The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 17 November 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 359 1 I.tADBRS p AOM I S Elect una 305 Th.- New Hall #<t 30^ v h»' Confrrenes and After 306 The Parliamentary Crisis 36 mt Frank Swettenham 307 A Momentous Friday 397 PoLICI AND CO CRT NItWS. A Cssnsssn i taming Bsvn 308 Bnss Profits. Tully v Cowan ...308,309 A
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  • 129 1 Sept Oct. Jan— Oct. 38 S B™** 941 1,897 2° Peng 805 865 Heawooa OKJO IO aiqiki Hanging W. 900 $5,513 148. 54 Kanaboi 265 Kmta v S 7 800 Kinta Association -30 Kledang 163 8>834 11 710 725 8.671 Labat r a ofto 2,613 MenglemboLode -W x
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 110 1 Cornelius-Williams— At the Archbishop's j Palace, Manila, on the 31st October, by the Revd. Father Finegan, Edith Virginia, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M L. Cornelius to Archibald H. Williams of the Insular Customs Service, Manila. On the 12th inst., at the Presbyterian Church by the Rev.
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    • 42 1 Stoney.— On O^t 16th (after a very short illness) at Ardbeck, Miltimber, Aberdeenshire, Bowes Ormonde Stoney, Colonial Civil Service, lately Assistant Resident, Brunei, North Borneo, second son of the late Major George Ormonde Stoney, King's Own Scottish Borderers, aged 81 years.
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  • 138 1 Nov. 16. Tin* ***** Gambier hojevß 9 75 Gambier Cube No 1 mm 14 85 Gambier Oubi No. 9 mm noro Pepper Black (ordfc. S'fors) buyers 14 50 Pepper, White (fair) h *J* r 25 75 Nutmegs (110 lo tht lb.)- norn Nutmegs (80 lo the lb.) mm Mm
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  • 1310 1 Even allowing for the peculiar temper of American public life, where individuals are talked of with a freedom to which it is impossible to set bounds and where it is perhaps equally true that inlivi duals are never satisfied unless they are being frankly
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 192 1 THE WEEK'S NEWS. The B. I. Taroba arrived on Saturday morning with mails up to Ootober 21. This weekly with the Xmas parcel post leaves to morrow morning by tbe P. O. "Arcadia." Some interesting particulars of the bookmakers' profits at local race meetings were given m the case of
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  • 1332 2 The community of Singapore will not fai 1 to bear m mind that the movement, now well on foot, to provide itself with a sorely needed place for the holding of social meetings and entertainments is not m the least any aiming at something new,
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  • 1010 2 While it was the duty of all men who truly cared for the welfare of Britain to continue to hope that the Constitutional Conference might have some measure of result, based on compromise, a consideration of the actual issues at stake made it pretty
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  • 1625 2 As we said about tbe time the ConstitL tional Conference began its meetings it would be impossible for the future status of the House of Lords to be discussed without impinging on the fundimental question of the fabric of the Empire, a matter on which
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  • 743 3 The whole of Malaya, British and Protected, must hear with a lively satisfaction that there is some prospect of a former popular Governor, Sir Frank Swettenham, succeeding Sir Francis Hopwood, m the Permanent Under- Secretaryship of the Colonial Office. Sir Frank Swettenham, although retired on
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  • 1317 3 All the telegraphic symptoms point to the probability that a dissolution of Parliament may be declared before the week is out at the earliest, and, at any rate, m all likelihood, before the close of the month. And one very remarkable thing is that, so
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  • 906 4 Hundred Ounces Per Ton. A copy of the Perth Sunday Times Oct 23 kindly forwarded to us gives the following amazing details of Australia's newest gold field. The forecast published a fortnight ago by The Sunday Times H as to the enormous value of the Bullfinch group,
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  • 240 4 Is the Singapore Club a eciurnon gaming house cr otherwise r This is the question on which Mr Robinson had to give a decision m tbe third court yesterday morning, when 17 Hylam "boys" employed at the Club were charged with gambling m a common gamirg
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  • 329 4 Sir Alfred Keogh presided m the large theatre, King's College, when Professor D Water&ton at d., dt liven d an inaugural lecture on anatomy and anthropology m their relation to the State m the past and m the future. The fist and nicst pressing of the problems
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  • 61 4 A French writer io a Paris paper calculates that, when the Hongkong- Canton Railway is connected with the present Hankow line, it will be possible for residents m Indo-China to reach Paris, via Siberia, m 15 days, made up as follows Hanoi to Hongkong, by sea, 2 days. Hongkong to
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  • 812 4 HOW JOCKEYS BET IN SINGAPORE. The Case Against Cowan. Mr M. S. Cowan was again before Mr Robinson, third magistrate, yesterday afternoon, for preliminary enquiry into an allegation of criminal breach of trust brought against him by Mr A. W. Tully, his late partner. The Hon
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  • 73 4 The Telegraph Coy team put up quite a gocd game against the S.C.C. second XI on the Esplanade last evening, and although they were beaten by two goals to nil, they were very unlucky m having the first goal scored against them, the custodian just carrying the ball over
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  • 45 4 A gold watch and chain valued at $400 have been stolen from the residence of Mr F. Hinsch of Grange Road. An enterprising burglar has stolen 1,193 f d 7n mite an <* 3,450 detonators from Messrs Topbam Jones and Railtons bT zme at Puku Üb'n.
