The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 9 February 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 387 1 m Pa..k f l he d\ Qrisia mmm i Elections si B anl T.irirt TiassliipMafl sj kid IIM l'"V. »-i #> S2 Populations aa<l Food tap ,s; iv.di* 1 5- i >-# j^^ M;itu- ol in<i .tv Nit v,- Stit S j 1 s v i'ovkt N BWH Bib
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  • 110 1 Fcb 8 Til* >^4 45 Gum bier G.inbier Cube No 1 MM GambierCabf No. coni Peppsrßlac* (ori'm. 6'fort 1 4 S7-J P*pp«r, Whito (far buyers 25 0 NutaagtillOlofcka !*.>«• ls Nutmegs (SO to tilt HO 2*.ttC M»«« (Haiti BOTr Olotm (Aaboia* nOtt Buily Coffee (10% Black) WiJ r.;bcnM Cofii*
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 49 1 Hf.v. an.— On Friday, February 4th. at Abbotsford, Singapore, the wife of E. D. HewaN of a sun. Livesey.— Feb. 7th to Dr. and Mrs. Livesey a son at No. 4 Goodwood Estate. At Institution Hill, on 7ih instant, the wife of H. P. Kinqhorn of a daughter.
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    • 143 1 iLLGEN-WRiaHT.— On February B, 1010, at St. Stephen's Church, Ootaeainund, Nilgiris, by the Key. Dr. Borlaise, L L.D., Johana Georg Illj4en, Gudur, Nollore District, Madras Presidency, second sou of Horr J. Illgen. TreuD. Germany, to Avis Hilda, youngest daughter of the 1 .to Alexander Wright, planter, Pundalur, Sou h
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  • 72 1 (Corrected up to Fcb 8 Bank 4 m s 8/* l demand 2/4 T 7 Private credits 3ms */*ii credits t» ni s 2/4 J France, demand Bunk 394j Germany, douiand 839| Inma, T. T 7 ;H Hongkong, demand t4f%*§ Yokohama, demand 114^ Java, demand 141 Bangkok, demand titi
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  • 992 1 F d b 4 la South-E tStera Europe for a cecsiderable time past there has been a crisis that has kept Greecs ia a state of dangerous political confusion that might any day result m of 3n corffcct. The Government of Grcec3 at present is reslly the
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  • 195 1 Although ther9 ihite seats yet to be determined, and that not till ten days henc^, the complexion of these is so well aecartained beforehand that the oustitu i>n of tLr new P^rlicim^nt can now bo declare! witn precision. 0 kuey and S'.ietUnd will, M that Island
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 37 1 Painful Breathing. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a very Taluable medicine for throat and lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a dangerously sounding cough which indicates congested hwfes. For sale by all Dispensaries and I>ealers.
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    • 55 1 SIAM IN THE MALAY PENINSULA A Short Account of the position of Siam m the States of Kelantan, Patani Legeh and Sai. Reprinted from the Singapore Fret Press." Price 50 cent* DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA. BROWN'S SPECIFIC. To be had at the Singapore Dispensary and of Miss Brown, Grassdale, River Valley
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 170 1 THE WEEK. Tiie outward lniil of Jan 14th arrived by British ladia Sieamor on Bft'vrdty. The M M Ernest Simons brought Europe letters of Jan 1"> h on Mondiiy. In cors -<|u*ik»3 of to-moirow b^ing the Chinese New Year, this issue of the wokly is published on Wednesday. A change
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  • 799 2 Feb 5 fa covrderiag the great question of Tariff Rdforai it has to be borne m mind that then dre two categories of import trade, t3 oalv OM of wlihb cm a Tiriff Apply. laip:>r*s for consumption within the country importisg are a pioper suSj ct
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  • 370 2 It was only yesterday that some explanation was given m this column of the precarious political situition m Greece, with the Kins and X >yal family living m a state of humiliating suffirauce, and the civil government existing by the indulgence of military nflieuce. The more
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  • 1261 2 Feb 7. It was the dream of Cobdu and the Manchester School that Eagland would continue to ba indefinitely, as it wis then, the wo' v shop and factory of the world, and that tie oVer nations, for most of their articles of consumption that were
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  • 1512 2 Feb s Within two weeks of each other two eminent Imperiil statesmen, both of them entitled to spe^k for ludUn aduiiuisrrrt'i >n and its problMM, have made public declarations of policy rojtrding ladii, oao N£n€in£ the execu iva policy of the day, and the othar, m refdrenea
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  • 1716 3 Frb. A very remarkable corresponded is punted m a recent Gazette of India Extraordinary," which is m itself an important icdex of the character of the relations subsiting between the suzerain Government of India and the Rulers of the Naive States of that dependency. With
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  • 363 3 Tho sr_ 3cial Court set up by the Board of Trade, and cor sUtiae of bir Francis Mcwatt and Mr Dickirsorj, the police magistrate, has now given its decision ia the ciae of Mr TraUtet, who was refused a fir«t mate's ceitifioate oa the score of defective
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  • 247 3 Recent events m India bring home pjoic forcibly than ever the urgent necessity of exercisiog greater control over boys m schools. There is no room for doubt now that there is a small section of the people of this country who ayr dettrmined to use
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  • 238 3 With five steam tantcbea punk iv tie Hudsou River and another adrift aud probab'y lost, the men on the Atlantic flaet of battle ships lying off Kiverhide Drive were marooned on board by the drifting flofi that ca:a3 d'.wn the stream. The seaward rush of t
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  • 70 3 Sergeant Joyce yesterday char^fl a M-ilay with cruelty to a cow by cutting cff a piece of its tail. The animal it* cilt was trespassing acd the owner of the Und resented this. Veterinary Surgeon FJahaw gave evidence of the injury d -n9. The owner, a Tamil, said that
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  • 1254 4 (From 0"r Special Correajioii'ltat.) The Tukf. L mdoo, J-icuirv 7. Th\t we are one* more ueariog the Hit racing season, is denrel by the publication of the en-rica for the Sp:iug Hmdicips. Viewed altogether, tl:°s* aie Katisf-ic:ory, as while ri:ere is a s'i^ht filling oil m some
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  • 481 4 IS TILS LVTTEIi INFERIOR? •Mb Baukbu Says it is a Question of Treatment. As wo (T. of Ceylon) h ive already stated* the only new assertion m the American export opinion as to the respective merits of young and old plantation rubber, whioh was quoted the
