The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 13 May 1909

Total Pages: 16
289 304 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 266 289 Lbaokrs. C^rt-ini* Russia 281) IWTMy 29) 3ial^»- ii L:ind Tenure 29) Britain's Aerial Prc^res* 2t> Government ami the Navy ££i T'-adf ami tariffs 21)1 Th»- IL. P Spit 21»1 Yh* Mm <>f L»l>»»ur 291 France's Ked Spectre 29. Polici and Court Nkws. Th-» Assizes 293 Alltff%tmM Against Police W.i
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  • 137 289 May 12 Tu* $67 25 Gam bier M M buyers 9.(0 G.mbier Cube No. 1 MOO Onmbisr Cube No. 3 1 2.20 Pepper Black or m. ffpore) buyers 11.20 Pepper, White <f»«r buyers 17.37 J Nutmegs (110 to tfee IV)— 17.50 Nutmegs (90 to Ue IV.) 22 50 Maoe
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 32 289 On May 9th the wife of A. P. Wiliiain?. Holroyd of a son, (Stillborn.) On May 10th, at No. 26-2, Sophia Road to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCully, a daughter.
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    • 114 289 On April 24, 1909, at St. Xavier's Cathedral, Shanghai, by Rev. Pere Pratel, who was also the celebrant of the Nuptial Mass, Joaquim, eidest son of H. E. Tsang Kouo-heng (Jacques Tsang) of vShanghai, to the daughter of H. E. Tsong Hoo-chow, of Soochow. Donaldson Macdonald.— On Thursday, April
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    • 45 289 Cole.— April 10, at Hastings, F. Cole, late Commander P. 0. S. N. Co., aged 05. Madden.— At M Kildare," Swettenham Rd., Taiping, on the morning of the 4th inst., Violet Annie (Birdie\ the much loved wife of L. J. Butler Madden, of Taipiug.
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  • 186 289 The last mail from home arrived by the P. A: O. Oceana on Friday with dates up to April 16, A homeward mail was taken on Monday by the N.D.L. Bueli m. This weekly goes t>y the B. I. Teesta to-day. The annual spring race meetirg began on
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  • 73 289 (Cobrzcted UP TO May 12.) rank4m/g 2/4 T demand M 2/3| PriTate credits 3 m/s 8/4J credita 6 m/s 2/4-/,-FfiAKom, demand Bank— 292 G« many, demand m 237 India, T. T, HoHOKOir*. <lwman^ M 22^> dis. Yokohama, demand nom. 113^ Java, demand 139| Bangkok' demand 65 4 Sovereigns, Bank
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 289 Her** 1 the Pr^-;« the Peopif's riirlit maintain Uanwad l>v iwiucwig and unhrflxd bf Rain; H^rp patriot Truth lif-r li'oiotis prrcepts draw. Pledged to R-li^ion, Loyalty and J*aw.
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  • 1821 289 May 7. It is practically impossible for the ordinary student of international politics at such a distance from the centres of European thought as we are here, to do more than cursorily follow the workings of the E iropean Chancelleries, and draw therefrom more than broad inferences of
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  • Page 289 Advertisements
    • 137 289 MssmAsss l« the "Singapore Free Press weekly returninir from Europe to the Straits by any of the mail lives. nre invited to send to the Manager the name of their steamei and date of anival m Singapore. Copies will then be nailed to saset thnn at various ports ot call.
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    • 49 289 F. CLARKE CO., 207, QUEEN-ST, SINGAPOPE. Livery Stable Keepers Fodder Merchants. For Rubber-tyred Gharries and Best Rubbertyred carriages, ring up Telephone 918. FODDER delivered to any part of the Island. SPECIALITY: FURNITURE REMOVALS m our own vans, by our own mon. GENERAL CARRIERS. C. ZIIIERIANN, Proprietor. Jan 18 oc
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  • 786 290 May 8. The Home papers continue to bring out articles about the new British Siamese Treaty, without really disclosing anything of moment not already known. The constitution of the courts to try British subjects is discussed by a correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, and the provision of a
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  • 772 290 It is really very kind of some admirer of Malacca to write Home to the Richmond Liberal Monthly a M practical encouragement for the Chancellor cf the Exchequar based on a supposed condition of land tenure m Malacca. At the same time we could have wished for
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  • 970 290 May 10. Concerning aerial machines, as it was with submarines, the finger of scorn his been pointed at Britain for neglecting or refusing to take serious account of the progress uiide m Hying, and m building dirigible balloons. It is an old story tint Britain moves so
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  • 791 290 There are indications that, somewhat late m the day, the Government is coming to that the country is serious on the mitter of the standard of naval strength. Those indications consist m the evident intention— if the pressure of public opinion is maintained of laying down
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  • 1267 291 May 11. When, m matters domestic, or matter commercial, or matters political, things go a bit wrong the natural tendency is to look round for some one to blame. The almost heart-breaking depression m trade of the pat>t twelve months, and its effects m Britain on the
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  • 916 291 The I. L. P Split. May 12 Socialises and Libour members, iadependent, radical or federated, have been having a bad time of it lately. Tho Parliamentary Libour Party ia B/itain is m a bad way financially, the Independent Libour Party is split up by the resignation of Messrs Keir Hardie,
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  • 217 291 We had not previously coma across the statement of the grievances of the delegates of the Party against their members. It is a characteristic one, and exhibits at oEce the spirit m which the rank and file look upon the labours of their representatives, and the
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  • 1257 292 May 13. What has been called the Red Spectre m France has agiin risen, m the shape of a renewed strike among the postal einploye:s of the State. The events of the end of March will be comparatively fresh m the mind. With an obj action to
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  • 378 292 la tho acount of To9iday*s racing the timo for the Kxilrilli l Scurry WAS by mistake put at 2 17^, i: should of cjursd havj been 1.17:. Two police constables at Ktul.-i Kubu hive I>e3u fioed fifty dollars oath far causing grievous hurt to a private trader and his wife.
