The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 22 October 1908

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 229 1 T-ntm Tiie Till*- ««f Eastern Travel" 257 i Tb.' Hem East 358 The Fiction of tiie Europ an Concert *_.**>*■> Mr. HoU and taw (*on*etstsos _."■>**> Tiinuad and Sir E. Meivu*tlier _.*">s I■ C •meet oi rn«!npl..vinent 259 Urn Trodbl -m the Eii'iuh Navy 2.V.» Th*> Albican Qairiaon 2l»
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  • Domcstic Occurrences.
    • 58 1 On the 10th October, at Sungei Kapar Estate, Klang, to Mr. and Mrs. G. V.L. Scott, a daughter. (Ceylon papers please copy). On the 13th inst at West Country, Kajang, the wife of E. B. Skinner of twin son and daughter. At Grand Hotel de l'Europe on Oct. 16th,
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    • 48 1 Derey Hopkins. Sept. 19, at Hampstead, H. F. H. Derry, to Beatrice Hopkins. Highet BOBINOW. Sept 19, at Altrincham, Cheshire, H. C. Highet, M.D., Bangkok, to Emma Kobinow. Bethel Jones Perityal. On September 24, at St. John's, Brooklands, Cheshire, P. H. Bethell Jones, to Annie Leng Percival.
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    • 68 1 Bushell. Sept. 19, at Harrow-on-the-Hill, Dr. S. W. Bushell, C.M.G., late Physician to EL M. Legation, Peking. SHARP. Sept. 19, at Hampstead, E. H. Sharp, of Japan, aged 79. Baylky. Sept. 21st, at Blackheath, Ann, widow cf late H. Bayley. Manager of P. and D.S.N. Co., aged 77. At
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  • 72 1 (CORRECTED UP TO Oct 21 Bans: I m nom 2 /*T^ demand ify3| Private erediti S m/» U erediti 6m <■ ■> ft Fhakcj*. demand Ban* 291_ Qauujrr, demand 2361 India, T. T -< H-i* Honokov-., demand 2*_!% YOKOHAMA, do_U*JLVJ H3 4 Java, demand iou% Ba n g it
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  • 137 1 Oct 21. Tin >~ buyers $67.50 Gamu.r Gambier Cube No. 1 11.95 Gambier Cuba No. 2 11.50 Pepper Black (ord'n. Spore) 10.10 Pepper, White (fair L. W. 5 p.c 15.50 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.)-. 1 800 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) mm >m 20.00 Mace (Banda) mm norn
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 .1 r l Pn f"h. People*! rigfct maintain, v dby inlttK nee and anbribed by pain ll^-re patriot Truth hrr glorious precepts draw. "■"•"edsed to Religioo, Loyalty and lmm.
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  • 1869 1 Oct IG. In the Times of Sept. 7th there is a pleasantly wntten article which takes for its subject The Tide of E istern Travel." Iv the days of the Four Georg_3 it was expected of a young man of good family aud position to
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 432 1 PASSENGERS. Per P k Qomili Mr E. R. Richardson, Dr J. L. Wilson. Mrs and Miss Wilson, Mr XV. Bourne, Mr and Mrs H. B. Baker. Miss Abel. Miss Tolley, Mr H. M. Tozer, Mr and Mrs Dupui., Mr J. Mitchell, Mrs Dougherty, Lieut Duke, Sergt S. Bex. Sergt. R.
