The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 23 June 1910

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1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES THURSDAY. JUNE 23, 1910. No. 1,195.
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  • 235 1 LmM p Stoe M 383 So Imperial Unity ggt Freight Stouuhip Ordi :an< ft* V v :i am I igifefc. oi X r-t .< s- Pntorc ol Mr. RooMvch .'<s7 O'Stiiinni. sat; irith Iforgbui^.i LiaM 387 Pomes am. CooKt Raws, Ii tukru „rt mun >mali P v Danger
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  • 165 1 April May Total. Pikuls. Belai 111 295 1,200 Bruang 3:: 6 S6J J.I9H j«ru*eb 180 200 895 Cbendttiang 125 711 Q«ptm 725 630 ">,445 Kamiciag $4,541 8.370 $22,021 Ksaaboi 267 360 1.598 Kinta 565 2,175 tTißf ftiwiitini 729 1,461 3,840 Kraniat Pulai 647 1,084 Kuantan 79 74 304
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 34 1 HAGEDOBN-On Sunday June 19th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs C. Hagedorn. Hendebson —On 10th inst.. at 53, Blanche l^ttage, Scott's Uoad, the wife of B. H. Hi n DSnsON, of a son.
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    • 128 1 Begley-Woodforil— At St Andrews Catoedral on the 14th inst., by the B v VV S Keliey. H. T. Begley, of Saigon to Ethle vVoodford, youugest daughter of Mr. ,t Mra. t. O. Woodford. Shanklin, Isle of Wight. At St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, on •Jane 18th by the Yen Archdeacon
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    • 19 1 Bradford.— On tbe 17th Juno at tin General Hospital, Singapore, M. G. Bradford of tbe Sarawak Government Service.
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  • 68 1 (Corrrcticd up to June 21 Bank 4ms 2/41 demand 2/4 a Private credits Bms 24.} credits 6ms 2/4 France, demand Bank... 295 Germany, demand 240 India, T. T, 17". HeoNQKONG, demand 52 4 dis Yokohama, demand 11 5 Java, demand 140$ Bangkok, demand 66 J SovbrkignB, Bank Buying $8.64
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  • 156 1 JuDe 22. Tm $74 55 Gamhier 11 50 Gambier Cnbe No 1 14 6*| GaDibierOabe No. mm norn Pepper Bieek (orsVm. B peiej 13 35 Pepper, White (Jail) buyers 25. i 0 Nutmegs (110 to ttale.)^ J?oi Siizmtgm (80 to tae Ik) M ii.fl< M%-?e (Banda) m» mm wm
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  • 1077 1 June 17. There have been abundant as.-urances that the Governmeut of China is entirely siucere m its loudly expressed desire to suppress the cultivation of the poppy within its frontiers and to restrict the consumption of opium. We cannot class cu-selves with that col tiling body of
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  • 1645 1 Jane 1* Iv the norking out ef a?:v ooe_inli <. t it is always helpful to utilise the prooeei i elimination. And this is tru^, more r haL ever, m the ODe great probleui that mu-j' i eDgagiDg the minds of all tniUgktfvl WmD of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 144 1 i 1 "SißSjaporS Free Pros.-'" veeklj returning froa Europe to the Strait- B mail IIBOS, W invited lo send to t\.~ Manager 1 theii steamer ami date of arrival il S Copies wiil then he I them at rations ports ot call. Sal ess ia Europe wishing detailed information as
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 165 1 THE WEEK. The last mail from home arrived by the 1* A O "JMU" with nuils of May 27. Thtl weekly leaver to day hv the ki. I Ttesta." A very interesting return of imports and pxporfs for the Straits Settlements for the first iju.r er of 1910 has been
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  • 846 2 June *20. Before the important M Ereight and Steamship Ordinance 1910 is finally placed upon the Statute Book of the Colony, as we sincerely hope it will ba at no very distant date, the public will probably have a surfeit of criticisms, destructive and constructive,
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  • 924 2 Whatever the varying shades of motive or sentiment, there is no question about 'he thorough going heartiness with which the people of the United States m general and of New York m particular have greeted the homecoming of ex President Roosevelt after his big game hunting experiences
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  • 1159 3 The Progress of Korea June 21. From H.s Imperiil Japanese Majesty's K iiideney-Qennrnl at Seoul there comes the becmd Ann nal Report on R-dorms and P-ogre>s m X rea for 1906-1909." When it fell to us to deal with the First Annua* X ansa Report a year ago. it was
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  • 1050 3 June 22. Thinking it over, theie is rather a curious parallel, though of neither the same kind nor degree, between the return of Lord Kitchener to England and the return of Mr ROOSETBLT to the Uuited States. Iv the former case the problem of the
