The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 29 October 1908

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 278 1 UmnueVmOyUmUmt and th«* Special Bes_S"tC *_7* j The b. S. Battleship Fleet 27' i lut«-*rnal C.mlmstion Engines and the Navy 27. TisM Dosignstlc 27 1 The IVookls at Tabriz 27 i Th»* Gla go* Beetorial Eleotioa 274 i I'nionist Policy, Tariff Reform, and the Army 275 A Crush of
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  • 50 1 (Corrected up to Oct 28 I tTm/i norn 2 I,', k 41 .-.ii *i*i •> A I- HI -361 IJSWA, I•■ Towoi .v. ll: >; i .o Java wad Baa ia i**n.t SfS >. M $*B 54 a- 91 p 2 a f> i nom. 2% 5 O' nom.
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  • 102 1 Oct 28 B G* i ana "Oa .v Qa_ ll ,g buyers 9.9 p T,*- lair VT. Bp c buyers 1 5 50 1900 Bta 20.00 (Baada) Cl i? I. be ua Jot raaC psari Eair anpAtbrj aorn Aaka an. *o;_.v do. do. i uaee I nV. J'' Cr»
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  • domestic Occurrences.
    • 50 1 On October 10, 1908. at Shanghai, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Bhock, a daughter!* Meek. on the 23rd inst., at Burnside, Tanglin, the wife of J. 13. L. Meek of a son. Pearson. At Tambun Koad. Ipoh, on 24th inst.. the wife of V. H. Pearson of a daughter.
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    • 118 1 Cameron Kose Down. September 26 at London, D.G. Cameron-Kose. of Sourabaya, to Mary Dowie. Ibuhg Koxas-Elio. Sept. 20, at Paris, Lieut. S. Roxas-Elio, to Emily Louise daughter of Mrs. J. V. Ibu»g, nee Towers, late of Shanghai. Keklan Kiach. Sept. *26, at London, L. B. Keelan, to Emily Constance,
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    • 77 1 At Braeside, Grange-rd on October 26th, Minnie, the beloved wile of J. H. Dbtsdale. On 19th October, 1908, at Xo. 1, Lyttleton Koad, Hongkong, Madame E. RICCO, sged 42 years. On October 12, 190.. at Chefoo, PHILIP EDWARD Thomas HOSKING of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, aged 28 years.
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  • 1253 1 The laat mail from borne arrived by the P, k 0. Delta on Saturd y with dates up to <>,••. 1 A homeward ms 1 was carried, by Z i ten on Tuesday and this weekly g >es by the B. I Taroba to-day. A .ensation his been
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 1 aJ* Pr. w s Pc-pic's r:' ::ir-."ntain, v H i >l Truth liT _*ori us p.-.-- ept_ draw. "Ple.l.t 'J.', Lcyaltyand lmm.
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  • 751 1 Considering that it mils'; me.n a great to the local Gloverunseat to aacertaia as early as possible whether the AaaericAa h leahip fleet will realiv call at Singapore or no, the sooner som official "tab aaaat is obtained from Manila I And the more
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 Urn] "Singapors Free Pre_i weekly let-urning from Emopo to the Strait. v v m» mail Mass, iw invited to tend to tf>. m* name of their -stsamei and date ol arrival m Singapore. Copies wiil then bo Mailed t-> Meet them at wmthms ports ot call. Sobacril i m B-Drops
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    • 33 1 djL_£v_Du US TBM j MALAY PENINSULA A Short Account of the poaitioi. of Siam m the State. Of Ke&xftan, Patani Legeh and Sai. Re-printed from the Singapore Free Presa." I Price 50 cent?.
