The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 16 September 1909

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 22 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take THIRD SERIES THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1909. No 1,155
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  • 284 1 LXADBRS. UaisainUa Company Promo 4irit; 177 Pltplllj Owners and In,iiiifciry"Dwellings 178 The IN>ia 1 Wrangle 1 Human Plgatysa and Chinese Poik 17s Development m Johore 17^ Tho Impending Qcaaaaal Election 79 Op urn bni Si rit Laws 179 Pari amentary Bills Ln>ppel )7i) Battle Boys] 180 What is
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  • 8 1 Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 50 1 Pearson.— On 29th August, at the Resi dency, Sandakan, the wife of Aylmer C. Pearson, Government Secretary, B. N. Borneo, of a daughter. Thompson.— On the 14th inst. at the General Hospital, the wife of Captain li. A. Thompson, the Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment) of a son.
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    • 141 1 Dingle— Whitelaw.— On August 16th at St. Michael's, Sandakar, by tbe Rev. W. H. Elton, m. a, Pbbcival A. Dingle m.r.c.s., l.r CP. Lond. son of \Y. A. Dingle, m.d., jp. of London, to KORAH, Widow of Dr. T. Buchanan Whitelaw, and sixth daughter of the late John Gordon,
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  • 69 1 (Corrected up to Sept. 1>) Bank 4ms t/*A demand 2 4/jft Private crtdits 3ms 4 i 7 t* credits 6m s 2/ijj France, demand Bank... 295 Germany, demand 239 1 India, T. T, t7(> Hongkong, demand 24*%dib Yokohama, demand nom. 11S| Java, demand HO Bangkok' demand 66 Sovereigns, Bank
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  • 1208 1 Sept 10. We suppose there is lo more thankless task than that of giving advi:e which no one feels inclined to follow, but we are constrained m the face of several rubber flotations of recant date, to once more urge upon local investors the exercise of considerable
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 147 1 BaiaaaiNaa to the "Singapore Free Pieaa ■eatly returning boas Europe to the strait-? ly say si tke mail Knst. are invited to send to taa Haasci r the name of their steamer and date of arriud m Singapore. Copies will then be Baikal te asset tbsss at various port 3
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    • 118 1 MARTELL'S BLUE SILVER LABEL i 3 an accepted) all over tbe world FOR THE BEST QUALITY IN BRANDY THREE STAR A ONE STAR. You know it For particulars To be had by tbe Blue of trade prices of and please all Dealers. Silver Label. apply to Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 961 2 Every defendant is a scoundrel, if we choose to pass judgment immediately counsel for the prosecution sits down. But the fair-minded man does not pass judgmont till the other side has been heard, and we think that our contemporaries, one here and one m Penang,
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  • 469 2 Sept 11. The Polar comedy is rapidly approaching a stage which may see the curtain fall on act one with the principals hissing defiinca at each other from the rostrums of the New York Press. After "McKinley" Cook hid startled the world with an account of an
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  • 754 2 From Chinese pig- styes yesterday—pardon, houses occupied by Chinese m Singapore to Chinese pork to day is but a moderate step. When it was announced that the Palermo was taking to England frozen Chinese pigs for the London market, a howl of derision went up
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  • 1163 2 Sept 13. A friendly interest m the fortunes of Johore lead us to speculate (not m the bear and bull-pit) on the future of that state with regard to the staple industries of the Peninsula, namely tin and rubber. While the order tin and rubber is adopted
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  • 1332 3 Sept 14. There seems little doubt that a general election will take place very shortly, possibly before tbe end of the year, as November is generally found to be a convenient time from the point of view of business, though it is hardly an ideal season
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  • 565 3 Sept 15. The approaching considerable changes m the opium and spirit laws of this Colony lend importance to what is being done m Hongkong m this respect, notwithstanding the differences that are to exist between the systems there and her As we understand it, opium and
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  • 556 3 T.uching on the subject of the general election which is believed to te imminent, the Government will have to go to the country to some ex'ent on what it has done, or can possibly do, m the next few weeks m the way of legislation. The Premier
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  • 641 3 Sept If. Birmingham, always a centre of keen political feeling, will be all agog for the next few days, for there is to be something of a political verbid duel there. The Prime Minister is to address a meeting to-morrow, and a week la'er Mr Balfour, leader
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  • 415 4 When immediately after the assassination of Sir Curzon Wyllie m London the public men and Press of Bengal began to ferveutly express their loyalty to the Crown and to the British Government, and to denounce the a.t of Dinigra as that of a deranged man, there were
