The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 8 October 1908

Total Pages: 16
225 240 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 184 225 Nitiv»- P. >> Kttd Hyg 2U."> The Hul^e: A Mr. i 25 iWCIWri AfWs En-r.iry 22* i I'attti Kre-din:.' m the Stndtl 22' i Fruit hmoftatioa 2-j»» 1 :l.::<i»r.iKt 11* 2'2*\ Balk;:n CvMH 227 Au-t. ft*l Aunt-xiit 227 COVBT New Ain..k i ■cm X .1-1 2- 3 i "^lr
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 38 225 WAiiNER-OTTZEN. On September 9, at St. Philip's Church, Rangoon, Christine Alice, youngest daughter of Captain A. Ottzen, of Copenhagen. Denmark, aud Janet Ottzen. of Penang. to Pius Henrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wagner, of Germany.
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    • 36 225 Jamie. At Serangoon House, Craiglockhart. Slateford. ou the Brd Sept.. ROBEBT •Tamie. late of Singapore. Clayton. On September *26. at Hindbead. Surrey. Ecgland. "Winifred Holland, wife of L. H Clayton, of the F.M.S. Civil Service.
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  • 192 225 The last mail from home arrived by the 8.1. Taroba oa Saturday wi*h dates up to September 11. On Monday a homeward mail was taken by iheM.M. Ernest Simons, and this weakly i?oes by the P. iV Devanl:;i to-morrow. A terrible amok resulting m two deaths and serious
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  • 983 225 Per* si a? 1 tb» Prfs<; the People's r'\sht maintain, CnaweH I>v in)luf-r;<«- ail unbtibcd by ga'"* Here patriot Truth h^r {lorioas precepts draw. Pledged to Reltjpoo, Loyalty and I-aw. Oct 2. It has baen a matter of repeated comment m these columns, that there is
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  • 866 225 A considerable portion of this i.-s^e is occupied by the text of the A LI res s of H.E. the Governor introducing the Supply IMI ia which are presented the main fasts of the tiaancidl position of the Colony, and its outlook for the coming offi:iil year
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  • Page 225 Advertisements
    • 321 225 MbooribOTi to Urn "SimsfKpon Free Press I rcisnußg from Europe to tba Straits r»y acy oi th^ mail Kn6S, :r^ invited IPMBdto M i::i_r»r the MM til t->*ii fteSBMI and date m Sinirai ie. Copies wi:l then be mailed to meet them at various povti o* nXL Sub=ori>»ers m
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    • 158 225 Singapore Cold Storage Co, Ltd. Sear Entrance to Borneo Wharf. Telephone 1026 Sea stocks of all kinds of Frozen Meats, etc., cnn be delivered to shipping at the Wharves, or m the Singapore Roads on short IF THAWED DAILY SUPPLIES are re quired, orders for same mu*t be telephoned to
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  • 1004 226 Oct 5. It is with much satisfaction that we notice that the London Chamber of Commerce has tiken the initiative m approaching the Home Government m regard to the extension of the scope of the "Crown Agents for the Colonies Committee of Enquiry. When it was
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  • 439 226 In connection with the present discussion on the formation of Municipal dairies, or municipal milk supply control m Singapore, a paper by Mr T. W. Main m the current Agricultural Bulletin is of interest. Mr Main treats of the Improvement of the Dairy Cow m
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  • 721 226 <>ct <; A lkttei m the Timies <>/ Ctiflou from its West Australian correspondent at Fremantle serves to reiuin 1 us that while Singapore is iuw well served as to its meat >upplv sine-? the establishment of the Cold Storage Company there remains much to be desired m
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  • 1063 226 Ix a Reuier's tekgram we have some further meagre information about one of the greatest calamities that ever yffl Vied an Indian state, m the destruction that followed upon the bursting of the great bund or dim of a reservoir near the city >( Haiderabad, the capital
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  • 1372 227 Oc* 7 It is just a week ago since occasion was lakeu ia tke?e columns to allude to the possibility of Bulgaria's declaring her independence, and we endeavoured, after a disvussion of the railway crisis, to give the bare outlines of what might result from that. We
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  • 1145 227 Oct 6. INBPECTIOS of to-day's telegrams regarding the crisis iv the Balkan Peninsula make it plain that all the old racial jealousies tli it had been muzzled and held m leash under the provisions of the Treaty of Berl n of thirty years B£O have n«w V^en let
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  • 368 228 The countries to which telegraphic reference is likely to be made all lie South of the Danu*>e. A rough classification is, from west to east, Bosnia, Servia, Roumania, next to Danut c. To the south of these Herzegovina, Montenegro (on the Adriatic), Novi Buzir (the northern
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  • 306 228 COINING TRADE FLOURISHS. LOOI OUT K«>k TBI DOLLAB WITH THI l-AINT PHTKIBH TIN'.K AND LIGHT WEIGHT. In spite of vigilant effoit* on the part of the police, the industry of coining seems fro Sourish m Singapore. Same M dollars produced m the District Couit. before Mr Howard, yesterday, were remarkable
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  • 39 228 The Ceylon Observer learns that the American fleet is likely to arrive m Colombo even later than it was orginally expected. It is to stay at Manila till after the U S A President ial election on November 3rd.