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  • 1100 2 Internal Combustion Engines and the Navy. Oct. 2 In connection with the suggested construct >n of a batch of new cruisers and destroyers aa a mode of wage-relief to out-of-works, s.»me curiosity is sure to be expressed concerning the poaaibility of some extended application of the internal combustion engine to
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  • 216 2 There seems to be a constant vagueness as to the designation of the hours where the day of twenty- four hours is divided, not as is done scientifically m certain railway and telegraph administrations into hours from one to twenty-four, but into two consecutive series of twelve hours
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  • 1334 2 Oct. 26. Fad there not beeu a complete agreement bdtweea and B. itain regarding their respective spheres of influence m Persia it would not hare difficult to understand how greatly the ac:ion of Russia, announced iv t*ie telegrams, would have exercised opinion and excited
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  • 253 2 Iv the Scottish Universities, a Rectorial election has distinct political complexion, the holder of that office for the most part being a man who is associated with one or other of the two great political pait ies. The constituency that elects consists of the matriculated students
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  • 1848 3 Unionist Policy, Tariff Reform, and the Army. Oat. 27. In the Times of Ceylon there appears a telegram giving a ondensation of what is styled a semi-official Unionist manifesto," appearing m the Mom ing Post presumably* on the d ite of the telegram to Colombo, October 12th. To judge by
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  • 905 3 Oct. 2s. The meetiug of Legislative Council this afternoon is heralded by "Orders of the Day of very unusual length. There are, m the first place, three series of questions of great public interest. Mr John Anokrson asks Whether the Government wiil not consider the
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  • 708 3 A perusal of the telegram, published today dealing with the diplomatic situation m the Near E '.st must compel to the conclusion that complications still continue, and these are not the le<"s serious because they present a more or less elusive character. The more important feature is
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  • 857 4 Crown Colony Servitude. Oct. 29. 1 1 is peculiarly characteristic of the Crown Colony system that, owing to the permanent servitude of the Governor aud his Executive Council to tho party Secretary of State for the time being, it is far too ofttu left to the Unofficials to define and
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  • 373 4 Shipping Rings A Government Fence. The present end of the agitation for tho abolition of secret preferential rebates m the shipping conferences is to be found m the announced intention of the Government at yesterday's Council meeting to wait for the report of the Royal Commission on Shipping, which is
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  • 287 4 Question Of A Name. In the third magistrate's court, Wednesday, the Acting Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. Hastings Rhodes, referred to tiie case which had beea beard by Mr. Thunder the previous day m which a chetty named Mootoo Karpen w,s charged with having instituted false claims m the
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  • 627 4 Iv theJThird Police Court Wednesday Mr Mil mice Thunder was engaged m hearing evidence m a counterfeit coining ease, m which Chia Fook Cheong was charged with coining and also with being m posiou of implements for counterfeiting. Mill isting Rhodes, tho Deputy Public" Prosecutor, appeared for
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  • 442 4 Taaaacav ro Diaooaoa. In the Buataaae Court yeaterds] Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith gate bisdecisi n m the ninety-six coati p ease aad ord. red tha*; thi- sum together with the peliaat's co_t-> be paid oat by tbe Treasury. Mr. K_ R. Koek lying lawyer oa behalf of
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  • 60 4 The Chinaman injured iv a q-aarrel aud fight with a fellow countryman at Pulo Bukoin, as reported yesterday, died m hospital m Singapore on Tuesday night. The other ■UM, <_uek Chiong Tek', Lvs been arrested, and will be brought up to answer a charge of murder. The
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  • 118 4 (Fuion Times Specials.) Our Nam Ling telegram *ate_ that ihe floods have risen iv that P fectuu- iv tb* province of Kwangsi several «et highet than tiie last flood, and many While which .re-re specially built far tha exclusion of flood, have been washed down. Our Peking