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    • 176 1 THE WEEK. The last mail from home arrived by the B. I. Teesta, ou Saturday with dates up to September 25. A homeward mail was taken on Monday by tbe M.M. Ville de la Ciotat, and tbis weekly goes by the P. O. Delta to-morrow. The Autumn meeting of the
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  • 636 2 While it may be affirmed with some degree of certainty that there is no present occasion of hostilities amongst the great Powers over the dishonoured remains of the Treaty of Berlin there is no ground for framing any clear opinion as to what may happen from hour
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  • 980 2 Oct 17, It will be with a smile that the cynic observer will watch the efforts of the more law-abiding powers who have done nothing to the detriment of the unfortunate Treaty of Berlin, hastening to couutenance and condone what they have been already
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  • 244 2 Hiving already given copious extracts from the evidence of Mr. Richard Holt, M P., b.fore the Royal Commission on Shipping Rings, we proceed to give some commeuts on it. It would, of course, be impossible to argue out m a newspaper all the points touched
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  • 329 2 We hear that m succession to the late Sir Henry Moorh Jackson, Governor of Trinidad, the appointment has been offered to Sir Edward Marsh Merewether, k.c.v.o cm 0.. Lieutenant Governor and Colonial Secretary of Malta. Naturally the public of this Colony will take a very
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  • 1019 2 Oct 19 It may be, and probably is, m-thiug more than a mere coincidence that just on the eve of the arrival of the United States fleet at Yokohama, an old standing dispute between China and Japan over the ownership of the territory of Chientao, or Kantao
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  • 1577 3 Oct 20. To those of us who make merely occasional visits to the homeland after a spell of tropical residence, one of the things that strikes the traveller after he has landed and passes through the streets of Liverpool or London is the frequent evidence of
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  • 1537 3 Oct 21. After a remarkable expression of opinion m the French Chamber of Deputie., declaring on the one hand confidence m the Government, aad on the other no confidence m the Admiralty, the Minister for Naval Affairs, M. Gaston Thomson, had no alternative but
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  • 1046 4 Oct 22 Although the echoes of the South African war may be said to have just died away, it will startle a good many of v. to learn that Lord Methukn, who commands the troops m South Africa, has proceeded to Durban under instructions from Mr Haldane,
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  • 1177 4 It has been rather shrewdly surmised that much of the reason for tbe German Government indulging m the diplomatic hints of possible political excursions aud alarms, lies m tha advisability of keeping the mind of the German nation ou inch an edge of expectancy that it
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  • 741 4 Uvea Travelled Boer Interviev. ci. South Ah;i<an Aekaii*v When the While Star liner Pericles arrived from the eastern States on the completion of her maiden trip to Australia, it was found that the passengers included Mr J. A Graaff, a Cape Colony Boer, and one of the
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  • 865 5 From a basket m the room of a Javanese living m Tong Watt Road someone has stolen jewellery worth $7b\9o. A big tongkang foundered m the harbour yesterday after collision with another. The masts still show above water. The British Admiralty has adopted a new torpedo
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  • 570 5 It comes somewhat as a relief to find that some responsible people are endeavouring to make a stand against the publication of the novel of the latter day, which is m principle and aim, and occasionally m expression, indecent and corrupting. The '•Academy" has taken up
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  • 318 5 There was a crisis m cotton m Lancashire as early as 1780, and out of it the Irish Government made hay. Learning that some manufacturers of Manchester intended to betake themselves and their machinery to America the Government persuaded them to alter their destination and to dump
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  • 102 5 A correspondent writes from Edgbaston: I noticed m a recent number of The Times a notice of a letter that had reached London from Japan m 19 days. I beg to enclose you one that reached me m Birmingham on Sept. 14 that was written m Kyoto on Aug. 28,
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  • 197 5 The V.M.C.A. yesterday afternoon played an XI of the SRC. and had the best of it, scoring 89 to their opponents' 48. Mergler took three wickets for six runs and W. W. Robinson six for 26, three m his third over and three m his eleventh. Scores. Y. M.
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  • 268 5 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. Owing to the intervention of Race Week at a time when the market is still lacking m vitality the volume of business transacted since last advices has been purely nominal. MmHO. Rates all round are practically unchanged and apart from a small demand for Raubs at
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  • 341 5 STIFLED BY COST OF TRANSPORT. The following figures given by the Acting State Engineer of Pahang for the past year shew how urgently the work now m hand for improving communication between that State and the rest of the Federation is needed Transport by soa
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  • 524 5 A Description of thb Nbw Linb. The T. O. M says The trains, at present they are only working trains, start from the same platform as the mail trains and the line when past the coach sheds branches over to the right and crosses Connolly Road by
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  • 430 5 For the month of September, the number of deaths m Singapore was 1048, a ratio per mille of 40 41. Of tbis total 777 were Chinese, 154 Malaya, 81) Indians, aud 6 Europeans. The causes of death were, malarial lever 100, typhoid 8. fever not specified 63 total
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 86 5 A writer m Indian Public Health suggests a new theory for sun stroke which has at least the merit of originality. He sjggests that certain electric waves or currents pass through the system. These, if not insulated, will do no harm, but when, as m the case of Europeans wearing
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  • 1494 6 Saturday, Oct. 17, 1908. THE STRAITS HOMEWARD CONFERENCE. MR. HOLT'S EVIDENCE ANALYSED. HALF TRUTHS AND NO TRUTHS. A recent mail from home brought u_3 a copy of the extended evidence before the Royal Commission on Shipping Rings of Mr Richard Holt, M. P., head of Messrs Alfred Holt and Co.