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  • 1098 228 \Frov out- own Lt-"-> respondents The whole country seems to have been having more than its fair share of rain cf late, and consequent damage to public works is the rule rather than the exception. The railway seems to have been one of the greatest sufferers, as the
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  • Correspondences.
    • 405 228 A Hopeful Job!" To The Editor, Sir, In the year liM)5 a sum of *8 1,000, was contributed by the Government, Municipality and certain land owners for the purpose of making a new road (now named M Grove Road at Tanjong Katoug, the work being commenced about the end of
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  • 290 228 If the man who makes two blades of grass grow where ouegrew before is a typical benefactor of his race, what eulogies are n«»t merited by a statesman who includes amongst the activities of his statesmanship the persuading of a hen to lay two egu's where
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  • 130 228 Negri Sembiian has now a permanent rent roll from bind of 1110,768 a year— it is gratifying to note that there is a substantial increase m agricultural rents land held under a permanent title the true criterion of the prosperity of the country." Says the report of the Resident. The
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  • 958 228 An aim able Freuchuian has opened up before us a hideous prospect of the methods of sport m the future. This gentleman according to our recent wires, has ordered a fleet of fifty aeroplanes from Mr. Wright, and anticipates besides their playing an important part m the wars
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  • 316 229 «*1 tn 7t? V° f 19 TriD XS aDU ••twet. reported to the police yesterday that a friend ot ins had stolen property belonging to arrLted f nd h* S heeu Mr Nicbol, ona cf the Assistants on Sun«ji Wan^e Estate. Sitiawan. is shortly leaving to
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  • 403 229 An Original Essay by a School- boy. Before you wanted to build a house. The first thiug you must do was to get a eood situation, when you got it. You tell an artist to draw the shape of the house that you going to build it. After
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  • 176 229 Italian Who is Nervous Fails to Answer Charge of Theft. In the Second Court yesterday the name of an It-ilian, Peterel Settrio or Sittrio, bailed on a charge of stealing $94 from the hou«eof Mr Maclean, Scott's Road, was called but the accused failed to appear. Mr
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  • 556 229 There are many friends of the late Mr Lewis Audley Marsh Johnston who will hear with surprise and regret of his unexpected deith at Hongkong, on September 30th, of blood poisoning. The cause mentioned, bloxl poisoning, is somewhat my 6teriou9 and we are
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  • 257 229 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. During the week under review rates have kept fairly steady, but there is still plenty of room for improvement as regards the volume of business transacted. Rubbers have been m good request, but holders are chary of selling at present prices. Mining. Small local purchases of
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  • 87 229 M The Law's Delay m the Langorocs East." There is an Anglo- American comic song called Any old time will do." This applies particularly to the proceedings of the various courts of law m Singapore. Whatever day one happens to go into one of the courts, one
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  • 212 229 Magistrate's Query anent the Wah Weh Lottery System. Elaborate explanations as to the Wah Weh method of makiDg (and losing) money were given m the Third Magistrate's Court yesterday, when charges against three Chinamen of having carried on a public lottery at Chiang Teo PJace and of
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  • 166 229 As it happens that the British infantry regiment m garrison m Singapore the Que9n's Own (Royal West Kent) Regiment is to be relieved by the 3rd Middlesex Regiment from Hongkong on St. Andrews Day, November 30ih, it is found that for that reason alone, not to speak
