The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 15 September 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 217 1 Tkt CcofcVMMI J»n«l thi»- SS. A. ltil TViTiiiiHwiil IMSowHj ]♦>;> |Kr..'uTi-»n K»-«l»rati>n »n«l Kinpin» ]ti^ Hi >' i '_,'l»\ T.iyl"r's Keport (j:j TIM T7. S. and the FliiJippin*- I»>3 Th» i I>«um\stic Servant Pjubleui Hjl I'nl.lCl ANI> OOVKI Nn\>. C •unt.-rf** t K&m MS M> Affiii at BoQmkl
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  • 136 1 Jaly Aosast Total. Belat 401 326 2,297 Braang 202 1,643 Brazil 1 95 Chen dtriang 9 Gopecg 725 5,545 Htawood 257 303 56C Kamnnin* «3,408 $4)89 $34,711 Kanaboi P22 380 2,494 Kmta 400 475 3,958 Kinta Association 940 1,1*9 7.0<0 Kit-dan* 1^ > J75 522 KramatTulai Tl6 604
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  • 34 1 Domestic Occurrences. Births. At 47 Killiney Road, on Sept. 11th, the wife of M. Nalpon, of a son. On 13th September at Eastcote Cottage, Pinner, the wife of Robert Murbay— Bell, of a daughter.
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  • 66 1 (CORERCTBD UP TO Sept 1 i Bank 4ms 1/4] demand 2/4 T^ Private credits 3 m 8 2/4.^ crodits 6ms 2/4| France, demand Bank.., 295 Germany, demand 240 India, T. T, 175 Hongkong, demand 22 4 Xd:B. Yokohama, demand Il4f Java, demand 140^ Banoxos, demand 66$ Sovereigns, Bank Buying
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  • 150 1 Sept U. Til* $78 80 Gambier m buyers 10.70 Gambier Cube No 1 15 00 Gcimbier Uno« No. norc Pepper BUtek (ori m. 8'yo?«, buyers 15.75 Papper, WhiU (*Kr) buyers 27 25 NiLtmag«(llotot\ieli.>^, 17o( NTitmegs <80 to Us 'V 22.0( Mace 'B*ndv wm m mi non OloTes AcaboiA^' m
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  • 685 1 Sept. 9. This mornirg we give, by wire from Penang, the substauce of the proceedings at the recent general meeting of the London branch of the Straits Settlements Association summoned at the instance of members interested m the Straits Homeward Cjnference. Long as
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  • 1262 1 Perhaps the single advantage that the nation has experieLCdd from the continued existence of the present Ministry is that Mr Haldane has had full scope of time to permit of the Territorial army scheme being put to the te9t cf fair and sufficient trial. The Secretary of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 190 1 MkMriftm lo the "Singapore Free Press WHr-kly fSlmiag trom Europe to thr» Straits hy any "f thn mail line^, ire invited towadto HM M:«n :i_--r the nam« of their steatnei and datrof arrival m Singapore. Copies will then I>^ mailed t<> me^t them at various p.^rts ot call. Sul». iil.r*is
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1124 2 Sept. 10. Hdvicg some elementary appreciation of tie character and temperament of the averago Welsh parliamentary politician, and of the rather fervid conatituancies that send that sort of politician to Westminster, it would not bd unreasonable to think that the gracious consent of the King to the investiture of
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  • 1758 2 Sept. 12. If straws show the way the wind blows, or is m a momentary mind to blow, thea it is possible that sundry stray indicitions that have nude themselves visible of lite may be taken together to give a hint that some suggestions of constitutional changes
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  • 1178 3 Sept. 13. Hu nuiiity, when aggregated iuto urban communities particularly is m some respects a cusance to itself, dead or alive. The disposal of the dead has always beer, especially of late years when sanitary principles are widely known a».d generally acted upon, a subject of
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  • 1663 3 Sept. 14 It is now nearly a dc zen years since the United States, as a result of the Convention of Paris, held at the close of the war with Spain and the more protracted rebellion of the Filippino forces a queer phrase to
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  • 1318 4 Sept. IS. In reference to household economy m Singapore there is one province of information that rem-iins unsatisfactorily vague. And that is what prepoition of Chinese domestic servants have gone through an episode of j til life, or more than one r And what larger proportion,
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  • 258 4 Spoakiner at a bitqnt ia Mmili, Secretary of War D ckiuson sail Rogirdiog the bringiug iuto the inlands of Chinese iabcur, the exclusion of Celestials was brought about h«re by the laws on that question ia the Uaited State 3, which might and prubtbly were not applicable here. A charge
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  • Correspondence.
