The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 30 September 1909

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 263 1 LtADVRS. IT. S. Grab m Ch i a 209 The Birmingham Sperchaa 209 SSanitwy Housing 210 Fishguard an Atlant'c Teimnii3 210 Cadets ard Oriental Lan£ua*;es 210 Commercial Apttby 213 The Ftlton-Hudson CVTebmtiuns 211 Tanjonu Pasrar's Ha'jf Year 211 A Straits Education Board 21l Expensive Games 211 Sanitary Inspection 2
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  • 71 1 (Corrected up to Sept. iI9 Bmk4t>i9 2/Ti; demand 2 4 Private cr-d:t 3 S vi 9 V*is cretii'.-» (Jin s 2/i-JJ France, dear.usd Bank... 29 > Germany, demand 240 India. T. T iWf Honcjsoxg, J-mind 14})bdii Yokohama, (!tJLi>ind nom. 114 Java, tl' m .i.J 14** Bangkok' dc»i» aid WJ
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 34 1 On the 25th inst, at Ipoh, to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Metcalfe, a son. Ashby.— On Sept. 20, at Taiping, Perak, the wife of Mr W. J. B. Ashby, of a son.
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    • 94 1 Logan-Anagnostopulo.— On Mth inst., at St. George's Church, Penang, John Harvey Logan, F. ML S. Civil Service, to Elaine Anagnostopuio, of West Derby, Liverpool. Gibbon-Hutchison.— On Saturday, Aug. 28, at St. Peter's Bournemouth, by the lkv. Charles Grant, incumbent of the English Church, Hamburg, and the Rev. Edgecombe W.
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    • 59 1 Hendry.— On September 19th, at the Government Civil Hospital, Hongkong, H. S. Hendry, aged 34 years, late of Greeaock, Scotland. Waddell. At Livingstone Terrace, Galashiels, on tho 21st ultimo., Captain Walter Waddell, s.s. m Kuching," Singapore and Sarawak Steamship Coy., beloved husband of Janie llussell Lynn, and third son
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  • 139 1 Sept. l 9 Tl $70.55 GhunfcMi m> 11.75 Qaatbwi o»ki Svs. J 15.00 Ghc&bttrQvt* No. 2 com Peup*r Black tor* *> pan*) 1 6 00 Pepp«r, Wb>t« a* 28(0 Natmegi (110 fco t»..* ifc.;.« 16.0^ Nntm^gvi (80 to ttM IV.i 22. (0 Uift«. (Baad^ w>^ CiOTes (AjnUjJci^ 24 7o
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  • 921 1 Sept 24 The relation between the great Eojjire of China and the great Powers cf the world is likely tJ task the efforts of diplomats for many years to come. We do not think the utterances of Mr Crane, the new Minister to China, reported
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  • 402 1 Still vre thiuk ye have not Lec-n very vdl treated m tbo matter of the greit political speeches at Biraiingb;tui as rt* girds wife news. Mr As^uith's speeches atncuuW'd to "We are not afraid of the Lordt. Do you want Tariff R form r*' The very btief
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 169 1 BwcriUn to the "Singapore Free PkMI weekly r»turnitiLr from Europe to tho Straits by any of the li.ail lines, r\r« invited to send to tl..- Manager the namt of theii and date of arrival m Copies will then be mfiled to iue*«t them at various p^rts ot c.ul. BribMtibOTl iv
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 578 2 Sept 85. C^rrespon dents m the Penang papers on tht> Municipal sanitation question are beginning to emphasise the followiog points (1) The severance of all back to back buildings by well laid out streets and drains (2) the shortening ot all houses that represent a miniature tunnel or
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  • 733 2 A shipping change m connection with the Atlantic vessels of the Cunard Line has caused considerable sensation at Home. The G;eat Western Railway Company have taken tbe ancient port of Fishguard, on the southern shores of C irdigan B xy, aud have converted it iato a
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  • 1118 2 Sept 27. The proposals contained m the report of the Committee of the Treasury on the organisation of a School for Oriental Studies will be read with interest by those who have themselves to qualify for a language m the Orient, and by those who see
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  • 528 2 Sept 28. Hilt past two ia the afternoon of a hot day ia the tropic 3is not that p-riod of the day during which mental energy and keenness aie ut their greatest, at any rate ia Singipore. That is the only reason we can give for the placid
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  • 323 3 The Hudson Fulton commemorations recall two names of great renown m American history. Hudson's is a household Dame wherever the Eaglish language is spoken and is visibly perpetuated m the noble river and the great bay of Njrth America. This m\n was undoubtedly the hirdiest explorer
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  • 673 3 Sept 29. la an- th^r column of ti.U issue will be fcuaJ full extracts from the half yearly report the Ta&j ong Pi gar Djck Board.. wLica represents, us the Chairman reminded us Urn 1 1 da v when the new power station at X