    P.P.  -  378 words
  • 975 292 TbE Story of an Autocrat. It is often asserted that the circumstance creates the man, and E mile Pataud, who until a couple of years ago was quite unknown outside the r.nks of hia fellow- work men, the Par s electricians, has been brought prominently into the public
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  • 793 292 THE OPENING PERFORMANCE. This company has arrived here at a timp when any theatrical or it ion would tind its reputation at stake. Singapore his h.ii the sit i 3 f action of a week of hilarious comedy by a really excellent company who*** performances have
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  • 85 292 The Malays of the Raffles School oppose* the Special Class No I m the competition for the Riffles Football League on Monday In the first half both goals were frequented but no score resulted. Oa resuming the the Malays pressed vigorously and notched the first goal. No sooner had
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  • 432 293 Friday, May 7, 1909. Mr Khoo Cbeow Tong of Penang has had his sil'e rifled of unset diamonds, gold and diamond jewellery, and bank notes to the value of $18,000. Captain R. S Pentney of the Penang Pilot service, accompanied by Mrs Pentney and their little daughter left yesterday afternoon
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  • 215 293 MALAYA F. A. The match Ust evening between Siacrap< r3 Pt?rdnakaa anl FatM Karib club for the M*Uja Football Ass< elation attracted large crowd of spectators to the Reclamation ground where it to^k plice. As retlie Kiribs, winners of the Tramway Cup, t.iev were too strong for their opporen*s but
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  • 235 293 Tmmtbli ox the "Lowther Castle." Mr Warren, socond engineer of the Lowther Castle, appeirel before Mr de Mollo, fourth magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of ■isia^ criminal force to Mr James Gordon, i bird engineer of the same vessel. Mr Aitken conducted th 3 prosecution and Mr Perkin3
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  • 446 293 Refu«;ee3 Charged with Gang Robbery. Before the Chief Justice, Sir William Hyndman-Jones, at the Assizes yesterday, the charge of gaDg robbery against two Chinese refugees named Loh *0a and Ink Tong Fong was continued. Mr. Hastings Rhodes, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, appeared for the Crown. Mr. Song Gag
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  • 401 293 The mirket for Rubbers continues to exrand, and since the announcement of the Selangor and Linggi dividands for the pa*t year, further improvements m rate 3 hive resulted, and at present quotations shares are difficult to obtain. Harare. This section lias attracted more attentton again,
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  • 59 293 A telegram from Briancon says an Italian balloon came to earth m that neighbourhood with two Italian officers on board. They ascended, they said from Bologna, and did not mean to cross the frontier, but were carried over the Alps by the strong wind. The balloon was confiscated by the
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  • 680 293 "The Talk of the Town." Another large and enthusiastic audience assembled at the Victoria Theatre last night when "The Talk of the Town" was staged by the Ward Comedy Company. Characters. Andrew Fullalove Mr Hugh J. Ward Cbas. Fullalove, J. P.... Mr Wernham S. Ryott Bulwer Brady
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  • 175 293 Five Policemen Charged. A Corporal and four Malay constables attached to the Tanjong Pagar Dock, were before Mr Green, second magistrate, yesterday. P. C. No. 5 was charged with obtaining an illegal gratification of 36, and also with extortion by putting a man m fear of an accusation
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  • Correspondence.
    • 112 293 To the Editor, Sir. Will you allow me, through your columns, to draw the attention of Straits Chine c young men to the Reading Clob which has been recently formed for their benefit P Not a few, I am su^e, feel their need of the information
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  • 880 293 From the interesting lecture by Mr Harrington to the members of the V MCA. on Wednesday, we give this fuller report on the above subject. Mr Harrington slid. Milk is one of our most important foods, aud also, I ma/ mention, one of the most adulterated.
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  • 324 294 S. C. C. vs. Band and Drums cf the Middlesex. The match was played last evening on the "Esplanade before a large gathering. Tha ground was m excellent condition and both sides were strongly represented. From the start the game proved fast, the soldiers adopting quick, long passing which
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  • 134 294 On Saturday, the Tan Tok Sang Hospital milk case was further investigated by Mr. de Mello. B*wa Gunny, Iho manager of the Straits Cattle Tradirg Coy was recalled by Mr. Mui:del), aud Mr. Thunder subjected Mahomed Glk use to a severe cress-examina-tion. When tie evidence clcsed
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  • 235 294 Final 01 Six a Side Tovbkambnt. The unexpected happened at Tanglm on Thursday evening, when 1) Coj. beat F in the replayed semi- final tie iv the itln re Tournament. The trnne was keenly fought out, and although F Ooj. hid a slight advantage ia speed they lacked the
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  • 39 294 The shoot of the Penang ladies for May waa Mrs Cooper 32, Mrs Purnivall 31, Mrs Laering 31, Miss Wemyss 30, Miss L. Smith 30, Mrs Sproule 29. Total 183. Singapore made 189, Miss Gunn a possible.