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  • 2177 4 DE ZIEKE REIZIGER The pissage from Penang to Singapore is usually performed m about forty hours. The entrance to the new harbour is through an exceedingly narrow channel but as there is at all time an abundance of water iv it, a steamer can pass through at any time. The
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  • 122 4 A most successful gymkhana was h«d 1 at Taipirg ou S.atu-day last. There were a number of horso aud pocy racs. Musical Stalls and Arithmetic races, the ndors were all amateurs, the dividends were almost, all big and it was fouad possible to hive totalisator on oven saoh
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  • 37 4 The followiug wa.s the result of the Ladies' IbdtL Mrs. Emsrson II 12 39 Mrs. Oirver 47 2 45 Mrs. PiUmpton 58 12 4tJ Mrs. E'cum 55 (> 49 Mrs. Hirtntll 58 5 53
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  • 240 4 Ciptain Isaac Maria Pinto, commanding the Artillery Corps at Monte Fort, was shot at midday on Sept. G, by a private of bis company. Tne unfortunate cfS *er was bu«y at his writing table when the assailant, who had been lolling about the guard room
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  • 340 4 F.ther Fe^naudtz, one of the missionaries of tbe Touquin mission and au eioellent scholar of the Chiues^ dialects several of which, e>pecially the Mindarin, he spoke fluently, died recently m Manila. The mortality returns for Singapore for the week *mded Sopt. 11th show a death rate of 3S._i per mille.
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  • 207 5 Friday, Sept. 10, 1909. THE LATE CAPT. TALBOT. The following references appear m a G-zotte Extraordinary issued m the F.M.S. The Resident-General records, with the deepest regret, the death of Captain H. L. Talbot, Commissioner of Police, Federated Malay S:ates, which occurred at home on the 30th August last. After
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  • 300 5 An interesting and pretty wedding took place at St. Andrews Cathedral on Sept. 7fh by the Revd. H. C. Izard, between Mr. Alfred Lock ver Williams, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Williams of "Holroyd" and M'ss Hilda Amy Bowie, youngest, daughter of the late J.
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  • 165 5 The death returns for Singapore for the month of August show 880 deaths, equivalent to 38 05 per mille of population. 641 males and 239 females died, and of these 102 were under three months and 179 ucder one year. Malarial fever accounts for 131 deaths", phthisis for
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  • 130 5 The 3rd Battalion Middlesex Regiment was inspected on Wednesday at Tanglin Barracks by the General Officer Commanding tbe Troops, who was accompaied by Lt. Perrott A. D. C. and Capt. Dundas D. A. A. and Q M. G. The Battalion was drawn up m Column on the Golf
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  • 27 5 Pahang buffaloes are, it appears, much appreciated by Malays, as they can feed on leaves and small bushes while the local bred ones will only eat grass.
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  • 2004 5 PROBABLY CONCLUDED TODAY. At the Assizes, yesterday, the Chief Justice and a special jury were engaged all morning m hearing the evidence brought by the Crown against M. A. TobiD, chief clerk m the water department of the Municipality. Accused was charged on three counts of criminal breach
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  • 637 5 An Alarming Blaze. Shortly after two o'clock on Sunday afternoon, fire was discovered to have broken out m the upper portion of house No. 13. Rochore Road, almost exactly opposite tha Clyde Terrace Market. Word was sent to the Boach Road Police Station and from there the
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  • 94 5 We are courteously informed that a telegram has been received by His Excellency the Governor from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the effect that the departure of Mr J. Bromhead Matthews from the Bahamas is delayed owing to his wife's death the.c. He will
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  • 45 5 Messrs Derrick Si Co report the following Mine outputs fcr the month of August 1909 Belat Tin Mining Co Ltd pkls 556 50. Kuantan Tin Mining Co Ltd pkls 106 50. Brnang, Limited pkls 122 25. Sipiau Tin Co Ltd pkls 95 00.
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  • 69 5 According to a report sent to headquarters by a United States consular representative m Australia, 267,643 box s of butter, 56 pounds per box, were exported from Sydney during the year ended April 30 last. Of this total 244,823 boxes were sent to the United Kingdom and the Continent, and
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  • 379 6 Womsn SnaiousLY Stabbed. Wong Ah Ngee, a Keb, was charged before the Chief Justice and a common jury at the Assizes yesterday afternoon with attempted murder. Mr Hastings Rhodes, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, appeared for the Crown. The accused, who was not represented by counsel, claimed to be
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  • 245 6 A large company of Chinese young men gathered on Wednesday night at the Y. M. C. A. rooms to welcome their n^wlv arrived Secretary, Mr Tan Tat Tek. Mr Tan has come to work among Chinese speaking Chinese, and finds already some three score members
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  • 19 6 The returns for August are as follow?, The Machinery worked 497 hours. Clean ore won, pikuls 326.
