The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 22 July 1909

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 227 1 LrADKKS. UassyMfttd Yunnan *> Penan? Dcvk Matters 49 Ral fMH F..\ mrt^l 50 Imp rial Ortlg Sorice 5) 'hint's Opium Cr p 50 Fer-ia'3 New Hul.r 51 l>.»n C;irl<>s Dead 61 W«d Ban land**! 61 A N.w "Society" Bi 1 U (Jovetnmiat AdvoTtUic*j. M Tlm Spitting OrdnuuMt 1 1
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  • 70 1 (Corrected up to July 21 iimk 4 m s 2/4 7 2 ck'mdDtl 4/va Private criditß 3in s 2/4^ credits om 3 2 4.'. Fuance, demiuJ Bank... -94Jisu.M \NY.ueinacd 233^ India, T. T, 175f Uon^kont., demand 24^%>dis. Yokohama, demand nom. 113£ Java, demand 139f Bangkok' uemaiid G5 Sovereigns, Bank
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 85 1 Alex Bbd, At Benholm, Syed AH Road, on the 16th inst. the wife of Alex Reid, of a son. Gore Anderson. At Bath, England, on July 12, the wife. of A. F. Gore Anderson, of a son. (By cable.) YOUVQ —At 40, St. John's Wood Park, London, on July
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    • 53 1 Scharexguivel-Fa/eki:hley. At Singapore on the 17th inst., at 4 p.m. at St. Andrews Cathedral by the Rev. Marsh Kirkby, James Arthik, only son of Mr. and Mrs. James Charles SCHABUOUIYBL of Colombo, Ceylon, to Miss May Fazekerley, only daughter of George Far.ekerley and hi 3 wife Miss Ellen Gleave
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    • 50 1 Weaver. *Jlst June, at Westminster, after twelve days' illness, from acute append iciti*, A. C. M. Weaver, of Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., aged 4& On Tuesday, July 20th, at 9 p.m. Tbomas Smith, lato of Borneo Co., Ltd., Sarawak. Interment will take place at Didadari Cemetery this evening (Wednesday).
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  • 203 1 The last mail from home arrived by the j P. and O Djlhi on Friday last with mails up to Jute 25. A homeward mail was takea on Tuesday by the N. D. L. Yorek t# and this weekly by the B. f Taroba to-day. The J^hjre piracy
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  • 149 1 July 21. TL* *6(>65 GamOier M M SB -i Gambler Chile No. 1 l^. r -0 Gambiar Cube. No. 2 1 2.00 Pepper Biac^ (crd 'n. S'pora) 1 1. 87} Pepper, White bn/ere 18.25 Niitmcgc (110 to lV)^, 16.00 Nutmegs (80 to tha Ik) 22.C 0 M&co (Banda) M
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  • 1002 1 July IG. Of all the neir-by piits of the commercially unexplored world, the Chinese Province of Vim-nan is by far the most important and interesting. Not only for its immense siza aud population, but from the facts that it borders on the Indian Empire for many huudrel miles,
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  • 419 1 The Pintag Ga/Jtte notes that f.oui July Ist the Prai Do:k is handed over to the Peaang Harbour and Bmrd we had an idea that it was the Pacing Committee of the Ti,DJji3g Pj.gar Board audtxpresses a prefe .enee for a proper Pen ing Port Trust,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 183 1 MbMrita t he "Singapore Froe Pkw M 'y retwaiag u-^u Europe to the Straits I I mail line-, :<re invited t«» Mttd to II Maaacnt ti mm of Hheii steamer and date vi arrival m S:; > -:>j> ••»>. Copies wiil then be I Beet them at various ports ot
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    • 60 1 MARTIN'S m French Ramedy for all Irregularities. T .)usM.<l*rf Va<!ies k< n. i; >x. cf \Urtas Pillu m the house, so tiv»t on rM nm rifn i-f y Ine^ulertty of the Systcn a timely dr«a ti.ay W ■■nswilcrcJ. Tr.osc wh« -I*3 f>*ta re them, hence tMR |Mia>. ,M At
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  • 439 2 Rat F leas Exonerated. There are still people m this world who 4believe implicitly m the theory that th e earth is really flat, a theory which has many pleasing possibilities, and may m a few ▼ears be adequately tested by our aeronautical experts, who will be able to sail
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  • 1523 2 July 17. Some considerable interest for the public of this Colony lies m the discussion at the Imperial Press Conference on Cable-news Services and Pres3 Inter-communication, because it is one of the matters m which words may he converted into action. lightly or wrongly, reasonably or not,
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  • 1289 2 July 19. A factor that has frequently been introduced into the discussion of tha opium question, is as to the bon\ fides of China. Oae school of disputants has contended that for China to to the Powers to stop sending opium to the Chinese, is nothing
