The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 2 June 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES THURSDAY. JUNE 2, 1910. No. 1,192.
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  • 215 1 ue* bSalaptva se S.j'i.vlr.n ia and a T.trirt 3;)3 !!..,i"- r Cungiem 339 Wriring aaUh meu* 1 m mas 1 Mod Coedampoamrj Artieta MB i imon Pact Authority pap sal Tar iff 8j afcas** 339 S^otl Sea Canal f4Q I am> Coentt Hears. I „-ht iv Victoria
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  • 66 1 (Corrected up to June 1 Beak 4ms 2/41 demand */**A :t vate credits 9 m s 2/4 9 t credita 6m •/♦A France, demand Bank... 290 Germany, demand 240 INL.A, T. T, IWI H-)N*.j,kl»so, demand 23^> To_.o_-_.-___, demand ll*"! Java, dfaad MOl Baaasoa, demand 66*, Ot rwaaiaaa. Bank Buying
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  • 153 1 Pita more of the Pacific Mail Steamship Coapaaj'a Oriental liners wiil he equipped th United Wireless telegraph instruments at once, according to information given out at tl* clh\*es of the United Wireless Teleh company, says the Tacoma Ledger. vessels to be equipped are the
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 116 1 Cooi-E.— On May 21, 1910, at Gala Estate. Perak, the vufe of Dr. A. B. Jesser Cooi'E, of a son. At Brewster Road, Ipch, on 25th inst., the wife of Claude H. La Bbooy, architect and contractor, Ipoh, of a daughter. At the Chief Police Officers' aarters, Fort Canning
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  • 137 1 June 1. Tin* 175 2 Gambier U «0 Gambier Cube No 1 15.00 Gambier Cuba No. m» m Pepper BUck (or-ia. S'-fora) buyers 13.00 Pepper. Wiuta (tea buyers 24 00 ffetaatp (IXO tc* Ua .V.).* 80( Nutm.^ (80 to Ik) m 2-.0( Mace (Beaie) Bort OloTee (,__mbol»*»^ nOIE Bally
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  • 44 1 The Annoying Cough. Your cough annoys you. Keep on hacking and tearing the delicate membranes of your throat if you want to be annoyed. But if you want relief, want to be cured, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 1282 1 There is a significance m the presence of the two Japanese cruisers now at anchor m our outer roadstead that may, m the shortnf ness of the public memory, come to be overlooked. These ships are not only highly efficient units of the Japanese navy,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 135 1 Babaeriban te tho "Sie-gspoaa Free Press" I latwiag trom EUuepe to the Straits any «>i* tha mail lines, aae invited to send to ?he Tafaeagaa the usma ot theii steamer and data arrival m Sis^**apo_e. Copies wiil then he Mailed to meet them at various pofti ot call. Sab. ribera
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 288 1 THE WEEK. The last mail from heme arrived by the 81. "Teesta"' on Saturday, with dates up to May ♦*> A homeward mail was taken on Monday by the Australien and this weekly goes by the P. A: O. M D.vanha to-morrow. A numbtr of prosecutions for not reporting smallpox
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  • 817 2 For* ti e life of t s we cannot see that the industrit! ir_teres*s m the Unitel Kingdom hay, tiie fainte.-t excuse f< r complaint if they tind that foreign t_ riffs restrict the access of Britis manufactures to the foreign market* which choose to protect
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  • 777 2 The M anaos Rubber Congress was held a3 long ago as F.biuiry, but the main results of the Conference have not, until recently, become generally known. The recommendations are fairly numerous and it may bo expected that many of them are little better than
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  • 1307 2 The Writing on the Wall" May 30. There is a striking article m the Westminster Reriew for April, entitled "The Writing on the Wall from the pen of a well-known Dutch publicist.- Mr J. G. SaiiEi/rEMA. That authority, who knows the Netherlands Indies well, devotes himself to a consideration of
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  • 1543 2 The Suppressed "Contemporary" Article. May 31. Those who are fortunate enough to bete received by the mail before last a copy af the original edition cf tbe Cemahmm feetta- for May will do well to preserve it carefully, for m fulure it will have a special value which attaches to
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  • 1015 3 No egotism is intended m drawing a comparison between the Port of London and the Port of Singapore as regards the Port Authority. In Singapore the works and wharves at Tanjocg Pagar are under the control of a Board selected by the Government, but
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  • 1116 3 A common s.urcs ot misconception m argument is tho looseness of definition of data. Perhaps nowhere is that ambiguity more marked than ia the domain of fiscal reform. The British Industries Preservation Society, whose very nama describes its function accurately, has issued a manifesto which contributes