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  • 193 4 From Toulon comes a gruesome account of the suicide of a petty officer, which was committed with extraordinary obstinacy. He was employed m a school for tha technical instruction of officers, stationed at the dockyard, and recently he appeared at his post at the usual hour, there
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  • 1046 4 The Kinta Rice week begins on Feb 22 and entries close on Feb 12. Ooe has do desire to do anything to crab the meeting, but looking over the programme it really sterns a bit astonishing thit an interesting three days inert can be got out of tne
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  • 884 4 TWENTY MILES CF SODA. JLXrLORIRS ANI> LIONS. Renter's AfMHf has received farther details of the journey concluded by Mr Fred Sne.f .1 the wo. l- known engineer, m connexion w«th the projected railway to be BlWtfwN fi the Ujitnda Riilway to Lue Mii-'.ii wonderful lak*\ which is
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  • 94 4 Canton has ljng baen celebrated for its gambliDg dens, where the gime of fantan has filled and emptied many pockets. The only uniform gainer has been the locil authority, which has netted something like .£1,000,000 a year from the sale of licdnses. It was decided some time ago that these
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  • 859 5 Major Norton is a passenger by the ss. Syria troDi Kobe to Singapore. A Chinese wnman who had adopted Islumtom commuted suicide on Wednesday nich: by uking opium at Xj. 88 Hadji L me. J Tbe m^istetiil enquiry iu:o the allegi- ol murder made against Abduladad
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  • 312 5 lour Non-Working Days. Chinose New Y ear commences on Thursday next Feb. lOtk, the day of the New Mwn. which is at 813 am. It is the commencement of the second year of Hsuan iUDg (there are variations of the sound of tins, according to the
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  • 264 5 Bu KIT LINTAN<J. Messrs Gunn and Co., stato that the output of dry rubber for the moatb of January was 2,000 Ib 3. dry lubber. The corresponding total for last year was 130 lbs. and the total for the sev*n months to 31st January ll>lo, was
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  • 118 5 The mortality returns for the last week m Januiry and for the month of Januiry are now to hand. In Singapore during the last week the ratio per mille was 38 9o for the whole month 36 42. Daring the month five Europeans died. The deaths from malaria
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  • 124 5 There was a large gathering of members and friends at the Methodist Episcopal Church at Taiping on Friday evening to bid good bye to the Tamil Pastor, Mr B. D. Henry, prior to his departure to work m the mission field at Singapore. Mr Appa Row was
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  • 296 5 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. To put it mildly the advance m Rubbers during the week has been little short of phenomenal, and the first month of the >»ew Year has more than confirmed the views of the most sanguine. Rubber— o>vicg to the strong demand for ready delivery, combined with
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  • 122 5 Yesterday, a European named Arthur Wells was before Mr Calm m on the allegation of cheating. He had made the acquaintance of Mr A. J. Heaffy to whom he imparted the information that he was m the army and had inherited a fortuae of a million
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  • 107 5 In September last Mahomed, Eusope and Pakiri, were charged by the Sanitary Dspaitment with removing persons suffering from small-pox, with failing to report case 3 of smallpox and with conveying persons suffering from this disease m public vehicles. Two of defendants were convicted, but Mahomed, who was sentenced
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  • 106 5 Six Pathans were, yesterday, charged with breach of the Immigration Ordinance, by leaving the Cjlony without a permit. They were arrested on board the s. s. Chakrabhongs "by Mr Francis on the 2 ad instant, having taken passage to Bangkok. Mr Talma, Superintendent of the Immigration
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  • 190 5 Observed m Hongkong. The comet, announced some days ago as having been discovered at Johannesburg, was visible m Hongkong recently for a short time just after sunset, low down near the western horizon. Ie would appear to have now about the lustre of a first magnitude
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  • 220 5 Yesterday morning, Sevasamy and Pitchay, two Tiuiiig, were placed before Mr Wolferstan on an allegation of robbing a fellow countryman named Rirnani of four |5 notes m R ver Valley R:>ad, on the 23rd ultima. Court Inspector Ambrose prosecuted Mr Knowles defended the accused. Ramani sail that he
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  • 177 5 The wrestling match at the Circus on Wednesday was a fine exhibition of strength and ability. From the first Kramer proved himself a good nun, but both were m fine condition. All through the first ten minutes Bresco was the underneath man and thcu2h half a dci3n times
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  • 111 5 According tothe "Stambout, 'Sir W. Willcocks, British adviser to the Turkish Ministry of Public Works, claims to have determined the exact site of the Garden of Eden. Sir William places it at Hiirlah, a flounthing oasis some 250 kilometres north- west of Baghdad, m the centre of a desolate Mesopotamian
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  • 437 5 Pengkalen is evidently soon to join the list of dividend paying Malay mines. That group has been one of the most remunerative m which investors have engaged. Its origin so far as England is concerned is to be traced to the labours of three men,
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  • 262 6 Mr Gunter, of No. 1 Wiike Road h:is rp. ported the loss of a, gold ricg value S2tj irom hia ro«.'in. Mr Mallet, who has been assistant on Siadveroft Bobber Estate for close oh two v«ars, proceeds to take up a position as mincer <->f Sapin
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  • 322 6 BvGia a::i> Javank k Frairr at Sx John's. A serious affray occurred at the qa*ratttice station p.- St. .< >hu\ isiaud on Tr.ursiwy night b-tvrc a n Javanese uud iiugis pi-^rims confined there. It iippp.irs that the trouble commenced 09 the morning <>f the I*l. About oce
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  • 278 6 A Mt!<iy naraM Kassim was m thr- erap'ov of Robinson and Co. Oa the Ii h ultimo, he gare a- tewing machine, Talue $46, to another Malay named Ahmed. Tho la t ter was seen by one of the firm and er^.irits mu'id which \el to
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  • 1397 6 Bankrupt's Serious Illnes3. Mr Justice Sercombe Smith dealt wuh the work m the BinkrupUJJ Court yesterday. Re the application for dischargt of Chia Kecg Beag, evidence was given by Dr. Galloway, who s*id he had examined bankrupt this wed:. He had been m his hands for many years.