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  • 155 294 MALAYA F. A. For the competition on Saturday the Post Office opposed the Arab Ptranikan Club on Beach Road ground. The latter is a now organization and most of their players are boys, whereas G. P. 0 who were runnersup the first jear lor this trophy, appeared this time to
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  • 813 294 The sum of £2000 is m the Civil Service Estimates for the International Opium Commission at Shanghai. Mr E. D. Hewan is appointed a member of the TaDJong Pagar Dock Bmrd, vice Mr E. Anderson. Mr H. Melvill Simons, of Messrs. Paterson, Simons acd Co., Ltd.,
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  • 517 294 The annual report of Mr Warren I). Barnes points out that the most notable feature of Chinese immigration m 1903 was the imposition of quarantine against the chief ports of departure for several months m the year. This, justified on sanitary grounds, had a disastrous effect on the
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  • 87 294 Soir.Q iigures m the Board of Trale returrs seem to shjw no brightmiiig up of S. S. trade. Cotton yarn and twist to the S. S. fur March the lilt three yoars read lbs lh>,!H)0; 125,900; 183.700. Piece co>ds howevor are dowa, l^iug X\ 1 7JS&^ 9 £108,552;
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  • 121 294 WHAT WAS IT What appealed to bo a very largo meteor or comet, with a long tail, was seen m Singaporo on Wednesday night. It was close to Singapore and was travelling from South to North. A well-known resident, who witnessed its progress fiom Tanjong Katong, believes that it fell
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  • 41 294 Captain Murphy of the Governor's yacht, Sea Mew on Thursday took the latitude and longitude of the spot where tbe survivors allege the piracy was committed. It is exactly one-and-a-half miles off South Poiut and is iv Juhore waters.
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  • 35 294 Messrs Guthrie and Co. are advised by the manager, Linggi PlantatioDs Ltd. that the net revenue derived from Tin Mining on the Company's Kamuning Estate during the month of April was $4,000.
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  • 36 294 Capt Wittslock of the German steamer Loosok reports that the chief engineer Mr Wmkelmann died on the Bih of apoplexy. The body of the deceased was brought on to Singapore and the funeral took place yesterday.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 269 294 Sir,— l notice that the General Secretary of the V.M.C.A. writes m a tone implyi L dissatisfaction because the Municipal C. m missioners do not see their way to sunn 1 "120.0C0 gallons of water Weekly J reasonable rate." At 4 cents a thousand gallons
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  • 111 294 The club met on Thur.-diy List vi the presidency of Key. W Mttrimj, new members we:e cnrdled, ani issue of literature look place. A* rtheri than Straits Chicle had applied lor MM bersliip, it was resolved to allow theae i| cants the privileges of the Clvi).
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  • 355 294 TMMMAXUM Ksi Of the 1.j0.000 pound si. arcs which bra the Tongkaii Tin CV (m the Malacca St orcr 100.000 are l;c Id m Tasmania. I: the great Held was |nl I KplofM by Ta>nir enterprise. The size of the vmture may I gathered from the estimate of
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  • 98 294 Mgr. lUrlin, the Bishop of Xuera Cae Philippine LJind?, accompanied X Father M. A'onso, of the Bt Thomas University, Manila, and his private secretary, arrmd on Thursday morning from Manila via Hongkong by the P. and O. mail steamer Assa^ for Hrindisi en route to K)me. He is a pure
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  • 103 294 It is understood that the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, is to lose its minister. the Rev. J. A. Gray, who has tendered bis resignation to the governing body of tLe Church. Mrs Gray has unfortunately been very unwell during the whole of the tiui« she has been here, since her marriage,
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  • 860 295 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. It must be peculiarly grateful and comforting to Messrs Llojd George and Winston Churchill to know that men of all shades of ..pinion throughout the Empire either take it for granted, or are daily expecting, that they will
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  • 409 295 The Man From Mexico." This comedy company again scored a success last evening when a full house was kept continually laughing for the better part of three hours. The play is the lightest sort of comedy from the pen of H. A. dv Souchet and whilst it
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  • 797 295 To The Editor, Dear Sir, The principal character is naturally taken by Mr Ward, and round his plebeian errors the other characters, revolve, satellites round the sua, but unmistakably satellites." (S.F.P. May <>:h, li*Ci».) The notices you have published of the performance of the Dramatic Company
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  • 433 295 The following throws rather an interesting side light on the Balkan crisis. It is the translation of an article m a French weekly paper There were m Austria peaceful manufacturers who devoted themselves to the quite harmless production of fezzes they had their priccipal market
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  • 144 295 We learn that a syndicate has been formed for the purpose of placing under one management the running of steam launches on the Menam Chow Phya. The parties interested are the Siam Steam Packet Co. Ltd. Luang Sophon, Nai Adam, Nai Thong Di