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  • 258 6 More m sorrow than m anger the Pinang Gazette" quarrels with our reference to it*declaration of policy on the Conference, as interring tl a' the "Singapore Free Press" took up this question before tbe Gazette. We have no desire to attempt to make ou' that wo
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  • 106 6 "As one result of the education provided by State schools, 'it' Ts interesting to record a visit paid a few months ago by the D t h Klana Petra, of Sungei Ujorg, to the neighbouring province of Rem bau. Interchange of courtesies between the rulers of these territories has tike*.;
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  • 1026 6 Question of Interest Due on Money Invested m Singapore Firm. Supreme Court Judgment. In the Supreme Court yesterday Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith delivered judgment iv the case of Ang Chong Cheng v Wee Bin Co. and Lim Peng Chiang. These were two actions brought by the same
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  • 284 6 S.C.C. v GARRISON. Last evening a match between the Club and the Garrison attracted a large number of spectators to the S.C.C. ground. The game was a very fast one throughout. The Club seemed easily to hold the upper hand. Their passing tactics evoked much admirration, and m the
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  • 232 6 Some Dktails About The "Xm AMY AM." The fine new dredger, the Kuan' which bas been ordered by the F. It. 9 Government for Pahang, i> I i I see 1 r Kuantan shortly to cosnnMßce operetta the bar at the river mouth thet She is a
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  • 302 6 Mr William Rise died at t' Q otraJ Hospital on Wednesday evening and h remains were interred m the Chri.-' metery at Bukit Timah on Thursday. He came out from Ceylon m 1888 as Assii _n1 Draughtsman m the Public W0,]... J). rueut, Singapore, and
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  • 49 6 As a sequel to the Boyd-Burdett divorce case the marriage is announced on TnssiUj September 15th, of Sir Francis Burd-t?, Bth Baronet, formerly A. D. C. to Sir Weal Ridgeway m Ceylon, and the respondent m the case, the marriage taking place immediately the divorce decree was pronounced absolute.
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  • 1609 7 Qtmeaund agunt homines uootri est farrago Hbelti. Jittenal. If anybody is positive enough m his own opinion to predicate peace or war m the Balkans, he does not know enough to be aware that those who know most are most disposed to suspend all judgment. There
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  • 169 7 The S C.C. played the V.M.C.A. on Saturday on the Esplanade and won easily. V.M.C.A. H. Van Cuylenberg c Talma b Clarke 8 C. B. Gunter b Scharenguivel 5 H. N. Harris b Scharenguivel 2 A. W. Be von b Warren -Jones 37 R. Bullmore b "Warren Jones 26
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  • 776 7 Monday, Oct. 19, 1908. Dr P. H. Hennessey is appointed M. O. for Malacca. The Waterloo Football Club is exempted from registration. Mr J. C. Cowap has arrived here as Second Assistant Government Analyst. On and after Jan. 1, 1909, the sending of arms or ammunition by post will be
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  • 240 7 Embedded m Mdd. The Sri Muar which went ashore at the Muar wharf has at length been successfully floated. Tbe tale of the attempts to raise this vessel is full of curious facts. Tanjong Pagar tried it and gave it up, local Chinese and Malays had
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  • 161 7 Chinese coolies make savage attack on Police. SIKH KILLED. Christmas Island, usually the scene of peaceful commercial operations m the way of exporting phosphate, has been stirred with excitement over an affray which has resulted iv the death of a Sikh policeman. A number of Chine.c coolies
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  • 103 7 Law of Primogeniture Does Not Apply. The acting Chief Justice, Mr Law, gave judgment, m the Supreme Court, on Saturday, regarding the distribution of ihe property of the late Towkay Choo En_r Ch.-iu of Saigon and Singapore. His lordship held that the Euglish law of primogeniture
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  • 85 7 DIBTKBBSKD Wife Of New Yorker Offkks Reward For Husi-ano's Discovery. Among the public notices issued by the Police m Singapore is one offering $1,000 reward (Americau money) for the discovery 01 the whereabouts of aman named F.neuil D. S. Betbune, who belongs to New York City, lie has
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  • 44 7 The Directors have declared an Interim J dividend on tho M A and the B Shares of the Bank for the half-year ending 30th June last, at the rate of 6 por cent, per annum, free of Income Tax.