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  • 1229 3 June 23. In an interesting communicition fr,m a mercantile correspondent, appearing m another column, entitled Nothicg D <n» r attention is once more invited to the netd of what would be a great improvement to the facilities of the port, at wh^t may be considered relatively
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  • 141 4 B f<»re Mr Wolferstan, senior magistrate, yesterday, Mr George Steveneoa appeared iv answer to a summons issued by Police Inepeetov Lucas charging him with b^ing m p session of a double barrel breach loading gun without a license. Defendant pleaded guilty. Inspector Lucas laid that ou
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  • 217 4 There has been little change iv the market duriug the pas: week the same dullness, to which we referreel m our last circular having contiuued. At the close, however, thero is a ti mer tme apparent, more assuting news of sterling rubbor shares being cmtaiued
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  • 600 4 NOTHING DONE Is anything going to be done When? Neariv five years ago on 27th October 1905 the Government had the following representation made to it urging the establishment of telegraphic* communicition between the Ho:sburgh L ghthouse and Su gap ore. Mr J »hn Anderson then speaking m the Legislative
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  • 269 4 Our Ipoh Correspondent wires that a Malay was goied by a buffalo at Chemor Road, lpob, yesterday. The unfortunate man was wounded m the abdomen and his condition ,s serious. i >n the arriv.l of the German mail steamer Eitel Friedrich at Shanghai a German stilor was handed over
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  • 250 4 Haroon, a small Malay boy, pleaded guilty before Mr Green, second magistrate, yestelday, to criminal breach of trust m respect of two bicycles valued at $50 which he had hired from Chinese shops m town. Police luspector Lucas appeared for the prosecution aud evidence wjs given by
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  • 106 4 B Tore Mr. GreeD, second magistrate, yesterday, Mr. G. A. L^ 1> ux, manager of the Kota Tmggi Rubber E?ta f e, charged a Javaoeee*ooolte with diehoneitly retaining stoleu property, twenty-seven sheets of Para rubbe,- valued at $45 Complainant said that the co^iie had been discharged from
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  • 121 4 An elderly Chinaman was lei ore Mr Green, second magistrate, yesterday, on charge of disposing e>f steden property. Mri E lith Pumpin of Tanjong Pagar said the clock m court was her property aud was worth >?'J or S3. Sho lost it m the begiuniug of
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  • 255 4 To Ti.B EI'ITOR OF TIIK Mai.AY MaII.. Dear Sir, You are probably awaie thati m view of the opening up e>f estates and mercantile establishments, there is now greet demand for clerks and book keepers. Hitherto crimping "has been confined to servants and coolies, but this
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  • 154 4 During the past week there were 243 deUhs m Singapore giving a mortality rate of 4-i 17. Of thesa nine were imported cholera deaths and fiftysii were due to fever of one kiud or another. There were no plague or small p -x deaths. Three Europeans died and 181 Chinese.
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  • 751 4 <^restions have beea asked many times by Eoglish reader-, who like to I .d Reft lish spelling m Eoglish books, as to the reason for the introduction into v i times of reading by British authors, and published m England, of what such readers are accustomed to rfgnd
    W.B.  -  751 words

  • 889 5 Mr J S Willes, late managing proprietor of Aver Kuning. is joining a plantation m l pper Perak. Amongst recent visitors to Kuala Lumpor were Mr A. M.-rnson, Mr X Scoular, Mr A Grant Mackie. Mr F^ W. Files has broken the record f.>r the Seremban
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  • 291 5 Some hundreds of joyous little Malay boys from all the vernacular schools m Singapore assembled on the spacious plavgroundof the Riffles Institution yesterdiy afternoon to take part m sports sp€cially arranged for them by the masters of the Government Schools. Mr Elcum and Mr Hell ier carried
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  • 393 5 The list for this opened yesterday and will close on or before next Wednesday. This is one of what we may for want of a better term call the involved class of proposition. Iv other words the present issue is for the purpose of providing fresh capital
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  • 245 5 Towards the end of bst week there was a distinct advance m rubber shares, both dollar and sterling, and mote activity than we have seen for weeks, but as we write the market has agia drooped, and is extremely •juiet. Ia mining stocks there is practically nothing
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  • Correspondence.