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  • 310 6 MANUFACTURE OF CURRENCY NOTES. Yesterday. Y;n Svri Kee whs before Mr C lioaftn for prniiininarv ecquirr ibto au Allegation of bel; g in possession cf mnletwli fir making currencj note*. Mr Crabb Watt", acting Depot j Public Prosecutor appealed tor the Crown. Chitf Detective iL&peclor Taylor laid t!;:t^ from information
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  • 106 6 Yesterday, Captain Rushtov, master of the BB. l^ in Kong Liong responded to a sum. moon issued at the instarce of Dr Brooke, the Port Hoilth urn er, t) explain the circawstaneef under icbich it happened that o*B6 of imallpoi which occurred on bis ship on the
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  • 84 6 Mr Howard had two mfn before Mr ColiniD, yesterday, for denliug m chandu dross. It was stated that while a man may buy dross, ho may not sell it so that while one of thR defendants might be convicted the other could not, as the ordinance made
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  • 37 6 Dr Murray Robertson has gone a way to Deh on av,Bitto Mr Argyll Robertson.* his brother, the aforetime piper of the S V" A Dr. Robertson proposes to leave for Scotland m a co«ple of months time.
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  • 755 6 The anmal general iueet n£ of the n bers of the S. V. C. was held m the Dt; Uali last evening, Colcnel Bruacrick pn- iug. Among those present were C.p E^art, Staff Officer, Capt Hilton, C BoDJsfield, Capt Thompson, C*pt Phil Lieutenants Hoi Jen Webb. UeweOrß,
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  • 151 6 A L verpcol correspondent telcgraj lis to f. Times With a view to lug to e ,i-L port on the Atlantic scai>o;.id of NortL Amelia the benefit of its pMgraplliU Mtion as an importing and Ifrtlflithj, otattv. the freight managers of vaiious North Ata!, tic steamship
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  • 1301 7 Qmi^mid agunt homines nostri est farrago liU lli Juvenal. The mail thit is to coone m this morning md several subsequent miils, will be over-' axeu with Faction literature, spokea and v. Tae vdrious values of the opinions ltd anticipations we shall be able to test,
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  • 331 7 CHINESE GIRL SCHOOL. Ytttordaj afternoo-J, a very interesting function took plice at the Chinese Girls' School, of which Dr. Lim B >oa Keng is the founder. Ir was the occasion of the distribution of tha pr:/)s earned by the pupils and th 9 cbsing of the school for
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  • 80 7 Yesterday, Mahomed, who had been tried last Sepieml>3r for doing an act likely to spread infectious disease, and sentenced by Mr Coloian to four months' imprisonment and appeiled, was retried on a charge of failing to report a cas3 of small-pox. Mr Mayhew and Dl Glennie
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  • 89 7 On the 27th ultimo, a Javanese named Danni when driving a motor car m the evening, ran over a Chinese girl. She was removed to hospital and died shortly after admission. The result of the Coroner's enquiry wag that the child's parents were to blame. Yesterday Danni was
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  • 75 7 Yesterday, there were at le*st a dox*i oasis of pjssissioa of and selling illicit ehanan, touting dispoaal at the police mrTS uuaiber of these were due to the vigiiauce udactiritj of Rsvecua Officer Funoa^tn. Mr Howard, the Httd of the Preventive Service, prosecuted. Iq one of the cises
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  • 183 7 A Siugiporean at hjme at present writes privately The excitement hue over the elections is something tremendous. Tha Unguige living about from the top dogs cbwn to the most ignonnt Ridicil, would make you tit up to hear it. We are workiDg very hard m Aberdeenshira and hope
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  • 194 7 A great improvement has taken place m the position and prospects of the Sereinban Estate Rubber Company, and although the annual report his not yet been issued, it is certain that the profits will b 9 much larger than were those for 1908, when a dividend of 38
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  • 317 7 For our salvation from all ills to come We look not to the babbling of the crowd, Who*e yelling mouths pertain to spirits dumb, Being both inarticulate and loud. We dare not look to those whose impotence Follows like sheep its leaders through the fence. (iod
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  • 921 7 The Xew Orlems his bsen patched up »y TdDJoDg Pagar and it is expected that she will for Eagland shortly under her own steam. Shipmasters proceading north will do well to note that the fog siren at C*pe (xamovd-, Japa.ii Sea, is temporarily out of order. liepairs are
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  • 19 7 Mr W. A. Cuscaden, Inspector General of Police is a passenger by the Mongolia, due here on Feb. 25th.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 51 7 HOW TO ENCOURAGE TRANSHIPMENT TRADE. Copra it is stated cm be shipped to London from Mmili at 28 C.jpra c-in be shipped from Singapore to London (providing always the Conference can fiad room for cargo, which it his failed to d-j nunj times Utelv) at 50 WHEN WILL SINGAPORE WAKE
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  • 819 8 At the recent sale o! the collection of postage stamps formed by Mr W. McHutchin, a Lvbudn, I**s, 2 cents on li cents Wue, united, brought £7 St. The Malay tamby Ahmat who was charged with Kaasim for "abetting the theft, of a sewing machine from