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  • 109 7 Two interesting matches took place at tbe Swimming Club yesterday morning. A team of the R. G. A. visited the Club and took parr m a team race ar.d a water- polo match. In both, the civilians were successful. The team race was an easy win
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  • 50 7 The annual gold medal c.m petition of the above Club took place yesterday, when Mr F. W. King was returned winner, his score being 50—42—12 nett 80 Mr King also tied for the silver monthly medal with Mr R. W. Dunn wnose score was 50—50—20 nett 80.
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  • 1951 8 Considered as a whole the entries must be taken as rather disappointing for this meeting, but considering again the straitened condition of affairs financial, the Club can be congratulated when it is remembered that the Penang organization made a serious loss over their last venture. The
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  • 1964 8 RECORDS AND DIVIDENDS. Exceptionally tine weather has favoured this meeting so far, a dispensation of the powers above that should be appreciated by the organisers of the meeting, as bad weather coupled with bad times would have been truly lamentable. The going was fast but it is
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  • 2156 9 BVLTAI Of Johore's Popular Win*. The Autumn meeting cf the Singapore Snorting Clnh was brougiit to a snccessfnl conclusion on Saturday. The third and final day's racing was good, but there were one or two surprises. Although r..;n threatened earner m the day, il fortunately
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  • 177 9 Ran bu. were not placed Barsac, Chariwang, Festine, Hilarity, Lady Strachen, Mandalay, Ramornie, Tempuling (3.) New Girl Racket, Josephine, Cocotte, Rapid Pilgrim, Poppy, Petgrave, Eacalyptus, Dispute (2) Albatross, Cardinal, Barlash, St John ll.) Hokses Placed. Ist 2nd 3rd unpl Sextant ...2 1 0 0 P" B
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  • 332 9 "Mr Payne" 2 2 2 4 D. P. McDougall 2 1 1 3 L. Yzelman 2 1 0 0 Devereux and Solveig o q Down Under Kongsee Lee Toon Tock 2 0 0 3 Nameless Kongsee 1 2 3 0 Mr Hood 1 2 2 3 F. D
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  • 413 9 In view of the importance of our business relations with Singapoie the progress of that port is ft matter of considerable interest to residents of Bangkok. Broadly speaking, if Singapore is enjoying prosperous conditions it wiii be found that Bangkok i.> also rl NSrish* ing. There may, of
    Siam Free Press  -  413 words
  • 132 9 > opt < Cricket dates from the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and had its origin m rounders and stool-ball. Lord Chesterfield was the first man of weigh tle take i r up serb-uslv and Eton the first public school. In those days scores were notched upon tally-sticks, the I all
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  • 862 10 Captain G. G. Wood is appointed to the command of the Hongkong Volunteer Infantry Company, vice Captain Johnston deceased. The Emperor of Japan has given 3,000 yen to the East Asia Common Script Association m recognition of its services for the education of Japanese students m
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  • 553 10 96 CENTS AT STAKE Fierce Argument m Supreme Court over a question of stamps. A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE. The weighty question as to whether or not a certain document should have had a fourcent stamp or a dollar stamp affixed to it, was debated for an hour or more m
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  • 302 10 Motor car No. 84, driven by a Malay chauffeur, and belonging to Rallies Hotel, knocked an old Kling down near Johnson's Pier early yesterday morning. Several of the Kliug's ribs were broken and he was removed to the General Hospital. E P.C. Blyton arrested the chauffeur later.