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  • 426 3 Constitutionalism teems not to agree wita old autocrats. First there was Abdul Hamid of Turkey, now blessing his stars that his enraged people spared his miserable \'u\ though it meant renouncing autocracy. Then according to yesterday's wire it is the Shah of P<MM who is taken m
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  • 306 3 July 20. :<e imsh of Don Carlos will not greatly ■Ml Spain, for since the accession of Al--1 I -Mil he his not come forward aotive•v as a Pretender to tbe Throne of Spain. the B urbon line, he claimed to be King <-£ Sr aia by
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  • 617 3 The boroughs and corporations of greater London, north by east, seem to be specially designed to show how not to conduct municipal affiirs. Their governments are corrupt and run by grafters, their corporate trading marked by all the evils that can be conceived of a system that
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  • 716 3 A New Societies Bill. July 21. Oa the Orders of the Day for Friday's meeting of the Legislative Council there appears Bill to amend the Societies' Ordinance, s?cond reading." la our report of the meeting of Council last Friday we give the remarks of the Hon'ble W. D. Barnes m
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  • 1061 3 Government Advertising." There are times when we despair of ever getting Government and indeed local business men to recognize that when we speak of advertising" a matter we do not necessarily mean taking a large space m a newspaper and paying for it. Like other businesses, newspapers have to be
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  • 994 4 July 2± We confess to finding it extremely difficult to take up any pronounced attitude on the question of what may ba brutally termed the regulation of spitting. On theoretical grounds there is no difficulty for we fihould all heartily condem the habit as disgusting, and if
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  • 355 4 A hopeful result from the tiae speeches made at the Press Conference is that attention is being drawn to the nccassity of following words by deeds. We have quoted a fine article, having the same trend, "The End and the Means" m connection with the rejection of
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  • 1322 4 Meeting of British Subjects, explanations at bangkok. In accordance with a notice circulated Mr W. R. D. Beckett, British Charge d'Affaires, met a gathering of British subjects of all classes resident m Siam, to explain the pro visions of the new Anglo Siamese Treaty and to give
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  • 412 4 Final at Tan-.i m. What was expected io be a fast ami v citing game proved quite the reverse at Tanglin last evening, wheu the tinal ot the above Competition was decided between 1 > and "H" Companies Middlesex liniment, the former just winning by a very
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  • 80 4 To the supporters of the local Government m their two bills for enlarging powers of government departments, unler the Pharmacy and the Societies Amendment Bill, we present this forcible sentence whic has been adduced as the chief reason wh> Britons are reluctant to enact the obli^itioa of military service. It
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  • 544 5 Mr. W. Rea of 38, Niven Road, has reported to the Police that jewellery and property amounting to $730 has been stolen from his house. The police aay there are no signs of house breaking. The mortality returns for Singapore for the week eDded July 10
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  • 133 5 THE HANDING OVER. {From a Correspondent Oq July 9th tta Siamese warship Sri Tamarat arrived at Kelantan from Seugora, with a Siamese official on board, bringing a letter from the X ug of Siam with regard to the Treaty. On Ju!v 11th a telegram was received by the K»j*h
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  • 138 5 The annual installation of Lodge Eistern f»ate No. 2970 the military lodge of Singapore, was held iv Freemasons' Hall last night. Th* District Grand Master, the hon'ble W. J. Napier, D. C. L officiated at the installation, assisted by Grand Lodge Officers Elliot, Sims Apps, Bean, Craig, Gleunie, Majhew
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  • 471 5 Use of the Knife m Chinatown. Before the Chief Justice and a special jury at the Assizes yesterday, a young Teochew named Lee Ah Choon was charged with murder. He claimed to be tried and was defended by Mr Cooke Yarborough. Mr Hastings* Rhodes, the Deputy Public
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  • 327 5 FRASER CO'S SHARE CIRCULAR. The demand for Kubbars still continues, and the shares 01 any new company with at all favourable prospects are at once rushed to a premium. Tiie Kimuning flotation was a great success, aiid the shares already stand at 225% premium. The ludus'rial and Mining ■eotlOM have