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  • 711 3 T!i3 announcement of the intention of the Government to pass a bill for the formation of an Education Board, with power to receive and disburse the proceeds of a one per cent education rate, hardly comes as a surprise. The cost of education m tho Colony
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  • 671 3 Sept 30. Under the title England's Cruz* for Sport a German correspord^nt his sent to the Times the free translation of an article m Der Tag. lie quotes the statistics, already given by the London Press as too low, that thero are 45 millions sterling m capital expenditure
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  • 676 3 For the sake of comparison. The deathrate for Lumpor is calculate*! on a population of 50,000. During the month of August there were 233 deaths reorded, the number among the resident no|iwlifif being 125 giving a true death rate of M per mille." The crude death-rata was
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  • 204 3 L-. P. G. PailliMore, W.fc D ccm-, pr.^. ceeird to Pcbhawur oa the l!7i:i < n i- f iil' to Supply and Transport Corj^. L\ GOT. BigieT is granted leave from r. -j.i t» Nov. 22l<L Cpt. A. A Sutcliff, i:.\ was rduiovtd from the sick list on the *j
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  • 546 4 Nj. 53 of the Journal of the Straits Branch of the R >yal Asiatic Society bears ddteSapt. 1909. The contents are the Primites, carnivores, and ungulates of tbe Peninsular K^giou (C. B)den Kloss) plants of Prince of Wales Island (Sir William Hunter) some notes on the
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  • 79 4 We regret to announce the death of Mr Tan Kiong Saik, which occurred last night. He was a well known Chinese resident of Singapore, and at one time was i Municipal Commissioner, a member of the Chinese Advisory Board, a Director of the Tanjong Pagar
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  • 288 4 When the Chief Justice, Sir Wiliiun Hyndman Jones, took his seat m Mm Supreme Court, yesterday atternoou, Mr Montagu Harris said lie would be very much obliged it' his L>rdship would ■llow him to make an application. He had reeaifsd a summons to show cause why
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  • 113 4 A meeting wis held recently by a few members of tbe M >slem Community to revive the as^ocUtion ca!lil the Moslem Association and the following gentlemen were elected cffinals for the current year. President, Syed Omar bin Mjhd. Alsagoff Vice-Piesidfmt aud Hon. Treasurer, A. M. S. Angullia;
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  • 286 4 DARIXG ATTEMPT TO GET 15 LAKHS. SPECIES CAR BADLY DAMAGED. A sersitional attempt to blow up the Bank of BdßgtTi treasure van was made on the E. B S. Railway on Sept. 15. Two huadred aud fifty boxes containing fifteen lakhs m specie were despatched from the
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  • 219 4 The mining coolie who ii charged with the murder of the krani of his kongsi, and with attempt to murder the kepala was brought up before Mr. Donaldson at Kuala Lurupur on Saturday last. The kepala who had a lUsh on the face, and had been
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  • 259 4 Mrs Wny, widow of the assistant port health officer of Singapore, who died of plague m the execu'nn of his duty, leaves this afternoon by the Thongwa for Midras to spend a slurt time at Bui^alore and she will return to Singapore m three months. Included m tho cxrgo of
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  • 403 4 Mids. II vs. Y. M. C. A. Another fixture m this competition was played off on the S. R. C. end of the Esplanade last evening, the competing teauiH being the second string of the Middlesex Regiment and the Youug Mea's Christiau Association. The Young M f 3n
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  • 442 4 The BeUngOT Turf Ciub Gymkhana on Saturday afternoon went off very we:!. The weather was fine for one thing, and though it was rather hot, this was the less noticeable because the racing did not begin till 3<>. The attendance was also go~d. T< c fust two
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  • 157 4 Is China really b3iug transformed at last? Mr Archibild Colquhoun, than wboin few are better qualified to speik upon the subject, thinks that it is, though the process is slow, and does not, and will not. approach the wonderful e ff>rt by which Japin m a generation stepped from a
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  • 967 4 The harvest of the hedgerows is ready for the reaping,— and this year the harvest, promisaB to be an uausuilly prolific one All along the high, thick, hedges of the Southern counties of Eogland, there are visible signs cf the season's yielding and the smill creatures that lu»k
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  • 817 5 The Chinese Government has decided to turbid the currency of foreign paper money ia China after five years. A Chinese coolie jumped off a tram m motion at Kreta Ayer on Saturday and broke one of his legs. The Osborne shooting: shield (for the F M.S.)
