The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 30 June 1910

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1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1910. No. 1,196.
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  • 166 1 CON TE NTS. i i M :ri ..11 i I'-ni :1 I,'t! \--2 i:. r .j., j. j H urn 12 p P f Lords 1 -2 8 X! I 4 3 4 I N i da 4 i 113 413 1 4(6 7 Ltd s no I 2 i
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  • 151 1 riaiad and Pub:M»- -d .'or the Proprietors I GftABMl St. Claik at Urn Singapore 1 Prett" Ollice No. 80-8, R*ffl< •be Towi of EUagipove m the Cjlooy April May Total. PlkU Si 221 296 1.200 264 1.198 lhd 900 H95 ■UO l'^> ?H .i g 725 030 3,445
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  • Soincstic Occurrences.
    • 69 1 At Spottiswoock-. on the '2;jnl instint the wife of Aleandbr Snow, of a daughter. Ma« Ci-nv At Botterworth, Province Weilesly. on 19th inst.. the wife of G. D. N. MacOunK, ot a son. At 16, Nivec id, Singapore, on June 24th, the wife of BziKIBL El. I as SOLOMON,
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    • 55 1 FINDLAY. At the Genera] Hospital. Pt^aarg, oi Jane 18, 1910, Charlbs Qordon Findlay Manager, Jura Estatr, aj»o 25. /immekmann. At 207 QaeeD Street on the 23rd Jane, iw\ Carl Zimmermann, sole Proprietor of Messrs. F. Clarke A Co., Livery StabieM. Funeral will leave his resiJenoe at 4 pin. tc
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  • 2 1 FSDFSDF
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  • 141 1 June i! 9. Tin* W4 82* Gambier buyers il 60 Gam bier Cube No 1 i 4 62| bi v < hi t* &o. aoit Pspper ß i m 4 (4 r ft. |«rr* 18 87} P-spper, Whir* (tor) buyers 24 75 Nutmegs (SO 5c Ai IV) 2^-^^
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  • 45 1 Your cough annoys yon. Keep on backing and tearing the delicate membranes of your throat if you want to be aunoyc 1 But if you want rehVf. want to be cured, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by all Dfepensaries and Dealers.
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 Pres« ti People's ri I h "am, Sy it finer* c aw] itnbribed I y Here pal iol Truth h^r i rvecpts draw, Vlci'etil to R 1i,:0r., Loyalt) anC Law.
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  • 1353 1 Juti" 24-. Of the private Coniereuce thai is now proceeding between Lading Ministers and ci Ministers of the two great political parties, nothing will likely corns out beyond what, -is a result, tha Prime Minister will 1)3 subsequently ei-tbled to declare to be the c
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 153 1 THE WEEK. Th« last niiil from homo arrived by the 1» I. T.irobd," wi?h miilfl ol June Tiiis weekly goes to-day by the PA < > "Arcadia." At the meeting of the L?ffiBlative Council oa Friday liv the Rubber Dialers' Bill waa pm»od through all its stages. The Ldpara* ]>ill
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  • 293 2 Thk Ki ng and Colonial Riflemen. All who hava taken an interest iv the prospects of the two teams that have proceeded from the Malay Peninsula to England for the National Kitle Association's annual meeting at Bsley will cote with pleasure, from a telegram[published todaythat the Australian Team, tha team
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  • 837 2 Egyptian Laxity ahd Roosevelt 's Verdict. June 25. As the prolonged use of the kid glove by the Indian Government ha.s not only permitted but actually, even if indirectly, fostered crime, assassination and seditiou, so the use of some small application of the steel gauntlet, almost too late m the
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  • 336 2 Perhaps the first idia that will occur to the ordinary person is that the exceedingly miscellaneous list of persons who are honoured with peerages are not specially distinguished m any particular walk of life, although it contains the mine of an eminent contractor m the person of
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  • 1287 2 June 27. It is true that the expatriation incident to life m a tropical Crown Colony has some drawbacks, chitHy the privation of the more artistic side of life. Bat it cannot be denied that it has ita compensation. Chief of these is that we are well
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  • 1480 2 .luLe 28. A thoroughly w-j'l-intentioußi ••rn'rl*tioa towards the gre it question oflmperu organisation, from the special Btaulp>in' of ladia, appears m the Fn-t tl n/,,t1,i I; for June, from th^ pen of a wei! ki l Indian writer Mr S. M Mm:\. tkii
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  • 1317 3 Jua»29. Ix another part of this issue will be seen a piragraph relating to a preliminary me3ting to be held at the Biffin Institution, whose purpose is to discuss tha adviaability of forming m S ngipore a *B.)T S.;ou f s' Association," which shall carry on
