The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 9 September 1909

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 22 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take THIRD SERIES THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1909. No 1,154
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  • 223 1 Lbadkrs. New Municipal L^an. \q\ Major MeMair on Opium ipi Chineso Va^ran*s |6j Japan's Kxpau ion (i 2 The New Opium Ku'e 162 Government Control „f Opium Ml Tr. C<*:>k 3 Dash 103 M« rjbia or Opium k>3 Company Promoting K>4 Taxation for Ktvontid 104 Km is and Mnanuos.
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  • 70 1 (Corrected up to Sept. 8 Bank 4ms 2/4 3 9 a demand *li Private end its :> m s •Ma' credits 6ms 2/HJ France, demand Bank... 294 Germany, demand 23? India, T. T Hongkong, demand 24 1 6 dis Yokohama, demand nom. 113| Java, demand I*'-' Bangkok' demand 66
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 40 1 At Linsnm Estate, Negri Sembilan, en August 31st, the wife of R. Allan Clark, of a daughter. Trusdale At the General Hospital. Penang, on August 31, 1909. tbe wife of W. H. Tkusdale, Warders' Quarters, Penang, of a son.
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    • 70 1 Simon Smith.— On the !2th August, at tbe Parish Church, Westbury-onTrym, by tbe Rev. J. Colmer Godwin, assisted by tbe Rev. E. J. Hensley, Dr. John Wellesley Simon, second son of the late Dr. M.F. Simon, C.M.G., of Singapore, and of Mrs. St. Leger Simon, to Helen Mary, second
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    • 95 1 Heinrich Oehlers— Yesterday at the age of 71. Friends are hereby notified that tbe funeral will take place from 24, Waterloo Street, at 4 p.m. today, tbe 4th inst. to tbe Bididari Cemetery. Cuscaden— At the General Hospital on Sunday, Sept. 5, Norman Henry Dawson, third son of Mr.
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  • 159 1 Sept. 8 Tin m wmm mm. 165.80 Gambia. m buyers 12.00 Gasibisr Onb* No. 1 14.1 7\ QassUsr Onbs No. a M 12.00 Pr,pp»r Black S'pors) buyers 12 75 Pepper, Whits (fair buyers 19 75 Nntmag* (110 to tbs 1V),«. 16.00 Nutmegs 'SO to ths IV) „> mm 22.10
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  • 79 1 Sept. 3. Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take The tender price was such that if the whole of the tenders had been accepted the premium would have been K. With the one million that is called for, the premium is m the neighbourhood of three per
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  • 1530 1 It might almost be thought that the opium question had reached a stage of some finality, when all further arguments are mere repetition of wh.t has been said and done before. No doubt those *ho have made tha closest study of the various expects of the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 201 1 MNcribsss to the "SingspOfS Free Pres> weekly ret ii mil iir from Europe to tho Strait> ty aLy of the mail lines, ire invited to send SO IM IuUBMI ths name of their steamer and date <t arrival m Singapore, Copies will then be Railed to meet them at various
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    • 19 1 Rlgaud's Bocool Extract is an exact reproduction of this sweet yet powerful Indian perfume, and is very popular. 21
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1224 2 Sept. 4. A Correspondent, evidently a Chinese, writes to the Straits E^ho" on the subject of Chinese Vagrants, and as a Chinese reader m Singapore also writes to us endorsing the opinion of his countrymin up north, it may be presumed that there are others of like mind.