    • 340 4 TH S B ir -T™' f corps has just occluded its Annual Inspection, and for the next few ninths will do doubt rest upon its laurel, and bscoine more or less dormant until drills are resumed. M*y I, M n member of the corps, safest that du-iog
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  • 272 4 To the En i tor. gj r< xi the pieseat juncture it would be instructive if tha Dames of tbe signatories to the Petition to the Uui inVial Members tf the Legislative Council were made public, aud I take this opportunity of enquiring if you can
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  • 240 4 As announced m our i^sua of ye^eidiy the patronal festival of the abov* Chinch will be held on St Mttihew's Diy, 21ft Sep'ember. Tbe Church is m urjeut need of lestoration aud a sim of about -SI ,OOO is required for the purpose. The European
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  • 28 4 The Revi Father Reoard is expected here on the 17th October by the "Tonkin" on leturn from leave m France, to resume I is duties at Kuala Lumper.
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  • 923 4 STRAITS AND F. M. S. MEDICAL SCHOOL. Appeal for a Scholarship f\ The following circular appeal has n issued fiom the above* school. 44 The Council of the Straits and I" M S. M-sdical School begs to bricg to jour iiv>hc« the needs of tlat Institution. The School was started
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  • 38 4 In the AssizsCourt yesterday, two f ow'i were produced a evidence iv a hou«ebre<-k--ing case. Dur l^ the ahjrt stay v ourt one of the birds |»»<i »n W on the floor. Was it an adverting dodge V
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  • 549 5 The tablet memorial to the late Capt. H. L T A ib>t has arrived and has been fixed to trie wail of St. Mary's Church. It is a very h:ulsome and fi'ting memorial. (M.M.) The August monthly medal for bowling at the Tctcglin Club was won
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  • 209 5 Action Proceeding. The claim brought by Syed Ali bin M chained A isagoff "against Sheikh Sahid bin Abdullah Bij*r:e to revoke a contract for the purchase by plaintiff of a rubber estate at Tampenis for $150,000, again engaged the attention of Mr Justice Fisher m the Supreme
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  • 132 5 M. Rise Brasier de Thuy and his wife are passengers hom3wari by the Ville de id Ciotat from ShaDgbai to Marseilles en route to London, where M. Brasier has been promoted to bo agent general of the Measageries M*ritime6. He wa3 born m Singapore, and has served the whole of
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  • 1717 5 THE FAMOUS RING MEETING. Mr. W ARRACK'S PROTEST. Animated Discussion. {Ftoin ntr vwn ftmiffttiitnf J Penaner, Sept. 8. The following account of the meeting has o«en telegraphed ahead of today's mail. At the meeting of the Straits Settlements Association m London on Aug. 10. there were present S.r
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  • 32 5 Mr E. V. Cirev, the well-known and popular planter, leaves for home by the PAG "Arcadia" this moraiog. Mr Care? will likwlv return for a short time to the F.M.S. ia November.
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  • 337 5 BRITISH CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP. The list private news to hand about Mr E. E CjltiidD, who is the strongest chess p!a>er connected with this Colony, and now at home on leave, is that he hid made himself so far evident totheex'ent of gtt'ing the Committee of the Competition to seltct him
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  • 123 5 The police are suited tha'. Mr Frelerick Adolph Merer who w*s found dead by the roadside near the 7. mile Holland Rjad, met his death as lue result of Ha accident. It would have been impossible for au assailant to have attacked him from the reir
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  • 294 5 Chinese Committed for Trial. T«oOhiaet% Ftin Phtu and Saw Ah Kyp, came before Mr Graen ia the second couit yesterday, having been fouud ia possession of a Urge press, two mirble subs with an impression of a $10 note thereon, peucils, for c lunterteitiug currency notes, at ">1
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  • 59 5 The tiaal tie m thu competition for the cups presented by Mr P.ckering was plavfd on the race eoius* yesterday. M^srs \V C. Michel!. G. E. V. Tnoin^s. Mai >r McCa:thj Mnd Mr H. C. Y*rborougb (kJd>-) beat Mr F. Hilton, Major Martin Mr F. A Dixon
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  • 51 5 The Middlesex Raiment first eleven b»at the OA R>ffldeiaoB by feix goa!« to nil yesterday m the above competition. For the first twenty minutes, the boys played v±ry well. The shooting of the so'd'ers w^« n»t quite bo good as it might hive been. Mr S. H Diviisjn
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  • 817 6 It is stated that three European policemen have deserted within the last fdw months. A Chinaman has b«en arrested for* robbing a m Tan Kwee Liang Street. Ali of Boon Teck Road has told tbe police that he got very drunk and lost $t>o. Captain
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  • 1320 6 Quicquid ogunt honiinta nostri eat farrago Übelli Jutenal. What is distinctly a Topic of the Week has teen the nobbling of the Straits Settlements Association m London by the Committee of that body who were reirly all sharers m the "*quefZ3 M of the Shipping King.
