The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 1 July 1909

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 18 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. WEEKLY MAIL EDITION. third series THURSDAY. JULY 1, 1909. No 1,144
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  • 193 1 Leaamsa Malayan Fisheries 3 I .V.val Supraiua^y 1 Birthday HaßSaul S sj-ppping Rin/ fctraits Position 2 j Hongkong opium and Rnanes 2 Singapore Tenders I Shipyiug X n^r Minority KejH.rt I N«\' >1 .il Facilit>s 3 TaHPORTS AND MKKTiN<.i<. Municipal Commission *> I'OMCI AND COCRT NIWS. Thomson-rd. Tragedy 5,7
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 19 1 Kellar. At 13, Longsdale Terrace, Edinburgh, on the 30th uit., to Mr. aud Mrs. J.D.B. Kellar, a son.
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    • 111 1 Finnic Finnic. At Mains Kininmontb, Mintlax, Aberdeen, Scotland on the 2nd June by the Rev.C. Birnie, m.a. of Aberdour, William Finnic of Howarth Erskine Ltd., Singapore, to Mary Janie, daughter of James Finnic Esq., Kinininonth. GinsON Kasten. At the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, on the 26th June, by the Rev.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 1 J'nc -hail ih.ft ?re<« the People's ricbt maintairj, ITIWWIJ by i-.U-i.-n- Bud unbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth art ftorMMM precepts draw. Fledged to RefigioL-, Loyalty and Law.
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  • 1338 1 There's as good fish m the sea as ever came out of it and a good deal better m the seas round about the Malay Peninsula. The fishing industry is one that has yet to be organised on a large and remunerative scale. I£ the consumption
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 198 1 Subscribers te the Singapore Free Press" •weekly r^turninur from Europe to the Straits l>y any tk the mail lines, are invited to send to the Manager the name of their steamer and date of anivaF m Singapore. Tories will then bo mailed to meet them at various ports ol call.
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    • 113 1 Insure your Motor Car! AND COVER YOURSELF against result of CAR ACCIDENTS. Don't take the Risks any longer. You may be called upon for Heavy Damages at any moment. The payment of a small sum annually RELIEVES YOU OF GREAT RESPONSIBILITY. especially if you use a native Chauffeur. Full Particulars
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 174 1 THE WEEK. The Europe mail of June 4 h was brought by the B I mail on Saturday. This mail j leaves by the P. and O. Devanha to-day. His Excellency the Governor has been up to Pahang to the wedding of the Sultan of Pahaug's daughter with Rajah Alang
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  • 1355 2 June 26. Though there has been happily enough of late some surcease from the hysterical outcry over our naval position, it does not appear from Home exchanges that the matter is being allowed to drop, and if ai may conceivably happen judging by the evidences of rupture m
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  • 335 2 The inclusion of our Goveiaor Sir John Anderson m the list of Birthday Honours gives it an interest m the Colony and the honour bestowed on him as High Commissioner, and on Mr Conway Belf.elo, Resident of Selangor, will be much appreciated m the F. M S. His
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  • 868 2 June 28. Nothing but the most convinced belief that the entire future of this Colony depends upon its shipping trade and that that trade depends on breaking the exceptional action of the shipping rings, would induce us to iofliet upon our readers more about the Shipping
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  • 1303 2 June WA. The Hongkorir Legislative Council bat just passed through one of those niomentou* crises which occur m the lives of all govern ing institutions, aud wo thiuk it dasirablt to draw the attention of Singapore to it l>ecauße we are more than convinced that ,i
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  • 545 3 June 00. Singapore's industrial companies have always been on the alert for work outside the Colony and F. L S. and some good contracts have been secured m the past, which havematerially helped m the establishment of these establishments. So much has the extension idea grown tho t
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  • 516 3 Shi ping Ring: Minority Report. July 1. We give on another page to-day a second instalment of the valuable report of The Royal Commission on Shipping Rings, with special reference to the parts which bear on this Colony. We repeat that this is a vital question for every part of
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  • 567 3 The public opening of the Johore State Railway this morning marks another epoch m the means of regular passenger and postal communication from Singapore, which will not attain its full effect for some little time to come. For the Johore State Railway is to all extents and
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  • 265 3 The third annual General Me sting of tho above-named Company was held at Winchester House, Singapore, on Tuesday at neon, when the Directors presented their Report and Accounts for the year ending oUt December, 1908. Beside Messrs Diehn A Kilian Directors) those present included the Hon.