    • 313 5 To Tbe Editor, w^T 1 Be 3 tbere is a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners to be held this afternoon, and I take this opportunity of bringing to their notice, a nuisance at Clyde Terrace Market, and I presume but do not know, if the same nuisance
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    • 98 5 To The Editor, Br, I have just received the Prospectus of the Kedah Rubber Co, Ltd, and fiud that if the investing public subscribe some 8250,000 for new Capital, they will acquire a fifth inteieft m this enterprising cemccro. The vajuation, according to the Prospectus, is £70,532,
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  • 296 5 TROUBLE ON THE VOLGA." CHARGE NOT UPHELD Four Scotch seamen, giviDg their names as Andrew Broom, Charles Smith, Fmlay McKinnon aud Kenneth McKinnon, came befoie Mr Green m the second court yesterday morning. The charge against them was of voluntarily causing hurt to four Shanghai Chinamen. Both the complainants and
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  • 95 5 The following were the scores fur June Spoon and V ung Cup shot for yesterday. The Spoon was won by Mil Keigwiu. Mrs Keitfwin c,2 »;<; h Miss J. Gunn <;l 6 65 2 Mill L Suter 51 .8 <;i»; Mrs Le Meburier &2 .4 #54-
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  • 37 5 Mr Bullmore debated Mr Churg Ah Young, after an exciting game, by one point m the second quarterly billiard handicap at the Perak Club, Taping The fiual score was Bullm >re 250 aud Chung Ah Yjng 249.
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  • 914 5 There were four applications m the Btnkruptcy Court before Mr Justice Fisher ?esterday morning, Bbcuvuu Order Granted Re Chop Kuan Joo Cheang, petition for receiving order. Mr D. V Perkins appeared for the petij tioning creditors, Messrs Behn Meyer and Co, and stated that debtor was lately carrying
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  • 33 5 The Government of Bengal hae Cidanil the dismissal from the s ervice q| Superintendent Haultain, ..fthe Calcutta p cc Fire Brigade, who was charged nith receiving illegal gratifications m the recent Niintalla fite
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  • 784 6 The Rev F G. and Mrs Swindell have arrived m Kuala Lumpur. Nearly seventy persms, mostly Chinese, were banished from the Colony during May. The Rev. J. P. Parry, Chaplain of Perak South, has returned to Batu Q >jah after his short holiday m Ceylon. The
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  • 617 6 Ordinary Meeting, Friday June 17. Present —Mr E G Broadrick (President Dr Fowlie, Messrs Cheng Keng Lee, J. Cirapiet, W. Peacock, F E Jago, A. J. W. Watkins, also J. Polglase (Secretary) and Bill (acting Engineer). Minutes. The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on May 18 were
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  • 219 6 In«JKEASF*j iHPOUTi AND Ex PORTS. The return of imports and exports for the Straits Settlemeuts for the ejuirter ended March 31st show that the total value of imports for Singapore was $00,150,556, as against 150,645,941 m the corresponding period last year, for Penang $17,964,206, as against $19,553,048, for
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  • Correspondence.
    • 499 6 To the Editor, Dear Sir,— l have had trouble with my bankers lately over the question of the stamp duty on a Proinisso v Note given me by a debtor which I lodged with the Bmk as securty and by going closely into the Stamp Ordinance
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    • 341 6 To the Editor. Dear Sir, We take this opportunity of thanking you for your kindness iv giving EUCfa prominence to the famous case of Mr Trattles whose certificate was defended by the Guild, and I am pleased to say, leturned to him. It may interest you to
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    • 108 6 C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd. Henrietta St, London, W.C. Dsar Sir, Allow me to thank your many readers for their geaerous response to our appeal on behalf <»t tbe poor chddren of our crowded cities. Mr Kenneth Stevens has sent along a draft for £7*0.11. to Pearson's
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  • 571 6 Interesting Contests. The great day of the year for the Athletic Club of the London office of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank came round again on Saturday, 21st ult., when the annual sports were held m the pleasant held of the club at New B
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  • 286 6 Tbe death took place on May 17 at Brighton of Major John Frederick Adolphus McNair, C. IL G., late Royal <Madras> Artillery, m his *2 year. He was tbe eldest of tbe late Major Robert McNair. and obtained his com mission m 184$, and after qualifying
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  • 88 6 A B »mb»v trader of 15, Malacca etaaet, named Haji Mahomed Eusope, put a bill of exchange for S4OO drawn on Messrs H tead and Co. m hi* tible drawer a few da»s ago. Two or three days elapsed and he then went to lock for the bill, but it