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  • 118 5 ALL CLEAR PROFIT." In the year 1904 the P& O steamer Malacca was captured by the Russians and suffered various indignities, now almost forgotten. Likewise consignees of cargo out here suffered the loss of their shipments, which of course were not covered by the insurance policy, and probably were long
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  • 272 5 [There is an inoculation Department at St. Mary's Hospital, and a great part of its daily work consists m treating unbecoming com* plexions. A vaccine, containing about 130 millions of militant germs, is injected, Dear the shoulder, by means of an hypodermic syringe. Then, hey presto the
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  • 281 5 The SRC tennis tournament came to a close last evening when the Chimpionship round was played between A. E. Coelbo and E. E. De Sjuzi. A good crowd of members watched the game. Bo!h players have done well m the tournament. Dj Souzi took the lead, but
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  • 124 5 The following were the results* of yesterday's shooting. Yards H'cap ToL 100 150 MrsMauldon 29 29 7 064 Mrs Howes 31 30 *5 05 5 Mrs Learmoot 32 29 -5 65 5 Miss K. Anderson 27 20 '8 05 4 Mrs Ellis 34 31 scr/ 05 Miss Kerr
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  • 104 5 A second eleven of the S. C. C. played the Band and Drums of the Middlesex Regiment at Association football on the Esplanade last evfniDg. Both elevens worked bard and a good deal cf vigour was put into the game. Play was by no means of a brilliant
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  • 843 5 The German steamer Sandakan, 1,110 tons, Capt. Wolff, came m from New Guinea with Mr Pless and 19 passengers. She leaves for New Guinea on the 25th. The B. I. mail steamer Taroba, 6,000 tons, arrived m port on Saturday from Madras v'A Indian ports and Penang. The
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  • 87 5 The sequel to the celebrated Menelewbu Syndicate case between Mr J. M. Wilson and Mr M. R. Tuornton, tried m IVnang, is down for hearing m the Supreme Cturt here. It will be remembered that the broker for obtaining the option. Yoocg Yoon Hong, was to be paid by Mr
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  • 466 6 The Forest Ordinance comes into force on Oct. 1, 1909. Mr P. J. Sproule is appointed to act as Solicitor General, Penang, and Mr. H. G. Sarwar as Registrar, Pening. The cash on delivery system is now authorised between the Straits and Southern Rhodesia, This is
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  • 180 6 Wa regret to say that a telegram was received yesterday rinuouucio^ the deith of Mr J >hn Burkiiislij.97, pirtn<*r m the le,:al Arm of Djualdson and Borsinshaw, and for in-my years a resident of Singapore. Mr Borkinshaw OSJM to Singapore thirty ycari ago and then
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  • 164 6 The following? report of the Church m Taujong Pagar Road, Singapore, is published. On June 21st, 1904, the foundation stone was laid by H. E. Sir Jjhn Anderson g c. m g. aud on Jinuary 13' b, 1905, the buildinsr wa9 formally opened and dedicitod. lacreasiug su:cd3B
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  • 897 6 Friday, July 16. I'kesbnt Hi 3 Excellency the Governor Sir Joh Anderson Hia x >llency Maj-Gen. T. Perrott, C.B ,G.O.C T. The Hon'ble the Col. Sjc. Capt Yuung. the Col. Treasurer J. O. Anthonisz. the Attorney-General W. I. Napier. the Col. Engineer A.. Murray. W. D. Barnes. H.
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  • 239 6 This bulky measure was taken m chaptersla the section "Who shall not be jurors'' the Attorney General moved to insart "P t r--BODB employed m the Post Office and Government Telegraphs." Mr Port asked whether m practice the employees of the E is tern Extension Co. were not
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  • 515 6 Prize Day. The acini il prize distribution of the <J >vernnient School at Ourrani Rjad took pi ice yesterday afternoon. Tde large upper ball had been brightly decorated and was erunmed with Chinese youths. Among those preseut wee Sir Arthur Young, Colonial S^retarv, and Lidy Bfldva Youug,
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  • 90 6 The Ladies' monthly medal for July was played for on 12th July and won by Miss McNair with a uett score of 44. The folio wine: scores were returned. The time allowed for entering for the Naval Cup (Men's Foursomes) has been emtended to 6 pm.
