The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 24 November 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 230 1 Lai MM Pages i hniia an<l lapctial I»»'f»'no- 3^[ K<mkl Supp ies m War 322 i TW Financial Situation 32£ j The Political Crii< j>23 j I>rl mi Boon Kfiw 3&{ Cl'.i and tht- I>is3<»luti"ii 324 The M»-\u:*n K-*v»»luti«>n a^i Thf M»-ssai;e ct Carthage %2l TOLICB ANI» OOIUT NlWv
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  • 140 1 TIN RETURNS. ooldnAc.Uke^oodß^ Sept Oct. Jan— Oct. r £S3 Bruang 1565 BrDBe 3 h 241 339 2/3 4 Gopeng 600 Q65 Heawcod 513 |43 15 4 KaDaboi 445 4,903 Kinta Vm 374 8,174 Kinta Association W 501 KledaDg 577 3,934 Kramat; Pnlai 45 555 Kuantan v 25 8 671 LaLat
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  • Domestic Occurences.
    • 25 1 At Chatsworth, Singapore, on November 21st, the wife of John Rodgers, Mercantile Bink of India, of a daughter. (Indian and Ceylon papers please copy.)
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    • 169 1 On the 19th inst at the Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Wni, Kunciman b d Gicofge Bauchop Harley to Nellie Wills Braph Wilson, both of Alloa. Gemmell Hunter. At St. John the Evangelist's Church, Bassein, on Wednesday, 9th November, 1810, by the Rev. C. V. Burder, Thomas Gemmell, of
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  • 149 1 The P. and O. "Assaye" arrived ou Friday last bringing mails up to October 29 This weekly ieives to day by the B I. "Taroba." H. E. L v Ju Lil piid a visit to the Governor ou Thursday last, on hid voyage to K'jgland as Chinese
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  • 65 1 (COREECTID UP TO Nov. 23} B ink 4in 8 2/4 7 F demand *<^A Private credits 3m i 2/4 1 credits 6ms *l*i France, demand Bank... 295 Germany, demand 240 India, T. T, jW Hongkong, demand Yokohama, demand 11^} Java, demand *^vj Bangkok, demand 66^ Sovereigns, Bank Buying $8.54
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  • 72 1 Nov. 23. Tu.* 83 f2 i Gambler buyerB^^ Gambier Cabe No 1 14 b 5 GambiwOulwNo.* P»p«rßl*ek (or*:*. 8'for») buyers 14 5 PepUr.WUU (to) buyers 25 50 Nntmeg. (80 to tk* U.) norn M.c. (Btato) Bally Coffee (IOJt Bl»ok) < to. do. l»k. jo. mrfivmfWkrl 40. 7 ot) OopmfW.
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 1 P sre nhaf tb« Press the Peopi*'- ri^ht maintain, T T> v\>"! '>\ influence a^i'l imbribcd by z^in Ifer^ nntri >t Trith h-r fforioof precept? dra*'. PiedgeJ to R-!i^:or«, Loyaltj au.l Law.
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  • 1674 1 Nov. 18 There is an article contributed to the lYmei of India upon Imperial Defence, written from the standpoint of India. The journal m which this is published gives it as frrm a well-informed si urce, but is careful to lemaik that it does not identify
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 110 1 flrtllinn- to the "IMBjIf MW Free PjO» •MkH l«t«lilg trom Kurope to the Strait, U m oi Urn mail line., -ire invited 10 send tt the ItaMtM the MM Ol theii itllMg of arrival m Sin-apore. Copies will then be mailed to meet them at varioua ot OlOi. BakMriUn m
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  • 1177 2 Nov. 19 It is sincerely to be desired that m the midst of the turmoil of political confusion into which the United Kingdom is about to bo plunged as a condition of the coming general election, the minds of men will not entirely be absorbad by
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  • 1649 2 Nov. 21. From the extracts from the text of the Income Tax Bill now submitted to the Legislative Council, and from the nature of the statements made by the Acting Colonial Secretary m introducing that measure, the public cannot do anything else than come to the conclusion
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  • 1123 3 Nov. 22 To-morrow, the 23rd inst the notorious Cr FF *n ceases to exist by process of law Two dajs afterwards the present G.vern. meet gees cur, bj its own act, a case of fih ■!> m We have no particular desire to force a parallel we
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  • 118 3 It has been a matter of sui prise and disappointment that Dr LIM Boon Ken<; did not accompany H.E. Liv Yr Lin, Chinese Minister to London, as oce of his secretaries as at first announced. T hat Dr Lim Boon Kent's plans have been altered is
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  • 936 3 Nov. 23 It is a thousand pities that the weeks that intervene between now and Christmas, a time of the year when the hearts of mankind shculd be drawn closer to each other, when peace on earth and goodwill towards meu should be the inspiration of
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  • 410 3 Nov. 24 It seem 9 to be rank ingratitude of any section of the Mexican nation to try to organise a revolution, with the possible consequence of deposing from office that grand old man of American republicanism, President Porfibio Diaz. For quarter of a century he has