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  • 631 8 Six axd a Half inches or Rain. Vesterdav morning the Race Course district was a "lake. Its oveifbw passed along KiDdingKorbau and BuftiloKoads flooding the basements of many of the houses. The canal was ovei fbwing and Kindan^ Kerbau Police Station and its surroundings had a foot of
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  • 127 8 l\ ia re j: or ted that Lew premises have bet-u acquired for tie Methodist Tamil Bjts 1 Scnool, now locate I m S-^rangoou II Kid, uear 11 ;ce Course Lane. The new school with be higher up the road and nearer to tho T*mil people who
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  • 178 8 FARM REVENUE OFFICER CON VICTED. On Saturday, Bbaik Abu Bikar, formerly the Finn's ebief rtwnue Officer, Wii again befoie Mrde Meib on remand, on the allegation of cheating m respect cf $12 m Noteaiber Liat.the money being the maguterial award to an informer m an opium case. Mr Crabb Watt,
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  • 1429 8 Ifm. Gallagher at Johohe. Yesterday at the invitation of the Johore P i^AMOciatio B .Mr Gallagher, Director of Agriculture, F.MS, gave aa interesting lecture to a large gathering of members and otbera at the Johore Hotel. His Highness the Sultan of Johore, h:uwelf a rub. ber-planter,
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  • 169 8 A quiet but pretty wedding w«> c at the Church of ti.e Assumption, 111 ..Vi.i. Hany Harrop, Man per ci Dwnlop E I Bitiawaa, Dindin^s. \v;»> jjiii<-d m n. Miss Mabel Lecuie ILtrtia, only da-.-. Mr Jules Martin, pvteMT of KcSOT G Slot and Co, and Mrs M.-.rtiii.
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  • 144 8 TRAIN HELD UP." There were some exciting incidents m ti> Northunil»3rland coalfield, where a number 1.4 miners are idle owing to the dispute DW t. eight hours agreement. A numl>er of tlie raen. us^sted bj tbel: wives and children, "held up a c.neri train at Shankhou^e, detached two vagoc laden
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  • 168 8 Fortune Fotnh m an Ol&Bapi Mr Joseph D. Unacgst, a farmer li near Farmersville, about bar mil^s Iron Edbton (Phiadelphia has unexpectedly DOttit into possession of ?:{■»,< 00 m gold. For a number of years (6ayt» tho York Herald Mr Unangst bat had an old iron safe,
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  • 1667 9 Thk Qoravoa'a OoffonATvumova The annual piize distiitution H the Bt .1 aeph's l^tiTu'ioa took plica on Saturday aheiucoa and was fairly well attende4 cotwirhstau d:n»: the heavy downp-ur of run. Am n*» those prtseLt were H. E S.r J;un Aud^rsou ar Mi»n Anderson, Ctptain Bteekley, ADC.
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  • 311 9 Oa Friday, Mr Crabb Wat 1 Actiog Djputy Pubic Prosecutor, nude an application to M: Colin m for tun issue of a warrant of arrest against Mr Wee Tbeem Tew, i n tho ground that nt the receat Assists, he had grteß false evidence at the trial of
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  • 302 9 TTader Patent Ltws various rights hwe been granted to J J. Ho>i and A G. Silinon of Ea^land for an invention for Improveuieuts m the treatment of mineral and vegetable oils to Victor Scho.'z lor an lLVcntion for improvements m obtaining put cicu chuuc etc; to G B
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  • 161 9 Large Mustek of Volunteers. A Church Parade of the Singapore Volu iteer Corps was held at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday afternoon. Abcut fifteen officer! and 120 men fell m at tha Drill lla.ll at Beach Road and matched to the Cathedral he u led by the band of
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  • 308 9 Death OF Mrs. Flora Baker eh a Wok k house. The melancholy vicissitudes of Mrs Flora Barbara Baker, an educated Irishwoman whom miafortonmto made "the 'ady matchsel'er at Piccadilly circus m the rammer of ll». 7, have ended m a workhouse at Bristol, where she died on
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  • 71 9 Mr Tucker, who wa9 ac:i3ei>tal!y shot dead m the Mitale district m Ctylon on the '2'2dd ultimo, baing mistaken by bis friendds for a deer, was a guird on the railway and retired four years ago. after about 15 years' seivice. Tl c marriage took phce on January 28th at
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  • 1001 9 Kuala Pahi Rlblkk E>tate. Subscriptions are iavited at par for 4*'\ 2*. shares m the Kuala Pahi Rubber E,tati Ltd Toe cornpiry has a capital of 4.S V m 2a. shares, Ihe ienriining ISO, 00 of which will be a lotted h$ fu'ly p~i»d to the vendor* m
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  • 771 10 The Russians h*ve smarted m Peking a n^w^piper m English as their organ. Jewellery to the vilue of $233 disappeared from a "bouse m Gregory I\ice on Siturday. •S.veral large Para rubber treps m the Scooomk Oldens have fallen down as a result it the rl^d.
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  • 487 10 HOMEWARD CONFERENCE RATES NOT UNIFORM. DOES IT MEAN A SPLIT? A novtl and remarkable development haa come over the combination of ship-owners (and ship-agents bound to thobe owcers) who are cjncercjd m the Homeward Conferenca. HitheitJ the rates for cargo have been uniform m the different lines
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  • 286 10 Tiie annml meeting of the members of the Straits Branch of the above was held m the R.trl»s MfHeuni yesterday afternoon. The hon'ble DrGailowiy, President, took the Chair, and there wnre present, Mt ssrs H. N. Kidley (Inn. sec 1);- Hmrsch (hon. treat), W. Mikeo3ice(hou. libr V.A.