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  • 1044 4 Scottish Sea Canal June Just as the Kingdom of Lilliput. according to the immortal Lemuel Gulliver, was tern by the two factions of the Big-endians and the Little-endians, so it looks as though before very long Scotland would be divided by the dissensions between tbe ProCanal and the Contra Canal
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  • 198 4 There are fifteen civil cases down for hearing m the Supreme Court during this month. Few men aie better quilifiad than Mr L. S Amery to address the Colonial Institute on Practical Steps Towards an Imperial Constitution," for he has studied the Empire at first hand aud has written the
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  • 1155 4 The Spring race meeting has come and gone and has been remarkable for several things. In the first place several of the most promising horses were scratched at the last moment and others were upset by having to put m an extra fortnight's work. Bat as to the
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  • 492 4 In the presence of a large gatheriij spectators the final phase of the aaae sports of the *>rd Middlesex Regiment I place on Monday, when 1"» events w,- cessfully brought to a conclusion with admirable precision, considering that aaly little over two hours was available m which
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  • 95 4 The programme for the __N!ay A* I Sports to be held on the R tl! R clems,. tion on Friday next has now b^en leas* The preliminary heats will bo run <ft fr< Bi 9 a.m. the finals from 2 pm. Ther* is long list of judges,
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  • 94 4 A fast and well cor tested gan c i f keefa I was played on the E-placade la_t soeaieft between the B. OC. and the h DaSSSSI lufantry. Quite a number of the Decerns came down from P_>ir Panjang to aateh the game. The soldifrs combined well
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  • 446 5 Sarawak appointments are: Mr H. B. i'rocker to be acting Resident, Ist Divi__on, and member of Supreme Council. Dr. Latimer Greene to be P.C.M.O. L*e Choon Keng, a cashier who recently .i>._onded with a cheque for $2,100 from Chop HeDg Soon Hong of 12 South Bridge
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  • 181 5 A local correspondent asks the following i est ion •Are there m the Faited States of Ameri*\ites and, or territories m which the sale ntoxicating beverages is prohibited by law and the contravention a punishable offence Distinctly- there are, although we cannot it the moment
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  • 213 5 xFrcn *w <•;■" Cfrittfmmnt} May IS*. Tan Teou. Bee, chief clerk m the Treasury here. has been arrested on the charge criminal breach of trust and forgery. No bail was allowed. Up to the present, the full amount of the defalcations charged is not known, but it is
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    • 54 5 The Straits Chinese British subjects deeply mourn the loss of our beloved KingEmperor. The Committee, Straits Chin?se British Association." The above meesage was on the 10th inst. transmitted by telegram by the Strait 6 Govern meut to the Secretary of Sate foi the Colonies for submission to
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    • 62 5 Mr Song Ong Siang, the Secretary of the S.C.B.A. yesterday received a letter from the Acting Colonial Secretary stating that His Excellency the Governor has received a telegram from the Secretary of S^ate for the Colonies requesting that the members of the Straits Chinese Bitish Association may
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    • 82 5 Dear S r, We are requested by the Secretary to foiward you a copy of resolution of the Singapore Chiuese Chamber of Commerce sent through the Straits Government to the Secretary of State for tbe Colonies expressing the condolence of the Chamber on the death
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    • 149 5 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce add respectful tribute of sympathy and deeply deplore the loss of the King Emperor, the world's Peacemaker. Teo Si an Kheng, Chairman. The King's Reply. Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, 26th May, 1910. Sir, 'A'ith reference to your letter of the .Ub instant lam
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  • 499 5 The fouith Anti- Opium Conference of the Straits and States is to be held, at Singapore, on Monday and Tuesday next, m the Antii ipium Society's Hall, Middle Road. Dr. Lim 8008 Keng, president. The resolutions to be j submitted are as follows I. That this conference approves
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  • 698 5 Last mail brought out a copy of M The Breezy Pentlandt 9 n written by the Rtv. George M. Reith, formerly Presbyterian Minister m Singapore, now of Free St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, who since his departure from the Straits has often reminded his old friends pleasantly of his