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  • 432 4 Second List of Subscribers. The Committee gratefully acknowledge the following further subscriptions. Previously acknowledged. 2,bbb.biCollected by Mrs Hewan. Mr W. Wallace Cook 99 Mr EF. Mauldon 10. Mr W. H. Macgregor j: Mr J. T. Irvine lv. Messrs R. M Goldie, D Miller and Another Mr D.
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  • 25 4 The Ladies' monthly medal for November was won by Mrs Cru*ick*hank with a netscore of 41. Only three cards were returned.
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  • 102 4 There is probably radium m Antarctic* says Captain Scott. At any rate, he is taking with him ou the South Polar ex pedition a very complete equipment for the investigation of radioactivity. "It is mainv /or the determination of the relative radio-activity over Antarctic land and sea
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  • 16 4 Mr John Mealy, residing at the Hote; SL la PAix has loBt clothing valued at 967.
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  • 848 5 Amongst numerous other bequests the late Mr W. W Biiley l*ft a quarter of a million, as well as the proceeds from tbe sile ot his horses, to the poor of Limerick. The Italian Opera Company, which is to open a season at Manila this month,
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  • 744 5 Sold to a London. Company An extraordinary general meeting of the L?m?t!T PdF t nd COCODut Potations, Limited was held yesterday afternoon at £o 2o A South Bridge R>ad. Dr. S C linpiesided and several Chinese shaiehold^ era were present. fwLfftE? a B«*ment dated the 27th, October 1910
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  • 160 5 Bombay, Oct 24 A Government Resolution issued to-day on the administration of Ratnagiri Municipality states that unless affairs show a decided improvement within a year from date, the Government will be reluctantly compelled to have recourse to the suppression of the municipality, which is found incapable of exercising
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  • 1104 5 The Case Against M. S. Cowan. The preliminary enquiry into the charges of criminal breach of trust brought by A. W. Tully against his former partner M. S. Cowan, was resumed 'm the third court before Mr Robinson yesterday afternoon. The Hon. Hugh Fort, and Mr H. Cooke
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  • 383 5 SEMBAWANG RUBBER COMPANY. Proposal to Sell Agreed to. A meeting of the shareholders of the Sembawang Rubber Company was held at the registered cffices, 25 a S«.uth Canal Road, yesterday morning, Dr S. C. Yin presiding, when a resolution authorising the directors to proceed with negotiations for the sale of
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  • 33 5 The King of Siam has been phased to command that the people shoull know his wish that the annual popular fe .tivais may be held m all places as usual without any hindrance.
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  • 393 5 The "Magnet's" Visit to Kuching News arrived by the mail on the 20rh ultimo that His Highness The R*jih was m negotiation with tbe Eastern Extension. Australasian and China Telegraph Company, for the laying of a cable to connect Sirawak with Singapore. This news, which should prove
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  • 220 6 Shortly after one o'clock yesterday afternoon, an alarm of fire was raised from a Chinese storehouse ia Cecil Street, near the building of the Government Monopolies Department. The outbreak had occurred among a number of gunnies aud was speedily extinguished by the inmates of the house.
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  • 56 6 Messrs Barker and Co inform as that the Directors of L madron Rubber Estates L f d have declared an interim dividend of 12|% payable on the 23 d of Nov., 1910. The Directors of L?dbury Rubber Estates L*d have declared an interim dividend of 10 c payable
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  • 204 6 Claim Over Bukit Lintang. In tbe Supreme Court yesterday, the Chief Justice, Sir William Hyndman Jones, was engaged with a Malacca case between M N. Mohamed Kassim Marican, plaintiff, and Messrs W. M. Sime and R C. M. Kindersley, defendants. Plaintiff is a broker of No. 181
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  • 196 6 At the close of a quiet week a firmer r one has come over the market. In rubbers, especially, there is more enquiry from London and prices are advancing. Re b ber— During the last day or two there has been more d)ing m London and Local
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  • 98 6 The Indragiri iubb?r output was incorrectly stated yesterday. The total to date is 4,663 lbs and the October output was 785 lbs. The mortality returns for the past week show 200 deaths, giving a rate per thousand of 48.65. Of these 68 were due to fever, 39 to beri-beri, 26
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  • 34 6 The following are the advance figures of the export of tin from Perak for October, these being liable to correction. Block tin 10,700 53 pkls Tin ore 22,543.04 pkls Duty 1381, 199.23
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  • 403 6 Mr Rutherford Criticises Sir John Anderson's Speech. The following letter has appeared m the India Rubber Journal." Sir, My attention has been drawn to a statement which has appeared m the Press to the effect that H. E. Sir John Anderson, the Governor of the Straits Settlements, has
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  • 222 6 Madras, Oat 21. Yesterday afternoon at the Gosha Hospital a Sudra woman was delivered by Miss F. G. Wells, Lady Superintendent, of a Siamese twin." The child had two heads, four eyes, four ears, two noses, four legs and fcur hands. These twins were both girls. They were
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  • 33 6 A well contested game on the Esplanade last evening between the S C. C. and the 99 rh Deccan Infantry, resulted m a win for the former by three goals to two.