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  • 663 6 Dutch Expert Opinions. Yesterday there pissed through Singapore Dr A. H. B*rkaou f Ute Conservator of Forests m J<tva, who was m the rubber planting field m the islaud a quarter of eeatury ago, and left for Sjerabiya this morning. Dr. Birkhout has spent three weeks on
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  • 167 6 A piper was laid on the table of the Council yesterday giving the acMiil revenue of 1908 on vkith the Djfeuce Contribution is payable. The amount due is. $1,632,575 or £190,467. The calculation 13 raiJe ou the actuif revenue, of which Twenty Per Cent is takec. The deductions
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  • 24 6 The Echo de Paris sa js it is stated at the Ministry of the Colonies that M. MillieeLacroix, the Minister, intends to visit LntioChina.
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  • 2167 7 LOOTING A JUNK OFF JOHORE. Fite Men Charged at the Assizes. A case of great interest was opened at the Assise Court yesterday, before the Chief Justice and a special Jury, when five Chinese were arraigned on charges of piracy and murder. The naiues or" th« accused
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  • 311 7 In the July number of the Agricultural Bulletin of the Straits and Federated Malay States, Mr H. N. Ridley, the editor, writes An interesting letter on the subject of rubber packing is published by James Ryan m the India Rubber Journal of May 3J, 19' 9, which, as
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  • 278 7 Long as the period seems when the Suez concession comes to an end, it is good to see that France as well as England i 3 beginning to look forward to the inevitable changes which must be made then, if radical ones are not made m the
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  • 223 7 When the day dawnp, whether under the guidance of German officials or otherwise, that we come to consider the question of education, we shall fiud the whole thing, as at present practised, m need of scrapping. A child is a living organism, belonging to the species termed
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  • 54 7 Inspector Connor, who has left for Penanp, was the recipient of several tokens of regard from his brethren of the forca. The Malays gave him a handome Earongr, woiked m gold, while the Chinese presented him with a gold ring. The ceremony took place at the Smith- st Club, Mr
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  • 516 7 The Perak Planters' Association is Dot m a strong position, due to the large extent of country it covers, necessitating representatives leaving tbeir estates for a whole day for a meeting, or even two d^ya. Mr C V. Stephens has given notice of motion to wind
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  • 219 7 Cutting out a Cat's Eyes. A particularly bad case of cruelty was brought to light on Saturday. About G. 50 m the morning, a Malay policeman on duty m South Bridge Road was attracted by the loud cries of a Cat. He saw two Ken Chinaman m the
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  • 195 7 (House of Commons June 21 Sir W. Collins asked the Under- Secretary for Foreign Affairs whether m the treaty with Siam now awaiting ratification it was proponed to transfer to Great Britain an y suzerain rights claimed by Siam over the Sultan of Kedah's dominion'? whether the Sultan. State
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  • 2698 8 (EBT. G. M. REITH, M. A.) la view of the fact that this year is the fmar hundredth anniversary of his birth, ■Geneva will be en pie during the next few days m honour of the great French II 3fortner, John Calvin, who made that
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  • 148 8 Ho, Topicist, where are you You've left us m the lurch Wf're looking for your wtek end howl Ere going eft" to church We column after column scan Iv vaiu. Are you 'dried up":' Or are you just malingering After an extra cup r We feel
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  • 49 8 Output for the month of June 1909 No. 1 Monitor 95 Bigs 71 25 pkls. No. 2 Monitor 81 60.75 pkls. PurchflBed from Natives 9 675 pkls. 185 Bags 138 75 pkls. Both monitors stopped about eight days during the month m order to adjust Tail Bam
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  • 192 8 S. R. C. Medical School. Played on the Esplanade on Satardaj n won by the Club. Scores. S. R. C. G. R. Oahlers c sub b Chill 3* J. J. Oliveiro c Yun Fah b Leicester Ik D. Boudewyn c and b Leicester 3 P. E. Smith c Chill
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  • 107 8 The foursomes Merchants and Garrison v. the R^st, played on Saturday, ended m a win for the Rest by 1J paints. Merc. Gar. The Rest. F. Ferguson Sir Arthur Youo^ Dr. Finlayson 1 C V. Miles I W. J. Mayson C. F. Green G. B. Stratton I EL Talma
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  • 167 8 Ail interested ey^s \>ere turned to the repkyed tie on Saturday between! Bihar aud Dirul Alhli m ODndijn wilh the Miliivi, Fo Jtbnll Association competition. I* took place oil the police ground, l)3&o!i U >ad. As ixpectei the game was ;ust as keen as ia the
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  • 78 8 Tlie:e was a 1 :rge attendant of meinb3rB at the BvMMMBg Oiub on Suu«l;iv, taking advantage of the full tile, and watching the diving conipetiiion, for which tiiere we-e KfM contestants. Mtlkl MVi givja for (ilegince of take-< ff, uei,tness and precision of tillering the water, a,a<l the
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  • 164 8 QMnOMU Revelations. In connection with the gruesome facts recently brought to light, when an apothecary, Ha«eg;nva by name, of Xagasu, Kumatnotokeu, and some Nagasaki confederates, were arrested upon charges of trading m human bones for alleged medicinal purposes, writes the Nagasaki Press, extraordinary revelations iiAve resulted
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  • 40 8 There were two e tabbing cases m town on Friday. A Chinaman stubbed a countryman of his with a chisel m South Bridge Boad. He was arrested. Another Chinaman ww apprehended for causing hurt with a Irnif* m Amov Strtat.
