The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 20 May 1909

Total Pages: 16
305 320 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 210 305 LIADIRS. Chinese Kailway Loan t#t ;j 5 Chinese Attitude to Railways 35 Hasty Opium Action 30 Imperial l'ni*y j## 3 g Payment of MouiKts 3(XJ M. P. Kailway 3t; Tinplute Arguments 307 Malacca's Lot 37 Sir John or Cassandra 308 lSudget Making 308 yl< »n A gric ulture 3OS
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 69 305 MacCunn.— At Butter worth, on 9th inst., the wife of G. D. N. MacCunn, of a son. At Brighton on the 16th inst., the wife of C. G. May of a daughter. Crockatt.— On 24th March, at No. 16, Maye-Machi, Kobe, the wife of J. L. Crockatt, of a
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    • 51 305 On Monday, May 10th, at All Saints' Church, Taiping, Perak, by Rev. F. B. Pinhorn, Georgie, only daughter of Lieut. Colonel Dudley N. Buckle, late R. A., and Mrs. Buckle of Breamish House, Rowburn, Alnwick, Northumberland, to C. Surtees, second son of C. T. Robinson, Esq., J. P., Hunstanton,
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    • 72 305 On April 23, 1909, at Shanghai, Norman EWAH Ford, of Sydney, Australia, and of the I. M. Customs, Nanking, aged 23 years. On April 29, 1909, at Shanghai, Captain Alexander S. Wilson, aged 60 years. IJOBI). On April 6, at Marborough Street Bellwood, Mount Rosbill, Auckland, James King Robb,
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 305 Per* shall the Press the People's riiiht maistain l T tiawt-<] by influence and unbribed by gain; H»»re patriot Truth lit glorious precepts dravr, Pledged to Religion, Loyalty and Law.
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  • 833 305 May 14. Two of the sharpest thorns besetting the roses of international diplomacy and politics, are the difficulties created by missionaries and financiers, and he would be a brave man who would declare offhand which group had caused the most international complications m the past. At the
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  • 614 305 As a sequel to the rush of financiers of all nations to find money for railway development m China, it is important to consider the attitude of the Chinese officials and gentry towards railways built, financed, or managed by Europeans. During the last twenty years much
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  • Page 305 Advertisements
    • 235 305 Subscribers to the "Singapore Free Press" weekly returning from Europe to the Straits by any of the mail lines, are invited to send to the Manager the name of their steamer and date of arrival m Singapore. Copies will then be mailed to meet them at various ports ot call.
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    • 120 305 STRAITS Mortgage Trust Co., LIMITED. TO PLANTERS m the F.M.S. AND STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. The above Company is now prepared to consider applications for loans on Rubber and other Estates. Applications should be accompanied with full particulars, of title, area under cultivation, age of trees &c. and should be made m
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  • Page 305 Miscellaneous
    • 185 305 THE WEEK. The English mail of April 23rd arrived per B. I. steamer last Saturday. The mail of the oOth comes by the Delhi to-morrow. Sir John Anderson returns to the Colony on the B:\h\. At the Legislative Council meeting on Monday some votes for services were passed, the Merchants
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  • 560 306 The experience of the Macao Opium Farmer i?, according to the N Hongkong Telegraph," a striking example cf the trouble that can be caused by hasty legislation m dealing with opium, although m this case the trouble was caused indirectly. The Macao Farmer took froa HongkoDg something
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  • 1506 306 May 15. "The Struggle for Imperial Unitj" is a subject that must attract the attention of all thoughtful men imbued with a desire to see their country maintain its position and improve it. The movement for maintaining the Navy is but one phase which has been greatly ventilated
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  • 385 306 It was bound to come. The Labour members have brought forward a resolution for the payment of Members of Parliament At least since the Government Teadilv accepted the resolution, and there were 92 against it, the conclusion is that it was the Labour Members. It is rather
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  • 1307 306 May 17. One cannot be always correcting th*» mistakes of others, and it is a thankless task at any time, but 60 much has been written m the Home papers since the signature of the Siam British Treaty about the immediate development of railway linec that m
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  • 838 307 Miy 18. The thrae Emperors have been indulging m a little self-congratulation on the successful termination of their deal with regard to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the rending to tatters of the Treaty of Birlin. It might be thought by some that the chuckling, rubbing of hands,