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  • 594 5 Friday, Oct. 23, 1908. It i. rumoured that several new mining companies m Burma will be registered m R ingoon during the coming busy season. During September the average amount of bank notes m circulation m Singapore an_ Penang was $1,124,89... For the last fe*v days the Grand Council at
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  • 182 5 Detective Constable Charged at Police Court. Chinese detective constable No. 480, Koh Ah Yew, was charged before Mr Arthur, m the second court, yesterday, with the possession of eighteen tius of illicit chandu, valued at *MB3, at Keppel Harbour, on the loth inst. Mr G. S. Carver
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  • 718 5 CLAIM AGAINST DUTCH BANK. Mr Pertile's Property. In the Supreme Court yesterday Mr Justice Sercombe Smith had before him the case of Gino Pertile v the Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij, which was an action to recover possession of deeds relating to house property ia Singapore, such deeds being,
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  • 93 5 Further evidence was taken by Mr Thunder, third magistrate, yesterday afternoon, m the preliminary enquiry into the charge of gang robbery brought against four young Chinamen. Mr Hastings Rhodes, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, appeared for the Crown. The accused, m company with others, are alleged to
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  • 75 5 The output for two weeks ended lGch instant was 1,494 lbs estimated, dry. > < The Middlesex Regiment is preparing for its early departure from Hongkong. A military tattoo is to be given, and the exercises on the Parade Ground have become unusually interesting. Circles and figures of
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  • 269 5 Old Chinaman Done to Death at McPherson Road. A brutal murder and a daring gang robbery are reported from McPherson Road. An old Chinese couple had lived there for years, and were well-known m the neighbourhood as pig and poultry rearers. They intended returning to their
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  • 201 5 Great Damage. (Union Times Bpecials). Canton "correspondents state that Yang Ping has suffered immensely from floods. Amoy telegrams state that a typhoon has recently visited that province and most of the dwellings and trees suffered heavy damage. Swatow advices report a hurricane aud a terrible
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  • 290 5 Our market still remains m a state of inactivity, with rates unchanged m nearly every instance. Tbe 450 debentures of §500 each bearing interest at 6. now offered for subscription by Riley Hargreaves should prove attractive for investors. In allotting. priority will b~ given to
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  • 73 5 > *a> < The King's farewell reception at Balmoral of Major-General Goro Shiba was a signal honour. Few indeed, if any, of General Shiba's countrymen have been received m audience at the King's Highland home, and fewer still have been honoured with a decoration there. The KC.V.O. with which General
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  • 723 5 A SLASHING ATTACK ON THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK BOARD. We are indebted to the energy of a presscutting agency for an extract from the Phoenu of Friday Sept 25th, which describes itself as "a Review of British Trade and Shipping." It goes for the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board m pretty
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  • 159 5 The Customs officials m Bangkok have been kept very busily engaged, during the last few days, and quite anumler of opium captures have been made. On the Phranang, a coolie was found with 15 taels concealed m his clothes. Another coolie, on the Devawongse, had 10 taels. When
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  • 86 5 > •#> < That popular R. G. A. officer remembered here as Major John Lewis ha 6 returned to the East. A Ceylon paper says Lt. Colonel J. Lewis R. G. A., who arrived yesterday by the troopship Soudan," has come, as has been stated, m succession to Col. J.
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  • 503 6 Singapore Shield Match. The two teams representing the Royal West Kent Regt. m the above Shield, met on Wednesday evening to contest supremacy at Tanglin. The teams represented the best 2*2 players of the Regt., so a good game was fully expected. No. II team headed the League with
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  • 216 6 The annuil installation meeting of Read Lodge, No. 2,337, was held at the Freemasons' Hall, Kuala Lumper on Wednesday night. The ceremony took additional interest from the fact that this year is the fiftieth auniversiry of District Grand Lodge, and the sixtieth since XV. Bro W. H.