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  • 29 6 The export of tin from Perak for August (advance figures liable to correction was. Block Tin 10,762 29 pikuls Tin Ore 28,789 89 Duty $352 499 69
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  • 79 6 These matter%are known early m Ipoh apparently, as on Sept. 4 the correspondent of the Straits Echo wrote. As I wired you, Heawood Estate, the property of Mr Chung Ah Yong, the well known sporting towkay of Malaya, has been floated into a limited liability company at Singapore.
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  • 69 6 In the Civil District Court, on Saturday, Mr Saunders gave judgment for $500 as damages for wrongful arrest. The plaintiff was Ong Geok Swee and the defendant Lee Toow Kee. This case was originally heard by Mr Howard m the District Court and he gave the same decision. Defendant took
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  • 494 6 Kidnapping Case. A young girl, very shy, with her face almost, screened m an orange- coloured 6carf appeared m the District Criminal Court yesterday and told her story of how she was kidnapped. Mr Chopard, who appeared for the prosecution, asked His Honour to change it to one
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  • 391 6 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. The market has been rather quiet during the past week and the chief attractions at the moment are the new Rubber flotations, The Elphinstone Estates, Limited, Alor Gajah Rubber Estate, Limited, and Pa jam Limited, all of which it is expected will be over-subscribed. Another Company
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  • 18 6 Tie gross debt of Western Australia is £22 millioos, the increase on the last year being £1^ millions.
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  • 316 6 No 1 and 3 Teams Middlesex Regiment. The first match m the above Competition was played at Tanglin last evening, before a large number of spectators. There were several alterations m lst Team which won the Cup. The Teams were as follows No 1 Team Saunders Sullivan, Flatt
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  • 253 6 The first Bisley meeting of the Singapore Ladies' R fle Association was commenced yesterday afternoon at 4 p in. Nearly all the competitors m A Handicap were present, but maDy m B Handicap were unavoidably absent. The light was t xcellent but a fairly 6trong wind blew across
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  • 87 6 A bright little variety entertainment was given at the Victoria Theatre last night by Pollatd's clever Lilliputians. The audience, though not very large, showed their appreciation by repeated demands for encores. The songs were bright and the dancing pretty and the happy little actors and actresses kept the
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  • 194 6 Sir A. F. G. Law passed through on Saturday for the East Coast to hold assizes at Pekan and Kuantan. Mr. G. H. Day accompanies him to conduct the defence m a case m which a Malay woman is charged with the murder of her husband. Colonel Walker was also
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  • 691 6 Directors' Report. The Directors present the balince sheet and profit and loss account for the year ending 31st March, 1909 the Singapore accounts incorporated therein being closed on the 28th February, 1909. In reference to the foregoing accounts tbe Directors desire to point out the extremely satisfactory
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  • 143 6 I> < An English officer has been lent to organise tbe Turkish Navy, and now another Englishman is to become President of the new Turkish National Bank, Sir Henry Babington Smith having accepted the post at the request of His Majesty's Government Sir Henry, who entered the State's service 22
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  • 312 7 The report of the Directors for the Second annual general meeting to be held .at Penang. on September 18th, has the following. The hydraulic installation was completed m September, but m March, the General Manager with the approval of the Directors, decided to stop the monitors till
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  • 506 7 The steam-ferry for the conveyance of freight trains m the near future across the Straits of Johore to run through to Kuala Lumpur and Penang was taken round to Woodlands on Sunday. Matters are not yet completed for conveying trains across, but by 1910 the trafiio will be
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  • 90 7 Mr J. H. M. Robson, of Selangor, who is at Home on a holiday, has been on an extended motor car trip through Scotland and England. On Ang 14 he was at Bristol and his comment was the heat yesterday was— tropical." Mr. John Burkinshaw, of Bruno, Sunningdale, Berks, formerly
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  • 651 7 The going was m splendid condition yesterday morning for training operations, and although slightly on the soft side, the work done was of quite a useful nature. The number of early rising sportsmen present is steadily on the increase. Cardinal (Kirwan) working alone started off from the stands
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  • 145 7 The semi-finals were played on Saturday, the four players left m being Fowlie, Mugliston, Miles and Stevens. Of these the first pair were expected to put up a good game, as Mitfliston was very much fancied as champion. Of tho latter pair, it was thought that Miles
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  • 50 7 The temporary village at Gemas has now grown to a considerable size. Owing to the position of Gemas as a junction, and the fact that the Railway Administration has constructed, or contemplate constructing, some 40 permanent houses for officials, it is probable that there will always be a village there.