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  • 342 6 Lecture at the Victoria Hall. A lecture on the Philippine Islands was given by Mr A. W. Prauch (who it will be remembered was m charge of the Philippine exhibits at the Agri-Hoiticultural Show) m the Victoria Memorial Hall last evening. There was a large attendance, Mr J
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  • 145 6 We understand that out of the large pro fits from the Agri Horticultural Show cer tain honorariums have been votei, amongst them are to Mr Rodesse of SI.OOO and $200 to the police on duty, which gifts are much appreciated. It is stated by the way that if it
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  • 40 6 Y. M. C. A. v R. E. The above teams met on the Esplanade last evening. The ground was rather sodden, and play was tricky. After a well fought game the Engineer* won by 3 goals to nil.
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  • 19 6 A Sikh living m Btigis Street accuses a countryman of his of drugging him and robbing him of $00.
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  • 548 6 Opening Ceremony Yesterday. The blessing and formal opening of the new Cburch of the Sicred Heart of J^au?, m Tank Road, for the Cantonese and Keh sections of the Roman Catholic Chinese community, took place at 8 am. yesterday m the presence of a large gathering. The
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  • 383 6 At the 15th ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the above company held on Aug 11th m Locdoc, the circumstances ct the amalgamation with the Uniud Asbtstos Oriental Agency were thus touched upon by the Chairman, Mr A. G-. Angier You are doubtleba all aware
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  • 869 7 UNITED SINGAPORE RUBBER ESTATES. FIRST ANNUAL MEETING. The first annual meeting of the United S.ugapore Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at the registered effieea ot the Company, 10, B)at Qi^y, yesterday morning. Dr Lim Bx>n K-Dg pe-iled, atd there were also present the Hon Tan Jak Kirn, Messrs TWa Glttf
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  • 28 7 (Jnnd Counsellor Chu Shi Chane sugff^ts tuat a minister m charge of shipping afftirs should be *pp mted and tha: stung JS a \V*i could fir'tlie tew p«t.
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  • 785 7 The customary statutory meeting of this Company was held yesterday m the offices of the Secretaries (Messrs Evatt and Company.) The Arcade at noon. There was only a small attendance and Mr Marsot took the chair m the abience of Mr C. Emerson. After the notice
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  • 74 7 The Straits E:bo rather neatly hits off the Conference position m tbe following What His Exc.4ieney the Governor describes as tbe unanimous opinion of the whole Peninsuli, Mr. Djrbishire c-ills "noisy and ill-informed clamour." This argument reminds ua of the old Scotswoman who watched her son marching away
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  • 57 7 During the week ending September 3rd, there were 266 death* io Siagapore, a ratio per niille of 48 05 Oae European died as compared with 198 Chinese and 48 Malayp, Malarial f«ver accjunted for 3^, cholera 2, smallpox 6 and phthisis 32 Iq August, the total death role was 1,258,
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  • 690 7 STATUTORY MEETIFG OF THE COMPANY. The first ordinary meeting of the Timpenis Para and Cocoanut Plantations I/.d, was held at 25, S^uth Canal R>ad, jesterday, D»*. Lim Bjon Keng presiding. There were also present Massrs Tan Cnay Van, Yeo Bin Kencr, Dr. S. 0. Yin, Goh Kaek
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  • 57 7 Agents Derrick Co. Port Dickson 780 lbs. Agents Eratt Co. Haytor: 618 J lbs; total for two month* 967J lbi. AiTPUts Singapore Ventura Syndicate. Mandat Texong 234- lbs. New Bebodab OUo Kuali Lumpu*-, Sept 8. BatuTiga.— 8.315 ibs. FM.S Kuala Lumpur: 47,280 lbs. Penang, Sfpt 8 A
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  • 13 7 Apwnts Darrick «fc Co. Belat 326 Pkls. Kcantan 49.50 PkU.