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  • 747 307 The frequent references to the tin-plate trade, as an example of the benefits of free trade, or the necessity of tariff reform, have a particular interests for the Straits, because much of our tin is used for the purpose of dipping the iron sheets m, which than bccDine
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  • 987 307 M*y 19. Whatever mistakes people at Home may make about the order m which the Settlements were founded for instance that the colonists (who are not colonists but settlers) first founded Singapore, and then spread along the coasts to Malacca and Penang, m the Colonj itself we are
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  • 631 308 The last mail brought us out two cuttings relating to this Colony that ought to be read side by side. One is the speech of Sir John Anderson at the dinner of the Straits Settlements Association which has already appeared m these columns, the special part
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  • 844 308 May 20. Budget making and Cabinet breaking was the first association of ideas out here when Mr Lloyd George introduced what was described as one of the maddest and biddest of budgets." Sinking fund suspended which is neither mad nor bad, since Mr Chiozza Money, one of Mr
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  • 821 308 The report on the .Royal Botanic Gardens of Ceylon makes interesting and stimulating reading. Though cast m the official mould it displays a sufficiency of florescent detail to make it interesting to all who have acy concern for the natural husbandry and industry of the East. It has
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  • 684 308 When the last mail left Shanglm tie principal, naj, the all-absorbim?, topic conversation everywhere was the raid m%4a by the Municipal Police upon the notorious gambling house known as the Alhan and the possible result of an appeal for re dress to the Court of Consuls. The
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  • 38 308 Daring the two years' administration oi Fengtien there is a surplus revenue < 1.700.0C0 odd taels. Duke Tsai, president of the Ministry of Finance, is desirous of exteD ding the tobacco and spirits farm system to all the provinces.
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  • 835 309 Friday, May 14, 1909. Judge Skinner Turner, of H. B. M. Court for Siam, is expected by the next German mail to proceed to Kedah to try a number of British subjects now awaiting trial, including two man charged with murder. The four men who stand under the allegation of
    Pinang Gazette  -  835 words
  • 267 309 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. Although it is Kace Week our market has twen extremely active, and a considerable business has beeu transacted m Rubbers, which^in all instances have advanced still further since last advices. Mining.— News came down from Raub early m the week, that the lode had been cut
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  • 362 309 VERONIQUE." It was a happy audience that assembled m the Victoria Theatre last night to witness the production of Veroniqua by Mr Maurice Bandinann's Merry Li! tie Maids Comk Opera Company. His Highness the Sultan of Johore was present The piece staged was a comic opera m
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  • 163 309 Yesterday. Chin Hok Kirn was prosecuted by Mr. Howard, Superintendent, Tanj->ng Pagar Deck Police, for theft as a clerk. Mr. Yarborough appearel for the defendant. An elaborate explanation of the case was afforded Mr. C. F. Green by the prosecutor. Evidence was elicited that on a
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  • 60 309 The repair of the Empress of China m Hongkong is described as a smart piece of work. 57 plates and 88 floors were removed and replacad m 14| days, instead of the five weeks estimated m Japan. The damages were incurred on the last voyage to Vancover, m the Inland
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  • 295 309 {From our own Correspondent.) It is rumoured that H. E. the GovernorGeneral has sent m his resignation, owiDg it is said to difference of opinion between himself and the Commandar-in Chief of the Army m the Indies. As the GovernorGeneral was sent here at the express wish of
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  • 255 309 The Straits Development Company is one of tliose concirns that have m the past been tbe object of market gambling and manipulation, and the public have burned their finders badly over the wretched company m its various forms. Nowadays, as the Stiaits and General Development Company, it has
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  • 168 309 The Recent Arrests m Penang. In the Police Court, on Saturday, before Mr. A. V. Brown, two Chinamen were charged on remand with being concerned m the piracy of a junk and the murder of seven of her crew m Johore waters on G3od Friday. One of
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  • 108 309 Thrioa happy is his lot Who, raised above his kind, Can tell his fellow creatures what Is working m his mind, Or show theai where Delight, despair, Or safet/ they may find. Thrice happy he whose part It is to teach, to lead, To name what must
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  • 21 309 Mr. W. W. Rcckhill, who has been the United States Minister at Peking sine* 1905, has been prcaioted to St. Petersburg.
