The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 16 June 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES THURSDAY. JUNE 16, 1910. No. 1,194.
    15 words
  • 198 1 K P.V..RB. I*he >itti.-ulty m Keith ;>,;9 Possible Boure» ef Sereane 339 l Enmre'i Fnfanre •<-.". r. < »i-b"rii«- -,-n Kitchenet >#< ;^q Pr hie nol the Destitute 371 Ifricne Tai->u iM 7 j b an- 1. Ctoom .Nkws. Bitten hy Dcgi 375 p. n,-.. 377,38] Hri^r I;.-.'-
    198 words
  • 65 1 (Coprected up to June 15 Bank 4ms 2/4$ deeaa_ d -/*si Private credits 3ms 2/4^ credits 6ms 2/4 I ran on, demand Bank... 295 term any, demand 240 lama, T. T, IW Hongkong, demand 23% dis. Yokohama, demand 115 lava, demand 140 i Bangkok, demand 66 Sovereigns, Bank Buying
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  • 147 1 June 15. 174 62* Granshses 11.35 mfcier Cube No 1 15.00 QnaaaenrOnni No. I m norn Pepper ßiaek ioillm. S'pers) buyers 13 50 Peluer. Wiuts tiau) buyers 24 50 Nnfanofi (UO to tks IV).* 1 *.00 Nutm*^ (s:> to tne le.) m 22.0 C M&oe (Bnaia) ni Mi corL
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  • 84 1 Domestic Occurrences. Deaths. Machado— At the General Hospital, on Sunday. 12:h inst., at 8 am. A. D. Machado. manager of the Inited Singapore Estate Ltd. (Shanghai papers please copy.) Xewland.— On May 13, at Bexhiil, of heart failure, Harby Osman Xewland, late of Straits Settlements Police Force, beloved husband of
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  • 158 1 April May Total. PikulH. Belat 221 296 1,200 Bruang 896 Ml 1.198 Ijruseh 180 200 H95 Cbenderiang 125 711 Gopeng 725 630 3,445 Kamaning «4,541 3,370 $22,921 Kanaboi 267 .;00 1,598 Kinta £65 2,17fi Kinta Association 729 1,461 3,840 Kledang Kramat Pnlai 647 1,084 Kuantan 79 74 304
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  • 1182 1 June 11. Although there is no evidence available as to the exact cause of the trouble m Kedah between the British Adviser and the Malay executive, that does not prevent everyone who has at heart the iuterests of the British Protectorates of Malaya from feeling a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 127 1 Snheoribsm to the "Singapore Free Piv-s y i staining bom Ear ps to the Straits email Bass, ire invited to send to V. nagertl ftheii stseasei sad data f arrival m Singap >re Cofim will then be wmwwA them at rarkms porta ot call. >v; _n Earope wiahing detailed infer-
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    • 51 1 THE "CRAG" HOTEL. SANATORIUM, PENANG HILLS. A perfect health resort and an ideal spot for spending holidays and week-ends. Crisp and bracing atmosphere. Bungalows for families; also single and double rooms. TENNIS. BILLIARDS, CROQUET. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. m For all internal complaints dysentry congb. colds Ac. tak-> Woods* Great Peppermint
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 107 1 THE WEEK. The last mail from home arrive! by the B. I. ThoDgwa on S tturday last with mails of Miv 90. Tae homeward mail this week goes by the P. aiid 0. Assaye. At the Legislative Coußci] on Fridaj a new Lepers Ordinance was introduced, and the Rubber Dialers
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  • 1048 2 A Possibl e Source of Revenue. June 13. Consider^ the present, but still more tbe future difficulties that must lie m the way of constructing the annual Budget of the Colony— difficulties that are not of the making of the Colony nor of its Government, but due to the simple
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  • 2074 2 The Em pir e' s Future Mr. Gisborne's Views. J one 14. Those to whom the future ohesion of the widely scitterel communities that c institute the British Empire is a m itter of deep concern, must note with a continuing dismay that not only does the B itish Com
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  • 145 2 Lord Ki tchener. June 15. When H. K. H. the Duke of C< »nnai I fine soldier as he is, threw up the Mediterranean command at Malta on the score ot there not being work enough to do, it i^> left for the public to admire the i I nerve
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  • 842 3 Mr iSitow has taken over from Mr Vanrenen the Wardenship of Mines for Perak. H E. the Governor, Mr Severn and Capt. <;av returned from Penang m the Sew v" yesterday nurning. Mr E T. C. Garland, one of tbe best known men m Perak, is
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  • 185 3 No signs of improvement m the market have been apparent during the past week, but prices hbve continued to drop, and apart from a fair amount of forced selling there is little business to record. At the close, however, a better tone prevails, and the
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  • 146 3 The subscription list for the Kamasan Rubber Co, Ltd opened yesterday and closes on Tuesday next. It has a capital of 3250,000 divided into $2 shares, 09,21)0 shares now being < ftered at fifty cents on application, t went} live cents on allotment, and the balance iv
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  • 11 3 The Hotation of this Company has been abandoned.