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  • 1274 7 Qho m i o„nnt homines nottri esi farraao Juvenal. An appreciation of Asquitb Cmpmmim tm r era*«et. His promise was great hid performance was deplorable This is unfortunately true of a great many conspicuous men. It was certainly true of Gladstone, who was led into trouble
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  • 514 7 One of the best known and most popular men m all Burma iv former da\s was Capt X use, a B-itish India S. N. Co's captain, who, m the seventies, eighties, and nineties, did the regular iuu between Rangoon and Moulmein, commanding m succeseion the Ava H
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  • 108 7 Monsieur Pons, of Messrs Sharpe Ross ft Co, has been appe.inted manager of the United Singapore Rubber Co, m place of the late Mr A. D. Machado, and a Chiuese baba, *ho has been m the rubber industry for seme time, is coming from Malacca to be under Monsieur Pons
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  • 644 7 A B*SIS OF LEGISLATION. BILL TO COME BEFORE COUNCIL. THE PROPOSED REMEDY. wh;,i n J he L G rEm t Gi,/9tte 18bUed veBterda J afternoon there appears a ueasure which marks yet another step on the arduous road which tbo-e who have so c ,n*Ment!v fought against
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  • 923 7 Whereas certain shipowners have entered into an agreement with certain merchants carrying on business m the Colony which tends to rahe to and maintain at unduly high levels the rates of freight upon goods shipped by sea from the ports of the Colony to other
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  • 98 7 <>a Thursday, the Sinitary Departmen' of the Municipality discovered a Kling woman suffering fiom imallpcx m a house at Moulmein Road. She had been ill for ten days. It was ascertained that her bus bind was employed as a bar tambv at the
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  • 39 7 Chief Sanitary Inspector Mavhew pr e- ecuted two Chinese before Mr Woiferstan. senior rua^istra^, yesterday, for failing to report c-ises of small pox which occurred ;c their houses. One man was lineal .^l" and the other $3".
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  • 61 7 Mr E Ltra, who just passed through the other day for Bingkok to rej >iv the Sian branch of Behn Me^erand Co, has returne.: to Singapore to act here for some time Ii (del colleagues of the Rhdharmon <• <> eb^. tia of which he was an origin*! memlkjr nineteen
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  • 1900 8 BY THE TOPICIST. No. 2 H. H. Asquith. Jnlemer eitae, wcrdertsome pmrme Xon t-ur} Mmmrie jaeulie, nee mrem, Hf#e prntnefii armeida wmaittis, Futce, pharetra. Horace. Engish d after the manner of the Ylllth centary "An honest state iman has such ever been 9 Needs not Lloyd George's gibes,
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  • 1058 8 The following is of general interest as it gives a glimpse into the free hospitable life of Burma m the sixties and seventies The late Mr. Edward Fowle, writes a correspondent, was the first Consul for Siam appointed to Rangoon about half
    Ed. S.F.P.  -  1,058 words
  • 187 8 They say 1 hav6 made a 4 tidy haul," They say 1 6hould hang out banners. And chortle with glee and sing withal (They probably think I am musical, Because of my Moody Manners But my bead it swims, and my leaden limbs They can dance no
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  • 181 8 A meeting was held m the S CC Pavilion last evening to decide details regarding the forthcoming competition. Eight clubs were represented and the entries were received, Middlese-x Regiment (two), R G.A R E., V M C A., Lagoon Sports Club. S CC Police, E R.C.
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  • 173 8 It seems to have escaped the notice of the Municipal Commissioners who are doubtless joalous of their position as nominally superior to the Municipal Exeutive, that they on Friday sanctioned a course of action which the Executive had declared for them a considerable time before. Toe Commission
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  • 153 8 Two lpob schoolboys have distinguished themselves by capturiug a burglar. The boys m question are Masters Ibrahim and Nicholas of the Audcrson School at.d the cap ture took place lately. It appears that the two lads saw a suspicious looking Chinaman lurking nesar the Anderson School one evening
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  • 7 8 Pe<;<jh Limited: 3,2*11 lbs.
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  • 365 9 A huge wild boar weighing 300 and odd ,06. wis shot on the side of the railway line near Item! ing by Mr Walter Boom^arelt. .Police Inspector Oxlev, who accidentally enot himself m the foot recently, has been discharged from the General Hospital and has been
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  • 214 9 A pretty and numerously attended wedling wa> celebrated m Br. Andrew's CatheIml >n Saturday last, when Miss Jessie Monaaontn Burt was married to Mr H. M. Hodges of Ipoh. The Venerable Archdeacon '/ird. who had but a few hours returned Trom his health-trip to J*va, performed the 'cremony.