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  • 663 295 The balance-sheet and profit and loes account of the North German Lloyd Company for the year 1908 show that the accounts close with a loss of 17,652,9CS I»5 marks. The profits on the working amounted to 9,148,802.15 marks and there was a sum of 69,111.85 marks, brought over
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  • 163 295 Sharpe, Ross and Co. April 7. £75,000 (tl) (15,000 pivf To take over the business carried on by Sharpe, Ros3 and Co Limited (incorporated m 19C6), at 120, Fenchurch-street. E. C, acd at Singapore and elsewhere, and to carry on the business of brokers of and dealers m
    Financial Times  -  163 words
  • 77 295 On Siturdav Mr and Mrs P. L. Paglar celebrated their silver wedding. Mr Paglar is chief engineer on board the steamer Ophir and he is a much esteemed Eurasian resident of Singapore. A fresh sensation had been caused m St. Petersburg by the dismiss il of General Gerassimc if head
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  • 392 296 Monday, May 10, 1909. Restrictions against Jed dab on account of plagua have been withdrawn. A Chinaman living at a coolie house m Nelson Road has lost a sum of $42.05 from his box. General Ssr Charles Warren has resigned the hon. colonelcy of the Ist Gloucester Engineers. A Javanese
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  • 414 296 Users tf electricity for lighting purposes m Singapore will lo familiar with this form cf eltciric lump, with its metallic iilaiiient and brilliant light. The -greatly superior efficiency as oomparcd with older tjpci cf incandescent lamp has resulted iv its almost universal adoption m Sicpapore lu\, as it
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  • 1640 296 {From Our Special Correspondent.) London, April 16. On the Turf. Owing to the unsatisfactory state of affairs on the American Turf, many owners on the other side of the Atlantic have shipped big strings of horses to France and England. That this will make English racing more
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  • 63 296 The following were the scores made m the competition for the I »romhead- Matthews Shield M. S. V. R. (Winners) r o&l S. V. I. 555 PV. 54<> S. R. E (V) 528 S. V. A. (Maxims) 437 S. V. A. did not shoot. The Ku^la Lumpor corps
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  • 48 296 Tbe followicg was the Derby betting on April 24:— 2 to 1 against Bayardo. 6 1 Minoiu. 10 1 Sir Martin. 12 1 Diamond Stud. 14 1 Strickland, lti 1 Glasgerion and Electric Boy. 20 1 Howick. Bayardo and Minoru have both won good trials.
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  • 30 296 By the Marudu'(Capt Rodenburg) there returned from Labuan tbe Hon'ble W. J. Napier and Mis Napier; the hon'ble Col. Murray; Capt Radcliffe Messrs A. R. Young and H. E. Olive.
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  • 378 296 The S.C.C. played the S R C. on SiturJiv and with ten men just lost by a run SvSores SRC. E. Galistan b Eldi* q v G. James c sub b Pbipps 5 W. Kejt b Eddie C. Valberg c Phipps b Eddis 4 T. de Silva c Fulcher
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  • 125 296 The following w(r<? the winners i Rices on Saturday md Suudav la* 4 Maideu Plate. 1 Prudence, 2 N Mgbtj I» Maiden Plato. 1 Bttfcftte, 2 Vandi. Kali Be&ar Cup. 1 Lochin. 2 Maori. Pony K»ce. 1 Thespaija, 2 Urn& /.inc. L idies' Vi'./.i. I CuiSicac, BucAljptui Buchanan
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  • 84 296 Teo Sao was before Mr. Howard ou Saturday on an allegation of criminal n.isip propriation of property ou the 1 s h < t March last m respect of an investment bond for $187 (io belonging to a woman named Goo A Lok, deceased, knowing that the same
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  • 28 296 Anglo Malay Rubber Co 35,528 lbs Pataling Rubber Estates Syndicate 10,2 5s lb? Lanadron 17.12* lbs Ragalla Estate 950 lbs. Balgownie estimated dry 2.955 lb
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  • 48 296 TheOronsay will probably leave fcrSicgapore, there to await further crdeis frcni her owners. She discharged 1,400 tons of ccal at Prye which might be put up for sale by auction. So far as can be ascertained little damage was done by the tiie m her bunker* Straits Echo
    Straits Echo  -  48 words

  • 591 297 There was a bumper house at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday evenicg to bid farewell to this company of artists who have contrived co effectively to give us a week's hearty laughter. Tte pei f 01 niance was of the Vaudeville character and there was not an
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  • 486 297 (ALL TRUTHFUL. SOME REAL, SOME IMAGINARY) To thaA-M.TEiK Critic who signed his name. l>tar Sir, Wur letter first of all rtfi cts on tbe excellence of the critic* of the Singapore Free Wess it acknowledges (justly) jour incompetence to deal with the subject lastly it shows that you
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  • 553 297 At the present time there is an idiotictheory aruongst present day actors who, through lack of ability, say that audiences only require the personality to be exploited on the stage. These people have not sufficient power or sufficient knowledge to ehdractorioe and they appear the same
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  • 102 297 The members of the Subordirate Civil Service Association were at this popular theatre on Saturday night, presetting a cup to Mr. Kassim. Before Genufifa (an adaptation of Genevieve of Brabant) was begun, the curtain went up and disclosed the cup, and number of bouquets for the members of
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  • 694 297 Saturday morning proved disappointing to trainers m general, as the final gallops for their respective charges were not quite up to the inaik, tha ground being on the heavy *ida and unsuited for fist work. Pause (Fisher) wOlfced alone doing strong three parter pace work with much ease.
