The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 6 May 1909

Total Pages: 16
273 288 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 230 273 L»ADERS. A Vivv Loan 27M P <■! Kaiaing Monoy i'ho J>v of Holland 27+ lnoim* Tax A Matrimonial Muddle Maiks and Trad*' Names 274 I 1 ivt- Trad ;i New DoetlßM 274 \Vir» i l«»ss at Sea 2"> i'a\ in^ For the Navy 275 LtPORTS AND MIKTINGS. Bes Institution
    230 words
  • 74 273 (CCRBZCTKD UP TO May 5.) bank 4in a M 2 4 6 Goinacd mi PhTate crediu Sm/i M 2 4.* f credits 6mi M J^*J Frajicb, demand Bank^ 292 GaaMAXT, demand 237 bnu,T.T, How*icow«, d«mau^ 20^%di8. YuK'Hama, demand nom. 1134 ava, demand 139| Bangkok' demand £5^ ft vlreigns, Bank
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 58 273 NOON.— On the Ist May at the Maternity Hospital, Sepoy Lines, the wife of H. W. Noon, of a son. On the Ist of May, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, the wife of Inspector A. S. Wilson (Malacca) of a son. Martin.— At York House, Penang, April 30, the
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    • 123 273 At St. Andrew's Cathedral on the 29tb inst. by the Rev. H. C. Izard, William Roi.ert Colvin Middleton, Municipal Health Officer, Singapore, to Ethel Hunt Hunt, widow of J. Brooke Hunt, Woodford, Essex and daughter of the late George Taylor, Bakewell. Gordon Pag den.— At Taunggyi, Southern Shin States,
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    • 57 273 MOORE. At Frenny Lodge on the morning of the 14th Capt. P. H. Moore, late of the Kangoon Pilot Service. Aged 78 years. Darke On 3Cth April, at Ha/eldene, Worcester Road. liootle, Helen Milne, beloved wife of F.M. Darke (By Cable.) AißD.— On April 4th, at Wilton Park, Beacon>iield,
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  • 179 273 The last mail from home arrived by the B. I. Tara on Saturday last with dates up to April 9 A homeward mail was taken by the E. Simons on Monday and this weekly goes by the P. A 0. Assave tomorrow. A notable wedding of the week
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  • 134 273 May 5 Tin buyers 166.00 Gambier buyers 8.00 Gambier No. 1 12.87J Gambier Cabe No. 2 1 2.20 Pepper Black (ord'a. S'pcrt) 11.15 Pepper, White (fair buyers 17.25 Nutmegs (110 to the ft.)-. 1 7.50 Nutmegs (80 to the 1».) 22 50 Mace (Baxxda) CloTes (Amboina) Liberian Coffee
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  • 36 273 Do not be deluded into neglecting a little cold, nasal catarrh or expectoration. If you do it will finally become too late for treatment, fflorrhuol Creosote cures catarrh and dries up secretions which cause expecteraticn. x
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 273 T T rr<> vh.,11 thr Press the People 1 ri<:ht maintain Viinwil >>v iritlnenre unbriiieii Iry Rain; Here patriot Truth hei glo*ions precepts draw* Fiedted to Rcliiriori, Loyalty and I^iw.
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  • 1008 273 April 30. There are two points m connection with the movement for the building up of the British Navy, which has caused such a sensation at Home, that are worth brieHy referring to. Cue is the cost of building and the nature of the expenditure the other
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  • 234 273 The glimpse of the British Budget sent us by wire are rather tantalising, but they seem to indicate that Mr Lloyd Geor«;b has to face a deficit for the coming financial year of 151 millions, partly due to shortage of revenue, and partly to increased expenditure.
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  • Page 273 Advertisements
    • 193 273 >.;V«scribers to the "Singapore Free Press" ly returning 1 from Europe to the Straits f v wn "t the mail Hsjesy .'.re invited to send to ma^er the name <>f their steamei and date A arrival m Singapore, l^opies will then be .-*d to meet them at various ports ot
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  • 280 274 May 1. The birth of a Royal Princess as heir to the Throne of Holland enables this Colony to extend the heartiest congratulations to the subjects of Queen Wilhblmina, and on behalf of the Colony we do congratulate the Hollanders on the realisation of their long-deferred
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  • 483 274 In this h:ippy Colony, (touch wool and mention it with bated breath lest the evil come if our other sources of revenue are attacked) we are not troubled with an income tax. S^me of us know the unpleasant features of that inquisitorial method of raising revenue at Home,
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  • 276 274 Some seventeen years ago the minds of parties who had been married m this Colony by clergymen of the Church of England without the previous publication of banns were greatly exercised by the discovery that they had not been legally married. The legal ecclesiastic il muddle that
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  • 695 274 May 3. "Things are not what they seem might be the trade mark of most articles of commerce nowadays. Magistrates and Commissions have sat Cor days and weeks tning to find cut What is Whisky r What is' Brand jr and have failed to arrive
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  • 1286 274 May 4 One of the strongest characteristics of the British peopl?, a characteristic .more noticeable even than the one credited to us by Napoleon, is the characteristic of conservatism, using the word quite apart from its political signification and merely to mean dislike of change.