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  • 301 309 The manager's report of the work done on the mines during the mouth of April h ay follows Block 11 Sungei Gam hang. Coming up the valley from the Southern boundary three parties of tributers have worked open cast and one shafting. The gangs working open
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  • 195 309 The manager's report of the work done on this Mine during the month of April 1909 ia as follows 19 Acre Blo< k Gamban*;. A party of tributers took out two paddocks on the Eastern Bank of the stream but finding it unprofitable ceased work. They
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  • 358 309 Trade Depression Atfects Business. Rather a startling dcnouernert has taken place ia connection with the negotiations that have been carried on between the Macao Government and the opium farmer at that placo. On Tuesday of last week under instructions from the Government at Lisbon, the Governor
    S.C.M.P.  -  358 words

  • 586 310 Mr. E. Lanz bas been m hospital m with typhoid fever, but is improving and hopes to leave on the next trip of the Dali. A body of blue- jackets from the Chinese cruiser Hai Yung landed at Johnston's Pier yesterday. It was a curious sight
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  • 264 310 FOIR POLICKMEX CONVRTEI>. Yesterday, a corporal and four constables of the Tanjong Pagar Do^k Police were prosecuted by Superintendent Howard for agreeitg to ampt an illegal gratification of fifty cents each. The case arose cut cf the finding of a basket of dried fish by the crew
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  • 1534 310 A BUSY MORNING. In the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr. Justice Sarcombe Smith was occupied with bankruptcy work. Mr. Elliot mentiorel the matter of Jfohamed AH. There was a motion to vary an o r der of bis Lordship. Cpunsel said the matter had been settled and the money
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  • 280 310 Yesterday, a Tamil bill collector was before Mr E. E. Column on an allegation of criminal breach of trust m respect of the property of Messrs Caldbt'ck Macgregor. Mr Mundell appeared for the prosecution Mr Parsons for the defence. Mr 11 Woodroffp, an assistant m the
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  • 76 310 The new Maldive postage stamps arrived m Colombo last week from England by the B. I. s. s. Shirala and were dispatched to the Maldivian Government. Four varieties arrived. These were the 2c, Be, 5c and 10 cents. Four more varieties have still to come,
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  • 24 310 On Thursday night a respectable looking Chinaman dropped dead m Fraser Street. A pest mortem examination yesterday decided that heart failure was the cause.
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  • 399 310 This Board held its usual fortnight]? meeting m the offices yerteiday afternoon the members present bAne Mees-s X G Broadiick, President, A. J W. Watkins, J>. Fowlie, F. E Jago, W. Peacock, C. I. Car ver, Ong Teck Lim. President s Remarks. The minutes having been confirmed i|,
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  • 269 310 GENTLEMAN JOE Owing to other fixtures, there wis such a good attendance at the Victoria Theatre last night to see Rindmanu's Mm v Little Maids. But the audieice was enthusiastic and narmly applauded MMTc! the items of this souiewhit old fashioutd. but bright and taking musical cm The
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  • 132 310 A. very pretty wedding was celebrated »t All Saints' Church, when Rev. F R B. P.uhorn united Miss Georgie, the only dan. of Lieut. Colonel Dudley W. Buckle I R. A and Mrs Buckle of Br'aniish U f> Rowburn, Alnwick, Northumberland, to Mi C. Surtees Robineon, Assistant
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  • 74 310 The nine men charged before Mr |C. V Green with playing m a common gaming house, the first of whom Chua Pan Han mj also charged with assisting m the management of a Chap Ji Xi lottery were »gain brought up on Saturday. The Court wa* quite satisfied of the
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  • 1107 311 Qui'-ouiil agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. The Topicist is not so much scared as some of his friends at home regarding the position and intentions of a Certain Military and Would-be Nival Power. (Tis one thing to have Dread noughts, don't you know, and
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  • 361 311 Promissory Notk Dispute Mr Justice Sercoaibe Smith was engaged m the Supreme Coiut, on Saturday, with the case of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China vs. Ho Ah Peng, Ho Ah Hoe and Chop Lee Mob, all of Taniong Khu. Mr Stevens appeared for
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  • 191 311 On the loth instant, a gentleman landed from a steamer from Marseilles with some luggage. The Spirit Farm officials wished to overhaul this. The stranger went to the Adelphi Hotel, and thres cises of liquor were found among the luggige. This was taken possession of and duty
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  • 125 311 A money-changer named Suleiman has reported to the police that he has lost $415 under peculiar circumstances. On Friday evening, an unknown Chinaman called on him and said that at No 288 Victoria Street was a person who wanted change for foreign money worth four or five hundred dollais;
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  • 28 311 Mr M. P. Scanlon M.B. is appointed a medical officer for the Straits Settlements and took up his duties as Assistant Port Health Office Singapore on May 8.
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  • 871 311 Monday, May 17, 1909. Mr J. G. Graves has been appointed Building Overseer m the Estate Department of theTanjocg Pagar Djck Board. During last week the locil death rate was 4-1.59, there being 222 deaths. Malarial fever accounted for 34, convulsion for 22, phthisis for 22, beriberi 14, cholera 6.
