The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 5 January 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore tree Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES THURSO' JANUARY 5, 1911. No; 1,223
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  • 64 1 1 Heaiat aad of arrival in Singapore. < "A then be ■nailed station aastto ahti riatsjs and Co's i weekly. LtAbßk- I 1} r p 1 1 s y 2 Win 3. 7 1 KirI i 10 10 l-l" N Pro Ta 1 13 Local. Fire urOroltftrd Eowl I
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  • 31 1 POSTAGE FROM ENGLAND TO THE FAR EAST. ro Hongkong, Johore, Vi ted— via., Pe/ak, Sel Fahaiegy, Sarawn: LtTflftS- r*°' Id jjer-o* Id. eac BOOS?** COML.FOS! id mm. charu nn. chat I
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 89 1 il 1 At H.— On tlie I at tisasji M iplt id Xv t 1 v. Lob Lob Lbe i ofl if- I ITM,BA < :i of Bfi laji D li Somatrs a■ i I i:SB.— On tht Otl Di J OaaaawM* bury-avenue, BaJilif ttst Bui ge^ 3. a
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    • 113 1 M ffj i§ n.- itfl v du-w's Church, Kar;- i Hm Mn Dt 0 I''lo. by the Rem end Dfnmmon i > rdon, Taylor David Munisni, Indian afedsoal s- sn '.-c. I nan, Baluchistan, son of Major W. A. Dalhousie, Punjab, to Margaret, only daughter of the late Johu
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    • 18 1 On the night of Saturday. Dec. Blet, ll Use b oeral Hospital, John (Jack) Ho i, I.\TBAM.
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  • 188 1 The Fa 0 "Del w Ih mails ap to .p.-.. urivr-1 on I i Uj ttot The X *i*:i tot k a homeward mail fcioi iy. nd this weekly leavei v i the 1. 1 I iroba." '1 h*f tit ,h» it v e> mpetition i the
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  • 49 1 J('S :CTKD U" T> -i ill. 1 Bank m a demud l credits m h I Kranck, >Ui o) t)x\i»... 295 0 kmuit, laiinj 240 India, T. f EIoNGKOHf demand ,i.\\'A. dtiJvli Ban »k 'i d( maod Soverk:( c, ]•< I.- J 1-,-.: >^.-54 Buiik ot£.'ik''<Vu<i Pla'e.., M 3
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  • 46 1 No' in- i i'r Kacaboi R1 Kinta AaaociatioD ibu Lode New o ug New^Atabau n ;i r jsolidated X' 14 l l 0 RahmaaHyd. s °°W v 528 < 1; i citt -'iQS I Sunfi I V i DO 8,C84 4V 13 'I \i 1
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  • 59 1 S:< Ghnbtei i^er.b.-;. lO bierCi>xjNol l* w p* B.Mjk (erf*. S^fW*) Wye" 1* DoUtl^O^ i >. -X ti*ua* mm p* :i Bally Coffee i' I black) v_ r iJxo O,pr» Pop 1^?-* Opium. Ben*:** I r^ Riot, Fv^x* J2 io r 16^~ 1 Coso-snti. per tac^»i^*^ >- JJf-* OoprabertparfU.
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  • 61 1 i ar. t bably aware that pneamfc A *'Ad>- rc-i-it-* from a cold; but you ne 1 t* ard nf a .-oi {.resulting it pneumonia wl,l Chamb r.ain s Longh Remedy was ut 1 \\ly taki the rihlt when this remedy n. J be bad for atr H l*
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  • 963 1 •'>e Peopt«A r'cht maintain, and nnbriberl by gain Tnitli bee ion-; precepts i I (1 to R^lig'on. Loyalty and I aw. Just as in public health we have sanitary ru and regnlaiioi i to enforce proper by- j gienic principles for the protection of the
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  • 787 2 Dec 31 What are men to think who view tha ition, defined for the Empire by the enduring of the forces that stand f>r the ♦ence of the third-claaa ac ivi-ies that represent the thought of the average constincy pattern We are at the close of
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  • 1217 2 dan. In the Pinan: G ippears a fui re port of an m the Governor to adV r I thi r sang Cl inibef ofCotnrae c* who desire! to confer with His Excellency on vat ious matters affe3ting the well-being <: ffentM*, aa a port and
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  • 1200 2 Jan. «j Although as measured y de jrees longuie we are in this Crovn Colony a long way off the poli ical bj I mof the recent general election, we are in euficient touch, through the cable* with all that joes on to have all the
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  • 1216 3 I .iiy. tl no rar. y, happeted that in ca-es of ex asjl tally order. > 1 1 have bee:: CIH :u I I rawe the rioters, and only it I tafj ami ef these case- base the services ft tary bean rcq lieiti at d
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  • 152 3 The A--/ i were continued in the Bupreme Court yi sterday heft rt 8 r William rlvudniun mes. when the murder charge sgainst Lee Ai Cbong-occnpied the whole t 0..' flay. Mi E Imonda proeecnted on behall ol tne Ctown ami Mr Kccwlos defended Tbe tacts, i r
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  • 38 3 A .Madras wire says that news comes from Palghatof tbe death of Mr .1. Burnett, an old and much respected planter iv the N'elliampatby Hills. He was chased and killed by an elephant while walking round his estate.