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  • 753 2 Sept. 6. The differences between China and Japan are shortly to be settled and an agreement will presently be signed. This is the bald record of the latest of an almost monotonous series of successes for Japan, which are not less remarkable than were her successes m the
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  • 141 2 A Government Gazette extraordinary was published late on Saturday giving notice that the Governments of the Colony (Penang), of Perak, and of Kedah call for tenders for the Opium Farms of those throe places. From a perusal of the Gazette it appears that Government are now proposing to act by
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  • 1086 2 Sept 7. The announcement that the Government is to over the administration of the Opium and Spirit Monopoly of a considerable portion of the Colony and the F.M.S. is a corollary of the Gazette Eitraordinary issued on Siturday, calling for tenders for the Penang, Perak
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  • 378 3 As to the financial prospects of the new system, it would be affectation not to look on them with misgivings; even accepting the general view that we must lock for a largely reduced revenue from opium, the outlook is not a bright one. It is plainly
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  • 1079 3 Sept. 8. When we remember the enthusiasm which the American nature always displays when anything eccurs tending to aggrandise the national sense of importance, we may well feel it necessary, m face of Americin scepticism, as to Dr. Cook's claims, to preserve a very open mind. To
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  • 857 3 It is gradually beginning to dawn on tl ose who control the anti-opium movement m Europe that there are worse tbijgs than smoking opium to wit, morphia. In the Christian" of July 8, the honorary secretary of the Edinburgh Committee for the suppression of the Indo-Chinese Opium
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  • 531 4 Sept. 9. The interest which the people of the Strai'.s have m the promulgation of false company news, is chiefly confined to the reputation that our companies are likely to get m the minds of people who have been deceived. We are not greatly concerned m saving the
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  • 480 4 About a month ago Reuter sent out a wire stating tha^the opposition to the Budget was weakening, and the prospects of its being successfully carried through were much brighter. Whereupon the taps of pessimism were turned on, for the decadence that had set m, even iv our
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  • 172 4 la connection with the valuation of land m England for the Finance Bill, Mr. Staveley Hill asked whether the owner of a freehold grave would be required to make valuation returns? Mr. Hobhouse If I may be permitted to make a misquotation, De mortuis lex non curat." Mr. Ashley asked
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  • 342 4 The Pittsburg correspondent of an American paper states that Mr Pitcairn, formerly assistant to the president of the Pennsylvania Railway, his left a fortune estimated at £3,000,000 to his widow. His will containel only twelve lines of typewriting. The shortest will on record was that left by Mr. F. C.
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  • 652 4 NONE SO BLIND &c." It was Sir Arthur Young's Report on the Administration of the Straits last year that called particular notice to the damage the trade of the Colony was suffering from, m respect of the operations ot the Shipping Conferences, which keep away tramp steamers aud
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  • 193 4 Dr. Anton Bre nl, of the Liverpool School of Tropica] Medicine, has been appointed director of the newly- founded School of Tropical Medicine m Western Australia. Dr. Breinl has had a remarkable and very distinguished career. For many years he was first assistant to Professor
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  • 18 4 Mr E. W. Birch, c.m.g., has returne tod Perak after his journeyings up-country into the land of Rahman.
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  • 122 4 Bright is the sunshine and pleasant the labcur, Djwa m the hayfiald for me and my neighbour. S anllows skim lightly across the pink clover Watching us turn the cocks over and over* Gaily we work where the peewits are calling, D >*m by the stream where the
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  • 197 4 Two general paragraphs of Sir Arthur Young's Administration Report for I'.'ijs read The year under review was an exceptionally bad one for the trade of the Colony, not only was the depression throughout the world felt here, but as pointed out by the Chairmen of the
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  • 136 4 In the Administration Report for \9 >s, Sir Arthur Young writes The country distnc's of Singapore, Penan?, Province Wellesley and Malacca ou^ide Municipal limits were placed under the administration of Rural Boards, one fur Singapore Island, one for Penang Island, one for Province Wellesley and one for Malacca.
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  • 366 4 Although at the present moment coolies from Southern India are coming into Malaya m an eminently satisfactory manner, the labour question has been hy no means tinahy solved aud must always remain a vital factor m the prosperity of the planting industry. The reduction of costs
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  • 784 5 Rev. Mother St. Hombeline, Lady Superior of the Singapore Convent, arrived m Penang from the Southern Settlement by the Ipoh. i Mr. Eu Siang Hye, of Kuala Lumpur 1 otherwise known as SH. Eu, m.r.aixh. has obtained the appointment of mining instructor m the College of
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  • 49 5 LADIES' RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Walker Cur Shoot. The following scores were made yesterday by toe Singapore Ladies m the September shoot for tbe Walker Cup MUsGunn 4 Mrs MauMen |J Miss Lloyd g Mrs Laarmont «>* Mrs Salmond <*0 Mrs Bowes o0 187 Many other ladies shot for the monthly competition.