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  • 111 3 Bvnom Way 5,784 lbs. NonTH H em. mock 5.189 1be. CasTI.KFIKI.I* 3.090 lbs. Cheras, May 615 lbs four months 1,649 lbs. Seafield. \4374 lbs. Agents Barlow and Co. Rsgalia Rubber Estates: 671 lbs. dry. Total for tirst 1 months of 1909--1910 7740 lbs dry. Kupohg
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  • 170 3 INSTALLATION OF SARAWAK RESIDENT. Before a crowded Court, on the 19 fa ultimo at Kneeing His Holiness tbe R-gah installed Mr I. K. Caldecot as Resident of Sarawak Proper. His Highness, acconpinied by the Tuan Bonsu and Mr Caldec t, entered the large Court Room at 9 AM and took
    Sarawah Gazette  -  170 words
  • 121 3 Not often does Perak got au advertisem en- on the title page of tbe Times, as hapMned on the 11th ult. The notation is of U application for the sealing ot the wi, of Chang Sing La alias (Chan) S*w Man, granted by the Government of Perak on April 11th
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  • 1315 3 THE NEW STAND SCHEME. The following is the report of the Build ing Committee on the new Stands Scheme M The Special Commit' ee appointed at the Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Singapore Sporting Club ou the 21st of January to consicer plans for
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  • 159 3 Before Mr Wolferstan m the district court yesterday, a Hindoo sued a countryman of his for |9 32 which he alleged wee due to him for work done. The defendant, a contractor, denied that he owed the man any mouev or that he had ever employed him
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  • 149 3 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Football Association was held m the S.C.C pavilion last evening. Q.M. 8. English of the Middlesex presided and there were also pret-ent Corporal Moss of th»' 7*b Cox. R. G. A., Bomb Gilding, 80th Coy. R *G. A.. Messrs F. Apps,
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  • 55 3 For the Mills Tv phy the P L.R.C BM 203, thus beaiiug the Singapore sere for Juje by three points and, establish;: reeoid m this competition, for which the h gbest possible sere is 2\o points. Miss Mclntyre Miss Thornton Ms Wright Motion Mjs Hamilton Miss J
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  • 95 3 A marriage has b<ea arrange!, and will take place ertrlv m the au'umn m Bnrene, between Brie H. Tbirkell Whi'e, cf the Andamans (hte Hidslleeei Regiment;, elder sou of Sir Bt-rt»ft Thokell White, v Prnness Cecil*, 1 1 lest daughter of Frank Brvome, of Winterbourne, Wevbiidge. Tbe lioilo Enterpiise nyi
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  • 822 4 The rainfall at Klang for last month, as returned, was 5 68 inches. Steps are being taken m advance to ■ream dies for a coinage of King George the Fifth rupees, with a view to issue at or immediately after the Coronation. Mr Ridyard Kipling has
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  • 1404 4 liicgiiii agunt homines nostri eat farrago libelli. Juvenal. It has been sometimes said that silence more eloquent than words. And the ing: unsaid, that might have been said, d was expected to be said, is enough to tray the iaward thought of him who re lined
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  • 307 4 The half-yearly general meeting of the members of the Penang Turf Ciub was held at the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, when the following gentleman were present The Hon. Mr A. R Adams (Chairman), D-. L'ston, Captain D. C. Macintyre, Captain Daniel and Messrs M Traub, J. Pickenpack,
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  • 101 4 wrke a L that Was in >PoB«ible to Wm „n em ID French d,a nut carry m thS l mainta,niD R that effective prayer h?£ 0^ i hat we must S° to a dialogue between two old ladies of Stranraer during the long war with France. Was it no a
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  • 724 4 OPTIMISTIC DIRECTORS The annuil meeting of tbe Sipiau T Company, Ltd., was held at Greshim Hou* yesterday. Mr F. E. Jago presided, the-J bemg also present Messrs J L. Mont gomerie, Capt Robinson, A. J R S8 md H. Tbe Directors' report for the year ending