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  • 19 7 The Sungei Way Selißgor Ru* ber Com pany, I>d., announce an interim dividend of 2*. o J. pe share.
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  • 632 7 Ordinary Meeting, Friday Sept 9th. PKKSBNT His Ex^'llency the Governor Sir John An'leis >n Hi i Excellency the Officer Commanding Troo r s t Major Genl St p enson, <*.o.c The Hon'ble the Act. Col. Sec. \V. Evans. the Attjrney-«ioneral P. Belfield. the Col Treasurer W. C Michell.
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  • 184 7 Oa Thursday night Tan Ka Tob, a Hokien, was arrested by the TdLJjug P*g«ir D3ck police oa a elurge of theft. He was takei to the srati >o, where he asked to be allowed to co oirside for a necessary purpose. Permission wus granted, and a Sikh policeman
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  • 1352 8 MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR AT HOLIAND-RD. MURDER OR ACCIDENT r It is with much regret that we learn of thd sodden death by violence of a Swiss resident, Mr Frederick Adolph Meyer, em ployed as a clerk by the Netherlands Trading Society. It appears that about 11 30 ftfli on
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  • 216 8 JAV A BANGKOK LINE. jtoui: weekly Service to Commence m September. Some few months ago. says the Bangkok Times, the Royal Packet S. N. Co put forward tentatively a proposal to establish a lire of steamers running between Bangkok and Java ports. The suggestion has received a good deal cf
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  • 156 8 With the exception of a somewhat increas ed dexuard for local lubbers the market remairs q<net, ard we have again only a small ami not of business to remark on." Bvbbsb L dburvs have changed hands during the week at £4 Is. Mount Austins have firmed up
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  • 50 8 The following telegram has been received m Singapore from tbo vice-chairman of the Australian Jockey Club, Melbourne— "To Chairman, Straits Hieing Association, Singapore. Stewards cordially invite you Jubilee Melbourne Cup October 89th to November sth. Leading sportsmen world invited glad to have honour ycur presence." (Malay Mail,)
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  • 24 8 Yap Yo Show reports that he has bee* robbed of 700 coconuts, and Bjh Ah Chin has been charged m connection With tbe theft.
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  • 1486 8 URAHAME-WHITE INTERVIEWED. (Special for "Free Press") "I may as well say at once," said Mr Grahaine- White, "that it costs rather more money to fly than a great macv people appirontly imagine. Anyway a number of persons have come to ma under the impression that
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  • 371 8 Impede Canton- Kmwi.oon Railway, europeans okdekki) of* thk link. Work on the Canton section of the Canton Kowloon railway has been oiuch impeded lately by serious clan fighting across the line from about 12 miles above Tongshin to beyond Tongmai. The whole of the district is iv n
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  • 100 8 Mr. J. P. Kilgour formerly of S ngapore and Jjhore is now living m Aber«leen an<i is m good health. He h*s a him.! inctory and employs a hundred hands. The old cricketing friends of the Northumberland Fusilieis here will be p)eite<l to learn that a marriage has been arranged,
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  • 1900 9 (From our Speriil Correspondent.) Athleth-s m Scotland London, Aug Vj. When 40,0w people are attracted by an athletic meeting m Scotland, it clearly shows that f.p>rtsmen on tbe other side of the border are keen on athletics. The gate referred to was at the Celtic F. C
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  • 21 9 Captain A. I. Earl Percy, Grenadier Guards, has been app inted extra Aide deCamp to Earl Grey, Governor- General of Canada.
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  • 1066 9 {From our o\r n Correspondent August 19. Now westlin' winds and blaughteiing guns. Brings autumn's pleasant weather or, m terms of plain prose, the twelfth of August has sent all the sportsmen of the British Isles to the moor 9, and the purpose of their pilgrimage is the
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  • 428 9 An Exciting Voya«je. The Times of Ceylon Correspondent at Fremantle, writes on Aug 19th. The present ontward voyage of tbe F.MS "Salazie" has been an exciting one. Tbe ma from Colombo to Melbourne was uneventful, r.ut, ait^r leaving the latter port on Saturday, the 6th instant,
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  • 317 9 The will of the late Mr George CluniesRoss, of the Cocos and Keeling Islanda, leavicg the islands and all his property tbeie to his sou, John Sydney, can, as already pointed out, neither be proved nor registered, ar.d has, therefore, practically no legal tatat, Mr
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  • 31 9 The following is the result of crubhiog operations at Rtub for the four weeks eodiu» 10th S?pteairK'r. Total tons crushed 4 650. Total gold obtained >i>s2 ounces.