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  • 397 5 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. Rubbers still keep the feature of the market, and there hss been a noticeable advance m a great number of the shares during the past few days, with good enquiries, but sellers are difficult to find at present prices, so that the amount cf business transacted
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  • 330 5 S'rortly after eleven o'clock yesterday morning, shouts of fire, fire were raised by the tongkang and simpan coolies whose vessels were moored off Clyde Terrace, near the police station. A dense volume of smoke was seen to be issuing from tbe roof of house No. 30,
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  • 111 5 The September volume of this publication ontains a rep rt of the Agri-Horticultural Show wi'h the Governor's sp*ch ii eluded, which he? been reprinted from the Straits Times. Trnre is an arricle on the Palmetum at the B>tanical Girdens with a rather fine plate From this it
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  • 55 5 The name of Blciiot is now known all over tbe world since his splendid achievement of crossing the English Channel on his aeroplane. The Bangkok Dock Co. Ltd. advertise that they are prepared to supply B eriot aeroplanes at Tcs. 7,000 each. Who will be the first to fly from
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  • 780 5 By the courtesy of the Japanese Consulhere we have been supplied with a copy of the 1909 Firaocialand Economic Annual of Japan. This is one of those works which fill one with amazed admiration for Japanese ability to deal with detail. It is m precis an economic history
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  • 147 5 The Tennyson centenary has naturally produced a crop of stories of which one of the best is that told to day by Mr W L Courtney. Irving was discussing Becket with the pcet, and ordered a bottle of port to help iv the discussion. Tennyson drank glass after
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  • 42 5 The colonies and d .^pendencies of England, instead of drawing money from the Mother Country, have prospered," says a contemporary. So far from drawing money from the Mother Country, cne of our biggest Colonies has always had as a motto Advance, Australia
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  • 194 5 Linggi Plantations. Messrs Guthrie Co are m receipt cf a telegram from the General Manager advising that tbe output of dry rubber from the above Company's Estates during the month of August was 44 500 lbs. It should be noted that this amount is exclusive of the output
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  • 381 5 Some months ago (says a Bangkok correspondent) a number of influential Siamese aid Chinese floated 1 shipping concern, the Chine Siamese Steam Navigation Compary Limited, wiih a capital of 3,0w ,000 ticals. This amount was afterwards doubled. Pending the construction or purchase of steamers cf their own
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  • 224 5 A correspondent of the Vossische Zeitung H writes from Bangkok that tre struggle for markets becomes more and more keen The French have almost excluded the foreigner from their sphere, and the English aie showing a manifestly hostile spirit to German enterprise. The ideas of Chamberlain
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  • 72 5 II jor 11. A. A. Livingstone, C M G B E commanding the Field Dopot, K >yal Engineers, at Aldershot, has been selected to succ:ed Lieut. -Col. H. V. Kent, KE as Commanding Royal Engineers, Straits Settlements. He served on the Staff throughout the South African campaign, taking part m
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  • 677 6 With tbe heavy raius we are having, it is not at all improbable that there might take place the usual slips at the Pass. In view of the nature of the country they are but natural, and the one we reported the o her day might
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  • 294 6 At tbe congress of sanitary science at Leeds the President said So often had the public been scared by warnings of danger, and told not to do that, or to eat this, that there seemed nothing to look forward to but a kind of negative existence. This nervous
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  • 768 6 Ou Tuesday, August 31st, the members of the P. W. D. and Survey Department* presented their retiring Chief, C >lonel the Honourable A. Murray. V. D C. E Mem. Inst. C. E Colonial Engineer and Survey General of the Straits Settlements, with an address enclosed m a
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  • 330 6 Colonel Murray's Retirement. Before Council rose the Hon Tan Jiak Kirn asked permission to address a few words to His Excellency and the members. At the end of last month, he said, there had retired from the service their Colonial Engineer, Colonel Murray, after having served the Colouey
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  • 366 6 And how it will be Taken. The arrangements now m hand, says the Bangkok Times, for the taking of the census of Bangkok are fast approaching completion, and by this time next month everyone m the large area covered by the capital will have passed though the enumerator's
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  • 147 6 SIAXAIf Drowned at Hongkong. A Frenchman a member of the crew of the French mail steamer Ernest Simions lo^t his life m the Hongkong harbour on the ltJth. The deceased, whose name was R. de Messima, accompanied by a few others, launched one of the ship's boats and
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  • 176 6 Mr Sydney Buxton, p., Postmaster-Gene-ral, has promised to give a welcome to the membsis of the International Conference of the Press at one of their sittirg?, which will be held m London m the third week of September. Over twenty nationalities will be represented, and Lord Burnham will
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  • 39 6 > m < Mr Hamilton Fyfe, m his article on Cata lonia, makes us acquainted with a new tint, 44 a yellow, browny, grey." Anything, however, is better than the M watercress green against which we issued a uk,ase last week.