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  • 1141 3 Juoe 30. If people look at the loag range of piled up coal scores from end to end of the Tanjjng Pagar wharves, and the busy buakenng lines of coolies, or similir lines of coolies, m their antlike run, discharging coal cargoes, they might almost be excused
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  • 395 4 A considerable portion of Mr Wolferstan's time m the tirst court yesterday was occupied by a caso of false information, the defeu-iiut btiug Tm Kuiin Tian. There ware two charges, the first, of giving information whioh ho knew to be tilse, intendiog thereby to cause
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  • 241 4 A BICTCLI By The Way Side. Henry Brown aud Ernest Holder, two privatesi n the Middl sex Regiment, came up before Mr Green m the second court yesterday, the first named being charged with the theft of a bicycle, and the latter with dishonestly disposing of the
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  • 283 4 THE ACCIDENT TO Mr C. B. McRITCHIE With regard to the serious nccirt«»nt a1 Kiudy that has befallen Mr C B Me Ha chic, who left Singapore for Bugl »nd a. »<u»tt time sgo, and has caused his friends hero a good deal of auxiefv, some detaila are yiven m
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  • 314 4 Mr A S ;nrt of ti>e Q-overnmeat Import aud Riport l>dpt., returned by the Atsuta Mxru vts!:erday. Au aviation expert, named Babl, fell from a height of 250 feet at Slettio and was terribly mangled. He died immediately? Compound names such as O'Neil and Macß >oert will be charged as
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  • 908 4 the Association Cif\ Middlubi Irs Royal Engineers. This match was played on the S. X C. ground yesterday afternoon before a large crowd. The weather was again favourable and the ground very dry and fast, whilst there was a hot and bothering sun shining m the faces of the
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  • 1019 4 InTEIIESTIN-. A< < <M NT 0| H!> Mr Joseph Fraser. the well-known V has returned to Colombo after his \isit fa the Straits. Mr Fraser gave an ftjton account of his visit to a Times of C-y preeentative from which we take the
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  • 895 5 Mr \V. H. A. McDonmll, Manager of Kinta, Ltd is leaving for Home next month and is not hkelv to return to Malaya. < >a Wednesday evening the boys of St. Aloysiu.-' Guild gave an interesting little entertainment m the Catholic Club consigtmg of a play
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  • 2313 5 In Boyhood. If the new King's boyhood was not marked by any particularly outstanding events, it was chitfW because his Koyal parents believed that simplicity of life was as necessary for their children a* for those of their subjM- s. The young P.inces and princesses of Wales
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  • 436 5 TANJONG KATONG FORESHORE. To the Editor, Dear Sir,— Although much has been written, and a great deal more saia, upon the question of the wholesale destruction oi the Tanjong Katong foreshore consequent upon the transfer of sind for use iv connec tion win the Harbour Works, nothing whatever appears
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  • 216 5 On Wednesday, Ist instant: as the s > Kuchiiig was on her voyage from Sing-ipoi-to Saiawak, she sighted, abo^t 4.3<' pui Malay schooner dying a signal of dih-re*^ abajuon a pole being waved IrastieaOy and on going alongside those on board report ed that they were J ♦>
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  • 330 6 The Times of Malaya continues to omphasi&e the argument" that the duty on tin m the F. M. S. is too high, being three times what it was m 1880. The rubber industry is let off too lightly, says our cantemporary. Freights on the railway,
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  • 374 6 The Yen Archdeacon laid offciatod at the English Church on Sund y. la the morning Holy Communion was celebrated, and there was also Evensong at 6SO p m. We regret to learn that Mr l/*rd has not benetitted as much as was bop id from his
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  • 271 6 Dr. Malcolm Watson give a very interesting lecture at Kuala Lumpur the other day. From the full report m the Malay Mail weqiote this section. Malaria is not always a disease '•haracterised by high temperatures. After a time a person may suffdr from malaria and only have
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  • 24 6 The cot position m Baugali eutitled •Muk-ti M n^ar" is ceclared forfeitei to liis M- jesty by the F astern Bengal and Assam Government.