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  • 733 275 May 5, Since the historic call-up of Mr Jack i;.nnsoQthe republic to all ships within bail of his vessel to come and save life, greater attention than ever has been paid to the use of wireless telegraphy, as part of the equipment of large passenger ships. The
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  • 698 275 During all the stress and turmoil of the •ate Navy discussions m England the attiude of the German people and the German 'xovernment has been particularly diplomatic. Politicians m Parliament and at public meetings have inveighed against the competition of Germany m naval matters, and have
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  • 1051 275 May ti. The production of rubber is now recognisei as the mainstay of Malaya. Our railways and public works have been built upon tin. Every truck m the 1 .M.S. Railway, metal and wood, is lined with the white metal. The roads are metaphorically metalled with it.
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  • 156 275 His Highness the Yang di Pertuan Muda of Tringanu is paying a visit to Rhio. arriving here by the Aing Hoe. The R-ijali of Sirmur is abreast of the British Government on the cigarette question. He has issued the following regulation "Whoever being under 18 years of age smokes cigars,
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  • 582 275 The first charge that came on before tie Chief Justice, Sir Hyndman Jones, and a Jury was that preferred against a Chinaman named Chow Nang, for attemptad housebreaking with intent to hurt the oscupanU. Mr. Hastings Rhodes appeared for the Crown. Prisoner was undefended. Counsel m opening the
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  • 1861 276 PRIZE DAY. The Assembly Hall of Raffles Institution iraa packed with school boys and friends on Tuesday morning, gathered to witness the annual distribution of prizes. Besides the acting Governor and Lady Evelyn Youug there were also present the Colonial Secretary and Mrs Evans, Mr Claud Severn, Private
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1274 276 To The Editor, We see from home cables that with regard to persons enjoying an income of less than o£soo a year a certain remission of Income Tax is to be made m respect of every child under 10 years of age. This can doubtless be looked
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    • 123 276 To the Editor, Sir, Uader the abuv honliag I a case whica was hoard before thl nia^istrat^ ia which I appeared as OOU for tha Viscount de Silcuo. Am e f r curs m this report astovvhr. dM i.\ j said and before writing J h ;ve
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    • 123 276 Y. M. C. A. SWIMMING BATH. To The Bdrob, Dear Sir, In TOW i?<ue of the 1 statement is inadV ihat "Trie (Mooii President smirked that ha haA btM that the bath was to be abaadk a*J aa)4 plans of the building altered." Who I that information dii as Ml
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  • 381 276 The Danish Trading and Navigation G pany, entitled Oestasiatisk Kompafrf," d Copenhagen, mlinfl uood results bit f%* m spite of the general commercial d i This circumstance is attributed l>y tLe due* ton, m their report, to t'.ie fact th:-* I Company has enlarged the sphere
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  • 448 277 Friday, April 30, 1909. At an auction sale by Mr H. A. Crane yesterday, land at Serangoon Road, aroi 1,600 feet, with the house No 125, was sold for $2,6C0 to Hadjee Mohomed Saib land at West Bukit Timah on Jurong Road, area 4 acres and 2 poles, sold to
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  • 429 277 A preliminary ecquiry was opened by Mr Green, the second magistrate, yesterday, .Qto a charge cf making preparations to commit ging robbery brought against five Cantonese refugees from S^i*»on. l>dtective Inspector Taylor told of his raid \>n a house m Tan Quee Lan Street and how se
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  • Correspondence.
    • 349 277 To the Editor. Dear Sir,— l shall feel much obliged if you will kindly inform me through the medium of your valuable paper, how our pawnbrokers are allowed to calculate and charge their interest on articles pawned, whether according to the English or Chinese month, and if the
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    • 144 277 To the Editor. Sir, Auent what has already appeared m your paper regarding Customs examination, wouldn't it be more to the convenience of European passengers to have their baggage examined (if it has to be done) by proper European officials at the different gedowns alongside which their steamers
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  • 34 277 A final dividend of 40°o has been declared m respect to the year li'OK making a total dividend for the year of t>o° o The above is subject to miil confirmation.