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  • 43 9 A number of Portuguese resident will pla? the M Enchanted Hon-e Jat the Tut:-*--tre Royal en Thursday niglt. The piece will be entirely m Portuguese. ]>unrg ibe interval, refreshments will be served frte for reserved eeuts and fir*>t class oulv.
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  • 997 10 We publish the rvpnt of a Mttlnt of tho BllMtl SHttU'Uienta Atmociation held to discuei the Pi eight* aud Shipping Bill brougb forward uf the Government of the Straits S .'ttletnento, to which we allude I m a reivnt isetM The inteutiou of the
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  • 1089 10 To Fly Dinvtly Upward Surface Hardening for I 'oncret«— The I*ard(iox of Koentgen A y* An Improved Microphone The |\»V"n WolihUng An Aviator's Whirligig Thn Flow of Marble Java's F.ying Frog Ants m Mann Btrrfot The of <». Ij. C) DiviJnon, a novel kiud v( rtyinv: nmohine th*t
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  • 862 10 Every now and agaia a gre^t wave of i'iih^i ation arises coucerning the reckless ■Ifttigfcttr of birds for the purposes vi female adornuaeit. Sjine yeira ag3 a ple.i was raised on behaif of the poor Jay, aud figures were produced to shew tb it an appalling destruction
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  • 714 10 44 1 hive baen able to arrange with the Treasury for a few hundred pounds a year to be spent m lectures or concerts, to be given four times a year m every convict prison m theouotry." The Rt Hon Winston Churchill m p, m introducing legislation
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  • 66 10 S W it E nos :W ssswsn of thorn siw--*. t- wm m ss__ssssss p*xe: f t»t \*«*v>*. ?x > %>• ssussssW^Sussusssss XttA *o{-t Mi I -*sftmus at tulalusi nwfuC h«« .v. w* Mtsi p***.*-^* *>*•*« i:tf«ou. p*-«s ol tss c-Msatrv s** aW tsev vavhsl WWt v\>s stt
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  • 849 11 Out of a total of two millions odd spent io public works departments m the S raits last year, Penan? rpc»ived $870,690, and S.rgapore only IfBOjMS. M. dv Perier de Lirsan, Vice Consul for France at Calcutta, and formerly at Singapoie under the Comte de Bondy,
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  • 4088 11 Mr. TAYLOR'S REPORT. The system he recommends. The report of Mr Taylor on the method of disposing of the sewage of Singapore was received by us from the Municipal offices yesterday. It is a very lorg atd interesting document which it is impossible to give m ull tut
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  • 220 12 Mr BLACKBURNE'S LOST CHANOE This reference from the special correspondent of the Duly M±il at the British Che-s Tournament at Oxford will be njted with interest by Mr E E. Col man's chess playing frieuds m Siugapore. h. is no small honour m itself to have pulled off
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  • 198 12 Proceedings commenced m the Supreme Court on Tuesday afternoon, before Mr. Justice Tiiornton, m what is known as the tin cises, which have been pending since 1008. There are seven cases m all, and Messrs. Behr and Co. are the plaintiffs m the whole and Messrs. S:rauss
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  • 132 12 A QUIET WED DING. A quiet wedding took plice at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, on Saturday at 10 a.m. between Mr J. Russe'l Stronach and Miss Yvonne Dietz de Broise, daughter of Mine Die* z, tbe accomplished directress of the Rifflis Hotel Trio. The Rev. W Runciman, Minister of the
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  • 1247 12 Exciting Times at Christmas Island Thirty Bengali?, the crew of tbe British steamer "Biron lanerd^ls" ficed Lieut. CVor, scting Mister Attends, m the Marine Court yesterday, on charges of viiful disobedience of the lawful commands of the master of tbe vessel on September 5, wbi'e at
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  • 304 12 We have bean furnished with a copy of the Courts, Civil Procedure, li«pul and Civil Liw Ordinance.', Hnaofat^.j *u<j uh u Uted, which is the work of Mr <} a Sorneren. This type of work is iuMirall? caviare to the general public an! it is not
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  • 175 12 la th* Supreme Court, yesterday, M Justice F^ber was engtgtd with appeal* from decisions of the district jddges and police magistrates. Chellapm, a Tamil of Malacca, who was convicted m that settlement of cheating by pretending to be a lawyer's c'erk was suc-ce-siul m his appeal. H« was
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  • 130 12 Commence Before Chikf Jcsri- :k TO liAV. The fifth Assizes for the year commence m the Supreme Court this morning Mil the Chief Justice, Sir William Hynduitn Jones. There are only nine cases oa tun calendar, and oae of these, a charge using as genuiue a forged documeat
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  • 24 12 There were thirteen members on the senior staff of the P. W. D. of the Colony iv 1009 and eight on the subordinate staff.
