The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 4 February 1909

Total Pages: 16
65 80 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 271 65 Ljtaokrs. \.ti<>nal Trlining 65 Naval I'om?mnd3 ftr> Tbe Qm*9kiotLot Qet—i Bfamiit j tt»> 'lli»- KM.s ,;i,i a Matin of La* §6 The Shanghai "cnfertnce >♦> Au-tialian i'rick- t (>t; <'alif.>rnii ami W;ishi?i<_rt<>n C7 Th^Cntii-al Positiea in the Balkans t>7 A Link •> .1 Sing>q>.>iv 67 Yunnan Kailw;iy <-.-s
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  • 68 65 (Corrected up to Fe^> 3 Bank Ami nom deia*ad 3| Prirat^ cra<iir» I oi/« 2/4 rs, M credits 6m M 2/4^ F&ahcv, d«xn*nd Bank^. 2911 GM*MANT.domiJQd 236.^ India, T. T. m. IJ4 HoM(JKOite, dem.vni hi 2« > Yokohama, doxn^ua noa \lo\ Java, deaiand m 13?Bangkok. dein*ud I6| Sov«m»i«*Jfa, Ba.n^
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 25 65 Keymer.— On the 21st inst., at No. 340, Anson Koad, Penang, the wife of A. E. KBTMKB (Easteru Shipping Company, Ltd)» of a son.
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    • 88 65 Paxton— Cameron— On Jan. 30, at the Presbyterian Cliurch, Singapore, by the Kevd. J. A. (iray, William Paxton, Tanjong Pagar. to Janet Dalglish, eldest daughter ol'Petku Cameuon, Alexandria, Scotland. STAiiH Townsend. On the sth iust., at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, by the Kev. Canoii Walpole. D.D., liector of Lambeth, assisted
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  • 147 65 Fcl> 3 TL* $63 871 Gambier buyers 9.87| Garabier Onb* No. 1 14.65 Garabior Cnbe No. I M 33 00 Pepper Black (ord'a. S'port) 12 4) Pepper, White (fairL.W. I p c 10.10 Nutmegs (110 to tho lb.)- 19 0 Nntme^s (80 to tke Ik) 24.00 Mace (Binda) m»
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 65 Hem l !.i" th« Press the Peopi^ ri>zht rr.aintair^ Urmwed *>v i"Wuwice and unKriUed by j»ain Here patriot Truth h*T Morions orrcepts c'.ravv. Pl«^J2o.l |o Rc'i^iori, Loyalty a.iu I^ivv.
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  • 1109 65 Jan 2i> In relation to the commanding «jnestion of niitioual training in arms we have already affirmed, with what emplnsis a life of some small degree of familiarity with the subject permits U9 to employ, that there is only one j sound method for the attempting to attiin
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  • 372 65 We note that Admiial Sir \V. H. May is put cbwn for the new North Sea commind, anl Vice- Admiral Sir Pbbct Scott is to be named for the Channel Fleet. It seems uncertain what is to be done with Lord Charles Bkrksfori>, who now ec mvj Is
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  • Page 65 Advertisements
    • 160 65 ftiWliiillH to the "Singapore Free Vvweekly fetunUßg tr< in Kuropp to thn Straits ly iij.y t t; mail tines, are invited t»> s.-iiii t.the Man gw Ihe aameof theii tteaaMi and date of arrival in BiagapovOt. Copes will then mailed t -t then :»t various p< rts ot Call. Baribecrilwrfl
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    • 32 65 SIAM IN THE MALAY PENINSULA A Short Account of the position of Siam in the States of Kelantan, Patani Legeh and Sai. R«-pHnt2d fcrom the Singapore Free Presi. ff Price 50 cents.