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  • 155 229 Bankrupt, Far Too Reticent, Must Now Serve Imprisonment Term. Arising out the examination m bankruptcy of Seng Choou Seng, of Chop Bin Watt, the debtor appeared b-jfore Mr Howard, m theDUtrict Court, yesterday, on three charges making an emission m a stitemeut relating to his affairs
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  • 106 229 The ite 1119 J-i*;)], ..,1 the Apcar Lite, brought auioug its passengers to Singapore the son of an Indian chieftain, Z ikkit Khau, who is touring the wo: Id. Oa arrival at the port this notability reported to the police a robbery from his baggage. Sjmewhere be:ween Hongkong
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  • 63 229 The following were the results of yesterday's play m tLis competition Mrs feaunders beat Mrs Gansbstr two up and one to play. Miss Darbishne beat Mrs Keigwin three up and two to play. The finil will be played on Otober Bib beginning at four o'clock, and will
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  • 85 229 The annual athletic meeting inaugurated by Mr E. W. Bircli and intended to be a centre of athletic performances eich year, will be this year at Ipob, during December. There are fifteen events and for ten ot them challenge cups will be presented. They are open to
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  • 659 229 Training operations on the course yesterday morning were witnessed by a large number of sportsmen. The turf was m excellent condition, although the weather was threatening. Pause (Duval) and St. John (Pitt) worked together once round being extended slightly and doing seven furlongs m 1 mm. 51
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  • 178 229 S.C.C. v99th Dbocavs. List evening a match between the S.C.C. tirst eleven and a team representing the 99 th Regiment at present 6tatiored m Singapore was placed on the S.C C. ground, before a large number of ?psctatore. The Indians showed that they knew confeiderably more than the
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  • 17 229 Mr M. Rcdesse's leave is extended to Dec 6th, and Mr W. J. Haskius to Nuv 12th.
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  • 1957 230 TEXT OF THE BONDS. SECRET REBATE AGREEMENTS IN EXTENSO. RESTRAINT OF TRADE. Government to be Interrogated. As we stated when we conclude! our first sjrits of articles on the Shipping Conference' we only stopped tiieu because certain documents we required had to be cabled for to Lond r.
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  • 544 230 Government's Opinion Asked. At to-ltv's m 9tii i 1: i Legisla.l Council Mr. John A* i >on mil \;ive n ot thai ;llt wing iti lei lo i>- i next following meeting I C utcil,Tii: 1. Will the Gtovernmei m i lession of oop I wing papersprinted
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  • 584 230 The following is the petition now be.; circulated. To The Honourable the Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council of the Stmiu Settlements. Honourable Sirs, The Undersigned Merchants, Traders, and Kesidentß of Siugapore respectfully urge that you will bring before the L-isUtive Council of the Straits Settl ments the
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  • 391 231 Quaint Formalities Observed m a Police Court Case. Huite a little farcical comedy was enacted m the Third Court yesterday afternoon, when a c.i*e relating to alleged assault and theft came on for hearing. In the first place, two Chinamen, Kwan L*ngand Wong Pak, were charged
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  • 630 231 Among the new pensions m the estimates are Mr E. C. Hill, auditor- general, 84,550; Mr C. E. Velge $3,200 Dr. Mugliston $2,400 Chief Inspector Gordon 8956. The medical department of the Colony costs ever a half million dollars during 1909. The total police expenditure is
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  • 107 231 There was very little work of public interest m the Supreme Court Yesterday. Mr Justice S^rcombe Smith was occupied with a remarkably tiresome part-heaul interpleader. Messrs Fdrrer-Bjyues and Koek were the counsel reptesented. In the Chief Justice's Court, Mr Law continued the hearing of the claim for $4,000
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  • 594 231 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET No. 2. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon to consider Supplemental Budget No. 2 of 1908. Mr J. Polglase (deputy President) occupied the chair and there were also present Messrs. A. W. Biiley, C. W. Darbishire, Wm. Masbeao, A. J. W.