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  • 713 311 DEATH OF MR C. E. SPOONER, C. M. G. {From our oicn Correspondent.} Kuila Lumpur May 15. Mr C. E. Spooner C.M.G. died this morning. The deceased gentleman came to tbe Milay States m th 9 year 1801 from Ceylon, where he bad served m the Survey and Public Works
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  • 191 311 I ;Tli3 Far Eistern Review ha 3 an interestiDg article illustrated from photographs of the Garden and Chekiang roid bridges erected bj Messrs. Howarth Eisliine at Shanghai. Dr. Saumarez Smith, Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, whose deith is announced, was made familiar to Australians m the sprightly pages of tLe Sydney
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    • 1829 312 The first day's racing of the Singapore Sporting Club's Spring Meeting was very successfully carried out yesterday. Rain threatened during the day, but fortunately did not come down. The course had a chance of drying up, but was still en the heavy side and the times were
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    • 1899 312 It was unfortunate, from every point of view that rain fell again yesterday, though the shower was not of long duration. It was sufficiently heavy however to mike a course already on the sticky side heavier, and m consequence the horses found the going no better than
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  • 2358 313 Saturday brought forth an excellent day's aport for the conclusion of the Spring Meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club. Every condition was favourable and everythirg went without a hitch. The day was warm, but a fine breeza from tha east played across i he Grand Stands and
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  • 110 313 A contribution to Capital writes The Bombay Port Trust is by common consent the most efficient public body m this city. I have already told you what it has done for the development of trade, and have sketched the further improvements projected by Sir Walter
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  • 344 313 To- day is being observed as a holiday at Tanglin m commemoration of the great couraga and determination shown by the 57rh Regiment (cow Ul9 Ist Battaim Middlesex Regiment) m the Battle of Albuhera. The conflict may be described as one of the most
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  • 169 313 ADELPHI HOTEL. ADELPHI HOTEL. Mr Broad- Nonwui had reason to be proud of the large gathering at the X ice Dinner he provided on Saturday night. The Hotel residents now number over 1(50 and m order to accommodate the large crowd of visitors as well as the guests at the
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  • 211 313 There was a full house f _>r BUturdaj*! performance the well known Seymour Hicks Eilaline Tenis piece "The Gay Gtofdocs* 1 The house was generous with its applause (specially the gal'ery, bat one cannot s>y that the peii »rmance was very impressing. Miss Florence Beech siDg
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  • 40 313 The draw fcr the Untong Cup is as under Mugliston and Mayson Rickett and Thunder Watt and Miles Sir A. Young byes. Craik v Lean. The Ist and 2nd rounds must be completed by Sunday 30th May.
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  • 87 313 For tka gruesome undiluted, commend us to the story, which Scott used to tell, of the company of Highland gentlemen who continued to drink for three days and nights. Hech, sir," exclaimed one at length, but McKincon looks gash." What lor should he no? said his neighbour. 'Hasna the chiel
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  • 812 314 Governor General Smith of the Philippines has visited Sir Frederick Lugard and stayed at Government House, Hongkong. Siemens Bros. Dynamo Works have rechived an order for supply of tantalum lamps for St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore says the Electrician. A telegram to Colombo says that Mr S
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  • 886 314 SLEEPING COOLIE SHOT DEAD. SOLDIERS CHARGED WITH HOMICIDE. The firing off of a rifb at Palo B ani aboui 11 30 on Saturday night has resulted m tbe death of a Chinese coolie and the wounding of another man. It appears that P.ivates Miller and Dunkley
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  • 626 314 Monday, May 17th, 1909. Present His Excellency the Act'ng-Governor, Capt. Sir A. H. Young. The Hon'ble the Acting Col. Sec W. Evans. the Attorney-General W. T. Napier. the Col Treasurer J. O. Anthonisz. the CoL Engineer A. Murray. W. D. Barnes. Tan Jiak Kirn. T. S. B iker.
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  • 127 314 The Distric! Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago was founded m 1858 and has therefore now been established 50 years. In celebration of the Jubilee the members of the Craft will attend service at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Ascension Day, Thursday next, at G pm all Freemasons and
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  • 35 314 The Indrani, which went ashore m the Inland Sea about 90 miles from Kobe, was refloated by the Mitsu Bishi salvage vessel Arima Mam and safely conveyed to Kobe to^be put m the floating dock.