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  • 115 3 Explaining the division of the Diocese into two parts, viz Labuan, Sarawak and other British parts of North Borneo, of which Dr Mounsey is Bishop, and Singapore, tbe Rev Monteath Thompson writes to tie"Malay Mail". In a letter received last Thursday, the Rev C. J. Fergus on- Da vie^ Bishop-Designate
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  • 3129 4 Further Extracts. Having given a full summary of the Majority and Minority Reports of the Royal Commission on Shipping, and having shown that the Majority Report, while not advising restrictive legislation, but consultation under Government auspices, is clearly of opinion that the case of the Straits Homeward Conference
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  • 386 4 A very interesting article appears j 0 last number of the Statist, and one which strikes a distinctly cheery tote m connectioo with Britain's foreign trade and the outlook m India. The following is worth <potin;r Signs of trade improvement are iucreMsing. and events are moving towards
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  • 81 4 The rice harvest m Siam is likely It l»e t poor one. Last year heaw rl)oc> spoiled the harvest. This year owing to the rboded state of the ground over considerable areas the farmers are usable to prepare the ground for the sowing of field rice, which forms the bulk
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  • 128 4 The action of the IW, Office authorities m making a surcharge of fourpence on letters from Australia, stamped with the head d Queen Victoria, is causing commotion m the Commonwealth. A strong protest lis;* teen published by the president of the Sydney Philatelic Club. Mr R T. Ssott, the permanent
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  • 451 5 Mo. Col man has sent the aerated water bottle case to the assizes. On Wednesday, a Chinaman was repairing the roof of Orchard Road market. He accidentally fell and was killed. IX' Fry of Bitu Gajah has been medically advised to proceed en long leave immediately.
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  • 226 5 Ti'Oteiday. fader Singh was again before Mr Grew for continuation of the preliminary enquiry into the allegation brought oat him of causing the death of S<*da SiDgh m Thomson R md on May 80. Mr H. Rhodes conduced the case for the crown and Mr Ci abb-
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  • 53 5 The usual halfvearly meeting of this Company was held m tbe offices m Collyer Quay yesterday at noon. The report which has been published and the accounts were moved for adoption and carried. A dividend of $1 with a bonus of 50 cents was declared, and the
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  • 70 5 Tne opening day of the C. E. Z. Mission at the Memorial Hall yesterday was well a 4 tended and we hope the receipts will be equally satisfactory. The ladies m charge ot the stalls worked loyally. The sale was opened with prayer by the Rev. J.
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  • 800 5 An old adage has it that Manners makyth Man." Burns says 4 A man's a man for a that." And if it is permissible for Paul to ridicule the manners of Peter m your paper, Mr Editor, it is surely equally permissible for Peter to try
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  • 199 5 Raja Alang Iskander, a son of His Highness Snltan Idris of Perak. G. C. IL G., left m the steam yacht Sea Belle for Pekan with a large party, including many officials, to marry a daughter of H. H. the Sultan of Pahang. The wedding festivities are
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  • 606 5 From Our Own Correspondent. June 17th. General van Daalen will return to this country m October. The well-to-do Chinese here are entering into contracts not to gamble, under penalties to go to the Chinese School fund. Lieutenant J. T. Moje f of the artillery, was severely injured during
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  • 88 5 An official report comes from Mr Ward, Hesident of Sinianggang, to the effect that he has received a letter from the ControJeur of Sintang informing him that two Sarawak Dyaks, Massir and Sekam, bad been shot as they resisted arrest and wounded a Dutch
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  • 207 5 Tiger stories, like those connected with tish and snakes, have frequently to be received with rather more than the proverbial grain of salt, and the latest one to reach vs that set forth below is either an excellent piece of fiction or constitutes one of tbe most
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  • 355 5 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. Notwithstanding that the price of Hard Para has advanced to 6s. S id., London advices shew a decidedly easier market iv Rubbers, due probabiy to heavy adjustments for tho end of June. Our Market has been rather depressed m sympathy, but has a steady tone, for
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  • 369 5 80th Coy, R.G A. v "B" Cot. Midolbs— s RiT. In spite of the heavy raiu which fell during the early hours of Wednesday morning, the Gunner's ground at Blakan Miti was m good condition when the above teams turned out iv the second round of the