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  • 123 6 The Wrights. Rack No. 3. Durbar 9 4. Grey Plnme 8 i*. Second Start 8.4. Ooodrose 8 Pin 7 11. Little Stranger 7.9. Rack No. 4. FJy 110. La Parola 9.10. Pikat 8 2. Chrysalis 7.12. Mordiford 7.7. Race No. 5. Lucretia 10.0. Bay Ronald 0.4. La
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  • 249 6 Pekajv v. Nbgbi Sembilan. The following are the scores m this raatcb, played at Ipoh on Monday and Saturday, ending ia a draw. Xegri Semhilan. G. Marshall 0 Wood b Thompson 18 c Barry bGrenier 5 A. O. Craven c Lucy b Thompson 2 H Streeton c Maartensz b
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  • 264 6 But one match remains to be played m the regimental football league and that is down for decision on Monday next, when A and Q companies are the contestants. Oa the result of this match hangs the destination of the Challenge Shield for PJIO A coy. are leading
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  • 732 6 A periodical sale of shares by auction has been established m Panang. Without reserve Another s'x f een f^ot shark has been caught off Pulau Brani by a Milay fisherman named Sabtu Bin Tambun. An old Chinaman residing at 113 Lavender Street committed suicide yesterday by
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  • 400 6 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, J« sk _>i. th I'hksin His Excellency th» fJovetnor Sir John And« Th<- Hon'Mn the Act. Col S*-c. W. Evanthe Attorney-General F Ke.lfi<;M the Treasurer W. C Michell the Ooi. Enein*««*r, F. Fijf the P.C.i1.0. W. Gil.ujre .1 Saan<lerrt <\ W, Darbishin-. T. S. Baker.
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  • 376 6 The followicg is the report to be submitted to the meeting on Thursday —After writing off depreciation and making provibijn for bad and douVful d*bte the net profits amount to $519 370.5S which, with the balance of 103,217 00 brought forward from last accuunt, mikes a to*al
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  • 31 6 It is said th*t m future Carcosa is to be reserved for H R. the Hi^h Commissioner, and that a new resideuce is t4) be built for the Undent General— M*lay
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  • 2012 7 SIX ARTHUR YOUNG'S REPORT. Sir Arthur states m his report thatCaptain V K. C. Ryan of H. M. S •Ast;*i" visited and leported on these mUnds m September, llK)8; the last visit by an tiioer of the Straits Settlements <overcment was that made by Mr R. J.
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  • 471 7 DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT. The fiix'h ordinary general meeting of the Kuantan Tin Mining Company, Ltd was held at the registered office of the Company at Gresbam House at noon yesterday. Mr H. R. Llewellyn presided and there were also present Dr de Vos acd Mr A.