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  • 757 6 Thb Highest Mountain m Malaya. Gunong Kerbau towers into the sky to the north of Ipoh and is stated m Mr Con way Belfisld's Handbook to the Federated Malay States to be the highest mountain m the chaia of mountains which run throughout almost the entire length of
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  • 56 6 The result of the August bawling competition was as follows i RinsfordC. i>4f> 200 84tf Freeman H. 823 20 843 Dencys F. 556 200 758 Howe CM. 556 190 74<> Dunn S. 604 140 744 Robertson J. $47 80 727 Harrington A. G. 478 200 *'»78 Taylor
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  • 75 6 Mr Arnold Armstrong is determined that Mr Rudyard Kipling shall not feel that the Muse is deserting him. 44 Usually," says the Mr Armstrong, when poetry becomes patriotic it ceases to be poetry." We read that m their attack on a Spanish blockhouse, the Moors drove out two donkeys and
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  • 1706 7 Ordinary Meeting Friday, Sept 3. PRBSBNT His Excellency the Governor Sir Join Anderson The Hon'ble the Col. Sec. Capt Sir A. V y the Treasurer J. O. ADthonisz." the Attorney-General W. T. Napier. the Col. Engineer, F. J. Pig:tt. Tan Jiak Kirn. W. D. Barnes. C O. Ellis.
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  • 71 7 The _ftnsger reports rubber crop lnrvee'ed during the mouth of August, 5,486 lbs. estimated dry. Corresponding month last year 2.585 lbs. dry. Total for fist five months of years 1909 10, 20,127 lbs. estimated dry. Total for conespouding periol last year 13,721 lbs. dry. Sinoapore Paka Estates.
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  • 35 7 The total quantity of Tin Ore exported by the tributers on the land of The Royal Johore Tin Mining coy. Ltd. during the month of August was 111 bags— pikuls 83.
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  • 1329 7 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Sept. 3. Present Mr E. G. Broadrick (President), Dr. Fowlie and Messrs C. W. Darbishire, J. C^rnpiet, Cheng Keng Lee, Ong Teck Lim, Wm. Macbean, C. I. Carver, also R. Peirce (Eopineer), Dr. W. R. C. Middleton (Health Officer), and J. Polglase (Secretary. Minutes. The
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  • 412 7 The new Blue- Hock on Shipping Rings which contains tbe Sub Commission's report on the South African evidence, sutlers somewhat from the circumstance that the instruction to the Sub-Commission did not require them to form any conclusions on tbe evidence taken .nor to formulate recommendations.
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  • 1504 8 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libdli. Juvenal. In hoc anno mirabili (remarkable as being •a year of anniversaries," according to the D>Mly sei(ki) we have to note the centenary of another considerable figure m literature, a trans it hint ie figure this time, Dr O'.iver
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  • 183 8 Lingo i Dividend 40 per cent. Messrs* Guthrie and Co. inform us that they are m receipt of a cable from the Secretaries of th* Company advising that an interim dividend of 40% has been declared. Labu (F If. 8. Rubber.) A telegram from the Manager advises that
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  • 17 8 Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take
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  • 446 8 The hulk Tancarville has been bought by Capt. Giovanni Gaggino. A Brtisher, named E. G. Lee, has been placed at the head of the Mines' Department at Tongkah. Ia 1907 the rubber yield of Klang amounted to 818,469 lbs. In 19;8 this figure rose to 1,301,429
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  • 179 8 The members of the Darul Adab Club were "at home" on Saturday night at their club house m Short Street, the house being prettily illuminated with Japanese lanterns, whilst there were present many Europoans. Ronggeng and jogget served as amusements, and refreshments were provided. The Hon.
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  • 235 8 Presentation to Capt. Ben.jakield. Unusual interest was attached to the Church Parade of the Singapore Volunteer Corps last evening. This was tbe occasion on which Captain F. J. Benjafield, Officer Commanding the Maxim Section of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery, was to he presented with the Long Service
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  • 544 8 ON VIEW AT THE RAFFLES MUSEUM. All lovers of the uu'que m art should pay a visit to the X ffl.s Museum and examine the four new glass-cases filled with chased and quaintly wrought silver- ware from Java, F. M S Borneo, and other parts of
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  • 223 8 DEATH OF Mr N. H. D. CUSCADEN. With great regret we have to announce the death of Mr Norman H. D. Cuscaden, of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company son of Mr W. A. Cuscaden, the respected Inspector General of police. Jlr Norman Cuscaden bad been m hospital tor some time,
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  • 45 8 LOCAL GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP. The following were the results of the third round m the above played on the Keppel links. Fowlie beat Crabb Watt one up. Mugliston beat Hitchcock 5 and S. Stevens beat Stratton at the 20th hole. Miles beat Ferguson 3 and 2.