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  • 805 7 The hon'ble F. J. Piq-gott is appointed a member of tbe Mohammedhan and Hindoo Endowments' Board, Singapore. < His Excellency the Governor has assented j to the Native States Prisoners Ordinance (to come into force Oct. 1 st) and the Ap- 1 portioninent of Rents. t
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  • Correspondence.
    • 456 7 To the Editor, Sir,— I shall be greatly indebted to yon or any one of the spiritualistic readers of your valuable journal, who will, through its medium, throw some light on the otherwise dark and mysterious object that confronted me last evening, after dusk, while I was
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  • 392 7 The Editor, Dear Sir, Following on your well reasoned temperate remarks re the Elphinstone Compauy, I think same are to be cordially endorsed, for when company promotion comes to such a pitch that it is tound impossible iv a case like this to settle mutual terms of
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  • 30 7 The Penang Ladies' scores for the September shoot totalled 189, viz Mrs Jamieson 33, Mrs Bland 32, Miss Jones, Miss Wemyss, Mrs Webb and Mrs Sproule 31 each.
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  • 45 7 A marriage has been arranged, and will shortly take place, between Harold Lucius Jarvis, of Seaport Estate, Selangor, Federated Malay States, son of Mr Robert Page Jarvis, of Castle Lodge, Bedford, and Gladys Sylvia, younger daughter of Mr A. C. Palmer, of St. Margaret's, Bedford.
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  • 966 8 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago Üballi. Juvenal. Notwithstanding M. B eriot'a feat a few weeks ago, we venture to say that the conquest of the air is not yet. We have read, with the amused feeling of the detached, heroics, ecstatics, and rhodomontades m the
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  • 249 8 Javanese Charged with Murder. Jan bin Abdulla, an aged Javanese, was charged before a special Jury at the Assizes yesterday afternoon with murdering a Chinaman named Cheng Au Gek on April 7. Mr Crabb Watt appeared for the defence. Mr Rhodes, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, said there
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  • 306 8 Police Beat the Y. M. C. A. A fairly large gathering assembled on tho Beach Road ground List evening to witness the game ia the above competition between the Police Club and the Y. M. C. A. Play was rather poor throughout aud al no timewas it exciting.
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  • 158 8 Subdivision of Sharks Agkkkd to. An extraordinary general meeting of the Anglo-Malay Rnbbsr Company, Ltd was hi Id on -Aug. ]6 for the pnrpo c of petting the fjUowiag resolution: -"That the 150,000 shares of £1 each m the capital of the company be sub divided into 1,500,0
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  • 139 8 > < A chatty letter from the Editor mentions that at Plymouth he met H. F. Bellamy and Mrs Bellamy. The former is looking well and was still keen on cricket. Mra Salzmann was to go to Scotland to see Padre Keith's Mom and youug hopeful, and incidentally the Padre.
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  • 630 8 I The Scotch oil companies have agreed to reduce burning oils, for the winter eeason, by halfpenny per gallon, thus bringing them to the lowest rate at which they have ever been parted with to the consumer. Mr H. R. Stubbs of the Municipal Water Department,
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  • 119 8 Dock Employi Chabakd. Further eyidenos was tuken m the District Court, before M. 4 Howard, on 8 aurday m the case m which C. A. Teal, a foreman at Tanjong Pagar Dock, was charged with serious allegations. Mr. Hasting* Rhodes, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, appeared for the Drown,
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  • 67 8 There was a good house atSJt he Victoria Ineatre on Saturday night toj witness the final performance by Pollard's Lilliputian Opera Company. "The Girl from Paris" was staged by special request and was a great success Demands tor encores were frequent. Miss Ivy Pollard, -the Gay Parisienne," was
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  • 788 8 Thi Final Game. The final match m the above competition is getting to be recognized as quite one of tbe social functions of Singapore and is yearly attended by increasing crowds, not only of Natives but Europeans, and there must have been quite six thousand present at
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  • 22 8 Ladies' Mbdal, September, ItVO^. Mrs. Carver 4* 3 Ii Krs. Stockley 63 4- 5* No other cards were returned.