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  • 67 7 This circus with its new p?rfjrmers and baby timers aud elephants arrived here yesterdvv aud opens on the o'd site m a new waterproof tent at a quarter past nine. Tbe booking plans are opeu at the Robinson Piano Company aud as the Circus looks foiward to a
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  • 92 7 Driss, a Mai iy trolley M boy was severely ir.jured at- Taujoug Pjgar about nine o'clock on Thu»sday morning. His cir was goiog towards Pagar when the trolley slipped eft" the overhead wire. Driss jumped dowu and was trying to put it back again when a
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  • 31 7 The following is the result of the Ladies' Medal for June. Mrs Woiiersrau r >l 12 42 Mrs Harwell hi 5 52 Mrs E'eum HO 7 53
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  • 53 7 The S C. C 2ad XI met the X G. A. on the Esplanade last evening, and after a very even game were beaten by two goals to one. The ground was on the soft side, and play was consequently tricky, but both defences were good and many promising
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  • 44 7 We are informed by the Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor that His Majesty the King has been graciously p'eased to bpprove of a C. M. G. for Mr R. N. Blanl, the R silent Councillor of Peaung.
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  • 743 7 Presentation at Tavjovg Pa<;a».\ Mr \V. G. Niven, the retiring secretary of the Tanjong Pagir Dock Boatd, was the recipient of a very handsome present from the staff and employees of the Board, last evening, the presentatior. which took the form of a beautifully fluted
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  • 218 7 No object is morp worthy of iur support than the U E M, on behalf of the fuud* of which institution the ant. ml t-ale of work waa commenced yatterdlj m Urn Victoria Memorial Hill. Tae proceeding were opened at 4 p 111. by A*chdeacou H C
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  • 897 8 QuirtfHtd gunt kemJUßi iwxtri est farrago. HbeHi Juvenal. Every one will hope that only good will come out of the private Conference that is now proceeding between four Front Bench statesmen from either side of the Houses of Parliament. Tne Unionist quartett are Mr Balf* ur
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  • 16 8 The Netherlands India Commercial Bink hie »leclared a dividend of 12% for the year 1 i«".».
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  • 858 8 The Key. J. A. Gray, late of Singapore, is to be inducted by the Presbytery of Northumberland into charge of the congregation at North Middleton on 7ih July. Mr J. R. Murray left Singapore on Siturday on the Ipoh, for Lumpjr, where he takes up
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  • 750 8 Statutory Meeting. A statutory meeting of the above company was held at the offices m the Arcade, on Saturday, Mr C. Emerson presiding over a large attendance of shareholders, included amonget whom were Dr Wertbeimer, Messrs Marsot, McGregor, W. Mcßeac Montgomery, B Bromfield, P. Gold (Secretary),
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  • 164 8 A Colombo wire says that the Federated Selangor Rubber Company, Ltd., announce a final dividend of Go per cent., making a total of 125 per cent, for the year. A sura of £'>,Q4+J is carried forward. Mr Justice Fisher yesterday gave judgment m the appeal of Teo Guan Tye vs
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  • 674 8 CURIOUS CURRENT SOCIETY RUMOURS. Two letters from home by the mail, from entirely different .juarters, but from men who know the Straits well, and who were very well known when they lived m the Straits, allude guardedly to some *er strange stones that are rl >ating just now about inner
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  • 83 8 The half yearly general meeting of the Straits Athletic Club wag held on PriJt* whoa and the following were elected President, Mr Lee Iviin Svu, Vice President, Mr Ec Kiong Cheng, Secretary, A. Ibrahim, Asst. Secretary, Mr N Kiinachandra, Treasurer, Mr KWo J,m Sein, Captain, Mr Somasundruni,
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  • 124 8 Lieut. -Colonel Reay of the Mtk DfcMß Infantry has lost a silver watch valued a! Sl"> from his quarters at l\asir PaDJint: A few days previously a silver j-cent bottle was taken. The police have been communicated wiih. The Straits Echo says of the Anti Shipping Ring Bill:— A keen