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  • 105 231 The wedding between Princess Kan«. the seventh daughter of the Ecperor, and Prince Kit i Sbirakawa, is reported to Lave been fixed for April ne.\t. The betroth i] of Princess Fumi, eighth daughter of the Emperor, to Prince Asaka, is announced. The wedding will take place
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  • 116 231 The motoi- boat has become quite an institution at Bangkok. A local paper says We are informed that H. M. the King has expressed a wish that a motor bo it meet should be held next month of all the motor boats m Bangkok. In regard
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  • Correspondences.
    • 349 231 Postponement Decided on Imperial Japanese Consulate, Singapore, 29th Sept., 190*. Dear Sir, In connection with the postponement of the Grand Exhibition of Japan, I have received a despatch from my home Government informing me that the project of the Grand Exhibition m li*l"J has been
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    • 341 231 Bakkk, Left Unpaid, Now Sekks Rbfugi m Bankrupt* v. From a peaceful retreat upon the banks of one of the .Johore rivers, where he sold opium and other things to passing traders, Lee Wha Siang, when his lease was up, came down to Singapore and set up
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  • 74 231 A report from the Japanese Consul at Seattle Vlr Tanaka, formerly of Singapore) has it that the Ameiican Shipping Companies' Union on the Pacific side have raised the rates of freight on flour between the Pacific coast and the East on and after September 1 as
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  • 6412 232 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Oct. 2. Present His Excellency the Governor Sir John Anderson. His Excellency Major-Gen. T. Perrott, C.8., 0.0. T. The Hon'ble the Col. Sec. Capt Young. The Hon'ble the Act. Attorney-General W. G. Maxwoll. the Col. Engineer A. Murray. John Anderson. Dr. D. J. Galloway. T.
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  • 153 233 Balance Sheet of the Estimated Revenue and Expenditure of the Straits Settlements for the Year 1909. Revenue. Expenditure. Land Revenue S Charges Pub- (cxc. Sales) 394,410 lie Debt 100.000 Rents f>3,650 Pensions, Etc. 397,339 Licences 6.213,937 Personal EnaoStamps 462,500 lumects 3,175,011 Port. Harbour, < )ther Charg. 2.0 C
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  • 522 233 Preparations are being made at Olympia for the International Rubber Exhibition, which will be opened there on Sept. 14, and will remain on view for a fortnight The central committee, ha\ing as its ptexideat Sir Henry Blake, is working m coßjoactioa with committees on the Continent,
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  • 64 233 The Revised Education Code laid on the tal»'e of the Legislative Council yesterday as passed by the Governor and High Commissioner and approved by the Secretary of State, is fcr the Colony and the F. M. S. This uniformity of system under one Director of Education is obviously desirable. The
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  • 893 234 Qniequid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. It will pain all lovers of a sturdy democratic sentiment to learn that the Right Honourable Mr. John Burns of Battersoa President of the Local Government Board, has caused it to be known that he does not now
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  • 831 234 Mr Wong Ah Fook, a resident of the Straits for 55 years, is granted letters of naturalisation. Eighteen tins of lard, valued at $200, have been stolen from the s.s. Bin Whatt Sdou m the harbour. The Rev Hermann Mat lies is authorised to solemnise marriages
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  • 796 234 Malay, Armed With Kris, Slashes Three Women. TWO DIE. Murderer, Hunted Down by Police, Drowns m a Well. Three deaths have resulted from an amok committed by a Tiiugganu Malay Darned All m the vicinity of Tnomson R.»ad on Saturday. There are two victims, women the third death
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  • 206 234 Ah was a powerfully built man of medium height with a black moustache He had no toes on his feet At the time of the crime, he was wearing a white suit with a dark sarong and a black cap. Throughout the steady downfall of