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  • 147 6 Mr R. R. Bullmore. who has been Acting Assistant Super <• endent, Posts and Telegraphs, Perak, i- to Kuala Lumpur to take up Lis former appointment as Assistant SuperinteLdent, Posts and Telegraphs,'. Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang. After a voyage occupying 23 days from Singapore the Malay schooner Terrapin arrived
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  • 596 6 Lady McCallum, wife of Sir Henry McCallum, gave birth to a son, m London on Oct. 31st. Both mother and child aie doing well. Mr F V. Hasemoro, late of Meesrs Ford, Rhodes' and Ford, chartered accountants, London, is to take up the position of Secretary
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  • 247 6 A Hd;h-Class Issue. The Crown Agents for the Colonies invite subscriptions on behalf of tl c Government of the Straits Settlements for an issue of £2,750,000 Three and a Half per Cent Inscribed Stock, 1937-1907, the price of issue being 95 J per cent. The loan is
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  • 176 6 NEW CHURCH OF ST. JOSEPH To the Editor, gir t With regard to the controversy about the desigo and plan of the new build. ing of the St. Joseph's Church, we be^ to furnish you with som3 further detail,, which will prove our position as to tht i. sign
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  • 364 6 To the Editor, Sir,— In reply to your correspondent Optimist," I am not sure whether Professor Rjxroy, who advertises m your paper his smartness m character reading, is the same gentleman who has been shewn up m tbe columns of Mr L «,bouc here's excellent paper Truth." At
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  • 256 6 Bengali's Excuse Fails. Accused of retaining a stolen tablecloth, value SI 7, a Bengali tailor, m the second court yesterday afternoon, stated that he was keeping it as a wedding dowry for his daughter. The cloth was identified by Dr Limb, dentist of Coleman Street, as his
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  • 1190 7 Quiequid mmmk homines nostri est farrago l,Mli Juvenal. What the law styles contempt of court may be perpetrated m many ways, ranging from disorderly conduct m the presence of the bench to disregarding an injunction, or making public comments on a case still Aubjudiee. But it
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  • 634 7 Before Mr Justice Fisher m Supreme Court yesterday. ReSiraits Leather Trading Syndicate. Application for discharge by Haji Kader Mvdin. Mr Braddell opposed the grant of the discharge, and said liabilities m this case had been $32 783 and assets were estimated to lealise $^.000. Bankrupt had been sentenced to
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  • 44 7 Messrs E. Meyer and Co, Ld, Calcutta metal merchants and inters of Lunt block or in*ot tin from the Straits SeTtLents, Federated Malay States, have it is stated, been favoured recently with some further large orders from the East Indian Railway for this tin.
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  • 764 7 A meeting of this Board was held yesterday afternoon m tbe Board Room, Mr E G Broadrick presiding. The other members present were Messrs F. E. Jago, J. Carapiet, Tan Kheam Hock, W. Mcßean, Cheng Keng Lee, W. Peacock. The President m the course of his remarks said
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  • 41 7 The following were the winners of the American tournament A. Grade. lrt, Miss Abrams and R. L Duumans 198--2 ad, Mrs Salzmann and Miles 182. B. Grade lst, Mrs Wilkinson and Haskins 140. 2 ad. Mrs and Mr Budden 139.
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  • 88 7 The first three months working of the Sarawak Farms Syndicate has been very successful financially. The Syndicate began operations on the lst July last and for the three months ended 36 rh September a dividend at tbe rate of 24% per annum was paid to the shaieholders and 25% of
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  • 1039 7 The Company's Pros/ ■CTI The statutory meeting of the Taiping Rubier Plantations, Ltd, was bed Oct 12 at Winchester Hous<\ Old Broad street, EC, Colonel Ivor Philipps, d.s o m.p. (Caairman of the company), presiding. Mr Walter Bellamy, representing tbe secretaries (tbe Biituh North Borneo Rubber Trust,
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  • 2527 8 THE MYSTERY OF THE FORBIDDEN CITY. China Under the Empress Dowager. The following is the Times review of the book of Mr J O. P. Bland and Mr E. Backhouse. "Just ten years have passed &ince even the painfully absorbing interest of tbe South African War was for a time
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  • 537 8 Tbe annual geueral meeting was held at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Mr W. T. Sinedley (chairman of tbe company) presiding. The Secretary (Mr George E. Borston) read tbe notice convening the meeting. The Chairman, m moving the adoption of the report, said that a considerable sum had been
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  • 944 8 The eighth ordinary general meeting wm held on Oct. 4, Mr R. W. Duff, tbe managing director, presiding. The Chairman recapitulated the main features of the p a st year's working and called attention to the great efforts which had been made to extend the cultivation
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  • 24 8 Renter cables from Melbourne that the Bill for transferring the Northern Territory to the Commonwealth has passed the Senate and the house of Representatives.