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  • 142 4 An engagement is announced between William Woodfall Melville, barrister-at-law, son of the late Robert Meivill, county court judge for Hereford and Shropshire, of Harttield Grove, Sussex, and 8, Argvllroad, Kensington, and of Mrs Melville, and Violet, daughter of General Sir Richard Harrison. G. C. 8., C. M.G., of Ashton Manor,
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  • 693 5 Qbmbaßl Meetinu, FniisAT, June 10th. Hfl Hon hii the Act. Col. S.-c. \V. Evans the Attorney-General F Belfield the Treasurer W. C Michel] th* Cot Engineer, F. J. Pigott J. Suund»-i W iln i ore Ellis. C, W, I>urbi-»hirM. T. S. Baker. H. Fort I w GoTnsn AB81NT:
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  • 157 5 Tie interest which has been aroused m the Keet for Health recalls the efforts of Less] Byron, huulrcd ye*rs ago, to keep down bis weight by fasting. L>rd Byron's method*, bowrver, were not scient'h! and would hardly fa ive met with the approval of Dr Do.vey, Mr L'ptou Sinc'air, or
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  • 680 5 They have been having quite lively times m Bangkok lately owing to the Chiuese I going on strike because they have to pay an increased poll tax. The following account from the Siam Observer gives some details The much talked-of strike of Chinese on account of
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  • 33 5 The following scores count for the 31 ills' Cup:— Mrs Aldworth 33 Mrs Brown 83 Mrs Erans 33 Mis Hay °->3 MrsT. J. McGregor 33 Mrs Highet 32 P.<7
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  • 63 5 Yip Li Chuo, a Chinaman, was stabbed m Upper Hokieu Street on Thursday evening by a fellow-countryman named Chau La Poh. Althi ugh he received a severe wound m ihe breast, Li Chua with the help of a rikisha peon gave chase, and his assailant was eventually arrested. Ihe depositions
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  • Correspondence.
    • 161 5 To THK EI)ITiJK Um^Ti Sir b m J of 19th inst, r\?m s r^ nd your leader on Halley's Comet, lp to date of writing we have not tT! n n t 0 Bee the Comet either from tbe Camp or from the Dredger at the luT/k OUBajlt
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  • 306 5 The following Correspondence regarding the cost of the Garrison and Military contribution during the year 1908 o^, was laid on the table of Council yesterday. War Office, London, S. W., B 14 h April, 1910. Bit,— With reference to W r Office letter No. 10 1044 (P.
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  • 157 5 Tbe probable Viceroy liht is now far more lengthy than most of the betting lists on the principal events of the turf, and to the one that we endeavoured to compile earlier m the year there have been many notable additions. The betting, as it now stands,
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  • 104 5 A Hokien named Ho Ma E"g, carrying on business as a contractor at Beach Road, had his house burglariously entered on Friday night, and jewellery and money, to the value of 32.078 stolen. It is thought that somebody m tbe house fcduiitted tbe theives Mr G. C.
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  • 161 5 Captain Macdonald of the ss "Hye Leong has reported to the police that some days ago bis nephew lef» a box containing a tiger's skull and skin iv sampan No 506, but he has heard nothing of it since. A Chinaman was brought before Mr Rjbinson yesterday morning, charged with
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  • 655 5 Incident at Tanjong Rhoo. Mr D. A. Pestana appeared before Mr Wolferstan, senior magistrate, m the summons court yesterday m answer to a charge of negligently suffering his ferocious dogs to be at large S) that they bit a boy, the son of Mr Ybo Tan on
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  • 317 5 The Shanghai Times says It has senM as a distinct shook to this community to read the 6ii m rnary of a recent speech given by the ex Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Council, Mr J. P. Bland, m which he state* that be was
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  • 39 5 A Chinaman was killed at a* nnanry] at Bukit Timah on Thuisdiv.^H^ wwe m change of the stone shoot, winch be l Hem to b< come over weighted with the result to*? it collapsed on the top of him.