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  • 1803 9 Rattf Statue, the Obelisk and the Elephant— Sile of Daggers— A Silly Joke A Disgusting Practice The Spitting Ordinance Dr. Fowlie and the Press Fiasco at the Assizes Clyde Terrace Market The Sew Bridgeand R >ad Complainants about th 9 Police Memorial Hall Chimes.] The magnificent
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  • 114 9 Pusing Limi: 349 pikuls won by the Company, plus 190 won by the tributors. Fusing BhftfH (>6O pikuls. Chenderiang 450 pikuls. Rihinan Hydraulic— 269 pikuls (May 255). Krainat Pulai— o4l pikuls. Amongst those called to the Bir on 23rd ult. were Sdi Chen Wang, Lincoln's Inn
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  • 913 9 la tiae weather the annual athletic sports of the Anglo-Chinese Free School to >k place on their ground last Saturday. For the occasion the place was prettily decorated with fligs, a bind b?ing m attendance. There was a good gathering of visitors present amongst whom were Messrs R.
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  • 884 9 "Sing heigho the holly, This life is most jolly," sings my companion m now, haven't I kept my word?'' The hills, the Psal mi st tells up, "stand round about Jerusalem," They also stand round about this Dmruum City; great, giunt, barren, one could add forbidding, looking hills, locking
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  • 278 10 A resident at No. 2 Scott's Road has had Visitors who have relieved him of the custody of jewellery worth *****. Ong Heog Hee, a trader at No. 56 Boat Quay, has reported the loss of $9200 and charges a clerk Darned Chan Keng Keong with
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  • Correspondence.
    • 132 10 To the Editor, Sir, —Tho Acting 3»*d Magistrate deserves the thanks of tho public for prosecuting the man who was punished ou S.iturday for the offence of fortune-telling. The conviction by and the warning of the learned District Judgo (Mr. Howaai) as to future offenders should have good
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  • 448 10 Proclamation my Hicin Commissioned. The following proclamation is published m a Gazette Extraordinary for general information In the name of His Majesty King Edward the Seventh of that Name, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, aud of the British
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  • 510 10 Five accused at the Assizes. In the Assiza Court, yesterday, the Chief Justice, Sir William Hyndman Jones, and a special jury were engaged m hearing further evidence m the charges of piracy and murder brought against five Hokiens. The accused are alleged to have been concerned m
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  • 390 10 [From <mr on-n CorrespondetU July ]<;. The Hindelsvereenigmg Java pays 5| per cent, dividend. Mr J. Dinger has boea reelected Commissioner. The Government proposes to build a railway 100 kilometres m length, with Telok R^ton^ as itarttng point. Tha cost is es'-i--niittd at £8,000,000. Messrs H. J. Dauin,
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  • 1822 10 (From Our Special Correspondent.) London, June -5, 1909. A Busy Time. Many important sporting even's have been crowded into the past two weeks and it is very unfortunate some of them have been marred through unfavourable weather. Fortunately the Ascot meeting was favoured with ideal conditions and
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  • 37 10 The K3V. H. C. IzirJ, the Color i-J chaplain, returned from Java yebterday. A Chinaman jumped overboard off a juak m Penang harbour. The steam launch Coleen was m the vicinity, and the man was picked up.
