The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 1 October 1908

Total Pages: 16
209 224 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 267 209 Lbadbks. Australia and the Navy 209 Tho ColoßJßi and the Navy 201* Alcohol Supplanting Opium ;>IO Bulgaria and Turkey 21 > The Cotton Lock-Out 211 The Rint^*' and the Book 211 The Casablanca Incident 211 The Doctor m the Schools 211 A Laconic Li ad or 211 Th? Milk
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  • 121 209 Sept 3). •Tin 6 J| 95 Gambiar Gamliar CWbi SJa 1 11.75 GainbierCuooNo. 2 10.00 Pepperßlae* (ord'n. Sport) buyers 9.87.^ Pepper Wnite (fairL W. spo 15.37| Nutmegs (U0 to tiielb.)^ 18 50 Nutmeg (SO to tl\« Ib.) >- 20.C0 Mace nhdb) *m DOm Oiovea (AmocinA/ Liberim Coffae 24 00
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  • Domestic Occurences.
    • 101 209 Blttar Anderson. At the Royal Hotel. Coupar Angus, on 2nd September, by the Rev. Charles Steward, M.A.. 8.D., parish minister, Ralph Stewart Buttar, Baldinnie, to Elizabeth Petrie (Bessie), only daughter of D. F. Anderson, Bcrelands. At home, Strathview, Coupar Angus, Ist and 2nd October. At St. Joseph's Church, on
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    • 82 209 At No. 7.3-4, Brass Bassah Road, Singapore the wife of Mr. W. P. Cork of a daughter. Montgomkrie. At the Lake, Thomson Road on the 30th Sept., to Mr. and Mrs. J Love Montgomerie, a daughter. BUBOKSS. Aug. 00, at Pinner, wife of P. J Burgess, M.A., daughter. Lee.
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    • 31 209 COPE. On August 28, at Selborne, Hants. Augu>tus Edward Cope, aged 58 years formerly Manager, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank at Saigon and at Manila. (China and Japau papers please copy>.
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  • 147 209 The mul outward of Sapt. 4th came by the P. £O. Delta on Friday. To-day k German mail is expected. This homeward mail 18 carried via India. The Governor returned from Perak on Friday. The Municipal Comtuissioaers Lave had put before thtni a scheme for the municipalisation of
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  • 73 209 (Corrected up to Sept 30.) Back4a/a K/4| demar::! 2 3 !o Prifate oroditt 3 m. f i 2/4t credits 6 m/l M ►>, 2/4 t PmAiro% dimftod Bcnk.M 292 Gxemant, deman'! 237 India, T. T, M 174| HovoKOV€i t dsncand 2JJ% Yokohama, deiriad *m 113f Java, doinand 139| Banokoe,
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  • 916 209 Sept. 25. Here thaP th; Pre>s the People's riffht maintain Uiwwed Hy influence and unbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth her gforiooi precepts draw. VlediitfJ to Religion, Loyalty and Law. We are inclined to believe that the world tour of the American fleet is going to
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  • 1111 209 Aa bearing upon the above there i> an excellent article by Mr Akchihald Hiri> m the last Fortnightly that deals with the subject of the Colonies m relation io the Navy. That able writer does not fear to confess the strategic faith thiit is m
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  • Page 209 Advertisements
    • 176 209 Mbseriben to Hw "Singapore Free Press weekly returning hosi Europe to the Straits by any oi Urn mail liaes, are invited to send t<» the Manager the name of their ftesJMl and date of arrival m Singapore. Copies wiil then >>»' mailed EO BMOt Umbi at various ports or call.