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  • 106 9 To ensure the punctuality of his Hvlam Sergeant Budd of the Royal Engineers, stationed at Fort Canning, lent him m English silver lever watch costing £4 10s Later, the "boy" alleged that the watch been stolen. The police were commuDicated with and the missing watch was
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  • 112 9 Ei"M> Pnicn. 1 marriage was solemnised on Thurs.av, June '.':h, at 11 am. at St. Michael's eh, Pol watte, of Mr Stanislaus Matthew Hastings Rhodes, Solicitor-General of the Straitl Settlements. Penang, who arrived the P A O as. Devanha on Wedataday, and Miss L Thurston Price, daughter
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  • 2173 9 Kepo.v, Rubber Estates. The annual general meeting of the Kepong Ulalay) Rnbber Estates, Ltd., wae held on a^i 24 at the Great EaBtern Hotel, EC, Sir Gordon Blennerhaseett Voulee (the Chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Dealing first with tbe balance sheet, I would like to call your attention
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  • 185 9 Belat, 3-d June, 1914. Report of the work done during the m« nth of May. J9lO. Bloci 11, Sunoei Gam han. The tributer working the r.v>r bei tank out karang, bit did not wash. L irge fallg of earth, and lazy coolies have hampered the
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  • 45 9 Bslat, 3rd June, 1919. Keport of the work done during the month of May, l^lO. No. 2, Hili. 40 BbOCB —The tributers working this portion had a return of 99 bags containing pikuls 74 25. \V. M. Bath, Manager.
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  • 217 9 S. C. C. vs. the Gtanntaon. A cricket match was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between a team from the Garrison and the representatives of tbe S C. C. The military were all out for 13!< Fjur men reached double figures. Tne S. C. C. hit
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  • 116 9 A. Cinteneee enok WdB before M^ Robinson, third migistrate, on Saturday, on a charge of stealing a gull watch aud chain valuird at SIP* from his master, a Cmtonese phot- grapher of High S'reet. Ho admitted taking the watch and chain, bui said he was not guilty
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  • 64 9 A Cainaman of Sjuth Bridge Road gave a coolie $27 to pty bills and other >oIie« for him a few days ago, but the cool.c trnk tbe money vanished. The command of the troops m N »rth China bee >mes vacint m a few week*, when Brigadier. General \V. H
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  • 978 10 Having regard to the cold ungenerous weather which has prevailed during the period of the profit-taking bloom, it is quite possible that as a result the main quotation fruits will be a thin crop. If it be so it will be a misfortune but quite beyond human power
    A.G.B.  -  978 words
  • 997 10 We are all suffering from an attack of 4 Writer's Cramp at the present time .—not that particular form of cramp which is the special prerogative of authors, great and small (mostly small, we are bound to confess, since the great ones can always make use of the
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  • 940 10 m He who is bold enough to explore any part of the native town, with observant ml will find m the manners and customs of the' inhabitants a never-ending source of amusement and reflection m the humanity that swarms the streets of Singapore. Thus writes one who,
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  • 866 10 Michael Mulvihill was charged with causing; grievous bodily harm to Mahemed Be the newspapers could not even spell his name correctly Limara by knocking hin down and injuring his head. Prosecutor swore by Allah on the Koran and said he came from Algeria. An Italian came forward
    W.M.  -  866 words
  • 83 10 Shares by auction is the latest fv*rm N disposing of scrip, Messrs Powell aud C« putting up five lots of Bdlat Tin Mine I on Saturday morning. The tirst lot ol went for s per share, tw<> parcels el each were knocked down at > ~>o
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  • 1103 11 i From il m n CswreSAt undent^ Edinburgh, May 27. il pn posed to torm a Urge central c remittee for the purpose of raising a Scotnational memorial to King Edward the wnrh. Mall of the cities and towns are ready considering local memorials; but it thought that
    R.S.A.  -  1,103 words
  • 615 11 Sali <»r ma Property Au ex'raordinary general meeting of the Hevea Rubber Planting Company, Limited, was held at the Arcade yesteiday morning. Mr D.ehn presided. The Secretary (Mr P. Gobi; read the notice convening the meeting and the minutes of rhe last meeting. Chairman'- Aih»ress. The Chiirman said
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  • 109 11 In connection with the Kedah troubles we wrote:— In India and Burma officials are paid well, and are expected, rightly to set an example of unchallengeable impeccability m the discharge of their duties. In the Straits Settlements and tha Federated Malay States, they are not paid so well
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  • 493 11 Oa the 9th inst. If. Yokota had the sth Class of the I >rder of the White Elephant of Siam couferred on him by the King, and Mr Takano the sth Class of the Order of the Crown of Siam. Both have been engaged m conducting the training m sericulture
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  • 19 11 The deith has taken place m France of the most R3V. P X. Mugabure, Rjmin Catholic Archbishop of Tokyo.