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  • 802 5 When dealing with some new Rubber Companies m our recent issues, we hive once or twice referred to a Company formed to acquire an area of jungle Und for planting purposes. We characterizßd this as an improper flotation and the scheme as pure foolishness on the ground that
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  • 169 5 la the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, ju lament was givea by the CbieE Justice m the matter of the will and codicils ot Mohamed Salleh Eusope Anerullia, deceased, between Rihimaboo binte Mohamed balleh Ingullia, pUintiff and Mohamed Silleh AngullU and M. E. Aogullia, defendants. Messrs Knowles and
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  • 615 5 RE3ULTS m Action Fob Damages. Before the Chief Justice, Sir William Hyndman Jones, ia the Supreme Court yesterday, Syed Alkaf sued M. C. A. P. L. Shedumbrum Pillay for damages for breach of contract. Mr C ooke Yarborougb appeared for the plaintiff and Mr Greenfield represented
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  • 136 5 Sect Tiang Chuan vs. Rubber Concessions, Ltd. Mr. Justise Sercoinba Smith was again engaged m the Supreme Court yesterday with this ca>e. Messrs. E. C ZlHi and T. D. Parsons appear for the plaintiff and Mr. Wm. Nanson for the defendant. The plaintiff claims the return of
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  • 109 5 The increase m line list year totalled 31 per cent, the total mileage being now 844. There was a net gain to the State of 2 249,560 ticals after paying expenses and renovation funds. Tbe receipts from pissen ger service increased by about three hundred thousand ticils. Live
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  • 29 5 A new railway rule has been passed that no charge shall be made for booking first and second class passengers' through baggage from Singapore to the Johore itate Railway.
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  • 571 5 E rents nine and ten yesterday afternoon brought to an end the B sley Meeting of the S L R.A. la event IX, the Snapshooting Competition for a priza presented by CM. Broadnck SVC, Mrs Learmont and Mrs Mauldon fired no less than six times before the
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  • 163 5 MIDDX II V MIDDX. 111. This fixture ia the Lngue was pliyad at Tanglin la3t eveuicg before a good number of spectators. The ground was m very good condition, and LIMS S^t. Davids ja officiated as referee. Warren started the game for the second tsam. but th=>
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  • 57 5 Professor Dunstan is visiting Ceylon officially m JtDU*ry Lext to ieport on the mineralogical requirements of the Island. A money order system will come into force between the Straits and Brunei from Oct. Ist. Maximum $400, commission on* per ceot. The commission on Kelantan orders is one cent per dollar
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  • 592 6 Of recant years, and especially iv view of the increased Dumber of steamers and their enhanced speed, it has bacome iccrea singly obvious to m-irinors anl nautical authorities that all buoys, beacons, and sea marks should be Te idered luminous so as to be equally useful by
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  • 351 6 FRASER CO'.S SHARE CIRCULAR. The recent rapid advance m the price of rubber, and the near approach m many instances of dividends, resulted m strong buyiag orders from L>ndon at prices which attracted local holders of the heavier priced stocks to realizi soaae of them, and reinvest m the newer
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  • 744 6 Yesterday morning dawned beautifully bright and cool for training operations on the course, the work done being highly interesting, and witnessed by quite the largest number of early risers present since training began. Petgrave (Fenton) was the first to take the course and moving very freely worked alone
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  • 87 6 We h*va received froir Messrs Kelly and Walsh Fascicule I of the second edition, revised and enlargod, of this handsomely printed standard work. The Fascicule contains 300 pp 13 m. by 10r, m. and goes up to Ch'iu, a tricolumnar arrangement being adopted. Of the merits of
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  • 524 6 The annual general meeting of tbe Royal Bangkok Sports Clob took place m the club house at Sapatuoi, Mr J. Caulfeild James, President, being m tbe chair. Supporting him were Messrs W. R. D. Backett, c.m.g A. E. Stiven, Judge Skinner Turner, Dr. Malcolm Smith, Messrs W.
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  • 422 6 Three points m Prof ssor Flamm's recent observations on the subject of British ebipbaildirg have paitieulaily attracted attention m this country. Tho professor is head of the Naval Architectural School at Charlottenburg, and last nnnth he brought a party of his students to this country to inspect
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  • 30 6 Mr. F. A. Vanrenen, Inspector of Schools m Selangor, goes home on a year's wellearned furlough from about the 10th proximo. Mr. Bishop, from Singapore, will act for Mr. Vanrenen.