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  • 682 234 The course presen'ed a gar appear.ire? on Saturday morning, there being a Ufgt number of people p?CfB3t to witness tLe training which was of au interesting nature, the turf bciag m gool order. Minstrel (BsoMtt) iad Chr.-y Bc *Um Pifrbux) workiug together dashed eff from the s'X
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  • 138 234 1 ossibly some of those vfc« are concerned about getting a supply of pure milk have not yet had their attention called to the frozen milk supphed by the Cold Storage Co. 1 his is the finest Australian variety and comes up frozen m tins of various sizes It is
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  • 543 235 Pahang s loan accounts the be^innin^ of the year was 6\ million dollars, hivin^ increased by 560 D.000 m the year, I^ads and works ate up §150,000. Mohamed Kassim was fined |500 or two months, by Mr Thunder, at the police court yesterday for possession of
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  • 293 235 THE LATE MR ROBERT JAMIE. A.l v ill be iaer \>. %n bi uari notic h.s .bounce i i i poi ith of [r X bert Jv/ rmtr Well-known p poi ur r tside it th pUoa It was m Maj l^ i. n m from II C. B Buckley's
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  • 612 235 Question As To Interpretation Of The Law. A Conviction Quashei>. In the Supreme Court yesterday, judgment was by Mr. Justice Sercooibe Smith m the case m which Mr. Struve, of the Medical Hall, appealed against the decision of a magistrate who convicted and fined him |250 for
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  • 92 235 Muedi 'I j >* iam tbe w, m U by the Malay amok <>ii £< :»v 1 is dead pn yea I be mcci I Fhouph gridToustj wounded, th the women era expected to reeve*.c >ye*. When t'ke'i cut of the w< was noIt hat Ali bad b&
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  • 209 235 > i a vt- y :,u^( isfal musical eTeniug iv c nnection with the Sunday fveniog o:m»--> was h.-iid nt Boufttesd i .>'i!ue. About joO peapld pc c frestijt including 1! v. I/tii, Murr«iv aud Kirkby and a Dumber t ladi€B. A &horl opecing prajtr
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  • 60 235 Planters' Association to Move. (From our tmm Correspondent:) Benaag, Oct sth 1908. At the meeting of the Planter's Association today, the Hon'th John Turner gave notice that he wculd call the attention of the Planters' Association to ths effect: of Shipping Rings on the planting industry and move
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  • 1451 235 PEXAXG FALLS INTO LINE. Mr Turner's Condemnation. We are glad to notice that people are apparently begiuiiiLii,- to awake to the serious handicap under which this Colony suffers through the action of snipping rings. It has taken a long time to arouse the general public to
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  • 69 235 A lelegr ta f rom B&lgownia Eotito ttetai i li<; t be harvest for September v iM'-jr Ik* iinat < a dry ;i;M, r. Lakadi -n Kstatk. r i'i>e utput ox dry rubber for tho uionth of September from the above Estate was 19,******. AxGLO-IfIXJLY Cu. Tlie am
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  • 55 235 The output of clean ore from Kanaboi Limited for the month of September was as follows Elerator 40 piculs Tributa 2(50 F. M. S Tin. The following are September returns GopeogTiii jCning Coy, Ltd. i; 2«« pkls. Nr w GopeDg, Ltd. 224 Tekka, Ltd.' ::00 Kambutan, Ltd. -227
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  • 27 235 The winner of the Weekly Coaipe itbn 3 A. F. Hitchcock, who scored 42 and 37, totil 79 handicap 9, and nett score 70.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 260 236 Sir, In support of your strenuous and laudable efforts to expose the mischievous Shipping Ring, allow me to mention a further high-handed act of the Ring The clauses of the Bill of Lading, after the formation of the Conference, seem to have undergone a
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  • 106 236 A big Chinese wedding is to take place on the 15th iast at No. 91 Chin Swee Road. Mr Ong Bjon Tat, eldest son of Mr Ong Sam Leong, a well known Chinese merchant, will be married to the eldest daughter of Mr (Jon Chin Soon, head
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  • 41 236 Evidence was taken m the District Court yesterday by Mr Howard hi which a Chinaman was charged with committing grievous hurt to a country-man of his two years ago. The injured man died of a ruptured spleen. The case was adjourned.