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  • 884 13 Mr T. A!!ingh*m, manager of Kota Tamp m K,'ate, is recruiting hi 9 health m I » after a bout of bhek water fever. The long continued drought and the consequent rise m tie price of rice m Hainan are responsible for the exodus of A
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  • 923 13 The fiuh Court of Ass z* opened ye3terdav morning before the Chief Justice, Sir William Hyndman Jones. Returning from Banishment. Yeo Ah Kirn pleaded guilty to unlawfully returning from banishment, and was sent to penal servitude for life. HOUSEBREAKING. Tan Kong was charged with housebreaking, after having made
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  • 1021 13 So tbe House of Stanley has after ill won the St I>ger, and public opinion which rated Swynford so highly afrer hia Liverpool perforinarci has been* justified. Details of the race have not ome to hand so it is impossible to form an idei how tbe raca was
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  • 15 13 Mr N. Rmnick, formerly cf H. M. S. 1 Kiashd/'bas died of tjpboid m Shanghai.
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  • 725 13 31 r Eart Wirtz, Cellist. A very considerable audience assembled last nieht at the Teutonit Club to heir Mr Birt Wir z, who is noted for his fins violoocello playing m musical centres b>th ia Europe and America. A published biography of this weli-knowu player gives these
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  • 70 13 The following were the results of the S^p'ember M>nthl? M »^hl Competition*: Lidies Mrs Rowland Allr»D,cett score 47. There w»>re 5 curds taken out. Men's (and Swe^psUlr**) L eut. M. C. S^atbrough Lett 7S. 19 cards were taken out. Sir A^chibild Liw's Cup for an f clectic
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  • 50 13 Aver Molek l>lo Iba United Malacca: l,i*4 lbs Kukit Katil:— Tmh lbs Isi;kit Jklutono 964 lba Malaka Pin da 381 lbs Gambiek ltij pkU Apents Eratt <t Co. New Singapore:— 6o lbs. ToUl three montOH lrO lbs. St Helena: -105 lba. Total six months 0:3 0 lbs.
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  • 270 14 A PRINT ING TRIUMPH. Mr Van 3omeren's compilation of the Civil Procedure, Courts. Repeals etc Ordinances has been issued m a form allows individual choice as regards binding. In books of this kind interleaved copies are a nfcessity to the users and many firms prefer] to have their books
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  • 307 14 The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co.'s sale-room yesterday afternoon No. 14 Amoy Street, area 1.335 square feet, lease 999 year 3, quit, tent 83. Monthly rent §30. J. A. Elias $5,700. No. 217 Telok Aver Street, area 1,527 square feet, lease
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  • 129 14 A meeting of the Eastern Petroleum Syndicate, Limited, was held m the registered i flices, 23 and 25 Arcade building, on Monday. Mr Seymour Buckingham presided and among those present were Messrs S. R. Robinson, J. C. K( opman, Alec. Colledge, L. Dunman, A Seth, J. H.
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  • 116 14 Training for the forthcoming October meeting which has been poing on for some time entered on a more important stage yesterday when the track proper was opened for the first time. There was a fair attendance of spectators and the going being good some useful work was done
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  • 31 14 The following was the export of tin from Perak for August, tbese being adranca figures liable to correction. Block tin 12,411 54 pkls. Tin ore 27,705.04 pkls. Duty $374,292.68.