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  • 106 10 A representative of the South China Morning Post" was informed recently by one of the leading members of the Hongkong Chinese community that for the present the project of the new Chinese Town Hall was m abeyance. This was not from any lack of support, however, but purely for business
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  • 345 10 The annual report and accounts we are ininformed were submitted to a meeting of shareholders held on the 28 h Jmuarv and *c c considered and passed. Mr A J. W. Watkics was re elected a Director of the Company and Messrs Dirrick acd Co. were re-elected
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  • 296 10 Singapore theatre goers are reminded that it is novr tima to bDolr for the amiteur p?r--f jrmances of H. A. Jones's comely, The Liars m the Victoria Theatre t Ms week ecd. M/ and Mrs Wright Motion and a Company of Penang amateurs are on tour, m the
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  • 216 10 A CAUTIOUS (AND EXPENSIVE) EXPERT. There is widespread disappointment m Natal over the unfavourable report presented by Dr Hatch, the mining expert who was employed by the Government to inquire into the mineral resources of the Colony. The inquiry extended over 160 days, and cost more than .£4,000, but practically
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  • 83 10 In the Malay States where thousands of Chinese are employed m Chinese owned tin mines it is the invariable custom that should a workman meet his death, while engaged on the mine, the mine-owners pay a sum of money to the family of the deceased as compensation. The other week
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  • 385 10 Telegraph Clerk's Convi* ti n. Iq the Supreme Court, yesterda y m ,m. ing, Mr Justice T. Sercombe Smifh w AB engaged with an appeal from the <] -cis.oo of a District Judge. Mr R. S J liradiell appeared forKriunuel R>drigues, a government tp]^-aph clerk, who was convicted
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  • 223 10 CASE SEXT TO A JURY. Ytftedaj afternoon. Mr Cowman continued the preliminary enquiry into the allegation of possession ot materials far the manufacture of counterfeit currency notes brought against Yap Swi Xi by the Crown. Mr Crabb Watt, acting Deputy Public Prosecutor, conducted the enquiry
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  • 108 10 A Chinaman named Chan A Swi, a man of mature years, was yesterday charged by Mr Assistant Superintendent Savi before Mr (iieen. Mr Savi deposed that owincr to information received he uude a raid on No 2 Lavender Road on the ord instaut. When he entered the house
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  • 107 10 Ko Bj Siang, a delivery coolie m the employ of Messrs Kitz Bros, was again before Mr Green, yesterday, on an allegation of the theft of $3 from the house of Mr B. J. Nathan. The defendant was left m a room alone for ten minutes
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  • 339 11 3 v d*J morning. Court InsprcN r Am- m esurgfd Tau Kirn before L. E P W !f^rs--.n m the DUtrid Curt, with Lxm On, opium shopkeeper at Aver |:-jt de^oaed tbej on the morning < i the I, he coining into town to purchase efcaada and
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  • 166 11 Cm b Com en ioks I -lut u»e thy Msulti if ue?nt n.: us I hPwi t! r\ Prii3 (Mi C W. i>irU(i P> itioa 100 7. G II II v 7^.- :y> 77:; \V H 55^ I 7- »i 540 209 7 10 '1 U m "r. 170
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  • 245 11 Harbour DaptrtM&t aotify that tb« xrv fixed wLite light at Pul»t) A*gaa i diacaatißuad, *nd *11 tshiag light rusr installed, giving at!-. A ftvith order pnH light it also exhibited b tht batcon oil T*»joog l>%k*u, Noith L 3 raiU, which shows t>r ten iceosdi I for five.
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  • 882 11 DAILY MAIL" EMPIRE DAY RIFLE CONTEST. CONDITIONS FOIi 1910. hJ 1 D n >' Ma Empire Day Rifle Contc 8 t ■•a, since its inception on Empire Day, 1900, ImpCrial tixture cf firßt magEi: i, r!E£*l V>iih oQl y three competitor, on May 24th, 1006. it ha* trown to enormous
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  • 63 11 On Saturday last, a Tamil named Selapen was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisoament by Mr Green, for retainic* property of the value of $100 which had Ixen stolen from another Tamil a Yesterday! he was again brought before Mr Green w a witness against one Apuputi who was charged
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  • 345 11 As Sir John Jackson has not paid up the £'svO which he forfeited over his accepted challenge on the granite qaestio*, Sir John Benn instructed his solicitor to send a letter to the Torj candidate demanding that the money thai be hnr.ded over to one of the
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  • 217 11 On Friday, the -1 h Januaxr, the of the tirst day's elections, the />*</// Mail publ'.she.s a series of telegram from :ts correspondents throughout the Empire, expressing the hopes of the Vriikus Druish communi* tie-; for tbe result. The Daily Mail says Wbat the E
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  • 227 11 Iv his president**! address on M Ancient ar 3 Modern Imperialism "at tbe meeting cf UiB Classical Association on 11th nit. Lord Cremer said the great Imperial problem of the future was to what extent some 850 rr:;'iious of British subjects were to govern themselves or
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  • 109 11 The Chief Pie^deucj Mtgiatrato <>i Madras his xprefcseJ bis intention of coinmittiEg Mr J^\cp, formerly Aseut, and the uative easl ier of the Madras Brauch of the B^iik of' Burma, to tie sessions. The cb*rg€l are fulfein'cation of ai cunts, etc. L;>rd Ashton has built for bis nativa city, Liccastftr,