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  • 3798 9 JAN- JUNE 1910. not including this week. I.BAICKB. ■vajaaaaVa Ravnl Doei 1 i>ntAue Op'nion and the i~ 1 s •> A ICaaJi arvona Paiaaj Z TheComini: Xl»- titu .> Th* Naval ood Ulaaar and t'i- KWitioa] I i- rnk ami the Nhw •> Friaaa ;u 1910 Mr Ire and
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  • 667 10 A Huoi Success. If the attendance at Hartnstoti's Circu?. on Saturday, the opening night, may be taken as a criterion, the success of the present visit to Singapore is assured. The Luge tent (a new one by the way, and guaranteed waterproof) that ha 9 been erected iff
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  • 86 10 The novices' fifty yards handicap race was swum eft' at Tarj *ug KatoDg on Sunday shortly after the arrival of the ten o'clock liurch. There were many competitors and two teats had to be arrarged. The water was calm and the two heats proved exciting. The results were
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  • 1096 10 The Company's Position and Prospects The second annual general meeting of the Lanadron Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on 31st ult at Winchester House, London, EC, Mr Andrew Mcllwraith (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said: The resident manager's reports which have been circulated are so
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  • 299 10 KINO EDWARD MEMORIAL. (Fro)u Our Sj#cial Correspondent.) A meeting was held m the Stadt Bmhi on Wednesday evening with Mr R Scott iv the chair to consider what steps shouid be taken to permaceativ comniemoraT« the reign of the late King. The meeting Witrepresentative and amongst many others
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  • 276 10 Having learnt that as an act of clemercv marking the accession to the Tiuoue o! His Majesty King George V it had been decreed that the d'seharee books of MMM which had been withheld by the Kjard ufl Trade owing to failure t>> j
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  • 202 10 Si Ani»rkvt's Boom B*tski i A daring burglary was committed f Audrew's House ou Saturday Liijht I*«* The masteis and b<-Vv«, who are the u»iu. occupants of tie Kiff, were IW»J t r.. short holiday and the only iftident M part of the house at the 'irue was
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  • 752 11 It is wired to Hongkong that the French iij-i Nuional has been won by Jerry M. Mr A. H. Lemon's appointment to act as Ijgd adviser, V. M. S., dates from May 27th. Colonel R. D. Viz trd vacated the command of the lat Manchester Regt.,
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  • 1029 11 (F,om our mm Correspondent Edinburgh, June 3. Within resent years a great change has come over the ecclesiasticil politics of Scot land. The Disestablishment agitation is almost dead. There still exists aso c illed "Disestablishment Council," which shouts the war cry of former days, but an apithetic country
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  • 328 11 (From an Occasional Cmrrt tpon&mt.} A few lines from this comparatively little known place m Kedah— Puket, rather, to the north of K^dah may be of interest to your readers. Trang will be the terminus of the new railway line which will pass to Taptin aad will go
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  • 152 11 Telbgeaph v S. C. C. Played on the Esplanade on Saturday, only eight batting tor the S. C. C. Westwood performed the hat trick. Scores Telegraph. C. H. Maekay b Bevan 4 AC. Mergler b Bevan 8 A S. Gardner b Rooke 18 L. P. Smith b R)oke 18
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  • 138 11 A $2,000 FINE. Mr Justice Fisher was engaged m the Supreme Court yesterday with appeals from the decisions of police magistrates. Mr V. D. Kaowles appeared on behalf of a Chinaman who was fined §2,000 by Mr Gre^n, second magistrate, for carrying on a Hiaku'y lottery. Counsel argued
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  • 129 11 At 5 90 on Friday evening, when Mohauied Auip, an employee of Mts-rs. McAlis^er and ConiD*r.y, returned to his home at 30 Pigoda Street, he found his wife, Kitijih, king on her bed and b^\w a great quantity of blood about the room. He fetched Dr.
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  • 892 11 The 'Terra Nova" Leaves. From an early hoar on Jane 1 there was continuous stream of visitors to the SoathWest India Dock eager to have a last look at the "Terra Nova/ which was tim* d to start on her voyage to the Antarctic regions at five pm.