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  • 292 314 THE LATE Mr. C. E. SPOONER, C.M.G. The death of Mr. Spooner caused univer sal grief m Kuala Lumpur. AH fixture* 0 Saturday were postponed cv' of respect his memory. The Mahy Mul m theV.i J of long and appreciative notices of his c^r«, has the following:— wr The dominant
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  • 225 314 The lUndmann Opfia Company as*ave-l a task rather beyond their streogfl bgj night m The Merry Widow." The scenes were bright and cheerful, and the dre^s gay and— not altogether Marsovian. fka dances went merrily and the action of the piece did not drag. Nevertheless the music
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  • 240 314 Conviction I>heu>. Appeals from the decisions of police magistrates occupied the attention Mr Justice S.ic^uibe Smith m the Supreme Court yesterday. Mr. Histicgs Rhodes, ]>?putj PuUic Prosecutor, appaared on bmut <>f the Crown. Mr. Campbell represented three Chinese, Ko Moh Ek, Ko Kok Choon acd Xt See Tauj?,
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  • 56 314 The returns of cultivated rubber for the F. M. S. are.— being an increase over the corresponds period of last year of 612,145 lb. or over ♦30 per cent. April 09. 4 mo. 09. 4 mo.^Perak 1ba57,178 243,134 117,507 Selangor 292,674 993,49(5 551,730 Ne^ri S. 79,209
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  • 15 314 A lard manufacturer m Hongkong, fouLvl m possession of decomposed pig, has baeo fined $100.
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  • 341 315 The termination of the Middlesex Annual Sports yesterday .afternoon proved a great success. Happily the rain which threatened m the miming kept eff, and left the ground m good condition. There was a %c n gf < c'ar«i cucc of visitors, and m the officers' ei closure
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  • 142 315 The competition for the May Meddl was played for on Saturday, and Sunday, the winner beir«_r K. Afp'eton, who retum^d a nett score ct $9. The following cards were returned The tie betwfen W. S ilarrett and J. X Murray for 16 h place m the President's
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  • 204 315 An MMCiftiioa giving scope for the exercise of a setioii3 pastime, which do€ 3 not obtain th»amciiut of support it is entitled to I>t virt its of its oVj^ct-, from able bodied Britisbers m this Color- y ia the Sicgipoe X fla Association. There must be hundreds
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  • 88 315 List evenicsr Pulo Bukom met B±hA Aman on the Kc'amation ground m the itbtve competition. The game was ioterestirg, and early m the ti:st half lha Amin forwards got away and notched a goal. Later their caplain sent m a hud shot but the ball just mailed
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  • 55 315 The Empire Day Challenge Cup will be tired on Saturday. May 22, at 230 p.m. The S R. A. Monthly Handicap and competition for the Macbean Cup will take place on Sunday, May 23, at 230p m. On Monday. May 24, at 230 p.m. the "Duly Mail" Empire
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  • Correspondence.
    • 433 315 THE TITLE OF BISHOP To The Editor, Sir,— l venture to correct or rather to supplement your Topicist as to the style of an English Bishop with reference to the last of his Weekly Notes m your issue of to-day The proper style of Dr Gore the present Bishop of
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    • 145 315 To Thk Editor, Sir, May I iuvite the assist tuce of your columns to obtain from the local Railway D^pt. a reply to a request for some protection for passengers at the Borneo Whaif Station. At this Station the aspect is a wesiern one and travellers waiting
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    • 145 315 To nil Editor, Sir, Will you kindly allo* 1113 to draw attention through tie medium of your paper, to the very great disrespest shown l>y white people" of the Straits" to Militaiv funerals. On Tuesday a Military funeral was passing through Dbobj Ghau*, at about 4.:>0 or 5
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  • 199 315 Writes the Editor of the Times of Ceylon Mr W. (i. St. Clair, of Singapore, my conferential brother," as he calls me— is very keen on the inclusion, m the business agenda of the Imperial Press Conference, of the subjects of Imperial defence and an Imperial Council.
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  • 1536 315 Punch said that m South America the Republics v hare a revolution every morning before breakfast Though not quite co bad as that, revolutions are talked about conticuilly and generally result well for the chief conspirators, who manage to make a good thing out of the business.