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  • 571 6 The rubber returns credited ou Saturday to Regalia should have been under the name Rembia." Lieutenant C. J. Aston, Royal Engineers, kas been appointed staff offiier for Royal Engineers m South China. Seven officers of the British Army are now m China and 11 m
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  • 221 6 It is probably a sign of tbe times m regird to ttie fatnre increase of British naval and military influence m this region of tbe world that the local staff is to be expanded by an additional officer m the person of Capt F. W.
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  • 1240 6 THE LATE MAJOR McNAIR, C. M. G. II n the death of Msjor J F. A. McNair, ich we much regret to see announced m ties, there is removed one who was for uy years connected with the public and ia! life of the Colony, aud, since the ith of
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  • 537 6 DEATH OF MR. A. D. MACHADO. The Fsnkkal. We regret to record tho death at 8 a.m. yesterday at the Geueral Hospital of Mr A. D. Machado, general minagerof the United S.ngapore Rubber Estates, Limited, the ciuse of death being general complications. He wis a native of Macio but had
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  • 178 6 June Monthly Medal. Pliyed oa June 4th and sth resulting as follows Scotland The Rest. Yesterday a match was played between teams representing Scotland and the Rest. Mr Crabb Watt captained the Scotch team, and Mr Miles the Rest. Crabb -Watt beat Mugliston by 4 and 3
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  • 382 6 TEMANOH TIN SYNDICATE, LTD. The annual general meeting of this company was held m the Arcade at noon on Saturday, Mr H. Cooke V trborough presided and there were also present Messrs J. Spanjiard, V. Finklestein (manager) and H. B. Ward (auditor). Tne Directors' repor f s and accounts for
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  • 271 6 The Imperial Merchant Service Guild hive received from tbe Rival Humane Society, their Bronze M-.dil. together with a Testimonial on Vellum B'gned by King George V. —as Prince of Wabs which have been awarded to their member, Mr H. Jeff ies Davis, for an act of gallant
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  • 206 6 The report of the Directors of this Company for tbe year ending 2*-h February, to be submitted to the Shareholders at the Second Annual General Meeting, fee be held at the Offices of the Compinv, 13, St, Paul's Churchyard, Loudon, EC on Thursday, 26th
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  • 1065 7 >. ME Gool> PEKIORMAN< E9. Ir was extraordinarily unfortunate that I run wbica had held off all the week lid have c »me down »o heavily on Satur!iv md thereby taken away much of the -dj >»ment of the Inte'school sports. It however a mitigating circumstance •hit tbe
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  • 303 7 Mr Hu^h Fort writes. "I nee you refer to the late Major MaeNair as almost the oldest living Singaporean except General Anson, after W. H. Read's death. This is, no doubt correct, but I think A. M. Aitken, tbe founder of our firm (Donaldson and Burkinshaw) must
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  • 156 7 (From "nr <>io. Correspondent An excellent game of football was played betweeu with Tampin on Saturday last on the Malay College Ground. The ground was a little on the heavy side but from the kick-off till the end the game was fast aud exciting. After the opening exchanges
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  • 73 7 In the Appeal C mrt, yesterday, the Chief Justice, Sir William Hvndraau Jones and Justices Fnher and T. de M. Braddell were engaged with the appeal of Goh Tat Eng m the estate of Goh Siew Swee, deceased. This was an appeal from a decision of Mr Justice
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  • 216 7 In the circular just issued by tbe board Krubong shareholders have received one of those mtsty shocks wbich are fortunately rare m the Rubber Share Maiket. As the statement frankly admits, the difference between the acreage actually under cultivation ana that given m Mr Cornell's report is excessive and
    Ex  -  216 words
  • 31 7 The Kaiser will visit Brussels m t..< autumn for the Exhibition. Commander P*»ry. tbe Amercan discoverer of the North Pole, has been re Sin aulienco at Buckingham Palace by King George.