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  • 950 3 Win Action k«>i Ali fof:i, S Lo the .Supreme Court feetesreley hfr Justice Fisher delivered jndijci nasal ia tne sction brought by the Tampenii Coconut and Rubber Plantations 1/ 1 ngains» If Yang Peng. Hs r. udship slid by agreement lated April 1I h 19] defendant a ntrsc
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  • 82 3 Miss Desaise Orafie, who, bj tbe death ol her father*in mw,aow.bece:je s 1.-.d% Chorales*, ts one ot a baud ot present- lay peoretsrs to whom a dramatic carter bee brought react, fau», and f. rtoue Tw. t the beat known of the** peeress playera are the Marchioness of Headfort (just
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  • 496 3 Heli, is i' A few evenings ato a »J*iLtone&e irpenter empl yed a* the Manic. pi. st-*re :n Kiver V*l!m l; ad w^s -To ng i.* n i'lrk 1; id arsßta be was satajtolaji I two youag men at the i sat i aati ai ssa r, Oaa
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  • 306 3 was indeed unfortun o we- with which aa at w n r ed yester- tea lncesssx < evening, for i* fl cted beatiend anc- ,<t th t i r und-.: Mrs Q iag*i iay il c metis gi I", nt. a no- iud di iut o -nte
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  • 336 4 10-cember, Vh A A or two ago we staged in th^e Inmns thai rt could not be expected thai Sunderland .-did maintain >j tioe an unbea'en recud much hng^r. 'In- pr-»-phecv i perfe**' !y Srtfe '.ne and iti ful Tient .v, t s oniv question of time I"
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  • 294 4 To.c firet ordinary general meeting was held recently at th*' London Chamber ol immorOO Mr K. h\ Arbuthum presided, and, -n n: *ring the adoption of the report, remarked that he thought that lor a first rear's trading a profit ut £19,816 deeerted special attention. It
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  • 36 4 A- Calcutta IWr.'U Je Citers took two L&diat, Mrs l)n!l ,mrl Mrs Sen, the ■itter*Ui<law of the Maharani of Cooch ii-h-tr, iq l,!s biplane, nidLM- jvrin^ over the TolljgiiD^O groandl for -in hour bel -re 'iebceii'lii?^.
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  • 237 4 A |'iiet. bu* p r etty, wedding, was solem nised at the Bluif X >ad Hall, Kiula Lo n pur last Wednesday the L. s :h ult by Mr \Y 1) Ashdowu of the B.ptist Mission, the aitracting parti,- being Mise -iidy- Kieun, only daughter of Mr
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  • 881 4 i i in !.v Lane Secret. \V tea Mr <i B Bbaw wih a young man and a musical cntic, he snffired ex.retnely by bat i_ to atlei d erneting* of the Musical Association, where he lieteoed to old geuti* men who were put np :>>
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  • 97 4 [t is reported that the Raja Muda of Kclsntau hat refused an offer <>f $30,000 fot the sub lease of his mining land in the Pries. Tha mines aie giving a good return. The Italian community ol; Hongkong have sustained a sad loss by the death of Mr L A.
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  • 151 4 Agents Boustead and Co. Mix urort 2,537 lbe. Agents Behn Meyer and Co. SiNOAPona Paii\. 4,650 lbe. Agents GrUthrie und C > Xi a hum no )2,''\2 lbs agaiast Tod sii months 58,727 lbs. Ka.M! nino Tin 770; agiiast *~>-r; T »ta! six months 5'20*,.30l ChaN'-h Salak
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  • 65 4 The following n the result of crushing operati i* R oi. f>r the t -or wet iks eadiog 31 1 lecember. Bnkit X tinea Bu>ne crushed 3,1*J7 torn < )old 'dot lined _'77 ***** I Avorogepe r t un 1 7 7 d w M tlac'a
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  • 72 4 The following have pas-el the fi.ial exsenination and have received the diploma entitling them to practise in the Srraits and KM S. 'A .1. Thumboo, Too Chin Teoag, Tan Boon Cheng, \l CheUiah, S Daaymsmy, <i li L lioeeter. Th.* following leoeived oestiiicites as hospital assistants. S.
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  • 303 4 Dr. I.i m il- •< 'N lv o n v i Aa<>i At s pecial meeting of the Boeiety for the Btudf of Elucition io the Orient on D*_e Jii, tlie member! and their friends bad the pleasure of listening to very soh tlarly address by Dr Ltn
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  • 170 4 Ths following gentlemen have b^en appointed commutees, with power to ad 1 o iheir number, to collect subscriptions ,r the Mem trial to Kmg Edward II Foil Penan*. anj>Pk<>\in< k. Wellesley. The II aa. A R. Adams Toe B m B Young, ICessrs D. A. II
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  • 11 4 The death is announced of Captain Brown, of the 53rd Sikhs.