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    • 56 209 An Anecdotal History OF OLD TIMES In Singapore, from the Foundation of the Settlement on Fe: ro&ry 6th, 1819, to the Transfer to the Colonial Office on April Ist 1867, with ao Portraits Maps and lUastratioos BY Charles Burton Buckley, m two volumes, m paper cover $8,50. JONN LITTLE Co.,
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  • 1516 210 Sep; 20. Nothing is more certain m universal bunt m nature than the truth that if one solace bo removed another is immediately sought for. Tae institution of remarriage is very general, and the tendencey to that is so general that a distinguished character m ticti< »n
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  • 711 210 Sept. 28 Just at the nnment when a rejuvenated Turkey is beginning to feel its feet but has everything yet to do m tin way of reorganisation, cminuus clouds begin to appear all round her hori/.jti. These clouds are due t<> the high electric i\ tension of
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  • 987 211 Although the lock-out m the cotton industry m Lancashire is just a week old, and is not yet quite uaiversal as a few mills are still running short time, yet the indication afforded m the telegram of to-day, shows that the holders of shares m mill companies
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  • 199 211 The Ring" and the Book. With to-day*! issue of the Singapore Free Press, we present to every subscriber m Singapore a copy of the book containing the recent articles and extracts from Government papers, letters and figures m connection with the Shipping King. In response to many friendly suggestions, we
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  • 900 211 Sept. 29, Without thinking too closely upon the events of 18(54, 18«>t>, and 1870, the dates of three important wars initiated by Prussia, backed up m the first case by Austria and m the third by the other states of the Germanic Cotfedeiution, there is ground enough
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  • 782 211 Some months ago, when parents and children much concerned about the change m the local school hours, by which children commenced their day at school at eight o'clock instead of nine, we mentioned the importance cf carei'ully noting the effect of this change of hours
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  • 826 211 The Hongkong Telegraph does not men tion the source of the following paragraph which it quotes m its issue of the 11th inst. But that has evidently been written up on a dim memory of the central phrase, with a complete uncertainty about the name concerned. The
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  • 1006 212 S*pt. 30. What with the numerous periodical reports by the Municipal Health Officer on the unsatisfactory state of the milk supply, the military directions m Garrison Orders on the subject, and the representations of two Municipal Commissioners, Mr Macbean and Dr Fowlie on the same question, there
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  • 287 212 At Friday's meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, there was one decision Come to m regard to the new Victoria Theatre that we strongly think calls for reconsideration. That was the decision to abolish the exhaust ventilation lint formed part of tha sanctioned plans, and substitute for that a
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  • 281 212 The Hongkong T''l'<jr<ii>/< has referred at length editorially to the case we formulated against tha Shipping Conference. la the course of acolainu and a half, largely <]iiotol from our list article tli?re appear thesa somewhat cryptic remarks, practically the only original ones m the leader.
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  • 982 212 Oct 1. It will perhaps interest those who are looking into the project for the Municipal control of the milk supply, to see how little the question has altered m its main features since the days before the Municipal Ordinance was enacted. As a retrospective view of
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  • 183 212 Major H. E. Winter, 11. A. M. C (formerly statioLoi m Singapore) is appointed tn oping Madid! oAmt at Bjmbay for the coming winter, In the Rmgoon Diocesia M\tg«ziae the Ravd. J. H Collins mentions that the health of Bishop Knight is BOi >et completely reestablished, and that he will
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  • 657 213 Dr S. R Lucy, who left Peaarg recently for NegTi Senibilan, wa* presented with a valedictory address by the Government medical staff, Penang, on Monday last. Mr George Wiinblad, a prominent jourralist of Copenhagen, and representative of the Social- Demokraten," published m that city, is at
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  • 147 213 Ladies Monthly Spoon Competition. Fouiteen ladies took part m this event, which was won by Mis. Ruddock. The following were the scores Mrs. Bowes. Mrs. Yenning Thomas, Mrs. Axton and Miss Gunn also fired, but did Dot bund m their scores. Miss CourtUnd -Anderson had the misfortune
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  • 604 213 THE SUPREME COURT HOPES TO BE ABLE TO SOLVE. Land Ownership Case. Transactions That Dated Back to the Days of the East India Company. \Vondrou9 m length, and fearsome m number we:e the documents brought into the Supreme Couit yesterday when Mr Justice Sercoml)3 Smith commenced the hearing
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  • 104 213 THE SHIPPING CONFERENCE AND SECRET COMMISSIONS. For the benefit of those who imagine that it is impossible to pass a law to deal with Secret Commissions, we print the following M Bribery of and the payment of Secret Commissions to, any "agent" has been made a criminal cft'cnce sicce the
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  • 108 213 Says tte current issue of the Sporting Times It is always said that the pirns for the Hongkong barracks wtnt astray, and that the Belfast barracks were built m Hongkong and the Hongkong barracks m Belfast. There ate to be barracks built m Singapore for tha Indian regincent now <juartered
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  • 574 213 Yesterday morning a miat overhung the course for some time, but this m no way interfered with the training which was of its usual interesting character, and was witnessed by a fair number of members. Bryans's string was first out, Gillo (Fisher) and Acetine (Bryans) working together
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  • 251 213 The Ladies' Bisley A special telegram to the Times of Malaya on Sept -1, from Taiping, says. The Ladies' Bisley Meeting promises to be most successful. It opened m splendid weather this morning with a large attendance. The handicapping is excellent and the Guides' officers are entertaining the fair
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  • 23 213 Prince Chira of Siam, Co mmamder- inChief of the Siamese Arinv, has left Berlin tor Moscow, whence he will proceed to Japan (Times.)