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  • 194 315 A Tees Film's Salvage Feat. A cable received from Singapore states tl at Messrs Loveiidge, of West Hartlepcol, have just completed a IMUrkftbla feat of steamsbip salvage m Singapore Harbour. Rather mere than two years ago the British steamer Netherton, a steel srrew veeeel of 1,-10 ton?, caught
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  • 283 315 Some no figures Ifr J. B Carruthers (formerly of Peradeniya and the F. M. S.), and Mr J Ferguson, C .M.G., met m London on the occasion of Mr Ferguson's lecture on Ceylon. Here is what Mr Ferguson writes to our contemporary of the interview Mr Carrutliers
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  • 57 315 A Mohamedan Chinaman has told tie police a strange tale of the loss of $247. Ha says he put the money m a box and gave it to his brother for safe- keeping, but did cot tell him what the box contained. The brother now alleges that fire men came
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  • 1249 316  -  Every one who goes to Ceylon should try to visit the sacred city of Anuradhipura. It is much easier to reach than to spell, and is a place of quite extraordinary interest. You take the Kandy railway, but branch cff at Polgdbawela. It is only a
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  • 407 316 Report ok the Directors. The report of the above Company, which was to be presented to the shareholders at the first animal general meeting of the Company, held m London on Friday. April 16th, contains the following The total nett receipts from tribate were £1,668 .Vs. 9d.,
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  • 180 316 Xku Vessels to he Put ok this vkau. The Seattle Pest- Intelligencer published the following Victoria (BC despatch on April t> That the Blue Funuel lire is preparing to enter the trans-Pacific passcngor trade is the report current. The Biitish shipping firm, Alfred Holt and Co, is buildin
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  • 108 316 Genoa, when seen from the sea richly deserves the title it has acquired of "The Superb," for most of the town being built on the lower hills of the Ligurian Alps here is an unparalleled opportunity for the display of architectural magnificence. Besides being celebrated for its churches, palaces, and
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  • 1036 316  -  Jaggers I shall never forget the first time I met Smiles. It was at a furniture eale. The crowds were dispersing, white meo, brown meo, yellow men, black men, m motors, c irriages and rikishas or bicyclas or ou f jot. A forlorn little figure
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  • 705 316 Sumatra Consolidated Rubber Estates The Sumatra Consolidated Kabber Estate Ltd., offers for subscription at par ;n 2 shares of Xl each (part of an authorised o tli of 75,000 shares), of which 2^,000 will be aside for working capital and the payment preliminary expenses and brokerage. Of balance
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  • 192 316 Import ant Jii>-.mknt In the Civil Sessions of th.» Juckial Commissioner's Ccuit, Ipofc, judgment m important milling case, LtODg Ken CWes V*. Lee Tat Ng, involving sum of r* ly >.: (1,000, was delivered y Mr JTMtkt v w.irl recently. Plaintiff's B M ill tblt c-\-\Uv.\ who
    T.O.M.  -  192 words
  • 142 316 The Uiu Backau Tic Mining Co, Ltd, was registered m London on March 31, with capitjl l"S0,(00, m ti shares, to acquire '1 1 about 3CO acres of land known as the Ui Backau Tin Mining Property (registered m the name of the Uiu Bickau Syndicate), ne*
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  • 867 317 Wednesday, May 19, 1909. The Evening Standard states tbat the benchers of Gray's lon have delayed calling two Indian students to the bar pending a full inquiry as to their connection with the Indian sedition movement. A Berlin man has been fined for sending a letter to an editor With
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  • 966 317 Son-in-Law vs. Father-in-Law. The case of Teo Cheng Hee vs. Wee Kay Siang came on for hearing before Mr Justice Sercombe Smith, m the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr Emerson for the plaintiff and Mr Van Someren for the defendant. Plaintiff was the son-in-law of the defendant and
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  • 282 317 The following is the Directors' report to the shareholders of the Belat Tin Mining Co Ltd: Your Directors submit the Company's Accounts for the year ending 31st March, 1909. During this period there was the satisfactory increase m the quantity of oie wod, over that
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  • 286 317 (From our own Lom.spondent?l May 1. The Britibb Resident of Pahang will p iss through Rdub to-morrow on his way to Kuala Lumpur to attend the Residents' Conference. Mr Focseca has come down from Kuala Lumpur with his family and has left for Gap to check the customs'
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  • 204 317 Tan Hock Koon, an employe of the Tanjong Pagar D^ck Board, was again before Mr C F. Gieen, yesterdiy afternoon, on the allegation of theft of two cases of milk, the property of the T. P. D. Board. Superintendent Howard, Tanjoug Pagar Dock Police, conducted the
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  • 60 317 la tbe Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, Sir William Hynd man Jones, the Chief Justice, ordered Yeo Bin Keng to pay Dr M. S. Mehta, a local medical practitioner, $1,000 as damages for malicious prosecution. Defendant was also ordered to pay costs. Mr T. D. Parsons appeared for the plaintiff, a«d
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  • Correspondence.