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  • 82 8 A League fixture was played at Mshsn Mati on Thursday night between Left ball 78 Co and Left half 80 Co The game wa* fast and interesting from start to finish ai«d ended m a draw, no goals being scored. Coe of the 78's had the
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  • 20 8 Mr P. J. Sproule, who has been ac'ing for Mr J. B. Innes as Judicial Commissioner, has returned to Penang.
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  • 2062 9 From Our Special Correspondent. London, Aug 20. Splendid Running. The Scottish athletic season, which is ▼iitually brought to a conclusion with the decision of the meetings promoted by the Glasgow Rangers and -Celtic Football Club, invariably produces something out of the common and this year proved no
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  • 613 9 Tha rain m the early hours of Saturday rendered the course ooft for training purposes, and although the gallops done were not of a brilliant nature, the horses put m some strong woik. The attendance was quite the largest since training began. Castro (Turner) trotted along slowly till
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  • 70 9 A resident of Grange Road informs us that on Friday evening a yeung wild boar was seen m the jungle near bis bungalow. Oi Saturday morning, a party went out with guns and dogs and put up the pig. Oae of them bad a difficult shot
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  • 19 9 On Sept 1 the sgents cf Bdver'.ae (Selangor) Rubber Co. declared an intorim divided of ten per ccn f
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  • 889 9 For years past the thought of the August Bank Holiday has been a positive nightmare to me, a thing to be shunned, shirked and cursed, but this year I have found a means of escape, and the day now that it is over will remain happily
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  • 70 9 Four teams of four each entered for tie R day Race at the Swimming Club vest* day, but only three were complete. Broc! well's team (Maas, E. J. Barker F P. Pentycross and M. B. Brockwel!) won their beat; and Wald's team (Wald, T. H. Frase-, J. M.
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  • 154 10 It is reported that the Tronoh Railway extension will be opened shortly. Bee culture, successfully carried out m Singapore, is to be introduced m the Kuala Pilah district. We understand that the Hon. John Turner, on behalf of Sir J >hn Ramsden, Bart., has decided to
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  • 328 10 The third and fourth events of the Lidies BUley were fired (ff yesterday afternoon at Bdt-Jtier Ran^e. Tbe light was excellent though the wiud wis inclined to be fresh. At 150 yards Miss Gunu was again the highest scorer, with a very fioe 45, Miss Kerr being next
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  • 276 10 Mr. D. A. M. Brown's Success. We take the following extracts from the Pc thshire Constitutional of Aug. 9 A three- days' golf tournament was commenced on Thursday over Pit'ochry new eighteen hole course for the Open Amateur Championship of the High ands. For this competition,
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  • 1083 10 Insane Javanese Commits Murder. Jan bin Abdullah, a small elderly Javanese coolie, stood his trial at tbe Ass'zes, before tbe Chief Justice and a special Jury yesterday, on a charge of murdetiog a Chinaman near Kranji on April 7 at 4 a m. Mr Hastings Rhodes, D»pu'y
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  • 636 10 Sequel to Agricultural Show. Before Mr A. de Mello at Penang, Chief Det. Inspector R J. Kirke, on the complaint of Sergeant Warton, charged Mr Elton Bell (Municipal Veterinary Surgeon, and Hon. Secretary of Division 0. (Poultry and Cattle) at the recent Agri- Horticultural Show),
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  • 126 10 Kota Bharu Estate, containing an area of about 3,' 00 acres, and once the property of Towkay Chang On Siew, has changed hands, a Selangor Syndicate having bought it. Mr W. A Rogers of our town, one of tie Directors of the Syndicate, exercised the option on behalf
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  • 151 10 ;> It is worthy of note that Tungku Ngah has officiated ac a magistrate tor nearly twenty-two years m the Tampin district, Negri Sembilan, during which period only two appeals, both unsuccessful, have been made from bis decisions. The large majority of the lembagas or tribal chiefs m Negri Sembilan
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  • 910 10 Strange Abduction Story. Interest m the Courts yesterday was, perhaps, greater m the District Court, taken by Mr Howard, than elsewhere. Tbe facts of this case, how a young Indian girl told a strange story about being enticed into a plantation, robbed of her jewellery, gagged etc. and
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  • 437 11 A Busy Afternoon. In the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith was occupied with appeals from decisions of police magistrates. Mr. T. Dudley Parsons appeared for Malay Corporal No. 5, attache 1 to the Tanjong Pagar Dock Police, who was convicted on May 14 of aiding
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  • 542 11 St. John's, Newfoundland. With a parting cheer from the b'.u* jackete on beard HM S. Brilliant, the Jeanie, escorted by a tug passed out through the strait 9 and into the Atlantic Ocean aud sta ted on her long voyage to Etab, on Smith's Sound, on
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  • 306 11 Dismissed From St. Joseph's Institution. Before Mr. Saunder*, m the District Court, on Saturday, E. C. Bailey sue! Brother Michael, the Director of St. Joseph's Institution, for $65. Plaintiff said Brother Michael engaged him as a teacher at the St. Joseph's Institution from August 1. His salary was
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  • 487 11 Thb Chirntao Dispute. Shanghai, 3td September. Owing to the unsatisfactory settlement of the Chientao dispute, the merchants, gentry, and others m Shanghai have formed a society with a view to utilising their best efforts against a certain country after the manner of a fciviliz^d opposition." Macao's DsniMiTATioN A
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  • Correspondence.