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  • 92 11 At an extraordinary genera] meeting of the L phinstone Estates, Ltd held at No. 7, LUltery Road, yesterday afternoon, ibo following resolutions, which were passed at a mpeUDf,' on the ♦ith, were c.jntirmed (1) That the Company be wound up voluntarily imder the provisions of the Companies' Ordinance
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  • 52 11 The salary of the Kt. Hod. John Hums, President of the Local Government 11 >ard, has been increased from j&2,000 to £5,000 x year. Motor cat 239, dnvtn by a Javanese, collided wi:h a lulljck c rt m the Hjkit Tiuiih Rjed on Su iduy morning injuring the bullock ra'.i
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  • 1396 12 Cataracts of rain were seething down out of a mercury hued sky upon Maidannyi, and the few treei m sight drooped bedraggled under the sullen downpour. Amid surroundings so depressing, and m the chastened mood engendered by such a dismal evening, a man will tind a more than languid
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  • 1105 12 Agamemnon, king of Xl kene, was murder ed by his wife Klyteincestra and her lover Aegistheus. He left three children. Klektra, the eldest, saved her brother 0 estes from his father's fate by sending him to the king of Pbocif, she herst-lf and her sister Chi
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  • 1185 12 F«3W people can listen to the sound of a peel of rrmfrt >d bells without emotion, and lately all London has listened m awestruck silence to ihe great bell of Bl Paul's which is tolled only to record the death of a srvereigu. We, who Lewi
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  • 70 12 At the directors' m^etit^ ou the Jl I interim dividend of |5 per cent for ibe year ended Miv !l*t was l^clare.l balarce hheet for th^ half ve^r shows t satisfac^oiy net profi^ of << after d<* ducting depreciation, I v Ti\** goo<l-wi! written down to h
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  • 42 12 The plans of ip< h New chut* b lav been approved. >!«i r >( 0 h*ve been promts* or paid. It has barn decided to bti -i granite, random rubi le, it possible wHm mean* at the di>p< sa! of ihe Uoinni ttet*
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  • 875 13 A Chinese trader of :*4. Market Street, has Ifll the police that one of his clerks has absconded wi*h a j>uin of (***** which was given to him to bank on April 7. At the iaaatet at Hackney on an old niin n»ui"l P. -t.'khurn, it
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  • 1747 13 *k l? P l l^ fcame which took place on tha h, pia nadeon Mondiy evening between b.L.C. soccer teams was an intorebtin^ one, inasmuch as it provided an opportunity for tnetnal of several new pUyers who "have come alon X recently. The ground was on tne damp
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  • 242 13 Extortion at Garrison Golf Club A Mftlaj youth uaniel Abdul w.^s before Mr Greeu, second magistrate, yesterday, ou two charges of extortion from caddies employed at the Garrison Golf Club. He claimed to ba tried. Police Inspector Lucia conducted thw pro?ecu*iou. A tiny M day lad Darned M
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  • 55 13 Mr Fiiedhergpr of the West minister Consi ruction Co., who as reported yestercUv, knocked an aged Kling woman down, with his motor car, was charged on Saturday, but the case was postponed. At the Coro ner's inquest a verdict of accidental d«ath was teturned, and we understand the police charge
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  • 897 13 Wife Cut F->k iCnrusura to Sell Son-,. Mr Green, second m igistrUo, yesterd-iv morning commence! a p;eliininarv icquiry into charges of attempted murder and attempted suicide brought against a Chinaman named Kg K*-ong. Mr 11. C. Elmjnds, Deputy Publ Prosecutor, appeared fur the Crown. The first witnees
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  • 140 13 Police OtW tern get oalkd «»ut for all e»or s of strange incident?, but I*. C. Hat ton i f Orchard K^ad statioa has had a ul «j c adventure with a SDake. About 1 testerday ruoroirv, H S rait^born ChinauiaD, living at a Ijilm ■>T\
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  • 555 14 Association Cup First Round. The first ma'.c'a m this annual competition was pUvel yesterday on the SCO ground before quite a Urge and interested gather- ID g. Tuih M the ouly match m this rouud, i »hj other seven t«ama drawing bye 3. The j „i me was looke-1