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  • 163 6 The Straits Echo congratulates the Singapore team on its win m the Interport Shooting. With reference to the extension of time for Hongkong our contemporary says If we mistake not, one < f the conditions of the competition is that every team should tire be tween the Ist and the
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  • 565 6 Hongkong Team's Score. The S.C.M. Post of Oct. 17 says The Hongkong team having been prevented from shooting on Wednesday through weather conditions, obtained permission to fire over the Interport distances yesterday, the other competing teams at Shanghai, Singapore and Penang consenting. The conditions on King's Park
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  • 216 6 Tbe Club match Committee v The Rest, ended on Saturday m a pretty easy win for the officials, by four wickets. Dr Schaieuguivel played a tine innings of 52 (8 fours), while Noon and Dunmau hit freely for the Committee. Scores. The Rest. Mackay c snb b P.dley 3
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  • 492 6 The Peking Board of Civil Affairs has fixed the period for the suppression of the opium trade at seven years. The scheme for connecting Mergui and Victoria Point, Tenasserim, by wireless telegraphy will be carried out this cold weather. It is proposed by the Imperial Chinese
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  • 302 6 NINTH ANNUAL TOURNAMENT. The Ninth Annual Tournament for the Cup presented by the Officers of the Bth King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment begins this afternoon on the Rice Course and will be continued on Wedaesdaj afternoon. The draw for play this afternoon is Selangor Polo Club Team
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  • 171 6 Malay detective Corporal Etam from Johore, applied to Mr Howard, the senior magistrate, yesterday, for a provisional warrant for the arreet of Jaffar bin Mohamed, a Lance- Corporal of the Johore Army. He stated that Jaffar had absconded with his uniform. Witness had traced him to Singapore
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  • 247 6 That quaint little morsel of baaaanitv kuown as Dick Trelawney, the Cornish Pixie, continues to attract many visit the new location of his receptions iv the tent opposite Whiteaway and Laidlaw's. How Dick Trelawney compares with other dwarfs known to fame we are not quite sure. There
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  • 237 6 Colombo papers eoatw accounts of the wedding of Mis> M ret M v Be!!, daughter of the late Mr J. A. Bell. Pahat Magis trate, and Mrs McDonald, of Braybrooke Lodge, and sister of Mrs A. F. Churchill wittT Col. R. F. Clothier, of the Indian Army.
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  • 85 6 SINGAPORE MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATES. (Second List.) Lm Members —Dr \Y. R. C. Middh Chas Fittock. Members.— J. H. Garratt, James Aitken, H. Payne Gallwev, Major G. A. D. emck S. V. A., R V. Cuthbert, S. V. A.. P. Simpson, R. H. Young, P. T. Evat>,
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  • 112 6 AUSTRALIA^ TO^SH ANGH AI. An Australian telegram announces that the Governments of New South Wale, and Victoria have considered the tenders called for a monthly steamer service to Shanghai. It was decided to accept the tender of the Eastern and Australian Steamship Company to extend its present service from Hongkong
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  • 927 7 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Oct. 23. Present:— Mr. J. Polglase (Deputy President) and Messrs. Cheng Keng Lee, Ong Tek Lim, A. W. Bailey, H. L. Coghlan, A. W. Darbishire and A." J. W. Watkins, also Dr W. R. C Middloton (Health Officer), and Messrs F J. Beojaaald (acting secretary)
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  • 969 7 A GENEU _L TAX OX ALL TRADE. Iv cocnectiou with the reporter tiie meeting of the Malaya PUnters Association, the Malay Mail has a valuable leader reference to the subject m the course of which it is stated. 1 The main body
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  • 1259 7 Quicqvid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. It is rather a sorry spectacle to see the Powers of Europe that have had no particular axes to grind through the violation of the Treaty of Berlin, running round to arrange for another Conference that shall bomologite
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  • 326 7 A LOCAL CELEBRATION. Lailat-ul-Qadr or th^ sight of power is the name giv>m to the 27th night of the M Slem mont b of Rsxadaa. ki »rding to he Moslems, this night is considered to be .etr auspicious and "equal m excellence ta a thousand iv
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  • 284 7 A wry interesting gune of AsaOf istsflfl football between the B G A. aad the Warders and Royal Engineers was played on the tatter's ground at Sepoy Lines on Saturday evening and was witnessed by a small gathering of spectators. The ground was ia a soft condition and the
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  • 955 8 Shocking Events" Chronicled by a Tamil Newspaper. libel suit follows. Mr M. M. Maideen Abdul Kader, proprietor aud publisher of theTamil newspaper Nvanothavam Dawn of Wisdom published at 102 Arab Street, Singapore, was the defendant m an action for $500 damages for alleged libel, m the District