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  • 322 9 A BRITISH RULER OF JAVA. Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take larged his lord's dominions. But m fulfilling his mission, his body was wasted, his health seriously impaired. During his long residence m tropical
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  • 481 9 For the last <j'iarter of a century Pollard's Lilliputian Troupe has hid an established reputation as a well-organised and attractive troupe of child- players, and though children hive a knack of growing up which takes them out of the company, often into senior combination^, there is a continuity
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  • 10 9 Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 9 10 Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take
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  • 9 10 Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take
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  • 1081 10 As Dickens somewhere remarks m his works walking is the cheapest form of recreation and the least exciting.' If people unders'ood the value of walking they would certainly walk more. By walking, it is not m=»ant that a business man living at Tanglin, for example, has
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  • 530 10 Riverside (Selaxook) Rubber Co, Lti Registered August 4th, by HcKeQI rmal Sirae, 8, Hill Street, Edinburgh Cat N «£50,00 l», m i"l shares. Objects To acquire and develop as a rubber estate cr for otb* purposes certain blocks of land known as tl Riverside Rubber Estate, Selangor, and
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  • 118 10 Mr G. V. L. Scott has been apr I ral manager of this large concern v. itl. lh< name of '"The Tankah Rubber E* 4 I Ltd. The estate is ItjOOO "eleven ftooa acres m extent, of which 1«844| arc ioe under rubber, and it is to
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  • 130 10 Readers of the Echo are aware that, about the beginning of the current year, a I named Chew Cheng Chuan, stood chertf I with bigamy. The preliminary enquiry far advanced, but bail been, it will be KM I bered, postponed many times, to suable tit Crown to procure
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  • 24 10 The suggestion that recent Polar observations have teen Cocked is negatived bj tbe definite statement that the terr.pen_itre was 83 degrees below zero, centigrade.
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  • 11 11 Norman, \2ato the Budget League to take
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  • 391 11 A Long List Waiting. There are no fewer than sixteen appeals from the decisions of police magistrates on the Supreme Court list. These have accumulated during the absence m Penang of the Judges. In the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, the Chief Justice, Sir" William Hyndman Jones, was occupied
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  • 398 11 Threatening with Intent. In the District- Criminal Court yesterday, before Mr Howard, the case of Chia Mak Chuan vs Tan Go Reh was heard which presented some interesting features. The formor was accused of hiving threatened the latter m a violent manner unless he (the plaintiff) at once
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  • Correspondence.
    • 130 11 To the Editor. Sir,—l would be glad if you would insert a few lines m your valuable paper, calling attention to the insufficient lighting of Hill Street, m the hope that the Municipal authorities will think it worth their trouble to look into this matter. From Loke
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  • 221 11 A Volunteer Funeral. The funeral of the late Mr N. H. D. Cuscaelen took place at the Bidadari cemetery yesterday morning. The deceased was an active member of the Singapore Royal Engineers (Volunteer) and was given a military burial. The coma was draped with the LTuion Jick
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  • 144 11 Another venture has been registered m Singapore under the above title. Capital a million dollar shares, of which 202,500 are kept, m reserve. To take over Chop Tiang Guan's and Trafalgar Estate and to plant the latter with Para rubber to acquire certain other lands adjacent
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  • 339 11 POLLARD'S LILLIPUTIANS. The clever little members of Pollard's Lilliputian Opera Company played toanother enthusiastic house at the Victoria Theatre last night. The piece staged, "In Towd," is well known, and was produced a few years ago by Singapore amateurs with great success. From the raising of the curtain
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  • 555 11 INTERESTING TO THE MERCHANT. SERVICE. Second Officer's Certificate Take?* and Returned. The stranding of the 6teamer Mahratta on the Goodwin Suids some months ago on a voyage from India, is now matter of hUtory, but what followed may not be generally known to all captains and officers
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  • 49 11 Messrs. F. W. Barker and Co. inform us that the output of cleau ore for the month of August was: —Elevators 127 pikuls; Tribute 270 89 pikuls. Total 397.39. Senawang Rubber. The output of dry rubber from Senawang Estate for the month of August was 1,303 lbs.
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  • 231 11 Thetwo French mails Tonkin and Oilmen arrived yesterday morning at the Borneo Wharf and left again for their respective destinations iv the evening. The Ojeanien left Marseilles on August 15th everything being quiet and orderly among the maritime woikers. Fine weather favoured the steamer on the run East. The passenger
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  • 839 12 Saturday morning, dawned beautifully bright and clear for training operations on the course, the track having benefited considerably by the shower the day previous. Thw number of early rising sportsmen present was quite large and some interesting work was witnessed. Albatross (Native) was one of the nrst to
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  • 30 12 Dr. G. M. Harston, who has acted as honorary ophthalmic surgeon at the Hongkong Tungwah Hospital, has been presented with several pieces of beautiful embroidery on his departure for homo.