    • 81 11 To the Editor, Sir, —As I continue to receive enquiries, and congratulations m various degree of sincerity, m regard to having put through" my plantation, I shall be glad if you will allow me, through the medium of your columns, to make it known that
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  • 81 11 Societe DeB Etains db Kinta. Output during the month of August pikuls 2,236. <>1 1. Serendah Hydraulic Tin Mining Co. L'd. Nett output for the month of August 4 )4 pikuls of clean dry ore. There were 4 2 hours stoppage during the month, repairing
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  • 707 11 Doubts As To Thb Success Of A Chinese Constitution. As Prince Ito is the father of Constitutional Government m this country, considerable interest naturally attaches to his views as to the prospects of a similar system being succesfully established m China, says the Kobe Herald. At
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  • 406 11 •Mr Butler Weight Arrustid. Hongkong was thrown into a state of considerable excitement at news which leaked out to tbe effect that Mr W. Butler Wright, chief accountant on the Chinese section of the Kow-loon-Canton Railway, has become involved m defalcations said by rumour to amount to
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  • 299 11 The Resident cf Perak has addressed tbe following op d n letter" to a number of persons interested lt is an open secret that Col. Walker will take his pension early m 191<». He first came to Per.A m February, 1879, as Ac-ting Commissioner cf Police. He has
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  • 163 11 European and Indian Biitish sulj j ets m Bangkok behave that they will not >»c required to pay tbe capitation tax this year, hot expect they will bave to do so next year But what is the law m regaid to Chinese Biitish euhjects P None of
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  • 74 11 The "Daily Chronicle" submits tha* If the Lords rejected the Budget and Mr. Asquith resigned, tbe first thing that Mr Bi.l four's Government would have to do would be to refund all the taxes which h*d been illegally collected at the revise 1 rate*. A hostile House of Commons would
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  • 988 12 One day last week, thanks to the courtesy of the manager, I went over some wonderful little woollen mills wonderful, when one considers the short time (only 22 years) that they have been established and the d.ffiraltiee which have had to be surmounted to make such an undertaking
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  • 1097 12 Such is the general name given by the Coaster of the British Colonies of Gambia, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Ligos and Southern Nigeria, the last two now amalgamated. The inhabitant shortens even the West Coast and as a rule alludes of The Coast a 8 though there
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  • 973 12 Those who are sufficiently interested to follow the proceedings, from time to time of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlement?, must have noted the clockwork simplicity with which many new Bills are passed into law. Although complete unanimity ou any one measure rarely exists between Un >ffioial
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  • 544 12 An Imposture Exposed. The folbwiDg article from the Sydney Newsletter will be read with some interest seeing that the imposture it commemorate* made an appearance m Singapore M Half Sydney recently went into ecstacies over a wonderful little 'frail man' who visited the city end allowed himself
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  • 251 12 The Serendah Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd., has declared a dividend of 5 per cent., payable on the 20th in_t. At a meeting of the Perak, South, Church Council at Batu Gajah on Sundayit was uuanimously resolved that the services of the Chaplain, the Roy. J. P. Parry, be ietaioed
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  • 464 13 Mr J. Howell, of the Malacca High School, with Mrs Howell, leaves by the Geriu m mail this morning on home leave. Tie Canadian Kilties, a band of musical performers, singers and dancers, has given performances at Colombo. After touring adia they will come on to
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  • 97 13 The following lots were disposed of by auction at Pjwell and Co.'s sale-room iterdaj afternoon: Ta/ee freehold building allotments off I nipson Roid, adjacent to Kimpong Jiva I, total area 12,84) square feet. B >ught Chia Oasr Tin at 2\ cents per square $3&90 l Agricultural land
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  • 53 13 Too following is the result of crushing p•. itions at Riub for the four weoks rrtdrng ll f h instant Bikir Eoanaa Toas crushed 3,330 Gold •:o* lined 881 ounces Average per ton 5 29. Bukit Malacca Tons crushed 1,800 A obtained 158 ounces; Average
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  • 170 13 Tbe Merchant Shipping Act of 1006 lays i down that after an appointed day the law relating to life saving appliances ■hall apply to all foreign ship 3 while they 'ire wit bin "any port of the United Kingdom just as the same law would
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  • 957 13 Signs of the times are apparent m the preparation of the autumn list of S. C. C. Rugby fixtures which has just been issued. A fifteen has to be got ready to do battle with Selangor at Christmastime, and the committee have not made the mistake of arranging
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  • 36 13 mm At the annual meeting of the debenture holders of the Royal Bingkok Sport*' Club (total debentures ticals 105,700) two holders put m an appearance, but with the help of tbe Secretary carried through the business.