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  • 676 4 T report of the F'enin- i und I *-nt^i Steam Navigatmn I j.; ins fort i j iiing *Veptembei 3<i M am B the follow. ing The net surplus o( y- t*27-j,t^l J'- l> U U A bal i I' f aajot T i »f the
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  • 129 4 !>•■ <i*ri J m X.jl taset br ughi iv ig sins' >.. L: K I'idranoera Runner C n•— Li l S 0.-i Sunustrs l>ereaoneeent Co eta. Ad the ,o»- c v 'baling-; in i i' and 1 1 -xdo gs ■SVea been ordered in each. ■.<■!•■ h'.' two new »-v,-rj!s
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  • 843 5 M F I Ht.if.N the new Municipal at, was apa i set hy the Eaoah iv r: j li tt Fenang. By il.m 1 .ngja. to- morrow Ml Igai e- i;i t mspee* tne lighthouses on the coast I sea and Brunei La engagement m laaoeed
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  • 540 5 CHR I S I'M AS C E LEBR aTIONS. /*V'/i>, ./•/< C'rr>>j indent The Planters of Malice have again beaten all re-oordi and tht ball mten by them on Monday r _di f at the 9 ad. o-e was v success in every way. Supper was laid is
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  • 121 5 The week thai hat tlspsed sieet the lis* issue of our circular having been taken up largely by bolidets, business hi- naturally !.«eu aa i limited seals and then Ims ben Brent it illy no eh mge ia pri os. \l\ F'.taliugs bavo been done at S7i
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  • 80 5 TswDdeember uurue of this publication ataini sou-' ■oieritific eotst oa die-back, and some interesting snd practical hints regarding the proper method of -"planting '•"OS and i m ifying wa'er on brackish eeattet Tt ere ate besides number of icientific and commercial articles snd the osualtabler, including table
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  • 72 5 The fl il A-- i i »r l.'il oomasesjoo ia the Supreme Court on musty 3rd. There are ion eases on the calendar, incio ling tw > murder charges, three of returning from bani-hmeut, one ol cheating, t itve of Using as genuine forged docuuteotc, an 1 one
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  • 112 5 Thete il a great run of prom *ion in the higher nrbtarv OOmmendl in India at the present time. Sir dimes Wdicecka' appointment to the Northern Army left the Feshawar Division temporarily vie int. Lieutenant General l)s Voboi hat left Mhow;and in February Lieutenant-Gener-als Dsjaingand Wolfe Murray will complete their
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  • 1318 5 As it might be of geaeral interest to hate the foil text of the article f rom which qu >tat ion was made yesterday in reference to the action of mercantile monopolies we ■übjotu that today. F appears to be a found and rquitable
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  • 478 5 s¥illiam I ing ta Bail tat I F. insy, in the Oo ml j I,io >i 03 wil appointed 811 starrer, H vVard Biiley, md sis wife, Mrs Bi .-'"es and ion- 'i o situate in the U ii** 1 Koegu on c.- valued at
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  • 143 5 ooni i'< i Tn i Y*. ina. Ivingst" n, Ima -a, ioi sj eh tt ing forth bit p Lssj rtilwat ension the (x tremor -i I Lwae *ta aaay 1 1 gh ia hand to bull a i ng trie o in i tha' the m< nev
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  • 121 5 Mr CM G. Burn p, ol the I n l 1 ance 3 etv of Canton, comet- ft m .Shanghai i Singipore by tht English mail. South Africa's r ntributi >n t > the imperial Niw v i* c io ibe new I aion estimate?, which pi vide I r
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  • 333 6 BKOKEK S CLAIM FOB COMMISSION. Before Mr Justice Fiuner in th* .Supreme CVurt ?es'*-ro,iv, the case of Shaik Abdulkader v L-?e Seng Nam and 1 ow \gm Fan wis commenced. Messrn R S' .1 Fraddeil and Everitt appeirel for the piain t iff and Messrs F
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  • 388 6 The December sales at Messrs Sotheby's rooms included i anmber of i ems of inter* es* to b th American and English coiiee--tors. In a sale of various libraries, there was to be put for auction an interesting autograph letter written by Qeotgt Washington in 1752,
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  • 191 6 SOVEREIGNS i, Cal OKThe German Crown Prince en joyed golf on the Nuwara Eliya links. He paid tbe caddies a sovereign each every day instead of the usual 2-oc*»nts (fourpence). This had an etesHrifyiagiffeot on the itteodante, vho had shown a tendencj I imcken. The Crown F.
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  • 844 6 Sir Ralph and Lady Faget arrived by tbe mail yestf .-day afternoon for a short holiday stay in S gapore. Messrs J L McFail, C I> Ahearne and J I> Hill have been appointed cadets ia the Civil Service of the Colony. Mr F M Elliot
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  • 169 6 The Chief Justice, Sir \V Hyndman Jones and Mr Justice Fisher s*t in the Supreme Court yesterday morning to fix the January lis*:. Before Mr Justice Fisher. Bankruptcy. Bt Chop Bin Wha Hong «»f 255 South Bridge Koad. Mr Van S omeren appeared for petitioning creditor, a Chitty
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  • 125 6 Shortly after seven o'clock last night, the Fire Brigade rcetifed t call to s fi e at the Straits Motor Oarage in 0 chard Road. The liremen from the Central Sation in Hill Street turned out promptly under Superintendent M \Y. Fott aithtwo BaOSOt engiues Th-ir
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  • 594 6 Tho allow lacet of the officials ofthe Chinese Ministry of Posts and ('omiuunicitions have been deemed extravagant, and i* is reported that, begiuning with this month, ail such payments will be halved. M j?r Charles M A Wood, who was recently piouutel to lis Bssjxity m the Nori ho mberland
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  • 518 6 PnaaBNTATioN To Mn Bkoadki Many European residents were pre--:.' at the Central Fi e S ition in li .v.*—* yesterday afterno v to witnes- Le finals of tbe monthly competition drill Ith, 1 c Brigade. Among those preseu* w, X and MrsE. G. B.oadrick, Mr F .1