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  • 1291 12 Birmingham Man's Dreadful Fate. Immured m a Leper's Colony. We leave the following harrowing story m a Birmingham paper to our Hongkong friends. In another part it is stated that Smart was missing for two years and was only discovered by the persistent efforts of Mr G.
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  • 505 12 The Cheras Rubber Estates, Ltd is being floated with a capital of $200,000, divided into 20,0(0 shares of $1 each, of which 12,500 are issued, 2.900 fully paid shares will be issued to the vendors m part payment of the purchase price, and 9,600 offered for subscription,
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  • 173 12 Contrary to general belief we have not to go far back to trace the origin of the bridal orange blossom custom. Like most feminine fashions this one came from France, and wa* introduced into England by Queen Victoria. France, m the first place, had copied it
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  • 102 12 The following is from an cffi;ial report submitted to tbe Shanghai Municipal Board: In view of ilia approaching closing of the remainder of the opium houses m Shanghai, it may be *f interest to state that private smoking is distinctly on the increase. There is evidence to show that opium
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  • 510 12 The following lots, comprising about 7r tons of Straits and 16i tons Ceylon. wer< offered at auction on Aug. 6tb and sold a^ follows Straits and Malay States. cases I>cr lb Cikiyanakande 14 worms bought m 5 cr bought m Batang Kali 3 cr j
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  • 200 12 Laxity m Pfkin<. Peking dispatches state that though tit opium prohibition was enforced m Pel with much stringency at the outlet, ti keenness has since gradually worn cfl It if now but a farce. OtfL-ials. who were addicted to smoking, after having' l>een p.sscd cured, have been required
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  • 108 12 M It is admited to-day that the best <ur all mind disturbances is digging m the sob. remarks Dr. William Graham, medical Mipt r intendent of the Belfast District Lunr.t Asylum, m his annual report. A well known specialist on nervous diseases told a Morn: Leader"
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  • 206 13 Farewells are the order of the day for our retiring Attorney General. On Monday night at tbe Freemasons' Hall, there was a farewell concert, at which it was announced by Bro F. M. Elliot, who succeeds Bro Napier as District Grand Master
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  • 387 13 n %M \y Laidlaw's Case. Owing to the illness of complainant a p -.pmement m this case was asked for and granted ycstssday by Mr Colman until Tuesday next. The firm m question had some goods stolen by two employes on Aug J"), and both were arrested. Smuo
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  • 182 13 •Ti:e Girl From Paris." A bright little show The correct expres- :i of a professional brother exictly JesBrihts the "Girl from Paris" as played ist night by the clever children uuder Mr ird's management. The musical play h more play than music, but what was reeded of the
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  • 69 13 The Aberdeen Evening Express of Aug. 6th has a picture of Sgt. M. K. Watt, Singapore, ("who put on ten consecutive bulls '•yes at the firing point of the Aberdeen Wapinschaw. In the probable King's Forty he scored 90 (18th) Lady Semphill's Cup (200 yds.) third with 33 Martin's series
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  • 771 13 NOVELTY FOR SINGAPORE. Description of the New Building. A type of building that is qiite new to Singapore i 3 rapidly nearing completion. This structure is known as the Arcade and extends from Rifflas Place to Collyer Quay. The site was formerly occupied *by Guthrie and Company's old
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  • 54 13 The following property was disposed of by auction at Powell A Co.'s sale-room yesterday afternoon. Freehold land, area 20,000 square feet, part of Grant 2, situate near the 4th milestone Giylang Road, together with the dwelling thereon known as No. 816 Gaylang Road. Bought by R. M. M.
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  • 23 13 Tronoh Mines Ltd. Tronoh output for August was pikuls 3,360. Lahat Mine 9 Ltd. Lahat output for August was pikuls 800.
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  • 913 13 CHIEF JUSTICE DEALS WITH THE WORK. The fifth Assizes for the year commenced at the Supreme Court yesterday before the Chief Justice, Sir William H. Hyndman Jones. Special Jury for Tobin Case. Mr Hastings Rhodes, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, mentioned the order m which he desired to take
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  • 988 13 There are indications that the Football Association have not had such an easy task m disposing of the Professional Players* Union as it expected to have, and the cable of September lst pretty clearly indicates that those wbo were so insistent m maintaining that the Union had been
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  • 251 14 Ormnary Mbetino. Tue3dat, Sept 7. Present H>3 Excellency the Governor Sir John Anderson. The Hon'ble the Col. Sec. Capt Sir A. Young. m the Treasurer J. O. Anthonisz. the Attorney-General W. -T. Napier. the hg. Col. Engineer, F. J. Pigott. Tan Jiak Kirn. W. D. Barnes. E. C.