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  • 776 7 A District Officer and staff are to be stationed m Kampar from 1911. Messrs Adamson, Giffillan and Company have now opened a branch office at Malacca. Four cases of small-pox have been reported from Sungei Butoh Estate, Taiping. Sir R >bert Liidlaw is expected to visit
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  • 200 7 A Chinaman named Wong Ab Kwee and his wife were taken to the Tan T- ck Seng Hospital yesterday morning m a very critical condition, due to a fight between the couple earlier m the morning. The Darties live at a house at the
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  • 201 7 A clerk m the employ f a towkay at 2\, Kallang Road was sent to collect a debt of $195 6 on account of bis master. After obtaining the money he bolted and has not been seen since. Chong Ah Tye of 70, Pagoda street was awakened at
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  • 129 7 Cai'i ain's Cup. Play m the Ist Round of this competition resulted as follows W. King beat J. Kennedy. 3 and 1. K. O. Swan beat W. B Barrett, and 4. H. Tongue beat J. H. Sunner, 5 and 4 J. L. Campbell beat W. R. TaUor,
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  • 127 7 Mr R. St J. Braddell and Mr Firrr^tone tied with a score of 76 nett for the M June monthly medal played for on the I lth inst. Mr Braddell *on on the replay. is Cards were taken out and the following returned The name of the
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  • 85 7 H. H. the Sultan of Selangor, < a., before leaving Perak paid his first visit as a grandsonin-law to EL BL the Sultan of Perk, O.C MG. His bride remains at Kaaia KaDgsar for three months during wbich period tbe Sultan of Selangor will
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  • 71 7 The death is announced of the famous German poet and writer, Julius Wo.ff, at the age of 7»J. Sergeant tr. Huughman, a smart noncommissioned officer af the Ist Royal Dragoons, at Muttra, India, has been promoted to a commission m the army, and j-.ins the Middlesex Regiment as a secjnd
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  • 1684 8 UNIVERSAL PHYSICAL AND MILITARY TRAINING FOR BOYS. The subjoined letter it to be forwarded b;/ ttfxt mail to a certain number of nawspmpert 'within th* United Kingdom UNIVERSAL PHYSICAL AND MILITARY TRAINING FOR BOYS. To thk Editor. Sir, May I with your kind permission, Bay a few words primarily intended
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  • 145 8 On the night of tbe 6tb inst. a murder was committed at Tali Ayer Estate, or as it is generally called by Tamil coolies "Mottamalai Tottam," near Simpang Lima, when a Kling tindal, named Veerasamy, killed his wife by cutting her throat with an
    T.O.M.  -  145 words
  • 108 8 One of tbe largest vessels tint has ever called at Singapore was alongside the wharf yesterday. This was the luge Hamburg. Amerika troopship "Patricia" of 13,424 tons gross. She is 560 feet m length and towered high above the wharf. The 'Patricia" is homeward bound aud is taking back to
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  • 1015 8 Thk Passing of Kino Euwaki». (From Our Own Correspondent.) Edinburgh, May 19. The present week is one of strange quiet m Scotland. A truce of death is over the land a pause m all public affairs a stilling of the voice of faction. The ordinary businesses of life
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  • 252 8 By the M.M. "Tourane" there p a through Singapore M. Picquir who hi* relinquished the acting governor gener A ship of French Indo-China. By theM.M. "Tonkiu" yesterday afterc the French Consul and Madame de B>ndv and their little daughter left for Franc They will return by the first
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  • 329 8 The strike of Cbinese came to a sudden end on Sun' ay morning June I when conditions resumed their wonted aspert. A big meeting was held at Wat Yanawa on S day afternoon wben various speakers addre^ ed a crowd of perhip-; five or six thousand people.
    Siam Observer  -  329 words
  • 192 8 United States District Attorney Brerkor.will not cause tbe arrest of tbe Kong of 8 for two reasons Kings, whether they bees one wife or forty, are not subject he arrest m the United States tbey may even ftsanel tl speed limit or l»eat their forty
    EX  -  192 words
  • 56 8 That important, highly educated ana progressive official, L aug Tungyen. President of the Waiwupu, Ins determined t. resign. He is at present at Tientsin under going treatment for hemorrhage. Mr Julius Liy, formerly U. S. Consul at Canton, has just been succeeded as Consul at Capetown, South Africa, by MrGunther.