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  • Page 65 Miscellaneous
    • 236 65 THE WEEK. The last mail fioin h» me arrived by the P. *V O Brit;tuDia on Pridaj with dates up to Jiu 8. A homeward mail was tat en bv the X D. L. Freidrich on Mondaj and this wceklf i:ees by the Bbarata to-day. The lioman Citholic children of
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  • 660 66 Jan 30 It is impassible not to be sat'sfiad to see that in Court circles in Berlin a commani'jur has been issue 1 cpprosslng a hope that the visit of the King and Queen to Berlin may dissipate misunderstandingi uuwortbj of great nations." It alsj
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  • 614 66 In another column, appears a reference to oiH^ial correspondence that has taken place between the Governments of the Colony and the Federated Malay States, regarding a suggestion that it might be expedient to institute a practice of a reciprocil transfer of judgments betveen
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  • 1075 66 Feb 1. To-day at Shanghai the| lnternational Commission on Opium begins its sittings. Generally speaking, the discussion will not be circumscribed by any prescription from the various Governments represented by delegates, la the maia it niiy be said that the foundation of the whole idea of the
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  • 553 66 T^e yeir has j ist turned aud cricketers at Immm are already beginning to thick, if not of the game, yet of the coining visit of the Australian teun to BafUfti. That interest in the cricket visitors from the Antipodes will hi stimulated to a lively pitch by
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  • 1456 67 Yeo 2 la spite of the protests of President Koosevelt against tLe action of the Cdlif >rniau Legielatuie in intrcducirg K l>i^ 11--tion of a character discrnahttticg a^aiLst Asiatics, ika main cl ject beicg to reach the J.ipaLisa settlers in the State, it is announced in the
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  • 1354 67 Feb To all who comprehend how vitally the peace ot* Europe depends up>n the political stability of the Balkan Peninsula, which all the syuiptonrs. however, f oint to as likely to take tie former place of Belgium in be- coming the coskpit of Europe,"
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  • 1422 67 Yunnan Rail way. Feb. 4 According to Boater the French Cb mbtr of Deputies bis finally approve! if the estimated expenditure for the c mpl tion of the Ked River Valley railway by ill extension of Yunnan-fu, the capital of the Chinese province of Yunnan, thus nuking the French dependeccy
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  • 1222 68 Those of our readers who have done us the honour of perusing for the pasit few years the observations made in these columns upon the varying situation in the I»tlkaLB may recollect that on several occasions we have endeavoured to present what we believe to ba the inevitable,
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  • 115 68 The following appears in the Pahang Gazette: The following extract from a Despatch from the Secretary of State, No. 333, dated 13th November, 11*08, is published for general information "The manner in which Dr. Barrack's murderers have been brought to justice reflects credit both on the Government
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  • 55 68 H. E. the British Minister shot a beautiful Siamese silver pheasant in the woods Sithahip, (Sheltered Bay) during his last pleasure trip in the s.s. Thalang. The bird is not easy to find so close to Bangkok and we believe His Excellency is having the bird stuffed as a souvenir
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  • 470 68 (Stea.itB Branch) The annual meeting called for last evening could not be held, there being no <juorum. The following is the Annual Report for 1008: The Council are pleased to be aSle to state that the aff iirs of the S>ciety are in a satisfactory condition and
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  • 53 68 A Cantonese contractor of Zion Rjad, who told the police that artutd u'tui: robbers raided his hoii-.e on tw<» ooeatM n^ durir^ oue uiirht last we*k was convicted by Mr. Green, the second Magistrate, yeste.rda?, of Mtkiog a fils^ itaieoMM to the polioo. He was sentenced to
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  • 43 68 Messrs Ghrthrie and Co., agents for the above, atv in receipt ot a telegram from the General M iiii^er, advising that the output of dry rubber from the Compmy's estates during the month of Jinuary uis thirtytwo thousand pounds (32,000 lbt).
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  • 240 68 The steamer Adato," wrecked at < >hima on the l!»th icst. in a snow-storm, las been abandoned by the insurance companies. It is estimated that 7.\0<»0 of the aboriginal population are now left in Australia iu the Colony of Queensland there are about •Ju.<KJO. The Indo-European Telegraph Company, who have
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  • 824 69 Mr. Keir Hardie, M. P., has arrived in "New York. Happy thought. Lst him naturalise himtelf acd remain there. The Ucited States Government is contewplating the holding of a World's Congress for the conservation of treasures of the soil. Our doctors and dentists ought to l>9
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  • 1496 69 DEFENDANT IN "HOGAN" CASE. Replies to Charges of Fraii> The other side of the s'ory," m relation to the Hogan case, was continued m the Supreme Court yesterday, before Mr Justice Sercombe Smith. The plaintiff -i, Father Couvreur, Procureur m Singapore of Li Soci» h des Missions Etracgeres,
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  • 221 69 A Banishment EJard Ca^e .V the Assizes yesterday, the Cb iff Justice, Sir \V. H. Hyxdman Jones, had before hi a a Chimman answeriog to three orfour different names, who bud pleaded guilty to i ing in the C< Iny after having been banished by the
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  • 57 69 The following rtcenth* happened in the office of a. well- known local Bank Eater an N. C. cifijer from a Foreign Man-of-war. N. C. Officer— Sovraign, Sovraign: (producing two) paiKz francaisr Sub-Accountant— (with strong Scotch accent) ]\lonsieur, qui ester que vous desirrtz r N. 0. Officer—
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  • 15 69 A Hokien trader of North Bridge Road reports that his clerk has absconded with 1823.