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  • 335 277 A case of the terrible malady of sleeping sickness m a European is now engaging the attention of medical practitioners m Paris. The victim is the Rev P. Beauchene, belonging to the Missionary Order of the Holy Ghoet. Father Beauchene was stationed for some years at Oubangi, m
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  • 21 277 Mr R. C Edmonds has been appointed registrar, and Mr E. L. Talma, assistant registrar of Joint Stock Companies m Singapore.
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  • 935 277 A Wonderful Sight. (From a Special Correspondent). The meeting was honoured by the presence of H.H. the Sultan, the princes and their entourage. The royal box was carpetted, and the chairs of His Highness and the Resident were upholstered m velvet. The Sultan's advent was heralded by
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  • 589 277 MIDDLETON— BROOKE HUNT. The celebration of the wedding of Dr W. R. 0. Middleton and Mrs Brooke Hunt yesterday was of particular interest to Singapore. The bridegroom has long been resident m Singapore. In his private capacity and as head of the Health Department of the Municipality
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  • 152 277 At the Church of the Assumption, the marriage was solemnised of Mr Alphonse Bernard Carrier, ricemill engineer. Choion, Saigon, son of Mr Louis Boudou Carrier, and Ada Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. W. J. Foley* formerly Chief Inspector of Police under the Perak Government. The ceremony was performed
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  • 71 277 The motor-boat regatta was continued aft Monte Carlo, on April 5. The competition for racers, 1 without restriction, over a course of fifty kilometres (thirty-one and a quarter miles) resulted as follows 1. Wolseley-Siddeley 11., 40mius. 0 4 ssec*5 sec* 2. Panhard-Levassor, 49mins. 14
    D. Express  -  71 words

  • 466 278 Our market has been active m all sections during the iteek under review, and although the chief dealings have been m Rubbers, it is satisfactory to note that several of the lower priced Tin shares have been m good demand and look like improving. Mining
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  • 455 278 Mi xi« -uwi. Official awd Bbibi Rengasainy, a Kling, appeared before Mr Colman, third magistrate, yesterday afternoon, ov a charge of defaming H. S. Mc--(otyre, a Muuicipal meter reader, by writing and publishing that "On the ltnh April the Inspector came with his servants, opened the pipe and
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  • 344 278 A Chinaman living at Macio Street reports that burglars removed $52 from his house. Among appointments m the Gazette are Mr B. Nunn to be an assistant judge m Malacca Mr F. T. Ellis to act as district officer, Christmas Island Mr G. Holden to act
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  • 405 278 At Tauglin last evening Q Coy who are leading m the league, were out again seeking for pjints. This time their opponents were M A" Coy., a tine well balanced team who have not lost a match this season m the league. Owing to sickness "G" Coy.,
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  • 136 278 Before Mr Justice Sarcombe Smith m the Bankruptcy Court yesterday morning, a Chinaman named Yap Yeow Teck was further examined m bankruptcy. Questioned by the Official Assignee about share transactions, bankrupt admitted that his liabilities amounted to a sum of 157,000 which weie differences on shares
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  • 95 278 Princess Wilhelmina 11. Mr G. D. Hamel, the acting Consul General for the Netherlands, courteously informed us at 5 pm. last night, that an official telegram had been received that A Princess Has Been Born. Keuter's Agency at the same time sent a wire Wilhelmina daughter." Such is
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  • 800 278 Nowhere m the Dutch dominions will there be heartier rejoicings than m the Netherlands Indies, where the arrangements for celebrations have been carefully thought out. In Batavia an official programme has been published by Messrs. Kolff and Co. m the form of an ornate booklet. The program me is as
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  • 170 278 Welcome, longed-for Stranger, Hope of many Hearts, Welcome to the world where to-day your journey starts, Hear the trumpets blaring. Hear the cannon boom, As you lie there dreaming, an au^e! m the room. Welcome, Little Stranger, just a trifle late. All the more you're welome since you made
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  • 68 278 At the third magistrate's court, jesterday. Mr. Colinan sentenced lour Cantoned* 1 to six monllis' rigorous imprisonment Etc being armed w;th dangerous weapons an; for being m possession of he U'ebreakiu.: tools m an opium shop m Ohinehew <'re^ His worship congratulated the AflteetlT* department on their
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  • 124 278 SALE OF THE s. s. DJAMBI. A second attempt to sell the wreck of tkn ship and its gear by auctioti vru.s made a: Powell and Company's auction room yesN*» day. After the last attempted sale di i ffe of S7"<» was made if it could be irtMfod that three
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  • 58 278 The April monthly medal of the al>ove Club was played for on the 2l*h and 25th the followiuo: scores bein? returned J. H. D. Jones 7l» lo C.Emerson M 1- ft 0 I>. Kerr gg 1J r<; J>r J. G. McGrepor 98 77 M. Woollcombe M
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  • 228 278 The Marine Department of the Board of Trade has issued a minute to the Supe icteu dents of the Mercantile Marine Offices on tinsubject of the language tests and Oriental seamen. In this each Superintendent is m formed that m future no Oriental seaman or other person of
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  • 768 279 Quicauiil agunt homines nostri esl farrago libelli. Juvenal. The Continental press have been making remorseless fun of the American ditto regarding the African tour of ex-President K*>sevelt, for which the latter is wholly responsible. The history of the tour is already m print and m photograph.