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  • 1003 9 From a long and excellent account m the l\nang Ckytn we take the following details supplementary to our telegram of N >v. 9. 6 Captain Cargill. after going through Sandhurst, joined the 4th King'e Own Royal Lancaster Regiment on August 11 1900 and was m South Africa
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  • 539 9 The "Marie Celeste" sailed from New York tor Genoa m November, 1872, with a cargo of petroleum and alcohol. The captain's wife and small child were the only passengers. A few days less than a month later the ship was fouDd off the A/ >res drifting aimlessly
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  • 252 9 One of the most amazing examples of the confidence tiick ever known m Shanghai was perpetrate 1 the other day, the clever worker thereof becoming the temporary possessor of a quantity of valuable silks. The rogue had paid a visit to a native doctor, and to the
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  • 128 9 The following, among others, have been elected Fellows of the Royal Colonial Institute: -Messrs Percy A mb^ r A r L Burgers, J. Caldwell, *ao E. Cobb, Max C Corbett, Robert L. Corbett, Harrie E. Darby, R. Demman. M. R. C. S. E FO B. Dennys, Charles J. Fulton. E
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  • 771 9 H. E. the Governor and party returned from Penang yesterday morning by the "Sea Mew." M* jor Tulloch R. G. A., will arrive here on the 19 fch inst. from Rangoon. He succeeds Major Lambert m command of No. 78 Co. R. G. A. Mr Horace
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  • 677 9 AND SOME OTHER THINGS. (From our own Correspondent Edinburgh, October 20. Mr Robert Wallace, Professor of Agriculture and Rural Economy m Edinburgh University, has many friends m the Middle and Far East, and they will hear with regret that he has been suffering from a rather
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  • 107 9 Those old Singapore friends of Lieut. H. Bryan of the 10th (2nd Lincolne) who used to do so well at the local race meeting on the regimental crack Redcap," will like to see this. Major H. By ran, ..m <;., Colonial Secretary, Gold Coast Colony, is acting as Governor of
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  • 157 9 SINGAPORE-CEYLON SHOOTING MATCH. It was one of the finest days for shooting I had ever seen was the rem irk of one of the members of tbe Ceylon team, who fired at Hunupitiya on Saturday moruing m the above competition. The weather conditions were ideal and the local men all
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  • 1181 10 (From our own Correspondent). Edinburgh, October 20. No wedding this season, and indeed for many seasons past, has excited so widespread an interest as that of Lord Lovat of Beaufort Castle, Beauly, Chief of the Clan Fraser, with the Hon Laura Lister, second daughter of Lord and Lady
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  • 664 10 VOWLER- GARDINER. A pretty wedding Wis solemu^sed at St. Andrew's Cathedral ou Situidiy afternoon when Mr Waloot E. Vowler. manager of the Seletar Rubber Estate, Singapore, aud son of Sidney N. Vowler of D.ckoya, Ceylon, was married to M ss Gerttude Ellen Gardim ncr, daughter of Mr
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  • 1321 10 The Steam Dredger Kuantan arrived here yesterdiv morning, m tow of the TPDB. tug "Sunda," and was safely berthed at Keppel Harbour Wharf. The vessel to all appearance seems structurally intact, but at intervals along her length it is noticeable that the superstructure has been
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  • 224 10 During tbe week cud the S. R E V. I their annual inspector. There was a str ag parade under CipUin A M Tbomp> the other officer on parade being Lieut I. Blair. <>n Friday night tin re was i_ electric light run, the search lights at Pei*
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  • 293 10 There was quite a large gathering cf members of the Sporting Club on the i. iCt Course at half past sx on Situtcav ing, for the second of the ex-gr.ftin amateur races. This event, which was ag*in < v~: four furlongs, was a handicap on tbe last r*c^
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  • 380 11 TANJONG PAGAR SHARES. Tne trial is proceeding before Mr Justice s -rntton at the Central Criminal Court of rrancis Ernest Swarm, a solicitor, of Gra vesend, and formerly v East India-avenue, Lmdon, E.C. (where he and Mr Bradley wno, after being adjudicated bankrupt, is supposed to have committed
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  • 557 11 lt is perhaps well known to everyone that the Chinese were really one of the pioneers m the art of pottery, and so a short resume as to their method of making flowerpots may not be anii:?> Very few implements are used by them m the process,
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  • 26 11 A bulk oil install.tion bag boon put up to tfce Standard Oil Co. at Tourane B.tuat.•l m tbe Gulf of Tonkin, between Ha.pbon b and Saigon.