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  • 326 6 The Chersonese (F.M.S.) Estates, Ltd The capital is £225,000, divided into 2, 50,000 shares of 2s each, of which 1,750,000 ate now offered for subscription at par. It i 8 stated that the whole of the moneys received m respect of shares allotted after payment of the purchase
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  • 448 6 A CORRESPONDENT CONFIRMS STATEMENTS Fresh m the niiada of our readers and the market must ba the sensational incidents that occurred m connection with P^han" Consolidated Company m July. An encou.ging report on the prospects cf the company was followed a few days subsequently by a cablegram from
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  • 201 6 Uader instructions from H. M.'l Government Freiherr Rudt vori C«>lleaberu r -1> »digheiuiis recogni3td as Vice-Consul tor <i many at Singapore, and as General Represeutitive for the Coat ul General wlt^Q latter is absent or prevented from fu'.ti his duties. We regret to announce the death yesterday morning of Mr
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  • 803 7 PLANTERS GOVERNMENT. Saturday, Sept. 25, 1909. The following extract from the annual report of Mr. B«xendale. chairman of the Kuala Langat District P. A. is interestiflg: I think we might take this occasion to cffer our congratulations to the authorities v tiieir choice of a successor to Mr. Cariu f
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  • 158 7 Cdmlacbie Tories are calling on Mr Cross, M P, to resign beciuse he has joined the Liberal party. la the Tradeston Division Mr Cameron Corbett, Unionist M.P., is to hdve a Tory opponent. Tbe Master of Elibank is a firm believer m the art of judiciously sprinkling his speeches with
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  • 969 7 Quicquid agunt homines nostri esi farrago Hbelli. Juvenal. Keir Hardies book on India has received far too much attention from the pr3ss. Such a mass of pretentious vulgarity, prejudice, and ignoracce is happily rare even from the hopeless type of scribbler represented by "Padgett, M.P." We
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  • 270 7 "The Sjuth China Morning Pjst of the 17th instant contnius a three column article, descriptive of the electric power station which Messrs Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works, L*d. have just completed for the Admiralty Dock m Hongkong. It is a coincidence that the official openiog cl this station
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  • 177 7 The promoters of the Children's Concerts must have been very pleased last night to sea so many happy faces. The Theatre was quite ful!, two m a seat m many cises, and trom the first to the last piece of the short bright programme the ke3neat interest was
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  • 175 7 The Sinhalese Sports Club, who are tryiDg to arrange a match with the Australian cricketers on their return journey on October 11th held a second Committee meeting, m expectation of a reply to their request to the C.C.C for the use of their ground. A letter of the
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  • 182 7 A marriage has been arranged, and will shortly take place, between Maxwell Ruthven Thornton, of 13 Craven Hill, Hyde Pdrk, Advocate and Solicitor, of the Straits Settlements, some time acting member of the Legislative Council of the Strata Settlements, fourth son of the late Rev. George Ruthven Thornton and erandsou
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  • 554 7 The championship final and the prixsgiving of the above tournament took place last evening on the Piain. The rain early m the day had tempered the heat and just laid the dust on the court and made the afternoon very pleasant. The game was
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  • 97 7 A match ia this leigue was played at Blakan M-iti on Thursday evening betwean the team of the Rt Half* 80th Cj aud that of the Left HjK. P. ay was very even and frist and the nrst half yielded a black s^ora sheet. Oj restarting the
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  • 41 7 The Sincj.ipore branch has received a telegram from the London cffije that an interim dividend his teen delcared on the A and B shares at the rate of 6 °/o per annum free of income tix.
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  • 172 7 Marie Corelli's Denunciation. Miss Marie Coreiii is annoyed that suffragist missionaries have claimed her as a convert to their cause. Her attention was called to a report of a recent meeting m North Wales, and m reply she wrote I notice that a speaker whom I have not
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  • 1150 8 Another Long List of Cases. There was another big list of bankruptcy cases waiting to be dealt with by Mr. Justice Sercambfl Smith m the Supreme Court yesterday. Many counsel were present. In the matter of Tan Hood Keng, against whom there was a petition for a receiving
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  • 606 8 If Socialism does not mean a redistribution, confiscation, or readjustment, call it whst you will, of property and capital, what, may I ask, doe 9 Socialism really and truly mean r L.3t me quote Mr Elohert Blatchford's definition. In Merrie England," p. 121, he 6ays M Make
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  • 80 8 Messrs. Kelly and Walsh have sent us for review a copy of Professor Giles* "Strange Stories frcm a Chinese Studio which they have now on sale. We hope to give a longer notice of this book, which has attracted considerable attention at home. The Peking correspondent of the Jiji Shiinpo
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  • 208 8 As the mail train was running on Thursday last between Sungei Tamperian and Serendah, the engine ran into a large black buffalo and broke its spine. The engine and the permanent way were not dainaced (T.OM.) X It is understood by Lord Kitchener's friends that though
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  • 283 8 Wednesday, Sept. 1. Mr Laidlaw asked the Under Secretary for the Colonies whether, m view of the f^ct that m the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, where the conditions were very similar to those m Hongkong, the opium farms were being abolished on the unanimous
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  • 292 8 A few dujs ago 83iue native* living m Laxamana R;ad made an attempt to destroy a large hornets' nest which was on a tree m the native kunpoeg there, but they did not go about the I usiness m the right waj and the neat
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  • 145 8 The Financial Times of Sept 3rd says.— The prospectus staUs that the light of the Heawood Synd cite, the present option holder, to transfer its title to the company bas been challenge! by the original option holder, but the Syndicate is advised by counsel that the title
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  • 597 8 "BRITISH" NORTH BORNEO. A Study m National Economics. The following letter is accorded tha same publicity as the article under the same heading as the abDve which appeared m tlr issue of Tuesday, Sept. 2ht. Singapore, 23.d Sept. |Xt The Editor, Singapore Free Press, Local. Sir,— Referring to the article
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  • 142 8 A blood stainel Ohiuanian wis taken :o the Central Police S,ati<»n m a bullock call on Siturday. Ha stated that abjut :iaui. that day he was taking e\£h* bags of cambier into tj^n m a cart at Litn Ohu Kirj A number of Chinese suddeL*lv rushed out
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  • 94 8 Mr Tan Kheiin Kia.t, genera 1 manager of the T. P. L. S. eutartaiued a large Lumber of guests at dinner on Fiiday last m honour of Mr W. S. Lecky, resident manager of the Penang wharves. Mr Leckj has arrived m Singapore awaiting the an ival
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  • 1518 9 Railway Matters. (Aug 30 Mr Glnnell asked the Undersecretary for the Coloni s whether he would a brief abstract of the figures of the chief resident engiceer of the Kowloon Railway, showing how it was alleged that that railway could ever pay working expense?, interest, and
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  • 203 9 The despised bu£ huntf r M of the past has developed into the valued economic entomologist of today. The ydj°ctive and the f-uU-t.intive m cor junction would have set former generations upou the grin, but even the layman can understand roughly now the value of the African Entomological
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  • 186 9 v rE. T. Hendereou, of Linsum Es f ate, Kuala Sawah, has 1 een fortunate enough to bag a tigress 8 feet 7 incbes m laopth. It appears that come d*js ago a luffilo was killed hy a tiger near the cs ate, and on
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  • 22 9 A Tokio paper alleges that Russia is demanding the ri«bt to construct a railway to connect Hungchun with the Chinese Eastern Railway.