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  • 42 279 Mr Frank McMillan, 3rd Engineer of the c. s. Netherton," died on board on the 14th mst, of heat apoplexy, during her voyage from Singapore to Colombo. The remains were buried at sea, the following morning. Ceylon Observer.)
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  • 102 279 The latest thing m gowns out Philadelphia way is called the 4 Moyenage," and its peculiarity is that its waist is only six inches above the knee. We should like to see that. The only approach to it of which we have any knowledge is the baggy trousers ■worn by
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  • 1035 279 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, April 30. Present:— Mr E. G. Broadrick (President), Dr Fowlie, Messrs Cheng Keng Lee, Wm. Macbean, C. W. Darbishire, W. Peacock, Ong Teck Lira, F. E Jago, A. J. W. Watkins, also R. Peirce (Engineer) and J. Polglase (Secretary). Minutes. The minutes of the ordinary
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  • 616 279 Gaunt Plays m Ceylon. Dr. Parker, the amateur Tennis Champion of Xew South Wales, who is going to England for the All-England Championship, gratified his wish and had a game m Colombo, and lovers of the game mustered m force at the Garden Ciub to
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  • 76 279 In the City and Sub: eighteen ran. The race was won by a length and-a-half, four lengths separating second and third. The betting at the start was 110 to 1 against White Eagle, 100 to 15 against Dean Swift, and 100 to 8 against Lafayette. It may interest those who
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  • 847 279 A telegraphic report of the meeting held on Sunday has been already published m our columns. We are indebted to the M. M. tor the following extracts from the speech of the Chairman, Mr R. W. Harrison. Federal Council. The establishment of a Federal Council for
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  • 111 279 The Indian Government have lost no time m recognising the help which Dr. Stein received during his recent expedition from various Chinese officials. His Majesty's Secretary of State for India has been asked to convey the cordial acknowledgments of the Government of India to the officials concerned, through the British
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  • 639 280 Monday, May 3, 1909. Conspicuous beside the road from Klang to Jugra, at about the fourteenth mile, is a group of three old muzzle-loading cannon. One of them is a large brass gun, a great deal larger than the old guns one sometimes sees lying about m this part of
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  • 225 280 Bisley Medallist for Singapore. On the appointment of the Archbishop of Canterbury the Rev. Charles J. FergusonJ)avie, of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and stationed m the Punjab, is to become the new Bishop of Singapore. After being trained at the Leeds Clergy School he
    Daily Graphic  -  225 words
  • 413 280 LOCAL REJOICINGS. The news of the birth of a Princess, heiress to the Throne of Holland, has been received with great rejoicing by the Hollanders of Singapore, and they have received the congratulations of all other nationalities. On Saturday morning all the Dutch fligs m Singapore were floating
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  • 293 280 A Bahokok Bankrumcy. In Rmgkok on April 24 they had a most exciting creditors' meetiug over the bankruptcy of a Chinese Portuguese subject. Creditors said to represent debts of over 80.000 ticals attended with an idea of eliciting information. The meeting- was held m the Consular Court of
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  • 117 280 The Darul Adab Club celebrated their fifteenth anniversary on Saturday night, at their club house m Short Street where they had the Manila band, ronggeng and mayong as the chief amusements for their guests, who included Hon. Dato Mentri Besar of Johore, C. M. G. Messrs Colman,
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  • 399 280 Hundreds Homeless. {From our oicn Correspondent^) Kiub, April 27. On the night of April 27 about 10 30 o'clock a fire broke out m the heart of the town m a gold-smith's shop. The goldsmith, an old man, was smoking chandu, it is said, m his
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  • 477 280 May No. of this monthly is out prompt to time. The bulk of the number is occupied by a reprint of a pamphlet entitled the Lind L;iws and the Lund Administration of the F. If. S. by Mr 11. WatsoD, which will be found useful for the planting
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  • 90 280 In an article on the new Anglo- Siamese Treaty La Cochine Chine Francaise says It would seem that the Treaty is merely the consecration of a state of things established for the Duff Company, just as, to compare small things with great, the South African war was waged for the