    • 117 317 To the Editor, Dear Sir, Through the columns of your interesting paper allow me to ask the Municipal Commissioners and the Police Authorities if those vociferous individuals up aloft and termed the Gawd 9" at the Victoria Theatre are permitted to exercise their vocal powers m Hooting during
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  • 175 317 Yesterday, before Mr E. C. Howard, District Judge, two Chinese were charged ty Mr De Mello, on behalf of the Chinese Protectorate with recruiting labourers without a licence. Mr Moutigu Harris defended. One of the defendants was charged with recruiting without legal authority the second was similarly
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  • 162 317 BEACH ROAD RECLAMATION. With reference to tie correspondence which has been carried on for s me time between the Secretaries of the various sporting societies regarding the exclusive privilege of playing on ceitjiin sections of the Beach Road Reclamation, the Colonial Secretary has issued the following instructions {a) No. 1
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  • 139 317 An agreement is announced between the Burmah 0.1 Company and the Asiatic Petroleum Company, under which the rate cutting now existing m the East will end immediately. In place of the war of rates the conpanies concerned will raise their quotations 30 per cent. A speaker at the postal telegraph
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  • 207 317 "A WALTZ DREAM." Another large and enthusiastic audience assembled at the Victoria Theatre last night when "A Waltz Dream" was produced by The Merry Little Maids Comic Opera Company. There was no stinting m the applause, and the piece was a success; but the general opinion was
    207 words

  • 1085 318 The Spring meeting has come and gone, and takea all through may we think be deemed to have been a success, despite the unfavourable weather on the first two days. The number and quality of the entries was excellent and it was extraordinarily bad luck that at the
    1,085 words
  • 421 318 For some time past neither the Government of this Colony, nor that of the Federated Malay States, has sent any Cadets to China to learn the Chinese language. This is not altogether easy to understand for m another branch of the service, the police, the importance of
    421 words
  • 231 318 This Company announces an i6sue of J£1 2,000 Seven per Cent. First Mortage Debenture Stock, exchangeable at any time up to October 31, 1 !»1 1, for i' I Shares at the price of tsi per share. The directors and their friends are desirous of
    231 words
  • 176 318 The Golden Hope Rubber Estate, Ltd., has an authorised capital of £50,000 m £1 shares, of which 44,000 have been issued and are now fully paid. The area of the estate is 892 acres, of which, according to the last annual report, 845 were under cultivation (including 27
    M.M.  -  176 words
  • 496 318 Thursday, May 20, 1909. Maj >r R. H. Hayes, 3rd Bittalion Middlesex R3giment, has been granted leave of absence, on private affairs, from Ist June to 3 1st August, 1909, with permission to proceed to Australia. The soi of a Kinta Chinese magnate, who is being educated m England, his
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  • 122 318 Claim m the Supreme Court. An action was commenced m the Supreme Court vHsterdav which resulted from the sinking of two twakows off Tanjong Pagar m January last. The plaintiff was a Chinaman named Sjh Toh and the defendant an Indian named K. E. A. Marican.
    122 words
  • 69 318 Enquiries haviDg been made about the forthcoming eclipses, one on June 4th (of the moon), and an annular eclipse of the sun on June 18th we may point out that neither of these is visible m Singapore. We make this on the authority of the Singapore and
    69 words
  • 114 318 The following properties were disposed of at auction at G. A. Fernandez Co's sale room yesterday, at 2.30 p.m. 1. One undivided eighth share of Houses Nos. 35 and 36 Cross St. No. 235 Rochore Rd. Nos. 39, 40, 41, and 42 Clyde St. and Nos. 39, 40,
    114 words
  • 303 318 BUagurusamy, a bill collector m the em ploy of Massr* Caldbeck Micgregor w again before Mr E E Cjlaian on allegation! of criminal breach of trust m r«sp^t sums of money aggregiting over s -,<»,/ property of his employers. Mr Mundell is retained for the prose-u
    303 words
  • 269 318 The Times of Malaya on 13th inst. reports In the Civil Sessions of the Judicial Commissioner's Court, judgment m an important mining case, Liong Kon Chen vs. Lee Tat Ng, involving a sum of nearly £3v»0,000, was delivered by Mr Justice Woodward this marning. Plaintiffs case was
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  • 85 318 A meeting of tha congregation of the Prc-sbvterian Church was held last evening at 6ix o'clock to discuss the question of the appointment of a successor to the liev. .1 Gray resigned. Oa the motion of Mr C. Mac Arthur, secocded by the Rev. J. A. 15 Cook,
    85 words
  • 132 318 Hongkong's Invitation to Shanghai Mr R. N. Anderson, Hon. Secretary of the Shanghai Cricket Club, has received a letter from the Secretary of the Hongkong Cricket Club, inviting Shanghai to send down to Hongkong an luterport cricket team early m November of tbis year. A similar invitation ha
    132 words
  • 34 318 The competitions for the Walker Cup among the Ladies' Associations showed the following results for May: Taipeng li# Singapore 189; SeUngor 183 Penang 1 H > Ipoh 171 j Garrison (Singapore) 13V.