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  • 152 6 The Grey Bo l. I st Peat 0 ally indicates with i og ee: growth of the C 1 ny. A- *Lis brook grows > ulkier one know: o mm, i ci urse is increasing md that we emerging into ihe oi centre. There in i»
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  • 107 6 Toe death has •<•.••*■ .?•>-:•. at Ballyhaunis, c M■ J t formerly a priv t Q j-oined the Arm\ <.'<-,■ Crimean war, re-ai j .da Filaclava and ay. at Ink<-rmau. li took part dian Mutiny can.p i was pr x the capture of the Taku f i Murj
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  • 800 7 ,-M I <*ri firf'i'jo t VENAL c br us results, the Ma weekly briLg- .a -i. ;u Connection the General Election in the (Jeited I gdom. wbi- 1. i itsell tsatcentreof the -r. V. ar*- almost afraid to ro. o An-** sting ashes four I -j of
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  • 437 7 S( > TRACK OF OHANDU. The Chinese chinteog charged ov Mr IF.w.tro w.-i; itf eapting to »-xp trt a qaaav tity of chandu i* Taujong Fjgtr was discharged in the oil court yesterday bf Mr Acton b-ciuse m; "chauda in *j-jes-*ion net aot baa la l»- Brooke's
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  • 161 7 I H tea rabbe. 4 ss^sorsed froai Belengor during Xovernb-r, i-'lt), 7. •»">".! >i»s were produced in Perak and v i.-o'.l lbs. in X -gri Sfiashilaß I v the rabber exported from Nsgri Sembilaa dariag Noteaiber, 1910, 18 lbe aeraprndneed in Faaaog. >; the Perak total export,
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  • 176 7 i i Jo, I i-E- iOl Fi i i:n afOBTB Tro- i •ilowiog ire tbe final ti,".ires of the export of bl tab tie and tin ore nett Perak, Selanjgor, Negri Sembilan and Fahaug reiptetively during tbemoothi of January to November, as c -mpired with the corresponding
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  • 1679 7 (From ourotrn Correspondent.) li-cember, In m .st of the Scottish cons' it uencies abash hare polled up to date, there is a Urge drop ia toe Fadioil majorities, a drop which would hive been greater had the 1 ai 'List candidates not been handicapped bf the ru-h of
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  • 370 7 The fell taring m Umiepert of tbe D.reeu or«, an i iiilanot -lie*-* io the period fn m Le h .July. 1909 te llet Ahagust, 1910, presented at m.o Irst innual general meet* ing- of tbe Clesapaay, bald ia the Coua nil II K>m of the F
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  • 41 7 M-- Pmsonby, who wd- private se?retary to S.r Matthew N a'han. w aen the Ufer w^ Governor of Hongkong, was p-is-*-uger Hongkong by the "Hitachi Maru.*' It. is rumoured that he in ay accompany Sir Henry M ay to F ji.
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  • 979 8 I-i writing linb i ml n tbe last Baay.ftheo I year, :n which is no'ed for the large prop rtion ol BoOtBBIBB therein, one ra»her taking a plunge into sjeaabs bees which H mey pteve e\s^lsnll isjeceesf ally to rise Bat these ia ac Brian* ti-ui
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  • 130 8 1 > il ii '-.yard, a gra its i i the I ai i••-c•, ,t afichig in md I *1 1 lai rersitj o: F.o ns\ lv mi i, a- t 'Le Xi V o k K\e u*oi Far 11.:. nmv, i> t sail on the F li haat ti
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  • 1324 8 < i_o Si I iVßad 10 oe tf a particularly r> ii ictive on of mind te be struck witb tue ajßOunt i I iatereet taken al the preseut day in every deta.l whatsoever relating to tinlife sad v. ok, thai habit and speech Bad til .ueht
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  • 373 8 THE P O AND NEW ZEALAND Anchland, Nov 24. —it ii i leretood that ;r ths Ben Snipping Bill is assented to the < > Steamship Company attl iso&soter a numbei of steamers in Australia, involving higher BJSages to the Lascar crews. The Compa..y sn aid tbes be pi biloa
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  • 374 8 Tails o\kr Twblvi I et Loan The long- tailed kaol J men are strikog proof *i what iection. Bcaontifioallj out, can do. tt bat ti tea aal urj to ir< h i 'at leaaarfcaMe birds witb abuoraaal teila, says the New V rh Tribune," Taeeoeki bail
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  • 91 8 '1 io- -phai t wai. -h was Wjg.,] by the U it Muda measured, says the Times oi htsiaya over 9 feet in height, il s tusk-, which were very thick, were just over ft. in length. His Highness killed his: >- tarry with a couple of sh. t- from
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  • 385 8 A< n<»N F. IF Wi! in,. Mr Justice I'ari ng m 1 a -n- o Nov. commenced the bean o g the action in wluen Mr \W.u-m. I. .'nag*. km -yn sporting j urnalist, suts Messrs ESdward ulojd, I n.**;. .deging lib artSBBM iv tbe
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  • 122 8 I the course of a n n on M uicipal Reports fi ii B I our ihe 1. Sir SattUJ Ada-xt these marks Iv the audit of the *»unt* olinaiu lfnaict| it was daaaati .ge sun:- :ated by the Akunwur. The had been going on i BUUer
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  • 205 8 An incident a 1 in one of the stab hes which the Oxford an i ag fi ciety p. their 9 es a yea ig a good i tnesj two 1 team lost his ball, and after he ano and tbeir iddies bad minuter 1 1 we had better go
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  • 302 9 Tuesday, Jan 3, 1911. SINGAPORE CRICKET CLUB. Tbbtim Ml'- Ikoadkick. A.i the friends of Mr I Q Broedl vvho amongst his various pnbl eapeeitiei bas been a past 1' bat Club. v. ill be pleat., dtoki ow that in r* n of Mr Broad rick's valued scribe Club be has
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  • 510 9 son writes to tl all his friends foe tbrir great kindness to him during his recent illness. -o* the week ending Dec 84 these were deaths in Singapore giving a. mortality rate tf 4_ f these M were due to fever, 27 to beri b*: to phthisic I to dysentery.