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  • 95 10 We are informed on behalf of the Post Office that it was correct that letters from the Native States were delivered m town at 10 (9 a.m. delivery) and 11 a.m. (10 a.m. delivery) on Oct. 3. Perhaps it may be worth while explaining that the Cricket Club
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  • 216 10 Escapades of a Hylam Boy." A Hylam boy named Tow Ah Heng was before Mr Thunder at the Police Court, yesterday, on a charge of theft of a cheque belonging to his master, a Dutch gentleman residing at the Hotel de V Europe. The evidence showed
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  • 110 10 Bafore Mr Howard, m the District Court, yesterday, the case of Mutt* k;:.r pen Chetty was called. Accused was charged with aiding and abetting the institution of a false claim iv the Supreme Court, and fraudulently and dishonestly instituting two false claims iv the Supreme Court Mr B.
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  • 56 10 The M Siam Ob*errer H heart that the Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements has allowed a commission to issue to Bangkok, for the examination of the plaintiff m the suit Tilleke v. Abrams, which has reference to the sale of the race-horse Malapeit. The commission has
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  • 182 10 The details relating to the survey of the South Middle Channel at the Eastern Entrance to Singapore Strait by H.M.S. Waterwitch are as follows Carter Shoal. Depth 11 feet, Horsburg Light N. 32 E. 4 miles 31 Cables Bintang Lit Hill 30J E, Let 1 edg 16ft
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  • 127 10 The Hongkoug Team. The following team was selected to represent Hongkong m the luterport Rifle Mateh Capt. Lammert, Messrs. J. Pidgeon, R. Lapsley, J. C. Gow, A. Jenkins, ColourSergt. Wright (3rd Middlesex), Sergt. Hall (3rd Middlesex), Lance-Sesgt. Munroe (3rd Middlesex), Chief Petty Officer Paddon, H.M.S. Tamar, J.
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  • 128 10 The General Agents and Consulting Committee will submit to the shareholders the final accounts for the year 1907, on Oct. 23, at Hongkong. The report states that the amount standing to the credit of 1907 account is $522,671.13, out of which it is proposed to carry $382,671.13
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  • 610 10 A HALF-YEAR'S WORK. We give the following facts from the half yearly report of the Tanjong Pagar Board, reserving comment to a later occasion The administration report of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board for the half-year ending June 30 reached us yesterday. The credit balance of revenue
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  • 178 10 The annual report of the above company to be submitted at the meeting at head office m Shanghai en Oct. 20. states that the balance at credit of 1907 account is Taels 204 .0UT. 00. and after deducting an interim dividend of Ttper cent, aggregating Taels
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  • 88 10 (Union Times <__.« >als.) Canton. Tong On, m the district oi Sun Hiug, bas been Hooded to a depth of 38ft, but the waters are now receding. Mukden. No decision has yet been arrived at regarding the island near the Province Suingking, near the town of Mukden, and
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  • 117 11 We are courteously informed by Mr W. G. Bell, Postmaster General, with reference to tbe non-delivery of the F.M S. mail on Sat. Oct. 3, that these mails were ready sorted by 9 a.m. on that date, but were not sent out for delivery until noon
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  • Correspondence.