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  • 718 280 Secret Story of thb Revolution. The story of the Turkish revolution and the situation it has produced, with much new and interesting information collected at first hand and brought up to date, is told m d pamphlet which will shortly be published by M. Joseph Denais, the intimate
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  • 278 280 We print the appended from a home paper, but are not prepared to publish, ex cept with a liberal use of the blue pencil any comments on the real food of the tropics, as opposed to the ideal. Professor Long's summary of the qualities and feeding values of
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  • 2160 281 (BY THE TOPICIST.) Edward Fitz Gerald. Edward FitzGerald saw the light on March 31 9t, 18CW he closed his eyes to it again on Junel4tb, 1833, and between these dates he made sundry scratches on the mirror of time, at which we gaze with a pathetic interest. FitzGerald
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  • 317 281 The second annual ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Sinio Rnbl>er Estates, Limited, was held on April 7, at theoffices of the company, 4, Lloyd's Avenue, E. C, Mr T. C. Owen (chairman of the company) presiding. The chairman said As regards the result for the
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  • 199 281 Though bathing is so general m Hongkong the pastime is healthy attended with a comparative immunity from fatality, but though the present season has only just commenced it has already claimed one victim, a British soldier, who was drowned on Wednesday afternoon. It appears that three of the
    Hongkong Exchange  -  199 words
  • 40 281 Mr. Ralph Paget, the newly appointed British Minister t j the Court of Bavaria, who recently arrived m Lond >n from Bangkok, with Mrs. Paget, has been over to Munich, to make arrangements for t iking over the Legation there.
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  • 951 281 1 A sea of sky, and a world of heather. Purple of foxglove, yellow of broom, We two walking together. Shaking cut fragrance, treading perfume.' I am perched on the top of one of the Surrey hills, no matter which and on either side of me
    O.M.K.  -  951 words

  • 522 282 Tuesday, May 4, 1909. The Sumatra Consolidated Rubber Company, with a capital of .£75,000, has been successfully floated. Mr B. E. Whorwell, formerly of Messrs Kelly and Walsh, Singapore, and of the Times of Mala) a, has died at Ipoh. A Gazatte Extraordinary has been issued prohibiting the removal of
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  • 148 282 Ten Teochews were before Mr. Colman, third magistrate, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of affray. Sergeant Rj*s prosecuted and Mr. Yarboroutfh dftftnded three of the accused. Police evidence was led to show that an affray between sixty or seventy Chinese took place on April 14,
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  • 102 282 Mr Nairn, a retiring London Police Magistrate who is on leave (father of Mr P. S. Nairn,^ Supt. local Police) has after one month's stay here, left for Singapore en route to Japan. Out of the 300 houses m town burnt down by the recent great fire, eight
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  • 1156 282 Still Celebrating. The chief event of yesterday chief because our Hollander friends are still celebrating m other ways the important national event of the birth of an heiress was the At Home" of the Asiatic Petroleum Co. at Winchester House, ia honour of the birth of the little
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  • 552 282 A Conviction Qwashed. Mr Justice Sercombe Smith was engaged m the Appeal Court yesterday, when several appeals came up for hearing. The first was that of a ChiLesb tin merchant named Fuh Ah Look against a recent conviction by the fourth magistrate, Mr DeMello, for alleged laying of
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  • 81 282 Messrs. Guthrie <fc Co., agents, are m receipt of a telegram from the general manager, Linggi Plantations Ltd., advising that the total amount of rubber harvested on the Company's Estates during the month of April was 41,500 lb. Particulars of the output for the first four months of
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  • 791 282 OPENING PERFORMANCE. When Kniohts Weee Bold." This Comedy comes to Singapore on iti way to Australia uuder very favourable conditiocs. The Victoria Theatre, whatever its minor defects, is m tie main a comfortable and de^eLt place for player and play -goer and 16 m the first flush
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  • 36 282 The total quantity of tin ore exported by tbe tributors on the land of the Roy a! Johore Tin Mining Coy., Ltd., during tbe month of April was I'M] bags, pikuls 102.
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  • 41 282 The manager reports rubber crop harvested during the month of April as 3,656 lbs. dry; corresponding month last year 1,904 lba. total for first four months of 1909, 15,077 lbs. total for corresponding period last year 7,5*23 lbs.