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  • 1026 3 In the last Lumber of the L— if— 3/"</i--zin*' Sir Arthur Coxax Doyle utters a, vital truth m the form of a parable. To his readers he leaves the application of that parable to things known. It is entitled "The Last Gilley," and depicts the homecoming
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  • 304 4 The annual meeting of the S. R. E. (V) was held at tbe Drill Hall, Beach Road, last evening, Captain A. M. Thompson piesiding. Iv reviewing the work of the unit for the past year, he said their inspecting efficer, Lieut Colonel Livingstone, had given a most
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  • 963 4 General Manager's Report For Four Weeks Ending Nov sth 1910. The accompanying sheet of Mine Measurements and Assay Results shows a total of 528 fe^t made up as follows Sinking 101 feet Driving on Lodes 98 feet and Crosscutting 329 feet, and compares with
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  • 600 4 Contractor Claims 87,101 DAHAon. Before the Chief Justice, Sir William Hyudann Jones ia the Supreme Court, yesterdiy morning thecise between Eusope bin Bimoo, plaintiff, and Thomas Charles Lweridge, aefendant, was commenced. Mr M. C. Johannes appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr F. If. Chopard was for the
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  • 140 4 His Excellency Liv Yu Lin, the new Chinese Minister to London, arrived m Penang by the P. and O. "Arcadia" en route to London. Mr Thye He Yood, Vice Consul for China with a deputation consisting of Mr Leong Lok Hing, President of the Cantonese Club Messrs
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  • 416 4 As Mr Johu Roberts, the famous billiard champion of so many years* gtanding is to play on Monday night m Singapore, tbe following reference to a remarkable recovery of his old brilliant form cannot fail to be read with interest Ex-champion John R >bertB hag informed one
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  • 242 4 la the second court, yesterday inorninc, before Mr C. V. Dyson, a preliminary enquiry was opened into charges br »ui:br against Alex Mitchell, alias MeDuff, of cheating by presenting a cheque for *30 and getting a balance of £2.50, knowing that he had no bank
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  • 144 4 Messrs Guthrie ft Co, the Secretaries to the above company, inform as that the statutory meeting of the company, was held at the tiflje of the Secretaries, Messrs Guthrie A. Co. Ltd., on Monday, the 21st instant. The business was of the usual formal character, but
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  • 50 4 The German community of Hongkong, the Masonic fraternity, members of the Jockey Club, indeed every social and business circle of any account m the Colony his learned with deepest sorrow of the death of Mr C. W. Longuet, partner m the firm of Kruse and Co., Hotel Mansious m Hamburg.
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  • 60 4 Lewis and Hill, the two foreigners convicted of casting away the schooner "Agenor" near Kobe a few years ago, have been released from prison. His Mijeuty the Emperor of Japan remmitting the rest of their life sentences. This act of Imperial clemency causes great satisfaction among the foreign community who
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  • 682 5 The total gales from the. Anglo Japaneee Exhibition amounted to =£oB.OCO. A well known X, be resident ha 8 made the journey between Char,** Cross and Taurus* m slightly under 13\ dav Tie Japan Silk Spinning Company and the K.L^afuchi Cotton Yaru C.inpanv have decided to
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  • 96 5 Sa.s a Hocgkon* paper -The mterport shocticg has resulted ptetty niueb as exmmSr The Hongkong team fired on Tuesday and compiled the moderate score M 9». Mr Hear! reached three figures with the creditable total of 104 but two Ml below tint tr. and so the »KB«8£» was reduced
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  • 738 5 Offici AL Recption at Sinoapor,. His Excellency Liv Yu Lin, the Chinese Minister elect for the Court of S> Ja-es arrived here yesterday morning by the p' and O. Arcadia en route for London. H E. is accompanied by his two young daugh ters and suite. Ciptain G,y,
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  • 183 5 The local share market remains inactive, and prices much about the s*me as at the close of cur last week's circuUr. Rubbers ke-p steady, and there has been an increased eLouiry from London. Miniug and Industrials have failed to attract much attention during the week. Rubber. -Highlands
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  • 239 5 Owing to rain threatening, there were not many competitors for the Young Cup and Monthly Spoon yesterday afternoon at Bale&tier Ringe. The light was Tery dull throughout, and 6corep. therefore, were not so gcod as usual. The Spoon was carried off by Mrs Miller, Fcores being