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  • 35 297 The output of clean ore from Kanaboi Ltd., so Messrs. F. W. Barker acd Co. inform us, for the month of April was as fellow?: Mine 39 pikuls, Tribute 228 pikuls, total 2(37 pikuls.
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  • 18 297 Rambutan 835 pikls. Kinta Tin Mines 410 Rahman Tin 510 Labat 574 Bruseh 320
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  • 11 297 The Tronoh output for last month was 2,410 pikuls.
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  • 721 297 Its Posttiov and Prospects There has undoubtedly been a very great increase m the amount of interest which is devoted to the rubber industry, for not only luve production and demand grown considerably, but a large number of companies have been formed during the past two years
    Capitalist  -  721 words
  • 211 297 SOUTH AFRICAN MAIL CON TR ACTS. Ad important conference bas recently taken place between the Governments of South Africa and the steamship lines trading to that country, respecting the rates of Government freights on stores from this country, as well as on homeward maize and South African fruits. The Governments
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  • 260 298 (Union Times' Speciil.) Oar Canton correspondent wires that meetings have been held by the people m Canton, to declare that they will, m future, never go to Macao for gambling or pleasure. < >ar Peking correspondent wir3B that the Portu^ues3 Minister at Peking has asked the Waiwupu to
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  • 518 298 JT Abraham Adjir of Selegie Eaad ha 9 lost cash and property amounting to $170. A Chinaman living at Sarangcon Road has lost jewellery valued at $100.50. He blames a friend for its disappearance. Mr G. B. Cerruti, who returned to the F. M S. last
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  • Correspondence.
    • 266 298 To the Editor, Sir, I am much obliged to you for publishing my letter regarding the Ward Company and for dealing so tactfully with the correspondence my letter appears to have evoked. You, Sir, at least will appreciate the fact that my letter was directed primarily against
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  • 225 298 AChetty Sentenced. Before Mr Justice Sercombe Smith m the Supreme Court yesterdiy, Kumarappa Chettv sued SodumbaramChetty for SI, IOO and $859.85 costs. This sum was allowed by the Chief Justice m a case m which the defendant was charged with malicious prosecution, but uothiug had been piid. Mr
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  • 322 298 Eu rote as Residence Struck by Lightning. The house struck was the residence of Mr R. M. Latham, m the Tambun Road, just a mile out of town The lightning burst holes m the walls and roof of the house and tore several windows to splinters, while
    T.O.M.  -  322 words
  • 46 298 The reported disarmament of certain batteries of Gibraltar is only what has been carried out within recent yea* s at Hongkong and Singapore and other nival bases, the removal of obsolete guns and their replacement by up-to-date guns of much more powerful effect and longer range.
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  • 1518 298 Third Report of the Wellcome Research Laboratories, Khartoum, by Andrew Balfoor, Director, 1908 477 pp. Illustrated by coloured and other plates, llin by bin by 14 in. Price 21s. net. Review of Recent Advances m Tropical Medicine etc. by Andrew Balfoar and R. G. Archibald, 1908. 250 pp.
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  • 229 298 MSo Rbportirs Waktei>. Oa Taursdiy morning Mr. S H. Blandy called at the Times of Malaya Oifije and informed us that the general Meeting of the Shareholders of the Chendai Lode Syndicate, L/.d was to be held at the ofti3es of the Company m Station
    T.O.M.  -  229 words
  • 66 298 Mr Justice Thornton delivered juigment for plaintiff m the action brought by Mr Thomas Gawthorne against Cheah NgoL Oh and M. K. Kader B±wa for the cinoellation and return of a promissory note for $10,(00 made on the 30th April, 1908, by the plaintiff m favour of the first defendant,
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  • 365 299 Importation of Chandu. Appeals from the decisions of police ma gist rates occupied the attention of Mr Justice Seroombe Smith m the Supreme Court yesterday. Mr Montagu Harris appeared for A. Curris and K. Aioarris who were fined $500 each or r>ioe months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr E.
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  • 122 299 (/•></; vur tmm Or; y s/>othtaii.) Raub, May i>. Official change* include our ■Hgwtimle M r F. \V. Goldth«»rpe who is transferred |q ffihcrag Tebalas I) O. of tha f place. l>urini» h\a tenure of ciri:e here as Magistrate Ti-) administered impartial justice without distinction of caste
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  • 54 299 Messrs F. W. B.nker and Co., the kcil agents, iLform us that the manager reports rubber crop harvested duriDg the month of April 1!'-)* lbs. dry: corresponding month last vfar n<l j total tor first four months of IJHJ!* Ull7 lbs. dry: total for corresponding
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  • 55 299 We are informed by the agents, Messrs F. W. Barker aud Co., that the manager reports rubber crop harvested during the month of April 3742 lbs. dry corresponding month last year nil total for first three months of fiaancinl yeir 8888 lbs. dry total for corresponding period
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  • 53 299 The Rubber crop hai vested for the month of April was 4JU& lbs. For the corresponding month of last year the amount was 704 lbs. The dry rubber for the first four months of IUO9 is 14.857 lbs and for thp 9ame period m HH)B the amount
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  • 30 299 The April advance figures liable to correction of tin exports from Perak are as follows. Block Tin 9.515.75pk15. Tin Ore 27,346 tfOpkls. I>aty $325,254 50.