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  • 720 213 It is fifty-one years ago to-day since the first relief of Lucknow by Ou train and Havelock. That was practiciliy a reinforcement, for the siege by the Indian mutineers still continued, Outram being left m charge and Havelock retiring. The final relief took place as a
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  • 150 213 Just before his arrival from Sou'h Africa, when ha will hear of the tragic death of his father Major General Luard as the sequel to the murder of his mother, Major Luard, d s o. t Norfolk Regiment, is promoted to be Lieut Colonel. A few nights ago, a Sikh
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  • 491 214 The Championship Round. The Championship round of the rf. C. C. Luwn Tecnis championship was played last evening, the players being Giuut ani Green. The records of the two are too well known to need lepetitiou. There was quite a large githering present when
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  • 350 214 Tongkah Tin Dredging Company from the Ist to the 15th instants, have obtained 150 piculs of ore. T. O. M. The King has been pleased to give and grant unto Thomas Marshall Derham, Esq., His Majesty's Royal licence and authority to accept and wear the Insignia
    T.O.M.  -  350 words
  • 1100 214 Quicquid agunt homines nostri esi farrago libelli. Juvenal. .There was a time when the Topicist was nervous about, Canada. The teeming millions of the Unitad States seemed to threaten the sparsely-populated districts to the north of them and w« dteided the result of a conflict between
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  • 678 214 OPIUM Drops hut Liquors Increase Alarmingly. The annual report on the Federated States ■which deals with trade shows that the total trade was valued at $139,121,905. including money. This was an increase of §7,300,000 over i 906. The increase was to the extent of £982,440 m
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  • 109 214 Peppered with No t> shot, a Chinaman weut to the Tan Tock Sang hospital on Thursday and sad he had been accidentally shot. He was detained and the pellets were extracted. He states that about 830 pm. on Wednesday be was walking into town from Johore. When
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  • 823 214 SINGAPOREAN WHO TOOK THE LAW INrO HIS OWN HANDS. Sentimental Damages." Fifi was dead that was the chief point of the 6tory. There were people who were fond of Fifi. And there were those that were not. Some hated her. It was grief and sorrow to Fifi's friends
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  • 87 214 The educational system inaugurated and administered by the Englishman m India has proved woefully inadequate and fearfully futile. On the one hand it has failed to reach the masses and invest them with the capability of reading and writing, solving simple arithmetical problems and acquainting them with
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  • 3080 215 Proposed Municipal Daily. Mr Maotoll asked to ba allowed to make a slijlit u.ui9Luuieut m his resolution about the milk supply. He said: Some of the Commissioners may remember that at a meeting if the Hoard held m July li»05, when speaking of the insanitary condition of
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  • 346 215 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Sept 25. Present Mr J. Polglase (Deputy President.) Dr Fowlie and Messrs Wm. Macbean, A. W. Bailey, Cheng Kecg Lee, C. I. Carver and A. J. W. Watkins, also F. J. Beojafield (acting Secretary), Dr W. R. C. Middleton (Health Officer) and Mr H. Gostwyck,
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  • 186 215 The Glasgow Evening News gives the fol lowing particulars re the Dunearn. A cable was received by the owners on Aug. 28th from Moji stating that the two members of the crew who were received by the Japanese steamer were W. Philips, ♦hird mate, belonging
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  • 131 215 Tin miters and enjjiceers will rf joice to learn that there lie beftrd them chances of attaining to those starry heights which have up till cow been purpled only by steel aiid oil Trust magnates and the favourites of the Music Hall and Theatre. The Mining World
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  • 1626 216 CHAEACTER SKETCH BY THE TOPICIST. Some year 8 ago there came to these shores a poor exile fiom North Biitain the dew on his whiskers was neither heavy nor chill, for he had no whiskers— has none to speak of ye-, though he searches for them daily with the
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  • 173 216 On Sept. 2nd the llubber Share Market was more active. Anglo-Malaya part-paid were slightly over 84 and were wanted at that figure at the close, the fully-paid being better at 8 11-16. Batu Caves were wanted, as were Consolidated Malays at 01 finishing 3-16 up on the
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  • 35 216 A Malay gharry syce named Hadji Salleh was on Saturday fined §5 or five days' for rash driving and colliding with a rikisha coolie. He was also ordered to piy the coolie $5 as compensation.