    • 659 11 To the Editor, Sir, I have read with some astonishment the explain ion court M>usly afforded by tbe Postwas er Genera), with reference to the late delivery ol tbe FM S. mail on O.t 3rd. The mails were ready, we are told, at 9 am aud
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  • 95 11 To the Ennon, 1, r gj, ,—i;_ you: iaane of Satnrday _corning I note the Poetmaatei General's aacusea for Ist. delivery of letters from theNs ■•>t -t c on Saturday Oct 3. H? is aol correct m eaying that these mails were no! senton! for delivery
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  • 72 11 The H< njkong-Manila liner Rubi, Captain R XV. Almond, arrived m Manila Bay on October 7th, one da; later than the schedule, owing to being hove to for sixteen hours during a typhoon. Captain Almond describes the sea as the heaviest he has experienced m fourteen years, but the snip
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  • 740 11 Singapore Girl Outraged by Filipinos. The Manila Cablene us- American of Oct. Bth gives the shocking details of a brutal assault committed by three Filipinos against Miss Jennie Ridgway, who was a familiar figure iv Singapore, us she was always seen leading about her frTc'ed father
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  • 220 11 Two or three years ago tbe Government of the Straits Settlements acquire I the Tanjong Pagar Docks. Singapor from the company owning them, and the management has since been vested iv a nominated board of merchants and cilicials. One of the reasons given tor the expropriation
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  • 350 11 Loss will Amount to Nearly a Million Sterling. The loss sustained by fire at the Central Telephone Exchange will (says the Morning Leader of September 23), amount to between three quarters of a million anda million sterling. The Central Post Office is being hastily fitted up to
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  • 439 11 Tho market (says the Globe of Sept 21) has been a weaV and sagging one down to 0129 15s. having yesterday been accepted for cash, which, however, at the close of the day rallied 7s. b'd. Some prominent M bulls appear to be unloading, and "bear M covering has
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  • 132 11 Narrow Escapi of Capt. Supt. Bale ley. While Hon. Mr Murray Stewart was speaki g in the Council, on Thursday Oct. 8, a piece of ornamental pi ister fell from the ceiling on to the table m front of Capt. Superintendent Baleley, and close
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  • 762 11 THE STRANGE DISAPPEARANCE OF MR McTLRATH. The following is the main substance of an article m the South China Morning Post m connection with the missing Australian Mr Mcllrath, whose disappearance bas been an insoluble problem up till now In the course of the past year advertisements
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  • 187 11 E 'DKNCE AT THE Til lAL. Bombay, October Bfth. Mu'lens and Shouldaui, ti-e Eurasians charged, hay* now been further charged with outrage *'»nd robbery with dangen us wea; o.s. T»<e evidence regarding the finding oi* the body was taken m private. Confession hy one of the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 971 12 It is with a considerable amount of diffidence that I venture to approach the subject of temperaments, for I am well aware that the possession of an artistic temperament, a poetic temperament, and even a hysterical temperament is regarded by many people m the light of some rare quality
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  • 953 12 ["Recently," says the Japan Times, novels referring to love affairs have been published m great number. In view of putting some restriction on the publication of these novels and other books injurious to the promotion of public morality the authorities are contemplating restrictive regulations." With
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  • 1088 12 The Devil was sick, the Devil a saint would be The Devil was well, the devil a saint was he. Sure as the Races come round, twice each year, will crop up m the minds of some, the questiou as to what is to become of
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  • 1089 12 Never do to day what may be done the week after next," is popularly supposed to be the motto of the native of the Sunny East. The hardy northerner with his creed of getting as much out of each day as possible kicks
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  • 241 13 We learn on good authority that an emergent meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya has been convened for Sunday next m Kuala Lumpur, when consideration will be given tc the motion ot which notice was given at the recent mooting m Penang by the
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  • 197 13 Col G ration Reev s, writing to the 4 Ceylon i on J^th Get, remarking on the B port on the Fisheries of the Ifalay States, says "It seams rather an anomaly that the Crown Colony should be so far behind the time thai it
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  • 160 13 FIKsT C.KNKKAI. MEETING. The tirst ordinary general meeting of tbe Eastern Smelting Co. Ltd., was held last Thursday at the company's registered ofhces m the F. M. S. railway building, Penang. The Managing Director, Mr Herrmann Jessen, occuoiod the chair and gave a rosutm' of the
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  • 32 13 The output of dry rubber from the Sandytl ],S for the mouth of September was 0,135 lbs. Total previously this year 21,706 lb Total this year to date 26,841 lbs.
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  • 894 13 It is believed that when the goods traffic on the new line to Tronoh is properly organised the line will pay about $1,1 00 a day. A postman at Teluk Anson has been convicted and sent to goal for having stolen a number of postal articles.
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  • 1227 13 Taken all through one may congratulate the Sporting Club on the success of the meeting just over. For one thing it was favoured with splendid weather, and for another thing there was some very good racing and quite good dividends. The best racing of all was on Thursday.