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  • 352 11 A Malay house m the Serangoon Road has been broken into and money, clothes and jewellery to the value of 156-3 stolen. Mr A. Cavendish has b«en appointed Adviser to the Governor of Perlis and has been temporarily relieved by Mr R. B. Osborne at Batterworth.
    Bangkok Times  -  352 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 437 11 Dear Mr Ewtor, Having occasion to come to Singapore from Kuala Lumpur on Friday tbe 17th inst. and not bting a good sailor I thought I would travel by rulroad rather than by steamboat. I accordingly went to the Railway S'ation and bought a third class ticket for
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  • 12 11 Agents Coghlan and Co. Kota TiN-'r-.i (Johore): Gho lbs.
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  • 279 11 Dear Sir, Referring to" Mancunian's letter m your yestei day's issue I consider that his conclusions are entirely misleading. He goes on to say that the new shareholders are becoming owners of one fifth of the property, which part has a value of roughly $120,000 according
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  • 114 11 Appeal ro mr: Bupeeme Conns. The appeal of Teo Guan Tye igainnt the decision of Mr W -lferstan, <listrict judg*\ m the case he brought against W. Morgan, cime before Mr Jnetije Fisher iv the Supreme C< urt yesterday. Mr UpCOtt was for tbe appellant and Mr T.
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  • 46 11 Mr. and Mrs. J >hn Turrer, of IVrung, have taken a bouse m M ■•ravshire f««r a prolonged residerce, Mr. Turner having practically retired, the ugh he may for b >me years take a. winter's trip ont to Province Welleeley, to see how things are going.
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  • 1649 12 (From Our Special Correepomdenl Kis«i Gkokoe and thk Tori-. London, May 27, P.'IO. Sportsmen generally, and those who support horse racing io particular, were delighted when they heard that the late King had left his racehorses and Sandringham stud to King George This is another iLStauce of
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  • 146 12 The result of tbe 3rd Round of the Captain's Cup, was. H. Tongue beat J L. Campbell 4 and 3 C. Ferguson beat F R Marsh 3 and 2 Messrs W King and A Smith scratched. Draw for the Semi-final, which must be played on or before
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  • 99 12 A Malay bras3worker named Alwi employed by Messrs Riley, Hargreaves, L f d was found guilty yesterday morning by Mr Green, of stealing a piece of brass valued at and was sentenced to three months' imprisonment, Goh Yew, a second hand deah r of Princep-st was sentetced to six month's
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  • 892 12 t Colonel Gerini of many years service m ,m has compiled a monograph that is ar more correct term than written a book, ;ause this work must have been the ret of moLumental research— choosing as subject Ptolemy's geography of easteju a. There is to many minds nothing more
    Mayo  -  892 words
  • 140 12 JvDomnre m a jnmniunn Ca« Iv the Supreme Court, yesterday, ment was given by Mr Justice FmAm the case of the administrators of the or the late M. A. Da Silva vs. Dr Ooonet leke. This was a claim for 11,150 iI a judgmeut. Tha defendant put for
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  • 277 12 With the departure of Mr R W Hen the Federated Malay States loses one most experienced and able planter* British Resident, as reported m MM Monday, paid such an eloquent and g tribute to Mr Harrison's qualities at Klang on Saturday night that there is little let: t
    M.M.  -  277 words
  • 241 12 On the application of Mr C. Benin m, m the Supreme Court yesterday, trie Cbief Justice, Sir William Ilyndmau lon* I rnittfcd Mr A K. a' Beckett Ter.e.. i advocate and solicitor of the SuprtmeCour* A generous Kew Jersey advertiser aaase Fuss offers *J0 cents ("Strait >i foi hundred B
    Pinang Gazette  -  241 words
  • 144 12 A notification has been issued tbat X.:.. George has been pleased to grant a rem sion of sentence to all convicted prison* 1 1 B British India. The remission is base lOS I sliding scale, proportionate to tbe uneip.r. terms of the sentence, and ex'eLds In all I called political
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  • 648 13 I > ;ring the visit of the Bishop of Singat etc, he will consecrate the Church oi Ibo Kesurrtcion, Kuala Kangaar, on the 2^th inst. Thedea'h is announced at Ipoh of Mr D. MoCownn, aeoierant a* the Menglembu Lode Syndic etes Mine. He was 55
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  • 92 13 m< ire toeeOM to be learnt from recent seliiug of shires by auction, *>:;.♦ either tho share list quotations ire ir filled or that tho public are very v buying at present. Messrs Powell bad on oft'=r yesterday morning 500 Mertejam rubber shares, 2 shares i el at