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  • 653 11 Capt F. S. Randall, of the U. S. transport Warren," has been suspended from tne command. „tt H M tor P e<io boat destroyers "Hart," Handy," "O.ter" and "Janus" arrived m Shanghai on October 30. The Shanghai police are searching for Isen ue-lan, the manager of
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  • 141 11 A Sikh and a Cantonese were charged before Mr Robinson yesterday afternoon with depositing a dying person on the five-foot wav ilr Koek appeared on behalf of the Sikh and Mr Everitt for the Cantonese. From the evidence it appeared that the deceased man was one of
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  • 708 11 To the Editor of the Free Press, Sir, It is the custom of the Nivy League to issue, on each recuiring Trafalgar Day, a manifesto explanatory of its policy. While Nelson and his comrades are honoured, the lessons of their lives and services must not be forgotten. They
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  • 117 11 Dock Excavation A basoned. We (Pinang Gazette) are authoritatively informed that an agreement was concluded between the Siamese Government and the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co., whereby the Government releases the company of its obligation to excavate a dock and channel at Tongkah m consideration of
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  • 58 11 WARREN SHIELD FOOTBALL. Although MB Coy. Middlesex Regt. and 41st Coy. RE. met for the third time m the semi fiual of the above competition last Friday at Pulo Brani they failed to decide matters, the result being a draw of one goal each. These teams have played two drawn
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  • 361 11 The medical report on the Colony for 1909 shows a decrease compared with the previous year both on the birth rate and the death rate. Malacca has the highest birth rate and the landings the highest death rate. The Singapore mortality rate was 38 82 compared
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  • 213 11 In ke Shrager Brothers Ex Parte Isaac Shraher. discharge suspended. This was an application for an order of discharge by Mr Isiac Shrager, a pirtner m the firm of Shrager Brothers, merchants, 4, Lloyd's avenue, Lmdon, and of Calcutta, Colombo, Singapore, Alexandria, and B'oome, Western Australia,
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  • 88 11 The S. V. I. and Cadets were inspected at the Alexandra ban-acks on Sunday morning by Lieut. Col. Glover, I). S. O, Commanding the Middlesex Regiment. Captain H R. Llewellyn was m command. Battalion movements were carried out successfully and the Companies were drilled separately. A detachment of
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  • 45 11 The folloving were the results of the M November medals Ladies' (played on November 11th.) Mrs Rowland Allend, nett score 47, 4 cards were taken out. Men's (played on November 12:h and 13th.) C. Emerson, nett score 80,1' carda were taken out.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 97 11 LAND AUCTION. At Messrs H. L Coghlan Co's salerooms yesterday the following properties were sold Nos. 10, 11, 12 and 13, Race Course Road, Area 6,i 83 6q. ft., Freehold. Rant $68. Buyer J. A. Elias. 87,600. Freehold Land Bukit Timah Road. Area 33 acres 2 roods 16 poles., together
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  • 665 12 A Large Claim for Commission. Counsel m the action Grant v. Lintner and Another a case concerning a claim for commission, involving a large sum of money, m connection with rubber properties applied before Mr Justice Ridley, m the King's Bench Division that the matter should stand out
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  • 87 12 Notice has been given of the forthcoming marriage of Mr Thos. More, a Straits planter, to Miss Maud Agnes Gillett, daughter of Mr Robert Howard Gillett, m. a j. p. Mi6s Gillett was due to arrive at Colombo by the mail boat on the 12th
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  • 210 12 A Practical Enterprise. In order to acquire a practical know, ledge of seamanship, one hundred students of tbe Tokyo Meicantile]Marine School are to be sent on a cruise round the world on the Diiseimaru," a training ship of 2.430 tons belonging to the school. The
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  • 241 12 Singapore's Seventh Win. Information was received yesterday morning that Shanghai had scored 962 m the interport shoot or just six below the fiae Singapore score. Singapore thus wins again this year, the scores being Singapore 968 Shanghai 962 Hongkong 929 Penang 879 Previous scores Singapore seven, Shanghai four,
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  • 754 12 At the Canterbury Park Meeting Irishman ran a good second under a heavy handicap m good company. Flyixg Handicap, cf SO scvs., six furlongs. L. C H. Hurley's Oweenee, by by Grafton (imp.) Consistence, Sst. (J. Stone) 1 F. Johnson's Irishman, by., 9 7. allowed 71b. (W. Suttle)
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  • 545 12 Sidelight ov Menelik m Syrian's Law Suit. RELIGION OY SRISES. The business acumen of Menelik, Emperor of Abyssinia, was brought to the notice of Mr Justice Darling and a special jury m the King's Bench Division recently, when an action for alleged wrongful dismissal was brought
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  • 137 12 A correspondent of the "N. C. Daily News,' writing on the 15th ult., says Two typhoons have= been followed' by heavy rams, causing the rivers to rise, and the rice fields to be flooded. The rice crop which was a small one, owing to the drought earlier
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  • 950 12 A gentleman who had lived m India for many years, had m fact been born there and had had a good deal to do with coolies once gave a very striking definition of the difference between Indian and Chinese labour. When they put up a building m India"
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  • 785 13 8 r Paul Cha'er was married last month a t si Geirge**, Hanover Squaie, London. The death is announced of Major Richard lioold Adams. Mr Oliveiro of U€ (^ueen Street has h:s private rikisha stolen. The Key JAB Cook has gone to Muar his outstation work
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  • 939 13 The local win m the Interport shoot was very welcome, and it would have been a very unexpected and unpleasant surprise if it had not come off after the good score the Singapore team made. It was m fact anticipated, itwouldbeuukindtosay more, and the team has now the
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  • 343 13 Visit of His Excellency. (From our own Correspondent). The Sea Mew arrived from Penang late on Friday night. Eirly on Saturday morning the Resident and Chief Police Officer went iff to bring the Governor ashore and at h*if past seven were met on the landingsteps by the Hon.