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  • 166 5 The following is the draw for the Novices Competition af the above club. The dates for the completion of the rounds are July 4, 11,18,25. The handicaps are the actual starting handicaps. The draw is posted m the Club House and is as follows Lieut. Cartwright 4
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  • 259 6 Mr J. L. Humphries* leave is extended to Dec 4th. Dr Dane returned from leave on the 18th as senior medical officer, General Branch, Singapore. Captain E. B. Holt Wilson, R. E is granted leave of absence on private affairs, from 27th July, to 2Hth November
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  • 201 6 To British Subjects. His Britannic Majesty's Charge d'Affaires forwards to us for publication the following communique In view of the ch«nge m jurisdiction contemplated by the Treaty of March 10. h ISO.* to come into force on date of ratification, which iv effect will cause Siamese Law
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  • 191 6 The heavy rains experienced during the last two days have been responsible for a flooding of the excavations m the body of she Lagoon Dock m course of construction at Tanjong Pagar, both at the west end and at the east end the cavity excavated stands anything
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  • 169 6 TIN FROM TINPLATE WASTE. A very important trade is now done by the extraction of tin from waste tins and the cuttings of tinplate, both on the Continent and m the L r nited States. The process of electrolysis is employed the electrolyte consists of a soda solution and the
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  • 431 6 In the Board Room yesterday a meeting of the above was held, the members present being the President, Mr. E. G. Broadrick, Messrs W. Macbean, W. Peacock, A. J. W. Watkins, Ching Keng Lee, C. W. Darbishire, and Dr. P. Fowlie. Minutes. The minutes having been signed, Mr
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  • 331 6 In the Appeal Court, yesterday, the appeal of Wee Whatt Neo against a decision of Mr Justice Sercombe Smith, m the OHO cf herself vs. Khoo Kock Wah, was dismissed. The appellant claimed a sum of over $16,000 due on a promissory note. The defence was that respondent
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  • 102 6 Defendant Committed. Yesterday, Lee A Choon was again before Mr Colman for preliminary enquiry into the allegation brought against him of causing the death of Huan Wong at No. 9 Angus street on the Bth instant. Mr Hawtry conducted the enquiry for the Crown. Mr Cowap produced
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  • 851 6 Quicqnid agunt homines nostri est farrago iibelli. Juvenal. The trial of Slater— a German- Jew for the cool, brutal, and sordid murder of an unprotected old lady, living m a respectable district m Glasgow, excited great interest at the time and those who followed the
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  • 59 6 It is officially announced that His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve of raising of His Excellency, Sir Johu Anderson, Governor of the Straits Settlements, to the rank of G. C. M. G. Mr Henry Conway Belfield, Resident of Selangor, is at the
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  • 683 6 SEMIFINAL GAME. S. R. C. v Middlesex 1 A large gathering assembled on the Ksplanade last evening to witness the footbl match, m the semi-final, for the Association Cup. The competing teams were the Singapore Recreation Club (who beat the Police I 0) and the Middlesex Regiment first
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  • 252 6 COMMITTED TO AsYLI'M Yesterday, Beret bin Suleiman wa.-> bafore Mr Green, second magistrate, for preliminary enquiry into the allegation ol ha\ caused the death of one Babsay at Bukit Permei on the 7ih iustant. Inspector Branagm outlined the itmftS} The deceased's wife said she was NO* I from
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  • 917 7 Petitions for Receiving Orders. In the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr Justice Sercombe Smith was occupied with bankruptcy work. Mr Stevens, for the petitioning creditors, the Chartered Bank, asked for a receiving order against Ho Ah Peng and Ho Ah Hoe of Chop Lee Moh. Mr Macdonald of the
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  • 287 7 Defendant Committed. On Saturday, the preliminary enquiry into the allegation of causing the death of Saidu Singh, a policeman, brought against Inder Singh, also a constable, was concluded by Mr Green and the defendant was formally charged with murder. Mr Crabb Watt who has conducted the prisoner's
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  • 285 7 Committed fob Trial. D. W. Miller, a private m the Middlesex Regiment was a^ain before Mr Colman for preliminary enquiry into the allegation of culpable homicide yesterd iy. Mr Hawtry conducted the enquiry for the Crown. Licnt Drew, Middlesex Raiment, watched the case for the
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  • 249 7 ROBBER Y AND MURDER. The five Chinese, Chia Kuek Chin, Lo Ta Tit, Sia Heng, Lo Xi Seng and Kit Cheow were, yesterday, again before Mr Green, second magistrate, far preliminary enquiry into alleged robbery aud murder on a junk off the Johore Coast on tho night
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  • 26 7 The British India s.s. ''Flamingo 4 laden with coal for Colombo, collided with the quay wall at Kidderpur Docks and sustained considerable damage to her bows.
