticon.f which was oesi I 3 vii 11 duoed uito the
    424 words
  • 303 13 Njws wiB received in Bil r p re by t< fpn i- OB Baturd \J morcing of ;Le deith of Bii J\>hii Air.! tht bead ol llm buaoni contracting firm, nhieli bal ia band the workl ft i tht Ml t\otk and ijodowi .<• Tii'jjoi'L-
    303 words
  • 73 13 Tho Doliee believe t ha.t a. good n.ui v counterfeit fifty cent pieces iip :n circulation )n Moaday, a Ohioaman endeavoured p-ifes a bad coin on a i:;iv7ktr but Ihfl ft Vtd was discovered and the mnu was handed over to a polioeman. Acting Inspector Joyce of the police searched
    73 words
  • 179 13 1•■ '•>■ I; FLe X I M. S. X >rthl der 11-i 1 m jmta rd -.v m v. irk i it* i M tbi A.r. «ra barracks thn BOW l»g v.-- Wirren, M.j sr W WhitP, C- L emeu i' A M-\ vej baud, E -I.
    179 words
  • 90 13 The Ll i g 3iae>|M bp- r.-Ttie«i li ip< t i, v MieCieeietF ''o'a saler" cc E reeho s lai dfr I 1 Confederate i> ite 11 a Togethm lite I be let known as N SIS d! 0•: lend •to I H. Soui .p si The i
    90 words
  • 337 13 1': Coxw re Bt/i< bii Lordthi] -ii i nan Jjl«- talrfl Ins I Bench yester- ;.;> -!:..ri'-!^ f f or the lesump he casa in w Effl I i Too was eh with murdering his b:<\ I X poui JM I 1 bim lighting the •-i Public
    337 words
  • 64 13 C. \[< a crick ?r tiel«N t n 1 earicbed b> thi pmtatt of Mi I Crawf rd, Capt i•• of L i-.. mi crickec tf-btiu. Mr D N O»wi i. m I the foieino.-t amdteur.-, ici ao A Ei j lD of the H-irne f-imi'v -t- M V j
    64 words
  • 48 13 ORIENTAL TELEPHONE COMPANY. fbe fol j new hce-! w&n put in in >nl;er 0 Bilk A 9 M-.reTale, B 513 B. kl C B Kll H ikit Kb ill 1157 Chafer, L J, 'J itmi* 77" H t! o'.J, -n- t .i I: 7-'- Hilton, F Neidpntb, Koai.
    48 words

  • 1015 14 KING EDWARD MEMORIAL FUND. A GKXEKAL APPEAL. tppeal U) p"ibli«- has n-w i-eL issued ar. I >wing M the tost i ■>•• ing bald ii rlm V >ri i Ball, 3iog*p !>•. m i Maber l.'l'l. It vVAr, IUILIIUI U-iiV de< .'"i c subscriptioLS from all parts >! ikMtlaj i
    1,015 words
  • 469 14 THE ENTRIES. v Com X Ills LttßipßT, -Un 10. rire r hr» eutries 1 r <.. ,>,_r r in-. f ;ii'_j i'i it- 'tie en<l I >L* 1; <i\ i: r l'-iii B i ißtor, H- Dftßk, KoOlber N.n^, 'I'tviii;.!!, uhtfol Bies.::j. Pai mti. B ■>■■<■ Ltdj P
    469 words
  • 346 14 (From our own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, .1 in 10. i'i.:i:!j \v> t o K^priu', fell on the toil BOtning breaking i leg. EUm ba I tn bi ih >*. The cin«uia f v«.?raph 'siys the "U. S. Q is Ivi: l: brought to rli-j asuettMM ol tb* recruiting
    346 words
  • 736 14 huewaU biso, Ml t> b> gtm >v ti I tit i OOOtBUI di-J S lin rl! li [Mhdm Warren, k m-j, II M C>ns Gtoßoral, fcbe > i ißSfc M am .1 -hn M. Eooki tad Birßßrd >» > < j mh BOBpt v »oi tbSS
    736 words
  • 110 14 A pretty wealing took platt v Andrew's Cathedra] yesterday when MDaitj Eltrt, of tbt Gtawral H ipittl, B tgapore, was married to Mr X E. D^cou oi the Koagkoßg tad ShMghti Baak The bride w<is i^iveu away by her in »ther, Un D K. Cowan, and attended by her
    110 words
  • 410 14 Calcutta, December c fv-110 ess con: muni. issued: The complicated aafotiatlaaa over tbe future of the opium trade which have been proceeding at P luring the laet jeer seem still to be some from a conclusion. Oa one ph.tie of the q leetum, however, the Government of
    410 words
  • 264 14 Tue G >veniMßl are now i« rou^hout the Colony btrdlj neeessa'v ask mem ban of iropeaa B !t, <teu far at p'.^b the d not :^>Q^ c 01 lI rAmi!, and an expl*. nmi M •g" rh, M ;ii\ "i i J' t"r i I i..f.. Ml *i
    264 words