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  • 556 69 Inquest A.DJOUMTBD Sink Pik. Further evidence was taken by Mr Gentle, the Coroner, yesterday afternoon, int> the Djiinbi accident in which j-even natives 1 >st their lives. Supt. Howard of the Dock Police and If. Tournaire, the agent of the M. If. Co wevt present. Mr Edward J.
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  • 203 69 Cmixav, vn Gets Three Moxths. A Chinese tagrant wai b fore Mr <i>< second magistrate, yesterday, on i cha of t Left of ton iron ban ftom i grav< the cemetery in Bukil Timafa Boad. MrMayhew of the Municipality appeared for the prosecution. A J.iVaiitse kebuu
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  • 138 69 F. M. S. am. Febi Trade, A housewife in the Federated lfaWv States sends* :o the Sydney Balletia) her personal experience M for the benefit t»t B. Bfl and the sentiemen wh say that under F;t^ Trade of course things must be cheaper I hive always kept
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  • 1786 70 Mr SUrTOR'S LECTURE. List night in the Victoria Memorial Hall in the presence of His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, and under the chairmanship of Sir Arthur YouDg, Mr J. B Sutt>r, Commissioner in the Eist for the New South Wales Government, delivered a very
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  • 799 70 The classification of Eaglish Schools for 1903 09 is published in the current Gazette. Mr H. T. Clarke is appointei a member of the Mohamedhan and Hindu Ej<ljwnients Board, Malacca. The piijjes of rca aud common foodgrains are at last begiaaißgto fall in most parts of
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  • 84 70 The recent railway murders in India have stimulated invention. From plans and a description seat to us we note that Mr. H. N. Walter, electrical engineer, B.ingalore, has obtainei a patent for a movable footboard for railway carriages. The footboard is so arranged that it can be folded up and
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  • 559 70 Should States and Straits Reciprocate. Correspondence was laid on the tible of the Legislative Couacil yesterday regarding the reciprocal transfer of judgment! between tLe Courts of the Col my and the F. M S for execution. Tho jukes of theCjlonyanl Members of the Ear are in f;iv
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  • 324 70 Th3 S.V.C g;ive i (\mWella J > aice last twiiir^, using the I Kill Hill in Beich rJ, ind a number of tents which hid betn erects.!, for litftlßg i lit purposes. The Ha!l was very prettily decorated with tiigs; arms and the accoutrements of ths various units
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  • 54 70 Mr. H. P. Kinghorn, of the Municipal Secretariat, left for Home on leave yesterday morning, travelling by the mail for Marseilles. Mr. F. Whitefield, in the mean. time carries on the duties of assessment officer. Mr. W. E. Nash, of the Water Department, left for Home on urgent private affaire
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  • 1935 71 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Jan. 29. Pnamrr: His Excellency the Governor Sir John AmK>r -n. His Excellency Major-* Jen. T. Penrott, C.R,O.< T The Hon'ble the Col. Stc Capt Sir A. H. Totmg. the Attorney-General W. J. Napier. the AwmtJ. O, Anthonis/.. the C L Engineer A. Munay. John
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  • 359 71 Amount Greater than Thought Sum 3 Curious Figures. 9 As announced yesterday, the Homeward Conference has reduced the frei^ht3 from Singapore homeward on Tree is Shell, from 42/6 per ton of 10 cwt to 30 -this bringing the rate from Singapore to Europe, and Macassar to Europe,
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  • 311 71 House rx Ziox Road Attacked It was reported yesterday morning that a serious gang robber j had oc jarred in Zion Road and that the tenant of ;i house had been wounded. Superintendent Hawtrey of the Police with Inspector Bracagao acd two otber police officers and a
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  • 139 71 The L >rd n oi respondent of the Hongkong l>iilj Press tayi I found on inquiry at the Meat Market that »Sir Thomas Sutherland's statement at the P. and O. meeting as to the intention of the company to bring Chinese poik to England next TOUT, in the refrigerating chambers
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  • 450 71 Ordinary Msmwe, Friday Jan 2f>. Present :-Mr E. G. Broadrick (tie Prf mdent), Mtssrs. Wm. Macbeau, C. W. l>irhishire, Ou^ Tek L m, Chener K>ni» L*e, Ci. Carver, Dr Fowtie; also, K. Peif ce (Ecgt^ neer) and J. Polglaae (Secretary). Minutes. The minutes of the ordinary meeting of