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  • 1465 9 PK< MiliES*, IX 1910, Towards the Utter part ol ]'■■<■' and in the beginning of thi- year it appeared to be likely tha* tbe poaitioa of tbe Biagapore property aaarfcel weald bt ttatenellj strengthened by the investment of a portion me ot tii- iir_e sums «t in
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  • 510 9 h.'-ipite the wt-* weather in Ihe at teruoou. the lead iporta held oa the raeeeouree were a great bkobbm tad provided plenty of amnseeMet for everyone There was ag od attendenee of Europeans and some buudieda ol happy Malays and o'bet ia*iv> The big progrsMMß waa eairiad
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  • 173 9 Ml A B. Tb M| I n, the N tl, IB ibire cricketer, ii now plan 1 Bg ia N Srinbdun. Air 7 St John G Keev, tbe United S atra Consnl-Oeeeral at Dreedeo, etatM thai the giea'etst oi 'he external changes which tbt last thirty \eais h-s ioa ugh:
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  • 866 9 1I- ti r .eat her prf-viii- i t-.r T o< Bea Bp >rti which aare bald paaterday m ing 'ont-oary to wwh s o.- t the co-eat liatilar faactious, loe mon br. ke clear and a breeaeto tearper ibj i saraatfe. Oa the sea the wind w--
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  • 89 9 m—- *mv I 11, ij atl i t,s of tec i b ea ;s V. ti. ;t tbiet I \\%S\% I w M "OJtd Sbm thai 01 tbe I lb aart I mittiag their laapewyei itaeejuirl I It tbeir atni on v cl >thes d -.or c-, and t.» wear
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  • 1925 10 London, i >.c The imt cur athletes of igUod are -i* w-tkinj ':p to the cecs-itv of doing r:.-'.rj r:_r i sifeguird their interests We nve m i!hlet;cfcr«»v*-rnine body, but b yond 'in ''ii. -id unLU i! chdinpi »nship m-eMDtr, .]> .1 rii I hiLj t eno
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  • 1335 10 CEYL3N ANI> MALAYA jt riM at 1 a GOLOOTAI I I uTB. <).i N >v •J 1 Mr .1 >iin Ferguson, < M reid a very ;nret"sc;n_r and mst r u ti v» p.ip^r before th-3 Elijal OolooJtl iaatitvfet m ••(>y'on, the Malay S:ates an.] Java C^aipiiodn
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  • 35 10 Paaaa. i ..e following are the full eorei tutbia tn o i pi b i tl I i ping at Christmas nasi eoi.r.g oi Hjaat baaag abandoned, bowling analysis appears to hare been kept.
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  • 230 10 N i nii.t;'.:-) 1 1 v nUai •w b (stark* JN < i rt»nier i >.'vi W* N E I wards b I)din K. i'u u-i:i J'tionij.* it I h'.iu B. C X. U" :,ij t. Kc!'»-i 4 E. H Binks b •I M urfci ■i. h--.n S. <j.
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  • 92 10 rhe Jipm A Ivert ser," T. ..•>.:•, a reference the chr.,t e uing of Sir F. mc H PiggOtt's grmd- .n Ihe baby the v j tout*, uni Mr- Pimtt, wh were Man.*-: i year ago at < i.braltar, md ;I. ar.-'Miing took place at So Anirew's Church, 1 L'pon
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 125 10 Ml.-eLLLANEOU.s The death of Jem Mice removes the last of the old school of fighters who we»*e contemporary with Tom Siyers. It is now wrtuallv assured that E Bury and \V. Albany will try conclusions over the Putney to Mortlake course early in the spriug of 1911. Isa Hague showed
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    • 427 11 I N- v\■ ,r f.po»t.- Sir J e.n Fr-r. u.-,|e tne 3id hatta n Middlesex f. o -ent it Tang in Mi V f>eiro>!d is appoint* Attorney .a the Strait* and fir \V < en.- E >1 The S B Ay mire" >- ,n tbe l-i-h < ,i.i it
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    • 330 11 2 Royal Commission on the bade relutrors between Canada snd the We lo Mm Bftai .1.,r, 1 3 Postal rate t Belaaaaa, Bejel PWk and Tringgscu ia reduced he Id per os, A i Eadab destroys 20 honses and a < nut plan »n loan of 10 mi Bom
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    • 326 11 Tbe King confers a urt y Mr i ,d Severn .ur m Ule\ ?iand I A J sup. emrnt .y N val Esti nate is waled amount o^' It 1189,0 0 wberaaf Cts7jl »o ia towards tbi bsribthsg ti I Dated i -r s ht England win 3 the
      326 words
    • 486 11 1 The < -^'iihs Koali Pi branch of the I*' MS. Hallway is opened. Death of Bishop B r 1 M. le Blon, trio a\iator, is killed by fall fr :e bis no odiit i Bear B ta Babaatisß -4 The King nf Spain opens the new <
      486 words
    • 298 11 I Sir \V Taylor re- gas his position as Resident Geueral of the P M. S. 1 Cartago, in Costa Rica, in destroyed bj BB eattl O 1 .ke 500 BBTBOBB BSlisb. 8 Daatb, al BaekfeghsM Palace, of King Bdward VII s Georg-i calls a n,eeting of the