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  • 138 13 STRAITS BERTAM TRANSFERS. Extent of the Foroerie> So far as can be ascertained up to the present the forgeries of Si raits Bertum Rub ber Company ih*?6 transfer receipts m Singapore leprestut shares to the amount of $20,000. The chetties seem to be the parties principal* affected, the mod us
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  • 201 13 A Kliag revenue cfficer wis charged m the third ccurt yesterday afternoon with cheating. Inspector BarteFs proscu'ed on behalf of tbe Crown. Evidence given for the prosecution showed that on October 24, Mr K. Harima. cinematograph proprietor of N rth Bridge Road, was due to return
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  • 124 13 At the High Court, Ipoh, btfore Mr Justice Ebden, Mr J. B. R >bertson, of Ipoh, sued Dr P. G Edgar, of lpob, for the sum of 50,t66 commission m respect of the sale of Canning Estate, which was the amount of the award of arbitrators who bad arbitrated on
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  • 400 13 A Typhoon and a Mutiny The Shire line steamship Breconshire which arrived at Hon^kjng on the 7th from Singapore, eLcountered some rather undesirable experiences on the run up. In command of C^pt. Tomlinson, the 44 Breconshire left Siug^pore on Saturday week and so rough was the
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  • 382 13 Claim for Alleoed Misrepresentation Before Mr Justice Fisher, m the Supreme Court, yes'eid iy, the cisc nf Kiong Chic Hoe vs J. A Meyer was ejinineuced Mf Page appeared for the plaintiff and Mr S'.eveus Cor the defendant. The claim was for Si, ooo for alleged misrepresentation
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  • 145 13 A Milay motor cir driver appeared betur Mr Dvson m the third court yesterday changed with culpable homicide. The aik. gatiou made against him is that when driving a motor-car belonging to the Straits Motor Garage Syndicate along Orchard Road on Monday, he went on his right
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  • 868 14 Police Inspector Frayne returned by Japanese mail yesterday from long leave at home. He was accompanied by Mrs Frayne. A Peking ceusor has tendered a memorial protesting against the early establishment of Parliament. It is believed that he is acting under instructions from Prince Ching. Keuter
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  • 435 14 The following is the first report of the D rectors to the shareholders to be laid before the meeting on Nov 24. "Your Directors beg to submit the Balance Sheet and Profit and L^ss Ac for tbe year ended 31 »t August, 1910, last. The net profit
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  • 297 14 Last Quarter's Fiounns. The total value of merchandise imported m the last quarter was $90,213,662. Of this amount Singapore took 165,924,668. The figures for the corresponding quarter of 1909 ween $78,797,14*. Of this Singapore took 507,712.100\ The total* of exports were B><2,SH2,t!oo. Of this Singapore sent $55,607,110. The
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  • 50 14 A meeting of Jim ah .shareholders was it is understood held yesterday, at which between thirty and forty thousand shares were represented. It is stated that it was decided to hold another meeting, and it is understood a shareholders, committee will be formed to take action m the matter.
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  • 26 14 Agents D ivies and Co. Bukit K. 8.-G9l lbs Total five months 2.296 lbs. Agents Sime Darby and Co. Alor Gajah ojo lbs.
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  • 23 14 Sir Arthur and Lady Evelyn Young are returning to Singapore by the German mail steamer Prinz Eitel Friedrich due here early m January.
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  • 226 14 -ALLEGED NEGLIGENT DRIVING." D^arSir: We were surprised to reid your report m this morning's paper under the above heading. As our name was mentioned, we trust you will allow us to make this correction. Our driver smashed against a tree m trying to avoid the injured man, and immediately
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  • 329 14 A SAD TRAGEDY. Muruered m Sumatra A few days ago, a wire was received m Singapore announcing the death of Mr Charles Harold Darke, the youngest son cf Captain and Mrs F. M. Darke, old residents of Singapore. We have now bad confirmation that
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  • 349 14 Successful Onnnri Ni«ht. There is always something attractive about a circus, both for old and young, and so it was not surprising to find the Hippodrome circus and menagerie, which will be located m Beach R >ad for a short season, well patronised last evening on the occasion
    349 words
  • 672 14 Charge Against Chinese Do« -j., Dismissed. In ihe senior magistrate's court, ye^> r morning, before Mr F.rmstom I, Pong Cban claimed to be tried on an gation of driving a motor car furiousiv Assistant Superintendent Sivi of th« Police appeared for the prosecution rA Mr H. R. S
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  • 86 14 The ground was m a shockiugly wet and slippery state last evening but a* good, if not particularly enjoyable game, wis the result of the meeting between teams representing the S. C. C. and the Banks and Telegraphs. The play throughout was even but the Club did most
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  • 85 14 The following application was received recently by a resident of Kuala Lumpur: Sir, Hearing that you are required Escense of the Branch. I now apply to you for my B other 's situation. He is a Street born Chinese (ige 2b) and could speak various
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  • 18 14 A case of housebreaking snd theft is reported from Sago Street. Property valued at |U9 9b was stolen.