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  • 1077 9 Do you believe m luckr The question seems a pertinent one even m this enlightened twentieth century of ours when there are still those who manifest a belief m supereatural agencies m certain events The rumours current as to the bad luck attendant on the pa^ige of our
    W.B.  -  1,077 words
  • 946 9 EnctuUly a t hilf pafit fi7e the hoy ens us. It i 8 ye t quite dark, but m han half an hour the darkness will roll like a curtain drawn aside, and the of an Eastern day begin. In the ound syces await us, each standing
    Free Lance  -  946 words
  • 1886 9 trauss's opera opens on the terrace of )d's palace m Galilee. The several peron the stage are watching the banquet, room where Herod with his wife Heroand her daughter by her tirst husband rod's brother) are feasting the ambasrs of C**ar m company with the Jews,
    A.G.B.  -  1,886 words
  • 92 9 Elephants m the Indian Army are fed twice a day. When meal-time arrives, according to the San Francisco Call," they are drawn up m a line before a row of little heaps of food. Each animil's breakfast includes 10 pounds of raw rice done up m five two-pound packages. The
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  • 970 10 ••God saw even thing that He had made, and, behold it was very good." Such was the appreciation of nature as expressed by tbe Maker Himself m the first chapter of Genises. and yet how very few of us there j are who really appreciate all the beauties
    W.B.  -  970 words
  • 1206 10 TWO SIDES TO THE PICTURE. In convening tbe statutory meeting for the 25th ult. the directors of the Bukit Selangor Rubber Estates, Ltd., state that there are discrepancies between Mr Irving's reports, dated 11th and 12th January last, circulated with the prospectus, and reports by Mr Henly,
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  • 801 10 M The youngest is this day with our father and one is not." The word death never enters into the philosophy of Confucius— we are told— nor on common occasions is it ever usid by thCbiuese. The Japanese, we know, are equale ly reluctant to refer to
    W.M.  -  801 words
  • 103 10 The members of the Chinese Military Mission have be?n treated to a demonstration of flyirg a t Issv-less-Moulineaux where M. Alfred le Bh_nc did them the hon' ours of the new sport. After visiting the Astra sheds they went to the aviation field and, as the wind was veiv feeble,
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  • 2019 10 The "'Rattler" Extekimknts. The gunboat "Rattler* has been taken doi from the Clyde to Portsmouth for the instru<tion of naval stokers m the mechanism of suction gas propulsion. The significance of this circumstance i^ to be underestimated. In naval circles it iregarded as forecasting the immeaiate ictro
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  • 1171 11 June 16. One of the minor problems of the Em- 1 pire for which a solution has yet to be found I is the treatment to bo accorded to destitute suhjects of one part while m another part of it. What, for inst mcc, can
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  • 785 11 General Botha is an adept at saying things that reid finely, aud anybody would feel inclined, on readinar the telegraphic precis of his inaugural declaration of policy m the South African Parliament m which the new Ujion his "found its feet," to believe that nothing but a
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  • 220 11 Kobe won the Inierport Tours and Interport Sculls at the Yoeohssss S;ring Regatta. Yokohama won tbe sailing races. Mr Brunei-Norman's venture m opening Raffl-s Hotel, Penang, has met with unqualified success, aud already the ace >rnmoaation is not equal to the demands of tbe travelling public. The hotel stands m
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  • 2329 12 Sime of the evidence given before the Committee to enquire into destitute Indian and Colonial seamen and others is interesting to this Colony. We quote some parts Mr. Brunna, Colonial Office. You never repatriate*] out of Colonial Office funds f— We have not got any. (Admiral Mann.)
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  • 1365 12 No one who on Saturday attended the first of what we hope will be a very long series of Interschool sports could have come away without feeling that this fixture is likely to preove one of the most interesting and helpful m the sporting world of Singapore possible
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  • 424 12 Lanoua Now a Bsnioos v Tbe great rubber indust-y ii thteetei with a serious danger, and tbe IntsiSSU I investors here, as else^beie, a»e h .jeopardised by tbe decision of the Gove::, to discontinue indentured Tamil laheer. No fewer than l«S00/ €0 lehenimi required within two years, and
    M. Post  -  424 words

  • 821 13 Junes Braid has won the Golf Championship of France. The Suez Canal dues from January 1911 will be lowered by oO centimes. The Bishop of Singapore is expected to visit Taiping oa the 24 h inst. Iv tbe cricket match Army v. Navy the represent it
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  • 736 13 HONG BEE'S' PASSENGERS. Case Against Captain and Owiii Dismiss ld. Captain Home of the s.s. Hoog Bee and Towkay Lim Hoh Puah, tbe owner of the vessel, claimed to be tried before Mr Wolferstan, senior magistrate, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of carrying 415 passengers m excess of the number
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  • 184 13 LATE MAJOR McN AIR, C.M.G. The following obituary notice appears m the Times of May 20th. The death took plica on May 17 at Brighton of M*Jor John Frederick Adolphus M ONair. CM G. 9 lata Royal (Madras) Artillery, m his *2nd year. He was the eldest son of the
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  • 644 13 Trouble on thk s.s. "Goldmouth." S;me evidence was taken by Mr Robinson, third magistrate, yesterday, m a case of extortion brought against Abdul Jabbar, serang of tbe Indian firemen on the s.s. Goldmouth." Mr Chopard appeared for the prosecution, and the accused was defended by Mr Johannes Wben
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  • 300 13 Officers ok the Garrison ke.vt the s. c. c. A smiill gathering assembled on tbe S.C C. end of the Esplanade last evening to watch tbe game ed hockey that was played between the Officers of the Garrison and the Singapore Cricket Club. A very clofe game ie
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  • Correspondence.