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  • 301 299 The 3rd Middlesex Regt are holding their annual sports, on the Recreation Field, Tanglin, during this week, and they will terminate on Monday the 1 7th instant (Anniversary Bittle of Albuhera) when all the finals will be run off. Under tha supervision of the Committee, a large
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  • 475 299 \jFr9M our i"v// Lot 'tspondent!) May, G. Oa the 4 l h instant, the Attorney General, Colonial Eug'neer and Master Attendant arrived from Singapore by the ss. D.irvel and ltft agam by the s. s. Marudu on the 6th instant. Lib\unAssiz?s Ordinance 1906.— This Bill will be welomed m
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  • 79 299 The Rev. Dr William Robert Mounsey, who was recently cocsecrattd m Limleth Palace Chapel as first Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak, arranged to leave England for Borneo on May 8, to take up his episcopal duties. Prior to his departure he was to speak at the A'bert Hall
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  • 29 299 Shooting for May the Ipoh Ladies made 171__Mrs Bristow 34, Mrs Hod*€s 32, Mrs Noel Walker 27, Mrs Kellar 28, Miss A. Jackson 25, Mrs Whiteside 25.
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  • 16 299 Gopeng, 550 pikuls Tekka, 500 pikuls -New Gopeng, 141 pikuls; Redhill?, «H> pikuls.
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  • 935 299 I wish Euclid had died before he was born," was the bitter cry of a twelve year old boy who waa struggling with the memorable Fifth, the pons asincrum of our school- boy days. And he went on to express his views as to proving that two
    W.M.  -  935 words
  • 74 299 At the request of the French Consul at Übon, the High Commissioner of Monthon Isam (H. R. H. Piince Sanphasith) has secured the arrest of the dacoit leader Bac Preui), who from IPO2 to 1907 disturbed the French province of Saravane. One of bis accomplices, an
    Bangkok Times  -  74 words
  • 1069 299  -  Our inexpert track authority cilled the other day and offered to sell a nnst interesting pamphlet he bad devised containing hints on how to pick 'em every time. He explained that the few leaves he wibhel me to give him a dollar for, would as a result
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  • 1320 300  -  Zindever Low Ah Fong kept ducks and fowls on a little piece of ground enclosed by a wall of coconut busks near the sea, and every morning he shouldered his carrying pole with a basket of clucking, quacking bipeds at each end and trotted off to the
    1,320 words
  • 350 300  -  Joss Chinchinjoss %t Tbe first, second and third divisions of the Home Fleet ani tbe Atlantic Fleet, numbering 6S battleships and cruisers, will bs reviewed at Spithead on Jnue 10 m honour of the visit of the colonial journalists attending ♦be Imperial Press Conference." M Vide S. Free
    350 words
  • 57 300 The performance of the Band of the Middlesex Regt. at the Gardens last night was a pleasant function, although not so many people were present as usual, owing to the threatening weather. Fortunately the rain held off and the programme was a most enjoyable one, tbe
    57 words
  • 59 300 The open or veiled annexation of Holland by Germany would have serious consequences for England. To France it would prove quite as unpalatable. Never was a child so eagerly desired by the friends of peace m Europe, never was the importance of maintaining an historic and honoured dynasty
    Daily Mail  -  59 words
  • 1325 300  -  Yeoho There can be no doubt that, to the fresh arrival from home, life m Singapore presents marjy puzzling difficulties that are only to be surmounted by actual experience and by the diligent exercise of whatever powers of observation one is gifted with It is to be
    1,325 words
  • 189 300 The following were the results of competition for Medal Play for the President's Priza: The first l<i scores qvalifyiag, Murray an«l. Barrett to play off for loili place. A. H. Cox 40 40 17 .1. H. Sunner 45 45 M 70 E. Appleton 44 4 5 17
    189 words
  • 353 300 INTERESTING CASE IN THE F.M.S. In the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday morning, Sir A F. G Law, Coief Judicial Commissioner, delivered judgment m fivour of the G)verament m two the cases between the Selan^or Government and Dr. M. Watson, formerly of the F.MS. Medical
    353 words
  • 78 300 It appears that the amount of dantf£* done by the Riub fire was orerestimai ed «Dd it is unlikely that it will eica^ $20,000. About 1 p.m. yest9rday a rikisha rushing down the incline to Bencoolea Street from tbe Museum. The puller wa« evidently unable to control the pace. There
    78 words

  • 857 301 Wednesday, May 12, 1909. The Hon. A. R. Adams, m. l. c, baa joined the Board of Directors of the Pinang Gazette Pf€S3, Ltd. The P. and O. N sbia which groundel on the outer bar at Woosung en April '27th, arrived here yesterday afternoon. Mr C. C. W. Liddelow,
    857 words
  • 1838 301 FIRST DAY'S RESULTS. The first day's racing of the Singapore Sporting Club's Spring Meeting was very successfully carried out yesterday. Rim threatened during the day^ but fortunately did not come down. The course had a chance of drying up, but was still on the heavy side and the
    1,838 words
  • 777 301 General Manager' Report For Four Weeks Ending April 24th, 1009. The mine measurements and assay returns of prospecting work shows a total of H66 feet for the period (4 weeks) under review, made np of 25 feet sinking, 191 feet driving, 627 feet crosscutting,
    777 words
  • 134 301 April 24th, 1909. Koman. 40 Stamps ran 2S days less L 5 days for repairs and clean up. Huntington Mill ran 28 days less 1.41 days for repairs and clean up. Ore Crusted. Koman 2755 Stope 912 Total 3667 tons. Amalgam collected 27t>0.000 oz
    134 words

  • 1183 302 There was more than one unexpected result m the home football on April the tenth. Thus Northampton at home lost to Portsmouth and though the result can hardly end m the deposition of the Cobblers, it meant a lot to the Fratton Park men, beciuse Swindon on the
    1,183 words
  • 429 302 Taking advantage of the half holiday yesterday, two matches were played on the Esplanade. The Y. Iff. C. A. beat the 8. C. 0. after a close game and the S.R.C. beat the Cathedral Choir. S. C. C. C. G. May I) Scharenguivel 3 B. L. Williams b F.