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  • 431 71 11. WOLSKEL VB. T.NKi BcLEIMAK Yesterday afternoon (ha Chief dehv red judgment on the motion made mi behalf of the Defendant to set aside the writ in the act ion and all subsequent proceeding*, ou (lie ground that the leave of the Court t«> serve notice of tlu
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  • 161 72 Captain R. F. Boyle, KM LI, has been appointed as Intelligence Officer at Singapore, vice Captain H.A.H. Jones, B.M.L.L Beer drinking in the Punjab has increased as is evidenced by the fact that the quantity of beer sold, by persons licensed to sell imported liquor or beer only by whole-
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    • 247 72 Bmkruptcy business was transacted in the Supreme Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith. la the case of the Siniripore Towage and Lighterage Compuy, Mr. Vxn Someren, who appeared for N II uneed, said this was a matter in which ti ere was a motion as well
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    • 461 72 Pertile Co. The public elimination into the affairs of Pertile Co was continued, evidence being given Iv Mr. Max Schiffman, sole partner m the firm. Mr. Gino Pertile examined the witness m person. Mr. Pertile had a Bheaf of notes, and questioned Mr. Scl iffman as to the financial relationship
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  • 135 72 (Union Times Special Tblbgruc) On the 2nd day of tli3 Ist Moon (Jan. 23j an Imperial Edict was issued that Xoh Tuog ba confirmed as the head of the Cabinet, while Leung Tuug In is the President and Chow Ka Lai be Junior Vice- President of the Hoard
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  • 32 72 The deith took place at Kirkee after an illness lasting a few days of LieutenantColonel J. J. O'Donell, R. A. M. C. The deceased officer was a keen sportsman and very popular.
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  • 290 72 THE SHIPPING CONFERENCE. Reduction of Rates. It gives us very great pleasure to announce a substantial reduction of the rate of freight charged by the Shipping Conference, with regard to an article of ominerce about which comment has previously been made. During the course of our campaign against unreasonably high
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  • 231 72 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. During: the week under RmWF there h;is beon but little tatiam passing, and rates in most instances are unaheiel feinci last advices. llnrnia PAhaagi let p FfaaaVat 9si 8 1 Riubt $6.50, and Duffi $3.55, at which rates small transactions h.i\«* taken place. 'lu.ts are <
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  • 97 72 The Übla issued by the Colombo Ch her of Commerci ihowtag the Cvffe?, tea, cocoa, rubber Ai exported from Ceylon throughout the work], civesan interesting insiuht into the producing power of Ceylon. These are some of the chief item aiij weights exported ia I:^JS— liUck Tea 1745 million
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  • 244 72 News reached Ti< n'siu en .Umury I h, of the murder of Mr Brooke, who twelve months airo left Hiiik m ou aa expended tbootlßg trip in the evivnie \\\s; of China. His companion, Mr Moirs, a wellknown traveller, who has made many a<] venturous j >urneys,
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  • Page 72 Miscellaneous
    • 888 72 TOPICS OF THE WEEK. Quicquid mguni homines nostri eti farrayo ÜbeUi. Juvenal. All that caa be said abDut affairs in that irritable regi >n, the Bilkan Peninsula, is that actual conflict has not yet begun. But Montenegro is downright anj^rv, anl a new trouble has arisen betwtea Turkey and Bulgaria
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    • 767 72 fused employment. dyes and other agedisguisers. Rapid transference Great increase of unof British capital to employment amongst foreign investments. skilled workmen. Rise in price of Rise of new and coal to consumers prosperous trade in (rich and poor alike) peat, turf, and fireheavy handicap on in- wood, dustiiers. Permanent endow-
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  • 613 73 Mr A. K. Pringle, Inspector of Schools, Penan.;. goe9 on leave to Europe on the 19tk Mr P. Year wood of Ontram Km id Sjhool acts for Mr Prin^le, and has alv left for l'enang. Mr M. 15. Brcckwell will be in charge of Outram-rd School.