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  • 976 319 A. committee has been appointed by the Home Government to investigate the conditions under which East Indian labour is imported into tropical Colonies. It was suspected at first that this was a move of the Radical wing of the party m power m order to
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  • 47 319 VVhen anyone enters tte service of the Castle Line, founded by the late Sir Donald Currie, he is told, after he haa signed his contract, that the compary has only one **x>k of instructions, of which a copy is hereupon presented to him. It is a Bible.
    47 words
  • 1945 319 (By Submarine Telegraph.) (Reuter's Agency.) Rec. May 13, 9 50 a.m. The House of Com mots has voted the land tax resolution by 30 votes to 110. [These are the figures transmitted but it would appear as if a numeral were missing, the majority being probably three hundred and
    1,945 words
  • 160 319 CANTON-KOWLOON RAILWAY. {Fran cur man ComspomdatQ Hongkong. May 13 :h 5 10 p.m. His Excellency Sir Frederick Lugard, Governor, speaking m the Legislative Council to-day, stated that he was m communication with the Chinese Government through our Minis* er regarding wireless installation on the Pratas Islands, to give
    160 words
  • 30 319 {From our tmm Correspotuient.') Ipoh 17th, May. A gang robbery took place yesterday near the Convent. A p^uatter's hut was entered and a Chinese coolie murdered.
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  • 32 319 Kuala Lumpur May 15th, 2 23 p.m. Judgment has been given m the St John. Yap Hon Chin Case to-day for the plaintiff 51,500 damages are awarded and costs.
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  • 100 319 New Flotations. Received May 19th, 10.17 a.m. London, via I'enang. The Rubber Tanned Leather Company has be 3n formed with a capital of £250,000, Lard Suffield, Mr. De Winton, Mr. Forster M. Alleyne, Mr W. A. Addinsell, Mr Roger C. Richards, and Mr J. Mitchell Craig being on
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  • Page 319 Advertisements
    • 31 319 A Cure for Bowel Trouble. No matter how severe an attack of diarrhoea may be, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never fails to give relief. For sale by all dealers.
      31 words

  • 964 320 MINES. Capital Capital Ittot Pali n Issued paid vp Valat ap Company. Qooutk»» 1300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining 00. LU 775 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited |j2 1600,000 600,000 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. IM 75,) £500,000 444,769 1 1 Da2 Development 00. LU
    964 words
  • 76 320 (Corrected up to May 19.; Bank 4 m/i 2/4 T V demand 2 3£ Pi irate credit* 3 m/t 2/4) credits 6 m/a i/4 1^ FiiAwow, demwii Bank>* 292 Qmkm^^t, demand 237 India, T. T, 174 HoH«KOKfI, demand w 22^%dis. Yokohama, demand nom. 113J Java, demand 139| Bangkok' demand
    76 words
  • 135 320 May 19. TL* $66.62* Gambier 9.12* Gambier Oube No. 1 13.00 Gambier Cube No. 2 12.00 Pepperßlack (ord:u. Sport) 11.121 Pepper, White (fair buyers 17.75" Nutmegs (110 to the lb.)^, 16.50 Nutmegs (80 to tiia lb.) 22.50 Mace (Banda) norn Oloyos (Amboina) nom Liberian Coffee M 25.00 Tapioca, small
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  • Page 320 Miscellaneous
    • 675 320 CLEARANCES. May 13. Besitang. Dut. str., Moritz for Pladjoe. Amiral Neilly, Fr. str., Agan, for Saigon. Machaon, Brit, str., Long, for Amsterdam, London and Antwerp. Teesta, Brit, str., Willis, for Penang, Madras and Negapatam. Bharata, Brit, str., Alexander, for Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. Hong Bee, Brit, str., Home, for Hongkong,
      675 words
    • 511 320 Hock Lee, Brit, str., Morris, for Kelantan via ports. Resident Schieff, Dut. str., Unus, for Rhio. Kinta, Brit, str., Daly, for T. Anson via ports. Sri Muar, Brit str., Hudson, for Muar and Malacca. Ban Hin Guan, Brit, str., Hunter, for Pontianak. Hebe, Brit, str., Inkster, for Penang Deli. Kistna,
      511 words
    • 267 320 VESSELS IN PORT. Man-of-war Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For. L HaiYung Ch. era. 2950 Lin May 12 SDurabaya Dcii »l i" Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consiirnee For wl Ban Leong Dut 275 Winters May 19 Ban'massin Ban Keng B' m JL 0 Batavier Brit 215 Simpson
      267 words