      298 words
    • 363 11 1 The "Terra Nova" with roe atafl flf f'^ptain Scott'- Antarctic Expedition saiis Sooth. 4 The Arm j fihship "Hotß** trsials fiosi Farnhorongh to London and back, circiiog reaad st. Paale. fi King George presents the bin jeohets who iMU the goo carriage at K\t g Edward's feneral aith
      363 words
    • 398 11 1 The Empire Challenge Trophy at Bisley is won by the l.'iiited Kingdom team 2 Death of l>. V J. Furnival, Shakosper:an Scholar. Porm. ition of the local Boy Boouta 1 Association. 1 A new Russo Ji'.pan* se Agreement is signed at St Petersburg Mr Lit him wins lbs
      398 words
    • 376 11 1 Tne Eighteenth Universal P~„ f c gre;--* or ens at Stockholm. T.- match loetween the Co!< r.v ,nd the i M end-, in a draw in favour t tbe latter I Tne King present Bdemd M lals to a number of m.ners and others f. r b averj,
      376 words
    • 525 11 I A BMMMBtet is unveiled at Sedan to l> BOMBSSBBBrBta t'- ■■> -'g^ of the Fiench oavalry ia 1870. Lord R berts and the British Special Mi.-.: ion were received bj I Eaaaar la Lion. M Modi..', at lYosrssoM ii ia bis asawplaaos I>a h g 2 BSSSrOS, b
      525 words
    • 432 11 A A Revolution bfd- < o in L.b > r General Sit Archibald Hunter .mi-ei at Gii raltar and i- &w« m in m i 5 Proclamation of the Rev. v in bon, and forma* iou ot provisi nai <*.. ment. rj Arrival at Gibra'tar of Maz and
      432 words
    • 381 12 1 ii t: High Commiasiouw of the H S. announces the snbstitntioa of tho titls yry ;a R mdsut G Moral T I .-1 A B 1 ari't and Pa'O'ii itt a rive al Singapore The _nnnal Straits Bst« tlements dinner ta\*es place in the Hotel M If IBS,
      381 words
    • 261 12 4 Barioßi I h a oar in tie Loire Valley, Ft md in tiie Fens, in England The X. 1> L Lbs4bOW m makes a record trip i Bongkong tc Bineapora ia aaaer foai days.- Death cl Mis EJdy, the Christian ent st o* meeting h* id tb.e Victoria
      261 words

  • 950 12 I ai BSSrhal iv rubber tits shown oonsricobm BrssasM lately. Tee sstsar pleeta- i, gti HM 818 Bt_l footed above H ird Pare. Shipment- are not arriving frOM Hra/'.l so ir-.-.y M anticipated many wi d rubber BOBS' panb:>, and some Java ar.d Sumatra stctebm not pn lacing
    950 words
  • 60 12 Teddy SiMMoada, tbe well* kno~a tbeatrioil agent, was found dead in his bed on the evening of the 14th iaetaal at bisrooM at Bangs lota skating rink. He will be widely remembered in connection with the Hudson and Stanley Opera Companies and Harmston's Circus. He has been in and out
    60 words
  • 325 12 The following is then irra.ive of the Court of Baquhry into above and lbe fad ing af aba Oourt:— In the rnPter of an er-. ■:'•;> bald a* Penang on the 9 h day of DeOßßtber 19U* bafota G. A. Hall, Irat magistrate, Presid" err of
    325 words
  • 246 12 About do on X w Vear'a nig'ot. i harri bl9 cisc of amok aeoarrel ia X trib Boal j iav in arhieh two litai uere loa aui i third p m >a It d i ig aoutly a Made L A Teochew coolie, employed in a Chines-!
    246 words
  • 155 12 X Year's Dty is the one day la \oar wheu the lady relatives and frhsadl BtOMben ate peratitted to outer tbeOlab and witness tbe Sao. Sp ots fr>m the voraudah, a privilege thai w.s plentifully takei advau 1 tae of teterday. B ifore and
    155 words
  • 237 12 P waa reported ou tbe evening <»f 2 > d inst. at Tempin Police S ation that a *ig-o had attacked a cow that day at the o h mile, Tdinpiu Kualt l'dah Koad. luspector P. A. Aleiaudw proceeded to the spot in the jungle aad
    237 words
  • 177 12 An :kw Ccfi E C Lib., s' i bin:) ai-ii p of > ng.; Tiie result- of *1^ rhiid, md rounds f the v p-titi »n are I MS Cruick- ml be-T M-> M -rr;- 1 J M>- \Vo%os beat Mr- l-X o J M I
    177 words
  • 513 12 DUTCBJ Go\ EENMBKT ABI» Bl i SB. Tn" 1 «s on November 19tb published an illaat u oplemeot onsisting of four pagee deecri h of tho i a list and des- 'ion of es oper in 1 1 antry. aaradeeai by the folio •eating statement by
    513 words
  • 115 12 Mr .1 P.. fl .0.-. nd. brnii ecgmeer .n N K. h.-l ;n 1 ma on He- 7 b ,ge Ciptain d X S, „v pointe i < i IUI ip!rt;xl SaiisL io ii!- ,-en .o „,0..:. .Mr, Wilniii gt a since 1 in .si I» -be >■•• 0.1 P
    115 words

  • 648 13 Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1911. THE ASSIZES. The fis* Assize m Imm ifmmi i.v morning before the Chief Justice, SirWil mm ilnj Mr B lm< nds, the 1 r 1t IBM ll )is for the de R ztrio case, MM tin charge of using at genuine a forged document brought tngHooa
    648 words