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  • 168 73 A very Katmttlßg hookov match was p'avel at Tinirlin betwaeo the (MUVers N.COs. Mi'Uitstx Refct, before a fair ■unbar of spectators. Vliy became even the tirst faw minutes, th«n the NO. -...k up the pressure. Some Hue combiuI 1 plaj VJI seen on both sides, C.ipt. L%rge ri*ga
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  • 79 73 Captain James Home of the ss. Hong Bee" was fined $500 bv Mr de Mello, acting fourth magistrate, on Saturday, for being the Captain of a vessel used for importing opium into the Colony. The evidence for the Farm showed that twenty- two tin3 of Amoy opium
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  • 1627 73 {From cur (mm Correspondent.) London, Jjnuiry 8. The Turk. The publication of the entries for several of tha Spring Handicaps always gives pleasure to Turfites, as it reminJs them thit the opening of the 11 it racing season is a decided step nearer. The Liucoln entry is
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  • 227 73 There is now bting shown on the screen at the Albambra Cinematograph a new departure in the way of peiformances by the leading actresses and acton of the Comedie Francaise. On Saturday night there was .juite an unexpected treat given the audience by the management, made possible
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  • 293 73 Third Day Jan. 30th. A WET MEETING, {From <U) tUM t m ifomdtHQ P^arig Jm. :*Oth. To commence with, the thiid d.iv's racing was favourable for fast going. Liter on rain began to drizzV, and the litter part of the afternoon's spjrt was carried out in rain. The
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  • 102 73 B twling for the Gt 11 medal took place on Friday 29th ult., the result being as follow- A. Agnew 569 plus 180 749 E. G. Hartiull 585 plus 160 745 V. A. Flower 740 tcr 740 H. A. Mason 694 scr 6d4 H. Fa oman 6(52
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  • 67 73 Tiie Singapore Team have won the ffaal of the Selaugor Cup, plivel at Kiiili. Lumpor on Tuesday last. Tiie ground was very heavy, an absolute mursh, but the game wu a brilliant one aud the visitors scored six goals to S-dUnjfor one. Pickering, Dlckson 5; and Phillimore
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  • 87 73 QUESTIOM oh ABJLITIOV. Notice has been given by the Hon Tan Jiak Kim to a?k tbe following question at the next mealing of tba L?^Uldtivd Council Will the Government inform this Council what view it holds on the subject of the continuation cf the remaining jeen't* scholarship and
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  • 208 73 T>v<» Beooho M<m»ns Chinese New Year according to our calendar was January 22 and will be known as the Ist year of Hauan Tung (the new Emperor), or the 4t)th year of the 76 Cycle. This year there will be two 2nd Moons (Chinese months). The Ist
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  • 879 74 Sir Edward Grey, in a speech, has strongly deprecated the hostile attitude of Austria towards Great Britain. Misa Elise Craven, 11 years of age, has been engaged to appear at the London Coliseum at a salary of «£l<P a week. Captains Woodward and Leckie, of the
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  • 1195 74 APPEAL DIFFICULTIES. LEGAL REFORM WANTED. Old System was Best. In the Supreme Court yesterday Mr Justice Sercombe Smith heard a number of appeals from magistrates' decisions. A remarkable instates of difficulties of legal procedure under the existing state of the Code was provided iu regard to a cas9 in which
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  • 180 74 The following list, contains th? names cf the CommissioDen to the International Opium Commission. The names of the represcntatives of Persia und Turkey Lave not jet I BO received United Stntes of America. 'Convenors cf the Commission Bishop Brent, Dr Hamilton Wright ar.d Dr C. D. Tenney.
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  • 176 74 Th M< jilis Persukaan *Sn n dia Club on Saturday evening on the Reclamation ground i~ the petition iv>r this handsome silver cup ted by the Tramway Company to the \L lay Clubs in Singapore. The ectat »rs wl issemi 'I on the I expected i<> witness a
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  • 201 74 A Malay named Ahm%t stood in tho dock of the Third Migistta'e's Court, yesterday afternoon, on charges of theft of clothi and being in fraudulent possession of i bit. The accused pleaded guiitj to the Bret charge. Mr. Swinson of Mr. A: rain Gtarago Baid from time
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  • 73 74 At present Siamese copper and nickel coini are ordered from Europe, onlv the ticil and small silver pieces being minted in Bingkok. It has now been decided that the copper and nickel cjils also shall be minted in Bingkok in future. We bear that the Director General of the Royal