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  • 355 236 Good Score Made by Singapore. The Singapore team fired iv the iuterpott ma f ch agaiust Shinghai, Hongkong and Penang yesterday. Firing took place at seven o'clo:k m the morning and the light was good. There was no breeze. Watt put on a possible at the 500 yards
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  • 391 236 THE HANDICAPS. First Day, Tuesday, October 13th. The Lawn Stakes. Value $400 and $50 to the Second Horse. A Handicap for all Ex-Griffins. Entrance, $15. Distance, Race Course and a distance. F. D. OsbotWs— Flashpoint, 8,9. L. R Yzeiman's— Sextant. 8.4. D. P. McDougali's— Lockfire, 8. The Governor's
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  • 266 236 Mr Arthur Simuis has obtained a patent for his new system of road improvement. He proposes that all roads have five tracks, including two footways, up and down tracks for traffic, and a centre track for fast traffic the traffic track to be laid with iron
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  • 169 236 Sydney, September 8. According to the officers of the Cambrian, the well-known author, Mr. Jack London, and his wife had an experience at Malaita, m the Solomon Group. Mr. London and his wife joined the recruiting schooner Minota m order to pay a visit to Malaita, and
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  • 889 236 The entries and handicaps are published and taken all round give promise of a successful meeting being held this month. With the exception of one or two events, the majority have b9en well entered for by tome of the fittest and best horses m training, thus affording
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  • 91 236 A poor exhibition of Association football took place on the S. R. C. end of the Esplanade last evening when A. Coy of the R. W. K. met No. 80th Coy of the R G. A. There was a small gathering of spectators and Mr. Apps officiated as
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  • 24 236 We hear that a football team called the Internationals is to be started shortly. It will consist of German, Swiss, Dutch and English players.
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  • 1035 236 In the Science Notes written by C. W. S." (Dr Saleeby) for the Pall Mall Gazette there appeirs an instructive note dealing with the supply of milk for children on true hygienic lines. It is just as well to know what is the attainable ldtnl
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  • 50 237 On* Tamil au<l six 15rii^.:i.i imikiu-n wire conwaei by Mr Howard, Maior Mfistrale, for reUiog wmtared miik. The tines vaiu'd with the p^rceii^aLe of water Two men who hau »>2 4 and 44.8 percent of added wa'er. had to par SIOO cacti. The otben weie etoh 6l^l 850.
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  • 660 237 A new dredger, the KuantaD." h shortly expected for the F. M. S. Government for work at Kuala Perak. Alderman Sir George Wyatt Trustcott, son of a former Lord Mayer/has been elect, ed Lord M*yor of L-^lnn. Mr. C. Pemberton has been appointed becretarv of tha
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  • 23 237 The Manager reports the output of the Sipiau Tin Co. L'd., for the month of September to be 99 Piculs.
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  • 35 237 The tot*] quantity of tic ore exported by the tributora on the Und~ of The Royal J^bore Tin Mining C»v Ltd. duriLi? the month of Septemb-r 190s, was Piculs 126.— bags."
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  • 491 237 The Prince's Marriage W. H. Williamson. The Stem of the Crimson Dahlia James Locke. Unwin's Library. M There'll be trouble m the Balkans m the Spring H as Kipliug's special correspondent used to say, seems likely to come true, substituting autuuin for spring. At all events tutu's
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  • 442 237 The Hongkong Daily Press of Oct. 1, contains ihe following account <>f the utath ot tLc Po&tnuster-Geutral of Hongkong. It came as a great shock to the community yesterday morning to learn that Mr L. A. M. Johnston, the Postmaster* General, had died
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  • 1111 237 de Bondy Lodge-Grey. A pretty wedding took place yesterday afternoon, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd when Viscount Pierre de BondvRiario, eldest son of Count and Countess de Bondy was married to Miss Gladys LodgeGrey, daughter of Mrs Chalmers. The bride, who was <iveu away by Mr Chafl'aujon
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  • 647 237 F»st going was the order of the day on tie couise ytsterdav morning, there being qu.ta a number of .spectators present to witLess the work. Petgrave (Cartwright) appeared on the cour-e lookiDg m the pink of condition and working alone did the course m 2 mm IS
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  • 98 237 Prince Edwaed Handicap of 2,0(0 Soys One Mile and a Quarter. London, Saturday, 19th Sept. Mr A. B Walker's b c Llangwm, by Missel Thrush Llangarren Lass, 3yrs. Bst, 51b. 1 Mr W. H. Walker's b f Eim Twig, by Orrne Lucky Hit. 3yrs. 6st. 61b 2 Capt.