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  • 217 5 FRASER Co's SHARE CIRCULAR. We have again only a very limited amount of business to record, due largely, however, to the interruptions m business days that have taken place du**iug the past week. The price of Rubber has fallen considerably, but there has been only a slight drop m the
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  • 963 5 Strongly Against Rubber Sik« ilatio.s The Sarawak G.zatte contains a record of the meeting of the Sarawak Supreme Council after the return to the country of R*jah Brooke. The following extracts from the Rajah's speech are of interest First, that he had come from England on hearing
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  • 2956 6 CASTRO'S FINE WIN. The postponed Spring Race meeting began on Saturday and was favoured by tine weather. Fortunately the last few days of the week had been brilliant and although a storm pissed over the island on Siturday morning and the rain tended to make the going
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  • 4208 6 The second day's racing of the Singapore Sporting Club's Spring meeting was success fully carried out yesterday afternoon. For tunately, the rain of the enlier p_rt of the day cleared up There was no suu, but the afternoon was rather sulttv. The Ig was on tbe
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  • 111 8 Jockey*. Trainers. Duval 4 8 3 i Fisher 4 2 2 Ross 4 12 1 Turner 3 0 1 4 Ben field 3 2 3 6 Southall 3 3 3!' Xirwan 2 2 4 2 White J U 0 3 Bennett 13 2 9 Peer lux 0 2 0
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  • 496 8 Last wpek closed at 1 149 17s. rSd. cash and £15] 12s. rod. three months. The week opened with an irregular market, and on Im lance cash down 55., three months down 10s. On Tuesday the market was unchanged m price, and a small business was done. On Wednesday cash
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  • 234 8 The Penan,; Score. Shooting for the above Cup took place on ■oaday morning at the Rirt. Range, all members of the P. V. R Club being entitled to snoot, the best eight scores counting It seems a pity that ordy members turned up to shoot. The light
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  • 444 8 Tbe body of a Chinaman was found hanging to a tree at Keppel Harbour yesterday morning. Admiral of the Fleet Sir E Iward Seymour was paced on the retired list (having reached 70 years of age) on April 30. Special interest would be taken m two
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  • 442 8 At the conclusion of a long leader on the report of this company, the Pinang Gazette writ* s. W ith no desire to be unnecessarily severe one is forced to the conclusion that the Eastern Smelting Company has not hitherto been run on sound business principles. Loans
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  • 1221 8 I Quid/nil ayunt homines aoetri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. In the message to "My People beyond the Seas" King George, ascending to a higher level than that of King of the United Kingdom, addresses the British nations throughout the world. It is a simple frank expressing
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  • 124 8 The Secretary of the Moslem Association of Singapore has received the following letter from the Government With reference to your letter of the 7 h instant, I am directed by tbe Governor te inform you that the substance of the resolution passed by the Moslem
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  • 117 8 The Hon Dr Gnllotray's pprini sf rffice as Legislative C -uncillor is tstended I three years. The Hon A K. Adams act as Solicitor General Irom June 4 to duly 2. Mr E. F. H. Edlin takes Mr F M Kli. i place on the Mahomedau and Hindu
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  • 101 8 The annual report on Lebatn > not m exciting document. Revenue was >7m*7.» less than 1906 but expenditure w_ fi ai.o k H though it exceeded the estimate by $1>,1*.... Trade values showed a slight increase an.; coal exported increased by 20,573, the total sold being 57.368
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  • 130 8 The report on the working of this B ar. 1 m 1909 states that the landed prrnertiet the Endowments have after Mime opnoeition been valued. The report deals with matter. of minor interest iv connection with the vanous charities. One anting iicident creeps into the
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  • 1536 9 Oroinaky Mketin... May 27 ih Present Lv l!-ncyth^«;..vfrnor Sir John Anrlers^n !1 Ti'bic Ihe Ar. Col. S»-c. W. vans. th* Treasurer VY. C Michell the Ol Engineer, F. .1. Pigott W Glial >i Eih.-,. Tan .liak Kin.. Di fellow i T. B B-knr C, ll r, I v
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  • 280 9 SCHEMI for Ffrthek Capital. It was rumoured m tbe Stock Ex'diacge on April 29 that a scheme is on foot ior providing the Pahang Consolidated Company with the fresh capital which wa3 recommended by Mr Frecheviile iv his recent report concerning the miniug positiom of thi9 undertaking. The