    • 551 13 To the Editor, Sir, I cannot help thinking that the news of Mr H. O. Newland's death will come as a shock to his many friends m the Straits Settlements and that they wiil be interested to bear some particulars of his end. His
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  • 177 13 A Frenchman earned C. Marius pleaded guilty before Mr Wolferstan, m :he D. strict Court, yesterday, to dishonestly and fraudulently his three boxes frcm the Empire Hotel. The proprietress said be owed her $22.4-" for board and lodging, diinks and washing. A Kling P. C. told
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  • 209 13 A correspondent wii es as follows Ai other old resident of Singap »w», and one, if any now r member, is M. J b Burrock Serymgeour, the popular smnsgur of ti s late Oriental Pink Corp^rat m. Hecsne out as the accountant when if rj lie N was
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  • 842 14 Mr George Everett Anderson has been appointed (Jeitftd States Consul General for Hongkong, m successioa to the late Mr W. A. Ruble*. The Colonies continue to show tbe mother cmitry the way. Her latest daughter, laited Smth Africa, proposes to adopt a system of compulsory milit
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  • 29 14 Fifty shares m the Belat Tin Mining Ciy L.d. were disposed of by auctioa at Messrs B >well and Co's saleroom yeste/day anl reilised s:;.*j per share.
    29 words
  • 1170 14 BuiLDIVO Se.HE.ME Adapted The scheme for the erection of a new stand on the racecourse, as suggested by the Building Committee to the members of the Singapore Sporting Club (which has already been given m extenso io these column-) was unanimously adopted at a special meeting of
    1,170 words
  • 212 14 Quite the most interesting article to the lav reader m the June issue of the above is the short his'ory of tho rubber industry m this part of the world iv the course of which the Editor summarily deals with any Ceylon cemtention that Ceylon was m
    212 words
  • 201 14 Proceedings at H Blf Court ot Shanghai were more thin usutlly interesting recently wben Mr. Montagu* Harris, birrister-at-liw, applied for permission to practise m Shanghai. Mr. L E P. Jones, acting Crown Advocate, opposed the application, pointing out that a gap m the evidence a* to his
    201 words
  • 134 14 We are informed that Mr Cropley yesterday received a wire from Mr Sme at Malacca stating that Kempas Rubber compiny had been oversubscribed and will proceed to allotment m due course. Tbis was the company which with a capital of $725,000 was formed to acquire a number of
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  • 43 14 The Times of Malaya is informed by Messrs R. L. Corbett, E. M. Hawes and R. McCrvstal,the vendors of the Uiu Yam Estate, Selangor. that the flotation will m all probability be m London and not Singapore, as previously announced.
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  • 17 14 The Sandycroft Rubber Company announce the payment of a fifty per cent interim dividend.
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  • 34 14 Messrs Guthrie and Co. have received a cable from the Secretaries of the above Com pany that the Directors have declared an interim dividend of .50% payable m London on 12th July.