    429 words
  • 218 302 The Ggrman cruiser Srharnhorst arrived from Colombo yesterday and anchored m the road 9. She exchanged salutes with Fort Canning. The Scharnhorst is fly. ing tha flig of Raar Admiral von Ingenohl. The Admiral landed at Johnston's Pier shoitly before one o'clock and was received by
    218 words
  • 41 302 The outputs from the Pusing Lima and Pusing Bharu Tin for the month of April were as follows Pusing Lima 444 pikuls, won by the Company, plus 225 pikuls, won by the tributors. Pusing Bharu 532 pikuls.
    41 words
  • 43 302 GARRISON' GOLF CLUB. The ladies' ineddl is postponed till next Friday. May Medal. C. Emerson 81* 18 71 R. Addie 85 8 77 D. Kerr M 16 78 J. Crabbe Watt 78 plus 4 82 Sir A. Young, k<:u a. 90 6 84
    43 words
  • 42 302 Tffo Chinese, Leah Heug alias Ng Kirn Sweeand L^k Xi Seng, were recently arrested m PeDang iv connection with the piracj and murdtr case which occurred on !*,h ultimo. Thej were before Mr C. F. Green, yesterday, aud remanded.
    42 words
  • 45 302 Pekicg, Ifaj -J. The I'oarl of Military Ail tira has ordered nineteen Krupp guas from Germany. Th^v are to be sent to China by the Sibanaa Railway. It is proposed to cbmge all the old guns iv the forts throughout the Empire.
    45 words
  • 63 302 A B. N. B. SNAKE. H.E. the Governor killed a ?nake, locally called the M tadong api," m the short grass on the Golf Licks near the bridge below Lamag House "en the 2 1st April. This snake is a cobra and one of the deadliest known species. We understand
    63 words
  • 143 302 KOH Chan Bo<»\ vs. RoMCftT Ross Cll'Xls. Readeis are arqaaiated with the particulars of the case m whirh Mr. Robert Koss Clunis obtained an order for the extradiction of Mr. Koh Chan Boon to the British Consular Court at Bangkok, on the ground of alleged aeibesalement of
    143 words
  • 382 302 The daubers of snowball letters are well shown by the below sent to us Sir. The Council of Dr Barnardo's Homes trill be very much obliged if you can find ■paca fo? this ''omuiunication m your valuable columns, and thus assist them to btop a snowball letter
    382 words
  • 260 302 Several events m the above sports took placa at Tanglin yesterday. TLere wa<» again a good crowd piesent who watckej the events with keen interest. Ksgults the events were as follows Ist Round Tu<; of Wae-G Coy I. F B Coy beat E 1) Coy beat H
    260 words
  • 157 302 MALAYA F. A. Another fixture m connection with tb j competition was brought <ft last eveniL.; Beach Road grouud, tfct <pp>s:nj taUM Wig Mahibotal lklas and ]J mil Aliih dub The Aiiahs were itgavfltJ as th 1 I er teai:, and at the start mnir* some pood attempt* but were
    157 words
  • 151 302 Before a small gathering <>f tatllttftftftl on the Esplacale last eveijiug i lie S X tried conclusions with t he R G.A. at loccer Iv the opening half the h«>mesters «Wi the rirst to score through Johnson, l»u: tl;e soldiers soon replied. Frcm well combined play one of the S.KC.
    151 words
  • 103 302 Yesterday, Chiu Oh Huau responded r a summons issued at the iustatuv ot Wee Man Chen to explain how he came to be ie possession of a trade mark iv sellu tea which solely bvlotged to the couiplamaut The case was heard by the District Ju Mr
    103 words
  • 149 302 Mr F. H. Schules of F. H. Sduiles Ltd rice-mill engineers Bangkok has bad an en counter with a burglar that has left 6ome pninful wounds ou his face. Mr. Schulee. who sleeps over his offices m Oriental Avecue, wa* aroused at a quarter to five o'clock by
    149 words
  • 45 302 H. M. S. Waterwitcb has armed at Port Swettenbam. We understaDd that she will remain about three montl s while further survey work near Pulo Ang6a is »n progress. Many residents m Selacgor will be glad to welcome back Capt. Douglas and his officers. M.M.