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  • 662 7 Major E. R, B. Murray, 89.h Punjabis, has been seconded for service with the Malay States Guides. The British official who is shortly to be stationed m Tringgauu will be styled 44 Agent" and not Adviser. (P. G The King has been pleased to approve of
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  • 188 7 The wedding of Rtjah Alang Iskander, son of the Sultan of Perak, aud the daughter of the Sultan of Pahang is to take place at Pekan this week and will be one of the grandest Malay marriages for many years. Both Sultans desire to mark the event
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  • 441 7 Chinese Mabriaok Laws. In the Appeal Court, comprising tho Chief Justice and Justices Braddell and Sercombe Smith, on Saturday, judgment was delivered m what is known as the six widows case" which occupied the attention of the Court for tome time. A Chinese called Choo Eng Choon
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  • 175 7 We all learnt m our youth that Fools step m where Angels fear to tread" rightbo, write me down a fool and done with it. It's not my business and perhaps I do not know much about it but at any rate it will give food for
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  • 139 7 Mr B. G. Davis, the independent Gospel preacher from Calcutta, addressed the members of tbe Association on Friday last at the Short Street Girte' Schoid on 44 Heavenly Citizenship." There was a larpe gathering who followed the speiker's eloquent and earnest address with close attention. The
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  • 120 7 On Saturday list the pupils of the An-glo-Chinese School give a reception to Mr and Mrs Pease on their departure for America. In spite of the inclemency of the weather there was a good gathering of the old boys and the present teachers of
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  • 4315 8 The Report. This Commission was appointed m November, 1906, "to inquire into the operation of shipping rings or conferences generally, and more especially into the system of deferred rebates, and to report whether such operations have caused, or are likely to cause, injury to British or Colonial
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  • 262 9 We (Pinan;; Gazette) bear that tbe award of the umpire. Captain Macintyre, m the case of the claim for salvage brought by the Straits Steamship Company, owners of the ss. "Malacca," a^aicst tbe Eastern Shipping Company, owner, of tbe s.s. "Avagyee," was aa,5LO. Mr. J. Heim acted
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  • 30 9 Four arrests were made on Thursday m connection with the Duniop Street gang robbery. Five men are now m custody. The inmates of the bouse were tied up and gagged.
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  • 267 9 At a meeting of the German Navy League at Potsdam, the President, Admiral Koester, said that Germany was about to take her place as the second strongest naval power m Europe, and she must strive to keep that position -since the fleet was necessary for the developement
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  • 93 9 We have received from Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, of Henrietta street, Covent Garden, Loudon, a copy of the prospectus of the above report for IJ>OB The report consists of 480 pages and includts illustratration and diagrams of a most valuable character. The price is one guinea and
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  • 107 9 The prospectus of Seletar Rubber Plantations is being issued to-day, a company with a capital of v *200,000 formed to acquire 1,100 acres of land at Seletar, of which 74-0 acres are planted with Para Rubber. This is the first company to be formed to work Rubber
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  • 359 9 A question of great importance to the future of the port ot Penang is at this moment agitating tbe shipping and mercantile community of tbe Settlement. The management of the Government Wharves recently issued a circular disclaiming all and any liability for damage to cargo landed after nightfall,
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  • 1766 9 (From Onr Special Correspondent.) London, May 28, 1909. The King's Derby. It is doubtful if any sc?n9 m connection with the Turf will ever equal that at Epsom on Wednesday, when His Majesty led Minoru m after the colt had just got home by a head from
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  • 205 9 The Chota Selangor Syndicate. Limited, which owns a small property at Batu Tiga, is issuing fresh shares with a view to purchasing an estate called Segambut. adjoining Batu Estate, four miles from Kuala Lumpur, Tbe authorised capital of the syndicate is 1150-000 of which $45,000 have been
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  • 985 10 Ihe word is to be found m the dictionary night enough, and there are plenty of meanings attached oJJ t. But none of them exacsly bearing on the thought that came into my mind after reading a paragraph about tbe well, it is rather hard to fix on any