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  • 895 216 Major Thuillier's Lecture. Those who have read that comprehensive work "The Principles of Lind Defence"" by Major Thuillier, R.E may be interested to learn that this able military writer delivered a lecture the other day at Simla on that great modern example of fortress defeaca against
    Ed. S.F.P.  -  895 words
  • 25 216 Capt H. T. Wynter, r.f.a who was perhaps the smartest amateur stage manager who ever served m Singapore, is seconded a8 Adjutant of Territorial Artillery.
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  • 295 216 NEW STEAMSHIP SERVICE. A Big Tin Plant for Billiton. The Melbourne Age of Aug 18th. has this allusion to the Hew line of steamers between Java and Australia The Royal Dutch Packet Company are establishing a regular line between the Netherland Indies and Australia, and yesterday
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  • 181 216 Foreign Rebates and Prefkren< h. Respecting the statement of Colonel Seely to tlie effect that tbe Government was giving aU .ntion to tbe question of promoting a direct British steamship line to East Africa, the following passage m the Consular report on the trade of Zanzibar for
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  • 315 216 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. The market, as is usual about this season, stiil remains somewhat apathetic, shares m most instances maintaining their last week's quotations and only a meagre business can bo accounted for. A steady enquiry comes from the home market for Rubber shares. Small sale of Tin locally
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  • 110 216 By Friday's mail there came the news of the death of Mr. A E. Cope, who was manager of the Hongkong and Shangh;r B^nk iv Saigon, and m Manila m 1830. Although away from the Kist for many years, ia his last sad illness (prolonged and painful, ciusel by cancer
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  • 406 217 Mr H. W. Firm9tone has been granted a year's leave from Sept 24. A Mohamedan Chinaman has been arrested for uttering counterfeit coin. Mr F. Qr. Harmer, a new police probationer, has arrived m Singapore. Mr MacUren takes Mr Down's place on the Botanical Gardens Committee.
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  • 185 217 EXCITING SCENES ON THE JOHORE STEAMER ON SATURDAY. Exciting scenes occurred ia the straits near Johore on Saturday afternoon, m consilience of the conduct of a Chinese coolie apparently bent ou suicide. When the ss. Juh>re, carrying passengers from Woodlands to Johore, was halt-way on her journey, about
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  • 82 217 Police Sergeant Xicoll brought an Italian nimed P. Citterio before Mr Howard, senior _;>tr;ite, on Siturd:y f on a charge of thtft of $94 m notes fr >m 75, Scott's Road, the property of Mr A. Maclean. The police applied for an adjournment till Thursday and
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  • 69 217 In spite of the unpromising weather on Saturday, there was a fair attendance at the S.V.A. Camp at Pasir Panjang. Rain preventad out-of door drill m the evening, but yesterday morciug there was a good practice with the aiming tube, as a preliminary to the practice with servica
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  • 1876 217 JFrom Our English Correspondent.) LondoD, Sept. 4-, 1908. Topics of the Turf. le publication of tte weights for the I rewitch and Cambridgeshire yesterday had been eagerly awaited, and students of form are now busy figuring out the chance 3 of likely candidates. No seriou3 wagering is
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  • 24 217 New rules regarding the transit of live stock by Eea are published m the Government Gazette and will come into force on Oct 15.