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  • 460 74 f Five Accused Before District Co; I Arthur de .Cotta, a youug Eurasian, ap. peered before Mr Howard, in tt»e District Court, yesterday morning, on thir^es of theft of money and jewellery am^untin^ to 52 ...Vk5 from Mr P. Joseph's h( use m Kiilinty Road, and with
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  • 151 74 There i b&o4 1 1 volume of 100 el u editorship of Mr S■._ Biai A Li B (Cantal I -1 i Times Prees. ihedin* eodowiiM ir Girls School, and the re ara i fen «>] ■ale bj B in Co. Apart from I the Ajuical h&i
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  • 44 74 We are glad to welcome luck to K Lumpur Mr 11 Con way ]>elnV«d, British Resident of Selangcr. Mr l>-lfiel<l arrive i by the Mail train on Friday, a nuaiber of officials and others being present at tie station to welcome him. (Malay M
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  • 1772 75 P.y Colonel the Honourable Alexander Murray, V.f)., M.1.C.K., F.H.C.1., Colonial Engineer, and Surveyor General, Straits Settlements. (Colonial Office Journal.) Travellers in oeaw-goivg ships have been accustomed for 30 years and more to notica H the Slraits of Malacca, in about latitude N. "J deg 53 •>
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  • 82 75 At a meeting of the T'omniittee of the Royal Bangkok Sports Club held on the 22nd inst. it was resolved a speei il entry oe made m the minutes expressing the sincere regret of, the Committee at the loss the Club has sustained by the death
    Siam Observer  -  82 words
  • 75 75 Japan's subscription towards the Italian earthquake relief fund already exceeds Yen 400,000. The foreign communities of Yokohama and Kobe are contributing nobly. We understand that Captain Talbot, of the F.M.S. Police, is to resume his appointment at Kuala Lumpur on returning from leave at Home, while Mr. W. W. Douglas,
    T.O.M.  -  75 words
  • 518 75 SINGAPORE'S ICHABOD." A review of Mr A G. Angier's book on "The Eist Revisited in the Liverpool D.iily Post has these rennrks. Mr Angier is in a very favourable position to inform us on one point the rate of change in the East. He has seen the places he
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  • 400 75 Mb. Chamberlain's Message. The January issue of Monthly Notes on Tariff Reform," published by the Tariff Reform League, containg a New Year's Message from 3/r J. Chamberlain, who writes It seems likely that the year 1909 will not pass away without a dissolution of Parliament, and it behoves
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  • 57 75 Bishop Oldham of the Methodist Church arrives on Thursday morning from the F.M.S. In the afternoon, the new Methodist Church on Fort Canning will be dedicated. H. E. the Governor, and the members of the Legislative Council and Municipal Commission have been invited to ba present. Bishop Oldham
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  • 184 75 The following is the result of wsrk at Rdub for the four weeks ending 30th January 190i» Bukit Kuman. S f one Crushed 5774- Tons. Gold obtained 921 Ounces Avarice p?T ton 4H3 dwt. Bukit Malice*. S:one Ciushel IT'*:* Tons. (xAd obtained 110 Ounces. Average p»3r ton
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  • 175 75 Mr Justice Fisher has been ergagjed for several days in a very lengthy case connected with thy Men^lembu L' d?. The case is that of Mr J. M. Wilson vs. Mr Maxwell It. Thornton. The former was lately Mina^iug Director and is now a DirectX of the
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  • 163 75 A meeting cf shareholders iu fterembin, Straits mine, was held at li^druth recently, when the directors (Messrs A. Lanyon, F. D. Bain, T. W. Field, H. P«ifP, Jas. Wickett and Capt. C. Pike) presented a report atatirg that, although the tin returns had increased during the, the
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  • 167 75 Huhkack —Pitt In St. George's Church, tie marriage was quietly solemnised of Mr Josaph (Jay Hubback, Xegri Sembikn, third son of the late Mr Joseph Hibback, J. i\, of Liverpool, to Ina Agnes Mainw.ning, daughter of Colonel Thomas Henry Pitt (late R. A.), of Hayte Pla<v, Maidstone,
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  • 98 75 A telegram to Hongkong states that Lieut. Berkeley Hill and two companions have been killed by an avalanche whilst mountaiueeriog in the neighbourhood of Andermatt, Switzerland. Mijor Biyly, who was also off the party, had a miraculous escape. It is uncertain whether the Lieutenant Berkeley Hill reported
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  • 36 75 The trial of Admiral Alexieff, for bribery and corruption, has commenced at St. Petersburg. The Bisel Mission have established i. branch at Sindakan under the Rev. W. Ebert, and have recently built a chapel and house.