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  • 369 5 Tie weather turned cut tr.o9t fortunately for the children's fancy dress party given by Master Martin Subl yettetdaj. Tnere was a very lar^e gathering not only of children but also if grown tps, and tho music of the Middlesex diurn and fife banr*, the pretty costumes and games,
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  • 165 5 A Clever Trick A novt-1 methcd of procuring a free p*s sage to their Dative land w*s lecently tried b v B g( me Chinamen at Victoria, B. C, by which thpy succeeded m compelling the steamer Kuineric to cany them back to China from that port. Shortly
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  • 248 5 A great authority says, Every player who aims at acquiring the proper temperament for golf ought to be frequently partnered m a foursome with a long handicapped player, who will provide him with a sufficient variety of novel and interesting shots to play which his own ordinary rounds
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  • 357 5 Interesting Demonstration m Hon<;kong. Once move the value of wireless telegraphy has asserted i self m Hongkong. Says the v S. C. M. Post." As is well known one of the ftrat shipping companies trading m the Far East to adopt the wireless system of telegraphy was
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  • 225 5 PO.s*FB?ION HIS ONLY RIGHT TO THK Lands. An extraordinary position has arisen m regard to ]Vlr George Clunies Ron, the King of the Keeling Cocos Islands," wh<recently died at Ventnor, leaving personal estate, exclusive of his propertits m tLe islands, of £207,796. Tbe will covering this
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  • 851 6 A Chinaman has been arrested on a charge of robbing a countryman of his of a gold ricg m Victoria Street. It is reported that Mr F. J Weld will succeed Mr R. C. Grey as Secretary to the Resident, Selangor, when the latter leaves for
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  • 1275 6 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Nov. 18. PRESINT His Excellency the Governor Sir John Anderson. His Excellency the General Officer Commanding Troo s, Major Genl St>p enson, c b. TheHon'bl«»t c Colonial S crctary VV. Evans, the Attorney-General F. Beltield. the Col Treasurer W. C MichelL the PC. MO Dr
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  • 189 6 Before Mr Justice Fisher yesferdty. Rj P. A B )drigues. Living at Bsbcmlm S:reet, mimed with one child. Kjgineer's clerk employed at Ho wart h Erakuw*! at per month. Inabilities $1,149. Debts incurred to meet wife's iiluess and security for friends. Hold 10 > Jiuiih shares by mistake, having
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  • 83 6 Yesterdiy morning, representatives cf the RilH?s, A'lelphi and Europe hotels appeared before Mr Firnistone, senior magistrate, m response to summons charging them with selliDg adulterated milk. Mr Gaunt, who was for the Adelphi and Europe, said it was a perfect outrage to bring these charges. The hotels were
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  • 129 6 The following are the results of First and Second League games played on (>:t. 22. First Lea.jvk. Goals. Goals. \V.ol\vicb Arsenal 3 Notts Forest 2 Aston Villa 1 Everton 0 Oldham Athletic 2 Preston North End 1 Manchester City 3 Sunderland 3 Middlesbrough 4 Notts County 1 Newcastle
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  • 40 6 Two Malays were convicted by Mr Dyson third magistrate, yesterday, for stealing kerosene oil. One man got six months and the other two months. A Chinaman received a sentence of six months' rigorous imprisonment for disposing of the stolen oil.
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  • 22 6 It is reported that a Chinaman was murdered a few days ago at Bitu, a small village about seven miles from Morib.
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  • 357 6 Harpenden. The Harpenden (Sslangor) Rubber Company. Limited, announce a second interim dividend of '2o per cent. The first interim dividend of ?T> pe r on account of 11*10 working was declared Q July last. DAM ANGARA. The Damansara (Sdlangor) RubW o>mpany, Limited, also pay a second iaterim
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  • 418 6 Tramway Kin; Collapsks m T London, Nov. 7. Sir Ciifton Robinson, known throughout the world as the tr,. m way king," who re»-*ntly paid a second visit to Hongkong with I.tdy Robinson and their 6on, has met with if cally sudden end m New
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  • 36 6 At Messrs Powell and Co's saleroom yesterday morning a small quantity of No. 1 Sheet Pa-a Rubber was sold at MM p« r pikul, No. 2 Sheet $215 per pikul, scrap $165 per pikul.
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  • 1727 7 ONE PER CENT ON HUNDRED DOLLAR INCOMES. THE ONLY WAY. Below we reproduce a few of tha main clauses m the Income Tax bill which was introduced into Couocil yesterday. There were no objects and reasons attached to the bill but the speech of Mr Evans m
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  • 12 7 i ODf?K ™ms»»d flooded the expound. between team* composed chitfly of novices.