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  • 398 9 A Co. Msex v S. R. C. la this match played at Tdnglin on Saturday, the Club won op the first mninps, Oahlers and Scharenguiv* 1 proving fatal to the military— four for 17 and five for 19, all out m ten oveis. Scores. S. R. C. W. W.
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  • 217 9 Mr Justice Sercoinbe Smith was occupied m the Supremo Court egdin on Siturday with the appeal of the ptopnetor of the Marlborough Cinematograph &how agrainst th* Municipal assessment on the building. Mr Wm Nmaon appeared for the appellant and Mr D. Y. Perkins represented tLe Municipality. The appellant
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  • 60 9 {JFrom our own Correspondents Kuila Luuipor, Sept. 2Glh. For the Gvnikhara on Saturday the weather was fine and the attendance gcod, the winners were. 1 Ci^irette, Katouihn, Tommy -Totalisatcr, SG 2 Busbpark, $3J. 3 Sodager, Cigctiet*e. J ick Ho:ner, $0. 4 Tommy, Sorlager, |3^ 5 Kttousba, Sodager, $s^.
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  • 61 9 We are sorry to see from the Java Times that Mr H M Rankilor has been seiicus'y ill m hospital, and it was thought possible that publication of a few cumbers of the Java Tinvs would have been missed. But apparent y Mr F. M Macrae is earning or, and
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  • 816 9 Saturday presented quite an interesting morning's work on the course, the going being excellent as a result of the raiu the cUy before, the tr«ck proper open, and quite a large number of sportsmen being present. Celluloid (Kirwan) working aloae cmrered over the course being extended home over
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  • 44 9 It is rf ported that a syndicate has ep^o tiated the purchase of Towkav Kuah Chui Seng's rubcwr €8 ate jm* beyond tie fourth oaile on tha Etmuntiug X )ad, Dear Taipii-^ The pure We pi ice is paid to exceed half-a-million dollars. (T.O.M
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  • 788 10 0..C8 or twice m each month I find myself at that very interestiag rendezvous, the White City," for the reason primarily, that, despite its popularity, one is almost certain not to meet people one knows and does rot particu'arly wish to run up against, and to
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  • 806 10 Sunday on the river To the many Londoners on up country plantations, and m the godowns of the Straits Settlements and Malayan Peuinfcu T a, the phrase will hold a world of meaning. To them there is only one river the Thames with tbe stern f never
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  • 144 10 The vacant post of vicar of the Hokien and Teochew section of the Chinese Church of St Peter and St Paul m Queen Street, caused by the recent death of Father Bes, ha,s baen conferred by Mgr Barillon on Father Miriette, vicar of the Church of Our Lady of the
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  • 865 10 At last summer has come, and those of us who have patiently waited for a eight of the sun have our reward now, for down here on the Devonshire coast we are having whole days of unbroken sunshine. Not a drop of rain has fallen for a
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  • 89 10 Mgr. Bourdci, who is now 75 years old, will en the 2ad June 1910, complete the golden jubilee of his sacerdotal ordination, but as the annual ecclesiastical retreat of the Diocese of Malacca is to be held again at Singapore next year, the celebration of the unique event will be
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  • 985 10 Most of us can probably remember tb© time when it was a matter for considerable pride to be the possessor of a cushion tyred safety bicycle. It is not so many years ago as time flies, but it seems very, very f d r bick m the past judged
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  • 40 10 The Directors of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China have declared an interim dividend for the past half year at the rate of 13% per annum free of income tax. So 6ays a telegram from the head office.