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  • 828 14 Agents Evatt and Co. Indragiri .-862 lbs total 3,696 lbs. Mr C. E Donaldson will shortly go to Serf mban to act as magistrate m place of Mr W. T. Chapman, who goes to Penang to act for Mr A. M. Pountuey. while the latter is engaged
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  • Correspondence.
    • 515 14 To the Editor, Sir,— ln the Governor's speech on Sept 2 ad. on the second reading of the Freights and Steamships Bill he is reported as having said that if figures were fully gone into it would be found that our trade with the FM S. both
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  • 118 14 President's Prize. The let round of the competition resulted as under. D. Maw beat T. Rutherford w.oW. J. Trowell beat E. Applet on 4 and 2 W. S. Barrett beat F. R. Marsh 5 and 4 K. O. Swan beat W. R. Swan w.o. A. S. Hitchcock
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  • 2693 14 (By Submarine Telegraph (Renter's Ayeney.) Sept. &;h, Rec 4Um Reuter's correspondent at the Hd* states that the President of the arbitration tribunal has delivered his award with regard to the Newfoundland Fisheries dispute. Seven points *ere submitted for judg. ment and the two most important were decided m favour
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  • 289 15 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. (Special to Singapore Free Press.) London, Sept 7. The meeting of the shareholders of the Malacca Rubber Pianta'ions L' mi ted was held m the registered offices of tha Company on Tuesday at noon. Mr G. B. Djdwell, the Chairman of directors presided, and
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  • 81 15 First Station m Pabang. (From our own Correspondent Kaala Lunpur R*c '2 3G pm. TheMilay Aliil heirs that the new section of the railway from Bih*u to Triang River a distauei of 32 miles, will be opened on October l^t There will be three stations, one
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  • 36 15 A meeting was held at tbe Selangor Club to discu33 the proposed Hill Club at Ginting Sempa. J)c Travers presided and it was decided to form a committee tD further an elaborate echeine.
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  • 128 15 (From ou*' ou'/i GnrtsfoadtMQ Kuala Lumpur S. j pt. 8. la the Supreme Court here yesterday Towkav Low Lsong Huit sued the Planters' Stores Agency for specific performance of a contract to deliver *200 H-nwood shires at 37/- premium. The defendants state that they were
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  • 90 15 A Matter of Coy nant. \Frv>:< our own Correspondent) Ipoh, Sept 9.b, I<> am. The action brought by Messrs Osborne and Chappel, the well known mining expert?, against Mr William Sim, G^uerai Miua^r of a Shanghai group of estates aud Mr Simuel Pdik, a Kte assistant
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  • 642 15 THE MONOPOLY OF PRYE DOCK. A Tale of Woe. (Fr^iti our MM Correspondent.} Penang, Sept. 8. Mr Miles, the euperinteadeat engineer of ■In E tater a Shipping Compiny, writes long letter to tbe PiU&iig Gizette calling attention to the monopoly of tbe Penmg Committee of the
    642 words
  • 73 15 Small-pox Checked. {From our own Correspondent.) Penan^, S°pt. 9th, 4 55 pro. Tbe r*te <»f Pecang for tie week en^fd '2cid inst is 41 24 as otnpared with 23 64 tor the pievuus week. Ttit re h; c been four deaths from smallpox m nineteen cases. Fifty
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  • 101 15 Mr R C. Gould, the Penang solicitor, whose case wae mentioned on the 23rd August, his been tuspended for tbrt*e months. The Supreme Court has ordered him t pay thirty dollirs due by him to a client and also the cost* of the Solicitor General* application for
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  • 26 16 (From our own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, S^pt. The Planters Stores and Agency has a London wire that FineHird Para is at 7 10
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  • 34 16 Judgment his been reserved m the suit m which Ldw Leong Huit suad the Plan ters Stores and Agency for sp=c fa parformance of a contract to tell 200 Heawood shares.
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  • 25 16 {From our t >nn Corrgipomient.) Penang, Sept 9th. A L^cdon wiie states that the interim dividend of the Seafield Rubber C^mpiny i* fifteen.
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  • 31 16 The Jcbrmg Estate has produced lasi month 20,170 lbs of rubber. This nr-ikes for eight mouths 140,520 lbs against 7i>,050 lbs for the corresponding period of last year.
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  • 42 16 Towkay Yeoh Paik Keat, of the Uganda Rubber Estates at Kldng, which m the last seven months had an output of 6 339 lbs of rubber, reports that a local syndicate had offered £24.000 for the estate last month.