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  • 926 7 Quicquid aunt homines nostri est farrago, lihell't. Juvenal. Never m the story of British politics has a situation so full of mystery and confusion occurred as now. The old quarrel about the relative authority of the House of Lords and the assumed tyranny of the House
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  • 710 7 An Imperial Question It is understood that one of the questions to be placed before the Imperial Conference next year is that of the Sue/ Canal dueo, against which bitter complaint is mads by British, German, Dutcb, and other shipowners, and by the peoples of Australasia, to
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  • 197 7 NORTH HUMMOCK (SELANGOR RUBBER COMPANY. The third anuu-il meeting was held at 20, Eistcheap. Mr G. A. Tftlbot presided and. m moving the adoption of the report, sa d that it was owing to the high price ruliDL: for Para rubber during the past six months that the board had
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  • 566 8 The Late Major A. M. Cayley. The fuaeral of MaJDr Arthur Micaulay Cavley, who cime out from Portsmouth on the *:h ult t} take commin 1 ot Nj. 80 Coy X.Or.A, and who died suddenly on Friday evening from pneumonia, took place with full
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  • 177 8 This annual aft'iir came off on Saturday night at the Singapore Club having been postponed from Halloween, Odt :>lst, to permit of H. E. the Governor beiug present, as Chairman. Those present incluied the following Sr. Andrew's. Mr A Stuart. Glasgow.— Rb\\ W. Rinciman, Rev. W.
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  • 123 8 It is with much regret that we learn of the death of Mr E. H. Tredgold, an assistant on the Diamond Jubilee Estate m Malac3a. Mr Tredgold died suddenly at 4 am. on Friday, and when the mail left the cause of death was unknown. A Coroner's
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  • 18 8 Gild buttons and a coat valued at $18 hive been stolen from a Chinam-an's house m Cecil Street.
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  • 1139 8 (From our own Correspondent.) Edinburgh, October 27. Trouble is looming ahead for the Liberal party m the Njrth. They are divided on most of the great questions of the day, on Scottish Home Rule, for instance, land reform, and the Oiborne judgment. This was made abundantly evident at
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  • 362 8 H. M.S. "NEWCASTLE." Arrival At Six*; a poke. 11. M. S "Niweattto" arrive i tram Colombo yesterday afternoon and went alongside section six, Tanpng Pagar wharf tocoal. Sic is expactei t3 leava for Hongkoug to-day. She was one of the three British men-of-war which were ordered to Lisbon at the
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  • 185 8 Bradford Student's Appointment. Mr E. Bateson, of Bradford, has been appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies as Mycologist to the <-overntnent of the Federated Malay States, tm duties being to advise planters as to the methods of dealing with plant diseases
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  • 119 8 A MJtese named E. Pease has been arrested on a charge of vagrancy. AM iky womin living m North Canal Kaad attempted to commit suicide on baturday by cutting her throat. A Chinaman of River Valley Road reports th it his caoliea have absconded with a sum of $43. Laave
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  • 902 8 m Wkm the r "H it J r> Jt f l" <tf water." Ohl Proverb. The latest Australian pipers to hand give particulars of this wonderful new gold discovery m the Yilararn district, known as the "Bullfinch," though oae would have thought "G oldfi ach" a more
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  • 869 9 THE AMERICAN GLOBE TROTTER. lrottiD^ is but a mild verbal deacripn of the pace at which the American tmerant "see.- the world m his annual or biennial jhght. From start to finish U is mm m the nature of a mad gallop, m which the only apparent object is to
    F.V.K.  -  869 words
  • 791 9 Due mainly to the advent of the motor, and, to an extent, the immense distances modern London lives from its business, the carriage and pair has fallen into a state of decay, and it is a melancholy reflection that one of the finest spectacles of Victorian
    W.B.  -  791 words
  • 1008 9 la the golden days of jouth when the discovery of new stars m the glorious firmament of literature was a constant joy I am fair to confess that the planet Earns rather repelled than attracted. It was from no lack of sympathy with Scotland. The
    H.L.  -  1,008 words
  • 1145 9 People are very iond of telling one another that they would know it was Sunday anywhere by the 'feeling m the air 1 without any more definite condition. They declare it does not need so much as the sound of church beils. nor the silence m the streets
    O.M.K.  -  1,145 words

  • 800 10 It is always well to keep m favour with the powejrs that be, thought I, as 1 set out to visit my Chitty. But the term my chitty ia perhaps misleading, because I never yet hud to avail myself of the worthy man's obliging prepen&itits. In difficult times,
    Free Lance  -  800 words
  • 917 10 "My pet ci version" is a phrase so commonly used as to be passed by without any particular analysis at times, but human aversions form a very interesting field for exploration. There are of course aversions I of all types, to people, things, animal?, ideas, to the latter
    Mayo  -  917 words
  • 1542 10 (From Our Special Correspondent.) London, Get 28, 1910. A Question of the Moment. That arch an ti- Imperialist Mr Lloyd George, recently made one of his characteristic attacks on spoits, and the idle rich who shoot deer and partridges on land which ought to be devoted to
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  • 183 10 At the Presbyterian Church, on BdwdUj afternoon, Mr Geo. B. Harley, of the Centra Engine Works, Singapore, was cimiied t Miss Nellie WilU Brash WiUon, daughtet Mr and Mrs Wilson, Rosetta, Ailoa. Eh service was conducted by the Rtf i Runciman, v d., and Mr Hamilton
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  • 97 10 M. Charles van den Born, a noted Belgian aviator, with an aeroplane of his own itveution, arrived by the Polynesien on the 14ih instant from Marseilles, and after a week's stay here, left yestetddy by the Guadiana for Saigon where he it to fly. and at Hanoi and other towns
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  • 558 11 A Point Of Law. la the cisc of Tara ]>ts appellant. Mr lirad lell for appellant, Mr. R. C. Edmonds for the Crown. Mr Braddell said that appellant m this tise was convicted of an offjnee against S3ctioi I*2 of the Penal Code
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  • 161 11 (Jni<)Ul HiNi>r Cekemont. Hundreds of Hindus from Southern India issembled at their temple "MiriammankoTiT yesterday afte-noon to witness the auniiil *nre walking ceremony known as Thimithi." Many Europeans, including a good many ladies/watched the fire walking horn specially constructed and brightly decorated pivihou. A lanza wood tire hid
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  • 137 11 Qtaj, the Aus'rahan billiard player, has made "another huge score off the red. viz., SO. Motto for Chinese Government m present criiis:— We are here to-day and gone to borrow. M- aal Mi V.D.X owle3 hive returned m S n<;ip:>re after a short holiday m England. Two ludians have been
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  • 617 11 (For the Siwyyoi t Free PremJ) The National Council of the Chinese Empire—otherwise iess happily styled the National Assembly— has opened its first session with conspicuous success, and has earned the confidence of the Imperial family as well as of the well wishers of the great Chinese
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  • 186 11 A DKBCBIPTIOH OF THI PARLIAMENT. Writiag to the editor of the M Manila Times" from Peking a friend iayf:— I saw the Peking senate m operation, and it looked like any congress. Taey were clapping for one speaker on the H >or and I hissing at soaie
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  • 60 11 At Messrs H. L. Cjghlan and (Vs Silerooms on Monday the following properties were sold 10 houses No. 24, Peck Seah Street and Nos. IS to 33, Vane Peng Street. Area 15,7(31 square feet. Freehold. Rent $245. Purchaser Chellappa Chitty. Price $27,000. 42 acres, freehold land Bukit Tiroah
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  • 25 11 Two Chinese patients at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital quarrelled on Sunday and cane to blows. Oje man was struck on the spleen and died.
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  • 1715 11 BY THE TOPIC I ST. No. 3 David Lloyd Gkorgf:. As Mr Afqaitft is the ft'st barrister to becjmd Prime Minister of the Crown probably also tbe last so Mr LloydGeorge, U*e People's D*Tld, is the tirst pettifogger we use the word m no worse sense than that
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  • 78 11 A general meeting of the Indian Christian Association was held on Saturday I evening at the St. Andrew's Mission School, when Mr B.l>. Henry, Pastor of the M. E. Tamil Church, was unanimously elected a Vice-President. A committee, consi stir g of Messrs SDyriam, James Gurup^tham H on Secretary Treasurer),
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  • 1533 12 Once npon a time I heard a wonderful and beautiful fairy tale of a land where one is waited on band and foot and rendered for ever useless and spoilt for English life. That land was called India. Thither I hied me —for I was weary
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  • 128 12 Novsai beb Medal. Nineteen meiukpis competed for this which wai won by Mr A Gray with a. Lett sc«>Te of 71. 39, 4*J. 71 Otber cauls returned were The Gold Medal for 11*10 was won on replay by Mr IT. S. Hauxwtll wlio also won tLe October
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  • 64 12 A public meeting was held at the Exchange yesterday afterroon m connection with the holding of the New Year spots. It was decided, a> usual, that both land and sea sports should beheld on January 2. Mr G. P. Owen was appointed General Secretary and was instructed
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  • 56 12 The S.C.C. and the Buffs' rsew draft met at "'soccer" on the Esplanade last evanicg, and despite the swampy nature of the ground a fairly interestiug game resulted. Falls were, however, frequent and the ball became very heavy and slippery. The Club won by two goals to nil.
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  • 109 12 A Chinaman has been arresfed on an allegation cf stealing thirty guilders on board B s. 'Van der Lijn." "She 3aid she would get witchcraft and kill me" said a Tamil m the summons court, yesterday, m giviog evidence m a case arising over a squabble among some Tamils at
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  • 1116 12 -The object of State forestry m India is to supply the requirements of its population m forest products, to protect the water-sup-ply of the country, and to afford help m its industrial development." Such is the conclusion of the whole matter arrived at by Mr Eirdley-Wilmot,
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  • 520 12 Need for an Installation Advocating the need for a wireless in*t t. tion at Singapore, the Singapore Free P;>-. points oat that steps a»e now being taken ;r Hongkong, as a re ult of Admiralty action to erect a wireless land installation, announcement wa6 made exclusively by the
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  • 272 12 A Momentous Ei»ict. Peking, Nov. I— The Imperial FL: announcing the grant of Parliament legm* h} stating that the Grand Councill-jre at t meeting held on October S8 were net.v unanimous for Parliament. Toe EJact reviews the growth of the people's Vtasire an* the actions of the National
    N.C. Daily News  -  272 words

  • 509 13 The Belgian papers are discussing the prospects of ex Kin* Mmuel taking up his residence m Belgium. Prince Taai-hsun 19 determined to form a for Cnira as soon as he has made .rrdcirementa with the areenal m Germany, j The Waiwupu is investigating the growth •he
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  • 297 13 .c will of the lite Mr George CluniesRiM, of the Cocos and Keeling Islands, :ej.ving the islands and all his property rhere to iiis son, John Sidney, can neither ue pr ved or re^isterdd, and has, therefore, practically no legal vilue. Mr John Ross is not, however, perturbed by the
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  • 844 13 SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTION BY THE AMATEURS. It was a particularly happy choice that led the Singapore Amateur Dramatic Committee to decide upon that most popular of A. W. Pinero's comedies "The Magistrate" for this year's production, and the very cordial reception that was given to the opening performance last
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  • 57 13 Assist.-Supt. H. Perrett, of tbe|Penang Police, gave evidence before Mr Robinson, third magistrate, yesterday, m a preliminary case m which an elderly Chinaman was charged with returning from banishment. Accused was formerly a detective constable and has already been banished twice. He was arrested for cheating rikisha coolies. Accused was
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  • 907 13 The usual arrangements are being made for the New Year Sports which are such a popular feature of the holidays which hang round the end of the year. These fixtures are one of the old time bonds between the European and the Native communities which no age seems
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  • 61 13 A ten foot shark was caught off S:. John's isl±nd on Monday night by Sabtu bin Tarnbun, the famous Pulau Brani shark catcher. It is stated that the King has approved the appointment of Mr Jam*s Jamieson Thorburn to be Governor and Commanderin- Chief of the Gold Coast Colony, m
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  • 318 13 Before Mr Justice Fisher. Mr Crabb Watt mentioned the ciee of Nagurdas Pursbotumdas and Co, and The Mitsui Biman Kdisha Ltd, which hid been adjourned for evidence for the defence to be taken on commission m Sydney. N 3 evidence had arrived, and it would be necessary to
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  • 288 13 Old "Boy* 1 Steals the Jewellery. A Hylam, until recently eai ployed as a house 'boy" by the K:jv 0. R. Yiekery at Fort CdDning R^ad, was before Mr Firmstone, m the Awtsiot criminal court, yesterday, on allegation* of theft iv a building, of jewellery, money, documents and
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  • 231 13 Mr F. Robinson, third migristrate, commenced an enquiry at the Pjlice C->urt, yesterday afternojn, into allegations of using as genuine a forged chtq le for S^JO and with falsifying ace >vats brought ag-iinst A. V. Dj Rusurio. Abused was uatil recently employed as a lt<ljer clerk ia
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  • 29 13 It iB uuderstood that HMS." Newcastle* will remain here as Senior Naml Officer's ship until the Admiral comes down here about five weeks hence, for the Three Admirals' Conference.
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  • 255 14 We are asked to state by the Hon Secretary, Mr G. R. K. Muglisfon, that no admission tickets aie required for the Gymkhana, as it is open to all members of the Singapore Sporting Club. There will however be a special tent and enclosure reserved for members of the
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  • 217 14 {From our own Correspondent.) la a return match against Mr O'Hara's team the Malacca Club reversed the previous result b\ a comfortable margin. The visitors batted first and put together sixty, the chief contributors being Reutens twenty, and Chapman twelve. The Club quickly lost Grave but Green and
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  • 104 14 The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co.'s Bile room yesterday afternoon. Freehold land, area 0,380 square feet, together with three shopbouse dwellings known as Nos. 44, 45 and 46 Spottiswoode Park Road, total monthly rent 824. Choa Boon Peng 12.850. Freehold land
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  • 36 14 Mr A. L. Hall, one of the oldest Tientsin journalists, who has edited the "China Times for some months past, has deserted journalism pro tern for travel and left for the interior of Mongolia via Chinchow.
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  • 194 14 A Chinese authority who has a good means of judging of the nature of the situation m China at the present time finds reason for much anxiety. He says 44 The position m China is most serious, mainly owing to the financial straits of the provicces.