    M.M.  -  45 words

  • 2078 303 (By Submarine Telegraph.) (Renter's Ayency.} Received May 6, 11.10 am. The Shah yesterday issued a proclamation m which he granted the Constitution. Parliament is expected to meet about July Iftk The Shah has notifi?d the English and Kassian Legations that he accepts the advice given but, desires explanations on
    2,078 words
  • 112 303 {J*rom our own Correspondent.} lt£c=ived at 10.55 am. Gfoloondft shows a detL'it on the year's working of £~rl. The whole yew's expenditure is charged to revenue. Tli3 crop was 15,2071 b. The April recaipts of rubber were 3.760 toes. The world's visible supply of rubber on Miy Ist
    112 words
  • 67 303 House Struck by Lightning. {From our t nvn Correspondent:) Ipoh, May 7. A terrible storm occurred here last night. Mr Lltham'l house on the Tambua road was struck by lightning aud wrecked and a bid m oue of tha roDins was set on tire. Mrs Horace
    67 words
  • 18 303 A loan of X'Bo,ooo sterling of the city of Nagoya, Jdpau, has been issued at 95|.
    18 words
  • 54 303 Received at 1.40 pm. In the inquest on the death of Mr E. Wborwell, late of the Times of Malaya, a verdict of suicide while temporarily insane was returned. Dr. Skae, the deceased's medical attendant, gave evidence that the deceased was suffering from great mental depression
    54 words
  • 59 303 Quite Deserved. {From our oivn Correspondent.} Received at 5.14 pm. The appeal of Mr T. M. Clarke, who was convicted df having received bribes m connection with the registration of bullock carts m Perak, has bean dismissed, the Judge saying that the defendant thoroughly deserved his punishment and
    59 words
  • Page 303 Miscellaneous
    • 671 303 CLEARANCES. May 5. Terrier. Nor. str., Berg, for Bangkok. Asdang, Siam. str., Svarrer, for Bangkok via. ports. May 6. Dardanus, Brit, str., Nicholas, for Shanghai and Japan. Frankdale, Brit, str., Brouman, for V'stock. Baron Innerdale, Bnt. str., Fullerton, for Saigon. Ban Liong, Dut. str., Winters, for Cotie via ports. Halaban,
      671 words

  • 272 304 Capful Capital Ittaa Paid r*«.«*— o Inacd paid vp Valt>« ap Compao j. Qo utio, $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining 00. Ltd 775 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited 6 M $600,000 600,000 10 10 Bnweh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 750 £500,000 444,769 1 1 Duff
    272 words
  • 249 304 £5,377.10.0 4,805 12/6 12/6 Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd. 6.2% $250,000 202,500 100 100 Brunei Oil Royalty Ltd 1" vti W(\ nrn l ,»qq «-o f l 0 Eastern Smelting Co. Ltd. M,otu,uiu i,oyy,b<-£ 10 Do Do $225,000 225,000 50 50 Freer and Neive Ltd 142 1 0 >15,000,000 15,000,000
    249 words
  • 456 304 £150,000 IS7 062.10 [j 1 An&lo Malay Rubber Co, II7« (1 17/6 Do Do SIS 0 JIHO.OOO 100,375 1 1 Asiatic Robber and Prod. 00. 1.6 t $200,000 12G.000* 10 10 Balgownie Rubber Eetaes L d IM* 30.000 20.1 87.X/- 1 Batu Oaves Rubber Got. Ltd. 43 v i 80,000
    456 words
  • Page 304 Advertisements
    • 40 304 thirtieth Annual Publication, THE SINGAPORE AND STRAITS DIRECTORY for 1909. 937 pp. Royal Bvo., Cloth; Price %7'SO per copy; §8-OO Post Free* Publishers i FRASER AND NEAVE, LIMITED. To be had from all Booksellers m Straits Settlements and F. W.
      40 words
  • Page 304 Miscellaneous
    • 819 304 Penang, Brit, atr., Perry, for Port Swettenhim via ports. Ban Tong Seng, Brit, str., Angus, for Palembang. Socotra, Brit, str., Andrews, for Hongkong and Japan. May 12. Miyazaki Maru, Jap. str., Bainbridge, for Antwerp via ports. "Will o f the Wisp, Brit, str., Morris, for Bagan. Brouwer, Dut. str Resner,
      819 words
    • 744 304 Per Hong Moh Mrs R. S. Bainbridge. Per Nubia Miss Ryan and Mr J. Me Arthur. Per Namur Capt F. F. Saunders, Mr and Mrs South, Mr Gunner Houston, Dr G. Gray, Mr W. Collins, Mr W. S. Fawcus, Mr J. R. C. Lyons, Mr C. R. Stevens. Per Bharata
      744 words
    • 294 304 VESSELS IN PORT. Man-of-war FUg and Tons Commander! Arrived Prom For When Han Ying Ch. cru. 2950 Lin May 12 Sourabaya Deli 21 Hai Chi Ch. era. 43C0 Shen May 12 Sourabaya Deli 2t ShiD Flair Tons Master Arrived From Consignee For When Baud Dut 2777 Reit May 8 Macafsar
      294 words