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  • 977 11 Born eleven hundred and nine years ago at an early age, St. Swithin, who is one of the uncanonizsd saints of the Church, impgls oce to consider him as a merciful dispensation for newspapers, which m later ages endeavour to interest their readers with some new thing day
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  • 906 11 In a quiet retreat, not far from S3rangoon Road, stands a white building surrounded by a high galvaniz id-iron fence. This is the Singapore Leper Asylum. Business took a friend of mine there a day or two ago and as I wished to see how these unfortunate beings
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  • 1321 11 It seems almost an impossibility to those who have not been there to hear of a hillstation m India (Land of the Scorching Sun) where one can enjoy a lovely summer and temperate winter. To those who grow pale and listless m the hot-house, steamy atmosphere of the
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  • 312 11 The quarterly trade returns of the Colodj show that m the tirst quarter of the year the total value ot imported m?rchandise was seventy one million dollars odd against seventy six m the corresponding quirter of 1908. la exports the figures were sixty four millions, and sixty
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  • 182 11 A couple of days a^o. Chin Kan laid irformatiou against Wong Vow T<Ng and Chow Fook to the effect that they attacked and r<>bbed him m broad day at the Shipping Office of S(>7. A sum mots was issudd and the defendants were yesterday before Mr. Howard. The
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  • 106 11 H. H. the Sultan of K^Jah has presented a Cap to be run for at the forthcoming Penan g race meeting, and it has been added by the Committee to the stakes m the Kedah Cup, Rice 2, Third Day. It will doubtless come as a great surprise to our
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  • 1166 12 There was a time, it seems so long ago that one ein hardly realise it, when Jane Eyre was the height of problem novel writing. Our forefathers, and perhaps some specially strong minded mothers, read the book with mixed feelings. Amongst the stronger minded it was recognized that
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  • 109 12 A Bangkok MAkager Arrested. In the Third Magistrate's Court, Penang, before Mr. B. Nunn, Mr. Charles James Joseph •Roberts was charged on a provisional warrant, with the embezzlement of 3,000 ticals, the property of the Standard Oil Co., Bangkok, Siam, of which the accused was the manager. A
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  • 119 12 Seremban Estate. Crop of dry rubber for the half year ending 30th June, 1909, amounts to 104,000 lbs., including all grades, as against 69,613 lbs. at same date last year. Beyerlac. Crop of dry rubber secured by the Company's estates to 30th June amounts to 34,."»00 lbs.,
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  • 98 12 Tin: Half Year's Figures. The following abstract of the statement of block tin ami tin ore exported from the tour states during January to June, 1909, and of the duty collected thereon appears m the Gazette Output Duty Jan. to June '09 P kls 883,210.09
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  • 128 12 The comparative statement of cultivated rubber exported from the Federated Malay States during tbe years 1909 and lttOS gives the following statistics It will thus be seen that Perak has an increased export of 175,257 lbs., Selangor of 790,537 lbs. and Xegri Sembilan of 115,289
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  • 53 12 The following is the result of crushing operatiors at Kiub for the four weeks ending 17th instant fc""* 1 Bukit Koman. Stone ciusbed :3789 toes p i [Gold obtained 108(5 ources |Average per ton 573 dwt. Bukit Malacca. Stone dushed 2000 tons Gold obained 75 ounces Average per
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  • 82 12 We regret to hear that Captain H. L. Talbot, Commissioner of Police, F. M. S who ha 8 been seriously ill lately has been ordered home by his medical advisers and will probably not return to Malaya. Captain Talbot leaves for home on the 22nd instant and will be relieved
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  • 1124 12 There are few things more intensely irritating to a third person than the sight of two elderly, plain- featured women who have formed, what can best be described as an 1 infatuation' for one another, which for sheer tenacity and devotion is only to be compared to that
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  • 62 12 S.RE. (V.) Monthly Handicap, Wm Shield Conditions 1. Sapr. J. McMullen ;.s 2. Q.M.S. A Coven^y C.B.M. W. Hardiag S.R.A. Monthly Handicap, Warren SLi- L Conditions A Class. 1. Heng Seng Gum 7 2. F. P. Minis 7tt •3. Lieut. Song Opg Siang B Class. L Mr Cuff 7»
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  • 116 12 The following vas the result of I monthly medal for Jut. K. O. Swan 7o K. F. Binnie 7; W. R. Swan 75 F. W. King 7(\ W. M. King BO H. B. Sdlmond M F. K. Marsh Presidents Prize I:*< Dkaw foe Second Roi ni>. D.