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  • 623 283 The course was still on the soft side, for training on Saturday morning, but good gallops were put m and a goodly number of pportsmen turned up to witness the work. Pause (Martin) bowled along alone once round slowly, picking up his stable companion St John (Native) at
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  • 248 283 S C. C. vs The Polk k. It was rather an emasculated team which turned out for the Club last evening, players *uch as Henderson, Chapman, Bdird and Fulcher ail being absent. The Police on the other hand were decidadlv strong and included Peacock, Farrer, Sills and Threlfall. The
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  • 442 283 (From our own Corr'.spondem.i Batavia, April 29. The Factory has decided to give its employees three-quarters of their salaries while on leave m Europe. The latter, with their families, will also get free passage. The engagement is announced of Miss S. Heringa, to her cousin, Mr Heringa, administrator
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  • 418 283 Writing on the evening of April 7, the well informed metal markets expert of The Iron monger said With moderate fluctuations, the tin market has maintained a pretty firm position, and following upon fair-sized week-end pales, Eastern holders have since shown less disposition to operate. Since
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  • 681 283 For some reason Singapore does not attempt to specialise m snackeries." The quick lunch counter is unknown, and the tasty sandwich is a-missing except at private functions, where plate after plate is wolfed down at tea or late supper. But on the whole the absence of such inbtitutions is
    C.V.  -  681 words
  • 50 283 Mr J. Donovan, fourth officer of the 8. s. Gleiiturret, was convictei by the Master Attendant on Saturday of wilful disobedience of lawful commands on April 14. He was fined two days pay and the contract between him and the master was rescinded. The captain did not press the case.
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  • 987 283 In days of old one of the first attainments of a gentleman was a thorough knowledge of heraldry. B afore a youth of the mail clad classes could be considered to have m any way approached completion of his studies m the art of being a gentleman
    Mayo  -  987 words

  • 1069 284 The match had been fixed up a fortnight ago Mrs Vardon-Taylor had invited me to play m a foursome with her against Miss foozle and Jones. I was a bit late m reaching the course and found the others waiting on the first tee Mr* Vardon-Taylor, m a
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  • 552 284 The Ceylon Observer makes the following remarks on various local companies The Anglo-Malay dividend is announced, this 20 per cent makes, with the 10 interim paid m October, J9OB, 30 per cent for the past year, against 18 on 1906 (the Company was floated m October, 1905)
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  • 373 284 A German Explanation. The Vossische Zeitung has received the following explanation of the affair from a well-informed source As long ago as January, the German syndicate, at the suggestion of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, declared its readiness to enter upon negotiations for the attainment of an
    L.&C. Express  -  373 words
  • 2094 284 The annual general meeting of the China Association was held on 6th April, at the offices of the Peninsular and Oiiental Steam Navigation Company, 122, Leaden hall street, £.0. Sir Charles Dudgeon, Chairman of the Association, presided, and the following gentlemen were also present: Sir
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  • 562 285 Limited Credits and Black Lists We coin mend the businesslike spirit of tha Siam Importers' Association to tbe consideration of Singapore merchants. From a long account of their last meeting we take the following Mr. S. H Hendrick (Siam Fonst Co. Ltd.), the chairman of the original meeting,
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  • 51 285 Messrs F. W. Barker and Co., the local agents, inform us that the manner reports rubber crop harvested during the month of April 17,128 lbdrv corresponding month last year 1 1,1*70 Ib. Total for first four months of 19 G5,1>28 lb. Total for corresponding period last^e^r
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  • 32 285 Messrs McAlister advite having received a cable from the manager of Kigalla Estate m which he states that the estimated crop of rubber (dry) for April is 950 lbs.
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  • 30 285 The manager (through Messrs Gunn and Co.) reports rubber crop harvested during the month of April 1909— 2,9551 b estimated dry corresponding month last year 1,691 lb."