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  • 1026 217 A RAINY FINAL." FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP PLATED OFF IN SOAKING DOWNPOTTB. Darul Bahar Winners. Enthusiasm over footbill rises superior to such an ordinarily depressing circumstance as a rainy day. That was why some threa or four thousand people, including a fair number of Europeans, with His Excellency the Governor, Sir John
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  • 238 218 The Singapore golf championship final was played off on the S. G. C. links on Saturday and Sunday, the match resulting m a win for Miles who beat Ferguson by eight up and six to play. The shield was presented to the winner by the President of
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  • 189 218 The S. R. C. met the Sergeants team of the West Kents on Saturday on the Esplanade, with the following result West Kent Sergeants. Husthwaite run out 0 Mills c sub b Oelilers 1 Brown c Galistan b Oehlers 1 C. S. Mills b Scharenguivel 24 Sayer b Oeilers
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  • 26 218 The winner of the weekly competition of this Club yesterday was a A. Smitb whose score was 47, 47, minus 20 nett 74.
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  • 78 218 Men's September Medal, played on Sept 26th and '27th. Twenty-seven members competed but owing to the rain on Saturday afternoon the majority could not complete their rounds. The following handed m scores R. A. Campbell 38 36 scr 74 Lieut. Creerv 46 40 8 78 G.
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  • 24 218 The Customs officials at Bangkok found ten taels of opium on the Phracang, the contraband being concealed under a tub m the firemen's quarters.
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  • 53 218 The following ties were played m the 2nd round yesterday Mrs Guusloser beat Mrs Dundas, 2 up aad 1 to play. Mrs Sounders b?at Mrs Freer, 1 up. Miss Darbishiie beat Mrs Carver, 4 up and *2 to play. Mrs Keigwin beat Mrs Marriott, 4 up and
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  • 724 218 The Wai-wu-pu (Board of Foreign Affairs) has decided to establiph a Chinese Consulate m Annam. Prince Shum, brother of the Emperor of China, has been appointed to supervise the organization of a Navy. Mr Alexander Campbell, the quartermaster of the Glenlochy has succumbed to cholera at
    T.O.M.  -  724 words
  • 518 218 With an Incidental Reference to the subject of ham. appeal against fine. Mr Hastings Rhodes: He asked for Scotch ham, and the assistant produced a ham and passed it through the open window and said Weigh up Scotch hams. Eight-pence-half penny a pound Mr Justice Sercombe Smith
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  • 363 218 When mi Supreme Court Has Its Dullest ok all days. M Let's talk of graves is the motto which the Supreme Court sets before itself on certain days of the week. This is when what are kn »wu technically and m the lei»al sense as eccle&iistical causes"
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  • Correspondence.
    • 450 218 Sir, The thanks of the community are due to Mr Macbean for the action he has taken to secure an improved milk 6upplv for the inhabitants of Singapore. It is hard to understand the hitherto laissez faire attitude which has bean exhibited towards a subject of such
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    • 122 218  -  E-N^riREH. To The Editor, Sir, I have been trying the laet fey days to obtain some information re the origin and meaning of the Star and Crescent as used as a symb*. 1 of Mohammedanism. Could you or any of your readers rapph me with such
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  • 235 218 A Velvet Sun. In the District Court, yesterday af ternooc, before Mr Howard, the Handel^ vereeuisriutr Amsterdam sued S. M. Marikan of Klmc Street ior *****1 for damages for breach of contrast. Mr Upcott appeared for the plaint ffs, and the defendant was represented by Mr Elliot.
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  • 49 218 An address m Tamil was presented t.i Swami Dbayaram, a Hindoo missionary, on Sunday at Mr. N. Kithiravson's residence at G-aylang. There was a \&rge gathering of Hindoos and a photograph was taken of those present. The Swami will leave for Penang shortly. He is from Coimbitore, Southern India.