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  • 1638 9 Europeans Attacked by Chinese. Further evidence was taken by Mr \Volferstan, District Judge yesterday, m a case m which Lim Tye Hock and Lim Tve Kerg were arraigned. Tbe former was chirged with committing robbery of 810 50 m cash, a silver watch valued at $350, a brass
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  • 366 9 Yesterday morning H. H. the Duke of Mecklenburg, tbe D Debet c, and their suite returned to Singapore frciu tleir tour through the Federated M ilsy Sates. Their Highnesses stayed at Mr B cke-'s house for the day, where Hs Excell-ccy the Governor called during the m»riiirg,
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  • 861 10 Ong Kah Seong, said to be a Penang towkay has been arrested m Singapore, there being a banishment warrant issued against him m Penang for smuggling opium and morphia into the island. A list of forthcoming marriages includes that of L eut.-Oommander Basil J. D. Guy,
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  • 987 10 We nave received by tne mail a copy of Ritie Shooting for Ladies," by that enthusiastic and capable lady rifb shot, Mrs W. Willes D mglas, who has given so much energy to the promotion of the use of the r fie amongst the ladies of
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  • 284 10 The following properties situate at Muar and Johore Bahru, belonging to the estate of Syed Mohamed bin Ahmed Alsagoff, deceased, were disposed of at auction by Powell and Co. at Johore Bahru on Friday afternoon:Three shophouse dwellings, Nos. BS, on and 84 Jalan Maharanee, Muar, area 4 431
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  • 159 10 A letter of eondolecc3 and sympathy, signed by the President and Members of the Committee of '.he Indian Christian Association of Singapore, was sent to His Excellency the Governor for transmission to His Majesty the Kicg and tbe Royal Family. And the following reply was received from
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  • 154 10 Keir Admiral H. Izichi, m command of the J ipaue?e training cruisers M Aso and Soya," landed at J >hustou's Pier on Saturday morning and paid an official visit to H. E. the Governor. The Admiral was received with a guard of-hcuour of fifty meu of tbe
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  • 231 10 Heavy Sentence Passed on Chinkse Mr Wolferstan deliverel jugdment m the first court on Saturday n_oruio_r m the cisc of Lim Tye Hock and Lim Tye Keng, police cashier, the evidence m which was concluded on Friday. Mr Wolferstan found that the offence charged against the first
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  • 338 10 Tramway Ccp Final. A huge crowd, chiefly Malays, eee*Mlfa| on the Beach Koad ground on Saturday afternoon to witness the tioal gam~ for Sl Tramway Cup played between the bate* Afiah (tarjong P Agar) and the IWnang Stia (Kirapong Giam). The competition had been excel leu tly cirried
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  • 528 10 The May monthly medal wae played for on Saturday and Sunday and resulted m a win for Mr G. C. Proc:or. S.ores were as follows. Tbe Chinese are running mmy of the former mines iv Kimuntiug aad some of them are paying them well. ICaeter Lwis, son
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  • 661 11 Mr A F. Pumpin of the Arcade has charged his clerk named R Gill with cheating m respect of $90. The directors of the Perak Plantations, Ld have decided to split the shares into two shilling ones H E the t r >veroor visited Wear Admiral
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  • 72 11 A Cup presented by one cf the members lot competition during race week was won I W. J. Trowell with a nett nore of 154. 41 4 77 I 4€ 41 4 77) l J The prelim uarv competition m connection with the Crtain's Cup I*lo, 18
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  • 60 11 A practice game of Rugby football was plejed on the S C C end of the Esplanade vetiterdav afternoon between Colcurs and Whites.* Several men were short on both sides and the game was somewhat ragged. A uumber of new men were tried m the forward lines. Colours
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  • 491 11 FIVE INJURED AT KEPPEL HARBOUR. Mr Monro's Condition Skrious. A serious accident occurred on the British oil steamer "Conch" at Keppel Harbour yesterday morning. The vessel was alongside the wharf for general repairs and. at about eight o'clock, Mr D.vid Muuro, toremaa engineer, and tvee nitive fitters, a
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  • 338 11 A preliminary enquiry was opened by Mr Robinson, third magistrate, yesterday afternoon, into au allegation of murder brought against a Chiuese hawker. Detective Inspector Nolan prosecuted on behalf of the Crown. Dr. Whittle said that on the morning of tbe 251h March a Chinaman was brought to
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  • 25 11 In the published prospectus of the Narborough (F.MS.) Rubber Estate, the property is usefully placed as "uiidwav between Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh, Perak, M S."