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  • 1076 238 We have to go back five years before we find a horse sd heavily handicapped m the big Autumn race as Durbar has been this time, m fact he takes rank with some very famous class horses m the handicapper's eyes. Thus he has the weight put on
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  • 407 238 Uud»>r ihe auspices of the West Kent (Queeu'e D >xiug Club last night there was give.i Another popular display of the art of fisticuffs at TuDglin Barracks. There was a laige attendance of the military, and of men from the Astraea, whose champion was t >
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  • 338 238 S. C. C. vs. West Kknts 11. These teams met last evening on the S.C. C. ground before a fair crowd of spectators. Owiug to some mistake the goal posts were not up aud cricket practice was going on over the pitch. The removal of the nets
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  • 121 238 On the 4th inst., Miss Marie Studholme, the Gaiety actress, was married to Mr. Harold James Borrett, son of Major-General Borrett, of Lancaster-lodge, Reading. The marriage took place at the registry office m Maryleboneroad, before Mr Henry T., superintendent registrar for Marylebone, assisted by Mr
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  • 803 238 There were 115 deaths last year through accidents m the F. M. S. Mines, or 12 more accidents than m 1906. We deeply regret having to announce the death, trom fever, it is believed, of Mr. T. F. B Kemble of Aver Itatn Estate. (Malay Mail.)
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  • 363 238 Passing through by French mail to Colotnb is Mr Charles H. Gibbons of Victoria, British Columbia, who is one if the best known Canadian journalists acd special correspondents. He hag edited the Vancouver M World and Victoria Progress," and has been m the Far East dutin^
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  • 210 238 Javanese, Aktek Slashin BofTVD With a Parana, is A.ERB6TED. In the neighbourhood of Thomson-road there til an amok <•<; a milJ eLaraiter yesterday. A Javanese wh«j seeine~: > be m a itatt of grea* excitement willed up It a boa«e the corner ofSyed A.: r<>ad
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  • 139 238 Two CfcnUJMMI appeared before Mr Green, Second Magistrate, yesterday, on ebftrgot of having Wen armed with dangerous wphpans, and wiih unlawful assembling. There were four men charged ortgtttaUr, but two of them, who had been released on bail, failed M appear. Mr On** Sianj appeal for
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  • 179 238 Mr E. W. Birch m the annual report on Perak enumeratts a number of .irtieles the imports of which have increased m lrnjr, dru^e, rioe, arrack an i sainshu, coal, machinery, and Cfdtfc He says From these figures it may be gatlx mi that the comforts of
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  • 236 239 Singapore beats Kuala Lumpur. The Singapore R tie Association fired at the Bilestier rifle range yeaterdav morning m a match against the M. S. V. R at Kuala Lumpur. Trie ranges were at 200, 500 and tJOO yards. A puzzling wind put some of the shots eff and
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  • 51 239 Below is the result of the bowlic^ for the Tangiia Club monthly medal for September: J. waddcll 687 150 837 J. I>*nnUt >n 584 150 704 V. A Flower »/»7"» :>0 706 A. H. Withers 779 —80 699 D. M. Craik 100 699 F. E. W. Tavlor fAI SO
    51 words
  • 102 239 Monthly Medal. This was pUyed at Lereh on Oct. 3rd and resulted as follows. The following played but returned no score: Kessrs CasspbeU, Quiu, Jackson and J K. Gibson, Championshiiv The semifinal for the championship played on Sunday sjonuig when J. L. Humphreys met *W. M
    102 words
  • 142 239 Chinkse Firms Sikd for Breach. Before Mr Justice Sercombe Smith, iv the Suptemo Court, yesterday, the Mercantile B»uk of India, Limited, brought claims against two Chinese firms Cor breach of ex« chau2T»r contract JuiitjuieLit was iriveii bf coEseiit m both cases. Mr Elliot repres-uted tfce Bank and Mr
    142 words
  • 90 239 Local shots will be interested t*"> hear 'hat Corpl X W. Chater of the S.K.E.'V, has been shcoting well at home. He has joined the Portsmouth K'fi-3 Club, and won the first shoot ho entered f«>r. The ranges were 300, 500 and 600 yards acd his score
    90 words
  • 31 239 Chinna KarpeD, who was sentence*! to death at the Assizes for shooting Inspector GonkTte of the Mnwoipafity, is to be banged at the Criuiinal Prison on Monday morning.
    31 words
  • 60 239 FiliflWlJ m lodia has some $ftiuclive tenures ab.m: it. says the M Advocate uf India," which render it to the 1 >ver ot the Craft specially accept il»l?, as irider its hospitable roof the distinctions ot l»^, o. mad as well as those of social standing, are unnoticed and folk
    60 words
  • 26 239 Messrs Guthrie and C>, the agents, eovrteonsif inform us that the output of Unzgi Plant.itious for last* mouth was 28,000 1b of rubber.