  • 177 13 An o: i lent of Singapore, wbo bis been at lea-* iteei -Mr- at home, kindly aot t »wards the fond i-:ou of a now public hall to per t utirn i tlie Town Hall. i Letter, a lodiug to tbe state ol things politic A. al BUBBe, he says:
    177 words
  • 1355 13 I* 01 ..-<■ 'bin probabl if th- 1 ne.-ossarv arrangements ;anbemadeaud sufficient BUB--port can be t und, that we -i.a'i ?ee during the c oirse »f tn roo an *-rp -i*o>n of aviation la Singapore. Tbe rafßrsaaetetiva f th< S i \v iti m d'Kx*; oe < ien*
    1,355 words
  • 388 13 A v -rv popular series of cDmpetiti di pi i >d -I-,, intr t iifi-.tuj is aiid Xel \--.r Viekn w s brought a. close on .J inuary •_'n]. Thfl ucdernoted are t x^ retold A ,n\ an D Pon VO. CoßdltMMt— Appro icii in iuJ hole
    388 words
  • 93 13 The Monthly M*d.l for December has been won by P. A. P. Pay.l. boo following -cores were returned. Entries for the Men's Competition lot tbi cup presented by Ml aToung and Mr .-»nd jvlrs de Bougeaaout blbm r> u the bh mstant. A sago mill his
    93 words
  • 50 13 Bo < sa. v:.y i if thi D nmkm itUj m> I I: L DjnmiD I 200 -11 X U. Tk mM I C A i: >ber'fe Ti 200 7 o w. A. Bimi 11 N B <:. > «t 12J •>• rv <;. A iius I I
    50 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 786 13 PENANG RACES, l' >. u> Pen iLg. .1 in '7 BUI gal iwm It in g:.* i .her cleared i| -plan* d- ly in the >.l *i;e'e '.v inflox t v-.-oo Tbe aag nan 1 I -lied. baud r. I'uyQi Juliana ai Bay B tual b driffio B a JiMMy,
      786 words

  • 990 14 THURSDAY, JAN. 5, 19 11. p. pt-C atel B H B assr, BA Britiah llUitai v A*' icl i' Tok; o, is o- id, having 1U ».j .in Vrk o{ pie 00. a I .ia i laaad Ei ap ill tendered I D g o m Baasts lb-use a* P
    990 words
  • 158 14 A Cbi mA i a"i c waa convicted by Mi PirMi one, diatriol Judge, yraterday, ol voluutarov causing grievous hurt. He WBi aaataaead > til -wtnthi rigorous impnson. no-n* and was ordered to pej tha ooMplein-i-i* £bi) or undergo a Pn 1 ber period of three
    158 words
  • 423 14 [uarALLi Caai The thirty fifth aunireiaary of the I ioi -t A i lac B >yal P. ineo of w, X». P" E o.i net oeh b. ited it. ti»e lb fiii.i.s U>' II lib N •rtilalll P '.'A on Tutsdav night, wi.en the cerein* uy
    423 words
  • 448 14 The China Mail has a tetter giving details of the recent voyage cf the troopship "Rohilla" from Hongkong to Southampton, in wbb-ii these pan g iphi spj i r: Two hours ont iron Singapore the death on irred of Gunner Banian, at tbi BBth 0 R.G.A.,
    448 words
  • 68 14 A gruesome discovery was made at the works of the m i PetrotaUM Oil vVbrkl at Beikkyi when a well preserved body, wis found at the bottOM of an oil tank which was being overhauled. The body 11 believed to be that of a boy who was killed at
    68 words
  • 867 14 li. The best description of Mala.- -a as viewed froM li^ B -ids ii I und in Bii foul Buutb. tenhanAs words that the r to that toWB "will first be struck by the curi- is spectacle i 1 :i town itri c
    867 words
  • 695 14 '1 o tne htrenuoua i-* r there are ime mi tion from t.ol wh: o no- tbe no< v CbiiMBMB aud U I tea .fter! There i leel eg I ip^i lt.alti.. awh aa I 'hut on i aaal waitmg us a* the bii
    695 words
  • 69 14 < o t l'o aaaok i oouseN 1 .jay on Sunday, m .1 a man woma I aiobing tbem with at Urge 'isr-ors aLd A er\ commit Buicide by bUI bing I i I: isstillm the Jan 1 kSeng Hospital his roU l.tlOU bt OUg ir .1
    69 words

  • 1935 15 Submarine Telegraph) (Reuters Age** 5 pm. The Da-ly Ch si?s th ore- marines will goto Gibraltar al o* three ths, and three, to th' ibips m I Hit a" will reinforce the China ita* a, the more powerful **L3rd Nelson** and "Agamem- lacing tenua BM ro >rge in dew
    1,935 words
  • 117 15 STRAITS MORSES UNSUCCESSFUL. {From Our >/ tl Co'r- </i.) Caleuita Ddc 29. The following were tho chi<^f events to-day. If it i Plats. San Kemo 1 Mr M. Q-OColdM*! Solution 1 Mr H. IV BillniouVs B ight M- J 3 Dr E. A. O Travers's Pin Coocm [i
    117 words
  • 254 15 Calcutta, .1 mo ov 1 The aeeentaaeei for tbe mom oa Hon I include*! Ifr Fsilmau'i Phongraph for the Hol!\ Plate Oter iive furlongs. He carries foil and ihonl t about via I».* Travora*! Seddou accepted for the Ohowringbee Fir-* otei leven furlough in which he
    254 words
  • 46 15 A Serious Mishap. [nob, Dm 29 There bat been inotbM big ilin oa the Pass which il believed to be very leri Mi, bo* bai im ac d. taili vet. There wai i terrific reioßtoTM ywterdiy md many have been iijoded.
    46 words
  • 38 15 Ie Fesideut ho ordered tie- Sani-ary F* .ti i to reconsider tie milk dispute and it ii nadentood thai tbt BtagaliM trill now bt ■bib and to mU BUder tne control i f the Board.
    38 words
  • 66 15 [pok. Dm Mr liaariei Kent, thi well-known planter of Hortensia aetata, Tapih, died ou Tuesday aftat a serious illness and was buried on Wednesdiv, tbe F±v. Heidi un conducting a impressive servi -e. Deceased was forty three years f age and was at one time (Intra*,
    66 words
  • 111 15 1 I lag A Bttl Ig i I ..-nii. lav at which Mr J W H -A itx p-< -i"«" M Mr F. J if v f irtei; I k-eeu interest aiet, they were all agreed h* lone we!!. sel tbit a mic ling I his services be
    111 words
  • 37 15 oang. Dec 30. The Inmigratiou ment to-day prosecuted the BMJ I P.-ye Fibber Mtate for not providing proper sinitary accominoda I r bii Fa mil coo :mum fine of $300 wo.. Mi was imposed.
    37 words
  • 93 15 Panaag There is lair I a success! v I race Beset aabaiag uerely so.-/ a ia iependout entirely the leratcbiaae aal tne lottery prices tonight, ice one Melodist: for EtiCß two Scrightsho ,-yrniid I IVypaa ~s; for Rice four B*y laid, or Dtrk i for Kice six
    93 words
  • 65 15 I J The wedding tool BM aa Saturday of ,?e Btstbard of Mtlabx-ff estate n I sfadgaMeG waa !T Preeb-yterieaChunUM •be b i A i. b b tinting Mr W. Duncan was best man and there wai i large m Mat the P inters' recep ti iol 1
    65 words
  • 56 15 A correspondent ot the Finiag G.zjtte, criticises tlie lUpia IBM of th I MMM authorities lUgardieg cholera of a most d lageri h type wbiea ie regiag Mo..- in 1 several high aals either bare taken leive or have sent their families away. Tae writer predicts a
    56 words
  • 77 15 F o.j .I v J The d- ill v PJ ir. A r illißM Ifaodonald of the Mission tapi fi iti Eailuin at ibe age of 71. B bad beeu >*"■ veirs in Feuang. Mr J B a hosp l from dyssnterv, whilst the dat bM
    77 words
  • 91 15 b npur, 1 m The Nee i a I fancy cress dance at the Town Hi.. i successful there beingtwo hundred pan »ns present. Mr S'M li Sell has IM jTUi It BM Mb *;i vsh'p "t *ie- A tUg B i I I lb Mr triatia
    91 words
  • 30 15 Soogkoag Jaa 0 1 A Im i v bro i m I i which is ly ig igi owloon Dxtk. b iamage is tui Ut t
    30 words
  • 56 15 I Jan 3. Tiouoh output DeßßMbat aaa I >84 p.b i f t v bo*- t l'o the pr. t beiag 176 Ibe toi i *1t 1 wo 36 26 I pihule aud far 1910 4 I pi hols. \lxm and I- interfere 1 cons- b-ni ly with
    56 words
  • 24 15 IVnang, Jan 4. Mr \V. I). Ashdown of Singapore tint* b-^n selected to eed tbe late Mr M Donald here.
    24 words

  • 1300 16 January l 35,4 I A.i^ritr li-jbhorFVates Lti 4»; 5" 150,000 2/- 8A AnjloM.uay 25% int. 1 1 1*96 50.000 I/- 8'- Rii in* > i .kd 2 4 2 80 00 I I Hv 85% int.l6 10 0 17 10 0 1 1 Bar Fj: S'iiLnr) M* 2 0
    1,300 words
  • 84 16 OFFICIAL ENTERTAINMENTS. n ndsWa\\ lb j *..<.r g, .fit. L A 1 tbi rffioia] diauer given bf tbe Gotamor on Tuesday, tbe we*e Vice Admiral Wiealoe, Urn Sou. J 0 Antbouifs, M Juutiet Be*oombe Smith, the Bobi A.R. „dsSSI lUd B V -iiug. Loo*. X-vo.e. Capt
    84 words
  • 42 16 Kuala Luut| ar, Jaa I Belaagbr has gc red 2 1 in the \Y ilker Trophy a mpetition for Ladies' F ti F^r.arg, J ta 4 r P.*- Fonaog Lolies' F il-.- Club i U-U in the Waikei Trophy.
    42 words
  • 37 16 Honghoug .bn i. John (r rant, who was charged b'-ro with forgery, to.s been sen teaeed te IBVBU years bard I ib tur. Tbe esse aat triad lo Jadga Piejotl aith a sptciai jory.
    37 words
  • 55 16 hTaeJ i loom m 4. Tho Planters' Sores has a L >ndon cable giving the following prices al tie tubber alienors. PI mCati a Bbual md I iecuU 0 Ipa 5 7 Beat Borsp t 3. Bath Boras I 10. Eh ran nntreated 4 d. I* imb.n't:
    55 words
  • 225 16 A gout.- (io'erip and Co. 100 20,476 lbe; Aa duel 1 60Ibfl Total IS montbi 2Q2,769 lbs. Agaiai ><>,^2 lbs. Lurooi B2.< 00 Ibe; An duel I 'lbs; T..tul \2 months 883,54 I lbs; ftaubsßl 527,000 ibs. Cuanot 816 Hm 'I. ta] b r Ira aaantbi 2,4
    225 words
  • 174 16 Agei tl IF;", r b .eh md Co. Etoi i lorn ai ToaUK-B I r klfe. Mr B G baoa, ar] h sdt i over cl argeof H i Pn tug al aoj Mr Gh G id b W ili b v i H ba tl lb
    174 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 512 16 CLtAKANCEi. D Kl iv.-b rj N'i dhr, for Bangkok. Beimd il, Nor star, Johnsen, for Bangkok. Q iOrra, lint llr. Brooks, for I' embil Elax, Brit str, Mi:: Hong Wan I B;;< Penan y D AngUs, G* M tor Ho: j I 'apri. Itai str. Moi.- r• Cyn.i''. Ml Qilohffkl
      512 words