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  • 211 12 BIIIIWTIf Co.MJ'EJ ITFCN. Af ter an ad journment of twoor t hree we*- k the alnve Tournament was resumed last night at Tangin, whtu A and B C< mp opposed each other. A Coy. were il i strength whilst V» Coy. were witiu.ut Darton. Q. IL Bgt
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  • 159 12 S. C. C. vs. Middlesex Kk-t. Elevens of the S. C. C. and the jfiillWci Regiment met at Association Football on the Esplanade la«t evening before a Iftffi gathering of spectators. Tbe groucd was very hard and a fast game reswttd. Hi Apps acted as referee. Shortly after
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  • 72 12 A quiet wedding was celebrated at St Andrew's Cathedial on Saturday between Dr. Scharenguivel, a well-known criektter, of Ceylon, and Miss Fazikerly of Si utbport The bride arrived frcm England by the Iml German mail. The bridesmaids were Mi-- 1 Scharenguivel, sister of the groom, and the two Misses Norris.
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  • 188 13 (From vur </:<>h Corr'sf>oiutent,\ Penang, July 16. The following are the weights for the first day. Maiden Plate (One Mile) nine stone. Rooegig. Stockade, Roulette, Maintenance, Dartmoor. GmiFFix Rack (Oce Mile) nine stone. Tjobilagi, Lily, Cri*-ffi f Grand Piano, Batu Kawaa, Kerringa, Ju Yen, Dame Marion. Payne
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  • 694 13 Mr Pearson's report of the land office, B N. B has the following notes as an append X Rubber. At tbe end of 19 8 there were m British N mfSk Borneo 10 Companies planting rubber. Tue total area of land owned by these Companies is 87,0
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  • 19 13 His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to express bis willingness to become r\itron of the Malay Football Association.
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  • 1885 13 Cask at the Assizes. The Johore piracjr and murder case was continued before the Chief Justice and a ipecial jury at the Assizes yesterday. Mr. Hastings Rhodes, Ddputy Public Prosecutor, appeared for the Crown, and thb accused were represented by Mr. V. D. Know It s. An
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  • 1686 13 The S. C. C. footballers did about as well as could be expected against the Middlesex, who had a fair, though bj no means their strongest, team out. Few of the new men are however shaping very favourably and most of them displayed a lack of e.e-gy which
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  • 251 14 Teo Hoe was yesterday before Mr. Colin m charged by Mr. Holley, the Superintendent of Municipal Abattoirs, with bjing on Tuesday m possession of the carcis^s of two pigs, killed elsawhere than under Municipal supervision. Tha evidence want to show that the pigs were killed somewhere m the
    251 words
  • 2026 14 (From a Special Correspondent.) Alor Star, Kedab, July 16th. Following my telegrams sent you via PenaDg, I row forward a more detailed account of the ceremonies which took place here yesterday m connection with the transfer of Kedah from Siamese to British suzerainty. Mr Maxwell arrived
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  • 290 14 Match at Blakan Mati. A very interesting match was played at Blak&n Mali on Monday between teams representing 78 Coy. RG.A. and 80 (Jjy R G A. The latter "won the toss and 78 Coy. kicked off with the sun and wind against them. Notwithstanding this drawback, 7K
    290 words
  • 73 14 Tbe general btUico sheat and pr til and lost Recount to 31st Itecreinb^r li*oB sbow tint afttr deducting Mttnft expenses and writ n/ »ff bad delts and with the addition of the luhncfl brought forwai<l :rom 1907, \km vet profi s amount to f-4 13l f 23-i
    73 words
  • 106 14 Early this year a miner at the 7-Hh mile ou the Itawang load was ordered by the Warden of Mines to stop roasting pyritical tin ore as no precautions were taken to render the fumes innocuous. It is alleged ihat he has M roasted" ore
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  • 75 14 We are informed that ten of the Seiangor Tarf Club's thoroughbred griffins have already been taken up. and also nine of the galloway griffins. These are to run at the New Yuar meeting, which on this occasion will probably be held towards the end cf January. The thoroughbreds
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  • 68 14 The new Methodist Episcopal Church io Kubu Road, Malacca, was dedicated on Saturday by Bishop Oldham, assisted by the Revs. W.*G. Shellabear, S. Abraham and A. Ecklund. Among those present were the Hon. W. Evan* Resident-Councillor, Mrs. Evans and Miaa Evans. The cost of the
    68 words

  • 559 15 Mr. Maxwell's Credentials. (From our msn Correspondents Penan g, July 10. Blr. W. G. Maxwell, the new Adviser to 11* Kedah Govern meet, arrived at Alor Star at nooa and was received bj Mr. Williamton, the financial adviser to Siam, who introduced the new Adviser to Tunku M=ahmoud,
    559 words
  • 64 15 Kuala Lumpor, July 16th The District Surgeons of Selangor entertaioed Dr. Trevors at diuner on Thursday night at the Masonic Hall here. Dr. McClosky presided and Dr. Travers w*B presented with an insc.ibed silver salver and coffee and liqueur services. The speeches made eulogised the guest
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  • 29 15 Kuala Lumpor, July 17. The Selin^or Gizette publishes a despatch from Lord Cretve eulogising the service of the late C. E. Spooner, c m g.