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  • 54 14 The semi-tinil round m the Captain's Cup, pUyed on Saturday afternoon, resulted A. S. Hitchcock beat Iv. C. Ferguson 1 up. H. Tongue beat K. O. Swan (the match riuichmg at the 19. k hole) The tiaal between Missis. A S. Hitchcock and H. Tongue will be
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  • 275 14 Mr J. W. B. Kelly superintendent at Messrs John Aiid and Co's woiks found the bkelttjn of a man m a deep ditch m Cantonment X >ad on Saturday. l^ong Wee took advantage of the huge cr-jwd outride Hdruiaton's Circus on Saturday night, to do a bit of pocket pickiug,
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  • 494 14 The hat match ia the League attracted a big gathering of military enthusiasts to witness the struggle for supremacy between A and G companies on Monday evening. Trie Utter are the holders of the Shield, and before the gain?, were standing m a slightly inferior position to
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  • 139 14 Oq alt., Messrs Christie s>ld the Chinese porcelain, of the lut9 Mr Abel Buckley, and of the Ute Mr H. H. Clutton. A few pieces found considerable favour. A pair of Iv Lng H« powdered blue vases and covers fecMed 040 gs. (F Partridge) a pair of Ming
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  • 293 14 The Mtdras Government, replying to the circular of the Government of India re excise duty on Indian tobic^o, says that the establishment of a department which would have to attend to every garden m the Piesidency, and the consequent annoy tnce aud expense to loci! industry, would not justify the
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  • 1025 14 Hia real Dame was Ong Heng Choou, but we never called him anything but Cha a sound somewhat resembling a sneeze, and to which he ever answered with alacrity If you want a good puller, take my coolie," said a friend who was returning home. In build he was
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  • 946 14 1 met a man the other d*y, or rather he ctme m to see me, who wanted my real opinion on the state of ihe mblK*r sha.r« market. I do not know why people should make a target of one for these enquiries, f r I know just
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  • 2244 15 Sjl.nir.iw Telegraph) (Renter' a Aftmtjf) Received Juce i» 15 a m. His M je«ty the King received at MarlI .rouijb Hou-e tbe members of the AustrahiO, Siogapore and M ilay States Guides T»*«ni« for B sley. The KiDg britfly addressed them, wishing th^ni success and warmly welcoming them The
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  • 69 15 (From our own Correspondent. The Uabber Growers' Awoeutioa is preaentiug three medals, gnli. silver, and brorz<\ at the Lord>n Rubber Exhibition of 1911. for the best exhibits of certain kinds o? crude rubber. The London India Rubber J .urnal is presenting a shield valued at a hundred guineas
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  • 33 15 The Planters' Stores Agency has London cablp giving rubber price*. Sh^t biscuit is 8 11, Cr^re 91, B»st S^rßp 7 S^rap umreatpri 6 10, H iinbong 5 Fme hard P^ral» 11.
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  • 10 15 Agents B«hn M<-y*»r and Co. Indraoibi BOO lbs.
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  • 31 15 Hongkong, June 20. The British Codsul G< neral at Canton has protested to th* Vicsroy against the opium monoil/, acia^ uLder inetructions from home. Business has b^en parfallv resumed.
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  • 172 15 {Fron> our fTHM L"**t\f>'H>(epU. s Penang June 24 h 0.30 p.m. The PinaDg Gtzette" learns ou good authority that the situation m K-dth is much quieter. The gravity of the conflict between M> Maxwell and the MUftJ offi:ials was much exaggerated. All the charges again&t the B itish
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  • 48 15 (From our own Corresjxtri'lent.) Penang, June 25 A sp*ci-*l L>n^on cible staes that Highlands and Lowlands Rubber Company pays an interim dividend tf ten per cent, and Perak Rubber Plantations a fiual dividecd of thirty per cent, makiug thirty two aud a half for tbe year.