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  • 639 219 With only three weeks more before the meeting, training operations on the course are being indulged m m earnest, the.horses m general shaping and working well as was the case on Saturday morning when the track was m fine order. Excelsior (Bennett) working alone did good work
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  • 126 219 Wakrkn Shield Competition. last evening a match between the 7*th Co. K. G. A. and the F. Co. R. W. K. on tho S. R. C. Ground attracted a large crowd. The teams appeared to be well matched but pi iv w-s for the most part of a ragged
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  • 53 219 Mr Howard, the senior magistrate, sentenced three Teochews to nine months' rigorous impii9onment, yesterday, for robbery at Siglap. They held up another Chinaman and ielieved him of all he had m his pockets. One of the accused was then tried for another robbery, also at Siglap. He
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  • 529 219 Our "Herald" of the Ut inst. reports some trouble at the hands of same Stilus, or Bajaws, probably the latter, m Darvel Bay, these unwelcome guests having landed and just done a9 they liked at one cr two minor villages on the coast. It is rumoured that
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  • 403 219 The Perak Pioneer concludes an interesting article dealing with the above m the following word 3. In addition to the pleasure and fun derived from this year's Taiping Ladies' Bisley, a fund of useful information was gleanable respecting the qualities of the vaiious arms used by the
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  • 38 219 Two Chinese engaged a rikisha on Sunday, and, after riding round the town for half the day, assaulted the puller m Kirn Seng Road and threw one of his lamps into the swamp. Fortunately, they were both arrested.
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  • 667 219 The Rubber Exhibition closed on Saturday and from our special wires it will be noted that it seems to have btcn a success, since there is talk of another two years hence. A letter by the mail says I think we shall pull off a
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  • 98 219 We (Malay Mail) bear that the Spirit Farm is to be abolished m Perak at the end of this year, and that the highest tender lor the Gaming Farm m that State for the nest term of three years is $55,(00 per month. Our Taipin^ contemporary states
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  • 107 219 The ss. Profit, Capt Oisen, which arrived from Singapore last evening (10th) had an accident to her engines at sea on the voyage m. We learn that the piston rod of the high- pressure cylinder broke. The steamer is chartered by the firm of Low
    Siam Observer  -  107 words
  • 502 219 An Extraordinary Gazette was issued on 14th inst., containing a Proclamation to amend the Carrency laws. In 1905, B. N. Borneo adopted the large Straits Dollar as the only legal tender, and last year added the new (small) Straits Dollar. As the large dollar is being demonetized
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  • 473 219 September 4th. PARA. The market during the past week has been tirm, and a fair business has been done at dearer rates. The sales include Fine Hard on the spot for new and 4 2 for old and afloat at 4 0| 4 (M, Sept.
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  • 1117 220 TO LET OR RENT— A FORT. Notice is hereby given that the lease for 50 years will be put up to auction of all that piece of land known as the old fort at Tanjong Katong, having an area of eight acres nil roods and nine poles. Upset price 18,200
    W.M.  -  1,117 words
  • 923 220 ACETYLENE STREET. At the northern angle stands the Hong Lee eating house at the southern opposite corner is the Ban Lee restaurant. With these guides it is not easy by day to distinguish the street from any other of the hundreds m Singapore, although it opens on two leading thoroughfares,
    W.M.  -  923 words
  • 1179 220 Iq a charmingly furnished room, bright with firelight and dainty nicknacks; and sweet with choice hothouse blossoms, all speaking of wealth and refinement, a Woman sat alone with her Talent. The room belonged to her. She had collected together the treasures that filled it, the etchings upon
    O.M.K.  -  1,179 words
  • 1192 220 The annual report of Mr. C. Kiwin Spooner, C. M. G., on the F. M. S. Railways for 1907 has already been referred to as legards its statistical a.nd utilitarian features. But the report published separately from the rest of the Federated reports, has many artistic touches
    W.M.  -  1,192 words

  • 531 221 Chamber of Commerce SubCommittee to Investigate. Conference says "No Reduction." We h.i/irded a gue*s that the meeting cf the Chamber of Commerce yesterday might bring forth something interesting us regarda the Attitude of that body towards the Shipping Conference, and the excessive rates of freight now prevailing. This