  • 1621 15 :i tp: (Renter's Age** Kec J*n 5,6 i sj is announced from Warsaw that a I class passenger in a I N lessen railway whilst circles* ;n:... tone beftitne wbeo the train was near Grodno, caused an outbrea carriage ignited and nuny persons aoferely burned. 9en red bodies have
    1,621 words
  • 54 15 STATES NEWS. IPOH'S MILK SUPPLY. The Scheme ColLpsesTi. fi rec^n'lv arrdDgsd >i...'ir Botfd i btMi lot Miv wipplj ban kti llapaed, ,tii'l th- n^ti w.i, iom br> ftllovad t nil 'be ij k t! m ft!! their buff iloet n the h utilises vu r H iiii lked Hinder superrUkMi
    54 words
  • 52 15 B I J i I.u!i]{ or, in. o. H p r tad Co < \,\\<\m cable f v g h:c I i pricof, Pine i^fr 5 4 t m G pa No. 1 Scrap 4 TIM Pkßton' --or€s cihle give, the t.'lShte: and Bitcuit i V.\a
    52 words
  • 25 15 The CBfagomoßi is aanomioed froniTai* pioff *t Pauline Btewarf, nddangbtef of .M i \.ule-. asd Oap^ain Ueaumont of the Mulay Siatts Guides.
    25 words
  • 113 15 in in In the police couit beie to--]-\. M S. 1 1 iw ii r!i n-. j i i. hit! umi of A. W Tallj fot f< iL'f j iiii<l using as genuine a f< ged eoaont It is L.'»«i th it a cheque for SI 'i;
    113 words
  • 42 15 •7 rv/w pin <n» m Cot rVmny. J t!i. 6 X.l'] f lie i veruoi an'! suire I* t il Iw lock kbii ifteroooa few Kmh ITmgitT Vice A <i in i:\il Wicihloe j ant the purty at Taiping.
    42 words
  • 91 15 Decision ofPenang Chinese. Tb€ ChineM Chtmberol Commerce have fttolf^d 'oa.-l; QqWHOMQUI to levy a h ;i<; iad land 1 1\ ct' om Bontb'i rent p i mmhmb, t lie landlord md tlMtonaal taefa pajing half, iaai .-1 »t' tbc I lj < •dm r l^x. Tbajalto inlasd
    91 words
  • 142 15 I PViOM I 'iident.) Kuala Lv n| nr, ia >. A volo-Malat 66,182 lbs. IV\ r 31,667 ibP. Lohdoi km \tic 24,23 Ibi Gk>LDi i Bopi Bl LABA:— 1 1.249 lbs. R] 8,1'; bi BIKAX T7:: IJ Bvioi (.humor:- 1,994 lbs, Sj \i i. i i lbs. .h
    142 words
  • 206 15 Kn tl i Ltunpur, Jab Siai ILD 25 7 {■'> :t- F- >' ti 1 u.ov. i;> 200,646 \bt ifUMi i '.7-7 It* Cabtlkfibld: 6,700 lb»« Batv Tig a:— 1 1.7 m Ibi Bhxi roBD Tw»hr« m bUm l' k5( 0 Ibf Haki'EN'dkn Twelve iv n'hs [09,347 lbs. Xl iNAN'.
    206 words
  • 20 15 I: ii t >cart 0,550 pfes. «L'iif pt s Kahman 438.59 pkt j«*r, 7.« 30 pk?, igmiost 8,05
    20 words
  • 54 15 I| h. '■tie output.', from tfct *iv mines for De- em her it re t s Gtora pikuis KuttaLti 450 I OLA |f \*F.s<.h H i i 140 n l.'f MILLS: Owing to the tin boom the Chinese coolies <■>■ Ml' j -:j-. > work on ruboe tat*P.
    54 words
  • 10 15 kg II A Efto ft Co. A i.LAGAR: 3,900 lbs, > ,+> <
    10 words
  • 52 15 DECREASE IN IHE K'tUh \jFnpm < i/r <■: t.* \i ulu Lumpur, Ji.n 10. The advance statement f til orta for the pad twt ivf- months contains the following ftgnr< Perak 1-i' 7• I kls. Sdai i pU* 13,374 kls. Tbt tal value ibowa m I M
    52 words
  • 47 15 our own Corresp< Ipob, Jm 10. Hoti of the mice outputs a r ing to th(3 baavj rain- I 1 LtW tha f 4 Bfl Mto 1 1 00 }-i- V are If owiog t<» i peaus aud Chinese being lit 'ip in i i
    47 words
  • 5 15 Lahat:— pk'«
    5 words
  • 32 15 c folio wiiy are the et tbe fxport of tin frrfm Perak for Drocmber, 1910. These I I I figures Ml II to correct i B Til .re Dotj
    32 words
  • 58 15 r responded i i Lumpur Jad 10. }ii .<! Lowlands: 45/' ft i nXn Km.:.-, k 2,041^ lbs. g, m 300 It*. Si hoi WLi IU r> 1 AN p 583 lbs CHEBAB:— -I rents i ;rrich isl Co. T«i A I:— i 40 it*. Agiati j;
    58 words

  • 1179 16 Jaaiiirj 11. C 4 '> AilJ LV.iTUiv Bc;T*iaft. 9ILLM9 -•00 2 I AUagar Rubber EsVttee Ltd *J 2- I/- An*io -Mrt'.av 25%int 1 *> 1 I 101 > j Bit;tnj Mai.vkd 2 1 i P,,ru C,vc, 55%i0U6 1" 0 17 10 0 i J Bata Tifa flStfangor) 2*'^ 42
    1,179 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 715 16 CLEARANCES. Jiiri iry B Braid, ftTor aY, Polkeal id, I ir Baagl I Baaoa, Brit iCr, Oolljar, Eor Coaa. M ikvooa, B it itr, [Jptoa, Ear Pure Baatteaaa Baaag Be-. BrM itr, Tfarii, br Paatag ami B afaoa. Tat B'-it itr, En Paaaag, Madrai aad Sagtpataai Baa Foag Baag, Brit
      715 words
    • 501 16 v.::.. BrM I M M <cwar. Em;:-. IM H p.,. a-... if Lttf; r Port S*et.l. r, *.ry 1 Isabella, M str, Abis, tor Rbio H :^on, for Hoar and M.ila r drH X a won, for Malacca. > D QUB. for Rhio. X:/ s 1; r 1>:1 > r
      501 words