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  • 123 11 If accounts which have been going through the French Pres3 recantly are correct, the most luxurious prison is m Jipan, about 15 miles from Tokio. la the midst of gardens where flourish medlars and cherry trees, where are seen ornamental ponds with water lilies arises the
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  • 173 11 Most of the dwarfs wha will be on show m 'h* coming Llipu^itn city at Olyropia are probably like Peter Pin m* not wanting to prow. B^sidee, the recipe f r growth m a dwarf is not pWsact. according to Jtffery Huisoo, of O-xkham, the seventeenth century dwarf, who so
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  • 435 11 The K. O. K. Cup. The annu tl competition for this tropbv wis plityed cff yesterday af erno^n on the Rice Course. O>ving to Selangor being unable to serid a team down there were oIU the two teams, the Middlesex Ragiment aiid the Civiiiius, entered. It Wcis generally looked
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  • 67 11 The competition for th* September medal •sj pliu^! for on Siturdiiy aad Su\cUy the 25 r aid H> h ius' the winner l^in^ Mr 1). N <bl*\ who returntnl a Mtt 6C(» c of 71. lh«» f >llow!n» cards were also returned W Kini? 7> A H.
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  • 82 11 Tiie ss. Croxtetb Hall, which armed m Bangkok from Manila loaded 12,000 tons of 'ice f.otn Luang Chitr Cbamnong's new rice mill m 15 working hours. This i 9 considered a very qiitk p-ifonnance of Baßgkok. The Croxteth HaU ia of 2,434 tons n*t register, and the mill
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  • 346 11 HEAWOOD OR ELPHINSTONE ESTATES. We are now able to put before our readers particulars of the two companies which have been formed to acquire and work the Heawood Estate, Parak, m tin and rubber. The Heawood Co. list was opened m Glasgow on Sept. 3d the Elphinstone was opened on
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  • Correspondence.
    • 403 11 To The Editor, Djar Sir, —In the interest of drivers of vehicles it should be poiuted out that m the mt>r ollisiou cis^ todiy the decision m tavour of the co>li3 was app.ireutly based on the conclusion that the car was travelli» gon th* w;oncr sile
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  • 54 11 Towkay Lake Ytw has coma forward with the splendid donation, of $50,000, a priDcelv su n, to found a Chinese Town Hall at Kuala Lumpur. The engagement is announced between Sites Gertrude Ellen Gardiner, daughter of the well known C. P. O. and Mr Walcott Edtfard Vowler, manager of the
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  • 1492 11 Chairman's Report. The half yearly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held yesterday afternoon m the Chamber of Commerce and Exchange, Mr D. T. B>yd presiding. The other members present were Hon'ble C. McArthur (Straits Trading Co. Ltd Hon'ble T. S. Biter (Hongkong Shanghai Bmk), John
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  • 321 11 A Shield Fixture. A very good game m this compel it oi was played on the Baach Ro;id ground last evening when tLe first s'rin j of the Midd'o--Bkx Regiment ml the Police eleven. Tee P lice fairly surprised the spectator!) by the excellent game they pla\ei. The
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  • 1697 12 Appeal to the Supreme Court. In the Supreme Court, yesierday, Mr Justice Sercombe Smith was again occupied with the appeal of the owner of the Marlborough Cinematograph show of Biach Road against the Municipal assessment on the building. Mr Wm. Nan sou appeared for the appelUnt, and the
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  • 61 12 The Right Rev. J. Meneuvrier, VicarGeneral, S.S., and Vicar of the Church of the Assumption, hafl made an offer to the Penang Recreation Club Committee to build next year at his own expense a new Club pavilion. It is understood that if this munificent offer be accepted
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  • 88 12 Sir Robert Bredon, who has baen talked of as a possible succassor to Sir Robert Hart at the Chinese Customs, has been m the China service for many years. Since 1908 he has been acting as InspectorGeneral of Customs. Born m Ireland, he was educated at Dungannon, and took a
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  • 1080 12 Two days from Sourabayi, passing through the Straits of Pulo Liut, which divide that island from the mainland of Borneo, you arrive at Balik Papan, the famcuj oil- port. Bold headlands, queer native houses clinging to the steep hill-sides like so many birdcage?, immense tanks full of
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  • 704 12 Judgment for Defendants. In the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, Mr J. R. Innes, Judicial Commissioner, delivered his reserved judgment m the case ia whici Mr. J. W. Agar claimed $71,660.1.; from tin Government of Pahang. The Judicial Comini-sioner said that the Government of Pahang stated that
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  • 86 12 Those who so 6trongly object to the u«e of the adjective "Scotch inotead of Scottish have just received a blow ta their pride by an official recognition of the former m the capital of Scotland itself. On the official windows of the Education Department m Edinburgh appears the announoement m
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  • 414 13 It i* said that the MUay Residential College, Kuala Kingsir, of which Mr Hartjreives is the Head Master, intends soon to star: a cadet corps. A gansr robbery occurred at Suagei Siput village, but information was so promptly given to the police that they chased the
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  • 431 13 The attendance at the course yesterday morning to witness the horses put through r p.iciDcrs was quite large, the fence bwiBJE up on the track prope-, and the goiug i. Ex^lsior(Pierbux) and Cirdina^Hcdley) kiag together started ofl from the stands •■d ;u:-redsing their pace, jumped oil from rhd
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  • 298 13 A Bill was published m the Government Gazette Extraordinary last night, as about to be introduced into the legislative Council, for the constitution of an Education Bjard m the Colony and to CDllect an Education Rite. It is proposed to make the Elucition Board a body corporate,