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  • 809 10 It has been my lot to be brought very frequently m contact lately with that remaikable band of women, the militant suffragists. Within a few short months I have seen Cabinet ministers embarrassed by them, good-natured policemen reduced to a very unusual point of exasperation, and the Prime
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  • 961 10 Besides, everyone goes there on Sunday," says Thirteen-year-old decidedly, as she strokes out tbe f jids of her best frock; and this settles the point. I have exhausted all my tales of Singapo.e, true and imiginary, and the youngsters now clamour for a visit to tbe local
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  • 1275 10 The psychology of the actor is a sub*** which is exercising the critics of the stagT great deal now. In an age when we denw every sort of instruction and amusemen? rendered to us m return for the minim, of intellectual effrt, the stage, which dn mands hardly any
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  • 412 11 Cinema rooKAiuuo Reproduction. On Saturday the Alhumbru. which has lately been considerably extended, was crowded to see the cinematographic production of the best boomed bxing match the world has se»n. The right to take cinematographic pictures was acquired at considerable cost, and m consequence the price to
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  • 124 11 la order to encourage members of Rifle Clubs to obtain rifles, which shall be their own property, the War Office has sanctioned the issue of pirtwcrn magazine .808 rifles to rifli clubs, the preseut pries being 40s. each. The rifl-s. when purchased, become the absolute property of the
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  • 45 11 The June monthly medal was played for on the 20th and 27th June and the following scores were returned. C. F. T. Gie.u 84 7 77 H.C. Sells 10 80 T. A. Melville 10* M $6 M. Thunder 1« 10 W
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  • 40 11 The preliminary C3mpetition for the President's prize for 1901* 18 holes meelal play, 10 best cards to qualify, will be played on Saturday and Sunday next. Le>cal RulerPractice play on the Saturday not allowed m this competition.
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  • 15 11 Dr Fry of Batu Gajah has baen medically advised to proceed on long leave immediately
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  • 852 11 Mrs Larsen died suddenly at her house m Bras Bassa Road on Saturday. A post mortem is being held to ascertain the causa of death. It is estimated that the world's coal supply will be exhausted between GO > and 700 years hence. What will the
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  • 389 11 The Munic'pal Commission of Penang is being stirred out of its usual calm by Dr Locke and other Commissioners wishing to ask questions concerning the work of the office, lt is regrettable that there seems to be a tendency on the part of the Municipal staff to assume
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  • 156 11 NEW LOAN. A special meeting of the Municipal Commission was held yesterday afternoon to pass the resolution authorising the creoation of $1,000,000 debenture stock, redeemable iv 1955, interest 4\ per cent payable half yearly. The average any v >l income of the Municipality is 11,236,313. S:x times that
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  • 196 11 At the Appeal Court, yesterday, before the Chief Justice Sir William Hyndman Jones, and Justices Leslie Thornton aud T. de M. Braddell, two bankruptcy appeals were h^ard Mr Van Someren appeared for a Chinaman named Chee Tong Cheng who was committed to prison by Mr Justice Sarcoml.e Smith
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  • 73 11 His Majesty King Edward and his Queen are visiting various places this week end. On Saturday he will open the new speech room at Rugby School which has been erected at a cost of _£10,0C0 m memory of Archbishop Temple. On Monday he will be at Knows ley, text day
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  • 823 11 In the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr Justice Sercombe Smith, was occupied with appeals from the decisions of pal ice magistrates. Ia the matter of Tan Han Chin v. the Crown, Mr Crabbe Watt said Mr Carver, who appeared for the appellaut, was m Kuantan. He asked for an
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  • 118 11 m Uniil quite recently the annual expenses of the Peking University were Taels 180,000 approximately, which amount has been reduced to 80,000 since the faculty of that institution drscharged all its foreign professors. The director is now placed iv tl c most difficult position, for he has been ordered by
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  • 195 12 Yesterday, Mr Talma, Indian Emigration Agent, prosecuted one Kadir Hussain before Mr Colman for (i) breach of the Labourers' Ordinance by inducing one Govindasamy to labour without the colony, Kelantan, without signing a contract, (ii) for abetting Govindasamy to depart unlawfully from the Colony. Mr Farrer-Baynes