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  • 999 13 Opium or Alcohol. Mr Justice Sercombe Smith was again occupied with appeals from decisions of Police Magistrates m the Supreme Ccurt yesterday. Four Indian Mohamedans appealed against the sentence of a magistrate on a charge of assaulting a youth of their nationality. Numbers two and thre* withdrew their
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  • 478 13 Tneeiiy morning dawned bright and clear for training purposes, the turf being m good trim, a sprinkling of sportnien beiag present to witness the work. The starting gate was up for the fi>6t time. The majority of the horses bowled along at half pice, these including Unexpected, St.
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  • 49 13 Captain Kroef of the Dutch vessel Lmrens Pit, on arrival from I ldragiri yesterday, reported having passed the local steamer •Sri Tringganu" badly ashore oa the ladragiri river. The Malay misters of small steamers say she is on the rocks at the entrance of the river.
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  • 237 13 Phra Sawetr Udora, one of the semi sacrosanct elephant*, although not a white one, died at Dusit Park on S j pt. 5. The animal ia question was born m Nakon Lampang early ia 1906 and attracted toe attention of Chao Bungawattawongee Manith, the Ctao
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  • 939 14 Both Accused Received 3 Months. A case that attracted a good deal of attention occupied the Third Magistrate moat of yesterday morning. The two accused, natives of India, were employe* at Whiteaway Laidlaw's stores and were charged with, on certain dates, having stolen various articles (eihibited) including silks,
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  • 243 14 The formal inauguration of the palatial new premises erected for the Chartered Bank at Bangkok took place on Sept. 7, when there was a large attendance. Mr W. S. Livingstone, the Agent, received the guests on arrival and m this duty was assisted by the other
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  • 193 14 For the first time m Sandakan a double wedding was celebrated at St. Michael's Church on Monday, 1 6th ult., when Mrs No ah Buchanan Whitelaw was married to Dr. Percival A Dingb», and Miss Florence Col dough Pepper to **r F. W. L. Adjlphy, by
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  • 118 14 There was a ripple of laughter when, m discussing the difference between bocks and plays, Sir William remarked: M If one read, Elizi slipped off her dress-ing-gown, and entered her bath, there would be no harm done, but if one saw it on the stage it
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  • 252 14 It has been decided to modify the system of meals m the second saloon on byird the P. O. Company's 6teamers, both mail and intermediate, by instituting a late diuner, tbe present mid-day meal being replaced by luncheon. From the tiino of the company's inception m 18S7
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  • 363 14 BEL AT TIN MINE. Report of the work done on Mines during j the month of August 1909. Block II Sungei Gambang. Tbe tributers working the valley from tbe Southern Boundary were employed during the J month and bad tbe usual output. One gang not making enough has ceased work.