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  • 151 8 Beer and Railways. (Union Times Special) Hongkong. A certain merchant presented 200 case 3 of beer brewed by a certain nation to the Canton Flood Relief Bazaar. The beer had been bought by a certain enthusiastic person, but next day coolies were employed to cirry off the beer
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  • 146 8 Peking. Twenty odd Censors have joined together iv impeach Their Excellencies Yuen Shih Kai, Chiaug Chi Tung and Sun Ka Nai. Their Majesties consider that this is of the utmost importance, and have sent H. E. TingLun to investigate the matter privately. MORE
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  • 542 8 At s meeting ol the New York Electrical Society, held at the Hotel Astor, on Jnne 17. Mr Frederick A. Muscheuheim gave an illustrated description, of ihe electrical equipment of a modern hotel, where about 900 motors are m use. aud many ingenious electrical devices
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  • 372 8 There were three ocean-going steamers m Port Swettenham on Tuesday, aB. I a Holt and a Glen. Information reaches the Malay Mail that the Mahomedan baker who was assaulted at Rawang on Oct. 14th has died. Mr Bourne having returnad from England, has taken on the
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  • 353 8 Inspection and Inspection to Come. The cud of the Volunteer year approaching, inspections are the order of the day. Ou Saturday the S. Et. E. (V) were inspected at the Drill Had, l>each-rd, the inspecting officer being Capt Wilson, K. E. Other < ffioere pre.-ent were Mij-»r Ellis, Mii
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  • 127 8 All friends of Mr G*. P. Owen will be glad to hear that the operation to his eye was successfully performed on Sept 29th, and so far as could bo ascertained on that date, there was every reason to believe that the ultimate result of the
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  • 1040 8 In the Sarawak Gazette there is a very interesting article on the subject of superstitions observed by Dayak women when tbe men are on the warpath. Quite accidentally one day says tbe writer we made the interesting discovery that whenever Sea Dayaks go forth to wage war, it
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  • 683 9 GOVERNOR CONGRATULATES MEMBERS ON THEIR SUCCESS. Members of the Singapore Recreation Club have reason to congratulate themselves on the success which attended the sports held on Siturday. There were plenty of eutries for tbe various events io the programme aud s me keen competition v. a*
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  • 190 9 The October monthly medal was played Saturday aad Sunday. Oct 24 and 25th, and resulted m a win for Mr C. Everitt. C. Everitt 4€ 4> 6 80 A. H. Anderson 41 41 4 J. Crabb Watt 3. 40 pills 3 8l G. R. X Mugliston 58
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  • 1132 9 1 London. Sept. 1908. Really it is most inconsiderate of the powers that be not to give us a longer holiday. Who wants to be m London with the thermometer, at 80 with not a person to go acd see, and when the lovely colours on
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  • 678 9 Travelling East, After hi 3 Great Tibetan Explorations. Maps and Manuscripts. Dr. Sven Hedin, one of the much-talked-of men men of the hour," speut a few hours m Singapore on Saturday. He arrived from India by the s.s. Delhi, and proceeded later by the sime vessel
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  • 217 9 HARI KAY A. The Festival which mirks the conclusion of the Mohamedhan month of Bamdhan, or Bulau Puis i, is either to-day to-morrow. It seems curious to have this uncertainty about what is the greatest festival of so many millions m Asia, but it seems to arise from the fact
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  • 2126 9 Kapal sudah sampaikah tuan F" So said a Malay pilgrim after rising from his sunrise devotions, as our steamer slowed down for her pilot, on nearing the Red Sea port of Jeddah. We were off the beaten track of travellers, and as the place is of comparatively Slight c:mmertiil
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  • 1077 10 "Why don't you marry yourself Bill? 1 Can't, the Prayer-book forbids such close relati.Bship, besides thiuk what a shock it would be for myself.' 1 mf Oh, if you're go'iu^ to be so aggravatingly smart, 1 shall go." We were leaning over the verandah rail watching the sea
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  • 1060 10 The liver ploughed the waters at a fair fourteen knots, and the passengers fiiUfd about the decks with the pleased anticipation of reaching Singapore early next morning. Every European nation was there repres nt> ed snd a few stolid Chinese were seated apart, the retinue of an
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  • 717 10 The numerous friends of tb alar former resident of Singapore, Mr William Al ler Caded, late of tie Bo oeo I pany. Limited, wili hear wi pegret be I met his d- .i\h sociden ou shooting near Dalbeattie, m X.l lire, by what is