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  • 719 12 Snconn Kovhd: "C"Coy. v *G" Coy. Mil DLnsm Bkgt. The above Companies met listeveuing at Tanglin m the Warren Competition. The match had been looked forward to with much interest, nod it was expected that 4 G" Coy. who are at the head ot the Regimental League,
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  • 820 12 {From our 010 n Correspondent.} June, 24. A few days ago some thirty or forty Chinese coolies arrived here on contract to proceed to Bencoolen. They absolutely refuse to go there, saying that they understood that they were engaged to work m Batavii, as they were so informed
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  • 97 12 There were no fewer than 96 players at this club's meeting on May 29. The Singapore cup, presented by Dr. Mugliston, was tied for by Mr C. Caulfield, 82 3 79, and Mr H. P. Bury, 83 9 79. The same players also tied
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  • 933 12 A Century by Thumper. London, June 3. The Australians today began a match against Cambridge University, m the presence of a fair number of spectators. After the unsettled weather of the last few days the conditions to day were decidedly blighter, but the wicket was on
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  • 36 12 A Director or the Natural History Department of the British Museum has been appointed, the vacancy having occurred m 1907. The British Mnsenm is like that none of your vulgar undignified hurry and scurry about it.
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  • 391 12 Exactly a year ago, under the heading of 44 The Empire's Credit," we deilt on this p*^ with the high standing, as expressed m current quotations, of leading Empire I ocks, when contrasted with foreign Government securities. During the pist year there were three things which
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  • 493 12 Ear-Brans*! ar ban a, A <'.. ".;'t,i contemporary PSOSntiy d tWA tentlon to the practical results obtained hy the Madras Fisheries Department at its Experiment Station a* Lunar, aud he d the Ennur itation Bp us an ex ample f.rtiie 1 FisbBoond to emulate. A representative
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  • 32 12 Lord Strathcona, High Commissioner for Canada, has received a cablegram from the Minister of the Interior at Ottawa, stating that a silver nugget, valued at 10,000 dols hag been found at Cobalt.
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  • 63 12 A suitable plot of land is to be acquired m Calcutta on which it is intended to erect peons' lines for the 400 menials employed m the different Secretariats m Calcutta. At present these men are housed on tbe top floor of the India Secretariat building with anything but satisfactory
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  • 740 13 Wednesday, June 30, 1909. Wee Lian Chu was again before Mr Colb»d, yesterday, for the attempted murder of Toh Hay and also of Chinese constable 218 by stabbing them at Kincheow street. The enquiry was closed and the defendant committed for trial. Among the passengers by the French steamer Sydney
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  • 97 13 Further details about the murdered Malay constable Omar are to the effect that he must have been conveyed to the drain m which the body was found, before daylight on Monday, and that he clutched at the grass on the bank when put there. It is thought
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  • 954 13 APPEAL TO THE SUPREME COURT. Judgment by Me Justice Sebcombe Smith. In the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr Jus!_*■5 rcombe Smith delivered judgment m the Triad Society case. His Lordship said ,i 3 f The Societies Ordinance 1889,' Society includes any association of two or more persons whatever be
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  • 1250 13 If the eleven selected to represent England for the match which begins to-morrow cannot put up a really close fight, then we may say good-bye to all hopes of ultimate English victory. It would be hard to pick a team which is so likely to bat well right
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  • 91 13 The 8. C. C. got a surprise last evening when they took on the Officers of the Garrison at hockey. The military had by far the best of the game throughout, and eventually retired winners of a good game by six goals to one. The ground was slippery
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  • 445 13 In accordance with the International Telegraph Convention (Lisbon revision, 1906) the following are the more important alterations as embodied m a memorandum issued by the Indian Telegraph Department. On enquiry of the E. E. A. C T*l Co. here, we are informed that there is no information
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  • 130 13 The 88. Bingkok, which is bringing up the English mail, did nut arrive this morning (June 22) as seems to have been generally expected, but may do so to-night. The ss. Paklat, which lef t Singapore eight hours after her, got m this morning. Tbe delay of
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  • Correspondence.