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  • 263 13 The following Singapore prop?rtif s were disDOael of by auction at Posvei! and Co'e. s.ile-room yesterday afternoon. The prices are considered very Rood. Shop-bouse No. 40-c High Street, lc 04? squire fee^, lease 999 years. Monthly r«ut 555 Bjughtby Snaik Mjhamei $12,000. Shop-house No. 4)
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  • 55 13 A Chinese cyclist, not very well used to the road, became mix^d up with the mechansim of motor-car No. 49 on Monday near the Framroz Aerated Water Factory, by darting across the track of the petroleum steed. Luckily for the cyclist nothing more serious resulted than
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  • 89 13 A match m the above competition was played on Monday evening at Blakan M iti, between n^ht half 78 Company and left half 80 Company. B)th teams were weak owing to absentees, and play was m consequence not very brilliant. la the first half 80 Company
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  • 59 13 In the Supreme Court, on Monday afternoon, the Chief Justice, Sir William Hyndman H Jonee, granted an order, on the written complaint of the Registrar, calling upon an advocate and solicitor of the Supreme Court to appear before the Court on Monday next to show cause why
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  • 1623 13 HALF-YEAR'S REPORT. By courtesy of the Chairman of Directors we are put m possession of the administration report and accounts for the half-year ending Juua 30th, 1909. The Board. Messrs J. R. Nicholson, C. W. Darbishire, E. D. Hewan, hou'ble C. McArthur and Mr W. Patchitt
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  • 64 13 Result of the Liv Challenge Cup, played on Saturday. 25tli Sept. Captain H.H. F. Stockley 41 8 33 G. O.T. Bicley 42 7 35 Captain A R Chancellor 44 8 36 C. I. Carver 41 4 37 P. R. Warren 44 6 38 R. J. Addie 42
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  • 1141 14 Considerable progress has already been made with the campetition for the Singapore Football shield, and now that the S.C.C. and S.K C. are free to take to Association again, we shall see a revival of interest m the games. We give below the table up to date. The
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  • 284 14 The following is the play for the Rhodes and Millard Cup, for foursomes, won by Green and Edlin, 5, by three up and two to play.— Turner and Gregson 6 beat Nicol and Robertson 5, three up and one Fra9er and Hunt 2 beat Fisher and Howe
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  • 52 14 The following is the result of the September monthly medal. Dr. Dine S2 11 71 C. Ereiitt 5 7> h. c. Seiis w 10 ?r» J. H. D. Jmes 88 8 80 T.A. MeltUk 95 14 81 Dr. Keith 93 8 85 H. D. Mundell 102
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  • 120 14 The S. R E (V) Monthly Hamlicip took place last Sttuiday with the following lesult The ipeoiaj prsi was won by Leut. G R.H. Webb wi; ha score of Bi>, whise Sipper McMullen was successful m securiug a skilled shots certificate. The N. K. A. I) megal Broom
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  • 49 14 The following interim dividends are announced: percent. Golden Hope Rubber Estate, Ltd. 8 Bukit R.jih Rubber Co Ltd. ...15 The Federated Sjlargor Rubber Co., Ltd., has declared a dividend ot 15 per cent and the Klaoaner Produce Co L'd. an interim dividend of 10 per cent.
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  • 43 14 The engagement is announced of Mr John Scott Lee, third son of Rev. L. S. Lee, to his cousin, Miss E. P. Hitchcock, second daughter of Dr. M. H. Hitchcock of Jaffna. The parties are Senior Medical Students of the Straits Medical School.
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  • 1104 14 LONDON FIRM AND NEGRI SEMBILAN PROPERTY. The case of Sdet Tiang Cbuan vs. the Rubber Concessions, Ltd., a London venture, was continued m the Supreme Court yesterday before Mr Justice Sercombe Smith. Plaintiff claimed for the return of the title deeds of a rubber estate m Negri
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  • 697 14 Loo Sok Case Fiximied. After a somewhat protracted heancg the Loo S->k case came to a termination vcsterday m the Disttict Ccurt teforeMr Howaul, when the ring- leader and arch-t ff iK c r g| the gang was sentenced to tix month*' rig ous imprisonment. The case arose
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  • 69 14 Miss Birch is the lucky owner of an allograph photograph of Lord Kitchener. She is distinctly to be congratulated, as, we fancy, there are few ladies, young or old, who can claim such distinction. We thought that the great Field Marshal had an eve for a soldier only, and are
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  • 560 15 IrpoRTiNG Firm Seized. It miy be remembered that some time ago Tve made reference to the action of the Chicle authorities m Canton requiring dealers m opium to obtain permits from the police before they wou'd be allowed to carry on their business. The Chinese opium
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  • 307 15 Fatalities and Injuries. T..e unusually fierce thunderstorm which p i-sed over the Colony recently did consider- Jiciage and resulted m at least two fata-.-.r.J number of ir. juries. At Yaumati a coolie was engaged m sho-v-I ing coil on to a cargo boat when he was RlddM^y
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  • 84 15 Everyone ia hoping th-U Dr. Cook will prove his conquest of the Pole. But so far it appears he had but a couple of Eskimos to uidke the three men—to say nothing of the don* And one of the Eskimos who c-iebrated the approach to the big nail W the
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  • 96 15 Against the Pahang Government. {From our oicn Correspondent^ Kuila Lumpor, Sept 24 h. The case of Mr J. W. Agar v. the State of Pahang has been decided m favour of the Government. Mr Agar, a contractor, claimed $71,660. 13 from the State of Pdhang for work done
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  • 37 15 {From cur o^n Correspondent) Kaila LuniDor, Sept. 25. The exports from the F. M. S. for tho first eight mouths of 1900 are lbs. 0.447,:338 as against 1,900,536 lbs. m the corrtspordiug months of 1908.