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  • 374 14 Reward for liOHO Service. The heavy downpour cf rain yesterday morning did not prevent His Excellency the Governor. Sir John Anderson, from keeping his appointment at the Post Office. Punctually at 900, the Government House carriage drew up at the porch. His Excellency was accompanied by Captain Stockley,
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  • 88 14 This handsome cricket trophy, presented by Sir Ralph Paget K. C. M. G to be competed for alternately m Bangkok and Singapore is now on view m the S. C C. pavilion, wbe% it will remain for a few days. Bangkok, as is known, have been the
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  • 109 14 The congested state of Ipoh m some parts of the town is described as follows The Chairman reports that, as tbe result of a house-to-houee inspection m Panglima and Market Lane houses, m 35 houses 552 people were found at the time of inspection and the occupiers stated that 415
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  • 942 14 The Officers of t_9 Johore Government are giving a dinner at the Johore Hotel on Sept 18th m honour of the birthday of H.H. the Sultan. The lepers of the Philippine Islands have been now collected, except from the Moro province. 685 were collected m three
    942 words
  • 951 14 ACCUSED AT THE ASSIZES. A SPECIAL JURY SWORN. Martin Alexander Tobin, chief clerk m the water department of the Municipality, appeared before the Chief Justice, Sir William Hyndman Jones, and a special jury at the Assizes yesterday on three charges of criminal breach of trust as a
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  • 682 14 Harris Vs. Neo Pee Keng. This part- heard case m the District Civil Court before Mr. Saunders was resumed yesterday morning at 11 30, Mr. Montagu Harris, the plaintiff appearing m person, and Mr. Elliot (Rodyk and Davidson) appearing for the defendant. The case deals with a certain
    682 words
  • 220 14 The Gaiety Giri An enthusiastic, if not a crowded audience, attended at the Victoria Theatre b>* night to witness the performance of the Gaiety Girl. The whole comedy fiom begitninp I end went with a swiug, eLcores being frequent and nsponded to m the beat tie* t manner
    220 words

  • 1207 15 (By Suhaaarine TeUftnph.) (Mettter's Agmwg Rec. Sept. 2, 10 6 a.m. B niter's correspondent at Copenhagen Hja that information, seemingly oticial, has teen received that the American explorer COok who startel m February 190S 1907) from Etah (rErith) reached the North Pole on April _1. 11*08, and is now
    1,207 words
  • 59 15 Captain awarded $7,500. {From our own Correspondent^ Hongkong, Sept. 2ad. The Special Jury which has been trying m the Supreme Court, Hongkong, the action brought by Captain C. W. Mitchell of the Fook Sang, against John Lemm, an architect, for misconduct with Mrs Mitchell at Kowloon and other
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  • 83 15 Hongkong Police Suspicious. Hongkong, Received at 9.25 am. Mr W. Butler Wright, chief accountant to the Canton- Hongkong Railway, Canton (Chinese) section has disappeared under conditions that suggest defalcations amounting to 50,000 dollars. The Police have learned that he left by the Tenyo Maru. Received at 2.11 pm.
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  • 34 15 (From our own Correspondent.) A. Memorial Service was held m St. Mary's Church, Kuala Lumpor. on Sunday evening, for the late H. L. Talbot, commissioner of Police, F. M. S.
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  • 42 15 Penang, Sept. 3rd. A remarkably fine game of tennis was played this (Friday) afternoon between Mr. Fred Silzmann and Mr. H. Eichenberg, the Champion of Penang. Mr. Salzmann beat the local champion by three sets, 6—4, 7—5 and B—o.
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  • 33 15 Penang, Sept. 4. Mr D. A. M. Brown of Penang has won the Highland amateur golf championship at Pitlochry, beating Campbell by two up and one to play.
    33 words
  • 18 15 > < Ipoh, Sept 2. Burglars broke into the Public Works Office at Telok Anson last night and stole $125.
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  • 33 15 A TEKKA DIVIDEND. {From our own Correspondent^ Ipoh, Sept 2. It is announced that a dividend of onn dollar per share will be paid by the Tekka Company on September 7.
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  • 48 15 Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 2. A new rubber company is being floated locally to be known as the Cheras Rubber Estates. The capital is to be $200,00,) and $125,000 is being issued. The Company acquires Cheras and Emmott estates near K^jing the area being 1,000 acres.