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  • 109 14 Only one Monitor was at work for the first part of the month when beavy rains took place enabling me to work with two Monitors. We had two accidents to the Pipe Lice causing a stoppage of a week. Both Monitors worked with a good pressure since
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  • 112 14 Report of tbe work done on Mines during the month of August 1909. No. I HILL. This party have again had an increased output during tbe month, tbe lead of karang will be finished during the incoming month. No. 2 Hill. The usual amount of work was
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  • 198 14 Lady CnARKE Obtains Verdict. A Reuter despatch from Melbourne states that m the Claske divorce case, which was undefended, Lady Clarke has obtained a derree nisi against her husband. Sir Rupert Clarke. Sir Rupert Tutfcer Clarke is the second baronet. His grandfather, the "Star" states, was a
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  • 565 14 Havana. There was a large audience present at the Victoria Theatre last evening to welcome tbe Merry Little Maids on their return after their "tour up north. Unfortunately owing to tbe fact that the company did not get m till after four o'clock
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  • 120 14 Private Rfdin«itox Shoots Himsbli Tanglin Barracks was startled on ftnedaj night about 9 15 to hear a shot fired, anl I moment after when his comrades h^d rm m to find Private Redington, E C pany Middlesex Kegt. lying deud from effects of a rifla bullet
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  • 94 14 Three small Chinese children who mm out shrimping m the vicinity of Beich Be i met their deaths on Tuesday by drowning The youngsters had apparently got hej l their depth when engaged m iheir pu»sui*. two of them crying lor help. The tbiM went to
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  • 35 14 The first part of the final for thi* ev<n^ was played off on Tuesday between Mil* ud Fowlie. Miles waa playing a strong g*& e end finished the eighteen holes four up
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  • 965 15 Mr Hall Came, who has achieved a reputation certainly deserved by his earlier works, it discounted by his later efforts, has been visiting Egypt, and has been writing a series ol articles on "Aspects of the East," dealing with Egypt only. Exactly what g v Hall Caine' a qualifications
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  • 41 15 Ex-Kanganny Convicted. {From our oion Corespondent.? Kuala Lumpor, Sept. 10. The ex Kmganny who assaulted Mr. Peters of Bukir, Hitam Estate, Pataling, has been convicted and sentenced to three year's imprisonment. He stabbed Mr Peters eight times, seriously. > <» <
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  • 43 15 Spirit Duty Imposed. {From our own Lorr<:spoiutcni.i Hongkong, Sept. 11th. The Legislative Council has had brought before it and has passed the first reading of the Bill f o impose duties on liquor imports, which is idanticil with the Straita Ordinance.
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  • 52 15 MR. WHITESIDE ROBBED. (Fran our own Correspondent) Ipoh, September 13. Mr R Whiteside, the accountant of Kmmat Pulai tin mine, was waylaid and assaulted on Saturday afternoon by three Chinamen armed, with knives and iron crowbars, whose face 3 were blackened. The robbers relieved him
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  • 32 15 Hongkong, Sept 13. Mr W. B. Wright, charged with embezzling funds of the Canton-Hankow railway, bas been committed at Shanghai to be sent to Canton to undergo examination there.
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  • 175 15 No Electric Lights No Trams. (From our awm Correspondents There has been an extraordinarily heavy fall of rain m Penang. In the twenty four hours ended at n~on to-day (Wednesday) over 12 iuches of rain have fallen. Many of tho parts of the Town are m flood and
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  • 88 15 Dissatisfied Shareholders. Ipoh. At a special general meeting of tbe Chendai Lode syndic ite yesterday Mr Je3sen who presided said that the Penang share holders were dissathfied with the way m which aff .irs had been managed by tbe present board, particularly regarding the purchases of Menglembu leases.
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  • 38 15 Mr Macdonald, who is charged with culpable homicide by causing the death of a mine coolie has been committed for trial to the Assizes. Toe Chinese &t Kinta are taking great interest m the case.
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  • 32 15 Severe Sentence. (Front our o^on Correspondent.') Ipoh, Sept 15. Allen, the treasury clerk at Telok Anson, has been sentenced to eighteon months' imprisonment. Mr Justice Woodward censured his conduct severely.
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  • 12 15 There has occurred here a case of suspected rabies.
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  • 1845 15 (By Submarine Telegraph) (Renter s Agency) Received September, 9. A telegram from Aldershot states that Colonel Cody has established an aero-plan-ing cross country record. He flow 4'J| miles m 63 miautes, flying over the heads of cheering troops. The result of the St. Leger is 1 Bayardo 2 Valens
    1,845 words

    • 459 16 Cap. Issur. Paid. LastDiv. Buyers fctta 150,000 2/- 2/- An^o-3la?ay 12* Int. 14/9 U. 80.000 1 1 Batu Caves 10 5 2 T> 80,000 1 1 Bitu Tiea (Selangor) 5 1 I<J 0 1 17 100,000 1} I, Bukit K*jaDz 2 20 ->r (1 Contributory I 0
      459 words
    • 508 16 200,000 10 10 Bilgowcie 25 ***** ***** 680.000 \l \l Keye \*<* 1/ 1-* n 1200 1225 Rt *****00 50* 50 JeboE^ (Perak) 9000 1«» > 500,000 10 10 Pe;;oh 16.00 1&22 ncnnAA 1° Rag*lla Ordinary 2$ 00 1400 l 10 10 m B°o Pref. 23:- U
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