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  • 75 285 The East Asiatic Company at Copenhagen states m ita annual report that after setting aaide kr. 791,876 for depreciation there is a net profit of kr. 1,643,917. The dividend amounts to 8 per cent. The reserves contain na. 3,750,000, equal to 25 per cent, of the
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  • 399 285 Wednesday, May 5, 1909. It has been definitely arranged that Mr. C. W. C. Parr is to act for Mr. Aldworth as Commissioner of Trade and Customs, when the latter goes on leave, Mr. Stonor replacing Mr. Parr at Tapah. Mr. F. E. Taylor is to make over the duties
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  • 544 285 Mr Montagu-Haris mentioned to Mr Column, the third magistrate, last week that he had been asked by a gentlem m m Court to represent him. The gentleman told him that he was the Viscount Saluzz:> of Italy. He was living at the Adelphi Hotel and a man
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  • 749 285 44 The New Clown." What has been described by the press m other parts of the East where the Ward Company have played, as one of the most delightful of the plays produced by this clever company, was staged last evening when The New Clown delighted a
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  • 92 285 Oq the arrival of the French mail "Ernest Simons on Monday eveuirg, an Arab fireman named Mohamed Salleh was handed over to the police authorities on a charge of assault. It was alleged that he fought with another fireman, Tobaya, and bit, him 011 the head. Tobaya
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  • 63 285 Mahdho, a Bengali dhoby of 39-4TaDglin R>ad, recently told the police that gangrobbers had attacked his house and stolen a large sum of money. Yesterday, he reported that burgUrs had stolen a gold vase valued at $500. Another man living m the same house reported the loss
    63 words
  • 1069 285 The publication of the entries for the Spring race meeting and the weights for thrf c of the races on the first day, are fcuftinentlv ample evidence to justify one m expecting a really interesting meeting with lots of good sport. It is unfortunate that the weather does
    1,069 words

  • 249 286 Thursday, May 6, 1909. The Sea Mew is to leave to-day with a party of police to obtain the exact latitude and longitude of the spot where the recent piracy occurred. The three Malays and Sakai, who were condemned to the extreme penalty of the law for the murder of
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  • 642 286 Adulteration of Foods and Drinks, There was a lirge audience at the Y. M. C. A. rooms m Stamford Road last night when a most interesting lecture was p-iven by Mr A. G. Harrington, a i c ph c f c s., Municipal Analyst, on the adulteration
    642 words
  • 496 286 European Chauffeur Fined. Mr H. M. Potbs of Messrs Huttenbich Brothers appeared before Mr de Mello, fourth magistrate, yesterday, m answer to a summons issued on a charge of reckless driving on April 27<h. Assist.- Supt. Hawtrey of the Police appeared for the prosecution. Dr W. G. Ellis
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  • 313 286 Sub Warder and Prisoner Convicted. A Tamil sub- warder named X train baratn was charged before Mr Green, second magistrate, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of taking a letter from the prison contrary to regulatijns. A prisoner named Arthur de Cotta wis charged with abetment. Mr
    313 words
  • 41 286 Messrs. Derrick Co. inform us that the outputs from Bslat and Kuan tan are. Belat, 403 50 pikuls from the Company's own workings, tributorp 316.05 pikuls. Kuantan 72.85 pikuls from tributors. Totals 719.55 pikuls and 72.85 pikuls.
    41 words
  • 36 286 Messrs. Guthrie and Company inform us that the manager of Labu (P.M.S.) Rubber Co. Ltd: advises that the output of dry rubber from the Company's Estate during the month of April was 3,394 lbs.
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  • 427 286 Repairs to the Royal Hotel. Before Mr Howard, m the District Court, yesterday afternoon, a Chinese contractor named Seah Tee cliimed $293 from Mr G. A. Fdrnandf z for labour done and materials supplied m repairing and altering the Royal Hotel at SeraDgoon Road. Mr Campbell appeared
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  • 358 286 M Men are men and women are women Nature made them different and Parliament cannot make them the same." Austen Chamberlain. Men are men and women are women, and women are very sweet, And a good and a true and a gentle woman is something that's hard to
    C.J.  -  358 words
  • 98 286 Great sympathy will be felt for Sir John Aird m the bereavement he has suffered by the death of his wife, to whom he was married fifty- four years ago. The head of the famous firm of contractors, who is m his 76th year, has himself been m failing health
    98 words
  • 510 286 Mb Hopkinson. The popularity of Mr Ward's combination continues, and the audience latt night was again an excellent one, and enthusiastic. The wise caterer for public amusement knows the virtue of variety, and Mr Ward presented last night an entirely different class of play to the two
    510 words
  • 187 286 A Sro -essfi'l Claim. Mr Justice Sercombe Smith was engaged m the Supreme C >urt yesterday morning m hearing an action brought by Howarth Erskine LM., against the British Beer Breweries Far Eastern Syndicate Ltd. Tlie claim was for $4,000, the price of machinery and apparatus supplied. Mr
    187 words
  • 101 286 This story is not without application to the members of the Colonial Press who have gone home to the Imperial Conference When Mr Deakin was last m England he visited Oxford as the guest of honour at the annual dinner of two undergraduate Radical clubs. His health was proposed by
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  • 400 287 S. C. C. vs. The R. E. A rery few spectators witnessed the game of hockey on the Esplanade last evening between the S. C. C. and the Royal Engineers. The game was late m starting owing to the absence of certain of the Club players. Mr G.