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  • 1461 15 (By Submarine Telegraph) (Router's Agenry N.v 10th. 10 4 am. Tie B olermakers. voting by ballot, have rejected the agreement with the employers t 15.563 to SjSM vjtes. Additional cavalry, infantry, and London police have be*n despatched to the strike A rt»a m S uth ales. The men's representative*,
    1,461 words
  • 51 15 QUIET MARKET. (From our own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur Nov. 10. The Planters' Scores have a L >ndon wire stating that sheet and biscuit rubber are at 5 10. Hard Para il 6/1. Boustead. Hampshire and Co. s wire gives Para to arrive at 6 1 with a quieter
    51 words
  • 52 15 A Share Auction. Recvd Nov. 11. 4-30 P At Hoh Eng Hin's share auctioD, a thousand Nellmavs were sold at seventy t. Lh F."ve hundred Xarboroughs S2rf cents each, five hundred Estates reicueu hundred Temer?'h K Tilu mZ T three hundred Jit... g"«2. «h and two hundred Lunas
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  • 34 15 Penang May Protest. Apropos of the luterport shoot. Penang will probably enter a protest, as the conditions were only received two days after the Penang marksmen had fired m the match.
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  • 66 15 The Penang Municipal Commission has decided to purchase the Dato Kramat Girders for thiritv thousand dollars, and have inserted m tbe Budget for 1911 a vote for $10,000, being the first instalment of the payment, and another vote of 51, 400, being the interest on the remaining
    66 words
  • 38 15 ProvVion will also be made m the Budget for an additional Municipal nurse on £♦'►00 yearly. The anti-malarial vote, which was last year $5,000, has been raised to $10,000. Draft estimates are now fiaallv raised to $15,000.
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  • 53 15 At the annual general meeting of the Turf Club, the accounts were passed. The following cffico bearers were appointed President, the Hon A. R Adams, Committee, Messrs H Pickenpack, Cleaver. Macintyre, Jules Martin. Lee Toon Tock and Dr Locke. The amendments to the rules were passed. The
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  • 45 15 Roberts, the billiard champion, placed Mr Uxenham at the Penang Club, conceding him 750 m a game of 1000. Mr Oxenhbm had reached *41 when Roberts, who was m splendid form, ran out. The champion's best brakes were 141, 153 and 131.
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  • 23 15 F.fty-three cases of smallpox have occurred thii month, bunging the total, from Oct 29, to 496 cases with 123 deaths.
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  • 67 15 A tamby exployed by Messrs Pritchard and Co has been sente- c^d to one year's rigorous imprisonment for the theft of a pair of razors valued at £100. It is alleged that the razors belonged to the Duke of Wellington ard were used m the morning of the
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  • 98 15 Penang, N^v 11. An agreement was definitely signed yesterday between ihe Siamese Government and the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company whereby the litter were released from the contract to construct a dock and channel on payment cf a certain sum mv tuallv agreed upon. The sum ispiyable
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  • 56 15 (From our own Correspondent.) Penang Nov. 11. A Colombo rubber service message states that second interim dividends have been declared as follows -Harpenden and Damansara, twenty- five pei cent, and Edinburgh fifteen. The first interim dividends announced a»*e: Kellas ten, Linadron 12! and Ledbury ten. The total dividend
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  • 59 15 Reception at Hongkong, Nov 11. H.E. Liv Yu Lim, the Chinese Miuister elect for the Court of St. Jame3, landed here officially this morning. He attended a reception at the Chinese Club m the afternoon and dines at Government House tonight. He personally subscribed $s€o
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  • 16 15 Lal debdale 3,500 lbs. F. M. S 34,670 lbs. Tanjong Malim 800 lbs.
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  • 34 15 (From our own Correspondent Penang, Nov. 12th, 3.4* pm. News has reached Penarg that a serious riot is raging m Shanghai. There is an absence, however of details of the cause.
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  • 152 15 PARTICULARS OF NE9V ASSOCIATION. (From our own Correspondent Penang, Nov. loh. Yesterday afternoon at the Chinese Town Hall, a public meeting was held at wbuch tbe rules forthe Penang X itepayers' Association were passed. The annual subscription was fixed at $5, and that of a life member 850.
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  • 88 15 {Frow our mmm Correspondent) lpob, Nov. 12. Mr E. L. Brockman, <. n. a, British Resident, Pahang, has been appointed act ng British Resident Perak, m plac^ of Mr EW. Birch who goes on a months leave prior to retirement. Mr R J. Btrtlett of the
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  • 59 15 S: raits Bertams Forged. Messrs Adams and Allan. Solicitors, notify receipt of a cable from London, from the Straits Bertam Rubber Company, stating they have received forged transfer receipts m resje^t of shares m the Company. The public are warned accordingly. The forgeries are on paper
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  • 28 15 (From our own Correspondent.) Penang. Nov. 10th, 8 12 pm A London telegram states that the Straits Ruboer Company pay an interim dividend of 71.