    26 words
  • 2196 239 (By Submarine Telegraph) (Renter's Ayeticy) Received Oct. Ist at 10.02 a.m. A wire from Sofia says that a Memorandum to the Powers explains the motives of Bulgaria for Urn occapitiono! the railway, and cfocUreta that it ii impossible to ree>('ib!i»li it v status quo. Iq Constantinople it is stated
    2,196 words
  • 144 239 {from our turn Ci*rresp*mda*Q Peuang, Oct 6th (Kec. 6 4-5 pa.) A general meeting: of tDe Piauter's AflC*einlion was held at Penaizc: ro-ddv. It WM9 sutei that tha (J jverumeut had not replied to the I^ter nynw^jim^ \he rssolutions of July l!Hh on the quest im of
    144 words
  • 144 239 London via Penangr, Oct -kb. The Judges at the Rubber Exhibition m London have decide 1 not to award MrGow's prize, considering that it is premature to recommend any process lor the prat. There is a proposal to present Sir Henry Blake, who is the President of the
    144 words

  • 753 240 issued paid ar Vala. op UmpADV v t ri $300,000 300,000 H> 10 Beiz.t Tin Mining Co. 700 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited $600,000 100,000 10 10 Bruseh Hydrvuhe Tm M. < o L' 4 it.'* £400,000 350,000 1 1 Duff Development Co. L'd 3.75 $400,000 375,00.
    753 words
  • 66 240 (CuKKECTED UP TO Oct 7. Kant 4 in/8 Xooil. deaian-i SS/&J Piivate credit! 3 m/f M 2/4 credits 6m> /4/ Fsancb, devcunl Bta^M. 2311 G«»mant. demajoJ 236^ India, T. T, 174| Hongeowq, demand 2j% Yokohama, dem<uia llii^ Java, demand 139^ Bangkok, demand 66 SovKiKiQNfi, BciXik Bvyju $8 55 Bank
    66 words
  • 122 240 Oct 7 lizi buyers SoT.TS Gambieir 7.67$ Gaiabier Cube No. 1 11.85 Gamlier Ccbe Nc. 2 nom. Pepper Black (or&'n. S'pcra, 10.10 Pepper, White (fair L.W. p c 15.40 Nntmega (110 to ths lb.)^ 18.00 Nutmegs (SO to the Ib.) 20.00 Mace (Banda; M nom Cloves (Amboina) Liberi&c Coffee
    122 words
  • Page 240 Advertisements
    • 64 240 Do not Neglect a Bad Cold. Never allow a cold to take its course. Too often at this season of the year its course is toward pneumonia. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will promptly cure your cold and counteract any tendency m this direction. You cannot afford to take such a risk
      64 words
  • Page 240 Miscellaneous
    • 668 240 CLEARANCES October Tannenfe's, Ger. str., Luhde, for Calcutta. Dovre. Nor. str., Paulsen, for Bangkok. Solva, Nor. str., Tellefsen, for Bangkok. Janet Nicoll, Brit, str., Lyons, for Port Swettenham via ports. Dott, Nor. str Gjemri, for Bangkok. Japan, Brit str., Oiifent, for Penang and Calcutta. Glenogle, Brit, str., Larkins, for Hongkong
      668 words
    • 480 240 PASSENGEKS. Per Po'i Ann Miss H. E. Hessenam, Inspt Holywood and Lamondy, Messrs J. Jones, Dare, Jone.s W. Webster, F. Hill and Oottingham. Per Ban Hong Leong Mr and Mrs Bprjbeg. Per Voiwaerts Messrs W. J. Graham, Papajeen, E. Hantz, de Baronis. Per Taroba Mr and Mrs L. Barber and
      480 words
    • 519 240 VESSELS tIN PORT. Men-of-war Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived from When For Astraea Brit. cru. 4360 Ryan Oct 1 Batavia Lahuan 9 Sea Mew Col. Yaoht 500 Coleman Sept 26 Perak Uncertain Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consignee For Whan Baron Eldon Brit 2385 Parker Oct 5 Calcutta Borneo
      519 words