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  • 80 13 With a view to avoiding any misapprehension to sp »rt.smen, we are ask.d by Mr Arshak Sarkies to siy that Gillo is the owner of Mr T. Sarkies, of Singapore." Thus the Piuang Gazette. Bat where are we'r We have heard of certain wily tr.iners owning horses
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  • 116 13 The first mat eh iv 'he! Tournameat for the X OR. Cup will be played on Monday next, the 26th in.tanf, at lb Race Course, when the Selangor Polo Clul) will meet the Garrison Team from the Sir gape re Polo Club In the second and match, ou
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  • 512 13 COINER, SARD AT WORK. RECEIVES SURPRISE -***** FROM rHE POLICE. There was no ono more surprised than Chia Chan Fook Cheong when tbe burst into his private little net urn i\ 150 South Bridge Road on Monday eight, a d interrupted him m the process of manufacturing
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  • Correspondence.
    • 154 14 To the Editor, Sir. —I should like to air a grievance of my own re the delivery of letters m Singapore. Only yesterday (Monday) I came to town especially early that I might post two local letters myself, as it was of importance to me that early delivery
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  • 153 14 DUTCH NAVAL MANOEUVRES. We have received a nea'ly got up and illustrated magazine pamphlet entitled Insulinde's Vloot m actio," from the Java Bjde effices m Batavia It contains an account of naval macu'iivres m Netherlands Indies waters The long and the short of it is that a squadron of three
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  • 47 14 The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co's sale-room yesterday afternoon Seven dwelling houses known as Nos. 27-1 to 27-7 Killiuey Road, total area 12,286 square feet, freehold. Total monthly rent $158. Bought by Mr. Khoo Chong Seng for Sl 7,600.
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  • 480 14 The French Navy ha 3 to deplore another of those terrible accidents the causes of which, from the very nature of the disaster, must generally remain for ever unknown. It is just ten weeks since the explosion of a charge which was being inserted m
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  • 65 14 The terms are given of a contract to be concluded between the Government and the Russian Volunteer Fleet for the maintenance by tho latter for 11 years from June 15th 28th last of steamship services between Wladiwostok and Tsuruga, and Wladiwostok and Shanghai respectively. The Russian Government undertake to subsidise
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  • 753 14 Thursday, Oct 22, 1908. Disquieting rumours have reached Kuala Lumpur regarding lawlessness m the Serendah and Rawang districts. It is reported that the Salak South Mine has been working its surface plant with great success. All trouble with the dam is over, and it is said that the machinery and
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  • 117 14 In the District Court yesterday Mr. Howard heard a case m which Paul Mauserberger sued Messrs Behn Meyer and Co., agents for the Norddeutscher Lloyd Steamship Company for $152 iv respect to wages and food allowance. Mr Aitken appeared for the plaintiff and Mr Upcott for the
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  • 1384 14 PLANTERS DISCUSS THE BURNING QUESTION. GOVERNMENT CALLED UPON TO ACT. Kuala Lumpur, Monday. An emergency meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya summoned by telegram at the instance of the Hon. John Turner and two Penang gentlemen was held m the Sehngor Club yesterday (Sunday) morniug. Mr. R.
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  • 390 14 A representative of the "Pinang Gazette has obtained an interview with the Hon. John Turner as follows We called on the Hon. John Turner, on his arriv.l from Port Swettenham, this morning (Monday) and learned from him that the meeting of the Planters' Association
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  • 18 14 Japan has decided, says the New York Herald, to establish several colonies m Brazil for experimental agricultural purposes.