    • 174 14 To the Editor, DearSir,— Why the outburst of the Weekly Topicist re the commutation of the death sentence on O cir Slater, and why the abuse of Lord Pentland Presumably the gentlemen who followed the evidence most closely were the fifteen gentlemen of the jury, and the result
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    • 426 14 Yesterday before Mr Green Tan Ah Keng told the s ory of the g*ng robbery at 1> julop st on June 12. He owned a laundry and was asleep ou the counter at 4 am., when a mau roused bim by catching hold of his neck
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    • 194 14 Before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, iv the Supreme Court, yesterday, argument was heard m an appeal from the decision of a police magistrate. Mr. Yarborough appeared for the appellant, Chan Hock Kun, a Chinese clerk employed at Tanjong Pagar Dock. The clerk was convicted by Mr. Green,
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    • 129 14 Yesterday, the preliminary enquiry into the deith of Win Boon m Synagogue Street on April 8 last was concluded. Chua Kirn was charged with murder and formally committed for trial at the next Assizes. The friends of Mr E. J. Dingle m Singapore will regret to learn that he has
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  • 514 14 Thursday, July 1, 1909. Papers to hand by th) mail state that Mr A. B. Hubback was taking part m the lncogniti Cricket Club's Midland tour. The police believe they hive a clue to the Rochore Canal Road mysterious murder, but would for the moment prefer to hold back the
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  • 120 14 Yesterday His Excellency the Governor attended by Capt. Stockley, A. 1). C, and Mr Claud Severn, Secretary to the High Commissioner, returned to Siugapore by the Sea Mew, after attending the wedding of Rajah Alang Iskander of Perak to the daughter of the Sultan of Pahang.
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  • 158 14 Anolo-Chinese Fuee School. Yesterday morning, 400 boys and a fairly large staff of teachers mustered under Mr. Gomes, the headmaster of the school, to carry out the function of the prize-giving for last year. The large room was very tastefully decorated with greenery and the usual legends. A
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  • 763 14 To-day the public opening of the Johore State Railway takes place, and Singapore is thus put m regular daily communication with Malacca, the F.M.S. and Penang. The service for the present is a daylight one, one through train a day each way, but three each way fromGemas
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  • 149 14 BAIL $5,000. Yesterday, Sergeant Ross brought M.A. Tobin before Mr Colman on allegations of (i) criminal breach of trust m respect of $50 (ii) embezzlement of two sums namely $85 and $15. Mr Perkins appeared for the prosecution and said that the allegations against tbe defendant
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  • 620 14 Ktdat Racks. (From our own>mUnC\ These Races have been indefinitely ruml. poned. They were to have come off on the 19th inst., but on the 13th news reached here that some sickness had broken out amongst the ponies, that two were dead two others very sick, and
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  • 150 14 The following exercise by a Sixth S'andard boy would astonish some cf our Manchester friends Dear Sirs We are m receipt of your favour of tbe lst inst. and note the contents We regret to advise you that we have no special opportunity as to write you full,
    150 words
  • 77 14 Mary had a little land < >v which she planted Hev'a, Now wherever Mary goes The Brokers never leave her. That Mary's land no rubber grew She found out pretty soon. So she formed a little Company When shares were on the boom. At last a big
    77 words
  • 36 14 Lee Scow Mong was yesterday morning found dead, hanging by the eck at No. 22- I South Bridge Road. The discovery wa» made by the deceased's brother who say* his 1 rotber was m ill health.