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  • 78 15 The Carey United. (Froui our own Corre^pondetUJ) Penan er, Sept. 20. The Cirey United Rubber Estates Company has been fioatfd. The capital is £150,000 and th* promoters are Messrs Val Carey, Wishart, Mselellan and Dougall. The shares ottered to the public are 1C 0,(00. The company will
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  • 46 15 \From out o:< n Correspondent,} Hongkong Sept 27. Lord Kitchener was received here by the General Offioftf Commandino: the Troops and the Commodore on the station. A guml of honour awaited his arrival and he landed from the Sydney at half past one.
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  • 206 15 Before the Canton Courl;. {Fro:/: cur mtm Lun:sf>ohcfeni.~ 9 Hongkong, Sept *27tb. William Butler Wright, accountant of the Chinese section of the Hon^konu'Cinton Railway, was brought before Mr Vice Consul Giles at C niton today. The accused was charged with having fraudulently enbezzfad sums of $5,000, $4,000,
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  • 42 15 Rents to be Revised. {From our OWM CofTtspOHdtHEl The Selangor Gizette notifies that tha rent of State alienated land after December :J1 1909 will b« liable to revision on and after Jrimnry 10 10, and after that thirty year intervals.
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  • 32 15 Kuala Lumpur, Bapt 28. The Maliv Miil has received private advices from Shanghai to the effect that exViceroy Yuan Shi K*i is negotiating for a reentry into public life.
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  • 51 15 Attack Japanese at Ipoh. (From our own Correspondent.) Ipob, Sept. 29tb. Placards have be?n posted at Ipoh and m other Kinta Townships inciting the Chinese to boycott Japanese. A gang of coolies stoned Japanese women at Menglembu last night, one woman being badly injured. Several arrests have bean
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  • 1705 15 (By Submarine Telegraph.) (Reuters Agency.) Received Sept 23, at 10.12 am. Mr Bilfour was received at Birmingham by a mo3t enthusiastic meeting. A letter was reid from Mr Chamberlain, hoping that the House of Lords would force on an election. Mr Bilfour male a strong declaration m favour of
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  • 675 16 Sept 22. Ban Whatt Hin, Brit, str.. Cox, for Telopin ▼ia ports. Benalder, Brit, str., Tough, for Hongkong and Japan. Theseus, Brit, str., Barwise, for Shanghai and Japan. Dovre, Nor. str., Paulsen, for Bangkok. Sept 23. Laurens Pit, Dat str, Brugswa, for Indragiri. Flevo, Brit, str., Russell, for Anambas
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  • 438 16 Per Redan g Mr S. McStay. Por Van Goens Datoe Ismail and Miss Nia Hoey. Per Singapore Miss Cocace. Per Hye Leong Mr and Mrs G. M. Stafford and Messrs Butter and Mouat. Per P. O. Assaye Mr A. M. Rogers, Messrs M. Mendes and C. Pooh Masino, Mr
    438 words
  • 557 16 PerN. D L. Pr. R. Luttpold, due Oct 1. Mrs A. Hiikers and children, Mr I). ,T Dopenburg, Mr A. Hoeffdr, Mr and Mrs 0. Witseber, Mr J. Hug, Mr F. J. Btraeb, Mr and K. Haaenfratl and child, Mr and Mrs C. Zipp^it, Miss M.
    557 words
  • 950 16 RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. September 29ih. Cap. Issu«. Paid. Lart Dry p nv no 150,000 2/- 2/. Anglo-Maiaj VY 2 j In 30.000 1 1 Batu Caves' 10 51 > o SJJ 80,000 1 1 Batu Ti^a (Selangor) 5 20 o |i J 100,000 (J BukitKajang 2 5 6 2|*
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 153 16 SpeciaUist of Wines,Jpirits, Liqueurs, Champagne, Etc, Duty TXn. Port and Sherry $10 case. Claret bt Julien, etc. $9 case of 2 dozen pints. White Wires, Graves, etc. $10 case 2 riczen pints. $9 I dczen quarts. Jtewsons Whisky, $9 case Old Tom Gin, Cordial or Try $7-50 cafe. Champagne Extra
      153 words