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  • 1549 11 Restrictive Legislation Asked For. The fourth Anti-Opium Conference of the Straits Settlements and F. M S this year being held m Singapore, was opened yesterday morning at the Anti Opium Society's Hall, Middle R oad. The delegates from the F. M S were met at Johnston's P*er, and
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  • 138 11 ANOTHER LARGE SEIZURE. Yesterday afternoon Ihi Preveutiv- 8 "afl paid a surprise visit to the "QWeifalJOClh which an i ved here las* we-k bat w.s m quarantine for some days. After searching ttirough the ship they m ide au important fiud iv one of the airchutes m ihe
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  • 181 11 (From our own Correspondent A largely attended m *s. meeting to pro'^- against the abolition of the appointment of R sident Councillor for this Settlement was held at 11 am. on Sunday. The Hon. F. W. Collins briefly put before the meeting the case against the abolition, Mr
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  • 619 12 Before Mr Justice Fisher yesterday. Mr C. Emerson on behalf of the local Bar Committee applied to the Judge for Mr R. C. ElmondB to be called and admitted to practice at the local Bar. Mr Edmonds was he siid well known to all the Btr here and
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  • 49 12 All concerned or interested m the above are informed that with the kind permis.ion of the Municipal Commissioners, Mr M., the Secretary to the Show, has opened an office m the main block of the Mursicipal buildings downstairs. The office is open during business hours daily.
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  • 147 12 Professor Wallace, who has been for quarter of a centiry Professor of Agriculture m Edinburgh University, and has paid several visits to India and other parts of the tropica to study the principles and practice of tropical agriculture, has passed through for Saigon by French mail en route
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  • 76 12 Bangkok believes m looking at the bright side of things. During the week ended May 14th there were no cases of bubonic plague, and apart from one death from small pox, the only deaths notified from communicable diseases were 108 from cholera." Only In the previous week there were 210
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  • 882 12 (From our own Correspondent) Edinburgh, May 6. Slack Water m Politics. The by-election m South Edinburgh is not stimulating to either political party. As you have been informed by cable, Mr Lyell held the seat for the Government no other result was looked for. But it was to
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  • 1351 12 Seldom has an event of such domestic importance occurred m the Federate 1 Malay States as the wedding of His Highness Ala'idin Suleiman bin Almeihum Raja Muda c.M.o Sultan of Selangor, and Rajah Ngah Zabidah, daughter of His Highness Rija Abdul Jilil, Raja Muda of Perak and
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  • 612 12 The ordinary general meeting of the Singa pore Electric Tramways, Limited, was held on May 3at 49, St. Swithins Lane E.C. Sir Frank A. Swettenham, K. C.M.G. 'the chair man of the company presided. The Chairman said Briefly the position is that we Lave done better m
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  • 669 13 Ir appeirs that Captain Champion de Cresp-goy whose death was recently repoitel, committed suicide with a revolver. S.r J *hn Kiolecb, member §f Parliament on the L beral side for Eist Perthshire from 1 889 to 1903, has died at the age of 01. Oa enquiring
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  • 139 13 The PrtCotsroa Pairs Bowling Hindicapi •> plate on Friday aud Saturday of last week and resulted m a win for the Mer chant, who just be it the Doctors by 10 p>iuts. The following were the scores m am ni~TB C Stout 578 12dg 160 U55 S. Dju