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  • 134 15 Penang, Sept. 2. Tin statistics show that the consumption m August m the United Kingdom was 1,000 tons, on the Continent 1,900 tons, and m America 3,100 tons, or a total of 0,000 tons Tbe visible supply on the first of September was 13,794 tons. This again shows
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  • 24 15 Penang, Sept. 2nd. The output of the Tongkah Dredging Co, has been returned for August at 850 pikuls, with two dredges working.
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  • 27 15 The August crop of the Anglo-Malay was 47,183 lb. Pataling August crop was 12,826 lb. The London Asiatic Co. crop was 6 927 lb
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  • 39 15 The Tin Exports for the three Western States of Negri Sembilan, Perak and Selangor, for the first eight months of this year amout to 4i»9,089 pikul as against 537,122 pikuls for the corresponding period of last year.
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  • 22 15 Penang, Sept. 5. Linggi Plantations pay an interim dividend of 40 per cent, and Consolidated Malay 20 per cent.
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  • 28 15 Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 4. The Planters Stores' London branch advise that the average price of No 1 Plantation rubber is now 8 2 p3r pound.
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  • 45 15 Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 4*. The August crop on the Inch Kenneth estate was 8,404 pounds againt 1,035 pounds. The total for eight months is 40,747 against 7,370 for the same period of last year. The August crop on Seremban estate waa 19,0t)7 pounds.
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  • 55 15 Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 6.h. The following rubber crops are announced. F. M. S. Rubber Co. for August, 22,503 lb. as against 8,686 lb. for August last year, Total for three months 0*0,628 agiinst 19,903 last year. Kuala Lirnpor Rubber Co. August 33,900 lb. against 15,455 last August. Three
    55 words
  • 31 15 Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 7. The August crop taken on the above Company's estates totalled 2t>,764 pounds, making the total crop for tne past eight months 210,917.
    31 words
  • 84 15 Kuala Lumpor, Sept. 2. The kangany who was charged with committing an assault on Mr. W. J. Peters, of Bukit Hitam Estate, Pataling, has been committed for trial. The accused, ad scharged kangany, went to the estate ai A announced his willingness to fight all comers. The
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  • 19 15 Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 4. Dr A. D Giuilette has been appointed Residency doctor m Kelantan.
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  • 139 16 His C. M. G. Investiture. (From our own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 5. His Excellency the Governor who arrived here by train on Saturday invested Mr Conway Belfield with the insignia of the Companionship of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. Mr Belfield was accompanied
    139 words
  • 53 16 Against the Pinang Gazette. Penang, Sept. 7. The Chetties have issued a writ of libel action against the Pinang Gazette for an article contained m the issue of Aug. 31 st. [The letter of a correspondent, published, with mollitlying statements, on the date mentioned. It contains very
    53 words
  • 51 16 RAILWAY AGITATION IN THE F. M. S. Ipoh, Sept. 7. The European drivers and firemen en the railway have forwarded a petition to the Resident- General regarding the recent rules curtailing overtime pay and leave. It is stated that if the demands are not heeded there will be a general
    51 words
    • 425 16 Cap. Smum. Paid. LastDiv. Buyers. Seiif^ 150,000 2- 2<- An^o.Malay 12* Int. 15- DET jf R 30,000 1 1 BatuC.ves lo 52 80,000 1 1 Batu Tea (Salangor) 5 118 0 1 i-' M 100,000 i] BukitKajaDg I 4 0 t 1 N M Contributory 1 4(
      425 words
    • 496 16 2 X) 10 In Biteownie 25 $5300 $5350 17 17 Hevea 1600 16 l 17 13 N 124 I**l Rt *****00 50 50 Jeboc- (Perak) 0000 U 500,000 10 I** Pagoh 16.22 I6i o- 1" 1»> Kagallu Ordinary -J:; 240 10 10 8^ Pref. 2150 M5O *****0
      496 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 48 16 Chronic Diarrhoea. Many sufferers from chronic diarrhoea have obtained prompt relief by the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Some of the worst cases of this disease have been permanently cured by it after other treatment and skilled physicians had failed. For sale by all dealers.
      48 words
    • 81 16 Telegrams: QICRJfEMQ RDfITUEDC Telephone Siemens, Singapore." WICIIICHO MM I HE HO No. 647, Singapore DYNAMO WORKS LIMITED. 32 and 50 HIGH VOLTAGE 200 TO 253 Candle Poweb TANTALUM LAMPS Volts 2, WINCHESTER HOUSE, Head Offices 6, BEACH ROAI> Caxton House, Westminster, SINGAPORE. London. S. W PENANO Printed and Published for
      81 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous