The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 27 May 1909

Total Pages: 16
321 336 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 295 321 ACiwaJgcst K.iilw y 321 1..i.l Etlniti tm C» lyiimj Training 1} 1 |Jri> -.tV.rd an»l the Navy. 1-.J i>. i.h:ti< a Eaded :<i i 2 Uritish "Biitw" Iff Anti-O| ium C a^erence 32:* Colon* Qneati a 123 A«»};ih- *'l-iim>. ;-<L>;{ ■I an-! PXagM 323 1, Ttm „r Hqneei i
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  • 137 321 Dalmi i it< |]m "SnMjKfora Free Pi. uteku i' tiirr.iiw firm tur<>pt* to the Btraita ly j;i lices, rtre invittd to sen 1 t>'the th« BUM ol theii stt anici an<l date Btival in Siagapoi*. Ceflei wul then be ir.aiiMi t<> met*t fktßi at vari« h.h port3 ot call. PbIjCIJI)!
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  • 75 321 (Cobrxcted UP TO May 26.) b&nt 4m 3 m ty*T9 demand m 2/3$ Pn rate credits << m/s 2 -4£ credits 6 m/s mm W*A Fsancv, demand Bank».« m 2 1 GiaafAWT. diaiind 237 India, T. T. 1 74 How »ko* demand m 23% dis Yokohama, demand nom. 113^
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 91 321 On May 19tb, at Singapore, to Mr. Mrs. Oswald E. RbOOKSBAVK, a daughter. Jones-Paury.— Ob the 19th lost, at Kuala Lumpur, the wife cf G. LI. Jones-Parry, of a daughter. On 21st iu&tant, at the Maternity Hospital. Singapore, the wife of M. 0. Ruddock, of a daughter. Daley. At
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    • 117 321 Kew Brown. April 21. Dr. C. T. Kew, of Hong Kong, to Florence Ethel Brown. D'Ar.o— Kindeksley.— On the 17th April, 1900, at St. Lawreuce's, Abbots Langley. by the Rev. 11. D. Burton and the Uev. A. 11. Panel], Vicar, Gsbabd Louis, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D'Ar.o,
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    • 32 321 Moym:.— On May 9th. atMaulmain. JAMBB Copley Movli:, Barrister at law. At the Bank House, Ipoh. Pcrak. ou the 21st iofetant, James, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott.
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  • 145 321 May 26 Ti- buyers $67.00 Gambler 0.00 Gambiw Cube V* 1 18 00 Gambiar Oabe No. 3 1 2.C 0 Pepper Bla«k (ord'n. S'paw) buyers 11.25 Pepper, White (fair buyers 18 75 Nutmeg* (110 to tnt Ik) 16.50 Nutmegs (80 to Ik) 22 50 Mace (Banda) M M norc
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  • 1074 321 Pete shal l the Pr<->N tbe People's riLT>it mr.intai^ Unawed hy influence rir.'l unbrtbed by s^nin Et«rc patriot Truth lit-r [lonoua precepts draw. Pledged to Rdtgiob, Loyalty and I^iw. May 21 The special wire we reseived a week Bgo from Hongkong, about the Canton- Kowloon Riilway
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  • 1171 321 May '22 Lord RobepwTs has returned to the charge once more on the subject of compulsory military training for Britain, and has, so our yesterday's wire tells us, obtained the services of Lord Nkwtox to introduce into the House of Lords the National Service Bill,
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  • Page 321 Advertisements
  • Page 321 Miscellaneous
    • 165 321 THE WE£K. Tie 1 st mail fiom home arrived l>y the P. A O. Delhi or. Friday with dates to April A bom*ward mail was taken en Monday by the Daifflingcr. This weekly goes by the Tar.i to day. His Excellency the Goxernor and his tv.o daughter! arrived fnm home
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  • 1053 322 May 24 Lord Charles Bbebspoed is stirring the Admiralty and the Government up so vigorously, that if we had not his own word for it, tho suspicion would arise that he resented the hauling down of his flag before the usual term of his appointment had
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  • 163 322 Casablanca Ended. The finding of the Higue Tribunal on the incident of S3pt. 28 ,h last year recalls the great stress that developed between Germany and France over this Casablanca incident. Feeling grew to an extraordinary pitch of intensity when Germany demanded an apology from France. The incident was simple
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  • 1120 322 May 25. We are afraid that the scaremonger a home are bringing Britibh prestige to a prett pass, for we cannot help withholding from the German Press a tribute of agreement in their latest utterances over the attitude of Great Britain vis-a-vis Germany. It jg ciming very patent
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  • 548 323 The third anti-opium conference of the Straits has been sitting at Kuala Luuipor on S-Uurdav and vesterdav and a series of mm six resolutions were to have been submitted to the Delegates. From the constitution of the S oatty, we have no reason to suppose that they
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  • 1257 323 Mav 2b\ Oae of the most troublesome questions awaiting solution in the British Empire is the status and treatment of the various nations which go to make it up, as they migrate to other parts of the Empire. Crudely expressed, it is, to what exteut shall the
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  • 498 323 A somewhat enigmatical wire comes from PeniDg, stating that a letter has been sent to the Pinaug Gazette from the solicitors to the Kedah (xjvernmont complaining that Kodah has been totally ignored by Britain and Siam regarding the terms of the treaty." On May 7th there was a
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  • 907 323 May '27 Touching the point of the supply of labour to tha self-governing and Crown Colonies of the Empire, by the transfer of subjects of the King from one p irt to another, it may be reiterated that the desire fur race purity dominates Canada, Australia and
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  • 174 324 The Short Credit Boycott. It is well known to Echo readers that Chinese retailers at Penang buying from British importing firms asked for longer credit than some of them were disposed to give, and that in certain cases the Chinese resorted to their usual method of quietly boycotting
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  • 204 324 A circular has been issued in Colombo announcing tuat the IV.bby Line are reducing the home fires from Cevlon to London to Us. 550 single and the return to U3. 850. Tliis works out at X%7 for the single passage and JCoT for the return. In November
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  • 2193 324 CORONER'S JURY WAVER. RASH ACT OR JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE The inquest into the shooting: of a Chinese coolie at Pulo Brani on May 15 was continued by Mr Alex Gentle, the Coroner, at the General Hospital, yesterday. Lieut. Drew, recalled, said that Pie. Miller went to Pulo Brani
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  • 328 324 When the Riiflis football league a€ formed last year, it will be retnetnberej the Commercial XI headed the list with eleven points, after pl.ivii g six matches w t which they drew onlv on^. N'ext ciiLe tlis runuersup, Special Class, v;i h ten punts. The competition tor this
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  • 126 324 The police have obtained intelligent'-; which they deem of the ui»sr l'.npoi tinea in connection with the case t.f piracy and murd«?r which is said to have occurred in Jobore waters a couple of m >nths ago. A prahu in a wrecked condition and abin<l »ned has
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  • 51 324 The results of the shooting on Empire Day fur the Dftilj Mail Cup were published generally yesterday, namely I'euang 7lt, I poh 71 t Hongkong MO. Siugapore and Kuala Lumpor each marte V57, but XL. won the tie by soring 251 against Mi at the SOt yds.
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  • 168 324 The Committee of the Children's Aid Sciety gratefully acknowledge the receipt of a generous donation of ?oO<) from the Amateur Dramatic S >ciety to the funds of the Society Mm part of the proceeds of the recent Theatrical Enteitaininents. A conference of nurses at the Graf ton Galleries exposed some
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  • 862 325 Friday, May 21, 1909. Cards are out announcing a marriage between Miss Grace Matilda Yzelman and Mr. James Newman. The ceremony is tised for the Ist proximo at St. Andrew's Cathedral. The mortality returns for Singapore for the week ended May. 15th show 217 deaths, i ratio per mille of
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  • 500 325 CROSS STREET PREPARATORY SCHOOL. Yesterday, quite a unique entertainment was given by the children at the Cross Street Preparatory School in honour of Empire Day. The principal, Miss Buxton, an<? her very efficient staff had exerted themselves considerably in preparing the cDstumes, decorating the hall, &z. Three hundred
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  • 217 325 Yesterday was celebrated the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the District Grand Lxlsje of the Eastern Archipelago. At St. Andrew's Cathedral, the Evensong of Ascension day was combined with a service in which the members of D.G.L. and all Freemasons in the district took part. The members
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  • 90 325 Hilmi Pasha, the deposed Turkish Grand Vizier, is one of the most astute officials that ever served the Sultan. In the old days he came into favour by the absolute obedience with which he carried out his master's orders no sentence was too severe, no punishment too cruel, if the
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  • 285 325 CAPT LADDS INJURED. In the early hours of yesterday morning a somewhat serious accident, happily unattended by loss of life, occurred outside the barbcur. It appears that Pilot Ladds was out in his launch Lassie beyond Keppel Harbour having gone out to meet the Japanese outward mail
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  • 193 325 {From cur own Correspondent^ May 18.h. A mile elephinnt which was doing a lot of mischief in the pa^dy fields was 6hot by Tungku Kuiin, Peaghulu of GUli, on Miy 11th. The sime elephant had received two shots, one from the D. O. K lub, and another
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  • 335 325 Rubbers have again been the feiture of the week, with prices advancing rather too rapidly to please the genuine investor, and now that a good number of holders are bent on profit taking, prices for ths moment are easier. Mnrnra. B^lats are in good request
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  • 57 325 The American distilling ship Riinbow, escorting the destroyer flotilla of the Third Pacific Squadron, is due at Hongkong on the 18th inst. She and the destroyers including the Chauncey, Bainbridge, Dale, and Barry, will probably stay there for about a week, after which" they will proceed north to Japan and
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  • 393 325 Yesterday, Fuzioki, Alaki and Morukami, Japanese, were b3fore Mr. C. F. Green for preliminary enquiry into allegations of bouse trespass, attempted robbery and extortion by fear of death. Detective Inspector Taylor appeared for the crown Mr. Mundell for the defence. T. Kamara, a youog Japanese, gave
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  • 103 325 s. c. c. vs s. r. a The above teams playfd a match l&sb evening on the Esplanade before a very few spectators. The Club hid a cumber of good men out pkying in unusual positions, but they beat the S. R. C. easily by five to nil. The
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  • 62 325 The results of the Spoon Shoot yesterday were as follow Mrs Ellis 34. scr. 34 Mrs Bowes 30 -5 32 5 Mrs Lemon 26 7 32 1 Mrs Learmont 27 '5 ->l Mrs Jago 31 scr. 31 Mrs Axten 25 5 10 Mrs Mauldon 26 4 29 6
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  • 80 325 Five of the griffins who ran last week but did not win were raced yesterday morning once round the course. There was a fair number of members of tho Club presents The race resulted as under Mr llowabe's Dacoit lOst., Cartwright 1 Downunder Kongsi's Sundowner 5.12, Fisher
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  • 157 325 Competition between the Norddeutscher Lloyd steamers and those of the CLino Siamese Steam Navigation Co. would appear to be rapidly reaching aa acute stage, no doubt greatly to the drlight of the coolies and other Chinese returning from Siam to China. Two vessels left for Swatow,
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  • 56 325 It seems that the Cantonese are exhibiting characteristic enterprise in opening ports, for it is stated that a place called Nanshui has been discovered in the Hsiangshan district near Canton, which would form an excellent port. A scheme is on foot to define its boundaries and much enthusiasm is shown
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  • 349 326 The Two-Power standard is not a natural principle, it is a rule-of-thumb formula which sometimes has a meaning. It has bad in the past, it may have again in the future, a very precise and definite meaning. At the present moment it has no meaning, and
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  • 204 326 The report of the Ulu Rantau Rubber Estates Company, Limited, states that the reports which have been received from time to time from the estates visitor speak most favourably of the growth of the rubber trees of all ages, and it is expected that tapping operations
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  • 20 326 The Hon. W. Evans, Resident Councillor of Malacca, and Mrs. Evans left for Malacca in the Sea Mew on Sunday.
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  • 286 326 Messrs Guthrie Co., agents, send us the Directors' report for the year ended December 31st, 19* 8, which is as follows. The Directors have pleasure in submitting their third annu<l report aud statement of accounts for 11*08. Dining the year under review, considerable further extensions
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  • 885 326 Mr. H. Wallace Furnivall, MB, S.S., of Woodbury, near Exeter, has proceeded to the Straits Settlements as a Government Medical Officer. A large number of Bangkok people learned with regret that upon the expiration of his agreement next month, Mr J. Homan van der Heide, the
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  • 266 326 A Warm Welcome. Nearly all Singapore assembled on and near Johnston's Pier yesterday afternoon to welcome back His Excellency Sir John Anderson, GDvernor and Commander- in- Chief, after his short visit to England. A guard-of-honour was supplied by the Middlesex Regiment. All military officers and the members of
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  • 245 326 Ajtolo Chinese (Fiiee) School Yesterday, an interesting gathering of pupils aud pat ions met at the Teluk Aver (Free) School to ctlebrate Eaipire DjJ. Mr C. B Buckley occupied the chair Mr K. J. Birtlett and otheis beiug present. A rather elaborate programme was prepared for the occasion,
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  • 214 326 Lical accountants members of the Chartered Institute or Incorporated Society have receive! by the mail to hand this week from tlirir respective headquarters the draft of liill agreed upon jointly bf the two Councils providing for the registration of professional accountants in England and Walts. Mr lleunie sends
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  • 116 326 Yesterday, Mr Rhodes made an application to Mr C. F. Green, in connection with the Johore piracy and murder cise to the effect that one Lo Ko Li, a resident of Johore and a very important witness in the case, should be placed in security as it
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  • 354 326 Sultan of Tringganu's Wel. <>mk His Highness the Sultan cf Trinetf lc arrived from Ehio in the Dutch steamer "SriDaig" on Friday on a visit to Hm Excellency the Governor. Tringganu is or> of the States which has been placed und*r British protection and a large number
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  • 136 326 The EtajtOg Pa«:ar 1> ck Con.; having been dissolved the only mean* Lowavailable of communication with A holdtri cf the Company is thr-.ueh the Pi ess, and Mr Reooie the UqoMtfc r sires to acquaint them with the c«»nUn a letter to hand this mail from tfct
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  • 139 326 It i- an opf>u secret among men ab'<» give an opinion, that the new Tan Tack Seng Hospital is. uotvvith*t tuding ir> c >mpietely up-to-dite construction, defoctii one very important point. The bir.ldinu'* have corrugated iron roofs and the temp< i iture ranges hi^h, too high
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  • 70 326 Messrs. F. \V. lUrker and CtWtftl W« beg to advise having received a tei^ rr a:i! from the Tendon < Htice of the Company as follows: After writing off the whole <. i tbe prelimiun v expenses and <£:J,500 for depreciiti^n. the net profit for the year
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  • 133 326 The Rev. W. H. C. Dunkerley, bH Arch deacon of Singapore, has been appointed to to tbe vicarage of St. Mark, Bush H Park. The ex-Russ'an battleship Pokava, no* the Tango, has evidently required very large repairs since she was blown up by the Kussians and sunk at Port Arthur,
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  • 1247 327 Qui'ijuid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. We have b9en reading, with some interest, accounts of celebrations held in France and' Italy in connection with the beatification of Joan of Arc. Beatification, it may be explained, is a decree in holiness preliminary to sanctification, or
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  • 94 327 Tlie Rushdiah Club replayed their tie against D irul Arifiia for the above competition ou Siturday evening on Baich Road ground and the spectators present siw au interesting game. In the opening half the teams appeared to be well matched and no score was made. During the
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  • 194 327 A good step in advance was made last year by the Eastern Mortgage and Agency Company (l!>0-), whoso report has just appeared. After a series of unsatisfactory years the income of the Company shows a considerable advance, and the profit for the period all but wipes
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  • 261 327 On Saturday, in honour of the District Grand Lodge Jubilee, the District Grand Master, the hoa'ble W. J. Napier, and Mrs Napier were "At Home" at Deanrow, Paterson-rd. and a large numbar of Freemasons and their wives attended. His Excellency the Governor and the Misses Anderson were present. Excellent arrangements
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  • 541 327  -  Re C. FOSTER The public examination of C. Foster was continued by Mr. D.Biatty, Official Assignee, in the Supreme Court, yesterday, before Mr. Justice Sercom be- Smith. Bankrupt said he had trusted his clerk with his books and had not paid much attention to them. The clerk had
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  • 378 327 An extraordinary general meeting of the Straits and General Development Company, Limited, was held, at the offices, 87| Gresharnstreet, E. C, for the parpose of considering a resolution granting an option to the chairman of the company to acquire 10,885 forfeited shares of the company, in
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  • 23 327 The body of a rikisha puller was found between the shafts of bis vehicle on Friday night, near the house of Mr. Gtansloser.
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  • 813 327 In the Museum at Kew is a pearl scarf pin only remarkable at a glance because that is about the last place where one would look for such an object. The diameter is not much less than half an inch, the colour pure milk-white, the polish excellent; if
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  • 125 327 A curious illustration of Oriental prejudice was recently afforded in the experience of London banks having occasion to forward large sums of gold coin to China. It waa ascertained that the Chinese would accept no sovereigns bearing the familiar Saint George and Dragon on the reverse side, as
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  • 31 327 Dame Sirah Aird, of 14, Hyde Parkterrace, W., wife of Sir John Aird, and daughter of the late Mr. Benjamin Smith, of Lewisham, left <£100 tj the Children'* Hospital, Paddington-greaa— «£l:^,2lS.
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  • 265 328 His Excellency the Governor and Miss Anderson will be "at Home" at Government House on Wednesday, 26th, at 4.45 pm. Tfce Ist Battalion of the Inniakillin^ Fusiliers has been ordered from Milt a to the North China headquarters at Tientsin. It is stated in cartain quarters
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  • 591 328 Iq the burning South, the icy North, the anciest Ea3t, the boundless West, wherever Britain holds her sway, Empire Diy is recognised and celebrated. List year 1 had the srcod fortune to spend Empire Day in the Rockiei at Binff, Canada's national Park. II is
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  • 622 328 GET RIGHT WITH GOD." MR MEYER'S SIMPLE MESSAGE. Possibly there has never been a better illustration in Singapore of how little one half of the people of a place know of the ideals of the other half, even in so small a place as Singapore, than was given last evening
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  • 293 328 Reception ok Rev. F. B. Meykr. Oa Saturday afternoon an exceedingly cordial reception was accorded to the Rav. F. B. and Mrs. Mejer by Miss Blackmore and her sister workers at the Deaconess Home. From half -past four ladies and gentlemen began to arrive until the number reached
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  • 356 328 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, May 15th. Mr W.F. Haase, member of the Court of Justice at Semarang, is appointed counsellor of the Supreme Court of Justice for N. E. I. At a tumultuous meeting at Soerabaja the Union of Employees in the sugar industry (Suikerbond) elected Mr
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  • 233 328 On Saturday niirbt the members of the Singapore Catholic Club gave an unusually enjoyable concert in honour cf the Feast Day of the Right Reverend Bish<»p Barillon, the IV.ron of the Club. The Club room and its approaches were ceatly decorated for the occasion. A se 7
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  • 164 328 Two boatmen had a row on Friday evening over the large sum of fifteen cents. One of them, Lee Chian, suddenly pulled out a long knife and buried it in the breast of the other, icflicting a serious wcund in the neighbourhood of the heart. The wounded man
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  • 371 328 An SC.C. team played the E.G. A. at Blakan Mati on May 22nd, the Club winning. There was some very uneven scoring R. G. A. Lt. Clarke c and b Gregson n Corp. Broomhead b Bullmore 7 Br. Doe b Bullmore 4, Gr. Winter b Stretton 0 Sgt. Arthur
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  • 24 328 Lames Mei>al, May. Mrs Keigwin 54 i IS Mrs Rowland Allen M 4 ',2 Mrs Bowes 3 Mrs Carver 58 57
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  • 81 328 The medal competition played for on Saturday and Sunday ended in a tie between Sir Arthur Youut?, Mr K. J. Addie and Mr J. McKeLzie. The cards returned The ball sweep on Saturday was won bj Sir Arthur Young. were. Sir Arthur Young 39 45 I 7^
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  • 175 328 There was a scene of much animation on Saturday afternoon, when the boysof OutramKd. School held their Athletic Sports iu celebration of Empire Day. A large crowd of parents and friends had assembled and enjoyed the pool 6port an.l kind hospitality of Mr M B. Hrockwell
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  • 57 328 Our lively contemporary the Globe doe* not often miss a chance like this. In an advertisement of a Meiiein National Packing Co. the legal advisers are Slaughter ac«i May, the expert adviser John Canbfield, and on the board of directors there are George I. Ham and John W. DeKay But
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  • 121 329 The Australians have beaten Notts and Northampton scrambled into a draw with Essex and lost to Surrey. A heliograph message from Colonel R. S, F. Walker states that he is at present up the Taipiug Hill. Ibis is the first time that leltographic communication has been
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  • 347 329 Tie Sub-£aitcrial faculties weie severely exercised ever Reuter's latest puzzle ves'erCay. Tre Sub's rctes on ibe telegram iuargiu are scrctwhtt as follows. "Spionitis.'' Query a cotdition cf beiri: sixty keUJ, vith fcur e;e?. pale coloured *i»h piik c;ni, of tie tuticolae famfv. Not n.ufh use. If it weie
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  • 433 329 The Shanghai Mercury says the ccse of the Maori KiE£. which Keuter wired out the Privy Council has allowed to go to appeal, aroused great icterest locally. It first carte into H. B M 's Supreme Court in January I '.'<•s, when Sir Havilland de Sansmartz was
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  • 359 329 A GENERAL HOLIDAY. Empire Diy was celebrated as a public holiday in Singapore yesterday. Nearly all the firms were closed, vessels in the harbour decorated and flags were exhibited on the different houses in town. In all Government departments, the day was get aside for holiday making, and
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  • 1145 329 A delightful little entertainment \v;is given at their school by the pupils of the Girls Section. There was a very large attendance of relatives and friends, and when the Cadets and S_*cuts swarmed in, there was scarcely s'auding room. The soldier bojs occupied window ledges and
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  • 158 329 It is with very great regret that we (Sarawak Gazette) have to announce the death iu England at the end of March of Mr. D. J. S. Bailey. Mr. Bailey joined the service as an extra officer on the 18th March 1883 and
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  • 127 329 Honoured in Bombay. The recognition of the new Sultan as Caliph of Islam has been the sole subject of discussion in MahomecUn society here as elsewhere in India since the past two weeks. The name of the deposed Sultan was read during the Friday prayers in
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  • 557 329 Attention is called to two lectures to men arranged for Tuesday and Thursday in the Victoria Theatre, at 845 pm. These lectures are intended to assist young men in their fight for character, and are the fruit of Mr Meyer's long and intimate experience of
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  • 207 329 SINGAPORE RIFLE ASSOCIATION. The S. K. A. Monthly Haudicip took place on Sunday afternoon under rather unfavourable conditions causel by the lain and dull light. There were about M c<. uipetitors, and the following aie the results The Macbean Cup was competed for at the same time, the conditiois being
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  • 94 329 A daring robbery of a pearl necklace valued at £8,000 is being investigated by the Bangkok authorities. It appears that the necklace was despatched by the Diamond Merchant's Association, of London, to the Queen's Chamberlain. The package arrived here by the 8.8. Deli and was duly
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  • 639 330 The following lots, comprising about 111 tons Straits and 18 tons Ceylon, were offered at auction and sold as follows April 16. Straits and Malay States. cases per lb. Samatra 3 cr 8/S. D. 17 sh bought in R. R. B. &D. 2 sh 5/1
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  • 295 330 We bear that Commander C. A. Kulcliffe R. N., Mssist Attendant, Singapore, is expected to arrive in Penang on the 25th inst. from tbe S3uthern Settlement. (I*. G Mat Arsat, of Bukit Gantan^, has just accounted to the Police the despatch of a tiger at that village. It was quite
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  • 837 330 (Mahy Mail The chief question which has occupied the attention of the committee of the local Chamber of Commerca has been the development of Port Swettenbam, and they have had considerable correspon3ence with Government on the subject. We cannot but admire the persistence with which
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  • 106 330 Recently, says a Chinese report, the British Minister in Peking approached the Waiwupu with a proposal to found a Medical College in Peking, the purpose of which would be to spread medical knowledge in China for the conquest of human pain and disease. He agreed that
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  • 1170 330 A Life-Saving Cannon Age of Rocks Shown by Helium The Greatest Whales Measuring the Earth's Shrinking Cold Storage Transportation of Flowers Music from the Drum Photogravures in Colours EarTrumpet Divining-Rod Radium Therapy. Wrecked vessels are usually unprovided with any means of throwing a life-line to shore, but the
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  • 651 330 Harpenden (Selangor) Rubber. The report of the Harpend^n (Selangor) Rubber Company, Ltd for LtOft, to Ije t»ubinitted at the meeting on the 4th of May, states that the company was registered on 18th January, 19- 8, and the expenditure was taken over as from Ist January, 19<»s; The
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  • 161 330 One would have thought it unnecessary for a physician at the Nursing Conference to remark ou the desirability of Lurses being attractive. Other things being e.jual, we quite agree. The patient who is iudifferent to the physic he takes, or the hand that gives it, is not on the visiting-
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  • 1255 331 There are certain characters in b^oks with which we are so familiar that the mere suggestion that they are not real comes upon us with a positive shock and yet when wi proceed in cold blood to eximine these people, we see hov extraordinarily different they are
    O.M.K.  -  1,255 words
  • 1192 331 As the ages go on tbe people of the generation are se". a harder and ever harder task. With advinciug ideis they are required to still hold those threads of faith which the teaching of their time has done its utmost to snap. In days of eld Fear
    Mayo  -  1,192 words
  • 1139 331 One of the polite accomplishments of the days when lad es wore Spencers, it our memory serves us, was a facility for writing iu an accentuated Italian hand an excellent letter. It was considered a sign minual of a ycung lady's accomplishments that she should be
    Mayo  -  1,139 words
  • 230 331 The Directors' accounts of the first yen's workitj* of the company show that the Let prcfits cf the year after allowing for *JO per cent, depreciation on the property of the Company amount to 1110,884 which the Dliecton propose to appropriate as follows A fiual Dividend of
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  • 85 331 Entries foe the Gymkhana. Race 1. Carmen, Jack Homer, Tahib, Cigarette, Lady Jane, Medium. Race 2. Susan, Pikat, Dreamland, Lady Mary. Race 3. Carmen, Polly, Bumble Puppy, Irish Ivy The Monk. Race 4. Barcelle, Jack Homer, Little Wab, Bob* Cigarette, Kitty, May boy, Death or Glory, Lady
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  • 1047 332 Chapter I. Peter was a British working-man. He worked nine hours a day and made on the average <£2 a week. He was a steady lad and his pleasures were simple. S une evenings he would go for a stroll with his sweetheart or take her
    Paul  -  1,047 words
  • 917 332 A gentle tap on the door and in response to my sleepy come in," an apple- cheeked dimsel brings me the welcome cup of early tea. The New Zsalinder, even ra^re than his Australian cousin, is a large consumer of tea and at the hotel in which
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  • 1457 332 Tuan besar panggil," and the tamby stood gravely by to get acknowledgment of bis summons. It was seldom the head of the firm called for him unless something was wrong, so Smith signified bis reception of the message by a patient sigh and a nod of the head.
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  • 318 332 The following are the rules for the Warren Football Shield t 1. The competition to take place yearly, the fioal being played on a date to be tiie-1 by the G S. C. 2. TJe name of a team taking the shield will be inscribed on it,
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  • 88 332 The Hon. J. Turner'6 term of office a« Legislative Councillor has been extendedMr E. A. Smith and Mr J Gray are ap pointed medical officers for the Colouy. Mr W. G. Bell, Postmaster Generil, h.i* been granted leave. Coroners have been appointed for the Colony. Singapore is to
    88 words
  • 56 332 »-.-< A marriage hu besn arranged between Malcolm John Rattray, M.R.C.S., eldw eon of John Moysey Rattrav, M D., of From*, Somersetshire, and Emma Edith Liscelles Ford, only daughter of the late Captain Lascelles Ford, 88th Connaught Rioters, and Mrs. Lascelles Ford, of Aynhoe Mmsions. The marriage will take place
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  • 407 333 Sir Robert Hart has sent a telegraphic reply to the Waiwupu stating that he will return to China if his health permits. Uugku Hussain bin Abdul Rahman, the State Commissioner of Endau (Jobore) sat on ibe bench with Mr. E. E. Colmao, yesterdav afternoon. Ancthar arrest
    407 words
  • 177 333 I drove to town oa Empire Day and thought of noble things. I thought ma thoughts of Gracious Queens aud brave and valiant King3. And I was proud that I b3loaged, beneath this torrid heat, Tj a Trim Tight Little Island that has almost bought the 9treet. I drove
    177 words
  • 165 333 >a S it urday afternoon, Mr. S. Kasssim the popular proprietor of the Indra Z mibar Royal Theatrical Co., gave a matinee pertoriuan^e free to all Milay vernacular schoolchildreu. There were present over 1,800 youngsters from different schools and each batch marched into the hall headed by
    165 words
  • 1218 333 By the time these notes appear in print many thousands of holiday makers will be hurrying home to bed in England to snatch a few hours rest before making an early start for Epsom Downs. The race appears to be as open as most of us could wish.
    1,218 words
  • 479 333 Chivcsi Case at Supreme Coubt. Lx)k Kit Sii, a small- footed Chinese woman, was the plaintiff in a case befoie Mr Justice Sercounbe Smith at the Supreme Court yesterday. She claimed $15,000 from Lim Chan Sin. Mr Rowland Alien appeared for the woman and Mr Knowles represented
    479 words
  • 147 333 An inquest was held by the Coroner yesterday into the death of an unknown Chinaman who met his death on Monday night while endeavouring to escape from the police. A Chinese detective told the Coroner a strange tale. He said that on Monday night he was in
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  • 67 333 Mahomed Salleh who stands charged with murder on the high seas while on board the French mail, "Ernest Simons/' was again before Mr. E. E. Colman on remand. Mr. M. Harris, who defends the accused said he was willing to go on, but was informed that the Deputy Public Prosecutor
    67 words
  • 644 333 There was some tall scoring in the S.C.C. v Garrison match on the Esplanade jesterday. Home's 97 overshadows the other double figure scores and includes twelve fours and a six. The scores are. Garrison. G. R. Home run oat 97 L. Corp Shalcross c May b Stretton 15 R.
    644 words
  • 79 333 Result of Play in First Round for President's Prize. E. Appleton w. o. W. N. Master-ton w. o. H. B. Salmond beat A. Smith 2 up. J. H. D. Jones beat R. F. Binme 5 ud and 4. r W. King beat Jaa. Binnie 1 up. W.
    79 words

  • 883 334 Coroner's Inquest. Farther evidence was taken by Mr Alex. Gentle, the Coroner, yesterday, at the General Hospital, into the death of a Chinese coolie named Hoh Hoo, who was shot at Pulo Brani on the night of the 15th inst. Privates Miller and Dunkley of the Middlesex
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  • 51 334 On Monday a detective arrested a Chinaman who came and asked his help in a secret society case. They went to a house in Cross Street. When the door was opened the man rushed to the upper floor and on to the roof from which he fell and was instantly
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  • Correspondence.
    • 180 334 To the Editor, Sir, I have been rather surprised to see that apparently no notice has been taken of the cutting off of the water supply. It is now impossible to get water at any hour between 6 pm and 7.30 am. Both hours are extremely awkward,
      180 words
    • 248 334 To the Editor, Sir. While thanking very much the gentlemen who have so kindly arranged for a Tamil meeting to be held on the Methodist Girls' School, Short Street, on the -Ust inbtmt, at (3 15 pm,may I, through the medium of this paper, request
      248 words
    • 115 334 Before Mr. Ju9tice S^rcombe Smith, yesterday morning, appeals from Magistrates* decisions were heard. The first case heard was that in which Mr. M. Tczer appeared for a Chinaman who had been convicted and fined s lO for assault. Mr. Tozer proceeded to comment on the evidence noticing unfavourably
      115 words
  • 134 334 Yesterday, the eise in which Mr de Mello on behalf of the Chinese Protectorate again charged two men on remand, one with engaging four labourers to work out of the Colony, without the sanction of the Protector of Chinese the other, with procuring the men, came on.
    134 words
  • 117 334 Yesterday, this case was again before Mr. E. E. Colman. It will be remembered that a short time ago, a French gentleman brought three cases ashore without a permit. The revenue officer demanded a duty of 90. This was refused and the gentleman was taken to the
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  • 17 334 A lady resident in Grange reports the ioss of a purse between the 19th and 24th instant.
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  • 348 334 Thursday, May 27, 1909. Mr Claude Orr, of Trinity College, Kandy, has joined St. Thomas' College, Colombo, 841 cricketing master The Saa Belle left yesterday afternoon for Port Swettenham with Sir William Taylor, k c m a the Resident General of the F.M.S. on return to Kuala Lumpur from a
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  • 444 334 Mr Meyer's Lectures to Men. < )a Tuesday Mr Mever delivered the first instalment of his lecture on The Physiology of a Strong, Pure Life," to an inspiring audience of some 350 to 400 men, who listened with close attention to the speaker's frank and yet delicate
    444 words
  • 59 334 The following is the result of crushing operations at Riub for the four weeks ending 22nd instant Bukit Koman. Stone crushed 3,885 tons Gold obtained 1,092 ounces Average per ton 5 62 dwte. Bukit Malacca. Stone crushed 2.094 tons Gold obtained 110 ounces Average per ton 1.05 dwts.
    59 words
  • 155 334 RESULT. The Latest Betting. Received at 11 :J0 pin. The following is the result of the Derby The Derby stakes of <&<vsoo for entire colts, and fillies, colts. \Ut. fillies 89, I) tanee 1| miles. 1. His Majesty's Minoru 2. Mr W. Raphael's Louviers 3. Lord Michelham's William
    155 words
  • 116 334 2 to 1 against Mr Fai lie's b c Bayard-, bf Bay Ronald— Galaein. 6to 1 Mr Hall Walkers br c Minor j by Cyiiene -Mother 10 to 1 Mr J. E. Madden 's he Bk I tin, If O^den— Lidy Btirlfog 12 to 1 Mr
    116 words
  • 46 334 Received st »'».27> pm Minoru Sir Martin 7 to 2 Louviers and Valeus 100 to 11 Bayardo |00 to 9 Phaleron and Electric B\v 100 to 7 William the Fourth 100 Diamond Stud, The Story 20 to 1 Strickland Im. Sandbath 4) to I
    46 words
  • 326 334 With reference to the valuable pearl l lace whose mysterious disappearance was corded in Bangkok papers there a\ pe;u> t< bo just that kind of n>y»tery which the writ'*: of detective stories usually revels in. It seems that the box containing the neckL e was handed
    326 words
  • 177 334 A house at Teluk Kurau, occupied bj Malays, collapsed on Tuesday night. Sev* ral Malays were injured and a pirl of years of age was killed. The house was outside Municipal limits. In June 1905, the Danish vessel, Pnncesse Marie, a fine steamer of 5.41 *< register, and only three
    177 words

  • 2114 335 (By Submarine Telegraph.) (Renter* s Agency) Resei ved May 20, at 10 55 am. la the House of Commons Mr Winston 1 Ob archill sketchel the Lioour Exchange g t il which will be introduced to-morrow, 1 and will establish a uniform national system A exchanges with a central
    2,114 words
  • 88 335 {From our own Correspondent?} Pining, May 20, 1 pm. His Excellency Sir John Anderson an<3 his two daughters arrived here thi? morn in? at 7 am. in the outward bound P. O Delhi. The Governor was met by the kesiden Councillor, the Hon. K. N. Bland,
    88 words
  • 58 335 Lanadron Report. {From our vicn Correspondent!) London, via Penan g. The Lanadron Company pays 10% dividend and carries £3,000 to reserve, and £2,550 forward. miPAAAA The estimated yield for 1009 is 200,0Q0 pounds. London, via Penang, May 25th. Shares in the Rubber Company market are more active,
    58 words
  • 47 335 The Kubber Securities Investment Trust has been formed with a capital of £200,0.0 of which the present issue is £ioo,o:o. The Directors are.— Messrs W A. Addinsell, Cecil de Winton. Dan Drake and Thomas Gallic The business is that of a usual busines trust company.
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  • 33 335 Kuala Lumpor, 12 23 p.m. A. Kidd, the jockey, while riding on the course this morning, was crushed against the rails and sustained a compound fracture of the thigh.
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  • 39 335 Kuala Lumpur, May 25. The Anti- Opium Conference had a most enthusiastic meeting, all the resolutions pro gave an excellent address. The next conference will be held in Singapore- 3 The date has not yet been fixed.
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  • 121 335 Charged in Hongkong. {From our own Correspondent?) Hongkong, May 20. Receive 1 at 3 29 p.m. It is understood here that the Chartered Bank has been robbed of $51,000. Penang, Miy 21st, 12 5 p.m. The police report the arrest at Hongkong of Chea Siang, a clerk
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  • 72 335 Magnificent Donation. < From Our Otrn Correspondent.) Hongkong, M ly 24th, 190i>. Messrs Butterfi a ld and Swira have made a donation of $40,000 t3 tha Hongkong University Scheme. Hongkong, May 25. The donation of Messrs Butterfitjld and Swire to the Hongkong Uaiversity scheme is £30,0 0. The
    72 words
    • 29 335 {From our ffWM Co)>\spondent^ Ipob, May 25. Empire Diy was celebrated here by a parade of 2,500 school boys on the Padang and the holding of sports.
      29 words
    • 24 335 The Empire Do.y celebrations here made a big display. The decorations and illuminations were very fine and the ball a great success.
      24 words
    • 10 335 The Empire Dxy celebrations here were most successful.
      10 words
    • 40 335 Hongkong. The Hongkong score m the Empire shoot was (>*>o. Ipoh. In the shoot for the Duly Miil Empire Cup the Ipoh total was 715. Penang. In the I) lily Mail Empire Cup shoot Penang scored 71**.
      40 words
    • 22 335 In the cricket ma*ch SalaDgor made 205 and Negri Sembikn 72 in their first innings and 107 in their second.
      22 words
    • 23 335 The Chinese manager of Messrs Z icb&rias and Company, has fallen from the upper window of a house and was killed.
      23 words
    • 21 335 {Fro in our mm Con .sfioihtem.) Pec an g, May 25. Tunku Kulic.the ex-regent of Selangor is dead.
      21 words
    • 53 335 Lawyers Step In. Messrs Adams and Allen, the solicitors to the Kedah Government, have sent a long letter to the Pinang Gazette controverting the leader published in that paper on May 7, and complaining that Kedah has been totally ignored bDth by Great Britain and Siam regarding the terms
      53 words
  • Page 335 Advertisements
    • 31 335 SIAM IN THE MALAY PENINSULA A Short Account of the position of Siam in the States of Kelantan, Patani Legeh and SaL Re-printe4 from the Singapore Fm Prcit." Price 60 cents.
      31 words

  • 974 336 MINES. Capital Capita! Issoe Paid Issued pafdopValoa up Company. fexstfe 1300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining 00. Ltd 8 8 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Braang Limited 7 $600,000 600,000 10 10 Braseh Hydrauho Tin M. Co. Ltd 7 S £500,000 444 769 1 1 Duff Development 00. Ltd
    974 words
  • Page 336 Miscellaneous
    • 663 336 CLEARANCES. May 19. Gracchus, Brit, str., Suffern, for Sydney via Java and Melbourne. May 20. Halaban, Dut. str., Van Offen, forKuantan. Glenfallocb, Brit str, Hainswortb, for Penang. Bridge, Nor. str., Lekong, for Saigon. Ifuddea, Brit, str., Dickinson, for Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. K. Willem I, Dut. str., Potjer, for Muntok
      663 words
    • 793 336 May 27. Janet NicoN, Brit, str., Lyons, for Port Swettenham via ports. Poh Ann, Brit, str, Robertson, for Port Swettenham via ports. Kintuck, Brit, str., Paddle, for Antwerp via ports. PASSENGERS. Per Amherst Mr L. G. Attenborough and Mr A. H. Ryder, Per P O Delta from Hongkong— Mr G.
      793 words
    • 269 336 VESSELS IN PORT. Man-of-war Flap: and Tons Commanders Arrived Prom For vv Hai Chi Ch. cru. 4300 Shen May 19 Pontianak Hongkong Hai Yung Ch. cru. 2950 Lin May 25 Deli Saigon 5 ShiD Flair Tons Master Arrived From Consignee For Wbeo Bangkok Ger 1237 Nicolaesen May 26 Bangkok Behn
      269 words