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  • 22 15 The Chartered B*nk is opening a branch *t Klang to-day which is expected to prove great boon to plauters.
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  • 27 15 The entries for the Taipeng meeting were *> sparse that only one race filled. It has foea decided to extend the date for entries *> July M&k
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  • 289 15 SHOCKING ACCIDENT. Mr Kershaw Burned to Death. {From our c nvn Correspondent.) Labuan July 16, Kec. 7.51 pm. A telegram has been received at Je*selton dated the thirteenth of July giving details of a shockiDg accident, resulting m the death of one white man and the
    289 words
  • 83 15 RUBBER AND TIN. (From our own Correspondent.) The statements of Rubber Exports from the F. M. S. show that for the half year 2.4r>;i,241 lb. were exported against 1,382,158 m the corresponding period of last year. The Tin Exports arere 885,210 pikuls against 414,08;> last year.
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  • 32 15 Kuala Lumpor, Julj 17. The Planters Stores Agency his received a cable fioui its Loudon Office tint tho price of average No 1 Plantation Rubier is now 7 .1
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  • 21 15 Kuala Lumpor, July 17. Tronoh is now obtaining '200 pikuls oi tin diily, having struck very rich ground.
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  • 38 15 Kuala, Lumpor, July 17. Giz^ttes Extraordinary have been published containing a proclimation by His Excellency tho High Commissioner, giving Perak Officers the same powors of jurisdiction m the part of Kihinan t.tken over as m Pdrak.
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  • 29 15 Kec. July 20. The Planters Stores notify that the London office has cabled that the average price for PUntation rubber to-day is 7 <J per pound.
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  • 106 15 (Special to the 8. F..Pre^ Kuala Lumpor, July 81ft The Planters Stores Agency has received a wire from its London Offi.e stating that the arerage price of hard para is 7/9. XJFrtm our pwm L<» 1 1 sf>ondait.\ Penang July 21. Business on the London rubber market
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  • 77 15 THE TAKING OVER." Khota Bihru, Kelantan July 20. The extended programme of His Excellency's visit to Kelantan is being cirried out entirely as arranged, except that His Highness the Kij.vb of Kelantan stayed m Khota Bahru not proceeding up river to Kuala Lebir.and saw His Excellency off on the river
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  • 1924 15 (By Submarine Telegraph.) (Renter' s Agenoy.) Bee. July 15, 10 am. Vice Cbancelloi Bathmann Hollweg has been appointed to succeed Prince Buelow as Chancellor of the German Empire. This involves several ministerial changes. Herr Sydow becomes Prussian Minister of Commerce, instead of Minister of Finance. Herr Wermoutb, undersecretary for
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  • 945 16 C*p!ul C*pte«l luu Paid r m Issued p*ld op V*lt» ap Lompan*. $300,000 300.000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining 00. Lit 5 R $300,000 225,000 10 10 limang Limited &JS $600,000 600,000 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. 00. LU B<jo £500,000 444 769 1 1 Duff Development 00.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 613 16 PASSENGERS. Per Will o' the Wisp Mr Carls and Mrs Wtsterhoufc. Per Boribat Messrs C. W. Agar and A. Brokespeare. Per P. &O. Assaye from Hongkong Lt. Lu!z A da Silva, Mr Ho Khie H-an, Mr Boea Goeug Theng, Brother Stephen, Mr and Mrs V. C. Mollema, Mr Ng Wins,
      613 words
    • 663 16 CLEARANCES. July 15. Ban Whatt Hin, Brit, str, C:>x, for Telobni via ports. Kostroma, Rus. str Miller, for Odessa. I nab* Mara, Jap. str., Takeda, for Hongkong and Japan. Pentakota, Brit, str Lsmarchand, for Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. Grotiua, Dut str., Ouwehand, for Batavia. Edenddle, Brit, str., Dunlop, for Samarang
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    • 3 16 VESSELS IN PORT
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