    34 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 81 14 FRESH AIR FUND." To The Editof, Dear Sir, I herewith beg to hand v my Final List of Subscribers for thi« year to the above Fund. A Postal Order for tbe equivalent ot goes forward by to morre.w's English Mail to Mr C A. Pearson, and I have asked him
      81 words
  • 187 14 Arising ont of the death of Chuan X >h Eng's grandmother, there was a police prosecution yesterday m the fi-st magistrate* court. It appears that a license was applied for at the Chief Police Officer's office for a band to play m the procession and a permit
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  • 133 14 The forthcoming Cup competition this year is likely to turn out very interesting. as all the trains appear to be of eeutl strength. We are informed that a new team lus been formed under tbe title of the Lagoon Football Club which is iv connection with Sir John
    133 words
  • 375 14 Infant Boi Swks His Baiit HtSTUU Little Douglas Gibson, eldest eon of Mr E. F. Gibson, is a hero at the early age of 85. Recently ho saved his four year old sister Maimie from drowning, and be is now tbe proud possessor of a silver
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  • 95 14 Mtjor F. G. Guggisberg, r R ijnl Eogineers, who was stationed m Singapore and afterwards at Trincomalee several years ago, has just been appointed D. rector of Surveys m Northern N geria. Mijor Guggisbe-g Ins had a wide experience of West Africa, haviug had charge
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  • 2258 15 By Submarine Telegraph (Rrut* i i Agency) R c Juue i\ 10 a.m. Mr W. Lmg speaking at a tar. ft reform luncheon siid tint from the sludow of the mourning for their late mouarch might emerge a settlement. Tbr* >f>p »>itiou would receive any eff >it a r
    2,258 words
  • 104 15 {FtO)K our wmm Correspondent.) Hongkong Jure 10. The cpium trade between Hongkong and Canton is paralysed owing to the enforcement of the Canton monopoly. The British merchants' protest has been ineffective and the Government of India i 6 seriously considering the prsitior, The monopoly is affecting all
    104 words
  • 68 15 \Froii'. our mon < <"> r~^pondent.\ Kuala Lumpur. VaU.A.MKROSA 29,000 lbs. Agents, Guthrie and Co. Hkawo i) 907 lbs. Agents, Dorrick and Co. Teluk Anson:— 62o lbs. Agents, Dirrick and Co. Bki. at Tin -.—296 66 pkls. Kuantan Tin 74 25 pkN. Bkiano Limited: 264
    68 words
  • 34 15 (Front our own Correspondent.) lpob, June 15. The T.'mes of Malaya iscffLially informed by Messrs Osborne and Ch^f pell that Kinta Limited has declared a further dividend of one shilhrg.
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  • 402 15 (From our own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, June 10th, 11am Messrs Harper bave a wire from London stating that fine sheet rubber is fetching 91. per pound fine crepe os. number one i cap rubber 6s. The next sales will be held on Tuesday the 14 h June.
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  • 391 15 (From our own Chrrespomdent Penang June 9. Information has just been received here from Alor Star which states that all the Malay officials m Kedah have resumed the duties of their offices. Penang June 11. The Government intends to proceed at an early date with the construction of the
    391 words

  • 636 16 JIID- Cap. Issui. Paid. Last Div. Brrißg o 85,000 2/ 2/ A i lagar Rubber Estates Ltd 7<> 150,000 2/- I/- Anglo- Malay 80% 1 Q 50,000 2'- 1/6 Batang Malaka 1(j 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 50% H0 0 Is T pr 80,000 1 1 Batu Tiga (Selangor)
    636 words
  • 196 16 The Linauaoi Difficulty m THB O.R.C. The following extract from a letter received m Nuwara Eliya, from a resident m the Orange River Colony, is of special interest m view of the celebration of the Union at Pretoria and elsewhere There b c s been h
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 692 16 CLEARANCES June 10. Cheang Hock Kian, Dut. str., Hubert, for Bagan. Hebe, Brit, str., Inkster, for Deli. Ban Fo Soon, Dut str, Odink, for Pontianak. Deli. Ger. *-tr., Hubner, for Bangkok. Rumpbiue, Dut etr, Donck, for Batavia. Somali, Brit, etr., Cubitt, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Sabine Rickmeis, Ger btr,
      692 words
    • 617 16 I June 16. liganehire, Brit etr, Tigers, for Hongkong, langhai and Japan, ngmai, Ger. etr., Schmalfuss, for Bangitning, Brit, str., Gentles, for Penang and o' the Wiep, Brit, str, Morris, for e'antan. b Meijer, Dut. etr., Meineez, for Muntok td Pale i bang, ntung, Ger. etr., Hinsch, for Bangkok. ir,
      617 words