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  • 286 14 The recent appointment of Major General Alienby to be Inspector of Cavalry at the War Office has been warmly welcomed throughout the Army, where he is a general favourite. He has seen fighting m many parts of the world, and held for a time the command of the
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  • 126 14 Quite an exciting game of Rugby football was played on the Esplanade last evening between two S.C.C. teams, Whites and Colours. There were seventeen or eighteen aside, and at times play was quite good. Some nice runs took place, with pretty bouts of passing. There was very little
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  • 113 14 Mobained of Albert Street has lost a rikisba which he values at $35. A Chinaman has been arrested for attempting to pass twD bad dollars. A bicycle valued at $65 has been stolen from a Tamil living at Serangoon Road. A Chinaman of North Bridge Road reports the
    113 words
  • 97 14 The following are the first entries for the big Calcutta events. The second entries close "n Dec 1. The Straits horses arrived m Calcutta too late for the first entries. The Trials. Coat of Arms, Pelargonium 11, Capture, Malmsey, Cattaro, F;zz, Lumination, Black Buck, Vavasor, Lawn Sand, Royal
    97 words
  • 116 14 Newbury Autumn Handicap. One mile and a quarter. Lord Carnarvon's Torbay, 4yrs, Tsfc 51b Evans 1 Sir Willkni Cooper's Halcyon, 3yrs, Bst 71b Piper 2 Capt Herbert's Telbedde, 4yrs, 7st 101 b F Wootton 3 Mr T. Nolan's Rathlea, 6yrs, Bdt 0 Duke of Portland's Phaleron, 4yrs, 7st
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  • 55 14 Mr Frederick W. Knocker, late Curator, Perak State Museum, is bringing out a book "How to Judge Rubber Investments" which is "to equip the investing public, by a process of self education, m everything that matters m the planting industry and will tell them how to decipher good, bad, and
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  • 417 14 The Washington government, should the situation m China become acute, is prepared to protect American interests. At St. Andrew's Church, Kowloon, on Wednesday, December 14th, Miss Alice Ldsbirel is to be married to Mr Brjson. Tang Shao-yi's wife died on 11th inst m Peking. Tang has
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  • 79 14 Notice has been given of the forthcoming marriage of Mr Thos. More, a Straits planter, to Miss Miud Agnes Gillett, daughter c£ Mr Robert Howard Gillett, m.a,.j.i\ Miss Gillett was due to arrive at Cobmbo by the mail boat on the 12th and the marriage will take place at Christ
    S.E.  -  79 words
  • 92 14 An instance of the daring of burglars is shown m an attempt to break into the Prince's tiffin rooms the night before last. A stroDg spring padlock was forcibly removed from one of the doors, but the door being bolted inside could not be cpened. This door has a street
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  • 97 14 Sir Henry Pdrkes, the G. O. M. of Australia, had a son born to him m his seventyeight year. At the same time he had an elder son m the New South Wales Parliament along with himself a gentleman close od 50 years of age, and rejoiciDg m the name
    97 words
  • 111 14 It was announced at a meeting of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders that the gold medal prize presented by Mr W. C. Jacjs for the best paper submitted during last season by members had been adjudged m favour of Mr J. Chapman of the Derwent," for his paper on
    111 words
  • 850 14 INTERESTING EVIDENCE IN THK COWAN CABE. The hearing of the charges of criminal breach of trust brought by A. W. Tull? against M. S. Cowan, was resumed m the third court before Mr Robinson yesteday The Hon Hugh Fort and Mr H. Cooke Yarborough were tor
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  • 81 14 The Prince Regent at Peking has ordered the Board of Administration, to consider the ceremonial and ordinary dress for those who have cut their queues. The recommendations are to be decided on by the Senate. Peking is shortly to have a standard time. At present every clock m the capital
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  • 1613 15 (By Submarine Telegraph) (Hemtefs Agency) v m Re^Xov 17, 9.14 am. His Majesty unexpectedly ma<?e the journey to London yesterday afternoon and attended a Privy Council. There was great excitement m political circles. r His Mnjastj has relu-ned to Sandrineham however. The idea of immediate dissolution has evidently been
    1,613 words
  • 16 15 Uganda 1,41 2 lbs. Chenderiang 339 pkls. Kramat Pulai 577 pkls.
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  • 24 15 Bestead, Himpshire and Co's London wire states that P*ra to arrive is 6 2 per pound, and the market is steady.
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  • 95 15 CONSIDERABLE SPECULATIVE {From our vu;n Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. 18. The oil war here continues, some brands having dropped as much as a dollar m the last six weeks but the public has gained no benefit by the reluction. Considerable speculative buying continues. Seven to eight thousand tins
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  • 41 15 Following the gramaphone case m Singapore the Police here have prosectuted a Chinese for a breach of section 15 (J) of the Minor Offences Ordinance for using Chinese musical instruments after eleven o'clock at night. He was fined $10.
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  • 28 15 The wedding takes place on December the first of Mr H. E. 8311 of Adamson Grilfillan and Miss Alice Mjxjn who is on her way out.
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  • 20 15 The Tongkah Hirbuir tin dredging company has dealt with 37 tons during the first fortnight of November.
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  • 29 15 Hongkong Nov, 19. Portuguese subjects m Hongkong have met and despatched a resolution by telegraoi to Lisbon prostesting against the expulsion of the religious congregations from Macao.