    400 words
  • 607 287 SIX A-SIDE Toi'KN\MKXT. The six-a-side Football Tournament, which should have been pUyed off m December, but owing to the weather was suspended, opened on Monday evening. This tournament has caused a great deal of excitement and interest at Tanglin, as it is being? played on the Cup-ti** system. It
    607 words
  • 2156 287 (dj Submarine Telegraph.) (Renter* 8 Agency.) Rec April 29, 10 a.m. In an official budget memorandum it is estimated that the deficit will be <£15,7t52,000. The estimated expenditure has increased by ,£11,860,000 which is mainly on account of the navy and old age pensions. The revenue has decreased by
    2,156 words
  • 63 287 Selangor's Heavy Dividend. London, via Penang. Selangor Rubber Company pays a dividend of 75 per cent, carries £3,000 to the reserve fund, £'1,000 to depreciation and £2,000 forward. Linggi pays a final dividend of 40 per cent, makirg sixty for the year. .£4,000 is carried to reserve and
    63 words
  • 47 287 {From our 9ttm Correspondent.) Hongkong, Ree April ±j. His Excellency the Governor of HoDgkorg, Sir Frederick Lugard, laid thsfoiiudation stone of the new Seaman's Institute here yesterday. The buildiDg will cosi about 150,000 and has been presented to Hongkong by Mr. Mody
    47 words
  • 130 287 {From our oicn Correspondent^) Penan g, May :j. In the Supreme Court to-day Mr Justice T. de M. L. Braddell gave judgment m what has been known as the Sitiawan Estate oasp. This was an action m which Ong Jin and two other Chinamen sued Towkay
    130 words

  • 43 288 (From our own Correspondent} Ipoh, April 29. T. M. Clarke, the Deputy Ragistrar of Vehicles here who was charged with receiving an illegal gratification, has been sentenced to six months' hard labour and to pay a fine of $500.
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  • 32 288 Ipob, May 3rd, 3 2 p.m. It is announced that the Pengkalen output for the month was 400 pikuls. The tnrgea are both working and everything is satisfactory.
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  • 27 288 Kuala Lumpur, May 3. A strike of carters has broken out m this town, and includes most of the district round about.
    27 words
  • 261 288 Capita! Cacftal Item Paid mm IntMd paid op VaitM op Company Qarutteas3oo,ooo 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining 00. Ltd 650 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited 625 $600,000 600,000 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. 00. IM 7.50 £5 00,000 444,76.9 1 1 Duff Development 00. Ltd 4.00
    261 words
  • 255 288 £5,377.10.0 4,805 12/6 12/6 Bell's Aebeetoe Eastern Agency, Ltd. 6.25 $250,000 202,500 100 100 Brunei Oil Royalty Ltd 100 <1 SOO OPO 1 O<W 672 flO 1U Ea tern Smelting Co. Ltd. It 1,500,010 1.09J.6 72 lf Do Do 6.75 $225,000 225,000 50 50 Fraser and Nea*e Ltd R2 5O
    255 words
  • 469 288 ji^aaa ic-a^j)ia( l Angio Malay Rubber 00. 5.126 1150.000 15,, 062.10^ 1?/6 Do Do |JM £140,000 100.375 1 1 Asiatic Rubber and Prod. 00. 19/--$200,000 126 000* 10 10 Balgownie Rubber Estafes Ltd 30.00 ffO.(K)O 20.187.10/. i 1 ttatu Rubber Cot. KM. 4.2 6 8 \ooo 70.0J0 1 1 Batu
    469 words
  • Page 288 Advertisements
    • 41 288 Chirtictft Annual publication. THE SINGAPORE AND STRAITS DIRECTORY for 1909. 937 pp. Royal Bvo., Cloth Price $7-5O per copy; $8-OO Post Free. Publishers i FRASER AND NEAVE, LIMITED. To be had from all Booksellers m Straits Settlements and F. V, t
      41 words
  • Page 288 Miscellaneous
    • 530 288 •> < CLEARANCES. April 29. Hai Nam, Brit, str., Phillips, for Muar and Malacca Resident Schieff, Dut. str., Unus, for Rhio. Calypso, Brit, str., Bannatyne, for Penang and Deli. Dott, Nor. str Gjemre, for Stagen. Ananiba, Brit, str., Sangster, for Langkat. Denbighshire, Brit, str., Barrett, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan.
      530 words
    • 704 288 Rotorua, Brit, str., Glenday, for Penang and via Port Swettenham. Hock Lee, Brit, str., Morris, for Bagan. Hebe, Brit, str., Inkster, for Penang Deli. Kuching, Sar. str., Waddell, for Sarawak. Yetorofu Maru, Jap. str., Sato, for Colombo and Bombay. Lady Weld, Brit, str., Cobb, for Muar and Malacca. Tjilatjip, Dut
      704 words
    • 275 288 VESSELS IN PORT, sftiiD Flaar A Tons Master Arrived From Consiirne« For Whan Antilochua Brit 5796 Keay May 5 Birkenhead Mansfield Manila? CbeangChew Brit 1213 Troan Dec 28 Amoy Joo Seng ChanPenang Charon Bit 1660 Bell May 2 Fremantle Mansfield Fremantle 9 Da Haan Dnt 908 Hut May 2 B'massin
      275 words