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  • 104 15 MORE BILLIARD MATCHES (From cu> (yum Carmespsm ienf.\ Nov U A billiard match was play ad at the Penang Club between Miss Ruby Roberts, an Australian lady professional champion, and Mr D. A. M Brown. The latter won by 400 to 359. Tbe lady's best breaks were 24,
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  • 78 15 The Pinang Gazette," m commenting on the Rttepayers' Association meeting, says tbat on looking through the list of names of those present, it must etrike one that the meeting was essentially an assembly of landlords. If tbe Association be merely a combination of landlords, they can still serve
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  • 28 15 (From our own Cerreepomdemi Penang, Nov 15. Mr Justice Thornton proceeds on s.x weeks' leave on the arrival of Mr Sercombe Smith on Nov. I*.
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  • 73 15 J P. Ddbosech of Singapore has brought up the racers Stagelight, Harry A ien, Dawn, Chesterbrooke and Charlotti for the January races. It is rumoured that certain me -users of the Turf Cub propose convening a spec* i meeting to reconsider the decision regarding the Roadster Race on
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  • 968 16 i, LtißT Dit. Bunts. Sri i SoOO 1 2/ T' Allagar Rubber E.f*. Ltd 5 0 ,V«M ISOOOO 2 2 Ang^-Malay mt. 139 1 ***** 2/- 2/- B^ngMalaka i«t 1« 10 0 1- SO 000 1 1 Batu Caves ?f* f2 2 HH BOOW 1 1 Batu Tiga (Selangor)
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  • 56 16 Yesterday's Prices. (From our own Corespondent) Kuala Lumpur Nov. 16. Th^ Planters' Snores Agency have a London wire stating the following prices Sheet and Bhcuit 6/ft. Fine crepe Best Scrap crepe from 5 10. B ti k SvJrap crepe from 5 6. Scrap untreated 5 2. Ramborg untreated
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  • 60 16 (From our own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpor, Nov. 14 h, 11.33 a.m. notice m the Times of October 19.h announces tbe death, at Ardbeck, Miltim\mm AbArde^nshire, of B O Stoney, aged ;*l, an FMS passed cadet, lately Assistant Eh sident at B unei. The deepest regret is
    60 words
  • 40 16 (From our own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur 54,520 lbs. Jonglandor:- 464 lbs total for ten months 2 616 Its. Sungei Salak 5/ 83 total ten months 27,640. Sun«;ei Ch0h:— 4.550; total ten months Seremban :-34- 887 j total ten months 315.561.
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  • 58 16 [From )ut own Corr?sf>Ohitent.\\ Penang, Nov. 16. At the share auction here to-day the following prices were realised. 500 Temerlohs at 035 1,5 >0 Porak River Valleys at 0.20 500 Rubber E itates of Krian SI 35 The bcal share market is slow. Tm shares are about
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  • 89 16 Eow Sen.;— Oct 1,104 lbs; Total ten month* 7,049 lbs. Rubber Estate* Kri vn 29,800 lbs. (ren months.) Bukit Kati l -824 lbi; Total hve m>ntbs 2,768 lbs. Ayer Molek 2,090 lbs Total twelve m >nths 18,898 lbs. Malacu v. —35,000 lbs. •Wnnts Guthrie and
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  • 29 16 A* D.vies A Cos auction yesterday the following prices were realised. 250 Pantai ftM5 200 Bukit K. B. B 0 cts. Tho other lots were bought m.
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  • 247 16 A SUCCESSFUL YEAR. (From our own Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. 16. At the meeting of the ludian Immigration Committee at Kuila Lumpur on Nov. 1 3, the Superintendant of Immigrants stated that the Committee between J anu iry and October had supplied free passage tickets for 52,062 adults, 3.819
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  • 87 16 \From tut wfOtm C-orestondent^s Ipoh Nov. 16. The recruits for the Pjrak volunteers are omirg m at a great pace and the swearing :n parade takes place on Saturday. I f is rumoured here that Mr Gilman, the magistrate, will succeed Mr Douglas as chairman of the Sauitary
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  • 96 16 our own Corresponaent.) Penang, Nov. 16. The Penang Gazette understands that His Highness the Sultan of Johore has purchased the six year old, Silver Hampton, th? winner of the Doncjster Cup m Australia r€C3Ltly. (This pui c'.ase was hinted at m our sporti ig column some weeks ago,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 528 16 CLEARANCES. Nov 10. Penang, Brit, str., Stash, for Port 3 vettenham via ports. Nam Sing, Brit str. Like, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Tara, Brit str, Babb, for Penang, R mgoon and Calcutta. Nov 11. I\an Liong, Dut str, Winters, for Cotie via ports. Moyune, Brit str, Riley, for London,
      528 words