    29 words
  • 69 15 lpoh, Nov. l'kb, 1 pm. At the High Court here to-day, judgment was delivered m favour of the plaintiff m the case Robertson versus Dr. Edgar, for $3,666, (com missis alleged to be due on sale of property bought by Chemor United), interest, and costs. Mr Shiw,
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  • 64 15 Penang, Nov. 20tb, 4 30 pm. The Chinese Minister to London, H. E. Liv Yu Lin, on arrival by the mail at Penang was received by the Chinese ViceConsul, Mr Tye Koo Yoon, and Mr L9ong Lok Hing, the President, and several members of the
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  • 55 15 Ahterwards the Minister called upon the Resident Councillor, Mr J. O. Anthonisz.and visited the Cmtoneee temple, as also the Waterfall. Oa returning to the jetty, the Chinese Minisiter was received by a guard of honour of Sikh police. Mr Acthoniez returned the Minister's call on board the Arcadia
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  • 63 15 THE MINISTER'S IMPRESSIONS. Briefly interviewed, the Chinese Minister recalled his previous visit to Pdnang and v jin as en ted upon the great improvement to the town. He expressed himself as gratified at his reception and the hospitality of the Cantonese. He alluded to the apparent increased prosperity of the
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  • 27 15 Capt. Treweeke is a passenger homewards by the Arcadia," having retired from the Straits Steamship CSmpaay which he had served for twenty- two years.
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  • 98 15 At the training on the Ricecourse yesterday morning the Singapore string, including Stagelight, Charlotte, Honey bear and Dinkum went round slowly and seemed m good fettle. Sirdar, Cartoon, and Ardpatrick cantered round m good style. Z inibar and Lunoc, a new importation, went round slowly. Nine
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  • 25 15 Mr Stubbs, the Colonial Office Commissioner, has gone to Pahang. The Lidies' Bisley will be held on Jin. 13 and 14 m T&iping.
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  • 51 15 (From our own Correspondent.) Penang Nov 21. The death has occurred m ho«p tal here of Captain W. H. Jicobs of the British India steamer Taroba as the result of an apoplectic seizure. He was about fifty two years of age and intended to retire next
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  • 79 15 U. S. SAILOR CONVICTED. (From our own Correspondent.) Hongkong, Nov. 22 id, 3 .35 p.m. John William Hayes, belonging to the American fl igship New York," who was charged on Sept. 27th at Hongkong with the murder of a Japanese fern ile child, 42 days old, and wounding
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  • 151 15 Loses Case Against Towkay Loke Yew. (From our nm Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov 22. Mr Justica Braddell has delivered judgmeut for the defendant with costs m the suit brought by the Port Swettenham Rubber Company against Towkay Loke Yew for ejectment and damages. En this case the
    151 words
  • 125 15 (From our own Correspondent.) Penang Nov 22. The wedding took place yesterday at St George's Churc'i, Pdnang, "of Mr J. A. S. Jennings, of the Times of Milaya, and Miss Rose W. Jennings, youngest daughter of Mr W. T. Jennings of Ipswich. The R9v F. W. Haines
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  • 64 15 (From our on<n Correspondent.) Penang, Nov 22. It is reported that Dr O'Brien the medic il officer at the General Hospital who succeeded Dr R ittray at the end of July his resigned. Sir Elton Bill v. r c vs., who went to hospital with di-ibHes and omplicitions,
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  • 157 15 A PENANG ACTION. {Front our own Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. 23. In the Supreme Court today a nutter was heard m which Towkay Teok Chong Bang and his c> owners of Luias estita appeared against Thomas Giwthorne, Btlfour R)ss, Goh Saang L m and C. E. Gidelius claiming an
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  • 106 15 \Fro>n our wnm Corresfionatnt.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov 23. Further details of the death of Mr B O. Stonev show that he playing m a village football match when he received a blow m the faca which caused bleeding from the nose and blo>J poisoning ensued, ending
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  • 1290 16 Oaf Issu* Paid bAirDiT. Bums. Siller? 85,000 2/' 2/ Allagar Rubber Estates Ltd 4 9 5 6 ISoioOO 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 25% int. 1 3 9 1 5. 50.000 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka <* 4 0 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 35% int. 16 10 0 1 10 0
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 665 16 CLEARANCES. Nov 17. Batavier, Brit, str., Simpson, for Anambas and Natunas Is. Penang, Brit, str., Stach, for Port Swettenham via ports. Hakata Maru, Jap str, Mocker, for Hongkong and Japan. Flamingo, Brit str, Malcolm, for Calcutta. Resident Schieff. Dut. str., Unus, for Rhio. Ban Yong Seng, Brit str, Angus, for
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    • 747 16 Kistna, Brit str, Oroffi, for Port Swettenham and Penang Seang Bee, Brit str, Travis, for Penang and Rangoon. Kinta, Brit str, Daly, for T. Anson via ports. Sri Mnar, Brit, str, Hudson, for Muar and Malacca. Calypso, Brit str, Bannatyne, for Deli. Tasman, Dot str, Dencker, for Muntok and Palembang.
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