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  • 54 221 T The Federal Standird is the name of a newspaper about to be issued from the Selangor Printing works m Java Street. It will be a weekly paper and the first issue will come out next month. It is understood the subscription will be a dollar a month or twelve
    Perak  -  54 words
  • 404 221 Jewellery has a great fascination for some people. A Hylam boy has disappeard from the house of Way Chang Yong, Wallichstreet, together with some jewellery valued at $2<;. Enterprising indeed is the thief who turns his attention to the belongings of a police officer. Inspector Branagan
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  • 235 221 Wkst Kknt Pkivaiks Ltivg m Hospital Dangerously Wounded. Private Collier and Watson, of the RoTal West Kent Regiment, are lyin^ m hospital suffering from levere wounds, Collier bong m such a dangeroui condition that his depositijns have been taken by a magistrate. Watson went into Sepoy Lines station
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  • 211 221 A cuiious thing has happened m the docks district. It appears that a ship is m port with a cargo of cyanide of potassium. A leak was discovered and m order to clean up the vessel it was washed down with sea water. The natural result of the
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  • 1125 221 One finds oneself somewhat at a less how to take the now recorded decision of the R.G.A. to withdraw from the Singapore Association Football Shield. It would be easier to understand if one knew they cculd not raise a team, although that seems an improbability m the light
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  • 483 221 Claim for Letters of Administration. The case of Sheriffi Zeina binte Alwee Al Junied vs. Syed Hood biu MohtineJ Al Joffree and Sheriff a Rogayah came on for hearing befoie Mr Liw, the Aetifif Chief Justice; m the Supreme Court, yesterday. Mr C. I. Carver appeared for
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  • 175 221 Bishop Oldbam, of the Methodist Mission has had an interview with Mr W. J. Bryan, Democratic, candidate for the U.S Pro>i d-,*ncy. It is thus reported m the Xew fork Sun, a copy of which reached us Bishop W. F. Oldhain cf the Methodist
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  • 165 221 Trade between Canada and the Etst is evidently improving. The KM S Emj>resx <4 China left Vancouver with a, biij cargo on the present trip. The match industry m Japan appears to have suffered most of ail from tie depresssion of trade with China consequent upon the decline of silver
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  • 846 222 HALF YEAR'S BUSINESS NATIVE DEALERS' CREDIT. IMPORTING FIRMS TO PROTECT THEIR INTERESTS BY RESTRICTIVE MEASURES. The half yearly general meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Exchange was held m the Exchange Room yesterday. Mr W. P. Waddell presided and there were also present the Hon. T.
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  • 134 222 Failures among the native import dealers continued, though not on such a severe scale as during the previous half year, and there were signs that the financial condition of the Bazaar was improving. One good feature was that dealers had now realised the necessity of restricting credit to
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  • 303 222 Saturday, 2(3th September. On Sunday the '20th inst at 7.30 a.m., His Highness the Raja, with Kaja Muda, all tli9 Tungkus and Government officials went m state to the saluting battery where a rojal salute was fired and a guard of honour presented arms to the fl ig
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  • 174 222 West Kknts I. Get a Good Lead. Oa the S. K. C. ground last night !two ■trOßg teams of the League met aud one of them, the West Keuts, pot a substantial lead of three goal* to nil. The Warders and Engineers had the misfortune to lose the
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  • 170 222 BIURDKB AXLKGBD To H.WE Been Committed hy Thkek Chinamen. A Hokien named Teong Low Watt is m the custody of tie police on a change of being concerned m the u.urJer of a fallow countryman named Ng Chu Yong. From iuforuiatu n obtained by tha police it
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  • 97 222 Yesterday afternoon further evidence was heard before Mr Thunder, against William Barry for the theft of a barrel of cement valued at $5 belonging to the Westminster Construction Company, m connection with the new bridge. The accused m his defence offered denials to the charge. His worship said that the