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  • 52 15 Pt^narg, June 25 ib, 3.15 pm Mr Hall, District Judge, sentecced S. J-illeb, an overseer of the P. \Y I> at the Diudings and a well known local football player, to two yeara' rigorcus imprisonment for fa 1& fixation of accounts. An appeal ha 6
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  • 203 15 MORE CRITICISMS. Another Special Meeting. Penaug June -7, At the meeting of the E istern Smelting Company on Saturday afternoon there wat* a snn.ll attendance and only four out of fourteen directors were present. Of five directors seeking reelection none attended. Towkay Beng Kee presided and Mr Welhiin
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  • 38 15 J*rom />u> own *'•'>>? f>>n<ient.: Jpoh, Jure U h. An Australian Svndijate is now puttie^ d* wa trial V>ores iv Lumut Harbour for tin which is believed to exist there m the alluvial state as at Toagkdh.
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  • 58 15 Conviction: Nominal Fine. ip oh, Jur,e 24 h. The case of thirteen we!! kir>wn totrfluyi charged with gritnbliu^ ia Kiuta Social Ciuh was concluded to-day. Eight were tiaed tea dollars etch au«i the iein»ind«»r weie di*-charge<l. Mr ¥1 \V. Biich has goce to Ku;ia Lumpor for a «oeci-il
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  • 38 15 {Front »ur o»n Corrmpmdmd.) Kuila Lumpur, June 20. His Excellency the High Commissioner arrived here to-morrow and returns on Monday. It is understood tlat the object of b s visit is to diB2UBB med'cal luatt^rs.
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  • 20 15 The Fiaotera Store* Age i<\v b** L mdon oble that Fine Hard Par* ia 10 per pound.
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  • 126 16 FIGHT AT KUALA LUMPUR. (From our own CofretpomdmU.) Kuali Lumpur, June '2 .K A -«juibb!« has broken out here between the li-ui and T*n taetioM of rikishi cooliep, the ?upp ■»h*'«l origin of which whs tbe iutrusion cf a Lim on a Tan pitch outside the Empire
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  • 98 16 l\uii,t Lumper, Jane 2s. Th^ winners at. ihe first dav'r* racing of the KUiii: Sky Miettog were Mistra', [dot, KiUt. S>dt£*r. Lidy X >g^s, and MoclfieUL ieie was a grood afternoon's sport but the goin-4 Was of tbe heaviest June '2h h, 8 15 am. Tie X
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  • 70 16 HIGH COMMISSION SK CONFERS WITH RESIDENTS Kuild Lamp>r, .1 me 27th. Th» X c interred with 'h^Higb Comuiissioner S r J jhn Aaddrsoo v wterdaj. It is ttod6^ttood th^v tliM'iissrt(i ;i •ni^estioa f r the Fjderatdd S tte> Mjliei! J 'pirMneut. Sir J >hn Athlera
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  • 26 16 Tiie Selnogor Unauilur of Commerce i h it It >vernuaeut bfti agreed to introduce the telegram deposit c system from July Ist. j-
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 488 16 PASSENGERS. IVr Hj« Leoog Mr Uiekie, Mr Cadman. Pwr Lady Weld Mr Manchip, Mr aud Mis H. L. Fletcher. Per lpoh Messrs New&ll, Adamson, E. Brown, J. L. Wood, Ahamad, F R. Heron, Mr and Mrs Chia Siew M iug, Rev. J. B. Bppin, Woett'iiu^el, Daocb, Mrs Wont: Ko (jong
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    • 679 16 CLEARANCE** June 23 Hellas. Nor str, Berg, for Calcutta vii ports. Alicante, Span str, Cornelia', for Iloiio and Manila. Hild, Nor 8tr, Salvesen for Bangkok. Ban Whatt Soon, Brit str, Milne, fjr Port Swftttenhani via ports. Ban Yong Seng, Brit, ntr., Angus, for Billiton aud Palnmbang Mecklenburg, Ger str,,
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