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  • 825 11 Lt D. Percival, R.G.A., rejoined from leave of absence on the 24th inst. Major-General Inigo B. Jones, C. V. O. C. 8., is placed on retired pay. Ipoh ice is being sold now m Taiping at the rate of one cent per pound. The Government Hill
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  • 883 11 Process of Development. Interview with Dr C. W. Andrews, F.R.S. In the process of development of those islands and places which go to form the Straits Settlements there is not, as a general principle, any ordered sequence of events at any rate no regular landmarks of history eisily
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  • 578 11 The sixth ordinary general meeting of the Singapore Cold Storage Company was held m the Exchange Buildings yesterday afternoon, Mr A. D. Allan presiding. Others present included the Rev. Father Couvreur, Gr. A Derrick, A. Gentle, A. Robertson, A. C. M. Weaver. The mi.u+ei hiving been
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  • 259 11 Heavy Penalty on Ship. Before Mr Art hur, yesterday, m the Second Court, Captain P. Bucking of the German steamer Tsintau was charged with importiug 230 tahils of illicit chandu valued at *690. Mr appeared for the defendant and Mr G. S. Carver for the prosecution. Sergeant
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  • 392 11 The ninth annual tournament for the fine Cup bequeathed to the Club by the King's Own Rities after they had won it from the other teams when Prince Henry of Prussia presented it, began yesterday afternoon on the Race Coutse when the Selangor Polo Club met the
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  • 212 11 Shanghai v BovoKone. andekson's fine score. Shanghai, Oct 21. The laterport Cricket match was begun this morning m ideal weather, and on a soft wicket. The Shanghai team batted first and at the tiffin interval had only lost three wickets for 131 runs. The names of the Shanghai
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  • 71 11 List night a match between members < f the S.C.C. one team representing the Club, aud the other Posts and Telegraphs wapined before a large crowd of spectators. The ground was m a very slippery state m consequeace of the heavy run m the morning, and players went
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  • 78 11 Married v Single. This match, which took place on Saturday at the Tanglin Club, resulted m a win for the Single" by 42L Scores as follows Married Single C. W. Darbishire 664 D. M. Craik 510 U. Hafoer 546 V. A. Flower 670 W. G. Hennings 665 H. Freeman
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 30 11 We regret to announce the death of some chest complaint of Mr Frank Otto Greve, of Jugra Laud and Rubber Estates, Ltd., which occurred m the European Hospital. (M. Mail.)
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    • 70 11 Advices from Ipoh announce the death of Mr D. A. Mathews, the Sanitary Inspector, Ipoh. Deceased was formerly m the Resident-General's office as a clerk and was well known m shooting circles. He married a Miss Light, the eldest daughter of the late Mr Francis Light, one of the last
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  • 179 12 B.fore Mr Justica Sercomb9 Smith m the Supreme Court yesterday morning a magistrate's appeal was heard from a decision m which three Chinamen had been convicted m tbe Police Courts of being concerned m an affray m Church St. on Sept. 22, and had been sentenced to
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  • 135 12 In the District Court yesterday afternoon Judge Saunders heard a case m which a widow named Mary Little sued a Kling woman named Maria for $54.30, value of jewellery said to have been entrusted to her to sell. There was a counter claim for SlOO as damages for
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  • 163 12 Jealous Husband Kills his Wife. A terrible tragedy occurred m tbe Felebin Roadthecther afternoon, a Kling nearly backing his young wif.'s bead cff with a grasscutter's knife. The pair dwelt near the Koman Catholic Church m the Selebin Road, and, according to all accounts, did net get
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  • 166 12 Boi>v Partially Eaten hy Wild Pig. On Tuesday a Malay informed the Ipoh Police that his son-in-law had been murdered at Tanjong Rengong and .aid that the body was lying m the jungle. The Police went to the spot indicated by the man and there found the
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  • 176 12 While bathing at Pulo Kusu Island ou Sunday a Chinaman named Kee Liong was drowned. The body was recovered later. A European engineer, named C. Cooze, has b_en fined by the Chief Court, Lower Burma, Rs. 1,000, or iv default three months' imprisonment, for smuggling 1,349 tolas of Shan opium
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  • 593 12 October 2nd. PARA. We have had a very firm Market during the past week, and prices for Para sorts have advanced about Id. (_J l.d per lb. A fair business has been done, including Fine Hard on the spot up to 4/8 -j, for small
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  • 164 12 Following cur special wire a few days ago we take the following details of the attack on the Forest Ringer from the Times of Malaya. It appears that the encounter with the tinstealers took place at half past ten on Monday morning. The Chief Ranger, Daud.