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  • 457 11 "We ( Mail) called attention a day or two Bgo to the mistrust of the new ten cent pieces prevailing among Asiatics. In the instances which had then come under cur notice there had bi-en no apparent ground for rotpicion regarding the ccics, which rang true and seemed
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  • 258 11 'To the Editor of the Pmacg Gazette.' Deab Sib, I think if; is about time that someOM pointed out the great differences m the than quotations m the Strait-, newspapcta, Take Arglo-Malays for instance on Tuesday, Febtnary 1» *v& what do we find Well, you cau see from
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  • 282 11 TUb Piaaug Q-.zotte send us their e.\celleotiv printed au«J mounted umnoac, which Ins p-iitel ou it wLit is really a useful director? of IVnau^. A programme of the P*oaog Valuator! Kills Metttog, commencing r.txt Suodar, has reached us, soaie ot the Blent* bjuig fired off while tbe Corpi is m
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  • 1012 12 Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious by the prospect of the Chinese New Year. The parody perhaps may be excused if not cordoned. Chinese New Year is poriibly one of the most interesting times of the round of months m this part of the world,
    Mayo  -  1,012 words
  • 1062 12 The sleek and bLining creatures of the chase We hunt them for the beauty of their skin. Tennyson. Wbea Siti was yet a child her parents died, and her auat took clnrge of her. Though the child of a M*lay she had the Hindoo type
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  • 991 12 [Although now thirty ye ire old, and per haps ancient as regard 9 detail*, bearing m mind the researches t hit have been cirned Z by explorers and collated by scientist*, the work on I.Und Life by Dr A. R. Wallace contains very much that is investing to
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  • 1154 12 He sat hunched up, not huddled up, f )r he was independent m spirit and his clothe*, if ragged, clothed him sufficiently for hu needs. With kneas drawn up to chin, hands nursing his face, he looked out on the world with eves which showed little fear of
    Mayo  -  1,154 words

  • 405 13 A meeting of the Committees was held nil g n the Exchange, those pres«nt Mr P, W. M^ia (bosk sec) Messrs i: A. Stereos, A. I). Machado, 11. V. M iWyesjue, C K. Craig, Uev. H M. R «ljose, ,V. D. Allan. A. T. D K. Sometvillf, p.
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  • 156 13 A rihiilw mslltff was yesterday brought re Mr Coiman on a charge of criminal a sipp-op: ittion of >50, the property of Mr eri. f he proprietor of the Mif eking Bar. >mp!dinint said that he went to Tetafc Aye, mirket to purchase provisions, usd on the
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  • 144 13 >j J^n. 7th Detective Inspector Nolan iad Sergeaut Garside made a raid on a hut .a the neighbourhood of Holland X >ad and v rested Ue Lmg Lisa Kirn S^ee, and Lim Sin ia tlid act of making counterfeit coins, *eicg m possession of a complete equipment for
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  • 703 13 The Royal West K*nt Raiment h*s armed at QeJeattl from Uirjeeling fur the cold rather training. In the tie for the ladies' golf champion*oip at Calcutta, Mill Carver b 2 at Mrs Lamond Walker bj 6 up ani 5 to play. A young Milay nira^d Etihmat
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  • 148 13 Business m Korea, according to the Seoul correspondent of the North China Herald, is m a very parlous state, and tbere^does not appeir to tn any prospect of immediate recovery. Whether it is due to the still unsettled state of the country, or to the ousting of Koreans by Japanese
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  • 647 13 To-diy is the Comeae new year eve and for the npx*; week or so the members of that community will mike interesting riot throughout the" to^a. Cracker fi-icg begins at niiduight and may ba ciatinuel till bix o'clock m tjie morning and will also ba allowed on
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  • 126 13 Serious State of Affairs. News reached Singapore yesterday of serious 11 )odiog which his occurred at Kotft Tinggt, «L>hore, dv? to the exceptionally heavy rainstorms which have prevailed of late. The place is little better than a lake arid storm wa'er is tour fce f high
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  • 64 13 Mapr Frederick William Kn, now of the 97th Infantry, his b>en appointed to the coinraind of theO'.t.h D^ccaus, m succession to the late Colonel Htwke*. who died roar Aden on nis way out recently. Major R^a is of the Border Rw*. ani his cireer m the army
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  • 75 13 A Rugby dinner is to be given at the Hotel eh l'Europe on March 10 as a farewell to Dr Black, a keen rugger mao, who will be levying for hoina shortly. Sir Arthur Young has kindly consented to take the chair. About 6ixty enthusiasts will sit
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  • 903 13 ANNUAL MEETING LAST BIGHT. The acniiil congregational meeting wia held ia the Church list evening, thpre beiug a iLrg* attendanc3 oi nie-nbers of the Church, adherents and sympathisers. Tba Minister, the Rev. W. K-nciuian, preside 1 aud the proceedings comneucei with "Pieas*nt are Thy Coutts" and prayer.
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  • 27 13 The Honorary Secretary of tie X ntaGvmkhana Club wishet us to remi id owners and trainers that entries close at <J pm. on Saturday 12th.
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  • 1754 14 CLAIM AGAIN3T ORIGINAL TRUSTEES. The case of W. L Watkica and H. P. liai^by v. T. H Sjhst and J. A. D^ Sow.i came on for hearing m the Supreme Court yesterday before Mr Justice T. Serconibe Smith. Mr H. Cookfl Y«i borough appeared for the
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  • 133 14 Jctepb, a Hebrew, went on M >ndav to :i ceile > shop m Bencoo'ei Street and c tiled for refreshment iv the form of cc ffee and eggs. This WiH p»rt:ikeu of, but when the bill was present til he tried to pay it by tlowt.