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  • 52 13 rhe following is the result of crushing ipenitions at Riub for the four weeks ending 18 h instant: Bukit Koman. S'one crushed 8,153 torn 1 obtained 1,078 ounces; Average ter tor: 6 84 dwta, Bnl it Milacca. Stone crushed 826 tons <; Id obtained ounces: Average per
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  • 681 13 PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRAL CONCERT. AT THE TEUTONIA CLUB. Last night at the Teutonia Club there was given the first of the O chestral Concerts of the twentieth season of the Singapore Philharmonic 8 >ciety. There was quite a good attendance of members of the Society and of the members or the
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  • 392 13 A t.ieaol seids sorri9 details of what appears t> hive been a very en j tyablo musical evening at the Dutch Club on Suudav night, when a gathering of members anil their friends had the opportunity of herring the very hue violin playing of
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  • 77 13 A young Chinese cyclist was fined $5 by Mr Wolferstan, senior mag strate, yesterday, for rash riding iv Collver Qoay. A Sikh policeman said the cyclist was wobbling about the qu >v, apparently m fun. A motor car came up from behind and knocked him d ;wn. The
    77 words
  • 190 13 HOUSEBREAKER SENTENCED. A youthful Chinaman pleaded guilty before Mr Wolferstan m the district court yesterday to two chafes of housebreaking. Court Inspector Ambrose said thtt four Chinese lived iv a house at Alexandra R)ad. Oa the *».h of this month they went out to work and ou -their return found
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  • 42 13 Ernest B<rry, who on August \>6 will endeavour to wrest ihe world's sculling coampionohip title from R chard Arnst on the Ztmbesi, wiil, together with Puelps, bis trainer, sail for Sau.h Africa by the v K.Honan Castle" from Boutbampton on Jane 25.
    42 words
  • 439 13 Small Fine for False Ekport Before Mr Wolferstan, senior magistrate, yesterday, a Straits-born Chinaman named >co Hoon Swee, of 1 ;1 Havelock Rood, appeared m answer to a summons charging him with making a false report of a case of smallpox. When asked to plead, the defendant said
    439 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 918 13 To The Emtuk, Dear Sir, To return to the charge re the Stamp Ordinance, it is evident that there is further scope for the serious attention of the Commission m tbe matter of T.ansfers of share*. Until abiut 4 months ago transfers of shares which, appeare 1 on
      918 words
  • 74 13 An ueuoual grant m local circles took place yesterd y afternoon at B*e*oes, Stevens R ad, the residence of Mr Jacob Carapiet, the Municipal C aniooioaer for the Kalaog w^rd, and proprietor oi ibeAdelpbi Hotel. Mr J. J Carapiet, the only i»n of Mr Carapint was engaged to Ifim A.
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  • 1249 14 The entries fo. manual competition for the Singapore Association Football cup are distinctly encouraging the number en-tered-mne-being quite good there was a time when rive was considered a very satisfactory entry. There are some wbo complain that we have sacrificed quality to quantity and there is a certain
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  • 419 14 -St. ANDREW'S CUP" Mr. J. Kerr Black SQtds the following account of this competition. The St. Andrew's Cup was presented by the Committee of St. Andrew's House, and has hitherto only been competed for by the Singapore and Malacci Cadet Companies. This year, however, to widen the
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  • 221 14 (From our own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpor. Woik on the race c< urse is vow m full swing, and there was a fair gathering of spectator s on Saturday morning. Excise and Phonograph, both did good gallops by themselves, the latter particularly appearing to like his work. Tbe
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  • 717 14 A meeting of the Licensing Justices was held at the Police Courts yesterday afternoon to consider the list of applications for renewals, removals, transfers and new licenses. Mr Wolferstan, senior magistrate, presided, and there wero present Dr. Middleton, Municipal health officer, Lieut. Cator, acting Master Attendant, Messrs. W.
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  • 113 14 A Chinaman named Tan Ah Chit of 85 Boat Quay, has told the police a sad tale. He alleges that ho went to a Chinese shop m Beach Rood to buy goods woith $1,000. A man m the shop demanded a deposit of $'100, and this wae paid.