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  • 103 12 Koh Ah Song knows a dandy fever cure. He tried it on Sunday, and as a result was brought before the third magistrate yesterday. His cure for burning fever consisted m jumping into the cool waters of the ocean just by Johnson's Pier. He submitted the
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  • 371 12 (By the mail) Application has been made to the Stock Exchange Committee to appoint a Special Settling Day in Lanadron Rubber Estates, Limited, 181,395 vendors' shares of £T each, fully paid, Nos. 1 to 181,395. The prospectus is out of the Glen Bervie Rubber Company, with a capital
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  • 470 12 Successes of Mr WtLBUB WaiOHT. The correspondent of the Times at Le Mans telegraphed on Sept. 28 This afternoon and evening, m perfect weather conditions and m the presence of many well-known aeronauts, including Mr. Frank Butler, Mr. Percival Spencer, the Comte de Lambert, M. Paul Jamin. and
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  • 95 12 Firm Fined for Refusing to Answer Questions About Alleged Shipping Ring. Melbourne, Sep 28.— The first case under the Australian Industries Preservation Act, better known as the Anti-Trust Act, was heard here to-day, when the shipping' firm of Huddart, Parker, and Company was indicted for refusing
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  • 965 12 News has been received at Devon port that Lieut. E W. Gore Ring, navigati: g officer of the gunboat Dwarf, has been lost m the bush on the West Coast of Africa, and ig presumed to be dead. On the arrival of tho Dwarf on the West Coast,
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  • 1005 13 _Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1908. If the final game for the K.O.R. Cup is anything like as heavy a scoring game as was the first tie on Monday, this tournameut will be notable for the number of goals put on. No final has seen BO largo a num. ber
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  • 427 13 Amongst the pas_enger3 who passed through Singapore m the German mail Zieten yesterday afternoon was Mr George Armstrong, or Manila, formerly of China and previous to that of Singapore. Mr George Armstrong came out to Singapore m 1852, jeining the firm of George Armstrong aud Co. (established
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  • 298 13 The. literature of par-, rubber and rubber p] iting is already aaauming large dimensions, lanter's library, it' he addsto it all _h is printed, wili have a very ie terogeneou. m.-.-s of observations, calculations, speculati >n_ i nd deductions by some who know what they are writing about,
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  • 150 13 Case m DISTRICT Court m Which there were Allegations and Refutations. In the District Court yesterday, before Mr Howard, Mrs Isabel Gonzalez sued Mr M. E. Shaaha for 8100 damages for alleged defamation of character and for expenses incurred. There was a counterclaim for SoO for a
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  • 1820 13 I ONE OF THEIR NUMBER BROUGHT UP TO ANSWER SERIOUS CHARGES. Art of Writ-Serving. M Enquiries were made, and because of the number of cases that were unearthed theie was a regular uproar m Market Street, and the chetties went flying off to the Supreme Court, and judgments
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  • 159 13 The Oxford University Pre.s is about to publish a sumptuous work en Chinese Proeelain, the work of Hsiang Yu in-Pl:e:i, a celebrated connoisseur of the 10th ceuturv of our era. This was m the form «.f all illustrated manuscript catalogue, which was destroyed by fire m Loudon. Happily
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  • 4655 14 Special Meeting, Wednesday, Oct. 28. Present His Excellency the Governor Sir John Anderson. Hi 8 Excellency Major-Gen. T. Perrott, C.8., O.C.T. The Hon'ble the Res. Coun Penang, K. X. Bland. The Hon'ble the Col. Sec. Capt Young. the Treasurer J. O. Anthonisz. The Hon'ble the Act. Attorney-General W.