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  • 873 13 Numerous Convictions. r\r?^ SaDitar J Inspector Mayhew men. tioned a case to Mr Wolferstan, senior magistrate, yesterday, m which a dczen Malabans were charged with failing to report a case of smallpox. He asked for a postponement, a8 one men w_s still m the nmmtnma* SeDg HoF P*
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  • 1001 13 Prize Di tribution by the Governor. Laat evening HU Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, presented the prizes and diplomas gained by the students attending the Medical School at the General Hos pital. Amongst those present were the Bishop of Singapore, the Hon. Dr. G.llowav, the Hon. Tan
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  • 194 13 Ci.osino Session. The Anti Opium Conference, c unmenced at the Anti Opium Society's HAI Middle Road, on Monday, was concluded vestordav. Dr Lim Boon Kerg again piesidicg. Tue remaiuirg reso'.uMoa Wr ore urgicg emp'oyers of labour and heads of business houses to ive their pledge to no longer
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  • 157 13 The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Poweil and Cj.'s sale room yesterday afternoon Two freehold alio' m mis situate at Everton Road rff N-il R >ad, area 3.095 square feet. Ang Oon Soon 11,0.0. Freehold land s'tutte cil Confederate Estate Road, area 60,528 Mjuare
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  • 189 13 A correspondent of a home paper say. This month many people wili be glad to see Halley *s comet once m a lifetime, but the late J. Gardiner, ot Leicester, saw this comet iv 170., when he w.s six'eeu yea:-, old, and again on its retu*n, seventy -rive
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  • 197 13 If r Peacock of the Chinese Pralectofnte. prcsecu'ed a Chinaman before Mr R doimoL, third ma_;Htratr_, yesterday atterno' n. on a charge oil bsing a rn.mb.r of the Ngi Hua K>k society, an unlawful o»ga*_is-.tiou Three tickets were fur.d m the accuse i*i ia a hut ell
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  • 773 14 Ex-President B -osevelt has been received by Oreen Alexandra. MrMucr-'s condition yesterday showed some slight improvement. Tbe M-morial Hall clock is so badly lighted that it is pricticilly useless at night. Chief Petty Officer Curran of the Royal N tvv, who has lately been conspicuous m
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  • 2133 14 PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA. Generous Benefaction by Mr and Mrs Noel Trotter. ft is with much pleasure that we have to state that Mr and Mrs Noel Trotter have by telegram from Loadon, announced a very munifi.ont donation, ia response to an appeal by the E Htor, woich wil enable the Puilharmonic
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  • 310 14 We have received a copy of the prospectus of Kemp.B Rubber Estates Ltd, ofcieh we believe was formerly Sungei Bahru, M lUcca The directors are Messrs Sime, |)r Weir, Moo: house and E Kong Guan all of Malacci. The capital is sr2.*>'><M mi n shares of five
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  • 106 14 The s.l. -'Argo'' wiil leave Johnston's Pier for the Cub Buigilow on Friday at 2 *>0 and 130 p.m. returning at I and 5 SO p.m. Oa Sunday, launcbes will leave the Pier tar the IJuugalow at 7, and 10 a m, 2 :> J and I
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  • 70 14 These sports which will be held on Friday of this week on the RarH Reclamation, promise to be a great success. Iv order to provide for tbe convenience of Johore visitors, the management have arranged with toe S.nga-pore-Kr-rnji railway for a special late tenia to leave
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  • 50 14 A spco;il meeting was held at Penang on May 28 h to p_ss resolutions for reconstructing tbe company. Tiie resolutions appoint Mr E. lieiuianu as liqoideter. No intormation is given of tiie details of tbe reconstructed compuiv, wh..h is to be called the Kedah Rubber Co. L'd.
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  • 35 14 Agents Guthrie A: Co. Labi 17.185 lbs. aeumst 5.606 ant Five months 7(1,224 lbs. a.amst 17,2*1 lbs. Chanokat Salak :< »1 lbs. Total Ma»cb, April, May 1,411 [he. UiriTED BtVOApoae April 1,42<J lb.