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  • 33 16 The tin sales during the p-ist fortnight are, Eastern Smelting Company, 575 tons Straits Trading Company, 400 tons. Penangtiu exchange 227',. Arrivals include 7,022 "piculs tin an<3 15,582 picuis tin ore.
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  • 33 16 The impcrt m-irket shows an improve ment generally them is more demand for piece goods, and prints are moving well. During the pas* wick galvanised iron hat been m good demand.
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  • 28 16 {From our own Correspondent Ipoh, Sept. 13. Tronoh pays a dividend of two shillings payable m London ou October the first. Lahat declares a sixpenny dividend.
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  • 226 16 Mr BIRCH'S ENERGY. n m i'ttf i> >m L"" t \'/> > n< tent. > Ipoh, S >pt. 10. The sports commenced tiiis morning on the padaug There was a Urge attendance and the weather was perfect, clouds temper ing the fierce rays of the sun. Mr E
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  • 47 16 Mr Bailey "Second. (From our own Correspondent) Peo*Bg, Sept. 10th, 4 ■><> pm. The Pinang Gazette has a wire from Landon Riving these particulars of the runniug for the Doncaater Cup: Bronzino (8.4, t\x) j Bachelor's Double (!»11, Rindall) 2 Royal Realm (101, Grigor). 4
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  • 103 16 {From our own Correspondent.) T Penang, Sept. I]. The marriage took place on Siturdav afternoon of Mies Mirgaret Jane (Jennie) elder daughter of Mr A. Lawrence, account-' ant Gula Ei.ate, Perak, an d Mr James Pa'ark 11 maDa66r f Kilu mpong E 3 tate, There was a
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  • 162 16 DELAY IN CALLING THE BKIGADE. {From our own Correspondent.) At seven o'clock this morning, a fire broke out m the middle of a block of seven old low shophouses constructed of bricfc pillars and plank walla at the corner ol Carnarvon and Buckiogham Streets. One buildibg
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  • 111 16 Bill Collecting m George Town. At seven o' clock on Saturdoy nigh*, a bill collector called at a house m the narrowest part of Armenian Sheet, m I very congested area. A row ensued and an oil lamp was thrown The glass reservoir was tmasbed am) the
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  • 118 16 (From our own Correspondent.) m Ipoh, Sept, 13. The Times of Malaya m a leader on the sports states that although they were most successful it would be better "if they we*e confined to one day owi Di to the difficulty of men m other centres getting away
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  • 55 16 MR. BIRCH ILL WITH SPRUE. {From >v// ,'.-,7/ Lorr'sflof«ttttr.s Mr Ivrch is Butterirg from ipr£ and is coLhued to the ReMmusy and is not allowed to see visitors. A public meeting: is being held«>ht to consider the advisability of forming a bjj scouts association. Mr Miuleffiach
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  • 38 16 (From our on-n Correspondent Tha f Penang Sept. 14. me tollowing prices were realised at the share auctions to-day. 500 Nellmavs at 95 centg <>€0 Paiak River Villeys at 2l> 250 Kubber Estates ofKriau $1 85
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  • 118 16 Ihe prospectus has been issued of Chin tIT onn P°' n P? D y nit^ *ith a capital o f M (.o.OOO iv dolkr shares, 87.500 of which are offered to th, public. X| ia directors are Dr Aveton m Jlr RA.P H M c Mr
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  • 40 16 (From our own Correspondent A fi o X i Hongkong, Sept. 14 A He broke out at two o'clock this mornu>g on tbe -Kumchow" which is *5l of cjohe emigrants. m been Li* I"™*1 hundred "vesihave
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  • 65 16 A Toronto correspondent writes t.n the effect that an exploring part" out Zil*? Pe4Ce River CoUDt '7 m North A berta reports Asphalt everywhere Ts\ Athaba8 <* River it occurs™' great h,gh mounds; m the vicinUv of Fort Murray alone it is e 3 tim a ,J Tthere are twenty.e.ght
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  • 724 16 Cap. IBBUI. Paid. LutDiv. Bonus. Sili r 85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estate* Ltd 4 7 ft g 150,000 I/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 80% 1 4 H 1 q 50,000 2'- 1/6 BatangMdlaka 6 1 <', 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 50% 16 17 6 17 so 80,000 1 1
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