    133 words
  • 135 14 lutpeetor Crcuoh, T«ujong P,.gar Djck Po'ice, >thttrddv cWr< 1 a Tamil leTaoue officer with eraeptiogan illegal gratification cf twenty C3ut»\ and a Chiuauiau with abetment. TliO Ciiiuamau was iv a gharr? leavic^ the wharf. A constable said he saw the uvrnue IHcer get the nooej and he
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  • 29 14 The martir^e wjII tile place at Easter of Riv. R'cHrd Gee, P. i* cipal, Bishop's College, Calcul and M'sa Annie Rboda Copleston, xoucger daughter of the Metropolitan cf India.
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  • 516 14 A S2OO Bribe. Yesterday. HoDg Kit Neo and Hong Pit \eo two Chinese women, were before Mr Colman on remand for using a home fir the purpose of carrying on a •'Chap Ji Xi btterv at 11 Tra, Street on the 22ad ultimi Hong Kit Xeo
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  • 421 14 At the second ineetiug for the session of tbe Liverpool Geographical Society, nndor the presidency of Colonel James Goff^y, yD j r. bono*ary secretary of the society, Mr Fred. W. Knocker, r z.g M late of the Federated Malay States Senic?, delivered a
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  • 64 14 The ftjrt of jettisoning the cargo of the Feurst B'swarck at Havre, m order to get her irloit, will entail a heav? general average on cargo underwriters. It appears that she has thrown overboaid 3,050 pigs of lead, 4.930 bags of coffee, 40,000 casts of fruit, and 4,700 cases of
    64 words
    • 182 14 Crop Returns and Market Price. (From ovr MM Correspondent Per an g Ftb A special London cible drives details of the issme of the prospectus cf Padac* Java Rubber Company to-day. Th« noaiiual capital is £55,000 i Q WOjOCO two shilling bhares. Of these 215.000 are offered
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    • 325 14 Messrs F. W. IJirker and Co., u£<-Lt.« the undermentioned COiap&Llttf stud Us tbi January returns. L.VNAI'i:'. 'X. Crop harvested "7, Jan. 1909, 1- 6 Lkdi tky. Crop h^rrested 8,048. Jan. 1909, 2.7 £m< ;.\roi:K am* JoBOKC Crop lnrve&led 8,160, J\in. 19U9, &47. Savdtcboi i Crop harvested
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    • 50 14 F. M. S. TIN EXPORTS. [From tmr -+m >.- KoaU L'ixpot, f I b. Tho Tin Rttuin^ for Jfjuiry ifa ir tk Perak exported 34,108 piko'l, BeUtj 22,546, ;icd Hcgri Sembilau 2.801. The cf the t!ire" S tfm MB Itl to 10,828 piM, white the toratM imdut^ amounts to
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    • 50 14 Next Planters' Me. ting. The Planters' Association of Milhv. In I tneir next meeting here on Feb *J7th at 11 a.m. The agenda includes consideration of the Bscevolent Fund, the Kelantan Disfricl Planters' Associaticn, the (juestion of Para seed oil. Also the Planters' Conference of l.l' 1 and general business.
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    • 74 15 Kutla Lumpur, Feb. 3. I c foUov incr official oh inges are gazattsd. Mr K. J. Wilkinson from secretary to Reeideat, lVrak. to Resident of Negri SMibtlav, vice Mr E. L. Brcckman. Mr »livor M irks becomes secretary to Resident, iVrrik, ittd Mr Fleming on his return will
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    • 38 15 A "Very" Str:ng Wind. Penan e, Feb. 3. ■ftaaagraaßt of the Government li .s issuel an official deuiU thfl Daiffl u^er weot a^rcund, and dethtt she v.-^s morelv uuable to move j hi the strong wind.
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    • 76 15 mm vm CorrewpoudeiUA Koala Lumpur, F«b 3. In i\\c appeal of Towkaj Yap If m Chin, ;s concluded his opening sp( :ch I »r tr:*' plaisliff, the miiu conteutioLS nng bat Urn Umishment Eaactinent wai ultra vires .Hi-! that the plaint ft has been sueWbi ll
      76 words
    • 156 15 THE POLISHED RICE THEORY. Latest Variation. ifnu: :/r c; G rrttflamietUJ Penang, Feb. 8. The I'.Daosr Gailtts i« a leading article »tatei DiQton Fraser and Stanton h&wt practically definitely proved the rice v of the ciusition of beri bbii m a riiiiphiet entitled "The Etiology of B^ri
      156 words
    • 249 15 INTERESTING MEETING. Ipoh, Feb. 3. The anuuil meeting of the Perak Cb iin- er t" Mines was held yesterday afternoon. The Presideut, Mr Brasb, outlined the rk done duriug the year, the chief cf which was obtaining a rebate on railway freights. A petition had been sent m
      249 words
  • 61 15 (frmm >>nt mm Correspondent Ipoh, Feb >rd. A Chinese doctor has been arrested at Menglembu for the attempted murder of hi 9 cook. < >q Tuesday night a Sikh policeman going 'o the assistance of Chinesa householders at i^pdD, who were attacked by gang robbers, was shot
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  • 27 15 Penang, Feb 4th. Twenty houses have been destroyed by Mre at Kuala Muda m Kedah. The coco-nut plantation was much damaged by the fire.
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  • 66 15 Penang, 22 pm. The inquest into the cause of the deith of a Chinese towkay, who was reported to hive died of fever, but whose body on exhumation was found to bear numerous wounds, has resulted m a verdict of murder against some person or persons unknown.
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  • 68 15 'I'm-.,, mr n Coms&ohdmrj Tn€ H-dicil Conferenc3 here this we: I: II Laely to be txcepiioniliv interesting, owing to the bari-bari pimphlet and the reported discoveries regarding the anopheles mos'jUltO. In the cricket match Ku ila Lumpor v tna Oautitiont, the latter made 127, the Towa making
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  • 59 15 {From our own Correspondent.) Poatng. A Gymkhana will be held at Alor Star on Saturday next and the prospects are most promisiug, the entries being Urge and including several Penang horses which their owners are taking OYer. It is statid that the K*d*h Government has abolished the
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  • 31 15 \jFrom cur </:<■// </, nesfo threw.) Penang. The display by the ti-e brigade heie on Suurday most successful and crowds numbering miny thousands watched the life saving, drills etc.