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  • 1041 76 This is not to be a hypochondriac sketch of the man who finds life heavy and dreary and would fain lay down his burden. That is a problem that may or may not be solved by the good advice of find something to do," for life
    W.M.  -  1,041 words
  • 856 76 BY WAY OF A CHANGE." [One Manchester Cup day, when a horse called Golden Drop was the winner, "The Merchant of Venice was the bill of fare at one of the local theatres. It had been a pouring wet day and the actor playing the part of Shylock could not
    C.V.H.  -  856 words
  • 831 76 And if he be one of the wise men, he now perceives that he knows indeed less than before he voyaged." Oriental Wisdom. A peep through Chinatown is one of the diversions of the mail passengers who are scurrying round the world, and if their intention be
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  • 202 76 S.C.C. v Mii»ule>kx Ke<;t. A match between teams representing the SC.C. and the Middlesex Ke^t. was played on the S.C.C. ground last evening. Tern;S.C.C Blandlord Farmut and Mason Ollerhead, Cirmichael, and Gardner, li.uce, Clarke, Bower, OoU, and Appleton. Middlesex liniment: Martin: Warren and Hooper; Gibson, Cousins, and II Large,
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  • 34 76 S. i: C. Ki L itt bt miog r. ui etwcea tl n-ispJivt] uu the S. 11. C. Tin tod Tin the gau f in ;t tor tha Club 1 <*• goAla to 1. > <-
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  • 64 76 The Gold 3J d BiturJ who« 10 or < Tb r wir!: tbi La \en*] the s particulars a ..'s J.iuu.:ry 2-\ resulted I vrg A 'r crv 1 I 7 7~C r. Hom 77 .1. u i> J of i" Arthur 1" J. O. McGregor
    64 words
  • 226 76 FIRST INTERPORT CEICKET MATCHES. Mr J. I'. Mel i- i Volob&ma Li Sod mad< !(iu< D<M 1 1 cricket i I I ia Hoi LBB6. > 1 Ucfi w;\> anal t in disappointnu ot, t! t< r-.: < r koD^*. The i i won tl the tone < coai ij;ai
    226 words
  • 181 76 On Friday. Jan. £3*l r. >!d~nts of B kon^ wen pary mwtb |rimj to Knar i death of Mr. A. Pierre M.;rty, n-huli place tbovt lU in the Mnfiag, AChina New Ye*r, oSom v.-e?e rllMij J papers appeared, and the sad newsicwlj. Mr. A.
    181 words

  • 870 77 W e hear that the appeal for subscriptions to the fund for the memorial to be erected in memory of the late Lhut. H. S. F. At kin has been generously responded to. (B X B GiZitte) Mr H. Cooke-Yarborough mentioned to t'ie Chief .Justice, yesterday,
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  • 467 77 Pleasing Production. ignite one of the most delightful productions in the way of plays for children was "The Wishing Cap,' 1 the first performance of which was given last evening in the Victoria Memorial Hall by the Singapore Catholic Club Children. Wherever Roman Catholic c immunities have
    467 words
  • 270 77 Ann pal Gkxekal Mkbtino The annual general meeting of the members of the Singapore Polo Club was held at the Singapore Exchange last evening. There were present M*jor McCarthv, Captain Davidson and Messrs G. E. Yenning Thomas, H. Wack, Hawtrey, H. C. CookoYarborough, C. S. Crane, J.
    270 words
  • 50 77 Th residence of Mr. J. Cohen in Wilkie R;>ad was entered by burglars on Monday night. The thieves stole two cash-boxes containing $296 and 12. A report was made to the police and the boxe3 and gold were found near the house. The dollars had vanished.
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  • 41 77 A Chinese life-sentence prisoner in the Criminal Prison stabbad another prisoner in the eye on Monday afternoon. The weapon was a long steel instrument used in making matting. The eye was destroyed and the brain was almost penetrated.