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  • 788 222 Last night to an appreciative audience Mr Koehler, who is so well known as one of the leading pianists of the day, gave a fine exposition of his high artistic powers as a master of the piano. As already mentioned it is twenty-one years since Mr
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  • 54 222 It will be good news to many to hear that Mr C. B. Buckley, who has been seriously unwell for some days, has now taken a distinct turn for the better. There has been no fever for a couple of diys, and though Mr Buckley is naturally rather pulled down,
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  • 474 222 Some Interesting Statements. A young Keh named Fait Sian Su appeared before Mr Green, second magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of being a member of an unlawful society. Mr Bailey, assistant Protector of Chinese, said he had been asked to examine some papers by the police to
    474 words
  • 293 222 K. E. v. R A. Sumsavyi A most interesting shoot took place on Thursday last the *21h instant, betw*eu the K.E. and R A Sergeants' Clubs, on i> nkan Mati Range. The conditions of the Mutch were to fire 10 a side, *he best 3to DMnt, but owing
    293 words
  • 90 222 We learn from tbe Osaka Mdiuijhi that Japanese marine insurance companies, attributing the frequency of accidents among Japanese steamers of late mainly to the increased number of unseaworthv vessel*, have agreed among themselves to refuse to insure steamers built before 1870 and also the cargo carried by such steamers. Further,
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  • 554 223 S. C. C. vl. S. R. C. It was not until 5 15 pm. that the football match between the S.C.C. and the S.K.C. m the Shield competition, commenced on the Esplanade yesterday. There was a fairly large number of spectators, and the referee, one of the military,
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  • 286 223 Supreme Court, Wkestlix<; With Weary Problems, Settles One. IV tore Mr Justice Liw, m the Supreme Court yesterday the further consideration" of the case of K. S. Yeerappa PiUaj v. Sam Vincent came on for hearing. Mr K. St. J. BnddeU appeared for the plaint. tY, and
    286 words
  • 97 223 The annual installation meeting of Lodge St. Michael No. 21*33, took place at Freemason's Hall last night, when W Bro F.M. Elliot installed W Bro G. A. Derrick, P.D. D.G.M., as Worshipful Master. The officers for the ensuing year are. I.P.M Wor. Bro. F. M. Elliot S. W. J.
    97 words
  • 2043 223 (By Submarine Telegraph.) {Renter's Agency} Rec Sept 24, 9.40 am. Fre3h friction has arisen between Turkey and Bulgaria owing to the latter assuming the control of the Rumelian section of* the Oriental Railway. A Turkish Note has been despatched, demanding the withdrawal of the staff. This is reseated m
    2,043 words
  • 252 223 (Fro;: our tm n G'rrcspoin&nt.) Rec. 4 30 pm. London Sept 24, via Penacg. There is an interesting exhibit m the Kubber Exhibition of leather, tanned with rubber. It is under Mr Clark, an old Ceylon man. The process is a paten tel one, for permeating hides with
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  • 78 223 {From our cun Correspondent.) Penang Sept 25, 1 pm. Inspector Dooley of the Straits Police, who was recently transferred here from Singapore has died of heart failure. The deceased had been m the Straits about eight years or so. He was thirty one years of age,
    78 words

  • 759 224 C*p*t*i Capital" Issue P»ii r Issued paliapVaTat cp Company. Q«ru*f:ft $300,000 800,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co. Lt4 7 M #300,000 225,000 10 10 Eruang Limited $400,000 I 0 10 10 Braseb Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Lfcl 1- 0 £400.000 3i)O,00!J 1 1 Duff Development Co. Ltd 3.T5
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  • Page 224 Miscellaneous
    • 896 224 PASSENGERS. Per Carlyle Sister Margarite, Mr R. St. J. Braddell, Mr H. Millard, Mr N. B. Westerhout. Insp. Darcy. Per Ban Tong Seng Messrs O. Sassoon, K. Hasenfratz, M. Goldenburg, Zerner. Per Perak Messrs Davis, W. D. Barnes, W. D. Fischer, P. de Ries, H. Armstrong, S. Warden, Kinder, McPherson,
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    • 644 224 CLEARANCES. Sept. 23. Teresa, Brit, str., Mason, for Macassar via ports. Sept 24. G. G. Meyer, Dut. str., Griffin, for Muntok and Palembang. Benalder, Biit. str., Thomson, for Hongkong and Japan. Attilochus, Brit, str., Keay, for Seattle via ports. Glenroy, Brit, str., Darke, for Hull via ports. Castor, Brit, str.,
      644 words
    • 462 224 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-war Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From When For Sea Mew Col. Yacht 500 Coleman Sept 26 Perak Uncertain Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consignee For When Ambria Ger 3233 Deicst Sept 30 Hongkong Behn Meyer Colombo Amherst Brit 135 Scott Sept 30 Pontianak Thong Ek
      462 words