    36 words

  • 266 15 The principal toll-gate on the world's ocean highways is the Suez Canal. Its annual returns consequently afford a very fair index of the general trend of maritime business. It is not suprising to find an appreciable decrease m revenue during 1908 The drop is as much as
    266 words
  • 562 15 Tlu? ths Times of India Tbe new contract betwc -n the French Govr»nment sum! the Messagerips was U'fore the Fjpaeh Chamber on May 2fth and Jane -ml. and j roused stvere criticism both there and m the Pr^ss. For a period of twenty five years, from
    562 words
  • 127 15 The editor of the M The Young Man suggests that tbe coming of the airship will materially affect the diffusion of the Gcspel throughout the world. He looks forward *»th confidence to the day when the first missionary airship will sail with a precious cargo of heroic hearts
    127 words
  • 1955 15 (By Submarine Telegraph.) (Rent&rs Agenop.) Rec. June 24, 10.15 a.m. A crowded non-partisan meeting of City notabilities including Lord Avebury, Lord Goschen, and Sir Philip Schuster, with Lord Rothschild presiding, has passed a resolution of protest. Two hundred and fifty members of the Liberal party met m response to
    1,955 words
  • 164 15 CURIOUS POSITION. {From our i>.<ii C(>)-rr.sfonifent.\ Penang, June 25. An extraoidinary position has aiisen m Kciah. On Sunday last the Commandant of the Kedah Police received a request fri m the Malay States Guides to provide accommodation for a huudrel men for two days and one nigtt on a
    164 words
  • 101 15 An Unprejudicial Treaty. (From our o:on Ci>> ropundent.} Penang. June 28 h The following important wire from Reuter's Agency was not sent on to Siugapore. It is dated June 221u Mr Mackionon Wood, m the House of Commons, replying to a question whether the Sultan of Kedah
    101 words
  • 167 15 MORE BIG COMPANIES. Bukit Rajah Dividend. London via Penang June 26. The Langkat Rubber Estate with a capital of <£125,000 is to issue $B*soo six per cent participating preference shares. The Directors are Sir W. H. Treacher. Messrs Trailles, Stiven, and Edward Skrin*. The estates of the
    167 words

  • 62 16 BIG PRICE FOR VALLOMBRO3A SHEET. (From our (nun Correspondent^ Penang June 28, Rec. 10 55 pm. Our London special rubber correspondent sends us a special cable stating that at the rubber sales held on Friday June 26, Vallombrosa smoked sheet fetched seven shillings per pound. This we believe
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  • 27 16 The following are the winners of the races at the KUng Gyinkhaua meeting on Saturday. Ambitenne, Sodager, Dormer, Mordiford, Carmen, John and Lidy Noggs.
    27 words
  • 55 16 {From our own Correspondent.} Kuala Lumpor, June 28 h. The meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya was not held yesterday, there being no quorum present. The meeting was postponed till July 11th. The Planters' Association are giviag a $150 cup to the Agri-horticultural Show, which opens at
    55 words
  • 165 16 June 30 Th.* $67.12. Gambier M ->. 9.72^ Gambier Cube No. 1 13 37 1 Gambier Oube No. 2 12.03 Pepper Black (orCu. Spore) 19.19| Pepper, White (fair buyers 18 50 Nutmegs (110 to ths lb.)^ 16.50 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) m 22 50 Mace (Bands) M M
    165 words
  • 68 16 (C<>kke«/ied cp to June t* Bank 4 m 8 2 4 M demand tM%\ Private credits 3ms 21' credits Oms 4 France, demand Bank... 2:»* Germany, demand 238 India, T. T 174J Hong kon g, demand 234% d*« Yokohama, demand nom. 113J Java, demand 139 i Bangkok* demand Sovereigns,
    68 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 507 16 CLEARANCES. June 25. Volute, Brit, str., Jackson, for Palo Samboe. Sultan Van Langkat, Dut. etr., Liberg, for Palembang. Vladimir. Rus. str., Rarkovaky. for < > iessa. Kleist, Ger. str, Pahnke, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Mombassa, Brit, str English, for Sourabaya. O. Lopez y Lopez, Span, str., Jano, fjr lioilo
      507 words
    • 786 16 Sui Sang, Brit, str., Welsh, for Pulo Laut. Penang, Brit, str., Perry, for Port Swettenham via ports. June 30. Zweena, Brit, str., Ramsay, for Samarang via ports. Nord, Nor. str., Haroldsen, for Samarang via ports. Nerite, Brit, str., Westers, for Pladjoe. Bullniouth, Brit, str., Taphouse, for Pulo Samboe. Capri, Ital.
      786 words
    • 913 16 SHARES. MINKS* Capital CasHal Isssm PsM r Issued paid up Value up Company Bayer* 1300,000 300,000 10 10 Bslat Tin Mining 00. LU 00 1300,000 225.000 10 10 Braaug Limited 7Km $000,000 600.0C0 10 10 Braseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. LU 800 1 500,000 444,769 1 1 Duff Development 00.
      913 words