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  • 1199 77 Tae racing at Peoang was considerably spoiled by the wet weither, but it was none the less interesting, as ic saw soine horses win which have not had the best of lock, or ruu as kindly as one might have wished. Rinmore got home in good style, and
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  • 376 77 {/From our Correspondent^ Batavia, Jan ±1 The Xieuwe Arnhemscbe Couraut is up in arms against the appointment of Mr IJloys van Treslang Print to an < filial post here. He was a director of the Central lUck at the Hague, which failed recently, and has been under arrest for
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  • 309 77 The case before Mr Justice Fisher in the above connection came to a rather unexpected settlement on Saturday. The following giveg the terms of the settlement. Defendant withdraws all charges of bad faith against the plaintiff as having been made without f jundation. The option in dispute
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  • 2783 78 ••HOGAN" CASE GROWS KEENER. Defendant Answers Fire of Questions. The Hogan case was advanced a further stage in the Supreme Court yesterdty when Mr F. M. Elliot continued his cross-exami-nation of the dtfrndant, Mr A. Emslie Berzie, before Mr Justice Sercombe Smith. Mr Betzie is being sued
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  • 968 78 "Dear Bill I thought it must be you, because you looked so prosperous. You alwavs do look prosperous don't you Such a bleesiDg. I'm like that excellent man iu Shakespeare, who was it, Bscry thaVlli who could not bear the lean and hungry pantaloon What, I'm mixing
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  • 388 79 Clearing off Arrears. APPEAL CASES. In the Supreme Cjurt yesterdiy Mr Justice Sercombe Smith sat at 10 a. m. to clear c ft" arrears of cases of appeal against police magistrates' judgments. Ownership of Cabbages. A Chinaman named Lee T>a Tow appeakd against a conviction for stealing
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  • 207 79 Cmkitv Ci'MMixirv's Fkstival The Chetty Festival ci Taipusam is one which alwavs arouses inteiest among Europeius and natives alike in Singapore. Tonight the Chetty Community celebrates the anniversary of the day that the God Siva (•The Destroyer") appeared to his followers. <>a the cirds of invitation issued
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  • 132 79 Floods ih Sihgafom. The heavy rainstorm which occurred last .eg about 4 p in., and extended for M-verdl hours, caused a good deal of Hooding n the flit and lowljwg parts of the town. Everywhere the open drains were choked with water. In many places, notably New ii.iJ^e-road,
    132 words
  • 121 79 The Chinaman that reported the locs of timber valued at from Chin Swee Road i> hm arrested by the police on a charge of making a false report. An interesting point was raised before Mr A de Mello yesterday when a Chinaman prosecuted as tbe Master of a junk which
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  • 1726 79 (By Submarirfe Telegraph) (Reuter' Agewy.} Rec. Jan. 27, 9 22 a.m. The Porte has informed Bulgaria that her apprehensions that Turkey will seize strategic pointa on the Eastern Rumelian frontier are not justified, and that Bulgaria is assuming grave responsibility in the course she has adopted. Tang Shao Yi
    1,726 words
  • 138 79 {From cur mm CorrespomdmQ K?c Feb 1 London via P«2nang. Ihe-e are small supplies of rubber on the market and the demand has beea brisk. Thirty tons of Plantation were on i ffjr at an average of 4 1 1 R-zciived Feb. 2ad, 5 41 pm. In
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  • 50 79 IpA Jxn. 29th, 1 26 pm. The new Town Hill wis form ill J opened yesterdav evjuing bv Mr E. XV. B.rcb, CM G /British Resident of lVrak. In his speech Mr Birch eulogised the enterprise of Towkay Yau Tet Shin, the builder, and prognostiCuUd great pecuniary benefit.
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  • 67 79 Messrs Whiteaway, Ludlaw's premises at Ipoh were mysteriously entered on Wednesday night. The burglars unlocked the front door and uulocked the safe. They took three hundred dollars, relocked the safe and front door and departed. The manager's keys, upon examination, were discovered to have traces of wax adhering to
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  • 463 79 Per X. D. L. Prin/.ess Alice, due Feb ♦> Dr. Jur. and Mrs A. OipHim. Mr Hans Gecrg Oeder, Miss Deuk, Mr A. M. Zorab and family, Mr D. F. Boyd, Mr H. Petersen, Mr and Mrs M. Tiefenbaeher, Mr Gustar Friadrieb, Mr P. Breitag and
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  • 1 80
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  • Page 80 Miscellaneous
    • 659 80 CLEARANCES. Jan 28. Guthrie, Brit, str., Williams, for Batavia and Sydney via ports. Kampot, Frch. str., Roses, for Saigon. Dovre, Nor. str., Paulsen, for Bangkok. Halvard, Nor. str., Ronneberg, for Langkat. Hydra, Nor. str., Sigveland, for Bangkok. Fuh Wo, Brit, str., Wright, for Langkat. Jan 29. G. G. Daendels. Dut.
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    • 863 80 PASSENGERS. Per In«ba Maru Mrs and Master Grove, Mr and Mrs Phillips, Messrs J. A. Hunter, J. P. Hall, H. Dudley and A. Dick. Per Ipoh Mrs White, Miss Hall, Mr and Mrs Pickering, Messrs H. E. Somerville, Van Someren, W. Phipps, W. H. Macgregor, G. H. Phillips, Martin, Phillimore,
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    • 415 80 VESSELS IN PORT. ShiD Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consignee For When Ban Leone Dut 275 Winters Jan 19 Retd. to port Ban Keng Uncertain Ban Hin Guan Brit .248 Hunter Jan 25 Pontianak Ban Lee Hong Pontianak Baron Eldon Brit 2385 Parker Jan 30 Calcutta Bjrneo Co. Uncertain Bharata
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