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  • 502 15 Snaious Charge Against A Eubophan Assistant. Arrested m England. Smartly attired m a suit of white with silver buttons, Mr John Augustus Boyes, formerly well-known m Singapore commercial and social circles, stepped into the dock ia the Third M tgi.t**ate'_ Court yesterday to aus*ver a .hirge of having
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  • 147 15 Tb.p ci>. m which Chui Fook Chiong, an additioi al police constable, and a Chinaman named Wong Ah Kow are charged m connection with the receiving of an illegal gratification of $2 from another Chinaman named L m Ang Yew, was again referred t) m the Third
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  • 83 15 The small local steamer Sri Muar, Captain Hudson, which foundered alongside the wharf at Bandar Maharani, Muar, some months ago, arrived yesterday m tow of the Dani>h Salvage steamer Protector. The smart little vessel could hardly be recognised under her coat of river mud and
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  • 156 15 With regard to the case of James Smith, the Malay Mail is informed that the boy was admitted* to the Victoria Institution on Ist May, 1907. He stated that his father was living m Kuala Lumpur, working as a tailor, but was not taking proper care of
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  • 2221 15 (By Submarine Telegraph.) (Renter' 8 Agency.) Rec Oct 15, 10 am. Mr Winston Churchill, speaking at Manchester, said he had not approached the parties to the Cotton Dispute, because he was entirely dependent on receiving an invitation to intervene, and aho because he trusted to Lancashire common-sense. He believed
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  • 60 15 Malay Ranger Severely Wounded. (From our own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct 21, 11.15 am. A Malay forest ranger has been seriously wounded by Chinese tin-stealers. Oa Monday, he met a number of th. thieves at the X led ang hills and attempted to arrest them, when he
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  • 100 15 (From our SUM Correspondent,} Penang, Oct lo". Mr R N. Bland, the Resident Councillor, to-day presented to District Surveyor M .homed A riff the medal of the Imperial Service Order. Mahomed Ariff, who has put m thirty five years service, is a Singapore man. Tlf we
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  • 284 16 KUALA LUMPUR VIEWS. Planters Meet on Sunday. (From our own Correspondent^ Kuala Lumpur, Oct IG. The Committee of the Kuala Lumpur Chamber of Commerce has mot and discussed the question of the attitude of Selangor towards the Shipping Ring. They are of opinion that the
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  • 101 16 VICTORY FOR SINGAPORE. Hongkong, Oct. loth, 5-20 p.m. Hongkong's score m the interport shoot was 901. Capt. Colbeck has had a cablegram from Shanghai which states that that po*t bas fired iv the competition aud scored 923. The score, for this competition therefore are Singapore 937 Shanghai 923
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  • 71 16 DEPLETED STOCKS. iFn u*n rre ndent.) London via Pecang, Oct li. Messrs. Gow, Wilson and Stanton have issued figures showing the depletion of rubber stocks iv the United Stales warehouses. The value of the rubber m stock m July 19 -7 uai £71,819 and m July, 1906, j£6,366.
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  • 110 16 (Union Time.< Specia*.) Received Oct. 15th at 11.30 a.m. (Canton ConnnspoHDEirr.) The Hoi Ping and Sun Neng districts have suffered .everelv from the flood of tho eleventh, and owing to the collapse of the city wall, numberless people have suffered the rest of them are anxiously waiting
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  • 816 16 MIXES Capital Capua! Issue Paid Issued paid ap Valae ap Cotnpa-oy. Quu**..... 1300,000 800,000 10 lv 3*iat Tin Mining Go. Lta 7 j $300,000 225,000 10 10 Braang Limited 175 1600,000 $00,0C0 10 10 Hrurieh Hydraulic Tin if. Oo Ltd io<<_. £400.000 350,000 3 1 Doff DevelopMMfc Co. Ltd
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 52 16 GRAND POST CARD EXHIBITION. An Exhibition m connection with Koh Co's Post Card Exchange Register will be held m the coming December, the object being to encourage collectors to send m the best pictures they possess for competition. For prospectus write to KOH COMPANY, 90 Bras Basah Road, Singapore. Sept
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 686 16 CLEARANCEOctober 15. Oceano, Brit. str. Le Brun, for New York. Solva, Nor. str., Tellefsen, for Bangkok. Volute, Brit, str., Jackson, for Woo Sung. Spir, Nor. str., Ham, for Saigon. Thongwa, Brit, str., Herrington, for Penang, Madras and Negapatam. Sappho, Brit, str Sanderson, for Port Swettenham via ports. Ban Fo Soon,
      686 words
    • 451 16 VESSEL^ IN PORT, Men-of-war Flat? and Tons Commanders Arrived From Whe~ For Waterwitch H.M.S. Sur. 640 Lt Douglas Oct 16 Horsburgh Lt. Uncertain Sea Mew Col. Yacht 500 Coleman Oct 8 Malacca Uncertain Zeeduif Dut g.b. 297 Wenk Oct 21 Rhio Rhio 21 Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consijrnee
      451 words