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  • 22 15 (Fr<>,,< our own Correspondent,) Penang Pcb 7. Major Hayes of the Middlesex Regiment has arrived here to inspect the voluateers.
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  • 9 15 Kiin is wanted badly m Penang.
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  • 67 15 Appeal Dismissed. (Fr<>m o>ir on'ii Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 5. The Appeal Court this morning dismissed the appr 11 of Yap Hon Chin m the Pudu Temple case with costs, without Counsel for the respondents having to reply. The Counsel for plaintiff discussed the method of
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  • 30 15 Kinta Rices promise to be a grreat success under the secretaryship of Mr J>_>uglis Oiborne. It is understand that the Sultan of Johore is cDmmg with his horses.
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  • 36 15 Penang, Feb 3. The e-ioket mitch Colony vs the Fdderated Malay States has fallen through as Perak and S clangor are unable to agree as to where the match should be played.
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  • 50 15 Penang, Feb 3. Two well-known Chinese rims hore m the locil baziar which have up tiil now hem considered sounil, failed last week, though business generally is stated to be showing considerable improvement, acd Penang is m a small measure experiencing the benefits of the rubber boom.
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  • 21 15 PenaDg, Feb 3. The only daughter of Mr Jules Martin of th 9 International Hotel has been married.
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  • 36 15 Our Kuala Lumpor Correspondent wires that owing to a break-down ou the Johore Line at the 4)4 th mile, near Rsngam, no mails can pass through for Singapore to-day (Saturday) or until further notice.
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  • 31 15 Mr Brockman, British Resident, vlsit9d St. Paul's Institution at Ssremban yesterday. The reception which took place m the School hall, included a «oog of welcome and an address.
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  • 1468 15 (By Submarine Telegraph.) [Renter* 4 Agency) Received Feb 3. The R\val Commission on the trade relations between Cmadi and the West Indies has r 3n opened ill Jimaica. The witnesses declare that it is impossible to grant preference to Canada as the Uui 1 id States is Canada's best
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  • 53 15 (Fro iii our own Correspondent.) Kuili Luinpor, F<sb 8. The Performance of the Penang Amateurs of "The Liars" was most successful. It was highly appreciated by a r >o«l audience. The eltc'iic light failed m the fi -st interval, but was got bick into oparation
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  • 39 15 The lectures of Sreejut M. Rimachandrum at the Masonic Hall on "Symbolism)" *nd The Soul were well attended by Europains. The lecturer is a striking personality, a Brahmin, aud a fltent and eloquent speaker m English.
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  • 86 15 Among the vast list of things which might have bean put differently, honourable mention should be given to this from a country paper The liev. -occupied tha pulpit at Church last Sunday. It will now be closed three weeks for repairs." To this may ba added another ecclesiaticil matter. The
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  • 1114 16 February 8. RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. Cap Issu.. Paid. t i UstDit Bjj b R t l 85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estates Ltd 4 f I 150.000 2/- 2/- AngloJlalay 2 10 8 0 0 8 5 80.000 1 1 B*tu Caves 10 a, 80 0 8 5 80,000
    1,114 words
  • 277 16 Dec. Jan. Total. Allagar 2,000 2,000 Anglo Malay 53,489 49,006 Ayer Molek 2,005 Ayer Kuning 200 Balgownie 7,334 8,607 55,413 (10) Banteng 1,044 4 922(8) Batu Village 842 2,483 (6) Bcrtim 14,900 12.500 Bakit Kajang 1,618 2,146 5.736 (6) Bukit Rajah 32,3f3 204,', 05 (10) Bukit Lintang
    277 words
  • 104 16 Dec. Jan. PikuU. Belat 425 40 Braang 174 Bruseh 221 Ohendai Lode Chenderiang GopeDg 600 760 Jeher Kanaboi 463 Kinta 500 SCO Kinta Association 1,450 500 Kledang Kramat Pulai Kuantau 60 Lahat 641 630 Mecglembn Lode 150 286 New Gopeng 200 200 Pabang Consolidated 1,000 Pen^kalen 500 500
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 15 16 FRASER& CHALMERS, L<L Manufacturers of Mining I Metallurgical Machinery. Adamson, GilfiUan Co., Ltd. Eastern Agents.
      15 words
    • 41 16 PHOTOGRAPHIC DEALERS. Always m stock Cameras, Plates, Paper Films and every kind of Photographic mat* rials. Developing and Printing executed m good style and with despatch. Price list free. KONG HING CHIONG Co 104, North Bridge Road Jan 6 6 1
      41 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 511 16 CLEARANCES Fel> 5. Kennel>ec, Brit. str. f Beyun, for Boston and New York via Malabar Coast and Red Sea. Banka, Brit, str., Mayne, for Anarabas and Na'unas In Gienavon, Brit, str Woolfenden, for Hongkong, Sbiin^hai and Japan. Vord, Nor. str., Haraidsen, for Saigon. Ipoh, Brit, str., Olsen, for Penang via
      511 words
    • 488 16 PASSENGERS. Per Perak Rajah Alang, Mr Paterscn, Mr Willis, Mr H. Armstrong, Mr Murray, Mr €obb<\ Messrs Stiven, Drysdale, T. H Gibb Kam Hock Chye, Tai Jiak Pch, Vade, Twine Tan boo Hock, Gordon, Connel. Foster. Per Hebe Mr Robet, Mr England. Per Tee3ta Mr and Mrs E. F M
      488 words