    113 words
  • 58 14 Some time ago the J.u Heng Estate was closed to statute immigrants by reason of the high mortality. We now "learn that, since then, very favourable reports have been made on the health of the estate by the Superintendent of the Immigration Department and the Senior Medical Officer, supplemented by
    P.G.  -  58 words
  • 223 14 ENoIAND n THE WoRI.h. An interesting and very well contegame of hockey was played on the S C C end of the Esplanade last evening betwe*-i teams representing England and the W Messrs Humphreys and Carpenter acted A referees and the play commenced shortly after five o'clcck. Notwithstanding
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  • 279 14 FIRST DAY'S ENTRIES sth July, |#lt. 1. The Maiden Pi.xte Wu* M Weight 9st. Ex Griffins allowed 7ih.,. D tance R.C. Roulette, Townmoor, Frou i Para King, Qui-va la. 2. The Champion Grum.v Ra ca A cup piesented by Mr E. A O. Travers wit: $4* 0
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  • 244 14 VADE COMPETITION. The qualifying round for the ah >xc c petition was placed off on Saturday c\. Sunday the 18 h aud i!»ih June, when tLe following competitors qualified v/. Men F. J. Pigott, D. Drummond. J. C Wv < Everitt, A. Agnew. \l H. Sharpe. P
    244 words
  • 77 14 The total balance to the credit ot Tamil Immigration fund at the en March was *****35. A box containing money and clotl amounting to $27.i»< has been stoi^u In v. the residence of a Chinaman at M a Chow Street. Abdul, ex caddy maser at the (Hn Golf Ciub, has
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  • 2010 15 (By Submarine Telegraph) .Banff rj Agemejf) Rec. June 16. Mr Asquith presided at a full Cabinet ••ing yesterday afternoon which it is unerstood considered the full details of the rthcoming conference. \ferwards Mr Asquith and Mr Balfour i 000)00 taMon regarding pro>cedure. The Wcstmiuster Gi/.ette believes that pen made
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  • 85 15 (From <>ur own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 16, The London cable of the Planters Stores Agency says that Plantation sheet and biscuit is at 9/-, Crepe 9 5, Best Scap 8 3, Birk Scrap 6 10, Scrap untreated 6 8, R tinbong 5 10, Five Hard Para is
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  • 153 15 Hydrophobia at Jura. (from our own Correspondent Penang, V,Kh June. The death occurred at the Gmerai Hospital yesterday afternoon of M Fiudlay, the manager of the Juru Estate, aul a brother of M-s H irry Hi Ito a. He was only twentythree years of age anl
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  • 185 15 {From our own Correspondent) Hongkong, June, 19ih, 11 40 a.m. Tbe Officer Administering the Government, Sir Henry May, on Saturday, performed the ceremony of opening a new Seamen's Mission, the building tor which has been presented by Sir Hormusjee Mody. H ngkong, June 21 sr. A Frenchman m
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  • 537 15 (From our own Correspondent J Kuala Lumpor, June 2)tb. A Commission comprising Dr. Gilmore Ellis, p a m 0 S:raits, Dr. McDjwell, c c mo.. FMS. Dr. Freer, Dr. Wellington, and D/. Milcolm Watson, with Mr. A Peel, Superintendent of Emigrants, is sitting here to-day to discuss Estate
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  • 310 15 lpob, June P.'.b, 139 p.m. Rain stopped play m the Perak Negri Sembilan cricket match yesterday. A cigarette smoking c mcert was held last night, which went off most successfully. Ipoh, June 20th. The annual Athletic Sports will be held at Ipoh on August 19ch aud
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  • 905 16 June 8 Cap. Laavm. Paid. LastDiy. Bunas Rr 85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estates Ltd g 150,000 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 80^ 1 8 3 50.000 2'- 1/6 Batang Maiaka 1 o 30.000 1 1 Batu Caves 50% 14 0 0 U 80,000 1 1 Batu Tiga (Selangor) 24% 55
    905 words
  • 267 16 At the Bfiteu Bshi Yird at Nigasakithe keel has been Uid of a torpedo-destroyer to bo named the Y*mik*z\ H The new boat has a displacement of 1,150 tons, a speed of 33 knots an hour, and a horse power of 21,0 0. Tho vessel is a little
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 677 16 CLIARAN CEB June 17. Kaga Maru, Jap str, Hagins, for Hongkong and Japan. Senegambia, Ger str, Eck horn, for Colombo, Havre, and Hamburg. Grotius, Dut str, Ouwehand, for Batavia. Van Riemsdi.jk, Dut str, Ciaasan, for Biiliton and Batavia. Van der Parra, Dut str, Schlette, for Paneh. Sabine Rickmers, Dut str,
      677 words
    • 624 16 I PASSENGERS. er Ban Whatt Hin Lee Keng Hee, B. Barr, P. Deenit. er Ipoh Messrs H Schloemer, A. Biggs. Maifer, 0. F. Kiugham, P. J. A Williams, Maclean, H. R Harrison, Anderson. Alsen, Haalesen, Lee Soon Swa, Sander, Watson, Liddelow, R W. Harrison, G. C. Bailey. F. A. Heron,
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