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  • 54 14 The competition Spring Cup (96 holes medal play) cosed on Tuesday and resulted m a win for W. J. Trowel! with a ..ore ot 144 nett. 86 59 *j'* 40 lo in < Kher scores K. O. Swan 41 .4 40 47 22 156 A. Smith |5
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  • 33 14 The monthly healing, medal for Miv was won by E R. Thomas with the score if 684 180 864. He was closly followed by A. G Harrington with 644 200 < 44.
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  • 1859 15  -  Submarine Telegraph (By [Meuters Amemem) Rec May 26, 10.1 am. Tbe Liverpool Post is lesponsible for the gta^emeiit that Lord R >seberv is postponing bis resolutions with regard to tbe House of Lofdi to Kee 19_k Tiie mbbet auc'ions concluded with a fur her decline. Tbere has been a
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  • 168 15 (From our o:<.u Correspondent.) Ipoh May 27. Messrs Aylesbury and Garland to day received a cable from L >ndou stating that tbe average prices of rubber were Sheet nine shillings to e'eveu and twopecce, Cttp. nine shillings, Scrap seven shillings. The market is uncertain, Ipob, Miy 29.*. The
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  • 317 15 Tin and Rubber. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May *27. The rubber export duty to day is fix: 1 at 06. The prices on which it is based are She.t and Biscuit $515, Crej 1530, F ist Scrap SI7O, Bark Scrap S_oo, Rough Scrap 1390,
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  • 47 15 EEPORTED TO BE SUNKI \Froin our cum Correspondent^ Hongkon/, Mil 30 b. A tdegrara has bern me -ed bere ficm Manila repoiting thit the lewe/ Foiling Dry Dock has sunk tl ere. 1 In salvage boat PfOteciOl M has loft today for Man la.
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    • 157 15 (from <ur own Correspondent.) Penang, May JOth. Mr D. G. Roher'son, late works manager of the Eastern Smeiting Co, is issuing forthwith four writs for libel m connection with the leceutly published report of tbe Company. THE MEETING. Penang May 30. There was a large attendance at
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  • 25 15 May :)Oth. Mr P. J. Hallifax has won me May monthly medal of tbe Golf Club. Mrs Evans has won the ladies* medal.
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  • 68 15 APPEALS TO PRIVY COUNCIL (Front our own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpor, June Ist. The Court of Appeal yesterday permitted Yap Hon Chin, the Chinese Towkay concerned m the Pudu Temple Case, to appeal to the Privy Council. Four Chinese attempted to raid a shop m High-st yesterday afternoon.
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  • 545 15 The subject of leprosy is unfortunately one not without interest to the inhabitants of Malaya. The Madras Hail, m a re< ent isane, published an article, over a column m length, on the subject, aid refers to it at some lengtb. It appears that the second international scientific Conference
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  • 697 16 May 28. Mataram, Brit str, William, for Batavia and Sydcey vi* ports Nam Sang, Brit, str.. Like, for Penang and Calcutta. Omapere, Brit str, Lyons, for Port Swettecham and Penang. Ipoh, Brit, str, Fawcus, for Penan* yia ports. Hy- Leoncr, Brit, str., Morrell, for Pahang, Mersing and Kuantan. Sa__.en,
    697 words
  • 652 16 Per Ban Whatt Hin Mr Balanger, Mr W.e CheDg Teow, Mr Liv Sat Yen, Mr H. M. Darby. Mr Williams. MrHorsfield. Per Hye L^ong Messrs A. S. Daviee, Bi istow and Dr. Reid. Per Misbima Mara Mr and Mrs A. H. Tair, Mr C. K. Nanson, Mr R. W.
    652 words
  • 235 16 Ia an article upon Chines. Comment and iadu.try and the prospect of these supplanting Earopean trade the Hongkong D tily Press says The real point at which there i_ a danger to European trade is that pssibly the Chinese with the cheap labour they are able to command
    235 words
  • 1137 16 100,000 jj 10/ Contributory 2 10 0 IIS* 30.000 1 1 Bukit Lintang 5 14 0 175,000 fj' f Bukit Mertajam 7OO0O 1 1 Bukit Rajah 60% H 10 0 22 M 35 000 1 1 Castlefieid (Klangr) 5 10 0 UM 99tflflO 2'- 2/ Chersonese (P.M.S.) Estate Ltd.
    1,137 words