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  • 798 15 Good Game Under Difficulties Singapore Civilians Win. The weather was distinctly unkind to the final of this important fixture of the Polo Club, for not only was the afternoon threatening and gloomy, but the ground was m an absolutely deplorable condition, what with the heavy rains
    798 words
  • 56 15 F. A. Shield Competition. Last evening teams representing the S.C.C. and the R.G.A. met on the S.C.C. ground. In the first half the Club did all the pressing and scored after a smart run down. In the second half the Garrison equalised. Tbe game finished m a downpour of
    56 words
  • 2146 15 (By Submarine Telegraph.) (Reuter* s Agency.) Rec. Oct. 2*2, 10 am. Mr Asquith m the House of Commons detailed the measures the Government proposed to adopt to meet the prevailing unemplovmeni. There would be a grant of £300,000. The Admiralty would speud tbree millions sterling on torpedo boats and
    2,146 words

  • 288 16 (From out awn Corrt >ndent.) Ipoh, Rec Oct 23. Ou Friday night the Istaua of the Sultan of Perak at Kuala Kangsar was broken into by borglara. The State regalia and jewels were stolen. The value ot these is estimated at 530.000. The police are making
    288 words
  • 110 16 (From our mUfU Correspondent.) Received Oct 24th, 10 a.m. London, via Penang. The Consolidated Malay Rubber Co. have declared an interim dividend cf 5 per cent Klanang have also paid an interim dividend of 5 per cent. London via Penang. Oct. 25, 12.44 pm. Rubber prices for future
    110 words
  • 36 16 The first of tho new restaurant cir_ was used on the Pen mg mail yesterday. It is luxuriously fitted up, has an excellent kitchen and is supplied with a good cuisine aud liquors. > u> <
    36 words
  • 42 16 Penang, Uet 28th, 9 1-"* pm The Penang Ladies shot m the Inter-port match to-day and made 668. This is an average of 88 5, out of a possible of 100. Singapore shoots this afternoon at 4 30 pm.
    42 words
  • 662 16 MINEIs^c: paid op Vr»ioi sp v.p^ 7 .Qb 1300,000 800,0 ft 1< Itnlit Tin Miiht fTi 1 7 5 225,0< I L Limited 6 I |6< IK* 600.0CU x <; Braeeb VLydnmbo Tm M. 10 ,00 "o0, i Duif Dcv" >. r5" $400,00< 375,00* 10 1 Eiaabot Ltd.
    662 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 443 16 CLEARANCES Oct 22. Amherst, Brifc. str Scott, for Pontianak. Ban Liong, Dut. str Winters, for Cotie via ports. Sappho, Brit. str. Sanderson, for Port Swettenham via ports. Lai Sang, Brit, str., Tadd. for Hongkong. Oct 23. Wakasa Maru, Jap. str., Neilsen, for Hon_*kong and Japan. Delta, Brit, str.. Snow, for
      443 words
    • 450 16 VESSELS o IN PORT. Men-of-war Flag* and Tons Commanders Arrived From When For Waterwitch H.M.S. Sur. 640 Lt Douglas Oct 24 Spore Straits Uncertain Sea Mew Col. Yacht 500 Coleman Oct 8 Malacca Uncertain Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consijrnee For When Achilles Brit 44.4 Thompson Oct 26 L'pool
      450 words